Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150620 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150620

enjoyed you but my god have mercy on you. >> more from the courtroom coming up in moments. >> he is not just a country music star he is he a life saver. how blake shelton saved this man stranded in a raging flood. that and more because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ got my first real six string ♪ at the five and dime ♪ played it until my fingers bled ♪ was the summer of '6 ♪ me and some guys from school. >> well, i don't think i -- you are going to sneak up on anybody in those cars. great cars for dad. car deals. mustang for dad who always wanted the american muscle car. we got good deals similar to lux sedans like the hyundai signature series. >> if you thought after shave and paisley ty think again. >> it is father's day weekend. we have one of the father's of "fox & friends" peter doesy. >> good morning guys. great to see you. >> remember the nine innocent victims murdered during a bible study in south carolina. ♪ we shall overcome ♪ the pain. >> the emotional memorial coming just howfers after the aaccused killer made husband first court appearance in court in charleston. >> good morning ainsley. >> good morning peter tucker and anna. you see many more flowers. you have cards. you have some pictures of family members that have left for their loved one withs who died. bottles and community members giving out free water and snacks for anyone who was here and candles to light of anyone who died in there last night was the memorial service at the arena in downtown charleston. a lot of people were there to remember those victims. also in court yesterday you had a suspect on a video. he was charged with nine counts of murder. the prosecutor promises justice in this case. family victims -- or the victims' family members were in the courtroom. they had a very powerful message for the suspect. take a listen. >> i forgive you and have mercy on your soul. >> we are the family that love built. we have no room for hate. we have to forgive. >> now the family did release a statement. the suspect's family saying we cannot express our shock stress and disbelief. we are sattenned by what occurred. anna, tucker, and peter we are also learning that the suspect's sister was supposed to be married tomorrow. that ceremony has been postponed. her stepsister was supposed to be in the wedding. her name is morgan roof. she is a high school freshman. and the suspect was not part of the wedding party. back to you. >> ainsley earhardt live for us in south carolina. thanks ainsley. >> out of this mail storm of evil one of the worst stories. there are brightness and hope and decency and goodness. here is the story the story of that within tywanza sanders. he took a bullet for his aunt in south carolina. >> he said you don't have to do this and roof says back to him it doesn't matter, i'm going to kill you all. as he is pointing the gun at his 87-year-old aunt susie jackson, he jumps in front of the bullet. unfortunately they both ended up dying. he ended up getting shot and bleeding to death in front of his mom who was playing dead. his mom was in court yesterday at this bond hearing and she said this to her son's killer. >> we welcomed you wednesday night in our bible study with open arms. you have killed some of the most beautiful people i know. tywanza sanders is my son but tywanza was my hero. tywanza was my hero. but we say and the bible study, we enjoyed you but may god have mercy on you. >> unbelievable. that's echoed on the front page of many newspapers like this we forgive you. hate will not win. just what a story of forgiveness and the ability of these family members to do this and to do it so soon. unbelievable. >> that is the christian message. >> there is a line in the "new york times" today like the bible study class never ended. >> pretty unbelievable. well one of the reasons we know what happened was because the man whoparently did this has been apprehended, of course. apprehended with the help of a florist. someone who spotted the gunman and tailed him for 30 miles. that woman is debbie dills. it disurent out she had had been watching "fox & friends." watch. >> actually, watching fox news, "fox & friends," yesterday morning i had paid close attention actually the night before when i actually heard about the church shooting and my heart went out to those people there. and i don't know why i paid closer attention. i'm calling it divine intervention. i believe god had a plan in it. as i was driving to work, i was running late. i actually seen -- i looked over and i seen the car and it looked familiar to me. i was able to catch up with him and get behind him and get his tag number. the shelby police caught him within a matter of anyone's minutes. i'm not the hero. god's the hero. he just used me. >> can you imagine you are driveway down highway 74, and you're in shelby heading toward your job. you are running late. and you still have the wherewithal to pay close enough attention and to call the cops and do what you are supposed to do. debbie dills thanks for watching "fox & friends" and thanks for doing the right thing. >> she deserves some kind of award. good chance not been looking out for his license plate and his bowl hair cut this guy could still be out here. >> i'm not the hero. god's the hero. that's not a frayed you hear in new york city. a man who apparently did this dylann roof, was acting in a very strange manner in the weeks preceding the murders. we had one of the people he came into contact with pretty recently. charlie strebel he was on o'reilly last night and he explained his meeting at the family dinner. >> he was interested. he asked if i was in any wars or had i shot anybody or killed anybody. in the midst of the conversation, he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a .45 automatic. he started talking about african-american in a vulgar way. and i said, listen, i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment that he used. >> but you don't know -- yeah you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> well, i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good, healthy, people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no. but i don't think that's true. i don't think no matter what you did in this society we live in, that could have been prevented. >> and you know, now stories are coming out that dylann roof's parents who are divorced each gave him $350 to go toward the gun and his friend is telling reporters that the reason that he did it like that is because he didn't want -- they said we are going to get you a gun okay, 350 each, i don't want your names attached to this in case i ever get in any trouble, according to his friend. you want to talk about reforms that could be taken after -- tell people if they think a gun is going to be used to commit a crime maybe they should. >> this guy was a loser in every regard, unemployed, self-involved, nasty violent. >> looking at the pictures, he appears to be so mentally disturbed. he yes it's domestic terrorism, yes it's racism and this horrific act though but mental illness should really ought to -- it really needs to be a topic of conversation more than anything else. >> all right. now to our headlines. >> we will get right to this. this is happening overnight now, escaped killers on the run for two weeks now. police are investigating a tip that two people fitting the description of richard matt and david sweat were reportedly seen last week in steuben county. first in the town offer win and then lenley you heading toward the pennsylvania border. a correction officer where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a foul ball at the philly's cardinal's game sends a young boy to the hospital. the boy was sitting in front row along the first baseline when he was hit. he was conscious when medical workers came to help. no word on his condition this morning. second mlb accident two weeks. a boston red sox fan seriously hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. and blake shelton to the rescue. ♪ you be my soft and sweet ♪ i will be your strong and steady ♪ you be my glass of wine ♪ i'll be your shot of whiskey. >> he is being that to somebody in need. the country star helping a man from floodwaters tropical depression bill. the man's truck stalled when he tried to cross the road in oklahoma. he started pushing the truck home and that's when shelton pulled up in his dodge. he gave rowho and truck home. he hopes to return the favor some day. those are your headlines. >> there is a song in that. [ laughter ] >> such a good point. speaking of signs and personalities. rick reichmuth with the weather. >> i give it six months and there is a song. incredible flooding going none that area. drying out across much of that area. next five to six days, gadd news. still dealing with tropical depression. across the ohio river valley. really severe storms moving south dakota. today looking at severe weather across parts of the central plains. also be some severe weather today across parts of the mid-atlantic what is bill. a lot of rain for a lot of people from that storm. the west coast you are just dry. incredibly hot across that area. take a look how much rain falling the last 48 hours. a lot of these areas in red. over a foot of rain. talking about texas so long. tropical depression bringing all that rain, that flooding a big problem. we have to deal with this across the weekend. >> can't catch a break. >> well, coming up. more than a dozen 2016 hopefuls meeting at the faith and freedom coalition conference. who did the best and who is winning over the grass roots? todd starns was the keynote speaker last night. he was there firsthand and he breaks it down the top moments from that conference next. >> then, talk about a nasty divorce. one man gets reconvention on ex-wife by cutting everything in half. look at this. wait until you hear how he did this one. ♪ you be my honey suckle ♪ i'll be your honey bee. ♪ yeah, that came out a little country without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. man when i got shingles it was something awful. it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice. save big on great father's day gifts at bass pro shops. like savings of 60% on rat-l-trap hard baits. and get an instant gift card with purchase of a go pro hero 4 video camera. plus free catch and release ponds and giveaways this weekend. did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? 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>> well, look, i think within the party itself, there is a big struggle going on. and we are seeing that played out by a number of, quite frankly, a number of conservative commentators, the supreme court about to weigh in on redefining marriage, i don't think there is any way around that do i believe that the candidates are going to have to jump in and talk about these very controversial issues. and that is a big inner party fight right now going on in the g.o.p. >> donors on the republican side hate this stuff. their view is keep marginal rates down, keep labor cheap, we don't want to hear anything about this stuff. we have a sound bite of cruz and carson some of the greatest hits for our viewers. hear. this there is a reason why religious liberty is the very first protection in the very first amendment to the bill of rights because it is all foundational. we cannot stand unless we first are on our knees. >> the government comes along and says i don't care what you the people, think. we are doing it our way. we are jasming it down your throat. if you don't like it, that's too bad. that is not america. we must stand up to what america really is. >> todd, you mentioned traditional marriage, is that going to be the big issue, the big thing that gets this voting group out in 2016? >> i certainly think so but there is a word of warning to the republican party. they cannot discount the culture war christian conservative vote. that is something they are going to have to talk about. look, at the end of the day when you look at all the candidates out there we still don't have a consensus. it's anybody's game. and even among the conservatives like ben carson and you have got ted cruz well, there is rubio there is mike huckabee who did not attend. there is a lot of choices for folks. right now no one is popping up to the top just yet. >> huckabee doesn't need as ordained baptist preacher to prove his bona fides on this. thanks todd. >> coming up, deranged, sick insane the charleston shooter all these things. if his lawyer pleads insanity should he face the death penalty anyway? a fair and balanced debate next. >> plus, banned from a school party because she opted out from common core. that actually happened. the decision that has one mom outraged this morning and many others on her side. we have got details coming up next can. ♪ ♪ school's out for summer ♪ school's out forever. ♪ school i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. and some quick headlines from the control room. a final farewell for two cousins killed in a balcony collapse. ashley donahue and olivia burk were among six killed when a balcony snapped off the fifth floor of an apartment building. prosecutors rest their case in a florida movie massacre. prosecutors movie suspect james holmes -- when he followed through the 2012 attack inside aurora theater. 20 people killed. 70 others injured. the defense starts its case on thursday. >> thanks so 21-year-old dylann roof is charged with nine counts of murder in the horrific massacre that charleston church on wednesday night. he also faces weapons charges. so what's his next move? is insanity a plea that will have him dodging the death penalty? joining us now criminal defense attorney jonna spilbore and trial attorney david bruno. thank you so much for being with us. >> good morning. >> someone is mentally incapacitated they can't be put to death but if they. >> if you are found legally insane we will not execute you. also, if you are montlely -- so mentally incapacitated we used to say mentally retarded, we cannot execute you. if you are in the middle, basically what we want him to be is mentally ill and guilty, we can execute you simple as that. >> tell me about whether he could likely be found legally insane? what will have to be proved in order to that to happen. >> what will have to be proven is he doesn't have the capacity to understand the difference between right and wrong legally or morally. >> so what will the defense argue? what will the prosecution argue? >> it's very early obviously. there will have to be examinations by doctors. ultimately the prosecutor is going to argue goal-directed behavior. what happened before, what happened during, what happened after. there are some concerns about some of the statements made in the church, but obviously there was goal directed behavior to kill. and then there was was him fleeing and trying to get away. goal directed behavior is going to be theme. >> johnna, if he is trying to get away, that would make one think probably just knows what he he did was wrong. >> they have to show knew the difference between right and wrong. just look at the facts. walks into a church and sits in wait for an hour while people are worshiping and kills nine people. when you look at what happened beforehand. apparently he had very racist statements and paraphernalia on his facebook page. his family, his friends all came out after the fact and said yeah, you know, something was a little off about this guy you think a little off? we're not going to have a problem. jurors are not going to have a problem wanting to execute this guy if they do believe the fact that he wasn't mentally insane. the problem now is because we had a judge yesterday had all of the victims come up and say that they already forgive this guy before he has even actually been formally charged with murder is going to be a problem for the prosecutor. >> david, do you agree do you think that could be a problem for the prosecutor this lovely act of forgiveness from the victims' families. >> they have to take that into consideration. victims' input is going to be relevant to the prosecutor's decision to execute or seek the death penalty. following up on what she just said, what's important is what this individual is saying to friends before, the planning stage. in fact, what's recently came out is he was going to target a college before and actually changed for a specific reason that the historic value of that church. important decisions. >> do you think youth can be on his side as sickening as that is to say. 21? >> if i were representing him i wouldn't want the task. but, if i were, i would want to know what his intellectual capacity? what his iq? how smart or dumb is this guy? that would be the first thing i would look at. >> you remember with the boston bombers and some of the victims' families didn't want the death penalty because they said we are going to have to live through this over and over because of the appeals process. how much is what the victims' families want how much does that play a role. >> it has to be taken into consideration. there is no question about it. like we saw in the boston bomber case, the federal government decides to seek the death penalty it's going to be their decision. they have to consider other factors in addition to that. >> david and johnna, thanks so much. tough topic this morning. >> 28 minutes after the hour. this is what is coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. do you remember when the president said this? >> a war like all wars must end. that's what history advises. >> well, president obama may say we have terrorists on the run but the number of terror attacks rising dramatically. the shocking new numbers live from washington next. and brian williams speaking out about being booted off the anchor desk. >> i'm very happy to be coming back. first of all i'm happy to have a job. i'm happy to work. i said things that were wrong. >> so one of the questions he is getting a second chance already? but has he lost all credibility in the first place? we'll talk about it coming up. ♪ keep your hands to yourself ♪ ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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>> his head is bald. >> what animal does your dad remind you of? >> a naked mole rat. >> what's the weirdest thing about your dad. >> he likes to eat chips while watching the show chps. >> what's your dad say a lot. >> am i allowed to swear on tv? >> no you are not. >> what would your kids say but. >> i don't even know. i'm so lacking in self-awareness. something nice i hope. >> the kids are not up at all. coming up we will take you outside because we sent some of the coolest cars for dads out on the plaza. check out that mustang muscle car. >> yeah. >> others as well. that was for anybody who is concerned about safety. only a sound effect just now. >> that's not true. that was one of our cameras. >> skip the chocolates or the new lawn mow are he wants a car and you ought to get him one. >> how many cars were there three? >> everyone gets a car. >> everyone you get a car you get a car. >> the keys are under the seat tucker. all right a fox news alert. we are learning more about the homegrown terror threat this morning the dragnet continues to identifiesisis related. a man was taken into custody. >> uptick in terror worldwide. christian fisher joins us from washington, d.c. with that shocking new report. good morning christian. >> good morning well, yesterday, the state department released it's annual terrorism report. the findings are stunning. in 2014, the number of terrorist attacks worldwide are up 35%. the number of fatalities. this is what is really crazy. number of fatalities from terrorist attacks jumped 81%. the report blames that ridiculous rise in part on the aggressive and brutal tacks of isis, beheadings, crucifixions, mass casualties. the report gave the world leading terrorist groups to isis over al qaeda. here is how the state department characterized the current state on terror yesterday. >> we have had success against isil in iraq and syria. we have made progress against al qaeda. that doesn't mean that at any point in time certainly not today we are willing to declare ultimate success against these groups. and there are worrisome trends in that report. >> but critics of the obama administration are calling the report a devastating indictment on the white house's approach to combating terrorism. listen. >> that the obama way has led to this explosion in violence and death and emergence of radical jihadist caliphate in the heart of one of the most combustible regions in the world. >> this is the threat of homegrown terrorists is also on the rise. five people have been arrested this week alone for plotting to join isis and weaj jihad on u.s. soil. peter, anna, tucker, back to you. >> thanks kristen. >> other stories making headlines on this saturday morning. honda motor corporation has confirmed the eighth death by exploding takata bag. jewel was killed when the airbag of her 2001 honda civic deployed in a crash and spewed metal shrapnel everywhere. cut her neck and caused a severe brain injury. her family has filed wrongful death suit against hun takata and car rental place. developing right now the search continues for a former white house chef who disappeared during a solo hike in a rugged new mexico mountain range. police say they still have no leads on walter, the white house chef for 11 years under presidents bill clinton and george w. bush. 61-year-old recently moved from florida to new mexico and reportedly went for a hike a week ago. his girlfriend reported him missing and police found his car on tuesday parked at a cannon trail head. she left school crying. a knowledge mother is furious after her 9-year-old daughter is banned from a school party. the reason? she didn't take the state's version of common core testing. michelle thornton opted her 3rd grader cassidy out of the controversial test that happened in november. then she got a letter from the school saying any student who did not take it couldn't go to this week's party. thornton claims the school punished her daughter for a decision that she made. officials not commenting saying the issue involves the student. a jilted husband from germany decided to give ex-wife of 12 years everything right down the middle in their divorce. half. when we say half. we mean half. the heart broken guy posted this video on youtube. showing him sawing up all their stuff in two pieces. that does include iphone. plasma televisions chairs. even the car. he also decided to generously put the discounted items on ebay. >> who would buy that on ebay. >> in the market perfectly good cut in half teddy bear. there it is for you. >> that seems like the kind of thing is he laughing about it with his friends. they probably started to reget it at some point but maybe like the car you can't stop. once you do the one thing. >> that is the saddest gift i have ever seen half a teddy bear. >> you can stop. you can control yourself. how many times you have done something halfway through you are like i think i'm going to stop. >> once you get the saws all out it's hard to stop. >> exactly. a lot going on in the weather world. tomorrow is the first day of summer and feel like it for a lot of people. take a look at the maps. shear what is going on. pretty nice start for most people down across the southeast. so you have been baking and that is goings to continue. we are going to watch a warming trend. had a couple of slightly cooler days still very, very warm. get ready, the trend for this week is another baking hot, humid week across much of the southeast. sorry to say that but that's what's coming. here across the northeast into the mid-atlantic. we are going to be dealing with the rain. that is moisture from bill we're now going to be seeing that move into the ohio valley and mid-atlantic. severe weather possible as well. scattered showers very hot. but we are going to be drying out at least for oklahoma but very warm. 93. into the northern plains, we will be warm and some severe weather around the chicago area and parts of illinois and in toward the mississippi river valley then out across areas of the west, it is baking as well. re very hot across the desert southwest. all right. guys, send it back to you inside. >> thanks a million. >> up next, nbc news man brian williams speaks out on his suspension, his new role. >> up next? >> right now this moment. exactly right. as we are speaking this is unfolding. brian williams is going to be back on the air. first he went on "the today show" and spoke to america's secular confesser that, of course, would be matt lauer and explained why he lied. watch this. >> was it my first choice? no. obviously i wanted to return to my old job. i thought we had had a great 10 year run. we were on top for most of that time. i pushed back at first. enough time has passed. i was reading these newspaper stories not liking the person i was reading about. wanting -- i would have given anything to get to the end of the story and be someone else but it was about me. this was clearly ego-driven, a desire to better my role in a story i was already in all i can tell is hold me to account. judge me by a harsh standard as you wish many already have that's fair. >> lester holt will be taking the anchor chair. he has been there filling for a while it will be his. brian williams is heading to msnbc. some are wondering if he isn't good enough for nbc. why is he good enough for msnbc. maybe this changes the formula for msnbc because of their sagging ratings. he will bring some star power there maybe it means they will change the way that they are pushing their viewpoint. >> if he says that all these stories that he made up were because they were ego-driven, how does same ego going to handle going from the pinnacle of broadcast news to the basement of cable news? >> i actually kind of think this is a good solution. two nicest people at nbc news lester holt and brian williams. he is actually a nice guy. i think it means they have given up on current format on cable channel which was failing. they have ludicrous people on the air. a lot of people will be bounced and brian williams will make it a better place. call me too hopeful. but i think this is news. >> too bad they are getting rid of some of their people. some people at msnbc already make some stuff up, is that a thing. >> 42 minutes after the hour. >> despite the horrific actions of the charleston church massacre, victims showing forgiveness. >> you hurt me. you hurt a lot of people. but god forgive you. i forgive you. >> is there faith what helps them show such compassion after a tragic loss? we'll have that next. in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? 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>> there isn't. this is the most remarkable display of christianity at work that i have ever witnessed myself. and, you know, these family members forgave not only because forgiveness is the right response, it's the wise response if they're ever going to begin to heal like they need to heal. i think it's really important it understand what the family is saying when they say we forgive. they are not denying the terrible wrong occurred. they are not rationalizing it. they are not giving up their desire for justice. but their desire for vengeance. they're simply saying we are going to let god or government settle the score instead of us. they can forgive dylan roof and still desire that he go to prison or even the electric chair. but what they are saying is we are going to let somebody else settle the score so we can get on with our lives. >> i think to the secular world it may look inexplicable and maybe even knive. -- naive. >> the importance is forgive ness. bitterness is responsible for hypertension and cardiovascular disease but also responsible for emotional hurt. when we refuse to forgive we are bonding ourselves to our offender and letting them hurt us repeatedly. somebody said choosing to forgive is like letting go of a rattle snake. sure, it benefits the snake but it benefits us even more. >> so this is also a christian imperative. this is not just something that christian does because it's a good idea. the lord's prayer which is the central prayer of christianity, of course, has the line forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. christians are commanded to do this. >> that's right. and jesus said if you don't forgive, my heavenly father won't forgive you. you know, cs lewis said one time to be a christian means to forgive the inexcusable in others because god has forgiven the inexcusable in us. you know, i heard one of these family members say that they just hope that dylan roof heard something during that hour he spent in that church that would have changed his life later on. i don't know what he he heard in that church, but yesterday he heard and saw the very essence of christianity, which is forgiveness. >> wow it's all very, very heavy. thank you pastor, for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> well, in politics, chris christie and scott walker all but certain to enter the presidential race. is it too late for either one? there is debate about that and we will have it here on our steps. so stay tuned. old school to luxurious best cars on the market for your father who wants one for father's day which by the way is tomorrow. peter already testing one out. stay tuned for our shopping tips for father's day. ♪ oh riding down the highway ♪ all right from sleek to sporty if your dad needs a new car we have got some good ideas, here to tell us about it we have mike quincy the auto specialest over at consumer report. >> good morning, all right. tell me about the magazine. >> ford mustang this is the 50th anniversary of the mustang. we should all look so good at 50. this is the latest model. it has a great v will. this is something dad has been looking for years and years and years. all the mustangs i have driven the current magazine is thest best hand sling great car going crazy get a convertible model it. what's different about this mustang. better features and fuel economy. great steering. the biggest change that ford did for 2015 much nicer interior. >> we love the yellow? >> we love it. >> going to flag you down. we actually love the yellow. it's a great looking car. tell me about the dodge. this is the dodge challenger. this is in particular, this is the hell cat version. >> big car. >> by hell cat 707 super charged horsepower. sleuth insane over the over the top car of all time. bright green color "consumer reports" have tested every vrgs of the challenger. this one is absolutely awesome. great horsepower and handling. also go for a nice ride, nice nice cruise and dad will love that you can fit some kids in the backseat. >> there is a backseat? there? >> there is. >> you get a lot of comments nor car because people want to put their kids in the backseat? >> if you have small kids tough to get back there once you are back there it's decent head room and and leg room. this is for dad his toy. it's not really a practical car car per se. >> up who for the dodge. >> that particular will run is about 60-gram. all these cars actually, by the way have national discounts which is one of the reasons "consumer reports" is highlighting it. >> we have got one more car. one minute. >> let's just say that dad has worked hard all his life. he wants a bit of luxury. this is the hyundai hyundai is not known for top notch luxury cars but "consumer reports" testing it's got a smooth v 8. very comfortable. 429-horsepower. very luxurious. what it's going going for us it's a lot of car for the money. you are getting huge value with the hyundai. a bmw mercedes like luxury for a lot less money. >> it is a luxurious car. >> can we get in these things and hear how loud. >> fire it up. because i kind of want to see. >> you are going to love the sound of this car. >> two door car. all right. he we will be back inside. >> you do have a show to do. >> coming up next, he killed nice people. that's what dylann roof called the innocent victims before he murdered them. lawyer for two victims is joining us this morning. he will be here live. >> a mother's picture of a stranger playing with adopted son at a rodeo is going viral. all three join us live just ahead. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. call the number on your screen or visit the website to learn more. unbelievable! toenail fungus? 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"fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> we always say horns are better with friends. our friend in on the couch this morning is peter doocy. >> the great peter doocy. >> live from washington. >> here not just throwing to it you over the satellite. >> a little sprays off hours. can ride back down. >> sandwiches from the cafe cart. that would have been romantic and sweet. heart-broken relatives overcome their grief to offer the accused gunman forgiveness in the south carolina church shooting. >> i'm going to watch her. be forgotten. okay. better place now. we are all trying to get there. >> such strength. dylann roof charged with nine counts of murder. the prosecutor saying she will talk to the victims' families before deciding whether to seek the death penalty. last night thousands gathered to remember the innocent people ho were massacred. >> we don't want to live in a country where you need a security guard for bible study. that's not right. psychiatry our friend ainsley earhart following the events as families mourn. good morning ainsley. >> yeah. good morning tucker. we are here with andy savage. he has been 30 years you have had a friendship with two of the individuals that died in this church behind us. ethel and tywanza sanders been friends of the family since the 80. murdering walter scott shot in the back in north charleston. i do want to talk to individuals. tywanza was one of the youngest victim who died 26. >> he was the youngest victim. he was the last one shot. >> his mother was with him along with his. >> his mother was there. his father's grand aunt was there. she was the oldest one who was killed and aissue will is a's granddaughter. 