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Hi there, friends. Good morning. Its saturday the 30th of july, 2016. Im anna kooiman and this is fox Friends Weekend. The field is set in the candidates making their first Real Campaign stop in the general election. The attacks are starting early and often. Taking the gloves off. Just remember this. Trump is going to be no more mr. Nice guy. [cheers and applause] donald trump make America Great again. The only thing he makes in america are bankruptcies. The gloves havent been off until now how much harder will the political punches get . The dnc hack may have been the tip of a very large iceberg. There is work the Clinton Campaign computers have also been breached why hackers. If true, what can we expect . We will let you imagine. And a skydiver prepping to go on the dive of his life. Listen to, this is he going to leave behind one very important piece of equipment, his parachute. How is he planning on surviving the 25,000foot free fall and it will all be broadcast on fox. No way. Fox friends begins right now. Its a beautiful morning i think ill go outside for a while. The moment of zen this morning readington, new jersey, check in with Rick Reichmuth in a moment. Is he going up in a Hot Air Balloon. He is not going to be wearing a parachute also doing a sky dive. Is that a state that gets a bad wrap. If it werent for the chemical plants along the jersey turnpike its a beautiful state. Its the garden state. It is a garden state. If you cant grow a garden in new jersey something wrong to you. You told me the tomato sandwiches with the tomatoes from new jersey are better on the planet possibly better than the south. Bigger than your head, thats true. Second day, officially, of the general election campaign. We have our nominees, Hillary Clinton and donald trump. And guess what . They are already attacking each other. Here is hillary from a couple days ago hitting trump on her acceptance speech. Donald trump cant even handle the rough and tumble of a president ial campaign he loses his cool at the slightest provocation. When he has gotten a tough question from a reporter, when is he challenged in a debate, when he sees a protester at a rally, imagine if you dare, imagine, imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis. A man can you bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. How did donald trump respond . He took fire a bunch of angry tweets off to respond to that donald trump reacting yesterday on the campaign trail saying, look, im done being nice, which i dont know that people thought he was nice to begin with you about take a listen to him yesterday. I watched her last night giving a speech that is so average. Every time i mention her everyone screams lock her up. Lock her up. Do you know what i do . I have been nice. After watching that performance last night, such lies, i dont have to be so nice anymore. Im taking the gloves off, right . Yes . [cheers] take the gloves off. Right . Just remember. This trump is going to be no more mr. Nice guy. [cheers] no more mr. Nice guy. How many worse could it really get . I swear there is ironic inflex a lot of time when he speaks. Is he half kidding. He is like selfaware enough to know thats hilarious. Some of the things he was firing back on Hillary Clinton hit him on the idea that trump doesnt make anything in america. Furniture made in turkey his ties made in mexico and these things. I think its ironic he wants to make America Great again but he doesnt make anything in america. They are accusing donald trump and mike pence being all doom and gloom and thats what the rnc was all about the convention in cleveland. But, donald trump is going, no, im just a realist. I just see the world we are living in and its on fire right now. Do you know what the media and the Democratic Party and everyone in control in this country is so excited for . Getting back to ignoring the concerns of the middle class. They absolutely cant wait. Its going to be like christmas. Or they are focusing on Russian Hackers and whether or not the dnc computers were hacked why foreign entity. This is the statement this morning from the hillary Clinton Campaign. Our campaign Computer System has been under review by outside security experts. To date they have found no evidence that our internal system had been compromised. This comes on the heels of our own reporting the fbi saying they are looking into whether the dnc computers were hacked an the dccc computers may have also been hacked. The democratic condition Congressional Campaign committees which also donate money and help members of the house get elected. Hillary Clinton Campaigns computer is what we are talking about with this separate from the private server that Hillary Clinton used that many said was risky for our National Security for her to have done that in the first place. But also what we are learning from a report from breitbart this morning is that the fbi actually warned them and tried to get them to turn over personal email addresses of Campaign Members and tried to get some of the information that the hillary Clinton Campaign thought was too personal and intrusive. I have to say im not voting for hillary, obviously, im against all this hacking of peoples email accounts. I really am. I think we should be able to expect privacy when we send emails. This is bad. By the way it can happen to you. It happened to john mccain in 2008. The chinese. Its troubling. Type of attacks spear fishing attack. Opening an email from someone who says we need to change and update your profile and password. Targeted specific people within the dnc click on a little link and. Could be me. My password has always been password. Need to change that. Password 123. The ratings are in. And it looks like people pay more attention to Donald Trumps speech tuned in at 32. 2 Million People watching donald trump speech to Hillary Clintons 27. 8 million. Overall the consensus seems to be that the dnc won the week and that the rnc did not do so well. The democrats put on a much better show. Katie perry. Who is katie perry . Why did trumps speech even though the ratings lost to the Democratic Convention his speech why is that . Might have had something to do with Hillary Clintons speech. Bill clinton, his husband sat through it. And this was his response. New trump add. Watch this. Okay. Was it really like that . I dont know. Its hard to say. Have we analyze to do know when that video . It may have been prior to the speech . Maybe it was in a setup to the speech. I dont know, i think he was just soaking it in. Im just listening to my wife. Close my eyes and take in the speech. I think thats from the abc feed. I think that was during the speech. My favorite is tim kaine who is dutiful obedient little guy. Is he looking over and sees clinton. So stressed he straightens his tie. If thats the case, what he should have done is given him a big sharp elbow. And, in fairness, former president clinton may have been praying that she wrapped up the speech. Or he may have just been soaking it all up like you said, clayton. This has been a long time in the making. You saw the balloon video of him, right . Which we will show you a little bit later where it seems like is he having fun with the balloons at the end of it. He is an older man. He was wrapped up in the moment. He may have been meditating for a moment. We are following other stories making headlines on your saturday morning. We will start with this one after 9 minutes after the hour. Its a sad scene unfolding near seattle this morning where it appears a gunman has opened fire shooting at least five people. Early reports indicating it may have been at a College High School at a party a city we are seeing reports that several people have died and our working to confirm that police have the suspect in custody. We will bring you the breaking details as they come in. And we now know the names of the two Police Officers shot during a traffic stop in san diego late temperatures. Officer Jonathan Deguzman died of his gunshot wounds. The other officer wader win is expects to be okay after undergoing surgery. The suspect gomez was later shot by police but is recovering. Another person was also arrested but it is unclear if that person is a suspect. The g. O. P. Voter restrictions shut down in three states as the election moves into its final stage in North Carolina. A federal judge has blocked requiring photo. Saying it discriminates against africanamericans. A similar law was loosened in wisconsin where voters now dont even have to have the correct documents. And in kansas, a strict citizenship requirement has been stopped allowing People Living in the United States i will ely to vote. Wow. Imagine jumping from an airplane 25,000 feet in the air without a parachute or a wing suit. Today, world class skydiver luke aiken will do it here on fox. He will make a jump nothing but the clothes on his back plunging to earth 120 Miles Per Hour and land in 10,000 scwat foot net that is up 20 stories in the air. In a test run a 200pound dummy fell and broke right through the net. Oh my josh, i dont want to watch. It starts 8 00 eastern tonight. Those are your headlines. It will be on fox tonight and maybe we will interview him tomorrow. Maybe. Or not. Or not. You can imagine being his mother or his wife or his child . Well, i mean, hey, its up to you to do this. He knows exactly what he is doing. We hope so. Its one of our yearly traditions. Rick reichmuth is live at the festival in new jersey. Rick, i feel like we just did this a few months ago but, no, it was last year . Yeah. Thats how time flies. Its amazing. A little bit weird coming off of that last story, guys. Im completely creeped out about this. Did that to you . I know, right. Had nothing to do with it. Up 2,000 feet in a balloon. Man o man. You get up here super early in the morning and get a spectacular sunrise here in new jersey and thats exactly the case. Great morning for ballooning. Absolutely no wind at all which will make the balloons move very, very slowly across the sky and make for beautiful shots for us. Temps not that bad either. Take a look at the weather map and show you whats going on this morning. Its been hot for so long it seems like and still warm. It is cooling down across a lot of at least eastern half of the country. The west not the case. Woe are really warming up there and we are going to continue to see the heat build in the west. Now, we had a lot of garden variety storms across the eastern area of the country yesterday. We will see a repeat of that today. The heaviest, i think, is going to be across areas of upstate new york and in to pennsylvania. Could even see some isolated flooding in the afternoon from that system. But overall just some storms that will pop up throughout the afternoon. Incredible monsoonal moisture moving in across the southwest. Phoenix yesterday had a storm that dropped the temperature 30 degrees in 30 minutes. Thats incredible stuff out across the west. More of that coming today. Guys, send it back to you inside the studio. Thanks a million, rick, good luck. Donald trump got a big boost in the polls after the Republican National convention in cleveland. Will Hillary Clinton see the same after her week in philadelphia in the trends to look for in post convention polls. We will have them for you next. Plus trump and clinton arent literally running for president. Fitness expert nikki galore shows us how to stay safe on campaign trail. Time for pushups. Get to it. Drop down and give me 20. You want it. You got it you want it baby you got it you want it or a cream. Or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. You can use whipped topping made. But real joyful moments. Are shared over the real cream in reddiwip. Reddiwip. Share the joy. Your but, during the day, fine when yothey can move em on. In the morning. Noon. Evening. Enough is enough its time to use fixodent plus adhesives. With just one application. They give you superior hold, even at the end of the day. So you can keep enjoying your evenings. Fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. Fixodent and forget it. Good morning, everyone, fox news alert three people reported dead in the shooting we told you about moments ago happened outside of seattle where it appears a gunman has opened fire at a party. Early reports are indicating it may have been at a college or High School Party in the city of mukilteo. Police say the suspect is in custody. More updates as they come in. And now this. Well, the conventions are over and according to the latest real clear politics average of president ial polls. Donald trump is tied with Hillary Clinton at 44 each. Will the dnc give Hillary Clinton the bump she needs to change all of that polling expert dr. John johnson joins us now. Thanks for being with us on fox Friends Weekend. John . Good morning. Great to be here. You say its always been a trend that political nominees that they get a some sort of a bump following the conventions but that bump has actually gone down in recent years . Why . Well, basically, what has happened is there is a lot of attention around exclusively around one party or the other during the conventions so you tend to see a had the more awareness. You also see a lot more of what the traditional base comes out and can actually get energized and starts to respond to pollsters. Other the longer history there has been a bounce but in recent years they have tended to be smaller partly because of the proliferation of social media and way people get their messages out. There was somewhat of a bounce for donald trump but only halfway through the story. Now we have to wait for the polls that will come out. All of the polls post the Democratic Convention to sort of see what happens next. Also this year different. We havent had a conventions backtoback like this within a week of each other within, i dont know, decades. Usually they are separated by at lois a few weeks or a month. Is that going to change things at all . It definitely okay i mean the way i would put it right now its like walking out halfway through a movie or declaring a winner at halftime. They are so close to each other this year that can really change the polling dynamic. We are in a tumultuous time. We have to give it time to settle out before we can really know what the net effect of the two conventions are on the race. We just told everybody at the top of the show that both tickets are barn storming the battleground states. How important is it to look at the statebystate polls and not just the National Feeling we are getting from the National Poll . I think the statebystate is the most critical thing you can do. Obviously the Electoral College is what decides the election. Although the National Polls broader trends and general feel for the electorate. Its going to be decided in handful of key states, ohio, pennsylvania, florida particularly. Those are really the states to watch because thats where the candidates will spend most of their time. And those the ones where they are likely the race will ultimately decide in the Electoral College the way we determine our president. We will get you out of here on this. After this bounce if Hillary Clinton gets a bounce, what happens after that . Are they able to ride that or does that dissipate after a week . Well, generally the bounce is at least in recent history of sort of offset each other and sort of reset. As you get closer and closer to election day, not surprisingly, the polls start to give us a much better sense of whats actually going on. Usually pivotal moments right after labor day people start to Pay Attention or the debates are the next big thing we will probably be looking for. Here we go again. Dr. Jon johnson, thank you for your time. Thank you so much. Coming up here on the show, protesters shatter a moment of silence for fallen cops at the dnc. Please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Do they have a right to do it . Fair and balanced debate is next. Then a terror scare for paris hilton . I thought you knew that put my name in bold. Im so fancy you already know im in the fast lane from l. A. To tokyo im so fancy easy. Doing your own thing, making your own way. Can be pretty, well, bold. Rickie fowler is redefining what it means to be a golfer. Quicken loans is doing the same for mortgages. Quicken loans. Home buy. Refi. Power. Official mortgage sponsor of the pga tour. Is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix did not have Significant Impact on weight. Ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. You can feel it . Fake headlines from you now. Facebook could owe billions in taxesment an irs investigation uncovering social media giant may have under stated how much assets were worth when they were transferred to ireland back in 2000 10. It could result in a 3 to 5 billiondollar fine. Facebook says it does plan to challenge the irs. And blaming the brakes. Tesla has two theories on what may have led to a deadly auto pilot crash. In may, former Navy Seal Joshua Brown died while using the auto pilot system in a model s. First known deadly selfdriving crash. Tesla believes it was either the radar or the camera that failed in the emergency braking system. All right. Tucker . Thanks, anna. Well, in the final night of the Democratic Convention, families of fallen Police Officers finally got a tribute. That tribute was shortlived, watch this. Please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Well, that moment of silence lasted just a moment before democratic delegates broke it with a chant black lives matter. Well, that moment of silence was presided over by Dallas County sheriff lupe valdez. The question is did they have the right to do that. With us is fox news analyst and political commentator lisa durden. Lisa, start with you. Yes. I dont think anyone can contest the right to be obnoxious and horrible. How you can defend, basically an attack on Police Officers during a moment of silence for cops who have been murdered in the line of duty . Like what is the justification for that . Well, there is no defense and justification, but there is a reason. The reason why they did it isecause we live in america. We have the right to free speech. Even if its rude and egregious and ignorant. Nobody is contesting that i would be the last one to contest nesh anyones freedom of speech. This happened in the Democratic Convention. Why didnt Hillary Clinton or someone stand up and say thats awful. Dont do that. Thats disgusting. If i knew why Hillary Clinton did things i would be one rich black chick from norton, jersey. Perfect. Well, thats a good point. Hillary, you need to listen to me, girl. I will say, this to blame black lives matter for the actions of one or two random dogmatic individuals is to Say Something as ignorant as the Catholic Church is responsible for all the nasty priests who rape children. That would be ridiculous, wouldnt it . Its not their fault. I was on your team until that. Tucker, go ahead. Outside the Convention Center this week, black lives matter held a number of rallies. Right. At one of them they racially segregated it they said whites are going to get in the back and black attendees in the front. Nobody said anything. You dont like it when we segregate you. Lisa, lisa, now, lisa, listen. How do you like that . Lisa, lisa, thats my name, yes, lisa. Baby girl, thats your godgiven name and listen. My momma gave me that name. My mom. This is supposed to be fair and balanced and you have given a monologue. Now its my turn thank you very much. You are welcome. I do agree with you that we do have freedom of speech. Tucker was it right . No, its not right. Right. Very disrespectful. Stop, excuse me. Lisa, i will give you. You cannot tell me. You keep talking. Go ahead, lisa, dont scream my name. You dont own me. You keep talkers girl. Dont scold me. Angela, police, finish your point and well go back to lisa, yes. This is pathetic and sad we have two women of color and you and i cannot discuss things in an intelligent manner. Im really disappointed in you. I am really disappointed. You are not my mother. You are disappointed in me boohoo who. Do you have any conscience to talk about. Angela, the floor is yours. Jump in here. Thank you very much, tucker. Two wrongs dont make a right. And its sad that you have black lives matter but when you have blackonblack crime in memphis, tennessee, whether you have had blackonblack crime in chicago. And black on black crime in detroit, where was black lives matter then . You cant separate it death is death. Was it disrespectful, yes. Is the convention respectful . They have been dismissive and fear mongering and emotion to get certain people to vote for them. Black lives matter is about love and diversity and protection of all. You guys dont know where they are when we have blackonblack crime because the media doesnt cover it the media doesnt cover. Im about to give up, lisa. But just let me ask you one very good question. Goodbye, tucker. Why didnt anyone from black lives matter say they shouldnt have done it . Im sitting here saying it and im from black lives matter. It was not respectful. He had the right to free speech even though it was not right and disrespectful. Many black lives matter are saying and many africanamericans are saying. I am saying it right now. We could go on all morning. Thank you, ladies. Thank you, tucker. Remember when saying air conditioners is more dangerous as terrorists . How hot its going to be over there and trump and clinton arent literally running for president. How they can stay in shape on the campaign trail. Stale tuned. Thanks for making me. Made my skin thinner make me that much smarter. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. 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And bill clinton then came up on stage and seemed to be just having tons of fun with the balloons, i think he hit like 20 different balloons. People are like bill is off playing with balloons. Which i would be doing, too. It was kind of a concert atmosphere there they did have katie perry singing. Nice glitzy event. Thats something they do at concerts. Having fun letting his hair down a little bit. Look at that he is just thrilled by those balloons. Is he delighted. It really is true as we age we get younger in some ways. Certainly more simple good for him. And then he went back stage and had an ice cream cone. Wiped the cotton candy from his face. That was great. For me that was the highlight of the convention. Once he woke up after his wifes speech was done answered played with the balloons i think it was a happy night for him. 35 minutes after the hour, we are going to get to headlines now and start with this one one staying behind bars, a former chicago cop is sentence to do 40 years for plotting to kill the prosecutor who helped convict him in the murder of his third wife. We are talking about drew peterson. Found guilty back in may of asking a fellow inmate about hiring a hit man to kill state attorney james glass cow. Peterson claims he was just trying to help the inmate get time cut off his sentence by giving him a story to tell authorities. And here we go. On to this one now. This is not a joke, my friends. Isis could soon have a new target. Paris hilton . The former reality tv star told a local newspaper in spain that since she is a famous person and travels a lot she could be a clear target for terrorists adding she always tries to watch her back. However, the blonde beauty insists she wont hire an army of body guards to protect her. And according to john kerry, refrigerators and air conditioners are just as dangerous as isis. Why . Because of their effect on the environment. Well, that comment now landing him in some hot water. A change. Org petition calls for the removal of airconditioning units from the state department. Only a couple more hundred signatures are needed until the petition gets sent to the president. Those are your headlines. Lets get out to Rick Reichmuth balloon fest. Hey, rick. When you come out to readington, you realize why they call did new jersey garden state. This isnt just the turnpike state. We have become the Balloon Association with pnc bank has become the largest summertime balloon Music Festival in north america right here in new jersey. I asked you a question with nothing you just said i set you up and you went with it anyway. You are Howard Freeman the executive producer of this event. Its a spectacular event. When you come out to a hot air Balloon Festival though i have got toll it you. A lot of people out here really early in the morning. The winds calmest at 6 30 a. M. And 6 30 p. M. Thats why we fly at these times. We will be flying today at 6 30 a. M. And 6 30 p. M. Same tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. Six Different Countries represented. 19 states. All different sizes and shapes. Looking for a great morning. Thats spectacular. This isnt just a Balloon Festival. Its also a Music Festival. Tell me about this. More than just hot air, rick. 1 chamberlain mccreery today disney concert. Girl in the dream concert. Presented by chrysler pacifica. At 8 00 tonight, we are guaranteeing sunshine because we have casey and the sunshine band. Surrounding the stage during his concert will be a balloon glow. We have all the balloons lined up. We light them up like christmas in july. Tomorrow morning we have the advil running with the balloons 5 k. No balloon has ever gored a runner. We have done research on that. People will be running a lot of balloons. Anybody can start a race with a starters pistol. We start it by shooting a blonde out of a cannon 120 feet. There is the cannon lady. I am going to interview her later on. And im going to go up in one of these Hot Air Balloons. You dont want to miss it . Balloon festival. Com or tickets hot air 9 or any quick check store. Is he good back to you. Thanks, rick. And now to annal kooiman standing by in the fitness center. Working out this morning. The president ial race is in full swing. Weeks of constant traveling fast foot and not much sleep. How county nominees stay in shape out on the road. Nikki joins us with the 2016 president ial nominees, good morning, and good morning, everybody. Good morning. Good morning. How important is it to plan ahead and make sure you make time to work out and that you can eat healthy when you are on the road for snerve. Like the candidates, people are vacationing during the summer. Really important to have a fitness plan and an eating plan. Pack nutritional things. Find places you can stop get good food andwork out no matter what you are doing. Fit travel workout and dvd and apps. Doesnt require any equipment. Look at nikki fitness on the app. Store. Do so much your hotel room. Donald trump side planks. Trump is known for wanting to build a wall. We will do a wall of a. B. S here. I see where you are going with that. Come down on the floor and support yourself on your right hand. All right, candidates, come on. Believe me, im going to make exercise great again. Say that again m trump . Believe me, im going to make exercise gre and now since they have running mates we will have weapons blanks and pushups and then you turn to the back. Another plank for trumps wall of a. B. S and then a pence pushup. Now, nikki some ladies and gentlemen arent quite ready for a full pushup. You can do it on your knees too. Absolutely. Make sure your heads shoulder and hips straight line. Down like a board. Dont have your chicken and arms. Nice wide arms. You guys did get a bump from the rnc in cleveland. There you go. A. B. S, arms, and get a little bit out of breath. Now do cardio with hillary. Hillary hops. So she has her running mate to do a combo move. Squat. So hit and squat. Down and squat. And then we will add on king kicks. Is kaine kicks turn and face each other down, hop. Give yourself a high five and then kick twice. Kick use your a. B. S, the squats, use your lakes, your quads, your glutes. Get a little bit of team atmosphere. Get jumping high. Keep each other accountable you say to your spouse or your sibling or a friend we need to do this together. Yes. Partner moves are great because you dont want to sort of slack a little bit. You want to do as much as they have energy and you will build up their energy a day you dont want to work out and they do they will make you work out. Nikki nor did glor. She is hanging out since she just had a baby not too long ago. Did you see this awkward moment . This one during the dnc. Bernie sanders. [cheers] thats what Bernie Sanders is about thats what joe and joe biden are about. Body language expert on what bernie really means. I think we know. You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. W. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Welcome back, dozens of speakers addressed of the Party Faithful this week at the dnc. It was what was unsaid that may prove more telling. Joining us now is a man who has coached politicians in the United States. England, expert on reading body language. Mark jeffreys. Nice to see you this morning, mark. It is a pleasure to be here. Did we see some awkwardness this week . Sad to say we definitely saw some awkwardness. You have to remember these politicians are coached within an inch of their lives they go onto the stage knowing what theyre meant to do. Under the pressure and bright lights, a lot of things get forgotten and then the truth really comes out lets watch Hillary Clinton all eyes on her during acceptance speech. You will analyze. Lets watch. I will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who dont. For all americans together. So, your annualization of that . Well, first of all, i have to say it was well written and nicely crafted speech. Thats how it a speech should be. It has these Roller Coaster moments slow and fast and applause points. People are people, what hillary has to work on if i was coaching her. I would be saying its about the warmth. We get the policies and ideas where is the warmth. In that clip that we just saw. As she is making her points her eyes are getting wider and wider and wide eyes and shouty voice are a sign of anger. Now, remember, people dont buy anger. They buy the kind of comfort you see with bill clinton. Thats something she would have to work on and i would say to hillary, come on, lets warm that up. That connection, she even addressed that in her speech. Lets watch tim kaine. Watch this. Reacting to Bernie Sanders. I work on the Budget Committee with our great democratic leader of that committee. A spectacular senator who used to be a mayor, vermonts Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] do all the good you can and serve one another. Thats what im about. Thats what Bernie Sanders is about. Thats what joe and jill biden are about. Thats what barack and Michelle Obama are about. So he is sitting there with his hand over his face. Isnt s. That just bernie being bernie or can we deduce something from that . I was fascinating watching bernie throughout all the proceedings. Is he a very honest person. What he says he means and he finds it very hard to hide the feelings and fake it up like many of our other politicians can do. What did we have there . He knew he was going to be on camera a lot. He was really showing us he was not happy with the situation at all. He couldnt show that misery he had to cover his face from time to time. For most of the time it was a completely flat, neutral display of expression. I heard heard somebody yesterday flat faced emoticon. Literally nothing. You couldnt tell. He said the day before how happy he was with the way things had gone but his face told a very different story. It was the same face during Hillary Clintons accept stance speech. Yes, it was. He had that same expression. Lips. I would like to Say Something. Thank you for being on the show. Mitt romney has second thoughts about donald trump. To be honest, its very possible in my view that trump wins. More from romneys interview at the top of the hour. Plus the Marshall Tucker band celebrating 45 years of great music. Do you know how they got their start . Anna sits down with the lead singer doug gray. Thats next. Heard it in a love song heard it in a love song cant be wrong if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Show me where to go there you go. So whats next for this iconic southern rock band . Lets bring in the groups lead singer doug gray with us now. Hey. Were happy to have you. You have a show just down the road. So you are in to share some stories with us, huh . I love sharing stories. They are all good. That music brings me back. I went to school down in wilmington, every Fraternity Party we ever went to drinking beer. Of course we were 21 and over. [ laughter ] will listening to that kind of music. I want you to share some of your road trip stories with us. How about the first time you came in to manhattan . What was that like for snuncht a bunch of rednecks, of course, as you know being from south carolina. And we were in a dong van and driving in from the tunnel and the guys would get out and they would wash the windows and stuff like that. Needing some money. What we did was we popped we didnt know what the hell was going on, honestly. Somebody jumped out, two guys jumped out of the van and we start to do take the guy down and realized it wasnt that big a deal. Back in the van and come on in. Just trying to clean your windshield. Now we have to take cars and get a tip then we come back some 45 years later and im sitting here with you and watching the guys. Oreilly bring us on the other night. So at the rnc. Arent you fancy . Well, we were. And, you know, he sit there and listened and i think he got into it and some of these people has been so kind. We feel the same way. And one unique aspect of your perform something you dont follow a set list all the time, do you . You kind of roll with the punches . See what the crowd likes, what they want and how you are feeling. Yeah. It changes. They put the same set list out for 15 years, okay. Printed up, 150 of them. And they put them down. We do over 115 show as year. They put that same set list down and im supposed to follow it i havent for 15 years. Because i rely on what the audience wants to hear. The audience keeps bringing us back and having sell out shows whether we open for kid rock or zach brown, stuff like that. You have to work what the audience wants. What the news is telling you and the news is coming from the crowd. You have to go that route. You wont be around 45 years. You will be a year. It all is it just started because you were making beer money. For the weekend, actually for the night if you want to know the truth. We just got back from vietnam. And we just figured we would try it one more time trying it one more time was saying lets put this Marshall Tucker thing together and give it a shot. Work during the day. We worked during the day and all of a sudden gotten offered a contract and here we are 45 years later. We have got to go but as we go, who do you like on the radio . Anybody . All junk or some good . They are all good. The problem is some of them are just not going to be around very long. You know, and i would say that zach brown, if you are going to be interviewing somebody 45 years from now. Its going to be him. Zach brown. Chicken fry on friday night. The southern is starting to shonchts there you go. Doug gray, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. And coming up on the program, Hillary Clinton hits the road but will her rust belt tour be overshadowed by a new hacking scandal . We are live on the road with her next. And is mitt romney having second thoughts about donald trump . He thinks the donald might win . Now you cant spell nutriam i right . T nut, i mean whose to say its pronounced nutriton, anyway . My mixes contain delicious nuts, specially blended for your optimal nutrition. Thats right, i just changed a word in the english dictionary, forever. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Hi, friends, good morning, saturday the 30th of july, 2016. This is a fox news alert. This is breaking overnight. A gunman opens fire at a house party full of teenagers and three people are now dead. The shooter is in custody. We have the breaking details in just moments. And the dnc hack may have been the tip of a very large iceberg. Now there is word this morning that the Clinton Campaigns computers have been breached as well by hackers. Perhaps from russia. We will bring you the latest on that story. And is mitt romney having second thoughts about donald trump . He thinks the donald might win . Real question, will he campaign for him . Fox friends hour two starts right now. We can fly we can fly up, up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon. Is that pokemon . Somebody go after it. At the readington, new jersey Balloon Festival. That is the quick check Balloon Festival. That would be the balloon of the day like angry birds would have been a couple of years ago. Rick reichmuth is going to be going up in these balloons. Its an annual tradition on fox. Risking his life on this show. What wont that map give for fox Friends Weekend . Lets all pick out our favorite balloons today before they take off. My favorite i have seen is the wicked one. The wicked . The wicked one. I thought you said the wicken one. Popularr. Three people are now confirmed dead after a gunman opened fire at a party where about 20 people, possibly College Students were gathered in a city of mukilteo, one other person was injured and their condition is unknown. The suspect is now in custody. A press conference is scheduled for 7 30 eastern time. We will bring you the very latest developments from that and we now know the names of the two Police Officers shot during a traffic stop in san diego late thursday. Officer jonathan de guzman on the left. A 16 year veteran of the force died from his gunshot wounds. The other Police Officer wade irwin is expected to be okay. Gomez was shot by police but is recovering. Another person arrested but it is unclear if they are a suspect. G. O. P. Voter restriction shut down in three states as the election moves into its final stage. In North Carolina a federal judge has blocked a law requiring photo identification saying it intentionally discriminates against africanamericans. Similar law loosens in wisconsin where voters now dont even have to have the correct document. And then in kansas a strict citizenship requirement has been stopped. Allowing Illegal Immigrants to vote. And now that clinton and trump are the official candidates, they will start getting to official business and both will begin receiving classified Intelligence Briefings that include information on National Security. Some argue clinton should be denied access to the top secret information until elected saying her use of that controversial private email server disqualifies her. Those are your headlines. Three minutes after the hour. Hillary clinton kicks off rust pelt tour. That comes amid new reports that her campaigns Computer System may have been hacked. Our senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel is live in pittsburgh, pennsylvania where clinton will be later today. Whats the latest, mike . Well, clayton, tucker, anna, good morning to you, outside Computer Systems used by the Clinton Campaign were hacked but the campaign in a statement says it does not believe its own systems were compromised. Mick merrill a Campaign Spokesman issued a statement late last night saying, quote, anna lit particulars data program maintained by the dnc and used by our campaign and a number of other entities accessed as part of the dnc hack. Our campaign Computer System has been under review by outside Cyber Security experts. To date, they have found no evidence that our ininternal systems have been compromised. Hillary clinton and running mate tim kaine are on a battleground bus tour this weekend which started in philadelphia and finished up the day in harrisburg, pennsylvania. Today there will be more stops in pennsylvania and tomorrow they will tour ohio. No surprise clinton took a few swipes at her rival donald trump. When he talks about make America Great again, but he doesnt make a single thing in america. I feel like i have a very good idea about how a president can help create jobs because over the eight years, my husband was president , we created 23 million new jobs. Her running mate tim kaine is not your typical political attack dog but he did attack donald trump. And the Republican Convention. We show to the nation and to the world who america is and thats what we did in philadelphia this week. [ applause ] wasnt it different than cleveland . Oh my gosh. Cleveland, it was a dark and twisted journey through the mind of donald trump, a very scary place to be. The campaign is calling this an American Manufacturing jobs tour. They are proposing spending infrastructure advanced manufacturing and clean energy. Back to you guys in new york. Thanks a lot, mike. Can you imagine Hillary Clinton standing up there and taking credit for the job boom of the 90s or the tech boom for the creation of google . Are you serious . 3 million jobs . How could you Say Something like that . Is she taking credit for the crash after the tech boom . Politicians are so shameless unbelievable. Pick and choose a lot of voters can see right through both sides. Im troubled by the idea of foreign actor coming in whether it be the russians onsd chinese in 2008 and controlling somehow the u. S. Election whether they are penetrating the rnc computers or dnc computers. I agree. Getting access to dozier information, strategy information. What are you going to do with that information . Who doing it and why are they doing is it . Is it blackmail . Whats the deal . Apparently agents warned corinth Campaign Last month that their computers were under asalt bad news to all of us im not gloating. This was a spear fishing attack. What is that exactly . It means you will get an email from lets say your local bank which you think is your local bank. It will say hi, anna, we are updating our system preferences. You need to update your password because we are going through a security change right now. Please update your password and put a link. Its not from your local bank at all made to look like it. Target people who they think are susceptible and click through the links and that is the problem. You think if the fbi told them you are a potential target and we would like for you to hand over personal email addresses and computer logs, you would want to do it for your own security. But the Clinton Campaign allegedly said no, wouldnt turn it over. Give dont give your personal Information Online unless its nigerian prince other than that dont. The ratings are. In we know who watched or how many people watched so here are the ratings for the speeches trump 32. 2 million, clinton 27. 8 million. Thats for the acceptance speeches. Three out of the four nights the democrats actually took the highest ratings and donald trump is reportedly trying to distance himself from the rnc and say hey, i didnt have anything to do with the planning. I just showed up when i had to show up. You know, after these events, you have these themes that sort of emerge when you sort of distance yourself from these conventions. And i think the theme from the rnc was trumps speech. Everything else was not memorable. Trumps speech was the theme that emerged. Do you know who was watching . Mitt romney. He was not there in the room. He refused to come. He was muching with the speech. Here is his take away from that watch this. You have to give donald trump credit. He was able to bring a rhetoric and a style that he had perfected over his career to the political sphere and comecket with people and connect and become the nominee despite the fact that i and other people thought he would not be a good nominee. It is very possible in my view that trump wins. Showing there is unification going on in the republican party. I would be nervous if im trump. If mitt romney thought he was going to win shear a guy he thought he was going to win. Not a Single Person i know thought he had any chance. He on Election Night was totally shocked that he lost. So, i would take this as a bad omen . Trump has to win all of the romney states at a minimum and also pick up states like pennsylvania, ohio. Wisconsin, North Carolina, virginia. Its a tall order. Im not trying to be mean. Im trying to think going through mental rolodex here. Is there anyone whose opinion i care about less its mitt romneys. Rick reichmuth in readington the quickchek Balloon Festival. It looks like they are getting things fired up out there. It is. Peak time for balloons. Spectacular out here. Take a look at this while we talk a little bit of weather. Can you get a look at weather and the balloons. Weather is really big for balloons. You get an idea which way the wind blowing boy the way the balloons are going. Pretty spectacular out here. Okay. So its been hot the last few weeks. A lot of people wondering what is in store coming up. This is the official august to october temperature outlook. You get an idea the entire country with better chances than average of above average temperatures. We dont have alaska on here. But, same goes for alaska. You get the idea. Today, we have some rain across areas of the midatlantic, thats probably where its going to be heaviest and up across areas of pennsylvania. Everybody has a shot of a thurman except across northern new england. A little bit cooler than its been the last few days which is good news. A bit of a break. Down to the south still warm. Still very muggy. And that means as the day heats up, we will see thunderstorms popping up from time to time. Same goes for up across the Northern Plains and may be a little Severe Weather across parts of nebraska and kansas. Mostly just some wind and maybe a little bit of hail. And out across the west. This is where the heat has moved to. We are warm across much of the inner area inner mountain west. Although not as warm as we have been the last couple of days. Still today getting to 109 in fresno. Guys, how is this shot . Looking amazing, isnt it . Beautiful. Gorgeous. I cant get over 109 in fresno. Thats really hot. Poor fresno. That is really hot, guys. Yeah, it is. Thanks, rick. Coming up on the show now that the general election is underway. Where do the swing states stand. Larry sabato coming up. Do you remember design olympic uniforms for team u. S. A. Getting another shot and we just got our first look fine by me so wake me up when its all over whp im wiser and im older all this time i was finding myself and i didnt know i was lost so wake me up when its all over when im wiser and im older i work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus®, which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready hey, everybody, quarter after the hour. As we inch closer and closer to november, where toot crucial swing states stand . I hit the Convention Floor with the director of the university of Virginia Center for politics, larry sabato. Take a look at this. All right, we are here with the big boy. Start with the big boy, 29 delegates up for grabs. The state of florida, the sunshine state. Larry, what too you sigh florida . Where does the race stand right now . Its got to be very competitive it is now. It probably will be at the end. Look, this is the state that three out of the last four elections has really been the last one decided. 2,000 we all remember. And for barack obama, though he carried florida twice, it was his closest state along with North Carolina. Here we are in the buckeye state, ohio. How important is ohio . Can trump do it . Ohio must go republican for trump to win. And he has got a lot of work to do there partly because governor kasich has not been he says he doesnt think trump can win ohio. Do you buy that. Thats what he says. The election is november 8th. If trump gets enough, again, of his base out, he could win ohio. The votes are there. Do you think were pennsylvania will be the state to watch . Its going to be one two or three that i will be watching. If trump makes a break through there, he has a real chance to win. If in october we find that the normal democratic tendency of pennsylvania are asserting themselves, obviously not. Here we are in virginia. 13 delegates up for grabs. We have tim kaine on the ticket. Is that going to be a hillary territory . It looks like it. C. P. A. Himself is probably going to add two to three Percentage Points for the democrats. Thats what what home state can do for take the. I think these 13 electoral votes go democratic. Larry and i are not Rocky Mountain high at the moment. We are in colorado taking a break. If the election were held today in colorado where would it fall hillary or trump . It would be hillary. This is a state where the hispanic vote has grown substantially even in the last four years. And most of the polls, public and private have leaned to her so heavily. She has withdrawn tv advertising advertising from there. What other states does he absolutely have to win in order to seal the deal . He could do it two ways. He could win, ohio, pennsylvania, and florida, and thats 273 electoral votes with the romney states or he could go straight rust belt. Again, pennsylvania, ohio, but add michigan and wisconsin, thats exactly 270 electoral votes. If there is an upset on the clinton side, it might be arizona. Why . Because of the growing hispanic vote there. Thats what were looking at all across the west. In colorado, nevada, arizona, and its something trump really needs to focus on in the fall. The great larry sabato, everyone, walking the floor of the Convention Center here in philadelphia. Thanks, larry. Troubling current delegate count 349 delegate votes for Hillary Clinton right now are electoral votes for Hillary Clinton, 191 for donald trump. Got to be the upper midwest. Well see. 18 minutes after the hour. Officers take action after inmates take over part of a prison. [shouting] what sparked the standoff . Stay tuned. Plus, we are going up, up and away at the annual Balloon Festival in new jersey. Rick, whats coming up . Guys i have never been so full of hot air as i am right now. Standing inside this Hot Air Balloon. We will talk to the pilot of this brown and figure out exactly how all of this works. Its going to be pretty awesome come up. Stay with us coming right back. I was so down hearted disappointment was my closest friend sp d for people to understand . It seems clar to me. Clear to me. Ready for a test drive . Whatever you want to call it, dont miss the volkswagen model year end event. Hurry in for a 1,000 volkswagen reward card and 0 apr on a new 2016 jetta. I am benedict arnold, the infamous traitor. And i know a thing or two about trading. So i trade with e trade, where true traders trade on a trademarked trade platform that has all the. Get off the computer traitor i wont. cannon sound mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. 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Introducing the comcast business Summer Savings event. Fast Internet Speed to drive performance, plus cutting edge wifi for your employees and customers, and voice mobility so your calls find you wherever you are. Get some of our most advanced products at a great price with over 500 in savings. Call today and ask how to get these savings plus a 250 prepaid card. Comcast business. Built for business. How much money the Obama Administration has given to the socalled sanctuary cities. Those, of course, are American Cities who refuse federal orders to deport criminal aliens. How much Justin Bieber turned down to perform at the Republican National convention in cleveland. The reason, his manager reportedly threatened to quit if bieber took the gig. Lebron james urged bieber to reject it on moral grounds. Finally, three long time sesame street actors may be not evicted after all. Show producers fired characters bob, luiz and gordon. They may change their minds. We will keep you posted on the drama at the Childrens Television workshop. Well, 100 balloons are filling the skies the 34th annual qik check chickchek in new jersey. What were it takes to get the balloons off the ground, good morning, rick. Literally an inside look at the blueberry. We are inside the wonder balloon. I have got chris here, you are the pilot of this balloon. I am. Good morning. We are not hurting this by standing on the fabric or anything. Not at all. The fabric is pretty strong. Very basics. This is hot air. You heat the air . Right. It is warmer than the air around it . Exactly. Thats how we go up. We take heat out to come down. You are a pilot. This is your job. This is my job. Partially because you are sponsored by wonder. That is correct. Wonder bread got its name from ballooning. A gentleman was tasked with naming the brand. He went to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and filled with wonder from all the sight of balloons and thats how he got the name for wonder bread. On the packaging you have the little balloons. The colors represent balloons to this day. Thats awesome. You fly around 100 times a year. This is a big sport for a lot of people. But there is also a little bit of a monetary pot at the end of this. Sure, absolutely. Yeah. We are on the road about 100 days advertising for wonder flying all over the country. At the end there is like a prize, right . Yes. Somebody gets closest to the right spot. We fly for accuracy. So once we fly to a target, the person closest to the target at the end of the weekend, you know, cumulus score wins the vent. A lot of people wonder about safety this these things and occasionally you see images or video of something that didnt go right is this a safe sport. Absolutely it is very safe. Its safer than walking down the street. All right. So this big space here heats up. These are large. Yes. These arent just small things. No. How big is this . This balloon is 90,000 cubic feet of volume and Basketball Court is 1,000 feet. Certain level of heat. Right now not that hot. How hot will it get in here. Once we start putting heat in the balloon it can be 200, 225 degrees spending on temperature outside. How do you know where to land. We land in a nice big open safe spot where people are friendly and looking for us to come down. Im not going to lie but a couple years ago we landed in somebodys yard, they werent that happy. It does happen. But usually everybody is pretty happy with it. It is one of the things i was surprised about as you get going, you kind of land where you see an open spot and you hope the people there are going to be okay with it . Correct we usually send the crew ahead let them know we are coming and get permission from the landowners. If you dont want to put in that spot put a little more air in and move on. Exactly. Whats one of the more perilous situations you have yoe got to. We watch everything and safety is our main concern. Thank you for letting me be inside here. This is a cool shot to be inside one of these balloons and right now its not that hot. It will be. Hang around a second it will get warm. Chris, good luck to you. Thank you. Guys, send it back to you. Rick, dont get out the man spray hair spray out there. It could be an accident waiting to happen. That would be bad. Thanks, rick, 26 minutes after the hour. Forget the polls, did you know the stock market can predict the election . Charles payne breaks it down for us just ahead. Remember last time ralph lauren was asked to design the olympic uniforms for team u. S. A. . Things didnt go so well. This year getting a Second Chance. This time they have batteries. What could go wrong . 