Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20170218 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20170218

>> i was set to have the meeting. we called and called but he was with schumer or somebody like that, don't meet with trump, he is bad politics. >> democrats explanation, "fox and friends" begins right now. ♪ clayton: the turning of the seasons when the pro-show is a. abby: i guess the groundhog was wrong. clayton: the spring fishing classic and their ability to re-create minnesota in manhattan with a little lake out there, you go outdoors. abby: you are nerding out. i feel like it is always clayton. peter: sometimes i need some fishing. abby: week 4 of this administration and i watched his press conference two days ago and it was unlike anything but it did remind me of the campaign trail, right back in his comfort zone. >> the press was going nuts, he is out of control. he was totally in commands, totally in control saying if i'm going to carry the day i have to do it myself. what do they expect. if you go to war the establishment you expected to be easy, straightforward, not be messy. he is out again with a tweet doubling down on the perspective that got to take on the media saying the fake news media, the failing new york times, abc, cbs, cnn is not my enemy, they are the enemy of the american people. >> today he is hitting the campaign trail in melbourne, australia, melbourne, florida. he is going to be down there in florida basically going back to the rattles that got him elected in the first place. it is a hard thing once you win an election because you don't have an enemy, he was able to run against hillary clinton, it is a smart strategy going after the media, pointing out their dishonesty, in front of these reporters saying you paint totally different story from what was actually done but the other side of this, the media plays an important role which vice president pens learned mike flynn lied to him because of the media and he was fired because of it. abby: we are in an all-out war. we will see this continue to play out for the next week 4 years, the media is actually my enemy at as you can imagine the media jumped all over this. >> saying the media is the enemy of the american people, of course the media react like the petulant privileged children they are they think they are above criticism, no one is shutting them down or censoring them or telling them what they should or shouldn't right, someone is standing up and saying the so-called for the state that sets the terms of the debate, maybe they are slanted. maybe they hate us, maybe they are an enemy of things the american people want and i looked at the constitution, there's only one mention of the press, congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of free speech, no one is prohibiting them from doing anything. abby: this is from the society of professional journalists, attack on a free press by a sitting president is a slap in the face of democracy and the american. we have never seen the media in such attack mode that we have seen with this administration. chris wallace said it best, what he did well was turned the narrative, he was able to change it. now we are talking -- not talking about russia but said the best spokesperson for the administration is donald trump. >> we have seen this with the press secretary, i am taking the podium back and i will challenge -- he loved it, 77 minutes he was out there challenging reporters and a fox news poll this morning, the media went after president obama, look at these numbers, media have been 68% tougher on donald trump than president obama at the same point in his presidency. clayton: gracie how slanted it is against him. abby: the most important people of the conversation, the american people feel about this whole war, the people -- to tell the public the truth, 45% say trump compared to 42% say they trust the reporters. that says it all. clayton: when tiger woods was dominant, you could bet on tiger woods, that is donald trump over the field, news media or donald trump, there is one source fighting for them against the establishment which is telling them one side of the story for a long time. >> do you think there is a dishonest media? let us know. the press is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people, do you agree with that or disagree with that? >> he was out in north charleston, south carolina for the first time since he won the election and it was the boeing plant, boeing is the number one exporter in this country and he was out there and gave a speech i was reporting on, he was totaling back in campaign mode again. you could feel it and hear it in his voice and all he was talking about was jobs and that is when he is at his best, when people voted him into office. >> there will be a substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country, make the product and think they will sell it back over what will soon be a very strong border. we want products made by our workers in our factory stamped with those four magnificent words made in the usa. >> smart move to change the conversation and the press is apoplectic about it. they want to talk about russia, michael flynn, they want to talk about his appointment that have been lagging. 691 appointments to apply, 630 what i still without being picked. abby: democrats are staying up all night long to protest, a tough process. clayton: if you don't fill the top spot you don't fill the others, the cascading effect of these never-ending -- trying to disrupt trump campaign. peter: president trump seems determined to continue the permanent campaign. you can't win for losing, if he did a rally like this under official us this is they would say this is a campaign rally using white house money and taxpayer funds, we separate it and do a rally, speak to the american people directly instead of a podium in the white house, everyone will cover it and everyone will criticize it at the american people hear from trump. abby: he said just wait until tomorrow, the press will be renting and raving, he gave -- he was totally spot on. he is at his best when he is doing campaign type rallies because he is back in his comfort zone and again talking to the american people, the focus has got to be what he is working to get done in his time in office which is tax reform, healthcare and infrastructure, the things people are most passionate about. you can still attack the media and do both at the same time. clayton: it is interesting about jobs, infrastructure, at this point and president obama's presidency we had the bailout in place, the equal pay was unfolding, the press wasn't on him like they were on president trump, this precious time, this precious hundred days, precious first 200 days is more difficult as the season unfolds, hannity was talking about it last night, as you get past those 200 days, have those marginal republican districts that are now for trump but when they get those calls and think about that. peter: they have to say we are going to say the things -- he said he would do. why the fear. trump ran on that, trump does what he can through executive order, isn't going to do it the way obama did, what's legislation, come on. abby: the media complicates it as well, people don't know where to get their news anymore because they don't know what headlines to believe and not to believe that we are interviewing senator rand paul, all over health care. >> if they want real headlines they should go to you. abby: we have other ones to get to. overnight mike pence the first international trip reassuring support for us allies while sending a strong message to nato to pay its share of defense spending. >> the promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many too long and the roads the foundation of our lives. the president of the united states expect our allies to keep their word to fulfill this commitment. laura: meeting with german chancellor angela merkel. protesters burning the american flag while blocking traffic and tangling with police in philadelphia, take a look. >> go home! [bleep] abby: two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four put in handcuffs facing assault charges, the protesters said about alleged police abuse calling for criminal justice reform. to extreme weather the worst storm in years drenching the west coast, hundreds of thousands of people, four people now dead, two in mudslides in southern california, dozens of drivers stranded by flooded highways needing to be rescued and a sinkhole swallowing two cars, a woman inside one of them calling out to help other firefighters, thousands are without power, hundreds of flights have been grounded. space x returns to florida following the devastating explosion last september. abby: the unmanned dragon rocket is set for lunch at 10:01 eastern carrying 5000 pounds of cargo on its first joint mission with an asset launched by the same pad at kennedy space center at the last shuttle mission in 2011 and the apollo missions. clayton: watch our show. looks like chuck schumer's fact checker took the day off. despicable. that would be one of the most un-american things that would happen in the last century. clayton: here to explain the fake news democrats couldn't help but share. >> the promise to bring back jobs from mexico, the president is not going to like this one. clayton: rand paul and trump campaign manager corey lewandowski reacting this hour. o severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. remember when you said men are supeyeah...ivers? yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. clayton: after president trump went after the media the associated press tweet toed a headline that 1000 national guard troops were being considered to round up illegal immigrants with white house official that the pentagon denied the report. how did it get out there? how irresponsible is the media being? >> thanks for having me. clayton: i wish he would have called us, we would've told you this wasn't true. >> essentially there was allegedly a memo that got written with something along the lines of maybe the national guard, local authorities in identifying illegal immigrants. the problem is the media unequivocally denies the entire thing happened. maybe there was a memo that got written but memos get written all the time. and the white house has said we were not carrying that memo, that is false. clayton: the ap took a draft memo that mentioned the national guard but didn't talk about mobilizing hundreds of thousands to round people up but look at the headline anyway. >> it shows where there head space is, the media, the complete worst about donald trump, when they hear a bad way, of course it is true because everything donald trump does is bad and all the bad things we hear a true about him. this kind of attitude has led them to just get so many things wrong, the briefing on thursday a lot of members were rolling their eyes, laughing at one another and saying this is so crazy and unbelievable. it is that attitude that led them to cover every turn of the election wrong and predict -- what is compelling them. and emboldening them in an outlier. >> that is despicable. that would be one of the most un-american things that would happen in the last century. i hope it is not true, it is not even considered as a polling. clayton: they whip into action in response the headline. >> time for democrats to break up with the media. it is not working for them. it is clear to this point that everything democrats are doing is not working for them and teaming up the media -- clayton: an interesting quote from tbs the media might break up with itself. take a listen. >> if it is true it is not because of anything donald trump did, the breast did that with its reputation on its own. part of it is what you mentioned is the local weather report which is to say hysterical coverage about every little last thing that doesn't warrant it. >> according to the media donald trump has started world war iii and we are -- what the president does, step out of line, and we are in world war ii. >> senator mccain, how is the president doing? >> the administration is in disarray, a lot of work to do. >> not being received well by some. the former campaign manager corey lewandowski here to react. be a good man to make fraternities great. why would women want to be here? they don't clean up after themselves. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. why is there neverite, enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. .. clayton: former national security adviser michael flynn off the hook. they want to pursue charges after intelligence leaks show he spoke with russia's ambassador before the inauguration, the white house looking for his replacement after he was fired. mexican immigrant remains in jail this morning, seattle just saying medina has to request a bond hearing from federal immigration judge, he was brought to the united states illegally as a child, protected under the obama administration, arrested or in ice raid, he has ties to gain which he denies. abby: setting a timetable to repeal and replace obamacare. >> we are in the final stages, we should be submitting the plan in march, early march. abby: are all republicans on board? fellow senate republican rand paul walked out which what happens next? a kentucky senator joins us. let's start with obamacare, something you worked harder than anybody on, repealing and replacing, president trump wants to have another plan in place as soon as the beginning of march. when we see the final product, are you okay with it being the law? >> we need to do complete repeal of obamacare. it is what we promised the voters, what we won the election on. we have a great deal of sympathy as a physician and a father for providing affordable insurance for people. obamacare tried and failed and increased insurance was my replacement when will over the cost of insurance for everybody and allow individuals to get into group insurance with much more safety and lower cost. abby: the state of capitol hill, the unique opportunity with the gop controlled house and senate, an opportunity to get some bills passed and signed by the president, could they do more if you look at the past four weeks? >> we have done more in the last four weeks been in the last six years which i was excited when we repealed the first regulation which i was at the white house last week talking -- seeing the president signed the repeal, we repealed three regulations that would have cost the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and cost tens of thousands of jobs so this was a big deal, the first time we overturned regulations in 20 years. we have done that. that is a big deal, trying to work on cabinet appointees, democrats filibuster at every point and within a month or two we will repeal obamacare and as soon as that is done we will look at reducing taxes so american businesses can compete with companies abroad. abby: you joined the miners at the white house signing legislation and doing call regulations which how important is this especially from kentucky where it is a huge deal? >> it is a big deal for kentucky, west virginia, ohio, even out west, wyoming and other places. we have been devastated, drive-through eastern kentucky it is like the great depression because of president obama and his regulations. hillary clinton said her policies would put us out of business, president trump promised he would help us and within a month he is, already repealed this. this is a big deal, a huge deal for kentucky. abby: you watched the first press conference giving the media the treatment we have seen him give throughout the campaign trail. what is the media missing about president trump and the american people and why they voted for him this election. >> he has an extraordinary style, distinct style, it is captivating. it is like you are watching this unfold on tv and like nothing the american public has ever seen because he pushes back and so often politicians are trying not to get anybody upset, constituents or the media and they go along with the narrative and he directly confronts the narrative and it is extraordinary and it captivates the american public. abby: if there is one thing that needs to get done, what would that be? >> completely repeal obamacare, completely repeal the whole thing. abby: we really appreciate that, good luck. president trump says he wants to sit down with the congressional black caucus. >> set up a meeting. i would love to meet with the black caucus. >> they don't wait to eat with him and wait till you hear the reason why. the media in an uproar. clayton: the enemy of the american people. corey lewandowski is here next. ♪ check out the bass pro shops' spring fishing classic - our biggest show and sale of the year. with huge savings on the latest gear. like pro qualifier baitcast reels for under $50. and this garmin echomap fishfinder for under $500. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. >> turn on the tv, open the newspapers and see stories of chaos yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine tuned machine despite the fact i can't get my cabinet approved. i see tone. the tone is such hatred which i am really not a bad person. clayton: the press conference shook the political world and he followed up with this treat taking the story one step further, saying the fake news media, failing new york times, is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people. peter: a lot of reaction and that including david axelrod who said whenever a president is irritated by the news media, no other president would have described the media as the enemy of the people. of course we never had a president like this. abby: let's bring in corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager. >> you guys didn't get a mention, you guys are the greatest. abby: you let mister trump be himself, what do you make of this war between the president and the media? >> it is not a war. what is unfortunate is if you look at the first one month of this administration the president signed 23 effective actions or orders. clayton: did we lose the satellite? i want to ask bill o'reilly who asked tough questions in the super bowl interview and questioned him on russia, those same questions, didn't hear the president saying bill o'reilly is dishonest, tough questions, holding his feet to the fire and be accountable. abby: don't think he has a problem with tough questions. he said i enjoy this. you compare that to president obama's press conference, an hour and a half got eight between on questions and. how many questions do you think president trump answered? peter: he said he signed executive orders, done these with overwhelming resistance from the media and democrats on his cabinet picks, tough to get things done when they won't let you put your people in place. clayton: we are going to get the satellite back up and running, i think we have. >> where are you this morning? >> manchester, new hampshire. and all the bad weather. what we heard from john mccain yesterday saying -- in munich, he believes the president's campaign is in disarray so he has a lot of work to do. what is your response to what senator mccain had to say is on the respect to senator mccain you have president from fulfilling the campaign promises he made on the campaign trail, this may be new for politician, when you say something you follow through on it. that is what president trump is doing. look at the first month of his presidency and all the things he has accomplished, now he is going to move forward and rand paul talked about this, wholesale and fundamental change when it comes to repealing and replacing obamacare, tax reform so the middle class has more money, the boeing corporation talking about the need to make sure we increase manufacturing jobs, lowering the cost to the federal government it have the best products available. this is what he talked about, bringing jobs back, making the economy great again, making america great again, the democrats in congress want to be obstacles and the rhetoric and visceral hatred for the president is amazing. if you would have said a presidential advisor to barack obama wasn't welcome on one of the television shows or is a white supremacist or racist, you would be up in arms but this is what the left is doing marginalizing the staff. >> referring to kelly and conway, those two, part of trump being trump, massive rallies, quite candid and fluid, president trump will hold a similar rally as he returns to his roots with rousing crowds. is this a desire to get back where he feels comfortable to speak to the people? what do you expect from him in florida today? >> this is where the president is at his best, a high energy person, loves to be engaged, the opportunity to hear from people who helped elect him so what you will see is him reminding people by bypassing the mainstream media of going directly to the people the campaign promises he is following through on is the most important thing. a lot of people want to give him a bad rap but what he is done which no other president has done it bypassed the mainstream media to go directly to the people through fit twitter account, social activity and this rally. 's abby: what he has done that by bypassing the media but he has critics saying he has to focus on what he is going to get done, the big things, tax reform, healthcare, can he do both? at the rally today can he use this time to be critical of them but also focus on jobs and getting big things done that you are waiting for? >> he has to do that. the other thing is he has to remind the american people he has put cabinet secretaries the senate continues to hold up and the privilege and honor of the presidency to recommend people for cabinet positions and they confirmed 13 members of the cabinet which at this point in the obama administration he had his whole cabinet, we need to get this done so the american people can have a government that is working for them and not against them. when he goes out today will talk about that and the obstacles the u.s. senate has by not confirming his cabinet secretaries and the nights circuit courts and what they have done and talked about this a new executive order on immigration that will be more concise and outlines the fact he has constitutional authority, no question of the law to restrict these at access. that is what you will see out of the white house. >> i asked about john mccain and his comments in munich being in disarray, you say i disagree on this but there are questions to the relationship of the president and republicans, mitch mcconnell and house speaker paul ryan you see that as an obstacle for the president to get his agenda through beyond the hundred days and 200 days and marginalized republicans in those districts it to worry about their own reelection republicans should embrace the president. if you look at his election effort he won 200 candidate, barack obama -- a number of counties in congressional districts where republicans should be embracing the president, u.s. senate districts where republicans should be embracing the president. if you look at the election cycle in 2018 the president won six states where incumbent democrats are the ballot, montana and, florida, ohio, these places. the republicans you have to remember when donald trump started running we didn't have any endorsements. the american people with donald trump on this should get on the trump train and -- >> to he succeeds and you succeed, if it benefits politically is pretty difficult equation. abby: a good reminder how far he has come from the early days when he didn't have anything. >> appreciate you getting up early this morning. the radical left showing off its true tolerance last night, lice and torching american flags. a message for those so-called protesters live next. abby: who leaked fake news on donald trump? the press starts to look at right now that is the man they are talking about. while calf ro. yep. greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? uh, yea, well, uh... well, there's this one. "best insurance mobile app"? yep, three years in a row. well i'll be! does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy. the award-winning geico app. download it today. crsugar is everywherets sugar shield and crest complete has a sugar shield to protect teeth from sugar found in everyday foods. crest complete. shield your teeth from sugar. so sugar may visit, but it's not sticking around. >> the congressional black caucus refusing to meet with the president calling senior advisor steve been in a stone called racist. >> and the sympathizer to participate in any meeting with steve been in it normalizes his presence in the white house. >> telling and missing bc despite the caucus sending a letter, has the tolerant left on too far? some talk at yale university would force male fraternities, and using the title 9 case to make his case into sororities. president trump is setting out to uncover who leaked damaging details about the administration, and all members of the obama administration. >> he is going to double down on figuring out where these leaks came from and came from people spilling over from the obama administration. that is revenge and is illegal. the president is running an underground network. in the state department and elsewhere, people who burrowed down into the administration and are sitting there not being political, reporting back to the president and his acolytes -- and they have sympathizers, what do you do to have fair honest brokers. >> get rid of those obama people. and the social media network, 860 people claim their current employer is the white house, and previous employer was obama for america. people dealing with iran, iraq, migrant issues, all the sensitive subjects on the front pages of the newspaper, many used to get to john brennan. >> talking about the damage on the intel community, take a listen. >> if he doesn't have confidence in the intelligence community what signal does that santa partners and allies and adversaries, he has to be disciplined in terms of -- and positive impact. >> and a political operative. in 2008. when donald trump uses the word intelligence in quotes he is referring, through our political hacks. they have got to take them out of the white house. shadow warriors, a shadow war against a sitting president of the united states. >> he made a critique of the politicization of intelligence. thank you for shedding light on this subject. >> sex offenders and drug dealers are being captured in ice raids. david clark here with his take in the next hour. >> was there a secret meeting between the chinese ambassador and hillary clinton? would that be unethical. take a sneak peek at what is coming up. bring it. pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. clayton: our friends celebrating the return of the annual sprinkler fishing classic. >> the fishing classic, this is awesome. >> a spring classic going on. >> no better time, all winter long and go fishing and the absolute best to go by something fish related. one of the coolest things, the newest products, a one piece of aluminum frame, carbon fiber draft and normally 199. if you bring an old real income you can get to $100 off. mine are all beaten. >> you will take anything? >> what they do with all these is refurbish them. bring that one in. they donate them. up to date. >> there are a lot of seminars and classes, tell us about them. >> through march 5th, go on the stores and get the nation's top pros, and the latest techniques and at the expert level, the best stores. >> even march 4th, women seminars. and cast one. >> pretty cold water. >> right now, there are things to be important, when you go to these seminars, dictating the depth. >> turn this upside. right there with this thing. >> is there a hook on that? there you go. i am impressed. we will be back at pro shops throughout the morning. abby: a couple trump supporters have a message for nordstrom. >> we will stop -- >> headed to dillard to buy all kinds of stuff. >> joining us live. >> sheriff david clark is here in the next hour. by the time you head to the bank and wait to get approved for a home loan, that newly listed, mid-century ranch with the garden patio will be gone. or you could push that button. 