Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20190608 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20190608

socks. pete: he did. socks from ed. yesterday on fox square. we had a big crowd for the summer concert series. and i decided to lead the crowd a little heag t happy to pete. see it right now ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to pete pete: we could have lowered your mike. ed: you should have. i'm the worst singer. it's not that he hates birthday. it seems he doesn't like celebrating. pete: i don't want people to plus it's d-day people are paying attention to d-day. jedediah: did you at least have birthday cake. pete: i had wonderful birthday dinner. i don't think i had any cake though. ed: we will be celebrating your birthday all morning. pete: no we're not. it's over. jedediah: birthday week. ed: get straight to the news. we have a major fox news alert which is breaking overnight. the art of the deal. democrats have been predicting that the president's idea of tying tariffs to a border deal with mexico is going to backfire. oh how they are wrong. instead the u.s. and mexico forge a deal that will prevent those tariffs and force mexico to crack down on the migrant crisis. jedediah: president trump coming out tweeting i am pleased to inform you that the united states of america has reached a signed agreement with mexico. the tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the u.s. on monday. hereby suspended. pete: we learned what was in it. negotiations ongoing since that tariff threat was leveled. this is part of what was in the agreement. the mexican natural national guard not just southern border but throughout the country. actions to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking. a big one here is asylum seekers returning to mexico. a program already ongoing. mexico says they will cooperate even further those seeking asylum in the united states will do so while waiting in mexico. expanding that program. mexico says they will offer jobs, healthcare and education. big one here is if there is no action after 90s days the whole thing can be revisited or expanded after 90 days. this is not a hey we got a deal and we are done. ed: absolutely. tariffs would be back on the table one would presume. there has been skepticism because mexico before hasn't followed through. democrats would be cheering the idea we averted a crisis but also maybe there is going to be some positive steps moving forward in terms of dealing with this border crisis which former obama officials in recent weeks have in fact committed there was a crisis. instead they're dumping over the deal. jedediah: this is my problem with politics. you should be rooting for the president. this is a crisis affecting the whole nation. when you look at things like this or economic news, for example, when trump has good economic news, people should be able to cheer them on, i don't care if you are democrat or republican. i don't care if you like or don't like trump. if it's good for the country that's something you should be supporting because that's good for you and your neighbors and fellow citizens. i'm not pigeon holed in one political box or another to do that when it happens. pete: there are camps and teams and some never cheer for the other team. democrats immediately pouncing on the president's win here. chuck schumer said now that the problem is solved, i'm sure we won't be hearing about it anymore in the future. a little sarcasm there. robert francis o'rourke what we see is another example of him trying to be the arsonist who created this problem in the first place and the firefighter who wants credit for addressing it. if you look at that argument. no, what is he a disrupter and this is what people voted for. politics as usual isn't working which it hasn't worked with the crisis there. then pull something out of your tool bag that others haven't used. tariffs is a weapon he has used before. think about it all the things we got for what? for a threat of a tariff that never had to be leveled. so we gave up nothing, got additional steps from mexico and we'll continue to monitor. it's a big win. ed: your point it's a tool is important. tammy bruce was on hannity pointing out this was a tool the president was using a tactic to not only get mexico to the table but to make them make some concessions, watch. >> these are remarkable events. the president's approach worldwide on tariffs. this is another example of his strength with the economy and using it for the benefit of the united states. not just with the economy but for our national security. it has not happened before. no other president has done it. or has maybe tried and not done it properly. this president has. not that it doesn't matter that the democrats won't admit it. right now we staxd how great this president is, and history will prove him to be one of the greatest presidents. pete: if some of these court challenges work their way through, reelected in 2020 and wall construction starts, and the congress reals they mighreal realizes. you can see crisis averted ongoing. jedediah: he is a very different kind of president. difficult for people who are used to typical politician and follow typical protocol and afraid to think outside of the box. this is why he was elected. is he a businessman. he treats a lot of these things like business deals. he is not afraid to say this is not been done before. it is scary to a lot of people myself included. i don't know how this is going to be play out. you elected this guy. you have to put a little bit of trust in him. sometimes it works out in a way you never expected. ed: that's the president's approach to his job as president. we heard so much about the democratic frontrunner joe biden and how democrats think he is their best hope for beating the president in 2020 largely on the idea that he is authentic and that he is going to stick with what he has believed for a long time. he has been in office for so long. he is going to bring some experience and gravitas to the table. you would think on an issue like abortion he had worked this out already. he talked about his catholic faith guiding him on their, for example. he has used that catholic faith to defend why he has been for the hyde amendment. for decades. not just years. which banned federal funding on most abortions. jedediah: 40 years. steve. brian: 40 years and counting now he has flip flopped under pressure from the left. here is he explaining it. >> i make no apology for my last position and make no apology for what i'm about to say. i can't justify leaving millions of women to the access they need and exercise their constitutionally protected right. if i believe healthcare is a right as i do, can i no longer support an amendment that makes that right depend denting on someone's zip code. [cheers] jedediah: check out this op-ed. "wall street journal" op-ed. biden flips over abortion funding by the end of the primaries what will be left of his moderation? and here is a quote from that "wall street journal" article. mr. biden's about face on abortion may be a watershed 2020 moment it. underscores how far left the democratic party's activist base has moved. this may play well with the alexandria ocasio-cortez wing but we wonder how much of mr. biden's vaunted moderation wil will remain by the end of the primaries. those are great points. pete: trying to explain how he has evolved. defended because of his catholic faith. two days ago he was asked about it and supported the hyde amendment two. big things happened. naral and planned parenthood, huge pro-abortion lobbying groups. ed: third thing you are leaving out. pete: what am i missing? ed: actress alyssa milano. jedediah: she is a force. pete: shows how out of step they are with their base and. ed: you haired democrats some of these state laws republicans out of the mainstream on abortion. in fact kayleigh income nanny from the trump 2020 campaign said watch. >> joe biden is pupght boy. there is someone pulling his strings. it's pathetic. he has no convictions, no principles. no message. and the question is who is pulling those things. it's junior level staffers who reportedly convinced joe biden to reject whatever principles he had left. they are gone. they are out the window in 72 hours where did his faith and conviction and principles go? out the window because the radical left and alyssa milano rejected it. reject pupght boy embrace princelmprinciple and vote for donald trump. pete: they didn't expect an article that came out from nbnbcnews. hyden joe biden thought he would hide out for how long. all of these issues he hasn't answered and clarified not sufficient to the left. abortion lobby is almost as powerful as anybody else on the left and he found out about it. jed jihadi felt like a website that listed where mitt stood on both sides of every issue. people don't like that. yes, you can evolve on certain issues. whether you have somebody coming out and saying something and next day saying something else and trying to figure out who they are in front of you or who you want them to be not a good look. they want consistency we know what we are going to elect. romney did the same thing. ed: where is he? where are his core principles. another issue the economy. bernie sanders has a lot of energy on the left going back to 2016. pete: bernie is smiling. ed: with biden in trouble. bernie has been pushing medicare for all before it was cool you might say. also for the minimum wage. kevin also known as mr. wonderful. jedediah: he is fantastic. i love it. ed: he decided to give mr. bernie a lesson. >> my question is this whole metric of having impose minimum wages at all. the problem is it takes whole state boast $15 and makemakes it noncompetitive. amazon decided not to come here. if you could wave a magic wawnsd wand. just let the market be the market andlet people compete? jedediah: i have recently been watching this show. i hadn't gotten into it. this guy for people's frame of reference. is he like the simon cowell of shark tank. he calls it like he sees it. these business people i would love to see how they would weigh in on these economic times. because those people who operate these businesses know how those policies impact them day-to-day. it's valuable to hear from them times like this. ed: what do you think? joe biden in trouble? what's he going to flip on next? jedediah: do you like shark tank like i do? i want to know. pete: what's he going to flip up on next? there is a lot of questions he hasn't answered yet. university of alabama returning $21 million and removing the name of a big-time governor. jedediah: why the school is taking such drastic measures coming up. this is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. expedia. car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. ed: welcome back president trump striking a deal with mexico. sunk for the month of may. next guest expects the crisis to worsen. 1 million apprehensions this year alone. here to explain policy advisor to the president steven cope pits. >> thank you. good to be here. ed: announced as a deal with mexico. democrats have been predicting doom and gloom. he will end up caving. he will get nothing from mexico. do you think he got a good deal? >> i think it remains to be seen. i think there are three important elements which is the scope, the timing, and the efficacy. the two theaments caught my eye 6,000 national guard troops. ed: by mexico. >> how they are deployed. big country trivment a lot of mexicans. the other is the migrant protection protocol which allows the townhouse redeport asylum seekers to mexico. again, how fast, how many, will the courts tolerate it if you have hundreds of thousands of people encamped there. that could be potentially important. the question is how fast does it roll out and what seems to be a rapid worsening environment. ed: third thing you said? >> just those two elements but how big. how fast ntd, and do they really work? ed: okay. let's get to the diagnosis of the problem. why are you predicting that we're going to have a million apprehensions at the border for this fiscal year? that's far beyond anything we have eaten in a long time. >> in a very long time, yes. so, five months of the calendar year is already done. that's baked in and essentially we forecast out with norm sis we are not very high for the back end of the year. ed: what's behind this. >> the asylum law opened up the border to families from central america. it's now a free pass, bring the wife and kids get into the u.s. ed: or bring somebody else's kids? >> can you do that too. can you rent a kid if you want. the gist of it is the southern border is materially open now from families from northern fry angle countries and other countries that have asylum and refugee implications some from africa, for example. ed: looked at chuck schumer and looked at this deal okay, we don't have a problem anymore? >> i think the democrats are playing a very dangerous game here. this is likely to get worse. so, we have had some projection here we can go to 150,000. you know, these border crossings have been rising since the beginning of the year by about 27,000 a month. we are at 133,000 for may. 160,000 for june. it will be less as the trending line takes us to 150. the issue is fundamentally from the migrant's point of view, this system can't last. it's unsustainable. at some point someone is going to pull the plug, either the president or the congress with the president or the mexicans or somebody so if you are going to come you have got to come now. that's why we see rapid accelerations. ed: since congress has shown no ability to deal with, this what's the one or two things you would want the president to do? >> i think he is doing what he can right now i think he has not very many cards to play here. hhe is playing what he can migrant export that's a positive. if it were possible to separate parents from children that could be a positive. any help the mexicans can give. it remains to be seen how effective these steps will be. ed: skepticism. steven kopits thank you for coming in. what you need to know while traveling abroad. that is next. only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ and with new features and richer stories... can show dad where he's from... and strengthen the bonds you share. it's only $59 at give it to dad for father's day. don't just dream book your next vacation.. ♪ be a booker at back then, we checked our zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. be go[ laughing ] gone. woo hoo. ♪ welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. ball. ball. ball. awww, who's a good boy? it's me. me, me, me. yuck, that's gross. you got to get that under control. [ dogs howling ] seriously? embrace the mischief. say "get pets tickets" into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. pete: texas cracking down on local governments with businesses abortion providers. prevent cities and counties giving such tax or leasing breaks. there is currently a planned parenthood in austin that pays just $1 per month for rent. not anymore. and the university of alabama returns more than $20 million to a donor after he urged students to boycott the school over the state's new abortion ban. the school also removing his name from the law school. the board of trustees says they took action only because the donor made demands about how to spend the money. jed, down to you. jedediah: we now have new details on the mysterious american deaths resort. a pennsylvania woman died in her hotel room after getting a drink from the mini bar. five days later a maryland couple was found dead in their room. they died from respiratory failure and ruled in in their lungs. other woman died of a heart attack and showed fluid in her lungs. more americans are reporting similar symptoms. one couple even suing. what do you need to know before traveling abroad. fox news medical contributedder dr. siegel joins us now. similar systems. fluid in their lungs, internal bleeding. what do you think is going on with this case first off. >> of the three people, i saw the autopsy reports put out there. is a loft similarities. all three died of respiratory failure. the woman had blue fingers. there is issues with all three having enlarged hearts and heart failure and fluid in heir lungs. even though the woman was reportedly dead of a heart attack. she is only 41. there is a possibility that something caused that. and as far as the couple is concerned. there is a loft hemorrhages and bleeding everywhere. looks to me like a possibility of a toxin. a month later they don't even have the toxicology report yet. the fbi is suspicious of this case. cdc and the world health organization are all investigating the druk druvment i'm concerned about certain poisons things like insecticides. palio toxins that come from coral reefs, arson would fit thiare a sars nicwould fit the . jedediah: one of the scary trends these people are fine one minute. one woman sitting in her room drinking a cocktail and suddenly called out for her husband and died very soon after. so what is your message to people who go, maybe traveling abroad and you are in, maybe a 5-star resort at times and you don't think about these things? what kind of precautions can you take to protect yourself or family? >> you just made a great point sudden death of this is also suspicious for poisoning. 105 homicides in dominican republic over the last 18 years. i would tell people out there, look out for suspicious characters, number one. number two, don't drink from the mini bar. i don't think that's a great idea. how long has this been in there? you are not at home, jedediah. you are not in hawaii. you are not in your own country. things are different down there. then there is obvious things i tell travelers which is is insecticide. look out for too much insecticides around. also, look out for mosquitoes. another thing i have got to make sure to say here. this is no sign this is infectious or contagious whatsoever because of the suddenness of this. but i am concerned about contagious diseases in foreign countries. i'm also concerned about people driving cars in places like the dominican republic. there has been 110 deaths of americans behind the wheel in the dominican republic over this period of time. so, be very, very careful when you are out of your own country. especially in places where you are not used to being, again, watch out for that mini bar, watch out for suspicious characters. watch out when you eat and drink. jedediah: we actually have a statement from the resort. we completely disagree with the dissemination of false information issued publicly which threaten the imitation and reputation of the company and the integrity and rights of our employees and families. they are saying the autopsy evidence is inconclusive and no link here. that's what i would expect them to say at this point. >> i would point out to say they are a 5 star resort. people love going there. they have to explain this happening. i feel bad they get a bad eye. answers have to come out. we need to get these investigations done and need to seat toxicology reports right away. jedediah: i appreciate you being as always, doc. thank you so much. tries to educate his class on problems with illegal immigration. the problems on the left is what you would expect. coming up. ♪ ♪ now rumor has it ♪ she ain't got your love it anymore ♪ rumor has it ♪ rumor has it tely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. ♪ cool kids fit in. pete: shot of the morning teenage boy's later explaining why he missed the school bus. jedediah: it reads in part i know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now. rest assured i've decided to stay home. this was a tough decision to make. while you were gone for 20 minutes. i'm probably in bed moping about the fact that i can't go to school. please don't interrupt me. sis sister reposting the note. she says his mom ended up letting him stay home. jedediah: i like a creative kid. pete: one of those moments kid that was good. ed: i'm kind of annoyed but i will give you points for that. interesting story caught our eye down in georgia this gentleman is a legal chinese immigrant and decided to speak out and here's the quote in the atlanta journal constitution. if you are going to reward illegal immigrants there will be more illegal immigrants. to make a convincing argument, please present evidence. i'm against political correctness. i speak truth to power in class and this professor adds my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants. that did not sit well. pete: this guy is a professor? good for him. ed: professor and legal immigrant and he has some standard to speak out. pete: they say they have it. this guy is living it out. but he is, of course, predictably facing backlash. a state representative in that state saying to the atlanta journal constitution. again, here is the politician going after the academic, i have concerns about him teaching those things in a classroom. ed: what things? pete: i have concerns about everything they teach in class. this guy, jedediah, is very passionate and open what he believes in the dangers of illegal immigration. he will certainly be under attack. jedediah: it's selective attack. it's amazing. i don't hear representatives coming out 'when teachers are indoctrinating kids for left wing dogma. they are asleep. you want to support the right of teachers to teach in classes and put their opinion out there, then you have to do it across the board. you can't have selective outrage about it. it's important we reached out to the college for a statement. we haven't heard back. i want to hear from you [email protected]. what do you think? is this a reason for state representatives and for us and other people to be outraged or is this right as a professor to go into his classroom and put his opinion out there as you know they often do when it comes to promoting left wing talking points throughout the country. ed: his opinion own facts and experience. bringing it to the table. i'm not sure what's wrong about that. pete: look at some. things he writes jakub line. write the school. call the school. do whatever you have want. this is what i believe in and stand for. i present it to my kids and let them choose. the majority of them leave my class believing that illegal immigration is a big problem. the thing happens in reverse all the time like you said. kids go to college conservative and leave with these lunatic ideas. jedediah: the problem when you face the mob. you are the person that stands out and say something that not everyone on a campus or take some heat. that's what he is getting right now. jedediah: we will turn to headlines now. shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say ochi alam spoke with undercover agent praising isis, usama bin laden and the 9/11 terror attacks. 22-year-old from new york is accused of buying two illegal guns with serial numbers scratched off. is he being held behind bars without bail. and a police officer convicted of killing an unarmed 911 caller sentenced to more than a decade in prison. expressed regret for shooting justin ruthcheck as she approached hits squad car in 2017. >> seeing her there i knew in an instant that i was wrong. >> noor insists he was trying to protect his partner while investigating call about a possible sexual assault. noor thought she was reaching for a weapon. and the coal industry is disappointed. michael bloomberg is going after coal miners. pledging $500 million to close all u.s.s. cole plants. >> we thought out darkest days were behind us given the previous federal administration's attack and war on our business. you know, frankly, we are just real disappointed. >> hopes to shut them down by 3030 as beyond carbon initiative. the los angeles memorial coliseum is getting a new and much longer name starting in august the stadium will be called united airlines field at los angeles memorial coliseum. it was going to be renamed the united airlines moeller coliseum. many thought having a corporate name on the coliseum would disrespect its history honor to troops who fought and died in world war 1. those are your headlines. head over to rick now. rick: calmer than the last few weeks which we could use a little bit of a break. look at the maps. we are starting out, temperatures are quite nice all across the southeast. it's been so hot. temps have cooled down quite a bit this week. that's because we have got the rain that's coming. in warm all across the far northern plains. this is a precip we have seen. very heavy. right along the gulf coast. not as far as heavy farther north experiencing all that flooding. that said the flooding is so significant. the rivers are still at in some cases record flood stage that's going to go on for a long time. where we have been so dry the last three to four weeks southeast. very heavy rain came in this week and continue to see that for the next couple of days. some spots probably another three to five inches of rain and that will cause localized flooding. what you will notice over the next few days not that much rain over the central plains which is good news. pete and ed, send it over to you. pete: good to see you, rick. free care to men and women who serve our country annual day of service. ed: that is cool. more to tell success aspen dentists and air force vet. also have healthy mouth mobile offers free care throughout the entire year. welcome and thank you for your supervisors. >> thank you for having us. the healthy mouth movement started about 6 years ago and an effort because we realized too many people are not seeing the dentist each year. we want people to come see the dentist because we realize that the mouth is a part of your body. and what goes none here can affect your overall health. pete: i'm currently in good standing with my dentist. i went years. >> my goodness. >> it happens, right? >> it happens far too often. we divided we need to get the word out there. we want people to seat dentist and take care of themselves. veterans were also not seeing the dentist. ed: show us what you have inside? >> healthy mouth mobile, dental office on wheels. thank you. vow got, you know, location. >> today is our annual day of service. we have almost 500 dental offices across the country open to serve veterans. we are hoping to take care of 6,000 veterans today there are spots available. encouraging people to get online and make that appointment. here in the front we have our little sterilization area. pete: these are the drills. >> that's right. pete: just kidding. they also have a denture alan available there. ed: got to see the dentist. >> this is where the magic happens. we are able to do basically anything, fillings, extractions. ed: do you want to work on him? ed: not really ready. only recently in good standing. sometimes it gets away from you. now, where do folks want to learn. >> morgan: about the locations where do they go. >> healthy mouth pete: this is like a full dental office. >> travels 8 months. delivering free care for veterans. we want to get the word out and take care of our veterans. ed: we appreciate you doing it. we don't want pete going full beto o'rourke and put this on instagram so we'll toss back to jed. jedediah: i'm great fors for us avoiding that 2020 hopefuls vying to make the first democratic debate. who makes the cut and who are the candidates to watch? 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[son loudly clears throat] [mom and dad laugh] bounty, the quicker picker upper. now with new prints featuring characters from disney/pixar's toy story 4 in theaters june 21. ed: 151st running of the stakes happening today. saddling up for the race for a 23rd time. the most sings 1940. he is looking for his third first place finish after winning in 2007 and 2012. meanwhile the toronto raptors from the north are just one win away from the first championship in their team history. >> raptors showing such poise here in this arena. leonard open 3. knocks it down. ed: leading the raptors to 105-92 win on the road to take a 3 to 1 series lead over the golden state warriors. they are supposed to be the dynasty. raptors could secure first ever nba title with a win monday night. pete? pete: watched it last night. the question is does kevin durant come back for game four. the crowded field of candidates scrambles to qualify for the debate stage. so far only 13 have secured their spot before the june 12th deadline. so who made the cut and who are the matchups we should look for? let's ask campaign strategist and president of thomas partner strategies john thomas. thank you for being here this morning. >> great to be with you, pete. all eyes on joe biden limited exposure so far. when you are standing in fronts of questionnaires and colleagues things could change it? >> could be. it will be fascinating to see does joe biden attack down? does he pick fights with anybody blow him or talk about the need for wise sensible leadership exposing himself to attacks from other colleagues that he is old and represents yesteryear and have to move forward? they have kept joe out of the public eye for a reason, sea gaffe machine. he can't be trusted to go on camera unscripted. and quite frankly, as we saw this last week, pete, he does nothing but shift and apologize for prior positions. so this is going to be a challenging environment for him. steve: not just fellow candidates moderator. he will be front and center. also two folks in the same lane, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren vying for hard core progressive vote will they go after eve other? >> i suspect they will, they have no choice. bern is going to want to stay above it the fundamental argue. you will see between the two is bernie is going to go elizabeth warren you are all talk. i'm actually doing it. i'm going to shareholder meetings at walmart. i'll rallying in front of disney. i represent the angry working man and you are just a college professor. and she is going to say yes, but i'm a woman and you are old white male. it's going to be fascinating to see these two start to eat 0e67 other apart. they are in that same lane. pete: the dnc is going to put the top fundraisers and toll getters on same stage two tiers. we will see elizabeth warren and berniey. you have young francis beto o'rourke and pete buttigieg do they engage. >> here is what i love about these two both flavors of the moment. they both have no accomplishments. and they're both just kind of enjoy their soaring rhetoric and so they are going to have to differentiate themselves from one another. it will be interesting to see if they engage. because although beto's star has certainly faded buttigieg has has to become careful he doesn't become the beto. buttigieg is in strange predicament, pete. he is sitting with zero percent with african-americans right now. zero percent and support quickly erodes if you are not a coastal elite liberal that makes over $150,000 a year. pete has got to solve that problem. how does he actually connect with every day americans? pete: those coastal liberal elites are my favorite. the rest of them, kamala harris, cory booker, amy klobuchar, is there someone else who has not yet really surged in the polls that you think has an opportunity in this debate? >> yeah, i do. i think the undercard people main williamson andrew yang. these are people we have heard a little bit about. marianne womenson is a motivational speaker. kamala harris is who i am watching here. she has play you had multiple plains. i'm not sure where she thinks she is going to settle. she has been the woke progressive at times and then the sensible prosecutor. so we don't know where she is going to land. and we know she has also refused to take positions. every time she is asked a difficult question, it's well that's a good question. that's a conversation we want to have. and she doesn't take positions. but, pete, you can't win a primary without taking positions and especially even joe biden felt the pressure this week to tack to the left. i don't think kamala can get by without pushing hard to the left. pete: that's a good question. we should have a conversation about that on the debate stage. good stuff. well, john thomas, thanks for your insight this morning. we appreciate it? >> thanks, pete still looking for the perfect gift for father's day. counter top beer tap he says is the best thing out there. bring it to you. ♪ ♪ jedediah: father's day is next week if you are still looking for the perfect gift like i amawi have you covered. pete: really good stuff. you have seen the wood pellet grills but they have the peck nothing that i adore and dad will, too. it's called wifier. it means this app. can control your grill and you can be inside. it will tell you what's going on with the grill. temperature is. meat ready from a thousand recipes onward it does it for you. ed: pete is covered. >> this is from best buy this allows you to have total tech support for one year manipulatmembership. doesn't matter if you bought it there or anywhere else. this is incredible deal. that is also going to be a gift to the rest of the family brilliant idea. i don't like my data on the cloud any longer. i'm weird about that. i like to keep my data safe. this is for the adventurist dad. this is hard drive from g technology that can with stand 1,000 pounds of pressure water and rain. three sizes. if you are taking pictures or videos this is outstanding. i keep all my personal stuff on that. jedediah: no icloud. >> affordable gift. this is the dvd blue ray came out of tom clancy jack ryan series one. seasonal one. pete: i didn't think i would like it but it's great. >> great affordable 21 bucks for the dvd. 28 roughly for the blue ray. ed: on amazon. get dad started with that. ed: i'm changing my mind about the grill. i have a better gift for pete. >> our producer is like have you got to see it. here it is. this is the gift for any dad who remotely likes beer. called hopsy. one of its mini taps. go ahead and pour it, ed. pull it all the way down. don't be shy. this sits on your counter top and keeps the beard cold and called hopsy. it's where you get it special offer for us. aplings and two of the kegs to get started would normally be about $139 on sale. they are doing it for "fox & friends" for $49. if you go to you will find that deal. only up for a limited time and then it goes back up high. pete: local breweries from your region. >> if you live in the middle of the country they will have your beers. have it there. ed: more "fox & friends" on the other side. at carvana, we have only one standard when it comes to the quality of our cars: the highest. it's why only 1 in 10 cars we look at qualify to sell on our site. if it's been in a reported accident, we won't sell it. and at our state-of-the-art facilities our ase certified mechanics roll up their sleeves and get to it. inspecting, dialing-in, and fine tuning every single car inside and out, bringing all of it up to our high standards. by the time we're done, our cars are beyond "certified." they're carvana certified. so whether you have it delivered or pick it up, we do it all so you can rest easy. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. ♪ it's a good day when i see it ♪ and you got something i ain't never seen before ♪ ♪ sweet dream when i dream it pete: saturday, summer, of course, that's bass pro shops. for father's day summer camp -- can't get it out of my mouth. ed: new shoes for dad. jedediah: you a saw those. ed: i have been teasing pete will shopping on instagram so much. jedediah: you got these? pete: put the shoe back up. america, email us? [email protected]. ed: ridiculous or fun? jedediah: women always have so much fun with the shoes. metallic shoes on. our friend jillian has fun shoes. join the fun, ed. pete: big news for our dear jedediah. over the week she admitted she ate six beef tacos. i blame you,. pete: you don't eat red meat. jedediah: in my defense grass fed. i blame the nugget. i have turned the corner. i have you drinking green juice and i'm eating beef tacos. what is going on. ed got these shoes. turning upside down here. ed: president suspect and tweeting already. attacking what he calls fake news. president trump moments ago saying this is a good deal that he forged with mexico and that basically media outlets are not telling the truth about what's in it. we're going to tell you what's actually in the deal. the president also tweeting overnight before that i am pleased to inform you that the united states of america has reached a signed agreement with mexico. the tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the u.s. on monday against mexico are here indefinitely suspended. pete: this all came out late last night. if it's the first you heard of it, you are not behind. that's why you are here. here is party of what the agreement says. again we have overview and get more details as they come in. mexicans have agreed and next change for not having 5% of their goods with tariff the national guard being deployed at their southern border and throughout the country action to dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. asylum seekers will be returned to mexico while their asylum claim is considered in the united states. at least that program will be expanded. mexico to offer asylum seekers jobs healthcare and education. within 90 days if mexico is not following through this entire agreement can be revisited. tariff as a tool as a tactic worked to bring the mexicans to the table and anyway you look at it. jedediah: people saying never been done before. afraid to take these risks. obviously have to wait and see how this plays out. not sure what they will adhere to and what they won't. keep a close eye on this. deserves praise and also all of us have to sit back for a second and self-reflejted about the fact that we are used to a certain type of politician and certain way of dealing with politics. when we sometimes see a politician who steps outside the box, we are not so ready for it. i speak for myself when i say hold on for a second, donald. this guy has been a businessman for years and not afraid to take those tactics that he successfully used in business and bring them into the political sphere and so far i have seen him have a lot of success in doing that i'm ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. ed: he has skepticism, mexico has made promises before and we need to be scentd call and make sure the devil will be in the details and how will this being implemented still a hammer at the end of this deal when you mentioned after 90 days if mexico hasn't followed through the president is going to put those tariffs probably right back on the table. steven co-pits from the policy advisory group said this is good start by the president. >> two elements that caught my eye the national guard troops being deployed. the other is the migrant protection protocol which allows the u.s.s. to actually redeport asylum seeker toes mexico. the question is how fast does it roll out and what seems to be a worsening environment. southern border materially open from families from northern triangle countries and increasingly other countries that have asylum or refugee implications. this system can't last. it's unsustainable. at some point someone is going foul the plug either the congress or the congress with the president. ed: used to have 3 or 400,000 apprehensions over the year last decade or. so his group is predicting. a lot to support their prediction. a million apprehensions at the border this year. pete: statusio unsustainable. i want a disrupter that's going to throw a wrench into the gears and see what happens. ultimately in this case a deal has been reached with mexico. the president tweeting just three minutes ago mexico will try very hard. if they do that, this will be very successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. cartel very engradged. human drug trafficking ubiquitous. how long will their national guard be deployed? how many asylum seekers will be allowed to stay in mexico while claims are adjudicated here. all important. to say have them at the table is a response to a tariff threat left and a lot of republicans went nuts about. you can't use tariffs. how about as a tactic as opposed to a policy. jedediah: question is also at this stage of the game. what people will be asking themselves is if mexico does not follow through. do we have the right guy in the white house who is going to hold their feet to the fire in the answer to that question is absolutely yes. that he is not going to stand for that so i think just knowing that knowing he wasn't afraid to put this policy in place. that he is not afraid to say hey, listen, if you don't abide by what you are saying i will hold your feet to the fire. that's what people expect and what they expected when they elected him. conventional politics is not working. noble on either side of the aisle has addressed this issue. ed: chuck schumer had immediate statement coming out okay if there is a deal. i guess we can move on from that problem. that's been solved. let's move on. which makes you scratch your head and say wait a second. this is a problem illegal immigration and the crisis at the border that's going to be around for a long time. this is just one of many steps that are needed. that suggests congress both parties, frankly, because hucks had their shot for two years in the house need to do a whole lot more. andy biggs is one of those house republicans who says the president is on the right track. watch. >> diswrats are all over him this week after he comes back from europe saying the rest of the world doesn't have respect for donald trump and the united states. go tell that to mexico go tell that though china. reacting to policies driven this. hopefully solve this border crisis through his policies of toughness. that's really what we haven't had a long time. he is keeping his promises. now up to congress to catch back up and keep our promises as well. he may be unpredictable to some. you know what? he reab a disrupter. when you keep your promises, when he says something, you may note have been expecting it but can you expect one thing. ed: this is what he prom missioned going back to 2016. jedediah: this is important. two chief issues looking at immigration and the economy. two things deeply concerned about. if he can head into 2020 and say he has fulfilled those campaign plo promises on issue. huge, huge bonus. and difficult. ed: he has not gotten the the big chunks of the wall. jedediah: made more employee gress than any president on immigration. everyone else has sat back and waited for the chaos to deepen and enrich itself. only one i have seen in recent times. pete: not for alaska trying. he has done everything at his disposal crgt resistance against him to include ramped up rhetoric from the left. nancy pelosi toying with whether you impeach or not. now saying lock him up effective li. president reacted strongly to nancy pelosi's calls. here are tweets he had yesterday on the subject. nervous nancy pelosi is a disgrace to herself and her family for having made sump a disgusting statement, lock him up, put him in prison especially since i was with foreign leaders overseas. there is no evidence for such threatening to have been said. nervous nancy and dems are getting zero work done in congress. fishing exat the dition to see if they can find anything on me. both illegal and unpress dentinged in u.s. history there was no collusion. investigate the investigators. go to work on drug price price reductions and infrastructure. jedediah: i would let her keep doing what she is doing. not getting them anywhere. name call. he should be in jail. the more time she spends talking about things like that less time she spends talking about the issues. gives him more power saying hey, listen, i'm the one that's boosted the economy and immigration and helping businesses around the country. she is talking about investigating and investigating and investigating when the investigating was already conducted and this is what was found. so let her do it. let her go on that ramp page. ed: both made the point steering the immigration agenda. sit on hands worry than hold them upped in the air. nancy pelosi a democrat said give us some power in the house and works on the economy and healthcare. infrastructure all these other big issues that they have not delivered on. sean duffy one of those house republicans who says what pelosi is triking to do is steer attention away from the fact that the left wing in her base wants impeachment and she is not on board with it. watch? >> nancy pelosi is not crazy. nancy pelosi is throwing out some harsh words about sending donald trump to prison she is trying to derail the socialists to actually impeach him. nancy pelosi understands in 2010 passed obamacare. america hated it. it rose our healthcare prices didn't do what it promised it would do and she lost the majority. she sees she is back in the majority. if they go forward with impeachment. they are going to lose the majority again. first speaker to lose the majority twice. and so she is trying to say hey, why will talk about prison. she is crafty and smart. derail. pete: hot talk but distraction actually what she doesn't want to do. jedediah: pragmatist. i can't believe the shift in the thinking. i wonder if president obama were out there talking about politics he would be sowrnsding like a moderate. it has gone so off the rails so many people considered extreme, four or five years ago, enough to it's like they are trying to -- pete: they are like good luck, buddy. jedediah: exactly. family and friends are mourning the death of west point cadet christopher morgan. 22-year-old was killed when a tactical vehicle rolled over on the way to a training exercise. 19 other cadets and two soldiers who were injured are expected to be okay. morgan described as having infectious personality that lit up the room. a member of the army wrestling team. set to graduate next year. out-of-control wildfire. powerful winds fueling fire north of phoenix. emergency crews forcing weekend campers to leave the area. several air tankers are lepg. somehow sparked by people. and the stock market soars to its best week of the year on wall street. jedediah: dow up 263 points friday. tapping a fourth straight day of gains and closing the week. the s&p gaining 30 points. the nasdaq also up. good news. and this army soldier is about to be the iraq war's first living medal of honor recipient. staff sergeant david belavier will have heir silver star upgraded this month by president trump. he nearly single handedly cleared a nest of insur jentsz in 2004 and engaging one hadged to handle combat. wrote a book about his deployment and ran for congress twice. pete: no one deserves it more than this guy. i have known about it for a couple months actually and he has been going through the process. he will receive the medal at the white house later on this month. he will be a fantastic representative of our generation. and the first living recipient of the medal of honor from the iraq war politicized for a long time and shouldn't have been. ed: close call between american warship and russian destroyer. countries blaming each other for the near collisions. pete: how should concerned should would he be about this. served in russia. not with them but for us. he joins us next. [music playing] (vo) this is jerry. jerry has a membership to this gym, but he's not using it. and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn't listen to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch. this is jerry learning that he's still paying for this stuff he's not using. he's seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. oh look, there they are. (team member) this is wells fargo. through other people's you can vacations, scroll or you can be the kind of person that books their own vacation. a booker. scootin' through life at 7 miles an hour... [awesome] you see, bookers just go for it, they book a surfside resort, order a fourth taco even though three was plenty. 'cause bookers don't make bucket lists... no booking way, they make memories. just like this guy right here. be a booker at the world's #1 choice for booking accommodations. it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed now from $899... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. only at a sleep number store, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on most beds. only for a limited time. pete: we are back with a fox news alert. near cloition navy warship witcollision with a navywarshipn destroyer. really close. you see the video and avoiding catastrophe. this just days after russian aircraft intercepted a u.s. avery accurate over the mediterranean. should would he be concerned about it. daniel, thank you for your time this morning. both countrie countries have put statements saying they were the ones that had to do urgent maneuvers to get out of the way of another that was aggressive. you see this coming from russia is this coming from the top of the russian government. >> oh, yeah, for sure this was calculation on the part of vladimir putin who wants to make military to do so. great risk to our crew and ship. there is no question based on the video it's the russian destroyer that's proceeding at high rate of speed and making an aggressive turn as you rightly point out came within 100 feet of causing a collision with our ship. pete: why are they doing this? >> well, the timing is clear. i think vladimir putin wants to demonstrate as much as he can that russia can project power in asia while president xi is attending the st. petersburg economic forum in russia. pete: is he hanging out with china's premier and he wants to turn to him and say hey, i know how to get under the americans' skin. >> right. russian and chinese have become more allied economically why way signed a contract in a russia: putin own population russia in a bit of confrontation. pete: do you expect more of this from russia? where are we headed? one of these things goes wrong and you could seed an escalation. >> it's extremely risky. there has been, as you pointed out the risk of miscalculation when russian fighters couple weeks ago. i don't expect russia negligencely to stop. i think we are clearly going to protest and make it clear we will defend ourselves. the concern is russia will force us into a position where similarly to february 2018 where the military had to defend themselves and kill a up couple hundred mercenaries. this is where we are heading if they continue to do this. high stakes game. no doubt. appreciate your expertise this morning. joe biden completely changing his stance on the hyde amendment. is biden's hard left turning only chance of winning his party's nomination? we will discuss that coming up next. ♪ teeth. complete protection from parodontax. 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. pete: time now for news by the numbers. big wall edition this morning. first 24,000. that's how many pounds of garbage nepal's government just removed from mount everest. covered in litter as it deals with overcrowding. cleaners discovered four bodies when they were doing that. next, 530 million bucks. that's the size of the mega millions jackpot and now there is a winner. we don't know who won but the winning ticket was sold? san diego. the cash option is worth 435 bucks. it's the largest jackpot since last october. and finally 10, that's how many gold karates make up the super bowl ring. it features more than 400 diamonds. the pats have won six super bowls since 2001. next year it will be the minnesota vikings. ed, over to you. ed: i think it was 345 million. i think you everywhere blown away why the bling on that wall. jedediah: thinking about the diamonds. ed: joe biden blown away by support of hyde amendment it. bans most federal funding for abortions. >> is joe biden wrong? >> yes. >> i'm appalled honestly that someone wants to be the democratic nominee in this day and age and still supporting the hyde amendment. >> former vice president joe biden says he supports the hyde amendment. >> is he absolutely wrong on that one biden now reversing himself after onslaught of that political pressure. for many years as u.s. senator i supported the hyde amendment like many others have. certain things have changed. i can't jury leaving millions of women to the care they need and exercise their constitutionally protected right. does biden's latest flip flop how far the left has some. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much for having me on. >> kristin, what's going on here with this flip flop? he supported the amendment for decades all of a sudden he doesn't support it. to me it looks like joe biden is trying to figure out who he needs to be in order to get elected and it's reading as he is not sure what he stands for. >> really disappointing to see him flip flop so quickly without giving it much thought. he bended to the pressure of the abortion lobby and gave in much too quickly. ed: cnn yesterday she did a fabulous job trying to zero in what was the moment he flip flopped. on wednesday he kept saying no, no, i'm going to hang in there on the hyde amendment and kate, the deputy campaign manager and communications director had -- it was painful to watch. take a listen. >> this is not a decision about politics. decision about healthcare. trying to cut off access predominantly impacting minorities and, and women in under served communities. ed: they had a hard time explaining. >> you can't explain it. when you look at who seeks abortion it's poor women. what the hyde amendment does is say we will pay for your abortions from a democratic perspective. democrats should be saying we will support to you raise that life to have that baby and have the option to parent. the hyde amendment says we are just going to pay your your abortion because you can't afford to parent so we will help you kill your baby. jedediah: what would you advise, is he not considering a general elections strategy. for some reason he is worried about the everyone is so far left. i don't understand it. no one is on his tail in the primary. he could win that primary and more moderate he would be a great general election candidate for democrats. >> there still is a wide open lane to get the support of the middle people who don't want abortion nine months and. -- still has voters returning to what the democrats previously said abortion should be safe, legal and rare. and even hillary clinton in 2016 says when she says rare she means rare. no one in the democratic party is talking like that anymore. we are talking about deregulating an industry and make less safe for women when you talk to democrats generally have you ever met a democrat who doesn't love regulations? why are we giving this industry a pass. pass. jedediah: does it concern you? it looks to me if i were a democrat and i had been a supporter of joe biden. i would be very concerned about his inability to come out. it seems like he has disappeared. not putting his platform out there in the same way other democrats. fit in as opposed to being someone who defend a record that does have moderate points in there that can appeal to many independent voters out there. does this worry you looking at how he has launched? are you worried about him? or do you still have confidence in him as a candidate? >> so is, i am worried about him in a sense because, you know, majority of democrats came out and supported him right away because of his moderation on a lot of issues. his moderate views. all the candidates fighting on the left. democrats are giving trump almost a free pass for the next elections. biden looks like he is the only one who can reach across to moderate and independent voters and win in 2020. so, from that aspect, it's very concerning. ed: you wonder if it's a short-term strategy that will blow up on him in the long run. kristen day, thank you. >> thank you so much. ed: pledging 500 of his own money to take down coal. this morning the coal industry is firing back. jedediah: uh-oh. bass pro shops everything you need for father's day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ed: the skyline here in new york city. i'm old enough to remember when michael bloomberg was the mayor and old enough remember to remember when he was a republican. he wanted to be a one-man wrecking machine of the gun industry. now, because of climbed change, is he taking aim at the coal industry. and put out this statement. we are in a race against time of climate change there is virtually no hope of bold federal action on this issue for at least another two years. mother nature is not waiting on our political calendar and neither can we. he is now pledging 500 million bucks of his own money to take out the coal industry? jedediah: you heard that right $500 million of his own money. and chris hamilton, senior v.p. of the west virginia coal association has called out bloomberg's war on coal. >> we are disappointed he would selected to come after our coal miners and coal miners families in a place like west virginia that rely so heavily on coal fired electric generation and coal mining and saul the support jobs that really drives our economy here. we are not alone. there is 14 or 15 states like the state of west virginia where coal and coal mining and coal fired electrical generation played just an enormous role within our local and statewide economies. ed: remember that moment in 2016 when hillary clinton flat out said she is going to wipe out those jobs wait what did you just say? pete: bloomberg lives in that same bubble where they think jobs come out of nowhere and energy comes from somewhere else all subsidized from the government all renewable and solar panels. these in the coal industry work hard get their hands dirty so we can enjoy all the amenities. i will cut a check for 5 million. maybe run in 2024? jedediah: anybody for bill de blasio? is that a smart move by bloomberg to make that comment? and how does it feel around the country for those of you around the country in coal country when you hear stuff like that. seem like out of touch elitist? jedediah: we have some headlines for you now. a demoted doj official tied to the discredited trump dossier was paid $28,000 performance bonus in 2016. the justice department awarding bruce ohr just months before he was demoted for holding secret meetings christopher steele. he received $2,600 raise after demotion. still active employee at the doj. and the search for a missing connecticut mom turns to homes owned by her estranged husband. jennifer hasn't been seen in over two weeks. her husband and his girlfriend from been charged with tampering with evidence and hindering prosecutors. police have search warrants for several properties owned by the husband's home building company. jury awards $11 million to ohio bakery legal battle on where lynn college. sued the school following robbery by three black students. protests broke out at on berlin encouraging boycotts at gibson's bakery after students claimed they were racially profiled. they eventually came clean pleading to attempted theft. the bakery's award could triple next week in a separate hearing. and a first grade teacher goes above and beyond to make sure a student is rewarded for losing a tooth that was then thrown away by accident. the caring teacher writing a letter to the tooth fairy saying quote i can confirm with full confidence and authority that lilly lost her tooth at school today. the girl hung the note by her bed and woke up to a cash prize. not bad. i like a cash prize from the tooth fairy, i used to by the way. rick, what about you? did you ever get a cash prize from the tooth fair. >> >> maybe a quarter. never anything huge. i would prefer to keep my teeth at this point. let's talk a little bit of weather out there. nice start to the day a across much of the northeast. have a nice start enjoy it. not going to stick around. temperaturewise, things looking pretty good. so hot across the southeast. still hot across of a lot of florida. has cooled down but still humid. i want to show you this is a drought monitor. this is where we have been experiencing a lot of drought across the southeast. been so hot and dry. where you see that in the southeast is probably going to be wiped out from all this moisture we have had last week. more moisture coming this week. pretty heavy rain across north florida right now and over the next few days we will see some spots another 3 to 6 inches of rain unfortunately that's probably too much rain going to cause flooding as well. all right, guys. pete: folks didn't see this but you maneuvered nicely on the dock to get over here. >> how many times can you say maneuvered nicely. pete: this father's day put down phone and spend quality time fishing with dad. ed: bass pro shops and cabela's has everything you need. our friend is back. >> good morning, good to be back. >> what do we need to know. >> gone fishing event is really about celebrating fishing. encouraging people to get out there. as we like to say back home. >> put the machine down no, iphone great outdoors. >> we are encouraging them to do that. pete: the kids can actually -- anyone can actually fish at your stores? >> that's right. during the event this weekend and next weekend. if you come to one of our stores. you can catch a real fish in one of our stores, isn't that pretty cool? ed: good way to learn. rick: you are teaching kids to fish or parents-to-to fish. >> they are willing to share that knowledge with you and help you learn. funnel for the whole family. seminars and free crafts for the kids. rick rubbing you donate rods and reels. you want a new rod and reel bring your old one and donate it? >> something we are really proud about. 55,000 rods and reels are being donated to you youth organizations across the country. johnny morris willing to donate 55,000 rods and reels so kids can get out there and experience love of fishing like he did with his mom and dad. jedediah: do you know what i want to experience this boat. >> this is our best selling upon to an party barge dlx. can you imagine spending some days out on the water. >> something tracker does that most brands don't do. look at the storage on this thing. storage absolutely everywhere. the back of these seats pop up. store more storage. >> can you fit beer. >> you can store anything. >> have you counted? >> other thing is warrantee on it. best in the industry. 10 plus life warranties. bumper to bumper 10 years all the floor and the welds are lifetime warranty. that's pretty cool. great time to buy right now. if you buy right now get $1,000 bass pro or cabela's. think what you put k. put. pete: four couches on this. jedediah: quite a party. >> 11 people it will hold. pete: favorite thing about cartoons is swimming underneath them. maybe not advisable not while they are driving but while they are parked. teach them to go fishing at bass pro shops. rick: how many stores are there now? >> there is a lot. i can't keep up with it anymore. >> alex, thank you so much. >> thank you guys. appreciate it. pete: not bad. jedediah: luggage flying. airport worker caught on camera throwing suitcases from plane onto the tarmac. ♪ ♪ (male announcer) check out bass pro shops and cabela's for huge savings on great gifts during our father's day sale! like your choice of a cabela's multi-tool or small folding knife-- two for $10. and save $200 on a traeger lil' tex elite pellet grill. plus get a free cover. ♪ applebee's new loaded chicken fajitas. now only $10.99. who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron. pete: weak backpete welcome bac. software fix in 2017 didn't plans to repair it until 2020. the issue wasn't reported to the faa until 2018 after one of two fatal crashes overseas. boeing insists internal safety reviews found the defect did not affect jet operations. we shall see. and caught on camera. alaska airlines worker carelessly throwing luggage from a plane. not good. can you see bags bouncing off the a cart and flying. the tells fox news they will no longer employ the contract worker. that will get you fired. ed: president trump suspending the threat of tariffs to take stronger measures on the border. how will this deal be implemented to actually stop out flood of illegal immigrants? here to discuss retired ice director and fox news contributor tom homan. good morning, tom. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> let's get your initial thoughts and reaction. what do you think is good about this deal? >> everything. i mean, the three things we have been talking about on fox for the last few months are a part of this plan, right? i have been saying that we need to attack the criminal cartels operating with impunity in mexico. ones operating this entire surge. that is front and center on this plan. the government of mexico is committed to deploying national guard not only to the southern border but in the interior. work with law enforcement to target, dismantle, and disrupt the infrastructure. financial infrastructure of these criminal cartels. and also part of the plan is to expand migrant protection protocol. more people claim asylum in mexico. slow rolling program now committed to going the entire southwest border. they have also committed. ed: i hear you and i don't mean to interrupt. and i will let you make the point of the other thing you think is great. but we have got to add some skepticism this morning. you and others lid the charge we can't partner. this time hit the hammer the president threatening big tariffs economy. didn't just say uncle. we don't want the tariffs. we will do whatever you say but they might not follow up. >> look. there no guarantee. you are right. i have been saying actions speak louder than words. they have done -- they completed dog and pony shows in the past 30 days. actions speak louder than words. i get it. this president is able to obtain an agreement in mexico that alluded the president the last 50 years. has an agreement. committed to it. see if it works. again, i won't be convinced until it actually happens. this president has already done more concerning all the. regardless of all this resistance. has already done more than any other president i have ever worked for. this is the first steps. make sure it's implemented in a correct way. ed: no doubt. quick question on something else. the administration is planning to send thousands of unaccompanied migrant children. heard about this issue at the border. send these kids to military bases in texas. good idea? >> yes. because the children cannot be cared well and border patrol facility. i mean, you know, the trafficking victim protection act requires by statute that child can only be in border patrol custody 72 hours or less and they are violating that every day because h.h.s. does not have the beds and can't get them out quick enough. these facilities being built number one they live within the statute of the law. number two the children will be taken care of better in a facility that's prepared for them that will have the medical resources there. that will have child psychologists and start working with these children to get them place you had quick tore a parent or sponsor in the country. ed: we have had democrats time and again speak out about kids humane conditions. see if they follow up with the money that's needed from congress to do the job right. tom homan, you have been leading the charge appreciate you coming. >> in appreciate you having me. ed: meanwhile college students admitting they have more faith in communist china than america? really? cabot phillips talked to these kids. he joins us live with the shocking stories next. >> chinese government. >> probably the chinese government. i know trump he definitely has reputation for dishonesty so i wouldn't trust him. f the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. (kickstart my heart by motley crue)) (truck honks) (wheels screeching) (clapping) (sound of can hitting bag and bowl) (clapping) always there in crunch time. jedediah: who do you trust more the u.s. or china. campus reform asked college students that question and here's what they said. >> who would you be more inclined to trust? the trump administration or the chinese government? >> chinese government. >> probably the chinese government. >> i know enough about trump that he definitely has a reputation for dishonesty so i wouldn't trust him. >> i guess i would chinese. jedediah: cabot with campus reform is here. this is disturbing to say the least. this is the university of maryland. confuse shuconfucius institute. >> there are 100 confucius institute on college campuses buildings built as cultural centers funded by the chinese communist party to spread the chinese culture. now, our national intelligence community as well as the trump administration have come out and warned of the national security dangers of these centers on campus because they spread misinformation on behalf of the chinese government as well as potentially gathering information for the chinese. so many of these centers have been shut down as part of a bipartisan push. the chinese government is coming out and saying wait a second, trust us, guys it's not propaganda. i supposed that question to the students in this case do you trust the chinese government to be honest here or trust president trump the administration, our intelligence community. student after student siding with the chinese. i think this is essentially what happens when you convince people that they have to oppose president trump no matter what. no matter how extreme it is and almost becomes a competition. nothing wrong with opposing other candidates, preferring other candidates over president trump comes at the compensation of trusting the communist regime that's a problem. watch students human rights violations committed by out chinese. >> the chinese government currently has about 2 million people in prison camps. so how can you trust the chinese government given the fact they do that to their own people. >> i didn't say i would trust them. >> that's a tough question. i wouldn't even know how to answer it? >> i'm not sure. >> i think culture exchange is always positive and being afraid of chinese propaganda sounds like absolute bull -- that's racism. >> such propaganda to spread to the campus. >> you know, do you a lot of these segments, you have a lot of interactions like this with students. was any of this surprising to you that you saw in this particular? this is a little bit out there even for a campus talking about the chinese government bizarre to watch. >> leadership institute campus reform. i have seen this mind set develop people don't have a context of history. just had the 30 year anniversary of te tiananmen square where not hundreds of thousands of innocent were slaughtered. what is going on today's leads people to make assumptions where everywhere else must be better. people don't understand how special it is the freedom we have here because they are unaware how it is everywhere else. that's where mind set stems from and so important for us to focus on my generation and the next generations in the future to educate them on how good we have