Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20171213 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20171213

just in overnight. rob: explosive exchanges, 10,000 text messages, many of them anti-trump from the next mueller team member, the investigation calling trump a loathsome human and an idiot. we are digging through this new document. heather: the officers outraged as colin kaepernick pushes his anti-cop agenda making a surprise visit to a prison. "fox and friends" first continues right now. ♪ ♪ rob: a live look in midtown manhattan. some of the rooms we are not using, wasting a lot of energy and it is cold outside today. 5:01 on the east coast, you're watching "fox and friends" first on wednesday. jillian: thank you for starting the day with us. and upset in alabama, democrat doug jones declared the winner against republican roy more in a really tight race for the senate but more refusing to concede saying it is not over. rob: what is the latest in montgomery, alabama? >> reporter: good morning. doug jones has become the first democrat to win a senate seat in alabama in 25 years. sexual impropriety allegations against roy more have totally changed the dynamics in is normally solidly red state in this election. those dynamics went out the window. >> not just around the state of alabama but we have shown the country the way that we can be unified. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: but roy more who wrote to the polls on horseback, hoping the vote counts with come within half a percentage point of jones which would trigger a recount. >> secretary of state explained it to us and we expect the press will go up and talk to them to find out what the situation is but we also know that god is always in control. >> reporter: with jones getting 49.9% of the vote to more's 48.4, a recount appears unlikely. donald trump weighed in on twitter saying congratulations to doug jones on a hard-fought victory was the right in votes played a big factor but a win is a win. the people of alabama are great and the republicans will have another shot at this seat in a short time. it never ends. because this was a special election to fill the remaining term of jeff sessions who left to become attorney general doug jones will have to run for reelection in 2020. the alabama gop issued a statement saying alabama is conservative and have no intention of moving toward the policies of the democrat party. mister jones aligned himself with liberal democrats in washington alabama voters will remember his choices in the 2020 us election. during the campaign jones said he would reach across the aisle to republicans but many in the gop are skeptical. heather: with jones's upset political analyst ivonne myers says this doesn't mean donald trump can't pass his agenda. >> doug jones will be compelled to look at voting for these things. if you look at someone from west virginia, they are hurting themselves by not being bipartisan not, not voting with republicans especially on things like tax reform so he is a dead man walking in 2020 unless he works with republicans. the trump agenda may not be dead. doug jones will have to work with the trump agenda and republicans to get anything done. that is a good thing to have some bipartisanship on the hill. >> reporter: loathsome human, idiot and even talk of watergate, now we know what was in those anti-trump text messages sent by the fbi agents kicked off robert mueller's russia program. rob: some of that we can't say on tv, griff jenkins live from the dc bureau with stunning text messages obtained by fox news overnight. >> reporter: stunning indeed. if you're just waking up fasten your seatbelt, there's a lot here. these are exchanges between two fbi agents assigned to the russia probe, lisa page and strzok and it led robert mueller to remove strzok from the investigation, at times this is profane. the entire investigation is tainted. let's begin, march 4th, lisa page, crump is a loathsome human. yet he will win. good for hillary. would he be a worse president than ted cruz? yes, i think so. i am not sure. he is an idiot. hillary should win 100 million-0. all this is taking place while strzok was part of the fbi investigation into hillary clinton's emails. he was the one credited with changing the wording james comey's assessment from grossly negligent to extremely careless and appears to acknowledge they are doing something in their text in april page right so look, you say when we talk about hillary because it can't be traced. by october after donald trump got the nomination strzok's bias reaches new heights, he writes, quote, i am wound up, trump is an idiot, unable to provide a coherent answer, i can't pool away. what happened to our country? the white house is reacting. 's personal attorney. >> conflict of interest in the department of justice, the fusion gps matter is breathtaking in scope. >> reporter: in an exchange in november, donald trump was under investigation, all the president's men, needed to brush up on watergate. sessions for d.o. g -- sessions for ag, good god. highly significant because the deputy attorney general rob rosenstein reported mueller in the first place is expected to testify before the house oversights committee. if that wasn't enough it comes as the president's on donald trump junior is calling for a leak investigation before he is investigated today by senate intelligence committee investigators behind closed doors. a lot happening today. rob: we will talk about capitol hill later on the show in 5 or 10 minutes. jillian: by 6 those in the forefront of the collision investigation, peter and 18 not only had an interview with sean mills, hillary clinton in general flynn, he was also