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On your note bad. You thought it was bad in the press corps. This video will blow your mind. Thats what my wife writes down when i talk is that wrong . Ben affleck banned for life from a popular casino. Wait until you see why. What was he doing there, batman . Fox friends right now. What is that from . Thats the fox news trumpeter. The fastest two minutes in sports. The Kentucky Derby. Why arent threw . Ainsley earhardt has on the bonnet this year. She is allergic to horses. Can you smell the horses . I love this time of the year. Spring is officially here. Summer is right around the corner. Moist, humid, rainy. Janice dean is going to be here. Why not take powder sugar pour it in a glass of bourbon and have it for breakfast. [cheers] making the thousand dollar mint. A new document roocketly unearthed by a National Security official by the Obama Administration preparing talking points for susan rice. You will remember right after those attacks, september 11th, 2012, she went on the sunday shows and claimed that these attacks were the result of popular outrage against a youtube video. The question for almost two years has been where did that line come from. Its demonstrably untrue. We now know it was part of a coordinated effort from the white house to spin the reality of benghazi. That document only unearthed after freedom of information act request. And the white houses talking points on all of this is that that document really had nothing to do with benghazi. It had to do separately with the attacks there. Thats why we didnt release the document. They said it had to do with the region not benghazi specifically. Even though Judicial Watch group, the conservative watch group that filed suit. They had to sue to get these documents. Thats what they asked for benghazi documents. We should be clear by the way the congressional investigators have been working to get relevant documents like this for more than a year and have been, for whatever reason, i hope we find out, unable to do that. It was left tore independent group, Judicial Watch to get it the congress couldnt get this document. Trey gowdy was on the record last night with greta van susteren. He has evidence. He cant talk about it publicly just yet, specifically, that the white house is hiding something. And he is now the chairman of this committee. Take a listen. I have evidence that not only are they hiding it, there is an intent to hide it. I cant close that evidence yet, but i have evidence that there was a systematic intentional decision to withhold certain documents from congress, and were just sick of it. So were going to get him to come explain why we are getting documents 20 months late. I should say reportedly, maybe selected to head up that committee. The way its interesting to watch democrats respond to this because a whole host of democrats taking to twitter, mocking the response about benghazi. Here the right wing goes once again. Harry reid managed to somehow weave the Koch Brothers into the into the debate. Republicans showing yet again have nothing. More interested in defending it took 20 months and john boehner now announcing. He we live in an age of talking points and bipartisanship, we all know it it take two or three steps back. This is the most powerful legislator in the world and we are talking about the death of four americans and he is bringing up Koch Brothers equal pay for equal work. This is really an inadequate pretty outrageous response. Joe trippi, we will play sound from him later in the show this morning. He said look, democrats and of course he is a democrat. Joe trippi saying look democrats need to get off this line and playing the partisan card here. Partisan debate when four americans have died. The optics are terrible and it doesnt wash. Other thing that is surprising is the way the state department has responded to this announcement of the special committee by john boehner and subpoenaing john kerry. We are are shocked. We are surprised because we have been cooperating. You have been cooperating . Why did a nonprofit have to sue to you get these documents. It had nothing to do with benghazi. I forgot. Nothing to see here, look away. Its unbelievable. Okay. So, probably many of you, this is going out on a limb here, may have suspicions about the media. Reporters survey after survey has shown they are way more liberal than the average person and a lot of people believe their coverage reflects that orientation. Very rarely is the curtain pulled back and you get to see what its actually like inside a newspaper. A candidate for office in the state of oregon gave an interview with the Editorial Board of the weekly paper. Here is what happened when they sat down. Watch, this unbelievable. I see what you are writing down there, you just wrote down blah blah blah for everything that jo ray said is. She respectable woman why are you not respecting her by writing blah blah blah on your note pad. We will move on if you answer respectfully. You have to give respect in order to. Climate change do you believe its a myth or reality. Its a myth. It is. Yes. Where are you on the easter bunny . Are these really the questions that i was called here to answer . Really . Representative, i called you out for putting blah blah blah on your note pad and now you are asking me questions like this . You are done here. This is neither a fair or balanced meeting. This is is a meeting for us to do. Its a meeting being asked by disrespectful thinskinned liberals like yourself. There is is the door. I have Better Things to do with my time. Thats the republican candidate. Thats unbelievable. To his left was the liberal candidate. He then went on to answer further the questions about Climate Change and he went into the discussion about it it but the fact that the reporter who was asking him the questions at first about Climate Change wasnt writing anything down. He was just going blah blah blah, im not listening to this republican candidate. And oh by the way, what do you think about the easter bunny. This was after the candidate was shown the door had basically called out the reporter for doing that for a woman who was on speaker phone. She wasnt able to be there at the meeting. Also a candidate. And, you know, you want to talk to harry reid about the war on women. Well, there you go. There it is. What is so interesting by the way. This reporter gets writing blah blah blah down. You think the natural reaction would be busted. Instead they go after the candidate for pointing it out you are not respectful. In case you think this is some little weekfully oregon not on the radar of the National Press corps. The guy asking these questions won the Pulitzer Prize. I looked it up. So offended by. This guy in his 50s. He won the Pulitzer Prize. Highest award in journalism. Is he asking questions about the easter bunny. Training ground for a National Stage anyway. The will am met weekly. Why are you on the easter bunny . Where are you on the easter bunny . Other stories making headlines on your saturday morning. We will tell you about this. Alarming news about a potentially deadly virus now here in the United States. The center for Disease Control announcing the first case of a respiratory virus called m rs in the united came down with the symptoms on april the 27th. The next day he was hospitalized barely able to breathe. Cdc Officials Say the man traveled from riyadh to London Heathrow Airport on the 24th. He then boarded air flight to ohare airport. From ohare took a bus home indiana. Man is in good condition. They are trying to track down passengers he may have come into close contact with during his trip. Veterans left to die because of a secret wait list. Officials at the v. A. Hospital in phoenix denied anything about it a second whistleblower is stepping forward. Dr. Catherine mitchell says officials are destroying evidence and that she has records proving the hospital used secret waiting lists to hide the long wait time veterans faced. Coming up in our next hour, dr. Mitchell joins us live. Donald sterling breaking his silence for the First Time Since being banned for life from the nba. Sounding off to de jour magazine about his former companion who recorded those statements, he said, quote i wish i had just paid her off. The woman also speaking out saying she is sterlings protecter and loves him like a father and even said she doesnt think he is a racist. I think mr. Sterling is from a different generation than i am. I think he was brought up to believe those things. What things . Segregation. Umhuh. Whites and blacks. Minorities, from black jews to light jews. Do you think he should apologize . Absolutely. Do you think he will apologize . Only god knows. He gave her two bentleys, right . A ferrari, i think. Head coach threatening to walk out over the racist comments. Reunited and it feels so good . New jersey family who lost their dog during Hurricane Sandy finds him more than a year later. Chuck and alicia james say they finally decided to adopt another dog. When they went to the local Animal Shelter the first pup brought out to them was their dog reckless. He showed up in november. But its not clear where he was before that. Thats amazing. So cool. Looking for a dog, how about your own dog . Thats so awesome. Coming up, no english, no problem, you are still covered. New plan to fast track the civility benefits for those who dont speak english. Guess who is paying for it . You are. Ben affleck kicked out of a vegas casino and banned for life. Wait until you hear why. Humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Namely, other humans. Which is why at Liberty Mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. See what else comes standard at libertymutual. Com. Liberty mutual insurance. Responsibility. Whats your policy . I do o wants sweet rolls . Sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack sfx whoooosh smack thanks carol sfx electric hedge trimmer. People go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of kings hawaiian. Visit truecar. Comoney,com,t and never overpay. Yers remorse. A good deal or not. Okay, this is the price,sman comes and youre like. Ells you, quarter past the hour this saturday morning. No english, no problem. You will probably get fast tracked for. Considers a persons ability to learn english when deciding if someone is disabled. Joining us is reporter with the Washington Free beacon in. Good morning. Good morning. Could this be true not knowing english counts in your favor in disability. Thats what is what senator Jeff Sessions discovered here. He did investigation from the Budget Committee which found they were looking into why has the disability roles increased so much. Applications have gone up 230 in a decade. So they are wondering why this is. They found a little known policy where the Social Security administration will look at, you know, education as a factor when determining if someone is disabled. And the Social Security will say okay, they will consider if you cannot speak english as one of the small factors if someone is disabled. But what they have found is that is now being used as the only reason and you dont have to prove it in your hearing. Can you just say through an interpreter no, i cant speak english and then they are being approved. Sessions is raising this concern. Yeah. So these lawyers are demanding that an interpreter be there, even if their client actually can, indeed, speak english. How does that even happen . I mean, how could Something Like this be on the becomes . Well, thats the thing, its a little known its almost a loophole. Its a policy that senator sessions is worried as being misconstrued by the Social Security administration. They are using this one little line which, as you know, Social Security Disability Insurance is meant for, you know, individuals that are in the workforce, american citizens, who are no longer able to work because of a physical or mental impairment. To become an american citizen, you have to demonstrate at least a basic knowledge of the english language and now they are finding in these hearings individuals applying are saying oh, you know, i cant speak english but through an interpreter they dont have to prove it and getting automatically approved. This is the same administration that advertises food stamps in mexico. Isnt this something that would dissuade people from being assimilated. There are concerns about that i think its interesting, too. Because like you mentioned with food stamps there has been cases of fraud particularly in puerto rico. And senator sessions in the report found the same thing with Disability Insurance. There is one case in puerto rico where a plant closed down 300 workers, all of the sudden 290 of them applied for Disability Insurance once they were laid off. And they all got approved. So he they were thinking this brought this to their attention it. They are thinking they are using this cannot speak english as a way to apply for disability, especially in puerto rico. From especially when the process for naturalization involves having a working knowledge of the english language. Doesnt make a lot of sense. Elizabeth hairington, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Coming up, so much for sovereignty, one state now letting illegals practice law. Is that fair . We will report. And can you decide. Plus, its the fastest in sports. Races are warming up. Ainsley . [ laughter ] then you get the hot pins. It got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. The pain was, it was. I just couldnt handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. The pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. 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Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. Welcome become, 22 minutes new past the hour. Quick look at your evidence lines this morning. At least 350 people are dead. 2,000 missing after a landslide buries a village in the afghan province of badakhshan. Rushed with shovels to help the villagers. Rain contributing factor to it that land sloid. Legislature passing a bill to allow nonu. S. Citizens to practice law in that state. Illegal immigrant jose manuel did i say that well . I hope i did. This despite a recent Supreme Court ruling Illegal Immigrants with not be issued a law license but federal law allows states to make exceptions. There you go in florida. It is ryu piewted to be the fastest two minutes in all of sports the 140th Kentucky Derby kicking off tonight. 20 thoroughbreds go head to head in a race for the roses. Anna is live at Churchill Downs. Good morning. Good morning to you. Thousands of horses that compete across the country to try to get in this race today. Only 20 of the best are selected for the race. They are all 3yearold thoroughbreds. All colts running today. We got a chance to take a look at one of them. Take a look at uncle cys story. Come on cy, you can go back to sleep after you run. This is one of the races. His uncle named him after uncle cy for duck dynasty which is one of the sponsors. Chip loves uncle cy from duck dynasty, its all about uncle cy. Gary is the trainer who hand picked uncle sigh. I said this horse is absolutely going to take us to the derby. Uncle si is back here, right . Yes. Trainers love to see a horse lay down. That is the ultimate relanguagessization. If he goes out there and looks at the people and lets everybody take his picture and very very cool. Today he is not just running for prize money, is he running for the Wounded Warriors stable. The name was inspired after the owner chip mccune shared a plane with an injured shoulder. On walked an elderly man and a young woman, much like yourself, and she was holding a baby. And that was the father and the wife and the baby of a very badly wounded soldier who was sitting in back of the plane. And the father carried him out. Carried his son out . Umhuh. And that kills me. That story kills me every time. Its like its what it is all about. And chip cried and she cried, lynn, his fiancee. Got off that plane and they changed their stable to Wounded Warrior. 