Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200826 : comparem

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200826

who refused to be silenced by the far left. this is worth fighting for. this is worth voting for. >> we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back to the strongest country ever known. [applause] ♪ ♪ brian: we are coming to you live. amazing loss is bill clinton when he walked through all those tunnels and hallways the most famous walk now is melania trump's walk down the walkway to the she knocked it out of the park. she did it in front of a live audience. steve: there she is right there. ainsley: what a story. she talked about growing up under communist regime. and she said it was always my dream to become an american. that was where. brian: i thought that was great. ainsley: land of opportunity. first lady she speaks so many different languages, english is not her first language. for her to deliver a speech that long and beautifully hats off to her. steve: the cover of the "new york post" this morning it says give them mel as in melania. first lady makes impassioned pitch for four more years. of course, the democrats are steamed that she, you know, they are doing things at the white house and that mike pompeo who is the sitting secretary of state is making political statements while he is out working and there will be a demonstration by the democrats. three hours starts right now rcialg. >> griff jenkins is prrge is he in fort mchenry. >> good morning. we are here at fort mchenry where vice president pence will speak later tonight. you were talking about the star of the show last night first lady melania trump. she was compassionate and compelling and genuine and she certainly stole the show. my husband will not stop fighting until there is effective treatment vaccine available to everyone. like all of you, i have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. it is a harsh reality. we are not proud of parts of our history. i encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. >> but one keynote speech drawing criticism that has democrats now investigation because they believe it's violated the hatch act secretary of state mike pompeo speaking from jerusalem. >> delivering on this duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. this president has led bold initiatives in every corner of the world. the president has held china accountable for corresponding up the china virus no, nuclear test no, on range missile test. stronger. the isis caliphate is wind out. it's gone. >> biden's deputy campaign manager kate bettingfield saying each by you this nation's abysmally standard serve as errand boy for the president's re-election on taxpayer and decision to use one of our closest partners as a political prop in the process is absolutely disgraceful emocialght moment the president pardons john pardonner. watch. >> so now i would like to invite john's wife jamie to join us as i grant john, i'm not sure you know, this a full pardon. >> now, also coming up tonight, the president's daughter-in-law lara trump, i talked to her yesterday, she gave me a little preview of what she is going to say. listen. >> i come from a middle class family in north carolina. i'm going to talk about that, about meetings the president and really i want to give a version of donald trump that you never hear out there the man he is. griff: have you kellyanne conway who is speaking after recently announcing her departure of course have you got lara trump, former dni ric grenell and senator from tennessee marsha blackburn. why fort mchenry it's the site during a battle of 1812 that inspired francis scott key write the star spangled banner. we will hear more about that. brian: different types of fireworks coming there with the vice president speaking and very significant because people having trouble whether to stand or kneel during the national anthem. really struck over the last two days when you talk about the difference between republicans and democrats republicans are rich and democrats are working class. just the opposite when you look at convention and voters. have you lobster men and steelworks ranchers and farmers. they have found a way for cows to milk themselves. i had no idea. they talked about pro-levee and talked about women and how many women and power they have had with this administration and becoming who they became and diversity again because you had the kentucky attorney general who is clearly up and coming star. joe biden is giving content to the rnc when he called the african-american reporter are you a junky? when he came back and said there is no diversity of thought in the republican party. and we said we know if you are black you are voting for a democrat. he has been forced to eat those words. why? because he was off script, off prompter and blew himself up. in terms of who was the star last night perhaps i think we can all agree the first lady of the united states with a lot of pressure on her walked down the colin made and give a brilliant speech. touched on a lot of topics including being a mom and how much this job means to the president of the united states. she is talking about her own personal story and how far she has come to get to where she is. >> growing up in i always heard about amazing place. a land that stood for freedom and opportunity as i became older it became my goal to move to the united states. i want to take the moment to thank my mother and father for all they have done for our family it is because of you that i am standing here today. [applause] >> living and working in the land of opportunity dream come true. i wanted to become more. i wanted to become a citizen. after 10 years of paperwork and patience i started for the test in 2006 and became an american citizen. [applause] it is still one of the proudest moments in high life, i understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have. >> she talked about her trip to africa and one of the telling moments living through right now is the slave trade and how it took root there and the horrible history part of our past but also says understand our paths and look forward talked about being a mom, steve. steve: indeed, brian, what we have seen over the last two nights we have seen a mix of high profile republicans. high profile americans and regular people. and that will continue tonight and tomorrow night as well. one of the regular people. while he was a complete unknown until last year when nicholas sandmann from covington, kentucky high school. they took that trip to the lincoln memorial and this image went viral. and yesterday for the first time he spoke out and he talked about how after this video went viral, essentially the mainstream media and others tried to cancel him. he was part of cancel culture. because it looked like a kid in a maga hat with a smug look on his face was confronting that native american. that was not the story. he fought back, he won settlements with cnn and "the washington post." he is still fighting others. but, his message was so powerful because he said there are so many people out there who are trying to be canceled -- or people are trying to cancel them, but he wouldn't stand for it. and he had bought that red maga hat just out there at a vendor because it was at the march for life. and he bought the hat as a salute to donald trump because he is pro-life. so the big question is would he ever put one of those hats on again, and last night we found out as he told us how he fought back. >> my life changed forever in that one moment. the full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. and do you know why? because the truth was not important. advancing their anti-christian, anti-conservative, anti-donald trump narrative was all that mattered. and if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from covington, kentucky, well, so be it. that would teach him not to wear a maga hat. i learned what was happening to me had a name. it was called being canceled. canceled is what's happening to people around this country who refuse to be silenced by the far left. and often the media is a willing participate. but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. i believe this country must unite around a president who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. we must all embrace our first amendment rights. not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. ♪ steve: his appearance was -- you know, i was online i was reading a lot of the things that a lot of people who say oh, i can't believe that kid did that. he is being used by the campaign. but others just absolutely loved it, ainsley. and he's going to be with us in the next hour right here on "fox & friends" because, after a year of silence, he is finally speaking out. ainsley: what i gathered from that was we heard all these media stories and we finally learned the truth is i felt so sorry for him because i thought is he ever going to get a job down the road? this is so controversial now. he was there, goes to a catholic high school. he is a young child, a teenager has his whole life in front of us fighting for babies' lives. this happened. he did fight back and last night you saw him put the hat on and he said i will not be canceled. what a brave young man. the highlight for me last night you saw a little bit of it from griff jenkins' hit was john ponder. the president pardoned him. steve: bank robber. ainsley: he said god if you save me i will devote my life to you. he has done that and tried to save the lives of other prisoners now through an organization he started his beautiful wife was there she was just precious. and the president signed his pardon. gave him the par done and gave the pen to his wife. it was a message of hope that you can -- your life can be changed and there's a bright future for everyone and he said we live in a country of second chances. melania said my husband won't stop fighting for you and your families. message to mothers. nicholas sandmann you heard him and abby johnson who used to work for planned parenthood was one of the speakers. so many of my friends were texting me saying i had to put it on mute to imagine what those babies had gone through. she was very descriptive and why she stopped working for planned parenthood and why she is pro-life now. she was on "fox & friends "fox " and just had a dynamic message. got so many emails saying i was on the fence and didn't know who i was going to vote for because of your message i'm voting for donald trump. brian: john ponder with the fbi agent. go out to dinner and work with each other to make the world a better place. i think we should call the hallmark people. steve: we had heard that they were going to have surprises each and every night. the first night was when the president brought out people who were hostages in a number of different countries. and essentially they thanked him for not giving up on him and then last night we saw the bank robber with a heart of gold whose life he pardoned him right on the spot. that was a made for tv moment. and then in the 10:00 hour they naturalized five brand new americans. ainsley: the american dream. steve: what's going to happen in the 10:00 hour see it right here on fox news. brian: big preview coming your way. manhunt underway in kenosha, wisconsin. two people shot and killed during violent protests overnight. [gunfire] >> get down. get down. get down. [gunfire] brian: our fox news crew capturing those harrowing moments. todd piro is in the newsroom with breaking details. >> good morning to all three of you, protests in kenosha turning violent for a third straight night. here is more of that terrifying video from our fox news crew. [gunfire] >> get down, get down, get down. [gunfire] [yelling] >> we just heard moments ago police confirming that two people were killed. a third personal seriously injured. police still looking for the suspect at this hour. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8 p.m. curfew. wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a stated of emergency and deploying the national guard to support shoot. police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video you z. it right there. 29-year-old father of six is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destruction. he was the very -- for all of the police officers i'm praying for you and your families. >> a lawyer for blake's family says they plan to file a civil rights lawsuit against the police department at the appropriate time. steve, ainsley, and brian, back to you. steve: indeed. and the rnc did include a prayer for jacob blake in the very opening last night. meanwhile, big day for weather. we turn enough to to the extreme weather center where hurricane laura has strengthened overnight. that is not good news and now expected to hit texas and louisiana as a cat 4 storm tonight. they thought it would be a cat 3. ainsley it, looks like a 4. ainsley: more than half a million people have been ordered to evacuate along the gulf coast. a highway along galveston, texas fully packed with people trying to get out. governor greg abbott warning of deadly storm surge. >> people anywhere near where the hurricane will come ashore will need to be very aware of this high water surge because it can easily sweep you away. brian: wow. we will have a live report from texas later. and we're going to have janice dean in just a little while. meanwhile, an eighth generation lobsterman praising president trump for delivering on his promises. >> i have to confess, i didn't support trump in 2016. as long as trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice. brian: that's pretty amazing. that fisherman going to join us live next. get a net and go back to work ♪ take a chance on me ♪ if you need me ♪let me know ♪ i will be around ♪ if you got no place to go ♪ when you're feeling down ♪ take a chance ♪ what do you look for when you trade? i want free access to research. yep, td ameritrade's got that. free access to every platform. mhm, yeah, that too. i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those. i want to know what i'm paying upfront. yes, absolutely. do you just say yes to everything? hm. well i say no to kale. mm. yeah, they say if you blanch it it's better, but that seems like a lot of work. now offering zero commissions on online trades. we charge you less so you have more to invest. ♪ coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. he scores! stanley cup champions. touchdown! only mahomes. expect anything different? the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. steve: all right. welcome back, last night we told you last night the president in the 10:00 hour. one of the surprises things on the script not going in was he surprised five people and they became on the spot u.s. citizens. he welcomed five new citizens in a naturalization ceremony as they showed their citizenship certificates and flags as you can see right there and posed with the president of the united states for pictures. that night last night changed those five lives and those five families forever. let's bring in acting dhs deputy secretary ken cuccinelli. ken, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we hear so much about immigration and that's what it looks like when it gets done by the book. except the president is in charge. >> and it the best news we give out of the agency that does legal immigration work and they have been pounding along including through covid. had to catch up on naturalizations. and i can tell you because i ran uscis before i became deputy secretary at dhs. the president has looked for an opportunity to do a naturalization ceremony for some time. the vice president has done several of them as well. so they both really revel in the positive aspect of america that so many of us who were born here take for granted. that people wh who who work to become citizens. we heard the first lady speak of it as well, her journey. it means so much to them. it's a reminder of those of us born here of just how blessed we are to be americans. something i think the president has always highlighted throughout his presidency and naturalization is just another way to do it. i would note that in the first two full years of his presidency, we naturalized more citizens, i think, than the first two years of any other president i'm aware of. so, we were cranking along under this president on both the legal side being effective while also fighting illegal immigration harder than i think any administration for many years. certainly in our lifetimes. steve: you may see new naturalized american citizens, mr. cuccinelli, but there is a host over on msnbc who just sees political props. listen to joy reed. watch. >> donald trump made that ceremony about him. he made that ceremony about celebrating donald trump. he did one specifically for politics, specifically for re-election. he used those people as props he s hole countries. they are not allowed to come in because they are not from norway. donald trump used a color direction a crayon box of images to welcoming black people and brown people. it was offensive to see that done in the people's house. steve: so, she is saying essentially it was a reality show and these were just props used to get the president reelected. >> well, she also said why just naturalize white people. what a racist. what an ignorant statement. she has no idea how many people from all over the world that uscis naturalizes every single year. and if i remember my statistics correctly, the number one country year in and year out isn't norway. it's mexico. our neighbor to the south. and that's been true for a long time. and, you know, the folks you saw in that naturalization ceremony are very roughly, it's obviously a small sample, representative of the people we naturalize every day. and who become americans every day. and that ceremony being the last step, which is required. they have to be sworn in, become new americans. and so it is part of the process that congress requires. and she just has no idea what she is talking about. everything she said, every single aspect of that statement was wrong. steve: all right. well, thank you very much for telling us what you think. kennel cuccinelli, the acting dhs at the present deputy secretary, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. steve: coming up this morning black lives matter protesters harassing diners in washington, d.c. urging them to raise their fist. new video sparking outrage in our nation's capital coming up. soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen >> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. stop cleaning. start swiffering ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: there you go a fox news alert. you heard it. two people shot. protests rage for the third straight night sparked by the police shooting of jason blake shot seven times. rob schmitt. here we go again. this is george floyd. this is a white officer shooting a black suspect or somebody they are having a confrontation with. the response almost the same. just in a different city. what's your reaction? my reaction, brian, you are right. it's the same thing over and over again. a couple months ago on this network you guys saw me go to minneapolis after the riots happened there go fund me, reraised $100,000 for that and i donated some of that to some people there but when you walk on these streets and you see what has happened in the wake of some of this destruction, you really do have to see some of that stuff for yourself. look, brian, like