Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20150116

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"fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning to you. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this friday. i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. let's get right to it. troops to syria to help train syrian fighters against brutal isis militants. the president's plan to arm local forces as the u.s. led coalition carries out air strikes. >> the announcement coming one day after it is revealed the air strikes in sire yaw failed to help isis gain ground. the troops will head there this spring. >> while you were sleeping a dozen people raised near paris in anti-terror raids linked to last week's attacks. the nine men and women being conflicted to their connection of coulibaly. they supplied cowl ball lee wep-- coulibaly weapons for the attack. >> a separate anti-terror raid stopped an attack in its tracks. >> a week long investigation ending in this explosive deadly raid. police saying they have broken up what could have been another paris style slaughter. three men with ties to isis open fire after cops swoop in. in syria hours away from carrying out a major attack. >> the 20-year-old muslim convert accused of plotting the u.s. capital expected in federal court in ohio. for months he pledged his allegiance to isis on twitter. he saved money to finance the attack studied how to build bombs and met with a co conspirator to study details of the plan. he didn't realize his' come police was an fbi informant. >> a week after terrorists loyal to al qaeda and yemen brought havoc to the streets of paris five more detainees are released from guantanamo bay. doug, what is the white house justification for this? >> well, the obama administration has really jumped from the frying pan after the failure to send a high level representative to the unity march in paris last weekend into the fire. yesterday with the announcement of the release of the five yemeni prisoners to gitmo. it was thoroughly vetted guy the dov and other agencies. the groups blocking these kind of transfers sited the high rate of released terrorists going back to the fight. 19 percent of them released before 2009 were confirmed of reendwajing. the white house says that number has been greatly reduced since then. >> i can tell you only 6 percent or so of those transfers had been suspected of or have been confirmed to have rejoined the fight. >> earnest also indicated the president remains committed against american public opinion to close gitmo before his presidency ends. gitmo's mere presence insights terrorism. >> it would be unwise to neglect the fact that our -- the prison at guantanamo bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. >> four of the terrorists released were sent to amman which borders yemen. >> it is very close to yes ma'am then and men and one of the attackers thein the paris attacks went to ammon to yemen to get training in al qaeda. transparency is what is really lacking. >> the senate bim introduced to block transfers to yemen for two years which is the remainder of the obama presidency. >> thank you, doug. house speaker john boehner responding to the threat by an ohio bartender to poison him at a country club. it is one thing to get a threat from far away another to get one from three doors of where you live. this young man obviously has health issues mental health issues that need to be addressed. i hope he gets the help that he needs. >> michael hoyt was indicted after an october plot to slip something in the speaker's drink. he later told investigators he never really planned to hurt the republican lawmaker. >> the happiest place on earth still down in the dumps. 13 more measles cases are being tied to disney land visits. 39 people in four states are now sick with the highly contagious virus. 8 new cases reported this week in san diego and five in los angeles county. officials say most patients got sick after visiting the california theme park last month and infected others when they came home. dozens were not vaccinated against the disease. to oklahoma now executing the first death row inmate since a prisoner died during a botched attempt last spring. charles warner killed by lethal injection for the 97 murder of his room ate's baby daughter. he had been on death row since 93. clayton locket died from a heart attack 45 minutes after given a new lethal injection combination. >> pope frances calling for an end to public corruption in the nation. he gave a speech in manila. he is urging officials to be honest and use the resources to help the country's 10's of millions living in poverty. pope frances will name a roman catholic saint during his visit to the u.s. he is one of california's original founders prays for his efforts to bring christianity to natives. and beginning this morning americans are allowed to travel to cuba without a special permit from the government. it is a huge shift in america's half a century old embargo and administration efforts to normalize efforts in cuba. americans can return to the u.s. will with up to 100 of cuban cigars. the change has support for the impressive castro regime. >> al sharpton inserting himself into another controversy. he is blasting hollywood for the lack of diversity in the oscar nominations tieing it to ferguson. patricia stark is following the investigation and she has more. >> al sharpton invoking the deaths of michael brown and eric garner to explain why black actors were snubbed saying quote in the time of staten island and ferguson to have one of the most shut out oscar nights in recent memory is something that is incon grew went. the only category we are well represented is best picture nomination and it is a movie about blacks being shut out of society and now we are shut out of hollywood. referring to the movie "selma" based on martin luther king jr. and his civil rights marches. he's holding an emergency meeting next week to address the all white oscar nominees and discuss possible action