Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200903 : comparem

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200903

been substantial -- people trying to change the rules to this methodology is reckless and dangerous. and people are playing with fire. >> we now know who will be moderating the fall debates, our own chris wallace gets the first debate between president trump and joe biden. it should be interesting. ♪ everybody saying hey, y'all ♪ wil hey y'all brian: our first floor is ready that's an indication from the statue of liberty from the far shot to in-house shot. it gets kind of exciting. sooner than later go upstairs and downstairs. maybe life will go back to normal. maybe on the couch soon. what do you think? steve: wouldn't that be great? you know, apparently the federal government through the cdc has told states to prepare for a vaccine end of october or early november. so, emily, it sounds like there could be an october surprise. and it's a september surprise to have you with us today for ainsley. emily: thanks, guys. good morning to you both. the pleasure is always to be filling in for ainsley. and a good morning from all the way across the country in seattle. steve: there you go. we are on the east coast and west coast. thanks for joining us on this thursday. meanwhile, today, president trump is actually heading to latrobe, pennsylvania over to the arnold palmer airport as we are exactly two months away from the election. brian: wow, back to pennsylvania. there he goes. his 2020 opponent joe biden set toe visit kenosha, wisconsin today. it's biden's first visit to the state in nearly two years. he flip flopped a couple times, emily, about going. emily: very true and now he is. griff jenkins our own is live in washington as the president and former vp trade jabs on the trail about those very topics. griff? griff: good morning, emily, brian, and steve. they are trading jabs battling handful of states where the race is clearly tightening and could determine the outcome of the election. biden's strip a turn about as the campaign said on tuesday he would not go to kenosha for fear of causing a quote tus sell on the ground. now the former veep says law enforcement, community leaders and business leaders. >> we have got to heal, bring things together, bring people together. i have got advice from sitting members of the congress and the senate as well that i should go. i'm not going to do anything other than meet with -- meetings with community leaders as well as business people. and other folks in law enforcement. griff: he will also meet with the family of jacob blake which president trump did not do. he made the announcement from wilmington, delaware while slamming his handling of the coronavirus as president trump who was visiting the other whippington honored world war ii veterans at the battle ship in north carolina. >> three months ago they were ripping down statues. i said you can rip them down but you are going to serve 10 years in jail if you do. as soon as i did that, incredibly, i haven't heard about statues coming down, have you? statues or monuments. we are not ashamed of our country. we are proud of our country. prouder than we are of anything else. in america, we don't tear down the past, we celebrate our heroes. we cher liberal our heritage. we preserve our history. griff: biden heads to wisconsin where the president heads to pennsylvania and you see here the latest polls have shah flunk pennsylvania for 4 point lead for joe biden. fox news latest poll, it shows a tight 4 point race in north carolina as well. in wisconsin, whereby den has not visited in 674 days. he leads by 8 points. we will see what the president has to say in latrobe as you rightly pointed out, steve, home of arnie palmer and my in-laws. i will have insight tomorrow praption from on the ground. emily, brian, steve. steve: do they have their own airport? come on, griff, please. griff: they don't have their own airports little known fact my mother was once the administrator of that little airports. steve: buried the lead. griff, thank you very much. all right, so, as we said at the beginning of the program, the election is two months from today because today is september 3rd. the election is on november 3rd. now, the big difference about the last time we voted is there's this pandemic going on, right? and there are a lot of people who are simply freaked out. they are over 65 or they are in a vulnerable condition. and they are afraid that if they go to vote they may get coronavirus. and, of course, there are a number of different states that are saying you know what? we will just send ballots to everybody. that could be a problem. and, you know, going forward, you are going to hear from the attorney general in just a little bit. but, right now, what both sides need to do they need to make sure that everybody who is interested in them gets out and votes. ultimately though, karl rove says for the president he has got to expand the number of people who are on his side. >> the president's base is with him and no president ever gets elected. nobody ever gets elected president on the basis of their base only. and so the president has to continue to do what he did during the republican convention. and that is make an appeal for a broader group of people. for you is burr ban nights particularly college-educated women who may like what he is doing but don't like how he has done it. african-american voters particularly young black males who say you know what? when 17, 18, and 19, i actually had better prosperities than i had when barack obama was president and because ever the policies of donald trump. >> steve: going forward, joe biden would like to make this all about coronavirus because he scores better when you look at the polls than donald trump does. but donald trump, at the same time, is, you know, he sees what's going on in the streets regarding law and order or law and disorder and violence in some spots and donald trump would like to make it a referendum on that. and he says he is the best guy. brian: do you know what i want, steve? i want whoever gets the most electoral votes to win. i want the electoral college to be accurate. that's what worries me and maybe others who are looking at this dispassionately about the result. because, for the first time, some of these states are saying because of the pandemic i'm just going to mail you ballots. i'm going to flood the zone with ballots. karl rove writes today who we just heard from the problem with the ballots is not that we can't do it and not that the post office would hold it up. the rules change between states. in georgia, a federal judge says it's safe. you can go to elections day including ohio, north carolina, minnesota and nevada. are you okay with that? meanwhile william barr just says listen, nobody is against mail-in ballots. they understand absentee ballots. he actually does early voting the problem is towrming. went on cnn. i'm not sure the message got. in listen. >> this is sort of cheap talk cheap talk to get around a fundamental problem a bipartisan commission jimmy carter and james baker said in 2009 that mail-in voting is fraught with the risk of fraud and coercion. >> didn't senator. >> no. sorry. let me talk. >> yeah. >> the only time the narrative changed is after this administration came in. but elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion. >> there are individual cases but as far as widespread fraud, we haven't seen that since -- >> -- we haven't had the widespread use of mail-in ballots as being proposed. we have had absentee ballots from people who request them from a specific address. now what we are talking about is mailing them to everyone on the voter list. when everyone knows those voter lists are inaccurate. this is playing with fire. we are very closely divided country here. and if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and legitimacy of the government. and people trying to change the rules to this methodology which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is reckless and dangerous. and people are playing with fire. brian: just mark his words, too. earmark that tape. 66% of trump supporters say they are going to vote in person or intend to. 47% of biden's people say they are going to mail-in their ballots. here's the problem. you have got to then get the mail-in ballot and compare signatures with the voter roles. six states don't allow you to do this until election day. so if you are getting millions or tens of thousands of ballots for the first time ever in a state that never did this before especially, how are you going to be comparing signatures? then if it's very close in come the lawyers. they will say why did you throw this one out? why did you throw this one snout why did you throw this one out? you can see what william barr is saying. is he not saying i want biden or trump to win or lose. is he saying chaos is not good for the country, emily. emily: that's exactly right, brian. us lawyers tend to mess everything up, don't we? steve: thanks. emily: he was clear that he was specifically differentiating not only that potential for fraud but also the logistical nightmare. keep in mind that the usps has come out and admitted that they are i will equipped to manage or handle any type of thing of that magnitude and any kind of issue of that magnitude. they have already come out and said that logistic cam nightmare. it's simply that this administration the narrative has become so different from those on the left. switching topics here for a second. i know we have all heard about hair gate, right? nancy pelosi going through her closed salon without a mask. but she now says that she is owed an apology. brian: yes. emily: she is only sorry for falling for what essentially was a set-up. take a listen to the owner of the hair salon erika who says differently. >> she had called the stylist or her assistant did and made the appointment. >> yes. >> so the appointment was already booked. so there is no way i could have set that up. and i have had a camera system in there for five years. i mean, i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. this isn't even political. it's the fact that she actually came in and didn't have a mask on. if she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down? why am i not able to have clients come in? since this happened, i have received nothing but hate text messages, death threats. they are going to burn my hair salon down. steve: there she is right there. those images were from monday when she went in. and it was on tuesday that the city of san francisco said you could get a hair cut. but it had to be outside. and so, as we just saw from the woman who says now she is probably going to be run out of town because of the death threats and the bad yelp reviews and stuff like that. she just put out the video. she released the video to show the hypocrisy. and, in fact, yesterday, the president retweeted and this brings us full circle to this story and the last one, the president retweeted a video of nancy getting a hair cut. if nancy pelosi can get her hair cut in person, can you vote in person. here's nancy pelosi and man, is she steamed that she got caught. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that i have been to over the years many times. and that when they said what we're able to accommodate people one person at a time and that we can set up that time, i trusted that. as it turns out, it was a set-up. so i take responsibility for falling for a set-up. this salon owes me an apology for setting up. steve: apparently, well, you know -- brian: no one is buying that. steve: now it's back and forth. hard for her to argue with the video it. just looks like there is a set of standards for certain people and for everybody else it does not apply. brian: by the way -- go ahead, emily. emily: there is a different set of standards, you guys. that's the whole problem withish shah. osha doesn't apply, foia doesn't apply. not to mention chappaquiddick and bill clinton and the slush fund. it is par for the course. that's what so frustrating. the people who make the laws obey a separate set of rules than those of us who have to abide by it. this is just the latest one. as you pointed out, brian, just that she got caught on video that she has to acknowledge it even then she side steps it. brian: walking around without a mask. she knew ahead of time had her staffer call in ahead of time asked for preferable treatment no. one asked her to get a hair cut. why don't you get a hair died and have a smock four. show up on monday i'm sure there is no cameras there. this is just an example. governor northam of virginia beach walking around without a mask. visited georgia and hugged the mayor without a mask on. he was also caught walking, i believe, on the streets without a mask on. and then governor ted wheeler that genius is at a protest in portland, oregon and then we have the philadelphia mayor kennedy eating inside a maryland restaurants while stopping everybody from eating inside a philadelphia restaurants with. so these are lawmakers who look down on their people, don't have enough respect for their people. they want to oppress and affect our lives. when it comes to leadership, they know better. steve: look, brian, something have you been talking about during the entire pandemic and that comes down to small businesses. you know, how would you feel if you are the salon. brian: outraged. steve: salon across the street. wait a minute, they are open? they have got people in there not wearing masks and i'm shut down and i had to lay everybody off? you wonder why suddenly america has such high pressure when it comes to these issues because there is a double standard. brian: keep listening. and no one is buying her explanation, i hope. meanwhile jillian mele. jillian: can you wear a mask while getting your hair washed it. is possible. steve: i did it this morning. jillian: exactly. start off with fox news alert. breaking overnight a michigan sheriff corporal killed in a attack. brian searcy while he was on duty in a jail in downtown detroit. the suspect remains in custody. corporal was an 18 year veteran of the force. he leaves behind a wife and daughter. and breaking overnight, protesters gather outside a washington, d.c. police station after a deadly shooting involving officers. police say they were responding to calls of an armed man in southeast d.c. when he this found several people around a car. two of them tried to run. police say 18-year-old dion kaye pulled out a gun during the chase. that's when officers opened fire. kaye was taken to the hospital where he later died. two other suspects were arrested. the officers involved are reportedly on administrative leave. the army ranger who helped rescue about 70 isis hostages in iraq will receive the medal of honor. the white house ceremony for sergeant major thomas patrick payne is set for september 11th. payne earning the military's highest honor for valor and come bat in a daring raid on isis compound in 2015. his team clearing two buildings with payne going back twice to make sure all hostages were free forcibly removing one too scared to move. fox news is' very own chris wallace selected to moderate the first trump biden presidential debate. received widespread praise after moderating the third debate between then candidate donald trump and hillary clinton in 2016. the trump-biden debated is set for september 29th in cleveland. steve: congratulation tolls chris, he will be great. thank you, jillian. it's 6:17 on this thursday morning. >> president trump's operation legend vowing to restore law and order to major cities. our next guest leading that charge in the state of ohio. he will break down the efforts there coming up next. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city and seattle, washington. good morning, lady liberty. ♪ i won't back down ♪ ♪ no, i'll stand my ground ♪ won't be turned around ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask y♪ you know limu,g teen after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. 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>> yeah, well, we are in these cities because we have the support of the community. we have the support of the local leadership. and we have the support of the local police departments. and what you are seeing across the country are the results that speak to that support. and we're able to take 2,000 violent fugitives and violent criminals off the streets because we have the support of the community. and then we can demonstrate to them that we have had results here. we have taken over 500 guns off the street. we have charged almost 500 people federally under operation legend. we even have taken seven kilos of fentanyl off the street. that's enough fentanyl to kill the entire population of detroit and chicago combined. emily: illustrating some of that success operation legend has made multiple arrests. here are a few of the numbers. here are. so defendants charged with federal crimes. 89, kansas city missouri 99, chicago illinois we have 103. can you tell us what are some of the challenges you are facing or some more resources that you would like to see moving forward? >> yeah. in these city that's tremendous effort the numbers you read off there, two weeks, four weeks in st. louis that they have been able to charge that many people federally. what we look for in terms of resources is exactly what the president and the attorney general have provided in these nine cities, which is supplementing existing federal tax foxes with federal agents. providing a place for police officers to work with our federal agents to identify the most violent criminals on our streets, to take them off the streets and to ensure that the community has some breathing space here to get through the remainder of the summer and fall without the violent crime that we have seen surging across the country over the past several months. emily: operation legend. justin herdman, u.s. attorney, thank you for coming on the show today. >> thanks, emily. emily: with millions of people out of work and businesses shutting their doors for good, have the shutdowns been effective in the next guest says the lockdown was a failed experiment that did not help stop the spread. the numbers after the break. ♪ new advil dual action with acetaminophen fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. brian: gadd you are watching "fox & friends." now this. in just two hours spacex is expected to launch 60 more satellites from cape canaveral comes just days after another successful spacex launch. already launched about star light satellites. very productive. nasa boost as system artemis missions to the moon. watch this. >> 3, 2, 1, fire. brian: i think that's success. the test lasting just over two minutes producing more than thr, exclamation point. an important milestone as nasa aims to boots on the ground by 2024. steve? steve: brian, thank you. meanwhile down here on earth businesses around the country still closed and millions out of work. so have the lockdowns been effective? well a op-ed says data shows the covid-19 lockdowns are a failed experiment and did not contain the spread of the disease. the author of that article, donald luskin from the analytics firm trim macrojoins us right now. fox news medical contributor and author of "make america healthy again dr. nicole saphier. good morning to both of you. >> hey there. >> good morning. steve: don, this op-ed you wrote really got our attention. in particular, at the end of the first sentence, first paragraph you say but now the evidence proves that lockdowns were an expensive treatment with serious side effects and no benefit to society. you know, you would think the logic and dr. saphier is going to talk about that in a moment. if you keep people away from each other, that would have done something but you said you analyzed the data and that's not the case. >> look, there is always a difference between theory and practice. sounds great if you say it fast the you should contain a contagious disease by keeping people away from each other. the reality is if you look at it country by country, state by state, zip code by zip code you track people's cell phones if they were out in the world and sheltering in place. it turns out it actually makes no difference. that the states and zip codes and the countries that sheltered the most didn't get any better results than the ones that sheltered the least. it's expensive to lockdown it. cost people their jobs. it cost people their health. so don't do it unless there is strong correlation with good results. and the numbers are in. there is no correlation. steve: you also write that the only factor that seems to make a demonstrable difference is the intensity of mass transit use. so rather than lockdown the country, maybe we should just address mass transit. >> it wasn't until new york had already passed peak cases and peak deaths that they finally decided that shut down those filthy subways at night and clean them. now, what a concept to clean the new york city subways. you think that would have occurred to these geniuses a couple months earlier but, no. it turns out statistically that's the only thing that makes a difference. age, race, income, sunshine doesn't matter, it's just rapid transit. steve: all right, dr. saphier, what do you think? >> well, you know, i think that any level of criticism and skepticism are crucial when it comes to policy, especially health policy because public health can be messy. but the truth is, steve, that i can find a model or anything to fit whatever narrative of your choice. but, ultimately, when you take -- when you look at the different areas of the united states, the northeast, one that was hit the hardest, the reason that it was hit the hardest, one, it is a large urban travel hub. we had international travel early on. the virus was spreading before we even knew it was. and unfortunately, those lockdowns happened at a time where we already had massive circulating virus and those lockdowns coupled with failed policies and decisions led to these high deaths. specifically at nursing homes. now, then you see looking at the same cell phone tracking data, you actually saw the next wave of cases say in the southwest and in the south was from people directly traveling from the northeast. had we perhaps halted interstate travel, you would have seen less cases going further. and now, thankfully, we have a decrease in new cases and we also have a decrease in deaths. the only place that you are seeing rise in cases right now is in the midwest. why is that? this is a more sprawled area but the cases are slowly trickling there. you have kids going back to school and they're going to have outbreaks. bottom line a lot of lockdowns were not implemented correctly. they really weren't, steve. that's why have you such detrimental consequences because of this. had we focused more on the social distancing, the mask-wearing and really just gaining knowledge of the vice and how it's transmitted it would have been much better as well as less afternoons interstate travel. steve: don, final word going forward it's been suggested there could be a second wave or flare up coming with the onset of the flu season as well. >> correct. steve: your advice to the medical professionals regarding policy and the administration would be, what? it? >> would be do no harm. we have thrown enough people out of work. we have closed down the health system effectively to people suffering from anything at all, other than covid. we have got more divorces, more alcoholism, more suicide, more depression. people aren't getting their cancer screening. they are not going to emergency rooms. enough is enough. the data is in. lockdowns don't help. let's not inflict that upon ourselves again. that is my advice. steve: and dr. saphier? >> while i agree that all of those are negative consequences that needed to have been avoided, i think lockdown does have some effect but i don't think that should be a strict as they once were because as we know the negative consequences likely will far outweigh that of the virus itself. steve: good chat with both of you, dr. nicole saphier and donald luskin who has an op-ed on thank you very much. it is 25 minutes before the top of the hour, the trump administration now slamming calls to rename places like, you know. the washington monument and jefferson memorial and relocate d.c. monuments. the mayor is looking for a loophole to make her proposal happen. cpac chair matt schlapp fired up on deck next. ♪ we didn't start the fire. i'm making sandwiches! on king's hawaiian bread! yum! king's hawaiian. now that the rent's due but they've cut your pay. now that the virus has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. now that our president has had months but he still doesn't have a plan. what happens now? 