involved in the anti-trump dossier and the hillary email investigation. >> doctor sebastian gorka calling the investigation corrupt. >> it means this whole investigation is a sham. a house of cards and it should be closed down tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. you don't have to agree with the president of the united states. i was an employee of the charms of defense for six years under president obama. i did not vote for him but this is a senior law enforcement official, not just a bureaucrat but an individual tasked to investigate a sitting president, he agrees is a loathsome individual. how does that mean you are going to investigate him? what is your ax to grind and how are you impartial peace officer if that is your opinion of the most senior member of the government? it is an utter outrage. jillian: all the white house interviews are over at robert miller's russia probe. rob: and a facebook post revealing port authority bomber taunted donald trump moments before his botched attack. kelly right is live with details that are unfolding at this hour. >> reporter: new details about the wannabe terrorist to targeted one of the biggest transit of the new york city, right before detonating a port authority bomb, akayed ullah posted a message on facebook writing trump, you failed to protect your nation. police found a note in his passport saying america, die in your rage. it comes as his family faces growing back lash over there controversial statement chastising law enforcement for interrogating family members after the terror attack. ex-cia analyst and radio host marking them tweeting sorry our sun-dried to blow up a lot of you on your way to work today but the cops were kind of rude to us after that and we want answers. former talkshow host montel williams disgusted, posting on twitter this moronic offensive statement just cost care national my support. i am done. akayed ullah will make his first court appearance from his hospital bed today came from bangladesh 7 years ago, the chain migration program allowing him into the us simply because a relative won a visa through a lottery. donald trump vowing to put an end to it fast. >> the lottery system and chain migration, we will end fast. congress must get involved immediately and they are involved and we have tremendous support. it will be ended. >> reporter: the center for immigration studies report 99% of the 12,000 immigrant visas were family-based. akayed ullah is facing several charges including criminal possession of a weapon, supporting an act of terrorism and making a terroristic threat. rob: 11 minutes after the hour, explosive exchange between x mueller team members revealed as rob rosenstein is set to testify today. congressman matt gates will be there but will join us live next with what members are demanding to know. jillian: the hilarious hidden message from this baby on santa's that will make your morning. ♪ looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. rob: doug jones pulling off an upset in the alabama senate race, opponent roy moore still refusing to concede. here to react is former congressman matt gates. i saw you one special report last night. it reminds you of 2016 last november with hillary clinton losing the invisible race and refusing to concede. what do you make of it? >> iraq of the president's congratulations for doug jones, my district in florida, the board with alabama, it wasn't the policies of the republican party or donald trump that were rejected but roy moore was rejected. the long-term lesson is democrats are going to start rolling up victories in the deep south, the lesson is we should nominate people who admit to dating high school girls. rob: hillary clinton did concede that she refused to give a concession speech at the javits center, wondering what happened. it was very tight, 49.9% for jones, 48.4% for roy moore and 22,000 right ins of people that wanted to vote republican and said i can't vote for roy moore, this cloud of suspicion as you stated and the right in mid made the difference. >> absolutely. there is not some great attraction in the deep south to the policies democrats are fighting for. on the issues republicans continue to enjoy broad and deep level of support in this region of the country. just that roy moore was a uniquely flawed candidate, we are going to move on and fight harder and work harder to get legislation through the senate with a razor thin margin. >> was an arrogant that he thought with these allegations against him which seemed very credible that he didn't drop out of this race? >> probably arrogant people that think they can date high school girls in their 30s and get away with it. this was more about roy moore and the policies, policies that lift people up and ensure better quality of life for all americans, policies republicans are fighting for making it harder to deliver on those promises, we have the slimmest of slim margins in the senate and my hope is republicans in the senate will work together more and fight to get things across the finish line to donald trump's desk, that will help us propel to victory in 2018 election with the map favoring republicans in the senate. >> with the senate the way it is to be more bipartisan. let's go to the developments overnight. the text messages that came out are quite juicy and rod rosenstein testifying before the house judiciary committee today, what is it you are trying to get out of the deputy ag. >> we have got to find out why there is this bias that seems to cripple the mueller investigation. we don't seem to know why bob mueller aims to wind up with people on his team who hate the president and time and again circumstances where people are compromised by their