around the academy awards. now this is not something new. you may remember sharpton held a similar meeting weeks ago with the head of tony pictures amy pass kwou after they showed sensitive e-mails to another executive against president obama. it would give him influence over the movies sony produces. a new report revealing sharpton shakes down corporations to make racism claims disappear. he has been paid thousands of dollars tore more than a decade. >> ainsley? patricia live in the studio working all night. this leaves us to the brew on this question. does al sharpton withhave a case or is he out of line? send the comments on facebook twitter or e-mail at fox news we will share them later in the show. >> southwest airlines hit with a $1.7 million fine for stranding passengers. >> good friday morning, heather. that record penalty after the brutal winter storm last january kept passengers at chicago's midway airport tarmac for hours. the government says southwest did not clear the planes from the runway fast enough. by law carriers have three hours to get passengers off of a plane. the government also says southwest crew's scheduling system malfunctioned. if you look at the past year southwest has made technological improvements since then to keep things better moving forward. southwest and the other carriers have paid 5 and a quarter million dollars in such penalties. one logo calls the prerecorded messages they may be coming to your cell phone if banks have their way. some are asking the fcc to change the law making it legal for them to call you on your cell phone alerting you to fraud, identity theft and the like. would you listen to a prerecorded message? i don't know. robo calls have been illegal for about 25 years if you don't have the recipient's okay to call. now consumer groups worried about a possible change sending letters to the fcc urging it to deny the banker's proposal. if your child likes to wash town chicken nuggets with coca-cola? they are out of luck. they have dropped soda from the drink choices with the kid's meals. the beverage options now listed 1 percent white or chocolate milk bottled water one percent juice. however if they want to order it for the child they can it won't be listed as an option on the menu board any more. >> thank you. don't miss lauren on the fox nis bet work find it on your area finder. maria molina tracking a possible nor' easter coming. good morning heather and ainsley. we are looking at warmer temperatures in a big chunk of the country. in parts of colorado like the city of denver you are looking at high temperatures into the 60's. you are looking into highs in the 60d in raleigh and atlanta. latter half of the weekend sunday warmer temperatures impacting portions of the northeast. in boston and new york city you will make it into the 40's for the high temperatures. some of the highs will be as much as 15 degrees above average across portions of the plains. this area of low pressure will be tracking up the coast sunday into monday. but because temperatures are going to be so warm, heather and ainsley it looks like most of the temperatures will stay in the rain among nt coastal areas. interior portions will watch out for potential for snowfall accumulations. we will keep you posted. let's head over to you. >> 12 minutes after the top of the hour. it sparked a nationwide debate a muslim called a prayer incited for the campus to hear at duke university. this morning a major update to tell you about. >> did you get a flu shot this year? the startling new numbers about how infective the vaccine is. >> and letting kids roam free. a mom getting heavy criticism for her parenting. >> the idea is just excessive and paranoid. >> is she going too far? we report, you decide. is your high-performance laptop your office bff? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all pc's are on sale, like this hp 15" laptop now only $249.99. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. you get sick you can't breathe through your nose suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. ♪ >> you got to the smile what you hear darius rucker. he's from south carolina by the way where ainsley is from. she is excited about that. we are going to take you to north carolina a major update we have been following. duke university changing course cancelling its plan to broadcast a muslim call to prayer. every week for the entire campus to hear. anna kooiman has more. >> the original call to prayer was going to be broadcast over check el back tower. >> as you can image the religious outrelig acome bags outraging many. why weren't others given the same. >> this is political correctness run amok. i am not denying duke has the right to do this. what i am saying is duke is hypocritical in doing this saying they are doing it for diversity and pluralism. >> this has to do with advertising. their answer will be we don't object to anybody doing this they advertise their religion. >> the mounting pressure and concerns over safety and security now causing the university to back down and nix the plan. muslim students will instead gather on the campus quad before heading into a room inside the chapel for a weekly prayer service. a spokesman saying duke remains committed to being a welcoming campus. however what was perceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect. this came after duke canceled a pro-life event. >> at a am would's center on campus. >> next birth certificates to illegal immigrants at the u.s. consulates. so this is so they can avoid deportation. it will also make it easier for people to attain driver's licenses and work permits under president obama's immigration am policy. immigration experts think 3 million people will take advantage of the deal. arizona is making history by making high schoolers no history. the state becoming the first to now require all students to pass a civics test before they can graduate from high school. the class of 2017 will be the first to have to prove that they know history and workings of the american