11-year-old child was also there. >> what is she telling you? what happened inside this church? >> i haven't talked to her that much about the specifics of it. it's a very emotional thing. she is a very strong woman but she has related to me what happened, it's the horror that the world knows about. it was very intentional act and the fact that this fellow was welcomed, sat there for an hour, then stood up and said that he had to do what he had to do. gave his little racial explanations for his actions. and then methodically killed them. starting with the pastor. >> what's the course of action for these families? we heard them talking in court yesterday. such emotion. they were definitely sending a message to the rest of the country and the world about forgiveness. >> that's who they are. that's the essence of the people in the church that night. they are not about revenge. right now they have their arms wrapped around each other. they are focused on the victims. they are focused on their own families. they are not focused on this fellow. that's society issue. for now they want to heal within their families. they have great faith in the government. both the u.s. attorney's office, vice president of the united states called them yesterday. nettles the attorney for south carolina. and most importantly scarlet wilson our local slither who is just terrific has really been supportive and they really aappreciate that. >> what do you make of the judge allowing so much emotion in the courtroom. >> you know, it's very unusual at a bond hearing that the victims are allowed to speak in south carolina even though the bond was meaningless yesterday because that judge has no jurisdiction to set bond. but, the speech was out of character, very surprising, and basically unwelcomed. >> you say unwelcomed? >> unwelcomed. >> really, even though it sent a message of foreness to the rest of the world? >> that's not the appropriate forum and that's not the appropriate spokesman. this is a forgiving community that's not his role. his role is to be impartial arbiter of law. >> what happens next? october we have another hearing. how do we expect him to plead and death penalty is that an option? >> death penalty is an option. he i believe the both the local prosecutor scarlet will be looking at that u.s. attorney will be looking at it the u.s. attorney is a very aggressive, very strong willed. there are two different ways of looking at this. the local communities have input. the local families have input. how this community wants to responds. there is also a national issue. and the national issue is how these type of racial outbursts, these mass murders are. what are we as a people? what is the federal government are we going to make a stand on that? a little bit different from our community. i think our community is probably a little bit more forgiving and less or yented on revenge. >> we have seen that no presses. blacks white democrats republicans here with outpouring of support for these victims and for their families. what do you make of the suspectenned his relationship with his parents. many people are asking who could do this? where did he he learn this hate. >> we are not focused on him at all. i don't even refer to him by his name. is he not worthy of that. >> i haven't said his names in any of my reports either. >> how his parents raised hum or what his problems are, that's not the focus of these families. >> but moving forward as a country we have to prevent this going forward parents need to talk to their kids and if they see signs of kids having this much hate and anger should the parents be giving them a gun for 21st birthday. >> separate issue. would i have done that with my children, absolutely not. >> could there be charges for the parents. >> there is a lot of confusion about what the facts are. like i say i don't want to even talk about that guy. i don't know whether the parents bout the gun or whether he was. too many guns if too many hands and too many crazy people. >> andy savage joining us live here in front of the church where nine victims lost their lives on wednesday night. back to you tucker, anna, and period. >> ainsley thanks for your coverage. good job out there. >> sure. >> we are getting details about the domestic life of accused killer dylann roof. it looks like he he came from fractured home. signs unstable and potentially violent. yesterday on the o'reilly program, a navy veteran explained to bill his exchange with dylann roof several weeks ago. the man's name is charlie stroebel. >> it started off innocently. then he was asking if i was in any wars or had i shot anybody or had i killed anybody. in the midst of the conversation, he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a 45 automatic and then he started talking about african-american in a vulgar way. and i said, listen, i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment that he used. >> but you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> well, i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good, healthy people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no. but i don't think that's true. i don't think no matter what you did in this society we live in, that could have been prevented. >> yeah, because you don't know if he would have called, that doesn't mean that dylann roof would have been committed. >> of course not. >> and the horrible tragedy wouldn't have happened. but it is a lesson that we should all learn from that if we see something, we should say something. you get that weird feeling. >> that guy, you know, it was a chance encounter and he talked to this kill larr for a few minutes. his friend, dylann's friend is telling the "new york times" that dylann warned his parents when they went to get him a gun don't just give it to me. why don't mom and dad both give me $350 it will be in my name in case i get into any trouble. there was a possibility before he even got the gun he was going to be out committing crimes with it? if anybody -- this guy says that he feels guilty, this veteran about just the chance meeting and he didn't say anything, about this friend who says yeah, he wanted to make sure that it was going to be on him if anything happened. >> i feel so sorry for this man charlie stroebel who is blaming himself and i don't think he should. sad. >> headlines we need to get to this overnight. new overnight escaped killers on the run for two weeks now. they may have been spotted. police investigating the tip. two people fitting the description of richard matt and david sweat last senile last week in steuben county. first in irwin and then in lenley heading toward the pennsylvania border. meanwhile a corrections officer for the prison where they escaped from earlier this month has been placed on lead. cincinnati police officer sunny kim a 27 year veteran of the force gunned down by a man who police say had planned suicide by cop. trey peter hummins called 911 twice to report a man with a gun acting erratically. shot him several times and grabbed his service weapon to shoot another officer who returned fire hitting and killing the suspect. >> a touching reunion between two chicago firefighters and girl's levee they saved some 10 years ago. commander richard rosato and firefighter john patton attending the college gratification from northwestern. they pulled her from her burning home back in july of 2000 a 5 after somebody had fire bombed it. she suffered second and third degree burns. >> i'm so graham -- grateful for these two. because if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be here today. i will never forget them. never. >> so cool. graduated with associate's degree in criminal justice and plans to become a police officer. good for her. >> what a great story. >> well, here is a man who is full of great stories rick reichmuth standing by. >> full of something that's for sure. hey, guys. a lot going on in the weather. a lot of good and a lot of it not so good. tomorrow summer starts in and feel like it for so many. take a look at the weather maps. we had obviously a tropical storm this book and now tropical depression bill that's this spin you see cutting across kentucky and indiana and into ohio. that's going to bring some severe weather today and unfortunately quite a bit more rain. and then you see that line of storms that just tore through south dakota overnight and into minnesota. quite a bit of severe weather along with that today that moves in across that upper mississippi river valley area around the quad cities. and parts of iowa. and that's where i think we are going to see maybe a tornado or two. certainly some very strong winds that will cause some damage. then we are also watching the severe weather threat across parts of the mid-atlantic. also the flooding threat will continue as we continue to see bill pull up into parts of the mid-atlantic. some areas three to four inches of rain that will cause flash flooding for some. be on the lookout for that guys send it back inside. >> you bet. >> chris christie and scott walker all but certain to enter the presidential race. does it make since for either to run 2016. we will ask our political panel next. >> there they. >> remember the two girls who had their lemonade stand shut down by the government. this morning there is a sweet update. stick around. ♪ so put me on a highway ♪ and show me me a sign ♪ and take it to the limit ♪ one more time to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪virgin islands nice♪ ♪so nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ book five nights today and get one free. plus $350 towards shopping dining or other fun activities. now that's virgin islands nice. ♪so nice, so nice♪ when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. now? 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let's turn now to our political panel ohio state senator. bump for the "the washington post" political blog the fix. and jillian melcher writer for the national review. >> thanks for having me. >> chris christie saying meeting his family and scott walker saying is he still praying about it. how much longer can these guys wait until it's too late to get in. >> it's such a crowded field. i think christie has waited too long. last election was his time. the timing on this was all wrong. he could have run before when he did not have bridge gate. now is he getting in a crowded field. a lesson on how important that political timing is. >> bill? >> that's true. you either have to believe that both of these guys are taking an extended period of time making up their minds or just waiting for their state budgets to be final ridessed which is exactly what they are waiting for. committed to running for president a long time. going through this dance pretending they are not. walker is facing criticism for being out of the state so much. get that one last thing announce. >> they are two guys who have had a lot of trouble with the state houses. >> scott walker. >> how much longer they wait. >> i agree with these folks. there is only so long that you can you wait around because it is such a crowded field. one name that we need to pay attention to that's my governor john kasich. another midwestern governor raising his profile this places like new hampshire. i think is he going to get in and i think that's going to make things each that much more interesting. taking things a little bit away from chris christie's straight talk express. >> with christie's straight talk express. debates, seems like that would be where he would shine. is that based on his personality. >> his opportunity to shine. somebody that has had a big personality. so it will be easy for him to say something that he might not want to say. >> that's right. i think that's what people are concerned about with governor kasich as well. if you are looking for a -- somebody who says what they mean and mean what they say i think governor kasich is probably your better vet in regards to the electorate versus chris christie. >> president obama is not campaigning but is he complaining. we have this full screen where he says this gentleman i voted for you twice but i'm deeply disappointed in it. chronicling all the things that haven't gotten done. he seems to have forgotten everything that had happened and how he had benefited. phil, have people forgotten what president obama has done or do they just not like it. >> i mean, it's both. it depends on who you are talking to. democrats, a lot of them. if you look at how the polling goes. always liked him. independents are the only ones that are wavering. i think a lot of people. what have you done for me lately that is very much at play in politics. also if you look at some of the successes, win laden and the economy. both of those have been overshadowed by isis and slow wage growth. done a great job getting people insurance. there is a lot of mixed feelings about what's going on and about his track record. >> you know who has not forgotten about what president obama has done? the supreme court. >> that's very true. we are keeping our fingers crossed and focusing on what's going to happen with king vs. burwell for sure. >> could be on monday. how big is that for obama? >> derail the health law. >> thank you very much. jillian, phil and can a pre. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> a mural featuring a cop killer at one university. taken down. some faculty and staff want it put back um. and then a mother's picture of a stranger playing with her adopted son at a rodeo that's going viral. the bigger surprise who was that mystery cowboy? all three join us live with the heart warming story next. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. it's tough, but i've managed. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. batter up. we have got some sports headlines for you this morning. first up, australian golfer lapsed during final hole of day one of the u.s. open. later diagnosed with vertigo. he should be back today. and not coming back tiger woods. he missed the cut after shooting 16 over par through two rounds. master's champion jordan and patrick are currently tied for the lead in that contest. and a milestone for a rod. >> high fly ball. deep ride. back track long. he did it in style. >> yes he did. the yankee slugger became the 2 player in baseball history to amass 3,000 career hits. getting there with a home run in style. but the fan who caught the historic ball keeping it refusing the team's offer for memorabilia in exchange. good call. anna? >> all right tucker. thanks so much. charity snapped this photo of anewly adopted sun playing with a stranger at the rodeo. posted the photo on facebook with this note to the mystery man. up to you and grab your arm you didn't know he used to be terrified of people. but took time to connect with a child who has had to fight to learn to connect. my heart is full. what started as a simple act of kindness turned into a life changing moment and everlasting friendship. joining us now with their special story is charity robinson and son jason and pastor. >> good morning thanks for being being with us. >> thanks for having us. >> yes ma'am. >> you seem like you are close and friendly now but you had never met. tell us the story about what unfell toed at the rodeo. >> we just had a family outing to the rodeo. and a little ways into the rodeo, link just kind of started inching his way down to mr. taylor. of course we didn't know him at the time. and we got really excited. because he -- he just went to him and he was laughing and they were playing together and as a mother i wanted to say oh, leave him alone. but we worked so hard to get him to that point. and he has had so many therapies and things like that that i was just so touched that he did. so we sat back and watched. i had tears streaming down my face. and i got a little picture. snuck a little picture there. i did talk to mr. taylor afterwards. i thanked him for playing with my son. we all went on about our day. and i went home, posted it on facebook and never really thought about it or anything. and woke up and i had a whole slew of messages. >> and now you are here on "fox & friends." jason, i want to hear your side of this, right? little lincoln he has develop tall delays and he is in therapy some five times a week. he has a hard time relating to people but he accident have a hard time relating to you seeing here. what is it about you that drew little lincoln to you? >> oh, it ain't nothing about me. i ain't nothing special. it's all about lincoln. i think lincoln just knows maybe a little bit more than most of us grown up. >> you guys had a good time at the rodeo. spent some time together. >> rodeo? >> you went your separate ways. how did you get linked back up together after her post had gone viral? >> well, i don't do facebook or nothing but my daughters do. and they reached out to me and several people from the church had shared that there was this big deal on facebook blowing up. and, you know, it's just -- and then i reached out to ms. charity. i was already preaching a scripture out of luke and jesus took a child and placed him on his lap whoever the least of these is the greatest. wow, we try some things and do so much to try to share and spread the love of years. we didn't do nothing. i was just a stranger and this little old picture and her and i's post went viral. the scripture lived out. you want down? >> not just a picture but this cool reunion or really new meeting. do you think you guys will be friends forever charity? >> absolutely. absolutely. that night changed our lives. it was -- it seemed like a break through for lincoln and absolutely. we visited church and we are planning on going again tomorrow. >> what is it, pastor, about this story this picture and that you think has really captured the hearts of americans? why did this go viral? >> well, you know, honestly, our country -- you know, with everything happening and the tragedy that has just taken place and the country has been in a pretty good mess. if you look at lincoln lincoln didn't focus on the differences that we have because in every area there is differences. and if we focus on differences, it always divides. lip con just found a common bond and that common bond is the love of jesus. so that's what united me and lincoln. and i think the greater message is our country is so hungry to get united if we just quit worrying about what makes us all different and find us something that make us all one. >> nice common ground, certainly. your heart and your mind. and talk to people. talk to strangers. >> that's right. just be willing to love -- absolutely. just be willing to love and be -- i mean, i have. >> you touched us and, you know, thanks for coming on the program and sharing the story. >> thank you for having us. >> everlasting new friendship between the two of you. 29 minutes after the hour on your saturday morning. got to turn now to the church massacre. it's sparking a new debate over the confederate flag. should it stay or should it be taken down? we debate it just ahead. hey, dads, have you ever wanted to teach your child how to hunt or fish? we have expert tips for you. first though take a look at what's coming up on cashen with with eric bolling. >> hey guys, senator rand paul is right here. what he he thinks about trump's presidential run and, oh y., wait until you hear about his new tax plan for america. plus, a new pushto microchip prisoners so they don't escape might sound good but did the bible warn us about this? 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>> no, it's not. >> the we will explain how to trade your kids in the ways of outdoor life. that's coming up in a minute. >> that fire smells really good by the way. >> duralog. >> get to your saturday morning head lines start with this fox news alert. an ohio man is now behind bars after authorities say he pledged allegiance to isis via facebook and encouraged others to commit acts of terrorism in the united states. abdul who changed his name from robert mccollum in 2015 landed on the fed's radar in 2012 because of the violent quote extremist content on his facebook page. a search of his home uncovered firearm and ice flag. a freudian slip, president obama makes a goof while speaking at hollywood fundraising event indicating that he is a prisoner in the white house. he said, quote: we should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating nonviolent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office. there are about 250 people at the event hosted by actor film maker tyler perry. he admitted to the flip up and said perry would give him a job in film after he leaves office. mural of convicted dozens of students and faculty there are fighting back. online petition now circulating and the people behind it demanding answers from the university. shot and killed a new jersey state trooper at point blank range in 1973. she then escaped from prison in 1979 and fled to cuba where she is still believed to be living. and there is two little girls in texas whose permitless lem none made stand shut down. they reopened their stand in front of their home giving away free lemonade. they were able to pocket a grand just inl that money is going to go to a nice present for their dad they say for father's day. those will your news headlines. lots of ways around that stuff. peter and tuck out to you. >> summer is here and the prp thing you can do as a patient is take your kids outdoors. one way to do that is to get activities like fishing and carping and hunting. something i did with my own kids. >> you will have them soon. deputy editor of field and stream. the august outdoor monthly. he is here to show us how to train your kids in the ways of the wild. most noble way to fish. there are many ways to fish. how do you get your kids into the honorable sport of fishing? >> well, first you want to pick up a body of water that has a ton of fish that are easy to catch. >> so true. >> best way to have fun with your kid fishing is to make sure they are catching fish after fish after fish. everybody has a pond or lake they drive by to work twice a day. chances are they have fish in it and can camp them with pretty decent gear. >> probably don't want to start your kid off on a fly rock? >> not. >> how important is it to teach them gummy being worms. >> fishing with a worm is the most classic best way to fish. just starting out. worms. gummy worms used to rigging a bait. >> so many public parts with ponds that have bass and fish in them. >> a blog last year someone caught you fly fishing in central park. >> i have seen that. let me just say you don't have to go to montana to catch fish. >> you can go anywhere. >> so there is a fire burning behind us, shouldering anyway. >> you can't go camping in the summer without building a camp fire. >> no, you can't. >> a camp fire is a great thing to do with your kids. you might want to be in charge of anything with a spark or flame. let the kids help you gather woodenned a you know, add logs to the fire because that's going to make them feel included. when you do start to roast your marshmallows it's important for them to say i started this fire. is it empowering? >> yeah, it is. it's totally elm borrowing. yeah. who doesn't love to sit around a camp fire and tell some story. >> report and camping? >> yes. we have a little hiking survival station over here. >> what we're doing is where we are rigging gummy worms and putting together some survival kits, let's hope they never have to actually use the survival kits. this is a fun thing to do as a kid. walk them through each item like a compass. tell them how to use a compass or a a light and stuff like that. >> fire starter? >> exactly. >> that is way cool. >> they can keep all their gear in a small backpack or fanny pack. it's fun for them to have this on hikes. their dad has a backpack full of gear. >> all kids are arrow maybe yacks. they everywhere born that way. stay that way until adult hood. >> who needs bug spray? anybody here? >> so give us in one sentence deet. is it bad for you or no? >> you have got to look at the bottle and make sure it's something that you can put on your skin or there is some that you just want to put directly over your clothes. unfortunately live with summer there are mosquitoes and ticks so you do want to take precautions with that but deet is going it protect. >> you good man great magazine film and stream. deputy editor. nice for having you. >> thank you for the platter too. i appreciate it. >> anna? >> thanks so much. 40 minutes after the hour this saturday morning. charleston church massacre sparking new debate over the fed der rat flag. >> the flag represents to some people a civil war and that was the symbol of one side. to others it's a racist emblem. >> should it stay or should it be taken down? he we'll debate it just ahead. sweet baby jesus beer. beer, we say puzzled off the shelves because of its name is it offensive or not? we will ask the brewer straight ahead. you know i tried one of those bargain paper towels. but i had to use so many sheets per spill the roll just disappeared. i knew i should've bought bounty. bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. and that's a good deal. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker-upper. and now try bounty with new minions prints. minions summer 2015. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. all right. well, jesus turned water into wine first miracle at the wedding. it doesn't say anything about beer. >> one brewer in hot water though this morning for naming suds sweet baby jesus. and now two grocery stores are pulling the beer from their shelves calling it offensive. the brew master says the beer is just that good. >> joining us david founder of brewery and sweet baby jesus beer. good morning david. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> this grocery store chain in ohio and illinois says they are not going to sell sweet baby jesus anymore because some of the customers were complaining and they didn't want to lose business. will that hurt you? >> definitely lose some sales. we love our product and stand behind it and actually the customers are supporting us strongly. >> you say you are a christian you didn't mean. >> gimmicking and profiting off the lord, they believe. what do you say you to your critics? >> it's hard to change anybody's mind so we just kind of let the beer speak for itself and try to tell everyone no, the name came about when we were doing our final test batch tasting. our brew master didn't like the names we had. he said he got up and said when i drink this beer i think sweet baby jesus i taste chocolate and peanut but ther. >> have you thought about prophet logger. >> growing up where we did that phrase is common for us. phrase of astonishment. so that's kind of how we put it everybody else we do as far as marketing or marketing materials we don't reference any imagery or anything else. >> did you-you-are you telling us that there was no thought when you were going to call the beer sweet baby jesus that it would cause any problems anywhere in the country with any customers? >> well, we have a lot of beers, and it seems that no matter what we name it, somebody is always upset. so yes we know someone is going to get upset. it's not intended that way. and the people that get it and get where we are coming from, understand it and don't take offense to it. >> how good is the beer? >> it's a medal winning beer at the great american beer festival and fun one selling beer that we have out there. >> it tastes like chocolate and peanut butter reese's pieces. >> delicious. i get it at the wine place in virginia. >> you are are interviewing this man but you drink his conflict. >> i guess i got to go. >> what do you think of this story that's meg headlines is going to be doing for your business? are you going to see a boost in sales or is it going to go down? >> i think we have gotten a lot of attention lately and our customers have really supported us. and actually, a lot of the other customer chains have too. the attention should be good, we hope. >> any thoughts that attention is all good, what are you going to call the next one? >> well, they are already all in the works. some of them always have edgy names. some of them don't. so the next one coming out isn't that actually edgy name at all. based on traditional craft brews that we grew up on called our foundation series. that's the next one. but there is always ones in the work. >> you are stirring away from the great world of religion henceforth? >> yes. >> all right. david, thanks for joining us this morning. good to see i. >> thanks. >> 49 minutes after the hour. remember when the president said this? >> but this war like all wars must end. that's what history advises. >> president obama may say we have terrorists on the run. the number of terror attacks actually rising dramatically. shocking new numbers live from washington next. >> and major layoffs at rolling stone magazine as readers decide it's not worth reading because it's garbage. it's who wasn't fired will you have furious. a journalist professor breaks it down. coming up, can your stomach handle it? 