it here. jedediah: i sure hope parents, grandparents whoever it is out there helping to pay for college is paying attention what's going on on campuses outrageous stuff. thanks for sharing. i appreciate it? >> appreciate it. jedediah: still ahead jason chaffetz and donna brazile both join us live coming up. ♪ that i won the "best of" i casweepstakes it. and i get to be in this geico commercial? let's do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. slather it all over, don't hold back. well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california! and there's a very strange badger staring at me... no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. uh-huh, where's the camel? "mr. big shot's" got his own trailer. ♪ wheeeeeee! believe it! geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at" who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at wgreat tasting, heart-healthys the california walnuts.ever? so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ ♪ ♪ hey y'all? ed: getting ready for father's day with bass pro shops and cabela's. jedediah: amazing setup. i said to them outside it always looks like amusement park when you come. pete: see headquarters in missouri where johnny morris is from it's unbelievable. what they have done for the outdoors for conservation make it cool for the kids to get off the phone and get outside and pick up a rod and reel. been a while since all of us have picked up a rod and reel. jedediah: i have never been fishing. no, little fish, bye. guy and say hello in the water. pete: catch and release. or catch and eat. jedediah: you know what we did last hour. we asked viewers is a very important question which was to weigh in on ed's shoes. he has some fancy shoes. ed: i got them on instagram. jedediah: something pete loves to do. ed: i have never been a shoe model. jedediah: email from collette who says usually it's pete's socks but today's it's ed's sharp shoes. he stepped it up. pete. pete: both classy and fun. a combination that's hard to find in men's shoes. ed: ed is one of the sharpest dressers on tv nice for you. guess a pass for the horrible shoes. there was a compliment and then there was a punch. pete: sometimes you go too fashionable. i think they are nice. jedediah: i like them and fancy them might get myself in a smaller size. we do match. someone didn't get the memo i won't say who. ed: happy birthday a couple days late. it drives him crazy and i like when that happens. ed: pete is pretty happy. about a deal that broke overnight. remember democrats maxine waters out there a couple days ago predicting doom, of course, we have heard that before. she actually called the president a dictator and said dictator trump is going to cave in to mexico as if she was rooting for mexico in these talks and not america. which is shocking. here you have the u.s. and mexico trying to work out a deal with the threat of tariffs on the table. the. pete: deal was struck last night announced. here was the president an hour ago tweeting this morning. mexico will try very hard. if they do that it will be very successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. jedediah: let's take a look at agreement. national guard. dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. asylum seekers returned to mexico. important key tonight to note. mexico to offer asylum seekers jobs, healthcare and education. perhaps more importantly further action will be taken if no results occur in 90 days. so now. ed: air force come back. jedediah: exactly. he is saying listen, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. i'm glad we are going to make a deal and putting it out there. if you don't stand firm on these things we have agreed to, in 90 days i could be back in the swing of things with these tariffs. i'm not going to take no for an answer when it comes to mutually addressing this crisis. ed: good news for america. democrats must be happy for this morning. pete: are they? here is immediate reaction from democrats senator chuck schumer, now that the problem is solved i'm sure we won't be hearing any more about it any more in the future he says sasses cass stickily. and beto o'rourke saying what we see yet another example of him trying to be the both the arsonist who created the problem and in the first place and then addressing it. the gnashing of teeth, can't do these tariffs it's going to destroy our economy. yet, if you elected a disrupter to do it differently, in this deal, have you got exactly what you asked for. he said -- china -- comiewcially china, this time mexico. not on a level playing field. it's about time you enforce what happens on your sovereign borders it's affecting us and we commands demand you do certain things or we tax you. we are getting things we finally need. ed: on the other hand, the president himself is going back to the campaign that you can't trust mexico. essentially he says they have been ripping us off for years. maybe is he going to change that on the other hand, he himself has raised skepticism about whether mexico will actually follow through on their promises. jedediah: the problem is he can't win. this is what people hate about politics. you have your corner, you have your team. you rally for your guy and rally against the other guy. this is a time on their, this humanitarian crisis, everyone should be routeing for the president succeed on this deal. if there are signs that he is moving forward and having some successes, you should be on his side. democrats, it's not a good look for you on this issue particularly because you have been obstructionist on this issue. and have you done absolutely nothing to address it. it is not a good luck for you to be critical of the president when he has actually made headway here. we spoke to tom homan about this issue and he has praised trump for make a deal he had more to say. take a listen, this president is able to obtain an agreement with mexico that alluded every other president the last 50 years. he actually has an agreement. they admitted to it. we will see it f. it works. again, i won't be convinced until it actually happens. this president has already done more considering all the resistance he takes from the democratic party. some in his own party didn't agree with the tariff threat and the court, regardless of all this resistance. he has already done more than any other president i have ever worked for. got an agreement no one. first great step and make sure it's implemented in the correct way. pete: i'm done believing republicans and democrats are going to be on the same team pertains to president trump. we should all be on team america. when you hear leaders like that basically cheering for mexico to get one over on this president it's frustrating. you just did a great interview with was dot phillips student on campuses thinking china has a better approach. china is funding institutes inside our colleges over 100 of them in america today that teach about the virtues of communist china. how many american institutes do we have in china that are funded by american businesses talking about freedom? how about zero? pete: there are so many times where we allow in take from america and we don't demand the same treatment somewhere else. and that's the way trump sees the world, hey, mexico. you have a problem. time to address it, because it's hurting us. that does not mean you are anti-mexican. pro-american citizen and pro-sovereignty. ed: something caught our eye in georgia. a professor down there who is a chinese legal immigrant. he came here the right way. he went through the procedure and went through the processes zuh a professor who decided to speak out about immigration. is sounds like he agrees with the president and that, of course, set off liberal alarm bells down at this college he says among other things if you are going to award illegal immigrants there will be more illegal immigrants. to make convincing argument, please present evidence. i'm against political correctness. i speak truth to power in class and my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants. imagine that a professor saying i want to present facts and something called truth. people freaking out. pete: they're freaking out. jedediah: it's amazing how much the freakout is. you have 99%. when you go on college campus most liberal talking points. that's the norm there one person come out and say something different speaking from own personal experience. listen this is how i feel. mass hysteria that happens because one person or two people or handful of people went against the trend and went against the mob thinking that happens on some college campuses. stunning to watch. they can't handle. it's amazing on a college campus there is such an intolerance for dissent. it's amazing. pete: absolutely. the politicians chime in representative also speaking to the atlanta journal constitution i have concerns about him teaching those things in a classroom. very deep insight there. we have reached out to georgia gwinnett college for a statement. he said i do not do political correctness. common sense if you let illegal immigration happen, you are going to get more of it. and he speaks at his class and dared his students online fine email the college, call the college, whatever you want this is academic freedom. i should have the right. to say he has been an open trump supporter on a lovitt a lf policies. jedediah: probably facing a nightmare on that campus. let us know what you think about it. eflail jenny. i'm so glad legal immigrant also a professor has the guts to speak the truth about the harm illegal immigration begins to the united states. ed: as a professor for many years i made life-long policy to keep politics out of the classroom completely. to professor zhu you have good points but you can send the message without politics. somebody trying it to be consistent when the left brings in politics maybe somebody should the right shouldn't do it. i think college campuses should be, places have free speech and dissent and various points of view and too often it's just one side. nice to see a professor saying let me tell you about my experience. you might not like it but let's hear other voices. pete: he does have the other voices. he presents the other side. my favorite professor in professor robert george open pro-life conservative. people loved his class because they hear things you never hear when he talks about the constitution, the declaration and the bill of rights. but he also presents both sides. here's where i'm coming from. this is my side. these are the best arguments of the left as well. now let's have a debate. that's what academia is supposed to look like. jedediah: someone else weighing in on things and weighing in on the economy and i love him kevin owe leary from shark tank. i don't know if you are shark tank fans i absolutely love it and get jealous every time i watch it. why didn't i come up with that invention. this is a very successful businessman and investor. has he a little bit of a reality check for bernie sanders when it comes to a $15 minimum wage. listen. >> my question is this whole metric of having impose minimum wages at all. the problem is it takes a state like new york boast $15. makes it uncompetitive. amazon decided not to come here. wave a magic wand. do you think the market is better way to determine minimum wage. let the market be the market and let people compete. >> of course --- jedediah: let the market decide. pete: do you know what the real minimum wage is when you set it to 15. zero dollars. those are the people that lose their job. have to cut costs somewhere. oftentimes come the thing that cost the most which is people. raise minimum wage artificially inside a market that can't sustain it you lose jobs or they lee the state. jed jedz i love that show because they have expertise and they know the impact of policies on their businesses on the businesses they invest in, on the workers that they want to keep their jobs to be working hard to make money for them and for themselves. this is important. pete: i have an idea, maybe somebody who was a reality star in a bit business show run for president. jedediah: what a concept and maybe even win. dramatic video showing the moment u.s. and russian warships nearly collide. chancellorville was mediterranean sea when a russian ship sped up from behind getting as close as 50 feet. daniel hoffman joined us earlier calling it a political move. >> i think vladimir putin wants to demonstrate as much as he can that russia can front project while president xi is attending the petersburg economic forum in russia. i think putin wants to show the chinese he is operate in asia and also wants to show them he can be a counter balance to the united states. jedediah: near miss comes just days after a russian jet buzzed the u.s. plane over the mediterranean. two state lawmakers found dead of gunshot wounds just two days apart. former oklahoma state senator jonathan nichols was discovered wednesday. two days earlier former arkansas state senator was found dead outside a home on tuesday. her death is being investigated as a homicide. and shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say he spoke with an undercover agent over several months praising isis, usama bin laden, and the 9/11 terror attacks. the 22-year-old from new york is accused of buying two illegal gun us with serial numbers scratched off. he is being held behind bars without bail. and president trump standing out from the crowd signing the d-day common rance. at the top other 15 world leaders signed their names at the bottom last week in the u.k. proclaim that nation commemorates and honors d-day. >> he had to stand out. shocking. that is down right trumpian. ed: some democrats in congress actually want a pay raise. pete: they do. do they really deserve it. former congressman jason chaffetz is blasting the idea as horrendous o optics or is it just a horrendous idea as well? he's on deck ♪ ♪ what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ i got it! what? what? l.a. bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. ridin' scooter! l.a. baby! l.a. baby! be a booker you're welcome. at pete: welcome back. house democrats pushing for a pay raise for members of congress. moving to hike pay by 4500 bucks as they prepare to consider a $1 trillion spending package next week. congressional salaries are currently frozen at $174,000 which is nearly triple america's median household income. do they really deserve such an increase? here to weigh in is fox news contributor former chairman of the house oversight committee and author of the deep state jason chaffetz. i can hear the violins playing now jason, everyone feels so bad for members of congress and paltry salaries. why would democrats be pushing this right now. >> the democrats have always supported it. you are right. not only are the optics really bad. it's a really stupid idea. when you are $22 trillion in debt, you have done nothing this year. have you done nothing to tackle some of the biggest issues like illegal immigration, how in the world is $174,000 not enough? oh we deserve a pay raise. come on, give me a break. this is what nancy pelosi wants to do. pete: it's a terrible idea. you haven't gotten anything done since have you had control but you're going to give yourself a pay raise. i have heard reports too that behind closed doors republicans may be open to this as well even though they are denying that publicly. what do you know about that? >> well, yeah, sure. i mean, look, you have got to be careful. there is a balance here. it shouldn't be just a game for rich people. i have previously supported housing allowance, that sort of a thing. it's expensive to have a home in your district and then try to also go to one of the most expensive cities in the country washington, d.c. but the idea of a pay raise? come on, behind the scenes i'm sure everyone wants to make more money. pete: don't worry. >> there is no justification. pete: don't worry most of them when they leave congress will make gobs of cash through the connections that they have that regular americans don't. i want to get to a second topic because that one is so absurd about an op-ed you wrote you wrote congress doubles down on incen incentivizing illegal immigration. interesting details about changes house democrats want to make to immigration law. bring it to us, please. >> two thoughts. number one is the democrats last week, very quietly, put in the appropriations bill that's about to be voted on. that if you are pregnant, if you are mentally disabled, if you are gay, lesbian, transgender or bi sexual that you would be disqualified for removal by the united states. if you come to the united states and say i'm a lesbian, then they could not not deport you. that's what the democrats put into the bill. it needs to be highlighted. incentivizing people to come. how in the world would you even check that? pete: right now children many trafficked by people who are not their parents. what would prevent someone from claiming to be gay or lesbian, how do you affirm that and deal with that protected status? i'm telling you it's highlighted in there in the bill and we better be worried about it. i'm sick and tired of watching republican leadership stand up before the nation and complain about tariffs instead of supporting the president when see have 11507 minors trying to cross the border last month. where is the outrage. the president did the right thing. pete: get out of think tanks and get newt world world. jason chaforts appreciate your time. >> thanks, pete. pete: 30 years ago tragedy struck in columbine. officials are considering demolishing the school all together. a column combine student to lost his sister speaks out next. give it to dad for father's day. i've done all sorts of research, read earnings reports, looked at chart patterns. i've even built my own historic trading model. and you're still not sure if you want to make the trade? exactly. sounds like a case of analysis paralysis. is there a cure? td ameritrade's trade desk. they can help gut check your strategies and answer all your toughest questions. sounds perfect. see, your stress level was here and i got you down to here, i've done my job. call for a strategy gut check with td ameritrade. ♪ thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, family reunion attendance is up. we're all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! oh, y... sports fans are seeing more away games. ahh! not at all. no, ma'am. nope. and more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. (romantic music) that's gross priceline. every trip is a big deal. it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed now from $899... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. only at a sleep number store, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on most beds. only for a limited time. mno kidding.rd. but moving your internet and tv? that's easy. easy?! easy? easy. because now xfinity lets you transfer your service online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. really? really. that was easy. yup. plus, with two-hour appointment windows, it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. ed: quick headlines, texas cracking down on local government doing business with abortion providers. governor greg abbott signing a bill into law that prevents cities and counties from giving such facilities tax or leasing breaks. there is currently a planned parenthood in austin that pays just $1 per year for rent. the republican governor trying to stop it. and some companies are being pushed to support abortion. wendy's taking a different path. fast food chain unveiling cause cups raising money for the pro-adoption charity created by wendy's founder dave thomas. you will remember thomas was adopted. he worked with president george w.w. bush as a national adoption advocate. jed? jedediah: thanks, ed. turning to a controversy push in colorado. some want to demolish columbine high school 20 years after 12 opportunities and one teacher were killed. a superintendent writing ago letter to parents saying quote, the tragedy at columbine high school in 1999 served as a point of origin for this contagion of school shootings. school shooters refer to and studied the school shooting as a source of inspiration and motivation. will tearing down the school stop would be shooters is the question? >> person killed in the attack. two of his friends are killed right next to him. stowed craig helps to mentor students-craig, thanks for being here. so sorry for the loss of your sister on that tragic day, horrific for some. your story is so compelling of what you experienced. i think it's important as a context for how you may feel about this school being torn down. what happened to you in that library? you played dead. i do have that right? >> that's right. as the sheet ares came int shooo the library taunting students before they shot or killed them, i decided to -- i actually felt a voice within, i felt god telling me to be still. i became very quiet and still. my two friends were very scared. started to freak out. when they came over to where i was, they saw my friend isaiah, one of the very few african-american students at my school and so one of them called the other one over and said hey we have an n word over here and started to make racial slurs at isaiah. they drug him out from underneath the table. the last thing that he said is i want to see my mom and they shot and killed my friend isaiah and matt and left the library shortly after leaving 10 students dead or dying and over 12 wounded. and i felt god telling me to get out of there. the first person to get up and yell at everyone let's get out of here. we escaped and then later learned that that my sister rachel was the first one killed right outside the school library. jedediah: i truly can't even begin to imagine what you were going through. what was going through your mind that day. i think you are a perfect example of someone who could speak to this issue. perhaps no one suffered a greater tragedy than you that day in the sense that you lost somebody that you loved dearly and came close to losing your own life, when you hear these plans from the county to potentially tear down columbine and the school. this may serve as motivation to future shooters being held up and glorified by people who want to destroy others and who want to destroy property and want to cause harm, what is your message to those people who want to destroy the school? >> >> i can see where the school district is coming from i think it's been a safety concern they have had since day one. big part of it is also because of school repairs. and i think that's maybe even a bigger issue. i think that the school for me and for a lot of my alumni is a very special place. it's a place that has a lot of meaning. but then there is current students there that are going there now that they don't want to have to deal with strangers coming on to their campus that are curious. i think most people who visit columbine which i have met a lot of them over the years do it out of respect and honor. but there are crazy people out there that get attracted to sites like this. and it's still a running school. and so i understand both sides of the situation. but i think that they have been able to handle any kind of weird people that come onto the campus. i personally hope that the school isn't torn down but i also -- i believe more importantly than what it is for me and my family and my fellow alumni, it's an active learning building for current students and staff. so if it is a building that is in need of repairs and really needs this to happen, then on that side i'm for it. but it's also a nice school. i have been to thousands of schools across the country for my job for speaking to students to me it seems like a nice school. i'm kind of conflicted. jedediah: craig, your opinion is super important to so many people out there who didn't experience this themselves. great strength and character for coming out and speaking about it the way that you have considering the tragedy have you suffered. thank you for sharing insight into your story. people know and read about columbine but don't get to talk to people who actually lived through that day. thank you so much for your input. i know people in the community will value it as well. thank you. well, joe biden completely flips on his stance on the hyde amendment. will the 2020 candidates have any stance left when we come to the primary. that's the question ♪ ♪ you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> i make no apology last position and make no apology for what i'm about to say. i can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. i believe healthcare is a right as i do, can i no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's zip code. [cheers] ed: at issue is the hyde amendment which banned funding. going back to the mid 1970s being in favor on restrictions on federal funding from the mid 70's all the way up until actually wednesday of this week when he was still for the amendment. jedediah: decades and decades of support. the question is why did he flip flop? was this pressure from alyssa milano? there are reports alyssa milano kind of lob idea and said to him and his people listen, this is not going to look good. ed: where have we gone where alyssa milano. >milano. jedediah: is actress and influencer and plays a strong inner. she was at the kavanaugh. i think she does speak largely to the community. to the left wing community and they respect her. and the question is like why did he do this? and is this going to play well for him? should he have stuck with a mored who democrat approach going into 2020 no more moderate democrat on the stage and maybe he could have stood out. pete: ready to stare down world leaders when you can't stare down alyssa milano on an issue you just not voted for over the years publicly and actively defended as a catholic. it violates your catholic faith two days ago that was still the case as you pointed out, ed, no longer in the "wall street journal" op-ed biden flips over abortion funding. by the end of the primaries what will be left of his moderation. goes on to argue mr. biden's about face on abortion may be a watershed 2020 moment it. underscores how far left the democrat party's activist base has moved. this may play well with the party's comrade cortez wing. we wonder how much of mr. biden's vaunted moderation will remain by the end of the primary. steve: congresswoman not comrade. pete: i editorialize. we had our friend robert wolf on. democratic strategist. fox news contributor. i respect his opinion that the party is not moving far to the left. have robert and other democrats got done are that brazil coming on later in the show today. a former vice president, a man withstanding is not standing up to alyssa milano? jedediah: i think it speaks less to far left and more to joe biden's confusion. i have think he has completely lost this elections cycle. is he not ready for this. this is not his moment. is he confused. what do i need to be to get elected and what do i need to say? stumbling behind the scenes. went into hiding to let everybody else make their mistakes so he could figure out where he needed to be. the question is on the debate stage what will that look like when everyone else is where they stand? audience what a primary election audience and then a general election audience which may have very different ones and very different needs is going to expect a desire in. pete: this is naral, planned parenthood, the pro-abortion lobby is more powerful than any lobby on the left. you don't cross them and win the primary. we will not support a nominee that supports the hyde amendment. advisors caught off guard by that one of the first issues actually been asked pointed targeted questions on and he didn't do well from his first showdown. ed: mollie hemingway on fox the door. they are coming for more, about mr. biden, watch. >> when you respond to a mob in your own party this way so quickly succumbing to their pressure it's a sign that they can probably exact other don concessions in the future. the democratic party used to be a place where pro-life people could vote in good conscience. a lot of people forced out of the democratic party by its increasing extremism. this had benefited the republican party quite a bit in 2016 that lot of people who might not have thought that donald trump was the most ideal candidate they looked and looked at some of these issues such as protection of life in the womb and they saw that they needed to vote for him over an already pretty radical hillary clinton. this will be an issue that comes into play again in 2020. jedediah: i'm really curious as to where moderate democratic voters. forget about the politicians. i'm talking about the voters where are they going to go? will they vote for president trump rather than voting for a radical leftist o. stay home and not vote for anyone? why will turn to headlines now. a community is mourning after a police officer is hit and killed by teenage driver. officer a.j.castinata stabbing outside of his vehicle when a dallas texas suburb when a teen lost control running the officer off the road. >> our city is hurting. and our profession is hurting at the loss of this model police officer who gave his life serving his k3450u7b9. dozens of officers escorting his body from the hospital to the medical examiner's office. the coast guard veteran spent five years on the police force. he leaves behind two children. 4,000 migrant children may soon call a texas apartment complex and two military bases home. the emergency housing put together by the government is meant to make sure unaccompanied minors don't get put into crowded jails. that's according to the "the washington post." the final plan hasn't been released. but the air force base in montana fort sill in oklahoma and fort benning in georgia are all reportedly being considered. a federal judge ruling the fbi must release redacted sections of former director james comey's memos. the judge previously riewltsdz to keep them redacted until special counsel mueller's probe completed. own notes that he made after conversations with president trump, including one about former national security advisor mike flynn. and the los angeles memorial coliseum is getting a new name. and it's a real doocy. you might remember many felt a corporate title would disrespect the stadium's history. as a monument to american troops. well, united airlines paying millions of dollars to put its name on the facility. so what did they settle on? it's a mouthful the united airlines field at the los angeles memorial coliseum. quite a mouthful indeed. we're going to head over to rick, pete, and ed. they are over at bass pro having way too much fun. rick: thank you so much. jed. celebrating dads and their kids this weekend. and next weekend with their gone fishing event. ed: and a big sale, too. rick: back with the hottest deals. we love when you are here amazing. >> cool stuff to think about. bass pro and cabela's father's day headquarters. what better thing to get a dad than brand new cooler. they have quite the resume. just last month. rick: not the kind of coolers i have have in my garage. >> the best row toe cooler. field and stream called it the best of the test. rick: do you know how many cans they actually snold. >> they will hold enough. rick: this will keep something cold two weeks. >> up to 4 days. all the stuff they have built. in bottle openers built into the latches. ed: that's brilliant. >> nighttime glow and dark stitching built in see the handles. pressure valve release pressure and open it up in case it gets too high. absolutely incredible. rick: these are pellet grills? >> check out sliders. cabela's pellet grills. very efficient. burn clean. and these cabela's grill see the level without having to open up the lid. move your stuff off of here. big viewing window in here see what's going on without opening it up and letting the heat out. go ahead and open it up and look at it. >> did i hear have you 11 different flavors of pellet. >> apple, pecan, hickory. every day low price of 149 other brands are $20. >> can you buy gift cards online. >> can you. for dad if you don't know what to get him get him a gift card. rated number one never expire. use them at our stores, online anywhere. rick: how are the burgers? [cheers] jedediah: thanks so much for being here. it smells amazing. ed: the president striking a deal with mexico crack down on illegal immigration. we are breaking down out art of the deal next. ♪ ♪ (male announcer) check out bass pro shops and cabela's for huge savings on great gifts during our father's day sale! like bass pro flag ts and logo caps for only $5 each. and save 35% on redhead copper creek cargo shorts. don't just dream book your next vacation.. ♪ be a booker at if ywhen you brush or floss, you don't have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. complete protection from parodontax. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone! you're a drifter? i thought you were kevin's dad. little bit of both. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. ed: president trump suspending his threat of tariffs against mexico in reaching a deal with them to crack down on the crisis at our southern border. so, is this the art of the deal at its finest and how will this impact american businesses? let's talk to one of those businessmen stu ceo of a supermarket chain in the northeast stew. we heard critics saying the president is going to screw this up. bad idea. going to hurt american consumers, in the end it looks like it might be a good deal. >> we are up here in the northeast, you know, around connecticut and new york. we don't realize the number of people that i guess are coming across the border. but,. ed: not just in texas and arizona? >> no. we talk to our formers and ranchers down there. they just say it's like a big influx that affects them big time down there. i can see why trump wanted to impose something to help ease that flow right there. but, it would impact us. we are a family business. and we sell these things right here. we sell a ton of avocados. we sell like. ed: we have got them here on set. >> we have them. and make guacamole. ed: you sell tequilas. >> this is george clooney's comes up from mexico. it was written up in the "wall street journal." ed: the president is saying the tariffs are still alive 90 days from now if mexico doesn't follow through. what impact would there be on products? >> right now the premium growing season in mexico is from really ends in april. so it's from november to april. so we're pretty much done with a lot of vegetables that we buy from mexico. it's actually a good time if you are going to impose tariffs. ed: to have a fight. >> from our standpoint. if they went up 5% we would eat that. the customer would never notice it. if it went to 10% we would have to think about it. if it went up higher we would have to pass that along to the customer. ed: in the short-term of the president is saying he is avoiding all of that could go up as high as 25%. another good part of this deal mexico has agreed he says to immediately begin buying large quantities of agricultural products from our great patriot farmers. going back to the china tariffs hurt american farmers. what do you say as an american grocer about this deal the president struck helping farmers. >> we buy a lot of local produce fruits and vegetables. a lot of that good time to happen because we are going to be buying local this morning i was talking to huey up in maine we buy all our lobsters from him. he was selling a million pounds a year to china. now there is 32% tariff on his lobsters. he said that business has just disappeared. it all shifted up to canada. ed: that's impacting him big time. >> it's just about killed this small business of his. he is holding on for dear life because of the tariffs. ed: something the president wants to hear a lotfarmers wondt that. stew leonard thanks core following. >> we are having a tariff party monday at leonard's. guacamole and margaritas. ed: stew leonard, thanks. this dancing dad saved the day. he hopped on stage at his daughter's recital to get his shy daughter to dance. that father-daughter duo going to join us live next about a week before father's day. how cool is that? ♪ i want to put on my, my, my boogie shoes ♪ and boogie with you ♪ sure. sometimes i wish i had legs like you. yeah, like a regular person. no. still half bike/half man, just the opposite. oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top? yeah. yeah, i could see that. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ >> welcome back a dad's dance moves going viral ahead of father's day. ed: after seeing his 4-year-old daughter friday on stage a little bit during a sold out dance recital he sprang into action coaching they're through the moves in the aisle and then he jumped on stage to help her finish out the performance. [cheers] [. >> oh my god. here with more is that dancing duo kendall, welcome to you both. >> good morning. >> kenton, i have got to say, you are my kind of dad. i have got to say. i absolutely loved it. that you saw her up there. you saw her having some challenges. and you were like how can i help you? jumped right in there and started damaging. what made you do it? >> oh, ma'am, i would say it's the fatherly instincts just seeing her up there crying and just uncomfortable. the fatherly instincts kicked in and i wanted her to feel comfortable. pete: kendall, you are such a cutie dancing. what was it like when your dad came up on stage? >> good. pete: of course. were you ready to dance? because had you guys practiced together at your dancing? >> yes. ed: that's really great. dad, what's been the reaction? because you see people when this kind of video goes out there. touching right before father's day. >> for me it was definitely unexpected. like i said my whole goal was to be there for my daughter and make it comfortable for her while she was up there on stage dancing. to even be able to go up on stage and the fact it happened, our crew allowed me to do that, i was very thankful for that definitely unexpected. the moment they said it was okay for me to go on stage, i jumped all over the opportunity to try to be there for my daughter. pete: kenton, you knew the moves because you had been practicing them with her, right? >> yes. we would practice at home every day. honestly it was one of my favorite like songs i would always joke with her about it. we would practice at home all the time to try to make it easier for her. jedediah: some parents at home have watched this and said i would do the same for my kid. i have got to say, kendall, i think you are going to be a really, really good dancer. i think you have got some moves. [laughter] >> thank you. pete: kendall, you have a special dad, i think a lot of dads would want to do it. maybe wouldn't go up on stage, you have a good one there. ed: can you wave goodbye to us. jedediah: bye. ed: happy father's day a week early to your dad. >> thank you very much. pete: a win for the president. no other way to put it, striking a deal with mexico and cracking down on illegal immigration. ed: the vice president of the national border patrol council art del cueto coming up next. ♪ ♪ wait for a moment like that ry♪ yeah we danced ♪ with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? noso let's promote ourke summer travel deal on like this: surf's up. earn a fifty-dollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. or.. badda book. badda boom. book now at it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed now from $899... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. only at a sleep number store, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on most beds. only for a limited time. ♪ ♪ pete: welcome to this saturday edition of "fox & friends." father's day is next weekend, we're getting ready live in the plaza. jedediah: there's a competition, and i'm going to hold the mic, and these two are going to go at it, which is just how i like it. pete: it's an obstacle course, i'm told. jedediah: i think there's food involved, it's going to get tricky. let's just say i'm glad i'm not doing it. pete: the song was bait the hook, have you baited a hook before? ed: i mean, when i was a kid. it's been a while. pete: i hope that's part of the obstacle course. ed: most of the week you're off, you can go fishing and stuff, i've gotta work. [laughter] by the way, there's a guy waking up in san diego who won the mega millions, sole winner. are they really happy? yes, dave. jedediah: no matter what's happening in their life, i promise you, the day is made for them. why can't i win anything? i can't win mega millions -- pete: you've got a real bad gig here. ed: i've got a better deal for you. the president got a good deal mexico. democrats have been saying this was going to be a failure, the idea that the president was putting tariffs out there as a weapon, threatening mexico they would be implemented on monday, starting at 5% going up to 25% unless they did something about the border crisis. pete: yeah. if the failing new york times was doing any justice to this, it would say something about a win in the headlines. jedediah: just for context, he actually does write in failing -- pete: every day. jedediah: let's take a look at a what the deal includes. mexican national guard will be deployed, there will be action to displant -- dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. mexico will offer jobs, health care and education, and this is perhaps the most important point for me, further action will be taken if no results are seen in 90 days. this agreement was made, he came out and said we don't know if there will be follow through, but by saying in 90 days if you don't adhere to this, i'll go right back to those tariffs, he is letting them know that he's not messing around, that this humanitarian crisis needs to be addressed by both the united states and mexico, and if they don't -- ed: if congress does nothing, he's driving the agenda. pete: while it's not a permanent deal, it could help move usmca, the trade deal that's stalled -- another thing that was mentioned by the president recently, this morning actually on twitter is that mexico has agreed to buy more agricultural products from american farmers which has a tie to what we're trying to do with the chinese. so this could open a lot of doors to that trade deal and moving on to a bigger deal with china. ed: mexico will try very hard, he writes, and if they do this, this will be a successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. a big if though, because we've got to add a healthy dose of skepticism to report which is, look, mexico has made promises before. the president himself has made the case that mexico's been ripping us off for years and years. so are they dramatically going to make a u-turn here? pete: maybe so. maybe the threat of tariffs got them to change their behavior. in the past the issue goes away because immigration's not a big priority. if you're mexican leaders right now, you realize he's going to get the reports about what'shapo play a shell game, i don't think they're going to get away with it. jedediah: yeah. and so many democrats immediately when he talked about these tariffs, oh, this is a terrible idea, this is never going to work. check out this tweet from representative maxine waters just hours before it was announced a deal was made. spine ifless gop senators grew a backbone this week and finally stood up to their dictator trump on something. mexican tariffs, also known as a tax increase on american consumers, just another bluff. it's so fascinating that in this age of social media where everything is out there, once you put it out, you really can't retract it. they are so willing to automatically say, oh, this is going to be a defeat for the president. hours later he says, oh, yeah, this is the deal, we're holding their feet to fire. pete: the republican who did that were spineless. they love to talk about the big ideas x they've never actually done a deal. ed: to say, look -- [inaudible conversations] ed: they're trying to say, look, we're trying to be consistent. peter: he's a free trader who doesn't want tariffs, but he's happy to use them as tools, as leverage. and hopefully, with china which is the big ca hoon that of this whole thing, that's what really matters. so he's the disrupter. people want the system to be broken a little bit, because without breaking and fractures and a little dysfunction, you don't get something out the other side. ed: well, somebody who was in congress -- i'm not saying that he was the problem, but he saw this up close, is my point. he's now on the outside, has a bit of perspective. he was on the program a while ago saying, you know what? the president heard the noise, stood firm and in the end won. watch. >> i am sick and tired of watching republican leadership stand up before the nation and complain about tariffs instead of supporting the president. when we have 11,507 miners trying to cross -- minors trying to cross the border last month, where's the outrage about that. jedediah: and the thing is you can be skeptical, that's fine, but when there is something that looks like the start of a victory where at least a deal has been made, cheer on your prime minister this is a crisis that's a-- cheer on your president. this is a crisis that affects the whole nation. you hate him so much that you can't acknowledge a success that benefits the country, that's the problem. pete: i didn't see any cheering on. no, i was doing a little research. [inaudible conversations] ed: michael bloomberg, i'm old must have to remember when he was mayor of the city of new york and when he was a republican -- pete: do you remember when he was relevant too? ed: recently peeking -- speaking out on gun control. now he's jumping all in on climate change, $500 million to try and wipe out the coal industry. that's his stated goal. we're in a race, he says, against time with climate change, and yet there's virtually no hope of action on the issue, talking about the president, of course. mother nature is not waiting on our political calendar, and neither are we. he wants to wipe out american jobs. he wants to wipe out coal jobs. jedediah: chris hamilton, senior vp of the west virginia coal association, has called him out. check it out. >> frankly, we're just real disappointed in the mayor, that he would select to come after our coal miners and our coal mining families in a space like west virginia that rely so heavily on coal-fired electric generation and coal mining and all the support jobs that really drives our economy here. and we're not alone. there's 14 or 15 states like the state of west virginia where coal and coal mining and coal-fired electrical generation plays just an e more if rouse -- enormous role within our statewide economies. pete: the threat from climate change is bigger than world war ii, this is a religion for the left, and it got me thinking about, you know, back in the day the catholic church used to absolve people of their sin if you give a big enough doe naismghts maybe that's what he's doing. i'm just saying. if you look at it through that lens, it kind of works. jedediah: we asked viewers. an e-mail from mike, why are democrats always trying to stop what they don't like instead of fixing what they don't like? ed: e-mail from david, they depended on their coal miner paycheck to feed their family, he wouldn't be doing this. pete: excellent point. failed at regulating soda, the big dull pes here in new york city, he will fail at regulating coal. jedediah: and, you know, you mentioned the gun control. we always forget as new yorkers, the big gulp. that was like, really? pete: city life has never been the same ever since. 7/eleven really hated it. jedediah: we've got some headlines for you. family and friends are mourning the death of west point cadet christopher morgan when a tactical vehicle rolled over on the way to a training exercise. morgan, who was described as having an infectious personality was a member of the army wrestling team. he was set to graduate next year. an out of control wildfire tearing through more than 6,000 acres in arizona overnight. powerful winds fueling the mountain fire north of phoenix. emergency crews forcing weekend campers to leave the area. several air tankers are helping in the fight to contain the flames. officials believe it was somehow sparked by. and a controversial new push in colorado. some people want columbine high school to be demolished. a survivor joined us earlier to weigh n. >> i personally hope that this school isn't torn down. i can see where the school district is coming from. i think it's been a safety concern that they're had since -- they've had since day one. jedediah: the school's district superintendent says demolition is under consideration because so many school shooters refer to the massacre as a source of inspiration. and grab the tissues, this massachusetts high school graduate gets the surprise of a lifetime. >> madison joyce davis. [cheers and applause] >> i missed you. i missed you. >> it means the entire world to me that he was able to come halfway across the world to see me again. it felt like home. >> naval petty officer davis reuniting with his younger sister. madison will head to college this fall. i never get tired of those reunions. pete: cool deal, for sure. jedediah: millennial dads are not like tim "the tool man" taylor from "home improvement." >> a sluice to bathrooms -- saw lawsuit to bathrooms. [laughter] why younger dads aren't picking up the tools, coming up next. ♪ ♪ of savings and service. whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. copdso, to breathe better,the. i started with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about once-daily anoro to start treating your copd. ♪ go your own way save at ♪ ♪ ed: well, up to 4,000 my grant children may soon call u.s. military bases home. pete: the trump administration reportedly planning to use the facilities to assure they don't stay in crowded jails. how will this help border patrol? ed: joining us now is the vice president of the national border patrol council, mark del cueto. we appreciate you coming in, sir. >> thank you for having me on. ed: we've heard so much about how, frankly, the system bursting at the seams. there are different centers along the southern border,, as you know better than we do, that are simply getting all of these asylum seekers that they cannot house. so is this a good idea? >> it's a fantastic idea. once again, i mean, it sounds weird because we're always on here talking about it, and it sounds like we're cheerleading, but the honest truth is we have a president who is thinking outside the box, he's looking at what news to be done -- needs to be done and, frankly, it's leadership that we're seeing that has been lacking even in our own agency. i was just recently at some of these detention facilities here in tucson, and it definitely was bursting at the seams. we're having larger and larger number of unaccompanied juveniles that are coming into the united states. we had tsa helping out, we had u.s. marshals helping out ask and moving them out to another facility and allowing our agents to continue working out on the border and defending our nation is a huge help,ing and we have to be thankful towards the president. pete: art, some folks will raise an eyebrow at the use of military, but you understand if you want lo jest call support -- logistical support, it makes a lot of sense. >>, no it definitely makes sense. and, obviously, from the overcrowding aspect a alone. like i said, i was just there recently, and i saw it. it was definitely overcrowded. we had some of the cell doors open, some of these unaccompanied juveniles out in the hall, you know, in common areas because there's just not enough space. so it's also a safety concern. you know, when you have that many individuals in one area. it is the perfect outside the box thinking that we have come to expect from this president. ed: well, art, speaking of outside the box, the president decided to use tariffs as a weapon, a threat against mexico, the idea that they would be implemented as early as monday unless they came to table and came up with some new ideas and new promises about cracking down. guess what? they've come to table, they've now signed a deal with the united states. what do you think about that? >> i think it's good. we just need to wait and see that they follow through, to be honest, you know? the record of the past hasn't been the greatest, but now at least, you know, they're put into a corner, and they have to do the right thing. there is just a group, a huge group of individuals that are coming into this country illegally. it's being facilitated by the mexican government. they've been making money off of it. and once again, you know, we have a leader that is a true leader, and it's a true breath of fresh air. back when he first became president, on rhetoric alone the numbers went down. of, the numbers have gone up and up and up, and here you have him once again single-handedly caring about the american public and trying to do the right thing. and i believe it's time for congress to stand up and start doing something about it. and definitely it's also time for some of the relationship within cbp to start doing something about it. pete: what's the most significant piece, the deployment of the national guard, asylum seekers staying in mexico? what do you point to? >> it's all of them. all three of these things are something that's huge, and it affects the american public. if you can stop them before they go into mexico, it's huge. once they come in there and they do make it to our southern border, they need to assume the responsibility to have them wait in their country and not be roaming the streets of the united states where they many times never come back to court. ed: as you said at the top, safety and security issue. art dell cueto, we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you for having me. ed: the university of alabama bucking its biggest donor and removing a name from the school after he called for a boycott of the state's abortion law. pete: he joins us live coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ dad: oh, hey guys! mom (on speakerphone): hi! son (on speakerphone): dad, i scored two goals today! dad: oh, that's great! vo: getting to a comfortable retirement doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thought. see how lincoln can help you retire on your terms at [ giggling ] ♪li'm a slick chickp♪ [ doorbell ] [ slap ] your nails! xfinity home... cameras. xfinity home... disarm the system. door's open. morning... welcome to the neighborhood. do you like my work? secure your home with x1 voice control. and have professional monitoring backing you up with xfinity home. demo at an xfinity store, call or go online today. ♪ ♪ jedediah: some quick headlines for you. a jury awards $11 million to an ohio bakery in a legal battle with overland college following a robbery by three black students. protests broke out encouraging boycotts after the students claimed they were racially profiled. they eventually came clean, pleading guilty to attempted theft. and a judge in will allow a lawsuit accusing google of discriminating against conservatives. the firing of an employee who challenged google to be more politically diverse. pete: the university of alabama returning more than $20 million to a donor and taking his name down from the law school there in the wake of his recent call for students to boycott the school over the state's new abortion law. ed: the donor saying, quote: i will not allow my family's name to be associated with an educational system that advocates a state law which discriminates against women and violatings our constitution. jedediah: here to react, michael knowles, welcome. >> good to see you. jedediah: what do you make of this? >> i clearly must be still asleep. there is good news coming out of an american university, but this is good news, indeed. this is showing that alabama is willing to take a principled stand, will value something more than none, and what they realize is that he who pays the piper calls the tune. money is influence. and so much of what's going on on our campuses over the last 10 or 20 years is because of the undue influence of people who should not be directing universities. students have come to dictate what they want. they've demanded safe spaces, they've gotten professors fired, and the universities kowtow to them as the federal government has become oafly involved in the -- overly involved, they have instituted bureaucrats, how the universities educate their students. this is a way to fight back. reduce the influence and the money of people who should not be directing education, and i think you might be able to see some more good moves at universities around the country like you have in alabama. pete: some good moves from united stateses. well -- universities. well, at uc-berkeley, they have not had a conservative commencement speaker in a decade. i'm surprised they had one even within a decade. [laughter] will there be a sense that if you're a university, you're missing often times such a big part of the viewpoint, and at least at a commencement you can interview some of it. >> of course. in berkeley's defense, they probably haven't had a conservative graduate in two or three decades. but i in the solution to this is that we get rid of this entire custom celebrity commencement speakers to begin with. it was the students getting lectures in hebrew, greek and latin. could you imagine them trying to do that today? they probably couldn't give one in english. now we have celebrities, even comedians giving the speeches because the university has stopped -- it's no longer about educating, it's much more about entertaining. and the students, instead of demonstrating what they've learned, are now just demanding hollywood celebrities and and other speakers come out and offer them a defense of their own preconceived biases. ed: i'm proud to say we allowed pete to give a commencement address a would being weeks back -- a couple weeks back. but you came under attack. talk about what's really happening out there that people may not understand? >> that's right. the reason i'm so excited that the university of alabama is willing to give back this money and say no to influence of politics is universities are just decayed. they are no longer educating students. they are actually enc when i was physically attacked at the university of missouri-kansas city to shout down views they don't like, to boycott the lectures that they think they disagree and even in some cases they become violent. this is a problem that goes all the way up to universities administration. system and as they did in alabama, i hope they do at public institutions around the country, to stop this nonsense because a free society can't remain free for long if it doesn't haveal education. peter: -- liberal education. pete: it's so one-sided, we'll see where that goes. ed: all right, michael. if we have a commencement, we're going to invite you for sure. pete: obama era secretary of defense robert gates once again calling out joe biden on foreign policy. >> i stand by the statement he'd be wrong about those town policy issues for 40 years. ed: we'll ask former dnc interim chair donna brazile what she thinks about that. also the biden flip-flop on abortion. we've got a lot to talk about. ♪ ♪ the best simple dishes ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ ♪ >> i'm not sure how him answering a question saying he continued to support the hyde amendment and less than two days -- >> i'm not sure how that is the press -- >> that was a flip-flop flip, which is never a good thing this politics, and it raises questions about his own performance. >> he has not explained his evolution other than to say he has changed his mind. >> he thinks that's going to fly as he's interviewed in the coming weeks. pete: that was recent media reaction to former vice president joe biden changing his stance on the hyde amendment. let's bring in donna brazile, former interim chair of the dnc. donna, thanks for being here this morning. >> good morning, everybody. of. pete: joe biden has spent a lot of time mostly hiding from the media, were they caught off guard on this? it really didn't look like a sincere evolution, the first time he'd been really pressed by the left, he immediately flip-flops. that can't -- that doesn't hook good. >> well, i think the vice president stated, after listening to women, he's decided to come out in favor of repealing the hyde amendment. i just want to advise everyone that in the democratic platform from 2016, passed and adopted in philadelphia, page 37, it says repeal the hyde amendment. so a careful reading by all the candidates including the former vice president would give them some indication that this is a very important issue for democrats, and i would hope that they understand going forward that if you're going to move in the right direction -- at least from the democratic party's standpoint of view -- it's important to state why you are coming out in favor. in his case he said he listened to women. jedediah: donna, you know, you're talking about him listening to women, and if that's his rationale that now he's listening to women, was he not listening to women then for, you know, 30, 40 years, for the decades he supported this amendment? it seems to me this was a political decision, that he is very nervous about competing in a democratic primary, and he's struggling to figure out who he needs to be to win that primary. >> this is not a hard-left issue, this is an issue for women and their doctors. and i think because the vice president has stated that he would like to come out to repeal this -- because he believes no women, regardless of your zip code, where you live, the amount of money you have -- [inaudible conversations] should have the health care they need. pete: it's a pretty legitimate stance i shouldn't have to pay for it even if i don't believe in that so-called right to choose, my tax dollars can't go -- that's a pretty sensible pro-choice -- >> as you well know, my tax dollars go toward things that i don't support as well, but the point is we believe as democrats, and the majority of americans support our position, that women should have the full range of health services. that's the position. and joe biden as a leader has come out in the favor of something that many democrats and and many americans support. ed: donna, let's talk foreign policy, something that's supposed to be a strong suit for the former vice president. i remember covering then-president obama and vice president biden, they brought in bob gates who had been the press secretary under george w. bush. it was seen as a bipartisan move. but in his memoirs, secretary gates said he couldn't think of a single policy that joe biden had been right on on foreign policy over the course of 40 years x and then on a podcast that's going to air tonight, gates said this -- >> i think the vice president did have some issues with the military. i stand by the statement that i thought he'd been wrong about most foreign policy issues for 40 years, especially during the cold war. but in truth, apart from afghanistan, there were a number of issues he and i agreed on. he's obviously got a lot of experience, chairman of the foreign relations committee for a long time, and we'll just have to see how these things play out. ed: donna, he has a lot of experience, but on the other hand, he was wrong on every major decision for 40 years. >> well, that's debatable. ful secretary gates in his memoir back in 2014 identified the areas with which he disagreed with the vice president. he also disagreed on the gulf war. perhaps he agreed with the vice president on the iraq war, something that many democrats disagreed with the vice president and many others. this is a conversation, a debate that we are going to have within the democratic primary, and i do believe overall the vice president of foreign policy will stand the test of time. pete: just to name a few, he was against the gulf war, he was against the iraq summer, he was for the political surge in afghanistan that didn't work at all. he said iraq would be -- the obama administration's greatest success, then he retreated and called them the jv team. he didn't even want the bin laden raid to happen. >> i think we question not just the vice president, but the current president, and we question many of the candidates. this is what we do in a democracy when we debate the ideas and visions of those who would like to become the president of the united states. ed: all right. we'll get a chance to do this over. of we had you on last weekend, maybe we'll make this a regular thing, donna, what do you think? >> uniwhat? outside of -- you know what? outside of my cereal and yogurt in the morning, this is one of the best parts of my weekend. thank you. jedediah: shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say he spoke with an undercover agent over several month praising isis, osama bin laden and the 9/11 terror attacks. the 22-year-old is accused of buying two illegal guns with serial numbers scratched off. he's being held behind bars without bail. the international space station is open for business, literally. nasa says the satellite is now open to companies, film crews, and starting next week -- next year, i'm sorry, to tourists! the agency hopes the expanded access will help develop new tech and bring more funding into space exploration. you might want to start saving now. one night stay will reportedly cost $35,000. one night. well, you know, it might be worth it. you never know. and if you're in need of a handyman, you might not w579 to rely on a milan y'all -- millennial dad, maybe pick somebody with a little more experience. ♪ ♪ jedediah: new study shows millennial fathers are less capable of getting tasks done than baby boomers. just 32 percent % say they own a hammer compared to 93 percent -- my husband definitely has a tool box, so i'm not worried. everybody's got. that even i know how to use a hammer, and i can't do anything. pete: changing tires, even opening a jar of pickles. jedediah: this is not about millennials, this is about where you grew up. you grew up in the city or the country, that's what this is about. ed: rick, you grew up out in arizona. do you know how to fix the house? rick: you know, i change the engine in my car. jedediah: forget it. rick: yeah, it's true. i think it's 2ru. people just hire people for stuff. by the way, i couldn't change the oil in a car now. there's no way. all right, take a look at the map, show you what's going on weather wise. we have got a nice start to day at least across the northeast. there is rain moving in this week. all that rain down across the southeast brought the temperatures down a little bit which is good news. we'd had that heat also across parts of georgia, south carolina and north carolina. i think that will probably be wiped out from all the rain across the southeast. heavy rain across areas of north florida, headed over towards daytona later on. all of that moisture say -- stays in the area, and by the time it's done, 4-6 inches of rain, that's going to keep the flooding going in the southeast. it's not the same as across the central plains. no more significant rain coming into the central plains which maybe can allow some of the farmers to get some of the plant in. one of the story we're going to be watching, heat building out across areas of the west. excessive heat warnings have been issued across the imperial valley of california. get ready for that. back over to you. pete: rick, appreciate it. jedediah: not anymore. [laughter] ed'd graduation season's upon us. it's not a time for celebration. >> we are witnessing an assault on the rule of law and the foundation of our democracy. >> you are moving onward to your next chapter at a rather precarious time. pete: wow. really enticing. our next guest says these speeches are ignoring the economic reality. geico makes it easy to get help when you need it. with licensed agents available 24/7. it's not just easy. it's having-a-walrus-in-goal easy! roooaaaar! it's a walrus! ridiculous! yes! nice save, big guy! good job duncan! way to go! 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[laughter] we're going to race in a father's day obstacle course. jedediah: who will be the big winner? we've got to find out. coming up next. ♪ ♪ moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness and helps stop the progression of joint damage. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, 90% saw significant improvement. taltz even gives you a chance at completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. for all the things that move you. ask your doctor about taltz. ♪ ♪ jedediah: father's day is almost here -- [cheers and applause] to kick it off, we're putting ed and pete to test with the ultimate father's day race. rick: welcome back, alan, from cabela's. >> we've got our gone fishing event going on this weekend and next weekend. kids can come to our store and catch a real fish, there's a lot of cool stuff going on. rick: parents and kids fishing together, nothing more important. we've got kids that are going to teach these two how to fish. their going to run around, cast the pole if onto the lily pad, come bark make some hamburgers just like a tad would do, feed them to crowd, and come back around here and the first person fully extended, he's our champion. jedediah: all right. are you guys ready? rick: here we go. ed: this is sarah. she's going to help me. >> manage look at 'em go! rick: it's going to be a good competition. jedediah: with -- ed's got his pole. oh, here comes pete. you've got to cast it, guys. oh. pete went way long are. ed's getting some help. rick: i think you're throwing down. jedediah: you're supposed to be in the bucket, you know that, right? here comes pete. pete's putting the toothpick inside the burger. ed's not far behind. e's getting the move now. rick: we've got a race now. [inaudible conversations] pete: you've got to hand me the horn! [cheers and applause] rick: [inaudible] jedediah: that was the closest race. rick: what was your strategy? >> my strategy was -- [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] ♪ ♪ (male announcer) this summer, bass pro shops and cabela's want you take someone fishing. and there's no better place to get started than the gone fishing event-- with fee crafts, giveaways, and free kids' fishing at our catch and release pond this weekend. plus great deals on great gifts for dad. hi. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams. mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at" who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at [cheers and applause]ed: come on! pete: we'll see you tomorrow! jedediah: have a good saturday, >> it is done, the u.s. and mexico striking a major deal. welcome, even, happy weekend, i'm neil ca due show -- cavuto. now to details of the deal that was struck really last minute. the trump administration taking tariffs on mexican goods off the table because mexico's now agreed to do pretty much everything the president demanded; take a tougher stance on illegal immigration, for one. we're going to get the take from iowa republican senator joni the ernst in just a minute.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20190608 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20190608

