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Congress, i would say i will, i cant imagine why not. Donald from tours texas and double down on the National Emergency at the southern border. Could democrats care to listen . Fox and friends first starts now. Heather Florida Georgia Line to get you moving this morning, it is cold, temperature has dropped. You are watching fox and friends first on friday morning. We made it to the weekend. Thank you for starting the day with us. Donald trump standing sidebyside with Law Enforcement saying it is his right to declare a National Emergency over the border crisis. What they need is a barrier, the wall. Heather Griff Jenkins live with reaction from both sides. Quite a day yesterday. Reporter happy friday. The most heavily trafficked illegal crossing sector of the border donald trump told hannity he has the Legal Authority to declare a National Emergency. If we dont make a deal with congress most likely i will do that. I would say i will. I cant imagine any reason why not because im allowed to do it. The law is 100 on my side, democrats in congress especially the new ones coming in are starting to say we cant win this battle with trump because of the fact that it is common sense. How can we say a wall doesnt work . Reporter the comments come after Lindsey Graham who was working on a grand bargain, has run out of legislative options for the wall. I always said it would be the last resort. We are there. There is no pathway for what i can see. Reporter this as the partial Government Shutdown, tying the record for the longest in history, longest, thousands of workers will go without pay for the first time today. Chuck schumer seizing on the pressure. Let separate our disagreements over Border Security from the Government Shutdown. Reopen all the Government Agencies unrelated to Border Security. Reporter if the president does declare a National Emergency, one source of money could come from Disaster Relief funds, the administration confirming to fox news the army corps of engineers to look at tapping 14 billion of previously appropriated funds to build 300 miles of new barrier, Many Congress initially intended for california after wildfires, texas and florida and put a rico after hurricanes so we will find out more about that this afternoon when the president hosts a roundtable discussion on Border Security. Heather the representative from puerto rico saying dont do that. We will see. Thank you, have a great weekend. Some lawmakers push the idea this crisis at the border is manufactured, acting chief Border Patrol agent raul ortiz says the situation is far worse than democrats realize. We have 55 miles of fencing in this sector on the east side, accounts for 6 of my traffic. On my west side, very little fencing, very little technology accounts for 96 or 94 of my traffic, we need to finish the job. I have 35 gates that are wide open with started construction on the gates. This is the first president who has come here in 5 years. I came here in november 2013. In 2014 we had humanitarian crisis, didnt have anybody from the white house come here and show supports, and it means a lot. Economic migrants down here are a vulnerable population. What middle america, making tons of money off of everybody who crosses the river. 1. 3 million a week remaining to the cartels pockets from unaccompanied children in this area. The Government Shutdown has set to become the longest in history as we enter the 22nd day tonight at midnight. Straight to the fox news alert, and a third Police Officer in a week. And a Police Officer, Natalie Corona shot when investigating a car crash overnight following a standoff, and the suspect in all this. Officer corona was 22 years old, just finished training and has been on her own for a few weeks. One of the hardest workers you have ever seen. Describe our officers tonight is our daughter and friends and a sister we all want to do. This is a devastating loss to the department. Reporter officer corona leaves behind two parents, her fathers with the local sheriffs office. Two other officers in utah and louisiana were shot and killed in the last 7 days. The teenager who disappeared the night her parents were murdered is found alive. Jamie cross coming home after missing the two months. The incredible story of how she was found, this was amazing news to wake up to this morning. Reporter a remarkable end to a tragic situation, towing the star tribune a neighbor in her town of gordon, wisconsin walking a dog knocked on her door. Standing with her was a skinny disheveled girl, hair matted, shoes too big for her feet, the neighbor shouting this is jamie klos, call 911. The family offered her food and water but she didnt want anybody to she was quiet and reportedly told him she didnt know where she was but she believed she was there in that town for most of her disappearance. The 30yearold reportedly fled the home of her captor, 21yearold suspect who was arrested minutes after she was found. Jamie later examined and treated at a hospital, understandably in a state of shock. For it to not be true, i shut myself today was the day a few hours later she was found. Reporter jamie disappeared october 15th from her rural home in Barron County where her parents were found shot to death. Several searches took place in that area, an hour away from where she was ultimately found. But has not yielded any clues. Anymore details, they are planning to hold a News Conference in a few hours. It is crazy. Thank goodness she was found. Heather lets talk about the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will consider the trumpet ministration as requested end daca, the white house starting efforts in 2017 but met with legal challenges with the district judge who ordered the government to continue the program. The ninth circuit of appeals rejected the doj petition to overturn the decision. The Obama Era Program grants temporary legal status to 700,000 people who arrived in the us as children. It is payday for federal workers. On the 21st day of the partial Government Shutdown, no paychecks. 