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>> yeah. that's right, brian. because what we have seen already in these states run by socialists is that the desire is and we saw in these primaries flood the system with weak ballots in terms of their legitimacy. and then make a subjective determination on whether or not they can be counted or not. so the difference is the state says we going going to mail everybody on our list even though we know our 10%, 12%, we will put all these ballots outs. those ballots come back, in now we have a way to count people who in any other system would never be considered a legitimate vote. in the state of nevada and other states we keep talking about signature checks on these ballots. do you know what they have done in nevada and these states they have weakened the match by 50%. so you could have a fraudulent signature but because the signature checking computer process is so weak they could get through the system. i spent these 36 days during the florida recounted, let me tell you if a race is close, it comes down to the subjective determination of the government officials looking at those ballots. that means an individual can decide i'm going to count it or i'm not going to count it. if it's close, these people with literally shift the outcome of an election. brian: brian matt the thing is problem in florida. so-called brook brothers riots with hanging chad's and whether this ballot should have been eliminated or not. there is a forecast you, matt. this is going to be to the tenth power. this is going to be happening weeks after the election in multiple states unless one side poll something way off is going to just run away with this thing. >> yeah. two points here, brian. the reason why i was a part of that brooks brother riot as a much younger man i must say. is because they took the ballots and they had a democrat and a republican observer to look through the ballots. and some of the counties i was in, we went through these ballots 1, 2, 3 times. and they would make different determinations on what bucket those ballots went. in they took them behind the doors, brian so, that there couldn't be any more observers. and that's why we ran up there and started screaming and chanting because you have got to have transparency second thing is the mail system loses 5% of mail. voting by mail is already inherently more risky for any voter. number two, they are not requiring post marks on all these jurisdictions. so, if they say we can take up to 7, 8, 9, 10 days to wait for ballots to come in, you literally could have voters in democratic systems on election day, after election day. they could make it up without having post marks on the ballots. now, can you say i'm a conspiracy thirst, well, let's do. this let's have regulation that make it very clear you can't vote after election day because everything will get a postmark. let's make something else very clear you can't vote by mail, which i'm totally for voting by mail. but you can't vote by mail unless you followed the rules and you are properly registered. and in all of these ballots, we need to have a system now. and maybe the federal government needs to mandated it because of one person, one vote. when somebody votes illegally they're diluting every legal vote. let's make sure that there is a system to make sure they can't jm it n. a bunch of illegal ballots at the end. look, i think these big city mayors watching destroy their cities. do you think they would do anything to defeat trump? brian: yes. >> if they are willing to let their cities literally go to rack and ruin with rioters? i no longer believe that de blasio and light foot and bowser and these people. if they will destroy their cities to defeat trump, would they actually allow illegal ballots to be counted? isn't that an easy question to answer? emily: matt, speaking of big city mayors we would like to get your thought on another topic that's the push to tear down and change monuments in big cities. david bernhard the secretary of the interior weighed in on the d.c. mayor reviewing committee recommendations to change monuments, take a listen and then we will get your thoughts. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen. it's just simply nutty. each of these great individuals did great things. no one is saying that each of these individuals was a perfect human being. each monument was carefully deliberated upon. carefully placed on our nation's mall. and as you walk into it and you see the preamble to the declaration of independence and other great things, i think that gives you a great sense of what american exceptionalism is about. emily: now, matt, the mayor sort of tweaked it afterward and said this will only relate to city monuments. now your thoughts on this. >> yeah, so let's be clear, this is all part of the cancel culture. we thought those of us who were speaking from the conservative point of view were the victims of this now it's absolutely earn. they first said it's a confederate generals and people of the confederacy and a lot of us warned that it would spread to the founders. now it's founders that are no longer acceptable in their point of view and role in our history isn't acceptable. do you know what this reminds my wife's family of who fled communist cuba? this is what communist and socialists do they rip down the statues, they rip down the history. they remake the history. that is what is going on in our country. it's a desire to re -- when barack obama said transform america, i don't think we all understood it. what it means is america is bad. its founding is repugnant. and we need to refashion a new america. and i think the democrats are making a massive mistake. the cities the dysfunctionality of the cities, the murders, the riots, the chaos, it's now about ripping down, think about d.c. it's all about tourism in d.c. that's the dollars that come in because they don't have the property taxes that you have in other cities. they are literally willing to risk this buoyant tourism industry in an effort toe try to destroy everything about what's beautiful about this country and the re-election chances of donald trump. but it's going to bomber rang because the american people can see this for what it is. steve: will it boomerang or just end on november 4th. stay tuned. matt schlapp we thank you very much for joining us live from d.c. >> thanks, steve. brian: steve, the question is would a president biden stand up to a democratic mayor with the sentiment of the left of his party to take down these monuments? maybe not the washington monument but the others. and i think the question is he won't. steve: well, let's see. all right. it is exactly 12 minutes before the top of the hour. did is a busy news day with the weather and janice is front of the tropical map again and that is never good. janice: listen. the good news is neither of these are going to effect the u.s. omar weakening and moving away from land and nana recall bleez. frontal bound along the front. showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. rainfall behind it cooler drier air. very fall-like temperatures for some folks. and the past 24 hours we had the potential for those showers and thunderstorms across the central u.s. as well as the mid-atlantic. where we could actually see severe storms today including large hail. damaging winds, heavy rainfall and even isolated tornadoes. keep that in mind if you live around the philadelphia, d.c. area. your forecast today very warm across the south as well as the southwest. we're going to see high heat warnings for the weekend, for parts of california yet again. dangerous heat, 20 to 25 degrees above average and wildfire danger again as we head into friday, saturday and sunday. all right. that's your forecast. emily, steve, brian, back to you. brian: all right. thanks so much. janice, meanwhile in ohio, school district cracking down on the thin blue line flags, yep, after players carried it onto the field to honorable one of their cochesz. our next guest wrote a scathing letter to the superintendent. he will share that message next. not even our competitor's best battery can match the power of energizer. because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. backed by science. matched by no one. we've been home. to the brave men and women who build and serve our communities; who teach our children; and who care for us in our time of need in honor of our 50th anniversary, we're committing over $30 million dollars to new student scholarship funds. because we believe in the pursuit of purpose, in the causes you champion, and in the difference you make in the world. welcome to national university. apply for your scholarship today at brian: school district in ohio restricting the use of thin blue line flags at athletic events. these players carried a flag on field to honor their coach. understandable how it could be interpreted as racially motivated here to react is county commissioner ralph who wrote a scathing letter back to the superintendent. so, ralph, why would supporting policemen be racially motivated? >> that was the question. i could not find any good cause or any good reason that that would have anything to do with race. that blue line represents all officers all races, religions, it's absolutely absurd. brian: i mean, why can't do you both? since when is supporting police officers something that's controversial? >> i think that's just the direction we are going to in this country it seems that anything that is pro-police is a bad thing. those men there entered the field with one of their coaches as a police officer and had the american flag and respect and just to place rerespect and gratis to their coach came out with a blue line flag. three days later we get this letter sent out to the district that this will no locker be allowed, permissible. brian: you put a pen to paper. wrote a skating letter about this. we value the police and all first responders to suggest otherwise is false. the school has not banned the thin blue flag. we did remind our flag that thin blue brian: is that true there is no other ceremony except somebody running out with a thin blue line flag? >> there is a little bit of, you know, pregame stuff that happens but at this point in time due to covid much more safety based on safety precautions. that's been the situation here with all the different games and unfortunately they arunfortunaty they are actually playing games here in chardon. the biggest thing we have to look at is they are creating this policy based on their own personal interpretation, what they choose, you know, that is showing any type of prejudice. there is not. and it's a situation where, you know, that afternoon my phone just started to open up with, you know, what can we do? what do we do? what do we do? my barack ground as a law enforcement officer, also, repeat your question? brian: yeah. i got it. unfortunately we are out of time and did you a lot. you are speaking up. you wrote a letter and gotten everyone's attention. ralph, thanks so much. >> thank you. brian: you are welcome. meanwhile, a lot coming up, including bill stepien campaign manager for trump 2020. ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ until i found out what itust? it actually was.d dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. >> our country is great and we are going to keep it that way. steve: today president trump is heading to latrobe, pennsylvania. brian: his 2020 opponent joe biden set to visit kenosha, wisconsin. >> we have got to bring people. >> he can't come back to. >> no he better have an army if he is going to walk down the street. new yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him. >> flu trump with president trump every single day. >> he has been good in delivery for new york. he has delivered for new york. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen there is going to be no no need to shut down the economy. >> would you be prepared to shut down the country again. >> i would shut it down. i would listen to the scientists. >> read it and leap. the dow jones industrials now within a whisper of an all-time record topping 29,000. steve: 1776 feet above the payment that's the freedom tower in lower manhattan. welcome aboard for a bicoastal "fox & friends" for this september 3rd. it's a thursday. brian and i are here in new york city we are socially distanced we decided to go really crazy and socially distanced emily compagno about 3500 miles out there right now in seattle. emily: good morning to you both from the west coast. it's an early morning here but a great one. as always, such a pleasure to be filling in for ainsley. steve: great to have you. brian: it's going to be a big hour and first things first i think it's pretty amazing yesterday joe biden who said he wasn't going to leave his house doing another campaign event. >> footsteps. >> what is he seeing internally that has changed his program entirely? we are going to talk about that emily. >> absolutely. and today president trump is heading to pennsylvania as the 2020 race tightens in key battle ground states. >> meanwhile his opponent joe biden set to visit kenosha wisconsin today. we thought he was going to be there on monday. it's biden's first visit to wisconsin which he would like to win in the election, hasn't been there for two years. >> it's all about healing, griff. griff jenkins is live outside the white house as the president and former vice president trade jabs on the campaign trail. hey, griff. griff: brian, steve and emily, vowing for jabs. president trump has made it a priority and in pennsylvania where the race is really tightening. but that reversal of course by the former vice president remember on tuesday the biden campaign said they would not go to kenosha because they didn't want to cause a tussle on the ground. well now they will go and the former vp says it will be about healing and bringing the community together while taking a shot at president trump. >> president trump and his administration had done their jobs early on with this crisis, american schools would be open and be opened safely. is he offering nothing but failure and delusions from the start to finish to american families and our children. >> he was speaking from wilmington, delaware. and he says he will also meet with the family of jacob blake which president trump did not do meanwhile the president yesterday was visiting the other wilmington honoring world war ii veterans at the battle ship, north carolina. >> three months ago they were ripping down statues. i said you can rip them down but you are going to serve 10 years in jail if you do. as soon as i did that incredibly, you haven't heard about statues coming down, have you. statues or monuments. but we're not ashamed of our country. we are proud of our country. prouder than we are of anything else. in america, we don't tear down the past. we celebrate our heroes. we cherish our heritage. we preserve our history. >> so, biden heads to wisconsin where the president was tuesday as the president heads to pennsylvania today. this latest monmouth poll shows the lead has shrunk to 4 point lead for biden while the fox news latest poll show a tight 4 point race in north carolina and as for wisconsin. biden hasn't visited there since 2018. he leads by 8. so just a real tightening of the race. pennsylvania, important to remember, guys. president trump won in 2016 by just 45,000 votes. going to be an interesting day and a lot more jabsz, i think, are going to get thrown. brian, steve, emily? steve: griff, i think you are exactly right. thank you very much. yesterday biden event talk about reopening the schools in the face of covid. biden would like to continue to talk about covid as much as possible because, according to polling he does better on that than the president does. it's interesting, nate silver, the famous polster says president trump is likely to win the electoral college as long as he doesn't lose the popular vote by more than 3%. the electoral college is not really safe for biden unless he wins by 5%, which is interesting. and that is why suddenly he is out of his basement. he had said he is going to be in his basement through the entire campaign. then he said i'm going to come out after labor day. then he popped out earlier this week. and yesterday, he had to do some damage control because what he had said on tape just a couple of weeks ago, not helpful to his message. here's the former vice president on covid in the country and should we have another lockdown. there is no need in my view to shut down the economy. i was asked by david muir if i was willing to shut everything down. i took that as it a generic question am i going to follow the science. steve: follow the science. wait, that's not exactly what he said. he said he would go ahead and do a shutdown, brian. brian: yeah. listen. >> if you are sworn n january and we have the coronavirus and flu combining which scientists have said is a real probability would you be prepared to shut this economy down again. >> i would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives. because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. that is the fundamental flaw of this administration's thinking to begin with. in order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed you have to fix the virus. you have to deal with the virus. brian: so maddening, he is flip flopping all over the place and barely speaks. flip-floppings running ads say he would shut down the country. i don't think many in the country want to be shut down again. talk about a mask mandate. urging governors to do that pretty much the policy we had and he also mentioned is he going to win this race from home because it's the safest thing to do. he hasn't been home now. he has traveled almost every day. what about fossil fuels? steve: what about that flip flop on fracking? brian: yeah, on fossil fuels read my lips i'm going to get rid of fossil fuels it's going to end. then he goes i'm not going to stop fracking. where do you believe him then or now? this is what did i to get the nomination. this is what i'm going to do to try to went election. then what are are you going to do if you get the snofs that's got to make people worried. emily: that's exactly right. remember, that he blamed the fracking flip flopping on president trump lying. when there is montage after montage, clip after clip of him going back and forth on fracking. even then is he getting called out. speaking of the president. the president has threatened to cut federal founding to those anarchist cities governor of new york andrew cuomo has fought back. cuomo wrote my saying my will -- cities that allow them stostles deter united states into lawless zones. imperative that the federal government review the use of lawless zones that permit anarchy and destruction in america's cities. meanwhile the governor sells, governor cuomo says well trump would have to walk in new york city with an army, take a listen. >> look, the best thing he did for new york city was leave. good riddance, let him go to florida. be careful not to get covid. covid ambushed new york due to trump's negligence. he is the cause of covid in new york. changed his residence to go it florida, why? he can't come back to new york. he can't, is he going to walk down the street in new york? forget body guards, he better have an army if he thinks he is going to walk down the street in new york. no, new yorkers don't want anything to do with him and he knows it. steve: there you have got the governor of the great state of new york, is he really angry at the president because the president is saying hey, let's defund these cities that do not uphold the law. and this letter that the administration wrote to the office of management and budget essentially gives bill barr two weeks to identify what they refer to as anarchist jurisdictions where officials have permitted violence. places like seattle and portland and new york city. and it's so curious, brian and emily, when you hear cuomo talk about he will need an army if is he going to step foot in new york city. because when you look at things that mr. cuomo has said in the past. it sounds like mr. trump has actually been very helpful to the empire state and to the governor and people of new york. let's hop in the way back machine here once again, governor cuomo. >> kudos where kudos are due here the vice president and the president responded very quickly. so i want to thank them for that he has been good in delivery for new york. >> he has? >> he has. he has delivered for new york. he is ready, willing, and able to help. >> i do have faith in the president? look, what the federal government did working with states as i just said was phenomenal accomplishment. the federal government steps up and was great partner and i'm the first one to say it. we needed help and they were there. >> so, what a glowing report from a couple of months ago but when you look at what the administration is trying to do. you know, wrangle billions of dollars away from these communities that are not enforcing the law when you look at the data that i am caught yesterday. here in new york city the number of shootings has doubled and number of murders, brian, is up 50%. and if you live in new york city, aren't you thinking twice about do i really need to walk to the grocery store today? brian: yeah. steve: i don't know. brian: steve 242 shootings in new york. last year 91. all right. good luck. 166% surge. a couple things for the governor who is quickly obviously you see his temper and his credibility out the window. nobody is safe walking the streets of new york. i walk in the middle of the day from 48th to 34th. >> it's not a healthy situation. and we have seen some of the video of people getting beat up trying to defend their own businesses. so you should worry about your own streets. number two, if you ask the nypd who actually has had their back as governor cuomo, mayor de blasio or president trump, i think president trump should feel pretty good about it lastly, when you look at what is happening in new york people are saying it's president trump's presidency. you are running this thing. we also know the way our country works mayors and governors run their local jurisdictions. what else the president doing? offering help? did it. why am i writing checks to people who are cutting law enforcement and allowing their cities to be ransacked? maybe i will hold back those checks. this is called taking action. joe biden and governor cuomo can't have it both ways. blame trump for the unrest in chicago, portland and seattle. and at the same time say why are you cutting back funds? you can't have it both ways, emily. emily: that's exactly right, brian. all right. we have some headlines for with you jillian mele. good morning, jillian. jillian: good morning. let's begin with this. a georgia deputy is in critical condition after being dragged by a car. the richmond county sheriff's office says deputy keith pulled the car over during a traffic stop when the suspect tried driving off pulling him through a gas station parking lot. witnesses say deputy was holding on to a car window. is he expected to survive. the sheriff's office says smith is in custody following a manhunt. overnight the sports world mourns the loss of baseball legend, many calling him the greatest man of all time. pitching for the team from 1967 to 1977, winning three cy young awards and a world series. he would play another 10 years in the majors before retiring in 1986. the baseball hall of fame says seaver died after dementia and battle of covid-19. he was 75. chief carmen best leaves the seattle police department after nearly three decades as the city council defunds it. the city's top cop telling npr, quote: i believe 100 percent that they were putting me in a position destined to fail. cutting a police department that already has low staffing numbers that was already struggling to keep up with the demand. how are we going to provide adequate public safety in that environment? that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. steve: she was just trying to do her job needed the tools they wouldn't give it to her. she gone. tragedy. jillian, thank you it. is 7:14 exactly right now in new york city. the trump administration slamming calls to rename some d.c. monuments. but the mayor there is looking for a loophole to make her proposal happen. ben domenech from the federalist joins us to weigh in. he has a lot to say and you will see him next ♪ ♪ to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. iredefined the wordng th'school' this year. and if you're pregnant or planning to be. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen. no one is saying that each of these individuals was a perfect human being. i think that would be hard to say. but i will say this about each monument. each monument was carefully deliberated upon. carefully placed on our nation's mall. >> well, u.s. interior secretary david bern hearted not mentioning words after the committee recommended humannous land marks like the washington monument be removed renamed or contextualized arch ties to slavery or racism. the d.c. mayor now caving to some pressure tweaking it only so only city monuments can be. ben domenech joining us. what if he is not power and what if joe biden is there and 153 assets that have been pointed out as targets of concern? what do you think changes? >> well, i think that the real critique of joe biden isn't that he is going to tear down washington monument. it's that he is too weak to stand up to the people within his own coalition who want to do exactly that and that's what we saw from d.c. mayor muriel bowser and this commission that went through and found all these different problematic entities, problematic historical figures where various things were named after them, including not just the normal folks that you are used to hear about by this pointed. thomas jefferson and george washington but also people like ben frank lineal. people like alexander graham bell. a long litany of things. the problem really is, brian, when you look at their standard it used in this case. it's the d.c. human rights act which includes 21 different categories of problematic situations including a lack of respect for essentially trans rights. and i have something to tell you, brian, if you look at any historical figure of any kind of earlier part of our history, guess what? you know, ben franklin not really known for being ahead of the curve when it comes to lgbtq issues. no one can complete the standards, one that involves a new woke standard that will either recontextualize, shame, put historical context around these various monuments that people take them down. under a biden come down because is he not going to be willing to stand up to these folks. brian: i will give you a scenario going to be asked take down the jefferson memorial. upset about francis scott key statue? of course not. why would i do that? what would stop him from changing his mind once is he in office? nothing. what makes you think as he has shown any tendency to stand up to his left. when the wha watch the way he fp flopped on debates on fossil fuels and everything else? >> i think that joe biden has shown no willingness to standing up to new young wokesters when it comes to changing standards regarding history. he has never shown that he will say to you in response to that question, obviously, come on, man. i do look like a guy who is going to take down the jefferson memorial? but the answer to that is we are not actually worried but. we are worry about the people how enable and how are unwilling to stand up to and who actually run the progressive left today. people who are aggressively seeking to tear down our history. the number one book in civics on amazon today, brian is, a book called in defense of looting written by a transauthor and from my perspective, that really is the definition of the new left. violently destroying or taking your stuff is not violence but using the wrong pronoun is. steve: if yo is.steve. brian: if you change the way we ever teaching in classrooms from first to 12th grade at the same time you are taking away our past and it's happening before our eyes, this is no longer fringe thought and a fear. this is unfoiling in front of us. >> it is the central an maghtd focus of the left today run by these folks who believe that, you know, as one of their famous anti-racist authors has written capitalism is racism and racism is capitalism. they want to tear down all the things that are at the center of the american founding and american life because they hate them. they hate the values that they animate. they hate that the freedom is inherent within them and that views people not as members of different tribes but as individuals deserving of these rights. that's something that is at the core of their agenda now and, unfortunately, i think we are dealing with a political situation that refuses to wrestle with it, pretend it doesn't exist looks the other way. now it's taking on official character as we saw in d.c. brian: ben, biden and sanders sigh length. put biden in in order to have input. they are not getting out of blocks with trump. final thought? >> i just think that this is a situation people have to pay more attention. to say more and more you are going to see this spread. it's not just going to stay in places in d.c. brian: got yourself good add on the trump side if you want to run it and last chance to stop it might be in the debates which we now know who the moderators are going to be. ben, thanks so much. >> good to be with you. brian: all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, minneapolis struggling to rebuild months after riots left nearly 1500 businesses torched and destroyed. an update on the recovery from a business owner whose salon was set on fire. that's next. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen where you live has never no mattermattered more.e, for over 100 years, realtors® have been providing expert guidance, helping people find new places to dream and thrive. when you're ready... look for the r. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? 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>> i haven't got anything, not a penny. >> and you are heart broken because you always figured if i had trouble. and were we're looking at the images, your place was torched on may 29th. if i have trouble i'm going to pick up the phone and the police department is going to help me or the fire department is going to help me. when you needed them the most, they weren't. >> there no, they wasn't. no. they never showed up. i didn't see any police at all patrol my area. no. >> so to add insult to injury and we are looking at the images of your place which was destroyed and have you been out of business and you were already struggling with covid, the city now has torn down your building because they said essentially the building was severely damaged in the fire and the front wall was at risk of collapsing onto the sidewalk because of that danger that posed the city had the wall knocked down to protected the public they knocked it down to protected the public and floor remarks they are sending you the bill. >> that's correct. >> how much is that going to cost you? >> it's going to cost me -- that bill is going to be over 200,000 just for tearing things down. and, you know, putting up a fence there. so it's going to be lots of money that i can't afford that i don't have. >> and we are not even talking about rebuilding. we are just talking about the cost of tearing it down they are talking about more money than you make in a year to pay for the building that was destroyed because you were not protected. am i getting this story wrong? you are right on point. steve: shortly after your business was torched and the riots and looting and all those things, amy klobuchar showed up the governor, governor walsh showed up and they had sad facee but they didn't tell you they were going to help you, did they? >> no, they did not. steve: yeah, so when you saw the president of the united states in kenosha a couple of days ago, how much do you wish that he had gone to minneapolis? i mean, it's not too late, he could still go to try to help the people there who are not being helped by their state and local officials? i wish the president would come and bring his checkbook and stop by 9:21 west broadway, minneapolis. please. steve: yeah, no kidding. what would you tell the president? i would tell him i need help. i have been sitting here since may and i haven't gotten any help at all. if he could, please, mr. president, could you please just come and do something for our business and my community, please, sir. steve: we know your story. but there are 1500 other businesses that were either damaged or buildings destroyed in the same thing. so there are a lot of people in the same boat who are facing the same challenges you are. and it just seems like the state and local people who did not step up to the plate to do something about the violence doesn't look like they really care that's right. absolutely. i don't think they care. i just feel like i'm alone. and i'm sure other, you know, business owners feel the same i know you do have a go fund me page, for people who would like to open up their checkbook and try to help you, flora, we will link, go to for the folks who are watching and we will give you the address of just that. floor remarks good luck, out of curiosity, what's your plan right now? >> my plan is to rebuild my business. i built that business myself and i just want my business back, sir. that's all i want. steve: i know. >> to just get my life back. i want my life back. steve: i understand. and, once again, for the president, what was that street address? >> 921 west broadway, minneapolis, minnesota. steve: well, let's see. >> if he could just drive by and brings the checkbook. steve: yes, ma'am. all right. flora, westbrook, salon owner there in minneapolis. our thoughts and prayers are with you. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. thank you very much. steve: all right. well, there you go. meanwhile, a brand new fox news poll showing joe biden still tops president trump in a number of key battleground states. so should the president be concerned? his campaign manager bill stepien coming up next ♪ we're going to rock this town ♪ we gonna rock ♪ this town ♪ hotels is there. book direct at with acetaminophenction fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection ...causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions... ...neck and injection site pain... ...fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions... ...and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95% of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. so, text to see how you can save. botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. so, ask your doctor about botox® today. emily: welcome back to "fox & friends." the latest fox news poll finding joe biden ahead in key swing states. steve: the former vice president leading by 9 points among likely voters, likely voters in arizona 4 points in north carolina and 8 points in wisconsin, brian. brian: but it shows a consistent gain especially in a place like pennsylvania according to the monmouth poll he was trailing 53-40 now it's 49-45. bill stepien. how different are these polls from what you look like. >> very different and i love fox. i love fox news, i love you guys. i don't love your polls. i look at. steve: won't do don't you like about it? >> 28% of those who voted in 2016 were democrats arizona poll that you are citing includes 48% democrats. the methodology is alittle askew. look, here is the fact if joe biden is actually winning by 9 points in arizona he wouldn't be visiting arizona later next we week. steve: emily? emily: all right. we have an ad we would like to show a bit for you. it's airing in wisconsin it's called lawless listen. >> cory booker joe biden takes a knee. biden and the radical's left weak response has led to chaos and violence. >> your thoughts on that trump campaign ad? >> look, it's scary times in democrat-controlled states and cities. you know, vice president biden own party ayanna pressley encouraging unrest in cities. democrat mayors refusing federal support and help that the president has offered. with joe biden visiting kenosha today, you know, the president was there earlier in the week as president of the united states. vice president biden is there today as a candidate as a political candidate. this is not the time to inject politics into a situation that the president helped solve. i think the ad very clearly points out the contrast between the president wants leadership and the people in vice president biden's party who are encouraging violence on the streets. you don't see many supporters of the president throwing bricks through windows or setting buildings on fire. steve: you know, bill, it's become very clear that the two campaigns have different things they would like to talk about. you would like to talk about law and order and spiraling into chaos. he would like to talk about the federal response to coronavirus. and, in fact, how the administration has, you know, did a terrible job and all the things like that. so, essentially, when you look at the polls, people do rank coronavirus as a more important and pressing topic facing them than law and order. at this point, until they feel like it could actually come to their neighborhood. >> you are exactly right. i mean, when you i think most americans when they looked at violence in portland. when they looked at violence in chicago. that was -- that seemed quite far removed from their own backyards. when they saw violence in kenosha, wisconsin, it was a different story. i think it showed that violence can happen anywhere if democrat leadership is left untethered. so, you know, democrats may want to talk about coronavirus. but the fact of the matter is, you know, violence is out of hand in these democrat governed cities and states. you know, we are forced to talk about it. because, you know, it's an issue on the top of voters' minds. steve: sure, bill, to the points about the democrats would like to talk about the failed response they say by the federal government, but then when you hear joe biden talk about what he would have done differently, essentially, he is saying things that the administration has already done. and in the beginning, certainly there was a learning curve but yesterday, the very hostile peter doocy, that's how he was accused by joe biden, asked him the simple question. mr. vice president, if you were telling the administration back in january that the coronavirus-out the pandemic was going to be really bad. why did you keep having in person rallies, big rallies exposing lots of people to the virus right up through march? and he didn't really answer th that. >> he didn't. listener, joe biden doesn't like to answer a lot of questions. i think you see the peril when his staff puts him out there to try to do so. you see a lot of revisionist history from mr. biden. he stalked about not, you know, going back onto the campaign trail, you know, keeping his supporters and all americans safe because of his perceived concerns about coronavirus. and then the polls tightened. and then he announced a trip, know, 10 days, you know, down the road to states like arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and minnesota. all four places the president visited himself two weeks ago. so it's very convenient for the vice president and his revisionist history. we know pure politics are really what's at play here. brian: some stats show that 45% of biden voters are very comfortable mailing in votes. mail it in. 66% of trump voters are going to show up in person. which led this bloomberg funded group to conclude that trump may win on election day but joe biden, as the ballots come, in and some allow ballots to arrive after election day, and too many battle ground states, things could switch. here is josh medalson. >> we are sounding the alarm and saying this is a very real possibility that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for donald trump. that is likely to be what we see when every legitimate vote is taled and we get to that final day which will be sunday after election day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that a mirage. it looked like donald trump was in the lead. he fundamentally was not. when every ballot gets counted. brian: how likely is that scenario? how often do you think about that? >> guys, this is why the president is so right to talk about his concerns regarding democrat states, governors, and legislatures ramming through last-minute changes mere weeks and days before voting starts and election deo cures. i think that democratic operative made a big mistake in talking about what a lot of democrats think. are you telling me that if democrats in nevada show a super, super close election? remember, the election in new hampshire came down to 1700 votes. are you telling me that democrat operatives in nevada won't be able to find 1701 ballots on the strip among casino workers in the three days after election day? it is scary, scary stuff. the president is right. brian: the attorney general brought it up yesterday and not as an election issue but as a sanctity issue are we going to believe the vote? here we are in the first week of september. if you know this is a scenario and for the country to not know a winner because of maybe, 5, 6, 7, 8, states. what do you now? >> >> well, the attorney general is exactly right. i will would also say it's a threat to national security. it's a threat to continuance of governance for our country not to know who our president is. not for days but weeks. potentially months. it's a real concern. i know our campaign is very aggressive on the legal fronts. challenging these sham bills that are being passed by democrat governors and legislatures. we are very aggressive on this front because our democracy and national security is at stake. steve: you know, i get the argument, but, at the same time, bill, it's because these different states have different rules where sure, we will count your vote three days later after election day. a week, if it's coming in from overseas. every state has got -- it's a patchwork of crazy laws. not everybody has to report by midnight on election night. >> it is. it's one of the -- you know, beauty in my eyes flaws of our american democracy. you know, each state has different rules. different laws. different methods, different ways to count. you know, new hampshire starts their voting at midnight on election day up in dixville notch. every state is different and quangt in some ways dangerous in others. brian: read karl rove's "wall street journal" column spells out the real challenges. if we have this much time before the election day can we avoid this crisis ahead of time? >> well, look, the absentee ballots start being sent n north carolina september 4th. just later this week. so, ballots are being sent as we speak. this is the system in which we are operating. we are fighting any of these last-minute changes democrat governors and legislatures are trying to ram through like we saw in nevada. this is more than just about the -- this president or this elections. this is about the future of our country. emily: bill stepien trump 2020 campaign manager, thank you so much for all of that that was a great conversation. we appreciate it. >> thank you. emily: all right. another major airline planning massive job cuts. what it means for the industry and our economy with fox business charles payne next. ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- easy. brian: unite the airlines cut 16% of its workforce as early as next month, emily. emily: that airline is not alone. american and delta both say they are putting thousands of employees on furlough starting next month unless congress approves another bailout. steve: joining us right now to react is the host of making money on fox business charles payne. charles, the problem is people are still freaked out about getting into airplanes. even though we have heard that they have got the hepa filters and it's relatively safe and delta always keeps a seat away from people. people just aren't getting on. >> >> they are not. the industry talked about the air circulation and like the cruise industry these things are actually safer than most places people are going right now. you know, the public is not going to be suede just that easily. obviously testing and vaccines help. the real message here is the congress. this aviation -- this supplemental help to the aviation, airlines industry runs out september 30th. and, you know, maybe congress wants to address this not just the airlines and hotels the remarkable rebound in this economy shocked everyone how great it's been. going to lose steam without another nudge. i'm shocked at both parties to be honest with you. who the heck has time to go to a hair salon when you have tens of thousands, millions of people who could still lose their jobs. brian: yesterday had you your town hall for people who wanted to invest dave portnoy in barstool and get people to jump in and take part in this. what was your take away, charles? >> first and foremost impressed by dave portnoy. he has made comments and a think a lot of it is needle ling the industry that stocks never go down. here is a guy who stwartd 3 million and admitted that he was down 2 million immediately. he put in another 2 million. so his 5 million is over $9 million now and just a six month period. for me the gist and my whole life, you know, brian, i think i have given you stock tips, right? i want people to invest in the market. not just the market, find these great companies, particularly great american companies that are going to be around after you die. it's just the most amazing money-making machine in the history of mankind. everyone watching this is probably logged ton zoom this year. but i bet you only 1% own the stock. it's just crazy how we explain about the rich criticize it. i will take money from the wealthy. don't take it from them. i want to follow in their footsteps. dave portnoy did just that he has made some mistakes but he is learning from those mistakes and the most important thing to me is procrastination, intimidation and don't let the financial media scare you out of this thing because it should not be about buying one stock or buying the market per se, but a lifelong endeavor to change your life. because it works. emily: charles payne, always the best. thank you so much. catch charles on making money. >> did i leave brian speechless? brian: i can't believe -- i can't wait to check your account later. steve: thanks, charles. ♪ emily: coming up in our final hour, katie pavlich, brad blakeman and former governor mike huckabee. stay with us ♪ ♪ unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free hf handbook. steve: exactly 2 months away from the election. >> our country is great and we will keep it that way. >> mr. president, get off twitter. >> this is more about this president and this election. this is about the future of our country. >> i think big-city mayors, if they would destroy cities, would they allow illegal ballots, that's the question to be answered. >> none of that is going to happen. >> i think you're going see a lot of them come down because he'll not willing to stand up to these folks. >> you can't come back to new york. forget bodyguards, he better have an army. >> are you in touch with trump every single day. >> he has been good for delivering for new york. >> we know who will be moderating the fall debates and our own chris wallace gets first debate between president trump and joe biden. should be interesting. ♪ ♪ brian: all right, welcome to thursday version and final hour unless sandra smith overslept. we will go the fourth hour if we have to. emily, you're filling in for ainsley, appreciate it. emily: we always have the great music, don't we, guys? steve: we do. [laughter] steve: all right, good morning to you all of. final hour of "fox & friends", 61 days away from election month, maybe? anyway, today president trump is heading to pennsylvania as the 2020 race tightness according to certain polls in battleground states. brian: looks like both are starting to campaign like normal, joe biden to go to wisconsin, biden's first visit to the state in nearly 2 years. emily: our own griff jenkins live outside the white house as the president and former vp trade jabs on the campaign trail, griff. griff: hey, emily, brian and steve, brian, i'm not sure it's normal but we are getting an actual on the ground campaign in battleground states starting to size up with the president going to pennsylvania but, of course, joe biden changing his mind, remember on tuesday campaign said no, we are not going kenosha, well, today he's reversing course, excuse me, because he says he's going to be the healer in chief. listen. >> we have to put things together, bring people together. i'm not going to do anything other than meet with -- meetings with community leaders as well as business people and other folks in law enforcement. griff: biden was speaking from wilmington, delaware and speak with the president of jacob blake which the president did not do. >> 3 months ago they were ripping down statutes. i said you can rip them down but you will serve 10 years in jail if you do, as soon as i did that, incredibly you haven't heard about statutes coming down, have you? statutes are monuments, but we are not ashamed of our country, prouder than we are of anything else. in america we don't tear down the past, we celebrate our heros, we cherish our heritage and preserve our history. griff: and the race is tightening in these battleground states. let us show you in pennsylvania head, 4-point lead for biden and fox news latest poll, biden leading on top by 9 in arizona, look in the middle, north carolina it's a 4-point race. in the badger state where biden hasn't visited since october of 2018, he leads by a -- that's down 1 point from when fox took it at the end of may. and, you know, keep your eye on wisconsin, guys, because remember trump only won that edging out hillary clinton by 27,000 votes in 2016 and interesting to see the candidates trading jabs on the ground. we will hear more on that probably today, steve, brian, emily. steve: that's right, we will get more today but we are surprised because we heard joe biden was going to run the entire operation out of basement and looks like after rnc the polls started tightening, next thing you know go out after labor day but apparently polls got tighter and suddenly joe biden popped up a couple of days ago. he had press availability yesterday and answered a couple of questions which means suddenly he's going to have to walk back some of the things he said in the past like yesterday he walked back the fact that he would not necessarily close down the entire economy over covid. he would listen to the science which was different than what he had told david. bill, 2020 campaign manager says get use today mr. biden walking things back. >> you see a lot of revision of history from mr. biden. he talked about not going back on to the campaign trail, you know, keeping his supporters and all americans safe because of his perceived concerns about coronavirus and then the polls tightened and then he announced the trip, you know, ten days, you know, down the road to states like arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin and minnesota, all four places the president visited himself two weeks ago, so it's very convenient for the vice president and revision of history but we know pure politics we know is at play here. if joe biden was winning by 9 points in arizona, he wouldn't be visiting arizona later next week. brian: he has a huge problem with fox polls and methodology, katie pavlic. what issues matter? we want to make sure the vote is right and america's will is in final result and we might not get that in mail-in voting. do you think there's any worry on the left like there is on the right of mail-in voting? >> i don't think so. they have been ignoring cases of election, with most recent primary election in new york with representative carolyn maloney. i don't think there's much concern and the media has been covering for democrats who say that voter fraud just doesn't exist, that mass mail-in voting is just fine despite whether states have cleaned up voter roles and they are sending ballots to eligible voters, people who are still living and people who aren't getting two ballots or ballots people who previously lived at certain addresses. emily: katie, attorney general barr went on cnn and talked about risks states changing rules of mail-in voting at the last minute. take a listen and we would love to get your thoughts. >> we are very closely divided country here and if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government and people trying to change the rules to this -- to this methodology which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is we reckless and dangerous and people are playing with fire. emily: katie, what are your thoughts about that. >> what the attorney general is getting at there if you do not have results in a timely fashion in an area where the country is divided and people disagree about the legitimacy of institutions and questions about why democrats are changing the rules in a bunch of states around the country at the last minute despite the fact that there are mass leftist protests out there, they want poem to engage in mass mail-in voting system and change the rules, the attorney general is warning that that could cause unrest and could cause distrust in the system at a time when things are fragile in america as we have seen over the past just 2 weeks, that is something that we can't afford as a country and they are stoking the flames as he said, playing with fire by wanting to go through something like this and pushing the possibility that we would not have the election results on time and you've seen democrats engage in a strategy here. you have seen hillary clinton say that joe biden should not concede under any circumstances. well, that doesn't really help when it comes to the peaceful transition of power and accepting election results and being able to move forward with the country in a peaceful manner on to the next term no matter who wins the election. >> that's right, i think you're exactly right. i think the way you describe it, we are at a fragile place, there are a lot of people who feel that there are such perhaps foundational changes going on and it freaks some people out, you know, between what we see in the street with law and order and violence and even canceled culture. you look at what everyone is suggesting in washington, d.c., you know what, we are thinking of renaming or contextualizing washington monument, jefferson otherwise we will move them or tear them down or something like that. since then the mayor has said you know what, we are only talking about things on dc, district property, nonetheless secretary of interior had this observation, listen to this, katie, about making big changes to such foundational parts of our country. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial, none of that is going to happen. it's just simply nutty. each of these great individuals did great things. no one is saying that each of the individuals was a perfect human being. each monument was carefully deliberated upon, carefully placed on our nation's mall and if you walk into it and you see the preamble to declaration of independence and other great things i think that gives you a great sense of what america is about. steve: katie. >> he notes that it's a nutty idea but it's a real idea that's been put in writing by leftist politicians who hold the same views of many people in federal government. the main point is national malls belong to all americans. washington, d.c. is not like portland or chicago, washington, d.c. is capital of the united states of america and every monument here belongs to every american and if you thought that taking down confederate statutes, wait until they try to take down national monuments and i believe that they will too, so that is something that the trump campaign and president trump has been talking about. i was at the white house with the president about a year ago, he joked about, yeah, they will go after the national monuments and jefferson memorial, washington memorial, everyone thinks it's a joke and watch it happen. here we are in a document -- i know they've become tracked and say we will do dc property memorials or monuments, but the bottom line is this is not for bureaucrats to decide and the monuments and the city of washington, d.c. belongs to all americans and those monuments mean something to millions and millions of americans and millions of people around the world who come here to see them. brian: yeah, i don't think it matters. if you have a democratic president with democratic mayor and democratic influence on way to the left i don't see joe biden standing in the way as maybe jefferson memorial -- >> i think the american people will stand in the way. brian: maybe. i hope so, katie. appreciate it. let's go over to jillian who is following the rest of the news. jillian: that's right, good morning to you. let's begin with fox news alert now, breaking overnight, sheriff killed in attack, the suspect remains in custody. corporal was 18-year veteran of the force and leaves behind wife and daughter. the armed ranger who helped rescue 70 hostages in iraq will receive medal of honor, white house ceremony is set for september 11th, payne earning the highest honor for valor and combat. his team clearing two buildings with payne going back twice to make sure hostages were free forcibly removing one too squared to move. dewayne the rock johnson confirming he and his family tested positive for covid 1. the actor opening up about recovery on instagram. >> my number one priority is to always protect my family and protect my children, my loved ones and i wish it was only me who tested positive. but it wasn't, it was my entire family, this was a real quick in the gut. jillian: the rock says he his wife and two daughters are no longer contagious. a mangos -- man goes out on a limb in city council. >> i go to family restaurants and i see people throwing this name around and pretending as though everything is just fine. i'm talking about boneless chicken wings. i propose that we remove the name boneless wings, nothing from boneless wings come from the chicken, boneless chicken wings are just chicken tenders which are already boneless. [laughter] jillian: he suggested other names including buffalo-style chicken tepidders -- tenders or saucy nugs. you to love his passion. steve: it's about boneless chicken wings that aren't really wings. [laughter] brian: you've been furloughed and you had to stare at the wall. steve: i will call them boneless chicken wings. brian: i looked up nugs, went blank. steve: try google. did you hear about this funded group warning about chaos it claims trump victory on election day two months from today will be overshadowed once mail-in votes are counted. is that a possibility? we will talk to former special assistant to president george w. bush brad blakeman coming up next. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed you can adjust your comfort on both sides... your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends labor day. we live with at&t and we are well past the honeocupado tom. at&t, what's this i hear about you advertising a 100% fiber network? only like a fraction of my customers can get that. that's it?!? you have such a glass half-empty attitude. the glass is more than half-empty! you need to relax tom. oh! tom, you need a little tom time. a little tt. stop living with at&t. xfinity delivers gig speeds to more homes than anyone. >> when every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to the final day which will be some day after election day, it will, in fact, show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage, it looked like donald trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted. emily: welcome back to "fox & friends", bloomberg sunday group warning of looming chaos come election night. the firm ceo predicting president trump will appear to win big on november third but that joe biden will be declared the winner days later once mail-in votes are counted. here now former senior adviser to the bush-china campaign and former special assistant to president george w. bush, brad blakeman. you say we've learned nothing since the year 2000, tell us why. >> the chaos in florida is to look like a blip on the radar screen with what we are likely to see with massive mail-in voting and changing rules at the last minute and have the rules really tailor to what you need to win rather what the results are. in florida there were 67 counties as to it was uncertain who the winner was and there was automatic machine recount throughout the state but only manual recount, handful of counties, so the best lawyers came down there, the political operatives, the communication's people, you magnify that over several states and hundreds of counties and you're inviting chaos. i think that's exactly what the bloomberg people are doing. they are setting the table for chaos and confusion, intimidation and uncertainty, but i don't agree with them at all with the result. i agree with them that there's going to be confusion because democrats are banking on chaos in order to steal this election. it was done fairly and openly and with uniform rules i wrote for over 2 years ago a warning that we haven't learned our lesson and what we need in america is federal uniform voting standards and federal elections to ensure that the elections are free, fair, open and same rules apply to all. emily: so besides lobbying for that same uniform approach in our final days, what can viewers do at home to prevent against this chaos, then? >> best thing they can do is vote absentee, get their not by mail, request absentee ballot, get it in and if you can appear at voting center in person early and make sure on election day you show up to vote in person, that is the best way to take any human contact with shenanigans out of the equation. if you're allowed to count votes after the election, you know exactly what you need in order to win and that is not fair and i think that's what democrats are banking on, the ability to skew the vote. emily: now you disagree with the chaos prediction, but what is the worst case and what is the best scenarios that you see coming out of november briefly? >> the best case scenario is, again, people voting early, showing up to vote and -- and that is the way to take any human contact, political contact out of the equation in voting and counting. the worst case scenario is you have multiple jurisdictions changing the rules in the last minute and people are uncertain on how to vote, where to vote or mail-in voting massively that creates chaos and tabulation and extends the time in calculating a winner, that's the chaos that could come, very certainly with different rules and different jurisdictions and targeted to those jurisdictions where the rules need to be changed. emily: brad blakeman always a pleasure and insightful. thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. emily: next ahead nancy pelosi is demanding an apology after claiming her trip to the salon was a setup, but the salon owner is firing back denouncing the house speaker's story and shelley luther, the dallas salon owner who defied and stayed open is here a lung cancer diagnosis can leave you holding your breath. ♪ but bristol myers squibb is working to change things. by researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. including options that are chemo-free. because we're committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. brian: hypocrisy around house speaker nancy pelosi after defying shutdown orders and got her done without mask indoors and instead of apologizing, she did this. >> when they said, we are able to accommodate people one person at a time, and we can set up that time. as it turns out it was a setup, i take full responsibility for falling for a setup. brian: the owner denouncing pelosi's story. >> the appointment was already booked, so there's no way i could have set that up and i've had a camera system in there for 5 years, i mean,i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. that's absolutely false. brian: they taped it and knew she was coming in. shelley luther put in jail for defying orders now candidate for senate seat. when you say this, you can relate? >> this doesn't surprise me at all. this is what we've come to expect from politicians these days. it's thinking they are better than us and they can do whatever they want. brian: think about the frustration that they lived through and they are living through and they couldn't open up and have a shot of making a living because of the fear of spreading the virus rather than taking precautions, can you describe what the business owners are going through today when they get permission to do it outdoors? >> i can't even imagine what the business owners are going through in california. i only stayed close for one month and i think they've been closed for what, six months now, i don't even know how they are able to even pay their lease or open their doors. it's horrifying. brian: so this is like pouring salt on the wounds in every respect to see the speaker of the housefly across country, burning fossil fuels according to reports, land and sit there and go from room to room indoors and say she was set up. >> that's a joke and for anyone that believes that, they've got to be kidding themselves and what frustrates me even more is everyone in they're party backing her or not saying anything and that's what's wrong with politics these days. they all back each other, no one comes forward and says you know, what she shouldn't have done that. you know, it's embarrassing or maybe apologize but put salon owner on the spot it's disgusting. well, that's up to the salon owner. i don't know exactly what the california laws are or what their -- what they have put in place but in my salon we require a mask and for nancy pelosi, she should have taken personal responsibility and wore a mask to protect those around her especially if she's keeping people from working. brian: you lost money but up and running, has anyone tested positive since you forced the doors to be opened? >> absolutely not, we have no one test positive for the virus. brian: because you took personal responsibility for people's health didn't you? >> we did and that's why i'm running for office. i want to see what's going on there, the government is not making decisions for the people and i think we need a lot more personal responsibility and a lot less nancy pelosi. brian: as much as this is salon to salon, this is the same thing that they're saying to restaurant owners in new york, you're not opening up indoors, we will wait until the end of the year, what is that like for a business owner, how much you put blood, sweat and tears and sacrifice in hours to know the future is not in your hands. >> you neglect, -- you know, it's disgusting. it's frustrating. brian: any regrets? >> i don't have my regrets except for more people like me should have run for senate sooner. brian: you can't have it both ways, shelley luther, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. brian: best of luck in your election. andrew cuomo with a war of words after president trump threatened to cut funding. >> people will have an -- he better have an army if he walks in new york. brian: former governor mike huckabee weighs in. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> look, the best thing he did for new york city was leave. good riddance, let him go to florida. be careful not to get covid. covid ambushed new york due to trump's negligence, he's the cause of covid to new york, changes residence to go to florida, he can't come back to new york. he's going the walk in new york? forget body guard, he better have an army if he thinks he's going the walk the streets of new york. no, new yorkers don't want anything to do with him and he knows him. brian: threat there. steve: cuomo tore into the president of the united states because the president suggested through the administration that they may try to figure out how to defund certain cities that are anarchist jurisdictions, places where there's such lawlessness on the streets. let's bring in mike huckabee, fox news contributor, former presidential candidate, author of book, 3c's that made america great, christianity, capitalism and the constitution. governor, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: that was the governor last night, all right, we will get in the way back machine, governor, here is the same guy talking about the same president who six months ago he really kind of liked, watch. >> kudos where kudos are due and here the vice president and the president responded very quickly. so i want to thank them for that. he has been good in delivering for new york. >> he has? >> he has. he has delivered for new york. he is ready, willing and able to help. do i have faith in the president, look, what the federal government did working with states as i just said was a phenomenal accomplishment. the federal government stepped up and was a great partner and i'm the first one to say it. we needed help and they were there. steve: so governor, chuck key, can you explain those two people in the same body? >> there's a word for it, steve, it's called hypocrisy. this is a governor, cuomo when he gets what he wants he's loving on trump and then it's election time, he has to play the role of bad guy and trashing the very president that he praised and reached out and helped new york. he would need an army to walk-through new york, the truth is he has an army. he's president. you know what cuomo doesn't care about innocent elderly and single moms walking the streets of new york, they need an army to walk the streets of new york and they don't have one. why doesn't he protect them? that's the real story and all those talk about trump leaving, trump ain't the only one leaving new york. thousands are leaving new york as quick as they can get out of there. the best business in new york right now is the u-haul business. get the heck out of there because nobody wants to live there anymore and the people that are left are the ones who can't leave. brian: by the way if you ask nypd if who they want to guard the governor or the president, i think they already answered. meanwhile let's talk about your op-ed for a second. you write this judge trump and biden by actions on law and order and not their words, what do you mean? >> let me give you an example, tim scott put serious proposal on police reform that should have been embraced by both parties because they were supposed to be solving an issue and what the dems said we want amendments, he said put them all on there, as many as you want and they -- instead of taking the answer yes, they didn't just take a knee, they took a hike. so they are not serious about this and that's what i'm saying. if they were serious about reform and law and order, they've had an opportunity to come to the table and instead they've taken to the streets, they've burned and looted and they have been silent about that for months and only when the polls started reflecting that people are sick and fed up with it they started saying, looting and rioting, they are not a really good thing for america but it took months to come to that conclusion. emily: governor, we'd love to hear about your new book that's out now. the 3c's that made america great. what can you tell us about it today? >> there are underpinnings of the united states and made our country great. first judeo-christian understanding that we are individuals. we are not who we are because we are part of a collective system and we are who we are because individually god made us and god lost us and god has a purpose for us and that's an important message that this country was founded on, the idea of individualism, that i'm not stuck where i was started if i was i would be catching chickens in hope, arkansas renting where i started. i'm not, something about the individual freedom that this country was built on, capitalism is the idea that i can actually own property, i can pick my own job, i don't have to be, you know, a candle maker because my father was like benjamin franklin's father was and that's why he loved the country. and then the constitution, amazing document, a document unlike any other that created a federal government and the primary thing of the constitution is surprising to many people who never studied it and that is this, the constitution doesn't tell the people no, it tells the government no. it empowers people and restrains and restricts the government. that is a unique kind of policy and document for a government to live under and we are blessed to be in the united states and i talk about why. brian: and all three are in jeopardy or maybe on the ballot november third. steve: it's available now everywhere. the three c's that made america great, thank you, sir. 16 minutes before the top of the hour on this really busy thursday. what kind of day do we have ahead, janice dean joins us with that, hey, jd? janice: hello, let's talk about the tropics first of all. we have a couple of areas of concern. omar, although moving away from land bringing rift currents and rough surf to east coast and we have nana which made landfall across central america overnight last night, now a 50-miles-per-hour storm as it continues to bring heavy rain and gusty winds. areas of concern, we are watching this area in orange that could develop and potentially affect the u.s. over the next couple of days, but for now the weekend is quiet. let's take a look at forecast for the rest of the country. the southwest and california very warm temperatures, 20 to 25-degrees above average. so the heat is going to be dangerous. still dealing with heat across the south for houston and louisiana, mississippi and then we also have the potential for showers and thunderstorms over parts of the central and southern plains where some inches of rainfall could last for several hours and bring the potential for flash flooding. oh, one more thing. we have the potential for severe weather today for parts of the mid atlantic and northeast including cd and philadelphia, so we will keep you up to date and i have an announcement. i'm doing something fun tonight on fox nation, it's called happy hour with tom, you know what, brian, i think you've appeared on this once or twice on happy hour. brian: yeah, you're going to absolutely love it. there is no dress code. steve: you're leaving the good part out. i've done it too and you actually get to drink liquor because it is happy hour. right. janice: i love it. pajamas and drinking. see you. brian: sounds like every day for you, janice. [laughter] steve: thank you very much. brian: that's janice dean. meanwhile watch her on happy hour tonight. the nation mourns fallen st. louis officer, that happened last weekend, tunnels to towers wants to honor hero in that incredible way. that announcement is coming up next. ything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist! talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. talk to your doctor or pharmacist yeah. this moving thing never gets any easier. well, xfinity makes moving super easy. i can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. wow, that is easy. almost as easy as having those guys help you move. we are those guys. that's you? the truck adds 10 pounds. in the arms. -okay... transfer your service online in a few easy steps. now that's simple, easy, awesome. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. visit today. sandra: good morning, everyone, nancy pelosi refuse to go apologize for her maskless visit to shuttered hair salon earlier this week calling it a setup. we will have more on that. 61 days out from election day, another day of dueling speeches by biden and president trump. biden in wisconsin and president trump in pennsylvania. what is their message? charlie kurtz will join us on that. better have an army if he walks down the street of new york. kayleigh mcenany joining us top of the hour. see you live from america's newsroom in moments. jillian: we begin with fox news alert, weekly jobless claims released, 881,000 unemployment claims were filed last week, that's less than predicted, more than 59 million americans have filed for unemployment since pandemic started in march. target fires an in-store starbucks barista for creating poisonous blue lives matter drink. this was posted on tiktok. now deleted video show barista pouring bleach in a cup mixing it with blue powder and calling it the blue lives matter drink. target says it fired the worker from indianapolis store tweeting, quote, the video is appalling and unacceptable. we don't tolerate this behavior at target. well, fox news very own chris wallace select today moderate the first trump-biden presidential debate. anchor received widespread praise after monitoring the third debate between then candidate donald trump and hillary clinton in 2016. the trump-biden debate is set for september 29th in cleveland. steve: all right, thank you, jillian. well, the nation in mourning after a brave st. louis, missouri police officer was killed in line of duty while responding to call on saturday. officer left behind a wife and 3 children. terrible story. well, the tunnel to towers foundation is stepping in to honor the hero and help his family in a significant way. joining us chairman and ceo of tunnel to towers found frank, frank, good morning to you. i know that these kind of stories, you know, tear us apart when we hear about these men and women who are doing their jobs and ever since 911 tunnel for towers have been heros for 911, that's includes this particular family. what do you want to tell that family this morning? >> i want to tell them that the sacrifice he made for his family and community, that they will not have to worry anymore and the tunnel to power -- tower foundation will pay mortgage in full. without them, we don't have a nation. what is wrong with people? we need our law enforcement to know that we have their back and at tunnel to towers foundation we will make sure that we do and any officer that gets killed, shot and killed in line of duty, we will make sure that we take care of their families left behind and we ask everybody to join us on this mission to go to, we are asking for $11 a month so we can help every police officer, every first responder across this country that give their life for us to have the great life that we have and we can't do -- we can't have a nation without them. steve: frank, you're exactly right in your comments about how there is a narrative in certain sections that describes law enforcement as the bad guys, but they're not the bad guys, they are the thin blue line in many cases that are out there to protect us. on this particular evening in st. louis, there was a barricade situation and officer borhanon shot in the head and i know that you made the generous offer to the family and they will certainly accept it, but tell us more about this man? >> well, he grew up in that neighborhood. officer bohanon grew up in the neighborhood, he was still living in the neighborhood, his family is right there. this is his community and he wanted to protect his community because he loved that community and to give his life is just -- it's just so sad, but you know, these are -- they're willing to die for you and me, steve, these great law enforcement officers and we, you know, it's incredible how they are treated and we've got to turn that around in america. we have to be grateful to them for those who protect us and not spit on them, throw bricks at them or in this case shoot them and, you know, they leave behind a family. we just had a genesis who is a daughter and sound familiar. she recently came on with us and said police officers have families too. they have families too and we have to make sure that we respect them and take care of them but the tunnel to towers foundation will always be there for law enforcement, that's for sure. steve: indeed, after the news stories and headlines a week or so later people forget things but you guys never forget and that's why it is such a wonderful organization. you see this guy on tv because he's got a heart of gold and he's trying to help these families. you like to check in on him go to frank, thank you very much for joining us on this thursday. >> thank you, god bless america. steve: god bless america. god bless your soul to b of course king's hawaiian. are you currently using a whitening toothpaste, but not seeing results? try crest 3d whitestrips. its enamel-safe formula lifts and removes stains to provide 100% noticeably whiter teeth or your money back. try crest 3d whitestrips. that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at >> thanks so much for watching the show. emotion look, thank you for fulg in for ainsley. i guess steve you have four seconds to say goodbye. >> see you tomorrow, everybody. >> sandra: fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi is refusing to apologize for visiting a shuttered salon earlier this week klaij it was a setup. the salon owner is firing back. >> she has been coming in there. the fact that she came in and didn't have a mask on. i just thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families and she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, why are we shut down? why am i not able to have