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socks. pete: he did. socks from ed. yesterday on fox square. we had a big crowd for the summer concert series. and i decided to lead the crowd a little heag t happy to pete. see it right now ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to pete pete: we could have lowered your mike. ed: you should have. i'm the worst singer. it's not that he hates birthday. it seems he doesn't like celebrating. pete: i don't want people to plus it's d-day people are paying attention to d-day. jedediah: did you at least have birthday cake. pete: i had wonderful birthday dinner. i don't think i had any cake though. ed: we will be celebrating your birthday all morning. pete: no we're not. it's over. jedediah: birthday week. ed: get straight to the news. we have a major fox news alert which is breaking overnight. the art of the deal. democrats have been predicting that the president's idea of tying tariffs to a border deal with mexico is going to backfire. oh how they are wrong. instead the u.s. and mexico forge a deal that will prevent those tariffs and force mexico to crack down on the migrant crisis. jedediah: president trump coming out tweeting i am pleased to inform you that the united states of america has reached a signed agreement with mexico. the tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the u.s. on monday. hereby suspended. pete: we learned what was in it. negotiations ongoing since that tariff threat was leveled. this is part of what was in the agreement. the mexican natural national guard not just southern border but throughout the country. actions to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking. a big one here is asylum seekers returning to mexico. a program already ongoing. mexico says they will cooperate even further those seeking asylum in the united states will do so while waiting in mexico. expanding that program. mexico says they will offer jobs, healthcare and education. big one here is if there is no action after 90s days the whole thing can be revisited or expanded after 90 days. this is not a hey we got a deal and we are done. ed: absolutely. tariffs would be back on the table one would presume. there has been skepticism because mexico before hasn't followed through. democrats would be cheering the idea we averted a crisis but also maybe there is going to be some positive steps moving forward in terms of dealing with this border crisis which former obama officials in recent weeks have in fact committed there was a crisis. instead they're dumping over the deal. jedediah: this is my problem with politics. you should be rooting for the president. this is a crisis affecting the whole nation. when you look at things like this or economic news, for example, when trump has good economic news, people should be able to cheer them on, i don't care if you are democrat or republican. i don't care if you like or don't like trump. if it's good for the country that's something you should be supporting because that's good for you and your neighbors and fellow citizens. i'm not pigeon holed in one political box or another to do that when it happens. pete: there are camps and teams and some never cheer for the other team. democrats immediately pouncing on the president's win here. chuck schumer said now that the problem is solved, i'm sure we won't be hearing about it anymore in the future. a little sarcasm there. robert francis o'rourke what we see is another example of him trying to be the arsonist who created this problem in the first place and the firefighter who wants credit for addressing it. if you look at that argument. no, what is he a disrupter and this is what people voted for. politics as usual isn't working which it hasn't worked with the crisis there. then pull something out of your tool bag that others haven't used. tariffs is a weapon he has used before. think about it all the things we got for what? for a threat of a tariff that never had to be leveled. so we gave up nothing, got additional steps from mexico and we'll continue to monitor. it's a big win. ed: your point it's a tool is important. tammy bruce was on hannity pointing out this was a tool the president was using a tactic to not only get mexico to the table but to make them make some concessions, watch. >> these are remarkable events. the president's approach worldwide on tariffs. this is another example of his strength with the economy and using it for the benefit of the united states. not just with the economy but for our national security. it has not happened before. no other president has done it. or has maybe tried and not done it properly. this president has. not that it doesn't matter that the democrats won't admit it. right now we staxd how great this president is, and history will prove him to be one of the greatest presidents. pete: if some of these court challenges work their way through, reelected in 2020 and wall construction starts, and the congress reals they mighreal realizes. you can see crisis averted ongoing. jedediah: he is a very different kind of president. difficult for people who are used to typical politician and follow typical protocol and afraid to think outside of the box. this is why he was elected. is he a businessman. he treats a lot of these things like business deals. he is not afraid to say this is not been done before. it is scary to a lot of people myself included. i don't know how this is going to be play out. you elected this guy. you have to put a little bit of trust in him. sometimes it works out in a way you never expected. ed: that's the president's approach to his job as president. we heard so much about the democratic frontrunner joe biden and how democrats think he is their best hope for beating the president in 2020 largely on the idea that he is authentic and that he is going to stick with what he has believed for a long time. he has been in office for so long. he is going to bring some experience and gravitas to the table. you would think on an issue like abortion he had worked this out already. he talked about his catholic faith guiding him on their, for example. he has used that catholic faith to defend why he has been for the hyde amendment. for decades. not just years. which banned federal funding on most abortions. jedediah: 40 years. steve. brian: 40 years and counting now he has flip flopped under pressure from the left. here is he explaining it. >> i make no apology for my last position and make no apology for what i'm about to say. i can't justify leaving millions of women to the access they need and exercise their constitutionally protected right. if i believe healthcare is a right as i do, can i no longer support an amendment that makes that right depend denting on someone's zip code. [cheers] jedediah: check out this op-ed. "wall street journal" op-ed. biden flips over abortion funding by the end of the primaries what will be left of his moderation? and here is a quote from that "wall street journal" article. mr. biden's about face on abortion may be a watershed 2020 moment it. underscores how far left the democratic party's activist base has moved. this may play well with the alexandria ocasio-cortez wing but we wonder how much of mr. biden's vaunted moderation wil will remain by the end of the primaries. those are great points. pete: trying to explain how he has evolved. defended because of his catholic faith. two days ago he was asked about it and supported the hyde amendment two. big things happened. naral and planned parenthood, huge pro-abortion lobbying groups. ed: third thing you are leaving out. pete: what am i missing? ed: actress alyssa milano. jedediah: she is a force. pete: shows how out of step they are with their base and. ed: you haired democrats some of these state laws republicans out of the mainstream on abortion. in fact kayleigh income nanny from the trump 2020 campaign said watch. >> joe biden is pupght boy. there is someone pulling his strings. it's pathetic. he has no convictions, no principles. no message. and the question is who is pulling those things. it's junior level staffers who reportedly convinced joe biden to reject whatever principles he had left. they are gone. they are out the window in 72 hours where did his faith and conviction and principles go? out the window because the radical left and alyssa milano rejected it. reject pupght boy embrace princelmprinciple and vote for donald trump. pete: they didn't expect an article that came out from nbnbcnews. hyden joe biden thought he would hide out for how long. all of these issues he hasn't answered and clarified not sufficient to the left. abortion lobby is almost as powerful as anybody else on the left and he found out about it. jed jihadi felt like a website that listed where mitt stood on both sides of every issue. people don't like that. yes, you can evolve on certain issues. whether you have somebody coming out and saying something and next day saying something else and trying to figure out who they are in front of you or who you want them to be not a good look. they want consistency we know what we are going to elect. romney did the same thing. ed: where is he? where are his core principles. another issue the economy. bernie sanders has a lot of energy on the left going back to 2016. pete: bernie is smiling. ed: with biden in trouble. bernie has been pushing medicare for all before it was cool you might say. also for the minimum wage. kevin also known as mr. wonderful. jedediah: he is fantastic. i love it. ed: he decided to give mr. bernie a lesson. >> my question is this whole metric of having impose minimum wages at all. the problem is it takes whole state boast $15 and makemakes it noncompetitive. amazon decided not to come here. if you could wave a magic wawnsd wand. just let the market be the market andlet people compete? jedediah: i have recently been watching this show. i hadn't gotten into it. this guy for people's frame of reference. is he like the simon cowell of shark tank. he calls it like he sees it. these business people i would love to see how they would weigh in on these economic times. because those people who operate these businesses know how those policies impact them day-to-day. it's valuable to hear from them times like this. ed: what do you think? joe biden in trouble? what's he going to flip on next? jedediah: do you like shark tank like i do? i want to know. pete: what's he going to flip up on next? there is a lot of questions he hasn't answered yet. university of alabama returning $21 million and removing the name of a big-time governor. jedediah: why the school is taking such drastic measures coming up. this is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. expedia. car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. ed: welcome back president trump striking a deal with mexico. sunk for the month of may. next guest expects the crisis to worsen. 1 million apprehensions this year alone. here to explain policy advisor to the president steven cope pits. >> thank you. good to be here. ed: announced as a deal with mexico. democrats have been predicting doom and gloom. he will end up caving. he will get nothing from mexico. do you think he got a good deal? >> i think it remains to be seen. i think there are three important elements which is the scope, the timing, and the efficacy. the two theaments caught my eye 6,000 national guard troops. ed: by mexico. >> how they are deployed. big country trivment a lot of mexicans. the other is the migrant protection protocol which allows the townhouse redeport asylum seekers to mexico. again, how fast, how many, will the courts tolerate it if you have hundreds of thousands of people encamped there. that could be potentially important. the question is how fast does it roll out and what seems to be a rapid worsening environment. ed: third thing you said? >> just those two elements but how big. how fast ntd, and do they really work? ed: okay. let's get to the diagnosis of the problem. why are you predicting that we're going to have a million apprehensions at the border for this fiscal year? that's far beyond anything we have eaten in a long time. >> in a very long time, yes. so, five months of the calendar year is already done. that's baked in and essentially we forecast out with norm sis we are not very high for the back end of the year. ed: what's behind this. >> the asylum law opened up the border to families from central america. it's now a free pass, bring the wife and kids get into the u.s. ed: or bring somebody else's kids? >> can you do that too. can you rent a kid if you want. the gist of it is the southern border is materially open now from families from northern fry angle countries and other countries that have asylum and refugee implications some from africa, for example. ed: looked at chuck schumer and looked at this deal okay, we don't have a problem anymore? >> i think the democrats are playing a very dangerous game here. this is likely to get worse. so, we have had some projection here we can go to 150,000. you know, these border crossings have been rising since the beginning of the year by about 27,000 a month. we are at 133,000 for may. 160,000 for june. it will be less as the trending line takes us to 150. the issue is fundamentally from the migrant's point of view, this system can't last. it's unsustainable. at some point someone is going to pull the plug, either the president or the congress with the president or the mexicans or somebody so if you are going to come you have got to come now. that's why we see rapid accelerations. ed: since congress has shown no ability to deal with, this what's the one or two things you would want the president to do? >> i think he is doing what he can right now i think he has not very many cards to play here. hhe is playing what he can migrant export that's a positive. if it were possible to separate parents from children that could be a positive. any help the mexicans can give. it remains to be seen how effective these steps will be. ed: skepticism. steven kopits thank you for coming in. what you need to know while traveling abroad. that is next. only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ and with new features and richer stories... can show dad where he's from... and strengthen the bonds you share. it's only $59 at give it to dad for father's day. don't just dream book your next vacation.. ♪ be a booker at back then, we checked our zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed! but ocuvite has vital nutrients to help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. be go[ laughing ] gone. woo hoo. ♪ welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. ball. ball. ball. awww, who's a good boy? it's me. me, me, me. yuck, that's gross. you got to get that under control. [ dogs howling ] seriously? embrace the mischief. say "get pets tickets" into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. pete: texas cracking down on local governments with businesses abortion providers. prevent cities and counties giving such tax or leasing breaks. there is currently a planned parenthood in austin that pays just $1 per month for rent. not anymore. and the university of alabama returns more than $20 million to a donor after he urged students to boycott the school over the state's new abortion ban. the school also removing his name from the law school. the board of trustees says they took action only because the donor made demands about how to spend the money. jed, down to you. jedediah: we now have new details on the mysterious american deaths resort. a pennsylvania woman died in her hotel room after getting a drink from the mini bar. five days later a maryland couple was found dead in their room. they died from respiratory failure and ruled in in their lungs. other woman died of a heart attack and showed fluid in her lungs. more americans are reporting similar symptoms. one couple even suing. what do you need to know before traveling abroad. fox news medical contributedder dr. siegel joins us now. similar systems. fluid in their lungs, internal bleeding. what do you think is going on with this case first off. >> of the three people, i saw the autopsy reports put out there. is a loft similarities. all three died of respiratory failure. the woman had blue fingers. there is issues with all three having enlarged hearts and heart failure and fluid in heir lungs. even though the woman was reportedly dead of a heart attack. she is only 41. there is a possibility that something caused that. and as far as the couple is concerned. there is a loft hemorrhages and bleeding everywhere. looks to me like a possibility of a toxin. a month later they don't even have the toxicology report yet. the fbi is suspicious of this case. cdc and the world health organization are all investigating the druk druvment i'm concerned about certain poisons things like insecticides. palio toxins that come from coral reefs, arson would fit thiare a sars nicwould fit the . jedediah: one of the scary trends these people are fine one minute. one woman sitting in her room drinking a cocktail and suddenly called out for her husband and died very soon after. so what is your message to people who go, maybe traveling abroad and you are in, maybe a 5-star resort at times and you don't think about these things? what kind of precautions can you take to protect yourself or family? >> you just made a great point sudden death of this is also suspicious for poisoning. 105 homicides in dominican republic over the last 18 years. i would tell people out there, look out for suspicious characters, number one. number two, don't drink from the mini bar. i don't think that's a great idea. how long has this been in there? you are not at home, jedediah. you are not in hawaii. you are not in your own country. things are different down there. then there is obvious things i tell travelers which is is insecticide. look out for too much insecticides around. also, look out for mosquitoes. another thing i have got to make sure to say here. this is no sign this is infectious or contagious whatsoever because of the suddenness of this. but i am concerned about contagious diseases in foreign countries. i'm also concerned about people driving cars in places like the dominican republic. there has been 110 deaths of americans behind the wheel in the dominican republic over this period of time. so, be very, very careful when you are out of your own country. especially in places where you are not used to being, again, watch out for that mini bar, watch out for suspicious characters. watch out when you eat and drink. jedediah: we actually have a statement from the resort. we completely disagree with the dissemination of false information issued publicly which threaten the imitation and reputation of the company and the integrity and rights of our employees and families. they are saying the autopsy evidence is inconclusive and no link here. that's what i would expect them to say at this point. >> i would point out to say they are a 5 star resort. people love going there. they have to explain this happening. i feel bad they get a bad eye. answers have to come out. we need to get these investigations done and need to seat toxicology reports right away. jedediah: i appreciate you being as always, doc. thank you so much. tries to educate his class on problems with illegal immigration. the problems on the left is what you would expect. coming up. ♪ ♪ now rumor has it ♪ she ain't got your love it anymore ♪ rumor has it ♪ rumor has it tely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. ♪ cool kids fit in. pete: shot of the morning teenage boy's later explaining why he missed the school bus. jedediah: it reads in part i know you must be on a roller coaster of emotions right now. rest assured i've decided to stay home. this was a tough decision to make. while you were gone for 20 minutes. i'm probably in bed moping about the fact that i can't go to school. please don't interrupt me. sis sister reposting the note. she says his mom ended up letting him stay home. jedediah: i like a creative kid. pete: one of those moments kid that was good. ed: i'm kind of annoyed but i will give you points for that. interesting story caught our eye down in georgia this gentleman is a legal chinese immigrant and decided to speak out and here's the quote in the atlanta journal constitution. if you are going to reward illegal immigrants there will be more illegal immigrants. to make a convincing argument, please present evidence. i'm against political correctness. i speak truth to power in class and this professor adds my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants. that did not sit well. pete: this guy is a professor? good for him. ed: professor and legal immigrant and he has some standard to speak out. pete: they say they have it. this guy is living it out. but he is, of course, predictably facing backlash. a state representative in that state saying to the atlanta journal constitution. again, here is the politician going after the academic, i have concerns about him teaching those things in a classroom. ed: what things? pete: i have concerns about everything they teach in class. this guy, jedediah, is very passionate and open what he believes in the dangers of illegal immigration. he will certainly be under attack. jedediah: it's selective attack. it's amazing. i don't hear representatives coming out 'when teachers are indoctrinating kids for left wing dogma. they are asleep. you want to support the right of teachers to teach in classes and put their opinion out there, then you have to do it across the board. you can't have selective outrage about it. it's important we reached out to the college for a statement. we haven't heard back. i want to hear from you what do you think? is this a reason for state representatives and for us and other people to be outraged or is this right as a professor to go into his classroom and put his opinion out there as you know they often do when it comes to promoting left wing talking points throughout the country. ed: his opinion own facts and experience. bringing it to the table. i'm not sure what's wrong about that. pete: look at some. things he writes jakub line. write the school. call the school. do whatever you have want. this is what i believe in and stand for. i present it to my kids and let them choose. the majority of them leave my class believing that illegal immigration is a big problem. the thing happens in reverse all the time like you said. kids go to college conservative and leave with these lunatic ideas. jedediah: the problem when you face the mob. you are the person that stands out and say something that not everyone on a campus or take some heat. that's what he is getting right now. jedediah: we will turn to headlines now. shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say ochi alam spoke with undercover agent praising isis, usama bin laden and the 9/11 terror attacks. 22-year-old from new york is accused of buying two illegal guns with serial numbers scratched off. is he being held behind bars without bail. and a police officer convicted of killing an unarmed 911 caller sentenced to more than a decade in prison. expressed regret for shooting justin ruthcheck as she approached hits squad car in 2017. >> seeing her there i knew in an instant that i was wrong. >> noor insists he was trying to protect his partner while investigating call about a possible sexual assault. noor thought she was reaching for a weapon. and the coal industry is disappointed. michael bloomberg is going after coal miners. pledging $500 million to close all u.s.s. cole plants. >> we thought out darkest days were behind us given the previous federal administration's attack and war on our business. you know, frankly, we are just real disappointed. >> hopes to shut them down by 3030 as beyond carbon initiative. the los angeles memorial coliseum is getting a new and much longer name starting in august the stadium will be called united airlines field at los angeles memorial coliseum. it was going to be renamed the united airlines moeller coliseum. many thought having a corporate name on the coliseum would disrespect its history honor to troops who fought and died in world war 1. those are your headlines. head over to rick now. rick: calmer than the last few weeks which we could use a little bit of a break. look at the maps. we are starting out, temperatures are quite nice all across the southeast. it's been so hot. temps have cooled down quite a bit this week. that's because we have got the rain that's coming. in warm all across the far northern plains. this is a precip we have seen. very heavy. right along the gulf coast. not as far as heavy farther north experiencing all that flooding. that said the flooding is so significant. the rivers are still at in some cases record flood stage that's going to go on for a long time. where we have been so dry the last three to four weeks southeast. very heavy rain came in this week and continue to see that for the next couple of days. some spots probably another three to five inches of rain and that will cause localized flooding. what you will notice over the next few days not that much rain over the central plains which is good news. pete and ed, send it over to you. pete: good to see you, rick. free care to men and women who serve our country annual day of service. ed: that is cool. more to tell success aspen dentists and air force vet. also have healthy mouth mobile offers free care throughout the entire year. welcome and thank you for your supervisors. >> thank you for having us. the healthy mouth movement started about 6 years ago and an effort because we realized too many people are not seeing the dentist each year. we want people to come see the dentist because we realize that the mouth is a part of your body. and what goes none here can affect your overall health. pete: i'm currently in good standing with my dentist. i went years. >> my goodness. >> it happens, right? >> it happens far too often. we divided we need to get the word out there. we want people to seat dentist and take care of themselves. veterans were also not seeing the dentist. ed: show us what you have inside? >> healthy mouth mobile, dental office on wheels. thank you. vow got, you know, location. >> today is our annual day of service. we have almost 500 dental offices across the country open to serve veterans. we are hoping to take care of 6,000 veterans today there are spots available. encouraging people to get online and make that appointment. here in the front we have our little sterilization area. pete: these are the drills. >> that's right. pete: just kidding. they also have a denture alan available there. ed: got to see the dentist. >> this is where the magic happens. we are able to do basically anything, fillings, extractions. ed: do you want to work on him? ed: not really ready. only recently in good standing. sometimes it gets away from you. now, where do folks want to learn. >> morgan: about the locations where do they go. >> healthy mouth pete: this is like a full dental office. >> travels 8 months. delivering free care for veterans. we want to get the word out and take care of our veterans. ed: we appreciate you doing it. we don't want pete going full beto o'rourke and put this on instagram so we'll toss back to jed. jedediah: i'm great fors for us avoiding that 2020 hopefuls vying to make the first democratic debate. who makes the cut and who are the candidates to watch? 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[son loudly clears throat] [mom and dad laugh] bounty, the quicker picker upper. now with new prints featuring characters from disney/pixar's toy story 4 in theaters june 21. ed: 151st running of the stakes happening today. saddling up for the race for a 23rd time. the most sings 1940. he is looking for his third first place finish after winning in 2007 and 2012. meanwhile the toronto raptors from the north are just one win away from the first championship in their team history. >> raptors showing such poise here in this arena. leonard open 3. knocks it down. ed: leading the raptors to 105-92 win on the road to take a 3 to 1 series lead over the golden state warriors. they are supposed to be the dynasty. raptors could secure first ever nba title with a win monday night. pete? pete: watched it last night. the question is does kevin durant come back for game four. the crowded field of candidates scrambles to qualify for the debate stage. so far only 13 have secured their spot before the june 12th deadline. so who made the cut and who are the matchups we should look for? let's ask campaign strategist and president of thomas partner strategies john thomas. thank you for being here this morning. >> great to be with you, pete. all eyes on joe biden limited exposure so far. when you are standing in fronts of questionnaires and colleagues things could change it? >> could be. it will be fascinating to see does joe biden attack down? does he pick fights with anybody blow him or talk about the need for wise sensible leadership exposing himself to attacks from other colleagues that he is old and represents yesteryear and have to move forward? they have kept joe out of the public eye for a reason, sea gaffe machine. he can't be trusted to go on camera unscripted. and quite frankly, as we saw this last week, pete, he does nothing but shift and apologize for prior positions. so this is going to be a challenging environment for him. steve: not just fellow candidates moderator. he will be front and center. also two folks in the same lane, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren vying for hard core progressive vote will they go after eve other? >> i suspect they will, they have no choice. bern is going to want to stay above it the fundamental argue. you will see between the two is bernie is going to go elizabeth warren you are all talk. i'm actually doing it. i'm going to shareholder meetings at walmart. i'll rallying in front of disney. i represent the angry working man and you are just a college professor. and she is going to say yes, but i'm a woman and you are old white male. it's going to be fascinating to see these two start to eat 0e67 other apart. they are in that same lane. pete: the dnc is going to put the top fundraisers and toll getters on same stage two tiers. we will see elizabeth warren and berniey. you have young francis beto o'rourke and pete buttigieg do they engage. >> here is what i love about these two both flavors of the moment. they both have no accomplishments. and they're both just kind of enjoy their soaring rhetoric and so they are going to have to differentiate themselves from one another. it will be interesting to see if they engage. because although beto's star has certainly faded buttigieg has has to become careful he doesn't become the beto. buttigieg is in strange predicament, pete. he is sitting with zero percent with african-americans right now. zero percent and support quickly erodes if you are not a coastal elite liberal that makes over $150,000 a year. pete has got to solve that problem. how does he actually connect with every day americans? pete: those coastal liberal elites are my favorite. the rest of them, kamala harris, cory booker, amy klobuchar, is there someone else who has not yet really surged in the polls that you think has an opportunity in this debate? >> yeah, i do. i think the undercard people main williamson andrew yang. these are people we have heard a little bit about. marianne womenson is a motivational speaker. kamala harris is who i am watching here. she has play you had multiple plains. i'm not sure where she thinks she is going to settle. she has been the woke progressive at times and then the sensible prosecutor. so we don't know where she is going to land. and we know she has also refused to take positions. every time she is asked a difficult question, it's well that's a good question. that's a conversation we want to have. and she doesn't take positions. but, pete, you can't win a primary without taking positions and especially even joe biden felt the pressure this week to tack to the left. i don't think kamala can get by without pushing hard to the left. pete: that's a good question. we should have a conversation about that on the debate stage. good stuff. well, john thomas, thanks for your insight this morning. we appreciate it? >> thanks, pete still looking for the perfect gift for father's day. counter top beer tap he says is the best thing out there. bring it to you. ♪ ♪ jedediah: father's day is next week if you are still looking for the perfect gift like i amawi have you covered. pete: really good stuff. you have seen the wood pellet grills but they have the peck nothing that i adore and dad will, too. it's called wifier. it means this app. can control your grill and you can be inside. it will tell you what's going on with the grill. temperature is. meat ready from a thousand recipes onward it does it for you. ed: pete is covered. >> this is from best buy this allows you to have total tech support for one year manipulatmembership. doesn't matter if you bought it there or anywhere else. this is incredible deal. that is also going to be a gift to the rest of the family brilliant idea. i don't like my data on the cloud any longer. i'm weird about that. i like to keep my data safe. this is for the adventurist dad. this is hard drive from g technology that can with stand 1,000 pounds of pressure water and rain. three sizes. if you are taking pictures or videos this is outstanding. i keep all my personal stuff on that. jedediah: no icloud. >> affordable gift. this is the dvd blue ray came out of tom clancy jack ryan series one. seasonal one. pete: i didn't think i would like it but it's great. >> great affordable 21 bucks for the dvd. 28 roughly for the blue ray. ed: on amazon. get dad started with that. ed: i'm changing my mind about the grill. i have a better gift for pete. >> our producer is like have you got to see it. here it is. this is the gift for any dad who remotely likes beer. called hopsy. one of its mini taps. go ahead and pour it, ed. pull it all the way down. don't be shy. this sits on your counter top and keeps the beard cold and called hopsy. it's where you get it special offer for us. aplings and two of the kegs to get started would normally be about $139 on sale. they are doing it for "fox & friends" for $49. if you go to you will find that deal. only up for a limited time and then it goes back up high. pete: local breweries from your region. >> if you live in the middle of the country they will have your beers. have it there. ed: more "fox & friends" on the other side. at carvana, we have only one standard when it comes to the quality of our cars: the highest. it's why only 1 in 10 cars we look at qualify to sell on our site. if it's been in a reported accident, we won't sell it. and at our state-of-the-art facilities our ase certified mechanics roll up their sleeves and get to it. inspecting, dialing-in, and fine tuning every single car inside and out, bringing all of it up to our high standards. by the time we're done, our cars are beyond "certified." they're carvana certified. so whether you have it delivered or pick it up, we do it all so you can rest easy. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. ♪ it's a good day when i see it ♪ and you got something i ain't never seen before ♪ ♪ sweet dream when i dream it pete: saturday, summer, of course, that's bass pro shops. for father's day summer camp -- can't get it out of my mouth. ed: new shoes for dad. jedediah: you a saw those. ed: i have been teasing pete will shopping on instagram so much. jedediah: you got these? pete: put the shoe back up. america, email us? ed: ridiculous or fun? jedediah: women always have so much fun with the shoes. metallic shoes on. our friend jillian has fun shoes. join the fun, ed. pete: big news for our dear jedediah. over the week she admitted she ate six beef tacos. i blame you,. pete: you don't eat red meat. jedediah: in my defense grass fed. i blame the nugget. i have turned the corner. i have you drinking green juice and i'm eating beef tacos. what is going on. ed got these shoes. turning upside down here. ed: president suspect and tweeting already. attacking what he calls fake news. president trump moments ago saying this is a good deal that he forged with mexico and that basically media outlets are not telling the truth about what's in it. we're going to tell you what's actually in the deal. the president also tweeting overnight before that i am pleased to inform you that the united states of america has reached a signed agreement with mexico. the tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the u.s. on monday against mexico are here indefinitely suspended. pete: this all came out late last night. if it's the first you heard of it, you are not behind. that's why you are here. here is party of what the agreement says. again we have overview and get more details as they come in. mexicans have agreed and next change for not having 5% of their goods with tariff the national guard being deployed at their southern border and throughout the country action to dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. asylum seekers will be returned to mexico while their asylum claim is considered in the united states. at least that program will be expanded. mexico to offer asylum seekers jobs healthcare and education. within 90 days if mexico is not following through this entire agreement can be revisited. tariff as a tool as a tactic worked to bring the mexicans to the table and anyway you look at it. jedediah: people saying never been done before. afraid to take these risks. obviously have to wait and see how this plays out. not sure what they will adhere to and what they won't. keep a close eye on this. deserves praise and also all of us have to sit back for a second and self-reflejted about the fact that we are used to a certain type of politician and certain way of dealing with politics. when we sometimes see a politician who steps outside the box, we are not so ready for it. i speak for myself when i say hold on for a second, donald. this guy has been a businessman for years and not afraid to take those tactics that he successfully used in business and bring them into the political sphere and so far i have seen him have a lot of success in doing that i'm ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. ed: he has skepticism, mexico has made promises before and we need to be scentd call and make sure the devil will be in the details and how will this being implemented still a hammer at the end of this deal when you mentioned after 90 days if mexico hasn't followed through the president is going to put those tariffs probably right back on the table. steven co-pits from the policy advisory group said this is good start by the president. >> two elements that caught my eye the national guard troops being deployed. the other is the migrant protection protocol which allows the u.s.s. to actually redeport asylum seeker toes mexico. the question is how fast does it roll out and what seems to be a worsening environment. southern border materially open from families from northern triangle countries and increasingly other countries that have asylum or refugee implications. this system can't last. it's unsustainable. at some point someone is going foul the plug either the congress or the congress with the president. ed: used to have 3 or 400,000 apprehensions over the year last decade or. so his group is predicting. a lot to support their prediction. a million apprehensions at the border this year. pete: statusio unsustainable. i want a disrupter that's going to throw a wrench into the gears and see what happens. ultimately in this case a deal has been reached with mexico. the president tweeting just three minutes ago mexico will try very hard. if they do that, this will be very successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. cartel very engradged. human drug trafficking ubiquitous. how long will their national guard be deployed? how many asylum seekers will be allowed to stay in mexico while claims are adjudicated here. all important. to say have them at the table is a response to a tariff threat left and a lot of republicans went nuts about. you can't use tariffs. how about as a tactic as opposed to a policy. jedediah: question is also at this stage of the game. what people will be asking themselves is if mexico does not follow through. do we have the right guy in the white house who is going to hold their feet to the fire in the answer to that question is absolutely yes. that he is not going to stand for that so i think just knowing that knowing he wasn't afraid to put this policy in place. that he is not afraid to say hey, listen, if you don't abide by what you are saying i will hold your feet to the fire. that's what people expect and what they expected when they elected him. conventional politics is not working. noble on either side of the aisle has addressed this issue. ed: chuck schumer had immediate statement coming out okay if there is a deal. i guess we can move on from that problem. that's been solved. let's move on. which makes you scratch your head and say wait a second. this is a problem illegal immigration and the crisis at the border that's going to be around for a long time. this is just one of many steps that are needed. that suggests congress both parties, frankly, because hucks had their shot for two years in the house need to do a whole lot more. andy biggs is one of those house republicans who says the president is on the right track. watch. >> diswrats are all over him this week after he comes back from europe saying the rest of the world doesn't have respect for donald trump and the united states. go tell that to mexico go tell that though china. reacting to policies driven this. hopefully solve this border crisis through his policies of toughness. that's really what we haven't had a long time. he is keeping his promises. now up to congress to catch back up and keep our promises as well. he may be unpredictable to some. you know what? he reab a disrupter. when you keep your promises, when he says something, you may note have been expecting it but can you expect one thing. ed: this is what he prom missioned going back to 2016. jedediah: this is important. two chief issues looking at immigration and the economy. two things deeply concerned about. if he can head into 2020 and say he has fulfilled those campaign plo promises on issue. huge, huge bonus. and difficult. ed: he has not gotten the the big chunks of the wall. jedediah: made more employee gress than any president on immigration. everyone else has sat back and waited for the chaos to deepen and enrich itself. only one i have seen in recent times. pete: not for alaska trying. he has done everything at his disposal crgt resistance against him to include ramped up rhetoric from the left. nancy pelosi toying with whether you impeach or not. now saying lock him up effective li. president reacted strongly to nancy pelosi's calls. here are tweets he had yesterday on the subject. nervous nancy pelosi is a disgrace to herself and her family for having made sump a disgusting statement, lock him up, put him in prison especially since i was with foreign leaders overseas. there is no evidence for such threatening to have been said. nervous nancy and dems are getting zero work done in congress. fishing exat the dition to see if they can find anything on me. both illegal and unpress dentinged in u.s. history there was no collusion. investigate the investigators. go to work on drug price price reductions and infrastructure. jedediah: i would let her keep doing what she is doing. not getting them anywhere. name call. he should be in jail. the more time she spends talking about things like that less time she spends talking about the issues. gives him more power saying hey, listen, i'm the one that's boosted the economy and immigration and helping businesses around the country. she is talking about investigating and investigating and investigating when the investigating was already conducted and this is what was found. so let her do it. let her go on that ramp page. ed: both made the point steering the immigration agenda. sit on hands worry than hold them upped in the air. nancy pelosi a democrat said give us some power in the house and works on the economy and healthcare. infrastructure all these other big issues that they have not delivered on. sean duffy one of those house republicans who says what pelosi is triking to do is steer attention away from the fact that the left wing in her base wants impeachment and she is not on board with it. watch? >> nancy pelosi is not crazy. nancy pelosi is throwing out some harsh words about sending donald trump to prison she is trying to derail the socialists to actually impeach him. nancy pelosi understands in 2010 passed obamacare. america hated it. it rose our healthcare prices didn't do what it promised it would do and she lost the majority. she sees she is back in the majority. if they go forward with impeachment. they are going to lose the majority again. first speaker to lose the majority twice. and so she is trying to say hey, why will talk about prison. she is crafty and smart. derail. pete: hot talk but distraction actually what she doesn't want to do. jedediah: pragmatist. i can't believe the shift in the thinking. i wonder if president obama were out there talking about politics he would be sowrnsding like a moderate. it has gone so off the rails so many people considered extreme, four or five years ago, enough to it's like they are trying to -- pete: they are like good luck, buddy. jedediah: exactly. family and friends are mourning the death of west point cadet christopher morgan. 22-year-old was killed when a tactical vehicle rolled over on the way to a training exercise. 19 other cadets and two soldiers who were injured are expected to be okay. morgan described as having infectious personality that lit up the room. a member of the army wrestling team. set to graduate next year. out-of-control wildfire. powerful winds fueling fire north of phoenix. emergency crews forcing weekend campers to leave the area. several air tankers are lepg. somehow sparked by people. and the stock market soars to its best week of the year on wall street. jedediah: dow up 263 points friday. tapping a fourth straight day of gains and closing the week. the s&p gaining 30 points. the nasdaq also up. good news. and this army soldier is about to be the iraq war's first living medal of honor recipient. staff sergeant david belavier will have heir silver star upgraded this month by president trump. he nearly single handedly cleared a nest of insur jentsz in 2004 and engaging one hadged to handle combat. wrote a book about his deployment and ran for congress twice. pete: no one deserves it more than this guy. i have known about it for a couple months actually and he has been going through the process. he will receive the medal at the white house later on this month. he will be a fantastic representative of our generation. and the first living recipient of the medal of honor from the iraq war politicized for a long time and shouldn't have been. ed: close call between american warship and russian destroyer. countries blaming each other for the near collisions. pete: how should concerned should would he be about this. served in russia. not with them but for us. he joins us next. [music playing] (vo) this is jerry. jerry has a membership to this gym, but he's not using it. and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn't listen to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch. this is jerry learning that he's still paying for this stuff he's not using. he's seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. oh look, there they are. (team member) this is wells fargo. through other people's you can vacations, scroll or you can be the kind of person that books their own vacation. a booker. scootin' through life at 7 miles an hour... [awesome] you see, bookers just go for it, they book a surfside resort, order a fourth taco even though three was plenty. 'cause bookers don't make bucket lists... no booking way, they make memories. just like this guy right here. be a booker at the world's #1 choice for booking accommodations. it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed now from $899... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. only at a sleep number store, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on most beds. only for a limited time. pete: we are back with a fox news alert. near cloition navy warship witcollision with a navywarshipn destroyer. really close. you see the video and avoiding catastrophe. this just days after russian aircraft intercepted a u.s. avery accurate over the mediterranean. should would he be concerned about it. daniel, thank you for your time this morning. both countrie countries have put statements saying they were the ones that had to do urgent maneuvers to get out of the way of another that was aggressive. you see this coming from russia is this coming from the top of the russian government. >> oh, yeah, for sure this was calculation on the part of vladimir putin who wants to make military to do so. great risk to our crew and ship. there is no question based on the video it's the russian destroyer that's proceeding at high rate of speed and making an aggressive turn as you rightly point out came within 100 feet of causing a collision with our ship. pete: why are they doing this? >> well, the timing is clear. i think vladimir putin wants to demonstrate as much as he can that russia can project power in asia while president xi is attending the st. petersburg economic forum in russia. pete: is he hanging out with china's premier and he wants to turn to him and say hey, i know how to get under the americans' skin. >> right. russian and chinese have become more allied economically why way signed a contract in a russia: putin own population russia in a bit of confrontation. pete: do you expect more of this from russia? where are we headed? one of these things goes wrong and you could seed an escalation. >> it's extremely risky. there has been, as you pointed out the risk of miscalculation when russian fighters couple weeks ago. i don't expect russia negligencely to stop. i think we are clearly going to protest and make it clear we will defend ourselves. the concern is russia will force us into a position where similarly to february 2018 where the military had to defend themselves and kill a up couple hundred mercenaries. this is where we are heading if they continue to do this. high stakes game. no doubt. appreciate your expertise this morning. joe biden completely changing his stance on the hyde amendment. is biden's hard left turning only chance of winning his party's nomination? we will discuss that coming up next. ♪ teeth. complete protection from parodontax. 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. pete: time now for news by the numbers. big wall edition this morning. first 24,000. that's how many pounds of garbage nepal's government just removed from mount everest. covered in litter as it deals with overcrowding. cleaners discovered four bodies when they were doing that. next, 530 million bucks. that's the size of the mega millions jackpot and now there is a winner. we don't know who won but the winning ticket was sold? san diego. the cash option is worth 435 bucks. it's the largest jackpot since last october. and finally 10, that's how many gold karates make up the super bowl ring. it features more than 400 diamonds. the pats have won six super bowls since 2001. next year it will be the minnesota vikings. ed, over to you. ed: i think it was 345 million. i think you everywhere blown away why the bling on that wall. jedediah: thinking about the diamonds. ed: joe biden blown away by support of hyde amendment it. bans most federal funding for abortions. >> is joe biden wrong? >> yes. >> i'm appalled honestly that someone wants to be the democratic nominee in this day and age and still supporting the hyde amendment. >> former vice president joe biden says he supports the hyde amendment. >> is he absolutely wrong on that one biden now reversing himself after onslaught of that political pressure. for many years as u.s. senator i supported the hyde amendment like many others have. certain things have changed. i can't jury leaving millions of women to the care they need and exercise their constitutionally protected right. does biden's latest flip flop how far the left has some. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much for having me on. >> kristin, what's going on here with this flip flop? he supported the amendment for decades all of a sudden he doesn't support it. to me it looks like joe biden is trying to figure out who he needs to be in order to get elected and it's reading as he is not sure what he stands for. >> really disappointing to see him flip flop so quickly without giving it much thought. he bended to the pressure of the abortion lobby and gave in much too quickly. ed: cnn yesterday she did a fabulous job trying to zero in what was the moment he flip flopped. on wednesday he kept saying no, no, i'm going to hang in there on the hyde amendment and kate, the deputy campaign manager and communications director had -- it was painful to watch. take a listen. >> this is not a decision about politics. decision about healthcare. trying to cut off access predominantly impacting minorities and, and women in under served communities. ed: they had a hard time explaining. >> you can't explain it. when you look at who seeks abortion it's poor women. what the hyde amendment does is say we will pay for your abortions from a democratic perspective. democrats should be saying we will support to you raise that life to have that baby and have the option to parent. the hyde amendment says we are just going to pay your your abortion because you can't afford to parent so we will help you kill your baby. jedediah: what would you advise, is he not considering a general elections strategy. for some reason he is worried about the everyone is so far left. i don't understand it. no one is on his tail in the primary. he could win that primary and more moderate he would be a great general election candidate for democrats. >> there still is a wide open lane to get the support of the middle people who don't want abortion nine months and. -- still has voters returning to what the democrats previously said abortion should be safe, legal and rare. and even hillary clinton in 2016 says when she says rare she means rare. no one in the democratic party is talking like that anymore. we are talking about deregulating an industry and make less safe for women when you talk to democrats generally have you ever met a democrat who doesn't love regulations? why are we giving this industry a pass. pass. jedediah: does it concern you? it looks to me if i were a democrat and i had been a supporter of joe biden. i would be very concerned about his inability to come out. it seems like he has disappeared. not putting his platform out there in the same way other democrats. fit in as opposed to being someone who defend a record that does have moderate points in there that can appeal to many independent voters out there. does this worry you looking at how he has launched? are you worried about him? or do you still have confidence in him as a candidate? >> so is, i am worried about him in a sense because, you know, majority of democrats came out and supported him right away because of his moderation on a lot of issues. his moderate views. all the candidates fighting on the left. democrats are giving trump almost a free pass for the next elections. biden looks like he is the only one who can reach across to moderate and independent voters and win in 2020. so, from that aspect, it's very concerning. ed: you wonder if it's a short-term strategy that will blow up on him in the long run. kristen day, thank you. >> thank you so much. ed: pledging 500 of his own money to take down coal. this morning the coal industry is firing back. jedediah: uh-oh. bass pro shops everything you need for father's day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ed: the skyline here in new york city. i'm old enough to remember when michael bloomberg was the mayor and old enough remember to remember when he was a republican. he wanted to be a one-man wrecking machine of the gun industry. now, because of climbed change, is he taking aim at the coal industry. and put out this statement. we are in a race against time of climate change there is virtually no hope of bold federal action on this issue for at least another two years. mother nature is not waiting on our political calendar and neither can we. he is now pledging 500 million bucks of his own money to take out the coal industry? jedediah: you heard that right $500 million of his own money. and chris hamilton, senior v.p. of the west virginia coal association has called out bloomberg's war on coal. >> we are disappointed he would selected to come after our coal miners and coal miners families in a place like west virginia that rely so heavily on coal fired electric generation and coal mining and saul the support jobs that really drives our economy here. we are not alone. there is 14 or 15 states like the state of west virginia where coal and coal mining and coal fired electrical generation played just an enormous role within our local and statewide economies. ed: remember that moment in 2016 when hillary clinton flat out said she is going to wipe out those jobs wait what did you just say? pete: bloomberg lives in that same bubble where they think jobs come out of nowhere and energy comes from somewhere else all subsidized from the government all renewable and solar panels. these in the coal industry work hard get their hands dirty so we can enjoy all the amenities. i will cut a check for 5 million. maybe run in 2024? jedediah: anybody for bill de blasio? is that a smart move by bloomberg to make that comment? and how does it feel around the country for those of you around the country in coal country when you hear stuff like that. seem like out of touch elitist? jedediah: we have some headlines for you now. a demoted doj official tied to the discredited trump dossier was paid $28,000 performance bonus in 2016. the justice department awarding bruce ohr just months before he was demoted for holding secret meetings christopher steele. he received $2,600 raise after demotion. still active employee at the doj. and the search for a missing connecticut mom turns to homes owned by her estranged husband. jennifer hasn't been seen in over two weeks. her husband and his girlfriend from been charged with tampering with evidence and hindering prosecutors. police have search warrants for several properties owned by the husband's home building company. jury awards $11 million to ohio bakery legal battle on where lynn college. sued the school following robbery by three black students. protests broke out at on berlin encouraging boycotts at gibson's bakery after students claimed they were racially profiled. they eventually came clean pleading to attempted theft. the bakery's award could triple next week in a separate hearing. and a first grade teacher goes above and beyond to make sure a student is rewarded for losing a tooth that was then thrown away by accident. the caring teacher writing a letter to the tooth fairy saying quote i can confirm with full confidence and authority that lilly lost her tooth at school today. the girl hung the note by her bed and woke up to a cash prize. not bad. i like a cash prize from the tooth fairy, i used to by the way. rick, what about you? did you ever get a cash prize from the tooth fair. >> >> maybe a quarter. never anything huge. i would prefer to keep my teeth at this point. let's talk a little bit of weather out there. nice start to the day a across much of the northeast. have a nice start enjoy it. not going to stick around. temperaturewise, things looking pretty good. so hot across the southeast. still hot across of a lot of florida. has cooled down but still humid. i want to show you this is a drought monitor. this is where we have been experiencing a lot of drought across the southeast. been so hot and dry. where you see that in the southeast is probably going to be wiped out from all this moisture we have had last week. more moisture coming this week. pretty heavy rain across north florida right now and over the next few days we will see some spots another 3 to 6 inches of rain unfortunately that's probably too much rain going to cause flooding as well. all right, guys. pete: folks didn't see this but you maneuvered nicely on the dock to get over here. >> how many times can you say maneuvered nicely. pete: this father's day put down phone and spend quality time fishing with dad. ed: bass pro shops and cabela's has everything you need. our friend is back. >> good morning, good to be back. >> what do we need to know. >> gone fishing event is really about celebrating fishing. encouraging people to get out there. as we like to say back home. >> put the machine down no, iphone great outdoors. >> we are encouraging them to do that. pete: the kids can actually -- anyone can actually fish at your stores? >> that's right. during the event this weekend and next weekend. if you come to one of our stores. you can catch a real fish in one of our stores, isn't that pretty cool? ed: good way to learn. rick: you are teaching kids to fish or parents-to-to fish. >> they are willing to share that knowledge with you and help you learn. funnel for the whole family. seminars and free crafts for the kids. rick rubbing you donate rods and reels. you want a new rod and reel bring your old one and donate it? >> something we are really proud about. 55,000 rods and reels are being donated to you youth organizations across the country. johnny morris willing to donate 55,000 rods and reels so kids can get out there and experience love of fishing like he did with his mom and dad. jedediah: do you know what i want to experience this boat. >> this is our best selling upon to an party barge dlx. can you imagine spending some days out on the water. >> something tracker does that most brands don't do. look at the storage on this thing. storage absolutely everywhere. the back of these seats pop up. store more storage. >> can you fit beer. >> you can store anything. >> have you counted? >> other thing is warrantee on it. best in the industry. 10 plus life warranties. bumper to bumper 10 years all the floor and the welds are lifetime warranty. that's pretty cool. great time to buy right now. if you buy right now get $1,000 bass pro or cabela's. think what you put k. put. pete: four couches on this. jedediah: quite a party. >> 11 people it will hold. pete: favorite thing about cartoons is swimming underneath them. maybe not advisable not while they are driving but while they are parked. teach them to go fishing at bass pro shops. rick: how many stores are there now? >> there is a lot. i can't keep up with it anymore. >> alex, thank you so much. >> thank you guys. appreciate it. pete: not bad. jedediah: luggage flying. airport worker caught on camera throwing suitcases from plane onto the tarmac. ♪ ♪ (male announcer) check out bass pro shops and cabela's for huge savings on great gifts during our father's day sale! like your choice of a cabela's multi-tool or small folding knife-- two for $10. and save $200 on a traeger lil' tex elite pellet grill. plus get a free cover. ♪ applebee's new loaded chicken fajitas. now only $10.99. who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go. who's already won three cars, two motorcycles, a boat, and an r.v. i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron. pete: weak backpete welcome bac. software fix in 2017 didn't plans to repair it until 2020. the issue wasn't reported to the faa until 2018 after one of two fatal crashes overseas. boeing insists internal safety reviews found the defect did not affect jet operations. we shall see. and caught on camera. alaska airlines worker carelessly throwing luggage from a plane. not good. can you see bags bouncing off the a cart and flying. the tells fox news they will no longer employ the contract worker. that will get you fired. ed: president trump suspending the threat of tariffs to take stronger measures on the border. how will this deal be implemented to actually stop out flood of illegal immigrants? here to discuss retired ice director and fox news contributor tom homan. good morning, tom. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> let's get your initial thoughts and reaction. what do you think is good about this deal? >> everything. i mean, the three things we have been talking about on fox for the last few months are a part of this plan, right? i have been saying that we need to attack the criminal cartels operating with impunity in mexico. ones operating this entire surge. that is front and center on this plan. the government of mexico is committed to deploying national guard not only to the southern border but in the interior. work with law enforcement to target, dismantle, and disrupt the infrastructure. financial infrastructure of these criminal cartels. and also part of the plan is to expand migrant protection protocol. more people claim asylum in mexico. slow rolling program now committed to going the entire southwest border. they have also committed. ed: i hear you and i don't mean to interrupt. and i will let you make the point of the other thing you think is great. but we have got to add some skepticism this morning. you and others lid the charge we can't partner. this time hit the hammer the president threatening big tariffs economy. didn't just say uncle. we don't want the tariffs. we will do whatever you say but they might not follow up. >> look. there no guarantee. you are right. i have been saying actions speak louder than words. they have done -- they completed dog and pony shows in the past 30 days. actions speak louder than words. i get it. this president is able to obtain an agreement in mexico that alluded the president the last 50 years. has an agreement. committed to it. see if it works. again, i won't be convinced until it actually happens. this president has already done more concerning all the. regardless of all this resistance. has already done more than any other president i have ever worked for. this is the first steps. make sure it's implemented in a correct way. ed: no doubt. quick question on something else. the administration is planning to send thousands of unaccompanied migrant children. heard about this issue at the border. send these kids to military bases in texas. good idea? >> yes. because the children cannot be cared well and border patrol facility. i mean, you know, the trafficking victim protection act requires by statute that child can only be in border patrol custody 72 hours or less and they are violating that every day because h.h.s. does not have the beds and can't get them out quick enough. these facilities being built number one they live within the statute of the law. number two the children will be taken care of better in a facility that's prepared for them that will have the medical resources there. that will have child psychologists and start working with these children to get them place you had quick tore a parent or sponsor in the country. ed: we have had democrats time and again speak out about kids humane conditions. see if they follow up with the money that's needed from congress to do the job right. tom homan, you have been leading the charge appreciate you coming. >> in appreciate you having me. ed: meanwhile college students admitting they have more faith in communist china than america? really? cabot phillips talked to these kids. he joins us live with the shocking stories next. >> chinese government. >> probably the chinese government. i know trump he definitely has reputation for dishonesty so i wouldn't trust him. f the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions. the workplace should be a source of financial security. keeping your people happy is what keeps your people. that's financial wellness. put your employees on a path to financial wellness with prudential. (kickstart my heart by motley crue)) (truck honks) (wheels screeching) (clapping) (sound of can hitting bag and bowl) (clapping) always there in crunch time. jedediah: who do you trust more the u.s. or china. campus reform asked college students that question and here's what they said. >> who would you be more inclined to trust? the trump administration or the chinese government? >> chinese government. >> probably the chinese government. >> i know enough about trump that he definitely has a reputation for dishonesty so i wouldn't trust him. >> i guess i would chinese. jedediah: cabot with campus reform is here. this is disturbing to say the least. this is the university of maryland. confuse shuconfucius institute. >> there are 100 confucius institute on college campuses buildings built as cultural centers funded by the chinese communist party to spread the chinese culture. now, our national intelligence community as well as the trump administration have come out and warned of the national security dangers of these centers on campus because they spread misinformation on behalf of the chinese government as well as potentially gathering information for the chinese. so many of these centers have been shut down as part of a bipartisan push. the chinese government is coming out and saying wait a second, trust us, guys it's not propaganda. i supposed that question to the students in this case do you trust the chinese government to be honest here or trust president trump the administration, our intelligence community. student after student siding with the chinese. i think this is essentially what happens when you convince people that they have to oppose president trump no matter what. no matter how extreme it is and almost becomes a competition. nothing wrong with opposing other candidates, preferring other candidates over president trump comes at the compensation of trusting the communist regime that's a problem. watch students human rights violations committed by out chinese. >> the chinese government currently has about 2 million people in prison camps. so how can you trust the chinese government given the fact they do that to their own people. >> i didn't say i would trust them. >> that's a tough question. i wouldn't even know how to answer it? >> i'm not sure. >> i think culture exchange is always positive and being afraid of chinese propaganda sounds like absolute bull -- that's racism. >> such propaganda to spread to the campus. >> you know, do you a lot of these segments, you