10 of everything he makes on the track he gives to military charity. To date thats 160,000. It changes the whole demographic. It changes their wives, their kids, their parents, their way of life. Its a great thing. Uncle sigh might have to overcome a lot to win the race today. But then again so do the men and women he is running for. Today, is going to tell us where our next step goes and where it leads us. Its all a journey. Triple counsel baby. What triple crown baby. What a nice piece. Owner is a very special person. Is he bringing three people with him today. One guy who lost his legs in afghanistan. And then the parents of another soldier who died in iraq. Is he a very special person. Thanks, ainsley. Ainsley, thanks so much. How does the track look this morning . Can we ask her that . It looks great. I have been out there raking it. We are ready to go. Getting in on the action. You can see the horses are behind me. They are warming up. Getting their legs stretched and its going to be a fun day. I have never done this before. This is my first time here. Im from south carolina. I have always wanted to do this on my bucket list. You have been here in the past. Isnt it great. Its so much fun and the parties are fun, too. And the food and the fashion. I know you are going to have a lot of that come up for us as well. Thank you, ainsley. Ainsley earhardt live. Coming up on the show, the dude. Dude, this is like two years ago. We are still talking about. Dude, it is the thing that dude. And now the state department has a plan to stop this from happening again. We will tell you about it. Trump for president . His daughter eevangelical can a may ivanka may have just giving a hint about her fathers plan for the future. With my friends, well do almost anything. Out for drinks, eats. I have very well fitting dentures. I like to eat a lot of fruits. Love them all. The seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. Even wellfitting dentures let in food particles. Super poligrip is zinc free. With just a few dabs, its clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. A lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. Top of the mornin to you, sir. This is no time for lollygaggin, lad. But we love lollygaggin. We do. But its a battlefield out there you know the chickweed is surrounding yer sidewalk and the dandelions are stealing precious nutrients nows the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed feed, man it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. That sounds easy. Thanks, scott. Any time, kids. Get scotts turf builder weed feed. Its guaranteed. Feed your lawn. Feed it new survey found that 70 of americans want someone other than a bush or clinton to run for president in 2016 or as Hillary Rodham put it not a problem. Thats really good fox friends this saturday morning. Thanks so much for waking up with us. The word dude rears its ugly head once in a while. Like Ashton Kutcher dude, where is my car. Fast times at ridgemont high you dont expect to to hear it from the National Security spokesperson when he is being interviewed on special report with bret baier. Did you see the interview with bret baier. Did you also change attacks to demonstrations in the talking points. Maybe i dont remember. You dont remember. Dude, this is like two years ago. Dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about. We are talking about the process of editing talking points. Thats what bureaucrats do all day long. This is almost two years ago. First of all it was about 20 months ago. Not even two years ago it has taken way too long for all of this in the first place. Are you showing any respect for the four innocent americans who lost their lives and their families by not preparing for an interview on National News like that with our bret baier and using the word dude . Or by tommy vitor in a position of authority in the first place. I remember when he was driving the press van in 2008 which wasnt that long ago. Is he a child. Spokesman policy making position where is he changing memo . How does this happen . He says this happens all the time. Simple talking points. Changing the word attacks to demonstrations so when susan rice goes on National Television she is specifically talking about the videos. Of course a clear line though, all of the contention had been that susan rice was getting these talking points from the cia. And so when we know now this new memo. Im so glad this happened. Im so glad bret did this interview. Pulls back the curtain. Those who d. C. Run into at safeway people running the executive branch. Some of them are impressive and some of them are not at all impressive. How did someone like this get in a position of authority it really shakes your faith in not just the political orientation but the competence of this administration that tommy vietor had a position of authority. They are doing something about it the state department is hiring tutors so that things like dude, i dont know, isnt going to come out anymore hopefully. Remember the nominees for ambassadors in front of congress, too and they would not have any idea about the information of the countries that they were going to be living in after leaving the United States . He they didnt know about what was unfolding in norway in argentina, countries. These are supposed to be diplomats, as in diplomacy. They are offending the countries to which they are going to be posted before they even get there. These congressional hearings now. You know, claire miscass kill out of missouri, a senator has written a letter to the state department saying wait a minute, why are we spending men on this program to tutor our members of members of the administration before they have to testify in front of congress. Were going to spend money so that they are tutored so that when members of congress ask you questions you you dont say things like dude. Easier shortcut in this process just hire competent adult for the job and come with their own skills and selfrestraint and maybe even wisdom. Stop hiring kids. If you were tutoring them, people like dude, like mr. Vietor, what would you be telling them . Email us at friends at foxandfriends. Com. What would you happening them out with . We have other stories making headlines this saturday. Ukraine bloodiest in months after the chaos breaks out in the streets. Shouting. At least 42 people are dead after the intense day of fighting. A building catching fire when ukrainian activists storm the complex being held by prorussian forces. Its believed both sides were throwing gas bombs. Launches first major offensive to take back an eastern city. The violence there leaving two ukrainian soldiers dead. President obama promising even tough iter sanctions against russia. Looks like a scene straight out of the movie. Two men wearing business suits and fake were wigs. Sprayed several esm employees and shocking one many times. No one was seriously thursday there. The robbers are still on the loose. No word on how much money they got away with. Ivanka trump knows who she would like to see in the white house. Her father. She told greta van susteren, trump would make a fabulous president because of his viewpoints and because of the fact that he listens and cares about people. As an american, i would love him to run for president. He is incredibly smart, incredibly knowledgeable. He has had tremendous experiences which would prepare him for the challenge. As a daughter, its more complicated, obviously. Its a very tough life afternoon the political one is a challenge. Well, we have been asking mr. Trump if he is running but he keeps telling us, we will see what happens. And ben affleck may be great at run aring a gambling racket in the movies like this. Why the house . The house always wins. Which is why we dont have to cheat people. If the math is right, am i missing something . No, you didnt miss anything. We missed something. In real life not so much. Harvard walk casino in las vegas busting the Hollywood Mega star for counting cards. Is he banned from playing blackjack he at the casino. Counting crimes is a counting cards is a crime. Being too good at the game gets you banned for life. Of course. Im sorry you are too smart to play this game. Banned. He is a hollywood star. What does he need to be doing counting cards. You should be home with your children. Impressive actor who can count cards thats not a small skill. His friend matt damon was in that movie. Maybe he taught him a thing or two. Janice, what do you think about that. I think he was researching his role for a next movie. Right . Couldnt he excuse im doing a movie about counting cards. Casino doesnt want to hear about that. I was in vegas last week and i didnt remember any of it. What happens in vegas. If you go on my facebook and twitter page can you check it out. Its all there. No, its not all there lets take a look at the maps. A Beautiful Day and we deserve it after the week that some folks have had with the tornadoes. It is going to be very quiet this weekend and heading into next week which is welcomed news. We do have some rain across the great lakes and florida as well as the northwest, but much of the country will be quiet and we are not looking at a big storm here and no Severe Weather on tap this weekend, which is great news. We are going to see some flooding rain fall will however for parts of florida and great lakes and upper midwest. Just scattered showers there temperatures really nice. I mean, spring is here, finally. A 4 in new york. 48 in chicago. 44 in minneapolis. 60 in new orleans. Watch what happens across the Southern Plains. First of all, take a look at the future radar and i will show you not a whole lot. Northwest, yes, a storm system moving in there. The rest of the country looks pretty good. The temperatures across the Southern Plains are going to be very warm. 90s across portions of oklahoma and texas. So there you go. There is your springtime weather above average across portions of the rockies and the Southern Plains, all right. Thats it. Back inside. We will enjoy the weather outside here in new york city. Maybe, hopefully talk to some people. I like it when people come and talk to us. I know but sometimes. They want to sleep. Danishes. Thats a good plan. Coming up on the show. Kids, leave of the lunch boxes home. Why one school is banning meals from mom. Then the joke is on them. Dozens of High School Kids take their senior prank way too far say authorities and get arrested. Should they be punished . Should they be in jail . Well debate that coming up. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. New at t mobile share value plans. Our best value plans ever for business. Captain when im looking for a hotel with a wet pool, i go to hotels. Com. You can get up to 50 off with their private sales. That mans privates are no longer private. Quick look at obamacare headlines. Pushed back again. The government delaying the individual mandate another month until well, another month and a Florida School is under fir for banning students from bringing home packed lunches unless the child has allergies or religious restrictions. The administrators want to make sure the kids get healthy meals but the department of children and family says they do not require child care facilities to provide oversight of what parents pack for their kids to eat. Whoa. Well the marine corps Scholarships Foundation honors marines by helping educate their kids. In the last a 2 years, the foundation has awarded more than 80 million in scholarships money to marine corps sons and daughters. Last night the organization held its new york will he he theyre neck celebratory ball. Among the attendees Kevin Ainsworth from the Marine Scholarship Fund and scholarship recipient and speaker join us this morning. Thank you. How does it work, kevin . First, thank you for having us on again. This is you have done this many years in a row and we really greatly appreciate it. Its so is cool. We love our marines service, pride, their uniforms. We see them out there doing so much for our country. And to see their children not be able to get a College Education is painful thought for those of us who love those marines. And so this foundation was formed a 2 years ago to help educate children of marines. We have many great donors this year the ball raised the a million dollars. We have given out in the last year 6. 6 million in scholarships to children of marines. Wow. Its fantastic. We have special consideration for children of the wounded. You know, that tugs at the heart strings every time. Right . You see a marine in a wheelchair or something. Of course. Guido here is one of our success stories. The foundation has basically 86 Graduation Rate from college for the students who have received these scholarships. And, you know, your father died when you were pretty young. Yeah, i was 11 when he he passed away. You have this incredible work ethic. You wanted to go to college and this foundation helped to bridge the gap for you. Yeah, definitely. My father passed away when i was about 11 years old. I sort of felt like he sort of gave me this sense of selfmotivation and work ethic that i have carried with me to college. We have pictures of him on the screen he was a marine in vietnam . Yes, thats right. That work ethic that we love to see. And i think leads to that high success of the Graduation Rate. The children of the marines learn those same values that the marine, that the parent had. And they carry those through. And its a winning success story. Do your classmates know that you have been helped by the Marine Corps Foundation . Chool that is. Sort of, you know, a the love people go there on scholarships and we sometimes get together and talk about how. Sort of an expensive school. One of the most important, right . Yeah. Actually. And so, yeah. Im pretty okay and open talking about like this is how im actually affording to go here. Thats pretty great. Kevin, when we think about recruitment and sometimes the difficulties, the challenges that the marine corps faces, how do organizations like yours help that process . I think that everybody loves, as i is said, loves marines and when somebody is deciding to go in and serve and when they are serving, they want to know what are the they are usually serving for selfless reasons. They have some sense they want to be able to carry on a i will afterwards and not give up their whole life which many do. The family is taken care of, the foundations are i think when people enlist they are not thinking when i have kids it will be great when they go to college. We know that when people are in and deciding whether to stay in, when people have children, and then they learn about the foundation, they are very surprised. Its something that a lot of people dont know about. And so they are surprised to find out wow, there are people out there that will help me help my kids in the future. That is pretty awesome. And what a deserving group. Thanks a lot for joining us. Thank you. Thank you very much. 47 minutes after the hour. Coming up on fox friends weekend, do you feel like you are not as successful as your siblings . It may not be your fault. Just blame it on your birth order well explain. Or it might be your fault. Dozens of High School Students take senior prank to the next level and get arrested for its what the punishment fitting the crime . We will debate that coming up. Youve reached the age where you know how things work. This is the age of knowing what needs to be done. So why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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These kids committed a felony. This is known in the legal world as felony stupid. They should not be charged. Honestly what they did was wrong but this is a crime that can be aleve yated president parents pay out a lot of money to make sure that this school brought back. They cleaned up the school but these kids dont deserve criminal records. They dont deserve not to go to college. They dont deserve not to have their scholarships ripped from them. Superintendent considering no presume. Banned from other senior traditions. Not graduating not going to college as a result of this. Is that a normal senior thing it . Is a normal senior thing, actually. This there may have to be some if there was destruction of property and maybe Something Like they cant go to the barometer or something to basically say to the School Community you cant do these things. Clayton i have to tell you i have a senior my son came to me with a senior prank idea. We are going to get together, dad, we are all going to go to the library and sleep overnight. Be in sleeping bags so when the faculty comes the next morning i said bad idea, thats called breaking and entering. I will tell you what they did do. What they did do decided go to all boys school. We are all going to bring our dogs in the next day and walk around the hallway. 