government. the bill now heads to the governor's desk. governor doug dues see where he is -- doug doocy where he is expected to sign it into law. >> even if you got a flu shot this season it may not be offering you too much protection. a new report by the certainties of disease control and prevention says the vaccine is only 23 percent effective. one of the worst performances in the last decade. doctors say the majority of this year's flu viruses are different than the one used to create the vaccine. the cdc calling the flu season moderately severe. >> love struck teenagers accused of a crime story and what is being called a bonnie and clyde adventure. >> letting the kids roam free. >> if up want to talk to them feel free to give them a call. >> under fire for the parenting skills. is she going too far? >> two kentucky teenagers missing for a week associated with a crime spree. phillips and hayes last spotted here in a south carolina wal-mart. they skipped town after he was scheduled in court on burglary charges. they have allegedly stolen at least two-cars and cost thousands of dollars in property damage. right now police think they could be armed and in a stolen silver toyota tundra. >> a police officer recovering after a wild run in with a drug suspect. the scene unfolded when they pulled over this marooned range rover. they trapped one of the officers on the hood and crashed into the fence. the suspect took off on foot. the suspect was treated for a broken leg. you can smoke as much as you want if you can afford it. rob krupicka wants to raise the cigarette tax by 7 percent. he thinks the tobacco taxes should be more in line with the east coast. you will pay $2 more every pack. >> a mother is being investigated for neglect after letting their children 6 and 10 walk home from a park by themselves. police picked the children up during their mile long walk and child services was called. the technique known as free range parenting helps their children learn independence and responsibility. >> their idea of neglect is crazy. it is excess i and paranoid and the power they are wielding over us is just unbelievable. i mean it is outrageous. >> we will hear more from this mother coming up on "fox & friends" at 7:20. >> 2016 free view scott walker slamming hillary clinton. >> you look at everything that washington represents she is it. >> one count trying its best to clip the competition. vo: 85 percent of people who travel will go someplace they've already been. where's the fun in that? it's time to find someplace new. book the hotel you want with the flight you want and we'll find the savings to get you there. 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[ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. that they and their families would get the benefits and support they earned. we fight for all veterans so that promise is kept. dav. for help, visit i've always loved exploring and looking for something better. that's the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. >> the white house in defense mode over the release of terrorist suspects. >> only 6 percent of the transfers have been suspected or confirmed to have rejoined the fight. >> they are being released into terror hot beds. we are live in dc. >> from ferguson to hollywood saying the lack of diversity is i am appallingly assaulting. now calling for an emergency meeting. >> the new move by the obama administration forcing toddlers to be fit. >> good morning. i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. >> breaking overnight 400 troops to syria to help train syrian fighters against brutal isis militants. the program is part of the president's plan to arm local forces as they carry out air strikes. >> one day after it was revealed they foughtstopped isis from gaining ground. they will head to syria this spring. al dozen people arrested near anti-terror raids linked to last week's attacks that left 17 people dead. the nine men and three women connected to french terror. they supplied coulibaly with weapons and materials to carry out the i tack. three people dead another after an anti-terror raid stopped in its tracks. oo week's long investigation into the explosive deadly raid. they have broken up what could have been another paris style slaughter. three men with apparent ties to isis opened fire after police swooped in. they believe the men recently returned from syria and were hours away from carrying out the attack. >> plotting to attack the u.s. capital with bombs and guns. for months christopher lee cornell pledged his allegiance to isis on twitter. he studied how to build bombs and met with a co conspirator without realizing his accomplice was an informant. this on the heels of a massive terror attack in paris. doug what is the white house justification for this? >> these are the five guys we are talking about four released to imam one to astonia this as the president is following up on the campaign pledge from 2008 to close the prison at guantanamo bay. making the argument the mere existence of gitmo continues to provide a rational for terrorists. >> it would also be unwise to neglect the fact that our -- the prison at guantanamo bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. >> the administration has a long way to go to clear out the facility there. congress may act to try to stop the president. there are real concerns about the recidivism rate of those released especially in light of where some of the detainees are headed. >> they seem to be doubling down the administration on the campaign promise. it makes no sense. >> all five of these guys were initially picked up in pakistan. all five suspected of having ties to al qaeda. heather? >> thank you, doug. >> my body is on fire some of the last words of a convicted baby killer executed in oklahoma. charles warner showed no visible signs of distress during the execution. the prisoner died during a botched attempt last spring. convicted murder clayton locket died from a heart attack 45 minutes after given a new lethal injection combination>> he