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An inside look you will not see anywhere else. It has been allies on the shutdown but today the president s pick for attorney general will be in the spotlight. He hopes to send democrats crying foul over the russia probe. Masculinity, is this a best a man can get . A men xray the company under fire for trashing, you guessed it, men. Fox and friends first starts now. There have been many days im thinking of getting ready and not liking the way it is going and i think of going full speed with long banks, the whole outfit. I dont know what the nation wants. Happy tuesday. You are watching fox and friends first tuesday morning. Thanks for starting the day with us. We begin with a fox news alert, hundreds of migrants pushing their way to the us border right now. Another caravan beginning his journey in honduras overnight. Griff jenkins joins us from honduras with what those migrants are saying, good morning. Reporter good morning. Remember in october of last year a small group of 500 migrants started here, it was 7000 in tijuana where a few thousand remain, the Grand Central bus station, only 55 to 100 folks here now and i will give you a look as you look along the way, the advertisement on social media said depart tuesday, january 15th at 5 00 am but last night at 9 00 p. M. In the rain, 500 or 600 started making their way already towards guatemala, 200 miles to head west across guatemala from guatemala and 200 miles to get to the southern border of mexico where we saw clashes and they will continue presumably all the way to the us border. We talked to one of migrants about his plans yesterday afternoon and heres what he had to say. Are you a criminal . No, no, no. I believe in the United States i can do work in a restaurant. I need one opportunity in life. I asked him if he was a criminal because i was asking people if they were going to apply for asylum across illegally. Some had signs yesterday. This gentleman says he doesnt know what he is going to do but is going one way or another into the us for job. I told him the Trump Administration is discouraging that, wont let in for work but he says hes going anyway. The us embassy in hunters putting a tweet out saying false promises, caravan leaders and coyotes lie to you. So we will see where it takes us, the group has departed here this morning. Talk about the members of the migrants caravan . Are you see more women and children or men . This is a big topic of conversation last time around. A big topic dominated by men but there were families, women and children, a group of 500, we were here yesterday afternoon but it is going to grow. What began as 500 last time turned into 7000. You dont know what they are going to pick up as they go across honduras through guatemala towards the mexico border. That is what people are concerned about. There are signs according to reports from mexicos new officials and new president that this may be larger than the last. The Mexican Administration saying they are going to stop people coming illegally into mexico, there are 12 forts of entry on the mexico guatemala border in 370 crossings so we will go all the way to see what comprises it, how it is handled by mexico and try to determine who is leading this or fundings this. It is a loosely organized group. They have a long and dangerous journey to go. Thank you, we appreciate it. A Bipartisan Group of senators open closeddoor meeting try to find a solution to the shutdown, democrats are fusing to compromise on Border Security so the government is back open. Mitch mcconnell was not at the meeting but is blaming nancy pelosi for the shutdown. Speaker pelosi calling sitting democrats, they voted to invest billions in Border Security over the past few years alone maybe this is all one big political game. No negotiation, no collaboration, political game. Nancy pelosi responding on twitter calling out mcconnell for not holding a vote to reopen the government. Democrats defending their trip to puerto rico as the president puts them living it up during the shutdown. Bob menendez not impressed with this photo of himself on the beach because it is making the rounds. The shutdown showdown enters day 25. Reporter this story picked up steam, the president waiting giving his opinion about this winter retreat to puerto rico were 30 democrats, their families and 100 lobbyists came down for the long weekend in san juan. Listen in. A lot of democrats are in puerto rico celebrating something, maybe they are celebrating the shutdown, democrats have to do something, we need to have votes all that. Without their votes, they control the house, lets make it lease. This was not billed as any kind of celebration. There were plenty of meetings, hours of meetings every day for this group of democrats put on by Democratic Political Action Committee to lobby for more money for the struggling island territory of the United States after the hurricane in 2017. They have had a tough time but you can see a lot of leisure time and lobbying at the end of the day during a partial Government Shutdown and the picture of bob menendez of new