60 boys came in with pet dogs walked around the hallway. A clean stunt. The faculty loved it. The faculty was playing with the dogs. It was kind of fun and no one got hurt. No one got hurt. Is that the issue here. Gravity. Damage to the property in this situation. If some of these kids were over 18. So then you have got juveniles and adults. How does the law look at those differently in this situation . Usually 18yearolds are treated like adults. I will tell you what, im not sure if its the same in new jersey, here in new york, if an 18yearold commits a crime, they are treated as a, quote youthful offender that means they can be guilty. Be found guilty, but that record is forever sealed. No college will ever know of it no employer will ever know of it. So these kids nobody was more than 18 years old. And if they have the same provision there, they would qualify for that which begs the question. Then dont bother. Lets not prosecute them. Lets have the parents pay some money and lets call it a day. What sort of precedent are we setting here today though. Its okay. You break into a school and smash things. Go to the bathroom in the hallway. Which many solve these kids did. Spray paint things. This is okay under the law . If there was destruction and your honor naghtd in the hallway, something has to be deny to send a message to the School Community it wont be tolerated. Throw money at the problem. Parents will have to pay for the destruction kids under 18. Kids over 18 they will have to pay for it themselves and may have to do some community service. Also criminal record Going Forward for the rest of their lives. Do they have a case. Could they actually flip the tables on prosecutors . Flip the script . Flip the script. Say this was a simple senior prank and now we have criminal records and going to ruin our careers. And thats a great question. And prosecutors have what we call discretion. So, any a prosecutor with a heart, if you are prosecuting this, do you want to see these kids have a criminal record you dont get rid of your criminal record, not ever. No prosecutor with this intent, they didnt burn down the school, right . They did a lot of stupid things, and studies have shown most of these kids were male. Studies show a males brain doesnt mature until 2 a. Its a scientific thing. Do you agree with that. I dont agree with that thats a subject for another day, i think. Whats been the response from parents in all of, this actually having to foot the bill for this . Its a problem. I think this is another example of parents have to talk to their kids. My f. My son didnt come and talk to he moorks maybe they would have gone into the library. Than they would have broken. In baby they would have been subject to criminal charges. So i think there has to be communication between parent and child and when there is, sometime we parents can give pretty good advice. Know where your kids are at 2 00 a. M. Not every parent is a lawyer. And kids can say here is what i am going to do to my high school. Will this get me locked up. Nice to see you this morning. Nice to see you too, clayton. Punt to me on twitter at well clayton morse. Morris. Another secret waited list. Wait until you hear how much one State Government spent to get prettier signs for their hallways. Heres a good one seattle. What did geico say to the mariner . We could save you a boatload foghorn sounds loudly whats seattles favorite noise . The puget sound foghorn sounds loudly all right, never mind doesnt matter. This is a classic. What does an alien seamstress sew with . A space needle foghorn sounds loudly continuously oh come off it captain geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Thats why i got a new windows 2 in 1. It has exactly what i need for half of what i thought id pay. And i dont need to be online for it to work. It runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. But its fun, too with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, cause a good playlist is good for business. I need the bosss signature for this. Im the boss. Honestly i wanna see you be brave hey, everybody, how are you feeling . Saturday the third of may, 2013. Im anna kooiman. As the house pushes for a special committee. The state Department Says benghazi is a waste of time. The amount of man hours and taxpayer dollars that go in to all of this is incredibly time consuming for our folks here. Too much work to deliver justice for four dead americans . Then they left our americans to die on a secret wait list. Another secret blower is coming forward saying this is just the tip of a very ugly iceberg. Speaking out for the first time only on fox friends. Tree trimming goes horribly wrong. [gasp] amateur. But is he fine. How he walked away from that one. Fox friends hour two. Im not laughing. Starts right now. The United States marine corps, you are watching fox friends. Now when you say im not laughing, what you really mean is im laughing. Im trying to keep my its okay. Our producers remind us he is okay. Despite all appearances. Being knocked off the ladder. My dad fell off a ladder one time. Up cleaning the gutters. He used to as a kid have me stand there and hold the ladder from the obama. Dad, im like six years old. If you fall backwards there is no way a 6yearold is going to be able to hold that ladder and lift you back up on top of it. I think he wanted me to help out. That was his way of babysitting. And he fell down. We have news, many of you may have been following. This its developing day by day on benghazi. 20 months after the tragedy of the loss of four american lives. John boehner has announced a special committee that will investigate the attacks with new vigor. State department responding by saying all these investigations are, quote. Incredibly time coming for its workers and very very expensive boo who. Now it seems like some lines or dots have been connected now between the white house. Long thought maybe susan rice talking points came from the cia now letters unearthed by freedom of information act request, lawsuit on behalf of Judicial Watch uncovering direct correlation between the house and what happened on those sunday morning talk shows. The state department saying, look, we have got Better Things to do right now than to go back and relitigate benghazi. Take a listen to marie hearth. The am of man hours and taxpayer dollars that go in to all of this is incredibly time consuming for our folks here and other agencies as well. We are committed to doing it because its important, but when we have already done it, the point of doing more of this when we could be spending our time talking about, again, embassy security, bringing people to justice, we think thats a better allocation of resources given that we have already gone over this. Better allocation of resources. We want to get to the truth in this email that Judicial Watch had to sue for, seems to be a smoking gun is what it has been called in the headline it says 4 p. M. Prep call with susan rice. Lets make sure this doesnt appear that its a broader failure of policy on behalf of the Obama Administration. Lets blame it on an internet extremist video. And we still dont even know where the intelligence came from for that little piece right there. It is a waste of time doesnt appear to be. Joe trippi is a democrat and he is even calling out the administration. Lets listen to what he he has to say. He they are treating this like the partisan attack they see it to be the problem is the optics of that, given that there are four americans that lost their leist and there are still Unanswered Questions about why they werent defended. There are legitimate i dont think they view and its still an open question about and i dont really view the talking points as a big issue. The real issue here is why did an ambassador have little or no Real Security in a place like libya on september 11th. Thats a great question. Who was in charge of security at the time when we knew that there were a number of attacks, a number of threats leading up to this incident. We knew they had drones in the sky watching ago live video feed as this battle unfolded for 7 to 8 hours. Ty woods, of course you remember he was killed tragically in this attack, a navy seal who was killed, said when the bodies arrived back in the United States, Hillary Clinton looked right into his eyes and still was blaming it on that video. Listen. Well it, came out on the 12th, im sorry, on the 14th. This was about the same time that i met Hillary Clinton when the bodies came in to Andrews Air Force base. And i think i mentioned this to you before. Hillary clinton came up to me and i gave her a handshake and a hug. And when i shook her hand she said to me we are going to have the film maker arrested. Do you i think this may be te single most shocking thing in the benghazi story. Secretary of state doesnt get to arrest people. Second First Amendment protects Free Expression of political views in which this video contained. The idea that because you do a video on the internet that the Obama Administration doesnt like you get arrested is over the top. By the way, he was arrested. And not only was he arrested, there is no sober person believes this film maker would have been arrested had it not been for the administration blaming him for the benghazi attacks. Moreover, no would have seen the video if they hadnt called attention to it. This guy did a long time in jail. Is that what they do with inconvenient people in the administration . We are just going to have him arrested. Thats thought the not the way it works. People responsible for the attack we have video of them hanging out on beechesz. They have done interviews with American News crews. Knocke not like they are hard to find. This divif who irritated Hillary Clinton was taken away to jail. Shocking. Oonto piggy back up what joe trippi said as far as the security goes and the talking points go to link the two together, it goes to prove a lot of folks say anyway that there is some sort of protection going on to trial to protect the president and also Hillary Clinton. So, essentially, playing politics and putting politics and the protection of both of those individuals ahead of the four lives that were lost. Yeah, so just a warning. Ahead of the election, obviously. Just think twice before you post a provocative youtube video. Hillary clinton might just have you arrested. Thats the way it works. Dont like them have them arrested. It actually happened. Yeah. And we can talk more about this and some of the frustrations i have with the administration moving towards internet restrictions. I mean, we are getting i think we are entering into an interesting and scary time right now. Stop. They could have you arrested. Lead us know what you think about it, friends foxnews. Com. Please weigh in. We will be talking with governor huckabee about this very issue coming up later in the hour. 8 00 hour. We have other headlines we want to tell you about potentially a deadly virus here in the United States. Centers for Disease Control announcing respiratory case called mers in the United States. A worker who had been working in saudi arabia came down with it it the next day he was hospitalized barely able to wreath. The men flew from saudi arabia to london, london to chicago. Took a bus from chicago to his home in indiana. Right now the man is in good condition. Officials are trying to track down any passengers he may have been in close contact with during all those travels. And at this hour a new day of heavy fighting in ukraine. This just 24 hours after its Bloodiest Day in months. Chaos breaking out on the streets. People dead after a intense day of fighting. Ukrainian activists. Prorussian forces. It is believed both sides throwing gas bombs and the buildings as ukraine launches first major offensive to take back the city. Leaving two ukrainian soldiers dead. President obama promising tougher sanctions against russia. Charge him as an adult. Thats what prosecutors are demanding for the minnesota teenager accused of plotting to kill his entire family and blow up his school. Police in waseca say 17yearold john ladue had sketched out detailed attack. First he planned to shoot down his mom, dad and sister and then he wanted to set off bombs in a school and kill, quote, as many students as possible. They found seven bombs storage unit he had rented. Men, all your dreams have come true. Supermodel is back on the market. 32yearold Victoria Secret model and her husband, professional basketball player are splitting up after five years of message. They have two daughters together. You know she is a friend of the show. She has been here on the show. Did you get her phone number . No. We got a couple of photo but she wouldnt remember. Thats kind of how it goes. The arm wrestler . You arm wrestle . Thats how i pick them up. Talk about this. A new study breaks down and sets straight the first born children being the biggest success stories. I used to say this to my sister all the time im going to be a bigger success than you and she says i didnt believe it first born children are bigger dreamers. How much does she resent that. She is watching right now. She hates me for it this new study backs up and says that children that are born first dream bigger and achieve more in life. Do you guys buy it. I dont know if thats true. Im the first born. Its science. Its science . I dont know. I feel like the less attention you give to your kids within certain parameters probably the better. First kids are kind of fussed over a lot. I think they tend to be slightly neurotic, i am one. Were you doted on more than your siblings . No. No . Less so . There is a lot of attention on the first. Oh, its our little baby. What about your birth order . I was the first. I had a stricter curfew. She was left to roam free in the pastures. Midnight. Oh is nicole even home yet. Really the daughter . Yeah. What about you . I have an older brother. When we were young, kids we had our iq tested. His was higher than mine. I always did better in school than he did. And, i dont know, we are very different. Is he more content, more satisfied, more laid back, more chilled. And im never satisfied. Im always wanting more. So i mean its kind of the opposite. I think im the dreamer of the two. Interesting. Let us know what you think about this, friends foxnews. Com and your birth order. Are you a bigger achiever and dreamer let us know at foxandfriends. Com. Coming up next, they left our veterans to die on secret wait list. Another whistle blower coming forward saying this is just the tip of the iceberg. She is speaking out first only on fox friends. Tree trimming goes horribly wrong for one man as it often does. How he was able to walk away unharmed after this terrifying brush, unintended with death. Who was filming . Who films a Branch Cutting . A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. They all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. 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We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. The secretary of Veterans Affairs put three officials at the phoenix v. A. On administrative leave. This whistle blower claimed 40 veterans died after they were put on a secret wait list. The officials including director Sharon Helmand denied knowing anything about that list. A second whistle blower has stepped forward. She is dr. Catherine michelle. She was worked at that hospital for 16 years. She says the problems go way beyond the list to the corruption of the entire v. A. System. Dr. Kathleen mitchell was talking to us only here on fox friends. We are grateful to have her. Doctor, thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. You have said that you were concerned that officials at the v. A. Would seek to cover their tracks by altering or erasing electronic documents pertaining to this list. Yes. That was the concern when the employee asked me for moore assistance on sunday night to secure the only paper copy that he had so that management would not have the ability to go back in and alter the document in the computer. That would be a crime, is my understanding, to do Something Like that but you think management at the v. A. Is capable of that . Oh, yes. In the past, the investigations that have occurred on a routine basis in the 16 years that i have been there in general, things are swept under the carpet before the investigation is completed because they have advanced notice. You said that you believe that the corruption of the v. A. Had a direct effect on patient care and led, in some cases to people dying. Is that correct . Any corruption within the department of the v. A. System will have a direct effect on patient care because our mission is to provide Healthcare Services for veterans. The any any anything that impedes our ability to provide safe care we equally have impact on patient care appropriate consults. Delays into getting into lynn nics. Whether its the physicians that are retaliated against for bringing up Patient Safety issue is the fact staffing is drastically inadequate the to cover the needs of the veterans even for what nobody has said. Allegedly 40 people that died while waiving. Even if there hadnt been a paper stack paper list before you were put on the electronic paper list. I couldnt guarantee that the phoenix appropriately in a timely manner. Not just our facility. The department of va and all the medical centers are shorthanded. Those are pretty serious charges are are you concerned that you will face retaliation for airing them publicly for becoming a whistle blower . Yes. Even if the public support is wide enough to or when they recognize the seriousness of the problem in all v. A. S, unless the public can change the v. A. , the system of administration is going to end up coming back at me for retaliation in the long term. Thats the way its always been. You would think they would want to know if the system isnt working and veterans are dying as a result. You would think the last thing he would want to do is punish the person who brought it to their ait tension. Such logic rational thought is not common within many v. A. Administrators in the department of the v. A. There are across the country there are physician after physician that im aware of who have tried to speak up for Patient Safety care issues. And have either gotten retaliated against by having the proficiencies dropped, they are laterally transferred or removed. There is actually a couple processes which no one has really got noon detail called sham pier review. Thats where a pier review normally is where a facility has a significant concern about the ability of a physician do routine patient care. They pull a section of their cases and review them to make sure that the Clinical Care that was given by the physician is consistent with the medical standard for those conditions. There are facilities, department of v. A. , im sorry, medical centers where administrators use the ability to order a pier review in order to basically smudge a physicians reputation. That makes sense. Let me just ask. This has been going on, you said for some time now. But you have only recently come forward with it publicly. Is that why . Why the lag between you noticing these problems and you reporting them in public . There is a couple of reasons. One is its always better to work for change within the system. Publicity actually gets attention focused on the v. A. What generally happens cameras are on. After they are off retaliation against anyone who spoke up. It doesnt matter from what department. And thats been the way it is just the way operations are done within the v. A. System. I do want to elm if a size the majority of administration are honest. In every facility there is a few administrators that are so unethical that they basically have and they wield enough power that they have the ability to silence everybody who brings up patient care safety issues as well as prohibited personnel practices. Preselection for jobs. For gs level employees much the ability to penalize them because they dont have sufficient staffing for a particular department so that and so they are not able to complete their job efficiently. You are not supposed to be able to penalize gs level employees because of short staffing in the department itself. When its deny, then its up to the union at each fillings to go forward and protest it on behalf of the employee. Most employees dont bother because the risk of retaliation is too high. As numb as i am to stories of bureaucratic in mismanagement dmv shocking take place at Veterans Hospital as much as the v. A. System. Thank you for being here this morning. Illuminating. Thank you very much. He called 911 after a drunk driver crashed into him. There is just one problem. He was loaded too. Guess how this one ended. We will tell you coming up. Guy hey captain obvious, watch this captain when im looking for a hotel with a wet pool, i go to hotels. Com. You can get up to 50 off with their private sales. That mans privates are no longer private. In front of our house again. Its a free country dad. Our house. Our spot. Those are the rules. Ok who wants sweet rolls . I do me too are those kings hawaiian rolls . Thanks, carol people go pupule for the sweet, hawaiian. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Is levy using our clippers . Your modefy gravity. Ything. Find hidden treasure. Make rainbows appear. Now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. Comfort keepers can help you help her. Our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of Inhome Services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. Comfort keepers. Keeping the comforts of home. Call Comfort Keepers now to learn more. Welcome back, tame for news by the numbers. 29 8 million how much new york city paid in pension payments to more than 30,000 retired cops and firefighters. The payments were put in months ahead of the normal december date. I wonder if they returned those. Next 129. How much posh floor science for the capitol. Complained that the standard yellow signs which run for 15 cheapened their visit. It has gold on it or something. Right. And food. And finally 12 million. How much marijuana was found in a Southern California warehouse bust. Electric company employ yes paid off police about a building that had been stealing electricity. Nine people were arrested. 4 minutes past the hour. George w. Bush Wounded Warrior Mountain Bike ride in texas three day event honors injured. Marc siegel has been there for all the action. He joins us now with the details and more from his exclusive interview with president bush. Dr. Segal, good morning. Good morning, guys. Tucker, this is day three of the ride. 18 miles today on the trails and president bushs ranch in crawford. We are going there in a little while. I want to talk first about Melissa Stockwell the first lt. Retired is the first woman to lose a leg in active combat ever in the United States army. She was a real inspiration. Out on the trail. I rode with her part of the day yesterday. She falls down. Gets back um. Backen othe bike. Thats the real theme here. Getting back on the bike. I spoke to president bush about the difficulties that these veterans have to it overcome. Every vet here has overcome difficult circumstances and are now riding pretty difficult bike trails. And the symbol is that, you know, can you succeed. And some people ask me all the time about being with the vets. My answer, universally is im inspired. You know, i may have a knee ache, but it certainly not even close to what people who have been riding these bikes today have overcome. And if our citizens see them overcoming difficult odds, they themselves who think they have got the toughest hand to play should be saying wow, this person can too it and live life to the fullest, so can i. We have all gone through traumatic instances. Some of us worse than others. We are here to support each other and be on the trails together. Ride together. At the end of the day it doesnt matter if you are missing a leg or arm. We are out there to figure out whatever our new normal is going to be. You know, the key according to president bush is to not rely on old organizations like Veterans Affairs but also to consider private solutions. And also support groups. Now, here at the ride, higher hero is here. Warrior foundation is here. Of course the bush foundation. I spoked to the Green Beret Foundation yesterday too long a lot of research. Trek bicycles giving free bicycles out to all the vets when they leave with all the warriors. Absolutely inspiring. I spoke to president bush yesterday about the need that the veterans have to retool and how difficult that is. Lets watch. Were also helping bridge the language gap between employer and employee. For example, you know, a guy writes on its employment form im a sniper. Well, the employer is going to say they dont need a hire a sniper. If he were to put on my skill set in the military required patience, discipline, practice, you know, he might say well, thats the kind of guy i want to hire or kind of person we want to hire. We are helping it to bridge the language as well. Im in to help people find meaningful jobs. You know, a vet with a traumatic brain injury actually fell, hit their head, got dizzy when they had the injury got back on the back. Thats the can he here. All about team work working to get back in society and regain the new normal. Dr. Marc siegel live for us this morning at that big race. Thanks so much, doctor. Thanks, doctor. Thank you. Coming up, the dude. This is like two years ago. We are still talking about. Dude, it is the thing. Dude, now the state department has a plan to like stop this from happening again, man. Like, dude. I love that bret came back with the dude as well. Ainsley earhardt is live at the Kentucky Derby with a special surprise. Hey . Thats exactly right, anna. Early times mint julip official drink today. The company is not just serving up these they are serving our soldiers. You will meet one of them coming up. [ male announcer ] v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. Its what you need for that extra boost oh and did we mention its only 50 calories . Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In t juice aisle. Their type 2 diabetes. With noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills, and it comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis which may be fatal. Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need. Ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. Shot of the morning, main teenager selfie. A teen spotted a squirrel white on pot palm harbor, florida. Naturally he wanted to take a picture with the squirrel. Turns out he doesnt like the paparazzi. The flash and sound of his camera scared the squirrel and it wound up attacking him by climbing on his back. I love that they have snapping photos. Mother flashed this photo of all the chaos going on just in time. He wasnt hurt. Rather than going to help her son she is taking pictures. He was worried he was coming after his nuts. Ouch. Ouch. All our fault coming into the squirrel territory fat overweight, eating fast food 34 minutes after the hour. Other stories making head lynns. A pitch fork wielding robber is on the loose in georgia this morning. Police believe 50yearold jeff would then walked into a waffle house and forced everyone into a become room. Then took off with the cash register, dropping the pitch fork in the process. Two workers grabbed the pitch fork and chased after him. This is quite a sight. A warrant for would thens arrest has wootens estate. Secretary ofjohn kerry gets calo testify. This after a string of embarrassing q and as on capitol hill involving ambassador nominee. When when john mccain slammed for getting facts wrong on norways government . The government has denounced them. The coalition government, part of the coalition of the government. I would say, you know what . I stand corrected. I have no more questions for this incredibly highly qualified group of nominees. One democrat, senator Claire Mccaskill calling out the state department, asking why they are spending money on tutors rather than spending time and attention fixing real problems. A new york man high on drugs calls 911 to report that a drunk driver hit him. Malcolm saidbury on the left told police that the man on the right side swind him. When officers arrived and interviewed him, they found he was high. The blood alcohol condition tent was three times the legal limit. No surprise, both men were arrested. Fmla ming goes go horribly. Oh, he is fine, everybody. Is he fine. What went wrong . Youtube user commenting when cutting off limbs do you an undercut first, end of lesson. Taking to twitter says his buddy is already. There is a guy holding a ladder at the obama. I love that lumberjacks are on twitter. Awesome. Everybody is on twitter. Thats amazing. Even out on the woods they are on twitter. Janice is out on 48th avenue. She is twit snrer hello, look who i found. Wayne and alma parks. Where are you from . New york. What do you in new york city . Going to be in the five borough bike ride tomorrow. Very nice. You train for this kind of thing . I ride all the time. How about this weather in new york . Beautiful. Awesome. Who do you have to thank . Who would i like to thank . Yeah. Everybody. Especially people from conseki transport and logistics. Thanks for coming. Stay right here. We will will do the weather. Take a look at the maps. There is the Kentucky Derby. Thats also happening today along with the five borough tour in new york city. Beautiful conditions, 70 degrees. A little windy so hang on to your hats, ladies, taking a look he at the rest of the country temperaturewise we are in good condition, 50s and 60s really across the board. A couple of 40s i know across the northern plains, upper midwest, it is going it warm up and feel nice. There is a quick look at the radar. Here in new york a few hit or miss showers. Along the coast looking good. Florida you could see heavy rain northwest a little system moving in there. No widespread Severe Weather today good news. Good luck on the tour and thanks for coming. All right. What channel do you watch . Fox. Fox news. Always, always fox news. Excellent. I didnt even pay them. Good you had the mike flag right in their face. Thats always helpful. Bye. Come up on the show he it is Ainsley Earhardt. Today is the the 140th annual Kentucky Derby bringing thousands of spectators. Five american heroes given of the surprise of a lifetime, watch. Show our appreciation for all that you do, active to your oath and early times have teamed up to send you to the Kentucky Derby on may 3rd. You and a guest will be picked up at your home by a private driver to enjoy the Kentucky Derby. Its our time to say thank you to one of louisvilles heroes. Ainsley earhardt is live at Churchill Downs covering the Kentucky Derby for us. Good morning. Good morning to you. The early times mint jew lep jew lip is julep is the official drink. Jason brown and manager for early times. Thanks so much for being with us guys. Thank you. You are one of the ones that was surprised. You are here for the first time. You live in the area, never been to the Kentucky Derby. Yes, maam. How did they surprise you . They asked me to come down and have me do a speaking thing and when i got there, the captain, captain colley said hey, by the way i have got it leave i said what do you mean you have to leave . He said you are didding to take over for me and answer questions for us and i said okay. He pounded on the door. We walked. In and the band started playing im like whoa, wait a minute. Whats happening . There is something wrong. We are in the wrong room. Thank you for serving our country. Thank you. Your company sending soldiers for the first time seeing these horses race. Big race and appreciate you your doing that for our country. How did you did come up with this idea. Working for the past four Years Program called operation weekend pass. This were we partnered with active his or heroes. Official drink of the derby we should send some soldiers to the derby. We worked with them and nominated five soldiers and their guests going to the derby to have a great time today. Happy to do that. This is a great day for you at work. Good day at work and great day atounds lining it whoe you betting on . Buddy of mine said you have got to bet on the number 3 horse. Its uncle si. We are going to do it on that and 3 is my number. He is with the Wounded Warriors stable. Good horse to bet on. Thank you so much. Have a great time you and your wife tammy. Happy derby. Happy derby. Back to you anna, clayton and tucker im requesting to drink a mint julep. 5 00 somewhere. Looking forward to your 9 00 later. That will be interesting. A fox news alert for you by the way. Update about the controversy covered last week over Condoleezza Rice speaking at Rutgers University graduation. Brian kilmeade will be joining us here with the breaking news on that. And a decorated u. S. Marine made a wrong turn in mexico. Into mexico with his legal gun and now is he chained up in jail. His mother brings her fight to free him. To fox friends, she joins us live next. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help Business Owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo unh. [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh [ backup beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business now, thats progressive. Towed on a truck trailer down a runway takes off. Video gone viral. Has 175,000 viewed on youtube so far. And boo boo the bear left some pretty good boo boos for over a dozen university students. Brought to campus as part of a petting zoo to release stress for finals. That was the idea. The bear wound up biting kids instead. Boo boo faced euthanizization before he was cleared of having rabies,. Another one of our nations heroes jailed in mexico. Andrew is a decorated u. S. Marine who did two combat tours. Driving in san diego where he was being treated for ptsd. When he made a wrong turn and accidently crossed of the border into mexico. He had three legal guns in his truck. He was thrown in jail april the 1st. And has been fighting for his freedom ever since his mother joins us now with the latest. God morning, thanks for being with us. Thank you. People just coming in on this story. Tell us exactly what happened as he is driving to san diego and he makes that wrong turn . How did all of this come about . I received a phone call when he had just approached the border and literally he says mexican officials are circling my car now, mom, i need to let you know where i am. I got lost and made a wrong turn and im in mexico i need you to know where im at in case something happens to me. Well, and then he ended up getting arrested because they are illegal there, right . Answered gets thrown in jail. Yes. All of these weapons charges though that he is facing there have gotten muddied up a bit because he tried to escape. I guess he felt like that was his last resort . He tried to escape because he was in imminent danger of being killed. He perceived he was going to be killed. He called me in a holding cell with many member. I heard a lot of chaos in the background. He said mom, im not going to make it through the night. Whatever you do, dont come and ask any questions because you are not safe either. The next day he called me and said mom, i escaped. I got into a better a safer part of the jail i said what, you escaped . I said mom they were going to kill me. There were hit men in there. They told me they were going to rape, torture and execute me and i was going to go out in a body bag. I had to get out of there. I was going to be killed. I feel safer and in a better part of the jail. The relief in his voice the day after so i know that as a marine he had to put his own life in his own hands to escape what he thought was imminent death in that 72 hour holding cell with a lot of men and penitentiary. Since then he has been in a safer protected area. You say a safer protected area. But since you tell me has been chained to a cot in infirmary . Yes. He sustained a neck wound and he had to be hospitalized with stitches. And as of sunday night he told me it was 25 days counting that he was chained by all fours to the 00 cot. And i havent heard from the Statement Department that that condition has changed. So i can only assume he is still in four point restraint chained to a cot in the infirmary. He we have taupe to help him he is one of our heroes. Whats our government doing. Congressman hunter wrote a letter to the state department. Secretary of state john kerry asking that there be a high level review of the andrews case to expedite an Immediate Release to back to the states because he is in desperate need of freedom and with help. He had just been diagnosed 10 days earlier. Thats why he was out in the san diego area to seek help for ptsd. He already started a treatment plan 12 days earlier to this horrifying mistake. We do have a quote there from representative duncan hunter. While i recognize that your focus of secretary of state is in many different areas. It is absolutely critical that appear druce release is achieved as soon as possible. He served his country safely as a United States marine and he is owed the same commitment by the u. S. Government in return. That to secretary of state john kerry. We know that back in 2012. John hammer also a Florida Marine veteran was held for four months in the Mexican Border prison but pressure from the United States government and pressure from the media helped to get him released and we are certainly hoping the same happens for your son. Jill, thank you so much. Absolutely. If i could just say i put on a whitehouse. Gov petition, please, if everyone could go on there and consider signing, i would appreciate it. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you. Had 9 minutes after the hour. Caught on camera. Media bias at its finest. I can see what you are writing down there, you just wrote down blah blah blah for everything that jill ray said. Jill ray is a respectful wobble. Why are you not respecting her by writing blah blah blah on your note pad . What happened next that has this video he going viral . Then she was born without fingers . But thanks to a group of High School Students, she is about to get a new hand. Meet everybody coming up. Woman this is not exactly what i expected. Man definitely more murdery than the reviews said. Captain obvious this is a creepy room. Man oh hey, captain obvious. Captain obvious you should have used hotels. Com. Their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. Instead of people who lie on the internet. Son look, a finger. Captain thats unsettling. Man you think . Captain all the time. Except when i sleep. Which i would not do here. Hotels. Com would have mentioned the finger. Im almost done. [ male announcer ] now you can pay your bill. Manage your appointments. [ dog barks ]. And check your connection status. Anytime, anywhere. [ dog growls ] oh. So youre protesting . Okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. Available on any device. Born without fingers on her left hand. This 9yearold girl is getting a new grasp on every day life. Thanks to High School Students and technology. Engineer class is using 3d print toggle print a prosthetic hand just for her. Joining us is with this incredible story is kylie wicker and jeremy hicker and one of the students from the high school mikey rodriguez. Nice to see all of you this morning. Welcome to the show. Good morning. Good morning. Jeremy, let me start with you, you were googling around headed over to the internet to see if there was some sort of way that you could find a prosthetic hand for your little girl. We know that they cost upwards of auto thousand dollars. What did you find when you were online that started this whole thing . We found that a dad had made the same hand with 3d printner massachusetts for his son with the same condition that kylie has. So, then from there i googled around to see which schools may have them in the rockford area. Yeah, mikey. I understand you were working on this at a high school, a program unfolded which brought a 3d printer into the school which could get to you actually build one of these protest set particular hands for a student. Tell me your involvement in the program and how you learned about kylies story. Well, i have been part of this Engineering Program since freshman year. And the 3d printer is new this year. Its been really cool. So one day our teacher comes up. Is he is like hey, we have a project for you guys. Do you want to build a hand for a little girl . And we were just all so exebbs static. Its pretty awesome. You have had a chance to try on the hand. What was your response when you first got a look at this and how do you think it will change your life . It was very cool. And i could pick up some other stuff and grab both handle bars when i ride my bike. Thats amazing. Jeremy, this must have been an incredible feeling when you saw your little girls face for the first time after she was able to do that. Yeah. Its pretty amazing. I mean, its not completely finished yet. They have to make a few adjustments but i had the one that mikey is making in the back room, and i was pick ing up stuff as thin as paper with us. Its going to be pretty amazing. Can we zoom in a little bit on that. Let me get a close up and see what you have there mikey. What was your response when you saw kylies face after the hard work you were able to do and give her this new lease on life that way . It just kind of warms your heart know thawing are going to really help one with what you know how to do. Well, its amazing now you have been asked by some other individuals to maybe help out, right . Yeah. Thats amazing. We wish you the best of luck. Are you excited to get this new hand after they fit it and tweak it a little bit for you . Yes. Maybe you can give us a nice thumbs up too once this is all im getting tears in my eyes because of this. Jeremy, kylie, mikey, thanks so much for joining us this morning. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having us. You bet. Coming up on the show a fox news alert. Protesters promise to stop Condoleezza Rice from speaking at Rutgers University commencement. Brian kilmeade is here live with a huge update to thated story when we come back. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Ive got a todo list and five acres of fresh air. Top three tools hammer, screwdriver, front loader. Happiness is a driveover mower deck. A john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quickhitch could probably cure most of the worlds problems. [ male announcer ] thats how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. Visit your dealer or johndeere. Com 1family. Visit truecar. Comoney,com,t and never overpay. Yers remorse. A good deal or not. Okay, this is the price,sman comes and youre like. Ells you, hey, good morning, everyone. Its saturday, the third of may, 2014. Im anna kooiman. We start with a fox news alert. Determined to force Condoleezza Rice out of their commencement. This morning there is big breaking news. Our Brian Kilmeade is here with the story you will only see on fox friends. And almost two years after four americans were murdered in benghazi, libya. Will we finally answers and justice. I have evidence that not only are they hiding it, there is intent to hide it. In other words, criminal obstruction of justice. The latest on this benghazi bombshell with governor mike hub behe coming up next. And v. A. Officials left our veterans to die on a secret waiting list. Now another whistle blower coming forward speaking only to fox friends whether its the physicians retaliated against for bringing up issues. Staff inadequate to cover the needs of the veterans. More of her explosive allegations coming up on the show. Fox friends hour three starts right now. You are watching fox friends. Number one morning cable news show in america. Thank you colonel hunt. That is accurate. That is accurate. That is accurate. You know what else is accurate. Governor Mike Huckabee waiting in the wings. We will talk to him in a bit. Breaking news with Brian Kilmeade and Ainsley Earhardt getting us ready for the fast two two minutes in sports and mint julep. I dont really like them. Its a lot of sugar in there. Phillies race the kentucky oaks day. That one is a pink drink with vodka instead of burr on. Both like equivalent of four snickers bar and grain alcohol. Good luck with that. Breaking news and stories to bring you first. Start with your headlines. At this hour, indiana officials are rushing to tracked first case of a potentially deadly virus now in the United States. The centers for Disease Control announcing the first case of a respiratory verizon called mers in the United States. American doctor from indiana who came down with symptoms. Next day hospitalized barely able to breathe. Cdc Officials Say the man flew from saudi arabia to Heathrow Airport and london to chicagos ohare airport. Then took a bus from chicago to his home in indiana. Right now the man is in good condition. Officials are trying to track down any passengers he may have come into close contact with during all those travels. And Donald Sterling breaking his silence for the First Time Since being banned for life from the nba. During he was sounding off during an interview with dejury magazine about his former companion stif van know who recorded shows statements he said quote i wish i had just paid her off stivano breaking her silence saying she is sterlings protecter and loves him like a father. Even said she doesnt think he is a racist. I think mr. Sterling is from a different generation than i am. I think he was brought up to believe those things. Segregation, whites and blacks, minorities from black jews to light jews. Do you think he should apologize . Absolutely. Do you think he will apologize . Only god knows. Meanwhile clippers head coach doc rivers is meeting with Team Employees who are threatening to walk out over their owners racist comments. This time he is riding inside the plane. This morning the california teenager who survived a five and a half hour flight to hawaii while stowed away in a jets wheel well is heading back home. The 15yearold has been in hawaii state custody since running away from home last month. Also being questioned by the fbi for jumping in that boeings plane wheel well where he amazingly survived freezing temperatures and lack of oxygen. Reunited and it feels so good. [ laughter ] was that bad . [ buzzer ] a new jersey family who lost their dog is this is a good story though. Lost their dog during Hurricane Sandy and finds them more than a year later. Chuck and alicia james say they finally decided to adopt another dog. When they went to the local Animal Shelter the first pup brought out to them was their dog reckless. He showed up in november but its not clear where he was before that thats such a cool story. Unbelievable. Thank you, anna. Lets bring in governor Mike Huckabee to talk about the big news of the day. Nice to be with you guys again. What do you make of this benghazi story . So we got access, the public got access thanks to a nonprofit Judicial Watch to email that really is the smoking gun. We didnt get it. The congress didnt get it. This looks like obstruction of justice. Not giving up that email to congress, no . What else could it be but obstruction of justice. When the United States congress that has the constitutional right and responsibility to make sure that there is check and balance on the executive branch. When they ask for specific information, they are stonewalled, they are lied to. And then somebody else has to get the information, thats what that is. Thats an obstruction of justice. I think this is really more serious. People can dismiss it as a partisan witchhunt. Its a very serious issue. It reminds me back what we saw in the watergate days. If this is the tip of the iceberg as trey gowdy is alleging. 20 months since this has unfolded just now. I think there is a reluctance on the part of republicans to create a select committee because it brings up the whole reminder of what happened during the clinton years and special prosecutors and watergate and every time special prosecutors and select committees happen it does create a very harsh environment in washington. Nobody wants to see things get even worse and more partisan, more bitter. But were probably going to see it what should happen is the kind of statesmanship that we did see back in the 70 when watergate happened. When you had republicans like howard baker who were willing to ask the tough questions and didnt care that it was his own party that was at fault. He wanted truth. He wanted honor, he wanted justice. This is the kind of statesmanship that is very much lacking in d. C. Today. Its what we need. People ought to rise above their own Party Affiliations and say, there are four dead americans. I owe it to them and to their families to find out what happened. Let the chips fall where they may. You mean statesmanship like harry reid, Senate Majority leader who is saying this is exactly a republican talking point, this is a right wing this is a right wing scandal that they are making up. In fact, he said. This read this verbatim. Republicans are showing yet again, that they have nothing to offer the middle class. Republicans care more about defending billionaires lick the Koch Brothers and trying to rekindle debunked right wing conspiracy theories than raising the minimum wage or making sure women receive equal pay for equal work. Harry reid has a theme things go better with koch. He cant utter a sentence without bringing the Koch Brothers into it they have nothing to do with benghazi. They have nothing to do with this scandal. I think its almost to a point now where harry reid has become a comedy, a tragic comedy but a comedy nonetheless. When he says something just know that whatever he is saying has nothing to do with the topic at hand. And this is a great example of that. He ought to be standing up as the leader of the senate, the mosts most deliberative body once it was now its the most dysfunctional body. This is an issue we need to get to the bottom of. If there is nothing there, republicans are going to be humiliated and embarrassed. If there is something there, the country will be wellserved by truth. Its always wellserved by truth, never wellserved by lies. We have been given lies from the very beginning on this story, from the very first day this happened, september 11th, 2012, our government has constantly lied to us and they covered it up and i think now as the old saying is the chickens are really coming home to roost. I i want get your take on this bombshell too that was actually just dropped here on fox friends. We have a second doctor speaking out from the phoenix v. A. Who is testifying to the shredding of documents to taking screen grabs and giving certain information to washington and concealing secret waiting lists that have caused allegedly 40 of our heros to die. Lets listen to dr. Catherine mitchell. That seconds whistle blower. In the past, the investigations that have occurred on a routine basis in the 16 years thraive that i have been there. In general things are swept under the carpet before the investigation is completed because they have advanced notice. Majority of administrators are honest. In every facility there are a few administrators who unethical that they basically have and wield enough power that they have the ability to silence everybody who brings up patient care safety issues as well as prohibited personnel practices. She says she is fearful of retaliation following her speaking out on our airways. Just how broken is this system . Incredibly broken. I think we need it to know two things. One, there is a difference between inat the expense and criminal activity when something is as wrong as this is. Actions cover tracks to make themselves look good. In this case the life of a veteran. That goes beyond incompetence, thats criminal activity. The second thing that i hope every american will keep in mind. When we talk about the benefits to our veterans, we are not talking about entitlements. We are not talking about some type of assistance to people that are begging for it we are talking about the moral obligation that this country owes to those who kept their promises to this country. Put on uniforms. Went halfway around the world to places they couldnt prohe nouns when they got there, put their lives on the line so the rest of us could breathe free air in our homes and these are the people, and i use this term deliberately, we have a moral obligation to see that whatever it is that we promised them we keep the promise and we never ask them to wait in line to get it and thats why i think a the lo of americans blood just boils over this story. They were promised they would be taken care of when they came home. And they havent been. Well said. Who is coming up on the show tonight. We have Kareem Abdul Jabbar talking about on the sterling case and paul tier older sis it ter with be with us tonight. Benghazi former cia agent. And i think its going to be a great show. Kareem wrote a really compelling piece this week. You have been keeping that case in the news. I will until the girl gets home. Outrageous abuses of state authority against a family that i have ever witnessed in my life. 8 p. M. Tonight on fox news network. A fox news alert. Protesters promised toto stop Condoleezza Rice from speaking at rutgers. The worlds worst human rights record. Even executed his own uncle. Kim jong un is calling the United States a living hell. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help Business Owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo unh. [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh [ backup beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business now, thats progressive. Even turn night into day. Ing. Now she could use a hand, Comfort Keepers provides a variety of Inhome Services while truly connecting. Comfort keepers. Keeping the comforts of home. Call Comfort Keepers now to learn more. Welcome back. Fox news alert now. Students at Rutgers University have been dormd stop Condoleezza Rice from speaking at their graduation ceremony. Even staging this protest earlier this week. Calling her a war criminal. Well, so far rutgers officials have registered calls to, quote disinvite her. This morning Brian Kilmeade is here with breaking news on that. And its news that you will only see right here on fox friends, at least first. Good morning, brian. Good morning, guys. Great show as usual. As you know one of the stories that we have been covering and tracking as it got closer and closer to commencement day on may 18th is some of the protests and uproar within the Rutgers University where it seems as though a handful of professors and some students. There was about 50 there have decided that she was not the right choice to be the Commencement Speaker for rutgers graduates this year. So, considers coming back from an overseas trip has decided to do this and here is the statement thats just been released to fox friends. This commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families. Rutgers invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the University Community at this very special time. I am honored to have served my country. I have defended americas belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas. Shes values have essential to the health of our democracy but that is not the issue here. She will becided she will rejecting the offer to be the Commencement Speaker. Oh, boy. She says she doesnt want to be a distraction its a special day for these kids and i dont want to be a distraction there. Thats what she is saying. What you see is handful of students that we could see, 50 showed up at that sitin. What you see is a handful of professors who decided with her role in they call it torture. The administration called it enhanced interrogation and the runup in the iraq war itself she would be a bad representative for what the University Stands for. This according to a few professors. The president all the way says we are about free speech. We invited her and we want her to stay. We want her to continue to do it. He as far as we can tell was standing by her the entire time. Kind of dismicial decision. She doesnt want to step on graduation for the students. Giving up 35,000 fee. Thats a small thing. On the other hand she is in effect being shouted down, drown out. Protesters have won dont you think by her pulling out . It depends on how you do it. She explained to me through her chief of staff that she is all about academia. Secretary or diplomat. She said you know what im about. Being on university standards. Provost of stanford. Asked Commencement Speaker at smu. National security advisor. She thinks what she has done in her career. If position have a position on a war or whatever they have. She stands behind everything she did as george bush did for everything they did for them to skew and say enhanced interrogation lied up to the lead up of this war as this professor has done. In fact, here is the professor talking to ainsley a couple of weeks ago. Lets listen. She played a prominent role in the bush administrations effort to mislead the American People about the presence of weapons of mass destruction. And she, at the very least, condoned the bush administrations policy of enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding. And that does it for me. Rutgers is a place where students should be happy and joyful and proud of their achievements and not be distracted by political controversy. This is a couple of months ago anticipation energy was building about what would happen and what decision would be made on this. Do you think there was any fear that there would be any violence at the graduation . You know, i wouldnt think so because even the protests this week i was watching the footage of it they said the rutgers paper says said it was the biggest sitin they ever had. Less than 50 people. Mostly muslim students. A handful of professors. The size of Rutgers University is huge. If there was thousands of people on the lawns. I would still think there would be a strong argue document go if she wanted to. After all she was invited and proud of her record. Handful of students feeling this way. She is bawl academia and doesnt want to be a distraction. Looking at her background, secretary of state, National Security advisor, her role with in the bush 41s administration and she went to provost at stanford. University of denver. If you look at people qualified to be a Commencement Speaker thats it. Two years ago snooki was their Commencement Speaker. Really snooki . Really . Yeah. Was anyone offended at that . Here is a very special day we put in four hard years of work at this graduation work and you give us snooki . It is. I think you should have been offended if snooki was your commentsment speaker. This is late rome if snooki is the Commencement Speaker. Great work on this story. You heard it here on fox friends. Condoleezza rice not going to be the Commencement Speaker at rutgers. Thanks, brian. Thanks for the reporting. The sitin on may 6th is not going to happen. The teachin may 18th rutgers has got to get somebody else. Maybe snooki is available again. Go enjoy pancakes. Enjoy your saturday. They fight for our freedom and then they come home only to fight to find a job. Cheryl casone introduces us to people stepping up to the plate to get our heroes working. And if you like your siblings more successful than you, it may not be your fault. Just blame it on your birth order. We will explain coming back. Come on, in cheryl. Those litt things still get you. 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Its believed both sides were throwing gas bombs around the building. The Florida Legislature passing a bill allowing nonu. S. Citizens to practice law in the state. Lawmakers voting in fample of illegal immigrant jose manuel this dispit a recent florida Supreme Court ruling stating that Illegal Immigrants cannot be issued a law license. Federal law allows states to make exceptions. Tuck iter and cheryl over to you. Thanks, anna. One of the. You know, if we talk about it enough, something is going to change. There is a company that is working to change whats happening for our nations veterans. The Unemployment Rate so high right now. Maryland based nsu serve i visited them. Learning about what theyre doing to combat veteran unemployment. Take a look at this. By the end of 2014, 90,000 active military personnel are expected to return from deployment when the in afghanistan is officially brought to an end. With that return comes a new worry. What will these men and women do for work when they reenter civilian life . I think there is a fear in everyone in everybody that leaves the military. Enter retired admiral. He served under robert gates in the department of defense and now he serves as the chairman of ns 2 serves. Its a subsidy of Multinational Software giant sap. I think think have a responsibility to continue to try to help them be successful because they have done so much for their country. Unemployment rate for veterans of the iraq and average wars is hovering around 9 . A jarring number that has many settling for anything they can get, even a minimum wage job. It was difficult finding jobs that paid well. The purpose of ns 2 serves, teach and certify a select group of veterans to become technology consultants. Sap software can be found in 70 of Companies Including the biggest names in intelligence and security. Even the u. S. Government we owe them as a country more than a minimum wage job. Its a 10 week intensive program. 100 funded by ns 2. The class of 17 veterans are learning the same skills taught to civilian consultants. Its a stark contrast. Most of them do not have a business background. So, in the initial training, you are talking about basic business skills that they are trying to pick up at almost an mba level of knowledge. To many, the courses are a whole new kind of basic training. Retiring, after doing that for 2 o0 years, coming into this i equate it to boot camp. Im coming in learning something from the ground up. You know, i want to give it my all. I want to become that well oiled machine again. These arent the only skills they learned. You have you ever put a resume together officially. Im horrible at resumes. And i just kind of looked at what my military skill groups were and lumped them in there. But there are many traits, vets as a whole have that companies are looking for. They are adaptable. A huge benefit was that adaptability and able to handle situations. They are quick lerners. They can learn it. They learn more quickly than just about anybody. And they dont give up. We dont accept failure. Failure is not an option to any of us. We will work through any condition to ensure we get the job done at the right way. At the end of the program, ns 2 guarantees a job to it all that graduate. The help among the team that created this model other companies that say they want to hire vets will do the same, taking the fight to combat veteran unemployment to a whole new level. If we cant employ all the kids that are graduates then we have failed. If you talk to any one of us they can definitely let you know this is a great opportunity. This is something that you know, its changing lives. And, you know, their lives are going to change. Graduation actually is coming up may 13th for this first class of veterans. And they want to do another program. And there is such a need out there right now for these kids, these young men and women, and these certifications are going to be gold for them. Can you make at least 60 grand and maybe more. Ns 2 serves. They are spending about 50,000 per student for three months. Thats, of course, exclusive of salary . The company its like getting a College Education. Thats amazing. 50 grand this one company is spending but a lot of more companies adoes the country have got to get on board and start doing it. Thank you so much. For more information on this Amazing Program go to our web site. We have it all there. Coming up, a decorated u. S. Marine made a wrong turn into mexico with his illegal gun. Is he literally shackled in jail. His mom is fighting to free him. You will hear from her next. Plus our Ainsley Earhardt is live at Kentucky Derby with a drink that might just break the bank. What she is swapping at Churchill Downs. Et rolls . I do me too are those kings hawaiian rolls . Thanks, carol people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of kings hawaiian. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Is levy using our clippers . Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low put some music on soft and slow baby we aint got no place to go [ laughter ] wow, its your shot of the morning. This is what anna does during the commercial breaks. You should hear her sing signed sealed and delivered before we came on. Her phone is filled like singing selfies. That she has with videos on her phone. That was her singing with country super star josh turn everywhere when he visited us earlier this week. Thats his smash hit. Let me be your man. You have to get real deep. Thats pretty good. Im always amazed turn the lights down low. I wish i knew the song more. Some day we will go through annas phone and make an entire hour of it of her videos on the show. Meanwhile a decorated u. S. Marine who served two combat tours in mexico last month marine reservist andrew got lost while driving on san diego while he was being treated for ptsd. Made a wrong turn and accidently crossed into mexico. He had three illegal guns in his truck. Thrown in jail april 1st and has been fighting for his tree dom ever since. His mom joined us today with the latest on how the government is trying to help. Its very promising that representative congressman hunter i know wrote a letter to the state department. Secretary of state john kerry. Asking that there be a high level review of the andrews case. You know, to expedite an Immediate Release back to the states because he is in desperate need of a freedom and with help. His trial is expected to begin on may 28th. Well, it looks like a scene straight out of a movie. Two men dressed up in business suits wearing fake beards and wigs rob a bank in utah. Police say the robbers had guns, pepper spray and stun guns, spraying several employees and shocking one of them many times. No one seriously hurt there fortunately. The robbers still on the loose. No word on how much money they got away with and he has got the worlds worst human rights record. He even executed his own uncle. Now north korean dictator kim jong un is calling the United States a living hell . The communist dictator releasing his own list of human rights abusers. Number one, the u. S. A. So what is america doing so wrong . Here are the highlights. The u. S. Is a living hell as elementary rights to existence ruthlessly violated. All sorts of crimes rampant in the United States pose a serious threat to the right to existence. Nothing specific. Okay. Very good point comrade. Does Birth Control excuse me. [ laughter ] does birth order have anything to do with a persons success . Whats on your mind . Huh . First born children achieve bigger and dream more. Researchers also say first borns are 7 more likely to stay in school than their younger siblings. They believe its because parents unintentionally devote more time to the oldest children. We asked what you thought about this study. And my first born is definitely not the chiever in the family but my second oldest child is definitely is so i disagree. I hope those kids arent watching this morning. Thats why they wrote in. Dont give a last name, ellen. Own protection. Thanks, greg. Check in with janice dean outside on the plaza this morning. Hey. Kentucky derby first alert forecast hat. The smell of horses in the morning. [ laughter ] manure. Go big or go home. Look at this beautiful hat. I will be wearing hats each weather hit before the end of the show so tune in will you. Fox friends weekend. And lets take a look at the maps. What a Beautiful Day and here it is here in new york city. And i mean, were looking for a very nice day for much of the country, including the Kentucky Derby in louisville, kentucky. Were going to be dealing with temperatures around 70 degrees. Partly cloudy skies. A little windy though. A little blustery so make sure you hang on to your hats, ladies, when the winds come. Taking a look where we are dealing with the rain across the great lakes and florida, unfortunately again today. That should clear up by sunday. Northwest you are also dealing with unsettled weather. Again, dealing with incredible rainfall across florida. Take a look real quick. The surplus in mobile 31 inches since january 1st. Look at pensacola 50 inches. 4 feet of rain. Surplus of over 30 inches. So this area is going to clear up but central and southern florida still going to seat showers. Keep tuning in im going to be wearing these different hats each weather hit and we will see what happens next hour. I like that. What do you think . I think its it fabulous. I think so too. I see your yellow hat and i raise you a gray hat. Very nice. I just want a tall mint julep. Thats a salt tri look for you. Should we go to the after party . Its about the mint juleps. This is an expensive version. Tucker is appalled at my outfit, ainsley. How is it going down there . I think its so much fun. This is the glass im bringing back for you you, anna. So that you can have your mint julep. A large glass. Isnt that great . You are welcome. We are here with americas ceo, the chief entertaining officer. Correct . Thats right. Its the ceo that doesnt makes a much money as other ceos but you are having fun. We have a lot more fun, absolutely. I would like to present you you with a 1,000 minted julep. As long as you are giving it away. You you wont have to pay for it. Hundred dollars a sip. Its a beautiful beautiful cup. It actually goes to charity to old home foreretired thoroughbred horses. Thats a good charity. You also get this wonderful, beautiful gold and silver plated stirrup cup and made with exotic ingredients. Special mint sur rip aged in bourbon barrels. Candied rose petals. That adds sweetness to it a little bit of rose water in there. And, of course, the star of the show, preserve official bourbon of Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby. We give you a good. It is 1,000. We add a little extra in there. Also get a solid gold sipping stir. Wonderful. How many of these are you selling . 89. Sell out . Everybody wants to have one of their collectible cups and they just love showing it around. They are Walking Around Churchill Downs with their 1,000 mint julep cup. They have it to show that off. You are selling for 2,000 already. 10 gold cups that go for 2,000. Those will be available as well. If you dont have 1,000, if you want to make a mint julep yourself. Mint sugar crushed ice and fill it to the top with woodbury reserve or your favorite bourbon. Still delicious. I knew i was going to have a good time in kentucky when i got off the plane and girls are there in party hats and cute little sun dresses and handing out bourbon balls. A lot of people here are tailgating with them. They are great. Kind of a tradition around louisville and kentucky because bourbon and chocolate really go well together. If you want to try one of those. Its one of those great things. Do you want one . Sure i will. We can candy. Exactly. Lets taste them. Wow. That bourbon, that chocolate. Delicious. It is delicious. Absolutely. Thank you so much. Thank you. Happy derby. We shouldnt eat before you have to say goodbye. We have to do it. V. Isnt this good . Delicious. Okay. Guys, i will bring some of these back to you. Anna, here is your mint julep class. Liquor and candy. Delicious. Ainsley earhardt. Thank you so much. Big thank you to samuel for our derby ware today. Caught on camera, media bias at its most floor rid and infuriating. You just wrote down blah blah blah for everything that jill ray said. She is respectable woman. Why are you not respecting her by writing blah blah blah on your note pad. If you havent seen this video, stay tuned, its unbelievable. Getting ready to plan a trip . Great deal. Credit card savings you need to know about. I bkd my trip using tuckers credit card. I saved thousands. What super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. [ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. Captain when im looking for a hotel with a wet pool, to seal out more food particles. I go to hotels. Com. You can get up to 50 off with their private sales. That mans privates are no longer private. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. Welcome back. 46 minutes now past the hour. Here are your top stories on the web site for your health. Are you always fighting fatigue . A new study says you may be a morning show host. Changes in your brain could be to blame. Researchers suggest a pet scan could be a useful way of screening for chronic fatigue. Experts warn the study was too small to make any conclusions. It turns out mans best friend does more than keep good company. Pets help lower cholesterol stress and Blood Pressure as well. Gives something to focus on and able it help boost selfesteem and give unconditional love and acceptance. There you go. Talk about a study confirming what we already knew. Dogs are objectively good. And speaking of confirming what you already knew, many of you may suspect that the media are mostly pretty liberal. Most reporters are liberal. Every study has shown that. And, yet, its still jarring to seat curtain pulled back and get a glimpse of what it is like from a newspaper. Candidate in oregon at the weekly newspaper in oregon. They were interviewing him, here is what happened. I can see what you are writing down there, you just wrote down blah blah blah for everything jill ray said. She is respectable woman why are you disrespecting her by writing blah blah blah on your note pad. Mark, were going to move on. Im going to ask a question and if you answer respectfully we might. You have to show respect in order to get respect. Climate change do you believe its a myth or reality. Its a myth. Where are you on the easter bunny. Whats that . Where are you on the easter bunny. Are these really the questions i was called here to answer, really . Representative, i called you out for putting blah blah blah on your note pad and now you are asking me questions like this . You are done here. This is neither a fair or balanced meeting. This is a meeting for us to do. I know its a meeting being asked by disrespectful thinskinned liberals like yourself. There is the door. I have Better Things to do with my time. Bear in mind the reason they are sitting there Mark Callahan who got up and left. There seeking the endorsement of the newspaper in this election. The Editorial Board was interviewing all of the candidates and the female candidate whom he was defending was on speaker phone at the time. They are there seeking the endorsement. They went on to ask the liberal candidate his thoughts on Climate Control and had a long nice discussion with that guy. Here is the thing liberals often talk about this what many conservatives say is a phony war on women. Thats been waged by conservatives allegedly, you know, those dirty evil republicans. But how about the war on women right there. This woman is not even in the room to watch watch whats going on there and they are sitting there blah blah blah blah blah. Blatant disrespect. What does that say about the mainstream media, right . This may be a small town and a publication that a lot of you probably may not have ever heard of. This is a breeding ground for the national exchange. By the way it does reflect arrogance and selfsatisfaction. Notice, when he gives an answer they dont agree with he is crazy, or the easter bunny and then i dont want to hear it, get out they say. Just leave. By the way, this was not some cub reporter who asked a question. 50ishyearold reporter who a couple years ago won the pulitzer surprise this is a crummy little paper but Pulitzer Prize winner acting dismissive who answered a question the way he didnt like. Stay tuned to see if he gets the endorsement from the paper. We will see. We will keep you updated on that. Coming up here on the show. Remember this dude dude, this is like two years ago. We are still talking about the most mundane process. Dude,. Years ago. Dude, it is the thing that mundane process. The state department has a plan to make sure the people dont make the same mistake on capitol hill. Youll want to hear about this. How to use your credit card to score a free fright. Coming up. Come fly with me lets fly down to peru theres a big boy band good morning. If if you play your cards right, you can get that deal on a great getaway for you, but not all credit cards were created equal. Here with the top cards travel expert mark murphy. Good morning. Good morning. There are new ones out that people ought to take advantage. My number one pick is the chase preferred safire card. It comes with bon us points, so when you sign up you have to know that you have to spend money, so all those bon us points, they dont happen until you make a transaction. So be prepared to spend 3,000 in the first 90 days in order to get that 40,000 bonus points, then it will take you up to a 500 credit towards your next vacation. You have to understand youll be spending money in order to earn those points. Of course. Is that something that only works for particular airlines . They give you travel credits, whatever you want to spend on travel, you can literally choose anything and take advantage of it. The bar clay card arrival world mastercard. They give you the signing bonus of 40,000 when you spent the 3,000. Whats interesting is you get Double Points on every purchase, whereas with the chase safire you get Double Points on travel and dining, the bar clay gives you Double Points on every purchase. Not quite as good as the chase preferred, but its still a good option. Then the blue sky from american express. By the way, both of those other cards, the chase and bar clay have annual fees. The blue sky from american express, no annual fee, but the bonus is only 7500 points, and that is on a purchase of 1,000, so you have to be prepared to spend 1,000 out of the gate. Some people are probably going, mark, youre throwing a lot of numbers at me. Why should we care about this . Why is it worth is it in. Its a great way to add incremental savings to your travel. Everybody uses plastic. If youre going to spend money with a card, why not get Something Back on it. They charge 2 , 3 , 4 merchant fees. Theyre giving it back to you in terms of loyalty. It works for them. It gets you to focus on using that card religiously, and its coming out of those mvp fees, so theyre funding it out of their own fees and keeping you loyal. As we go, some of these cards actually help if you travel internationally so you dont get nicked. The reason i say chase preferred, no foreign transactions fee. Those add up when you travel internationally, so thats important. If you have time, we can talk about a hotel card. We dont, but give us a link, well send our viewers there. Go and look and take a look at Starwood Hotel card. Mark murphy, thank you so much. More fox friends in two minutes. Good morning, everyone. Wellbegin with a fox news alert. Rutgers students determined to force condie rice out of their commencement and this morning theres breaking new. The house now pushing for a special committee, but the state Department Says benghazi, a total waste of time. The amount of manhours and taxpayer dollars that go into all of this is incredibly timeconsuming for our folks here. Yeah, just a lot of work to deliver justice for four dead americans. Cant be bothered. Watch on you, tiger. This pintsized did you haver has a swing to make him a pro. That 3yearold will be here live. Fox friends hour 4 starts right now. Yes, it is, were in game show voice this morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. Come on down. Pretty good. And our Ainsley Earhart is live from Churchill Downs. Do you have a horse in this race . We have one here in the studio . Sir ed. My beloved motherinlaw is betting on a horse called wicked something or another. Wicked strong. Every once in a while the curtain is pulled back and you get to see who is running the government. A memo came out, it was pulled out in a foia request, and showed a lot of collusion behind the scenes, the white house trying to change the explanation. Heres the state Department Spokeswoman ma remary hart. The amount of tax payment that go entice all of this is incredibly timeconsuming for our folks and other agencies as well. We are committed to doing it because its important, but when weve already done it, the point of doing more, when we could be spending time talking about embassy security, bringing people to justice, thats a better allocation of resources. Have you ever seen anything more arrogant . When you put it in the context of the news in the morning, which we are learning that the state department will be tutori ining members of its , theyve farmed it out to a consulting agency, the use of money, time and effort their better resources are being reported to. To train you to testify in front of congress. And john boehner saying he will hold a special committee headed by but the state department saying theyre surprised that john boehner is doing this, saying theyre also subpoenaing john kerry about this. They say weve been cooperating the whole time. Youve been cooperating the whole time, then how come a nonprofit had to sue in order to get these documents that tie the white house to the because they say it had nothing to do with benghazi, the email was about the region, but special didnt have anything to do with benghazi. Thats interesting, because they were sued specifically for documents about benghazi. Which raises a question, why is a nonprofit ability to get what congressionally investigators werent able to get a year and a half ago . Thats why secretary of state john kerry is being hauled in front of the committee inch it starts to look lie obstruction. These were the talking points given to susan rice. This is absolutely about benghazi, and they withheld it. Yet liberals are trying to say this is just a witchhunt by conservatives. Listen to what harry reid is say, responding by blaming the Koch Brothers showing republicans care more about defending billionaires like the Koch Brothers and trying to rekindle the debuvged rightwing conspiracy theories than raising the minimum wages. When we just had this new memo that specifically litches the white house to having altered these talking point. Governor Mike Huckabee reacted arier. This is a man who cant utter a sentence without bringing the Koch Brothers into it. They have nothing to do with this scandal, but its almost a point where harry reid has become a comedy, a tragic comedy, but a comedy nonetheless. When he says something, just know whatever hes saying has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Meanwhile, more on that story here, keep it here, probably the only network covering the benghazi story. Meanwhile, Condoleezza Rice was asked by rutgers to come and speak at their commencement, then protests ensued. A group of students were outraged they had asked Condoleezza Rice to come speak will. Getting an exclusive here on fox friends and Condoleezza Rice backing out of delivering this commencement speech saying commencement should be a type of joyous celebrations. Rutgers invitation to me has become a distraction for the University Community. Im honored to have served my country. I have defended americas belief in free speech. These values are central to the health of our democracy. That is not what is at issue here. So she is stepping down. I think her motives seem honorable, and im still sad that she did this. Its totally fair to debate her tenure as secretary of state, but shes basically being shouted down by a small group of angry people. Thats not a good precedent. If you dont want to hear someones position, you just prevent them from talking . Thats not something thats healthy. Pretty offensive calling her a war criminal, not saying her resume was worthy of being the speaker, when we heard from brian, that snooki was the Commencement Speaker a few years back. It will seem they would be more offended by than that is the first female secretary of state and second africanamerican secretary of state following colin powell. But she wasnt on a reality show. Thats not on her resume. Maybe the situation from jersey shore will be invited. Heres some of your viewer emails. If the professors and protesters are any indication of the People Associated with rutgers, i wouldnt go there, either. And linda says it shows class, which rutgers does not have. Again, a handful of people affect the majority . I would be ecstatic to hear her speech. That is the point, isnt it . Dont we want to debate . Lets talk about them, not force the person you disagree with to shut up. Thats not for free speech. Thats an authoritarian impulse. I remember at the university of pittsburgh, different speakers would come. Every student could come, have a discussion, there was a q a session. There was always a difference room of opinions. It wasnt shouted down but college is about only have approved thoughts. You know that. [ laughter ] its like getting that way. Some other stories made headlines, a disturbing story weve been telling you about veterans left to die because of the a secret wait list. Officials at the va hospital denied knowing anything about it, but a second whistleblower is stepping forward. Dr. Catherine mitchell says officials are destroying evidence, and that she has records proving the hospital used secret waiting lists to hide the long wait times that veterans faced. Earlier drch mitchell saided scandal doesnt stop at just one document. In the past investigations that have occurred a a routine basis in general things are swept under the carpet before the investigation is completed, because they have advanced notice. And dr. Mitchell says she does fear retaliation from the va for coming forward. At this hour, a new day of heavy fighting in ukraine, this just 24 hours after the Bloodiest Day in months. Chaos breaking out in the streets. At least 42 people are dead after the intense day of fighting. The building catching fire when ukrainian activists stormed the complex being held by prorussian forces. Its believed both sides were throwing gas bombs around the building, this as ukraine launches the first major offensive to take back an eastern city, two ukrainian soldiers debt. Now president obama threatening even tougher sanctions against russia. As john kerry gets called to testify on benghazi, the state department is hiring tutors to prep for congressional hearings, after a spring of embarrassing q as. Remember when john mccain slammed the government has denounced them, the coalition the Coalition Part of the government. I stand corrected. I have no more questions for this incredibly highly qualified group of nominees. One democrat, senator Clair Mccaskill calling out the state department, asking why theyre spending money on tutors rather than time and attention on fixing real problems. Ben affleck may be great at running a gambling racket in the movies. Why the house . Because the house always wins. Which is why we dont have to cheat people. But the math is right. Am i missing something . No. No, you didnt miss anything. We missed something. But in real life, not so much. The hard rock casino in las vegas reportedly busting the Hollywood Megastar for counting cards. Hes now banned from playing blackjack at the casino. Those are yew headlines. The house always wins. Thank you, anna. We just told you about the special committee being forced to investigate benghazi. A congressman who has been pressing for answers since attack is next with us. Then is angry birds holding back your child . The game, not actual birds. The brandnew study that may make you think twice before putting your kid in front of an electronic gadget. Details are coming up up. [ woman ] ive always tried to see things from the best angle i could. Its how i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why im shooting for Something Better. Eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. We cannot let the fans down. Dont worry the United States Postal Service will get it there on time with Priority Mail flat rate shipping. Our priority has always been saving the day. Because our priority. Amazing . Is you the amazing spiderman 2 delivered by the United States Postal Service. Nearly 20 months after the terrorist attacks that left four americans murdered, congress is taking its most aggressive act yet. John boehner has announced a special committee. Congressman, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me, tucker. I think some of our viewers could be confused how a nonprofit watch got this memo when congress has been unable to get this key memo for over a year and a half. What happened . Thats a question we all want to ask. And yet, you know, this watch dog group, Judicial Watch, was able to get this information. Little did we know. My understanding is if a government agency, in this case the state department, knowingly refuses to hand over a document to congressional investigator, thats obstruction of justice and a crime, isnt it . It absolutely is, especially when youre looking at it adjoining with a political agenda. Those are felonying prosecutable in law. What answers are you going to be seeking . I think it will get you to redefine putting together and focus this group of trying to make sure we get all the information 689 theres many more documents that may have been left out. This shows a predicated line of thinking politically protecting the president and the state department, instead of coming up about the facts with what was actually happening. The president s involved in this. Two weeks later hes talking about this video at the united nations. So this is a smoking gun thats locked and loaded. Sol youve been at the center of this from the beginning. Why did the white house lie about why these attacks took place . Well, they had this whole narrative, they didnt want to leave a footprint in libya, anywhere else in the middle east. They were predispositioning a process to fail. When this came about, they couldnt have that narrative before the election cycle, because the president had said al qaeda is on the run, bin laden is dead. The same thing occurs with secretary of state Hillary Clinton, so they had to dispel this narrative and make sure the american pebbles werent going be changed in that you are vupts about barack obama. But the truth always comes out, the oldest law in washington. Thank you for joining us, and i hope youll come back as the investigation progresses. Certainly will. Coming up the nsa isnt the only one tracking you. Yet another agency is keeping tabs a your phone and your license plate. Well tell you who they are. And last hour we talked about and the private sector at work. Stay tuned for that. Oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. The name your price tool, still only from progressive. Welcome back. Here are some quick headlines for you. New this morning, divers are looking in unopened rooms in that sunken south korean ferry for dozens of missing passengers. Those divers will also continue to go through areas already searched. Eight bodies have been found today. And Police Departments could they become the next nsa . Theyre under