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>> last weekend, i came in with a box of tissues and sniffling away. >> a whole medical cabinet on the left. i apologize in advance but we are going to talk about what is happening today, president trump is heading to melbourne, florida where he will you the campaign, attacking the media going after those enemies of what he says i the american people, he said yesterday fake news media failing new york times, nbc news, abc, cbs, cnn is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people. i am sure we will hear that in florida. >> journalists are responding to that. this is the society of professional journalists. attack on a free press by a us president is a slap in the face of democracy, our country's founders and the american people. clayton: the society for professional journalists, defending -- never called out for their extreme bias, how dare you threaten the free press, how about threatening the biased press saying you are free all you want but i am free to expose your bias which is what he said, he changed it to very fake news. the point everything is spun against him it is his job to fight back. we had a headline from the associated press, one of the stories that angers -- they reportedly put out this story about 100,000 national guard troops are going to be used to round up illegal immigrants. there is no truth to the story at all. the white house is why didn't you call us, the a pieces we did, the white house says we would have told you that is not true. that is the sort of back and forth angering them. where is your journalism ethics? >> that is from the ap. the american people say where do we go to get our news. and this is supposed to be things we go to to get real news. members of the mainstream media have never wanted to legitimize day one, there are members that want to get him impeached. >> the new york times used to be the paper of record, the paper of elites on the coast to don't give a crap about you, they care about their own access and whatever elite notions they have, and how dare donald trump say enemies of the people, can't use a word like enemies, maybe someone else used the word like enemies before, where was the press on that? this was hillary clinton talking about enemies. >> you made a few people upset over your political careers, what enemy are you proud of? >> in addition to the nra, health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians, probably the republicans. >> where was the backlash after that comment? >> everyone laughs and claps and that you have enemies, donald trump mentions the press being biased could be a threat to our republic and is criticized. abby: we had corey do lewandowski on last hour, and one of the reporters asked the question what do you do about the city's, i tried to reach out to them, was supposed to have a meeting with representative cummings, do you know them personally? you are watching at home thinking -- and -- >> we asked your comments on that. how can the president achieve any promises, constantly having to defend himself. change the conversation, get out of the swamp that is washington dc. president obama had to do that, to reconnect. >> i don't think npr wrote that. here is how they describe the rally, president trump seems determined to continue permanent campaign. that is from npr. >> they are run by leftists. there is no center for unbiased person in the world. you are biased, i am biased, everyone does, don't tell you what you're giving me is unfiltered or totally balanced. the american people have woken up to the fact they -- leftism rammed down their throat by supposedly unbiased elites and donald trump is standing up saying enough. >> i'm defending myself because no one else is defending me, i will be the best spokesman for the administration. what he is able to do is change the narrative and we are talking about like pens on national security, jobs, issues, changed the narrative. >> share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many for too long and the roads the foundation of our lives. as of this moment the united states and only four other nato members meet the basic standard. we commend a few nations that are on track the truth is many others including our largest allies clear the path to meeting this goal. let me be clear on this point, we expect allies to keep their word to fulfill this commitment and for most, that means the time has come to do more. >> the vice president in munich national security conference where nations are -- to give voice to their view of nato and america's role and there's a lot of concern that the elites will abandon nato, we are not going to but he strongly said it is time for our allies to pay their fair share collect to carry the burden that underwrites, hurts our entire defense. >> whether it is extreme setting, national security and nato, we have to fight for ourselves, put america first, make sure other nations that are part of this are flipping the bill. >> not that that means we are abandoning our allies but stand up for ourselves and expect you to do the same. it is good for any nationstate to have a military often their military, otherwise your dependent and become weaker which is what we have seen throughout europe to pay for their welfare states. that is what mike pence is saying in munich. >> we begin with a fox news alert, blatant disrespect for america protesters burning the american flag blocking traffic and tangling police in philadelphia. two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four people put in handcuffs and facing assault charges. upset about alleged police abuse calling for criminal justice reform. hundreds of mexicans and americans form in the human wall to protest a wall on the border of juarez, mexico and el paso, texas and outrage over president trumps's promised border wall to keep illegals out. the department of homeland security hoping to have a real border wall complete in the next two years. ford moving forward with their plan to bring two factories in mexico despite canceling plans to build a $1.6 million plant after pressure from the trump administration to keep jobs in the us. the company said the two new plants have been in the works since 2015 and will stay. >> after eight years under president obama the media is upset with president trump's decision to hold the campaign rally of his own. anyone buying the fake outrage? a spokesman for the president joins us live next and word of a secret meeting in the works between the chinese ambassador and hillary clinton, before you are elected president, with that supposed to be unethical? we will ask that question. >> the president, exceptionally high energy person loves to be engaged with the crowd and have the opportunity for people who helped elect him. i know a lot of people give him a bad rap on rings, bypass the mainstream media and go directly to the people through his twitter account, social media activity and this rally today. >> that was former campaign manager corey lewandowski on the show this morning with big expectation for the florida rally. the first month in the white house, how will hitting the road helped mister trump's administration? joining us is aaron elmore. going to florida at 5:00, what do you expect to hear from the president? >> i expect him to do a mini tour of all the issues which he made a contract with the american voter and he is living up to the promises unlike anything any politician has ever done. he will talk about the things he accomplished, talk about international relations and securing the borders. big topics remands tax reform. clayton: predictably the fake news crowd as he dumped them, the enemy of the american people came out against the florida rally, feeling new york times, campaign over, president trump will hold a what else, campaign rally, the tribunes is 20/20 campaign, kicks off his reelection campaign the media is going into a frenzy, what is he really doing? >> he is upset because he is not in control of the situation, donald trump's reach entertain directly to the american people. unlike other politicians, specifically hillary clinton, he is not beholden to special interests, his special interest is the american people, now he is talking to his base, his voter, his supporter and it is probably great to get out of washington, talk to real people, get energized, learn them. >> you spend time with him, what gives him the ability to stand there thursday at the press conference for 77 minutes and if it back and tweet without backing down and go to a campaign style rally, what is special that he can do that with other politicians never did. >> a breath of fresh air in the political system. that is why it is working, he sat there for 70 minutes, didn't have a list of questions he wanted from reporters, didn't know who he was going to call on, he was in there organically and talked to those reported like he is talking to the american people today. clayton: what freedoms has the press lost that they didn't have under obama? >> i don't think there are any. clayton: asking that question -- they have been criticized. >> that is hard for them to handle. clayton: thank you very much. the radical left showing off its true tolerance, pepper spray and police officers, torching the american flag, death to police officers, got a message for them when he joins us live. and rejection does have consequences. >> we will struggle. >> going to dillards. headed to dillards for all kinds of stuff. clayton: the everyday american woman who took social media by storm, they will be here next, stick around. ♪ we are going to go now ♪ the women are going i thought i married an italian. did the ancestrydna to find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. why is there neverite, enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. >> welcome back, quick headlines, education secretary that the divorce gets new security detail after incidents like this. >> save! save! save! clayton: a tough guy yelling at the secretary, us marshals will protect her after protesters heckled and blocked her from entering a dc school after a long fight in the senate to get her confirmed. they showed up to work in tears after the election but employees at the par face-to-face with their new boss, quotes of anxiety during the first days under scott pruitt. fighting environmental regulations which president trump promised to throw out. interesting days over there. abby: a couple of president trump's supporters ticket to nordstrom for dropping ivanka's fashion line and capture the whole thing on camera. >> they came -- no money for nordstrom. going to dillards. >> heading to dillards to buy all kinds of stuff. abby: joining me are the ladies themselves and some of the other card cutters. good to have you here. >> good morning. abby: we have all seen this video. you, your whole family, kids and grandkids cut up the nordstrom cards, you will not be shopping there. what was the motivator? >> i need to do with disclaimer. a lot of my kids take their own decisions but my husband and i will not be shopping there. the motivation was really just a procession of first milania, not wanting to dress her and picking on their son and finally picking on -- dropping the line and a lot of retailers, grab your wallet campaign. abby: go ahead. >> when nordstrom decided to jump on the bandwagon we decided we wanted to make a peaceful statement. abby: this isn't available, this is about sales was what do you say? you say this is politics. >> i am not buying it. i believe it was six weeks ago they made a statement that sales were fine and they won't drop the line but the pressure, i know they got from the other side was pretty strong, but they caved. that was disappointing but i don't want my shopping experience to be about politics. i want it to be about just shopping. abby: do you feel like nordstrom is bullying people? >> i think nordstrom is allowing people to leave them as far as dropping this line. like jeannie overall, ivanka's sales are up 20% and i find it hard to believe after this campaign that all of a sudden they dropped. i feel like we are just standing up and we shouldn't left the left side bully us. abby: this is gone viral so quickly. i am sure you have heard from both sides, women who are loving this and supporting you and folks that are not so happy. >> i am amazed at the support and the love and amount of people, doing the exact same thing. it is amazing to listen to men and women tell us they are no longer shopping at nordstrom. that has been great but none of us intended this to go by. not sure i would have been so sassy on an escalator. just girls out having a good time, going to lunch and we are passionate about our country and what is going on here and we love america whether they are right or left, we will fight for your right to have a voice but at the same time we don't support the hate and anger or bullying and intimidation that comes along with those who oppose our beliefs and vice versa. abby: this is about politics, something you both are involved with. everyone who has seen that video. >> thank you for having us. abby: american flags torched, police officers pepper sprayed, is this what we look forward to for the next we for years? sheriff david clark has a message for those rioters when we come back. what is this? talk of a secret meeting between the chinese ambassador, say it ain't so. it is only unethical when you work for donald trump apparently. ♪ when the mom says ♪ now we are stressed out ♪ do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. my insurance rates are but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. . .. . ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> go home. go home. >> y'all are not from here. go home. >> fox news alert. blatant disrespect for america. protestors burning burning the american flag in philadelphia. >> at least two cops injured. four people were put in handcuffs and are now facing assault charges. >> protestors upset about police abuse calling justice reform. david clark with his response to the stories unfolding out of philadelphia. cheryl, good morning to you, your response to the video we were playing there. >> well, you know, somebody asked if we are going to put up for the next four years, not if the police take a more assertive stance against the sort of thick. i'm not talking about the streets, i'm talking about police executives about hold the line, don't break. it's going to get cops hurt and cops killed. i want to see the cops advancing in the situation. as soon as the first fire is started, as soon as the first brick or rock or battery is thrown at an officer or vandalism starts to occur, i want to see the police advancing and dispersing the crowd. this is a resistance movement. that's all this is. people accept the underlying premise that the government has the legal authority to do what they are doing but they think it's the wrong policy to pursuit. under resistance they try to block lawful authority to carry out policies that have been set forth by either congress or the courts or the president of the united states. >> sure, why are the police already not taking a stronger stance, is this a local decision with police chief deciding when they want to intervene and giving into protestors or something that can be taking a harder stance? >> let's just say the police. these orders don't come from the front line officers. they come from the police administrators and on some of the cities, not all of them, most of them, they are under the orders of the mayor to hold the line and sit on their hands so on and so forth. you cannot put cops in dangerous situation without the ability to be successful in a mission and part of that mission is the protection of life and property including their own. i will give you an example, we had a large illegal immigration just last week. thousands of people showed up. we were ready. i gave the orders under the direct patrol mission that the first sign of problem we were going to disperse the crowd, i gave them the authority to use tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bags, once the confrontation, not the protest itself, not the demonstration itself but as soon as one person and it's unreasonable for me in a crowd of thousands to pick out who that one person who threw that rock, everybody has to be dispersed. abby: jeffreys is on msnbc said that he would not be meeting with trump and bannon because he says bannon is a stone-cold racist and a white supremacist sympathizer, watch this. >> steve bannon, however, should not be in the room. >> why not? >> he's a stone cold racist and white supremacist sympathizer, it would be hard for me to participate in any meeting with steve bannon. abby: is this really where we are? >> well, first of all, jeffreys doesn't get to decide who should be at the meeting in the white house. president trump will decide that. ic jeffreys is a stone cold goof who shouldn't be in congress, how about that? the vote nester the district decided he should and that's fine, i will accept that. he has to accept whoever president trump wants in that meeting. all jeffreys is doing stoking up animosity. i know steve bannon, steve bannon is a good man, steve bannon is an honest man and fair individual and i'm appalled that the individuals continue to play the race card against this administration when nothing, they tried it with donald trump and it didn't work and they will continue to do with this, it's a good man, it's up to donald trump, president trump who he wants in those meetings. >> sure, you heard the president saying i tried to meet with the congressional black caucus, were you surprised by that? >> i don't know what happened. i don't have all the information or facts, donald trump throughout his life has been willing to meet with everybody and anybody in terms of trying to put something together and get something done. even in new york city. he's been honored by black groups in new york city by some of the thicks he's done to improve some of the, you know, parts of new york city. so now all of a sudden 70 years later, now all of a sudden he's a racist, this needs to stop, but even if it doesn't stop, donald trump should continue to move forward, president trump should continue to move forward to his aigd to make america great again. i helped him, i fought for him to become the 45th president of the united states, now we have that done, but now the real work and the real fight beginsnda ane it very clear, i'm going to do everything i can to help donald trump make america safe again and make america great again and my role that i play as a law enforcement executive really has to do with criminal illegal aliens, 287g program, the deportations of criminal illegal aliens, the last number i saw nearly 300,000 criminal illegals that have been convicted of crimes in the united states that are here donald trump has made it clear that catch and release days are over. there have been several patrol missions by ice. we participated one in the make area, we swept up 16 individuals that have either been convicted of serious criminal acts and/or scheduled for deportations and they didn't show up at the deportations hearing because out of catch and release, the guys are in the win and you never see them again. donald trump made it clear, where he's going to start. this is existing law. he can't do that. only the congress can do that. he's made it clear under the existing immigration laws, he's going after the criminal illegal aliens first and i'm going to help him. i think that's a good first step. abby: if you're in orlando, isn't that where the rally is tonight? are you going? >> well, it's in tampa. i'm here to support the police group. if there's time for me to hurry to tampa, i'm going to hustle down. >> melbourne, florida. thanks so much, sheriff. >> my pleasure. abby: starting with the mexican-immigrant dreamer daniel medina remains behind bar this morning. seattle judge saying medina has request -- to request a bond hearing from a federal immigration judge. he was brought illegally as a child but protected under the obama administration. he was arrested during ice raids and the feds say he has ties to gangs but the attorney denies that. former national security michael flynn investigated for private meeting with russia, what about hillary clinton? according to one of john podesta's leaks e-mailed, the chinese embassador requested meeting with hillary clinton top aides, that's when she was still running for president. he wants to have an informal off the record get together with the few of us to discuss next year and current state of u.s. china affairs. mark cuban trolling pith. the dallas mavericks wearing a 46 jersey during celebrity al-star game. he wore it, quote, to tweak everyone. trump tweeting this. i know mark cuban well, he back me big-time but i junt interested in taking all of the calls, he's not smart enough to run for president. cuban backed hillary clinton. he tweeted that out last week. all right, the nerd alert. this goes out to clayton. clayton: this is not nerd alert. -- six of them flying behind the international space station this week. in formation, it looks like. when the feed cuts out, six of unidentified flying objects believed to be seen and appear to be bigger than nasa claims, you know, similar sightings, they look pretty large. peter: i don't see the cut out. clayton: the feed goes to black. ice particles, come on, they were huge. >> space debris. clayton: perhaps information. abby: you have a lot of friends this morning. >> if you bring a sign you're getting on tv from new york up state. >> a bunch of guys in town for 55th birthday. >> come to new york. >> the only one sobber enough to get up here this morning. they are all hungover. good for them. take a look at the weather maps, a lot going on, two stories it's incredible warm, we are having spring which is a best time for bass proshops for fishing classic, there's your temps as waking up. we do have rain in the southeast, it's good news and not complete any wash-out, where the wash-out is all across the west, images from southern california. incredible rainfall. that moves to arizona today. next system moves in by tomorrow as well. take a look real quickly at the temperatures, spring-like conditions, 64 in chicago and 63 tomorrow. the next five days is baking across the central plains, we will enjoy the spring-like conditions. abby: enjoy that. thank you. >> president trump keeping another campaign promise putting coal mine o miners back to work. one of the miners is going to join us next. >> bill gates has the plan to save the economy with so many americans out of work, tax the robot who stole their job, realy i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. >> welcome back, president trump making good on yet another campaign promise to protect the coal industry. >> this rule will eliminate a major threat to your jobs and we are going to get rid of that threat immediately. we are going to fight for you like i promised i would in the campaign and you where were good to me and i'm going to be good to you even better. clayton: handing handing the pen he used to coal miner kevin hughes. it better not end up in the junk drawer. >> i thought highly appropriate to give it to boss of the company. that peb meant a lot to the people i worked with. clayton: why? >> i worked with honorable working people that all they want is a level playing field in order torovide inexpensive electricity for the country and protect the environment. that's what we do. clayton: one of the concerns -- it's amazing, i used to live in west virginia. it used to be a blue state, it seems like it's firmly a red state now. the president's message now president trump's message during the campaign really resinating with those people. you worked in pennsylvania, you worked in west virginia, why has that message really resinated across the coal mining industry? >> president trump is by far the most person that understands the working-class people that we had in several years. that's what we need to get our industries back and rolling again. clayton: one of the concerns on the left and regulations against the coal mining the environmental degradation of it. you point something that the senator of west virginia said, we are all environmentalists, what do you mean? >> personally myself i'm a fisherman and we go fishing with a gar bash bag. as i watch environmentalists after they have their riots, i call them, the garbage behind them is knee deep. the people that i work with, take care oh of the environment. clayton: what does this legislation mean for the industry at large? >> as i said before, i've had the pleasure of working for and with very good people who are hard working and a lot of them are younger people and this gives them a lot of hope moving toward that the industry that we all work with would be available. we need to have coal energy to provide the low-cost electricity for our citizens and for our industry and four cents a kilowatt hour coal is good part of our energy program. clayton: hillary clinton said she would put you out of work. >> hillary clinton is now out of work. clayton: we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. clayton: president trump to hold rally. the med say is not a fan, they are slamming the rally before it begins. bill gates has plan for the economy, tax the robots who stole the job. can you tax a robot? if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. abby: bill gates working hard to solve problem of robot replacing people. >> back on earth an army of take on -- [laughter] >> his solution taxing the robots but could that actually work. >> here to weigh in kirk the cyberguy. the left finds way to tax absolutely everything, now they are going to tax everything? >> let's just calm down. let's just do this thing right now. bill gates, waltyiest man in america and now giving most of his fortune he has, no interest in making a buck. he just wants to help the world. so he has already come out and said, watch out, for robots and artificial intelligence coming our way. >> automation. when we talk about robots not necessarily, you know, walley walking around. >> yes. that are steeling jobs, right, from human beings, $2.7 trillion worth of job are expected, 50% of american jobs will be replaced by robots at some point and what bill gates is saying as of yesterday is why don't we tax the robots, the exact same way we would tax human beings who are in that -- you need the income. you have to have the income in this country. clayton: this sounds like donald trump might support this. bring jobs back to the united states, if you bring robots back to the united states, i will tax you. >> it does sound similar to his thinking. i saw this and dug into it, bill gates, i like what you're talking about because it's not just stealing the job, it's putting money back in your pocket once your job is gone. his theory is this, all the robots take half of the jobs, $2.7 trillion would go out the door unless they were taxed or some other money came in, his goal is this, if we can do all of this, then it would free us up to then be focused on taking care of the elderly, taking care of kids with special needs and it is very utopian. >> isn't the problem, though, robots taking over the jobs? at the end of the day what president trump is talking about is actual jobs. >> that's a problem to not have a plan, it's a problem to just rip off a job from a human being and somehow give a machine more importance that be we have as human beings. that's a big problem. abby: you said it's 50%. >> we are talking about the year 2055, the projection of that one. according to report from mckenzie, it is not happening overnight but something we have to keep an eye on and also something that, i think, this is the envelope opening to that scary thing about artificial intelligence. my biggest worry is not about the jobs that robots are going to take, it's about robots will demand more from us. they will rise up again. [laughter] >> ordering kiosk is going to tell me that i need to order a quarter pound of cheese. >> it's going to seal the parking light and ordering from itself. don't be nervous. i like bill gates' idea with this. you're going to steal jobs, you better solve the problem. clayton: okay. peter: a lot of good ideas that haven't worked out so well but thank you, kirk. president trump reminding the press it didn't all start all of a sudden start with him. >> this country was seriously divided before i got here and i'm going to try and do everything within my power to -- >> does president trump have to bridge existing divide. juan williams to weigh in the next hour. abby: major controversy could be brewing over ford's promise to bring jobs from méxico. it turns out that the president is not going to like this one as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily ...and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. >> good morning, happy saturday, it's february 18th, i'm abby huntsman. president trump doing what he does best. on the way to florida for a huge campaign rally as he fires another shot and it is a big one at the mainstream media. peter: plus this, senator mccain, how do you think the senator is doing. >> this administration is in disarray and they have a lot of work to do. peter: comment coming over night not being well received by many, in fact, the vice president got up early to respond. clayton: president obama great president or greatest president, this morning the historians have reached consensus, not number one or number two. we will tell you what number he is. >> tell me now. clayton: you will have to wait. "fox & friends" hour starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ clayton: you can always mark the seasons here for bass pro show. if you go to bass pro shops you will get spring classic also to training. abby: free seminars. it feels like spring today. it's going to reach 60-degrees. the sun is out this morning. peter: abby nailed her first cast. >> it is going to be warm in florida, melbourne, florida, where president trump is going to be doubling down calling out the media in front of a large crowd, you mentioned the large rally that he's about to hold and follow on the heels that he tweeted out yesterday. he called out failing new york times, abc, it's not my enemy, it's the enemy of the american people. i guaranty you we are going to hear the same message today. abby: the media in a meltdown. they are freaking out. the society of journalists tweeted, attack by sitting u.s. president is a slap in the face to democracies, the country's founders and american people. peter: attack on the free press. he didn't say they were his enemies, he said they were enemies of the american people. it's not a free press. he talks about free trade. it's a fair press and we want to thank -- think ap and other outlets are fair. he has called them. they think they are above criticism. you're free to say what you want but i'm free to countercriticize, i'm going to do in front of large audience. abby: i'm going to go actually all the way around you and i'm going to go directly to the american people which is exactly what he has been doing. clayton: i'm trying to go through archives if the society was mat when president obama attacked fox news. peter: the society will send us a tweet. we heard from the white house obama administration and president obama himself when he was talk about fox news. abby: awesome producers did digging themselves and found flashback of hillary clinton. i think this is on the debate stage where he was talking about one of her own enemies. >> which enemy are you most proud of? >> in addition to the nra, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians. [laughter] >> probably the republicans. [cheers and applause] abby: that's a lot of people that she listed fbi way. that's more than half of the country. peter: a lot of the reason that she didn't win, she said her enemies are the republicans. president trump says the enemies of the american people. they can't look at failing new york times in the eye and say you're biased and another point he members, american people don't see the details and the process. i see what actually happens, i have to look at the headline that's on the other direction. i call that out because they can't know otherwise. clayton: the associated press story the other day. one hundred thousand national guard troops are going to be used in ice raids. and there was no truth to that. there may have been memo written before trump became president that had nothing to do with the trump administration, the trump administration says the ap never called us to confirm it. we flatly deny that that was the case. the ap went ahead with the headline. abby: this is not the opinion blogger, this is from the ap. clayton: a lot of news rooms would go on for decades. abby: a lot lot of people don't know where to go for news. the more american people trust trump than reporters. we thought about all of this and emails have been pouring in. i trust the president 100% more than the media. i always considered the media not to be on my side. clayton: freedom of the press speech, i totally get it but what several news outlets have been doing lately is not journalism. peter: the media is the whole reason the country is so divided, how can anyone make an educated decision when they aren't getting the whole story? >> he did not mention the washington post in his tweet where he said dishonest media and -- as a response when vice president learned about the lie from michael flynn, fired michael flynn. he said that in the conference. that's how he learned that he had been lied to, from the washington post reporting. he didn't label dishonest media. abby: really transparent saying, i have nothing to hide here. ask me anything you want. peter: you're making this up. i will prove it to you but they keep -- abby: i love when he warned, just wait until tomorrow. the press they are going to be ranting about this whole thing. we are likely going to hear more