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no. obviously i wanted to return to my old job. i thought we had had a great ten year run. we were on top for most of that time i pushed back at first, enough time has passed. >> i was reading these newspaper stories not liking the person i was reading about wanting -- i would have given anything to get to the end of the story and have it be someone else but it was about me this was clearly ego driven. a desire to better my role in a story i was already in. all i can tell people is hold me to account. judge me by you a harsh a standard as you wish. many already have. that's fair. >> all that i can think is that he is just going to be doing breaking news now. because if he talks about anything that happened in the past and tries to put anything in context people will say is that true? did that really happen? >> did the interview did the sit june with matt lauer who also of course works at nbc. didn't go in for hard hitting interview. there weren't the secondary questions or follow-up questions do you think you will do this again and are you a pathological is there something wrong with you? i'm not saying that there is but. >> i come at this from a slightly different perspective for a couple reasons. one, i think he is basically kind of a decent guy. i sort of know him and i like him. two, there is something really sad about watching a man's all pretense and dignity in public. all of us have done bad things. these guys did them on tape and i hate the mob. i hate the idea that people who don't know him weigh in in the most self-righteous way and condemn him. there is something about the internet and social media that make it really easy for a crowd of people to stand around and stone someone to death and i think it's ugly. >> i see the follow-up on the nightly news but did he say he watched the prisoners break out that he was there? >> peter. >> there is no defending. >> it's not like he said i caught a fish that was this big. >> you are right. he lied. he is a news man. he was punished for it. i believe in forgiveness. he have a much better time in cable where there actually real news than broadcast which is endless series on prostate health. >> bring star power to msnbc. show them their formula is not working. >> their formula is not working. getting up there and cheering for obama is not working for them. i think he will make the place better. >> call me crazy. >> speaking of better, coming up, more real news. victims preaching forgiveness for the gunman after the charleston church massacre. what does that say about their faith. should our pastors be armed to protect their parishioners. former governor mike huckabee is live at the top of the hour. cuts a rug at the airport. show you some boogie woogie dancing coming up. es your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. i'm anna kooiman and this is a fox news alert. heart breaking new details in that charleston church shooting. the killer confessing his victims were nice to him. but the families of those killed refusing to let hate win. >> i will never talk to her ever again. i will never be able to hold her again. but i forgive you. and have mercy on your soul. >> forgiving already. we're live in charleston with the latest. >> as the nation mourns the tragedy in charleston, the president says. this. >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. every country has violent hateful, or mentally unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> using the murder of innocence to push his political agenda. demagoguery at its worst? well governor mike huckabee joins us in moments with his view. >> and these veterans really know how to move. ♪ ♪ has the video gone viral that will make your morning the awesome story behind this boogie because mornings are always better with friends. ♪ that show american diner revival? that's what the "fox & friends" plaza the corner of 48th and 6th is turn into. fabulous father's day grilling tips for you. >> stay tuned for that we have got a great show. it's the third hour of "fox & friends" joined by peter doocy. >> thanks for having me. >> are you kidding me in we absolutely love it we have some news for you this, no. >> hate won't win that is the message of families from the nine innocent families killed by gunman during their church bible study. >> relatives confronting dylann roof during first first court appearance. >> you are own ainsley earhardt is live in charleston, south carolina with the community as it tries to cope with the horror. ainsley? >> it's hard to even imagine how to go forward. this community doing their best tucker. can you see you have a lot of flowers and a lot of american flag balloons. a lot of people out here that are crying this morning, upset about these tragedies. you had police officers yesterday, they were delivering these water bottles. free water to anyone who was out here. it was wonderful. seeing blacks and whites coming together, seeing democrats, republicans it didn't matter. none of that mattered after this tragedy on wednesday night. all of these flowers here. one white bow for each of the victims. can you see a picture here where someone left a picture for her grandmother for ethel. and some balloons back here. it's just been an outpouring of support. now yesterday was the memorial service which was a big vigil in downtown charleston for anyone who wanted to go to that. mayor reilly spoke. the suspect was in court yesterday. charged with nine counts of murder. and prosecutors promised justice. we talked with andy savage an attorney in town. also really good friends with tywanza's family and others whether they expect the death penalty. >> there are two different ways look at this, how this community wants to respond also a national issue. these mass murderers are what are we as a people, what is the federal government are we going to make a stand on that. a little bit different from our community. i think our community is a probably a little bit more forgiving and less or yented on revenge. >> the victim's families had a chance also to talk in court. they had powerful messages for the gunmen. we have no room for hate. we have to forgive. i pray god on your soul and i also thank god that i won't be around when your judgment day comes. >> now the suspect's family has released a statement saying that he are shocked and they are saddened by this news. the sister of the suspect the uncle and the father all called 911 we're finding out to report their brother their son their nephew to police officers when they recognized his face, they recognized his picture and the car on wednesday. anna tucker, and peter the sister of the suspect her name is amber she was supposed to get married tomorrow. but in the wake of what her brother did on wednesday that wedding has since been postponed. >> ainsley said he wasn't set to be part of the wedding party either. >> it says so much about the strength of those families. to get out there and forgive them and wish for god to have mercy on the person who killed their loved ones. it didn't look. i was watching the live stream of this on my phone yesterday it didn't look like he was particularly moved. >> no. he wasn't. normal people don't do that only people of great and profound faith. i know christians take a lot of grief in this country increasingly secular. when you watch that you realize they are not like ordinary people. people with deep faith i think better. not the ones just sitting in a church pew living in love and living it out. strength to forgive so fast is something that is moving the nation really. this is what you are seeing on front pages of the newspapers across the country. i want to bring in former governor mike huckabee to get his take on all of this. as a man of faith governor, where do you think that these victims' families are finding the strength? >> well, there is no question they are finding the strength in jesus christ. and i think it's so very important for us to look at the fact that they are exemplifying what it really means to follow christ. the people of charleston in general, and the people of emanuel ame church specifically have given us one of the most powerful witnesses of what god's grace is all about. more than all the politicians and commentators and pundits and the various people who are weighing in. nobody is speaking more loudly, more clearly more effectively than those people who were most affected by. this and yet who have exemplified what it really means to follow christ. they have done it in a way that i find almost just so admiral that it shames me to think that i had feelings and attitudes even as a leader when i first heard this tragedy that do not equal their own sense of grace and forgiveness. >> i think we all did governor. that's a really deep response. that's a from the response from the political community at least on the left was one of anization. the president humself used this issue in his press conference that very day to press for gun control. i think we have a soundbite from that press conference. here is the president of the united states in the wake of the tragedy. watch. >> i refuse to act as if this is the new normal. are to pretend that it's simply sufficient to grieve and any members of us doing something to stop it is somehow politicizing the problem. [ applause ] >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. you don't see murder on this kind of scale with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on earth. >> so it's inevitable, governor, that tragedy like this is going to turn into something political but the timing of it so soon? >> well, i thought it was a little untimely that within hours of the shooting the president was already starting to talk about his political agenda, which is gun control. >> you know, one thing i would agree with that we have got to do more than have sympathy. okay i agree with that do you know what we need to do? look at data and honest facts. here is an honest fact. gun homicides are down 49% since 1993 when they hit their all-time peek. this that we are awash is simply not supported by the democrat tasm even though it's a horrible tragedy when you think ''the 20 people a year are killed by mass murders. 28 people a day are killed by drunk drivers. 30 people a day or killed by cows. more than that by warps and bee stings. i'm not making light of it. i'm simply saying if the president is receiver yures but stopping horrors. let's' put it in perspective and let's not punish 118 legal. because some crazy hate field person gout out and does something unthinkable. >> governor, real quick before we move on. if you have think if somebody at the church had a gun that this would have been avoided? >> not avoided. you are not going to stop someone from standing up and doing what this terrible person did. if somebody had been there either off duty police jerry trained how to use a firearm when he started shooting, he would not have had the opportunity to reload several times. somebody would have taken him out before he dild as many pandemic frkts know at my church and many churches across the country trip there are security plans in plus and armed people to deal with such emergency. the new life in colorado springs a few years ago had an atlanticive shooter. >> young female intervened saving the was i of hundreds of people. she was age to step in, take out the shooter and save a lot of people's lives. it's a horrible thing that we have to arm people at churches. but that's better than the fact that many would die because there was no one there to defender them. and, when an active shooter is there. you don't have time to call 911 and wait 15 minutes for the police to arrive. >> mike huckabee joining us from the road. governor, i hope you are getting enough sleep. it's hard running for president but you seem to be bearing up well. >> you know better than that thank you. good to be here. >> 10 minutes after the hour now to other stories making headlines. this is new overnight. he is disand killers now been two weeks since they have may have been on the run. two people fitting the descriptions of richard matt and david sweat reportedly seen last week in steuben county, new york. first in the town of irwin and then in lenley beth nearby the pennsylvania border. men time a corrections officer from the new york prison where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a hero killed in the line of duty. cincinnati police officer sonny kim a 27 year veteran of the force gunned down by a man who police say had planned suicide by cop. trey peter hummins called 911 device to report that man with a gun acting erratically. when police responded it was humins himself. returned fire hitting and killing that suspect. a sharply hit foul ball at the cardinals game sends a young boy it the hospital. he was sitting along the first base lane when he was hit. conscious when medical workers. this is the second mlb accident in a couple of weeks. boston red sox fan you will remember fiercely hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. those are your news headlines. >> coming up, major layoffs at rolling stone magazine as readers decide it's just too awful to read. 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again, i thought it was supposed to be about music. >> right. well, first of all it's extremely inappropriate. this is not anything new. the left is notorious for blaming conservatives and republicans for mass shootings when they occur. don't you know it was republicans who handed the guns to this man and put those evil racist thoughts into his head. on a serious note. of course are responsible for. this they believe republicans are all racist. really unfortunate that they are now comparing what happened to charleston and saying that all the people who are part of the republican party are essentially the same thing. you know, they are now using this example of what happened in that city. a horrible thing that happened as, you know, to paint everyone as racist. when really expects the exception that we saw this week. not the rule. and unfortunately it's not anything new. we have seen this in the past with the gabriel gifford shooting. the tea party was blamed for that blame people who happen to believe in second amendment rights when things like this happen. it's not true. it doesn't make a lot of sense. as indicated by not having everything up on the screen, what they said didn't make a lot of sense either. >> it's sad to say you that it seems like that kind of sick adage of politics that politicians never let a good tragedy go to waste. >> or liberal writers as well. >> there you go. all right. thank you katie pavlich. >> thanks, guys. coming up. with chris crysty almost ready to run for president? details on the meeting he has had. >> she has been miss america and co-host of "fox & friends." you have seen her on the curvey couch. it wasn't always easy for gretchen carlson. once she was almost fired and now she is writing on it. getting real. come on in. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? 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>> i say i reached the bimbo trifecta when i got to fox news. natural blonde, former miss america where i had to build a tough skin and then a fox news host for the last 10 years. i'm joking about it but not really. because what happens is when people don't want to debate you on the smart issues of the day it's a lot easier to call autumn blonde from fox. so yes i get tons of criticism. tons of mean tweets but i kill them with kindness. i write back sometimes and i say oh, thank you so much for your comments and i hope you have a fantastic day. >> i'm sorry you are having a bad day. >> sometimes they write back and they are rq happy father's day to you tucker, too. and your dad peter. >> and to you in the future because you will procreate. >> how is that for a tease? >> wow. >> fox news alert. >> it is great to see you gretchen. thanks for coming on. >> thank you for taking the time. thanks so much. >> still ahead a new debate over the confederate flag still flying over the south carolina state capital capital building. should it fly or be taken down? debate next. ♪ ♪ i need a chance to get away ♪ if you could hear me think ♪ this is what i would say ♪ don't need knowing but a good time ♪ how can i resist i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. ♪ ♪ he is the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. >> he is the the boogie woogie bugle boy. this world world war ii veteran has dancing in his. ready to go home from honor flight. treated to a trio of ladies treated to boogie woogie bugle boy. >> ronald reagan international airport into a dance hall proving they still got moves. look at that. >> and very functional knees. >> very impressive wow. look at that hip movement. >> you got to be careful though when you are dancing around with the tsa these days. it's dangerous. >> hey you. that line. over here. >> readying the tasers. >> headlines for you. '3 minutes after the hour. honda motor corporation has confirmed the eighth death by exploding takata airbag. last september jewel was killed when the airbag of 2001 honda civic deployed in a crash and spewed metal shrapnel everywhere. determined the airbag cut her neck and caused a severe brain injury. filed you have to see it to believe it a stolen suv with four people inside flips while fleeing police rolls several times lands upright and then keeps going. they didn't get far. pasadena, texas police say the rollover activated the shutoff valve brings the chase to an end. four suspects not hurt but they were arrested. will he or won't he? new jersey governor chris christie could soon announce whether he is throwing his hat into the ring for the republican presidential nomination following a recent family meeting. christie saying his family encouraged him to run. he tells fox news he remains undecided after the new jersey session ends the end of june. has narrow weekend july 4th and august the 6th debate by fox to get in the game. >> we know who is already in the game. >> he never left the game. he is the game and he has game, rick reichmuth. >> keep going. that's it. that's all they wrote. >> work on some more by the time i toss it back to you i goes. >> amazing crowd out here. there is amazing food come out. i think that's what you are all here for; is that right? >> that's right. >> it's coming. stay tuned. take a look at the weather maps as we show you what is going on. >> there is still moisture from what is still tropical depression bill. that's moving across the ohio valley. going to bring quite a bit of rain throughout the day. also a batch of severe weather that cut through south dakota overnight and into minnesota this morning. continue to bring severe weather very strong winds across parts of iowa and really that kind of northern parts of the mississippi river valley today. we are also going to watch some severe weather across the mid-atlantic because of all that moisture that's going to be coming in from tropical depression bill. couple other stories we are dealing with this week. incredible heat across much of the southeast. get ready it will get hotter. i hate to tell you that. look at your temperatures in columbia, south carolina. we are going to be getting 102 by monday. not only hot it's humid. go out across the southwest same story. we have got triple digits kind of normal for this time of year. 115 yesterday in phoenix. tied a record today. 122. in death valley 114. in vegas next three days remain blistering hot. all right guys, did you figure out some more in tucker? >> i'm actually doing a little research. thanks rubbing. well, now to the fallout from the church massacre in south carolina. 21-year-old dylann roof making his first appearance in court for horrific murder of nine people in a charleston church. balance has resparked the he had confederate flag displayed on the front of his car. that flag is still flying next to the state capitol after those murders. some critics want to take them down arguing it's a symbol of racism. is this a relevance debate? here to hash it out former congressional candidate can katrina peterson spokesperson for the tea party fund and brian benjamin. welcome to you both. brian, i know there are people very offended by the confederate flag in the wake of these murders is this really a relevant debate or more non-seq. >> it was put there in 1961 as a sort of symbol to african-americans who were fighting for civil rights and for their freedom that, you know, the confederate flag kind of showed people nothing is going to change here and you will continue to be second class sentences. a lot of people who are descendents of that feel the same way about the flag. it was not put up as a symbol of southern heritage. >> a lot has changed in the last 50 years. nobody is rg ing that the flag had a meaningful role in these murders. >> no. i think it might have had a meaningful role. the expressions of this gentleman and his feelings, right? so when you think about our history, the flag, there is no real place for the flag. you have the state flag. you have the american flag, why do we need the confederate flag there it could be in a museum or some place else to talk about our history it's not part of our present or our future. >> i don't have strong emotions over this, i'm from california. a lot of the people from the south do and a lot of people are offended by the confederate flag. they her taxpayers. why should they pay for it i'm against abortion i why should i pay for abortion. why should they pay for the flag over south carolina. >> it's a debate. south carolina shooting. they are using this issue to take down this flag. i'm in texas i'm a black woman. i get it. yes, it is offensive to it a lot of people. however, it is not the cause or the instigation. it is the right of the state to do. so the legislature voted to take it up, the legislature can vote to take it down. what we have like your guest said worried about involved. that's another indicator how all of hue mantz is evolving because they want the government to feel better about themselves. happiness and acceptance is inside job. tucker? >> i completely agree with that it's one thing for the government to make you happy that's not going work. also the government go out of its way to make you upset. does upset though, no? >> absolutely there are things upsetting lots of people they don't force them to do certain things. this is up to the legislature in south carolina. if the people there want it taken down legislature will remove it in next session. until will then it's a south carolina issue. >> tragically we are -- one sentence really quick. >> in texas the supreme court voted or not voted but decided that confer der rat flag on license plates should not be allowed they understand that this is beyond ceend of this free speech component like katrina is talking about. >> brian and katrina thanks for coming on. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> another homegrown terror arrest. the fifth this week alone. do you see a trend in terror has sprikd around the global. details shocking report. buy prescription drugs at big boxcars or get them retail a consumer expert to show you where you will save up to 50% buying your drugs if you shop at the right place. don't miss this segment. it can save you tons. ♪ you better shop around ♪ try to get yourself a bargain, girl. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk... ...calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. before you head out the door to go to cosco or one of those other big box stores this weekend. you need to listen to this. we are about to break down the things you should buy and skip and purchase at retail stores instead. >> jing us now live style and consumer expert michelle park. hey michelle. >> hi, guys, good morning. we have a couple items here. >> yes. >> he we're going to get with these. >> buyer's gifts. big box store. >> first of all prescriptions. i just looked at this one. it's actually yours. >> it's really mine. >> i will turn it around. okay. big box store for prescriptions. >> why so much vicodin? >> i got my wisdom teeth out but yes. go ahead and guess. >> i guess that's a buy at the big box. >> i'm get guessing skip. >> that is a buy. save about 15% at the big box stores. >> no way. >> keep score in the control room please. >> i even have prizes for you quays. let's make it competitive. >> i want the key chain. cereal? >> we have cleaning supplies right next to that. >> i apologize backwards here. what's your guess on cleaning supplies? >> like at cosco? >> i'm going to say buy. >> it is actually skip because these can lose their effectiveness after a while. you don't buy them in bulk. >> unless you are like the happy cleaner who cleans every day. >> right. >> cereal is pretty expensive. >> it gets to like $4 a box sometimes. >> i'm going buy. get like a year's worth. >> some preservatives that's not going spoil. >> with the cereals even with the favorites get them cheaper in the big box store even organic 25% goods. >> paper goods. >> tp. >> go ahead and guess. >> if you have the storage meaning you don't live in new york city shoebox apartment. >> i would buy. >> i would skip and buy online. >> actually that's a good idea. if you end up buying them in the he retail stores they are actually cheaper. pair them up with the manufacturer coupon you are going to get a better deal. >> if you are a coupon clipper there you go. >> i'm 4 for 4. >> i'm impressed. >> what about pet supplies. >> yes. pet supplies. >> that's your wish? >> smart or safeway? >> or like a big box store like cosco. >> all right. >> i say a wig by i have an animal. >> correct. should buy 60% savings when you buy pet food in bulk. so definitely go ahead and buy that. >> how about luck core if you are somebody who likes to hit the bottle pretty hard. >> buying liquor in bulk. would you buy or would you skip? >> i would buy it, buy buy buy. >> so it's actually a buy for sure because a lot of these big becomes stores team one vineyards they get discountsen wine or liquor. >> how familiar do they pay me for at cosco. >> 30% to 4 o0%. you can buy one third more. >> dress shirts from the 80's kind of collar. assuming i want to wear that do i buy it at the box tore. >> what about you guys? >> buy it. >> you are coming from the a big box store you can probably get it cheap right? >> actually, it is a buy. >> it's about the same, you know quality. so you are actually getting really similar fabrics. it's going to have a different label on it. >> last but not least meat? you can buy it in bulk. >> but it and freeze it, baby. >> i actually really like that. if you are going to try to all go to the retail store and get manager markdowns it is a skip. we have a couple more. charcoal buyer skip. >> i'm going to say we are out of time. >> we're out of time. >> it is a buy though. so this is a buy over the counter is a skip. it might expire. >> looks like peter would be. >> what did i get for getting them all right? >> you get a gold key chain but we have a cop sole legs prize. everyone can get one. >> that's what i like about our show it's very new age. thank you. >> thank you. >> another homegrown terrorist arrest. >> as terror pikes should the globe and it s in washington with shocking new details. >> chopped, on a mission to save american diners, american freetage firing up the grill with some tasty summer barbecue. >> ♪ go outside for a while ♪ may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. a "fox news alert." another homegrown terror arrest the fifth week alone. an ohio man taken into custody after posting radical content online. there is an uptick in terror worldwide. kristin fisher joins us from washd, with that report. kristin? >> hey, peter. so isis is now beating al qaeda as the world's leading terror group. that's according to the state department's annual terrorism report released yesterday, and the findings are not good. look at this. worldwide terrorist attacks are up 35%. most took place in iraq and isis is responsible for most of them. but probably the most shocking stat in this entire report is this -- the number of fatalities in terror attacks jumped 81% in 2014. you can thank the increasingly brutal tack tibs of both isis and nigerian-based boko haram for that sharp spike. the headings crucifixions stonings mass casualties mass kidnappings. critics of the obama administration are calling the report a devastating indictment on the president's approach to combatting terrorism. >> that the obama way has led to this explosion in violence and death and the emergence of a radical islamic jihadist caliphate in the heart of one of the most combustible regions in the world. >> the report also calls the spread of isis quote, unprecedent unprecedented. here's how the state department characterized the war on terror the same day the report was released. >> we have had success against isil in iraq and in syria. we've made progress against al qaeda. that doesn't mean that at any point in time certainly not today, we're willing to declare open success against these groups. and there are worrisome trends in that report. >> worrisome trends including here at home. this week alone five people in the u.s. have been arrested for plotting to join isis. >> kristin fisher thank you very much from our d.c. bureau. now yo outside with everybody else. you may remember her as a judge on "chops." >> that's right. now chef amanda frytag has a new mission to save struggling diners and make sure they don't get chopped. >> literally the lord's work. co-host of "american diner revival requests revival" on the food network. >> beautiful day. >> we're making burgers. >> that's what summer is all about. >> we have this amazing grill right here and this is one of the dishes i did on "american diner revival" at george's in carmel new york because i made it a big gus greek burger. it's a greek family. we redid their diner, transformed it and i kind of upgraded his burger. >> what makes it upgraded? >> it's so good! okay. >> salt. >> well what i did with this burger was i seasoned the actual burger meat. >> what is that? >> that's garlic. >> oh. >> black pepper. i'm going to get in there and mix it. this is a trick i think a lot of people don't do. you can season the actual burger meat and it makes it way more flavorful. >> as a kid we did that to make it go further. >> right. mix in -- >> hamburger helper. >> five kids. >> special formula in there. >> this is just culinary goodness. george's his father gus owned the place and he had burger on the menu but it wasn't as appealing as it should have been. >> they need to be memorable for the repeat customers. >> exactly. we just wanted to upgrade a little. that's what we've been doing on the show. so great. we go around the country, find these diner that are relovered, the community calls on us and we -- >> you're diner doctors. >> kind of like a diner doctor. >> this is what you've done to it. looks like you roasted tomato. >> we took all the ingredients they had in their pantry already, roasted the tomato grabbed some feta cheese. oh yeah. >> rick you are not ever afraid to dive in. i love that about you. >> and so we just wanted to upgrade and show everybody that you can do something simple with what you already have in your pantry pantry. >> i was just asking about that. cucumbers? >> that's a cucumber salad and that was another twist. i know everybody loves french fries. >> yeah. >> but i made something fresh and light and that also went with the greek theme of the restaurant. so i paired this burger with a cucumber salad and the secret ingredient is dill and mint. >> this is all amazing. we'll have these recipes on our website. >> your website. >> your show "american diner revival," friday nights 10,:30 food network. you're amazing. >> can i? >> of course. who's hungry? >> so much better than the oatmeal that i heated up in a coffee cup like an hour ago. anyway still ahead, coming face-to-face with the killer. >> started off very innocently but then he was asking me if i was in any warrings or, you know, if i shot anybody or had i killed anybody. >> from the navy credit vette who met dylann roof before the massacre. and a country star but blake shelton is a lifesaver, too, for this man. the story behind the picture coming up. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? 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(funky upbeat music) ♪ hello. good morning. it's saturday june 20th 2015. i'm anna kooiman and this is a "fox news alert." heartbreaking new details in that church shooting, the killer confessing his victims were nice to him moments before his horrific act. those he killed showing him compassion. >> you hurt me. you hurt a lot of people. but god forgives you. i forgive you. >> forgiveness. we're live in charleston has a community remembers those nine victims. then a navy veteran comes face-to-face with deranged gunmen weeks before he carried out his murders. >> in the midst of a conversation he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a .45 automatic and he started talking about african-americans in a bolder way. >> the ominous signs of the horror to come. more of his conversation with the killer coming up. and brian williams demoted to msnbc after lying on air. but is this just a desperate attempt for ratings by msnbc? a "vanity fair" correspondent who covered the scandal will share his side because mornings are bet we are friends. ♪ baby come give me a kiss put me on the cover of the rolling stone uptown ♪ >> "fox & friends." >> our security force on the plaza. >> in the cup. we're teaching you to have a wild child. how to raise a wild chide. we'll be building fires and doing survival tip, animal calls, all kinds of fun stuff. >> teaching your kids to fish. >> peter, welcome. >> thank you for having me. i tried to find the funl tif sgitives. didn't happen. >> right now we need to get to this "fox news alert." coping in charleston, south carolina. ♪ we shall overcome someday ♪ >> thousands gathering for a memorial last night honoring the nine innocent churchgoers gunned down after bible study. >> this just hours after dylann roof went before a judge. he's now charged with nine counts of murder standing emotionless as the victims' families offered their forgiveness to him. >> you took something very precious away from me. i never talk to her ever again. oh and dylann i will never be able to hold her again. but i forgive you. and have mercy on your soul. >> the devastating community is planning a big show of support tomorrow. >> reporter: thank you so much. we're here just to honor these victims and to remember their loved ones this morning. so we are here with a special person we just met but i've heard so much about you. her name is dorothy bearn. she had a vision to start a chain unity march across the cooper river bridge the big bridge that connects mt. pleasant to charleston south carolina. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> reporter: you had this idea to create this chain. you wanted everyone to hold hands across the bridge. how did you come up with it? >> i think when something happens that that's this tragic, you're moved to do something, and i was moved. and i knew that the city and the town of mt. pleasant would respond with love. >> reporter: they did. you posted it on a moms group. you have several here to support you. >> they've all pitched in. >> reporter: the next thing you know someone's calling you saying i got a permit we're doing this. >> yes. >> reporter: the city has approved this. >> yeah. it started with just this vision and now everybody in the community has taken it and run with it. >> you put it on facebook. how many people are already attending? >> right now we have 4,500 people that are going to hold hands and walk the bridge and just extend their love to this community, to the families and the victims. >> and you don't want any money. >> no. >> reporter: this is out of the kindness and goodness of your heart. >> we just wanted to respond with love and not hate and we want the community to know that the people the moms just everybody loves them and loves the city. and this is our way of doing it. we hope that people join us. >> reporter: tomorrow night 7:45. you can go to either side of the bridge. you can join in on the crowd if you're interested if you live in the area. you can go to our "fox & friends" weekend facebook page to find more information. it will hook um with their face book page. back to you. >> it will be a moving picture when we get to see that. ainsley, thanks. i think what is stressing a lot of people is these victims' families are able to forgive so quickly, these ninety innocent people who lost their lives. what you're seeing across the country are things like we forgive, hate will not win. these people did not just go to church. they really lived out their christian faith. >> cheerily there's a supernatural -- clearly there's a supernatural component. imagine your loved one, your wife your husband, your child was murdered at a bible study by a lunatic. could you a day later find it in yourself to forzbhif i don't know anybody could do that under his own power. >> the difficulty has to be multiplied because while they're pouring their hearts out just hours after watching some of their loved ones die in front of them and they're forgiving him, this psycho killer did not look like he was moved by it at all. >> no. >> so they're doing a very difficult thing, a very compassionate thing. they're showing the strength of their faith by forgiving him, wishing mercy on his soul and he's just standing there listening and it's like it didn't register. >> one of the people who helped stop any possible more carnage from happening was that florist who happened to be watching "fox & friends" and recognized the license plate and the vehicle while driving from shelby. listen to debbie. >> watching fox news "fox & friends" yesterday morning. i had paid close attention the night before when i heard about the church shooting and my heart went out to those people there. and i had -- i don't know why i paid closer attention. i'm calling it divine intervention. i believe god had a plan in it. and as i was driving to work i was running late i actually seen -- i looked over and seen the car and it looked familiar to me. i was able to catch up with him and get right behind him and get his tag number. and it will police and the shelby city police caught him within a matter of minutes. i'm not the hero. god is the hero. he just used me. >> give her an award or medal or something. she deserves it. she is a hero. this guy was very dangerous and she followed him arnold. and he might not be behind bars right now in charleston, south carolina, ready to face the music if it wasn't for her. >> debbie dills. she give god all the credit. learning more about the early life of this man, dylann a apparently the murderer who took those nine lives. we had a navy vet on o'reilly last night and he recalls a conversation he had with dylann roof a week ago that struck him as odd. listen to his account of their conversation. >> it started off very innocently. but then he was asking me if i was in any wars or, you know if i shot anybody or had id anybody. in the midst of the conversation he lifts up his church and he pulls out a .45 automatic. and he started talking about african-americans in a bolder way. i said listen i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment he used. >> you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good healthy people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no but i don't think that's true. i don't think -- no matter what you did in this society we live in that could have been prevented. >> because you don't know that dylann roof would have been committed into a mental institution or something if he had just called. but it is a take-away point for all of us. if we see something, say something. if we have a weird feeling in our tummy, maybe stay save something. >> somebody who might want to rethink how they approach this whole thing is the friend of dylann roof who is talking to reporters and saying yeah you know his parents wanted to get him a gun but he said no how about this mom, you give me $350 dad, you give me $350 and i'm going to get the gun. and the friend said he wanted to do that in case any trouble came out of it that it wouldn't be on his parents. it would be on him. where was that kid? >> it's pretty easy in retrospect to see the signs. >> this poor guy, this veteran should not feel responsible for what happened to-in a chance meeting. somebody else who knows him and put it together and said well, you know i thought for a couple months there could be trouble. >> wish they would have said something. we are following some other headlines. this is breaking overnight, those escaped killers peter was talking act, now they've been two weeks on the run but they may have been spotted. we're learning two people fitting the descriptions of richard matt and david sweat were reportedly seen last week in steuben county new york first the town of irwin, then lindley, both near the pennsylvania border. a corrections officer from the new york prison where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a foul ball whipped into the stands in a phillies/cardinals game sends a young fan to the hospital. a boy was struck as he was sitting in the front row along the first-base line. he was conscious when medical workers came to help but there is no word on his condition this morning. if you remember this is the second mlb accident in the last couple weeks. a boston red sox fan seriously hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. and this mangled mess of metal left on an interstate in illinois after the driver of a semi truck faums asleep behind the wheel, slamming into 13 cars in a construction zone. six people hurt take on the hospital. we're told they suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. and scary moments at the u.s. open. australian golfer jason day collapsing during his final hole. he first appeared to slip but television replay showed he fell as if he fainted. he was later diagnosed with vertigo. day ranked tenth in the world expected to be back on the course today. tiger woods missed the cut after shooting 16 over par through two rounds. masters champion jordan spieth and patrick reed are currently tied for the lead. more time for tiger to go work on his restaurant down in florida. >> isle be going. >> rick has been there. you ran here from somewhere so fast. >> you were eating burgers on the plaza. >> i was talking to people outside and somehow i lost track of time. >> you made it. >> i was recommending restaurants in new york to some of the people outside. we have flooding concerns across parts of the ohio valley. this is from moisture we had from tropical storm bill. this is also going to come with a threat for severe weather, so get ready for that. temperature-wise across the country, starting off not all that bad. we're going to warm up across much of the southeast. across parts of the northeast it will be a cooler day across much of new england. here we have the rain showers in across parts of the mid-atlantic. down to the southeast, get ready for another hot day and down across parts of texas. a few more showers. nothing that will cause big flooding for us. oklahoma city 93 plenty of warm temperatures there and warmth across much of the northern tier as well. 80 degrees in fargo. showers arnold the chicago area. some will be severe weather, maybe a tornado or two. out across the west, warm temperatures temps in the triple digits. 117 across parts of the colorado river valley. >> 117. fahrenheit? >> certainly not celsius. >> impressive. >> thank you. >> you bet. 13 minutes after the hour. brian williams demoted to msnbc after lying on air. so is this a desperate attempt for ratings or are they trying to push him out the door? our next guest has been covering the scandal and has the scoop on what's happening inside the network. then you think you've had bad breakups? this guy puts it in perspective. he cuts everything he owns in half. >> this is his car. >> this is his half. we'll bring you the rest of the story coming up. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. hey, what are you doing? you said you were going to find out about plenti, the new rewards program. i did. in fact, i'm earning plenti points right now. but you're not doing anything right now. lily? he's right. sign up, and you could earn plenti points just for being a wireless customer. in the meantime, i just kick back and watch the points roll in. where did you get those noodles? at&t cafeteria. you mean the break room... at&t - the only wireless carrier to be a part of plenti now when you add a new phone line to your wireless plan you get 5,000 plenti points to use in lots of places. my school 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still be fired. joining us is a correspondent with "vanity fair" who wrote an exclusive article about the going-on inside nbc after the scandal broke. brian, thanks for coming in. >> pleasure. >> this breaking news role he's now in at msnbc, did they just have to put him on something that's happening right now that people can see so that -- because if he talks about something that happened like yesterday that he claims to have seen nobody's going to buy it? >> we actually don't know what the role is going to be. breaking news on msnbc. this could be new mayor in dallas. this could be a shooter in a church. we just don't know. >> and is that because they just don't do a whole lot of news on msnbc right now? >> clearly nbc is looking to reshape and remake msnbc, which badly needs it. its ratings are pretty poor. can brian williams help? it's hard to see how it could hurt. >> and your reporting is that inside nbc they did this investigation into how much other stuff he fibbed on. and they came up with 11 different accounts that he embellished. do you expect msnbc to come out and correct those all 11 things or are they going to just put him at msnbc and say, well, you know he said sorry and here he is there's a breaking news story? >> they're going to put him on nbc because i think that those of us in the media who are clamoring for more transparency who want an explanation for all that he said wrong, i don't get a sense there's a groundswell of asking for that from the public. i think nbc is going to try to gut this out, and i think there's a good chance they're able to. >> are the staffers at msnbc going to be as up in arms about the journalistic integrity potential issues as the people at the "nightly news" were? >> no. there's a clear class distinction between nbc news and msnbc. i think at nbc news he has very little support. at msnbc, once gets a sense they're all just happy to have a job. >> he says his ego made him do it made him want to say i was there, even though he wasn't. how does ego going to handle going from the pinnacle of broadcast news to basically the basement right now? >> well that is a very good question that a lot of his friends are asking. but the fact is he doesn't have much choice. he doesn't have a lot of options out there. the other networks don't want him. cnn doesn't want him. and i think he realizes it's necessary to go down to the minor leagues. there's ample precedent for this type of thing. if he can ever have any hope of returning to the majors. >> the minor leagues. bryan, thanks for coming in. good stuff. coming up, more on our top story. the deranged gunman charged with shooting nine people dead i believe side that charleston church. what happens next? will his lawyer try to plead insanity? kimberly guilfoyle on deck. there she is. and you know him as a country music superstar. ♪ i'll be your sweet iced tea ♪ but this morning blake shelton has a brand-new title -- hero. he saved a man's life. that story, that 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upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. from failing to passing thanks to the principal? denver public schools has completed their investigation of a collegiate academy, principal martha gustafsson. over christmas break she allegedly changed nine students' grades from fs to ds. she's under disciplinary action. a mural of a convicted cop killer. it's painted over but for some reason dozens are fighting to get it back with an online petition. the mural featured the words of a man who shot and killed a new jersey state trooper in 1973. she's now a fugitive in cuba. all right. "fox news alert." dylann roof appears for the first time in court since being apprehended for the murder of nine people inside a charleston church. so what exactly happens next to dylann roof? >> here to weigh in is author of the book "making the case: how to be your own best advocate," kimberly guilfoyle. good morning. >> good morning. nice to be here on saturday. >> what's going to happen? >> this is an interesting case because there's state and federal issues that come into play. we still haven't seen if he's going to be charged federally. i expect he will. they are doing currently a hate crimes investigation. but he wouldn't be eligible for the death penalty under that particular statute. he will however, be eligible for the death penalty under south carolina law, which he is currently charged. >> does that carry out the death penalty? >> they do. so the point is that's where you're going to see kind of the crux of the investigation and the focus and then a parallel with the feds. but this is a very sad case. what's gone on these are people that have opened their hearts their house of worship to them. he sat there with him, even commenting they were nice to him, yet he still did this. that's the kind of premeditation, the specific intent driving two hours. the balance of that is going to be does he have some kind of mental disease or defect. >> people would say if there's ever a time to use the death penalty, this is the time to use it. but the victims' families haven't said how they're feeling about it. they're already forgiving him just a couple days after the tragedy. how much will their opinion play a role in what the prosecutors say? >> it plays a big role. in the offices where i was, los angeles district attorney's office and san francisco d.a.'s office l.a. has a death panel that will review every case to make sure there'srmity to determine who is eligible under certain criteria. here he does meet the criteria in terms of the heinousness of the offense, the multiple victims, particularly vulnerable those who were older excam newtoned essentially by him. on counterbalance they'll look at any factors in mitigation. was this somebody who had a mental disease, were they under medication the age of the perpetrator. on balance, he has a severity of the offense and, you know, the mass murder that he committed is really going to tip the balance. but "the daily mail" even reporting today he was the victim of abuse, perhaps, by his father some allegations there, because now all the files are being opened about family divorces that's what usually you expect. we would listen to the victims and say how do you feel about this? and they have showed incredible depth of spirituality and forgiveness that is really a lesson that we could all learn from. >> and to that end, so there was this extraordinary appearance yesterday where from the courthouse on a video link that suspected mass murderer just stood there while the families all forgave him and it was very emotional. somebody in the courtroom had a problem with it and now the judge defending himself saying i'm okay i want to do -- i want to let these families talk for this reason. >> we have victims, nine of them. but we also have victims on the other side. there are victims on this young man's side of the family. nobody would have ever thrown them into the whirlwind of events that they are being thrown into. we must find it in our heart at some point in time not only to help those that are victims but to also help his family as well. >> and that's of course the judge saying not only are the victims families to be sympathized with but tallas shooter's family. what do you think about that? >> yeah. i mean look he's obvious lay man who's very strong in his principles. he's taking an active role in this. he's going a little further than i've seen any judge do but nevertheless i understand his comments. and there are. there's family suffers on the other side too. can you imagine the guilt, the horror, the shame they feel. his own sister was supposed to be getting married this weekend and that was put off. so there are families with consequences feeling an emotion on both sides. that's what makes these cases particularly difficult. >> is now the time to come out with that? these families haven't even buried his loved ones yet and he's saying you should feel bad for -- >> the timeliness is perhaps not very appropriate, but however, like i said i haven't seen a judge do something like that before. but i think his heart's in the right place and i think everybody's emotions are very high perhaps not thinking everything out. >> he'syou have a new book "making the case." >> i do. >> what's one thing i'll take away from this book reading it snopt. >> if you're something you're passionate about, believe in yourself. god helps those who help themselves. we all sit on this couch with incredible blessings. if you have something to-in your life to do better get after it and help other people. >> if people say no, don't be deter. >> well, don't be a weirdo. >> that's a good one. >> that caveat. >> right over my head. >> be passionate pursue your dreams. you, too, can achieve something one day. >> i hope so. it's great to see you. >> thank you. >> thanks guys. pleasure. >> 29 minutes after the hour. terrifying minutes caught on camera. a parachute fails to open but this soldier's teammate saving him midair. the dramatic details next. and you want to make your dark hallway feel brighter? of course you do. just add a mirror. seven easy tips to spruce up your home this summer. stay tuned. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. ♪ i couldenedn't if i tried ♪ >> don't go breaking this guy's heart because he just might give you the -- he might cut your stuff in half. this jilted husband from germany agreed to give his ex-wife of 12 years half of his possessions by splitting them in two. iphone plasma tv the car, all getting sold on ebay if you're interested in a half car, half teddy bear. >> he decided to cut it short ways instead of long ways. long ways in half you could probably still -- >> wait a minute. >> oh no. who gets the other half? >> you're kind of a half full kind of guy. >> my better half. >> a darker present to buy someone than half a teddy bear? >> it's on ebay. >> i'm going to check the bids. >> it's too hard to ship a whole car. they had to cut it in half. did somebody break up with the statue of liberty and -- >> unbelievable. >> all right. headline time. you are looking at a live view of the faith and freedom coalition's road to majority conference in washington, d.c. texas governor and gop presidential candidate rick perry expected to speak in just moments. carly fiorina also expected to talk in under two hours, 11:20 eastern time. stay tuned. the last day for the event described as the premier grassroots conference for people of faith, young leaders and conservative about visits. 14 total gop presidential hopefuls attending over the past four days including senator ted cruz and senator marco rubio as speakers. then horrifying moments at a british military air show when a parachutist rescued a colleague midair. look at that. they are all tangled up. a member of the army's red devils aerial team began hurtling to the ground when his parachute failed. another member of the team caught up with him, snagged his chute and helped him land safely. hats off. drinks on that guy. and you know him as a country music star. ♪ you'll be my soft and sweet i'll be your strong and steady ♪ but this morning blake shelton has a brand-new title, hero. he saved this man's life after he got stranded in floodwaters from tropical depression bill. hmm his ford struck stalled when he tried to kroeszy ed toied to cross a road in oklahoma. he started pushing the truck home and that's when shelton picked him up in his dodge and gave him and his truck a lift home. i can only think that will be a song someday. keep an eye on itunes. back to you outside. if you're trying to sell your home or get a pick-me-up you might spend a ton of dough doing that but you don't need to. >> and you don't have to. shane duffy and sandy, owners of sv squared, a design and renovation company. good morning. >> good morning. >> a few easy tips. even if you're not selling your house, you ought to do this for yourself. >> a good house makes you feel better about xwrourps you wake up bresh your teeth, you have to clean up your house. you want to feel good so what we recommend is basically the windows the first thing somebody looks at. flower power is great. it spruces up the window makes it look fantastic. the other thing i recommend is clean out your gutters. water gets trapped up in there and it seeps up to the structure and that will rot and cause you bigger problems later. >> wes basements are almost always a result of bad gutters. >> the number one cause. it's neglect. you have to take time. >> of course. >> then of course, you know you've got this awesome 18-volt lithium powered blower to blow out everything. >> cordless. >> or you can plug it in. >> multifunctional. >> last but not least, this lawn mower is state of the art, top-of-the-line stuff. requires no gas. >> electric. >> it's a normal lawn mower just as big as an average one. it's 20 inch cutting and 45-minute charge you can cut -- you can last for 45 minutes on it. you can basically -- your lawn and your neighbor's lawn. >> i'm impressed if you're a good person. >> not only that. it has a light at night. >> that's outside. >> moving to the inside. you said you want us to feel good in your home. >> here's a trick i teach to make a small room look bigger. blinds. >> that seems like it would shut it in. >> you put them on the wall not window. >> no. you put it in the window. think about a shirt. if you're wearing a striped shirt horizontally you look wider. >> really? >> same concept. >> horizontal blind. >> makes your room look fatter. >> makes your room look fatter. >> adds 20 pounds like that. >> like tv. how about the mirrors? >> if you have a dark hallway or a regular room, it reflects light. that's common knowledge. reflects light. you can always check yourself out, last look before you leave the house or apartment. >> doesn't looking at yourself make you sad? >> no. >> and what are these? >> the next thing is knobs. replacing your knobs with a chrome finish or satin nickel finish is easy and actually relatively inexpensive. >> updates your look. get rid of the ones you had from the '80s. >> this knob this is the regular turn knob and these handles are a little more decadent. everybody uses their plugs every day, but they neglect to actually update the outlet covers. these wall covers are a great way to do it. also my favorite thing, lighting. you want to set the mood and a good way to set the mood is install dimmer switches. >> can you do that yourself or are you taking your life in your hands if you try? >> make sure you turn off the power. safety is imperative. that's only if you have knowledge about it. i would consult a professional. you can call st squared anytime. >> find them online. guys thanks so much. i'll use these when i get home. >> you should. especially the mower. >> setting the mood with a dimmer and not a clapper. all right. coming up president obama pushing for gun control just hours after the charleston church massacre. >> every country has violent, hateful, or mentally unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> did he go too far too soon? we debate it next. and school's out for summer so why not get your kids outdoors? still ahead, how to kick-start their love for hunting and fishing? but first, let's check in with neil cavuto for a look at what's coming up on "the cost of freedom" business block. >> good morning. will it keep happening? more isis terror suspects nabbed in the u.s. how big of a threat is this becoming to our lives and economy in the u.s. of a? and if iran says it won't let us verify any nuke deal why are we talking about getting a czar to enforce a deal? donald trump's message to america on the campaign trail, being rich is a good thing. is that the message all candidates should be selling? >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. every country has violent, unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> president obama went on to claim mass murders don't happen with the same frequency in other countries. is that true? does he have the numbers? a trial attorney and a fox news contributor join us. eric i guess the problem i have with this is the facts aren't even in. the president didn't know couldn't know none of us know the full context of this attack. there's so much we don't know. he immediately jumps in as demagogues do to use this tragedy as a justification for his pre-existing political strategy. isn't that unattractive at best? >> this is one of the few times i disagree with president obama, and this was not a case about gun control. this young man was a terrorist. he walked in murdered these people with a handgun. so this is not a gun control issue. this is about a racist terrorist act, and that's what it is. what we have to concentrate on are the nine families that have been impacted by this and start grieving for them instead of making a political football. >> june the president said a number of times, guns are the problem, guns cause violence. there's nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than president obama himself. i notice he's not suggesting that the people around him disarm. he wants to remain protected. but the rest of us have to go without means of self-protection. do you see any kind of hypocrisy there? >> well first i think we have to pay attention to the fact that the president did say that this is a time for mourning and healing. but to say that will it will protection that the president of the united states is hypocritical because he has people with guns around him, tucker that is beneath this discussion. >> why is it beneath the -- why don't you address the question for a moment? >> what he is dealing with -- >> old on a second. he's saying guns are the people. >> -- armed people to someone who walk into a church and kills nine people and to say the president doesn't have a right to talk about gun control because people with him have guns is that literalry where we are as a country? to compare that he shouldn't have protection? >> the president's position is -- >> that's sad. >> -- guns cause violence guns are inherently bad and dangerous. the rest of us need to disarm and not protect ourselves. >> that is not what the president said. the president does not say guns are inherently bad. the president is saying that we have had this conversation too many times and there is something that we can do about it. there was something we could do about it after newtown. there was something we could have done about it after columbine. >> let me get eric in here for a second. is the president's contention that preventing tragedies like this is as simple as passing his gun control agenda? do we know that? is that backed by social science? that does seem like an overstatement. >> well, i am not -- i am totally against the gun control bills that people are trying to pass but we have to have control over certain types of ammunition getting in the hands of some people. but this is a handle gunn issue more so than a gun control issue. and a racism issue. those are the types of things we need to concentrate on versus gun controlle with this instance. so i would hope that the federal government would start addressing those issues as a nation and we start doing it as a nation to try to bring both sides together. >> might be worth asking deemer questions. >> also said race and faith were a part of this. race and faith. he did point to those issues as well. we have to take the whole argument into context. >> tank you both. appreciate it. well school's out for the summer. time to teach your kids how to build a fire and hunt and enjoy the great outdoors. we're doing that very thing on the plaza next. but first we'll check in with uma pemmaraju for a look at what's coming up on america's news headquarters. coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern on america's news headquarters, the niece of martin luther king jr. will be joining me. hear her thoughts on what she believes it will take to move the country and charleston forward in terms of healing following those tragic shootings. also we'll check in with former cia director james woolsey on the latest isis attacks. and you'll also hear from celebrated actress suzanne somers and her new health book and her new las vegas show. all that and much more coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern. now more "fox & friends" after the break. ♪ from the east coast to the west coast ♪ welcome back. summer the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. >> by that we mean hunting, fish camping, all good for you. >> we've got the deputy editor of "field & stream" with us. >> good morning. >> raising wild children on the plaza. first up hunting. >> we have a suction cup archery range over here. and this is -- you can see these kids are having no fun at all. and it's a great kind of gateway into like the hunting culture. and you can have a lot of fun with this and still, you know, teach like the hunter safety first mentality to them and these are great for summer barbecues and all sorts of stuff. >> a kid's first buck is a big trophy right? >> usually yeah. in our june issue we have a whole bunch of stories about tips for hunting and fishing with your children. it's a big deal and something that it's great to share together with your kids. >> nothing more sporting than taking it on a bow. >> hunting is the real deal. >> you think this is a good way to ease into maybe choose a shotgun. >> maybe go from this to maybe a pellet gun and then from there once they're ready, mature enough you can start to go to shotguns and rifles. >> you're in the just teaching hunting or fishing. you're teaching endurance, self-reliance, self-control. i mean it's a whole -- >> absolutely. it's a lifestyle. yeah. >> if you're going to go hunting, you've got to have tom animal calls. >> exactly. so this is -- these are a lot of things you can bring on hunts but they're also great things you can bring on hikes with your kids. >> a turkey call. >> we have a couple turkey calls. this is a hen call. and then we've got a gobbler. you want to do the gobble for us? here we go. there we go. >> there are a lot of turkeys especially now. >> exactly. they're great to bring along because they're fun for the kids to use on hikes. and you can teach them about wildlife. >> you can call in the animals. >> yeah. >> let's do the owl call. >> i see a duck call. let's hear it. >> aflac! >> other way. >> it's a skill. it takes a to learn. >> you did it! >> good job. high five buddy. >> then you get something, you want to cook it. we have a fire here. >> no better way to end a story than around a campfire. what's great about a campfire this is fun to do with your kids. you might want to be in charge of starting it and stuff like, that but it's great to include your kids with xwatherring the firewood maybe adding logs to the fire because it helps them feel more involved and like they're part of the team and, you know great way to roast marshmallow, obviously. >> finally fishing. no higher level of sport than fishing. we agree on that. >> absolutely. >> but you can't start with a fly rod. you have to start with a spinning rod. >> yes. >> baited pool good way to start? >> even better find a local pond stocked with stuff that they can catch fish after fish on every cast and they'll be excited and won't get bored. >> in the middle of summer you can literally catch a bluegill on every single cast. >> all the time. surprisingly easy. >> your kids become obsessed. you do that with your 8-year-old -- >> you have a fishing buddy for life. >> a guide in montana before long. >> how long do you practice this before you start casting off the g.w. bridge into the hudson? >> i think these kids are ready. they've been doing this all morning, have a lot of sugar in them. they're ready. >> casting to the hudson is illegal, by the way. we're not condoning that. you are a good person to come and help us with this. >> thanks for having us. >> "field & stream." great magazine. >> up next tuck ler do a cannonball. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. ♪ let's just lay here and be lazy baby ♪ you don't see this in midtown manhattan very often. >> why is it taking so long to roast my marshmallow? how did you get yours all burned up? >> stay tuned tomorrow. we have chris wallace. we've got dr. ben carson joining us and last-minute father's day presents because it's tomorrow. >> for the after-the-show show. bye. the desperate hunt for terrorists is on. not over there. here. just this week alone, five isis-inspired terror suspects arrested in the u.s. one of those stabbing an fbi agent investigating reports of a plot to attack us on july 4th. so just how big of a threat is this getting to be for our lives? for our economy? hi everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls & bears." here they are, the bulls and bears this week gary b. smith, jonas max faris, john layfield along with naomi canseco and ashley pratt. it seems like the threats are going. how worried should we

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150620 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150620