fire for invading privacy by using phone an license plate surveillance equipment. At least 25 departments are using a technology called stingray which picks up cell phone data within a mile radius. Officials say its only being used to catch criminals. Anna . Deployed to employ. Arier we talked about ns2 serve, and now we want you to meet some of the trainees who will graduate this very program this month. Some veterans whose lives have been changed. Cheryl is here with all of that. Graduation is coming up for this first group of veterans may 13th. Ns2 serve is putting it all into the inaugural class, and we want to share some of the stories. Take a look. Even having a degree in Computer Science ive been looking for a job for over six months. Reporter its a story not uncommon among young veterans. We have all these young men and women who have done so much for us, and, you know, they come back and often we cant seem to match them very well with jobs. Reporter ns2 serves starts to help to do this. Each student has a story. My wife is active duty air force. We live paycheck to paycheck. This will give us the ability to become debt free in five years. Reporter it has trainees graduate with a certification and guaranteed jobs. I learned about things i had no clue about before. Clarissa is one of the two females in the 17person class. Striking out in the job market despite a successful military career and college degree, shes betting it all on succeeding in ns2 serves. I applied and got in. I literally moved, packed up my house, put everything . Storage to take advantage of this opportunity. Its rough, you know, but its a good kind of rough. Reporter ns2 serves fully covers all the costs so veterans can immerse themselves. They live together in the hotel, and eat in the common room or out by the grill. Were a pretty tight knit group and make sure that everybody understands anything. If theres something we dont understand, i can go to another person in class and ask them for help. Theyve never met anyone before, and theyve all come together. If you watch how they function as a team, they refuse to lehtonen in that class fail. Reporter while clarissa gave everything us for her future, some are giving it all to change the lives of their families. My daughter needs a better life. Reporter george served two tours in iraq. Since coming home, he struggled to find steady employment, even working as a tree cutter just to make money. I was suicidal at the time. I had a bunch going on. It was rough for me. Coming here was a new look on life. I refocused my life on my daughter and trying to make a better life for her. They just want to provide for their families. I think we have a responsibility outside the military to make sure they have access to those opportunities. Theyve bet on us and were betting on them. If we affect 17 people in a positive way this year, thats greatness. Hopefully more greatness for these veterans. Theyll graduate on may 13th. For more on this Amazing Program, be sure out ns2 serves. Org, and fingers crossed for them. Wellpaying jobs and hopefully you can do an update and let us know how theyre doing. Cant wait to see how theyre doing. Good job with that. 26 minutes after the hour. A decorated u. S. Marine made a long turn into mexico with his legal gun, but now hes chained up in jail, and his mother is fighting for free him. Plus Ainsley Erhardt is at Churchill Downs. Who is that . Im getting warmed up by Richie Sambora. Thank you. Were going to talk to richie coming up. You have racehorses, you and your father did that together. He sang last night and gave one of his guitars away for charity. So stay with us after the break. Richie sambora. I see the levys parked in front of our house again. Its a free country dad. I see you out on the streets me too are those kings hawaiian rolls . Thanks, carol people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of kings hawaiian. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Is levy using our clippers . Heres your shot of the morning. Is this trick shot too good to be true . Cmon, thats got to be fake. He hits a football with a golf club which ends up going perfectly through the hoops. He certainly looks surprised. Is this real . Let us know. Perfect synthesis of all three sports. Maybe we should ask the 3yearold prodigy about that. Have you ever played all those sports simultaneously . Have i ever . No. Its like frisbee golf. Or frisbee badminton. This is a big one, a deck crated u. S. Marine who served too tours of combat in afghanistan, is jailed in mexico. Andrew at the present time ahmooreessi somehow made a wrong turn and end eed up in mexico wh three guns that are legal in the United States. His mother joined us today with the latest he sustained a neck wound. He had to be hospitalized with stitches, and then as of sunday night, he told me it was 25 days counting he was chained by all fours to the cot. I havent heard from the state department that that country is changed. I can only assume hes chained to a cot in the infirmary. His trial is expected to begin on may 28th. Iran bans the app. W whats app. The reason . Because Mark Zuckerberg is jewish. The ban comes two months after facebook bought the company for 19 billion. International texting for free is what that is. Talk about an unexpected strikeout. The nypd Baseball Team leaving dallas without the championship, because all of their gear was stolen. It was taken outside a Marriott Hotel where they were staying. The crooks tonight about 10,000 worth of equipment. Everything you would need to field a team, dress a Team Literally was just ruined our chances. We opened the van to throw some additional equipment in. It was pretty surreal to see it completely empty. Only one bag the gear was recovered. The team was in town for a benefit tournament put on by the Dallas Fire Department to support the son of a dallas fire rescue officer. And is the smartphone game angry birds making your child dumb . Researchers in new york say children who play touchscreen games tend to score lower on verbal tests. They also found more parents are substituting normal books and baby toys for smartphones or tab letts. 60 of parents polled say they believed week a touchscreen device was beneficial for children. What does it mean for your cohosts does is it make your cohosts dumb . Huh . Do you really need a study to tell you that . Ever watch a child on the smartphone . Smart is a misnomer. Janice, when you have to pull that slingshot back, thats hard work. Did i miss something . I have to say ive been paying to this huge group here thats here just to see fox friends weekend. What are you doing here . This is a group of kids from bozeman, montana thats correct in d. C. And new york learning about their heritage. Reporter are you learning a lot . Yes. Reporter who wants to do the weather with me . I will. Reporter cooper, lets look at the maps and well dough weather together. Thats louisville kentucky, the 140th kentucky, whats the temperature going to be . 70 degrees . Where are the winds coming from . West. Reporter at . 10 to 15. Reporter fantastic. Youve done this before. What do the temperatures say . It says 49 in seattle, 50 in missou missoula. And theres the radar. Shower across the great lakes and the northwest, and a bit of flooding in florida. And a little flooding in florida. Reporter but otherwise a pretty good photographed. But otherwise a pretty good forecast. Reporter whats the temperature in dallas . 91. And lets see, Atlanta Georgia . I cant see. 75. Fantastic. Whats your Favorite Channel . Fox News Reporter that was awesome. Back inside. You are out of control. I love it. 6 00 this morning, not a soul was out there, she says please come on down to 48th and sixth, then gets a crowd like that. I need janice deal dean in my mornings. And theres fashion sense and celebrity sightings. Our ainsley is doing good. Whos there with you, ainsley . One of our fox favorite celebrities, Richie Sambora is here with me. Youre looking good in your hat no, you look beautiful, honestly. Reporter tell me what you did last night. I was at the brown stable barn with trish and sid. Thats one of the big galas. We jammed, and i created this guitar, i designed it with crystals, stuff like that, its a one of a kind. I played it. I was playing with mary wilson, travis tritt. Then you auctioned off the guitar, went for 32,000. Congratulations. That all went to charity. All went to the american diabetes. My grandmother died. My mother has diabetes. I have so many friends who have kids with diabetes now, so it was apropos. And then us weekly voted you the happiest exs. Yeah, were good, man. It took a little while. Reporter whats the secret . You put your child first, is the secret. You know, whatever emotions that you have, you always have to keep your kid first and, you know, when our daughter sees that were in tandem and having fun i think were better friends than we were married. Reporter thats great. Youre also designing clothes. Yes, i do. I have a Clothing Company called nikki rich. I know it. And the horse today. I have a Company Called chrome, so ironically California Chrome thats your horse of choice. I did buy something from the gift shop. You bought this for me . Yes, i did, darling. This is the official designer of the derby. How beautiful is that . Right up my alley. How great. Thank you so much. Isnt that pretty. Thank for being with us, too. Anna, clayton, tucker. I think hes really theres a lot of touching going on down there. The mint juleps have been flowing since k7 a. M. And thanks to samuels hats for our derby hats this morning. A deadly virus has just touched u. S. Soil for the very first time. Its a threat. The question is how big of a threat . What you need to know. We have it, coming up. This pintsized phenom has a swing to make him a pro. He can teach us a thing or two. That 3yearold is live with us. It was nice, gavin, dont talk in my ear. Guy hey captain obvious, watch this captain when im looking for a hotel with a wet pool, i go to hotels. Com. You can get up to 50 off with their private sales. That mans privates are no longer private. We have some entertainment headlines for you right now. Gentlemen, this angel is back on the market. Victorias secret model adriana lima and her husband marco injuric are splitting up. Its sad for them, but perhaps an opportunity for you. Do you recognize that alister . American hustle star Bradley Cooper put on 40 pounds for his next role, american sniper based on a book by chris kyle. Cooper will play kyle in the movie. 40 points pounds, i feel better about myself. Middle east respiratory system or mrs, has now an american man returning to the u. S. After traveling there has been hospital usaed in independenced with mrs. We have the founder of mid level u. Com. She joins us this morning. So mrs is the problem with mers is that its very deadly. What we call zone 1 2 osis, means it came from animals. In this case mers came from a campbell. We dont know how it made that jump from camels to humans. We think its probably through the air, better it could be through drinking camel milk or eating the meat. This is common in saudi arabia where the virus originated. What concern should we have . Quarantine . Can it be spread from human to human . Mers does spread from human to human, but fortunately its a bit different to get it from another person. The only human to human transmission has been people in the same house or sharing a hospital room. We havent seen it from riding on a bus or airplane from someone. Thats a concern with this man whos come to the United States carrying the virus. So far we havent seen additional cases. So perhaps dont eat camel plate. Certainly. Or ill. Also a big report from the World Health Organization on antibiotics. Weve been hearing this for a couple years ago, that doctors say i dont want to prescribe antibiotics, because were developing this large resistance to them and theyre basically not working in a lot of case. Now the w. H. O. Saying antibiotics are so widely described the bacterias are developing the resistant. They looked at antibiotic resistance in 114 countries, and this is a problem globally. Unfortunately antibiotic resistance is on the rise. So were seeing these antibiotics, these drugs that once worked to treat certain infections not functioning properly anymore, because the bacteria theyre designed to kill have adapted to tolerate them. I talked last week about mrsa with the staph infections, we only have a handful to treat that. What do we do . Doctors dont want to prescribe them for little kids when theyre 1 years old. They want to see if they can work it through naturally, but what can we do . About 50 of antibiotics that are unprescribed are unnecessary. Wow. The first thing we need to take is stop prescribing antibiotics for colds and those kinds of things. Were under pressure to see more patients in less time, so its easier for me to write a prescription thain to explain to someone why they dont need these medicines, so we all need to take responsibility for this problem and only prescribe antibiotics when theyre needed. For people taking it, you need to take the full dose. Dont stop it once you feel better. You need to take your doses on too many, and maybe sure you kill all the bacteria so they cant adapt and linger. Then the next time you do need that medicine it wouldnt work, so dont call the doctor and say i need a z pack. All right. Get out of meyer hair, ill write a prescription for you. Good to see you. Thank you. This toddler has a swing to make a pro. Hes showing off his skills, but lets hear from brenda. Hey, guys. Good morning. Just as were seeing jobs tick up, are these anticapitalists out to tear the market down . It looks like millions of americans who like their employersponsored Health Care Plan wont be able to keep it. Should you worry . Whats the Government Spending money on taz got bill oreilly worked up . At the top of owling, only the the hour. Well see you then. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. It may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to your doctor. If your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. 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He at about 15 months, he had plastic clubs, we bought him plastic clubs and he started hitting them around the house actually. Neither you or your husband are into golf. How did he get this bug . Him and my dad, his grandfather, they were watching tv, and he started to imitate their swings, the pros, and then i got in touch with his coach, michael watts, and he said right off the bat he is a natural. 3 years old . There are a couple few and far in between, but there are some kids that i have seen. There is one in ireland that is great, and he is about 3. Can i talk to james here . Sure. What is the key to your swing . Can you show meet proper stance to hit a golf ball . Like that, okay. Am i clear . Try and hit it right there. Go ahead, babe. Whoa, even with all the pressure of the crowd, look at all the crowd we have here. Lots of golfers. [ cheering ] you are the 18th at augusta national. Try to make it in the bucket, bud. Can you see the man with the came camera . Can you get him . James, what is the best way to hold it. This way. Whaeufplt is your favori what is your favorite part of golfing . Chipping. Thats incredible what do i need to do . He is like, i want to do it like bud. I am supposed to look like this . Should you wear high heels, james, when you play golf. It goes up and down. Good job. Give me five. Do you like it . Uhhuh. Nicole, when you hear that a lot of the professionals played in tournaments like this like he is about to do in june, what does that make you think . Do you see dollar signs . No, i dont think about that, and i am just looking at his future. Its a great sport to get into. He does so well with it, i will encourage him to keep going because he does so well. Can you play your whole life. You can play in school or until you are 80. I see that he has a gift, and i think much him i go to the course with him all the time, even when i am tired i drive myself out there. Nicole, we have a surprise. We didnt wrap it and it was sitting next to you, and our friends from folds of honor that do remarkable work for the families much fallen and wounded soldiers, and they provided scholarships to the sons and daughters of fallen soldiers, and they wanted to donate this. Wow. This is for you, buddy. A pro bag. A pro bag. Thats amazing. I think you could hide in this. Atb bath time you can hired in here. You will grow into it. You think you can carry it . Lets see. You are tall, james. I dont think he can. Good luck to you, buddy. Thank you guys, so much. More fox friends in two minutes. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. For 175 dollars a month . So our business can be on at ts network make a my financial priorities appointment today. Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. New at t mobile share value plans. Our best value plans ever for business. No wonder that Richie Sambora was putting the moves on our girl, she looks so good. Where was the picture of Richie Sambora . Yeah. What was he doing . There was touching. It was tv friendly, though. Oh, yeah. We want to thank baby james for being here. We will join him in the afternoon show to hit a few more. And then Kevin Mccarthy saw spiderman, and we will talk it up nerd style on the show tomorrow. This is my kind of tv. May day protest causing a may day for jobs. These guys blaming capitalism for americas problems, and capitalism is what keeps americans great and keeps us employed, and just as we see jobs picking up are these guys trying to tear it down. This is bulls and bear. And tracy burns, and jonas max barious, and along with jessica

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