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200903

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been substantial -- people trying to change the rules to this methodology is reckless and dangerous. and people are playing with fire. >> we now know who will be moderating the fall debates, our own chris wallace gets the first debate between president trump and joe biden. it should be interesting. ♪ everybody saying hey, y'all ♪ wil hey y'all brian: our first floor is ready that's an indication from the statue of liberty from the far shot to in-house shot. it gets kind of exciting. sooner than later go upstairs and downstairs. maybe life will go back to normal. maybe on the couch soon. what do you think? steve: wouldn't that be great? you know, apparently the federal government through the cdc has told states to prepare for a vaccine end of october or early november. so, emily, it sounds like there could be an october surprise. and it's a september surprise to have you with us today for ainsley. emily: thanks, guys. good morning to you both. the pleasure is always to be filling in for ainsley. and a good morning from all the way across the country in seattle. steve: there you go. we are on the east coast and west coast. thanks for joining us on this thursday. meanwhile, today, president trump is actually heading to latrobe, pennsylvania over to the arnold palmer airport as we are exactly two months away from the election. brian: wow, back to pennsylvania. there he goes. his 2020 opponent joe biden set toe visit kenosha, wisconsin today. it's biden's first visit to the state in nearly two years. he flip flopped a couple times, emily, about going. emily: very true and now he is. griff jenkins our own is live in washington as the president and former vp trade jabs on the trail about those very topics. griff? griff: good morning, emily, brian, and steve. they are trading jabs battling handful of states where the race is clearly tightening and could determine the outcome of the election. biden's strip a turn about as the campaign said on tuesday he would not go to kenosha for fear of causing a quote tus sell on the ground. now the former veep says law enforcement, community leaders and business leaders. >> we have got to heal, bring things together, bring people together. i have got advice from sitting members of the congress and the senate as well that i should go. i'm not going to do anything other than meet with -- meetings with community leaders as well as business people. and other folks in law enforcement. griff: he will also meet with the family of jacob blake which president trump did not do. he made the announcement from wilmington, delaware while slamming his handling of the coronavirus as president trump who was visiting the other whippington honored world war ii veterans at the battle ship in north carolina. >> three months ago they were ripping down statues. i said you can rip them down but you are going to serve 10 years in jail if you do. as soon as i did that, incredibly, i haven't heard about statues coming down, have you? statues or monuments. we are not ashamed of our country. we are proud of our country. prouder than we are of anything else. in america, we don't tear down the past, we celebrate our heroes. we cher liberal our heritage. we preserve our history. griff: biden heads to wisconsin where the president heads to pennsylvania and you see here the latest polls have shah flunk pennsylvania for 4 point lead for joe biden. fox news latest poll, it shows a tight 4 point race in north carolina as well. in wisconsin, whereby den has not visited in 674 days. he leads by 8 points. we will see what the president has to say in latrobe as you rightly pointed out, steve, home of arnie palmer and my in-laws. i will have insight tomorrow praption from on the ground. emily, brian, steve. steve: do they have their own airport? come on, griff, please. griff: they don't have their own airports little known fact my mother was once the administrator of that little airports. steve: buried the lead. griff, thank you very much. all right, so, as we said at the beginning of the program, the election is two months from today because today is september 3rd. the election is on november 3rd. now, the big difference about the last time we voted is there's this pandemic going on, right? and there are a lot of people who are simply freaked out. they are over 65 or they are in a vulnerable condition. and they are afraid that if they go to vote they may get coronavirus. and, of course, there are a number of different states that are saying you know what? we will just send ballots to everybody. that could be a problem. and, you know, going forward, you are going to hear from the attorney general in just a little bit. but, right now, what both sides need to do they need to make sure that everybody who is interested in them gets out and votes. ultimately though, karl rove says for the president he has got to expand the number of people who are on his side. >> the president's base is with him and no president ever gets elected. nobody ever gets elected president on the basis of their base only. and so the president has to continue to do what he did during the republican convention. and that is make an appeal for a broader group of people. for you is burr ban nights particularly college-educated women who may like what he is doing but don't like how he has done it. african-american voters particularly young black males who say you know what? when 17, 18, and 19, i actually had better prosperities than i had when barack obama was president and because ever the policies of donald trump. >> steve: going forward, joe biden would like to make this all about coronavirus because he scores better when you look at the polls than donald trump does. but donald trump, at the same time, is, you know, he sees what's going on in the streets regarding law and order or law and disorder and violence in some spots and donald trump would like to make it a referendum on that. and he says he is the best guy. brian: do you know what i want, steve? i want whoever gets the most electoral votes to win. i want the electoral college to be accurate. that's what worries me and maybe others who are looking at this dispassionately about the result. because, for the first time, some of these states are saying because of the pandemic i'm just going to mail you ballots. i'm going to flood the zone with ballots. karl rove writes today who we just heard from the problem with the ballots is not that we can't do it and not that the post office would hold it up. the rules change between states. in georgia, a federal judge says it's safe. you can go to elections day including ohio, north carolina, minnesota and nevada. are you okay with that? meanwhile william barr just says listen, nobody is against mail-in ballots. they understand absentee ballots. he actually does early voting the problem is towrming. went on cnn. i'm not sure the message got. in listen. >> this is sort of cheap talk cheap talk to get around a fundamental problem a bipartisan commission jimmy carter and james baker said in 2009 that mail-in voting is fraught with the risk of fraud and coercion. >> didn't senator. >> no. sorry. let me talk. >> yeah. >> the only time the narrative changed is after this administration came in. but elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion. >> there are individual cases but as far as widespread fraud, we haven't seen that since -- >> -- we haven't had the widespread use of mail-in ballots as being proposed. we have had absentee ballots from people who request them from a specific address. now what we are talking about is mailing them to everyone on the voter list. when everyone knows those voter lists are inaccurate. this is playing with fire. we are very closely divided country here. and if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and legitimacy of the government. and people trying to change the rules to this methodology which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is reckless and dangerous. and people are playing with fire. brian: just mark his words, too. earmark that tape. 66% of trump supporters say they are going to vote in person or intend to. 47% of biden's people say they are going to mail-in their ballots. here's the problem. you have got to then get the mail-in ballot and compare signatures with the voter roles. six states don't allow you to do this until election day. so if you are getting millions or tens of thousands of ballots for the first time ever in a state that never did this before especially, how are you going to be comparing signatures? then if it's very close in come the lawyers. they will say why did you throw this one out? why did you throw this one snout why did you throw this one out? you can see what william barr is saying. is he not saying i want biden or trump to win or lose. is he saying chaos is not good for the country, emily. emily: that's exactly right, brian. us lawyers tend to mess everything up, don't we? steve: thanks. emily: he was clear that he was specifically differentiating not only that potential for fraud but also the logistical nightmare. keep in mind that the usps has come out and admitted that they are i will equipped to manage or handle any type of thing of that magnitude and any kind of issue of that magnitude. they have already come out and said that logistic cam nightmare. it's simply that this administration the narrative has become so different from those on the left. switching topics here for a second. i know we have all heard about hair gate, right? nancy pelosi going through her closed salon without a mask. but she now says that she is owed an apology. brian: yes. emily: she is only sorry for falling for what essentially was a set-up. take a listen to the owner of the hair salon erika who says differently. >> she had called the stylist or her assistant did and made the appointment. >> yes. >> so the appointment was already booked. so there is no way i could have set that up. and i have had a camera system in there for five years. i mean, i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. this isn't even political. it's the fact that she actually came in and didn't have a mask on. if she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down? why am i not able to have clients come in? since this happened, i have received nothing but hate text messages, death threats. they are going to burn my hair salon down. steve: there she is right there. those images were from monday when she went in. and it was on tuesday that the city of san francisco said you could get a hair cut. but it had to be outside. and so, as we just saw from the woman who says now she is probably going to be run out of town because of the death threats and the bad yelp reviews and stuff like that. she just put out the video. she released the video to show the hypocrisy. and, in fact, yesterday, the president retweeted and this brings us full circle to this story and the last one, the president retweeted a video of nancy getting a hair cut. if nancy pelosi can get her hair cut in person, can you vote in person. here's nancy pelosi and man, is she steamed that she got caught. >> i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that i have been to over the years many times. and that when they said what we're able to accommodate people one person at a time and that we can set up that time, i trusted that. as it turns out, it was a set-up. so i take responsibility for falling for a set-up. this salon owes me an apology for setting up. steve: apparently, well, you know -- brian: no one is buying that. steve: now it's back and forth. hard for her to argue with the video it. just looks like there is a set of standards for certain people and for everybody else it does not apply. brian: by the way -- go ahead, emily. emily: there is a different set of standards, you guys. that's the whole problem withish shah. osha doesn't apply, foia doesn't apply. not to mention chappaquiddick and bill clinton and the slush fund. it is par for the course. that's what so frustrating. the people who make the laws obey a separate set of rules than those of us who have to abide by it. this is just the latest one. as you pointed out, brian, just that she got caught on video that she has to acknowledge it even then she side steps it. brian: walking around without a mask. she knew ahead of time had her staffer call in ahead of time asked for preferable treatment no. one asked her to get a hair cut. why don't you get a hair died and have a smock four. show up on monday i'm sure there is no cameras there. this is just an example. governor northam of virginia beach walking around without a mask. visited georgia and hugged the mayor without a mask on. he was also caught walking, i believe, on the streets without a mask on. and then governor ted wheeler that genius is at a protest in portland, oregon and then we have the philadelphia mayor kennedy eating inside a maryland restaurants while stopping everybody from eating inside a philadelphia restaurants with. so these are lawmakers who look down on their people, don't have enough respect for their people. they want to oppress and affect our lives. when it comes to leadership, they know better. steve: look, brian, something have you been talking about during the entire pandemic and that comes down to small businesses. you know, how would you feel if you are the salon. brian: outraged. steve: salon across the street. wait a minute, they are open? they have got people in there not wearing masks and i'm shut down and i had to lay everybody off? you wonder why suddenly america has such high pressure when it comes to these issues because there is a double standard. brian: keep listening. and no one is buying her explanation, i hope. meanwhile jillian mele. jillian: can you wear a mask while getting your hair washed it. is possible. steve: i did it this morning. jillian: exactly. start off with fox news alert. breaking overnight a michigan sheriff corporal killed in a attack. brian searcy while he was on duty in a jail in downtown detroit. the suspect remains in custody. corporal was an 18 year veteran of the force. he leaves behind a wife and daughter. and breaking overnight, protesters gather outside a washington, d.c. police station after a deadly shooting involving officers. police say they were responding to calls of an armed man in southeast d.c. when he this found several people around a car. two of them tried to run. police say 18-year-old dion kaye pulled out a gun during the chase. that's when officers opened fire. kaye was taken to the hospital where he later died. two other suspects were arrested. the officers involved are reportedly on administrative leave. the army ranger who helped rescue about 70 isis hostages in iraq will receive the medal of honor. the white house ceremony for sergeant major thomas patrick payne is set for september 11th. payne earning the military's highest honor for valor and come bat in a daring raid on isis compound in 2015. his team clearing two buildings with payne going back twice to make sure all hostages were free forcibly removing one too scared to move. fox news is' very own chris wallace selected to moderate the first trump biden presidential debate. received widespread praise after moderating the third debate between then candidate donald trump and hillary clinton in 2016. the trump-biden debated is set for september 29th in cleveland. steve: congratulation tolls chris, he will be great. thank you, jillian. it's 6:17 on this thursday morning. >> president trump's operation legend vowing to restore law and order to major cities. our next guest leading that charge in the state of ohio. he will break down the efforts there coming up next. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york city and seattle, washington. good morning, lady liberty. ♪ i won't back down ♪ ♪ no, i'll stand my ground ♪ won't be turned around ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask y♪ you know limu,g teen after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. 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>> yeah, well, we are in these cities because we have the support of the community. we have the support of the local leadership. and we have the support of the local police departments. and what you are seeing across the country are the results that speak to that support. and we're able to take 2,000 violent fugitives and violent criminals off the streets because we have the support of the community. and then we can demonstrate to them that we have had results here. we have taken over 500 guns off the street. we have charged almost 500 people federally under operation legend. we even have taken seven kilos of fentanyl off the street. that's enough fentanyl to kill the entire population of detroit and chicago combined. emily: illustrating some of that success operation legend has made multiple arrests. here are a few of the numbers. here are. so defendants charged with federal crimes. 89, kansas city missouri 99, chicago illinois we have 103. can you tell us what are some of the challenges you are facing or some more resources that you would like to see moving forward? >> yeah. in these city that's tremendous effort the numbers you read off there, two weeks, four weeks in st. louis that they have been able to charge that many people federally. what we look for in terms of resources is exactly what the president and the attorney general have provided in these nine cities, which is supplementing existing federal tax foxes with federal agents. providing a place for police officers to work with our federal agents to identify the most violent criminals on our streets, to take them off the streets and to ensure that the community has some breathing space here to get through the remainder of the summer and fall without the violent crime that we have seen surging across the country over the past several months. emily: operation legend. justin herdman, u.s. attorney, thank you for coming on the show today. >> thanks, emily. emily: with millions of people out of work and businesses shutting their doors for good, have the shutdowns been effective in the next guest says the lockdown was a failed experiment that did not help stop the spread. the numbers after the break. ♪ new advil dual action with acetaminophen fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. brian: gadd you are watching "fox & friends." now this. in just two hours spacex is expected to launch 60 more satellites from cape canaveral comes just days after another successful spacex launch. already launched about star light satellites. very productive. nasa boost as system artemis missions to the moon. watch this. >> 3, 2, 1, fire. brian: i think that's success. the test lasting just over two minutes producing more than thr, exclamation point. an important milestone as nasa aims to boots on the ground by 2024. steve? steve: brian, thank you. meanwhile down here on earth businesses around the country still closed and millions out of work. so have the lockdowns been effective? well a op-ed says data shows the covid-19 lockdowns are a failed experiment and did not contain the spread of the disease. the author of that article, donald luskin from the analytics firm trim macrojoins us right now. fox news medical contributor and author of "make america healthy again dr. nicole saphier. good morning to both of you. >> hey there. >> good morning. steve: don, this op-ed you wrote really got our attention. in particular, at the end of the first sentence, first paragraph you say but now the evidence proves that lockdowns were an expensive treatment with serious side effects and no benefit to society. you know, you would think the logic and dr. saphier is going to talk about that in a moment. if you keep people away from each other, that would have done something but you said you analyzed the data and that's not the case. >> look, there is always a difference between theory and practice. sounds great if you say it fast the you should contain a contagious disease by keeping people away from each other. the reality is if you look at it country by country, state by state, zip code by zip code you track people's cell phones if they were out in the world and sheltering in place. it turns out it actually makes no difference. that the states and zip codes and the countries that sheltered the most didn't get any better results than the ones that sheltered the least. it's expensive to lockdown it. cost people their jobs. it cost people their health. so don't do it unless there is strong correlation with good results. and the numbers are in. there is no correlation. steve: you also write that the only factor that seems to make a demonstrable difference is the intensity of mass transit use. so rather than lockdown the country, maybe we should just address mass transit. >> it wasn't until new york had already passed peak cases and peak deaths that they finally decided that shut down those filthy subways at night and clean them. now, what a concept to clean the new york city subways. you think that would have occurred to these geniuses a couple months earlier but, no. it turns out statistically that's the only thing that makes a difference. age, race, income, sunshine doesn't matter, it's just rapid transit. steve: all right, dr. saphier, what do you think? >> well, you know, i think that any level of criticism and skepticism are crucial when it comes to policy, especially health policy because public health can be messy. but the truth is, steve, that i can find a model or anything to fit whatever narrative of your choice. but, ultimately, when you take -- when you look at the different areas of the united states, the northeast, one that was hit the hardest, the reason that it was hit the hardest, one, it is a large urban travel hub. we had international travel early on. the virus was spreading before we even knew it was. and unfortunately, those lockdowns happened at a time where we already had massive circulating virus and those lockdowns coupled with failed policies and decisions led to these high deaths. specifically at nursing homes. now, then you see looking at the same cell phone tracking data, you actually saw the next wave of cases say in the southwest and in the south was from people directly traveling from the northeast. had we perhaps halted interstate travel, you would have seen less cases going further. and now, thankfully, we have a decrease in new cases and we also have a decrease in deaths. the only place that you are seeing rise in cases right now is in the midwest. why is that? this is a more sprawled area but the cases are slowly trickling there. you have kids going back to school and they're going to have outbreaks. bottom line a lot of lockdowns were not implemented correctly. they really weren't, steve. that's why have you such detrimental consequences because of this. had we focused more on the social distancing, the mask-wearing and really just gaining knowledge of the vice and how it's transmitted it would have been much better as well as less afternoons interstate travel. steve: don, final word going forward it's been suggested there could be a second wave or flare up coming with the onset of the flu season as well. >> correct. steve: your advice to the medical professionals regarding policy and the administration would be, what? it? >> would be do no harm. we have thrown enough people out of work. we have closed down the health system effectively to people suffering from anything at all, other than covid. we have got more divorces, more alcoholism, more suicide, more depression. people aren't getting their cancer screening. they are not going to emergency rooms. enough is enough. the data is in. lockdowns don't help. let's not inflict that upon ourselves again. that is my advice. steve: and dr. saphier? >> while i agree that all of those are negative consequences that needed to have been avoided, i think lockdown does have some effect but i don't think that should be a strict as they once were because as we know the negative consequences likely will far outweigh that of the virus itself. steve: good chat with both of you, dr. nicole saphier and donald luskin who has an op-ed on thank you very much. it is 25 minutes before the top of the hour, the trump administration now slamming calls to rename places like, you know. the washington monument and jefferson memorial and relocate d.c. monuments. the mayor is looking for a loophole to make her proposal happen. cpac chair matt schlapp fired up on deck next. ♪ we didn't start the fire. i'm making sandwiches! on king's hawaiian bread! yum! king's hawaiian. now that the rent's due but they've cut your pay. now that the virus has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. now that our president has had months but he still doesn't have a plan. what happens now? 