everybody else i'm mortified by the video of that shooting. i want answers. i think somebody definitely needs to be held accountable. but i do not know or i do not think that these people need to be destroying their own communities and being violent in this way. now, the uncle of the victim in this shooting actually went to one of the other networks and said that he does not want people to protest violently. he said that they want -- he wants them to demand justice and they will get justice but that it has to be done in a peaceful way. we cannot continue to destroy our own communities violently over and over and over again. we do not win in this way. brian: well, that's true. you own a tire store for 50 years and now it's on fire. you own a dealership. >> you financed all those cars and blew up because of something that has nothing to do with you. please explain to me how that works. lindsey graham asks i don't know what happened there. let's find out. it's dangerous being a cop, quote. i don't know why the gentleman didn't yield when he was asked to yield. i don't know what the facts are we don't know if he was grabbing a gun. we don't know if they said drop the knife, if there was indeed a knife. we could see on other video that something else happened. should that matter? >> my first instinct and not coming to you as someone to worked in law enforcement i'm a iraq war veteran. brian: nor i. >> my first thought is why so many shots? that was my first instinct is why so many shots? my first instinct for me as a citizen is that it seemed excessive and it seemed very aggressively. it's a horrifying video, right? so we definitely need answers. but i have to say, again, with all of these protests and with all of the violence who ends up hurting the most when this happened is black people. what ends up -- who ends up hurting the most is black business owners, who ends up hurting the most is black citizens of these communities that now don't have anywhere to go to. brian: gotcha. >> think about the stories i was told when i was in minneapolis. brian: bring to you this video you have a bunch of white protesters getting very close to extreme violence going into diners, demanding these patrons raise their fist in support of black people. please tell me how this helps your cause. people who are clueless about the black community telling white people who want to have lunch join the fight for black people. >> brian, this is not about black lives. that group of people are a bunch of spoiled white leftists who are assuaging their white guilt by attaching themselves to that movement and trying to get normal white people. normal every day white people to join their cult. and it's horrifying and this is not something that should be normalized. i will tell you something, if i am sitting outside on the street and having lunch and these idiots come in my face, there is going to be a problem. so this is something that needs to be clampsd down right now and the democratic leadership is too weak call this out and end this right now. this should not be normalized, period. >> unbelievable. opportunity to say this is right. this is wrong. this is helpful. this is not. i give this woman so much credit by saying i'm not raising my fist. you could put 500 people in front of me. i'm not doing it. rob, great perspective. >> and, brian, also, be the person that does not bow to the mob. be the couple that doesn't bow to the mob. don't be that weak idiot to the left in that video that raises his fist up just so he can be left alone. everybody like you have to stand up to the mob or else they will run you over. brian: just a quick note i watched the blake family press conference. so much class and kindness came out of that and while they watch to see if their son or relative is going to be able to walk again. truly appreciated that i think that helped things. rob, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. brian: all right. coming up straight ahead, we change gears back to the rnc. secretary of state mike pompeo praising trump's foreign policy during his convention address. >> president trump has put his america first vision into action, delivering on the duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. brian: texas g.o.p. chairman lieutenant colonel allen west here to react next ♪ song make me want to roll my window down and cruise ♪ back down ♪ i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. >> all of us need to be prepared for the direct hit from this storm. this is truly when we have to say prepare for the worst. steve: she is talking about hurricane laura seen there from satellite now expected to be a category 4 storm before it hits the mainland. ainsley: it is set to make landfall in louisiana and in texas tonight after upgrading to a category 2 storm overnight. brian: not a direction we want to go. jeff flock from our sister network fox business. mandatory evacuations underway. jeff, we see the traffic. >> steve, ainsley, brian, yeah. i come to you this morning from the largest oil refinery in america. it is right now dead in the crosshairs of hurricane laura. you see it behind me. 600,000-barrels of oil today typically refined here shut down. more on that in a moment. first, yes, everybody is getting out of dodge. they experienced hurricane rita here back in 2005, that extraordinary year with hurricane katrina. rita was actually a more intense hurricane than katrina. and a lot of people that experienced that now boarding up and getting out of town. but others still not taking it as seriously as perhaps they should. listen. >> don't make no sense to go nowhere else. >> i feel more comfortable just being able to know i know where i'm going to be and just hope for the best. >> they say category 4 -- hmmm, okay. >> you can laugh as it if you want as you report indeed it could be cat 4 before it comes in. if it hits the refining capabilities here, this is refinalry row. port arthur biggest refinery in america and multiple other ones if you filled your gas tank up in the last dariu day or so pers you know gas prices spiking as a result of that. if we get a direct hit here we will see. going to get tough before it gets better, guys. steve: jeff flock down at port arthur in texas. headline right now hurricane laura poses the biggest storm threat to u.s. oil outputs in 15 years. janice dean joins us right now. janice, yesterday, you presumed it was going to be a cat 3 before it made landfall. now, it looks like according to the model, could be a cat 4. janice: right. it is rapidly intensifying. and continues to do so over the next several hours. let's take a look at the track as of the 5:00 a.m. advisory from the national hurricane center. moving towards texas and louisiana. 110 mile-per-hour sustained winds. 111 makes it a category 3. and we do expect this storm to become a category 4 and then weaken as it makes landfall. we think landfall is going to happen overnight tonight into thursday morning around 3:00 a.m. and this is going to be a catastrophic storm now predicting storm surge of upwards of 15 feet. 15 inches of rainfall attached to this in isolated amounts. we are also going to be the potential for hurricane force winds well along the coast line. not just where the center comes ashore. but, you know, extending along the coast and inland. so inland flooding is going to be a problem. we're also going to see the threat for tornadoes as well. we will continue to monitor it. new advisory out at 8:00 a.m. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. ainsley: thank you, janice. let's bring in lieutenant colonel allen west. former texas republican party chair. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you ainsley? ainsley: i'm doing well. we wants to get your reaction about the convention but first ask you about this storm it's heading toward beaumont and houston area as well as louisiana. ohio are y'all preparinhow are . >> there i was in houston county and beaumont and jefferson county. i sent a couple of text messages thato friends i know in beaumon. our their thoughts and prayers e going out there. they are used to these types of storms they have the usual precautions in place. i know we will be able to respond very well. again, our prayers go out to folks there. hopefully this is a fast moving storm and doesn't hang over them like we have seen in the past causing a lot of flood damage but, of course, the storm surge is a big concern. brian: texans their best in times of crises. they are asked to do that again. i'm very confident as you are. pivot to another area of expertise and that's foreign policy. the secretary of state on last night to make sure people know what president trump's foreign policy is and in the middle east it's an example of you who it's working. i understand jared kushner and robert o'brien and maybe the secretary of state will have first historic flight between israel and the uae. here is the secretary of state yesterday from israel. >> primary constitutional function of the national government senel suring that your family and mine are safe. and enjoy the freedom to live, to work. to learn, and to worship as they choose. delivering on the duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world in china he has pulled back the curtain on the predatory aggression of the chinese communist party. in north korea the president lowered the temperature and, against all odds, got the north korean leadership to the table no. nuclear tests no. long range missile test because president trump stronger ukraine has defensive weapon systems and america left a harmful treaty so our nation can build missiles to deter russian aggression and in the middle east when iran threatened, the president approved a strike that killed the iranian terrorists, will