jersey on the beach, we caught up with him yesterday and he didnt want to talk to us. Hours and hours of meetings. I want to be fair. You are neither fair nor balanced. We do want to be fair and we have been telling the story. Theyve had hours of meetings every day. But under the impression a lot of people have of the Government Shutdown, sitting on the beach bothers a lot of people. We talked to jerry nadler about that. He was happy to give his perspective and to share why he came on this retreat. Donald trump is liberally shutting down the government, if our presence in washington over the weekends could change that we would go back into session. We are doing necessary work here in terms of how we deal with this part of it. This group of democrats had 6 hours of meetings sunday and meetings all day monday before their flight but it is a lobbying, they brought their families, family hotel and free food, doesnt look good during a partial Government Shutdown, people who make less money not getting paychecks but that is the story from san juan. Jerry nadler took the time to explain his side of the story, menendez walking away and being snippy with the you. Democrats still catching heat for heading to the beach. Newt gingrich says the president should turn it up higher to remind lawmakers on both sides it is time to do the job we elected them for. Intricate rules allow them to do what they want while still claiming are to call the congressman to keep their feet to the fire and say you have an obligation to stay here and focus on this. Somebody suggested the radical idea that maybe congress should not be paid during the shutdown, they went to the same process as federal Civil Servants who are not getting paid and would focus their attention but this is your job, you the congress are supposed to be solving it and you should stay until you get it solved. That is the strongest position. Democrats say the winter retreat was planned prior to the shutdown. The war on cops escalating overnight, four Law Enforcement officers in two states shot in the line of duty. The search is on for a suspect after 3 deputies are hurt serving a search warrant. Another suspect was shot dead, all of the officers are expected to survive and 3 people under arrest after a state trooper is shot in the face. Trooper Daniel Harrell is hospitalized in stable condition. Todd steve king is a move from all committee assignments. The unanimous decision follows king gaps controversial comments about White Supremacy and White Nationalism in a New York Times interview. House minority leader Kevin Mccarthy says it wont be tolerated. We are proud of the fact that it is hardly in our constitution that are men and women are created equal and we stand up for that. Todd king claims his comments were taken out of context. Carley teachers entering day to a historic strike demanding smaller class size, more nurses and higher pay. More than 30,000 flooded the streets after sales negotiations between the nations Second Largest School District and los angeles teachers union. The first walkout in 30 years. The coolest story ever. Check this out. Giving mcdonalds and pizza, furloughed during the shutdown. Do we give you some really quick salads . The first lady will make a long with the second lady. A patriotic moment when tiger started singing god bless the usa. Heather clemson second title celebration at the white house, would you imagine the president was under fire. He can literally do know right in the eyes of so many. Some big macs over here. Carley for the first time we are hitting the 911 calls from the moment 13yearold jayme closs was found alive. She thought i am jayme closs. He said killed my parents, i want to go home, help me. Carley the chilling admissions from her kidnapper. Todd bill bar had so the hot seat. Our next guest says the confirmation could be a major shot to the deep state. Tell me what you can do t easy. 12 hours . 20 dogs . Wheres your belly rubs . After a day of chasing dogs you shouldnt have to chase down payments. vo send invoices and accept payments to get paid twice as fast. danny its time to get yours vo quickbooks. Backing you. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price Heather William bar set to take the hot seat on capitol hill today. Todd republicans are preparing for a fight from the democrats. It needs to be challenged. He has been attorney general before. And outstanding choice and wanted to be challenged. Todd will it be smooth sailing for bar or will democrats stop at nothing to append his nomination . Carley here is chris turner. Thank you for being with us. The confirmation hearing makes a lot of people cringe these days. How will this go for william bar today . It is a who knows . Your audience realizes this is the same community that handle the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. We met spartacus, we saw crazy things happening. We lead into this interview with comments from lindsey graham. If we recall he said after the mess that was the Brett Kavanaugh experience that he would remember that if democrats want to play those games again. I am looking forward to