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>> yeah. that's right, brian. because what we have seen already in these states run by socialists is that the desire is and we saw in these primaries flood the system with weak ballots in terms of their legitimacy. and then make a subjective determination on whether or not they can be counted or not. so the difference is the state says we going going to mail everybody on our list even though we know our 10%, 12%, we will put all these ballots outs. those ballots come back, in now we have a way to count people who in any other system would never be considered a legitimate vote. in the state of nevada and other states we keep talking about signature checks on these ballots. do you know what they have done in nevada and these states they have weakened the match by 50%. so you could have a fraudulent signature but because the signature checking computer process is so weak they could get through the system. i spent these 36 days during the florida recounted, let me tell you if a race is close, it comes down to the subjective determination of the government officials looking at those ballots. that means an individual can decide i'm going to count it or i'm not going to count it. if it's close, these people with literally shift the outcome of an election. brian: brian matt the thing is problem in florida. so-called brook brothers riots with hanging chad's and whether this ballot should have been eliminated or not. there is a forecast you, matt. this is going to be to the tenth power. this is going to be happening weeks after the election in multiple states unless one side poll something way off is going to just run away with this thing. >> yeah. two points here, brian. the reason why i was a part of that brooks brother riot as a much younger man i must say. is because they took the ballots and they had a democrat and a republican observer to look through the ballots. and some of the counties i was in, we went through these ballots 1, 2, 3 times. and they would make different determinations on what bucket those ballots went. in they took them behind the doors, brian so, that there couldn't be any more observers. and that's why we ran up there and started screaming and chanting because you have got to have transparency second thing is the mail system loses 5% of mail. voting by mail is already inherently more risky for any voter. number two, they are not requiring post marks on all these jurisdictions. so, if they say we can take up to 7, 8, 9, 10 days to wait for ballots to come in, you literally could have voters in democratic systems on election day, after election day. they could make it up without having post marks on the ballots. now, can you say i'm a conspiracy thirst, well, let's do. this let's have regulation that make it very clear you can't vote after election day because everything will get a postmark. let's make something else very clear you can't vote by mail, which i'm totally for voting by mail. but you can't vote by mail unless you followed the rules and you are properly registered. and in all of these ballots, we need to have a system now. and maybe the federal government needs to mandated it because of one person, one vote. when somebody votes illegally they're diluting every legal vote. let's make sure that there is a system to make sure they can't jm it n. a bunch of illegal ballots at the end. look, i think these big city mayors watching destroy their cities. do you think they would do anything to defeat trump? brian: yes. >> if they are willing to let their cities literally go to rack and ruin with rioters? i no longer believe that de blasio and light foot and bowser and these people. if they will destroy their cities to defeat trump, would they actually allow illegal ballots to be counted? isn't that an easy question to answer? emily: matt, speaking of big city mayors we would like to get your thought on another topic that's the push to tear down and change monuments in big cities. david bernhard the secretary of the interior weighed in on the d.c. mayor reviewing committee recommendations to change monuments, take a listen and then we will get your thoughts. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen. it's just simply nutty. each of these great individuals did great things. no one is saying that each of these individuals was a perfect human being. each monument was carefully deliberated upon. carefully placed on our nation's mall. and as you walk into it and you see the preamble to the declaration of independence and other great things, i think that gives you a great sense of what american exceptionalism is about. emily: now, matt, the mayor sort of tweaked it afterward and said this will only relate to city monuments. now your thoughts on this. >> yeah, so let's be clear, this is all part of the cancel culture. we thought those of us who were speaking from the conservative point of view were the victims of this now it's absolutely earn. they first said it's a confederate generals and people of the confederacy and a lot of us warned that it would spread to the founders. now it's founders that are no longer acceptable in their point of view and role in our history isn't acceptable. do you know what this reminds my wife's family of who fled communist cuba? this is what communist and socialists do they rip down the statues, they rip down the history. they remake the history. that is what is going on in our country. it's a desire to re -- when barack obama said transform america, i don't think we all understood it. what it means is america is bad. its founding is repugnant. and we need to refashion a new america. and i think the democrats are making a massive mistake. the cities the dysfunctionality of the cities, the murders, the riots, the chaos, it's now about ripping down, think about d.c. it's all about tourism in d.c. that's the dollars that come in because they don't have the property taxes that you have in other cities. they are literally willing to risk this buoyant tourism industry in an effort toe try to destroy everything about what's beautiful about this country and the re-election chances of donald trump. but it's going to bomber rang because the american people can see this for what it is. steve: will it boomerang or just end on november 4th. stay tuned. matt schlapp we thank you very much for joining us live from d.c. >> thanks, steve. brian: steve, the question is would a president biden stand up to a democratic mayor with the sentiment of the left of his party to take down these monuments? maybe not the washington monument but the others. and i think the question is he won't. steve: well, let's see. all right. it is exactly 12 minutes before the top of the hour. did is a busy news day with the weather and janice is front of the tropical map again and that is never good. janice: listen. the good news is neither of these are going to effect the u.s. omar weakening and moving away from land and nana recall bleez. frontal bound along the front. showers and thunderstorms in the forecast. rainfall behind it cooler drier air. very fall-like temperatures for some folks. and the past 24 hours we had the potential for those showers and thunderstorms across the central u.s. as well as the mid-atlantic. where we could actually see severe storms today including large hail. damaging winds, heavy rainfall and even isolated tornadoes. keep that in mind if you live around the philadelphia, d.c. area. your forecast today very warm across the south as well as the southwest. we're going to see high heat warnings for the weekend, for parts of california yet again. dangerous heat, 20 to 25 degrees above average and wildfire danger again as we head into friday, saturday and sunday. all right. that's your forecast. emily, steve, brian, back to you. brian: all right. thanks so much. janice, meanwhile in ohio, school district cracking down on the thin blue line flags, yep, after players carried it onto the field to honorable one of their cochesz. our next guest wrote a scathing letter to the superintendent. he will share that message next. not even our competitor's best battery can match the power of energizer. because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. backed by science. matched by no one. we've been home. to the brave men and women who build and serve our communities; who teach our children; and who care for us in our time of need in honor of our 50th anniversary, we're committing over $30 million dollars to new student scholarship funds. because we believe in the pursuit of purpose, in the causes you champion, and in the difference you make in the world. welcome to national university. apply for your scholarship today at brian: school district in ohio restricting the use of thin blue line flags at athletic events. these players carried a flag on field to honor their coach. understandable how it could be interpreted as racially motivated here to react is county commissioner ralph who wrote a scathing letter back to the superintendent. so, ralph, why would supporting policemen be racially motivated? >> that was the question. i could not find any good cause or any good reason that that would have anything to do with race. that blue line represents all officers all races, religions, it's absolutely absurd. brian: i mean, why can't do you both? since when is supporting police officers something that's controversial? >> i think that's just the direction we are going to in this country it seems that anything that is pro-police is a bad thing. those men there entered the field with one of their coaches as a police officer and had the american flag and respect and just to place rerespect and gratis to their coach came out with a blue line flag. three days later we get this letter sent out to the district that this will no locker be allowed, permissible. brian: you put a pen to paper. wrote a skating letter about this. we value the police and all first responders to suggest otherwise is false. the school has not banned the thin blue flag. we did remind our flag that thin blue brian: is that true there is no other ceremony except somebody running out with a thin blue line flag? >> there is a little bit of, you know, pregame stuff that happens but at this point in time due to covid much more safety based on safety precautions. that's been the situation here with all the different games and unfortunately they arunfortunaty they are actually playing games here in chardon. the biggest thing we have to look at is they are creating this policy based on their own personal interpretation, what they choose, you know, that is showing any type of prejudice. there is not. and it's a situation where, you know, that afternoon my phone just started to open up with, you know, what can we do? what do we do? what do we do? my barack ground as a law enforcement officer, also, repeat your question? brian: yeah. i got it. unfortunately we are out of time and did you a lot. you are speaking up. you wrote a letter and gotten everyone's attention. ralph, thanks so much. >> thank you. brian: you are welcome. meanwhile, a lot coming up, including bill stepien campaign manager for trump 2020. ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ until i found out what itust? it actually was.d dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. >> our country is great and we are going to keep it that way. steve: today president trump is heading to latrobe, pennsylvania. brian: his 2020 opponent joe biden set to visit kenosha, wisconsin. >> we have got to bring people. >> he can't come back to. >> no he better have an army if he is going to walk down the street. new yorkers don't want to have anything to do with him. >> flu trump with president trump every single day. >> he has been good in delivery for new york. he has delivered for new york. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen there is going to be no no need to shut down the economy. >> would you be prepared to shut down the country again. >> i would shut it down. i would listen to the scientists. >> read it and leap. the dow jones industrials now within a whisper of an all-time record topping 29,000. steve: 1776 feet above the payment that's the freedom tower in lower manhattan. welcome aboard for a bicoastal "fox & friends" for this september 3rd. it's a thursday. brian and i are here in new york city we are socially distanced we decided to go really crazy and socially distanced emily compagno about 3500 miles out there right now in seattle. emily: good morning to you both from the west coast. it's an early morning here but a great one. as always, such a pleasure to be filling in for ainsley. steve: great to have you. brian: it's going to be a big hour and first things first i think it's pretty amazing yesterday joe biden who said he wasn't going to leave his house doing another campaign event. >> footsteps. >> what is he seeing internally that has changed his program entirely? we are going to talk about that emily. >> absolutely. and today president trump is heading to pennsylvania as the 2020 race tightens in key battle ground states. >> meanwhile his opponent joe biden set to visit kenosha wisconsin today. we thought he was going to be there on monday. it's biden's first visit to wisconsin which he would like to win in the election, hasn't been there for two years. >> it's all about healing, griff. griff jenkins is live outside the white house as the president and former vice president trade jabs on the campaign trail. hey, griff. griff: brian, steve and emily, vowing for jabs. president trump has made it a priority and in pennsylvania where the race is really tightening. but that reversal of course by the former vice president remember on tuesday the biden campaign said they would not go to kenosha because they didn't want to cause a tussle on the ground. well now they will go and the former vp says it will be about healing and bringing the community together while taking a shot at president trump. >> president trump and his administration had done their jobs early on with this crisis, american schools would be open and be opened safely. is he offering nothing but failure and delusions from the start to finish to american families and our children. >> he was speaking from wilmington, delaware. and he says he will also meet with the family of jacob blake which president trump did not do meanwhile the president yesterday was visiting the other wilmington honoring world war ii veterans at the battle ship, north carolina. >> three months ago they were ripping down statues. i said you can rip them down but you are going to serve 10 years in jail if you do. as soon as i did that incredibly, you haven't heard about statues coming down, have you. statues or monuments. but we're not ashamed of our country. we are proud of our country. prouder than we are of anything else. in america, we don't tear down the past. we celebrate our heroes. we cherish our heritage. we preserve our history. >> so, biden heads to wisconsin where the president was tuesday as the president heads to pennsylvania today. this latest monmouth poll shows the lead has shrunk to 4 point lead for biden while the fox news latest poll show a tight 4 point race in north carolina and as for wisconsin. biden hasn't visited there since 2018. he leads by 8. so just a real tightening of the race. pennsylvania, important to remember, guys. president trump won in 2016 by just 45,000 votes. going to be an interesting day and a lot more jabsz, i think, are going to get thrown. brian, steve, emily? steve: griff, i think you are exactly right. thank you very much. yesterday biden event talk about reopening the schools in the face of covid. biden would like to continue to talk about covid as much as possible because, according to polling he does better on that than the president does. it's interesting, nate silver, the famous polster says president trump is likely to win the electoral college as long as he doesn't lose the popular vote by more than 3%. the electoral college is not really safe for biden unless he wins by 5%, which is interesting. and that is why suddenly he is out of his basement. he had said he is going to be in his basement through the entire campaign. then he said i'm going to come out after labor day. then he popped out earlier this week. and yesterday, he had to do some damage control because what he had said on tape just a couple of weeks ago, not helpful to his message. here's the former vice president on covid in the country and should we have another lockdown. there is no need in my view to shut down the economy. i was asked by david muir if i was willing to shut everything down. i took that as it a generic question am i going to follow the science. steve: follow the science. wait, that's not exactly what he said. he said he would go ahead and do a shutdown, brian. brian: yeah. listen. >> if you are sworn n january and we have the coronavirus and flu combining which scientists have said is a real probability would you be prepared to shut this economy down again. >> i would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives. because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. that is the fundamental flaw of this administration's thinking to begin with. in order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed you have to fix the virus. you have to deal with the virus. brian: so maddening, he is flip flopping all over the place and barely speaks. flip-floppings running ads say he would shut down the country. i don't think many in the country want to be shut down again. talk about a mask mandate. urging governors to do that pretty much the policy we had and he also mentioned is he going to win this race from home because it's the safest thing to do. he hasn't been home now. he has traveled almost every day. what about fossil fuels? steve: what about that flip flop on fracking? brian: yeah, on fossil fuels read my lips i'm going to get rid of fossil fuels it's going to end. then he goes i'm not going to stop fracking. where do you believe him then or now? this is what did i to get the nomination. this is what i'm going to do to try to went election. then what are are you going to do if you get the snofs that's got to make people worried. emily: that's exactly right. remember, that he blamed the fracking flip flopping on president trump lying. when there is montage after montage, clip after clip of him going back and forth on fracking. even then is he getting called out. speaking of the president. the president has threatened to cut federal founding to those anarchist cities governor of new york andrew cuomo has fought back. cuomo wrote my saying my will -- cities that allow them stostles deter united states into lawless zones. imperative that the federal government review the use of lawless zones that permit anarchy and destruction in america's cities. meanwhile the governor sells, governor cuomo says well trump would have to walk in new york city with an army, take a listen. >> look, the best thing he did for new york city was leave. good riddance, let him go to florida. be careful not to get covid. covid ambushed new york due to trump's negligence. he is the cause of covid in new york. changed his residence to go it florida, why? he can't come back to new york. he can't, is he going to walk down the street in new york? forget body guards, he better have an army if he thinks he is going to walk down the street in new york. no, new yorkers don't want anything to do with him and he knows it. steve: there you have got the governor of the great state of new york, is he really angry at the president because the president is saying hey, let's defund these cities that do not uphold the law. and this letter that the administration wrote to the office of management and budget essentially gives bill barr two weeks to identify what they refer to as anarchist jurisdictions where officials have permitted violence. places like seattle and portland and new york city. and it's so curious, brian and emily, when you hear cuomo talk about he will need an army if is he going to step foot in new york city. because when you look at things that mr. cuomo has said in the past. it sounds like mr. trump has actually been very helpful to the empire state and to the governor and people of new york. let's hop in the way back machine here once again, governor cuomo. >> kudos where kudos are due here the vice president and the president responded very quickly. so i want to thank them for that he has been good in delivery for new york. >> he has? >> he has. he has delivered for new york. he is ready, willing, and able to help. >> i do have faith in the president? look, what the federal government did working with states as i just said was phenomenal accomplishment. the federal government steps up and was great partner and i'm the first one to say it. we needed help and they were there. >> so, what a glowing report from a couple of months ago but when you look at what the administration is trying to do. you know, wrangle billions of dollars away from these communities that are not enforcing the law when you look at the data that i am caught yesterday. here in new york city the number of shootings has doubled and number of murders, brian, is up 50%. and if you live in new york city, aren't you thinking twice about do i really need to walk to the grocery store today? brian: yeah. steve: i don't know. brian: steve 242 shootings in new york. last year 91. all right. good luck. 166% surge. a couple things for the governor who is quickly obviously you see his temper and his credibility out the window. nobody is safe walking the streets of new york. i walk in the middle of the day from 48th to 34th. >> it's not a healthy situation. and we have seen some of the video of people getting beat up trying to defend their own businesses. so you should worry about your own streets. number two, if you ask the nypd who actually has had their back as governor cuomo, mayor de blasio or president trump, i think president trump should feel pretty good about it lastly, when you look at what is happening in new york people are saying it's president trump's presidency. you are running this thing. we also know the way our country works mayors and governors run their local jurisdictions. what else the president doing? offering help? did it. why am i writing checks to people who are cutting law enforcement and allowing their cities to be ransacked? maybe i will hold back those checks. this is called taking action. joe biden and governor cuomo can't have it both ways. blame trump for the unrest in chicago, portland and seattle. and at the same time say why are you cutting back funds? you can't have it both ways, emily. emily: that's exactly right, brian. all right. we have some headlines for with you jillian mele. good morning, jillian. jillian: good morning. let's begin with this. a georgia deputy is in critical condition after being dragged by a car. the richmond county sheriff's office says deputy keith pulled the car over during a traffic stop when the suspect tried driving off pulling him through a gas station parking lot. witnesses say deputy was holding on to a car window. is he expected to survive. the sheriff's office says smith is in custody following a manhunt. overnight the sports world mourns the loss of baseball legend, many calling him the greatest man of all time. pitching for the team from 1967 to 1977, winning three cy young awards and a world series. he would play another 10 years in the majors before retiring in 1986. the baseball hall of fame says seaver died after dementia and battle of covid-19. he was 75. chief carmen best leaves the seattle police department after nearly three decades as the city council defunds it. the city's top cop telling npr, quote: i believe 100 percent that they were putting me in a position destined to fail. cutting a police department that already has low staffing numbers that was already struggling to keep up with the demand. how are we going to provide adequate public safety in that environment? that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. steve: she was just trying to do her job needed the tools they wouldn't give it to her. she gone. tragedy. jillian, thank you it. is 7:14 exactly right now in new york city. the trump administration slamming calls to rename some d.c. monuments. but the mayor there is looking for a loophole to make her proposal happen. ben domenech from the federalist joins us to weigh in. he has a lot to say and you will see him next ♪ ♪ to severe psoriasis, little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. iredefined the wordng th'school' this year. and if you're pregnant or planning to be. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial. none of that is going to happen. no one is saying that each of these individuals was a perfect human being. i think that would be hard to say. but i will say this about each monument. each monument was carefully deliberated upon. carefully placed on our nation's mall. >> well, u.s. interior secretary david bern hearted not mentioning words after the committee recommended humannous land marks like the washington monument be removed renamed or contextualized arch ties to slavery or racism. the d.c. mayor now caving to some pressure tweaking it only so only city monuments can be. ben domenech joining us. what if he is not power and what if joe biden is there and 153 assets that have been pointed out as targets of concern? what do you think changes? >> well, i think that the real critique of joe biden isn't that he is going to tear down washington monument. it's that he is too weak to stand up to the people within his own coalition who want to do exactly that and that's what we saw from d.c. mayor muriel bowser and this commission that went through and found all these different problematic entities, problematic historical figures where various things were named after them, including not just the normal folks that you are used to hear about by this pointed. thomas jefferson and george washington but also people like ben frank lineal. people like alexander graham bell. a long litany of things. the problem really is, brian, when you look at their standard it used in this case. it's the d.c. human rights act which includes 21 different categories of problematic situations including a lack of respect for essentially trans rights. and i have something to tell you, brian, if you look at any historical figure of any kind of earlier part of our history, guess what? you know, ben franklin not really known for being ahead of the curve when it comes to lgbtq issues. no one can complete the standards, one that involves a new woke standard that will either recontextualize, shame, put historical context around these various monuments that people take them down. under a biden come down because is he not going to be willing to stand up to these folks. brian: i will give you a scenario going to be asked take down the jefferson memorial. upset about francis scott key statue? of course not. why would i do that? what would stop him from changing his mind once is he in office? nothing. what makes you think as he has shown any tendency to stand up to his left. when the wha watch the way he fp flopped on debates on fossil fuels and everything else? >> i think that joe biden has shown no willingness to standing up to new young wokesters when it comes to changing standards regarding history. he has never shown that he will say to you in response to that question, obviously, come on, man. i do look like a guy who is going to take down the jefferson memorial? but the answer to that is we are not actually worried but. we are worry about the people how enable and how are unwilling to stand up to and who actually run the progressive left today. people who are aggressively seeking to tear down our history. the number one book in civics on amazon today, brian is, a book called in defense of looting written by a transauthor and from my perspective, that really is the definition of the new left. violently destroying or taking your stuff is not violence but using the wrong pronoun is. steve: if yo is.steve. brian: if you change the way we ever teaching in classrooms from first to 12th grade at the same time you are taking away our past and it's happening before our eyes, this is no longer fringe thought and a fear. this is unfoiling in front of us. >> it is the central an maghtd focus of the left today run by these folks who believe that, you know, as one of their famous anti-racist authors has written capitalism is racism and racism is capitalism. they want to tear down all the things that are at the center of the american founding and american life because they hate them. they hate the values that they animate. they hate that the freedom is inherent within them and that views people not as members of different tribes but as individuals deserving of these rights. that's something that is at the core of their agenda now and, unfortunately, i think we are dealing with a political situation that refuses to wrestle with it, pretend it doesn't exist looks the other way. now it's taking on official character as we saw in d.c. brian: ben, biden and sanders sigh length. put biden in in order to have input. they are not getting out of blocks with trump. final thought? >> i just think that this is a situation people have to pay more attention. to say more and more you are going to see this spread. it's not just going to stay in places in d.c. brian: got yourself good add on the trump side if you want to run it and last chance to stop it might be in the debates which we now know who the moderators are going to be. ben, thanks so much. >> good to be with you. brian: all right. meanwhile, straight ahead, minneapolis struggling to rebuild months after riots left nearly 1500 businesses torched and destroyed. an update on the recovery from a business owner whose salon was set on fire. that's next. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen where you live has never no mattermattered more.e, for over 100 years, realtors® have been providing expert guidance, helping people find new places to dream and thrive. when you're ready... look for the r. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? 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>> i haven't got anything, not a penny. >> and you are heart broken because you always figured if i had trouble. and were we're looking at the images, your place was torched on may 29th. if i have trouble i'm going to pick up the phone and the police department is going to help me or the fire department is going to help me. when you needed them the most, they weren't. >> there no, they wasn't. no. they never showed up. i didn't see any police at all patrol my area. no. >> so to add insult to injury and we are looking at the images of your place which was destroyed and have you been out of business and you were already struggling with covid, the city now has torn down your building because they said essentially the building was severely damaged in the fire and the front wall was at risk of collapsing onto the sidewalk because of that danger that posed the city had the wall knocked down to protected the public they knocked it down to protected the public and floor remarks they are sending you the bill. >> that's correct. >> how much is that going to cost you? >> it's going to cost me -- that bill is going to be over 200,000 just for tearing things down. and, you know, putting up a fence there. so it's going to be lots of money that i can't afford that i don't have. >> and we are not even talking about rebuilding. we are just talking about the cost of tearing it down they are talking about more money than you make in a year to pay for the building that was destroyed because you were not protected. am i getting this story wrong? you are right on point. steve: shortly after your business was torched and the riots and looting and all those things, amy klobuchar showed up the governor, governor walsh showed up and they had sad facee but they didn't tell you they were going to help you, did they? >> no, they did not. steve: yeah, so when you saw the president of the united states in kenosha a couple of days ago, how much do you wish that he had gone to minneapolis? i mean, it's not too late, he could still go to try to help the people there who are not being helped by their state and local officials? i wish the president would come and bring his checkbook and stop by 9:21 west broadway, minneapolis. please. steve: yeah, no kidding. what would you tell the president? i would tell him i need help. i have been sitting here since may and i haven't gotten any help at all. if he could, please, mr. president, could you please just come and do something for our business and my community, please, sir. steve: we know your story. but there are 1500 other businesses that were either damaged or buildings destroyed in the same thing. so there are a lot of people in the same boat who are facing the same challenges you are. and it just seems like the state and local people who did not step up to the plate to do something about the violence doesn't look like they really care that's right. absolutely. i don't think they care. i just feel like i'm alone. and i'm sure other, you know, business owners feel the same i know you do have a go fund me page, for people who would like to open up their checkbook and try to help you, flora, we will link, go to for the folks who are watching and we will give you the address of just that. floor remarks good luck, out of curiosity, what's your plan right now? >> my plan is to rebuild my business. i built that business myself and i just want my business back, sir. that's all i want. steve: i know. >> to just get my life back. i want my life back. steve: i understand. and, once again, for the president, what was that street address? >> 921 west broadway, minneapolis, minnesota. steve: well, let's see. >> if he could just drive by and brings the checkbook. steve: yes, ma'am. all right. flora, westbrook, salon owner there in minneapolis. our thoughts and prayers are with you. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. thank you very much. steve: all right. well, there you go. meanwhile, a brand new fox news poll showing joe biden still tops president trump in a number of key battleground states. so should the president be concerned? his campaign manager bill stepien coming up next ♪ we're going to rock this town ♪ we gonna rock ♪ this town ♪ hotels is there. book direct at with acetaminophenction fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection ...causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions... ...neck and injection site pain... ...fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions... ...and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95% of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. so, text to see how you can save. botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. so, ask your doctor about botox® today. emily: welcome back to "fox & friends." the latest fox news poll finding joe biden ahead in key swing states. steve: the former vice president leading by 9 points among likely voters, likely voters in arizona 4 points in north carolina and 8 points in wisconsin, brian. brian: but it shows a consistent gain especially in a place like pennsylvania according to the monmouth poll he was trailing 53-40 now it's 49-45. bill stepien. how different are these polls from what you look like. >> very different and i love fox. i love fox news, i love you guys. i don't love your polls. i look at. steve: won't do don't you like about it? >> 28% of those who voted in 2016 were democrats arizona poll that you are citing includes 48% democrats. the methodology is alittle askew. look, here is the fact if joe biden is actually winning by 9 points in arizona he wouldn't be visiting arizona later next we week. steve: emily? emily: all right. we have an ad we would like to show a bit for you. it's airing in wisconsin it's called lawless listen. >> cory booker joe biden takes a knee. biden and the radical's left weak response has led to chaos and violence. >> your thoughts on that trump campaign ad? >> look, it's scary times in democrat-controlled states and cities. you know, vice president biden own party ayanna pressley encouraging unrest in cities. democrat mayors refusing federal support and help that the president has offered. with joe biden visiting kenosha today, you know, the president was there earlier in the week as president of the united states. vice president biden is there today as a candidate as a political candidate. this is not the time to inject politics into a situation that the president helped solve. i think the ad very clearly points out the contrast between the president wants leadership and the people in vice president biden's party who are encouraging violence on the streets. you don't see many supporters of the president throwing bricks through windows or setting buildings on fire. steve: you know, bill, it's become very clear that the two campaigns have different things they would like to talk about. you would like to talk about law and order and spiraling into chaos. he would like to talk about the federal response to coronavirus. and, in fact, how the administration has, you know, did a terrible job and all the things like that. so, essentially, when you look at the polls, people do rank coronavirus as a more important and pressing topic facing them than law and order. at this point, until they feel like it could actually come to their neighborhood. >> you are exactly right. i mean, when you i think most americans when they looked at violence in portland. when they looked at violence in chicago. that was -- that seemed quite far removed from their own backyards. when they saw violence in kenosha, wisconsin, it was a different story. i think it showed that violence can happen anywhere if democrat leadership is left untethered. so, you know, democrats may want to talk about coronavirus. but the fact of the matter is, you know, violence is out of hand in these democrat governed cities and states. you know, we are forced to talk about it. because, you know, it's an issue on the top of voters' minds. steve: sure, bill, to the points about the democrats would like to talk about the failed response they say by the federal government, but then when you hear joe biden talk about what he would have done differently, essentially, he is saying things that the administration has already done. and in the beginning, certainly there was a learning curve but yesterday, the very hostile peter doocy, that's how he was accused by joe biden, asked him the simple question. mr. vice president, if you were telling the administration back in january that the coronavirus-out the pandemic was going to be really bad. why did you keep having in person rallies, big rallies exposing lots of people to the virus right up through march? and he didn't really answer th that. >> he didn't. listener, joe biden doesn't like to answer a lot of questions. i think you see the peril when his staff puts him out there to try to do so. you see a lot of revisionist history from mr. biden. he stalked about not, you know, going back onto the campaign trail, you know, keeping his supporters and all americans safe because of his perceived concerns about coronavirus. and then the polls tightened. and then he announced a trip, know, 10 days, you know, down the road to states like arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and minnesota. all four places the president visited himself two weeks ago. so it's very convenient for the vice president and his revisionist history. we know pure politics are really what's at play here. brian: some stats show that 45% of biden voters are very comfortable mailing in votes. mail it in. 66% of trump voters are going to show up in person. which led this bloomberg funded group to conclude that trump may win on election day but joe biden, as the ballots come, in and some allow ballots to arrive after election day, and too many battle ground states, things could switch. here is josh medalson. >> we are sounding the alarm and saying this is a very real possibility that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for donald trump. that is likely to be what we see when every legitimate vote is taled and we get to that final day which will be sunday after election day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that a mirage. it looked like donald trump was in the lead. he fundamentally was not. when every ballot gets counted. brian: how likely is that scenario? how often do you think about that? >> guys, this is why the president is so right to talk about his concerns regarding democrat states, governors, and legislatures ramming through last-minute changes mere weeks and days before voting starts and election deo cures. i think that democratic operative made a big mistake in talking about what a lot of democrats think. are you telling me that if democrats in nevada show a super, super close election? remember, the election in new hampshire came down to 1700 votes. are you telling me that democrat operatives in nevada won't be able to find 1701 ballots on the strip among casino workers in the three days after election day? it is scary, scary stuff. the president is right. brian: the attorney general brought it up yesterday and not as an election issue but as a sanctity issue are we going to believe the vote? here we are in the first week of september. if you know this is a scenario and for the country to not know a winner because of maybe, 5, 6, 7, 8, states. what do you now? >> >> well, the attorney general is exactly right. i will would also say it's a threat to national security. it's a threat to continuance of governance for our country not to know who our president is. not for days but weeks. potentially months. it's a real concern. i know our campaign is very aggressive on the legal fronts. challenging these sham bills that are being passed by democrat governors and legislatures. we are very aggressive on this front because our democracy and national security is at stake. steve: you know, i get the argument, but, at the same time, bill, it's because these different states have different rules where sure, we will count your vote three days later after election day. a week, if it's coming in from overseas. every state has got -- it's a patchwork of crazy laws. not everybody has to report by midnight on election night. >> it is. it's one of the -- you know, beauty in my eyes flaws of our american democracy. you know, each state has different rules. different laws. different methods, different ways to count. you know, new hampshire starts their voting at midnight on election day up in dixville notch. every state is different and quangt in some ways dangerous in others. brian: read karl rove's "wall street journal" column spells out the real challenges. if we have this much time before the election day can we avoid this crisis ahead of time? >> well, look, the absentee ballots start being sent n north carolina september 4th. just later this week. so, ballots are being sent as we speak. this is the system in which we are operating. we are fighting any of these last-minute changes democrat governors and legislatures are trying to ram through like we saw in nevada. this is more than just about the -- this president or this elections. this is about the future of our country. emily: bill stepien trump 2020 campaign manager, thank you so much for all of that that was a great conversation. we appreciate it. >> thank you. emily: all right. another major airline planning massive job cuts. what it means for the industry and our economy with fox business charles payne next. ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- easy. brian: unite the airlines cut 16% of its workforce as early as next month, emily. emily: that airline is not alone. american and delta both say they are putting thousands of employees on furlough starting next month unless congress approves another bailout. steve: joining us right now to react is the host of making money on fox business charles payne. charles, the problem is people are still freaked out about getting into airplanes. even though we have heard that they have got the hepa filters and it's relatively safe and delta always keeps a seat away from people. people just aren't getting on. >> >> they are not. the industry talked about the air circulation and like the cruise industry these things are actually safer than most places people are going right now. you know, the public is not going to be suede just that easily. obviously testing and vaccines help. the real message here is the congress. this aviation -- this supplemental help to the aviation, airlines industry runs out september 30th. and, you know, maybe congress wants to address this not just the airlines and hotels the remarkable rebound in this economy shocked everyone how great it's been. going to lose steam without another nudge. i'm shocked at both parties to be honest with you. who the heck has time to go to a hair salon when you have tens of thousands, millions of people who could still lose their jobs. brian: yesterday had you your town hall for people who wanted to invest dave portnoy in barstool and get people to jump in and take part in this. what was your take away, charles? >> first and foremost impressed by dave portnoy. he has made comments and a think a lot of it is needle ling the industry that stocks never go down. here is a guy who stwartd 3 million and admitted that he was down 2 million immediately. he put in another 2 million. so his 5 million is over $9 million now and just a six month period. for me the gist and my whole life, you know, brian, i think i have given you stock tips, right? i want people to invest in the market. not just the market, find these great companies, particularly great american companies that are going to be around after you die. it's just the most amazing money-making machine in the history of mankind. everyone watching this is probably logged ton zoom this year. but i bet you only 1% own the stock. it's just crazy how we explain about the rich criticize it. i will take money from the wealthy. don't take it from them. i want to follow in their footsteps. dave portnoy did just that he has made some mistakes but he is learning from those mistakes and the most important thing to me is procrastination, intimidation and don't let the financial media scare you out of this thing because it should not be about buying one stock or buying the market per se, but a lifelong endeavor to change your life. because it works. emily: charles payne, always the best. thank you so much. catch charles on making money. >> did i leave brian speechless? brian: i can't believe -- i can't wait to check your account later. steve: thanks, charles. ♪ emily: coming up in our final hour, katie pavlich, brad blakeman and former governor mike huckabee. stay with us ♪ ♪ unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free hf handbook. steve: exactly 2 months away from the election. >> our country is great and we will keep it that way. >> mr. president, get off twitter. >> this is more about this president and this election. this is about the future of our country. >> i think big-city mayors, if they would destroy cities, would they allow illegal ballots, that's the question to be answered. >> none of that is going to happen. >> i think you're going see a lot of them come down because he'll not willing to stand up to these folks. >> you can't come back to new york. forget bodyguards, he better have an army. >> are you in touch with trump every single day. >> he has been good for delivering for new york. >> we know who will be moderating the fall debates and our own chris wallace gets first debate between president trump and joe biden. should be interesting. ♪ ♪ brian: all right, welcome to thursday version and final hour unless sandra smith overslept. we will go the fourth hour if we have to. emily, you're filling in for ainsley, appreciate it. emily: we always have the great music, don't we, guys? steve: we do. [laughter] steve: all right, good morning to you all of. final hour of "fox & friends", 61 days away from election month, maybe? anyway, today president trump is heading to pennsylvania as the 2020 race tightness according to certain polls in battleground states. brian: looks like both are starting to campaign like normal, joe biden to go to wisconsin, biden's first visit to the state in nearly 2 years. emily: our own griff jenkins live outside the white house as the president and former vp trade jabs on the campaign trail, griff. griff: hey, emily, brian and steve, brian, i'm not sure it's normal but we are getting an actual on the ground campaign in battleground states starting to size up with the president going to pennsylvania but, of course, joe biden changing his mind, remember on tuesday campaign said no, we are not going kenosha, well, today he's reversing course, excuse me, because he says he's going to be the healer in chief. listen. >> we have to put things together, bring people together. i'm not going to do anything other than meet with -- meetings with community leaders as well as business people and other folks in law enforcement. griff: biden was speaking from wilmington, delaware and speak with the president of jacob blake which the president did not do. >> 3 months ago they were ripping down statutes. i said you can rip them down but you will serve 10 years in jail if you do, as soon as i did that, incredibly you haven't heard about statutes coming down, have you? statutes are monuments, but we are not ashamed of our country, prouder than we are of anything else. in america we don't tear down the past, we celebrate our heros, we cherish our heritage and preserve our history. griff: and the race is tightening in these battleground states. let us show you in pennsylvania head, 4-point lead for biden and fox news latest poll, biden leading on top by 9 in arizona, look in the middle, north carolina it's a 4-point race. in the badger state where biden hasn't visited since october of 2018, he leads by a -- that's down 1 point from when fox took it at the end of may. and, you know, keep your eye on wisconsin, guys, because remember trump only won that edging out hillary clinton by 27,000 votes in 2016 and interesting to see the candidates trading jabs on the ground. we will hear more on that probably today, steve, brian, emily. steve: that's right, we will get more today but we are surprised because we heard joe biden was going to run the entire operation out of basement and looks like after rnc the polls started tightening, next thing you know go out after labor day but apparently polls got tighter and suddenly joe biden popped up a couple of days ago. he had press availability yesterday and answered a couple of questions which means suddenly he's going to have to walk back some of the things he said in the past like yesterday he walked back the fact that he would not necessarily close down the entire economy over covid. he would listen to the science which was different than what he had told david. bill, 2020 campaign manager says get use today mr. biden walking things back. >> you see a lot of revision of history from mr. biden. he talked about not going back on to the campaign trail, you know, keeping his supporters and all americans safe because of his perceived concerns about coronavirus and then the polls tightened and then he announced the trip, you know, ten days, you know, down the road to states like arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin and minnesota, all four places the president visited himself two weeks ago, so it's very convenient for the vice president and revision of history but we know pure politics we know is at play here. if joe biden was winning by 9 points in arizona, he wouldn't be visiting arizona later next week. brian: he has a huge problem with fox polls and methodology, katie pavlic. what issues matter? we want to make sure the vote is right and america's will is in final result and we might not get that in mail-in voting. do you think there's any worry on the left like there is on the right of mail-in voting? >> i don't think so. they have been ignoring cases of election, with most recent primary election in new york with representative carolyn maloney. i don't think there's much concern and the media has been covering for democrats who say that voter fraud just doesn't exist, that mass mail-in voting is just fine despite whether states have cleaned up voter roles and they are sending ballots to eligible voters, people who are still living and people who aren't getting two ballots or ballots people who previously lived at certain addresses. emily: katie, attorney general barr went on cnn and talked about risks states changing rules of mail-in voting at the last minute. take a listen and we would love to get your thoughts. >> we are very closely divided country here and if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government and people trying to change the rules to this -- to this methodology