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enjoyed you but my god have mercy on you. >> more from the courtroom coming up in moments. >> he is not just a country music star he is he a life saver. how blake shelton saved this man stranded in a raging flood. that and more because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ got my first real six string ♪ at the five and dime ♪ played it until my fingers bled ♪ was the summer of '6 ♪ me and some guys from school. >> well, i don't think i -- you are going to sneak up on anybody in those cars. great cars for dad. car deals. mustang for dad who always wanted the american muscle car. we got good deals similar to lux sedans like the hyundai signature series. >> if you thought after shave and paisley ty think again. >> it is father's day weekend. we have one of the father's of "fox & friends" peter doesy. >> good morning guys. great to see you. >> remember the nine innocent victims murdered during a bible study in south carolina. ♪ we shall overcome ♪ the pain. >> the emotional memorial coming just howfers after the aaccused killer made husband first court appearance in court in charleston. >> good morning ainsley. >> good morning peter tucker and anna. you see many more flowers. you have cards. you have some pictures of family members that have left for their loved one withs who died. bottles and community members giving out free water and snacks for anyone who was here and candles to light of anyone who died in there last night was the memorial service at the arena in downtown charleston. a lot of people were there to remember those victims. also in court yesterday you had a suspect on a video. he was charged with nine counts of murder. the prosecutor promises justice in this case. family victims -- or the victims' family members were in the courtroom. they had a very powerful message for the suspect. take a listen. >> i forgive you and have mercy on your soul. >> we are the family that love built. we have no room for hate. we have to forgive. >> now the family did release a statement. the suspect's family saying we cannot express our shock stress and disbelief. we are sattenned by what occurred. anna, tucker, and peter we are also learning that the suspect's sister was supposed to be married tomorrow. that ceremony has been postponed. her stepsister was supposed to be in the wedding. her name is morgan roof. she is a high school freshman. and the suspect was not part of the wedding party. back to you. >> ainsley earhardt live for us in south carolina. thanks ainsley. >> out of this mail storm of evil one of the worst stories. there are brightness and hope and decency and goodness. here is the story the story of that within tywanza sanders. he took a bullet for his aunt in south carolina. >> he said you don't have to do this and roof says back to him it doesn't matter, i'm going to kill you all. as he is pointing the gun at his 87-year-old aunt susie jackson, he jumps in front of the bullet. unfortunately they both ended up dying. he ended up getting shot and bleeding to death in front of his mom who was playing dead. his mom was in court yesterday at this bond hearing and she said this to her son's killer. >> we welcomed you wednesday night in our bible study with open arms. you have killed some of the most beautiful people i know. tywanza sanders is my son but tywanza was my hero. tywanza was my hero. but we say and the bible study, we enjoyed you but may god have mercy on you. >> unbelievable. that's echoed on the front page of many newspapers like this we forgive you. hate will not win. just what a story of forgiveness and the ability of these family members to do this and to do it so soon. unbelievable. >> that is the christian message. >> there is a line in the "new york times" today like the bible study class never ended. >> pretty unbelievable. well one of the reasons we know what happened was because the man whoparently did this has been apprehended, of course. apprehended with the help of a florist. someone who spotted the gunman and tailed him for 30 miles. that woman is debbie dills. it disurent out she had had been watching "fox & friends." watch. >> actually, watching fox news, "fox & friends," yesterday morning i had paid close attention actually the night before when i actually heard about the church shooting and my heart went out to those people there. and i don't know why i paid closer attention. i'm calling it divine intervention. i believe god had a plan in it. as i was driving to work, i was running late. i actually seen -- i looked over and i seen the car and it looked familiar to me. i was able to catch up with him and get behind him and get his tag number. the shelby police caught him within a matter of anyone's minutes. i'm not the hero. god's the hero. he just used me. >> can you imagine you are driveway down highway 74, and you're in shelby heading toward your job. you are running late. and you still have the wherewithal to pay close enough attention and to call the cops and do what you are supposed to do. debbie dills thanks for watching "fox & friends" and thanks for doing the right thing. >> she deserves some kind of award. good chance not been looking out for his license plate and his bowl hair cut this guy could still be out here. >> i'm not the hero. god's the hero. that's not a frayed you hear in new york city. a man who apparently did this dylann roof, was acting in a very strange manner in the weeks preceding the murders. we had one of the people he came into contact with pretty recently. charlie strebel he was on o'reilly last night and he explained his meeting at the family dinner. >> he was interested. he asked if i was in any wars or had i shot anybody or killed anybody. in the midst of the conversation, he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a .45 automatic. he started talking about african-american in a vulgar way. and i said, listen, i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment that he used. >> but you don't know -- yeah you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> well, i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good, healthy, people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no. but i don't think that's true. i don't think no matter what you did in this society we live in, that could have been prevented. >> and you know, now stories are coming out that dylann roof's parents who are divorced each gave him $350 to go toward the gun and his friend is telling reporters that the reason that he did it like that is because he didn't want -- they said we are going to get you a gun okay, 350 each, i don't want your names attached to this in case i ever get in any trouble, according to his friend. you want to talk about reforms that could be taken after -- tell people if they think a gun is going to be used to commit a crime maybe they should. >> this guy was a loser in every regard, unemployed, self-involved, nasty violent. >> looking at the pictures, he appears to be so mentally disturbed. he yes it's domestic terrorism, yes it's racism and this horrific act though but mental illness should really ought to -- it really needs to be a topic of conversation more than anything else. >> all right. now to our headlines. >> we will get right to this. this is happening overnight now, escaped killers on the run for two weeks now. police are investigating a tip that two people fitting the description of richard matt and david sweat were reportedly seen last week in steuben county. first in the town offer win and then lenley you heading toward the pennsylvania border. a correction officer where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a foul ball at the philly's cardinal's game sends a young boy to the hospital. the boy was sitting in front row along the first baseline when he was hit. he was conscious when medical workers came to help. no word on his condition this morning. second mlb accident two weeks. a boston red sox fan seriously hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. and blake shelton to the rescue. ♪ you be my soft and sweet ♪ i will be your strong and steady ♪ you be my glass of wine ♪ i'll be your shot of whiskey. >> he is being that to somebody in need. the country star helping a man from floodwaters tropical depression bill. the man's truck stalled when he tried to cross the road in oklahoma. he started pushing the truck home and that's when shelton pulled up in his dodge. he gave rowho and truck home. he hopes to return the favor some day. those are your headlines. >> there is a song in that. [ laughter ] >> such a good point. speaking of signs and personalities. rick reichmuth with the weather. >> i give it six months and there is a song. incredible flooding going none that area. drying out across much of that area. next five to six days, gadd news. still dealing with tropical depression. across the ohio river valley. really severe storms moving south dakota. today looking at severe weather across parts of the central plains. also be some severe weather today across parts of the mid-atlantic what is bill. a lot of rain for a lot of people from that storm. the west coast you are just dry. incredibly hot across that area. take a look how much rain falling the last 48 hours. a lot of these areas in red. over a foot of rain. talking about texas so long. tropical depression bringing all that rain, that flooding a big problem. we have to deal with this across the weekend. >> can't catch a break. >> well, coming up. more than a dozen 2016 hopefuls meeting at the faith and freedom coalition conference. who did the best and who is winning over the grass roots? todd starns was the keynote speaker last night. he was there firsthand and he breaks it down the top moments from that conference next. >> then, talk about a nasty divorce. one man gets reconvention on ex-wife by cutting everything in half. look at this. wait until you hear how he did this one. ♪ you be my honey suckle ♪ i'll be your honey bee. ♪ yeah, that came out a little country without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. man when i got shingles it was something awful. it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. oh no. who are you? daddy, this is blair he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. i got everything i wanted..... i always do. he seemed nice. save big on great father's day gifts at bass pro shops. like savings of 60% on rat-l-trap hard baits. and get an instant gift card with purchase of a go pro hero 4 video camera. plus free catch and release ponds and giveaways this weekend. did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? 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>> well, look, i think within the party itself, there is a big struggle going on. and we are seeing that played out by a number of, quite frankly, a number of conservative commentators, the supreme court about to weigh in on redefining marriage, i don't think there is any way around that do i believe that the candidates are going to have to jump in and talk about these very controversial issues. and that is a big inner party fight right now going on in the g.o.p. >> donors on the republican side hate this stuff. their view is keep marginal rates down, keep labor cheap, we don't want to hear anything about this stuff. we have a sound bite of cruz and carson some of the greatest hits for our viewers. hear. this there is a reason why religious liberty is the very first protection in the very first amendment to the bill of rights because it is all foundational. we cannot stand unless we first are on our knees. >> the government comes along and says i don't care what you the people, think. we are doing it our way. we are jasming it down your throat. if you don't like it, that's too bad. that is not america. we must stand up to what america really is. >> todd, you mentioned traditional marriage, is that going to be the big issue, the big thing that gets this voting group out in 2016? >> i certainly think so but there is a word of warning to the republican party. they cannot discount the culture war christian conservative vote. that is something they are going to have to talk about. look, at the end of the day when you look at all the candidates out there we still don't have a consensus. it's anybody's game. and even among the conservatives like ben carson and you have got ted cruz well, there is rubio there is mike huckabee who did not attend. there is a lot of choices for folks. right now no one is popping up to the top just yet. >> huckabee doesn't need as ordained baptist preacher to prove his bona fides on this. thanks todd. >> coming up, deranged, sick insane the charleston shooter all these things. if his lawyer pleads insanity should he face the death penalty anyway? a fair and balanced debate next. >> plus, banned from a school party because she opted out from common core. that actually happened. the decision that has one mom outraged this morning and many others on her side. we have got details coming up next can. ♪ ♪ school's out for summer ♪ school's out forever. ♪ school i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. and some quick headlines from the control room. a final farewell for two cousins killed in a balcony collapse. ashley donahue and olivia burk were among six killed when a balcony snapped off the fifth floor of an apartment building. prosecutors rest their case in a florida movie massacre. prosecutors movie suspect james holmes -- when he followed through the 2012 attack inside aurora theater. 20 people killed. 70 others injured. the defense starts its case on thursday. >> thanks so 21-year-old dylann roof is charged with nine counts of murder in the horrific massacre that charleston church on wednesday night. he also faces weapons charges. so what's his next move? is insanity a plea that will have him dodging the death penalty? joining us now criminal defense attorney jonna spilbore and trial attorney david bruno. thank you so much for being with us. >> good morning. >> someone is mentally incapacitated they can't be put to death but if they. >> if you are found legally insane we will not execute you. also, if you are montlely -- so mentally incapacitated we used to say mentally retarded, we cannot execute you. if you are in the middle, basically what we want him to be is mentally ill and guilty, we can execute you simple as that. >> tell me about whether he could likely be found legally insane? what will have to be proved in order to that to happen. >> what will have to be proven is he doesn't have the capacity to understand the difference between right and wrong legally or morally. >> so what will the defense argue? what will the prosecution argue? >> it's very early obviously. there will have to be examinations by doctors. ultimately the prosecutor is going to argue goal-directed behavior. what happened before, what happened during, what happened after. there are some concerns about some of the statements made in the church, but obviously there was goal directed behavior to kill. and then there was was him fleeing and trying to get away. goal directed behavior is going to be theme. >> johnna, if he is trying to get away, that would make one think probably just knows what he he did was wrong. >> they have to show knew the difference between right and wrong. just look at the facts. walks into a church and sits in wait for an hour while people are worshiping and kills nine people. when you look at what happened beforehand. apparently he had very racist statements and paraphernalia on his facebook page. his family, his friends all came out after the fact and said yeah, you know, something was a little off about this guy you think a little off? we're not going to have a problem. jurors are not going to have a problem wanting to execute this guy if they do believe the fact that he wasn't mentally insane. the problem now is because we had a judge yesterday had all of the victims come up and say that they already forgive this guy before he has even actually been formally charged with murder is going to be a problem for the prosecutor. >> david, do you agree do you think that could be a problem for the prosecutor this lovely act of forgiveness from the victims' families. >> they have to take that into consideration. victims' input is going to be relevant to the prosecutor's decision to execute or seek the death penalty. following up on what she just said, what's important is what this individual is saying to friends before, the planning stage. in fact, what's recently came out is he was going to target a college before and actually changed for a specific reason that the historic value of that church. important decisions. >> do you think youth can be on his side as sickening as that is to say. 21? >> if i were representing him i wouldn't want the task. but, if i were, i would want to know what his intellectual capacity? what his iq? how smart or dumb is this guy? that would be the first thing i would look at. >> you remember with the boston bombers and some of the victims' families didn't want the death penalty because they said we are going to have to live through this over and over because of the appeals process. how much is what the victims' families want how much does that play a role. >> it has to be taken into consideration. there is no question about it. like we saw in the boston bomber case, the federal government decides to seek the death penalty it's going to be their decision. they have to consider other factors in addition to that. >> david and johnna, thanks so much. tough topic this morning. >> 28 minutes after the hour. this is what is coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. do you remember when the president said this? >> a war like all wars must end. that's what history advises. >> well, president obama may say we have terrorists on the run but the number of terror attacks rising dramatically. the shocking new numbers live from washington next. and brian williams speaking out about being booted off the anchor desk. >> i'm very happy to be coming back. first of all i'm happy to have a job. i'm happy to work. i said things that were wrong. >> so one of the questions he is getting a second chance already? but has he lost all credibility in the first place? we'll talk about it coming up. ♪ keep your hands to yourself ♪ ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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>> his head is bald. >> what animal does your dad remind you of? >> a naked mole rat. >> what's the weirdest thing about your dad. >> he likes to eat chips while watching the show chps. >> what's your dad say a lot. >> am i allowed to swear on tv? >> no you are not. >> what would your kids say but. >> i don't even know. i'm so lacking in self-awareness. something nice i hope. >> the kids are not up at all. coming up we will take you outside because we sent some of the coolest cars for dads out on the plaza. check out that mustang muscle car. >> yeah. >> others as well. that was for anybody who is concerned about safety. only a sound effect just now. >> that's not true. that was one of our cameras. >> skip the chocolates or the new lawn mow are he wants a car and you ought to get him one. >> how many cars were there three? >> everyone gets a car. >> everyone you get a car you get a car. >> the keys are under the seat tucker. all right a fox news alert. we are learning more about the homegrown terror threat this morning the dragnet continues to identifiesisis related. a man was taken into custody. >> uptick in terror worldwide. christian fisher joins us from washington, d.c. with that shocking new report. good morning christian. >> good morning well, yesterday, the state department released it's annual terrorism report. the findings are stunning. in 2014, the number of terrorist attacks worldwide are up 35%. the number of fatalities. this is what is really crazy. number of fatalities from terrorist attacks jumped 81%. the report blames that ridiculous rise in part on the aggressive and brutal tacks of isis, beheadings, crucifixions, mass casualties. the report gave the world leading terrorist groups to isis over al qaeda. here is how the state department characterized the current state on terror yesterday. >> we have had success against isil in iraq and syria. we have made progress against al qaeda. that doesn't mean that at any point in time certainly not today we are willing to declare ultimate success against these groups. and there are worrisome trends in that report. >> but critics of the obama administration are calling the report a devastating indictment on the white house's approach to combating terrorism. listen. >> that the obama way has led to this explosion in violence and death and emergence of radical jihadist caliphate in the heart of one of the most combustible regions in the world. >> this is the threat of homegrown terrorists is also on the rise. five people have been arrested this week alone for plotting to join isis and weaj jihad on u.s. soil. peter, anna, tucker, back to you. >> thanks kristen. >> other stories making headlines on this saturday morning. honda motor corporation has confirmed the eighth death by exploding takata bag. jewel was killed when the airbag of her 2001 honda civic deployed in a crash and spewed metal shrapnel everywhere. cut her neck and caused a severe brain injury. her family has filed wrongful death suit against hun takata and car rental place. developing right now the search continues for a former white house chef who disappeared during a solo hike in a rugged new mexico mountain range. police say they still have no leads on walter, the white house chef for 11 years under presidents bill clinton and george w. bush. 61-year-old recently moved from florida to new mexico and reportedly went for a hike a week ago. his girlfriend reported him missing and police found his car on tuesday parked at a cannon trail head. she left school crying. a knowledge mother is furious after her 9-year-old daughter is banned from a school party. the reason? she didn't take the state's version of common core testing. michelle thornton opted her 3rd grader cassidy out of the controversial test that happened in november. then she got a letter from the school saying any student who did not take it couldn't go to this week's party. thornton claims the school punished her daughter for a decision that she made. officials not commenting saying the issue involves the student. a jilted husband from germany decided to give ex-wife of 12 years everything right down the middle in their divorce. half. when we say half. we mean half. the heart broken guy posted this video on youtube. showing him sawing up all their stuff in two pieces. that does include iphone. plasma televisions chairs. even the car. he also decided to generously put the discounted items on ebay. >> who would buy that on ebay. >> in the market perfectly good cut in half teddy bear. there it is for you. >> that seems like the kind of thing is he laughing about it with his friends. they probably started to reget it at some point but maybe like the car you can't stop. once you do the one thing. >> that is the saddest gift i have ever seen half a teddy bear. >> you can stop. you can control yourself. how many times you have done something halfway through you are like i think i'm going to stop. >> once you get the saws all out it's hard to stop. >> exactly. a lot going on in the weather world. tomorrow is the first day of summer and feel like it for a lot of people. take a look at the maps. shear what is going on. pretty nice start for most people down across the southeast. so you have been baking and that is goings to continue. we are going to watch a warming trend. had a couple of slightly cooler days still very, very warm. get ready, the trend for this week is another baking hot, humid week across much of the southeast. sorry to say that but that's what's coming. here across the northeast into the mid-atlantic. we are going to be dealing with the rain. that is moisture from bill we're now going to be seeing that move into the ohio valley and mid-atlantic. severe weather possible as well. scattered showers very hot. but we are going to be drying out at least for oklahoma but very warm. 93. into the northern plains, we will be warm and some severe weather around the chicago area and parts of illinois and in toward the mississippi river valley then out across areas of the west, it is baking as well. re very hot across the desert southwest. all right. guys, send it back to you inside. >> thanks a million. >> up next, nbc news man brian williams speaks out on his suspension, his new role. >> up next? >> right now this moment. exactly right. as we are speaking this is unfolding. brian williams is going to be back on the air. first he went on "the today show" and spoke to america's secular confesser that, of course, would be matt lauer and explained why he lied. watch this. >> was it my first choice? no. obviously i wanted to return to my old job. i thought we had had a great 10 year run. we were on top for most of that time. i pushed back at first. enough time has passed. i was reading these newspaper stories not liking the person i was reading about. wanting -- i would have given anything to get to the end of the story and be someone else but it was about me. this was clearly ego-driven, a desire to better my role in a story i was already in all i can tell is hold me to account. judge me by a harsh standard as you wish many already have that's fair. >> lester holt will be taking the anchor chair. he has been there filling for a while it will be his. brian williams is heading to msnbc. some are wondering if he isn't good enough for nbc. why is he good enough for msnbc. maybe this changes the formula for msnbc because of their sagging ratings. he will bring some star power there maybe it means they will change the way that they are pushing their viewpoint. >> if he says that all these stories that he made up were because they were ego-driven, how does same ego going to handle going from the pinnacle of broadcast news to the basement of cable news? >> i actually kind of think this is a good solution. two nicest people at nbc news lester holt and brian williams. he is actually a nice guy. i think it means they have given up on current format on cable channel which was failing. they have ludicrous people on the air. a lot of people will be bounced and brian williams will make it a better place. call me too hopeful. but i think this is news. >> too bad they are getting rid of some of their people. some people at msnbc already make some stuff up, is that a thing. >> 42 minutes after the hour. >> despite the horrific actions of the charleston church massacre, victims showing forgiveness. >> you hurt me. you hurt a lot of people. but god forgive you. i forgive you. >> is there faith what helps them show such compassion after a tragic loss? we'll have that next. in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? 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>> there isn't. this is the most remarkable display of christianity at work that i have ever witnessed myself. and, you know, these family members forgave not only because forgiveness is the right response, it's the wise response if they're ever going to begin to heal like they need to heal. i think it's really important it understand what the family is saying when they say we forgive. they are not denying the terrible wrong occurred. they are not rationalizing it. they are not giving up their desire for justice. but their desire for vengeance. they're simply saying we are going to let god or government settle the score instead of us. they can forgive dylan roof and still desire that he go to prison or even the electric chair. but what they are saying is we are going to let somebody else settle the score so we can get on with our lives. >> i think to the secular world it may look inexplicable and maybe even knive. -- naive. >> the importance is forgive ness. bitterness is responsible for hypertension and cardiovascular disease but also responsible for emotional hurt. when we refuse to forgive we are bonding ourselves to our offender and letting them hurt us repeatedly. somebody said choosing to forgive is like letting go of a rattle snake. sure, it benefits the snake but it benefits us even more. >> so this is also a christian imperative. this is not just something that christian does because it's a good idea. the lord's prayer which is the central prayer of christianity, of course, has the line forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. christians are commanded to do this. >> that's right. and jesus said if you don't forgive, my heavenly father won't forgive you. you know, cs lewis said one time to be a christian means to forgive the inexcusable in others because god has forgiven the inexcusable in us. you know, i heard one of these family members say that they just hope that dylan roof heard something during that hour he spent in that church that would have changed his life later on. i don't know what he he heard in that church, but yesterday he heard and saw the very essence of christianity, which is forgiveness. >> wow it's all very, very heavy. thank you pastor, for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> well, in politics, chris christie and scott walker all but certain to enter the presidential race. is it too late for either one? there is debate about that and we will have it here on our steps. so stay tuned. old school to luxurious best cars on the market for your father who wants one for father's day which by the way is tomorrow. peter already testing one out. stay tuned for our shopping tips for father's day. ♪ oh riding down the highway ♪ all right from sleek to sporty if your dad needs a new car we have got some good ideas, here to tell us about it we have mike quincy the auto specialest over at consumer report. >> good morning, all right. tell me about the magazine. >> ford mustang this is the 50th anniversary of the mustang. we should all look so good at 50. this is the latest model. it has a great v will. this is something dad has been looking for years and years and years. all the mustangs i have driven the current magazine is thest best hand sling great car going crazy get a convertible model it. what's different about this mustang. better features and fuel economy. great steering. the biggest change that ford did for 2015 much nicer interior. >> we love the yellow? >> we love it. >> going to flag you down. we actually love the yellow. it's a great looking car. tell me about the dodge. this is the dodge challenger. this is in particular, this is the hell cat version. >> big car. >> by hell cat 707 super charged horsepower. sleuth insane over the over the top car of all time. bright green color "consumer reports" have tested every vrgs of the challenger. this one is absolutely awesome. great horsepower and handling. also go for a nice ride, nice nice cruise and dad will love that you can fit some kids in the backseat. >> there is a backseat? there? >> there is. >> you get a lot of comments nor car because people want to put their kids in the backseat? >> if you have small kids tough to get back there once you are back there it's decent head room and and leg room. this is for dad his toy. it's not really a practical car car per se. >> up who for the dodge. >> that particular will run is about 60-gram. all these cars actually, by the way have national discounts which is one of the reasons "consumer reports" is highlighting it. >> we have got one more car. one minute. >> let's just say that dad has worked hard all his life. he wants a bit of luxury. this is the hyundai hyundai is not known for top notch luxury cars but "consumer reports" testing it's got a smooth v 8. very comfortable. 429-horsepower. very luxurious. what it's going going for us it's a lot of car for the money. you are getting huge value with the hyundai. a bmw mercedes like luxury for a lot less money. >> it is a luxurious car. >> can we get in these things and hear how loud. >> fire it up. because i kind of want to see. >> you are going to love the sound of this car. >> two door car. all right. he we will be back inside. >> you do have a show to do. >> coming up next, he killed nice people. that's what dylann roof called the innocent victims before he murdered them. lawyer for two victims is joining us this morning. he will be here live. >> a mother's picture of a stranger playing with adopted son at a rodeo is going viral. all three join us live just ahead. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. call the number on your screen or visit the website to learn more. unbelievable! toenail fungus? 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"fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> we always say horns are better with friends. our friend in on the couch this morning is peter doocy. >> the great peter doocy. >> live from washington. >> here not just throwing to it you over the satellite. >> a little sprays off hours. can ride back down. >> sandwiches from the cafe cart. that would have been romantic and sweet. heart-broken relatives overcome their grief to offer the accused gunman forgiveness in the south carolina church shooting. >> i'm going to watch her. be forgotten. okay. better place now. we are all trying to get there. >> such strength. dylann roof charged with nine counts of murder. the prosecutor saying she will talk to the victims' families before deciding whether to seek the death penalty. last night thousands gathered to remember the innocent people ho were massacred. >> we don't want to live in a country where you need a security guard for bible study. that's not right. psychiatry our friend ainsley earhart following the events as families mourn. good morning ainsley. >> yeah. good morning tucker. we are here with andy savage. he has been 30 years you have had a friendship with two of the individuals that died in this church behind us. ethel and tywanza sanders been friends of the family since the 80. murdering walter scott shot in the back in north charleston. i do want to talk to individuals. tywanza was one of the youngest victim who died 26. >> he was the youngest victim. he was the last one shot. >> his mother was with him along with his. >> his mother was there. his father's grand aunt was there. she was the oldest one who was killed and aissue will is a's granddaughter. 