it. I think it is mustsee tv if youre into politics and the government and embracing the American Experience and the problem, members of the committee have changed since the Brett Kavanaugh hearing about the same on the democratic side and at least 3 of those democrats taking a running for president , probably all of them think they are running for president. One viral video away from being president ial candidate may be. On the republican side a couple changes, senator jeff flake is no longer there. Orange at from use high is no longer there. Josh from missouri and Marsha Blackburn from tennessee, great young members. The republicans hands are stronger than they were last year. Todd the votes should be there to confirm william bar but who do you see on the democratic side, making, quote, a spectacle of themselves and the proceedings . All of them. You never know who is going to whisper some comments that will go into the room and spout off to the American People. You know the top three senators running for president. Kamala heller us and clear but char, their big board for a 2020 run. They are most likely. We remember spartacus, cory booker, see if you wants to go in the game this year. Talk about this unsolicited memo. Democrats will hammer bar on that. Those who are unaware, what was said in this memo . It wasnt out of character for a lawyer to write Something Like this. I dont think so at all. This is not just a lawyer but former United States attorney general and judicial clerk in the employ of the cia. William bar is a serious individual and what he did, this is something democrats will bring up, by the way, had he not written a memo they probably would have complained he didnt write the memo. We are in a situation where doesnt matter who the president nominates, democrats will go ape. I havent im surprised they havent sent the email with the blank name, challenge this guy because hes endorsed by trump. The memo went to Rod Rosenstein last year or in 2017, 20 pages long and he said look, muellers use of this federal statute to claim the president is committing obstruction of justice is not appropriate. They are giving us the go sign but mustsee tv today, all eyes will be on dc for these hearings, thank you, have a great day and we will be right back. Show of hands, whos a future comcast Business Customer here . I think we all are. Yeah, definitely. Sign us up. Yes. Two hands. Two hands. Yay. Double hands. Get fast reliable internet and add voice for a low price. Just one more way we go beyond for your business. And now you can also enter for a chance to win 10,000 from comcast business toget your year off to a fast start. Theres a new 10,000 winner every day in january. Go online now and enter for a chance to win. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Todd 24 after the hour, donald trump denying ever having worked for russia amid the New York Times reports the fbi looked at whether he was secretly working on behalf of russia, the president fired up talking to the press. I never worked for russia. You know that answer better than anybody. I never worked for russia. Not only did i never worked for russia, i think it is a disgrace that you even asked that question because it is a big fat hoax, just a hoax. Todd Robert Mueller has investigated ties between the president s 2016 campaign and russia. Donald trump sending turkey a firm warning if the us prepares to pull out of syria. In a phone call donald trump telling the turkish president the us withdrawal is not a green light to attack the kurds. A key us ally in the fight against isis, donald trump tweeting spoke with president erdogan to advise where we stand on all matters including the last two weeks of success in finding remnants of isis in a 20 mile safe zone. Economic development between the us, turkey, Great Potential to substantially expand. Erdogan has called kurdish fighters terrorists, threatened military action against them. Carley an american being held in iran, a phd student studying at Princeton University was arrested in tehran on espionage charges in 2016. Jennifer griffin spoke to his wife who said her husband is being used as a political bargaining chip a. Reporter 3 years ago he left his wife and 2yearold sun at princeton on what he thought would be a quick trip to tehran to Research Central asia politics. Instead he became a victim of 21stcentury politics, arrested by iranian police. Iran says hes a spy. He is not a spy. All he wants to do is to research and teach for the rest of his life. Reporter he is serving a 10 year term in iraqs prison, one of four americans being held. His wife has been fighting for his freedom ever since. Her husband left home the same month the Iran Nuclear Deal took effect. Tehran released five american prisoners as part of the alleged for 20 years shes not 20 days she did not know where he was. I received a phone call. He was crying to me he was detained. The first time he came out of solitary confinement. He literally cannot say anything. Reporter state the permit and you and working groups on arbitrary detention have publicly said he is not a spy, jane manners was in