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The government shut down he had a more free time. We got to get to this 31 minutes after the hour. We do have a fox news alert. An unauthorized grenade and stolen womens underwear some of the items found inside okay. And actually, at the moment, listen, this is what we are going to be following for you right now. We are awaiting a press conference. Get to the other stories in a moment. We are awaiting this press conference any minute now in Washington State where so far three people have been reported dead after a gunman opened fire at what is being described as a crowded College Party. Several others are injured and police say they have one suspect in custody. All right and now we will get to the story. Unauthorized grenade and stolen womens underwear some of the items found inside of the dallas shooters room while he was stationed in afghanistan. Newly uncovered army report said Micah Johnson was being investigated for Sexual Harassment while on a base in 2014. He had reportedly stolen the underwear from a female sergeant and ditched them in a dumpster after getting caught. Johnson was killed on july the 8th after targeting Police Officers during that rally in dallas if you will remember. He killed some five Police Officers. Incredible video to show you now. Police storming the inside of a maximum security prison in chicago where inmates had taken control. [explosion] [shouting] what a story. 18 prisoners overrun the housing tier barricading themselves and ripping out all security cameras. One inmate even being held hostage with a knife to his throat. It took officers three hours to regain control. Thankfully nobody was hurt. U. S. Olympic team will be shining during the Opening Ceremony in rio, literally. This years blazer will light up u. S. A. And it will be Strong Enough Strong Enough people to be seen by some 80,000 people that will be inside the stadium. Both the jacket and the teams parade uniforms were all designed by polo, ralph lauren, the u. S. Olympic team logo will also light up on the jacket pocket. The question is will it recharge your cell phone, too . Keep it in your pocket and recharge. I think it will be visible for from space. How long will it last . Just like the great wall of china. Yeah. Forget the polls, you know the stock market could predict the election. Some say thats possible. Charles payne joins us in a minute to break that down. Then the sun is out. Tops down. Some of the coolest cars for a summer drive out there on the plaza. Dont go anywhere. You are watching fox Friends Weekend. Big show loinsd up for you. I had that dream again that i was on the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. Well, good morning, everyone. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. Fox news alert overnight massacre at College Party in Washington State. We just heard three people are confirmed dead and a suspect is under arrest. Lets listen in to this press conference. Thats where we are at at this time. Any questions . Anything on the identity of the shooter at this point . We wont be releasing that information at this time. Is he in custody and he will be interviewed and we wont be releasing any information regarding the victims or the subject at this time. You can give us an age range for the victims . The victims . No, we just know that there was a group of subjects at the location 15 to 20. And we wont be releasing any more information regarding the subjects at the party at this time. Can we get high school or college age . I cant confirm that. Were they at the house or where was the party . It was in a house in 10,000 block. And was there any kind of weapon found . We wont be releasing that information. Its still pending. We still have an investigation ongoing. And we are gathering all evidence to determine how it happened, how it occurred and what maybe any motives motis were but at this time we dont have any of that information to release. Did the suspect know any of the victims . We dont know. What makes you believe the threat to the public is over. We have a subject in custody and honestly we dont know. All we can say is that all residents. That conference happening in the middle of the night in mukilteo, washington where three people killed, one person hurt at a party. The suspect in custody who had posted things on his social media pages before going into this party and opening fire. In custody they havent released his name. So locals on the ground there reportedly said up to 20 bullets were fired by the system before he was taken into custody. Again, three people are confirmed dead by the city there. And we will continue to follow this and bring you any updates as they become available. Now we are going to turn to this. Forget the polls, the stock market could predict who will win the white house come november. If there are gains in the three month runup to election day, the incumbent is said to have a higher chance of winning. On the flip side the party trying to retake the oval office has a better shot if stocks slip. Some two term president s. Charles payne the host of making money on the Fox Business Network and he joins us now on this. Can we use these dots and connect them to figure tout what the outcome is going to be . I have to tell you, few things been this great at predicting something. You go all the way back to 198 4rbg markets up. The incumbent party wins. The same thing in 88 and 92 the incumbent party loses when the market is down. Every time the market is down the party in power lost. Every time the market is up the party won. Absolutely amazing. Yesterday we had the g. D. P. Report out. And its a very similar thing. You go back to 1980. Heres the thing. Its not the g. D. P. Itself. Doesnt matter how much the g. D. P. Is. As long as it was up from the prior year only once did in t. Not work in determining who the next president was, that was in 1992. Uncanny stuff. People feel secure about the economic futures they are overwhelmingly likely to give the Current Party another chance . Im not sure if its secure as much as they feel like the wind is in the sails of the economy. If they feel like things are turning around. Shortterm thinking public. We sort of like what happened yesterday . Were not really long term. We dont really think for whatever reason there is amazing correlation between what the economy feels like its going right now as opposed to what it might have been doing or really is doing. What could happen in the next 100 days that could help Hillary Clinton or donald trump. What could help Hillary Clinton is the market continues. Yesterday the s and p closed slightly high and closed below it amazing amount of momentum. Big name stocks reported great earnings. That could probably help her a lot. I will tell you what else could help her. They always talk about the october surprise. I would not be surprised, im telling you right now. Mark me down, can you say im amy conspiracy theirist or not. 1. 2 . Less than wall street thought it could be. Remember the trends, l. S. U. Year the g. D. P. Was 2. 6 . I believe this quarter when that number comes out in october its going to be 3. 5 and last quarter is going to be revised higher huge news and run over and over again. The economy is back. Watch that happen. You might be right. Look at what is happening too with wages. We saw in that last report about wages. Finally after that stagnant period start to do go up a little bit. Gas prices, ridiculously low. Filled up the other day with a religions car. I couldnt believe. I looked at the number. Cheap gas has always been a dermer who makes it to the white house, too. Something that everyone uses. You go to the gas station once or twice a week. People see that the number comes down. For those who arent dont follow politics to the degree that we do it may be antidotal but it hits home right away. Thats also helped a lot. Pieces are all in place. Now the stock market, the Federal Reserve may play a role. You know, they met, they said there is a chance they could change rates in september. I do not believe they will. 1. 2 growth is terrible. It is absolutely terrible. But if you were to ask the average person out there whats the g. D. P. Growth, they dont really know. But they do understand trends. They do kind of feel trends. And to your point wages finally are starting to go up. Heres the thing. This has been such terrible recovery, things that are happening now should have happened four or five, six years ago. So may be fortuitous for the election, people waiting for a raise six or seven years or yoob its kind of late. I dont think you saw the Democratic Convention, obviously. Because everything is fine, charles. All we need is love. All we need is lo. Listen, we know what the democrats are running on. What they are essentially Say Something that the economy is doing a lot better than and whats happening is they are trying to tell people listen, you have got a job and havent had a raise. More than likely your boss has and Stock Options doing well. If you put us in power. Listen carefully Hillary Clinton has talked about this several times. She wants if she becomes president the power, the american people to give her the power to go into the corporate Balance Sheet or even income statement and start to take this money because this welfare utopia we have is very expensive. You cannot fund it simply on raising taxes. It was a tally of two different connection tale of two different conventions. On the republican side mad max beyond thunder dome. This utopian future and future is pleek. Yet, Hillary Clinton basically saying she wants to create jobs. Huge boom in jobs when she gets in there the first 100 days. How does she plan to do that. Low hanging fruit is another infrastructure project. Last one was amaze mall. Absolutely horrific. I remember interviewing at the time the council of mayors he says right now, charles, we have 1 trillion worth of projects to go. We remember that scene with jeff immelt the geceo and president obama kind of chuckling there were no shovel ready jobs. We all know there is at least 3 trillion worth of work that needs to be done on uninfrastructure. Either candidate wins thats no hanging low hanging fruit. Thats not sustainable economic model. Sustainable economic model is how about the 200 regulations that president obama has put in that cost business over 100 billion a year. Get rid of that huge speed bump. Lower taxes. Thats another huge speed bump. Talk positively because young entrepreneurs arent showing up. Young people who normally started businesses in the past have not been doing that. All right, Charles Payne, the host of making money with Charles Payne on fbn. Leave with you one more plunge Protection Team google it. Ppt. Yes. Wonder where the market is going to governmental is it safe to google it . I dont know. We got filters in the building though. [ laughter ] thank you. Thanks, charles. You have got to see it. Clinton campaign may have been hit by hackers. We learned they ignored warning signs from the fbi. Governor Mike Huckabee is here to react at the top of the hour. Up next, the sun is out. Top is down. We have some of the coolest convertibles for the summer drive on the plaza life is a highway i want to ride it all night long when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Hey, everybody. Up and at them. Rise and shine. Quick head lions for you. Caught on camera edition. A disgusting act of vandalism against police. A man in texas throws a massive rock shattering the window of a police car. The suspect was tracked down and arrested. And five indiana teenagers in trouble over a dangerous prank. The group making bombs out of Household Items including drain cleaner and then putting them on door steps. Well, the local Police Department there shared this video helping them track down the teenagers who now face charges. And spiderman is supposed to fight crimes, not commit them. Not the case here. Check out the man in a spiderman outfit robbing ha Georgia Grocery store at gunpoint while the clerk forcing the store clerk to open the safe clear out the cash and tieing him hupp up. Stealing his car keys and taking off. Police are still looking for him. All right. Time for cars on the plaza. Tucker . Thanks, anna. No better way to take advantage of the hot summer weather than to crews around town cruise around town. Jamie kitman has put me in a buick. I dont think of these as convertibles. What is it. Kascada. Is it a good vehicle its a four cylinder. Its a really nice vehicle. Actually been on sale in europe for a couple years as an opal which is another gm division. And its very comfortable and smooth like a buick. For you know throughout history. But its got a small turbo engine which is quite quick and gets good gas mileage. Kind of a modern expression of that theme. What effect would this vehicle have on your dating life . How would you rate it. Depends on your personal demographic. No, it depends on the car, man. Well, i think, you know, not bad. Not bad . Good. Definitely an uptrend. Uptrend. Okay. I will strongly consider it the buick kascada. Im going to take it for a spin. All right. We will head over to the land rover where clayton is. Come on over, jamie. I think, tucker, jamie wasnt prepared for dating advice on the show. He is an automobile expert. We are inside the land rover, jamie, tell me about this bad boy. I was looking at this and saying. This is kind of a new take on the genre. This is called a land rover evoke convertible. And it is only been on sale for a week. Only been on sale for a week. Whats so special about this one . Its got all the all wheel drive capabilities of a but also a four seat convertible. Some people love the way it locks. Some people think its kind of wacky. The top goes up quickly. Off road capability. Competitor for a jeep wrangler that costs more, thats smoother, thats faster. More luxurious. This openings up wicked fast. This might be my next car. This is awful. They would be happy to sell you one. I would be happy to take it off their hands. All right. This thing looks fantastic. Anna locks fantastic over in the fiat. Come over to me. I love that range recovery, clayton it reminds me of like a barbee mobile. Doesnt it . How about this though in the fiat. This is the fiat 124. It is designed to look like what was the best selling fiat in america ever the 124, which is a sports car the late 60s through the early 80s. A walk through history. Thats a little bit of history. The others that you need to know about based on the mazda miata. Actually built in hiro hiroshima in japan. Like a miata its nimble, great handling sports car. Its a little bit keyed more to luxury. Its the cheapest of the throw convertibles we are looking at here. Starts at around 25,000. Maxes out in the mid high 30s. High 30s what would it come with . It would come with every option that you could possibly want. Okay. Real quick, come look at the interiors of this before i put the roof up. This leather is awesome. Very she sheik how do i put the top up its starting to rain. Manual. Release this and pull this. Team work. And like that. And like that. And its done. Manual but it takes two seconds. That easy, yes. Jamie kitman, thank you so much. Thank you thank you. Great stuff. A whol lot more coming on the program much the Clinton Campaign hit by hackers. We have learned they ignored warning signs from the fbi. Governor Mike Huckabee joins us live to react next. Plus, what do you get when you fly with mike pence on your birthday . Free cupcakes. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you is depression more than sadness . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix did not have Significant Impact on weight. Ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. You are looking live at readington, new jersey. Beautiful view. As tucker was saying earlier, new jersey gets a bad wrap. It is the garden state. Its a beautiful state when you get aa way from the hudson. They built the main highway through the ugliest parts of the state unfair to the rest of it. Thats gorgeous. Who cares about that part of it. You know what . You see a lot more sky out there than i do living in manhattan. Thats for sure. Thats true. Rick reichmuth is there at the quickchek Balloon Festival is he going to be going up. I showered for like four hours. All clean now. We do begin with breaking news. We need to get right to this. Washington state gunman has opened fire at a house party. Shooting four people. Officers describing the scene just moments ago. Upon arrival they discovered three fatally injured subjects. One subject sustained a gunshot wound and transported to the hospital. 