800,000 employees will see a 0 on their pay stubs. The Senate Making sure those workers are paid once the shutdown is over. Lawmakers passing a backpay bill that is now in the house. If it passes, Mitch Mcconnell says donald trump will sign it. Michael cohen set to testify before the House Oversight committee next month, jim jordan says democrats want to use this as political theater. The Democratic Congress going to conduct lied to congress and that is your first witness . This doesnt underscore the fact they are totally focused on adding the president and not doing what is best for the country. I dont know. Heather Donald Trumps former personal attorney will spend three years in prison for campaignfinance violations, tax even asian, lying to congress. He is looking forward to giving a, quote, full and credible account of the events which have transpired. Senator Kamala Harris is teasing a 2020 white house run. Are you running for president . I might. Heather the california democrat reportedly expected to announce her bid later this month. Her name has been out there for months as one of Many Democrats considering a president ial bid. She is promoting her new book. 10 minutes after the hour. Donald trump gets a look at the crisis on the border, democrats say we dont need a wall. A wall is an immorality. It is not who we are as a nation. Heather a rancher who lives on the border says walls work. He has been on capitol hill for less then two we expect congressman and navy vet dan crenshaw is leading by example, the stand he took during the shutdown stalemate. The wall is immoral, expensive, unwise. To put a wall there, too expensive. Nancy pelosi slamming the immoral wall where donald trump was on the ground getting a firsthand look at the crisis from those who work every day to secure the border. They are on the front line. Nancy pelosi needs to see for herself why a wall is necessary. One of those americans is fred davis who joins us live. Thank you for joining us. It is a great pleasure to have you with us. You are one of those folks who said nancy pelosi should go down there. You invited her to your ranch, do you ever take her up on that . Know. That was 5 years ago and we havent seen her yet. Heather in terms of what she could learn at the border, we heard she is using the phrase that the wall is immoral, expensive, unwise but at least for you it makes things safer. Absolutely. It makes things safer for Border Patrol agents. They cant be on the border safely without that fence. It protects them as well is the rest of the country. Heather where you are located you have a portion of a fence, explain logistically what is available. Southern arizona has the fence now. There are parts west of me the dont have anything more but a barbed wire fence. There is not even road access along the border. The agents cant even drive along the border. There is a lot of the border that is very rural and no protection whatsoever. Heather tell us what you have experienced, the ranchers you have spoken with that Border Security. I could go on forever. The numbers, the hordes of people that have come across over the years, this is been going on 40 years. Heather this is been going on so long. Administration after administration does nothing about it. The legal way people are trying to get into this country, you have people trying to cross the border illegally, and people dying on both sides. Robert krantz was killed in 2010 and that woke up some of the country but obviously not the majority. This is ridiculous. We spend 155 million taking care of these people every year and the wall would cost 5 billion. That is a pretty small investment. Nancy pelosi who you invited to come down personally, you invited her, the president was there in texas yesterday. One of the issues they are talking about is the landowners, ranchers like yourself are preparing to fight the Eminent Domain over the proposed border wall. What do you think about that . I sympathize with anybody that is going to have their land taken. But we wouldnt have schools or freeways or hospitals, a lot of places in america, without Eminent Domain. It was designed for public good. If this isnt public good i dont know what is. Heather what did you think of the president s visit yesterday, shaking hands with Border Patrol officers . I think that is absolutely great. Some of the figures quoted in texas about already this year they have caught over 400 illegals, 120 of them from countries other than mexico and central america. Those numbers should wake america up on what is coming into our country through the back door that is wide open. Heather i was listening to fox news at night and they were talking about countries including pakistan, china, it is not what guatemala and honduras were talking about. Thank you for joining us, appreciate having a firsthand account of what is going on because if anybody would know you would know. Thanks for having me. Heather 19 until the top of the hour, the incredible video of a deputy carrying a 97yearold bedridden woman out of her burning home, dramatic rescue, and camera. Im here at the dentist and we will continue our series on people at the border. Heather beto orourke goes to the dentist and live streams it because why wouldnt you want the world to see that . This latest and feeling 2020 rumors, mixed reaction online. Good morning everyone hows everyone doing today . Lets go over the review questions and compare notes. Sounds good. I did it but to be a pro at travel just takes tripadvisor. We offer uptodate reviews and 360 hotel photos to help you find the right hotel and search over 200 booking sites to get you the right price. Tripadvisor. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Heather how about leading by example for a change . Dan crenshaw is refusing to get paid of the Government Shutdown. The former navy seal tweet researching and part i cannot in good conscience get paid while federal employees Financial Futures hang in the balance. Signing a letter to the chief administered officer to hold his pay, the republican writing Americas National security is at risk. And so theres a deal to properly fund Border Security. Montana state senator wants to give 8 million to build the border wall. Republican scott sales says it is time for states to step up and try to get something done. He also wants to pass a bill to declare montanas support for the wall. Some democrats criticizing the plan saying the money should be used in montana. While the president was at the border when rancher showed his appreciation with a special gift, his belt buckle. Driving the president. I want that to be out in the open. I dont know if this is worth . 10 or 50,000. He should wear that everyday. Carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with a heartwarming moment. Instead of giving the shirt off his back, the texas rancher gave the buckle off his belt as a way of thanking him for fighting for the border wall. This barks reaction on social media. One person says i want to give you my belt buckle, you dont hear that every day. Another person signing and saying texans dont hand out belt buckles on this your family. A little bit of context i didnt know. Lauren says that is america. He actually took the belt buckle off in front of the president so he looked a little confused for a second, didnt know what was going on. Then he was very appreciative after he figured it out. Heather i agree with his next one. Distracted a lot of folks. A bit of a low profile since the midterm elections. If you didnt know, he has grown a beard and that was on full display when he visited the border with the president. A flood of reaction coming in on this one. Polly says ted has the most interesting man in the senate beard. Another person signing and saying i cant believe im going to put this in writing but i think ted cruz looks really good with that beard. I dont know if ted cruz will take that as a complement. Another person, this twitter account on social media says beto trying to beat ted cruz at the beard game but he just lost again. Heather it was definitely different. What matters is what his wife thinks. Heather this was a little bizarre. Beto orourke has been posting videos on social media featuring people near the southern border and he didnt go on a trip to the dentist to stop him from achieving that goal. He featured his dental hygienist in one of the videos. Watch this. Im here at the dentist and we are going to continue our series on people at the border. He spoke to dental hygienist diana about her experience growing up in el paso. A flood of reaction pouring it on social media including this video from conservative commentator ben schapiro. Plaque doesnt care about your feelings. Bret baer chiming in with this was what will elizabeth foreign and Bernie Sanders do to top this . Very good question. Rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniels compared this to Elizabeth Warren thinking beer writing choose your fighter. Some funny reaction to that video. Heather they are using social media. A lot of people are talking about it. The time is half past the top of the hour. Mike pompeo slamming former president obamas middle east policy during a major speech in egypt. Another american stood before you, told you radical islamic terrorism does not stem from an ideology. The age of selfinflicted american shame is over. Heather what is different about the Trump Administrations message in the middle east . An update on the timeline of troop withdrawal from syria. Daniel hoffman up next. Heather we are back with a fox news alert. The us apparently is beginning the process of withdrawing troops from syria. That according to a military official. This comes as donald trump announced his decision to take troops out of syria following the defeat of isis. Here to weigh in his station chief and Fox News Contributor dan hoffman. Thank you for joining us. Breaking news, what are your thoughts on it . There are a lot of unknowns, a little over 2000 us troops providing train and assist with Syrian Democratic forces made largely of those kurds whom turkey continues an offshoot of their terrorist group and what we dont know is how many troops the United States has begun withdrawing from the region but syria in many ways will be a test of what mike pompeo outlined. The trump doctrine from cairo. Heather you dont think this is a discrepancy because earlier on the president said hes going to pool these troops, sudden troop withdrawal, this is part of the process, a beginning point. The president later emphasized the process would be orderly and would proceed along a logical timetable, that it wouldnt be precipitous in contrast withdrawal from iraq that president obama chose to make years ago and mike pompeo strongly criticized. Heather that is the next topic. Some of what mike pompeo had to say in terms of the difference between the Trump Administration and Obama Administration and middle east foreign policy. It is natural secretary pompeo delivered yesterdays speech, hes been with the president from the beginning as his key National Security director of cia and secretary of state and 5 points he made, really important, first of which was when the United States retreat chaos ensues meaning when we retreated from iraq and withdrew all our troops precipitously, failed to enforce a red line in syria we phthisis gain a real geographic foothold. Heather lets listen to secretary pompeo speaking in egypt. It was here that another american stood before you. He told you radical islamist terrorism does not stem from an ideology. The age of selfinflicted american shame is over and so are the policies that produced so much needless suffering. Now comes the real new beginning. Heather compare that to what barack obama had to say in egypt in june 2009. I have come here to cairo to seek a new beginning between the United States and muslims around the world. Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism. It is an important part of promoting peace. Heather a little bit of a difference. Secretary pompeo is clear about who our enemies are in the middle east, radical islamist extremism, terrorism and iran. He spoke in great detail about the United Statess commitment to working with our partners in the region to ensure that we counter and in the case of isis aluminate that threat. Heather we appreciate the insight, breaking development on syria and discussing what mike pompeo had to say yesterday and the difference between america and where america is headed today. Thank you so much. Have a great weekend. Some other headlines. Floridas governor expected to suspend the Broward County sheriff over his response to the Parkland School massacre. Governor run desantis will replace scott israel with a former police sergeant, with a background in active shooter training. 17 people were shot and killed at the Parkland School last february as deputies stayed outside. A military judge denies a request to release a decorated navy seal accused of murdering a teenage isis fighter. Special operations chief will have to stay in prison as he awaits his trial on charges of premeditated murder. Gallagher pleaded not guilty to all charges in connection with the stabbing in iraq along with other war crimes. Of convicted gallagher faces life in prison. Not only a teenage isis fighter, a teenage isis bombmaker. The american accused of being a spy could stay behind bars for up to a year and that according to paul weilands attorney who filed an appeal challenging the ruling to give and detained without bail. He traveled to russia for a friends wedding. He is being accused of trying to recruit russians through social media. Donald trump canceling his trip to the World Economic forum due to the ongoing border dispute, tweeting this because of democrats in transients on Border Security and the importance of safety for the nation. I respectfully cancel my very important trip to switzerland for the World Economic forum, my warmest regards and apologies to the wtf. 20 minutes until the top of the are, barefoot and alone, look at this, tyler found running down the street in the freezing cold. Oh my gosh, most upset. Heather the incredible moment that bus driver came to her rescue. The story everyone is talking about, millions of dollars on the line is amazons jeff bezos and his wife of 20 years file for divorce. What does this mean for the future of the company . Kurt the cyber guy explains live up next. A Royal Caribbean cruise ship headed back to florida after 300 passengers get sick. And or a Virus Outbreak caused the oasis of the seas to cut his triplet, crewmembers received sanitation after officials put on lockdown. Passengers will get full refunds. From the seas to the skies, two angry passengers after plane was diverted to fog and grounded for hours, in oakland, california. A man threatened to open the emergency exit. A second passenger was arrested for being unruly. People said they had no food or airconditioning. The airline could not initially let them off the plane since they dont have operations in oakland. What about this . Jeff bezoss fortune in limbo. The amazon site and worth 137 billion could lose half of his shares of the Company Thanks to his wife, mackenzie. Could this impact the value of amazon. Here is kurt the cyberguy. You are hearing about this on wall street. And this is around silicon valley. This is the story of drama of how is my money. And they have thought through, this is an initial concern. That is what i would start being concerned about stock value. She could possibly be offered monetary settlement or she could be offered stock in amazon which would change how that is configured. A lot of wealth occurred from where amazon started. It is inside that stock so inevitably that is how she gets her 50 . Washington state, 50 50 state, you share things equally once it was put together and so in washington she is going to turn into inevitably the wealthiest woman in the world. Heather 50 15 a matter what . Shes entitled to that. What do they work out . I dont know. The next question is he owns 16 of amazon. Heather that is what i was wondering about. What happens . Does she sell her Voting Rights to him . I am sure they worked this out. I am a stockholder, i would like to feel more calm about that. We might learn something in the next filings to see if that is revealed about how the stock transfers. Heather we are just learning about it thanks to the National Enquirer who were going to release the text messages. They have not shown anything so far. I dont know what truth there is to that but this relationship apparently started a lot earlier than they initially reported. Out of the los angeles area, jeff bezos, very popular washington state, has, over the last couple years, become a hollywood mogul as well. Jeff bezos says no, one of the most important holiday parties every year. In his estate in beverly hills. He is hobnobbing with hollywood elite. This might be where the relationship started. Heather so people at home know, he is seeing another woman but from what you were saying, perhaps he and his current wife have been dealing with this for a while. Separation together that didnt work out and at this point they decided on the divorce. So has Lauren Sanchez with her husband. Heather different topics for you. All around the country. Heather 15 minutes until the top of the hour. North Dakota Farmers message, we stand for the national anthem. Now he is back with a new message writing build the wall, he joins us live up next. I am a family man. I am a techie dad. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Heather people in california could get used to blackouts. A federal judge ordering utility companys Pacific Gas Electric to cut its power in windy cities to inspect all 106,000 miles of its electric grid. The proposal is meant to prevent devastating wildfires. California has a lot of them. The judge demanding answers on the role pg and the plate in the deadly camp fire which killed 86 people last year. He has been in office less then a week with California Governor Gavin Newsom pushing for a massive state budget hike. The democrat proposing 209 billion including expanding education, Affordable Housing and healthcare initiatives to cover illegal immigrants. Officials had until june 15th to approve this recordsetting amount. A north dakota farmer with a message too big to be ignored plowing build a wall in his field in support of the president s border message. That farmer, jean hansen, joins us live. It is a pleasure to have you with us this morning, thank you for joining us. Good to be with you. Heather this isnt the first time you plowed a message in your field and tell us why you decided to do this, your latest one, build the wall. After watching the president s speech the other night and followed up by schumer and pelosi i couldnt see what they were saying. I dont think they were speaking the truth. As soon as they were awfully i went to my computer and had this picture in file and i thought i had to express my opinion and send it to local media and it took off. Heather you plowed that in your field. Yes. That was done in the fall actually. And shortly after i had it done, it snowed a little bit and where i ripped the ground, funny how weather works, where i worked to the ground it melted first and that is where i took the photo. Heather that is something else, this isnt the first time you have done Something Like this. You also plowed we stand for the national anthem. Yes, that one went viral. That is the one that got the president s attention and he tweeted over that one. Heather has he responded to the build the wall yet . Not yet. I did see him in person when he came to north dakota. I was in the greeting committee and met him at the door at the meeting. Heather that is awesome. He was a little busy yesterday in texas visiting the border. Perhaps you will see that today. In terms of north dakota, how do they feel about the situation in terms of building a wall . Majority of them are in favor of it although some on the far left would be against it but north dakota is a republican state and i think most of them go along with it. Heather i think your signs are having an impact. Let us know if you hear from the president. I sure will. Heather have a great weekend. The time is 10 minutes until the top of the hour. Are rotary phones now a relic . Great question. We are so dumb. Heather two teenager left completely baffled by one in the age of cell phones. We have that coming up. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price and our shirts from custom ink help bring us together. We order custom ink to welcome new employees, personalize team shirts, and even for company events. The design lab is so easy to use. We just upload out logo and if we have any questions, Customer Service is there to help. Seeing our Team Together in custom ink gear is an amazing reminder of how far weve come as a business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you look and feel like a team. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com heather the borderline, blackeyed peas singing about it and they will be talking about it in washington dc. Live shot of the capital. The president hosted a roundtable discussion on Border Security with state, local and community leaders. We will cover that and have more on it as it develops. Busy day in washington again. Lets talk about this and what happened in milwaukee. A bus driver saving a lost baby who was running barefoot down a highway overpass, the credit rescue caught on camera in milwaukee. Last month the driver stopping traffic to grab the child who was all alone in the cold. Oh my god oh my god i am shaken. I am too. Heather a passenger wrapped the baby in her coat. The mother may have Mental Health issues. The baby we can tell you is okay and is now with her father. Watch this. Of Florida Deputy rushing into a burning home to save a bedridden woman. Body kim footage capturing the moment Deputy Justin ball carried the 97yearold out to safety. This happened in tampa, near tampa. Ball suffered smoke in relation but is expected to be okay. Reportedly the fire was caused by a pillow on a night light. Firefighters rushing into a situation where a lot of us would have run out. The woman is okay. Time for the good, the bad and the ugly. First the good. A mother praising a hotel after her child getting 5 star vacation paradise, hotel hawaii taking pictures of the stuffed animal, visiting the spa. The hotel staff wanted the child to see how much fun the toys were having on their extended trip. So they wouldnt get upset before being shipped home. Now the bad. Two teenagers cant figure out how to use a rotary phone. A great question. We are so dumb. Reporter they got four minutes to try to dial a number. They eventually figured it out but they did run out of time. The ugly. A family suing the Lifetime Network after saying a Christmas Card was used in a movie. Please dont put those updates, they ruin the whole aesthetic. The photo was used in christmas harmony without their permission. Lifetime has not commented. That wraps up this hour of fox and friends first. Thank you for joining us, have a great weekend, fox and friends first continues right now. Goodbye. If we dont make a deal with congress most likely i will do that. The law is 100 on my side. Rob friday, january 11th donald trump on the brink of declaring a National Emergency. Jillian do americans agree . We are live from texas on the 21st day of the shutdown. Rob fox news alert, Police Officer shot and killed in cold

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