the same princeton phd program. This is all politics. My husband didnt do anything wrong. Reporter princeton, new jersey, jennifer griffin, fox news. Todd two federal judges blocking the Trump Administrations new rules for Birth Control allowing companies walked out of coverage, and more proof of the war on christianity . We will debate it next. Todd a big win for the military at home. Jobs numbers for heroes that are a long time coming. Statue of liberty started shaking her fist the man accused of kidnapping jayme closs chose his victim after watching her board a school bus. Jake patterson shot and killed jayme closss parent, duct tape or mouth shut and stuffed her in the trunk of a car. At that point he didnt even know her name. After 88 days under a bed she managed to escape, her could never left his wisconsin home. Then she flagged down help. She said i am jayme closs, he killed my parents, i want to go home. Kind of scared. Many deputies headed that way, i will keep you on the line. Patterson is held on 5 million bail. If convicted he could spend life in prison. A Memorial Service for a rookie officer, Natalie Corona shot and killed when investigating a car crash last week. Kevin limbaugh killed himself after the shooting. Officer corona was 22 years old, her heartbroken parents say she died doing what she loved. Donald trump promising the trade deal put farmers back in business. Weve taken the toughest ever action to confront chinas unfair trade practices returning all of that around with fair trade deals, put American Farmers, ranchers and america first. Speaking to fox news after listening to the president s be at the 100th annual American Farm Bureau Foundation in new orleans. I will take a little bit of a hit because in the long run it will help us. Ive been faithful sticking with him, the best deal we could get. We got the best product in the world, we are going to kill it in china. They are working on trade deals in beijing pushing china to find more agriculture, energy and manufacturing goods for the us. Part of Donald Trumps work with xi jinping after he put tough tariffs on china accusing it of unfair trade practices. A second judge blocked the plan allowing employers to opt out of an obama care contraception mandate. The measure going into effect nationwide. A narrow ruling out of california. Is this proof of the war on christianity . Here debate democratic strategists Antoine Seawright and gop councilman joe borelli. In america we have a heavyweight battle on our hands. I begin with you. How is this anything other than the government interfering in what is supposed to be the free exercise of religion nationwide . What the judge is trying to say is this will prevent employers from denying Women Healthcare coverage for contraceptives, and this would make that a little easier. This is not the war on christianity. This is a war on womens rights by the Republican Party and the donald Trump Administration. Weve seen this consistently and everything they do not to mention a war on trying to undo everything president obama did. Is this a rollback of womens rights . Know. Women had access to Birth Control before the Affordable Care act, women have access to the Birth Control even if this judge are both judges decided the opposite way. It is a war on christianity. Weve seen the same playbook, it is judicial stopping and finding a judge to usurp some power from congress or in this case the president and it is the Democratic Party war on christianity because weather is removing in god we trust with the 10 commandments or whatever it happens to be that party always seems to be on the opposite side of the good lord. Keep in mind under the Affordable Care act contraceptives were free and now we see an effort to undo everything president obama wanted to do. Planned parenthood would disagree with joe and antoine. Birth control is healthcare no matter what the trump pens administration thinks or whether your boss agrees with it. That was a tweet from planned parenthood. This is not barring access to any type of medicine or contraception or any choice they once to make, this is about forcing people who have legitimate religious objections to certain practices, certain things they think is immoral. This is mandating morality that we once allowed people to choose for themselves. I disagree with my good friend from new york. What this is is it blocks the ability for employers to deny Insurance Coverage to women for contraception. Thats the bottom line. That is why you see two judges, as time goes along you will see more people join the choir. Todd this is opening a cancer more religion can be stopped nationwide on other things . Individuals like yourself say here is you want to make it about religion. Maybe it is about trying to do more Preventive Care in this country so we dont have the statistics we have in this country. That is what this judge is trying to do in the message president obama intended when this was made part of the Affordable Care act. This is not about religion. I dont think jesus would be upset about the way the judge ruled on this issue. Dont know if i could talk jesus but the Supreme Court did will private employers have the right to not pay for this. Heather have antoine and joe, heavyweight battle, the thriller on the 12th floor. 