20 people at that party. Suspect arrested later during a traffic stop. Bring you any new information as it comes in. We now know the names of the two Police Officers shot during a traffic stop in san diego late thursday officer jonathan de guzman. He died from his gunshot wound. The other officer wade irwin is expected to be okay after beyond going surgery. The other suspect gomez was shot by police but now recovering. Another person arrested but unclear if that person is a suspect. G. O. P. Voter restrictions shut down three states as the election moves into final stage. In North Carolina a federal judge has blocked a law requiring a photo id saying it intentionally discriminates against africanamericans. Similar law was loosened in wisconsin where voters are not required to have the correct documents. And in kansas, the strict citizenship requirement has been stopped allowing Illegal Immigrants to vote. Next up, g. O. P. Ticket, governor mike pence and his wife surprised reporters with cupcakes before flying to ohio. We would give you a doondle flow blow out but it would violate faa violations. Vice president ial nominee celebrating reporters there with them for his 25th birthday. He even led a round of happy birthday. Those are your head lions. Wonder if they were magnolias or molly cupcakes. Reading those voter id stories as you were reading them. At the democratic. Voter i. D. Laws are racist. Documents are racist, walls are racist. Outside i had the wrong pass, i was undocumented reported. You couldnt get in. They held me at the wall, men with guns and i thought, you know what . My irony alarm is going off right now. And in the pouring down rain by the way. I didnt have the right paper. You did feel good though because it was 150 degrees in philadelphia. Being in that torrential downpour did feel good. Following the conventions in philly and cleveland, they are off. The quest for the white house has officially begun. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton are Battle Ground states and firing opening shot. Take a listen to what both candidates are saying because the gloves are off. Donald trump cant even handle the rough and tumble of a president ial campaign. [. [cheers and applause] he loses his cool at the slightest provocation. When he has gotten a tough question from a reporter, when is he challenged in a debate, when he sees a protester at a rally, imagine if you dare imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. [cheers and applause] i watched her last night giving a speech that was so average. Every time i mention her, everyone screams lock her up. Lock her up. They keep screaming. You know what i do . I have been nice. But after watching that performance last night. Such lies. I dont have to be so nice anymore. Im taking the gloves off. Right . Yes . [cheers] take the gloves off. Take the gloves off. Right . Just remember this. Trump is going no more mr. Nice guy. Because he has been so nice to Hillary Clinton, crooked hillary. Amazing to watch. Lets bring in the former governor of arkansas. Governor Mike Huckabee. Trump has been so nice during the primaries. He is not going to be nice any longer. He said that with a straight face by the way. I know. It was so funny hearing him say that like i have been so kind, so polite, so gentle im going to take the gloves off. When have the gloves ever been on . Then you watching hillary making her speech that should have been sponsored by tempurpedic because everybody watching that god got a good nights sleep including her own husband who looked like he was sleeping through part of it as well. Maybe he was taking it all in. Taking in the moment. Do you think we under appreciate the comedic genius of donald trump. Yeah, i do. One of the reasons trump is winning and one ever the reasons he has captured the attention of so many people unpredictable and unfiltered people find that refreshing versus the very stodgy and stale approach that is so often a part of politics and especially with Hillary Clinton who wont do a news conference because that would create a level of spontaneity that she simply cant handle. I think that is what is refreshing about donald trump. Even when you disagree with what he says, or you think oh maybe that was a bridge too far, at least he went on the bridge. He took the trip and a lot of americans find that kind of, well, by golly they just like it, that is he willing to go there. Governor huckabee, lets talk about the latest story with more emails and potential hacking going on. We have a report the Clinton Campaign was warned by the fbi that they were potentially a target of cyber hackers and the fbi asked them to turn over personal email addresses of folks on the campaign and also some computer logs. And they said no, we dont want to do that its too intrusive and they didnt give over the information. What does that say to you . Well, what is it with democrats and their inability to deal with the simplest technology of emails . These are the people supported by the greatest Technology Companies in the world. Supported by people like out heads of Apple Computer and google and facebook. The democrats own all these people and here is what i dont understand. With awful this going on, and all that support, you would think that they could do a little bit better in security. All the more reason not to trust them with the white house and National Security because they cant even handle the simplest of emails. This nonsense last week about, you know, the russians and, you know, saying donald trump was really doing something horrible . Look, hillary said the only thing she had on those emails that were destroyed were things about chelseas wedding and yoga classes. They shouldnt be worried about the russians having that, should they . Its interesting. Im bothered by the fact that some state actor could have influence in u. S. Elections whether or not its republicans or democrats. We saw the chinese hacking into john mccains accounts in 2ebg 8. The fact that some foreign entity would have control over what were doing here is troubling, no . Well, its very troubling and all jokes aside, its a very serious thing. It ought to be one of the most important aspects of National Security, Cyber Security. We need to employ the very best minds. But, it does seem like that every time you turn around either the dnc has been hacked or hillary has been hacked nobody to my knowledge has hacked donald trump just yet. Who do you trust with National Security if they cant control their own email. Maybe they shouldnt be controlling the state secrets of the United States. Viewers have spoken, ratings are. In trump beat hillary in the ratings for his speech. He got 32. 2 million, she got 27. 8. The Democratic Convention did beat the Republican Convention though in overall viewers. It actually got more coverage in prime time than the Republican Convention did. But in terms of the nature of the coverage, it was pretty clear most of the coverage of hillary was gauzy, soft focus and most the coverage of trump was outwardly hostile, openly hostile. Do you think the press taking sides so clearly in this contest helps trump or hurts trump . Whats the political effect of that. I think most americans realize that the Mainstream Media is totally in the tank for the democrats and for hillary. I mean, when you watch Network Anchors sipping wine and dancing openly at the conclusion of the Democratic Convention, its hard to say boy, there is objectivity. I mean, lets face it, journalism is as dead as elvis these days. So anybody who believes that when you watch what is purported to be television news. Totally unbiased, absolutely objective, nobody believes that and all week long the republicans during their convention were spoken of as being dark and desperate. And the democrats were patriot and hopeful and the truth is the democrats ran a good show. They ran a great show. Theirs was probably better produced than the republicans whose convention, quite frankly and i will admit this was a bit sloppy. They didnt control the clock very well. They let speakers run over. Those are management flaws of the state. They vote for the nominee. On that front donald trump clearly a much bigger and quite tankly a more awake audience than did hillary who i contend sounded like my Elementary School principal in the delivery of her speech. I thought the two weekest speeches of the main nights were tim kaine and Hillary Clinton. I thought Michelle Obama was highlight of the week. Will they connect with voters . We saw bill clinton watching Hillary Clinton. This has been turned into a trump ad if you take the cut away of bill clinton during Hillary Clintons speech. Take a watch and governor huckabee, critics have said things about the former president s Energy Levels in the past but that he really brought it when he gave his speech and then you see this. Is that a fair ad . Of course it is. In politics its like love and war, everythings fair. So, sure. It was funny. And, frankly, i think we need a lot more humor in politics. I wish we had more spots that sort of spoke fun and made the point but in a light hearted way. I find that engaging. Governor, the press hates trump so much that if he gets elected, can they cover him . Whats going to happen if he actually becomes president . He will probably create his own network. He will tweet out his president ial messagesf giving s. Instead of a press conference. You any, he will just do a rally somewhere and they will all cover it live. They will have to cover the whole thing. Thats probably true. He makes up his own rules as he goes. Frankly thats why he is doing well. The media is never going to treat him fairly we have to accept that. Create his own network. Can i see that. I really could see that. Thats kind of brilliant. I think thats the actual answer, too. Thank you for coming on, governor. Great to see you guys. Twitter is a great way to reach young voters. Got a lot of followers. Clinton scandals over . No they are not. The irs is now probing the clintons foundations finances. What could they find . What is this investigation about . You have heard of it we will give you details from Peter Sweitzer author of clinton cash. He is on next. Skydiver getting ready to jump for the jump of his life. Leaving something behind. He decides is he going to leave his parachute behind. Going to be broadcast live on the fox network. We will have the preview for you when we come back i will survive as long as i know how to love i know i will be alive i got all my life to live i got all my love to give ill survive i will survive hey hey tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums smoothies, only from tums. I wanti did my ancestrydna and where i came from. And i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Dont know what the future hass in store for them, they bought into a 30year mortgage anyway. Because they werent just thinking about their future. Buy in. Quicken loans. Home buy. Refi. Power. Travel season for nothing. It this summer at Choice Hotels the more you go the better. Now get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. So go. Book now at choicehotels. Com ever notice how the clintons are always enshrouded in the fog of scandal. Well now there is another. The irs now says it will investigate accusations of corruption at the Clinton Foundation. The group that has a lot of money but no real clear purpose. A collection of 60,000 republicans are demanding answers. Issued a letter to the irs and says this in part. Quote these reports along with recently discovered information about the foundations initial tax exempt filings portray a lawless paytoplay enterprise thats been operating and you cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated. What does this all mean and whats going to happen in the author of clinton cash Peter Sweitzer who follows this stuff more closely than anyone joins us now. Peter, great to see you this morning. Good morning, tucker. What is the core suspicion here about the Clinton Foundation . The core suspicion expressed in this letter is that the foundation basic solid a conduit for paytoplay. That, in other words, if individuals make large contributions to the Clinton Foundation, they are getting favors by the clintons when she was secretary of state. Or potentially while she is president. So why else would the governments of authoritarian countries and for example the middle east give to the Clinton Foundation . They have their own charities. The Clinton Foundation has never been shown to actually do anything for anybody. Is there another explanation for why you would give money to them except to buy favor . Well, i think thats a good question. And, no. I mean, to my mind, when you look at the people who are giving large sums of money overseas, they are people that have histories of corruption or being involved in bribery scandals. You know, there is a lot of confusion. Some people say well, this is a charity. Whats the big deal . The big deal is that tucker, there are international antibribery standards that say bribing a public official can mean giving them money, giving their family money. Or giving their charity money. That International Bribery standard by the way was adopted in 2011 and it was pushed by then secretary of state Hillary Clinton so just because its a charity. Doesnt mean that its not important or not interesting. It constitutes bribery every bit as much as if somebody is putting pockets of money in somebodys pocket for a benefit. Well, of course it does. Heres what im confused by. How did the Clinton Foundation continue to solicit money from, for example, foreign dictators and foreign business interests even as Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state of the United States . Why didnt the obama administration say im sorry, you cant do that . Well, thats a good question. There was a lot of debate about that. The Obama Administration allowed them to do that. What they did ask the clintons to do was disclose all their donors which was a bear minimum requirement that obama insisted on for hillary to take the job and, guess what . They didnt even live up to that standard. We know now that there are at least 1100 contributions from foreign sources. They still havent disclosed. They. I dont want to be cynical, peter, i believe in america. I think most Public Servants are decent people but the irs investigating Hillary Clintons foundation . A totally discredited arm of the Obama Administration which has crushed his political enemies. Do we really have any reason to trust that this is going to be a legitimate investigation . Yes. I money, i think you are right. There is real questions about the political motivations at the irs. The irs is looking at this because essentially they have to. 60 members of congress have said we want you to look into this. That doesnt mean that they are going to do a thorough, aggressive or fair job. Im really pretty doubtful that we can expect any kind of Serious Investigation by the irs in to these matters related to the Clinton Foundation. Im sorry to say i agree with you and makes me feel sad that we are all so cynical about our government but unfortunately we have reason to be. Peter schweizer, thanks for summarizing that for us. Thanks, tucker. Across this country Police Officers have been getting ambushed responding to fake calls for help. You may have to give your name or other personal information before the police will respond. Is that a good idea . Does it put you at risk . We have got a debate on it coming up. Then, paris hilton, pleas for help. Show believes she is a target of isis because she is so famous and controversial. Is she . Well report. You decide. P . P . Heryone. The usaa Car Buying Service is helpful because it gives you that automatic savings, and i think it helps Service Members feel like their families are really cared for. And thats a really good feeling. announcer usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Welcome back, 23 minutes past the hour. Quick headlines for you. Facebook could owe billions in taxes. Irs investigation undercover the social media giant may have under stated how much assets were worth when they were interested to ireland in 2010. Could result in a 3 to 5 billiondollar fine. Facebook says it does plan to challenge the irs. And blaming the brakes. Tesla has two theories on what may have happened in that deadly auto pilot crash. Former Navy Seal Joshua Brown died in may while using the auto pilot system. It was the first crash. Either the radar or the camera failed in the emergency braking system. Anna. Im not ready to drive one of those yet. 24 minutes after the hour. In the wake of more cop shootings, send cops to emergency calls unless they identify themselves in some situations. Listen. Very, very important for officer safety that we get names because we have been targeted and thats the reason why we are asking for names. Okay, thanks a lot. Im done with the conversation, sir. Thank you. There is an instance right there where it happened the minneapolis Police Department wants to prevent officers from being set up and ambushed. Is it putting officer safety ahead of the publics . Here to debate are political commentator joe dutton a 37 year veteran of the Golden Valley Police Department. Thanks for joining us, gentlemen. Thank you. Good to be here. Can it potentially help officers to solve crimes down the lines have more information from the people phoning them in to sort of connect the dots and make heads or tails of the situation . Exactly. I think the more information a Police Officer can have responding to a call the better they can use tacticsor