have a lot of interactions like this with students. was any of this surprising to you that you saw in this particular? this is a little bit out there even for a campus talking about the chinese government bizarre to watch. >> leadership institute campus reform. i have seen this mind set develop people don't have a context of history. just had the 30 year anniversary of te tiananmen square where not hundreds of thousands of innocent were slaughtered. what is going on today's leads people to make assumptions where everywhere else must be better. people don't understand how special it is the freedom we have here because they are unaware how it is everywhere else. that's where mind set stems from and so important for us to focus on my generation and the next generations in the future to educate them on how good we have it here. jedediah: i sure hope parents, grandparents whoever it is out there helping to pay for college is paying attention what's going on on campuses outrageous stuff. thanks for sharing. i appreciate it? >> appreciate it. jedediah: still ahead jason chaffetz and donna brazile both join us live coming up. ♪ that i won the "best of" i casweepstakes it. and i get to be in this geico commercial? let's do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. slather it all over, don't hold back. well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california! and there's a very strange badger staring at me... no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. uh-huh, where's the camel? "mr. big shot's" got his own trailer. ♪ wheeeeeee! believe it! geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at" who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at wgreat tasting, heart-healthys the california walnuts.ever? so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ ♪ ♪ hey y'all? ed: getting ready for father's day with bass pro shops and cabela's. jedediah: amazing setup. i said to them outside it always looks like amusement park when you come. pete: see headquarters in missouri where johnny morris is from it's unbelievable. what they have done for the outdoors for conservation make it cool for the kids to get off the phone and get outside and pick up a rod and reel. been a while since all of us have picked up a rod and reel. jedediah: i have never been fishing. no, little fish, bye. guy and say hello in the water. pete: catch and release. or catch and eat. jedediah: you know what we did last hour. we asked viewers is a very important question which was to weigh in on ed's shoes. he has some fancy shoes. ed: i got them on instagram. jedediah: something pete loves to do. ed: i have never been a shoe model. jedediah: email from collette who says usually it's pete's socks but today's it's ed's sharp shoes. he stepped it up. pete. pete: both classy and fun. a combination that's hard to find in men's shoes. ed: ed is one of the sharpest dressers on tv nice for you. guess a pass for the horrible shoes. there was a compliment and then there was a punch. pete: sometimes you go too fashionable. i think they are nice. jedediah: i like them and fancy them might get myself in a smaller size. we do match. someone didn't get the memo i won't say who. ed: happy birthday a couple days late. it drives him crazy and i like when that happens. ed: pete is pretty happy. about a deal that broke overnight. remember democrats maxine waters out there a couple days ago predicting doom, of course, we have heard that before. she actually called the president a dictator and said dictator trump is going to cave in to mexico as if she was rooting for mexico in these talks and not america. which is shocking. here you have the u.s. and mexico trying to work out a deal with the threat of tariffs on the table. the. pete: deal was struck last night announced. here was the president an hour ago tweeting this morning. mexico will try very hard. if they do that it will be very successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. jedediah: let's take a look at agreement. national guard. dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. asylum seekers returned to mexico. important key tonight to note. mexico to offer asylum seekers jobs, healthcare and education. perhaps more importantly further action will be taken if no results occur in 90 days. so now. ed: air force come back. jedediah: exactly. he is saying listen, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. i'm glad we are going to make a deal and putting it out there. if you don't stand firm on these things we have agreed to, in 90 days i could be back in the swing of things with these tariffs. i'm not going to take no for an answer when it comes to mutually addressing this crisis. ed: good news for america. democrats must be happy for this morning. pete: are they? here is immediate reaction from democrats senator chuck schumer, now that the problem is solved i'm sure we won't be hearing any more about it any more in the future he says sasses cass stickily. and beto o'rourke saying what we see yet another example of him trying to be the both the arsonist who created the problem and in the first place and then addressing it. the gnashing of teeth, can't do these tariffs it's going to destroy our economy. yet, if you elected a disrupter to do it differently, in this deal, have you got exactly what you asked for. he said -- china -- comiewcially china, this time mexico. not on a level playing field. it's about time you enforce what happens on your sovereign borders it's affecting us and we commands demand you do certain things or we tax you. we are getting things we finally need. ed: on the other hand, the president himself is going back to the campaign that you can't trust mexico. essentially he says they have been ripping us off for years. maybe is he going to change that on the other hand, he himself has raised skepticism about whether mexico will actually follow through on their promises. jedediah: the problem is he can't win. this is what people hate about politics. you have your corner, you have your team. you rally for your guy and rally against the other guy. this is a time on their, this humanitarian crisis, everyone should be routeing for the president succeed on this deal. if there are signs that he is moving forward and having some successes, you should be on his side. democrats, it's not a good look for you on this issue particularly because you have been obstructionist on this issue. and have you done absolutely nothing to address it. it is not a good luck for you to be critical of the president when he has actually made headway here. we spoke to tom homan about this issue and he has praised trump for make a deal he had more to say. take a listen, this president is able to obtain an agreement with mexico that alluded every other president the last 50 years. he actually has an agreement. they admitted to it. we will see it f. it works. again, i won't be convinced until it actually happens. this president has already done more considering all the resistance he takes from the democratic party. some in his own party didn't agree with the tariff threat and the court, regardless of all this resistance. he has already done more than any other president i have ever worked for. got an agreement no one. first great step and make sure it's implemented in the correct way. pete: i'm done believing republicans and democrats are going to be on the same team pertains to president trump. we should all be on team america. when you hear leaders like that basically cheering for mexico to get one over on this president it's frustrating. you just did a great interview with was dot phillips student on campuses thinking china has a better approach. china is funding institutes inside our colleges over 100 of them in america today that teach about the virtues of communist china. how many american institutes do we have in china that are funded by american businesses talking about freedom? how about zero? pete: there are so many times where we allow in take from america and we don't demand the same treatment somewhere else. and that's the way trump sees the world, hey, mexico. you have a problem. time to address it, because it's hurting us. that does not mean you are anti-mexican. pro-american citizen and pro-sovereignty. ed: something caught our eye in georgia. a professor down there who is a chinese legal immigrant. he came here the right way. he went through the procedure and went through the processes zuh a professor who decided to speak out about immigration. is sounds like he agrees with the president and that, of course, set off liberal alarm bells down at this college he says among other things if you are going to award illegal immigrants there will be more illegal immigrants. to make convincing argument, please present evidence. i'm against political correctness. i speak truth to power in class and my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants. imagine that a professor saying i want to present facts and something called truth. people freaking out. pete: they're freaking out. jedediah: it's amazing how much the freakout is. you have 99%. when you go on college campus most liberal talking points. that's the norm there one person come out and say something different speaking from own personal experience. listen this is how i feel. mass hysteria that happens because one person or two people or handful of people went against the trend and went against the mob thinking that happens on some college campuses. stunning to watch. they can't handle. it's amazing on a college campus there is such an intolerance for dissent. it's amazing. pete: absolutely. the politicians chime in representative also speaking to the atlanta journal constitution i have concerns about him teaching those things in a classroom. very deep insight there. we have reached out to georgia gwinnett college for a statement. he said i do not do political correctness. common sense if you let illegal immigration happen, you are going to get more of it. and he speaks at his class and dared his students online fine email the college, call the college, whatever you want this is academic freedom. i should have the right. to say he has been an open trump supporter on a lovitt a lf policies. jedediah: probably facing a nightmare on that campus. let us know what you think about it. eflail jenny. i'm so glad legal immigrant also a professor has the guts to speak the truth about the harm illegal immigration begins to the united states. ed: as a professor for many years i made life-long policy to keep politics out of the classroom completely. to professor zhu you have good points but you can send the message without politics. somebody trying it to be consistent when the left brings in politics maybe somebody should the right shouldn't do it. i think college campuses should be, places have free speech and dissent and various points of view and too often it's just one side. nice to see a professor saying let me tell you about my experience. you might not like it but let's hear other voices. pete: he does have the other voices. he presents the other side. my favorite professor in professor robert george open pro-life conservative. people loved his class because they hear things you never hear when he talks about the constitution, the declaration and the bill of rights. but he also presents both sides. here's where i'm coming from. this is my side. these are the best arguments of the left as well. now let's have a debate. that's what academia is supposed to look like. jedediah: someone else weighing in on things and weighing in on the economy and i love him kevin owe leary from shark tank. i don't know if you are shark tank fans i absolutely love it and get jealous every time i watch it. why didn't i come up with that invention. this is a very successful businessman and investor. has he a little bit of a reality check for bernie sanders when it comes to a $15 minimum wage. listen. >> my question is this whole metric of having impose minimum wages at all. the problem is it takes a state like new york boast $15. makes it uncompetitive. amazon decided not to come here. wave a magic wand. do you think the market is better way to determine minimum wage. let the market be the market and let people compete. >> of course --- jedediah: let the market decide. pete: do you know what the real minimum wage is when you set it to 15. zero dollars. those are the people that lose their job. have to cut costs somewhere. oftentimes come the thing that cost the most which is people. raise minimum wage artificially inside a market that can't sustain it you lose jobs or they lee the state. jed jedz i love that show because they have expertise and they know the impact of policies on their businesses on the businesses they invest in, on the workers that they want to keep their jobs to be working hard to make money for them and for themselves. this is important. pete: i have an idea, maybe somebody who was a reality star in a bit business show run for president. jedediah: what a concept and maybe even win. dramatic video showing the moment u.s. and russian warships nearly collide. chancellorville was mediterranean sea when a russian ship sped up from behind getting as close as 50 feet. daniel hoffman joined us earlier calling it a political move. >> i think vladimir putin wants to demonstrate as much as he can that russia can front project while president xi is attending the petersburg economic forum in russia. i think putin wants to show the chinese he is operate in asia and also wants to show them he can be a counter balance to the united states. jedediah: near miss comes just days after a russian jet buzzed the u.s. plane over the mediterranean. two state lawmakers found dead of gunshot wounds just two days apart. former oklahoma state senator jonathan nichols was discovered wednesday. two days earlier former arkansas state senator was found dead outside a home on tuesday. her death is being investigated as a homicide. and shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say he spoke with an undercover agent over several months praising isis, usama bin laden, and the 9/11 terror attacks. the 22-year-old from new york is accused of buying two illegal gun us with serial numbers scratched off. he is being held behind bars without bail. and president trump standing out from the crowd signing the d-day common rance. at the top other 15 world leaders signed their names at the bottom last week in the u.k. proclaim that nation commemorates and honors d-day. >> he had to stand out. shocking. that is down right trumpian. ed: some democrats in congress actually want a pay raise. pete: they do. do they really deserve it. former congressman jason chaffetz is blasting the idea as horrendous o optics or is it just a horrendous idea as well? he's on deck ♪ ♪ what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ i got it! what? what? l.a. bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. ridin' scooter! l.a. baby! l.a. baby! be a booker you're welcome. at pete: welcome back. house democrats pushing for a pay raise for members of congress. moving to hike pay by 4500 bucks as they prepare to consider a $1 trillion spending package next week. congressional salaries are currently frozen at $174,000 which is nearly triple america's median household income. do they really deserve such an increase? here to weigh in is fox news contributor former chairman of the house oversight committee and author of the deep state jason chaffetz. i can hear the violins playing now jason, everyone feels so bad for members of congress and paltry salaries. why would democrats be pushing this right now. >> the democrats have always supported it. you are right. not only are the optics really bad. it's a really stupid idea. when you are $22 trillion in debt, you have done nothing this year. have you done nothing to tackle some of the biggest issues like illegal immigration, how in the world is $174,000 not enough? oh we deserve a pay raise. come on, give me a break. this is what nancy pelosi wants to do. pete: it's a terrible idea. you haven't gotten anything done since have you had control but you're going to give yourself a pay raise. i have heard reports too that behind closed doors republicans may be open to this as well even though they are denying that publicly. what do you know about that? >> well, yeah, sure. i mean, look, you have got to be careful. there is a balance here. it shouldn't be just a game for rich people. i have previously supported housing allowance, that sort of a thing. it's expensive to have a home in your district and then try to also go to one of the most expensive cities in the country washington, d.c. but the idea of a pay raise? come on, behind the scenes i'm sure everyone wants to make more money. pete: don't worry. >> there is no justification. pete: don't worry most of them when they leave congress will make gobs of cash through the connections that they have that regular americans don't. i want to get to a second topic because that one is so absurd about an op-ed you wrote you wrote congress doubles down on incen incentivizing illegal immigration. interesting details about changes house democrats want to make to immigration law. bring it to us, please. >> two thoughts. number one is the democrats last week, very quietly, put in the appropriations bill that's about to be voted on. that if you are pregnant, if you are mentally disabled, if you are gay, lesbian, transgender or bi sexual that you would be disqualified for removal by the united states. if you come to the united states and say i'm a lesbian, then they could not not deport you. that's what the democrats put into the bill. it needs to be highlighted. incentivizing people to come. how in the world would you even check that? pete: right now children many trafficked by people who are not their parents. what would prevent someone from claiming to be gay or lesbian, how do you affirm that and deal with that protected status? i'm telling you it's highlighted in there in the bill and we better be worried about it. i'm sick and tired of watching republican leadership stand up before the nation and complain about tariffs instead of supporting the president when see have 11507 minors trying to cross the border last month. where is the outrage. the president did the right thing. pete: get out of think tanks and get newt world world. jason chaforts appreciate your time. >> thanks, pete. pete: 30 years ago tragedy struck in columbine. officials are considering demolishing the school all together. a column combine student to lost his sister speaks out next. give it to dad for father's day. i've done all sorts of research, read earnings reports, looked at chart patterns. i've even built my own historic trading model. and you're still not sure if you want to make the trade? exactly. sounds like a case of analysis paralysis. is there a cure? td ameritrade's trade desk. they can help gut check your strategies and answer all your toughest questions. sounds perfect. see, your stress level was here and i got you down to here, i've done my job. call for a strategy gut check with td ameritrade. ♪ thanks to priceline working with top airlines to turn their unsold seats into amazing deals, family reunion attendance is up. we're all related! yeah, i see it. and because priceline offers great deals by comparing thousands of prices in real time, sports fans are seeing more away games. various: yeah-h-h! oh, y... sports fans are seeing more away games. ahh! not at all. no, ma'am. nope. and more people than ever are enjoying romantic getaways. 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. ed: quick headlines, texas cracking down on local government doing business with abortion providers. governor greg abbott signing a bill into law that prevents cities and counties from giving such facilities tax or leasing breaks. there is currently a planned parenthood in austin that pays just $1 per year for rent. the republican governor trying to stop it. and some companies are being pushed to support abortion. wendy's taking a different path. fast food chain unveiling cause cups raising money for the pro-adoption charity created by wendy's founder dave thomas. you will remember thomas was adopted. he worked with president george w.w. bush as a national adoption advocate. jed? jedediah: thanks, ed. turning to a controversy push in colorado. some want to demolish columbine high school 20 years after 12 opportunities and one teacher were killed. a superintendent writing ago letter to parents saying quote, the tragedy at columbine high school in 1999 served as a point of origin for this contagion of school shootings. school shooters refer to and studied the school shooting as a source of inspiration and motivation. will tearing down the school stop would be shooters is the question? >> person killed in the attack. two of his friends are killed right next to him. stowed craig helps to mentor students-craig, thanks for being here. so sorry for the loss of your sister on that tragic day, horrific for some. your story is so compelling of what you experienced. i think it's important as a context for how you may feel about this school being torn down. what happened to you in that library? you played dead. i do have that right? >> that's right. as the sheet ares came int shooo the library taunting students before they shot or killed them, i decided to -- i actually felt a voice within, i felt god telling me to be still. i became very quiet and still. my two friends were very scared. started to freak out. when they came over to where i was, they saw my friend isaiah, one of the very few african-american students at my school and so one of them called the other one over and said hey we have an n word over here and started to make racial slurs at isaiah. they drug him out from underneath the table. the last thing that he said is i want to see my mom and they shot and killed my friend isaiah and matt and left the library shortly after leaving 10 students dead or dying and over 12 wounded. and i felt god telling me to get out of there. the first person to get up and yell at everyone let's get out of here. we escaped and then later learned that that my sister rachel was the first one killed right outside the school library. jedediah: i truly can't even begin to imagine what you were going through. what was going through your mind that day. i think you are a perfect example of someone who could speak to this issue. perhaps no one suffered a greater tragedy than you that day in the sense that you lost somebody that you loved dearly and came close to losing your own life, when you hear these plans from the county to potentially tear down columbine and the school. this may serve as motivation to future shooters being held up and glorified by people who want to destroy others and who want to destroy property and want to cause harm, what is your message to those people who want to destroy the school? >> >> i can see where the school district is coming from i think it's been a safety concern they have had since day one. big part of it is also because of school repairs. and i think that's maybe even a bigger issue. i think that the school for me and for a lot of my alumni is a very special place. it's a place that has a lot of meaning. but then there is current students there that are going there now that they don't want to have to deal with strangers coming on to their campus that are curious. i think most people who visit columbine which i have met a lot of them over the years do it out of respect and honor. but there are crazy people out there that get attracted to sites like this. and it's still a running school. and so i understand both sides of the situation. but i think that they have been able to handle any kind of weird people that come onto the campus. i personally hope that the school isn't torn down but i also -- i believe more importantly than what it is for me and my family and my fellow alumni, it's an active learning building for current students and staff. so if it is a building that is in need of repairs and really needs this to happen, then on that side i'm for it. but it's also a nice school. i have been to thousands of schools across the country for my job for speaking to students to me it seems like a nice school. i'm kind of conflicted. jedediah: craig, your opinion is super important to so many people out there who didn't experience this themselves. great strength and character for coming out and speaking about it the way that you have considering the tragedy have you suffered. thank you for sharing insight into your story. people know and read about columbine but don't get to talk to people who actually lived through that day. thank you so much for your input. i know people in the community will value it as well. thank you. well, joe biden completely flips on his stance on the hyde amendment. will the 2020 candidates have any stance left when we come to the primary. that's the question ♪ ♪ you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. >> i make no apology last position and make no apology for what i'm about to say. i can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. i believe healthcare is a right as i do, can i no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's zip code. [cheers] ed: at issue is the hyde amendment which banned funding. going back to the mid 1970s being in favor on restrictions on federal funding from the mid 70's all the way up until actually wednesday of this week when he was still for the amendment. jedediah: decades and decades of support. the question is why did he flip flop? was this pressure from alyssa milano? there are reports alyssa milano kind of lob idea and said to him and his people listen, this is not going to look good. ed: where have we gone where alyssa milano. >milano. jedediah: is actress and influencer and plays a strong inner. she was at the kavanaugh. i think she does speak largely to the community. to the left wing community and they respect her. and the question is like why did he do this? and is this going to play well for him? should he have stuck with a mored who democrat approach going into 2020 no more moderate democrat on the stage and maybe he could have stood out. pete: ready to stare down world leaders when you can't stare down alyssa milano on an issue you just not voted for over the years publicly and actively defended as a catholic. it violates your catholic faith two days ago that was still the case as you pointed out, ed, no longer in the "wall street journal" op-ed biden flips over abortion funding. by the end of the primaries what will be left of his moderation. goes on to argue mr. biden's about face on abortion may be a watershed 2020 moment it. underscores how far left the democrat party's activist base has moved. this may play well with the party's comrade cortez wing. we wonder how much of mr. biden's vaunted moderation will remain by the end of the primary. steve: congresswoman not comrade. pete: i editorialize. we had our friend robert wolf on. democratic strategist. fox news contributor. i respect his opinion that the party is not moving far to the left. have robert and other democrats got done are that brazil coming on later in the show today. a former vice president, a man withstanding is not standing up to alyssa milano? jedediah: i think it speaks less to far left and more to joe biden's confusion. i have think he has completely lost this elections cycle. is he not ready for this. this is not his moment. is he confused. what do i need to be to get elected and what do i need to say? stumbling behind the scenes. went into hiding to let everybody else make their mistakes so he could figure out where he needed to be. the question is on the debate stage what will that look like when everyone else is where they stand? audience what a primary election audience and then a general election audience which may have very different ones and very different needs is going to expect a desire in. pete: this is naral, planned parenthood, the pro-abortion lobby is more powerful than any lobby on the left. you don't cross them and win the primary. we will not support a nominee that supports the hyde amendment. advisors caught off guard by that one of the first issues actually been asked pointed targeted questions on and he didn't do well from his first showdown. ed: mollie hemingway on fox the door. they are coming for more, about mr. biden, watch. >> when you respond to a mob in your own party this way so quickly succumbing to their pressure it's a sign that they can probably exact other don concessions in the future. the democratic party used to be a place where pro-life people could vote in good conscience. a lot of people forced out of the democratic party by its increasing extremism. this had benefited the republican party quite a bit in 2016 that lot of people who might not have thought that donald trump was the most ideal candidate they looked and looked at some of these issues such as protection of life in the womb and they saw that they needed to vote for him over an already pretty radical hillary clinton. this will be an issue that comes into play again in 2020. jedediah: i'm really curious as to where moderate democratic voters. forget about the politicians. i'm talking about the voters where are they going to go? will they vote for president trump rather than voting for a radical leftist o. stay home and not vote for anyone? why will turn to headlines now. a community is mourning after a police officer is hit and killed by teenage driver. officer a.j.castinata stabbing outside of his vehicle when a dallas texas suburb when a teen lost control running the officer off the road. >> our city is hurting. and our profession is hurting at the loss of this model police officer who gave his life serving his k3450u7b9. dozens of officers escorting his body from the hospital to the medical examiner's office. the coast guard veteran spent five years on the police force. he leaves behind two children. 4,000 migrant children may soon call a texas apartment complex and two military bases home. the emergency housing put together by the government is meant to make sure unaccompanied minors don't get put into crowded jails. that's according to the "the washington post." the final plan hasn't been released. but the air force base in montana fort sill in oklahoma and fort benning in georgia are all reportedly being considered. a federal judge ruling the fbi must release redacted sections of former director james comey's memos. the judge previously riewltsdz to keep them redacted until special counsel mueller's probe completed. own notes that he made after conversations with president trump, including one about former national security advisor mike flynn. and the los angeles memorial coliseum is getting a new name. and it's a real doocy. you might remember many felt a corporate title would disrespect the stadium's history. as a monument to american troops. well, united airlines paying millions of dollars to put its name on the facility. so what did they settle on? it's a mouthful the united airlines field at the los angeles memorial coliseum. quite a mouthful indeed. we're going to head over to rick, pete, and ed. they are over at bass pro having way too much fun. rick: thank you so much. jed. celebrating dads and their kids this weekend. and next weekend with their gone fishing event. ed: and a big sale, too. rick: back with the hottest deals. we love when you are here amazing. >> cool stuff to think about. bass pro and cabela's father's day headquarters. what better thing to get a dad than brand new cooler. they have quite the resume. just last month. rick: not the kind of coolers i have have in my garage. >> the best row toe cooler. field and stream called it the best of the test. rick: do you know how many cans they actually snold. >> they will hold enough. rick: this will keep something cold two weeks. >> up to 4 days. all the stuff they have built. in bottle openers built into the latches. ed: that's brilliant. >> nighttime glow and dark stitching built in see the handles. pressure valve release pressure and open it up in case it gets too high. absolutely incredible. rick: these are pellet grills? >> check out sliders. cabela's pellet grills. very efficient. burn clean. and these cabela's grill see the level without having to open up the lid. move your stuff off of here. big viewing window in here see what's going on without opening it up and letting the heat out. go ahead and open it up and look at it. >> did i hear have you 11 different flavors of pellet. >> apple, pecan, hickory. every day low price of 149 other brands are $20. >> can you buy gift cards online. >> can you. for dad if you don't know what to get him get him a gift card. rated number one never expire. use them at our stores, online anywhere. rick: how are the burgers? [cheers] jedediah: thanks so much for being here. it smells amazing. ed: the president striking a deal with mexico crack down on illegal immigration. we are breaking down out art of the deal next. ♪ ♪ (male announcer) check out bass pro shops and cabela's for huge savings on great gifts during our father's day sale! like bass pro flag ts and logo caps for only $5 each. and save 35% on redhead copper creek cargo shorts. don't just dream book your next vacation.. ♪ be a booker at if ywhen you brush or floss, you don't have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. complete protection from parodontax. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a-- ♪ drifter i was ♪born to walk alone! you're a drifter? i thought you were kevin's dad. little bit of both. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. ed: president trump suspending his threat of tariffs against mexico in reaching a deal with them to crack down on the crisis at our southern border. so, is this the art of the deal at its finest and how will this impact american businesses? let's talk to one of those businessmen stu ceo of a supermarket chain in the northeast stew. we heard critics saying the president is going to screw this up. bad idea. going to hurt american consumers, in the end it looks like it might be a good deal. >> we are up here in the northeast, you know, around connecticut and new york. we don't realize the number of people that i guess are coming across the border. but,. ed: not just in texas and arizona? >> no. we talk to our formers and ranchers down there. they just say it's like a big influx that affects them big time down there. i can see why trump wanted to impose something to help ease that flow right there. but, it would impact us. we are a family business. and we sell these things right here. we sell a ton of avocados. we sell like. ed: we have got them here on set. >> we have them. and make guacamole. ed: you sell tequilas. >> this is george clooney's comes up from mexico. it was written up in the "wall street journal." ed: the president is saying the tariffs are still alive 90 days from now if mexico doesn't follow through. what impact would there be on products? >> right now the premium growing season in mexico is from really ends in april. so it's from november to april. so we're pretty much done with a lot of vegetables that we buy from mexico. it's actually a good time if you are going to impose tariffs. ed: to have a fight. >> from our standpoint. if they went up 5% we would eat that. the customer would never notice it. if it went to 10% we would have to think about it. if it went up higher we would have to pass that along to the customer. ed: in the short-term of the president is saying he is avoiding all of that could go up as high as 25%. another good part of this deal mexico has agreed he says to immediately begin buying large quantities of agricultural products from our great patriot farmers. going back to the china tariffs hurt american farmers. what do you say as an american grocer about this deal the president struck helping farmers. >> we buy a lot of local produce fruits and vegetables. a lot of that good time to happen because we are going to be buying local this morning i was talking to huey up in maine we buy all our lobsters from him. he was selling a million pounds a year to china. now there is 32% tariff on his lobsters. he said that business has just disappeared. it all shifted up to canada. ed: that's impacting him big time. >> it's just about killed this small business of his. he is holding on for dear life because of the tariffs. ed: something the president wants to hear a lotfarmers wondt that. stew leonard thanks core following. >> we are having a tariff party monday at leonard's. guacamole and margaritas. ed: stew leonard, thanks. this dancing dad saved the day. he hopped on stage at his daughter's recital to get his shy daughter to dance. that father-daughter duo going to join us live next about a week before father's day. how cool is that? ♪ i want to put on my, my, my boogie shoes ♪ and boogie with you ♪ sure. sometimes i wish i had legs like you. yeah, like a regular person. no. still half bike/half man, just the opposite. oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top? yeah. yeah, i could see that. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. ♪ >> welcome back a dad's dance moves going viral ahead of father's day. ed: after seeing his 4-year-old daughter friday on stage a little bit during a sold out dance recital he sprang into action coaching they're through the moves in the aisle and then he jumped on stage to help her finish out the performance. [cheers] [. >> oh my god. here with more is that dancing duo kendall, welcome to you both. >> good morning. >> kenton, i have got to say, you are my kind of dad. i have got to say. i absolutely loved it. that you saw her up there. you saw her having some challenges. and you were like how can i help you? jumped right in there and started damaging. what made you do it? >> oh, ma'am, i would say it's the fatherly instincts just seeing her up there crying and just uncomfortable. the fatherly instincts kicked in and i wanted her to feel comfortable. pete: kendall, you are such a cutie dancing. what was it like when your dad came up on stage? >> good. pete: of course. were you ready to dance? because had you guys practiced together at your dancing? >> yes. ed: that's really great. dad, what's been the reaction? because you see people when this kind of video goes out there. touching right before father's day. >> for me it was definitely unexpected. like i said my whole goal was to be there for my daughter and make it comfortable for her while she was up there on stage dancing. to even be able to go up on stage and the fact it happened, our crew allowed me to do that, i was very thankful for that definitely unexpected. the moment they said it was okay for me to go on stage, i jumped all over the opportunity to try to be there for my daughter. pete: kenton, you knew the moves because you had been practicing them with her, right? >> yes. we would practice at home every day. honestly it was one of my favorite like songs i would always joke with her about it. we would practice at home all the time to try to make it easier for her. jedediah: some parents at home have watched this and said i would do the same for my kid. i have got to say, kendall, i think you are going to be a really, really good dancer. i think you have got some moves. [laughter] >> thank you. pete: kendall, you have a special dad, i think a lot of dads would want to do it. maybe wouldn't go up on stage, you have a good one there. ed: can you wave goodbye to us. jedediah: bye. ed: happy father's day a week early to your dad. >> thank you very much. pete: a win for the president. no other way to put it, striking a deal with mexico and cracking down on illegal immigration. ed: the vice president of the national border patrol council art del cueto coming up next. ♪ ♪ wait for a moment like that ry♪ yeah we danced ♪ with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? noso let's promote ourke summer travel deal on like this: surf's up. earn a fifty-dollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. or.. badda book. badda boom. book now at it's a revolution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed now from $899... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. only at a sleep number store, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only $899. plus, 0% interest for 48 months on most beds. only for a limited time. ♪ ♪ pete: welcome to this saturday edition of "fox & friends." father's day is next weekend, we're getting ready live in the plaza. jedediah: there's a competition, and i'm going to hold the mic, and these two are going to go at it, which is just how i like it. pete: it's an obstacle course, i'm told. jedediah: i think there's food involved, it's going to get tricky. let's just say i'm glad i'm not doing it. pete: the song was bait the hook, have you baited a hook before? ed: i mean, when i was a kid. it's been a while. pete: i hope that's part of the obstacle course. ed: most of the week you're off, you can go fishing and stuff, i've gotta work. [laughter] by the way, there's a guy waking up in san diego who won the mega millions, sole winner. are they really happy? yes, dave. jedediah: no matter what's happening in their life, i promise you, the day is made for them. why can't i win anything? i can't win mega millions -- pete: you've got a real bad gig here. ed: i've got a better deal for you. the president got a good deal mexico. democrats have been saying this was going to be a failure, the idea that the president was putting tariffs out there as a weapon, threatening mexico they would be implemented on monday, starting at 5% going up to 25% unless they did something about the border crisis. pete: yeah. if the failing new york times was doing any justice to this, it would say something about a win in the headlines. jedediah: just for context, he actually does write in failing -- pete: every day. jedediah: let's take a look at a what the deal includes. mexican national guard will be deployed, there will be action to displant -- dismantle human trafficking and smuggling. mexico will offer jobs, health care and education, and this is perhaps the most important point for me, further action will be taken if no results are seen in 90 days. this agreement was made, he came out and said we don't know if there will be follow through, but by saying in 90 days if you don't adhere to this, i'll go right back to those tariffs, he is letting them know that he's not messing around, that this humanitarian crisis needs to be addressed by both the united states and mexico, and if they don't -- ed: if congress does nothing, he's driving the agenda. pete: while it's not a permanent deal, it could help move usmca, the trade deal that's stalled -- another thing that was mentioned by the president recently, this morning actually on twitter is that mexico has agreed to buy more agricultural products from american farmers which has a tie to what we're trying to do with the chinese. so this could open a lot of doors to that trade deal and moving on to a bigger deal with china. ed: mexico will try very hard, he writes, and if they do this, this will be a successful agreement for both the united states and mexico. a big if though, because we've got to add a healthy dose of skepticism to report which is, look, mexico has made promises before. the president himself has made the case that mexico's been ripping us off for years and years. so are they dramatically going to make a u-turn here? pete: maybe so. maybe the threat of tariffs got them to change their behavior. in the past the issue goes away because immigration's not a big priority. if you're mexican leaders right now, you realize he's going to get the reports about what'shapo play a shell game, i don't think they're going to get away with it. jedediah: yeah. and so many democrats immediately when he talked about these tariffs, oh, this is a terrible idea, this is never going to work. check out this tweet from representative maxine waters just hours before it was announced a deal was made. spine ifless gop senators grew a backbone this week and finally stood up to their dictator trump on something. mexican tariffs, also known as a tax increase on american consumers, just another bluff. it's so fascinating that in this age of social media where everything is out there, once you put it out, you really can't retract it. they are so willing to automatically say, oh, this is going to be a defeat for the president. hours later he says, oh, yeah, this is the deal, we're holding their feet to fire. pete: the republican who did that were spineless. they love to talk about the big ideas x they've never actually done a deal. ed: to say, look -- [inaudible conversations] ed: they're trying to say, look, we're trying to be consistent. peter: he's a free trader who doesn't want tariffs, but he's happy to use them as tools, as leverage. and hopefully, with china which is the big ca hoon that of this whole thing, that's what really matters. so he's the disrupter. people want the system to be broken a little bit, because without breaking and fractures and a little dysfunction, you don't get something out the other side. ed: well, somebody who was in congress -- i'm not saying that he was the problem, but he saw this up close, is my point. he's now on the outside, has a bit of perspective. he was on the program a while ago saying, you know what? the president heard the noise, stood firm and in the end won. watch. >> i am sick and tired of watching republican leadership stand up before the nation and complain about tariffs instead of supporting the president. when we have 11,507 miners trying to cross -- minors trying to cross the border last month, where's the outrage about that. jedediah: and the thing is you can be skeptical, that's fine, but when there is something that looks like the start of a victory where at least a deal has been made, cheer on your prime minister this is a crisis that's a-- cheer on your president. this is a crisis that affects the whole nation. you hate him so much that you can't acknowledge a success that benefits the country, that's the problem. pete: i didn't see any cheering on. no, i was doing a little research. [inaudible conversations] ed: michael bloomberg, i'm old must have to remember when he was mayor of the city of new york and when he was a republican -- pete: do you remember when he was relevant too? ed: recently peeking -- speaking out on gun control. now he's jumping all in on climate change, $500 million to try and wipe out the coal industry. that's his stated goal. we're in a race, he says, against time with climate change, and yet there's virtually no hope of action on the issue, talking about the president, of course. mother nature is not waiting on our political calendar, and neither are we. he wants to wipe out american jobs. he wants to wipe out coal jobs. jedediah: chris hamilton, senior vp of the west virginia coal association, has called him out. check it out. >> frankly, we're just real disappointed in the mayor, that he would select to come after our coal miners and our coal mining families in a space like west virginia that rely so heavily on coal-fired electric generation and coal mining and all the support jobs that really drives our economy here. and we're not alone. there's 14 or 15 states like the state of west virginia where coal and coal mining and coal-fired electrical generation plays just an e more if rouse -- enormous role within our statewide economies. pete: the threat from climate change is bigger than world war ii, this is a religion for the left, and it got me thinking about, you know, back in the day the catholic church used to absolve people of their sin if you give a big enough doe naismghts maybe that's what he's doing. i'm just saying. if you look at it through that lens, it kind of works. jedediah: we asked viewers. an e-mail from mike, why are democrats always trying to stop what they don't like instead of fixing what they don't like? ed: e-mail from david, they depended on their coal miner paycheck to feed their family, he wouldn't be doing this. pete: excellent point. failed at regulating soda, the big dull pes here in new york city, he will fail at regulating coal. jedediah: and, you know, you mentioned the gun control. we always forget as new yorkers, the big gulp. that was like, really? pete: city life has never been the same ever since. 7/eleven really hated it. jedediah: we've got some headlines for you. family and friends are mourning the death of west point cadet christopher morgan when a tactical vehicle rolled over on the way to a training exercise. morgan, who was described as having an infectious personality was a member of the army wrestling team. he was set to graduate next year. an out of control wildfire tearing through more than 6,000 acres in arizona overnight. powerful winds fueling the mountain fire north of phoenix. emergency crews forcing weekend campers to leave the area. several air tankers are helping in the fight to contain the flames. officials believe it was somehow sparked by. and a controversial new push in colorado. some people want columbine high school to be demolished. a survivor joined us earlier to weigh n. >> i personally hope that this school isn't torn down. i can see where the school district is coming from. i think it's been a safety concern that they're had since -- they've had since day one. jedediah: the school's district superintendent says demolition is under consideration because so many school shooters refer to the massacre as a source of inspiration. and grab the tissues, this massachusetts high school graduate gets the surprise of a lifetime. >> madison joyce davis. [cheers and applause] >> i missed you. i missed you. >> it means the entire world to me that he was able to come halfway across the world to see me again. it felt like home. >> naval petty officer davis reuniting with his younger sister. madison will head to college this fall. i never get tired of those reunions. pete: cool deal, for sure. jedediah: millennial dads are not like tim "the tool man" taylor from "home improvement." >> a sluice to bathrooms -- saw lawsuit to bathrooms. [laughter] why younger dads aren't picking up the tools, coming up next. ♪ ♪ of savings and service. whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? it's pretty cool, isn't it? there's two of them. they're multiplying. no, guys, its me. see, i'm real. i'm real! he thinks he's real. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. copdso, to breathe better,the. i started with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about once-daily anoro to start treating your copd. ♪ go your own way save at ♪ ♪ ed: well, up to 4,000 my grant children may soon call u.s. military bases home. pete: the trump administration reportedly planning to use the facilities to assure they don't stay in crowded jails. how will this help border patrol? ed: joining us now is the vice president of the national border patrol council, mark del cueto. we appreciate you coming in, sir. >> thank you for having me on. ed: we've heard so much about how, frankly, the system bursting at the seams. there are different centers along the southern border,, as you know better than we do, that are simply getting all of these asylum seekers that they cannot house. so is this a good idea? >> it's a fantastic idea. once again, i mean, it sounds weird because we're always on here talking about it, and it sounds like we're cheerleading, but the honest truth is we have a president who is thinking outside the box, he's looking at what news to be done -- needs to be done and, frankly, it's leadership that we're seeing that has been lacking even in our own agency. i was just recently at some of these detention facilities here in tucson, and it definitely was bursting at the seams. we're having larger and larger number of unaccompanied juveniles that are coming into the united states. we had tsa helping out, we had u.s. marshals helping out ask and moving them out to another facility and allowing our agents to continue working out on the border and defending our nation is a huge help,ing and we have to be thankful towards the president. pete: art, some folks will raise an eyebrow at the use of military, but you understand if you want lo jest call support -- logistical support, it makes a lot of sense. >>, no it definitely makes sense. and, obviously, from the overcrowding aspect a alone. like i said, i was just there recently, and i saw it. it was definitely overcrowded. we had some of the cell doors open, some of these unaccompanied juveniles out in the hall, you know, in common areas because there's just not enough space. so it's also a safety concern. you know, when you have that many individuals in one area. it is the perfect outside the box thinking that we have come to expect from this president. ed: well, art, speaking of outside the box, the president decided to use tariffs as a weapon, a threat against mexico, the idea that they would be implemented as early as monday unless they came to table and came up with some new ideas and new promises about cracking down. guess what? they've come to table, they've now signed a deal with the united states. what do you think about that? >> i think it's good. we just need to wait and see that they follow through, to be honest, you know? the record of the past hasn't been the greatest, but now at least, you know, they're put into a corner, and they have to do the right thing. there is just a group, a huge group of individuals that are coming into this country illegally. it's being facilitated by the mexican government. they've been making money off of it. and once again, you know, we have a leader that is a true leader, and it's a true breath of fresh air. back when he first became president, on rhetoric alone the numbers went down. of, the numbers have gone up and up and up, and here you have him once again single-handedly caring about the american public and trying to do the right thing. and i believe it's time for congress to stand up and start doing something about it. and definitely it's also time for some of the relationship within cbp to start doing something about it. pete: what's the most significant piece, the deployment of the national guard, asylum seekers staying in mexico? what do you point to? >> it's all of them. all three of these things are something that's huge, and it affects the american public. if you can stop them before they go into mexico, it's huge. once they come in there and they do make it to our southern border, they need to assume the responsibility to have them wait in their country and not be roaming the streets of the united states where they many times never come back to court. ed: as you said at the top, safety and security issue. art dell cueto, we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you for having me. ed: the university of alabama bucking its biggest donor and removing a name from the school after he called for a boycott of the state's abortion law. pete: he joins us live coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ dad: oh, hey guys! mom (on speakerphone): hi! son (on speakerphone): dad, i scored two goals today! dad: oh, that's great! vo: getting to a comfortable retirement doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thought. see how lincoln can help you retire on your terms at [ giggling ] ♪li'm a slick chickp♪ [ doorbell ] [ slap ] your nails! xfinity home... cameras. xfinity home... disarm the system. door's open. morning... welcome to the neighborhood. do you like my work? 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>> i clearly must be still asleep. there is good news coming out of an american university, but this is good news, indeed. this is showing that alabama is willing to take a principled stand, will value something more than none, and what they realize is that he who pays the piper calls the tune. money is influence. and so much of what's going on on our campuses over the last 10 or 20 years is because of the undue influence of people who should not be directing universities. students have come to dictate what they want. they've demanded safe spaces, they've gotten professors fired, and the universities kowtow to them as the federal government has become oafly involved in the -- overly involved, they have instituted bureaucrats, how the universities educate their students. this is a way to fight back. reduce the influence and the money of people who should not be directing education, and i think you might be able to see some more good moves at universities around the country like you have in alabama. pete: some good moves from united stateses. well -- universities. well, at uc-berkeley, they have not had a conservative commencement speaker in a decade. i'm surprised they had one even within a decade. [laughter] will there be a sense that if you're a university, you're missing often times such a big part of the viewpoint, and at least at a commencement you can interview some of it. >> of course. in berkeley's defense, they probably haven't had a conservative graduate in two or three decades. but i in the solution to this is that we get rid of this entire custom celebrity commencement speakers to begin with. it was the students getting lectures in hebrew, greek and latin. could you imagine them trying to do that today? they probably couldn't give one in english. now we have celebrities, even comedians giving the speeches because the university has stopped -- it's no longer about educating, it's much more about entertaining. and the students, instead of demonstrating what they've learned, are now just demanding hollywood celebrities and and other speakers come out and offer them a defense of their own preconceived biases. ed: i'm proud to say we allowed pete to give a commencement address a would being weeks back -- a couple weeks back. but you came under attack. talk about what's really happening out there that people may not understand? >> that's right. the reason i'm so excited that the university of alabama is willing to give back this money and say no to influence of politics is universities are just decayed. they are no longer educating students. they are actually enc when i was physically attacked at the university of missouri-kansas city to shout down views they don't like, to boycott the lectures that they think they disagree and even in some cases they become violent. this is a problem that goes all the way up to universities administration. system and as they did in alabama, i hope they do at public institutions around the country, to stop this nonsense because a free society can't remain free for long if it doesn't haveal education. peter: -- liberal education. pete: it's so one-sided, we'll see where that goes. ed: all right, michael. if we have a commencement, we're going to invite you for sure. pete: obama era secretary of defense robert gates once again calling out joe biden on foreign policy. >> i stand by the statement he'd be wrong about those town policy issues for 40 years. ed: we'll ask former dnc interim chair donna brazile what she thinks about that. also the biden flip-flop on abortion. we've got a lot to talk about. ♪ ♪ the best simple dishes ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ ♪ >> i'm not sure how him answering a question saying he continued to support the hyde amendment and less than two days -- >> i'm not sure how that is the press -- >> that was a flip-flop flip, which is never a good thing this politics, and it raises questions about his own performance. >> he has not explained his evolution other than to say he has changed his mind. >> he thinks that's going to fly as he's interviewed in the coming weeks. pete: that was recent media reaction to former vice president joe biden changing his stance on the hyde amendment. let's bring in donna brazile, former interim chair of the dnc. donna, thanks for being here this morning. >> good morning, everybody. of. pete: joe biden has spent a lot of time mostly hiding from the media, were they caught off guard on this? it really didn't look like a sincere evolution, the first time he'd been really pressed by the left, he immediately flip-flops. that can't -- that doesn't hook good. >> well, i think the vice president stated, after listening to women, he's decided to come out in favor of repealing the hyde amendment. i just want to advise everyone that in the democratic platform from 2016, passed and adopted in philadelphia, page 37, it says repeal the hyde amendment. so a careful reading by all the candidates including the former vice president would give them some indication that this is a very important issue for democrats, and i would hope that they understand going forward that if you're going to move in the right direction -- at least from the democratic party's standpoint of view -- it's important to state why you are coming out in favor. in his case he said he listened to women. jedediah: donna, you know, you're talking about him listening to women, and if that's his rationale that now he's listening to women, was he not listening to women then for, you know, 30, 40 years, for the decades he supported this amendment? it seems to me this was a political decision, that he is very nervous about competing in a democratic primary, and he's struggling to figure out who he needs to be to win that primary. >> this is not a hard-left issue, this is an issue for women and their doctors. and i think because the vice president has stated that he would like to come out to repeal this -- because he believes no women, regardless of your zip code, where you live, the amount of money you have -- [inaudible conversations] should have the health care they need. pete: it's a pretty legitimate stance i shouldn't have to pay for it even if i don't believe in that so-called right to choose, my tax dollars can't go -- that's a pretty sensible pro-choice -- >> as you well know, my tax dollars go toward things that i don't support as well, but the point is we believe as democrats, and the majority of americans support our position, that women should have the full range of health services. that's the position. and joe biden as a leader has come out in the favor of something that many democrats and and many americans support. ed: donna, let's talk foreign policy, something that's supposed to be a strong suit for the former vice president. i remember covering then-president obama and vice president biden, they brought in bob gates who had been the press secretary under george w. bush. it was seen as a bipartisan move. but in his memoirs, secretary gates said he couldn't think of a single policy that joe biden had been right on on foreign policy over the course of 40 years x and then on a podcast that's going to air tonight, gates said this -- >> i think the vice president did have some issues with the military. i stand by the statement that i thought he'd been wrong about most foreign policy issues for 40 years, especially during the cold war. but in truth, apart from afghanistan, there were a number of issues he and i agreed on. he's obviously got a lot of experience, chairman of the foreign relations committee for a long time, and we'll just have to see how these things play out. ed: donna, he has a lot of experience, but on the other hand, he was wrong on every major decision for 40 years. >> well, that's debatable. ful secretary gates in his memoir back in 2014 identified the areas with which he disagreed with the vice president. he also disagreed on the gulf war. perhaps he agreed with the vice president on the iraq war, something that many democrats disagreed with the vice president and many others. this is a conversation, a debate that we are going to have within the democratic primary, and i do believe overall the vice president of foreign policy will stand the test of time. pete: just to name a few, he was against the gulf war, he was against the iraq summer, he was for the political surge in afghanistan that didn't work at all. he said iraq would be -- the obama administration's greatest success, then he retreated and called them the jv team. he didn't even want the bin laden raid to happen. >> i think we question not just the vice president, but the current president, and we question many of the candidates. this is what we do in a democracy when we debate the ideas and visions of those who would like to become the president of the united states. ed: all right. we'll get a chance to do this over. of we had you on last weekend, maybe we'll make this a regular thing, donna, what do you think? >> uniwhat? outside of -- you know what? outside of my cereal and yogurt in the morning, this is one of the best parts of my weekend. thank you. jedediah: shocking courtroom revelations about the man accused of plotting a times square attack. prosecutors say he spoke with an undercover agent over several month praising isis, osama bin laden and the 9/11 terror attacks. the 22-year-old is accused of buying two illegal guns with serial numbers scratched off. he's being held behind bars without bail. the international space station is open for business, literally. nasa says the satellite is now open to companies, film crews, and starting next week -- next year, i'm sorry, to tourists! the agency hopes the expanded access will help develop new tech and bring more funding into space exploration. you might want to start saving now. one night stay will reportedly cost $35,000. one night. well, you know, it might be worth it. you never know. and if you're in need of a handyman, you might not w579 to rely on a milan y'all -- millennial dad, maybe pick somebody with a little more experience. ♪ ♪ jedediah: new study shows millennial fathers are less capable of getting tasks done than baby boomers. just 32 percent % say they own a hammer compared to 93 percent -- my husband definitely has a tool box, so i'm not worried. everybody's got. that even i know how to use a hammer, and i can't do anything. pete: changing tires, even opening a jar of pickles. jedediah: this is not about millennials, this is about where you grew up. you grew up in the city or the country, that's what this is about. ed: rick, you grew up out in arizona. do you know how to fix the house? rick: you know, i change the engine in my car. jedediah: forget it. rick: yeah, it's true. i think it's 2ru. people just hire people for stuff. by the way, i couldn't change the oil in a car now. there's no way. all right, take a look at the map, show you what's going on weather wise. we have got a nice start to day at least across the northeast. there is rain moving in this week. all that rain down across the southeast brought the temperatures down a little bit which is good news. we'd had that heat also across parts of georgia, south carolina and north carolina. i think that will probably be wiped out from all the rain across the southeast. heavy rain across areas of north florida, headed over towards daytona later on. all of that moisture say -- stays in the area, and by the time it's done, 4-6 inches of rain, that's going to keep the flooding going in the southeast. it's not the same as across the central plains. no more significant rain coming into the central plains which maybe can allow some of the farmers to get some of the plant in. one of the story we're going to be watching, heat building out across areas of the west. excessive heat warnings have been issued across the imperial valley of california. get ready for that. back over to you. pete: rick, appreciate it. jedediah: not anymore. [laughter] ed'd graduation season's upon us. it's not a time for celebration. >> we are witnessing an assault on the rule of law and the foundation of our democracy. >> you are moving onward to your next chapter at a rather precarious time. pete: wow. really enticing. our next guest says these speeches are ignoring the economic reality. geico makes it easy to get help when you need it. with licensed agents available 24/7. it's not just easy. it's having-a-walrus-in-goal easy! roooaaaar! it's a walrus! ridiculous! yes! nice save, big guy! good job duncan! way to go! 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[laughter] we're going to race in a father's day obstacle course. jedediah: who will be the big winner? we've got to find out. coming up next. ♪ ♪ moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness and helps stop the progression of joint damage. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, 90% saw significant improvement. taltz even gives you a chance at completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. for all the things that move you. ask your doctor about taltz. ♪ ♪ jedediah: father's day is almost here -- [cheers and applause] to kick it off, we're putting ed and pete to test with the ultimate father's day race. rick: welcome back, alan, from cabela's. >> we've got our gone fishing event going on this weekend and next weekend. kids can come to our store and catch a real fish, there's a lot of cool stuff going on. rick: parents and kids fishing together, nothing more important. we've got kids that are going to teach these two how to fish. their going to run around, cast the pole if onto the lily pad, come bark make some hamburgers just like a tad would do, feed them to crowd, and come back around here and the first person fully extended, he's our champion. jedediah: all right. are you guys ready? rick: here we go. ed: this is sarah. she's going to help me. >> manage look at 'em go! rick: it's going to be a good competition. jedediah: with -- ed's got his pole. oh, here comes pete. you've got to cast it, guys. oh. pete went way long are. ed's getting some help. rick: i think you're throwing down. jedediah: you're supposed to be in the bucket, you know that, right? here comes pete. pete's putting the toothpick inside the burger. ed's not far behind. e's getting the move now. rick: we've got a race now. [inaudible conversations] pete: you've got to hand me the horn! [cheers and applause] rick: [inaudible] jedediah: that was the closest race. rick: what was your strategy? >> my strategy was -- [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] ♪ ♪ (male announcer) this summer, bass pro shops and cabela's want you take someone fishing. and there's no better place to get started than the gone fishing event-- with fee crafts, giveaways, and free kids' fishing at our catch and release pond this weekend. plus great deals on great gifts for dad. hi. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams. mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at" who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at [cheers and applause]ed: come on! pete: we'll see you tomorrow! jedediah: have a good saturday, >> it is done, the u.s. and mexico striking a major deal. welcome, even, happy weekend, i'm neil ca due show -- cavuto. now to details of the deal that was struck really last minute. the trump administration taking tariffs on mexican goods off the table because mexico's now agreed to do pretty much everything the president demanded; take a tougher stance on illegal immigration, for one. we're going to get the take from iowa republican senator joni the ernst in just a minute.

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