37 after the hour, brexit on the brink, teresa mays plan tonight, why wall street is watching it closely. These two are the coolest cats on the planet. How they started their own Silicon Valley apartment sparking a lot of outrage from the individual sitting in this chair right now. You know we will have a good time then beaches big day for brexit. Parliament expected to vote down, critics calling for another noconfidence vote against teresa may. Britain faces an uncertain future. This could be one of the big political moment in a generation and it will take place in houses of parliament behind me. And possibly for brexit. They are negotiating terms of the brexit divorce agreement. And future trade relations on security sharing, Immigration Rights and the 47 billion settlement fee. The deal is widely disliked by everyone in parliament and likely to be rejected. It keeps the uk closely tied to the eu on key points and many on the other side of the aisle who want out of brexit and want to overturn it altogether and joined the eu. If rather than leaving with no deal, that would be a subversion saying to the people, saying to the people we were elected to serve the we were unwilling to do what they had instructed. Teresa may admit that is not a perfect deal but is one of compromise and traveling across europe to improve the deal but it is widely expected to lose by a landslide, that will take place at 2 00 eastern and if she loses she has three days to come up with plan b and there isnt much chance of no brexit as of a hard deal and in the general election whether teresa makin last coming days we wait and see but in the uk feeling like it is a decisive moment for brexit. A huge day overseas. The result of that brexit vote will have major ramifications around the globe including in the United States. Todd and how the markets reacted. Reporter wall street will be watching the controversial vote today, the plaintiff leave the european union. Weve seen global volatility among the stock which could mean uncertainty for global businesses especially big banks and what that could translate to for american businesses, uncertainty there, investors dont like uncertainty. When looking at the global economy, and if there is a slowdown with the uk economy. Watching the british pound to see what happens but futures are pointing out. Big future for veterans as well. And they reached an alltime in new data from the bureau of labor statistics. And the lowest level since 2000. The previous low since 2000. Homelessness among veterans also at a low as well. Heather appreciate it. 44 after the hour, democrats returning from the beach without a border deal. A group of california lawmakers flew to hawaii while voters were fleeing from Deadly Wildfires so is that the leadership we have come to expect from the left . We will discuss. Once you indict the top, your 10 million, sometimes former democratic leader has a harsh reality for alexandria ocasiocortezs big plan. And saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . I am not for just treating my symptoms. ahchoo i am for shortening colds when im sick. With zicam. Zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines. Zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam. Oral or nasal. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price todd Bernie Sanders wants to double the minimum wage tweeting the federal minimum wage of 7. 25 is a starvation wage. That is why i and other members of congress will introduce legislation this week to raise the wage to 15 an hour. If you work 40 hours a week you should not live in poverty. Sanders is weighing in at the White House Run in 2020. Warning for another socialist taking game at the nations top earners. Harry reid says the us is not ready for alexandria ocasiocortezs tax plan. Once you get to the 10 million you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70 . Todd harry reid saying when you talk about 70 we have to be careful because the American People are very conservative in the sense of not wanting radical change quickly. It just doesnt work. Carley democrats under fire after spending the weekend in puerto rico instead of working to end the Government Shutdown. The president slamming their beach getaway. The government remains shutdown for one reason and one reason only. The democrats will not fund Border Security. I think it is important to be there. Other people went on a nice wonderful vacation over the weekends. Carley california state legislators went to hawaii during the deadly woolsey fire. Is this the swamp the president was warning us about. Joining us is former advisor for the coalition for trump, stephanie hamel, thank you for being with us. We are learning a group of bipartisan state lawmakers in california went on this retreat to hawaii with Power Companies that make the case that they shouldnt bear total responsibility for these wildfires and they were doing this as people were fleeing for their lives in california. Is this kind of behavior we should expect from lawmakers because it seems like it would be a punch in the gut to somebody who lost a loved one during one of these fires. We know californians are up in arms over this revelation the california lawmakers were partying it up in maui sipping on coconuts while other people were trying to save their homes. 