absolutely. >soleimani. how does colonel west grade the president? >> without a doubt everything that the secretary of state pompeo said is true all you have to do is look at the headlines. we don't hear about iran yarn threats and isis. this ptsz has taken on the. especially better than the usama bin laden-biden administration. we are are not sending bulls of dollars or millions of dollars of cash to iran. that's really put a crimp on them. again you go back and talk about soleimani. go back and confront these enemies. we are not leading from behind. we don't have a policy of strategic patience with north korea. without a doubt national security foreign policy wise the trump administration far surpasses the obama-biden administration. will. steve: the biden team says that what he did, mr. pompeo, in the country of israel appearing on behalf of the president, it was political, it's a violation of the hatch act. they want an investigation. but, we wanted your comment as well from just before melania appeared last night the first black attorney general for the state of kentucky, a fellow by the name of daniel cammeron came on and he had quite a story is he considered a protege of mitch mcconnell. he had a message for joe biden and took it directly to him with this. listen. >> joe biden who says if you aren't voting for me, you ain't black. who argued that republicans would put us back in chains, who says there is no diversity of thought in the black community. mr. vice president, look at me. i am black. we are not all the same, sir. i am not in chains. my mind is my own. and you can't tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin. joe biden is a backwards thinker in a world that is craving forward-looking leadership. there's no wisdom in his record or plan. just a trail of discredited ideas and offensive statements. steve: colonel, what do you think about his message? >> you know what? we're having a broad band problem. ainsley: he fell asleep with it. steve: i read his point of view from the producers. ainsley: there is bad weather down there so it could have affected internet and broadband. steve: lieutenant colonel allen west. brian: text us and tell us what you think, colonel. i know you were watching. ainsley: that sound bite was pretty powerful. is he a rising star. 8th generation lobsterman praising president trump for delivering on his promises. >> i have to confess i didn't support trump in 2016, as long as trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice. ainsley: that fisherman is going to join us live next. ♪ signed, sealed, delivered, i'm yours ♪ here i am, baby. ♪ i'm signed, sealed, delivered than just a great netw. with plans starting at just $35. the network more people rely on gives you more. this is unlimited 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people. ainsley: eight generation lobster fisherman jason joyce telling the rnc he didn't support the then candidate donald trump in 2016 but is he supporting him this year. jason joins us now. hey, jason. >> . why do you support him now. what has this administration done for maine that obama and biden did not do? >> well, he has brought attention to our industry. i mean, we are blue collar workers and he is not just about wall street. is he about the average person. and we are just hardworking people. a lot of environmental lists and groups extremists after us. he is just -- no other politician has the guts to stand up to anything that's wrong this that's targeted us. he has expressed that he is -- i'm not sure how to say this. he is very helpful to us and we appreciate it. i was glad to speak on his behalf. ainsley: after the administration's recent tariff agreement with the eu the president said beautiful manuel lobster also move tariff free to europe. what does this mean for your family? >> well, we are down $1 a pound in price. so say your average fisherman catches 25 to 50,000 pounds a year. looking at your average family of making 25 to $50,000 less per year. so, i have already heard from some lobsterman getting 25 cents per pound now. supposedly a bump from that eu agreement. so it's things have been down but things are looking up. and it's all because of the price was down because of the covid. all the restaurants closed. and so the demand was down. and we didn't even know if we would be able to official this year if we would be shut down some days because of lack of demand. he has really gone out of his way for us. i was happy. ainsley: thank you so much. you did a great job last night. and thank you for what you do. we love lobster when we are in maine and the lobster rolls up there are the best. thank you so much. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. mike huckabee and sarah sanders coming up. to be honest...a little dust? it never bothered me. until i found out what it actually was. dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. where you live has never no mattermattered more.e, for over 100 years, realtors® have been providing expert guidance, helping people find new places to dream and thrive. when you're ready... look for the r. [applause] ♪ >> donald trump, he doesn't just speak words. he demands action and he gets results. >> president trump has put his america first vision into action. hit may not have made him populr in every foreign capital but it worked. >> do do you want economic health or prosperity. or do you want to turn back to the dark days of stagnation. >> joe biden is ready to raise taxes and working men and women of america will get crushed yet again. >> i believe we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media. >> fighting for america is something he will sacrifice anything for. >> joe biden is a backwards thinker in a world that is craving forward-looking leadership. >> our president will finish what he started to keep this a real land of opportunity. >> together with a forgotten man and woman who are finally foregotten no more, you are making america great again. ♪ ♪ steve: good morning, everybody. ':00 hour of "fox & friends" live on wednesday, august 26th. thank you very much for ainsley and brian we have a couple big stories we are following this morning in addition to the rnc. by the way we will have nick sandmann would he ever put that cap on again? we found out last night. he is going to be with us this hour. plus, it looks as if hurricane laura was -- it sounded like it was going to be a cat 3 before landfall. now it is projected to be a cat 4, ainsley and brian. brian: that's the type of news that would swamp all other news. meanwhile straight to a fox news alert. a mom we -- people shot and killed as riots get killed in wisconsin overnight. >> get down, get down, get down. [gunshots] [shouting] ainsley: our fox news crew capturing the harrowing moments as gunshots ring out in kenosha and todd piro is live in the newsroom with breaking details with the latest. >> steve, ainsley and brian, good morning to you. third night of violence in ken northbound sexual harassment take a look again that terrifying video from our fox news crew. [gunfire] >> get down, get down, get down. [gunshots] [shouting] todd: and just a little while ago police confirming two people were killed. a third personal seriously injured. right now police actively looking for that suspect. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8 p.m. curfew. wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a state of emergency and deploying the wisconsin national guard to help police. the demonstrations sparked by the police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video. blake's family says the 29-year-old father of 6 is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destructi destruction. >> he would be very unpleased to -- two officers i'm praying for you and your families. >> lawyer for blake's family say they plan to file civil rights lawsuit convention the police department. steve: more throughout the day right here on fox. meantime go back to the coverage of the rnc and joining us right now mike huckabee, fox news contributor, former republican presidential candidate and sarah sanders who used to live at his house, fox news contributor and former white house press secretary. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: please remain civil we don't want this segment to go off the rails. all right. sarah, let's start with you. what did you think of night two? >> i thought it was a powerful night. i think there were a lot of big moments last night' and the clincher at the end with the first lady i think really set the tone for the entire night. a message of unity, a message of empowerment. i thought she did an absolutely spectacular job and reminded us all why we want her to be there for four more years as well as donald trump. i thought she was truly amazing and really set the night but the whole lineup was -- again, i think very powerful. attorney general daniel cammeron from kentucky, nicholas sandmann. the president's children. eric and tiffany. all had, i think, just really strong night. larry kudlow and mike pompeo from the administration really, i think, brought a lot of things to the forefront on behalf of the president, strong economy but also showed his heart and who he is and how much he loves this country. ainsley: okay, governor, i'm going to share with you one of my favorite moments from last night and get your reaction and find out what your favorite moments were. this was jon ponder i'm sure you loved this story as a former pastor in arkansas. jon ponder convicted of bank robberies, he went to prison, and he said god saved his life and now he is giving back. he has an organization where he shares his message of hope and forgiveness with other prisoners. he said we live in a country of second chances. listen to this. the