about this later tonight. president trump is back with the people who actually got him elected. peter: he has a rally plan tonight in melbourne, florida, outside of orlando but he already gave a fiery campaign-style speech yesterday in south carolina. clayton: live in washington, d.c. with more on the story, good morning, lauren. >> good morning, we are calling it a campaign rally because the event is being paid by the donald j. trump for president campaign not american taxpayers, president trump is back on the trail for his first post inauguration rally and back in his comfort zone. it's the second event the president is speaking out outside the beltway this week. we spoke in front of cheering crowd of supporters yesterday in boeing plant in south carolina talking to workers on how he's going to fulfill a campaign promise to bring back american jobs. >> there will be a very substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country, make the product and think that they're going to sell it back over what will soon be a very, very strong border. we want products made by our workers, in our factories, stamped with those four magnificent words, made in the usa. >> because of a tense relationship with the press, the president and his folks say the point of the rally toint is to get their message directly to the american people bypassing traditional media. rally will be held at the melbourne international airport hanger but we won't see air force in background because it is a campaign. abby: president trump seems determine today continue the permanent campaign. peter: he should rely on npr for headline ifs he wants stream media. abby: permanent campaign, we watched him yesterday in south carolina where he was very much in his comfort stone like he was in the campaign trail and speaking to the american people, saying, i'm not doing this to myself. i'm actually for jobs and this. clayton: here is what the rest npr story says, the campaign mode continues rallying like he's 2016. the president does not seem comfortable in his office with my cases of divided powers and shared responsibilities but remains comfortable on stage. peter: how much more innuendo can you put that? he's quite comfortable there. but he's also a blue-collar billionaire who has made a career being in executive office. you see him doing to dinners and elsewhere. fortifies to fight for the things that you were there. any president would get out but instead it's a boogie man campaign rally. abby: i don't think people paid him to be comfortable in that chair. they voted for him to comfortable speaking to the american people and what you want to do. peter: you have incoming all day long from all sides from the press and from democrats, you don't want to confirm picks, go out to the people and mobilize the people which is your advantage in the first place. you the people, the swamp is going to hate you, bring the people to the swamp and let them help you drain it. he's going to be doing that tonight. overnight, vice president mike pence making first international trip reassuring support for u.s. allies while sending a strong message to nato to pay its share of defense spending. >> the promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many for too long and it erodes the very foundation of our alliance. the president of the united states expects our allies to keep their word, to fulfill this commitment. abby: vice president meeting with world leaders right now, among them is german chancellor angela merkel. protestors burning the american flag while blocking traffic in philadelphia. take a look. [inaudible] abby: four people put in handcuffs and facing assault charges. it looks like president trump's plan might be working. >> we will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. abby: miami-dade county in florida becoming the first in the nation to drop sanctuary status. officials unwilling to risk president trump following through to cut the $255 million of annual federal funding to just that county. also this this morning, a group of dads going viral after taking a father-daughter valentine's valet -- ballet class. ♪ ♪ ♪ abby: i can't get enough of the video. it's so good. the philadelphia dancing school showing video of dads leaping across the floor with lit toll no ballet, you get to see the dads and daughters show up live in the next on "fox & friends". >> i've got the father-daughter dance tonight. abby: do you have a tutu to wear today. peter: president trump reminding the press divisions in our country, they didn't start with him. >> this country was seriously divided before i got here and i am going to try, i will do to fix that. peter: does he have what it takes to breach the divide, juan williams next. >> this is shocking, not going very well. no one is buying the 9-dollar gatorade. [laughter] clayton: don't worry, they have a solution, we will -- they will just lay some people off. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ alongside their direct rate to save you money. but what's really going on? when played backwards at 1/8th speed you can clearly hear... what could that mean? woman: tom? tom! they're just commercials. or are they? you're waking the neighbors. well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. i think it's actually "awoken." no, that doesn't even seem right. no, it's "awoken." revealing the truth to help you save. why do so many businesses rely on the u.s. postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. ♪ that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority : you ththen out of nowhere...crying. third time that day. i wasn't even sad. first the stroke, now this. so we asked my doctor. he told us about pseudobulbar affect, or pba. it's frequent, uncontrollable crying or laughing that doesn't match how you feel. it can happen with certain neurologic conditions like stroke, dementia, or ms. he prescribed nuedexta, the only fda-approved treatment for pba. tell your doctor about medicines you take. some can't be taken with nuedexta. nuedexta is not for people with certain heart conditions. serious side effects may occur. life-threatening allergic reactions to quinidine can happen. tell your doctor right away if you have bleeding or bruising. stop nuedexta if muscle twitching, confusion, fever, or shivering occurs with antidepressants. side effects may include diarrhea, dizziness, cough, vomiting, weakness, or ankle swelling. nuedexta made a difference by reducing my pba episodes. ask about nuedexta and go to >> so you understand, we had a totally divided country for eight years and long before that. in all fairness to president obama, long before president obama. we have had a very divided. i didn't come along and divide the country. this country was seriously divided before i got here. we are going to work on it very hard and i am going to try, i will do everything within my power to fix that. peter: that's president trump reminding the press that he's not to blame for dividing the nation, but does he have what it takes to bridge that divide. here to weigh in political analysts and cohost of the five, juan williams. thank you for getting up early and joining us. >> good morning. peter: he points out that we had a president in barack obama that sought to fundamentally transform america, who really did divide this country? >> well, first, pete, the president is right, the country was divide before he came to power, who divided the country? there are so many critical moments that we've seen over the course of let's say the last 20 years, i would start with the clinton impeachment because when you go back to that and that's the birth of so many of liberal groups in effort to impeach president clinton, you come to the 2000 election, bush v. gore and all the arguments, pete, you're too young. [laughter] >> that divided the country and then you come, of course, forward to, you know, where the weapons of mass destruction. i always think that one of the moments that when we were together was after 9/11. people standing as americans strong, tall and proud. peter: of course, president trump was elected taking on the republican party but also then taking on hillary clinton, taking on the establishment, i'm going to take a new view at old issues and hopefully seek to go unit this country. how can the president unit when he has a media under siege that has him under siege every single moment, does the media not share a great deal of blame in driving a wedge between this president and desire to unit us? >> that's interesting question because i think from the media perspective and we at fox have experienced this with president obama, i think that the media has a legitimate roll in holding powerful people to account in the case of obama trying to transform the country in way that is as you pointed out, some people found just wrong-headed and had questions about, didn't like. when you look at president trump, president trump has his own media -- social media power here and when he goes after from arnold schwarzenegger or meryl streep, i don't think the media is necessarily to blame, he picks on people, he identifies people who doesn't like him and punches back. go ahead. peter: people say you don't want to battle people that ink by the barrel. >> that's right. peter: the only people that can do it. is that not reset the conversation at the very least and making it an honest? >> reset, reform, transform. it's unbelievable to. me we have never seen a with this kind of power. i thought the press conference was just pure donald trump goes directly to the american people, directly to his base and speaks their language. i don't know if you were following on twitter, so many pointed out to me, if you listen to the republicans, they loved it, liberals and democrats couldn't stand it. peter: thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure, have a great weekend. peter: like wise, like wise, thank you. it won't be building a factory in méxico, it will build two. and historians have reached a consensus on president trump place in history and then grab your tackle box, we are going outside. stick around ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. abby: we are back with news by the numbers. you're looking at a live shot right now of the rocket that will carry 5,000 pounds of cargo into space. 50%, that's how much soda sales fell. employers are expected to cut jobs to make up for losses. final 12, that's president obama's ranking all time according to c-span historian. abraham lincoln taking the number one slot. clayton. clayton: all right, thanks, abby. our fans are celebrating the return of fishing season by kicking off annual spring fishing classic right here on plaza this morning. >> back with more, the champion of bass pros 2016 edwin evers. welcome back. >> he's been nailing this like repeatedly. >> you're about ten in a row. [laughter] clayton: edwin tell us about the spripg fishing classic? >> there's no better time if you want to learn how to fish or anything how to fish or spell fish now the time to go to bass proshops. there's so much going on. the best deals of the entire year are this next week at bass proshops. >> there's a couple of things that you guys do with the university program as well so students, kids can come out and learn from experts, right? >> one of the greatest things march 20 and 21st, that's where it's all about the kids, you know, we have workshops and seminars for kids, actually come cowt and taste some fish samples, you know, to eat some fish. peter: and if you have old equipment, you can flip it out. >> old rod, old rail. you get a hundred dollars off. a great deal and refurbish those . >> they are getting better? >> oh, yeah. it's about experience. one of the great things about bass proshops in general, there's a lot of people out there that want to get start to fishing and you walk into the store that it's so big and overwhelming that you don't know what to choose from. we have great examples here. something basic. you want to get your kid out here and start fishing, a beetle spin, i started with one of these, my son cade he's caught monster fish and he's just eight. it's the perfect rod and drill and the best thing of bass proshops all the people will be there to help you. all of this right here, you're looking at under 40 bucks. it's not a big expensive ender to get out there and start fishing. peter: i will be out here till i make one in the bucket. abby: you guys need women out there, i think. american flags torched. police officers pepper sprayed. is this what we have to look forward for the next four years? former secret service agent here to react. that's next. and has the inclusive left finally gone too far? new demands to make fraternities co-ed. you want to stick around for this one. remember when you said men are superior drivers? yeah... yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. >> i turn on the tv and open the newspapers and i see stories of chaos, chaos. yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. despite the fact that i can't get my cabinet approved. i just see many, many untruthful things. and i tell you what i see? tone, the tone is such hatred. i'm really not a bad person, fbi way. abby: president trump going after the media in press conference. we want to bring in dan here to talk more about this. he tweeted yesterday hitting the mainstream media once again, the enemy is -- what did he say? the fake news it's not my enemy, it's the enemy of the american people, what are your thoughts on that? >> he's right, abby. the media is smart. these aren't stupid people. they understood a long time ago that what they do is tell stories and people think in stories and narratives and what the media has done is manipulated the narrative for a long time. the narrative is republicans are the bad guys, immigration is a good thing and tax cuts are terrible and they manipulate them and what they are doing, donald trump is right about tone, they use that tone in telling a story to constantly treat him and conservatives in a condescending matter. i give them a big round of applause for having guts to go out there and take the fight right to them. let's keep it honest. >> it's difficult when he becomes president because then as the president he doesn't have an ep my, right, the enemy was hillary clinton during the campaign. this is really smart for the trump administration to attack the mainstream media and then to go back to the american people down in melbourne, florida today at a rally and say i'm your voice, right? >> i'm so glad you brought this up. i'm so tired of talking to clueless liberals. the donald trump press conference was not an accident. you can continue with liberals and have blindfolds, he screwed himself over in the media in the media press, you're out of your mind. people see the world in good and evil and unfortunately the media put themselves on the bad guy box and donald trump sees that and he's leveraging it. peter: john said recently, the press should only be blaming themselves. a fox poll that 68% of americans that the press was much more unfair to president trump than president obama. you were a secret service officer for president obama, also a former nypd officer and we have to get your comments on the protests that happened in philadelphia last night. officers hurt, flags being burned, no good cop, but a dead one, is this the resistance of the left, is this how it manifests itself? >> yeah, this is really sad. this has become a sad tragic going on right now. here is what happened, we had eight years of barack obama administration that when it came time to support the cops they were subdued. when it came time to throw cops under the bus, they took every opportunity not only to do it but to do it loudly, proudly and publicly. cops are not stupid people. i was in nypd officers and these are really smart men and women and i was a federal agent. they know exactly what's going on, pete. they saw an opportunity to get backed up by the chief executive of the united states and he didn't do it and gave home to black lives matter, movement that calls for pigs in a blank eat and cops saw that and they never forgot it. abby: it is worse than a very long time, dan. >> you and i are thinking in terms, clearly we have moved past slavery and jim crowe but it's not how liberals think of it. it's not about black or white. it's about identity politics and use whatever label they can. don't vote for us, vote against the other guy, the republican because they don't like you because you're black, woman, hispanic, young, old, identity politics is their party. that's all they have. clayton: you can pull the curtain back from us on this as far as the secret service goes and u.s. marshals, betsy devos being guarded by u.s. marshal service as she goes around. we heard her being taunted and things thrown at her the other day, being heckled last week, take a look. >> shame! shame! clayton: what's happening are the u.s. marshals having to guard her? >> this is a national disgrace, seriously, this is an embasement. you have a woman here betsy devos who is a successful family business who spent her entire life not worrying about spending her money on herself but spending her money to advocate for poor and disadvantaged kids so they can have school choice, big shocker to the left, what does the left do? they get in her face and are super aggressive with her. i thought they were the party of feminism and treating women fairly. betsy devos threatens everything they stand for, control of the school bureaucracy, the public education and the utter failure of the education boar crasy to do a darn thing for disadvantaged kids. since i was born in the 70's, they spent three times as much money and they are doing nothing to improve lives of these kids. peter: can you imagine if a tea party protestor got in the face of a female protestor like that, the media would be going nuts. >> i'm a conservative and i don't hide that. the answer is no, this hyperaggressive type nonsense is almost exclusively a domain of the radical far left. not all democrats but the radical far left. they think this is a political strategy to assault people, block their access to schools, this is insane. this is not i think to work and someone is going to get arrested, someone as a matter of fact was arrested. abby: it's called conditional love. we will only be your friend as long as you agree -- dan, good to have you here. >> of course. abby: we want to turn the to other headlines, mexican immigrant remains behind bar this is morning. medina has to request a bond hearing from a federal immigration judge. medina was brought to the u.s. illegally as child but protected under the obama administration, he was arrested during ice raids and the fed says he has ties to gangs but his attorney denies that. and the congressional black caucus refusing to meet with president trump calling his senior adviser steve bannon a stone-cold racist. new york congressman jeffreys is telling msnbc this. >> he should not be in the room. >> why not? >> he's a white supremacist. abby: earlier we spoke with david clark who says it's not up to the congressman to decide who is in the meeting. >> all jeffreys is doing is stoking up animosity, steve bannon is a good man, steve bannon is an honest man, he's a fair individual and i'm actually appalled that these individuals continue to play the rake -- race card. abby: all this the caucus requesting a meeting with him. ford with their plans to two factories in méxico, this despite canceling plans to built plant last month after pressure from the trump administration to keep jobs here in the u.s. the two new plants have been in the work since 2015 and they will stay. also this, has the tolerant left have gone too far? there are talks on the campus of yale university of a new rule that would force male pra ternties to admit female pledges, the student group behind this push is using to make case, they make no mention of allowing men into female -- [laughter] >> it's a disaster zone. abby: no, thank you. ly stay out. if you're going to do that, make it equal, right, let men join sororities. >> do you want that? abby: no, i don't want that. [laughter] >> fishing time. take a look at the weather maps and show you what's going on. we have one little storm across parts of the southeast, it's going to bring rain and scattered showers. don't worry about that. it'll move into the carolinas during the day. out in the west that's where all of the problems have been and we have been watching the dam in california, the forecast rain in the forecast for about the next three to four dais and it's going to continue specially heavier by monday and tuesday. here is your temperature in the next few days, take a look at this guys, 60's and 70's all the way up towards chicago. can you believe that in february and it is feeling good. it'll get cold to remind us it's winter but today it's spring. clayton: a neglect desperate attempt by the left to undermine president trump, democrats say he's mentally ill. others want a psychologist in the white house just to check on mental health. the american people really going to buy that? how about no. you have seen protests at town halls across the country. should lawmakers even show up if the meetings are organized by far-leftist groups. chris here to react in the next hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at abby: it is the latest desperate attempt by the left to undermine president trump this time by suggesting that he's unfit to serve. >> i've noticed renewed interest in the 25th amendment as we have seen erratic behavior out of the white house, inability by donald trump to tell whether it rained on him during his inaugural speech and repeating false statement that is are wrong. we need to have a mechanism that can be reliable. >> congressman allowed -- alluded to it. requiring a psychologist in the white house. >> this after "the new york times" published a letter with a headline mental heat professional warn about trump. are people really buying this at this point? >> michael, what do you make of this? do they need a psychologist in the white house? >> if you're a politician that tells lies, then capitol hill is the world's most exclusive nut house. when president obama said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period, he meant specific compli the psychologist that was assigned to the oval office while he was saying completely nutty thing. this is nothing new. i'm sorry to say particularly from the left. idea that people disagree with you aren't simply, people disagree with you or wrong, there's something wrong with you. i was one of the first people in the tea party movement and we got it all of the time. you can't possibly hate obamacare, you must be a racist, you must hate the terrible economic growth, you must have something, you must be a hater and now donald trump, you can't possibly want to be the president the way you want to be president. you must be mentally ill. donald trump is definitely an unusual president. i think we can agree on that -- >> for sure. >> sometimes he and some of the facts are not quite on the same gps system, that's agreed. but to have the debate, talk about the fact as opposed to saying, oh, my gosh, there's something wrong with this guy. peter: you do want to delve in fact, when it comes to things like mental and psychiatric analysts. it's unethical for psychiatrist to give opinion of public figures they haven't examined let alone congress, they call tit gold water rule because the same thing happened to barry gold water. is this where they inevitable go, they have to be crazy. >> psychology today magazine has run several articles about studies done by liberal academics in places like oregon and berkeley claiming that being a conservative is a form of mental illness or raises suspicion about your mental health. i just want to say this, al frankton weighed in being called crazy by al frank oan is being called painfully unfunny by al frankon. i'm sorry, i'm not going to go home worried about my meds because of him. abby: where else can you go about saying someone is mentally insane? peter: is that what we are looking at here? >> no doubt about it. the word on the washington examiner, we have been writing articles opening throwing the i word, itch peoplement. russia story. the more we find out russia story, why do they keep pushing russia story, the only thing worst in crazy is a russian agent that's crazy. abby: good to have you this morning. coming up republicans are working to repeal and replace obamacare. what changes does senator rand paul want to see? we are going to ask him next hour. peter: whoopi goldberg goes rogue on the set of the view. what had her taking sides with president trump? stick around to see that if you often suffer from a dry mouth, over time it can lead to cavities and bad breath. that's why there is biotene, the # 1 dry mouth brand recommended by dentists. biotene. for people who suffer from a dry mouth. abby: fox's newest thriller a cure for wellness combines hidden horrors and creepy castles when a young executive finds himself trapped in a mysterious wellness center. >> rest assure it's just the toxins leaving the system. give yourself completely to the process and you will see the results. clayton: i'm two into that. michael tamara got the inside scoop in the movie. >> a psychological roller coaster. the new york premier who told me what it was like to bring this haunting story to life. >> a cure for wellness premiered this week in new york city. it's a psychological thriller that's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. >> i came out exhausted like i had been five hours in the gym, i had been grabbing the seat, sweeting, i'm looking forward to watching the rest of the audience tortured that way. >> it's terrifying and i'm going to watch it again now because it's a fill tham you have to watch a couple of times to really pick up on all the details and nuances on the film. >> we need original content too, you know, we need something that's going to, you know, think about what's going on in the world today but also take us away from it and terrify us and entertain us and, you know, give us something to think about. >> is it secure? >> no, actually i was just leaving. >> i would never leave. >> we went on a month long tour in germany. we went to the most haunted place in germany. some people felt ghosts there and spirits. it just helps with the mood and the atmosphere that we were trying to create with the film. >> i found it the creepiest and scariest place i had ever been. >> set the tone? >> it generally did. i would try not to look up because i did not want to see the silhouettes on the empty buildings because you could hear the screams in the air. >> it's wonderful here. clayton: creepy. >> in theaters now. for more of my celebrity interview check out in the fox or instagram. abby: looks disturbing, michael. awesome. peter: he likes people that weren't captured and this morning john mccain is somehow getting revenge. geraldo rivera on that ahead. clayton: dads everywhere, take note, these dads and daughters are here to teach moves everyone is talking about. abby: clayton too, you're joining them. ♪ ♪ ♪ every tv doctor knows that when it comes to hospital romances, the more complicated, the better. i love you. but i love him. i love him, too. so do i. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. it's american heart month. schedule your check-up to learn your four health numbers so you can maintain a healthy heart. cigna. together, all the way. ♪ >> good morning. happy saturday, everyone, it is february 18th i'm abby huntsman, and he is doubling back. president trump on a huge campaign rally tonight, and it is a big one at the mainstream media. >> plus senator mccain, how is the president doing? >> this administration is in disarray, and they've got a lot of work to do. >> well, he's clearly got a different opinion about this administration and those comments not being well received by some. in fact, the vice president up early in munich to respond to those comments. >> and it's the evidence that has scientists they've been searching for centuries. is this proof that aliens actually exist? take a look at your screen. it was cut off. we'll tell you more what happened there. abby: i'm hooked, clayton. abby: incredible. our plaza turned into a lake this morning. >> it is amazing. bass pro shops turned. you know what else is wonderful? phoenix where our next guest is joining from right here. we missed you today, her al geraldo. what brings you here? >> i'm here for my mother's 70th birthday. i love john mccain. i know he's part of what we want to talk about this morning. but i miss you all. i want to see what kind of fish you catch on west 48th street. abby: it's it's going to be beautiful. pete: you watched the press conference, 77 minutes of the press conference, and then he doubled down with a new tweet just out. he said don't believe the mainstream fake news media. the white house is running very well. i inherited a mess. i'm in the process of fixing it. clayton: and there's also a second tweet out as well. he said we'll be having many meetings this meeting at the southern white house speech in melbourne, florida. a lot to talk about. abby: he will certainly hit on that tonight. >> that's fine. and i love the fact that he goes to these rallies or he will be in this campaign mode. i think it reenergizing him. i'm not particularly sure attacking the press is the right thing to do. i just did a podcast about this. this reminds me most of the first term of richard nixon and spiral agna. he was the vice president and that's when they had the silent majority, and you can draw parallels to that right now. trump was the core of america. nixon was the silent majority. bombs of negativism. trump is saying it's fake news. there's a real parallel there. but i think my main point this morning, abby, is that everybody's got to cool down. we've got a country that we all deeply care about, and we have to get into a mode where it's real governance going on. abby: but you can get back on that, geraldo and saying i have to defend. no one else is defending out there, and you've seen the polling. we did a poll here at fox news that more people trust president trump than they do reporters today. that's the reality of where we are. >> i was at a cowboy bar last night, and obviously country western music playing. people wearing t-shirts. i voted for trump. it was a very defiant attitude. it was almost a militant attitude. and i said to myself, you know, in another part of the country in another town, it would be just the opposite. what's going on here? we're one country. let's cool down. donald trump is the president. he's the 45th president of the united states. i don't think it does anybody any good to have this rivalry the real americans versus the fake americans, the real media versus the fake media. where does it get us? clayton: where does it get us that they're able to have one narrative for years, they treat barack obama with a kid glove. it's going to be messy. it's not going to be perfect. it's going to require press conferences like that. so is he not level setting saying we're not going to put up anymore with one-sided media, the left swinging married having double standards. does he not have to do that if you want to get the agenda passed that he said he would? building a wall and immigration laws, tax reform. if the press is going to, you have to take them on. >> i get that. but i go back to where i started. we have the president's own words. he inherited a mess. abby: he said that very thing this week. >> right. and this is a very dangerous world. this is a place where the president really has so many more important fish to fry than going after the media. he'll never agree with the media. but when you come out, and you do 77 minutes of the 77 minutes, probably half of it was attacking jim acosta from cnn or asking the black lady whether she'll set up a meeting with the congressional black caucus. you know, doing stuff that isn't designed to convey a message of a man in charge. pete: let's talk about what the ap sent out yesterday. and you get this from the white house. he says i thought the financial press was dishonest until i got to washington, i'm a politician. i didn't realize how dishonest the political press was. the associated press sent out a tweet the other day with breaking news saying trump administration considers mobilizing as many as 100,000 national guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants. the white house denied that report and said they never reached out to us. we would have told them that's not true. how does this kind of story get out there? and isn't this exactly what president trump -- abby: and this is the ap we're talking about. >> all right. but let me show you something. i am in a arizona. one of the four border states mentioned. this is the arizona republic. which is the main state newspaper for arizona. look what it says. rally the troops, question mark. trump team considered using national guard to round up undocumented immigrants. move with mark major shift. pete: but that is not true. he's going to fight headlines like that every day. >> but what is true and what is untrue? it is true that there was a memo. the memo's not fake. >> it wasn't approved by trump. it was never even considered. . >> but the memo is true. what is untrue is that trump intends to act on it. by the way, it wouldn't be the first time the national guard has been deployed on the whole issue of immigration. george w. bush did it in 2006. barack obama did it in 2010. so you can understand why it conveyed a -- clayton: but doesn't a headline like that prove trump's point. you're headline that you just held out send out the troops, question mark. doesn't that prove trump's point that the media is trying to make him look like the bad guy when he was just reinforcing the wall. abby: i was going to say even more than that, pete, it's dangerous. because they're waking up where do i even go to get my news to figure out what's going on. because you see headlines likeur people to read and for it to be totally false. abby: abby, the fact is there was a memo. the fact is also the president is reassuring people who care about the immigrant community that he will not be deploying the national guard. the story, though, is not -- >> there's a headline. >> it's just, unfortunately, the headline may steer people in the wrong direction. >> geraldo is in senator john mccain's backyard there in arizona. senator over in munich saying it looks like this white house is in disarray. here's what senator mccain had to say about it. take a listen. >> it would be alarmed by the growing inability and even the unwillingness to separate truth from lies. they would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanti romanticizing it. >> he also described what th what the president's white house as in disarray. what do you say? >> i think that, first of all, i am a older american. i believe in the older traditions that say once you leave the united states, you never talk badly about the united states. you know, that's something that you do internally amongst us. so i don't like, particularly when someone as prominent and beloved as john mccain talks about it. but i want to give senate to mccain this much space. there was no doubt that in europe you have a drift toward authoritarianism. toward the right. toward -- >> i have to challenge you on that. maybe nationalism. they want their borders. they don't want to be invaded silently by a navy that's silent. why is that authoritarianism? why do we go that will it right away? >> because the parties that represent the positions that you just stated, pete, and i think you were correct about it. those parties tend to be on the far right. their agenda is much broader than merely securing their borders and fighting the undocumented immigrants coming in. there is a broader drift in european, particularly, toward a state more vigorous, let me say. a state that has more -- a statism. pete: well, sovereignty. >> you can define it as sovereignty as well as sovereignty doesn't become something much worse, and we have plenty of historical references in the context. my beef is -- pete: now we're -- abby: okay. but can i ask -- >> my beef, abby is that when you bunch america in with europe, you tend to insult the fair-minded notion of america. the historic liberalism, let me say of america. abby: i hear what you're saying. bigger picture, though, this battle between senator john mccain and president trump. don't they need each other, because as you said, senator mccain is very well respected. they need each other to get these big things done. so what advice do you have to both of them? and how do they move forward? >> let me just -- i think, first of all, the president and the media have to cool it. this is a cancerous relationship that helps nobody. and i think one of the ways they can cool is you know general flynn and russia and all of that. i'm going to have an investigation with that, it's going to be totally transparent. we can do that. the second is the gop and the party have to get so the on it same page. the president can't be fighting the democrats on the left and the republicans also. they have to now remember that they're the party in power. where is the action on obamacare if that's what they want to do? where is the action on the infrastructure project we were going t trying to see rebuilding tunnels and bridges and highways? everyone has to lower their blood pressure, decide we're all on the same page, we all want the best for the united states, and go forward together and stop this an antagonistic relationship, which helps nobody other than our enemies. abby: all right. geraldo, thank you for being here this morning from phoenix, arizona. >> all right. abby: who will replace general flynn from one of the top spots in the white house? pete: and then a secret or closed meeting between the chinese ambassador. wait meeting with an ambassador before you're president, wasn't that supposed to be unethical? >> and these dads and their daughters are here to teach them moves that everyone is talking about. ♪ ♪ tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift. especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. when someone told me i had colon cancer. we had the follow up, cat scan which showed that it had gone to her liver. it was pretty intense and we needed to move pretty quickly. we needed a second opinion. that's when our journey began with cancer treatment centers of america. one of our questions was, how are we going to address my liver. so my doctor said i think we can do both surgeries together. i loved that. to find out more about our treatment options, go to our teams of physicians and clinicians are experienced and compassionate, bringing you a level of care you won't find anywhere else. my health is good. cancer treatment centers of america, you have people that really care. they are my family now. these people are saints. ha, they're saints. please call or visit today. the evolution of cancer care is here. cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. abby: president trump back with the people who got him elected. pete: he has a rally planned today in florida, but today we'll meet with potential replacements for the national security role. >> lauren is live in washington d.c. with that story. good morning, lauren. >> well, we're calling it a campaign rally because the event is being paid for by the donald trump campaign, not american taxpayers. he's back for his post inauguration rally and back in his comfort zone. it's the second event the president is speaking at outside the beltway this week. he spoke in front of a cheering crowd of supporters at a boeing plant in south carolina talking to voters on how he's going to fulfill a campaign promise to bring back american jobs. >> there will be a very substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country. make the product, and think that they're going to sell it back over what will soon be a very, very strong border. we want products made by our workers in our factories stamped by those four magnificent words. made in the usa. >> because of a tense relationship with the press, the president and his folks say the point arrest isn't tonight is to get their message directly to the people bypassing the media. it will be held at the airport hanger. we won't see air force one as a backdrop because it is a campaign event. now, before the rally tonight, the president is expected to meet with potential national security adviser candidates at his winter white house. acting adviser keith kellogg will be sitting down with the president, and we're told the new short list also includes former unn ambassador john bolton who told fox's shannon last night that if asked to do the job, he would be prepared. abby: all right. lauren branch for us. thank you, lauren. we want to make sure clayton is okay. they hear sniffling under the microphone. clayton: well, we did, like, a 12-minute segment with geraldo. pete: he's a trooper. speaking of troopers, obamacare supporters across the country. is the gop doing enough to stop them? or did they get caught off guard by these protesters? chris is up early, and he's up t pete: and welcome back. some quick headlines for you now. former national security adviser michael flynn off the hook. the fbi announcing it will not pursue charges after intelligence leaks that he spoke with russia's ambassador before the inauguration. the white house is still looking for his replacement after he was fired. and the feds looked into flynn but what about hillary clinton? could one of john pa desa's leaked e-mails, requested a private meeting with hillary clinton's top aids in january 2016 while she was running for president. interesting. abby: so if you watch this press conference this week, you found it refreshing, you absolutely loved it. if you didn't like him, then you found it unhinged and probably a little bit crazy. >> well, when you put it like that, abby -- yod i think the reason trump held the press conference is that things weren't so fast. that there were problems, and you lose a nominee, and you have to cashier your national security adviser and where is the progress on obamacare and taxes and all those things? trump knows something. that he knows his base, his core supporters hate the media, hate us so much with the white, hot passion of 10,000 suns -- abby: they hate you specifically, chris. >> who wouldn't, really. but he knows if he goes out and beats up the press, punches them on the nose. yells at them. calls them fake, liars, phony. the folks back home who were maybe feeling a little uncertain, that's what they love. it gives them what they want. pete: and when you become president, it kind of stinks because you don't really have an enemy anymore; right? hillary clinton was the enemy and now you're president. you won. and a good story always has a good enemy; right? >> right. and for trump, we make a convenient enemy of first resort for him because americans don't trust the press. americans don't trust the media. there are problems in our relationship with the people who were supposed to be serving with the nation that we have to duty. remember, we're the only profession that gets a line item in the bill of rights. and it's very important, and we may not be living up to it. but for trump, we make the best opportunity -- the easiest opportunity first resort. >> well, and rush limbaugh and others have pointed out it was effective because it -- you talked about -- you you did something most people in the press won't ever do, which is to point at themselves and say maybe we're to blame for some of this. and john dickerson who hosts another show on another network had comments that i think some of the left stream media would admit. take a look at of what john dickerson had to say. >> i really do think manhattan media have lost the country. >> yes. it's true. but it's not because of anything donald trump did. the press ruined their reputation on their own. and we can have a lot of conversation about that, which is every hysterical coverage of every last thing that doesn't warrant it. pete: historical coverage of every last thing. shouldn't they be looking in the mirror? >> if everything is hitler, nothing is hitler. if everything is the most trepidation of american history when donald trump tweets, then who's going to listen to you if it's right? if the assumption of many in the washington press that i think dickerson's point is quite right. if the assumption in the washington press core is that trump is some fantastic tyrant waiting to crush the american freedom in the -- in his open hand, if that's what they think, they're not doing a very good job covering theuse wk about? they talk about themselves. it was amazing in that press conference that they took the bait from trump so fully, so completely. there was a reporter who stood up and argued with donald trump about his ratings. he argued with the president about his ratings. and i thought bro. abby: unreal. i mean, fox news has a new poll out that more people actually trust president obama than they do the media. than they do reporters. i want to switch gears here. the lawmakers are headed home for the next week during a recess. and preparing for town halls, the question is should they show up when they are being organized by far left groups? >> well, now, look, some of them some of the protests are organized by far left group. today, for example, senator tim scott and congressman down in south carolina having a great town hall. are there people that don't like them or don't want to hear from them or think they're wrong on the issues? sure. but they're having a good conversation with their constituents. if you're too afraid of your constituents to show up, and you cop out and use the excuse that george soros or some bogeyman is being mean to you and that you can't do it, you are in over your head and probably ought not be in this congress. pete: sure but we do know they're organized in some levels and the congressman is shouted down. i think your point is well taken. you don't want to be scared away from the staining. but how do you have a real discussion when the left says be quiet. sit down. as opposed to here's our counter argument? >> a huge problem. a huge problem that democrats had in 2010 when they lost the house was that they chalked up what happened to them at their events, at their town halls of the work of the coke brothers. is it true that there are right wing organizations trying to do that? sure. but what they did is that i don't have to listen to any of the concerns because i'm writing it all off as fake. as fake protest. you have to remember that there's real energy out there. the number one issue, the number one concern for americans today right now is their health care because people are worried that things are going to go south. clayton: so that brings up an interesting question. as you look at the first 100 days, slipping into the first 200 days, that political capital starts to expire as you hit the 200 day mark. right, chris? so those in congress who go home to those 200 meetings, they're going to have to face the constituents and some of them aren't happy with the administration. some of them may be margina marginalized americans who are in one. it's going to get real interesting as this summer unfolds, no? >> you keyed on exactly the right thing. how trump feels about press. how town halls go. it's great, interesting, and fine. but soon, the matter is can you deliver results? can you come up with a replacement for obamacare? can you come up with broad tax reform that was promised? cutting the economy revving? can you do all those things? and the republicans are now at the point where you said 100 days becomes 200 days. if it becomes 300 days, they're not going to hold the house. >> some of which haven't shown the encourage to stand up for the things they complained for. is that a better strategy than running for the hills and saying, well, trump's just not getting it done. we have to do some fortitude here. >> paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have done everything but carry trump on a gold sedan chair. they're doing everything they can to tell the president we want you to win. you winning and us winning is the same thing. the issue now is trust. will trump trust them to execute their agenda and will he give them the latitude to say okay. come up with a plan and run the football because what they're afraid of is they're going to get halfway down the field, and he's going to throw a flag on his own team. abby: rand paul who was called many things. he's out there saying he wants to work with him. he wants to get health care. he's actually on our show next hour, so make sure to stick around for that. >> all right. pete: thanks a lot. abby: thanks, chris. keep doing your job. >> he will. bill gates has a plan to save the economy with so many out of work. tax the robots and the machines that stole their jobs. really? abby: and dads everywhere, take note. you could pirouette all the way to internet stardom. they are here, right here live. they're going to teach us moves that everyone is talking about. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. >> video from my home city, philadelphia. this is what makes me proud to be a philadelphiaian. dads dancing with their daughters. they're going to join us in a few moments here, and they're wearing tutus. and i have my daughter's dance tonight. >> last year's daddy dauter dance ended. she said can we go again next week? abby: i know we've got our tutus on. we're ready to go. we do have other headlines to get to before we get there. the blatant disrespect for america. protesters burning the flag and blocking traffic in philadelphia. watch. >> go home. go home. you're not from here. go home. abby: at least two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four people are in handcuffs. alleged police abuses calling for criminal justice reforms. and now some extreme weather. the worst storm in years trembling the west coast right now. flash flooding and mud slides threatening safety for millions of people. at least four are now dead. two of them in car accidents in southern california. dozens of drivers stranded by flooded highways needed to be rescued. and a sinkhole swallowing two cars. a woman inside one of them crawling out, thanks to several firefighters. thousands are without power this morning and hundreds of flights have been grounded. also this. bill gates working hard to solve the problems of robots replacing people. >> super robots take over people. >> now saying they should pay taxes the same way human workers would. 50% at risk of humans being taken over by robots. also this story i love. there is paternity leave but what about pawternity leave. the idea is to allow owners of new puppies or rescue dogs enough time to let their dogging acclimate to their environment. i love that. we should do that here at fox. >> thank you, abby. well, a group of dads and their daughters now going viral after taking this valentine's day ballet class. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, tom mcintyre, the owner of the philadelphia dance center and those dancing dads and their kids joining us. great to see you this morning. >> good morning. abby: this went viral. >> it was a little crazy at first. it surprised you, and it was the best thing to watch. >> it's the fact that dads are doing this with their daughters. no shame involved at all. like, there's no shame at all; right? >> no. not at all. we have moms involved in this program too. which is awesome. everybody has been very loving. >> i have to ask this beautiful lady here. what do you think of your daddy's dancing skills? >> he's okay. >> did you teach him his skills? >> no. ms. carla did. >> let's see a little dancing. >> what are some of the skills we're seeing here? >> is that a pirouette you just did? >> some form of pirouette. yet. >> okay. go for it. show us. >> wow. and what's your name? nina. and what are you going to be doing here? all right. just show us. i bet you'll be way better than your dad. go. >> what's your name? >> tom. >> what's your daughter's name? >> zoey. >> you want to kick this off? okay. we're going to keep flowing through, and we'll ask dads questions. >> i want to ask a dad a question myself. when you were asked to do this, did you immediately say yes? or did it take a little time convincing? were you embarrassed? >> no. they weren't there. >> you are embarrassed. you're covering your head. what are you going to do now? >> dance. >> i'm going to dance. >> what's your name. >> that's the pro. >> it's well done. >> all right, you want to kick it off here? what are you going to do? >> oh, look at the skill. that is good. what's your name? >> i almost gotcha. what's your name? >> isabel. >> can you teach me? shuttering has. >> oh, wow. >> like a swan, i am. nice. okay. >> that's roboto. i had that for breakfast. okay. perfect. >> you're doing. >> i'll watch her and then try to mimic with her dad. is this a tough move? >> it's a little bit hard, yes. >> you're going to have two men following you here. oh, they're jealous of you. i would be too. you've got a beautiful daughter. i'm going to try to mimic as best i can. >> you get the floor to yourself. >> way better. all right. take it away. all right. we're going to be doing this all morning long. i just love this. go ahead. all right. coming up -- >> masterful ending right there. >> he has a plan -- >> keep going. >> he has a plan to replace obamacare. senator rand paul joins us with the two steps that need to make it happen. that's next here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean. abby: purpose setting the timetable to repeal and replace obamacare. trump: we're doing obamacare, we're doing the final stages in march, i would say. abby: but are all republicans onboard? with his fellow senator republican. senator rand paul walks out. well, what happens next? the kentucky senator is here to join us this morning. >> good morning. abby: you've worked hard trying to repeal and replace it, president trump says he wants to have a plan in march. when you see that product, what are you okay with being in the law and not okay with? >> well, i think there's two steps. we need to have complete repeal of obamacare. on the same day, we should vote on replacement. because i do have a great deal of sympathy as a physician, as a father, as a family member for trying to provide affordable insurance for people. obamacare tried to but failed. it actually increased the price of insurance. my replacement plan will lower the cost of insurance for everybody and try to allow individuals to get into group insurance with as much more safety and much more cost. abby: i want to get your thoughts as well on the state of capitol hill right now. because you're in a unique opportunity where you have a gop-controlled house and a senate. an opportunity to really get some bills passed and signed by the president. could they be doing more to get bills on his desk if you look at the past four weeks? >> well, i would actually say we've done more in the last four weeks than we've done in the last six years. i mean, i was excited when we repealed the first regulation. i was at the white house just this last week talking and seeing the president sign the repeal. we've repealed three regulations that would have cost the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and would have cost tens of thousands of jobs. so this was a big deal. this was the first time we overturned regulations in years. the democrats are filibusterin filibustering us at any point. and as soon as obamacare is repealed, we're going to look at reduces taxes so that american businesses can compete with companies abroad. abby: i want to get your thoughts on something close to your heart. last night you signed legislation undoing coal regulations. how important was this, especially from a state of kentucky where it's a huge deal? >> it's a big deal for kentucky, west virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, even out west in wyoming and different places. we've been devastated. when you drive through eastern kentucky, it's like the great depression and this is because of president obama and his regulations. he said he would bankrupt coal. hillary clinton said that her policies would put us out of business. well, president trump promised that he would help us. and within a month, he is. he already repealed this. this is a big deal. it's a huge deal for kentucky. abby: so also yesterday i'm sure you watched the first press conference that president trump gave by himself. really giving the media the treatment we've seen give throughout the campaign trail. the question i have for you. what is the media missing about president trump and about the american people and why they ultimately voted for him this election? >> well, i think he has an extraordinary style. he has a distinct style. abby: that, he does. >> and it's captivating. i mean, it is like, you know, you're watching this unfold on tv. and it's like nothing the american people has ever seen because he pushes back. and i think so often, politicians are trying not to get anybody upset because constituents or the media go along with the narrative, and he just directly confronts the narrative. and it is extraordinary, and you're right. it captivates the american public. abby: yeah, really is fascinating to watch. so if there is one thing that you think needs to get done in these first 100 days, what would that be? >> completely repeal obamacare. don't keep obamacare light. completely repeal the whole thing. abby: thank you, for being with us this morning. >> thank you. abby: pete and rick have the boat ready. bass pro shop is kicking off their spring classic. find out how you can win a fishing trip with a fishing legend. that's next friend of yours? that's frequent heartburn. it's always lurking around. but i'm safe. i took my prevacid®24hr today. i didn't. one pill prevents the acid that causes heartburn, all day, all night. prevacid®24hr. >> welcome back. time for a quick look at your headlines. you're taking a live look at cape canaveral where in just minutes when our show ends, spacex will launch a dragon rocket carrying 5,000 pounds of cargo. they waited just for us to launch the rocket. it's the first launch since a rocket exploded last december. you can switch it then. but not until then. and nasa accused of covering up an alien encounter. you see several objects flying behind the national space station earlier this week where as clayton points out the feed suddenly cuts out. ufo experts say they appear to be bigger than ice particles seem to be. >> all in formation. are they ufos? >> or is it one larger ship? >> you think we're the only ones in the universe? come on. >> clayton knows we're not alone. pete: our friends at bass pro shops kicking off their annual spring fishing classic right here on the plaza. abby: back with more the champion of 2015 fishing classic. evan edwards. evan, take it away. >> we've been saying edward's last name wrong this whole time. i apologize. it will never happen again. hey, this is a time to go to bass pro shops. the savings are crazy, and you can even get a boat. >> it's unbelievable what's going on at bass pro right now. this that we're standing in is a 17-foot boat with a patrol and motor, the whole thing is under 15,000 bucks, you know? so it's a really, really neat deal and if you buy it during the week of the spring classic between now and march 5th, you can get a $250 bass pro gift card, so then you can get your tackle boxes and everything you need to go fishing. so it's a really cool deal. >> does it come with the ability to transport? >> everything you see. >> yeah, everything you see. a limited lifetime structural warranty. >> is it idiot proof for guys like me that wouldn't know how to operate it? >> it has a key, a throttle, and a steering wheel. i mean, there you go. you just go across the water. >> can you replace your old one? >> tradeins there aren't quite the same. >> obviously a lot of the classes right now and some of the stuff for kids as well. >> that's one of the great things about bass pro. there are so many of them across the country and each one has pros for the weekend. so you can go learn. if you're a beginner, you can take seminars on how to get started all the way to the expert level. >> really cool. america's top known fisherman. he's a neighbor of mine in okay. he has a private lake, and he has never even let me on this lake. but you can sign up and go on a fishing trip and bass pro is going to pay your expenses to go with jimmy houston. >> how do you sign up with that? >> bass >> you've been telling us earlier about three seminars. >> on the website. >> and there's also -- >> we've got women's fishing going on. >> the age-old question. what do you do when you get two lines crossed? >> depends how bad it is. you might need to get your scissors out. >> one of the cool things about these boats i find -- you think there's nothing to this boat but there's all of these things to put your fish, put your paddles, put your gear. >> whatever you want to carry. you have your live wheel right there. i don't know if it's big enough live wheel with the fish you've been catching. i've been hearing it stories. but the classic going on right now at bass pro shops. they've got all kinds of classes even for fools like us. >> you guys are going to need some. >> he said he wasn't going to help me. but you haven't helped me. >> coming up in just a couple of minutes. stay with us. >> caught a large-mouth bass. ♪ looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. ♪ time to think of your future and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and-ta-dah-paid twice as fast for free. visit quickbooks-dot-com. abby: we've got so many friends. texas, florida, even someone from utah. >> yeah. from my high school. wilson high school over here. >> friends and family. abby: all right. have a good saturday. we'll see you tomorrow, guys. >> before his big rally in florida tonight, president trump stopping at a boeing plant in south carolina yesterday. that's where they're making the new dreamliner plane. trump: we want products made by our workers in our factories stamped with those four magnificent words. made in the usa. >> the president promising more manufacturing jobs for the usa and some here are saying that's a big reason why stocks are up. and why consumer confidence and retail sales are up. are they right? hi, everybody, i'm