11-year-old child was also there. >> what is she telling you? what happened inside this church? >> i haven't talked to her that much about the specifics of it. it's a very emotional thing. she is a very strong woman but she has related to me what happened, it's the horror that the world knows about. it was very intentional act and the fact that this fellow was welcomed, sat there for an hour, then stood up and said that he had to do what he had to do. gave his little racial explanations for his actions. and then methodically killed them. starting with the pastor. >> what's the course of action for these families? we heard them talking in court yesterday. such emotion. they were definitely sending a message to the rest of the country and the world about forgiveness. >> that's who they are. that's the essence of the people in the church that night. they are not about revenge. right now they have their arms wrapped around each other. they are focused on the victims. they are focused on their own families. they are not focused on this fellow. that's society issue. for now they want to heal within their families. they have great faith in the government. both the u.s. attorney's office, vice president of the united states called them yesterday. nettles the attorney for south carolina. and most importantly scarlet wilson our local slither who is just terrific has really been supportive and they really aappreciate that. >> what do you make of the judge allowing so much emotion in the courtroom. >> you know, it's very unusual at a bond hearing that the victims are allowed to speak in south carolina even though the bond was meaningless yesterday because that judge has no jurisdiction to set bond. but, the speech was out of character, very surprising, and basically unwelcomed. >> you say unwelcomed? >> unwelcomed. >> really, even though it sent a message of foreness to the rest of the world? >> that's not the appropriate forum and that's not the appropriate spokesman. this is a forgiving community that's not his role. his role is to be impartial arbiter of law. >> what happens next? october we have another hearing. how do we expect him to plead and death penalty is that an option? >> death penalty is an option. he i believe the both the local prosecutor scarlet will be looking at that u.s. attorney will be looking at it the u.s. attorney is a very aggressive, very strong willed. there are two different ways of looking at this. the local communities have input. the local families have input. how this community wants to responds. there is also a national issue. and the national issue is how these type of racial outbursts, these mass murders are. what are we as a people? what is the federal government are we going to make a stand on that? a little bit different from our community. i think our community is probably a little bit more forgiving and less or yented on revenge. >> we have seen that no presses. blacks white democrats republicans here with outpouring of support for these victims and for their families. what do you make of the suspectenned his relationship with his parents. many people are asking who could do this? where did he he learn this hate. >> we are not focused on him at all. i don't even refer to him by his name. is he not worthy of that. >> i haven't said his names in any of my reports either. >> how his parents raised hum or what his problems are, that's not the focus of these families. >> but moving forward as a country we have to prevent this going forward parents need to talk to their kids and if they see signs of kids having this much hate and anger should the parents be giving them a gun for 21st birthday. >> separate issue. would i have done that with my children, absolutely not. >> could there be charges for the parents. >> there is a lot of confusion about what the facts are. like i say i don't want to even talk about that guy. i don't know whether the parents bout the gun or whether he was. too many guns if too many hands and too many crazy people. >> andy savage joining us live here in front of the church where nine victims lost their lives on wednesday night. back to you tucker, anna, and period. >> ainsley thanks for your coverage. good job out there. >> sure. >> we are getting details about the domestic life of accused killer dylann roof. it looks like he he came from fractured home. signs unstable and potentially violent. yesterday on the o'reilly program, a navy veteran explained to bill his exchange with dylann roof several weeks ago. the man's name is charlie stroebel. >> it started off innocently. then he was asking if i was in any wars or had i shot anybody or had i killed anybody. in the midst of the conversation, he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a 45 automatic and then he started talking about african-american in a vulgar way. and i said, listen, i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment that he used. >> but you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> well, i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good, healthy people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no. but i don't think that's true. i don't think no matter what you did in this society we live in, that could have been prevented. >> yeah, because you don't know if he would have called, that doesn't mean that dylann roof would have been committed. >> of course not. >> and the horrible tragedy wouldn't have happened. but it is a lesson that we should all learn from that if we see something, we should say something. you get that weird feeling. >> that guy, you know, it was a chance encounter and he talked to this kill larr for a few minutes. his friend, dylann's friend is telling the "new york times" that dylann warned his parents when they went to get him a gun don't just give it to me. why don't mom and dad both give me $350 it will be in my name in case i get into any trouble. there was a possibility before he even got the gun he was going to be out committing crimes with it? if anybody -- this guy says that he feels guilty, this veteran about just the chance meeting and he didn't say anything, about this friend who says yeah, he wanted to make sure that it was going to be on him if anything happened. >> i feel so sorry for this man charlie stroebel who is blaming himself and i don't think he should. sad. >> headlines we need to get to this overnight. new overnight escaped killers on the run for two weeks now. they may have been spotted. police investigating the tip. two people fitting the description of richard matt and david sweat last senile last week in steuben county. first in irwin and then in lenley heading toward the pennsylvania border. meanwhile a corrections officer for the prison where they escaped from earlier this month has been placed on lead. cincinnati police officer sunny kim a 27 year veteran of the force gunned down by a man who police say had planned suicide by cop. trey peter hummins called 911 twice to report a man with a gun acting erratically. shot him several times and grabbed his service weapon to shoot another officer who returned fire hitting and killing the suspect. >> a touching reunion between two chicago firefighters and girl's levee they saved some 10 years ago. commander richard rosato and firefighter john patton attending the college gratification from northwestern. they pulled her from her burning home back in july of 2000 a 5 after somebody had fire bombed it. she suffered second and third degree burns. >> i'm so graham -- grateful for these two. because if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be here today. i will never forget them. never. >> so cool. graduated with associate's degree in criminal justice and plans to become a police officer. good for her. >> what a great story. >> well, here is a man who is full of great stories rick reichmuth standing by. >> full of something that's for sure. hey, guys. a lot going on in the weather. a lot of good and a lot of it not so good. tomorrow summer starts in and feel like it for so many. take a look at the weather maps. we had obviously a tropical storm this book and now tropical depression bill that's this spin you see cutting across kentucky and indiana and into ohio. that's going to bring some severe weather today and unfortunately quite a bit more rain. and then you see that line of storms that just tore through south dakota overnight and into minnesota. quite a bit of severe weather along with that today that moves in across that upper mississippi river valley area around the quad cities. and parts of iowa. and that's where i think we are going to see maybe a tornado or two. certainly some very strong winds that will cause some damage. then we are also watching the severe weather threat across parts of the mid-atlantic. also the flooding threat will continue as we continue to see bill pull up into parts of the mid-atlantic. some areas three to four inches of rain that will cause flash flooding for some. be on the lookout for that guys send it back inside. >> you bet. >> chris christie and scott walker all but certain to enter the presidential race. does it make since for either to run 2016. we will ask our political panel next. >> there they. >> remember the two girls who had their lemonade stand shut down by the government. this morning there is a sweet update. stick around. ♪ so put me on a highway ♪ and show me me a sign ♪ and take it to the limit ♪ one more time to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪virgin islands nice♪ ♪so nice♪ ♪so nice, so nice♪ book five nights today and get one free. plus $350 towards shopping dining or other fun activities. now that's virgin islands nice. ♪so nice, so nice♪ when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. now? 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let's turn now to our political panel ohio state senator. bump for the "the washington post" political blog the fix. and jillian melcher writer for the national review. >> thanks for having me. >> chris christie saying meeting his family and scott walker saying is he still praying about it. how much longer can these guys wait until it's too late to get in. >> it's such a crowded field. i think christie has waited too long. last election was his time. the timing on this was all wrong. he could have run before when he did not have bridge gate. now is he getting in a crowded field. a lesson on how important that political timing is. >> bill? >> that's true. you either have to believe that both of these guys are taking an extended period of time making up their minds or just waiting for their state budgets to be final ridessed which is exactly what they are waiting for. committed to running for president a long time. going through this dance pretending they are not. walker is facing criticism for being out of the state so much. get that one last thing announce. >> they are two guys who have had a lot of trouble with the state houses. >> scott walker. >> how much longer they wait. >> i agree with these folks. there is only so long that you can you wait around because it is such a crowded field. one name that we need to pay attention to that's my governor john kasich. another midwestern governor raising his profile this places like new hampshire. i think is he going to get in and i think that's going to make things each that much more interesting. taking things a little bit away from chris christie's straight talk express. >> with christie's straight talk express. debates, seems like that would be where he would shine. is that based on his personality. >> his opportunity to shine. somebody that has had a big personality. so it will be easy for him to say something that he might not want to say. >> that's right. i think that's what people are concerned about with governor kasich as well. if you are looking for a -- somebody who says what they mean and mean what they say i think governor kasich is probably your better vet in regards to the electorate versus chris christie. >> president obama is not campaigning but is he complaining. we have this full screen where he says this gentleman i voted for you twice but i'm deeply disappointed in it. chronicling all the things that haven't gotten done. he seems to have forgotten everything that had happened and how he had benefited. phil, have people forgotten what president obama has done or do they just not like it. >> i mean, it's both. it depends on who you are talking to. democrats, a lot of them. if you look at how the polling goes. always liked him. independents are the only ones that are wavering. i think a lot of people. what have you done for me lately that is very much at play in politics. also if you look at some of the successes, win laden and the economy. both of those have been overshadowed by isis and slow wage growth. done a great job getting people insurance. there is a lot of mixed feelings about what's going on and about his track record. >> you know who has not forgotten about what president obama has done? the supreme court. >> that's very true. we are keeping our fingers crossed and focusing on what's going to happen with king vs. burwell for sure. >> could be on monday. how big is that for obama? >> derail the health law. >> thank you very much. jillian, phil and can a pre. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> a mural featuring a cop killer at one university. taken down. some faculty and staff want it put back um. and then a mother's picture of a stranger playing with her adopted son at a rodeo that's going viral. the bigger surprise who was that mystery cowboy? all three join us live with the heart warming story next. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. it's tough, but i've managed. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. batter up. we have got some sports headlines for you this morning. first up, australian golfer lapsed during final hole of day one of the u.s. open. later diagnosed with vertigo. he should be back today. and not coming back tiger woods. he missed the cut after shooting 16 over par through two rounds. master's champion jordan and patrick are currently tied for the lead in that contest. and a milestone for a rod. >> high fly ball. deep ride. back track long. he did it in style. >> yes he did. the yankee slugger became the 2 player in baseball history to amass 3,000 career hits. getting there with a home run in style. but the fan who caught the historic ball keeping it refusing the team's offer for memorabilia in exchange. good call. anna? >> all right tucker. thanks so much. charity snapped this photo of anewly adopted sun playing with a stranger at the rodeo. posted the photo on facebook with this note to the mystery man. up to you and grab your arm you didn't know he used to be terrified of people. but took time to connect with a child who has had to fight to learn to connect. my heart is full. what started as a simple act of kindness turned into a life changing moment and everlasting friendship. joining us now with their special story is charity robinson and son jason and pastor. >> good morning thanks for being being with us. >> thanks for having us. >> yes ma'am. >> you seem like you are close and friendly now but you had never met. tell us the story about what unfell toed at the rodeo. >> we just had a family outing to the rodeo. and a little ways into the rodeo, link just kind of started inching his way down to mr. taylor. of course we didn't know him at the time. and we got really excited. because he -- he just went to him and he was laughing and they were playing together and as a mother i wanted to say oh, leave him alone. but we worked so hard to get him to that point. and he has had so many therapies and things like that that i was just so touched that he did. so we sat back and watched. i had tears streaming down my face. and i got a little picture. snuck a little picture there. i did talk to mr. taylor afterwards. i thanked him for playing with my son. we all went on about our day. and i went home, posted it on facebook and never really thought about it or anything. and woke up and i had a whole slew of messages. >> and now you are here on "fox & friends." jason, i want to hear your side of this, right? little lincoln he has develop tall delays and he is in therapy some five times a week. he has a hard time relating to people but he accident have a hard time relating to you seeing here. what is it about you that drew little lincoln to you? >> oh, it ain't nothing about me. i ain't nothing special. it's all about lincoln. i think lincoln just knows maybe a little bit more than most of us grown up. >> you guys had a good time at the rodeo. spent some time together. >> rodeo? >> you went your separate ways. how did you get linked back up together after her post had gone viral? >> well, i don't do facebook or nothing but my daughters do. and they reached out to me and several people from the church had shared that there was this big deal on facebook blowing up. and, you know, it's just -- and then i reached out to ms. charity. i was already preaching a scripture out of luke and jesus took a child and placed him on his lap whoever the least of these is the greatest. wow, we try some things and do so much to try to share and spread the love of years. we didn't do nothing. i was just a stranger and this little old picture and her and i's post went viral. the scripture lived out. you want down? >> not just a picture but this cool reunion or really new meeting. do you think you guys will be friends forever charity? >> absolutely. absolutely. that night changed our lives. it was -- it seemed like a break through for lincoln and absolutely. we visited church and we are planning on going again tomorrow. >> what is it, pastor, about this story this picture and that you think has really captured the hearts of americans? why did this go viral? >> well, you know, honestly, our country -- you know, with everything happening and the tragedy that has just taken place and the country has been in a pretty good mess. if you look at lincoln lincoln didn't focus on the differences that we have because in every area there is differences. and if we focus on differences, it always divides. lip con just found a common bond and that common bond is the love of jesus. so that's what united me and lincoln. and i think the greater message is our country is so hungry to get united if we just quit worrying about what makes us all different and find us something that make us all one. >> nice common ground, certainly. your heart and your mind. and talk to people. talk to strangers. >> that's right. just be willing to love -- absolutely. just be willing to love and be -- i mean, i have. >> you touched us and, you know, thanks for coming on the program and sharing the story. >> thank you for having us. >> everlasting new friendship between the two of you. 29 minutes after the hour on your saturday morning. got to turn now to the church massacre. it's sparking a new debate over the confederate flag. should it stay or should it be taken down? we debate it just ahead. hey, dads, have you ever wanted to teach your child how to hunt or fish? we have expert tips for you. first though take a look at what's coming up on cashen with with eric bolling. >> hey guys, senator rand paul is right here. what he he thinks about trump's presidential run and, oh y., wait until you hear about his new tax plan for america. plus, a new pushto microchip prisoners so they don't escape might sound good but did the bible warn us about this? 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>> no, it's not. >> the we will explain how to trade your kids in the ways of outdoor life. that's coming up in a minute. >> that fire smells really good by the way. >> duralog. >> get to your saturday morning head lines start with this fox news alert. an ohio man is now behind bars after authorities say he pledged allegiance to isis via facebook and encouraged others to commit acts of terrorism in the united states. abdul who changed his name from robert mccollum in 2015 landed on the fed's radar in 2012 because of the violent quote extremist content on his facebook page. a search of his home uncovered firearm and ice flag. a freudian slip, president obama makes a goof while speaking at hollywood fundraising event indicating that he is a prisoner in the white house. he said, quote: we should be reforming our criminal justice system in such a way that we are not incarcerating nonviolent offenders in ways that renders them incapable of getting a job after they leave office. there are about 250 people at the event hosted by actor film maker tyler perry. he admitted to the flip up and said perry would give him a job in film after he leaves office. mural of convicted dozens of students and faculty there are fighting back. online petition now circulating and the people behind it demanding answers from the university. shot and killed a new jersey state trooper at point blank range in 1973. she then escaped from prison in 1979 and fled to cuba where she is still believed to be living. and there is two little girls in texas whose permitless lem none made stand shut down. they reopened their stand in front of their home giving away free lemonade. they were able to pocket a grand just inl that money is going to go to a nice present for their dad they say for father's day. those will your news headlines. lots of ways around that stuff. peter and tuck out to you. >> summer is here and the prp thing you can do as a patient is take your kids outdoors. one way to do that is to get activities like fishing and carping and hunting. something i did with my own kids. >> you will have them soon. deputy editor of field and stream. the august outdoor monthly. he is here to show us how to train your kids in the ways of the wild. most noble way to fish. there are many ways to fish. how do you get your kids into the honorable sport of fishing? >> well, first you want to pick up a body of water that has a ton of fish that are easy to catch. >> so true. >> best way to have fun with your kid fishing is to make sure they are catching fish after fish after fish. everybody has a pond or lake they drive by to work twice a day. chances are they have fish in it and can camp them with pretty decent gear. >> probably don't want to start your kid off on a fly rock? >> not. >> how important is it to teach them gummy being worms. >> fishing with a worm is the most classic best way to fish. just starting out. worms. gummy worms used to rigging a bait. >> so many public parts with ponds that have bass and fish in them. >> a blog last year someone caught you fly fishing in central park. >> i have seen that. let me just say you don't have to go to montana to catch fish. >> you can go anywhere. >> so there is a fire burning behind us, shouldering anyway. >> you can't go camping in the summer without building a camp fire. >> no, you can't. >> a camp fire is a great thing to do with your kids. you might want to be in charge of anything with a spark or flame. let the kids help you gather woodenned a you know, add logs to the fire because that's going to make them feel included. when you do start to roast your marshmallows it's important for them to say i started this fire. is it empowering? >> yeah, it is. it's totally elm borrowing. yeah. who doesn't love to sit around a camp fire and tell some story. >> report and camping? >> yes. we have a little hiking survival station over here. >> what we're doing is where we are rigging gummy worms and putting together some survival kits, let's hope they never have to actually use the survival kits. this is a fun thing to do as a kid. walk them through each item like a compass. tell them how to use a compass or a a light and stuff like that. >> fire starter? >> exactly. >> that is way cool. >> they can keep all their gear in a small backpack or fanny pack. it's fun for them to have this on hikes. their dad has a backpack full of gear. >> all kids are arrow maybe yacks. they everywhere born that way. stay that way until adult hood. >> who needs bug spray? anybody here? >> so give us in one sentence deet. is it bad for you or no? >> you have got to look at the bottle and make sure it's something that you can put on your skin or there is some that you just want to put directly over your clothes. unfortunately live with summer there are mosquitoes and ticks so you do want to take precautions with that but deet is going it protect. >> you good man great magazine film and stream. deputy editor. nice for having you. >> thank you for the platter too. i appreciate it. >> anna? >> thanks so much. 40 minutes after the hour this saturday morning. charleston church massacre sparking new debate over the fed der rat flag. >> the flag represents to some people a civil war and that was the symbol of one side. to others it's a racist emblem. >> should it stay or should it be taken down? he we'll debate it just ahead. sweet baby jesus beer. beer, we say puzzled off the shelves because of its name is it offensive or not? we will ask the brewer straight ahead. you know i tried one of those bargain paper towels. but i had to use so many sheets per spill the roll just disappeared. i knew i should've bought bounty. bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. and that's a good deal. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker-upper. and now try bounty with new minions prints. minions summer 2015. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. all right. well, jesus turned water into wine first miracle at the wedding. it doesn't say anything about beer. >> one brewer in hot water though this morning for naming suds sweet baby jesus. and now two grocery stores are pulling the beer from their shelves calling it offensive. the brew master says the beer is just that good. >> joining us david founder of brewery and sweet baby jesus beer. good morning david. >> good morning thanks for having me. >> this grocery store chain in ohio and illinois says they are not going to sell sweet baby jesus anymore because some of the customers were complaining and they didn't want to lose business. will that hurt you? >> definitely lose some sales. we love our product and stand behind it and actually the customers are supporting us strongly. >> you say you are a christian you didn't mean. >> gimmicking and profiting off the lord, they believe. what do you say you to your critics? >> it's hard to change anybody's mind so we just kind of let the beer speak for itself and try to tell everyone no, the name came about when we were doing our final test batch tasting. our brew master didn't like the names we had. he said he got up and said when i drink this beer i think sweet baby jesus i taste chocolate and peanut but ther. >> have you thought about prophet logger. >> growing up where we did that phrase is common for us. phrase of astonishment. so that's kind of how we put it everybody else we do as far as marketing or marketing materials we don't reference any imagery or anything else. >> did you-you-are you telling us that there was no thought when you were going to call the beer sweet baby jesus that it would cause any problems anywhere in the country with any customers? >> well, we have a lot of beers, and it seems that no matter what we name it, somebody is always upset. so yes we know someone is going to get upset. it's not intended that way. and the people that get it and get where we are coming from, understand it and don't take offense to it. >> how good is the beer? >> it's a medal winning beer at the great american beer festival and fun one selling beer that we have out there. >> it tastes like chocolate and peanut butter reese's pieces. >> delicious. i get it at the wine place in virginia. >> you are are interviewing this man but you drink his conflict. >> i guess i got to go. >> what do you think of this story that's meg headlines is going to be doing for your business? are you going to see a boost in sales or is it going to go down? >> i think we have gotten a lot of attention lately and our customers have really supported us. and actually, a lot of the other customer chains have too. the attention should be good, we hope. >> any thoughts that attention is all good, what are you going to call the next one? >> well, they are already all in the works. some of them always have edgy names. some of them don't. so the next one coming out isn't that actually edgy name at all. based on traditional craft brews that we grew up on called our foundation series. that's the next one. but there is always ones in the work. >> you are stirring away from the great world of religion henceforth? >> yes. >> all right. david, thanks for joining us this morning. good to see i. >> thanks. >> 49 minutes after the hour. remember when the president said this? >> but this war like all wars must end. that's what history advises. >> president obama may say we have terrorists on the run. the number of terror attacks actually rising dramatically. shocking new numbers live from washington next. >> and major layoffs at rolling stone magazine as readers decide it's not worth reading because it's garbage. it's who wasn't fired will you have furious. a journalist professor breaks it down. coming up, can your stomach handle it? we'll see. what if one push up could prevent heart disease? 