approach the call with what they feel is necessary to resolve the situation getting more information is very, very important. Trying to legitimize the call. Its an added safety feature. Eric, the minneapolis Police Department gave us a statement. They said we are asking dispatchers to get callers names if possible in an attempt to sift through fictitious calls to entice officers to an area of where their safety and safety of others may be jeopardized. Are their areas where people may not want to call in and give their name or calling in an emergency at all. They are not going to give their name. This is the dumbest thing i have heard of since pokemon go. You are asking me to call in when you see something dangerous and give their name. If im requesting to ambush a Police Officer and i make a call im going to say my name is Rudy Giuliani or someone else. Rocky balboa. Im not going to give my real name. What you are doing is putting people in danger. For example, if someone lives next to somebody in an apartment complex and a woman is being beaten up or terrorized, they are not going to call in because they tonight want to be a part of it. But they want the police to know that someone is being harassed. Someone is being endangered. Some dont want to be known as a snitch. Joe, go ahead. You said excuse me, let me clarify something. Police officers can get the dispatchers can get peoples names. And but and they can be wish to be anonymous or be held confidential on those calls. So i was a Police Officer for 31 years, not 37 years, but Police Officers when they go to these calls. When people asked who complained Police Officers will say we are holding that confidential or its anonymous tip. They dont have to radio veal peoples names. I didnt reveal peoples names at all especially in apartment complexes where people might have that problem retaliatory situation. So, Police Officers have that discretion to do that. So its ridiculous to say that just getting somebodys name is going to cause that kind of a problem. Joe, how would you know if the person is actually calling in and giving their real name anyway . Could they be giving a bogus name . How would the dispatcher know . They will get the information the best of their ability. I know Police Officers while enroute to calls based on what the call is they will call the complainant themselves is while enroute to get more information from that individual. They will keep the dispatchers out of it. Its a stupid rule. You want people to call in and report crimes and stop crime and youre doing something that is ridiculous and going to make people get killed. Its going to get people hurt and some people are not going to report things. No, sir, no, sir. Even if somebody called in an anonymous call. In appeared in cases of the minneapolis Police Department. They will still send squads to that call. But they may take a different approach to it based on the ambushing of the officers throughout the country. Anybody who doesnt think that officers are going to take safety precautions based on the environment in our country today is ridiculous. It has become very intense in very many communities. We have to leave it there friends mail us at facebook. Com or hit us up on facebook or twitter very debate spirited debate. Details from overnight coming up next. Plus donald trump and mike pence are not literally running for president , so how can they stay in shape on the campaign trail . Fitness expert nikki glor has some stretches for the nominee coming up. Im on the edge of glory and im hanging on a moment of truth im on the edge of glory and im hanging on a moment of truth. Id say that being different is what makes him special. Just like our discounts each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. Okay. Pop quiz, whos my favorite student . Gwen . Yeah its gwen. Yeah, gwens the best. Gwen . Yeah its gwen. This is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Im in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. Im free free falling free falling is a bit of an understatement. Shot of the morning indeed of the week. About 12 hours from now that man you are looking at is luke aikens is going to leap out of an airplane 25 feet in the air. Miles in the air. Is he not going to have a parachute or even wing suit. You heard it correctly. You dont have to clean out your ears, folks. We are trying to get him on the show tomorrow but they are not sure so they wont cob firm it yet or not because they dont know whats going to happen. He will make his historic jump on. That is really dark. Well, look, is he going to be going 120 miles per urhond land on a net. The last time they tested it. With a dummy. 200pound dummy ripped right through the net and crashed to the ground. Every generation needs evel knievel and rick aiken is ours. When they booked in august dont have confirmed up yet. Good talking point. Oil refinery. Getting oye. Making headlines this saturday. Developing right now, two suspected terrorists under arrest in brussels. Belgium police detaining the brothers. They say they were planning terror attacks, no weapons or explosions turned up in a series of raids that followed. The country has been on high alert since the terror attacks in march that left 32 innocent people dead. And an unauthorized grenade and stolen womens underwear. Those are just some of the items found inside the dallas shooters room while he was stationed in afghanistan. Well, a newly uncovered army report says Micah Johnson was being investigated for Sexual Harassment while on a base back in 2014. He reportedly had stolen the underwear from a female sergeant and then dichesd them in a dumpster after getting caught. Well, johnson was killed on july the 8th, if you will remember, after he targeted Police Officers during a rally in dallas. Five officers died there. Hey, everybody. This is not a joke. Isis could soon have a new target. Paris hilton. The former reality tv star told a local newspaper in spain since she is a famous person and travels a lot, she could be a clear target for terrorists. She always tries to watch her back. However, the blonde beauty insists she wont hire any she wont hire an army of body guards to protect her. According to john kerry, refrigerators and air conditioners are just as dangerous as isis. Why . Because of their effect on the environment. That comment now landing him in to some hot water a change. Org petition, calls for the removal of airconditioning systems from the state department. Only a couple hundred more signatures are needed until the petition gets sent to the president. And those are your headlines. They are. Its a Beautiful Day for a balloon ride or to get shot out of a cannon. And Rick Reichmuth has a choice. He is live with only one of three known female human cannon balls in the world. Leave it to rick to find one. Good morning, rick. Good morning. Her name is Jennifer Smith. And i was just telling her about this story that you were just talking about, about the guy jumping coming out of the plane at 25,000 feet. You go out, get shot out of cannons, what do you think about that guy. He has bigger problems today than i do. Thats pretty scary. Thats more than scary. First i have heard about it wow, what i do clearly isnt enough. Clearly. But this is pretty good. We will say this is good. You come from a long line of people who are shot out of cannons. I do. This is a Family Affair . Im Second Generation. I grew up watching my dad fly threw the air all over the world. I started practicing at pretty young age. I have been been a cannon ball for 28 years. 27 countries. Im right back here again. Here you are. So your dad was a world record holder. Your brother then beat your dads record. Are you trying to beat your brothers record now . I would have to go out of my brothers cannon in order to achieve that and i dont want any part of that its designed for a man sized body and this one is built for me. This is my toy. All right. So you said have you been practicing since you were a kid. I always wonder things like, this how do you first doo that first one . Really short distance. A really short distance until you figure out how you are supposed to be on the inside. Actually the net is 99 of the cannon shot. Because the cannon is always the same. The net is different. If you land wrong, youre going to break something and you are off six to eight weeks or however the repair is until you are back in. If you are lucky. How far is that net. From the front of the truck to the net is 125 feet. Do you land on your back. I come out on swan dive and land on my back. Okay. So thats it. Jennifer, she has agreed, she is going to do this for us live on the air coming up at 9 00. So you dont want to miss that. Were going to say some prayers and make sure that you are all set and ready everybody be thinking about her coming up. You dont want to miss it. Guys send it back to you. That takes some guts. Good luck. We are going to be watching. Very good. Thanks, rick. All right, guys. Well, the 2016 nominees may be running for president that doesnt necessarily qualify them for being exercise enthusiasts. Long weeks on the road means fast food and not a whole lot of sleep. Who do the nominee stay in shape nikki glor joins us with 2016. Good morning, everybody. How important is it for all of us when we are on the road if were on vacation to eat right and make time for exercise. Your life depends on it safest activity outside. Not cannon ball jumping. Safe your life down the road. Half hour workout than sitting in a hospital room 8 hours a day when you get older. There you go. Mr. D. J. Hit the music. Go ahead and start with trump tricep dips. Make your arms great again, donald trump. We will head over here. Take some notes, hillary. So your finger tips come off of a bench or a step, whatever you can find. Lower down so that your arms are about 90 degrees. That gets rid of the chicken wing. How are you feeling, mr. Trump . I think i just heard a rip. [ laughter ] and then for his running mate. We are going to do running lunges, right leg forward for those republicans out there and then you get nice and low and jog it in. How is your rhythm . Not do good. Im from indiana. When your knee is bent, you are working your glutes and quad and cardio gets up as well. Whats going on back here . Clinton crunches. Chelsea is going to join me and im going to explain. We will come down and do a crunch. Come up and twist. Clapping hands. So its working your obliques up. Chelsea is looking good after giving birth. She is looking great. Strong. Lets go guys, you can do it. Whats going on here . Its great to have a partner when you work out for accountability, isnt it . Its great. I dont know if she needs the phone or the blackberry as she does it. Stronger together. There you go. Working out with a partner on the road on vacation with your family is a great way to fit it in. Get people working together. If you are not feeling like you wont to work out one day maybe your spouse our your kids will or vice is a. Family friendly challenge when you are on the road. All right. Mr. Cain, you can tell me how long its been since you have done this many situps . You are looking good. Does the blackberry wear you down too much. I never leave home about it. But you only need one device, right . Nikki galore. Crooked crunches. New nickname. 2 ominutes before the top of the hour. Heres whats coming up on the program. Hillary hits the road and fancy new bus for her tour of the rust belt. We are live on the trail with her coming up next. Plus, waiting a little longer for starbucks . Turns out there is a reason for that. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. And you needed a tow. Did your 22page insurance policy say, great news. Youre covered . No. It said, blah blah blah blah. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. Liberty mutual insurance. When you have type 2 diabetes, like me, hi, im dominique wilkins. Theres a moment of truth. Better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways in the stomach, the liver and the pancreas. 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The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. My cousins wedding is c ming soon. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquoise dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. When its go book on choicehotels. Com for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20 . Book direct at choicehotels. Com driving up wait times and piling pressure on workers. Well, the company, of course, denies cutting hours. Both customers and staff on social media have been complaining about what they say is declining service. And taco bell is getting, quote, dangerously cheesy. The fast food chain now testing a cheetoes burrito. Beef, rice, and nacho cheese it is in fact nacho cheese. These toes in it the concoction will cost 1. Hillary clinton kicks off her battleground bus tour. Yes, she does. She is highlighting Economic Division in the vision in the pennsylvania. Live on the scene in pittsburgh where Hillary Clinton will be later today. Good morning, mike. Tucker, anna, clayton, good morning to you, we are exactly 100 days out from election day. Time on the campaign trail is precious at this stage. Hillary clinton and her running mate tim kaine have launched a bus tour of pennsylvania and ohio. They started just yesterday in philadelphia. The concern for clinton and her team is that donald trump is connecting with White Working Class voters and so they are working to combat that at this stage. Clinton is trying to protect this turf. And im also going to pay special attention to those parts of our country that have been left out and left behind. From our inner cities to our small towns, from Indian Country to coal country. Anybody willing to work in america should be able to find a job to get ahead and stay ahead. Thats my goal. Part of the attack on donald trump at this stage is that he is not a typical republican. Last night in harrisburg, running mate tim kaine went after donald trump. The reason we shouldnt even believe one word is he has got a track record of people believing him and then getting stiffed and getting hurt. Foreign policy contractors that work on projects and do all the work and end up not getting paid and having to go bankrupt to students who get bilked out of their dollar from trump u. Election cycle since 1992 they do not want to give it up this time. There is great concern about trump connecting with White Working Class voters. We expect to seat bus here in rainy pittsburgh later today and then tomorrow bouncing around ohio. Back to you guys in new york. They will be spending a lot of time in those battleground states. Mike emanuel, thank you. Thanks, mike. Here is a question. Hey, mitt romney what do you really think of donald trump . Donald trump is a phoney, a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. [cheers and applause] he gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. [ laughter ] a few months ago he seems to have changed his mind. We will tell you what he is saying now assuming you are one of the very few people who cares. Stay tuned. We are in the dog days of summer. Dont sweat it we have the best ways to cool your home, including one that could save you almost 200 a year. Awe. Is that spray paint. Just fine and looking so pretty cool cat this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. Welcome back. The hottest days of summer are here, but dont sweat it. The best ways to cool down your house without going broke. We are joined to show us how. Good morning. Welcome back. Thank you very much. So it can be as sime as installing a ceiling fan and we can bump our thermostat up a few degrees . Yes, a ceiling fan will save you 4 degrees on your thermostat compared to what you have set on your same temperature in your home. It will save on energy. It will be a regular rotation. The other sucks air off. Clockwise works fine. So this is an air filter that goes into your system. Why does that keep you cooler . Its going to keep your system from working harder. You want to replace this one to three months. You should get your system serviced also. Its very important it gets service once a year, all the Services Done on it, that its going to be working clean for you. You want to make sure youre getting all of the dust and dirt and mites out of the filter so you put a new filter in so its working with a clean filter, like a car filter. You dont want it gunked up. And you dont want to keep the windows open because youre going to let the hot air in. But sometimes we accidentally let the hot air in. Theres some insulation we can do around our windows to block any drafts or anything like that. Simple things like this sealant peel. Whats great about this. You put it around any gaps you have, literally peels off. So if you make a mistake, it peels off . Right off. And its clear so it goes on nice and easy. What is this thing . So theres two thermostats out there that really are outstanding right now. One is the nest and one is the eco beat three. Nest came out as the smart thermostat out there, what you want the temperature at and it saves you energy, 180 annually on your energy bill. Eco beat 3 does the same thing, but this one has these sill little sensors. You can buy 32 and put them throughout your house. You can make multiple zones which allows your house to work more efficiently. So these are pretty accurate . They work for a long period of time . They arent going to break . No. This technology, especially nest and eco beat 3, theyll lost you forever. So lets say you dont want to spend money on an hvac system, you want to use a bucket and fan. Weve got that too. Tell me how this works. This is great. This is the arctic cove. Whats great about this, a full battery system that works on water. The battery system in the back runs on a lithium ion battery. So this is twohour run time, 20minute charge. Whats great, it can be just a fan or you can have it as a mister. Can you use this indoors . If youre on a job site, maybe. I wouldnt necessarily use it in the kids playroom. You know, this would have been great. I grew up playing softball tournaments, would be outside all day, and have these underneath one of the tents to give some shade. You can put grain alcohol in there and mist it. I havent tried that yet. We did have another suggestion for one of another our devices involving some kegs. This is great. Whats awesome about this, this is a misting tower. Its got a light, a misting fan, and, again, theres just a bucket of water in here. Thats awesome. What also is really cool is let me turn on some music for you. It brings you the beat your beach beats too . Oh, yeah. So youre good to go. My volume ill turn the volume up. Thats amazing. Very cool. And the big things we have some shorter things that are great. The personal mister here. Which is great for on the go, ballparks. I need to get one of these. We also have this, this thing is outstanding. This mister, you pump it and just leave the sprayer on. Cooling everybody off. And this will just go. You are a genius. Everybody want to feel it . Woo home depot. Thank you. Great to see you. Donald trump is mad and hes got one person in his crosshairs. Watch. I was going to hit one guy in particular. A very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard, his head would spin, he wouldnt know what the hell happened. Who is he talking about . Well give you one hibbe hint. Hes a very little guy. Answer ahead. Plus, its a bu day for a balloon rider. The human cannonball getting hired on this show live. Dont go away. Good morning, its saturday the 30th of july, 2016. Im anna kooiman. This is a fox news alert. A College House party turns into a massacre. Three people dead. The gunman in handcuffs. Breaking details in a moment. And then the fbi washed them. So how did Hillary Clintons campaign react when they found out they were the target of hackers. Looks like they have been hacked this morning. Details, just ahead. And hey, mitt. Tell us what you really think of donald trump. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. He gets a free ride to the white house, and all we get is a lousy hat. Did you hear that . I think mitt just changed his mind. Im not entirely sure. Fox and friends hour four, straight ahead. Great balls of fire have your coffee yet this morning . Some people say having a cup of coffee is like being shot out of a cannon. Like when tucker has his decaff. We dont need one, because we have a real lady going out of a real cannon this morning. All about politics and the conventions, also about ladies being fired from artillery. Thats happening. She is going to be shot i think 200 yards into a net. Exactly. Not a person named annette, but an actual net. If annette caught her youre too fast for me. Actually, not very big. And the sad trombone. We do need to talk some politics. We do. But first, the fbi warned hillary Clinton Campaign months ago they were the target of hackers. Apparently, the hillary people, according to reports, did not take that seriously, did not cooperate with the fbi and now we are learning this morning that campaign may have, in fact, been hacked by some unknown intruders. Heres a statement from the hillary Clinton Campaign. They say our campaigns computer system has been under review by outside Cyber Security experts today. They have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised. But part of the problem with this story to me is that the fbi asked them to give over some information, some computer logs, email logs, personal addresses of folks on the campaign, because they were concerned that they had been the target of this hacking by possibly an international player, and they decided not to cooperate. But their default position going back 30 years is, dont cooperate with the fbi. Period. If you woke Hillary Clinton from a dead sleep, will you cooperate with the fbi . No. We asked governor huckabee, who was earlier on fox friends about this issue, he had this to say. What is it with democrats and the simplest technology of emails . Its a very serious thing, one of the most important aspects of National Security, Cyber Security. And we need to employ the very best minds. But it does seem like that every time you turn around, either the dnc has been hacked or hillary has been hacked. You know, nobody has, to my knowledge, hacked donald trump just yet. You know, there may be something about who do you trust with National Security. If they cant control their own email, maybe they shouldnt be controlling the state secrets of the United States. To be fair, back in 2008, governor john nor mccains campaign was also hacked, so was senator obamas campaign hacked, as well. So by the chinese. So whether or not this is russian government, who knows. Right. But its troubling they would have some sort of influence over an american election. Terrifying. We want to play a quiz now. Donald trump criticized someone from the stump yesterday. Trump had been watching the Democratic Convention in philadelphia and it bugged him. He attacked someone. And we want to know if you can guess who he is talking about. Watch this. The things that were said about me. I mean, should i go through some of the names . You know what, i wanted to. I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard, i would have hit them no, no. I was all set. And then i got a call from a highly respected governor. I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard, his head would spin, he wouldnt know what the hell happened. And he came out of nowhere. So it turns out vern troyer was criticizing donald trump for billy who was he talking . [ buzzer ] no, not the vern troyer. In the new york post. Mayor Michael Bloomberg. And 15 years ago, theyre shaking hands together at a gala in washington, d. C. But then bloomberg says im a new yorker, i know a con man when i see one. The richest thing about donald trump is his hypocrisy. And now donald trump is firing back, little Michael Bloomberg who never had the guts to run for president , knows nothing about me, his last term for mayor was a disaster. Remember what mitt romney said a few months ago about donald trump . Well, he criticized him openly, very loudly, and heres what he had to say. Listen. You have to give donald trump credit. He was able to bring a rhetoric and a style that he had perfected over his career to the political sphere, and connect with people, and become the nominee. Despite the fact that i and a lot of other people thought he would not be an ideal nominee, he is. To be honest, its very possible in my view, donald trump wins. Thats what he was saying now. Heres what he was saying back in march. Take a listen. Donald trump is a phony. A fraud. The things that mr. Trump has said have been unfortunately branding of our party. Hes playing us for suckers. He gets free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. I think this has taken this in a direction which will be very unfortunate, longterm. He has neither the temperament or the judgment to be president. Mitt romney has called someone else a phony, failing the self awareness test. And now he says he believes that trump can actually win. Keep in mind, mitt romney had no idea he was going to lose in the last election, the only one i never met an american who thought he was going to win, but on Election Night, he was apparently shocked. So his prognostication powers have not proven accurate. What do you make of heres ap has to win all of the romney states. At a bare minimum hes got to win all of the romney states. He cant afford to like arizona to Hillary Clinton. Then he has to on top of that win the likes of pennsylvania or wisconsin or ohio and virginia and North Carolina. Whats the end game . What youre seeing from mitt romney, not some endorsement of donald trump. What hes saying, he won the primary, maybe he can win. Not saying hes going to vote for him and also not saying hes going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Saying he may write in somebodys name. Im baffled by what romney is doing, and not for the first time. I will say, i think trump can wing. People are dissatisfied with the direction of the country and if trump manages to keep his speeches on the topic of saving america, not himself, but voters, i think he will win, if he can do that. Look at the polls. Theyre neck and neck right now. A lot of them within the margin of error. Six minutes after the hour, we are following stories making the news. A gunman opened fire in a parking lot. Officers describing the deadly scene. Upon arrival, they discovered three fatally injured subjects, one subject sustained a gunshot wound and was transferred to harbor view hospital. About 20 people from at that party. The suspect arrested later during a traffic stop. Stay with Fox News Channel for updates throughout the day. And we now know the names of the two Police Officers shot during a traffic stop in san diego late thursday. Officer jonathan de guzman, a 16 year veteran, died from gunshot wounds. The other officer, wade irwin. The suspect jesse gomez shot by police but is recovering. And gop voter restrictions shut down in three states. The election moves into its final stage. North carolina, a federal judge, has blocked a law requiring a photo i. D. Saying it intentionally discriminates against africanamericans. A similar law was loosened in wisconsin where voters are not required to have the correct documents. And in kansas, a strict citizenship requirement has been stopped, allowing Illegal Immigrants to cast their votes. And thanks to twitter, many of us have learned a valuable lesson from the dnc. Bill clinton loves balloons, folks. Breaking news. These pictures are going viral, showing a look of pure bliss on the president s face. And we also learned, dont touch bills balloon. You see him trying to take one home when a little girl tries to grab it from him, they yanked it away there. A clinton aide insists, he ended up giving it to his grabbed granddaughter. We get younger. Its kind of sweet. Mesmerized by the balloons. Hot air balloons. Hes out at the redington, new jersey, balloon fest. Rick, youre standing by this cannon. What is this cannon behind you . Reporter yeah, so not only a Balloon Festival, but the cannon lady is here. Im going to turn this over to her. She is about to be shot out of this. Cannon lady, Jennifer Smith, take it away good afternoon. Good morning, everybody here at the Balloon Festival. How are you . [ cheers and applause ] awesome. Can we all on the count of three say good morning fox friends, 1, 2, 3 good morning fox friends i love it. Youre going to see me rise this barrel up to a 45degree angle. Once im in that position, ill put my helmet on and go into the firing chamber. I go from an absolute standstill to just moving in the air in a split second. I will leave the barrel at about 32 miles an hour, upwards of 52 feet high. I come down in that net, roughly carrying the same speed. So its very imperative i land in exactly the right position. Because the cannon is going to get me where i want to be. It all depends on me to land. So once i climb down inside the barrel, its going to take just a moment. Ill get into position, and we will give you guys a countdown backwards from 5. At that time, if i could ask everybody here to go ahead and count along us so i can hear inside, which is great. What do you think . Do you guys want to see me fly . [ cheers and applause ] awesome. Im glad you guys came out. What a beautiful event and im glad being here. I will tell you, as a family, i am a Second Generation human cannonball. I grew up watching my father fly through the air. And i started my professional career 28 years ago. 17 Different Countries, and i have more than 2,000 flights easy. Im still quite nervous each and every time because there is a tremendous amount of danger and pressure inside this cannon if you are not prepared for it. So even though ive launched many times, its still very, very nerveracking. So im going to pass the microphone on to my husband, and were going to keep going with this show. If you have any questions afterwards, come up and say hi to me, i would love to meet each and every one of you. Thanks for coming out to the Balloon Festival here in new jersey. Appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] i was curious, how do you get good at Something Like swordswallowing . If your mom or dad is a swordswallower. Its like being were going up with the barrel. So jennifer about to climb into the long muzzle of this cannon. We should note it is a muzzleloading cannon. An oldfashioned cannon. She is one of only three known human cannonballs. Female. Jen is doing the walk the of fate up the barrel. Being shot right through the Glass Ceiling this morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is like a couple hundred yards. Over to the net and that will catch her. Think about this, actually. Because on foxx at 8 00 p. M. , aikens is jumping out of the aircraft at 25,000 feet and hes going to land in no parachute. No wingsuit. This woman is brave. Where do you get a human cannon . The gun or the human cannon store. Thats not something you can get at fast pro. Walmart. Were getting ready to fire. When i come back on the mike, ill need everybody to count backwards from 5 to fire. Everybody help with the countdown at home. Im a little nervous, actually, right now. Shes about to go, the largest summertime Hot Air Balloon and Music Festival in all of north america. If youre just joining us, a woman is about to be shot from this cannon at 32 miles an hour. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 blastoff wow. Woo wow. Would you do that . Great landing. That takes some guts. That was impressive. Woo all right, cannon lady good shot. Jennifer the cannon lady as a family business, thats not really scaleable. Watch the dismount. Perfect. Look at that. Very nice. Human artillery for you. Wow. Thanks for watching our show. Its a good show. Up next, when with the socialist away, the capitalist away, now that hillary is the nominee and bernie is safely back in some underground bunker. Fans are outraged and one joins us next. And remember the time ralph lauren was asked to design the uniform for team usa . Things didnt go over so well, but this year theres a Second Chance and theyve got batteries, what could go wrong . We are the champions my friends and well keep on fighting to the end welcome back. Dozens of speakers dressed the Party Faithful at the dnc this week in philadelphia, but its what wasnt said. The body language. We have body language. Mark jeffrey back to join us to talk about body language during the speeches. Nice to see you, mark. Thank you. Nice to be back. I want to start with Hillary Clinton and what you saw during her acceptance speech on thursday night. Watch. Do we have it . All right. Wait for it. It will be worth it. A president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who dont. For all americans together what did you see there, mark . First of all, i have to say, it was a great speech, it was wellwritten, wellcrafted. But remember this. Put all the politics and the policies to one side. What is this campaign . This is the next hundred days, its a big sales job. Each of these politicians is trying to get us to buy them. So is she buyable, does she come across as somebody warm, somebody you would want to go out for a drink with. What i saw there in that clip, somebody that looks increasingly angry. When your eyes are open wide like this, it looks like youre enraged. Now, she is very passionate, so there is wrong with that. But you have to be warm, show that you are that viable person so when it comes to election day, people will it tick the box for her. And clearly, bill clinton, barack obama have that going for them. That ability to connect with people. Here is bill clinton and barack obama talking about change. Were going to play them side by side here and see if you notice some differences. Watch this. If you were sitting where im sitting, and you heard what i have heard, you would say, this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything. And she is still the best darn changemaker i have ever known. We still believe in the promise of this great nation. Thank you for this incredible journey. Lets keep it going. God bless you god bless the United States of america. What did you see there . Okay. First of all, i have to say, two amazing speakers. These are great orators, great storytellers. They just have a way of capturing an audience. Obama spent a lot of his speech talking about his own accomplishments. But right at the end, did you hear that . He said, thank you for this great journey. Lets keep it going. In other words, were on the right track, lets not change anything. Now, we skip to bill clinton. And how did he refer to hillary . As the best darn changemaker, hes ever known. So which is it . Are we going to stay on track or is there a change coming . That to me is what i would call a conflict in messaging and something interesting to observe. Marilyn mosby talking about the criminal Justice System this week and this press conference had a lot of people raising their eyebrows. Take a listen. We could try this tape 100 times and cases just like it and we would still end you with the same results. This system is in need of reform. And when it comes to police accountability, and as long as im a chief prosecutor for this city, i voua to you, my office and i will fight. We will fight for a fair and equitable Justice System for all. What did you see in her body language. What im seeing over there is somebody very passionate, someone who believes in one specific side of the argument. Now, its my understanding is right, and obviously im a brit and new american now, but still british. Youre the chief prosecutor for a state, meant to be very level, very impartial. People shouldnt be able to tell which side you are in terms of your emotion and feeling. You should simply look at the law and facts. This is someone who displayed emotion and therefore one side of the argument. Not ideal if youre trying to be want to remain the prosecutor or state attorney. Mark jeffries, great to see you this morning. When we come back, the socialist away, the capitalist will play. Wall street donors coming out of the woodwork. Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. May cause low sodium levels. The most common side effects are nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix did not have Significant Impact on weight. Ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. The president signing an order aimed at increasing food production. Over to you. Thank you, anna. Well, earlier this week at the dnc, Bernie Sanders supporters were out in full force for their candidate and his cause. Although he couldnt clinch the nomination, he endorsed Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton channelled some of his attitudes toward wall street and the big banks in her acceptance speech. Heres part of what she said. I believe wall street can can never, ever be allowed to wreck main street again. When the socialist is away, the capitalists will pay. The wall street donors have flooded into philly. They sent their dough to hillary. Is it this mean that hillarys dream is over . Or rather bernies is over . How will his supporters react . Joining us now is one of them, director of former director of justice in media for the sanders campaign. I messed up the script. Were glad to see you this morning. Good morning. So the wall street journal has this amazing piece yesterday that shows where Hedge Fund Operators have been sending their money. Seven top hedge funds have sent 48 million to Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, they sent 19,000 to donald trump. And if she is the one who says she is going to clean up the Financial Services industry. Does that seem credible to you . Well, you know, its the same thing that has been happening in the Democratic Party for a year over year. Its just no one has had the guts to expose it. Time and time again, we have been asked to get on, you know, the train and moses is going to lead us to the freedom and promise land. Right before its time to cross the bridge, were told that the joke is on us. You know, when you look at the New York Times article with former governor Charlie Chris saying, quote, this is the place to be in the ritzcarlton, running around and around and chasing donors. He was at st. Baptist church saying thats where to be. Time and time again, they have been led astray being told one thing on the left and doing another thing with the right. And i think that the people are over it. Theyre tired of it. Sure, there will be people that will line up behind Hillary Clinton, as expected. But there is also individuals like me who are independent voters, independent thinkers saying the jig is up, we figured it out, know were being told one thing and doing Something Else on the other side. So, i mean, why do you suppose we dont know. Lets speculate a little bit. Why do you suppose that Hedge Fund Managers would be sending money to Hillary Clinton . Could it be to preserve certain tax carveouts they benefit from . Sure, absolutely. And to preserve the relationships that they have had over the last 20plus years that the clintons have run the Democratic Party. I was a clinton supporter before barack obama. But then after i began to work on these campaigns, see where the money is going, see how the money is not being distributed equally, particularly among africanamerican vendors, particularly among hispanic vendors, i have figured out that we have been told Something Different on one hand and the other. It is run by the big banks. I noticed in her speech she talked about everything except how she was going to truly keep wall street from running her positions. And thats just simply not going to happen. Its very confusing, because Donald Trumps rhetoric on trade and wall street is much closer to Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clintons. And yet just the other night, you saw Bernie Sanders unequivocally endorse Hillary Clinton. Why would he do that if hes a sincere revolutionary . I dont know. Thats why im wondering, was it really a sincere revolution . You know, again, being told one thing and doing another. And people are disappointed. You know, i did work on the campaign, it was a great experience. Im an independent fiscal independent. I am not a socialist. I am not a democrat, im capitalist. I worked with Bernie Sanders because i believed someone was finally speaking for the outsiders. And unfortunately, the messages are mixed and people are confused. So i urge republicans, independents, democrats, to really take a look and see what it is that youre signing up for. I was very dibs touched to hear the song, signed, sealed, delivered. Exactly. You know who is really for the stats us quo, against any challenge, the media. Have you noticed this . What is that about . Its i think the relationships have been bonded for so long, that people believe what their elected officials have told them. That this is where we need to be, this is who has done the most for democrats and in particular africanamericans. But when you really peel apart the onion and really look and see who is paying who and why, and as voters continue to become more educated with people like me who are willing to stand up and say, no, im not just going to follow in line with the status quo, i think well be able to see some changes soon. Hopefully soon. Yeah, its weird to see the New York Times and politico become little foot soldiers for the Hillary Campaign on wall street. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you. He received a medal of honor, but when he took the podium in philadelphia this week, the Democratic National committee, this happened. America lost four heroes that day. Major griffin, major gray, major kennedy and Foreign Service officer, del fatta. Another medal of honor recipient has a message for those hecklers and will give it to us, just ahead. Plus, how do you top a human cannonball on live tv . Rick is live at the quick check balloon fest in jersey and hes going to tell us. Rick, whats going on . Im going get my ride back to the city. Im out here in jersey, and this is going to be my ride. Were going to take off in this, in a couple minutes. See where i land. Who knows . Is well be right back. Topped with actual hazel nuts and nutella. Who decides when its National Cheesecake day . For me, thats every day. But i would love to know what channel or board made that decision. Today theyre offering any slice for half price. To all dinein customers. So what flavors do we have here . That is a Chocolate Chip Cookie dough and this is a tiramisu in the middle. I let my coattails drag, but not my tiera my suit. Ive been on the road for three weeks so i have to be forgiven for not eating this. Ive been eating so poorly the last couple weeks. I had five slow down. Not going to fit into your suit. This is so unbelievable. You cant see him, because hes off camera but our friend from the Cheesecake Factory made this. Hes very fit and trim and he told me he eats it every day. So obviously its not bad for you and smells good. I dont usually i dont usually deny myself anything. This is the first time ever. Can i just try one part all right. I dont even want try that. Anna is running the brooklyn marathon after the show so its not a big deal for her. Yummy, yummy. Of Cheesecake Factory, thank you so much. We have some other stories were following making headlines. An unauthorized grenade and stolen womens underwear. Those are just some of the items found inside the dallas shooters room while he was stationed in afghanistan. A newly uncovered army report says Micah Johnson was being investigated for Sexual Harassment while on a base back in 2014. He had reportedly stolen the underwear from a female sergeant and then ditched them in a dumpster after getting caught. Johns johnson was killed on july 8th after targeting Police Officers during a rally in dallas. Five officers died. And some incredible video now of police storming the inside of a maximum security prison near chicago, where the inmates had taken control. 18 prisoners had overrun the housing tier, barricading themselves inside and ripping out all of the security cameras. One inmate being held hostage with a knife to his throat. It took officers three hours to regain control. Thankfully, nobody hurt. The u. S. Olympic team will literally be shining during the Opening Ceremony in rio. This years blazer will light up with usa on the back. The beam will be Strong Enough to be seen by the 80,000 people inside the stadium. Both the jacket and the teams parade uniforms were designed by polo ralph lauren. Battery operated there. Wonder if batteries are included. And a rough legal ballots for this little pup, the dachshu dachshunds owner with her longtime friend and a 100,000 trust fund. The dog with a trust fund. But that friend says she has only gotten a handful of 10 checks and is now suing to fetch those funds. The woman says winnie the pooh cost around 6,000 a year in routine costs. And those are your headlines. The kibble had mold in it. Ooh, yum. How would you like to have to eat dog food. His feet firmly on the ground but now is about to take flight. Its a small step for a man but a giant leap for man kind. There he is, rick. Ascending. Just in time. You could not have timed that better. I tried, thank you. We didnt think we were going to make it. But i guess yeah, we pulled it out. We got it done. The wind changed direction at the end a little bit. Tell me your name. Im vinny, im a pilot from new jersey, this is my hometown. This is your event. Yeah, this is pretty much my event. Tents set up over here, a pretty big party for us at this festival so we have a good time. All right. So weve got im using my phone here to get a shot and a view her of what redington, new jersey, is like. Its a pretty place. Yeah, beautiful. The western side of new jersey, we get a lot of rolling hills, trees, farmland. Its beautiful here. How high do you take this thing . So i can take this thing legally up to 17,900 feet. Above that, i would need to talk to air traffic control. What . I need oxygen above 10,000 feet or. So i like to comfortably fly around 3,000 feet. The highest ive ever flown in this particular balloon is about 10,000 feet. You said almost 18,000 feet . Yeah. Absolutely. So 18,000 feet in certain areas of the country are unclassified air space. So we can actually fly in those. And just be able to talk to the air crafts around us using visual flight rules. Obviously, here we cant do it, because weve got newark and jfk and philadelphia close to us. Let me just say this, were not going anywhere near 18,000 feet. That absolutely freaks me out. And thats it. Hey, guys, so were going to stick around maybe 1 or 2,000 feet. Well leave the 18,000 feet for the experts. Absolutely. I agree with that one. How does it look up there, rick . Nervous . I dont think he can hear me. Rick can you hear us . How do you feel . Are you nervous . Gotcha. No, i feel fine. I just got freaked out hearing about 18,000 feet, though. Were not going there. No, it feels already, yeah. A little weak to my knees. Good luck, rick. Raise your hand if youre impressed with our technology. Yeah. Way to go i am impressed by his bravery. And is speaking of bravery. 20 minutes before the top of the hour, he did put his life on the line and received a medal of honor but when he took the podium at the dnc, this happened. America lost four heroes that day. Command Sergeant Major griffin, major gray, major kennedy and Foreign Service officer al de fatta. Thats what he heard. Dakota meyer has a message for those hecklers, next. If you neee for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. 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I mean, its typical of what the modern liberals dont understand. You know, they think no wars or this or that. And you know what, really, its like its because of guys like flo and general john allen, they have done such an excellent job over the past 12, 13, 14 years, whatever it is of keeping the enemy off our grounds and going over and fighting them. What these modern people dont understand what they dont understand, and the ignorant part of it is, is that, you know, they want black lives matter or these lives matter or all lives matter. In america, all lives matter. So the enemy those men have been fighting and have been protecting, no lives matter. Their tweets and comments during the event, im going to show this one here, tweets who people turned their backs, national Political Correspondent for Washington Post tweeted this, some hecklers turned their backs on the medal of honor winner. You can be antiwar and pro troops. So apparently these were Bernie Sanders supporters who theyre saying no more war. And talking over them. Yeah, i mean, its always going to be somebody else. At the end of the day, theyre at the dnc, so theyre democratic supporters. You know what i mean . Its like i would say this. I bet you anything that that wouldnt have happened at the rnc. Although one of the biggest moments there is credit sim this week, it looks like democrats managed to, i dont know, have more patriotism on display in general at the convention than did republicans. What was your sense of that, we saw the amazing moment where the parent stood up and held out the constitution and talked about their sons sacrifice. What did you think about both conventions playing out to you . At the end of the day you know, both conventions are all show, right . I mean, lets look at the majority. Lets look at the majority of the party. I mean, you hear the crowd out there screaming. I mean, i dont think thats the majority across america. I think that what we need is we need a leader that gets in there, that goes out and represents the beacon of hope that we are. I mean, for my piece of it, i think that the military needs to be i mean, we need to be protected. Look, our military is not weak. I keep hearing our military is weak. Our military is not weak. How do we make it stronger . How do we go forward . We are the beacon of hope. America is the beacon of hope across the world. And i think with he we need a leader thats going to portray that. Donald trump saying the military has been downgraded and hurting so you disagree with that. I absolutely disagree with that. You know, im and i think thats why i dont know, but im saying i think thats why are you see some of these military supporters going over to that side. Were not weak. I mean, hes absolutely wrong. You know, and thats the thing. If donald trump loses, i mean, hes outfocused on ted cruz, hes still being an entertainer. At what point is he going to turn around and start being a leader and showing us that potential he has. If donald trump loses this election, its because donald trump lost it himself. Great point. Dakota meyer, always great having you here and thank you for your service to this country. Thank you. Coming up on the show, autopilot is the next big thing in driving, but there are some cars you never want it for. Weve got four of them on the plaza. Thats next. How safe . Quite safe. At the same time, its quite economical and it will put you in touch with your inner drifter. I do have an inner drifter. Gas mileage . Youre looking at probably 30, 35. Nice. Why no autopilot . Well, it doesnt has Cruise Control but its not the cutting edge of selfdriving cars. Thank you jamie. Head on over to the porsche where anna is sitting by. Jamie, come on over. I think if youre ever driving a car like this its about how it makes you feel. It makes me feel like a million bucks. As its equipped it pushes 100 grand. It does. One of the all time greatest options list. It starts at 68,000, the base price is 68,000. An additional 30,000 option. Theres not enough time to go through them all but its still a great car. You say it handles well. What do you mean . Its a brilliant handling car. One thing new is it has four cylinders instead of six. Actually a smaller engine, more fuel efficient but got more horsepower than the outgoing six cylinder model. We love it. Tell us what you have got over there. I have no idea. I dont care about safety or fuel efficiency but whether its fun. What is this . A mazda miotta. It handles great. If you like fun cars to drive there is no car more fun to drive for the money or even for a lot more money. A standard transmission. Is there a market for that stuff. There is. Its also available with an automatic. They would have you covered u tucker. Im a stick shift guy. How much . 25,000. Tops out low 30s. Amazing. Really good valuable. Im impressed. You got a corvette over there. Okay. Woohoo come on over here. Lets go driving. The corvette. This is hot. This is a hulling mother. Not just a corvette, a grand sport corvette, the top of the line named after famous corvette racing car. Its the fastest. Beautiful. Bose sound system in here. 0 to 16. How fast . Do you know . 3 seconds. Really, really quick. Faster than my nissan lead. More than you will ever be able to use on the road. On a racetrack you might get it to slide. Its got more grip. Dont telly secret. Do i look any better behind this . Very cool. Tucker be honest. You look so cool its unbelievable. I dont know if i can get you. I think it works for you. Yeah. It does work for me. You have moved from cohost to role model. Believe it or not, more fox and friends so you would be crazy to turn the channel. Well be right back. Nope this summer at Choice Hotels the more you go the better. Now get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. So go. Book now at choicehotels. Com blastoff woo wow that was Jennifer Smith being shot out of a cannon a few moments ago on our show. What a female human cannonball. She delivered. What a show in redding on the, knocks knocks where rick was up

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