president pardoned him last night. >> not so long ago my life was running from the police, fearing the police, and avoiding the police. not because of anything that the police had done to me personally, but due to the animosity i had allowed to grow inside of me, making me believe that they were my enemy. but today, praise god, i am filled with hope, a proud american citizen who has been given a second chance. my hope for america is that formerly incarcerated people will be afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of second chances. my hope for america is that law enforcement and people in the communities across our country can come together and realize that as americans we have more in common than we have differences. >> now i would like to invite jon's wife jamie to join us as i grant jon -- i'm not sure you know this -- a full pardon. so i don't know if you know that jamie. come on over here. it's just an honor. and you have done incredible work. ainsley: mr. huckabee, the man standing behind his wife he was the fbi agent that arrested him. now they are best friends. the media is now saying oh we didn't like this because they had to do it in the white house. they are calling it a political convention. come on it's the middle you have covid and this man's life has changed forever. what's your reaction? >> every american with a heart saw that a i think i did a beautiful story of redemption. a story of a person whose life was changed by the lord and if you can't celebrate that a guy who was once a bank robber and now he and the fbi agent who arrested him are best friends and they are helping people who messed up in their lives get back on track so quite frankly, look at it economically taxpayers aren't having to pay for the people whose lives get straight wanted out. i don't care what your ideology or race or gender, it shouldn't matter. a story like this ought to bring a tear to your eye. it certainly did to mine i thought overall terrific night last night. i agree with sarah i started to say ditto on everything she said agree with her just like her mother, i just have to say second emotion. but the truth is there was some great moments last night. i agree the first lady's message was so very on point. it was interesting to me i will just say this. how many people criticized the fact that she spoke at the white house frool property. why are you so concerned about federal property being burned, looted and statues torn down and you got upset because the first lady gave a beautiful message of what this country means to her and how hard she worked to get here? and what an incredible experience it is for someone who became a citizen in 2006 to now be the first lady of the united states and to do it with such charm and elegance. it was a beautiful thing to see that last night. again, how do you find fault with that? you got to be a real angry bitter person to do it. brian: sarah, you are an expert in administration. coming out of the dnc the mission was to counter the narrative that the president wasn't up for the job michelle obama. that he is a sexist misogynist ego maniac out of control all about him. what you are getting is personal stories that says it's just not true whether it's herschel walker. whether it's andrew pollock who in the time of crisis the president spent time away from the cameras. whether it's senator tim scott talking about how how he has talked to families of victims of violence with law enforcement. step away from the cameras. personal stories i think also one of the moments that stood out to me when he pointed out how many women of power like yourself that the president has empowered with his campaign and with his administration. >> absolutely. and that's one of the things that i have loved about this convention. i have spent almost every single day for two and a half years with the president. and i got to know him very well during that time. he is a man who loves this country and loves the citizens of this country. and is willing to take all the heat, all the negativity every day to make their lives better. he is making his life harder every single day that he sits in that office so that everybody else can be better off and to me i think we have seen a lot of those moments, some of those behind the scenes moments. the call he had with jim jordan's family. i experience those every day with the president when he interacted with men and women of our military. this is a person who respects and appreciates and loves the people who are willing to put their lives on the line and sacrifice everything in some cases so that we get to live free in the greatest country on the face of the planet. we have seen these moments. >> you mercedes, kellyanne conway, other females in power it's a hard narrative to digest if he is so sexist or male-oriented why are so many peoplwomen with power and some firsts? >> exactly. that's one of the things i loved about working with the president. he didn't treat me any differently than he would any of my male colleagues. he put me there because he thought i was the best person for the job not because i was a woman. and if he was happy, he told you. if he was upset. he told you. he didn't treat you any differently. he empowered us to do our jobs. he gave us the latitude to do them. he trusted us. he listened to us. it's one of the biggest things that makes me angry i hear when people say he doesn't listen. he doesn't like people who disagree with him. of course he does. he let's us all in the room. he listens to us. at the end of the day, it's his decision to make. but i loved last night. i thought it was, again, a very special moment for them to highlight the women around the president, but, also, the successes of women under this president's policies. the fact that two thirds of the millions of jobs that have been created under this president have gone to women and minorities. that's a fact that we have heard through the convention, which is a good thing because you certainly won't hear that on most of the media outlets that are talking about this administration and this president and i'm glad that the last two nights have highlighted those big moments for the president. steve: all right. governor, one of the highlights certainly was nick sandmann in the last year essentially a lot of people on the political left tried to cancel him because there was a narrative out that there is that smug kid who put on a maga cap and he confronted that native american, that's the story they put out. it was wrong. we now know the true story but they tried to cancel him just the fact that he was march for life and put a cap on have a vendor will lincoln memorial. so we ever put on that cap again? we found out last night when he talked about how he stuck up -- stood up against the mainstream media and won. watch. >> my life changed forever in that moment. the full of the mainstream media revved up into full attack mode. do you know why? because the truth was not important. advancing their anti-christian, anti-conservative, anti-donald trump narrative was all that mattered. and if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from covington, kentucky, well, so be it. that would teach him not to wear a maga hat. i learned what was happening to me had a name. it was called being canceled. canceled is what's happening to people around this country who refuse to be silenced by the far left. and often, the media is a willing participant. but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. i believe this country must unite arranged a president who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. steve: well, there you go. and, governor, he fought back and won settlement. he had sued cnn and "the washington post" for about a quarter of a billion dollars. he settled. and that was his message last night. >> i love that kid. i have never met him, but i love that kid. let me tell you something he has more courage than most of the people who run for office and get to congress. i hope he is there one day after he finishes being the new ceo of the network that he owns cnn. it was a beautiful thing last night to watch. they carried his entire speech and you just wondered of if the people over there were just just wiggling in their chairs having to realize what they had attempted to do to this young man. but he had the guts to stand up to him. and when he put on that hat, how could you just not wants to stand up and cheer and say go get' young man. get' young man. this is the same media that attacks the president every single day with fake news. it doesn't matter what he does, they will find something to be unhappy about, something to be upset about. last night we celebrated another person, like the president, who pushed back and who won. ainsley: sarah, what's your reaction? because he didn't ask for any of this. >> no. this is an innocent kid. i love what they did. i love that he stood up on the world stage and i think that took a lot of courage. what happened to him from people like cnn and other liberal media elites was absolutely disgusting. and should never happen in this country. and i love that he stood up and fought back and he won and could not be more proud of him. i had the chance to speak to him on the phone just days after that incident unfolded. and just what a person of real conviction and courage and to have that at such a young age, i think we are going to see a lot more of nicholas sandmann and i for one am happy about that. brian: you know who probably wasn't happy cnn and msnbc who had to take that story and. joe lockhart tweeted out something negative biffive about him on cnn. who is inbelievably tone deaf for a guy who used to have a job. thanks a lot huckabee families, thanks for joining us. hopefully next time you will get along. [laughter] >> not a chance. brian: i don't think so. let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead and here is what i'm actually going to be saying out loud. nicholas sandmann is going to be coming up live 7:506789 expand on his speech. this truck driver and democrat who backed president trump in 2016. his story was just featured at the republican convention. he will join us live next. ♪ ♪ don't stop me now ♪ don't stop me now ♪ having a good time ♪ don't want to stop at all ♪ straining, and bloating, again and again. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation. maybe it's not. it could be a chronic medical condition called ibs-c, and time to say yesss! to linzess. linzess works differently than laxatives. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. change your thinking to ibs-c. if your constipation and belly pain keeps coming back, tell your doctor and say yesss! to linzess. tools, cattle, grain, traded goods. tell your doctor even shells represented value. then currency came along. they made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. that's why it's time for digital currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. go digital. go grayscale. book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at >> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. choice hotels is there. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> he is coming here to tell the voters i'm in washington and i'm fighting for you. this guy is actually doing it and we are ecstatic. >> so his name is geno difabio. >> mr. president, this is also the steel valley. [cheers and applause] >> every one of these people love you, sir. >> president trump is a doer. he appreciates every one of us and i know he does. i have seen it. when he said make america great again, that was his task. that wasn't his slogan. that was his his task. ainsley: we introduced you to our next guest following the 2016 presidential election an ohio truck driver who was a lifelong democrat before voting for president trump. and last night geno difabio's story was featured at the rnc and geno joins us again. hey, geno. >> hey, good morning, ainsley, how are you? ainsley: good morning. i'm doing great. what were your takeaways last night? >> it was amazing. it was an amazing night. you know, not just my story but everybody's stories. you will could see the difference in the conventions and how they are presenting their points and their stories. you know, the republican convention, president trump and the administration, it's all about america and the american people and celebrating that is such a difference from the way the other side did theirs. >> i'm sorry. >> it's easy to speak well for the president because he really does want to put america first. and that's why they hate him because he is doing it for us. that's why i back him. ainsley: in 2016 you voted for him lifelong democrat. in 2017 after he won you were on our show and he pulled you up on stage at the next rally. how has your life changed since then? >> since then i have become a lot more popular locally. and i have been on your program a few times. ainsley: yes, sir. >> it has given me the opportunity to speak my mind and i just -- i don't -- i just want -- i think i want what the president wants. what we all wanted. and i'm just blested with the opportunity to presented that you know, we all just -- we want to live our lives. we want to have a decent job where we can take care of our families. we don't want to see our cities burned. i will tell you that we don't want the destruction. and we just -- we're americans. we are exceptional and we just want to live our lives. president trump is fighting for us for that every day. and they are mad at him but they are really mad at us for voting -- i'm sure they are mad at us for electing president trump. ainsley: i know i cut regulations and lowered taxes trucking industry more money in your pocketbook. so grateful for our truckers because we appreciate you even more now going through corona and every single thing on those shelves comes from you and you are amazing. >> thank you. ainsley: what's it like in your life there are a lot of perceptions about who he is. >> you know what? when i first met the president back stage at the centered i was in awe and shock. talk to him and immediately like talking to your best friend like he has known you forever. hey, how are you doing, thanks for coming, thanks for seeing me tonight. he is an amazing thing. the vice president is just as personable. i wish everyone would have the opportunity that i have had. we have an amazing administration. ainsley: what do you say to the critics that he is all about me and not us? >> president trump and the administration are fighting for the american people. i like to know what he does for himself? here is a guy that doesn't need. this he doesn't need this at all. do you know what i'm saying? he could have just retired and went and done whatever. but he is fighting for the american people. i don't know if we lose this opportunity with president trump, i don't know who with the means, with the talent and treasure to run for president would ever do it again after seeing what they have done to this man. yet he goes on and fights on for us. so that tells me, you know, every one of us has to do what we can to help this man. i will take some arrows and punches. if you can't do that, you have to make sure you vote. that's the most important thing. ainsley: great message. we all need to vote. thank you so much geno. >> thank you ainsley i appreciate it. ainsley: 26 minutes after the hour. former attorney general pam bondi making the case against the bidens at the rnc and she joins us live next. ♪ and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... ♪ discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. ♪ it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. right now, get zero percent apr on all 2020 lincoln vehicles. with acetaminophenction fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. ♪ >> we were told to look at joe biden as the model of integrity but when you look at his 47-year career in politics. the people who benefited are his family members. brian: that's what pam bondi was talking about yesterday who is joe biden and what has he done? former attorney general pam bondi delivering that blistering rnc speech focusing on the biden family, the links to ukraine and maybe china and who has benefited. joining us now is pam bondi herself. pam, what was your mission and what do you think is important to get across this morning? >> brian, and it's a tough topic. no one wants to talk about someone's family but we have to. when the democrats at their convention are calling joe biden the model of integrity everything they said about him, how ethical he was, how honest he was, and it's just not true. and the american people had to hear it. they had to hear about his son and business dealings, hunter's and his brothers. there is so much more and we narrowed it down. we tried to keep it as short as we could. but the people need to know this guy is in it for himself and his family. and that's what he has been doing for almost 50 years. 50 years in office looking out for himself and looking out for his family. president trump didn't need this job. we all know that. this job is a headache every day and he is doing it because he loves the american people. and look at the president's kids in contrast. how hard they all work. i mean, you heard from tiffany trump last night. you know, you are going to hear from the other kids, they are amazing, amazing people. they are working so hard for this country. they sacrificed so much. president trump has sacrificed so much, given up so much because he cares about our country. and joe biden it's been the opposite. it's all about his family getting recidivism while he is in office. he does that as vice president it should scare everybody what he would do as president. brian: how close is the president keeping an eye on the investigations on what happened leading up to the mueller report and how joe biden and president obama might have been in on a meeting when they decided to really target michael flynn and not tell the president? >> yeah, and, brian, what they did there was horrible. you know, we talk all the time how they spied on a president elect. but, going after michael flynn in the oval office and you just can't tell me that barack obama and joe biden didn't know what was going on. they knew what was going on. they had to. and i know all that is going to come out, we have got rely on the durham report. but, what they did to a sitting american president. to president trump i said in the oval office. the situation room. they came in the situation room and spied on mike flynn in the west wing that's unacceptable. it's going to come out. if they did that then, imagine what biden would do as our president. that's why he could not be our president. brian: is it risky bringing this up whole thing being that the ukrainian controversy got the president impeached in the house. >> the president did nothing wrong. i think what we are talking about confirms did he nothing wrong. he questioned hunter biden's dealings, she should have been questioned. no, they are going to continue to go after our great president for the next four years. brian: that's thanks a lot. pam bondi great job last night and thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks. brian: congressman dan crenshaw set to speak at the convention tonight. he joining us with a live preview next. ♪ some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data. entering data. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data. and it doesn't just drag hr down. it drags the entire business down -- with inefficiency, errors and waste. it's ridiculous. so ridiculous. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. visit, and schedule your demo today. inflammation in your eye might be to, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? 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>> yeah. we're going to get the new advisory in just minutes and i have a feeling it's going to be a cearlgted 3, a major hurricane. we are just one mile shy of that and can you see on the satellite imagery that we see a very well defined eye. all four quadrants filling out nicely we expect this to strengthen quite considerably before landfall tomorrow morning between texas and louisiana. there is the radar. you can see the outer bands already moving across portions of louisiana and we are expecting impact landfall arranged 3:00 a.m., 4:00 a.m. on thursday. this is going to be a catastrophic storm with storm surge totals up to 15 feet. i mean, you can't survive that. so, if you are told to evacuate you need to do so immediately. again, storm surge, some of the storm surge is going to be felt miles inland, so this is going to be a big deal. not only storm surge along the coast but upwards of 12 to 15 inches of rainfall and that could potentially be deadly. so there's the track. we will get a new one at 8:00 a.m. and i have a feeling they will bump this up to a major hurricane. once it makes landfall it will started to weaken but as you can see it's going to be a formidable storm and probably go down in the history books as one of the worst storms texas and louisiana has seen in their history. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. steve: not good news. all right, j.d., thank you very much. let's bring in texas republican congressman dan crenshaw. he has got a busy day. is he going to be speaking tonight at the rnc. more on that. dan, yesterday you spent a little time there in houston at the emergency preparedness office. they are getting ready because this looks bad. >> yeah; yeah, it does. we are proud of houston. we have our emergency operation center. that's where all of the relevant agencies connect and communicate whether it's during a pandemic. whether it's during hurricane harvey or upcoming hurricane. you know, as far as the track right now. we are definitely worried about a lot of our energy infrastructure that's in the hurricane sights. here in houston we are still on the edge of the path, it's going to be looking like higher winds but certainly not the kind of rainfall that say we saw during harvey. people need to be ready we encourage them to go to ready so that you understand what needs to be done to be prepared. we are in this together. we have done this before. we will remain houston strong. ainsley: congressman, what are your plans for tonight? i know you are going to be speaking at the rnc. can you give us a preview? >> sure. so the theme tonight is america is the land of heroes. and i think it's -- which is consistent with what the rnc convention has been, which is an uplifting message of optimism about america. this message that america is actually a good place, not this bad place that needs to be revolutionized. it's a good place with a good foundation. and we want to build upon those foundations and be proud of our country. we want to be the party that teaches our kids to love america. and i think that's what you are going to hear tonight. brian: congressman, something that really astounding came out and i think one of the most irresponsible things i have heard a politician say in a long time. hillary clinton. we have got to have a massive legal operation and she goes on to say under no circumstances should joe biden concede. i think this is going to drag out eventually and i do believe we will win. really? so, if donald trump wins the election, joe biden will not concede the election because they will eventually find a way to win. can you say something more irresponsible than that? >> yeah. it's eerie. it's eerie is the word. and how bold she is with just laying out their plan like that. and we all know that's the plan, right? create as much chaos around elections as possible. you should find it very suspicious our institution of voting is the one thing democrats don't want any regulation on. why is that? they have built a narrative, don't concede, universal mail-in ballots. no voter i.d. you know, they have started to build a narrative that if donald trump gets elected it will be illegitimate. and now they are laying out their plan. okay. what's interesting about them, too, is. this if we're all being honest and got a bunch of problem solvers in a room we want an election that is verifiable and secure so we all know our vote counts. obvious is in person voting and voter i.d. everybody would agree on common sense elements. you should find it very suspicious that these are the things that democrats fight against the most. why is that? it's very, very strange. and it's because they want to create chaos in the election. they want to be able to tinker with the chaos and claim victory even when they didn't win. brian: remember, barack obama had to convince her to concede. he had to call her up to concede. it looks like she regrets it. unbelievable. steve: but that was then. this is now. let's see what happens. dan crenshaw, we will be watching you here tonight on fox. thank you, sir. >> appreciate it guys, thank you for having me. steve: quarter after the hour and jillian joins us with headlines. jillian: following a number of stories beginning with this join ago seattle police investigation as rioters tried locking officers inside a burning precinct. demonstrators reportedly tried to seal a door shut with quick dry cemented before lighting the building on fire. officers reportedly kicked the door open running outside to safety. one officer is hurt. one suspect is behind bars. former fbi director james comey blasts president trump and attorney general william barr in a new "the washington post" op-ed. comey accusing them of, quote: leaving a leg gales of damage at the justifiable department. comey also responding to the ongoing durham probably claiming he is not a targeted aing it is being used as a political tool for president trump. that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian. his speech was one of the highlights from night two. watch. this but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. ainsley: nicholas sandmann is going to join us live next. that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. there's no question it's something car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. >> i will not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies, or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. ♪ >> steve: there you go covington high school graduate nick sandmann speaking out about that viral video last year that launched backlash from media and resulted in multiple media settlements after he sued them. and nicholas joins us now from cincinnati. nick, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: you know, the way they did the presentation last night they made it very easy to understand how you had been vilified by the media but it all started because your high school was in washington for the march for life. and you did not have that maga hat before but you saw somebody selling them and you put one on the one that is in this infamous video. why did you want to buy a maga hat and wear it? >> well, it was very simple. i bought the maga hat because it was the first time i had been on a field trip with my school out of the state. and president trump is one of the most pro-life presidents we ever had. and i really support that. i bought that to show my support for him. that's right you were there for anti-abortion march they hold every year. and you were proud, you said, to buy that cap and where it to show your support for him. but, given the video went viral and then the narrative was that you -- you know, the smug kid in that cap was, you know, in the face of this native american, that was a story that was out there. but that is not what happened, is it? >> no. that's not what happened at all. and to tell you honestly, i found out at 3:00ed in the morning on the bus ride back to kentucky that that was the story being created. and i was shocked and speechless to be honest with you. i had no idea that that was going to be the narrative from what i just thought was a very strange encounter. steve: yeah. the story was that you and the fellows from your high school got up into the face of that guy and confronted him. that's not true. he walked towards you. you knew the truth. more video came out that showed it. and, yet, the story was out there and it was all wrong. and you wanted a correction and where was it? >> yeah. and that was honestly the basis for my rnc speech is we need to hold this media more accountable. this is a media that completely ignored video online about the entire incidents. and said -- crafted the exact opposite that i walked up to mr. phillips, which isn't true. it was never true. and someone had to do something about it. steve: so essentially what they were trying to do nick. they tried to cancel you. and they had been effective at canceling some people. but you sued them. you sued a bunch of media companies. i settled with the "the washington post" and cnn for undisclosed amounts. it's interesting, last night, cnn opinion writer by the name of jeff yang after your speech he tweeted this hey nick i watched your speech tonight at the rnc convention with an open mind thinking i might hear something that would convince me your position that you were an innocent victim of a cruel media. i was disappointed, but not surprised to hear otherwise. what's your response to jeff yang? >> well, i