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20170218 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20170218

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>> i was set to have the meeting. we called and called but he was with schumer or somebody like that, don't meet with trump, he is bad politics. >> democrats explanation, "fox and friends" begins right now. ♪ clayton: the turning of the seasons when the pro-show is a. abby: i guess the groundhog was wrong. clayton: the spring fishing classic and their ability to re-create minnesota in manhattan with a little lake out there, you go outdoors. abby: you are nerding out. i feel like it is always clayton. peter: sometimes i need some fishing. abby: week 4 of this administration and i watched his press conference two days ago and it was unlike anything but it did remind me of the campaign trail, right back in his comfort zone. >> the press was going nuts, he is out of control. he was totally in commands, totally in control saying if i'm going to carry the day i have to do it myself. what do they expect. if you go to war the establishment you expected to be easy, straightforward, not be messy. he is out again with a tweet doubling down on the perspective that got to take on the media saying the fake news media, the failing new york times, abc, cbs, cnn is not my enemy, they are the enemy of the american people. >> today he is hitting the campaign trail in melbourne, australia, melbourne, florida. he is going to be down there in florida basically going back to the rattles that got him elected in the first place. it is a hard thing once you win an election because you don't have an enemy, he was able to run against hillary clinton, it is a smart strategy going after the media, pointing out their dishonesty, in front of these reporters saying you paint totally different story from what was actually done but the other side of this, the media plays an important role which vice president pens learned mike flynn lied to him because of the media and he was fired because of it. abby: we are in an all-out war. we will see this continue to play out for the next week 4 years, the media is actually my enemy at as you can imagine the media jumped all over this. >> saying the media is the enemy of the american people, of course the media react like the petulant privileged children they are they think they are above criticism, no one is shutting them down or censoring them or telling them what they should or shouldn't right, someone is standing up and saying the so-called for the state that sets the terms of the debate, maybe they are slanted. maybe they hate us, maybe they are an enemy of things the american people want and i looked at the constitution, there's only one mention of the press, congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of free speech, no one is prohibiting them from doing anything. abby: this is from the society of professional journalists, attack on a free press by a sitting president is a slap in the face of democracy and the american. we have never seen the media in such attack mode that we have seen with this administration. chris wallace said it best, what he did well was turned the narrative, he was able to change it. now we are talking -- not talking about russia but said the best spokesperson for the administration is donald trump. >> we have seen this with the press secretary, i am taking the podium back and i will challenge -- he loved it, 77 minutes he was out there challenging reporters and a fox news poll this morning, the media went after president obama, look at these numbers, media have been 68% tougher on donald trump than president obama at the same point in his presidency. clayton: gracie how slanted it is against him. abby: the most important people of the conversation, the american people feel about this whole war, the people -- to tell the public the truth, 45% say trump compared to 42% say they trust the reporters. that says it all. clayton: when tiger woods was dominant, you could bet on tiger woods, that is donald trump over the field, news media or donald trump, there is one source fighting for them against the establishment which is telling them one side of the story for a long time. >> do you think there is a dishonest media? let us know. the press is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people, do you agree with that or disagree with that? >> he was out in north charleston, south carolina for the first time since he won the election and it was the boeing plant, boeing is the number one exporter in this country and he was out there and gave a speech i was reporting on, he was totaling back in campaign mode again. you could feel it and hear it in his voice and all he was talking about was jobs and that is when he is at his best, when people voted him into office. >> there will be a substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country, make the product and think they will sell it back over what will soon be a very strong border. we want products made by our workers in our factory stamped with those four magnificent words made in the usa. >> smart move to change the conversation and the press is apoplectic about it. they want to talk about russia, michael flynn, they want to talk about his appointment that have been lagging. 691 appointments to apply, 630 what i still without being picked. abby: democrats are staying up all night long to protest, a tough process. clayton: if you don't fill the top spot you don't fill the others, the cascading effect of these never-ending -- trying to disrupt trump campaign. peter: president trump seems determined to continue the permanent campaign. you can't win for losing, if he did a rally like this under official us this is they would say this is a campaign rally using white house money and taxpayer funds, we separate it and do a rally, speak to the american people directly instead of a podium in the white house, everyone will cover it and everyone will criticize it at the american people hear from trump. abby: he said just wait until tomorrow, the press will be renting and raving, he gave -- he was totally spot on. he is at his best when he is doing campaign type rallies because he is back in his comfort zone and again talking to the american people, the focus has got to be what he is working to get done in his time in office which is tax reform, healthcare and infrastructure, the things people are most passionate about. you can still attack the media and do both at the same time. clayton: it is interesting about jobs, infrastructure, at this point and president obama's presidency we had the bailout in place, the equal pay was unfolding, the press wasn't on him like they were on president trump, this precious time, this precious hundred days, precious first 200 days is more difficult as the season unfolds, hannity was talking about it last night, as you get past those 200 days, have those marginal republican districts that are now for trump but when they get those calls and think about that. peter: they have to say we are going to say the things -- he said he would do. why the fear. trump ran on that, trump does what he can through executive order, isn't going to do it the way obama did, what's legislation, come on. abby: the media complicates it as well, people don't know where to get their news anymore because they don't know what headlines to believe and not to believe that we are interviewing senator rand paul, all over health care. >> if they want real headlines they should go to you. abby: we have other ones to get to. overnight mike pence the first international trip reassuring support for us allies while sending a strong message to nato to pay its share of defense spending. >> the promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many too long and the roads the foundation of our lives. the president of the united states expect our allies to keep their word to fulfill this commitment. laura: meeting with german chancellor angela merkel. protesters burning the american flag while blocking traffic and tangling with police in philadelphia, take a look. >> go home! [bleep] abby: two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four put in handcuffs facing assault charges, the protesters said about alleged police abuse calling for criminal justice reform. to extreme weather the worst storm in years drenching the west coast, hundreds of thousands of people, four people now dead, two in mudslides in southern california, dozens of drivers stranded by flooded highways needing to be rescued and a sinkhole swallowing two cars, a woman inside one of them calling out to help other firefighters, thousands are without power, hundreds of flights have been grounded. space x returns to florida following the devastating explosion last september. abby: the unmanned dragon rocket is set for lunch at 10:01 eastern carrying 5000 pounds of cargo on its first joint mission with an asset launched by the same pad at kennedy space center at the last shuttle mission in 2011 and the apollo missions. clayton: watch our show. looks like chuck schumer's fact checker took the day off. despicable. that would be one of the most un-american things that would happen in the last century. clayton: here to explain the fake news democrats couldn't help but share. >> the promise to bring back jobs from mexico, the president is not going to like this one. clayton: rand paul and trump campaign manager corey lewandowski reacting this hour. o severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. remember when you said men are supeyeah...ivers? yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. clayton: after president trump went after the media the associated press tweet toed a headline that 1000 national guard troops were being considered to round up illegal immigrants with white house official that the pentagon denied the report. how did it get out there? how irresponsible is the media being? >> thanks for having me. clayton: i wish he would have called us, we would've told you this wasn't true. >> essentially there was allegedly a memo that got written with something along the lines of maybe the national guard, local authorities in identifying illegal immigrants. the problem is the media unequivocally denies the entire thing happened. maybe there was a memo that got written but memos get written all the time. and the white house has said we were not carrying that memo, that is false. clayton: the ap took a draft memo that mentioned the national guard but didn't talk about mobilizing hundreds of thousands to round people up but look at the headline anyway. >> it shows where there head space is, the media, the complete worst about donald trump, when they hear a bad way, of course it is true because everything donald trump does is bad and all the bad things we hear a true about him. this kind of attitude has led them to just get so many things wrong, the briefing on thursday a lot of members were rolling their eyes, laughing at one another and saying this is so crazy and unbelievable. it is that attitude that led them to cover every turn of the election wrong and predict -- what is compelling them. and emboldening them in an outlier. >> that is despicable. that would be one of the most un-american things that would happen in the last century. i hope it is not true, it is not even considered as a polling. clayton: they whip into action in response the headline. >> time for democrats to break up with the media. it is not working for them. it is clear to this point that everything democrats are doing is not working for them and teaming up the media -- clayton: an interesting quote from tbs the media might break up with itself. take a listen. >> if it is true it is not because of anything donald trump did, the breast did that with its reputation on its own. part of it is what you mentioned is the local weather report which is to say hysterical coverage about every little last thing that doesn't warrant it. >> according to the media donald trump has started world war iii and we are -- what the president does, step out of line, and we are in world war ii. >> senator mccain, how is the president doing? >> the administration is in disarray, a lot of work to do. >> not being received well by some. the former campaign manager corey lewandowski here to react. be a good man to make fraternities great. why would women want to be here? they don't clean up after themselves. hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. why is there neverite, enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. .. clayton: former national security adviser michael flynn off the hook. they want to pursue charges after intelligence leaks show he spoke with russia's ambassador before the inauguration, the white house looking for his replacement after he was fired. mexican immigrant remains in jail this morning, seattle just saying medina has to request a bond hearing from federal immigration judge, he was brought to the united states illegally as a child, protected under the obama administration, arrested or in ice raid, he has ties to gain which he denies. abby: setting a timetable to repeal and replace obamacare. >> we are in the final stages, we should be submitting the plan in march, early march. abby: are all republicans on board? fellow senate republican rand paul walked out which what happens next? a kentucky senator joins us. let's start with obamacare, something you worked harder than anybody on, repealing and replacing, president trump wants to have another plan in place as soon as the beginning of march. when we see the final product, are you okay with it being the law? >> we need to do complete repeal of obamacare. it is what we promised the voters, what we won the election on. we have a great deal of sympathy as a physician and a father for providing affordable insurance for people. obamacare tried and failed and increased insurance was my replacement when will over the cost of insurance for everybody and allow individuals to get into group insurance with much more safety and lower cost. abby: the state of capitol hill, the unique opportunity with the gop controlled house and senate, an opportunity to get some bills passed and signed by the president, could they do more if you look at the past four weeks? >> we have done more in the last four weeks been in the last six years which i was excited when we repealed the first regulation which i was at the white house last week talking -- seeing the president signed the repeal, we repealed three regulations that would have cost the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and cost tens of thousands of jobs so this was a big deal, the first time we overturned regulations in 20 years. we have done that. that is a big deal, trying to work on cabinet appointees, democrats filibuster at every point and within a month or two we will repeal obamacare and as soon as that is done we will look at reducing taxes so american businesses can compete with companies abroad. abby: you joined the miners at the white house signing legislation and doing call regulations which how important is this especially from kentucky where it is a huge deal? >> it is a big deal for kentucky, west virginia, ohio, even out west, wyoming and other places. we have been devastated, drive-through eastern kentucky it is like the great depression because of president obama and his regulations. hillary clinton said her policies would put us out of business, president trump promised he would help us and within a month he is, already repealed this. this is a big deal, a huge deal for kentucky. abby: you watched the first press conference giving the media the treatment we have seen him give throughout the campaign trail. what is the media missing about president trump and the american people and why they voted for him this election. >> he has an extraordinary style, distinct style, it is captivating. it is like you are watching this unfold on tv and like nothing the american public has ever seen because he pushes back and so often politicians are trying not to get anybody upset, constituents or the media and they go along with the narrative and he directly confronts the narrative and it is extraordinary and it captivates the american public. abby: if there is one thing that needs to get done, what would that be? >> completely repeal obamacare, completely repeal the whole thing. abby: we really appreciate that, good luck. president trump says he wants to sit down with the congressional black caucus. >> set up a meeting. i would love to meet with the black caucus. >> they don't wait to eat with him and wait till you hear the reason why. the media in an uproar. clayton: the enemy of the american people. corey lewandowski is here next. ♪ check out the bass pro shops' spring fishing classic - our biggest show and sale of the year. with huge savings on the latest gear. like pro qualifier baitcast reels for under $50. and this garmin echomap fishfinder for under $500. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. >> turn on the tv, open the newspapers and see stories of chaos yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine tuned machine despite the fact i can't get my cabinet approved. i see tone. the tone is such hatred which i am really not a bad person. clayton: the press conference shook the political world and he followed up with this treat taking the story one step further, saying the fake news media, failing new york times, is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people. peter: a lot of reaction and that including david axelrod who said whenever a president is irritated by the news media, no other president would have described the media as the enemy of the people. of course we never had a president like this. abby: let's bring in corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager. >> you guys didn't get a mention, you guys are the greatest. abby: you let mister trump be himself, what do you make of this war between the president and the media? >> it is not a war. what is unfortunate is if you look at the first one month of this administration the president signed 23 effective actions or orders. clayton: did we lose the satellite? i want to ask bill o'reilly who asked tough questions in the super bowl interview and questioned him on russia, those same questions, didn't hear the president saying bill o'reilly is dishonest, tough questions, holding his feet to the fire and be accountable. abby: don't think he has a problem with tough questions. he said i enjoy this. you compare that to president obama's press conference, an hour and a half got eight between on questions and. how many questions do you think president trump answered? peter: he said he signed executive orders, done these with overwhelming resistance from the media and democrats on his cabinet picks, tough to get things done when they won't let you put your people in place. clayton: we are going to get the satellite back up and running, i think we have. >> where are you this morning? >> manchester, new hampshire. and all the bad weather. what we heard from john mccain yesterday saying -- in munich, he believes the president's campaign is in disarray so he has a lot of work to do. what is your response to what senator mccain had to say is on the respect to senator mccain you have president from fulfilling the campaign promises he made on the campaign trail, this may be new for politician, when you say something you follow through on it. that is what president trump is doing. look at the first month of his presidency and all the things he has accomplished, now he is going to move forward and rand paul talked about this, wholesale and fundamental change when it comes to repealing and replacing obamacare, tax reform so the middle class has more money, the boeing corporation talking about the need to make sure we increase manufacturing jobs, lowering the cost to the federal government it have the best products available. this is what he talked about, bringing jobs back, making the economy great again, making america great again, the democrats in congress want to be obstacles and the rhetoric and visceral hatred for the president is amazing. if you would have said a presidential advisor to barack obama wasn't welcome on one of the television shows or is a white supremacist or racist, you would be up in arms but this is what the left is doing marginalizing the staff. >> referring to kelly and conway, those two, part of trump being trump, massive rallies, quite candid and fluid, president trump will hold a similar rally as he returns to his roots with rousing crowds. is this a desire to get back where he feels comfortable to speak to the people? what do you expect from him in florida today? >> this is where the president is at his best, a high energy person, loves to be engaged, the opportunity to hear from people who helped elect him so what you will see is him reminding people by bypassing the mainstream media of going directly to the people the campaign promises he is following through on is the most important thing. a lot of people want to give him a bad rap but what he is done which no other president has done it bypassed the mainstream media to go directly to the people through fit twitter account, social activity and this rally. 's abby: what he has done that by bypassing the media but he has critics saying he has to focus on what he is going to get done, the big things, tax reform, healthcare, can he do both? at the rally today can he use this time to be critical of them but also focus on jobs and getting big things done that you are waiting for? >> he has to do that. the other thing is he has to remind the american people he has put cabinet secretaries the senate continues to hold up and the privilege and honor of the presidency to recommend people for cabinet positions and they confirmed 13 members of the cabinet which at this point in the obama administration he had his whole cabinet, we need to get this done so the american people can have a government that is working for them and not against them. when he goes out today will talk about that and the obstacles the u.s. senate has by not confirming his cabinet secretaries and the nights circuit courts and what they have done and talked about this a new executive order on immigration that will be more concise and outlines the fact he has constitutional authority, no question of the law to restrict these at access. that is what you will see out of the white house. >> i asked about john mccain and his comments in munich being in disarray, you say i disagree on this but there are questions to the relationship of the president and republicans, mitch mcconnell and house speaker paul ryan you see that as an obstacle for the president to get his agenda through beyond the hundred days and 200 days and marginalized republicans in those districts it to worry about their own reelection republicans should embrace the president. if you look at his election effort he won 200 candidate, barack obama -- a number of counties in congressional districts where republicans should be embracing the president, u.s. senate districts where republicans should be embracing the president. if you look at the election cycle in 2018 the president won six states where incumbent democrats are the ballot, montana and, florida, ohio, these places. the republicans you have to remember when donald trump started running we didn't have any endorsements. the american people with donald trump on this should get on the trump train and -- >> to he succeeds and you succeed, if it benefits politically is pretty difficult equation. abby: a good reminder how far he has come from the early days when he didn't have anything. >> appreciate you getting up early this morning. the radical left showing off its true tolerance last night, lice and torching american flags. a message for those so-called protesters live next. abby: who leaked fake news on donald trump? the press starts to look at right now that is the man they are talking about. while calf ro. yep. greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? uh, yea, well, uh... well, there's this one. "best insurance mobile app"? yep, three years in a row. well i'll be! does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy. the award-winning geico app. download it today. crsugar is everywherets sugar shield and crest complete has a sugar shield to protect teeth from sugar found in everyday foods. crest complete. shield your teeth from sugar. so sugar may visit, but it's not sticking around. >> the congressional black caucus refusing to meet with the president calling senior advisor steve been in a stone called racist. >> and the sympathizer to participate in any meeting with steve been in it normalizes his presence in the white house. >> telling and missing bc despite the caucus sending a letter, has the tolerant left on too far? some talk at yale university would force male fraternities, and using the title 9 case to make his case into sororities. president trump is setting out to uncover who leaked damaging details about the administration, and all members of the obama administration. >> he is going to double down on figuring out where these leaks came from and came from people spilling over from the obama administration. that is revenge and is illegal. the president is running an underground network. in the state department and elsewhere, people who burrowed down into the administration and are sitting there not being political, reporting back to the president and his acolytes -- and they have sympathizers, what do you do to have fair honest brokers. >> get rid of those obama people. and the social media network, 860 people claim their current employer is the white house, and previous employer was obama for america. people dealing with iran, iraq, migrant issues, all the sensitive subjects on the front pages of the newspaper, many used to get to john brennan. >> talking about the damage on the intel community, take a listen. >> if he doesn't have confidence in the intelligence community what signal does that santa partners and allies and adversaries, he has to be disciplined in terms of -- and positive impact. >> and a political operative. in 2008. when donald trump uses the word intelligence in quotes he is referring, through our political hacks. they have got to take them out of the white house. shadow warriors, a shadow war against a sitting president of the united states. >> he made a critique of the politicization of intelligence. thank you for shedding light on this subject. >> sex offenders and drug dealers are being captured in ice raids. david clark here with his take in the next hour. >> was there a secret meeting between the chinese ambassador and hillary clinton? would that be unethical. take a sneak peek at what is coming up. bring it. pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she just started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. clayton: our friends celebrating the return of the annual sprinkler fishing classic. >> the fishing classic, this is awesome. >> a spring classic going on. >> no better time, all winter long and go fishing and the absolute best to go by something fish related. one of the coolest things, the newest products, a one piece of aluminum frame, carbon fiber draft and normally 199. if you bring an old real income you can get to $100 off. mine are all beaten. >> you will take anything? >> what they do with all these is refurbish them. bring that one in. they donate them. up to date. >> there are a lot of seminars and classes, tell us about them. >> through march 5th, go on the stores and get the nation's top pros, and the latest techniques and at the expert level, the best stores. >> even march 4th, women seminars. and cast one. >> pretty cold water. >> right now, there are things to be important, when you go to these seminars, dictating the depth. >> turn this upside. right there with this thing. >> is there a hook on that? there you go. i am impressed. we will be back at pro shops throughout the morning. abby: a couple trump supporters have a message for nordstrom. >> we will stop -- >> headed to dillard to buy all kinds of stuff. >> joining us live. >> sheriff david clark is here in the next hour. by the time you head to the bank and wait to get approved for a home loan, that newly listed, mid-century ranch with the garden patio will be gone. or you could push that button. 