bias, their financial setting, the job, their spouse and we need to move on past this, asking the deputy attorney general how was it bob mueller picked these members of the team and it is not a coincidence that so many have a pro hillary clinton bias and anti-donald trump bias. rob: on cbs, strzok called bernie sanders an idiot too, he is certainly anti-trump. let's bring up text messages, march 4, 2016, when everything was hot and we reelection crazy, strzok, would he be a worse president than ted cruz talking about donald trump, page saying yes, i think so. strzok, i'm not sure, he is an idiot. this looks bad for someone investigating this whole thing. we talked about he was a critical part of the investigation into hillary clinton as well and he thought that she was the best pick for the job with the options we had in this country. >> absolutely right. why right after the election before there was even special counsel appointed would you have these folks talking about watergate? the fix was in, they wanted a special counsel appointed not to objectively on earth fact but to persecute this president because they didn't like him. we should have had a stronger vetting process to ensure the people on bob mueller's team, hillary clinton's victory party, people texting back and forth with their boyfriends or girlfriends about they had a preexisting bias against the president. strzok was the individual that changed the wording which is coming back's exonerations from grocery gudgeon to extremely careless. the bias is pervasive. >> thank you for coming. we will be right back. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. you only earn double withmiles when you buy stuffds, from that airline. is this where you typically shop? 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rebecca joins us, thanks for being here. do you agree isis and the terrorists are going to be even evolving? >> the enemy is adapting. it is not an exaggeration to say donald trump has unleashed the us military to defeat isis abroad, that is happening. our military has been successful and crushing isis in iraq. it is going to be the goal for the enemy to attack americans at home. they are going to adapt which is why now, fighting isis, making sure they don't establish other footholds in other regions, very vigilant here at home and that means we have to have extreme vetting, we have to make sure, not enough that people don't have criminal records but that they are going to assimilate, they love americans and wanted to be peaceful, that will be important and we have to have a strong surveillance program around these areas where we have seen dangerous activity. it will be a multi-pronged approach. jillian: how do you get people on board with that line of thinking to have that surveillance? >> reporter: a lot of people are against it but you have to educate people is constitutional and what is not, a lot of people think because they are uncomfortable that that is unconstitutional or unlawful and that is not true. the constitution is not a suicide pact. we don't have to allow people who wish harm on americans to be doing that. law enforcement has to get into those communities, establish trust. a lot of these terrorists radicalized over time have indicators they are becoming radicalized so friends and family have to be willing to go to law enforcement and let them know this guy is becoming radicalized, he was peaceful a couple years ago and now watching isis propaganda videos, there needs to be stronger ties in the communities, to prevent them from committing terrorist attacks. jillian: this can happen in any place in america but specifically talking about new york, the last we 6 weeks and happened earlier this week. and the lottery system, chain migration, what is the message for people in america. >> we can't be naïve, we are generous compassionate country. it is not compassionate to let our citizens to remain vulnerable to these attacks. nobody is entitled to be here. it is a privilege to be in the united states, privilege to be an american citizen, we have to pay attention to our borders and know who is going to be here and make sure those who are here don't wish us harm and to be productive members of society. >> at what's point will everyone get on board? how long will it take? how many attacks are going to happen until people finally say we need to protect ourselves? >> i hope we don't have to endure another major attack but there are changes being made slowly, donald trump was elected because he has properly identified the attack on his base certainly realizes a lot of americans who supported him understand we are under attack and this threat is real and it takes constant public education and it does take some thwarted attacks to wake people up but we are making progress. and i support what the president is doing to educate people what it means to be here. and properly fitting people. you have to demonstrate qualities that demonstrate you can be here peacefully and productively. jillian: thank you for joining us and we all hope we don't have to deal with that. rob: fox news alert, north korea may be preparing to test another missile, new launch sites being reported including secret coded messages being broadcast likely signaling a weapons test is close. rex tillerson says he is ready to talk it out with north korea. >> we are ready to talk anytime north korea would like to talk and ready to have the first meeting without precondition. we are only going to talk if you come to the table to give up your program, too much invested. >> north koreans launched the most advanced missile yet they claim could strike anywhere in the united states. we are about to find out who will replace