85 people died. These lobbyists on behalf of utility companies, what they wanted from these 12 lawmakers was to raise the rates on californians and are on the hook for 30 billion in liability claims. They are trying to get off of this and not have to pay out this money. Carley a group of bipartisan state lawmakers, republicans and democrats. According to a consumer watchdog report these lawmakers previously voted on legislation that would help Power Companies and they received sizable Campaign Contributions in return. Are we talking about exactly why some people dont trust politicians and say they dont have their constituents best interests at heart . This is what donald trump has been talking about, the swamp. This is nothing new. Politicians going on these trips, accepting gifts, this is unusual. You mentioned these 12 lawmakers in california received 630,000 in Campaign Donations from these very groups. It is amazing what is going on behind the scenes and yet now we are finding all these things out and two republicans in that group, mostly democrats, what is happening in puerto rico with 30 democrats that went down there with the over 100 lobbyists. We saw them going to hamilton, partying with the cast of hamilton, senator bob menendez without a shirt on the beach, didnt look like they were doing a ton of work. They say they were in meetings to learn about the recovery after Hurricane Maria but the optics arent good. We have a shutdown. We have furloughed workers waiting in line for food and democrats are partying because he was working . Donald trump was at the white house not only during christmas time but the new year. He didnt spend time with his family because he was working. Democrats are in puerto rico partying, the president at the white house waiting to come up with a deal to strike a deal to compromise. The republicans were bending over backwards trying to come up with something democrats can agree on but all of a sudden the democrats who were once for Border Security art for Border Security, the same democrats that were for a fence are no longer for fences. The president could have met with democratic leadership while the trip was going on but as you say the optics are off. Thank you for being with us, we appreciate it. The time is 53 after the hour. A mens raiser Companies Land with backlash for an at attacking of all people men. Toxic masculinity. Is this a best a man can get . Carley the razor thin line the company is walking, the just fired him to win the super bowl and his eyes are already on the prize. The hilarious photo that has this head coach going viral. Does that make me crazy guys, its that time. And nothins happenin. Well now theres score , from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder walmart offers score in more locations than any other performance enhancer. Unleash your potential in the bedroom, with score . Carley welcome back. A new look at a prolife movie made in secrecy, the conservative film starring john blake looks to tell the story of how liberals pushed prochoice policies through the courts. Silence minority. Who is speaking for these children . Beyond the authority of the Supreme Court. Carley it freely will be unveiled at the march for life rally in washington dc this weekend. The release date has not been announced. Gillette facing boycott back lash after calling a men to shave away their toxic masculinity. Bullying. The me too movement. Masculinity. Is this a best a man can get . Boys will be boys. Boys will be boys. The new ad turning its tagline the best a man can get into a social media challenge. The company suggesting socalled toxic masculinity has taught boys bad behavior. Time for the good, the bad and the ugly, first the good, firefighters caught on camera saving a little boy stuck in a frozen lake, the 11yearold pulled to safety after falling through the ice in illinois, recovering at the hospital. Next the bad. A dad spends 1600 a month for his daughters cats to live in their own apartment. I dont have the High Standard this is how it worked. Carley the landlord agreed to rent the silicon family studio when she went to college. The animals are enjoying their new crib. The ugly. Ours on the prize, new york jets head coach adam gates becoming an internet sensation with this facial expression during a news conference, everyone talking about the intense look in his eyes, the steely eyed scare. Fox and friends first continues right now. Rob it is tuesday, january 15th at this is a fox news alert, a new caravan on the move from honduras overnight growing by the minute. Jillian Griff Jenkins embedded as they march toward the southern border, democrats desperate to defend their lavish trip to puerto rico. Hours and

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