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>> last weekend, i came in with a box of tissues and sniffling away. >> a whole medical cabinet on the left. i apologize in advance but we are going to talk about what is happening today, president trump is heading to melbourne, florida where he will you the campaign, attacking the media going after those enemies of what he says i the american people, he said yesterday fake news media failing new york times, nbc news, abc, cbs, cnn is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the american people. i am sure we will hear that in florida. >> journalists are responding to that. this is the society of professional journalists. attack on a free press by a us president is a slap in the face of democracy, our country's founders and the american people. clayton: the society for professional journalists, defending -- never called out for their extreme bias, how dare you threaten the free press, how about threatening the biased press saying you are free all you want but i am free to expose your bias which is what he said, he changed it to very fake news. the point everything is spun against him it is his job to fight back. we had a headline from the associated press, one of the stories that angers -- they reportedly put out this story about 100,000 national guard troops are going to be used to round up illegal immigrants. there is no truth to the story at all. the white house is why didn't you call us, the a pieces we did, the white house says we would have told you that is not true. that is the sort of back and forth angering them. where is your journalism ethics? >> that is from the ap. the american people say where do we go to get our news. and this is supposed to be things we go to to get real news. members of the mainstream media have never wanted to legitimize day one, there are members that want to get him impeached. >> the new york times used to be the paper of record, the paper of elites on the coast to don't give a crap about you, they care about their own access and whatever elite notions they have, and how dare donald trump say enemies of the people, can't use a word like enemies, maybe someone else used the word like enemies before, where was the press on that? this was hillary clinton talking about enemies. >> you made a few people upset over your political careers, what enemy are you proud of? >> in addition to the nra, health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians, probably the republicans. >> where was the backlash after that comment? >> everyone laughs and claps and that you have enemies, donald trump mentions the press being biased could be a threat to our republic and is criticized. abby: we had corey do lewandowski on last hour, and one of the reporters asked the question what do you do about the city's, i tried to reach out to them, was supposed to have a meeting with representative cummings, do you know them personally? you are watching at home thinking -- and -- >> we asked your comments on that. how can the president achieve any promises, constantly having to defend himself. change the conversation, get out of the swamp that is washington dc. president obama had to do that, to reconnect. >> i don't think npr wrote that. here is how they describe the rally, president trump seems determined to continue permanent campaign. that is from npr. >> they are run by leftists. there is no center for unbiased person in the world. you are biased, i am biased, everyone does, don't tell you what you're giving me is unfiltered or totally balanced. the american people have woken up to the fact they -- leftism rammed down their throat by supposedly unbiased elites and donald trump is standing up saying enough. >> i'm defending myself because no one else is defending me, i will be the best spokesman for the administration. what he is able to do is change the narrative and we are talking about like pens on national security, jobs, issues, changed the narrative. >> share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many for too long and the roads the foundation of our lives. as of this moment the united states and only four other nato members meet the basic standard. we commend a few nations that are on track the truth is many others including our largest allies clear the path to meeting this goal. let me be clear on this point, we expect allies to keep their word to fulfill this commitment and for most, that means the time has come to do more. >> the vice president in munich national security conference where nations are -- to give voice to their view of nato and america's role and there's a lot of concern that the elites will abandon nato, we are not going to but he strongly said it is time for our allies to pay their fair share collect to carry the burden that underwrites, hurts our entire defense. >> whether it is extreme setting, national security and nato, we have to fight for ourselves, put america first, make sure other nations that are part of this are flipping the bill. >> not that that means we are abandoning our allies but stand up for ourselves and expect you to do the same. it is good for any nationstate to have a military often their military, otherwise your dependent and become weaker which is what we have seen throughout europe to pay for their welfare states. that is what mike pence is saying in munich. >> we begin with a fox news alert, blatant disrespect for america protesters burning the american flag blocking traffic and tangling police in philadelphia. two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four people put in handcuffs and facing assault charges. upset about alleged police abuse calling for criminal justice reform. hundreds of mexicans and americans form in the human wall to protest a wall on the border of juarez, mexico and el paso, texas and outrage over president trumps's promised border wall to keep illegals out. the department of homeland security hoping to have a real border wall complete in the next two years. ford moving forward with their plan to bring two factories in mexico despite canceling plans to build a $1.6 million plant after pressure from the trump administration to keep jobs in the us. the company said the two new plants have been in the works since 2015 and will stay. >> after eight years under president obama the media is upset with president trump's decision to hold the campaign rally of his own. anyone buying the fake outrage? a spokesman for the president joins us live next and word of a secret meeting in the works between the chinese ambassador and hillary clinton, before you are elected president, with that supposed to be unethical? we will ask that question. >> the president, exceptionally high energy person loves to be engaged with the crowd and have the opportunity for people who helped elect him. i know a lot of people give him a bad rap on rings, bypass the mainstream media and go directly to the people through his twitter account, social media activity and this rally today. >> that was former campaign manager corey lewandowski on the show this morning with big expectation for the florida rally. the first month in the white house, how will hitting the road helped mister trump's administration? joining us is aaron elmore. going to florida at 5:00, what do you expect to hear from the president? >> i expect him to do a mini tour of all the issues which he made a contract with the american voter and he is living up to the promises unlike anything any politician has ever done. he will talk about the things he accomplished, talk about international relations and securing the borders. big topics remands tax reform. clayton: predictably the fake news crowd as he dumped them, the enemy of the american people came out against the florida rally, feeling new york times, campaign over, president trump will hold a what else, campaign rally, the tribunes is 20/20 campaign, kicks off his reelection campaign the media is going into a frenzy, what is he really doing? >> he is upset because he is not in control of the situation, donald trump's reach entertain directly to the american people. unlike other politicians, specifically hillary clinton, he is not beholden to special interests, his special interest is the american people, now he is talking to his base, his voter, his supporter and it is probably great to get out of washington, talk to real people, get energized, learn them. >> you spend time with him, what gives him the ability to stand there thursday at the press conference for 77 minutes and if it back and tweet without backing down and go to a campaign style rally, what is special that he can do that with other politicians never did. >> a breath of fresh air in the political system. that is why it is working, he sat there for 70 minutes, didn't have a list of questions he wanted from reporters, didn't know who he was going to call on, he was in there organically and talked to those reported like he is talking to the american people today. clayton: what freedoms has the press lost that they didn't have under obama? >> i don't think there are any. clayton: asking that question -- they have been criticized. >> that is hard for them to handle. clayton: thank you very much. the radical left showing off its true tolerance, pepper spray and police officers, torching the american flag, death to police officers, got a message for them when he joins us live. and rejection does have consequences. >> we will struggle. >> going to dillards. headed to dillards for all kinds of stuff. clayton: the everyday american woman who took social media by storm, they will be here next, stick around. ♪ we are going to go now ♪ the women are going i thought i married an italian. did the ancestrydna to find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. whattwo servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. why is there neverite, enough of it? a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love. so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. >> welcome back, quick headlines, education secretary that the divorce gets new security detail after incidents like this. >> save! save! save! clayton: a tough guy yelling at the secretary, us marshals will protect her after protesters heckled and blocked her from entering a dc school after a long fight in the senate to get her confirmed. they showed up to work in tears after the election but employees at the par face-to-face with their new boss, quotes of anxiety during the first days under scott pruitt. fighting environmental regulations which president trump promised to throw out. interesting days over there. abby: a couple of president trump's supporters ticket to nordstrom for dropping ivanka's fashion line and capture the whole thing on camera. >> they came -- no money for nordstrom. going to dillards. >> heading to dillards to buy all kinds of stuff. abby: joining me are the ladies themselves and some of the other card cutters. good to have you here. >> good morning. abby: we have all seen this video. you, your whole family, kids and grandkids cut up the nordstrom cards, you will not be shopping there. what was the motivator? >> i need to do with disclaimer. a lot of my kids take their own decisions but my husband and i will not be shopping there. the motivation was really just a procession of first milania, not wanting to dress her and picking on their son and finally picking on -- dropping the line and a lot of retailers, grab your wallet campaign. abby: go ahead. >> when nordstrom decided to jump on the bandwagon we decided we wanted to make a peaceful statement. abby: this isn't available, this is about sales was what do you say? you say this is politics. >> i am not buying it. i believe it was six weeks ago they made a statement that sales were fine and they won't drop the line but the pressure, i know they got from the other side was pretty strong, but they caved. that was disappointing but i don't want my shopping experience to be about politics. i want it to be about just shopping. abby: do you feel like nordstrom is bullying people? >> i think nordstrom is allowing people to leave them as far as dropping this line. like jeannie overall, ivanka's sales are up 20% and i find it hard to believe after this campaign that all of a sudden they dropped. i feel like we are just standing up and we shouldn't left the left side bully us. abby: this is gone viral so quickly. i am sure you have heard from both sides, women who are loving this and supporting you and folks that are not so happy. >> i am amazed at the support and the love and amount of people, doing the exact same thing. it is amazing to listen to men and women tell us they are no longer shopping at nordstrom. that has been great but none of us intended this to go by. not sure i would have been so sassy on an escalator. just girls out having a good time, going to lunch and we are passionate about our country and what is going on here and we love america whether they are right or left, we will fight for your right to have a voice but at the same time we don't support the hate and anger or bullying and intimidation that comes along with those who oppose our beliefs and vice versa. abby: this is about politics, something you both are involved with. everyone who has seen that video. >> thank you for having us. abby: american flags torched, police officers pepper sprayed, is this what we look forward to for the next we for years? sheriff david clark has a message for those rioters when we come back. what is this? talk of a secret meeting between the chinese ambassador, say it ain't so. it is only unethical when you work for donald trump apparently. ♪ when the mom says ♪ now we are stressed out ♪ do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. my insurance rates are but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. . .. . ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" 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>> let's just say the police. these orders don't come from the front line officers. they come from the police administrators and on some of the cities, not all of them, most of them, they are under the orders of the mayor to hold the line and sit on their hands so on and so forth. you cannot put cops in dangerous situation without the ability to be successful in a mission and part of that mission is the protection of life and property including their own. i will give you an example, we had a large illegal immigration just last week. thousands of people showed up. we were ready. i gave the orders under the direct patrol mission that the first sign of problem we were going to disperse the crowd, i gave them the authority to use tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bags, once the confrontation, not the protest itself, not the demonstration itself but as soon as one person and it's unreasonable for me in a crowd of thousands to pick out who that one person who threw that rock, everybody has to be dispersed. abby: jeffreys is on msnbc said that he would not be meeting with trump and bannon because he says bannon is a stone-cold racist and a white supremacist sympathizer, watch this. >> steve bannon, however, should not be in the room. >> why not? >> he's a stone cold racist and white supremacist sympathizer, it would be hard for me to participate in any meeting with steve bannon. abby: is this really where we are? >> well, first of all, jeffreys doesn't get to decide who should be at the meeting in the white house. president trump will decide that. ic jeffreys is a stone cold goof who shouldn't be in congress, how about that? the vote nester the district decided he should and that's fine, i will accept that. he has to accept whoever president trump wants in that meeting. all jeffreys is doing stoking up animosity. i know steve bannon, steve bannon is a good man, steve bannon is an honest man and fair individual and i'm appalled that the individuals continue to play the race card against this administration when nothing, they tried it with donald trump and it didn't work and they will continue to do with this, it's a good man, it's up to donald trump, president trump who he wants in those meetings. >> sure, you heard the president saying i tried to meet with the congressional black caucus, were you surprised by that? >> i don't know what happened. i don't have all the information or facts, donald trump throughout his life has been willing to meet with everybody and anybody in terms of trying to put something together and get something done. even in new york city. he's been honored by black groups in new york city by some of the thicks he's done to improve some of the, you know, parts of new york city. so now all of a sudden 70 years later, now all of a sudden he's a racist, this needs to stop, but even if it doesn't stop, donald trump should continue to move forward, president trump should continue to move forward to his aigd to make america great again. i helped him, i fought for him to become the 45th president of the united states, now we have that done, but now the real work and the real fight beginsnda ane it very clear, i'm going to do everything i can to help donald trump make america safe again and make america great again and my role that i play as a law enforcement executive really has to do with criminal illegal aliens, 287g program, the deportations of criminal illegal aliens, the last number i saw nearly 300,000 criminal illegals that have been convicted of crimes in the united states that are here donald trump has made it clear that catch and release days are over. there have been several patrol missions by ice. we participated one in the make area, we swept up 16 individuals that have either been convicted of serious criminal acts and/or scheduled for deportations and they didn't show up at the deportations hearing because out of catch and release, the guys are in the win and you never see them again. donald trump made it clear, where he's going to start. this is existing law. he can't do that. only the congress can do that. he's made it clear under the existing immigration laws, he's going after the criminal illegal aliens first and i'm going to help him. i think that's a good first step. abby: if you're in orlando, isn't that where the rally is tonight? are you going? >> well, it's in tampa. i'm here to support the police group. if there's time for me to hurry to tampa, i'm going to hustle down. >> melbourne, florida. thanks so much, sheriff. >> my pleasure. abby: starting with the mexican-immigrant dreamer daniel medina remains behind bar this morning. seattle judge saying medina has request -- to request a bond hearing from a federal immigration judge. he was brought illegally as a child but protected under the obama administration. he was arrested during ice raids and the feds say he has ties to gangs but the attorney denies that. former national security michael flynn investigated for private meeting with russia, what about hillary clinton? according to one of john podesta's leaks e-mailed, the chinese embassador requested meeting with hillary clinton top aides, that's when she was still running for president. he wants to have an informal off the record get together with the few of us to discuss next year and current state of u.s. china affairs. mark cuban trolling pith. the dallas mavericks wearing a 46 jersey during celebrity al-star game. he wore it, quote, to tweak everyone. trump tweeting this. i know mark cuban well, he back me big-time but i junt interested in taking all of the calls, he's not smart enough to run for president. cuban backed hillary clinton. he tweeted that out last week. all right, the nerd alert. this goes out to clayton. clayton: this is not nerd alert. -- six of them flying behind the international space station this week. in formation, it looks like. when the feed cuts out, six of unidentified flying objects believed to be seen and appear to be bigger than nasa claims, you know, similar sightings, they look pretty large. peter: i don't see the cut out. clayton: the feed goes to black. ice particles, come on, they were huge. >> space debris. clayton: perhaps information. abby: you have a lot of friends this morning. >> if you bring a sign you're getting on tv from new york up state. >> a bunch of guys in town for 55th birthday. >> come to new york. >> the only one sobber enough to get up here this morning. they are all hungover. good for them. take a look at the weather maps, a lot going on, two stories it's incredible warm, we are having spring which is a best time for bass proshops for fishing classic, there's your temps as waking up. we do have rain in the southeast, it's good news and not complete any wash-out, where the wash-out is all across the west, images from southern california. incredible rainfall. that moves to arizona today. next system moves in by tomorrow as well. take a look real quickly at the temperatures, spring-like conditions, 64 in chicago and 63 tomorrow. the next five days is baking across the central plains, we will enjoy the spring-like conditions. abby: enjoy that. thank you. >> president trump keeping another campaign promise putting coal mine o miners back to work. one of the miners is going to join us next. >> bill gates has the plan to save the economy with so many americans out of work, tax the robot who stole their job, realy i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. >> welcome back, president trump making good on yet another campaign promise to protect the coal industry. >> this rule will eliminate a major threat to your jobs and we are going to get rid of that threat immediately. we are going to fight for you like i promised i would in the campaign and you where were good to me and i'm going to be good to you even better. clayton: handing handing the pen he used to coal miner kevin hughes. it better not end up in the junk drawer. >> i thought highly appropriate to give it to boss of the company. that peb meant a lot to the people i worked with. clayton: why? >> i worked with honorable working people that all they want is a level playing field in order torovide inexpensive electricity for the country and protect the environment. that's what we do. clayton: one of the concerns -- it's amazing, i used to live in west virginia. it used to be a blue state, it seems like it's firmly a red state now. the president's message now president trump's message during the campaign really resinating with those people. you worked in pennsylvania, you worked in west virginia, why has that message really resinated across the coal mining industry? >> president trump is by far the most person that understands the working-class people that we had in several years. that's what we need to get our industries back and rolling again. clayton: one of the concerns on the left and regulations against the coal mining the environmental degradation of it. you point something that the senator of west virginia said, we are all environmentalists, what do you mean? >> personally myself i'm a fisherman and we go fishing with a gar bash bag. as i watch environmentalists after they have their riots, i call them, the garbage behind them is knee deep. the people that i work with, take care oh of the environment. clayton: what does this legislation mean for the industry at large? >> as i said before, i've had the pleasure of working for and with very good people who are hard working and a lot of them are younger people and this gives them a lot of hope moving toward that the industry that we all work with would be available. we need to have coal energy to provide the low-cost electricity for our citizens and for our industry and four cents a kilowatt hour coal is good part of our energy program. clayton: hillary clinton said she would put you out of work. >> hillary clinton is now out of work. clayton: we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. clayton: president trump to hold rally. the med say is not a fan, they are slamming the rally before it begins. bill gates has plan for the economy, tax the robots who stole the job. can you tax a robot? if time is infinite, why is ta john deere 1 family tractor can give you more time for what you love. because with our quick-attach features, it takes less work to do more work. nothing runs like a deere. abby: bill gates working hard to solve problem of robot replacing people. >> back on earth an army of take on -- [laughter] >> his solution taxing the robots but could that actually work. >> here to weigh in kirk the cyberguy. the left finds way to tax absolutely everything, now they are going to tax everything? >> let's just calm down. let's just do this thing right now. bill gates, waltyiest man in america and now giving most of his fortune he has, no interest in making a buck. he just wants to help the world. so he has already come out and said, watch out, for robots and artificial intelligence coming our way. >> automation. when we talk about robots not necessarily, you know, walley walking around. >> yes. that are steeling jobs, right, from human beings, $2.7 trillion worth of job are expected, 50% of american jobs will be replaced by robots at some point and what bill gates is saying as of yesterday is why don't we tax the robots, the exact same way we would tax human beings who are in that -- you need the income. you have to have the income in this country. clayton: this sounds like donald trump might support this. bring jobs back to the united states, if you bring robots back to the united states, i will tax you. >> it does sound similar to his thinking. i saw this and dug into it, bill gates, i like what you're talking about because it's not just stealing the job, it's putting money back in your pocket once your job is gone. his theory is this, all the robots take half of the jobs, $2.7 trillion would go out the door unless they were taxed or some other money came in, his goal is this, if we can do all of this, then it would free us up to then be focused on taking care of the elderly, taking care of kids with special needs and it is very utopian. >> isn't the problem, though, robots taking over the jobs? at the end of the day what president trump is talking about is actual jobs. >> that's a problem to not have a plan, it's a problem to just rip off a job from a human being and somehow give a machine more importance that be we have as human beings. that's a big problem. abby: you said it's 50%. >> we are talking about the year 2055, the projection of that one. according to report from mckenzie, it is not happening overnight but something we have to keep an eye on and also something that, i think, this is the envelope opening to that scary thing about artificial intelligence. my biggest worry is not about the jobs that robots are going to take, it's about robots will demand more from us. they will rise up again. [laughter] >> ordering kiosk is going to tell me that i need to order a quarter pound of cheese. >> it's going to seal the parking light and ordering from itself. don't be nervous. i like bill gates' idea with this. you're going to steal jobs, you better solve the problem. clayton: okay. peter: a lot of good ideas that haven't worked out so well but thank you, kirk. president trump reminding the press it didn't all start all of a sudden start with him. >> this country was seriously divided before i got here and i'm going to try and do everything within my power to -- >> does president trump have to bridge existing divide. juan williams to weigh in the next hour. abby: major controversy could be brewing over ford's promise to bring jobs from méxico. it turns out that the president is not going to like this one as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily ...and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. >> good morning, happy saturday, it's february 18th, i'm abby huntsman. president trump doing what he does best. on the way to florida for a huge campaign rally as he fires another shot and it is a big one at the mainstream media. peter: plus this, senator mccain, how do you think the senator is doing. >> this administration is in disarray and they have a lot of work to do. peter: comment coming over night not being well received by many, in fact, the vice president got up early to respond. clayton: president obama great president or greatest president, this morning the historians have reached consensus, not number one or number two. we will tell you what number he is. >> tell me now. clayton: you will have to wait. "fox & friends" hour starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ clayton: you can always mark the seasons here for bass pro show. if you go to bass pro shops you will get spring classic also to training. abby: free seminars. it feels like spring today. it's going to reach 60-degrees. the sun is out this morning. peter: abby nailed her first cast. >> it is going to be warm in florida, melbourne, florida, where president trump is going to be doubling down calling out the media in front of a large crowd, you mentioned the large rally that he's about to hold and follow on the heels that he tweeted out yesterday. he called out failing new york times, abc, it's not my enemy, it's the enemy of the american people. i guaranty you we are going to hear the same message today. abby: the media in a meltdown. they are freaking out. the society of journalists tweeted, attack by sitting u.s. president is a slap in the face to democracies, the country's founders and american people. peter: attack on the free press. he didn't say they were his enemies, he said they were enemies of the american people. it's not a free press. he talks about free trade. it's a fair press and we want to thank -- think ap and other outlets are fair. he has called them. they think they are above criticism. you're free to say what you want but i'm free to countercriticize, i'm going to do in front of large audience. abby: i'm going to go actually all the way around you and i'm going to go directly to the american people which is exactly what he has been doing. clayton: i'm trying to go through archives if the society was mat when president obama attacked fox news. peter: the society will send us a tweet. we heard from the white house obama administration and president obama himself when he was talk about fox news. abby: awesome producers did digging themselves and found flashback of hillary clinton. i think this is on the debate stage where he was talking about one of her own enemies. >> which enemy are you most proud of? >> in addition to the nra, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, the iranians. [laughter] >> probably the republicans. [cheers and applause] abby: that's a lot of people that she listed fbi way. that's more than half of the country. peter: a lot of the reason that she didn't win, she said her enemies are the republicans. president trump says the enemies of the american people. they can't look at failing new york times in the eye and say you're biased and another point he members, american people don't see the details and the process. i see what actually happens, i have to look at the headline that's on the other direction. i call that out because they can't know otherwise. clayton: the associated press story the other day. one hundred thousand national guard troops are going to be used in ice raids. and there was no truth to that. there may have been memo written before trump became president that had nothing to do with the trump administration, the trump administration says the ap never called us to confirm it. we flatly deny that that was the case. the ap went ahead with the headline. abby: this is not the opinion blogger, this is from the ap. clayton: a lot of news rooms would go on for decades. abby: a lot lot of people don't know where to go for news. the more american people trust trump than reporters. we thought about all of this and emails have been pouring in. i trust the president 100% more than the media. i always considered the media not to be on my side. clayton: freedom of the press speech, i totally get it but what several news outlets have been doing lately is not journalism. peter: the media is the whole reason the country is so divided, how can anyone make an educated decision when they aren't getting the whole story? >> he did not mention the washington post in his tweet where he said dishonest media and -- as a response when vice president learned about the lie from michael flynn, fired michael flynn. he said that in the conference. that's how he learned that he had been lied to, from the washington post reporting. he didn't label dishonest media. abby: really transparent saying, i have nothing to hide here. ask me anything you want. peter: you're making this up. i will prove it to you but they keep -- abby: i love when he warned, just wait until tomorrow. the press they are going to be ranting about this whole thing. we are likely going to hear more about this later tonight. president trump is back with the people who actually got him elected. peter: he has a rally plan tonight in melbourne, florida, outside of orlando but he already gave a fiery campaign-style speech yesterday in south carolina. clayton: live in washington, d.c. with more on the story, good morning, lauren. >> good morning, we are calling it a campaign rally because the event is being paid by the donald j. trump for president campaign not american taxpayers, president trump is back on the trail for his first post inauguration rally and back in his comfort zone. it's the second event the president is speaking out outside the beltway this week. we spoke in front of cheering crowd of supporters yesterday in boeing plant in south carolina talking to workers on how he's going to fulfill a campaign promise to bring back american jobs. >> there will be a very substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country, make the product and think that they're going to sell it back over what will soon be a very, very strong border. we want products made by our workers, in our factories, stamped with those four magnificent words, made in the usa. >> because of a tense relationship with the press, the president and his folks say the point of the rally toint is to get their message directly to the american people bypassing traditional media. rally will be held at the melbourne international airport hanger but we won't see air force in background because it is a campaign. abby: president trump seems determine today continue the permanent campaign. peter: he should rely on npr for headline ifs he wants stream media. abby: permanent campaign, we watched him yesterday in south carolina where he was very much in his comfort stone like he was in the campaign trail and speaking to the american people, saying, i'm not doing this to myself. i'm actually for jobs and this. clayton: here is what the rest npr story says, the campaign mode continues rallying like he's 2016. the president does not seem comfortable in his office with my cases of divided powers and shared responsibilities but remains comfortable on stage. peter: how much more innuendo can you put that? he's quite comfortable there. but he's also a blue-collar billionaire who has made a career being in executive office. you see him doing to dinners and elsewhere. fortifies to fight for the things that you were there. any president would get out but instead it's a boogie man campaign rally. abby: i don't think people paid him to be comfortable in that chair. they voted for him to comfortable speaking to the american people and what you want to do. peter: you have incoming all day long from all sides from the press and from democrats, you don't want to confirm picks, go out to the people and mobilize the people which is your advantage in the first place. you the people, the swamp is going to hate you, bring the people to the swamp and let them help you drain it. he's going to be doing that tonight. overnight, vice president mike pence making first international trip reassuring support for u.s. allies while sending a strong message to nato to pay its share of defense spending. >> the promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfulfilled for too many for too long and it erodes the very foundation of our alliance. the president of the united states expects our allies to keep their word, to fulfill this commitment. abby: vice president meeting with world leaders right now, among them is german chancellor angela merkel. protestors burning the american flag while blocking traffic in philadelphia. take a look. [inaudible] abby: four people put in handcuffs and facing assault charges. it looks like president trump's plan might be working. >> we will end the sanctuary cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. abby: miami-dade county in florida becoming the first in the nation to drop sanctuary status. officials unwilling to risk president trump following through to cut the $255 million of annual federal funding to just that county. also this this morning, a group of dads going viral after taking a father-daughter valentine's valet -- ballet class. ♪ ♪ ♪ abby: i can't get enough of the video. it's so good. the philadelphia dancing school showing video of dads leaping across the floor with lit toll no ballet, you get to see the dads and daughters show up live in the next on "fox & friends". >> i've got the father-daughter dance tonight. abby: do you have a tutu to wear today. peter: president trump reminding the press divisions in our country, they didn't start with him. >> this country was seriously divided before i got here and i am going to try, i will do to fix that. peter: does he have what it takes to breach the divide, juan williams next. >> this is shocking, not going very well. no one is buying the 9-dollar gatorade. [laughter] clayton: don't worry, they have a solution, we will -- they will just lay some people off. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ alongside their direct rate to save you money. but what's really going on? when played backwards at 1/8th speed you can clearly hear... what could that mean? woman: tom? tom! they're just commercials. or are they? you're waking the neighbors. well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. i think it's actually "awoken." no, that doesn't even seem right. no, it's "awoken." revealing the truth to help you save. why do so many businesses rely on the u.s. postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. ♪ that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority : you ththen out of nowhere...crying. third time that day. i wasn't even sad. first the stroke, now this. so we asked my doctor. he told us about pseudobulbar affect, or pba. it's frequent, uncontrollable crying or laughing that doesn't match how you feel. it can happen with certain neurologic conditions like stroke, dementia, or ms. he prescribed nuedexta, the only fda-approved treatment for pba. tell your doctor about medicines you take. some can't be taken with nuedexta. nuedexta is not for people with certain heart conditions. serious side effects may occur. life-threatening allergic reactions to quinidine can happen. tell your doctor right away if you have bleeding or bruising. stop nuedexta if muscle twitching, confusion, fever, or shivering occurs with antidepressants. side effects may include diarrhea, dizziness, cough, vomiting, weakness, or ankle swelling. nuedexta made a difference by reducing my pba episodes. ask about nuedexta and go to >> so you understand, we had a totally divided country for eight years and long before that. in all fairness to president obama, long before president obama. we have had a very divided. i didn't come along and divide the country. this country was seriously divided before i got here. we are going to work on it very hard and i am going to try, i will do everything within my power to fix that. peter: that's president trump reminding the press that he's not to blame for dividing the nation, but does he have what it takes to bridge that divide. here to weigh in political analysts and cohost of the five, juan williams. thank you for getting up early and joining us. >> good morning. peter: he points out that we had a president in barack obama that sought to fundamentally transform america, who really did divide this country? >> well, first, pete, the president is right, the country was divide before he came to power, who divided the country? there are so many critical moments that we've seen over the course of let's say the last 20 years, i would start with the clinton impeachment because when you go back to that and that's the birth of so many of liberal groups in effort to impeach president clinton, you come to the 2000 election, bush v. gore and all the arguments, pete, you're too young. [laughter] >> that divided the country and then you come, of course, forward to, you know, where the weapons of mass destruction. i always think that one of the moments that when we were together was after 9/11. people standing as americans strong, tall and proud. peter: of course, president trump was elected taking on the republican party but also then taking on hillary clinton, taking on the establishment, i'm going to take a new view at old issues and hopefully seek to go unit this country. how can the president unit when he has a media under siege that has him under siege every single moment, does the media not share a great deal of blame in driving a wedge between this president and desire to unit us? >> that's interesting question because i think from the media perspective and we at fox have experienced this with president obama, i think that the media has a legitimate roll in holding powerful people to account in the case of obama trying to transform the country in way that is as you pointed out, some people found just wrong-headed and had questions about, didn't like. when you look at president trump, president trump has his own media -- social media power here and when he goes after from arnold schwarzenegger or meryl streep, i don't think the media is necessarily to blame, he picks on people, he identifies people who doesn't like him and punches back. go ahead. peter: people say you don't want to battle people that ink by the barrel. >> that's right. peter: the only people that can do it. is that not reset the conversation at the very least and making it an honest? >> reset, reform, transform. it's unbelievable to. me we have never seen a with this kind of power. i thought the press conference was just pure donald trump goes directly to the american people, directly to his base and speaks their language. i don't know if you were following on twitter, so many pointed out to me, if you listen to the republicans, they loved it, liberals and democrats couldn't stand it. peter: thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure, have a great weekend. peter: like wise, like wise, thank you. it won't be building a factory in méxico, it will build two. and historians have reached a consensus on president trump place in history and then grab your tackle box, we are going outside. stick around ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. she said, "how long you been holding this in?" (laughs) that was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. abby: we are back with news by the numbers. you're looking at a live shot right now of the rocket that will carry 5,000 pounds of cargo into space. 50%, that's how much soda sales fell. employers are expected to cut jobs to make up for losses. final 12, that's president obama's ranking all time according to c-span historian. abraham lincoln taking the number one slot. clayton. clayton: all right, thanks, abby. our fans are celebrating the return of fishing season by kicking off annual spring fishing classic right here on plaza this morning. >> back with more, the champion of bass pros 2016 edwin evers. welcome back. >> he's been nailing this like repeatedly. >> you're about ten in a row. [laughter] clayton: edwin tell us about the spripg fishing classic? >> there's no better time if you want to learn how to fish or anything how to fish or spell fish now the time to go to bass proshops. there's so much going on. the best deals of the entire year are this next week at bass proshops. >> there's a couple of things that you guys do with the university program as well so students, kids can come out and learn from experts, right? >> one of the greatest things march 20 and 21st, that's where it's all about the kids, you know, we have workshops and seminars for kids, actually come cowt and taste some fish samples, you know, to eat some fish. peter: and if you have old equipment, you can flip it out. >> old rod, old rail. you get a hundred dollars off. a great deal and refurbish those . >> they are getting better? >> oh, yeah. it's about experience. one of the great things about bass proshops in general, there's a lot of people out there that want to get start to fishing and you walk into the store that it's so big and overwhelming that you don't know what to choose from. we have great examples here. something basic. you want to get your kid out here and start fishing, a beetle spin, i started with one of these, my son cade he's caught monster fish and he's just eight. it's the perfect rod and drill and the best thing of bass proshops all the people will be there to help you. all of this right here, you're looking at under 40 bucks. it's not a big expensive ender to get out there and start fishing. peter: i will be out here till i make one in the bucket. abby: you guys need women out there, i think. american flags torched. police officers pepper sprayed. is this what we have to look forward for the next four years? former secret service agent here to react. that's next. and has the inclusive left finally gone too far? new demands to make fraternities co-ed. you want to stick around for this one. remember when you said men are superior drivers? yeah... yeah, then how'd i get this... safe driving bonus check? ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident free. silence. it's good to be in, good hands. >> i turn on the tv and open the newspapers and i see stories of chaos, chaos. yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. despite the fact that i can't get my cabinet approved. i just see many, many untruthful things. and i tell you what i see? tone, the tone is such hatred. i'm really not a bad person, fbi way. abby: president trump going after the media in press conference. we want to bring in dan here to talk more about this. he tweeted yesterday hitting the mainstream media once again, the enemy is -- what did he say? the fake news it's not my enemy, it's the enemy of the american people, what are your thoughts on that? >> he's right, abby. the media is smart. these aren't stupid people. they understood a long time ago that what they do is tell stories and people think in stories and narratives and what the media has done is manipulated the narrative for a long time. the narrative is republicans are the bad guys, immigration is a good thing and tax cuts are terrible and they manipulate them and what they are doing, donald trump is right about tone, they use that tone in telling a story to constantly treat him and conservatives in a condescending matter. i give them a big round of applause for having guts to go out there and take the fight right to them. let's keep it honest. >> it's difficult when he becomes president because then as the president he doesn't have an ep my, right, the enemy was hillary clinton during the campaign. this is really smart for the trump administration to attack the mainstream media and then to go back to the american people down in melbourne, florida today at a rally and say i'm your voice, right? >> i'm so glad you brought this up. i'm so tired of talking to clueless liberals. the donald trump press conference was not an accident. you can continue with liberals and have blindfolds, he screwed himself over in the media in the media press, you're out of your mind. people see the world in good and evil and unfortunately the media put themselves on the bad guy box and donald trump sees that and he's leveraging it. peter: john said recently, the press should only be blaming themselves. a fox poll that 68% of americans that the press was much more unfair to president trump than president obama. you were a secret service officer for president obama, also a former nypd officer and we have to get your comments on the protests that happened in philadelphia last night. officers hurt, flags being burned, no good cop, but a dead one, is this the resistance of the left, is this how it manifests itself? >> yeah, this is really sad. this has become a sad tragic going on right now. here is what happened, we had eight years of barack obama administration that when it came time to support the cops they were subdued. when it came time to throw cops under the bus, they took every opportunity not only to do it but to do it loudly, proudly and publicly. cops are not stupid people. i was in nypd officers and these are really smart men and women and i was a federal agent. they know exactly what's going on, pete. they saw an opportunity to get backed up by the chief executive of the united states and he didn't do it and gave home to black lives matter, movement that calls for pigs in a blank eat and cops saw that and they never forgot it. abby: it is worse than a very long time, dan. >> you and i are thinking in terms, clearly we have moved past slavery and jim crowe but it's not how liberals think of it. it's not about black or white. it's about identity politics and use whatever label they can. don't vote for us, vote against the other guy, the republican because they don't like you because you're black, woman, hispanic, young, old, identity politics is their party. that's all they have. clayton: you can pull the curtain back from us on this as far as the secret service goes and u.s. marshals, betsy devos being guarded by u.s. marshal service as she goes around. we heard her being taunted and things thrown at her the other day, being heckled last week, take a look. >> shame! shame! clayton: what's happening are the u.s. marshals having to guard her? >> this is a national disgrace, seriously, this is an embasement. you have a woman here betsy devos who is a successful family business who spent her entire life not worrying about spending her money on herself but spending her money to advocate for poor and disadvantaged kids so they can have school choice, big shocker to the left, what does the left do? they get in her face and are super aggressive with her. i thought they were the party of feminism and treating women fairly. betsy devos threatens everything they stand for, control of the school bureaucracy, the public education and the utter failure of the education boar crasy to do a darn thing for disadvantaged kids. since i was born in the 70's, they spent three times as much money and they are doing nothing to improve lives of these kids. peter: can you imagine if a tea party protestor got in the face of a female protestor like that, the media would be going nuts. >> i'm a conservative and i don't hide that. the answer is no, this hyperaggressive type nonsense is almost exclusively a domain of the radical far left. not all democrats but the radical far left. they think this is a political strategy to assault people, block their access to schools, this is insane. this is not i think to work and someone is going to get arrested, someone as a matter of fact was arrested. abby: it's called conditional love. we will only be your friend as long as you agree -- dan, good to have you here. >> of course. abby: we want to turn the to other headlines, mexican immigrant remains behind bar this is morning. medina has to request a bond hearing from a federal immigration judge. medina was brought to the u.s. illegally as child but protected under the obama administration, he was arrested during ice raids and the fed says he has ties to gangs but his attorney denies that. and the congressional black caucus refusing to meet with president trump calling his senior adviser steve bannon a stone-cold racist. new york congressman jeffreys is telling msnbc this. >> he should not be in the room. >> why not? >> he's a white supremacist. abby: earlier we spoke with david clark who says it's not up to the congressman to decide who is in the meeting. >> all jeffreys is doing is stoking up animosity, steve bannon is a good man, steve bannon is an honest man, he's a fair individual and i'm actually appalled that these individuals continue to play the rake -- race card. abby: all this the caucus requesting a meeting with him. ford with their plans to two factories in méxico, this despite canceling plans to built plant last month after pressure from the trump administration to keep jobs here in the u.s. the two new plants have been in the work since 2015 and they will stay. also this, has the tolerant left have gone too far? there are talks on the campus of yale university of a new rule that would force male pra ternties to admit female pledges, the student group behind this push is using to make case, they make no mention of allowing men into female -- [laughter] >> it's a disaster zone. abby: no, thank you. ly stay out. if you're going to do that, make it equal, right, let men join sororities. >> do you want that? abby: no, i don't want that. [laughter] >> fishing time. take a look at the weather maps and show you what's going on. we have one little storm across parts of the southeast, it's going to bring rain and scattered showers. don't worry about that. it'll move into the carolinas during the day. out in the west that's where all of the problems have been and we have been watching the dam in california, the forecast rain in the forecast for about the next three to four dais and it's going to continue specially heavier by monday and tuesday. here is your temperature in the next few days, take a look at this guys, 60's and 70's all the way up towards chicago. can you believe that in february and it is feeling good. it'll get cold to remind us it's winter but today it's spring. clayton: a neglect desperate attempt by the left to undermine president trump, democrats say he's mentally ill. others want a psychologist in the white house just to check on mental health. the american people really going to buy that? how about no. you have seen protests at town halls across the country. should lawmakers even show up if the meetings are organized by far-leftist groups. chris here to react in the next hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at abby: it is the latest desperate attempt by the left to undermine president trump this time by suggesting that he's unfit to serve. >> i've noticed renewed interest in the 25th amendment as we have seen erratic behavior out of the white house, inability by donald trump to tell whether it rained on him during his inaugural speech and repeating false statement that is are wrong. we need to have a mechanism that can be reliable. >> congressman allowed -- alluded to it. requiring a psychologist in the white house. >> this after "the new york times" published a letter with a headline mental heat professional warn about trump. are people really buying this at this point? >> michael, what do you make of this? do they need a psychologist in the white house? >> if you're a politician that tells lies, then capitol hill is the world's most exclusive nut house. when president obama said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period, he meant specific compli the psychologist that was assigned to the oval office while he was saying completely nutty thing. this is nothing new. i'm sorry to say particularly from the left. idea that people disagree with you aren't simply, people disagree with you or wrong, there's something wrong with you. i was one of the first people in the tea party movement and we got it all of the time. you can't possibly hate obamacare, you must be a racist, you must hate the terrible economic growth, you must have something, you must be a hater and now donald trump, you can't possibly want to be the president the way you want to be president. you must be mentally ill. donald trump is definitely an unusual president. i think we can agree on that -- >> for sure. >> sometimes he and some of the facts are not quite on the same gps system, that's agreed. but to have the debate, talk about the fact as opposed to saying, oh, my gosh, there's something wrong with this guy. peter: you do want to delve in fact, when it comes to things like mental and psychiatric analysts. it's unethical for psychiatrist to give opinion of public figures they haven't examined let alone congress, they call tit gold water rule because the same thing happened to barry gold water. is this where they inevitable go, they have to be crazy. >> psychology today magazine has run several articles about studies done by liberal academics in places like oregon and berkeley claiming that being a conservative is a form of mental illness or raises suspicion about your mental health. i just want to say this, al frankton weighed in being called crazy by al frank oan is being called painfully unfunny by al frankon. i'm sorry, i'm not going to go home worried about my meds because of him. abby: where else can you go about saying someone is mentally insane? peter: is that what we are looking at here? >> no doubt about it. the word on the washington examiner, we have been writing articles opening throwing the i word, itch peoplement. russia story. the more we find out russia story, why do they keep pushing russia story, the only thing worst in crazy is a russian agent that's crazy. abby: good to have you this morning. coming up republicans are working to repeal and replace obamacare. what changes does senator rand paul want to see? we are going to ask him next hour. peter: whoopi goldberg goes rogue on the set of the view. what had her taking sides with president trump? stick around to see that if you often suffer from a dry mouth, over time it can lead to cavities and bad breath. that's why there is biotene, the # 1 dry mouth brand recommended by dentists. biotene. for people who suffer from a dry mouth. abby: fox's newest thriller a cure for wellness combines hidden horrors and creepy castles when a young executive finds himself trapped in a mysterious wellness center. >> rest assure it's just the toxins leaving the system. give yourself completely to the process and you will see the results. clayton: i'm two into that. michael tamara got the inside scoop in the movie. >> a psychological roller coaster. the new york premier who told me what it was like to bring this haunting story to life. >> a cure for wellness premiered this week in new york city. it's a psychological thriller that's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. >> i came out exhausted like i had been five hours in the gym, i had been grabbing the seat, sweeting, i'm looking forward to watching the rest of the audience tortured that way. >> it's terrifying and i'm going to watch it again now because it's a fill tham you have to watch a couple of times to really pick up on all the details and nuances on the film. >> we need original content too, you know, we need something that's going to, you know, think about what's going on in the world today but also take us away from it and terrify us and entertain us and, you know, give us something to think about. >> is it secure? >> no, actually i was just leaving. >> i would never leave. >> we went on a month long tour in germany. we went to the most haunted place in germany. some people felt ghosts there and spirits. it just helps with the mood and the atmosphere that we were trying to create with the film. >> i found it the creepiest and scariest place i had ever been. >> set the tone? >> it generally did. i would try not to look up because i did not want to see the silhouettes on the empty buildings because you could hear the screams in the air. >> it's wonderful here. clayton: creepy. >> in theaters now. for more of my celebrity interview check out in the fox or instagram. abby: looks disturbing, michael. awesome. peter: he likes people that weren't captured and this morning john mccain is somehow getting revenge. geraldo rivera on that ahead. clayton: dads everywhere, take note, these dads and daughters are here to teach moves everyone is talking about. abby: clayton too, you're joining them. ♪ ♪ ♪ every tv doctor knows that when it comes to hospital romances, the more complicated, the better. i love you. but i love him. i love him, too. so do i. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. it's american heart month. schedule your check-up to learn your four health numbers so you can maintain a healthy heart. cigna. together, all the way. ♪ >> good morning. happy saturday, everyone, it is february 18th i'm abby huntsman, and he is doubling back. president trump on a huge campaign rally tonight, and it is a big one at the mainstream media. >> plus senator mccain, how is the president doing? >> this administration is in disarray, and they've got a lot of work to do. >> well, he's clearly got a different opinion about this administration and those comments not being well received by some. in fact, the vice president up early in munich to respond to those comments. >> and it's the evidence that has scientists they've been searching for centuries. is this proof that aliens actually exist? take a look at your screen. it was cut off. we'll tell you more what happened there. abby: i'm hooked, clayton. abby: incredible. our plaza turned into a lake this morning. >> it is amazing. bass pro shops turned. you know what else is wonderful? phoenix where our next guest is joining from right here. we missed you today, her al geraldo. what brings you here? >> i'm here for my mother's 70th birthday. i love john mccain. i know he's part of what we want to talk about this morning. but i miss you all. i want to see what kind of fish you catch on west 48th street. abby: it's it's going to be beautiful. pete: you watched the press conference, 77 minutes of the press conference, and then he doubled down with a new tweet just out. he said don't believe the mainstream fake news media. the white house is running very well. i inherited a mess. i'm in the process of fixing it. clayton: and there's also a second tweet out as well. he said we'll be having many meetings this meeting at the southern white house speech in melbourne, florida. a lot to talk about. abby: he will certainly hit on that tonight. >> that's fine. and i love the fact that he goes to these rallies or he will be in this campaign mode. i think it reenergizing him. i'm not particularly sure attacking the press is the right thing to do. i just did a podcast about this. this reminds me most of the first term of richard nixon and spiral agna. he was the vice president and that's when they had the silent majority, and you can draw parallels to that right now. trump was the core of america. nixon was the silent majority. bombs of negativism. trump is saying it's fake news. there's a real parallel there. but i think my main point this morning, abby, is that everybody's got to cool down. we've got a country that we all deeply care about, and we have to get into a mode where it's real governance going on. abby: but you can get back on that, geraldo and saying i have to defend. no one else is defending out there, and you've seen the polling. we did a poll here at fox news that more people trust president trump than they do reporters today. that's the reality of where we are. >> i was at a cowboy bar last night, and obviously country western music playing. people wearing t-shirts. i voted for trump. it was a very defiant attitude. it was almost a militant attitude. and i said to myself, you know, in another part of the country in another town, it would be just the opposite. what's going on here? we're one country. let's cool down. donald trump is the president. he's the 45th president of the united states. i don't think it does anybody any good to have this rivalry the real americans versus the fake americans, the real media versus the fake media. where does it get us? clayton: where does it get us that they're able to have one narrative for years, they treat barack obama with a kid glove. it's going to be messy. it's not going to be perfect. it's going to require press conferences like that. so is he not level setting saying we're not going to put up anymore with one-sided media, the left swinging married having double standards. does he not have to do that if you want to get the agenda passed that he said he would? building a wall and immigration laws, tax reform. if the press is going to, you have to take them on. >> i get that. but i go back to where i started. we have the president's own words. he inherited a mess. abby: he said that very thing this week. >> right. and this is a very dangerous world. this is a place where the president really has so many more important fish to fry than going after the media. he'll never agree with the media. but when you come out, and you do 77 minutes of the 77 minutes, probably half of it was attacking jim acosta from cnn or asking the black lady whether she'll set up a meeting with the congressional black caucus. you know, doing stuff that isn't designed to convey a message of a man in charge. pete: let's talk about what the ap sent out yesterday. and you get this from the white house. he says i thought the financial press was dishonest until i got to washington, i'm a politician. i didn't realize how dishonest the political press was. the associated press sent out a tweet the other day with breaking news saying trump administration considers mobilizing as many as 100,000 national guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants. the white house denied that report and said they never reached out to us. we would have told them that's not true. how does this kind of story get out there? and isn't this exactly what president trump -- abby: and this is the ap we're talking about. >> all right. but let me show you something. i am in a arizona. one of the four border states mentioned. this is the arizona republic. which is the main state newspaper for arizona. look what it says. rally the troops, question mark. trump team considered using national guard to round up undocumented immigrants. move with mark major shift. pete: but that is not true. he's going to fight headlines like that every day. >> but what is true and what is untrue? it is true that there was a memo. the memo's not fake. >> it wasn't approved by trump. it was never even considered. . >> but the memo is true. what is untrue is that trump intends to act on it. by the way, it wouldn't be the first time the national guard has been deployed on the whole issue of immigration. george w. bush did it in 2006. barack obama did it in 2010. so you can understand why it conveyed a -- clayton: but doesn't a headline like that prove trump's point. you're headline that you just held out send out the troops, question mark. doesn't that prove trump's point that the media is trying to make him look like the bad guy when he was just reinforcing the wall. abby: i was going to say even more than that, pete, it's dangerous. because they're waking up where do i even go to get my news to figure out what's going on. because you see headlines likeur people to read and for it to be totally false. abby: abby, the fact is there was a memo. the fact is also the president is reassuring people who care about the immigrant community that he will not be deploying the national guard. the story, though, is not -- >> there's a headline. >> it's just, unfortunately, the headline may steer people in the wrong direction. >> geraldo is in senator john mccain's backyard there in arizona. senator over in munich saying it looks like this white house is in disarray. here's what senator mccain had to say about it. take a listen. >> it would be alarmed by the growing inability and even the unwillingness to separate truth from lies. they would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanti romanticizing it. >> he also described what th what the president's white house as in disarray. what do you say? >> i think that, first of all, i am a older american. i believe in the older traditions that say once you leave the united states, you never talk badly about the united states. you know, that's something that you do internally amongst us. so i don't like, particularly when someone as prominent and beloved as john mccain talks about it. but i want to give senate to mccain this much space. there was no doubt that in europe you have a drift toward authoritarianism. toward the right. toward -- >> i have to challenge you on that. maybe nationalism. they want their borders. they don't want to be invaded silently by a navy that's silent. why is that authoritarianism? why do we go that will it right away? >> because the parties that represent the positions that you just stated, pete, and i think you were correct about it. those parties tend to be on the far right. their agenda is much broader than merely securing their borders and fighting the undocumented immigrants coming in. there is a broader drift in european, particularly, toward a state more vigorous, let me say. a state that has more -- a statism. pete: well, sovereignty. >> you can define it as sovereignty as well as sovereignty doesn't become something much worse, and we have plenty of historical references in the context. my beef is -- pete: now we're -- abby: okay. but can i ask -- >> my beef, abby is that when you bunch america in with europe, you tend to insult the fair-minded notion of america. the historic liberalism, let me say of america. abby: i hear what you're saying. bigger picture, though, this battle between senator john mccain and president trump. don't they need each other, because as you said, senator mccain is very well respected. they need each other to get these big things done. so what advice do you have to both of them? and how do they move forward? >> let me just -- i think, first of all, the president and the media have to cool it. this is a cancerous relationship that helps nobody. and i think one of the ways they can cool is you know general flynn and russia and all of that. i'm going to have an investigation with that, it's going to be totally transparent. we can do that. the second is the gop and the party have to get so the on it same page. the president can't be fighting the democrats on the left and the republicans also. they have to now remember that they're the party in power. where is the action on obamacare if that's what they want to do? where is the action on the infrastructure project we were going t trying to see rebuilding tunnels and bridges and highways? everyone has to lower their blood pressure, decide we're all on the same page, we all want the best for the united states, and go forward together and stop this an antagonistic relationship, which helps nobody other than our enemies. abby: all right. geraldo, thank you for being here this morning from phoenix, arizona. >> all right. abby: who will replace general flynn from one of the top spots in the white house? pete: and then a secret or closed meeting between the chinese ambassador. wait meeting with an ambassador before you're president, wasn't that supposed to be unethical? >> and these dads and their daughters are here to teach them moves that everyone is talking about. ♪ ♪ tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift. especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. when someone told me i had colon cancer. we had the follow up, cat scan which showed that it had gone to her liver. it was pretty intense and we needed to move pretty quickly. we needed a second opinion. that's when our journey began with cancer treatment centers of america. one of our questions was, how are we going to address my liver. so my doctor said i think we can do both surgeries together. i loved that. to find out more about our treatment options, go to our teams of physicians and clinicians are experienced and compassionate, bringing you a level of care you won't find anywhere else. my health is good. cancer treatment centers of america, you have people that really care. they are my family now. these people are saints. ha, they're saints. please call or visit today. the evolution of cancer care is here. cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. abby: president trump back with the people who got him elected. pete: he has a rally planned today in florida, but today we'll meet with potential replacements for the national security role. >> lauren is live in washington d.c. with that story. good morning, lauren. >> well, we're calling it a campaign rally because the event is being paid for by the donald trump campaign, not american taxpayers. he's back for his post inauguration rally and back in his comfort zone. it's the second event the president is speaking at outside the beltway this week. he spoke in front of a cheering crowd of supporters at a boeing plant in south carolina talking to voters on how he's going to fulfill a campaign promise to bring back american jobs. >> there will be a very substantial penalty to be paid when they fire their people and move to another country. make the product, and think that they're going to sell it back over what will soon be a very, very strong border. we want products made by our workers in our factories stamped by those four magnificent words. made in the usa. >> because of a tense relationship with the press, the president and his folks say the point arrest isn't tonight is to get their message directly to the people bypassing the media. it will be held at the airport hanger. we won't see air force one as a backdrop because it is a campaign event. now, before the rally tonight, the president is expected to meet with potential national security adviser candidates at his winter white house. acting adviser keith kellogg will be sitting down with the president, and we're told the new short list also includes former unn ambassador john bolton who told fox's shannon last night that if asked to do the job, he would be prepared. abby: all right. lauren branch for us. thank you, lauren. we want to make sure clayton is okay. they hear sniffling under the microphone. clayton: well, we did, like, a 12-minute segment with geraldo. pete: he's a trooper. speaking of troopers, obamacare supporters across the country. is the gop doing enough to stop them? or did they get caught off guard by these protesters? chris is up early, and he's up t pete: and welcome back. some quick headlines for you now. former national security adviser michael flynn off the hook. the fbi announcing it will not pursue charges after intelligence leaks that he spoke with russia's ambassador before the inauguration. the white house is still looking for his replacement after he was fired. and the feds looked into flynn but what about hillary clinton? could one of john pa desa's leaked e-mails, requested a private meeting with hillary clinton's top aids in january 2016 while she was running for president. interesting. abby: so if you watch this press conference this week, you found it refreshing, you absolutely loved it. if you didn't like him, then you found it unhinged and probably a little bit crazy. >> well, when you put it like that, abby -- yod i think the reason trump held the press conference is that things weren't so fast. that there were problems, and you lose a nominee, and you have to cashier your national security adviser and where is the progress on obamacare and taxes and all those things? trump knows something. that he knows his base, his core supporters hate the media, hate us so much with the white, hot passion of 10,000 suns -- abby: they hate you specifically, chris. >> who wouldn't, really. but he knows if he goes out and beats up the press, punches them on the nose. yells at them. calls them fake, liars, phony. the folks back home who were maybe feeling a little uncertain, that's what they love. it gives them what they want. pete: and when you become president, it kind of stinks because you don't really have an enemy anymore; right? hillary clinton was the enemy and now you're president. you won. and a good story always has a good enemy; right? >> right. and for trump, we make a convenient enemy of first resort for him because americans don't trust the press. americans don't trust the media. there are problems in our relationship with the people who were supposed to be serving with the nation that we have to duty. remember, we're the only profession that gets a line item in the bill of rights. and it's very important, and we may not be living up to it. but for trump, we make the best opportunity -- the easiest opportunity first resort. >> well, and rush limbaugh and others have pointed out it was effective because it -- you talked about -- you you did something most people in the press won't ever do, which is to point at themselves and say maybe we're to blame for some of this. and john dickerson who hosts another show on another network had comments that i think some of the left stream media would admit. take a look at of what john dickerson had to say. >> i really do think manhattan media have lost the country. >> yes. it's true. but it's not because of anything donald trump did. the press ruined their reputation on their own. and we can have a lot of conversation about that, which is every hysterical coverage of every last thing that doesn't warrant it. pete: historical coverage of every last thing. shouldn't they be looking in the mirror? >> if everything is hitler, nothing is hitler. if everything is the most trepidation of american history when donald trump tweets, then who's going to listen to you if it's right? if the assumption of many in the washington press that i think dickerson's point is quite right. if the assumption in the washington press core is that trump is some fantastic tyrant waiting to crush the american freedom in the -- in his open hand, if that's what they think, they're not doing a very good job covering theuse wk about? they talk about themselves. it was amazing in that press conference that they took the bait from trump so fully, so completely. there was a reporter who stood up and argued with donald trump about his ratings. he argued with the president about his ratings. and i thought bro. abby: unreal. i mean, fox news has a new poll out that more people actually trust president obama than they do the media. than they do reporters. i want to switch gears here. the lawmakers are headed home for the next week during a recess. and preparing for town halls, the question is should they show up when they are being organized by far left groups? >> well, now, look, some of them some of the protests are organized by far left group. today, for example, senator tim scott and congressman down in south carolina having a great town hall. are there people that don't like them or don't want to hear from them or think they're wrong on the issues? sure. but they're having a good conversation with their constituents. if you're too afraid of your constituents to show up, and you cop out and use the excuse that george soros or some bogeyman is being mean to you and that you can't do it, you are in over your head and probably ought not be in this congress. pete: sure but we do know they're organized in some levels and the congressman is shouted down. i think your point is well taken. you don't want to be scared away from the staining. but how do you have a real discussion when the left says be quiet. sit down. as opposed to here's our counter argument? >> a huge problem. a huge problem that democrats had in 2010 when they lost the house was that they chalked up what happened to them at their events, at their town halls of the work of the coke brothers. is it true that there are right wing organizations trying to do that? sure. but what they did is that i don't have to listen to any of the concerns because i'm writing it all off as fake. as fake protest. you have to remember that there's real energy out there. the number one issue, the number one concern for americans today right now is their health care because people are worried that things are going to go south. clayton: so that brings up an interesting question. as you look at the first 100 days, slipping into the first 200 days, that political capital starts to expire as you hit the 200 day mark. right, chris? so those in congress who go home to those 200 meetings, they're going to have to face the constituents and some of them aren't happy with the administration. some of them may be margina marginalized americans who are in one. it's going to get real interesting as this summer unfolds, no? >> you keyed on exactly the right thing. how trump feels about press. how town halls go. it's great, interesting, and fine. but soon, the matter is can you deliver results? can you come up with a replacement for obamacare? can you come up with broad tax reform that was promised? cutting the economy revving? can you do all those things? and the republicans are now at the point where you said 100 days becomes 200 days. if it becomes 300 days, they're not going to hold the house. >> some of which haven't shown the encourage to stand up for the things they complained for. is that a better strategy than running for the hills and saying, well, trump's just not getting it done. we have to do some fortitude here. >> paul ryan and mitch mcconnell have done everything but carry trump on a gold sedan chair. they're doing everything they can to tell the president we want you to win. you winning and us winning is the same thing. the issue now is trust. will trump trust them to execute their agenda and will he give them the latitude to say okay. come up with a plan and run the football because what they're afraid of is they're going to get halfway down the field, and he's going to throw a flag on his own team. abby: rand paul who was called many things. he's out there saying he wants to work with him. he wants to get health care. he's actually on our show next hour, so make sure to stick around for that. >> all right. pete: thanks a lot. abby: thanks, chris. keep doing your job. >> he will. bill gates has a plan to save the economy with so many out of work. tax the robots and the machines that stole their jobs. really? abby: and dads everywhere, take note. you could pirouette all the way to internet stardom. they are here, right here live. they're going to teach us moves that everyone is talking about. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got... with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. >> video from my home city, philadelphia. this is what makes me proud to be a philadelphiaian. dads dancing with their daughters. they're going to join us in a few moments here, and they're wearing tutus. and i have my daughter's dance tonight. >> last year's daddy dauter dance ended. she said can we go again next week? abby: i know we've got our tutus on. we're ready to go. we do have other headlines to get to before we get there. the blatant disrespect for america. protesters burning the flag and blocking traffic in philadelphia. watch. >> go home. go home. you're not from here. go home. abby: at least two cops injured after being hit by pepper spray. four people are in handcuffs. alleged police abuses calling for criminal justice reforms. and now some extreme weather. the worst storm in years trembling the west coast right now. flash flooding and mud slides threatening safety for millions of people. at least four are now dead. two of them in car accidents in southern california. dozens of drivers stranded by flooded highways needed to be rescued. and a sinkhole swallowing two cars. a woman inside one of them crawling out, thanks to several firefighters. thousands are without power this morning and hundreds of flights have been grounded. also this. bill gates working hard to solve the problems of robots replacing people. >> super robots take over people. >> now saying they should pay taxes the same way human workers would. 50% at risk of humans being taken over by robots. also this story i love. there is paternity leave but what about pawternity leave. the idea is to allow owners of new puppies or rescue dogs enough time to let their dogging acclimate to their environment. i love that. we should do that here at fox. >> thank you, abby. well, a group of dads and their daughters now going viral after taking this valentine's day ballet class. take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, tom mcintyre, the owner of the philadelphia dance center and those dancing dads and their kids joining us. great to see you this morning. >> good morning. abby: this went viral. >> it was a little crazy at first. it surprised you, and it was the best thing to watch. >> it's the fact that dads are doing this with their daughters. no shame involved at all. like, there's no shame at all; right? >> no. not at all. we have moms involved in this program too. which is awesome. everybody has been very loving. >> i have to ask this beautiful lady here. what do you think of your daddy's dancing skills? >> he's okay. >> did you teach him his skills? >> no. ms. carla did. >> let's see a little dancing. >> what are some of the skills we're seeing here? >> is that a pirouette you just did? >> some form of pirouette. yet. >> okay. go for it. show us. >> wow. and what's your name? nina. and what are you going to be doing here? all right. just show us. i bet you'll be way better than your dad. go. >> what's your name? >> tom. >> what's your daughter's name? >> zoey. >> you want to kick this off? okay. we're going to keep flowing through, and we'll ask dads questions. >> i want to ask a dad a question myself. when you were asked to do this, did you immediately say yes? or did it take a little time convincing? were you embarrassed? >> no. they weren't there. >> you are embarrassed. you're covering your head. what are you going to do now? >> dance. >> i'm going to dance. >> what's your name. >> that's the pro. >> it's well done. >> all right, you want to kick it off here? what are you going to do? >> oh, look at the skill. that is good. what's your name? >> i almost gotcha. what's your name? >> isabel. >> can you teach me? shuttering has. >> oh, wow. >> like a swan, i am. nice. okay. >> that's roboto. i had that for breakfast. okay. perfect. >> you're doing. >> i'll watch her and then try to mimic with her dad. is this a tough move? >> it's a little bit hard, yes. >> you're going to have two men following you here. oh, they're jealous of you. i would be too. you've got a beautiful daughter. i'm going to try to mimic as best i can. >> you get the floor to yourself. >> way better. all right. take it away. all right. we're going to be doing this all morning long. i just love this. go ahead. all right. coming up -- >> masterful ending right there. >> he has a plan -- >> keep going. >> he has a plan to replace obamacare. senator rand paul joins us with the two steps that need to make it happen. that's next here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean. abby: purpose setting the timetable to repeal and replace obamacare. trump: we're doing obamacare, we're doing the final stages in march, i would say. abby: but are all republicans onboard? with his fellow senator republican. senator rand paul walks out. well, what happens next? the kentucky senator is here to join us this morning. >> good morning. abby: you've worked hard trying to repeal and replace it, president trump says he wants to have a plan in march. when you see that product, what are you okay with being in the law and not okay with? >> well, i think there's two steps. we need to have complete repeal of obamacare. on the same day, we should vote on replacement. because i do have a great deal of sympathy as a physician, as a father, as a family member for trying to provide affordable insurance for people. obamacare tried to but failed. it actually increased the price of insurance. my replacement plan will lower the cost of insurance for everybody and try to allow individuals to get into group insurance with as much more safety and much more cost. abby: i want to get your thoughts as well on the state of capitol hill right now. because you're in a unique opportunity where you have a gop-controlled house and a senate. an opportunity to really get some bills passed and signed by the president. could they be doing more to get bills on his desk if you look at the past four weeks? >> well, i would actually say we've done more in the last four weeks than we've done in the last six years. i mean, i was excited when we repealed the first regulation. i was at the white house just this last week talking and seeing the president sign the repeal. we've repealed three regulations that would have cost the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and would have cost tens of thousands of jobs. so this was a big deal. this was the first time we overturned regulations in years. the democrats are filibusterin filibustering us at any point. and as soon as obamacare is repealed, we're going to look at reduces taxes so that american businesses can compete with companies abroad. abby: i want to get your thoughts on something close to your heart. last night you signed legislation undoing coal regulations. how important was this, especially from a state of kentucky where it's a huge deal? >> it's a big deal for kentucky, west virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, even out west in wyoming and different places. we've been devastated. when you drive through eastern kentucky, it's like the great depression and this is because of president obama and his regulations. he said he would bankrupt coal. hillary clinton said that her policies would put us out of business. well, president trump promised that he would help us. and within a month, he is. he already repealed this. this is a big deal. it's a huge deal for kentucky. abby: so also yesterday i'm sure you watched the first press conference that president trump gave by himself. really giving the media the treatment we've seen give throughout the campaign trail. the question i have for you. what is the media missing about president trump and about the american people and why they ultimately voted for him this election? >> well, i think he has an extraordinary style. he has a distinct style. abby: that, he does. >> and it's captivating. i mean, it is like, you know, you're watching this unfold on tv. and it's like nothing the american people has ever seen because he pushes back. and i think so often, politicians are trying not to get anybody upset because constituents or the media go along with the narrative, and he just directly confronts the narrative. and it is extraordinary, and you're right. it captivates the american public. abby: yeah, really is fascinating to watch. so if there is one thing that you think needs to get done in these first 100 days, what would that be? >> completely repeal obamacare. don't keep obamacare light. completely repeal the whole thing. abby: thank you, for being with us this morning. >> thank you. abby: pete and rick have the boat ready. bass pro shop is kicking off their spring classic. find out how you can win a fishing trip with a fishing legend. that's next friend of yours? that's frequent heartburn. it's always lurking around. but i'm safe. i took my prevacid®24hr today. i didn't. one pill prevents the acid that causes heartburn, all day, all night. prevacid®24hr. >> welcome back. time for a quick look at your headlines. you're taking a live look at cape canaveral where in just minutes when our show ends, spacex will launch a dragon rocket carrying 5,000 pounds of cargo. they waited just for us to launch the rocket. it's the first launch since a rocket exploded last december. you can switch it then. but not until then. and nasa accused of covering up an alien encounter. you see several objects flying behind the national space station earlier this week where as clayton points out the feed suddenly cuts out. ufo experts say they appear to be bigger than ice particles seem to be. >> all in formation. are they ufos? >> or is it one larger ship? >> you think we're the only ones in the universe? come on. >> clayton knows we're not alone. pete: our friends at bass pro shops kicking off their annual spring fishing classic right here on the plaza. abby: back with more the champion of 2015 fishing classic. evan edwards. evan, take it away. >> we've been saying edward's last name wrong this whole time. i apologize. it will never happen again. hey, this is a time to go to bass pro shops. the savings are crazy, and you can even get a boat. >> it's unbelievable what's going on at bass pro right now. this that we're standing in is a 17-foot boat with a patrol and motor, the whole thing is under 15,000 bucks, you know? so it's a really, really neat deal and if you buy it during the week of the spring classic between now and march 5th, you can get a $250 bass pro gift card, so then you can get your tackle boxes and everything you need to go fishing. so it's a really cool deal. >> does it come with the ability to transport? >> everything you see. >> yeah, everything you see. a limited lifetime structural warranty. >> is it idiot proof for guys like me that wouldn't know how to operate it? >> it has a key, a throttle, and a steering wheel. i mean, there you go. you just go across the water. >> can you replace your old one? >> tradeins there aren't quite the same. >> obviously a lot of the classes right now and some of the stuff for kids as well. >> that's one of the great things about bass pro. there are so many of them across the country and each one has pros for the weekend. so you can go learn. if you're a beginner, you can take seminars on how to get started all the way to the expert level. >> really cool. america's top known fisherman. he's a neighbor of mine in okay. he has a private lake, and he has never even let me on this lake. but you can sign up and go on a fishing trip and bass pro is going to pay your expenses to go with jimmy houston. >> how do you sign up with that? >> bass >> you've been telling us earlier about three seminars. >> on the website. >> and there's also -- >> we've got women's fishing going on. >> the age-old question. what do you do when you get two lines crossed? >> depends how bad it is. you might need to get your scissors out. >> one of the cool things about these boats i find -- you think there's nothing to this boat but there's all of these things to put your fish, put your paddles, put your gear. >> whatever you want to carry. you have your live wheel right there. i don't know if it's big enough live wheel with the fish you've been catching. i've been hearing it stories. but the classic going on right now at bass pro shops. they've got all kinds of classes even for fools like us. >> you guys are going to need some. >> he said he wasn't going to help me. but you haven't helped me. >> coming up in just a couple of minutes. stay with us. >> caught a large-mouth bass. ♪ looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand. ♪ time to think of your future and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and-ta-dah-paid twice as fast for free. visit quickbooks-dot-com. abby: we've got so many friends. texas, florida, even someone from utah. >> yeah. from my high school. wilson high school over here. >> friends and family. abby: all right. have a good saturday. we'll see you tomorrow, guys. >> before his big rally in florida tonight, president trump stopping at a boeing plant in south carolina yesterday. that's where they're making the new dreamliner plane. trump: we want products made by our workers in our factories stamped with those four magnificent words. made in the usa. >> the president promising more manufacturing jobs for the usa and some here are saying that's a big reason why stocks are up. and why consumer confidence and retail sales are up. are they right? hi, everybody, i'm

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