which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is we reckless and dangerous and people are playing with fire. emily: katie, what are your thoughts about that. >> what the attorney general is getting at there if you do not have results in a timely fashion in an area where the country is divided and people disagree about the legitimacy of institutions and questions about why democrats are changing the rules in a bunch of states around the country at the last minute despite the fact that there are mass leftist protests out there, they want poem to engage in mass mail-in voting system and change the rules, the attorney general is warning that that could cause unrest and could cause distrust in the system at a time when things are fragile in america as we have seen over the past just 2 weeks, that is something that we can't afford as a country and they are stoking the flames as he said, playing with fire by wanting to go through something like this and pushing the possibility that we would not have the election results on time and you've seen democrats engage in a strategy here. you have seen hillary clinton say that joe biden should not concede under any circumstances. well, that doesn't really help when it comes to the peaceful transition of power and accepting election results and being able to move forward with the country in a peaceful manner on to the next term no matter who wins the election. >> that's right, i think you're exactly right. i think the way you describe it, we are at a fragile place, there are a lot of people who feel that there are such perhaps foundational changes going on and it freaks some people out, you know, between what we see in the street with law and order and violence and even canceled culture. you look at what everyone is suggesting in washington, d.c., you know what, we are thinking of renaming or contextualizing washington monument, jefferson otherwise we will move them or tear them down or something like that. since then the mayor has said you know what, we are only talking about things on dc, district property, nonetheless secretary of interior had this observation, listen to this, katie, about making big changes to such foundational parts of our country. >> no one will be removing or renaming the washington monument or the jefferson memorial, none of that is going to happen. it's just simply nutty. each of these great individuals did great things. no one is saying that each of the individuals was a perfect human being. each monument was carefully deliberated upon, carefully placed on our nation's mall and if you walk into it and you see the preamble to declaration of independence and other great things i think that gives you a great sense of what america is about. steve: katie. >> he notes that it's a nutty idea but it's a real idea that's been put in writing by leftist politicians who hold the same views of many people in federal government. the main point is national malls belong to all americans. washington, d.c. is not like portland or chicago, washington, d.c. is capital of the united states of america and every monument here belongs to every american and if you thought that taking down confederate statutes, wait until they try to take down national monuments and i believe that they will too, so that is something that the trump campaign and president trump has been talking about. i was at the white house with the president about a year ago, he joked about, yeah, they will go after the national monuments and jefferson memorial, washington memorial, everyone thinks it's a joke and watch it happen. here we are in a document -- i know they've become tracked and say we will do dc property memorials or monuments, but the bottom line is this is not for bureaucrats to decide and the monuments and the city of washington, d.c. belongs to all americans and those monuments mean something to millions and millions of americans and millions of people around the world who come here to see them. brian: yeah, i don't think it matters. if you have a democratic president with democratic mayor and democratic influence on way to the left i don't see joe biden standing in the way as maybe jefferson memorial -- >> i think the american people will stand in the way. brian: maybe. i hope so, katie. appreciate it. let's go over to jillian who is following the rest of the news. jillian: that's right, good morning to you. let's begin with fox news alert now, breaking overnight, sheriff killed in attack, the suspect remains in custody. corporal was 18-year veteran of the force and leaves behind wife and daughter. the armed ranger who helped rescue 70 hostages in iraq will receive medal of honor, white house ceremony is set for september 11th, payne earning the highest honor for valor and combat. his team clearing two buildings with payne going back twice to make sure hostages were free forcibly removing one too squared to move. dewayne the rock johnson confirming he and his family tested positive for covid 1. the actor opening up about recovery on instagram. >> my number one priority is to always protect my family and protect my children, my loved ones and i wish it was only me who tested positive. but it wasn't, it was my entire family, this was a real quick in the gut. jillian: the rock says he his wife and two daughters are no longer contagious. a mangos -- man goes out on a limb in city council. >> i go to family restaurants and i see people throwing this name around and pretending as though everything is just fine. i'm talking about boneless chicken wings. i propose that we remove the name boneless wings, nothing from boneless wings come from the chicken, boneless chicken wings are just chicken tenders which are already boneless. [laughter] jillian: he suggested other names including buffalo-style chicken tepidders -- tenders or saucy nugs. you to love his passion. steve: it's about boneless chicken wings that aren't really wings. [laughter] brian: you've been furloughed and you had to stare at the wall. steve: i will call them boneless chicken wings. brian: i looked up nugs, went blank. steve: try google. did you hear about this funded group warning about chaos it claims trump victory on election day two months from today will be overshadowed once mail-in votes are counted. is that a possibility? we will talk to former special assistant to president george w. bush brad blakeman coming up next. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed you can adjust your comfort on both sides... your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends labor day. we live with at&t and we are well past the honeocupado tom. at&t, what's this i hear about you advertising a 100% fiber network? only like a fraction of my customers can get that. that's it?!? you have such a glass half-empty attitude. the glass is more than half-empty! you need to relax tom. oh! tom, you need a little tom time. a little tt. stop living with at&t. xfinity delivers gig speeds to more homes than anyone. >> when every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to the final day which will be some day after election day, it will, in fact, show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage, it looked like donald trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted. emily: welcome back to "fox & friends", bloomberg sunday group warning of looming chaos come election night. the firm ceo predicting president trump will appear to win big on november third but that joe biden will be declared the winner days later once mail-in votes are counted. here now former senior adviser to the bush-china campaign and former special assistant to president george w. bush, brad blakeman. you say we've learned nothing since the year 2000, tell us why. >> the chaos in florida is to look like a blip on the radar screen with what we are likely to see with massive mail-in voting and changing rules at the last minute and have the rules really tailor to what you need to win rather what the results are. in florida there were 67 counties as to it was uncertain who the winner was and there was automatic machine recount throughout the state but only manual recount, handful of counties, so the best lawyers came down there, the political operatives, the communication's people, you magnify that over several states and hundreds of counties and you're inviting chaos. i think that's exactly what the bloomberg people are doing. they are setting the table for chaos and confusion, intimidation and uncertainty, but i don't agree with them at all with the result. i agree with them that there's going to be confusion because democrats are banking on chaos in order to steal this election. it was done fairly and openly and with uniform rules i wrote for over 2 years ago a warning that we haven't learned our lesson and what we need in america is federal uniform voting standards and federal elections to ensure that the elections are free, fair, open and same rules apply to all. emily: so besides lobbying for that same uniform approach in our final days, what can viewers do at home to prevent against this chaos, then? >> best thing they can do is vote absentee, get their not by mail, request absentee ballot, get it in and if you can appear at voting center in person early and make sure on election day you show up to vote in person, that is the best way to take any human contact with shenanigans out of the equation. if you're allowed to count votes after the election, you know exactly what you need in order to win and that is not fair and i think that's what democrats are banking on, the ability to skew the vote. emily: now you disagree with the chaos prediction, but what is the worst case and what is the best scenarios that you see coming out of november briefly? >> the best case scenario is, again, people voting early, showing up to vote and -- and that is the way to take any human contact, political contact out of the equation in voting and counting. the worst case scenario is you have multiple jurisdictions changing the rules in the last minute and people are uncertain on how to vote, where to vote or mail-in voting massively that creates chaos and tabulation and extends the time in calculating a winner, that's the chaos that could come, very certainly with different rules and different jurisdictions and targeted to those jurisdictions where the rules need to be changed. emily: brad blakeman always a pleasure and insightful. thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. emily: next ahead nancy pelosi is demanding an apology after claiming her trip to the salon was a setup, but the salon owner is firing back denouncing the house speaker's story and shelley luther, the dallas salon owner who defied and stayed open is here a lung cancer diagnosis can leave you holding your breath. ♪ but bristol myers squibb is working to change things. by researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. including options that are chemo-free. because we're committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. brian: hypocrisy around house speaker nancy pelosi after defying shutdown orders and got her done without mask indoors and instead of apologizing, she did this. >> when they said, we are able to accommodate people one person at a time, and we can set up that time. as it turns out it was a setup, i take full responsibility for falling for a setup. brian: the owner denouncing pelosi's story. >> the appointment was already booked, so there's no way i could have set that up and i've had a camera system in there for 5 years, i mean,i didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. that's absolutely false. brian: they taped it and knew she was coming in. shelley luther put in jail for defying orders now candidate for senate seat. when you say this, you can relate? >> this doesn't surprise me at all. this is what we've come to expect from politicians these days. it's thinking they are better than us and they can do whatever they want. brian: think about the frustration that they lived through and they are living through and they couldn't open up and have a shot of making a living because of the fear of spreading the virus rather than taking precautions, can you describe what the business owners are going through today when they get permission to do it outdoors? >> i can't even imagine what the business owners are going through in california. i only stayed close for one month and i think they've been closed for what, six months now, i don't even know how they are able to even pay their lease or open their doors. it's horrifying. brian: so this is like pouring salt on the wounds in every respect to see the speaker of the housefly across country, burning fossil fuels according to reports, land and sit there and go from room to room indoors and say she was set up. >> that's a joke and for anyone that believes that, they've got to be kidding themselves and what frustrates me even more is everyone in they're party backing her or not saying anything and that's what's wrong with politics these days. they all back each other, no one comes forward and says you know, what she shouldn't have done that. you know, it's embarrassing or maybe apologize but put salon owner on the spot it's disgusting. well, that's up to the salon owner. i don't know exactly what the california laws are or what their -- what they have put in place but in my salon we require a mask and for nancy pelosi, she should have taken personal responsibility and wore a mask to protect those around her especially if she's keeping people from working. brian: you lost money but up and running, has anyone tested positive since you forced the doors to be opened? >> absolutely not, we have no one test positive for the virus. brian: because you took personal responsibility for people's health didn't you? >> we did and that's why i'm running for office. i want to see what's going on there, the government is not making decisions for the people and i think we need a lot more personal responsibility and a lot less nancy pelosi. brian: as much as this is salon to salon, this is the same thing that they're saying to restaurant owners in new york, you're not opening up indoors, we will wait until the end of the year, what is that like for a business owner, how much you put blood, sweat and tears and sacrifice in hours to know the future is not in your hands. >> you neglect, -- you know, it's disgusting. it's frustrating. brian: any regrets? >> i don't have my regrets except for more people like me should have run for senate sooner. brian: you can't have it both ways, shelley luther, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. brian: best of luck in your election. andrew cuomo with a war of words after president trump threatened to cut funding. >> people will have an -- he better have an army if he walks in new york. brian: former governor mike huckabee weighs in. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> look, the best thing he did for new york city was leave. good riddance, let him go to florida. be careful not to get covid. covid ambushed new york due to trump's negligence, he's the cause of covid to new york, changes residence to go to florida, he can't come back to new york. he's going the walk in new york? forget body guard, he better have an army if he thinks he's going the walk the streets of new york. no, new yorkers don't want anything to do with him and he knows him. brian: threat there. steve: cuomo tore into the president of the united states because the president suggested through the administration that they may try to figure out how to defund certain cities that are anarchist jurisdictions, places where there's such lawlessness on the streets. let's bring in mike huckabee, fox news contributor, former presidential candidate, author of book, 3c's that made america great, christianity, capitalism and the constitution. governor, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: that was the governor last night, all right, we will get in the way back machine, governor, here is the same guy talking about the same president who six months ago he really kind of liked, watch. >> kudos where kudos are due and here the vice president and the president responded very quickly. so i want to thank them for that. he has been good in delivering for new york. >> he has? >> he has. he has delivered for new york. he is ready, willing and able to help. do i have faith in the president, look, what the federal government did working with states as i just said was a phenomenal accomplishment. the federal government stepped up and was a great partner and i'm the first one to say it. we needed help and they were there. steve: so governor, chuck key, can you explain those two people in the same body? >> there's a word for it, steve, it's called hypocrisy. this is a governor, cuomo when he gets what he wants he's loving on trump and then it's election time, he has to play the role of bad guy and trashing the very president that he praised and reached out and helped new york. he would need an army to walk-through new york, the truth is he has an army. he's president. you know what cuomo doesn't care about innocent elderly and single moms walking the streets of new york, they need an army to walk the streets of new york and they don't have one. why doesn't he protect them? that's the real story and all those talk about trump leaving, trump ain't the only one leaving new york. thousands are leaving new york as quick as they can get out of there. the best business in new york right now is the u-haul business. get the heck out of there because nobody wants to live there anymore and the people that are left are the ones who can't leave. brian: by the way if you ask nypd if who they want to guard the governor or the president, i think they already answered. meanwhile let's talk about your op-ed for a second. you write this judge trump and biden by actions on law and order and not their words, what do you mean? >> let me give you an example, tim scott put serious proposal on police reform that should have been embraced by both parties because they were supposed to be solving an issue and what the dems said we want amendments, he said put them all on there, as many as you want and they -- instead of taking the answer yes, they didn't just take a knee, they took a hike. so they are not serious about this and that's what i'm saying. if they were serious about reform and law and order, they've had an opportunity to come to the table and instead they've taken to the streets, they've burned and looted and they have been silent about that for months and only when the polls started reflecting that people are sick and fed up with it they started saying, looting and rioting, they are not a really good thing for america but it took months to come to that conclusion. emily: governor, we'd love to hear about your new book that's out now. the 3c's that made america great. what can you tell us about it today? >> there are underpinnings of the united states and made our country great. first judeo-christian understanding that we are individuals. we are not who we are because we are part of a collective system and we are who we are because individually god made us and god lost us and god has a purpose for us and that's an important message that this country was founded on, the idea of individualism, that i'm not stuck where i was started if i was i would be catching chickens in hope, arkansas renting where i started. i'm not, something about the individual freedom that this country was built on, capitalism is the idea that i can actually own property, i can pick my own job, i don't have to be, you know, a candle maker because my father was like benjamin franklin's father was and that's why he loved the country. and then the constitution, amazing document, a document unlike any other that created a federal government and the primary thing of the constitution is surprising to many people who never studied it and that is this, the constitution doesn't tell the people no, it tells the government no. it empowers people and restrains and restricts the government. that is a unique kind of policy and document for a government to live under and we are blessed to be in the united states and i talk about why. brian: and all three are in jeopardy or maybe on the ballot november third. steve: it's available now everywhere. the three c's that made america great, thank you, sir. 16 minutes before the top of the hour on this really busy thursday. what kind of day do we have ahead, janice dean joins us with that, hey, jd? janice: hello, let's talk about the tropics first of all. we have a couple of areas of concern. omar, although moving away from land bringing rift currents and rough surf to east coast and we have nana which made landfall across central america overnight last night, now a 50-miles-per-hour storm as it continues to bring heavy rain and gusty winds. areas of concern, we are watching this area in orange that could develop and potentially affect the u.s. over the next couple of days, but for now the weekend is quiet. let's take a look at forecast for the rest of the country. the southwest and california very warm temperatures, 20 to 25-degrees above average. so the heat is going to be dangerous. still dealing with heat across the south for houston and louisiana, mississippi and then we also have the potential for showers and thunderstorms over parts of the central and southern plains where some inches of rainfall could last for several hours and bring the potential for flash flooding. oh, one more thing. we have the potential for severe weather today for parts of the mid atlantic and northeast including cd and philadelphia, so we will keep you up to date and i have an announcement. i'm doing something fun tonight on fox nation, it's called happy hour with tom, you know what, brian, i think you've appeared on this once or twice on happy hour. brian: yeah, you're going to absolutely love it. there is no dress code. steve: you're leaving the good part out. i've done it too and you actually get to drink liquor because it is happy hour. right. janice: i love it. pajamas and drinking. see you. brian: sounds like every day for you, janice. [laughter] steve: thank you very much. brian: that's janice dean. meanwhile watch her on happy hour tonight. the nation mourns fallen st. louis officer, that happened last weekend, tunnels to towers wants to honor hero in that incredible way. that announcement is coming up next. ything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? [camera man] prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! -whaaat? -that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. 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>> i want to tell them that the sacrifice he made for his family and community, that they will not have to worry anymore and the tunnel to power -- tower foundation will pay mortgage in full. without them, we don't have a nation. what is wrong with people? we need our law enforcement to know that we have their back and at tunnel to towers foundation we will make sure that we do and any officer that gets killed, shot and killed in line of duty, we will make sure that we take care of their families left behind and we ask everybody to join us on this mission to go to, we are asking for $11 a month so we can help every police officer, every first responder across this country that give their life for us to have the great life that we have and we can't do -- we can't have a nation without them. steve: frank, you're exactly right in your comments about how there is a narrative in certain sections that describes law enforcement as the bad guys, but they're not the bad guys, they are the thin blue line in many cases that are out there to protect us. on this particular evening in st. louis, there was a barricade situation and officer borhanon shot in the head and i know that you made the generous offer to the family and they will certainly accept it, but tell us more about this man? >> well, he grew up in that neighborhood. officer bohanon grew up in the neighborhood, he was still living in the neighborhood, his family is right there. this is his community and he wanted to protect his community because he loved that community and to give his life is just -- it's just so sad, but you know, these are -- they're willing to die for you and me, steve, these great law enforcement officers and we, you know, it's incredible how they are treated and we've got to turn that around in america. we have to be grateful to them for those who protect us and not spit on them, throw bricks at them or in this case shoot them and, you know, they leave behind a family. we just had a genesis who is a daughter and sound familiar. she recently came on with us and said police officers have families too. they have families too and we have to make sure that we respect them and take care of them but the tunnel to towers foundation will always be there for law enforcement, that's for sure. steve: indeed, after the news stories and headlines a week or so later people forget things but you guys never forget and that's why it is such a wonderful organization. you see this guy on tv because he's got a heart of gold and he's trying to help these families. you like to check in on him go to frank, thank you very much for joining us on this thursday. >> thank you, god bless america. steve: god bless america. god bless your soul to b of course king's hawaiian. are you currently using a whitening toothpaste, but not seeing results? try crest 3d whitestrips. its enamel-safe formula lifts and removes stains to provide 100% noticeably whiter teeth or your money back. try crest 3d whitestrips. that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work. but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at >> thanks so much for watching the show. emotion look, thank you for fulg in for ainsley. i guess steve you have four seconds to say goodbye. >> see you tomorrow, everybody. >> sandra: fox news alert. house speaker nancy pelosi is refusing to apologize for visiting a shuttered salon earlier this week klaij it was a setup. the salon owner is firing back. >> she has been coming in there. the fact that she came in and didn't have a mask on. i just thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families and she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, why are we shut down? why am i not able to have

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