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no. obviously i wanted to return to my old job. i thought we had had a great ten year run. we were on top for most of that time i pushed back at first, enough time has passed. >> i was reading these newspaper stories not liking the person i was reading about wanting -- i would have given anything to get to the end of the story and have it be someone else but it was about me this was clearly ego driven. a desire to better my role in a story i was already in. all i can tell people is hold me to account. judge me by you a harsh a standard as you wish. many already have. that's fair. >> all that i can think is that he is just going to be doing breaking news now. because if he talks about anything that happened in the past and tries to put anything in context people will say is that true? did that really happen? >> did the interview did the sit june with matt lauer who also of course works at nbc. didn't go in for hard hitting interview. there weren't the secondary questions or follow-up questions do you think you will do this again and are you a pathological is there something wrong with you? i'm not saying that there is but. >> i come at this from a slightly different perspective for a couple reasons. one, i think he is basically kind of a decent guy. i sort of know him and i like him. two, there is something really sad about watching a man's all pretense and dignity in public. all of us have done bad things. these guys did them on tape and i hate the mob. i hate the idea that people who don't know him weigh in in the most self-righteous way and condemn him. there is something about the internet and social media that make it really easy for a crowd of people to stand around and stone someone to death and i think it's ugly. >> i see the follow-up on the nightly news but did he say he watched the prisoners break out that he was there? >> peter. >> there is no defending. >> it's not like he said i caught a fish that was this big. >> you are right. he lied. he is a news man. he was punished for it. i believe in forgiveness. he have a much better time in cable where there actually real news than broadcast which is endless series on prostate health. >> bring star power to msnbc. show them their formula is not working. >> their formula is not working. getting up there and cheering for obama is not working for them. i think he will make the place better. >> call me crazy. >> speaking of better, coming up, more real news. victims preaching forgiveness for the gunman after the charleston church massacre. what does that say about their faith. should our pastors be armed to protect their parishioners. former governor mike huckabee is live at the top of the hour. cuts a rug at the airport. show you some boogie woogie dancing coming up. es your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn't think a flood could ever happen. the reality is floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. i'm anna kooiman and this is a fox news alert. heart breaking new details in that charleston church shooting. the killer confessing his victims were nice to him. but the families of those killed refusing to let hate win. >> i will never talk to her ever again. i will never be able to hold her again. but i forgive you. and have mercy on your soul. >> forgiving already. we're live in charleston with the latest. >> as the nation mourns the tragedy in charleston, the president says. this. >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. every country has violent hateful, or mentally unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> using the murder of innocence to push his political agenda. demagoguery at its worst? well governor mike huckabee joins us in moments with his view. >> and these veterans really know how to move. ♪ ♪ has the video gone viral that will make your morning the awesome story behind this boogie because mornings are always better with friends. ♪ that show american diner revival? that's what the "fox & friends" plaza the corner of 48th and 6th is turn into. fabulous father's day grilling tips for you. >> stay tuned for that we have got a great show. it's the third hour of "fox & friends" joined by peter doocy. >> thanks for having me. >> are you kidding me in we absolutely love it we have some news for you this, no. >> hate won't win that is the message of families from the nine innocent families killed by gunman during their church bible study. >> relatives confronting dylann roof during first first court appearance. >> you are own ainsley earhardt is live in charleston, south carolina with the community as it tries to cope with the horror. ainsley? >> it's hard to even imagine how to go forward. this community doing their best tucker. can you see you have a lot of flowers and a lot of american flag balloons. a lot of people out here that are crying this morning, upset about these tragedies. you had police officers yesterday, they were delivering these water bottles. free water to anyone who was out here. it was wonderful. seeing blacks and whites coming together, seeing democrats, republicans it didn't matter. none of that mattered after this tragedy on wednesday night. all of these flowers here. one white bow for each of the victims. can you see a picture here where someone left a picture for her grandmother for ethel. and some balloons back here. it's just been an outpouring of support. now yesterday was the memorial service which was a big vigil in downtown charleston for anyone who wanted to go to that. mayor reilly spoke. the suspect was in court yesterday. charged with nine counts of murder. and prosecutors promised justice. we talked with andy savage an attorney in town. also really good friends with tywanza's family and others whether they expect the death penalty. >> there are two different ways look at this, how this community wants to respond also a national issue. these mass murderers are what are we as a people, what is the federal government are we going to make a stand on that. a little bit different from our community. i think our community is a probably a little bit more forgiving and less or yented on revenge. >> the victim's families had a chance also to talk in court. they had powerful messages for the gunmen. we have no room for hate. we have to forgive. i pray god on your soul and i also thank god that i won't be around when your judgment day comes. >> now the suspect's family has released a statement saying that he are shocked and they are saddened by this news. the sister of the suspect the uncle and the father all called 911 we're finding out to report their brother their son their nephew to police officers when they recognized his face, they recognized his picture and the car on wednesday. anna tucker, and peter the sister of the suspect her name is amber she was supposed to get married tomorrow. but in the wake of what her brother did on wednesday that wedding has since been postponed. >> ainsley said he wasn't set to be part of the wedding party either. >> it says so much about the strength of those families. to get out there and forgive them and wish for god to have mercy on the person who killed their loved ones. it didn't look. i was watching the live stream of this on my phone yesterday it didn't look like he was particularly moved. >> no. he wasn't. normal people don't do that only people of great and profound faith. i know christians take a lot of grief in this country increasingly secular. when you watch that you realize they are not like ordinary people. people with deep faith i think better. not the ones just sitting in a church pew living in love and living it out. strength to forgive so fast is something that is moving the nation really. this is what you are seeing on front pages of the newspapers across the country. i want to bring in former governor mike huckabee to get his take on all of this. as a man of faith governor, where do you think that these victims' families are finding the strength? >> well, there is no question they are finding the strength in jesus christ. and i think it's so very important for us to look at the fact that they are exemplifying what it really means to follow christ. the people of charleston in general, and the people of emanuel ame church specifically have given us one of the most powerful witnesses of what god's grace is all about. more than all the politicians and commentators and pundits and the various people who are weighing in. nobody is speaking more loudly, more clearly more effectively than those people who were most affected by. this and yet who have exemplified what it really means to follow christ. they have done it in a way that i find almost just so admiral that it shames me to think that i had feelings and attitudes even as a leader when i first heard this tragedy that do not equal their own sense of grace and forgiveness. >> i think we all did governor. that's a really deep response. that's a from the response from the political community at least on the left was one of anization. the president humself used this issue in his press conference that very day to press for gun control. i think we have a soundbite from that press conference. here is the president of the united states in the wake of the tragedy. watch. >> i refuse to act as if this is the new normal. are to pretend that it's simply sufficient to grieve and any members of us doing something to stop it is somehow politicizing the problem. [ applause ] >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. you don't see murder on this kind of scale with this kind of frequency in any other advanced nation on earth. >> so it's inevitable, governor, that tragedy like this is going to turn into something political but the timing of it so soon? >> well, i thought it was a little untimely that within hours of the shooting the president was already starting to talk about his political agenda, which is gun control. >> you know, one thing i would agree with that we have got to do more than have sympathy. okay i agree with that do you know what we need to do? look at data and honest facts. here is an honest fact. gun homicides are down 49% since 1993 when they hit their all-time peek. this that we are awash is simply not supported by the democrat tasm even though it's a horrible tragedy when you think ''the 20 people a year are killed by mass murders. 28 people a day are killed by drunk drivers. 30 people a day or killed by cows. more than that by warps and bee stings. i'm not making light of it. i'm simply saying if the president is receiver yures but stopping horrors. let's' put it in perspective and let's not punish 118 legal. because some crazy hate field person gout out and does something unthinkable. >> governor, real quick before we move on. if you have think if somebody at the church had a gun that this would have been avoided? >> not avoided. you are not going to stop someone from standing up and doing what this terrible person did. if somebody had been there either off duty police jerry trained how to use a firearm when he started shooting, he would not have had the opportunity to reload several times. somebody would have taken him out before he dild as many pandemic frkts know at my church and many churches across the country trip there are security plans in plus and armed people to deal with such emergency. the new life in colorado springs a few years ago had an atlanticive shooter. >> young female intervened saving the was i of hundreds of people. she was age to step in, take out the shooter and save a lot of people's lives. it's a horrible thing that we have to arm people at churches. but that's better than the fact that many would die because there was no one there to defender them. and, when an active shooter is there. you don't have time to call 911 and wait 15 minutes for the police to arrive. >> mike huckabee joining us from the road. governor, i hope you are getting enough sleep. it's hard running for president but you seem to be bearing up well. >> you know better than that thank you. good to be here. >> 10 minutes after the hour now to other stories making headlines. this is new overnight. he is disand killers now been two weeks since they have may have been on the run. two people fitting the descriptions of richard matt and david sweat reportedly seen last week in steuben county, new york. first in the town of irwin and then in lenley beth nearby the pennsylvania border. men time a corrections officer from the new york prison where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a hero killed in the line of duty. cincinnati police officer sonny kim a 27 year veteran of the force gunned down by a man who police say had planned suicide by cop. trey peter hummins called 911 device to report that man with a gun acting erratically. when police responded it was humins himself. returned fire hitting and killing that suspect. a sharply hit foul ball at the cardinals game sends a young boy it the hospital. he was sitting along the first base lane when he was hit. conscious when medical workers. this is the second mlb accident in a couple of weeks. boston red sox fan you will remember fiercely hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. those are your news headlines. >> coming up, major layoffs at rolling stone magazine as readers decide it's just too awful to read. 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again, i thought it was supposed to be about music. >> right. well, first of all it's extremely inappropriate. this is not anything new. the left is notorious for blaming conservatives and republicans for mass shootings when they occur. don't you know it was republicans who handed the guns to this man and put those evil racist thoughts into his head. on a serious note. of course are responsible for. this they believe republicans are all racist. really unfortunate that they are now comparing what happened to charleston and saying that all the people who are part of the republican party are essentially the same thing. you know, they are now using this example of what happened in that city. a horrible thing that happened as, you know, to paint everyone as racist. when really expects the exception that we saw this week. not the rule. and unfortunately it's not anything new. we have seen this in the past with the gabriel gifford shooting. the tea party was blamed for that blame people who happen to believe in second amendment rights when things like this happen. it's not true. it doesn't make a lot of sense. as indicated by not having everything up on the screen, what they said didn't make a lot of sense either. >> it's sad to say you that it seems like that kind of sick adage of politics that politicians never let a good tragedy go to waste. >> or liberal writers as well. >> there you go. all right. thank you katie pavlich. >> thanks, guys. coming up. with chris crysty almost ready to run for president? details on the meeting he has had. >> she has been miss america and co-host of "fox & friends." you have seen her on the curvey couch. it wasn't always easy for gretchen carlson. once she was almost fired and now she is writing on it. getting real. come on in. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? 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>> i say i reached the bimbo trifecta when i got to fox news. natural blonde, former miss america where i had to build a tough skin and then a fox news host for the last 10 years. i'm joking about it but not really. because what happens is when people don't want to debate you on the smart issues of the day it's a lot easier to call autumn blonde from fox. so yes i get tons of criticism. tons of mean tweets but i kill them with kindness. i write back sometimes and i say oh, thank you so much for your comments and i hope you have a fantastic day. >> i'm sorry you are having a bad day. >> sometimes they write back and they are rq happy father's day to you tucker, too. and your dad peter. >> and to you in the future because you will procreate. >> how is that for a tease? >> wow. >> fox news alert. >> it is great to see you gretchen. thanks for coming on. >> thank you for taking the time. thanks so much. >> still ahead a new debate over the confederate flag still flying over the south carolina state capital capital building. should it fly or be taken down? debate next. ♪ ♪ i need a chance to get away ♪ if you could hear me think ♪ this is what i would say ♪ don't need knowing but a good time ♪ how can i resist i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. ♪ ♪ he is the boogie woogie bugle boy of company b. >> he is the the boogie woogie bugle boy. this world world war ii veteran has dancing in his. ready to go home from honor flight. treated to a trio of ladies treated to boogie woogie bugle boy. >> ronald reagan international airport into a dance hall proving they still got moves. look at that. >> and very functional knees. >> very impressive wow. look at that hip movement. >> you got to be careful though when you are dancing around with the tsa these days. it's dangerous. >> hey you. that line. over here. >> readying the tasers. >> headlines for you. '3 minutes after the hour. honda motor corporation has confirmed the eighth death by exploding takata airbag. last september jewel was killed when the airbag of 2001 honda civic deployed in a crash and spewed metal shrapnel everywhere. determined the airbag cut her neck and caused a severe brain injury. filed you have to see it to believe it a stolen suv with four people inside flips while fleeing police rolls several times lands upright and then keeps going. they didn't get far. pasadena, texas police say the rollover activated the shutoff valve brings the chase to an end. four suspects not hurt but they were arrested. will he or won't he? new jersey governor chris christie could soon announce whether he is throwing his hat into the ring for the republican presidential nomination following a recent family meeting. christie saying his family encouraged him to run. he tells fox news he remains undecided after the new jersey session ends the end of june. has narrow weekend july 4th and august the 6th debate by fox to get in the game. >> we know who is already in the game. >> he never left the game. he is the game and he has game, rick reichmuth. >> keep going. that's it. that's all they wrote. >> work on some more by the time i toss it back to you i goes. >> amazing crowd out here. there is amazing food come out. i think that's what you are all here for; is that right? >> that's right. >> it's coming. stay tuned. take a look at the weather maps as we show you what is going on. >> there is still moisture from what is still tropical depression bill. that's moving across the ohio valley. going to bring quite a bit of rain throughout the day. also a batch of severe weather that cut through south dakota overnight and into minnesota this morning. continue to bring severe weather very strong winds across parts of iowa and really that kind of northern parts of the mississippi river valley today. we are also going to watch some severe weather across the mid-atlantic because of all that moisture that's going to be coming in from tropical depression bill. couple other stories we are dealing with this week. incredible heat across much of the southeast. get ready it will get hotter. i hate to tell you that. look at your temperatures in columbia, south carolina. we are going to be getting 102 by monday. not only hot it's humid. go out across the southwest same story. we have got triple digits kind of normal for this time of year. 115 yesterday in phoenix. tied a record today. 122. in death valley 114. in vegas next three days remain blistering hot. all right guys, did you figure out some more in tucker? >> i'm actually doing a little research. thanks rubbing. well, now to the fallout from the church massacre in south carolina. 21-year-old dylann roof making his first appearance in court for horrific murder of nine people in a charleston church. balance has resparked the he had confederate flag displayed on the front of his car. that flag is still flying next to the state capitol after those murders. some critics want to take them down arguing it's a symbol of racism. is this a relevance debate? here to hash it out former congressional candidate can katrina peterson spokesperson for the tea party fund and brian benjamin. welcome to you both. brian, i know there are people very offended by the confederate flag in the wake of these murders is this really a relevant debate or more non-seq. >> it was put there in 1961 as a sort of symbol to african-americans who were fighting for civil rights and for their freedom that, you know, the confederate flag kind of showed people nothing is going to change here and you will continue to be second class sentences. a lot of people who are descendents of that feel the same way about the flag. it was not put up as a symbol of southern heritage. >> a lot has changed in the last 50 years. nobody is rg ing that the flag had a meaningful role in these murders. >> no. i think it might have had a meaningful role. the expressions of this gentleman and his feelings, right? so when you think about our history, the flag, there is no real place for the flag. you have the state flag. you have the american flag, why do we need the confederate flag there it could be in a museum or some place else to talk about our history it's not part of our present or our future. >> i don't have strong emotions over this, i'm from california. a lot of the people from the south do and a lot of people are offended by the confederate flag. they her taxpayers. why should they pay for it i'm against abortion i why should i pay for abortion. why should they pay for the flag over south carolina. >> it's a debate. south carolina shooting. they are using this issue to take down this flag. i'm in texas i'm a black woman. i get it. yes, it is offensive to it a lot of people. however, it is not the cause or the instigation. it is the right of the state to do. so the legislature voted to take it up, the legislature can vote to take it down. what we have like your guest said worried about involved. that's another indicator how all of hue mantz is evolving because they want the government to feel better about themselves. happiness and acceptance is inside job. tucker? >> i completely agree with that it's one thing for the government to make you happy that's not going work. also the government go out of its way to make you upset. does upset though, no? >> absolutely there are things upsetting lots of people they don't force them to do certain things. this is up to the legislature in south carolina. if the people there want it taken down legislature will remove it in next session. until will then it's a south carolina issue. >> tragically we are -- one sentence really quick. >> in texas the supreme court voted or not voted but decided that confer der rat flag on license plates should not be allowed they understand that this is beyond ceend of this free speech component like katrina is talking about. >> brian and katrina thanks for coming on. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> another homegrown terror arrest. the fifth this week alone. do you see a trend in terror has sprikd around the global. details shocking report. buy prescription drugs at big boxcars or get them retail a consumer expert to show you where you will save up to 50% buying your drugs if you shop at the right place. don't miss this segment. it can save you tons. ♪ you better shop around ♪ try to get yourself a bargain, girl. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet... ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk... ...calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. before you head out the door to go to cosco or one of those other big box stores this weekend. you need to listen to this. we are about to break down the things you should buy and skip and purchase at retail stores instead. >> jing us now live style and consumer expert michelle park. hey michelle. >> hi, guys, good morning. we have a couple items here. >> yes. >> he we're going to get with these. >> buyer's gifts. big box store. >> first of all prescriptions. i just looked at this one. it's actually yours. >> it's really mine. >> i will turn it around. okay. big box store for prescriptions. >> why so much vicodin? >> i got my wisdom teeth out but yes. go ahead and guess. >> i guess that's a buy at the big box. >> i'm get guessing skip. >> that is a buy. save about 15% at the big box stores. >> no way. >> keep score in the control room please. >> i even have prizes for you quays. let's make it competitive. >> i want the key chain. cereal? >> we have cleaning supplies right next to that. >> i apologize backwards here. what's your guess on cleaning supplies? >> like at cosco? >> i'm going to say buy. >> it is actually skip because these can lose their effectiveness after a while. you don't buy them in bulk. >> unless you are like the happy cleaner who cleans every day. >> right. >> cereal is pretty expensive. >> it gets to like $4 a box sometimes. >> i'm going buy. get like a year's worth. >> some preservatives that's not going spoil. >> with the cereals even with the favorites get them cheaper in the big box store even organic 25% goods. >> paper goods. >> tp. >> go ahead and guess. >> if you have the storage meaning you don't live in new york city shoebox apartment. >> i would buy. >> i would skip and buy online. >> actually that's a good idea. if you end up buying them in the he retail stores they are actually cheaper. pair them up with the manufacturer coupon you are going to get a better deal. >> if you are a coupon clipper there you go. >> i'm 4 for 4. >> i'm impressed. >> what about pet supplies. >> yes. pet supplies. >> that's your wish? >> smart or safeway? >> or like a big box store like cosco. >> all right. >> i say a wig by i have an animal. >> correct. should buy 60% savings when you buy pet food in bulk. so definitely go ahead and buy that. >> how about luck core if you are somebody who likes to hit the bottle pretty hard. >> buying liquor in bulk. would you buy or would you skip? >> i would buy it, buy buy buy. >> so it's actually a buy for sure because a lot of these big becomes stores team one vineyards they get discountsen wine or liquor. >> how familiar do they pay me for at cosco. >> 30% to 4 o0%. you can buy one third more. >> dress shirts from the 80's kind of collar. assuming i want to wear that do i buy it at the box tore. >> what about you guys? >> buy it. >> you are coming from the a big box store you can probably get it cheap right? >> actually, it is a buy. >> it's about the same, you know quality. so you are actually getting really similar fabrics. it's going to have a different label on it. >> last but not least meat? you can buy it in bulk. >> but it and freeze it, baby. >> i actually really like that. if you are going to try to all go to the retail store and get manager markdowns it is a skip. we have a couple more. charcoal buyer skip. >> i'm going to say we are out of time. >> we're out of time. >> it is a buy though. so this is a buy over the counter is a skip. it might expire. >> looks like peter would be. >> what did i get for getting them all right? >> you get a gold key chain but we have a cop sole legs prize. everyone can get one. >> that's what i like about our show it's very new age. thank you. >> thank you. >> another homegrown terrorist arrest. >> as terror pikes should the globe and it s in washington with shocking new details. >> chopped, on a mission to save american diners, american freetage firing up the grill with some tasty summer barbecue. >> ♪ go outside for a while ♪ may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. a "fox news alert." another homegrown terror arrest the fifth week alone. an ohio man taken into custody after posting radical content online. there is an uptick in terror worldwide. kristin fisher joins us from washd, with that report. kristin? >> hey, peter. so isis is now beating al qaeda as the world's leading terror group. that's according to the state department's annual terrorism report released yesterday, and the findings are not good. look at this. worldwide terrorist attacks are up 35%. most took place in iraq and isis is responsible for most of them. but probably the most shocking stat in this entire report is this -- the number of fatalities in terror attacks jumped 81% in 2014. you can thank the increasingly brutal tack tibs of both isis and nigerian-based boko haram for that sharp spike. the headings crucifixions stonings mass casualties mass kidnappings. critics of the obama administration are calling the report a devastating indictment on the president's approach to combatting terrorism. >> that the obama way has led to this explosion in violence and death and the emergence of a radical islamic jihadist caliphate in the heart of one of the most combustible regions in the world. >> the report also calls the spread of isis quote, unprecedent unprecedented. here's how the state department characterized the war on terror the same day the report was released. >> we have had success against isil in iraq and in syria. we've made progress against al qaeda. that doesn't mean that at any point in time certainly not today, we're willing to declare open success against these groups. and there are worrisome trends in that report. >> worrisome trends including here at home. this week alone five people in the u.s. have been arrested for plotting to join isis. >> kristin fisher thank you very much from our d.c. bureau. now yo outside with everybody else. you may remember her as a judge on "chops." >> that's right. now chef amanda frytag has a new mission to save struggling diners and make sure they don't get chopped. >> literally the lord's work. co-host of "american diner revival requests revival" on the food network. >> beautiful day. >> we're making burgers. >> that's what summer is all about. >> we have this amazing grill right here and this is one of the dishes i did on "american diner revival" at george's in carmel new york because i made it a big gus greek burger. it's a greek family. we redid their diner, transformed it and i kind of upgraded his burger. >> what makes it upgraded? >> it's so good! okay. >> salt. >> well what i did with this burger was i seasoned the actual burger meat. >> what is that? >> that's garlic. >> oh. >> black pepper. i'm going to get in there and mix it. this is a trick i think a lot of people don't do. you can season the actual burger meat and it makes it way more flavorful. >> as a kid we did that to make it go further. >> right. mix in -- >> hamburger helper. >> five kids. >> special formula in there. >> this is just culinary goodness. george's his father gus owned the place and he had burger on the menu but it wasn't as appealing as it should have been. >> they need to be memorable for the repeat customers. >> exactly. we just wanted to upgrade a little. that's what we've been doing on the show. so great. we go around the country, find these diner that are relovered, the community calls on us and we -- >> you're diner doctors. >> kind of like a diner doctor. >> this is what you've done to it. looks like you roasted tomato. >> we took all the ingredients they had in their pantry already, roasted the tomato grabbed some feta cheese. oh yeah. >> rick you are not ever afraid to dive in. i love that about you. >> and so we just wanted to upgrade and show everybody that you can do something simple with what you already have in your pantry pantry. >> i was just asking about that. cucumbers? >> that's a cucumber salad and that was another twist. i know everybody loves french fries. >> yeah. >> but i made something fresh and light and that also went with the greek theme of the restaurant. so i paired this burger with a cucumber salad and the secret ingredient is dill and mint. >> this is all amazing. we'll have these recipes on our website. >> your website. >> your show "american diner revival," friday nights 10,:30 food network. you're amazing. >> can i? >> of course. who's hungry? >> so much better than the oatmeal that i heated up in a coffee cup like an hour ago. anyway still ahead, coming face-to-face with the killer. >> started off very innocently but then he was asking me if i was in any warrings or, you know, if i shot anybody or had i killed anybody. >> from the navy credit vette who met dylann roof before the massacre. and a country star but blake shelton is a lifesaver, too, for this man. the story behind the picture coming up. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? 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(funky upbeat music) ♪ hello. good morning. it's saturday june 20th 2015. i'm anna kooiman and this is a "fox news alert." heartbreaking new details in that church shooting, the killer confessing his victims were nice to him moments before his horrific act. those he killed showing him compassion. >> you hurt me. you hurt a lot of people. but god forgives you. i forgive you. >> forgiveness. we're live in charleston has a community remembers those nine victims. then a navy veteran comes face-to-face with deranged gunmen weeks before he carried out his murders. >> in the midst of a conversation he lifts up his shirt and he pulls out a .45 automatic and he started talking about african-americans in a bolder way. >> the ominous signs of the horror to come. more of his conversation with the killer coming up. and brian williams demoted to msnbc after lying on air. but is this just a desperate attempt for ratings by msnbc? a "vanity fair" correspondent who covered the scandal will share his side because mornings are bet we are friends. ♪ baby come give me a kiss put me on the cover of the rolling stone uptown ♪ >> "fox & friends." >> our security force on the plaza. >> in the cup. we're teaching you to have a wild child. how to raise a wild chide. we'll be building fires and doing survival tip, animal calls, all kinds of fun stuff. >> teaching your kids to fish. >> peter, welcome. >> thank you for having me. i tried to find the funl tif sgitives. didn't happen. >> right now we need to get to this "fox news alert." coping in charleston, south carolina. ♪ we shall overcome someday ♪ >> thousands gathering for a memorial last night honoring the nine innocent churchgoers gunned down after bible study. >> this just hours after dylann roof went before a judge. he's now charged with nine counts of murder standing emotionless as the victims' families offered their forgiveness to him. >> you took something very precious away from me. i never talk to her ever again. oh and dylann i will never be able to hold her again. but i forgive you. and have mercy on your soul. >> the devastating community is planning a big show of support tomorrow. >> reporter: thank you so much. we're here just to honor these victims and to remember their loved ones this morning. so we are here with a special person we just met but i've heard so much about you. her name is dorothy bearn. she had a vision to start a chain unity march across the cooper river bridge the big bridge that connects mt. pleasant to charleston south carolina. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> reporter: you had this idea to create this chain. you wanted everyone to hold hands across the bridge. how did you come up with it? >> i think when something happens that that's this tragic, you're moved to do something, and i was moved. and i knew that the city and the town of mt. pleasant would respond with love. >> reporter: they did. you posted it on a moms group. you have several here to support you. >> they've all pitched in. >> reporter: the next thing you know someone's calling you saying i got a permit we're doing this. >> yes. >> reporter: the city has approved this. >> yeah. it started with just this vision and now everybody in the community has taken it and run with it. >> you put it on facebook. how many people are already attending? >> right now we have 4,500 people that are going to hold hands and walk the bridge and just extend their love to this community, to the families and the victims. >> and you don't want any money. >> no. >> reporter: this is out of the kindness and goodness of your heart. >> we just wanted to respond with love and not hate and we want the community to know that the people the moms just everybody loves them and loves the city. and this is our way of doing it. we hope that people join us. >> reporter: tomorrow night 7:45. you can go to either side of the bridge. you can join in on the crowd if you're interested if you live in the area. you can go to our "fox & friends" weekend facebook page to find more information. it will hook um with their face book page. back to you. >> it will be a moving picture when we get to see that. ainsley, thanks. i think what is stressing a lot of people is these victims' families are able to forgive so quickly, these ninety innocent people who lost their lives. what you're seeing across the country are things like we forgive, hate will not win. these people did not just go to church. they really lived out their christian faith. >> cheerily there's a supernatural -- clearly there's a supernatural component. imagine your loved one, your wife your husband, your child was murdered at a bible study by a lunatic. could you a day later find it in yourself to forzbhif i don't know anybody could do that under his own power. >> the difficulty has to be multiplied because while they're pouring their hearts out just hours after watching some of their loved ones die in front of them and they're forgiving him, this psycho killer did not look like he was moved by it at all. >> no. >> so they're doing a very difficult thing, a very compassionate thing. they're showing the strength of their faith by forgiving him, wishing mercy on his soul and he's just standing there listening and it's like it didn't register. >> one of the people who helped stop any possible more carnage from happening was that florist who happened to be watching "fox & friends" and recognized the license plate and the vehicle while driving from shelby. listen to debbie. >> watching fox news "fox & friends" yesterday morning. i had paid close attention the night before when i heard about the church shooting and my heart went out to those people there. and i had -- i don't know why i paid closer attention. i'm calling it divine intervention. i believe god had a plan in it. and as i was driving to work i was running late i actually seen -- i looked over and seen the car and it looked familiar to me. i was able to catch up with him and get right behind him and get his tag number. and it will police and the shelby city police caught him within a matter of minutes. i'm not the hero. god is the hero. he just used me. >> give her an award or medal or something. she deserves it. she is a hero. this guy was very dangerous and she followed him arnold. and he might not be behind bars right now in charleston, south carolina, ready to face the music if it wasn't for her. >> debbie dills. she give god all the credit. learning more about the early life of this man, dylann a apparently the murderer who took those nine lives. we had a navy vet on o'reilly last night and he recalls a conversation he had with dylann roof a week ago that struck him as odd. listen to his account of their conversation. >> it started off very innocently. but then he was asking me if i was in any wars or, you know if i shot anybody or had id anybody. in the midst of the conversation he lifts up his church and he pulls out a .45 automatic. and he started talking about african-americans in a bolder way. i said listen i don't want to listen to this stuff. he did tell me that he was going to go hunting with that gun. and that was the exact comment he used. >> you don't hunt animals with a pistol. >> i don't think he was talking about animals. you don't know how much this is killing me that i didn't speak up when this happened. nine perfectly good healthy people dead because i didn't speak up. >> no but i don't think that's true. i don't think -- no matter what you did in this society we live in that could have been prevented. >> because you don't know that dylann roof would have been committed into a mental institution or something if he had just called. but it is a take-away point for all of us. if we see something, say something. if we have a weird feeling in our tummy, maybe stay save something. >> somebody who might want to rethink how they approach this whole thing is the friend of dylann roof who is talking to reporters and saying yeah you know his parents wanted to get him a gun but he said no how about this mom, you give me $350 dad, you give me $350 and i'm going to get the gun. and the friend said he wanted to do that in case any trouble came out of it that it wouldn't be on his parents. it would be on him. where was that kid? >> it's pretty easy in retrospect to see the signs. >> this poor guy, this veteran should not feel responsible for what happened to-in a chance meeting. somebody else who knows him and put it together and said well, you know i thought for a couple months there could be trouble. >> wish they would have said something. we are following some other headlines. this is breaking overnight, those escaped killers peter was talking act, now they've been two weeks on the run but they may have been spotted. we're learning two people fitting the descriptions of richard matt and david sweat were reportedly seen last week in steuben county new york first the town of irwin, then lindley, both near the pennsylvania border. a corrections officer from the new york prison where they escaped earlier this month has been placed on leave. a foul ball whipped into the stands in a phillies/cardinals game sends a young fan to the hospital. a boy was struck as he was sitting in the front row along the first-base line. he was conscious when medical workers came to help but there is no word on his condition this morning. if you remember this is the second mlb accident in the last couple weeks. a boston red sox fan seriously hurt after getting hit in the face by a broken bat. and this mangled mess of metal left on an interstate in illinois after the driver of a semi truck faums asleep behind the wheel, slamming into 13 cars in a construction zone. six people hurt take on the hospital. we're told they suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. and scary moments at the u.s. open. australian golfer jason day collapsing during his final hole. he first appeared to slip but television replay showed he fell as if he fainted. he was later diagnosed with vertigo. day ranked tenth in the world expected to be back on the course today. tiger woods missed the cut after shooting 16 over par through two rounds. masters champion jordan spieth and patrick reed are currently tied for the lead. more time for tiger to go work on his restaurant down in florida. >> isle be going. >> rick has been there. you ran here from somewhere so fast. >> you were eating burgers on the plaza. >> i was talking to people outside and somehow i lost track of time. >> you made it. >> i was recommending restaurants in new york to some of the people outside. we have flooding concerns across parts of the ohio valley. this is from moisture we had from tropical storm bill. this is also going to come with a threat for severe weather, so get ready for that. temperature-wise across the country, starting off not all that bad. we're going to warm up across much of the southeast. across parts of the northeast it will be a cooler day across much of new england. here we have the rain showers in across parts of the mid-atlantic. down to the southeast, get ready for another hot day and down across parts of texas. a few more showers. nothing that will cause big flooding for us. oklahoma city 93 plenty of warm temperatures there and warmth across much of the northern tier as well. 80 degrees in fargo. showers arnold the chicago area. some will be severe weather, maybe a tornado or two. out across the west, warm temperatures temps in the triple digits. 117 across parts of the colorado river valley. >> 117. fahrenheit? >> certainly not celsius. >> impressive. >> thank you. >> you bet. 13 minutes after the hour. brian williams demoted to msnbc after lying on air. so is this a desperate attempt for ratings or are they trying to push him out the door? our next guest has been covering the scandal and has the scoop on what's happening inside the network. then you think you've had bad breakups? this guy puts it in perspective. he cuts everything he owns in half. >> this is his car. >> this is his half. we'll bring you the rest of the story coming up. when heartburn comes creeping up on you... fight back with relief so smooth...'s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue ...and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum, tum tum tum...♪ smoothies! only from tums. hey, what are you doing? you said you were going to find out about plenti, the new rewards program. i did. in fact, i'm earning plenti points right now. but you're not doing anything right now. lily? he's right. sign up, and you could earn plenti points just for being a wireless customer. in the meantime, i just kick back and watch the points roll in. where did you get those noodles? at&t cafeteria. you mean the break room... at&t - the only wireless carrier to be a part of plenti now when you add a new phone line to your wireless plan you get 5,000 plenti points to use in lots of places. my school 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still be fired. joining us is a correspondent with "vanity fair" who wrote an exclusive article about the going-on inside nbc after the scandal broke. brian, thanks for coming in. >> pleasure. >> this breaking news role he's now in at msnbc, did they just have to put him on something that's happening right now that people can see so that -- because if he talks about something that happened like yesterday that he claims to have seen nobody's going to buy it? >> we actually don't know what the role is going to be. breaking news on msnbc. this could be new mayor in dallas. this could be a shooter in a church. we just don't know. >> and is that because they just don't do a whole lot of news on msnbc right now? >> clearly nbc is looking to reshape and remake msnbc, which badly needs it. its ratings are pretty poor. can brian williams help? it's hard to see how it could hurt. >> and your reporting is that inside nbc they did this investigation into how much other stuff he fibbed on. and they came up with 11 different accounts that he embellished. do you expect msnbc to come out and correct those all 11 things or are they going to just put him at msnbc and say, well, you know he said sorry and here he is there's a breaking news story? >> they're going to put him on nbc because i think that those of us in the media who are clamoring for more transparency who want an explanation for all that he said wrong, i don't get a sense there's a groundswell of asking for that from the public. i think nbc is going to try to gut this out, and i think there's a good chance they're able to. >> are the staffers at msnbc going to be as up in arms about the journalistic integrity potential issues as the people at the "nightly news" were? >> no. there's a clear class distinction between nbc news and msnbc. i think at nbc news he has very little support. at msnbc, once gets a sense they're all just happy to have a job. >> he says his ego made him do it made him want to say i was there, even though he wasn't. how does ego going to handle going from the pinnacle of broadcast news to basically the basement right now? >> well that is a very good question that a lot of his friends are asking. but the fact is he doesn't have much choice. he doesn't have a lot of options out there. the other networks don't want him. cnn doesn't want him. and i think he realizes it's necessary to go down to the minor leagues. there's ample precedent for this type of thing. if he can ever have any hope of returning to the majors. >> the minor leagues. bryan, thanks for coming in. good stuff. coming up, more on our top story. the deranged gunman charged with shooting nine people dead i believe side that charleston church. what happens next? will his lawyer try to plead insanity? kimberly guilfoyle on deck. there she is. and you know him as a country music superstar. ♪ i'll be your sweet iced tea ♪ but this morning blake shelton has a brand-new title -- hero. he saved a man's life. that story, that 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upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your doctor about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. from failing to passing thanks to the principal? denver public schools has completed their investigation of a collegiate academy, principal martha gustafsson. over christmas break she allegedly changed nine students' grades from fs to ds. she's under disciplinary action. a mural of a convicted cop killer. it's painted over but for some reason dozens are fighting to get it back with an online petition. the mural featured the words of a man who shot and killed a new jersey state trooper in 1973. she's now a fugitive in cuba. all right. "fox news alert." dylann roof appears for the first time in court since being apprehended for the murder of nine people inside a charleston church. so what exactly happens next to dylann roof? >> here to weigh in is author of the book "making the case: how to be your own best advocate," kimberly guilfoyle. good morning. >> good morning. nice to be here on saturday. >> what's going to happen? >> this is an interesting case because there's state and federal issues that come into play. we still haven't seen if he's going to be charged federally. i expect he will. they are doing currently a hate crimes investigation. but he wouldn't be eligible for the death penalty under that particular statute. he will however, be eligible for the death penalty under south carolina law, which he is currently charged. >> does that carry out the death penalty? >> they do. so the point is that's where you're going to see kind of the crux of the investigation and the focus and then a parallel with the feds. but this is a very sad case. what's gone on these are people that have opened their hearts their house of worship to them. he sat there with him, even commenting they were nice to him, yet he still did this. that's the kind of premeditation, the specific intent driving two hours. the balance of that is going to be does he have some kind of mental disease or defect. >> people would say if there's ever a time to use the death penalty, this is the time to use it. but the victims' families haven't said how they're feeling about it. they're already forgiving him just a couple days after the tragedy. how much will their opinion play a role in what the prosecutors say? >> it plays a big role. in the offices where i was, los angeles district attorney's office and san francisco d.a.'s office l.a. has a death panel that will review every case to make sure there'srmity to determine who is eligible under certain criteria. here he does meet the criteria in terms of the heinousness of the offense, the multiple victims, particularly vulnerable those who were older excam newtoned essentially by him. on counterbalance they'll look at any factors in mitigation. was this somebody who had a mental disease, were they under medication the age of the perpetrator. on balance, he has a severity of the offense and, you know, the mass murder that he committed is really going to tip the balance. but "the daily mail" even reporting today he was the victim of abuse, perhaps, by his father some allegations there, because now all the files are being opened about family divorces that's what usually you expect. we would listen to the victims and say how do you feel about this? and they have showed incredible depth of spirituality and forgiveness that is really a lesson that we could all learn from. >> and to that end, so there was this extraordinary appearance yesterday where from the courthouse on a video link that suspected mass murderer just stood there while the families all forgave him and it was very emotional. somebody in the courtroom had a problem with it and now the judge defending himself saying i'm okay i want to do -- i want to let these families talk for this reason. >> we have victims, nine of them. but we also have victims on the other side. there are victims on this young man's side of the family. nobody would have ever thrown them into the whirlwind of events that they are being thrown into. we must find it in our heart at some point in time not only to help those that are victims but to also help his family as well. >> and that's of course the judge saying not only are the victims families to be sympathized with but tallas shooter's family. what do you think about that? >> yeah. i mean look he's obvious lay man who's very strong in his principles. he's taking an active role in this. he's going a little further than i've seen any judge do but nevertheless i understand his comments. and there are. there's family suffers on the other side too. can you imagine the guilt, the horror, the shame they feel. his own sister was supposed to be getting married this weekend and that was put off. so there are families with consequences feeling an emotion on both sides. that's what makes these cases particularly difficult. >> is now the time to come out with that? these families haven't even buried his loved ones yet and he's saying you should feel bad for -- >> the timeliness is perhaps not very appropriate, but however, like i said i haven't seen a judge do something like that before. but i think his heart's in the right place and i think everybody's emotions are very high perhaps not thinking everything out. >> he'syou have a new book "making the case." >> i do. >> what's one thing i'll take away from this book reading it snopt. >> if you're something you're passionate about, believe in yourself. god helps those who help themselves. we all sit on this couch with incredible blessings. if you have something to-in your life to do better get after it and help other people. >> if people say no, don't be deter. >> well, don't be a weirdo. >> that's a good one. >> that caveat. >> right over my head. >> be passionate pursue your dreams. you, too, can achieve something one day. >> i hope so. it's great to see you. >> thank you. >> thanks guys. pleasure. >> 29 minutes after the hour. terrifying minutes caught on camera. a parachute fails to open but this soldier's teammate saving him midair. the dramatic details next. and you want to make your dark hallway feel brighter? of course you do. just add a mirror. seven easy tips to spruce up your home this summer. stay tuned. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. ♪ i couldenedn't if i tried ♪ >> don't go breaking this guy's heart because he just might give you the -- he might cut your stuff in half. this jilted husband from germany agreed to give his ex-wife of 12 years half of his possessions by splitting them in two. iphone plasma tv the car, all getting sold on ebay if you're interested in a half car, half teddy bear. >> he decided to cut it short ways instead of long ways. long ways in half you could probably still -- >> wait a minute. >> oh no. who gets the other half? >> you're kind of a half full kind of guy. >> my better half. >> a darker present to buy someone than half a teddy bear? >> it's on ebay. >> i'm going to check the bids. >> it's too hard to ship a whole car. they had to cut it in half. did somebody break up with the statue of liberty and -- >> unbelievable. >> all right. headline time. you are looking at a live view of the faith and freedom coalition's road to majority conference in washington, d.c. texas governor and gop presidential candidate rick perry expected to speak in just moments. carly fiorina also expected to talk in under two hours, 11:20 eastern time. stay tuned. the last day for the event described as the premier grassroots conference for people of faith, young leaders and conservative about visits. 14 total gop presidential hopefuls attending over the past four days including senator ted cruz and senator marco rubio as speakers. then horrifying moments at a british military air show when a parachutist rescued a colleague midair. look at that. they are all tangled up. a member of the army's red devils aerial team began hurtling to the ground when his parachute failed. another member of the team caught up with him, snagged his chute and helped him land safely. hats off. drinks on that guy. and you know him as a country music star. ♪ you'll be my soft and sweet i'll be your strong and steady ♪ but this morning blake shelton has a brand-new title, hero. he saved this man's life after he got stranded in floodwaters from tropical depression bill. hmm his ford struck stalled when he tried to kroeszy ed toied to cross a road in oklahoma. he started pushing the truck home and that's when shelton picked him up in his dodge and gave him and his truck a lift home. i can only think that will be a song someday. keep an eye on itunes. back to you outside. if you're trying to sell your home or get a pick-me-up you might spend a ton of dough doing that but you don't need to. >> and you don't have to. shane duffy and sandy, owners of sv squared, a design and renovation company. good morning. >> good morning. >> a few easy tips. even if you're not selling your house, you ought to do this for yourself. >> a good house makes you feel better about xwrourps you wake up bresh your teeth, you have to clean up your house. you want to feel good so what we recommend is basically the windows the first thing somebody looks at. flower power is great. it spruces up the window makes it look fantastic. the other thing i recommend is clean out your gutters. water gets trapped up in there and it seeps up to the structure and that will rot and cause you bigger problems later. >> wes basements are almost always a result of bad gutters. >> the number one cause. it's neglect. you have to take time. >> of course. >> then of course, you know you've got this awesome 18-volt lithium powered blower to blow out everything. >> cordless. >> or you can plug it in. >> multifunctional. >> last but not least, this lawn mower is state of the art, top-of-the-line stuff. requires no gas. >> electric. >> it's a normal lawn mower just as big as an average one. it's 20 inch cutting and 45-minute charge you can cut -- you can last for 45 minutes on it. you can basically -- your lawn and your neighbor's lawn. >> i'm impressed if you're a good person. >> not only that. it has a light at night. >> that's outside. >> moving to the inside. you said you want us to feel good in your home. >> here's a trick i teach to make a small room look bigger. blinds. >> that seems like it would shut it in. >> you put them on the wall not window. >> no. you put it in the window. think about a shirt. if you're wearing a striped shirt horizontally you look wider. >> really? >> same concept. >> horizontal blind. >> makes your room look fatter. >> makes your room look fatter. >> adds 20 pounds like that. >> like tv. how about the mirrors? >> if you have a dark hallway or a regular room, it reflects light. that's common knowledge. reflects light. you can always check yourself out, last look before you leave the house or apartment. >> doesn't looking at yourself make you sad? >> no. >> and what are these? >> the next thing is knobs. replacing your knobs with a chrome finish or satin nickel finish is easy and actually relatively inexpensive. >> updates your look. get rid of the ones you had from the '80s. >> this knob this is the regular turn knob and these handles are a little more decadent. everybody uses their plugs every day, but they neglect to actually update the outlet covers. these wall covers are a great way to do it. also my favorite thing, lighting. you want to set the mood and a good way to set the mood is install dimmer switches. >> can you do that yourself or are you taking your life in your hands if you try? >> make sure you turn off the power. safety is imperative. that's only if you have knowledge about it. i would consult a professional. you can call st squared anytime. >> find them online. guys thanks so much. i'll use these when i get home. >> you should. especially the mower. >> setting the mood with a dimmer and not a clapper. all right. coming up president obama pushing for gun control just hours after the charleston church massacre. >> every country has violent, hateful, or mentally unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> did he go too far too soon? we debate it next. and school's out for summer so why not get your kids outdoors? still ahead, how to kick-start their love for hunting and fishing? but first, let's check in with neil cavuto for a look at what's coming up on "the cost of freedom" business block. >> good morning. will it keep happening? more isis terror suspects nabbed in the u.s. how big of a threat is this becoming to our lives and economy in the u.s. of a? and if iran says it won't let us verify any nuke deal why are we talking about getting a czar to enforce a deal? donald trump's message to america on the campaign trail, being rich is a good thing. is that the message all candidates should be selling? >> it is not good enough simply to show sympathy. every country has violent, unstable people. what's different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns. >> president obama went on to claim mass murders don't happen with the same frequency in other countries. is that true? does he have the numbers? a trial attorney and a fox news contributor join us. eric i guess the problem i have with this is the facts aren't even in. the president didn't know couldn't know none of us know the full context of this attack. there's so much we don't know. he immediately jumps in as demagogues do to use this tragedy as a justification for his pre-existing political strategy. isn't that unattractive at best? >> this is one of the few times i disagree with president obama, and this was not a case about gun control. this young man was a terrorist. he walked in murdered these people with a handgun. so this is not a gun control issue. this is about a racist terrorist act, and that's what it is. what we have to concentrate on are the nine families that have been impacted by this and start grieving for them instead of making a political football. >> june the president said a number of times, guns are the problem, guns cause violence. there's nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than president obama himself. i notice he's not suggesting that the people around him disarm. he wants to remain protected. but the rest of us have to go without means of self-protection. do you see any kind of hypocrisy there? >> well first i think we have to pay attention to the fact that the president did say that this is a time for mourning and healing. but to say that will it will protection that the president of the united states is hypocritical because he has people with guns around him, tucker that is beneath this discussion. >> why is it beneath the -- why don't you address the question for a moment? >> what he is dealing with -- >> old on a second. he's saying guns are the people. >> -- armed people to someone who walk into a church and kills nine people and to say the president doesn't have a right to talk about gun control because people with him have guns is that literalry where we are as a country? to compare that he shouldn't have protection? >> the president's position is -- >> that's sad. >> -- guns cause violence guns are inherently bad and dangerous. the rest of us need to disarm and not protect ourselves. >> that is not what the president said. the president does not say guns are inherently bad. the president is saying that we have had this conversation too many times and there is something that we can do about it. there was something we could do about it after newtown. there was something we could have done about it after columbine. >> let me get eric in here for a second. is the president's contention that preventing tragedies like this is as simple as passing his gun control agenda? do we know that? is that backed by social science? that does seem like an overstatement. >> well, i am not -- i am totally against the gun control bills that people are trying to pass but we have to have control over certain types of ammunition getting in the hands of some people. but this is a handle gunn issue more so than a gun control issue. and a racism issue. those are the types of things we need to concentrate on versus gun controlle with this instance. so i would hope that the federal government would start addressing those issues as a nation and we start doing it as a nation to try to bring both sides together. >> might be worth asking deemer questions. >> also said race and faith were a part of this. race and faith. he did point to those issues as well. we have to take the whole argument into context. >> tank you both. appreciate it. well school's out for the summer. time to teach your kids how to build a fire and hunt and enjoy the great outdoors. we're doing that very thing on the plaza next. but first we'll check in with uma pemmaraju for a look at what's coming up on america's news headquarters. coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern on america's news headquarters, the niece of martin luther king jr. will be joining me. hear her thoughts on what she believes it will take to move the country and charleston forward in terms of healing following those tragic shootings. also we'll check in with former cia director james woolsey on the latest isis attacks. and you'll also hear from celebrated actress suzanne somers and her new health book and her new las vegas show. all that and much more coming up at 2:00 p.m. eastern. now more "fox & friends" after the break. ♪ from the east coast to the west coast ♪ welcome back. summer the perfect time to enjoy the great outdoors. >> by that we mean hunting, fish camping, all good for you. >> we've got the deputy editor of "field & stream" with us. >> good morning. >> raising wild children on the plaza. first up hunting. >> we have a suction cup archery range over here. and this is -- you can see these kids are having no fun at all. and it's a great kind of gateway into like the hunting culture. and you can have a lot of fun with this and still, you know, teach like the hunter safety first mentality to them and these are great for summer barbecues and all sorts of stuff. >> a kid's first buck is a big trophy right? >> usually yeah. in our june issue we have a whole bunch of stories about tips for hunting and fishing with your children. it's a big deal and something that it's great to share together with your kids. >> nothing more sporting than taking it on a bow. >> hunting is the real deal. >> you think this is a good way to ease into maybe choose a shotgun. >> maybe go from this to maybe a pellet gun and then from there once they're ready, mature enough you can start to go to shotguns and rifles. >> you're in the just teaching hunting or fishing. you're teaching endurance, self-reliance, self-control. i mean it's a whole -- >> absolutely. it's a lifestyle. yeah. >> if you're going to go hunting, you've got to have tom animal calls. >> exactly. so this is -- these are a lot of things you can bring on hunts but they're also great things you can bring on hikes with your kids. >> a turkey call. >> we have a couple turkey calls. this is a hen call. and then we've got a gobbler. you want to do the gobble for us? here we go. there we go. >> there are a lot of turkeys especially now. >> exactly. they're great to bring along because they're fun for the kids to use on hikes. and you can teach them about wildlife. >> you can call in the animals. >> yeah. >> let's do the owl call. >> i see a duck call. let's hear it. >> aflac! >> other way. >> it's a skill. it takes a to learn. >> you did it! >> good job. high five buddy. >> then you get something, you want to cook it. we have a fire here. >> no better way to end a story than around a campfire. what's great about a campfire this is fun to do with your kids. you might want to be in charge of starting it and stuff like, that but it's great to include your kids with xwatherring the firewood maybe adding logs to the fire because it helps them feel more involved and like they're part of the team and, you know great way to roast marshmallow, obviously. >> finally fishing. no higher level of sport than fishing. we agree on that. >> absolutely. >> but you can't start with a fly rod. you have to start with a spinning rod. >> yes. >> baited pool good way to start? >> even better find a local pond stocked with stuff that they can catch fish after fish on every cast and they'll be excited and won't get bored. >> in the middle of summer you can literally catch a bluegill on every single cast. >> all the time. surprisingly easy. >> your kids become obsessed. you do that with your 8-year-old -- >> you have a fishing buddy for life. >> a guide in montana before long. >> how long do you practice this before you start casting off the g.w. bridge into the hudson? >> i think these kids are ready. they've been doing this all morning, have a lot of sugar in them. they're ready. >> casting to the hudson is illegal, by the way. we're not condoning that. you are a good person to come and help us with this. >> thanks for having us. >> "field & stream." great magazine. >> up next tuck ler do a cannonball. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it may not know they have it. it's called whooping cough. and the cdc recommends everyone, including those around babies, make sure their whooping cough vaccination is up to date. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about you and your family getting a whooping cough vaccination today. ♪ let's just lay here and be lazy baby ♪ you don't see this in midtown manhattan very often. >> why is it taking so long to roast my marshmallow? how did you get yours all burned up? >> stay tuned tomorrow. we have chris wallace. we've got dr. ben carson joining us and last-minute father's day presents because it's tomorrow. >> for the after-the-show show. bye. the desperate hunt for terrorists is on. not over there. here. just this week alone, five isis-inspired terror suspects arrested in the u.s. one of those stabbing an fbi agent investigating reports of a plot to attack us on july 4th. so just how big of a threat is this getting to be for our lives? for our economy? hi everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls & bears." here they are, the bulls and bears this week gary b. smith, jonas max faris, john layfield along with naomi canseco and ashley pratt. it seems like the threats are going. how worried should we

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