outgoing senator out franken. marketing, democrat, will name is interim choice after an avalanche of sexual misconduct allegations against franken. one possibility is keith ellison. of chosen he would be the first muslim in senate history but franken hasn't officially resigned, saying he would step down in the coming weeks. the president set to make his final sales pitch on taxable to the american people come he will speak from the treasury department this afternoon as house and senate republicans hammer out last details to get a bill to the president's desk before christmas working to agree on income tax deduction in high tax states, the salt tax and mortgage deduction caps. lawmakers believe a final vote could happen by next tuesday. donald trump has called out media bias time and time again. >> we are going to speak straight to the american people and cut right through the fake news media. >> reporter: now he has some numbers that help him prove his point. 90% of coverage on abc, nbc and cbs about donald trump's negative according to a new study from the media research center which points out 1228 statements, only 100 were positive about donald trump so there you have it. jillian: brace yourself for another round of snow, 7 inches in parts of the midwest and bundle up bone chilling temperatures across new england, janice dean tracking it all. it looks cold and windy in new york. >> i will show how cold it is, single digits, below 0 temperatures, i don't have my clicker today. omar in the control room, thank you. the current windchill, 5 in cleveland, 6 in new york, getting colder as we speak, 20 in minneapolis, 30 in memphis, 20 in atlanta, 41 in new orleans. it is cold outside. let's look at your today highs. do me the honor's, nicely done. we see the snow across the great lakes and midwest come we see this clipper system move through in new york city a little blast of snow tonight, a quick one, still very cold in the northeast, not bad. excellent job in the control room this morning. a person without their clicker, i don't know what to do. >> wouldn't be able to help you with that. >> dallas police chief blasting millennials as the reason behind a staff shortage. >> we have nice weekend holidays, things that are not necessarily attractive to millennials who want all days off and be the chief in six month. >> lowering the requirements a solution to give recruits? our next guest, a former cop says that may not be a good idea. >> why what i tell you anything? >> who is up for chinese? >> you are ruining my life! rob: a new service that allows you to rent if you are ashamed of your own family. ♪ a steakhouse... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy odor protect with 24-hour odor protection. downy and it's done. >> dallas police department facing a staff shortage in the chiefs is millennials are to blame. >> we have nice weekends and holidays and those are not attractive to the millennials who want all days off and be the chief in six month, that is a challenge for us. >> chief hall is looking at everything from rewarding officers who recruit candidates to eliminating automatic disqualifiers for potential officers like use from somebody's pass but is lowering requirements a good idea here. >> you to weigh in his crime and justice expert vincent hill, you for joining us. is this a problem we are starting to see is a trend? >> absolutely. to chief hall's point police work is not for millennials, there are no care bears at police stations, it is a stressful job and i speak from experience so it is a problem we are facing to try to get qualified officers not only in the city of dallas but around the country. >> lowering the bar to be a police officer can be dangerous. in a 70s and 80s in south florida miami police i had a ton of cops and standards were not that high and half of them were corrupt and that is the risk you run when you don't take every higher on a police force seriously. >> when i took the background check, i spoke to marijuana and maybe i was the only one that hadn't. from childhood, holding yourself to a higher standard, sworn to serve and protect. and used drugs, that police are corrupt, criminals, imagine the legality when that defense attorney says this officer use the uses drugs so why was he on the street anyway? >> as the chief said didn't want to work 9-5, doesn't want to work holidays, what would you say? >> policing is not for. in a six years i was on i worked every thanksgiving, and those were the duties of the job. if you're looking for quick advancement and want to be the chief of police in six month don't go into policing it. >> there is a lot of vilification of police officers and they are viewed as the bad guy by a lot of people in this country who don't understand how this country works. is that part of the problem as well? >> millennials themselves think police are the bad guys, the majority of millennials are in agreement with nfl protests because of police brutality, what i believe to be a false narrative. when you have a group of people who see police as bad people it is not a good mix to be a police officer. >> 47 minutes after the hour, major retailers offering free delivery by christmas eve. jillian: how to cash in on that. let's check in with what is coming up on "fox and friends". >> fox news has obtained 375 text messages between fbi officials who worked on the mueller probe, peter strzok and his girlfriend, we read them and it turns out donald trump. they work at the fbi is were on the investigation, we will talk to corey lewandowski, part of the president's team and michelle melton will react. of the president's inauguration, she wore that dress, that was in february, at the grammys, make america great again dress, made a lot of headlines and she will make today as well, she has a big announcement about her future in politics. a busy three hours kicks off a dozen minutes from now on the cello you trust for your morning news. back to "fox and friends" first in two minutes. ♪ do you want clean, stain free dentures? try polident. the four in one cleaning system kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria, cleans where brushing may miss. helps remove stains and prevent stain build up. use polident daily. use polident daily. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. we that's why at xfinityic. we've been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. now with instant text and email updates you'll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels so you don't miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you're looking for. because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. jillian: jeff sessions blasting baltimore fishing to a city policy claiming it allows gangs like ms 13 to grow out of control. >> i have seen no justification whatsoever for any city, any jurisdiction, any state to take the view that someone who into the country illegally and commit some other crime should be protected. jillian: baltimore is one of dozens of jurisdictions that prevent local police from working with to the.any illegal immigrants they arrest. this comes as baltimore is on track to a city record on homicides for 327 murders to date this year. >> this next story might leave you scratching her head, muslim students who knew they were enrolling in a catholic school are crying foul because they claim christmas gets too much attention at loyola university in chicago, some demanding university beef up islamic holiday decorations. the catholic school already avoids the phrase merry christmas to be more inclusive. foxbusiness alert guaranteed free delivery by christmas eve for shoppers who order online. jillian: tracy is here with what you need to know about free shipping day. >> reporter: retailers have one more trick up their sleeve, free shipping day this friday, december 15th, hundreds of retailers are participating so you can place an order, no minimum price and he will get free shipping guaranteed by december 24th. lots of places participating, toys "r quote us, macy's, best buy, the gap, december 15th, this friday. . rob: jetblue's big boo-boo. >> really bad idea, they came up with a board game we were going to sell on amazon for $19.99 and inside is a free ticket to fly anywhere and it was supposed to go on sale yesterday on amazon and when people went to buy a the game wasn't there. on social media, they said jetblue didn't put it on amazon, scammers had bought the game and couldn't get the ticket and jetblue is coming back saying sorry, we are going to do this again, we will try on december 19th. a weird idea, is going wrong. beyoncé didn't like this idea and sent a cease-and-desist letter to a clinton brewery. you can see it looks like her album cover so you can't get it anymore. they hope she with the ever complement but no. rob: we will live without it. jillian: kids who are embarrassed by their parents have a new option, you can rent one. >> why is he still here? >> $257,000 at christmas. rob: a new service in china provides fake parents for awkward situations like parent-teacher conferences, meeting a new boyfriend or girlfriend. the price, only $7.55 per hour. for fake parent in the weirdest story of the day. jillian: 5 minutes until the top of the hour. >> protesters punished, students begging help from colin kaepernick. elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. this is not the cloud you know. this is the ibm cloud. . . at bp, everyone on an offshore rig depends on one another. that's why entire teams train together in simulators, to know exactly what to do before they have to do it. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. hey! you know, progressive is america's number-one motorcycle insurer. yeah, she does purr! best bike i ever owned! no, you're never alone, because our claims reps are available 24/7. we even cover accessories and custom parts. we did get an early start! took the kids to soccer practice. you want me to jump that cactus? all right. aah! that lady's awesome. i don't see a possum! >> time for the good, the bad and the ugly. first up the good. secret santa making the holidays brighter. paying off gifts. a pennsylvania wal-mart won't reveal who it is but says they dropped about 50 grand. rob: next the bad. apted thief in a santa hat caught on camera terrorizing homes and the expensive hollywood hills. you can see this tinseltown grinch breaking through the back window there of a home and helping himself to some jewelry, whatever is there. police said he has hit at least two homes at this point. jillian: finally the ugly. kids are asking collin kaepernick for help because not enough kids interested in take a knee protest. the school is threatening expulsion. rob: "fox & friends" starts right now. see you later. >> tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you took the right road. >> doug jones, the first alabama democrat in a quarter century to be elected to the united states senate. >> we have shown not just around of the state of alabama, but we have shown the country the way that we can be unified. >> part of the problem with this campaign is we have been painted in an unfavorable and unfaithful light. it's not over and it's going to take some time. thank you. >> 10,000 text messages between fbi agent peter strzok, who was taken off the mueller investigation and strzok's alleged mistress, an fbi lawyer

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