rushed to the hospital overnight he is left unresponsive. the heavy weight champ is expected to be released later today. ally had been released from the hospital days before. ally who turns 73 tomorrow suffers from parkinson's disease. >> the va sending their condolences to a dead arkansas veteran. the only problem that veteran is very much alive. >> james sales says he was the one who opened the letter offering money to the letter. they did apologize and working to get him back into the healthcare system. the iowa center is picked for the gop response for president obama's state of the union next week. ernst is the first woman from iowa elected to the federal office. senator rubio is offering his congratulations while poking a little fun of himself he posted a photo with a water bottle on instagram with the caption have plenty of water before not during. he posted the rebuttal his response went viral when he paused for a gulp of water. >> wisconsin governor scott walker slamming hillary clinton saying she is what is wrong with washington. >> it is almost overwhelmingly likely hillary clinton will be the person for the other party. i think november 4th wasn't just the washington and the president it was hillary rodham clinton. she lived in washington worked in washington for the president and the administration she lived there when she was part of the white house along with her husband when he was president. you look at everything people dislike about washington she embodies it. >> in other 2016 news ben carson says he will be making a decision in the next three or four weeks. we will keep you posted. al sharpton inserting himself into yet another controversy. he is lasting hollywood for the lack of diversity in the oscar nominations even tying him to ferguson. in the time of staten island in ferguson to have one of the shut down oscar nights in recent memory is something that is incongruous. the only category we're well represented is the best picture nomination. it is a movie about being shut out of out of society now we are shut out of hollywood. >> he is meeting to talk about possible action around the world. >> is al sharpton out of line? or does he have a case? we will share your opinions later p on the show. >> the rest of the country is warming up. >> don't get used to it. it is january. >> maria molina is tracking it. >> we are not looking at them well below zero you are in the teens in chicago. it is quit chilly out there in the 20's new york city and 30's raleigh, north carolina in the 20's in atlanta georgia. the high temperature coming up later will be pretty warm. further west warm across the plains. >> as we head into the weekend sunday and monday the storm will be interacting with relatively warm temperatures. it should stay in the form of rainfall and interior parts of the northeast where we have cold enough temperatures. >> former baltimore ravens running back ray rice reaching a settlement over his termination. >> he was released by the team after the video of him knocking out his then fiancee in an atlantic city elevator. the ravens have yet to confirm the deal or the amount of the settlement. >> just say no to cheese. a washington town is putting a ban on all things cheese today in anticipation of the seattle team. the city manager on bainbridge island says conception of all cheese products will not be allowed because of the association with packer fans. >> ohio state quarterback giving buckeye fans something to cheer for. cardell jones announcing he will remain at ohio state next year. the sophomore won national championship against oregon and only his third career start in ohio state. a sophomore. it was a simple decisions adding one of the most important things for him is graduating. >> he's a great, talented player. >> and smart, too. the time is 20 minutes to the top of the hour. the government acting as morality police accused of unfairly targeting gun stores. 20 minutes a day the one things doctors say you should be doing that adds years to your life. >> and from the heart the ground breaking medical news that just changed a little girl's life. [container door opening] ♪ what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. ♪ [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. ♪ introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there's no going back. >> i love it. >> well the pentagon wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on improper the defense health agency lost more than $200 million 145 million of that. officials claim the office of management and budget doesn't have clear rules to reporting fraud. >> he calls americans stupid but this might be one of the few predictions he got right about the new healthcare bill. he is awaiting the call back from the house over site committee over the comments the administration lied to the american people to pass the healthcare law. >> thanks ainsley. president obama wants to keep on spending. he is set to ask congress for 68 billion door lasses more than what the current budget limits for the 2016 fiscal year. about half of the 7 percent increase would go to defense programs. the budget detail proposal won't be out until next month. >> critics say the government is playing morality police and harming legitimate businesses while pretending to collect them. operation choke point. >> mike shuts owns the tiny hawkins gun store in northern wisconsin. he banked through his local credit union until last november. >> received a call from the local credit union and they told me i had to come in and close my business account. >> suspicious of the reason why he went in and recorded the bank manager. >> his business was placed on a high risk list called operation choke point. same rest includes escort services get rich products and ponzi schemes. banks and payment processors are told if they keep accounts about businesses on the list they will be subject to heightened scrutiny and krein he isincreased audit. bureaucrats subjectively targeting businesses. >> they cut off legal businesses ability to bank they could put the businesses they don't like out of business. >> the department of justice tells fox news we don't target businesses within bounds of the law. >> that is a bold face lie. we have memos that show they are legally targeting businesses. they want to make it a choke point of possible hearing next month. >> thank you mike. 47 minutes after the top of the hour. say good-bye to the juice boxes and chicken fingers. the obama administration now targeting toddler's eating. >> the priets is right announcer should stick to his day job. >> that is going viral this morning. >> oh, live tv. oh. ouch. hope he is okay. >> this is coming up in a few minutes later this morning. >> because you asked nice i will tell you. coming up in fox and friends who saved loan survivor seeking asylum in the u.s. will he react in time? his attorney is here life. new arizona law requires high school students to pass a citizenship test in order to graduate. is that a good idea? parents sited for neglect after a parent let's her kids walk home alone from a park. one of us will ride a mechanical bull. wait until i tell elizabeth it is her. mornings are better with friends. is your high-performance laptop your office bff? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all pc's are on sale, like this hp 15" laptop now only $249.99. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. welcome back. we know more chicken fingers and boxed juices, the obama administration proposing a ban on fried foods and sugar drinks at day cars preferring them to offering tofu. officials want to ban day cares from frying food and serving them to kids. the new rules similar to requirements apparently at k-12 schools. they would only apply to families on government food assistance. >> heather, an incristobal story of a lifesaving procedure. a 3-d printer saving a four-year-old girl. doctors at miami hospital were able to print a replica of ada gonzalez' heart. the little girl has had multiple surgeries for her rare heart condition. but thanks to these models doctors can plan out the surgery and say they have restored normal blood flow to her heart. a good reason to get you off the couch this morning. a new study finds walking just 20 minutes a day could add years to your life. researchers say inactivity is worse for your help than obesity and walking at a brisk pace for a short amount of time can reduce your risk of death by up to 30%. >> time for today's 5@5:00. the states with the best k-12 schools in the nation, number five new hampshire with an overall score of 82.3%. number four vermont with the highest high school graduation rate in the nation, getting an overall score of 83%. maryland coming in at 3 with an overall score of 85.2%. at number two, new jersey where eighth graders have the second-best math and reading scores in the country. the state getting an overall score of 85.5% massachusetts, taking the top spot. eighth graders lead the nation in math and reading. overall score 86.2%. the rankings come from education week based on family income, education and employment, test scores and the state per student spending. seven minutes till the top of the hour. al sharpton can't stay away from controversy. he's now slamming the oscar nominations, even tying them to ferguson. is he over the line? your e-mails are pouring in. >> the price is right announcer should stick to his day job. his treadmill fail is going viral. three minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here's what's happening today, the u.s. military sending 400 troops to syria to help train syrian fighters to fight isis militants, this coming one day after it is revealed u.s. led airstrikes in syria failed to help isis from gaining ground. americans now allowed to travel to cuba without a special permit from the government. duke university caving to the mounting pressure and reversing its decision to broadcast a muslim call to prayer every week for the entire campus to hear. officials say that there were also concerns over safety and security. >> time now for the the good, the bad, and the ugly. up first the good. good news for dish subscribers. you now have fox news back! yes. fox dish reached a deal. that left 14 million homes in the back. welcome back. now the bad. a sweet message wasn't the only thing found inside greetings cards inside a virginia jail. officials found a card filled in heroin at western tide water regional jail. the ugly, the price may be right but this tv announcer's technique all wrong. >> a new treadmill! [cheering] >> he is a good sport about it at least and he keeps on talking to the audience like nothing ever happened. >> time for our brew on this responses. al sharpton tying the oscar nominations to ferguson scheduled a so-called emergency meeting next week to discuss possible action around the academy awards. does al sharpton have a case or is he out of line? bernie tweeted maybe those were the deserving films and performances during the year that the academy voted on. give me a break reverend al. brenda said when i heard this i thought it was a joke. an emergency oscar meeting? he loves his name kept in the news? why is he so concerned with the oscars? he should be more concerned with real issues like terror attacks. lets keep talking. log on to the "fox & friends" facebook page to weigh in today. >> yes. have a great weekend. >> happy friday. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it is friday january 16. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert for you. airstrikes aren't working so how will the united states defeat isis? the new plan just announced, to send our troops into syria. >> the white house says they had to release detainees from gitmo because gitmo is what's causing a lot of violence. >> it would also be unwise to neglect the fact that our -- the prison at guantanamo bay continues to inspire violent acts around the globe. >> so is letting terrorists back on the battle field. the solution? we'll talk about

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