think mr. yang is simply upset the speech turned out exactly how it should turn out. this assault by the media wassed. the account was bot anonymous. bought by several outlets. mr. yang is upset i went after the media. i would have given this same exact speech at the dnc if the democrat national convention actually cared about holding the media accountable. but i haven't seen that and they never invited me to give such a speech. so, i used the platform i had. steve: you also said that nobody has been a victim of unfair media coverage as you have. nobody more than donald trump. what are you talking about? >> well, i think regular americans in this country see it every day. we see you know, from press briefings that kayleigh mcenany has to deal with to on twitter. we see the fact checks like fact-checking that donald trump was wrong in saying that the democrats omitted under god from the pledge. we heard it with our own ears. and the bias is clear to the people watching on tv. steve: nick, i know you moved in to college in the past week. what do you want to do after college? >> well, currently my plan is to go on a pre-law track. i want to major in politics, philosophy and economics. and i want to be a lawyer right now and do defamation law. help people like myself and then potentially run for office and help as many as people as best i can. steve: all right. well, that's a great plan. good luck to you, nick sandmann. >> thank you. steve: all right. there you go. one more hour with those two guys coming up. ♪ what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm making pizza on king's hawaiian mini subs. yum! king's hawaiian. ... has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. now that our president has had months but he still doesn't have a plan. what happens now? joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because he's done it before. when our economy was on the verge of collapse, joe biden led the largest economic stimulus in a generation and saved millions of jobs. now joe biden is ready to lead us through this crisis. he knows rebuilding our economy starts with fighting the virus, increasing testing, getting more protective gear for healthcare workers and calling for mask mandates nationwide. as president, he'll get working families back on their feet by lowering healthcare costs and helping small businesses recover. so what happens now? 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ president reagan said freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. this is a fight we're in right now. >> criminal justice reform joe biden couldn't do it but president trump did. >> this president led bold initiatives in every corner of the world. >> president trump will bring our heros home. he has done more for the unborn than any other president. >> i believe there can't be better economic policies than we had. >> more than any president in my lifetime, he's acknowledged the importance of farmers. >> when he sees something isn't right he's fearless in fixing it president trump: john's life is a beautiful testimony to the power of redemption. >> not so long ago my life was running from the police but today, praise god, i am filled with hope. >> a vote for my father is a vote to uphold our american ideology. >> he needs the leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back to the strongest country ever known. >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ steve: that's the shot of the statue of liberty attention lower manhattan. move the cranes when we're doing a shot. ainsley: there's no one there to work to go move them though, steve that's the problem. steve: move that crane! brian: yeah i'll tell you there are a lot of work being done even though there's no people. ainsley: construction was phase i wasn't that the first thing they were allowed to do? brian: i guess they have something to do. ainsley: we were all up last night watching the rnc, night two in the books. tonight is the third night. i know kayleigh mcenany is going to talk tonight. she has a big announcement. we were the only show that she went on live television to talk about, because her mom carries the braca gene and eight women in her family have had breast cancer so she made that decision in her 20s she's speaking tonight about that decision and how healthcare has changed under president trump. lara trump is tuning speaking tonight. steve: don jr. is going to be with us in about five minutes and the very latest on hurricane laura which is going to be a cat 4 when it strikes texas and louisiana. so we've got a busy morning, but we've got a fox news alert. a moment we all feared, two people shot and killed as riots got completely out of hand in wisconsin overnight. >> [gun shots fired ] >> [get down get down" ainsley: you can hear them saying get down, our fox news crew capturing those very moments as gun shots were ringing out in kenosha. brian: the president says he's there to help. todd piro is live with the breaking details. todd: so many top stories steve, ainsley and brian good morning a third night of violence in kenosha. let's take a look at the ferry terrifying video from that fox news crew. >> get down, get down, get down >> [shots fired ] todd: just a little while ago, police confirming that two people were killed, a third person seriously injured, and right now, police actively looking for that suspect. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8:00 a.m. curfew and wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a state of emergency and deploying the wisconsin national guard to help police. the demonstrations sparked by the police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video and blake's family says the 29-year-old father of six is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother, pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destruction , he was being very good, to all of police officers i'm praying for you and your families. todd: right now, a lawyer for blake's family says they plan to file a civil rights lawsuit against the police department. steve, ainsley and brian back to you. ainsley: thank you, todd. let's bring in florida's gop senator marco rubio, good morning to you, senator. >> good morning, guys. ainsley: good morning, the parents i'm sure you saw that press conference they are praying now for the police, their son will never walk again i hope we can all pray for him that a miracle does happen. what's your reaction as we wait for the results of the investigation? >> it's all terrible. you never want to see anybody shot and hurt that way. i think that we also need to wait to know all the facts about that incident and not jump to conclusions in one direction or another and in the meantime i think we should all be in agreement that no one should be tolerating, celebrating, supporting, or allowing riots, or allowing people these armed groups to show up, no matter what their ideology might be, because you have scenes like what you saw there last night. more people have now been ill killed. more people have been shot, it's just a terrible toxic brew being allowed to continue, in city after city and it's a terrible tragedy, and i think we should all be united behind the idea that rioting and/or showing up with all these guns into the street is just not acceptable behavior. it's only going to lead to more violence and suffering for more families. brian: just amazing. minneapolis after george floyd's death, they were riots and the democrats were all over that this , democrats will talk about but they will not talk about what's happening in seattle. won't talk about what's happening in portland. not talk about what's happening in chicago, or new york for that matter, in terms of the rash of shootings which you might not even know about doesn't get much publicity but why is one party concerned about the violence and other parties not? >> yeah, i don't have an answer to it other than to say that because they think or suspect that the ideology of some of the people that are out there doing this aligns with there's, they don't want to be seen as taking them on. i think this should be a consensus in this country that burning things down, attacking courthouses, shooting at police officers, rioting, arson, vandalism, none of these are appropriate responses to whatever complaint you might have about our society, we're a nation as a rule of law. we have court systems, a legislative process it isn't perfect but it is an outlet. the best outlet for litigating and fighting on these topics. what is not appropriate is for anyone, i don't care if you're coming from the right, left or wherever it's not appropriate to take to the streets and attack innocent people and burn things down and attack police officers and try to burn down a courthouse. that's not an appropriate response and all of us should be in agreement on that. steve: we'll have more on this throughout the morning and the afternoon, and all day long here on fox, and in the meantime let's talk about last night at the rnc, it was night two. you know, senator, we had heard that given the fact that the president of the united states used to be on a reality show and essentially it is a producer-at-heart there be a tv surprise every night and so first night he introduced us to a handful of people who had been taken hostage around the world and how his administration was able to get their release and then last night, we were introduced to a bank robber, who he pardoned on the spot after he dedicated his life to helping the lives of ex-cons and then last night as well, in the 10:00 hour, we got a natural station ceremony, and he welcomed five new citizens. he took pictures with them, they showed their certificates, they had little flags, here is the president congratulating them in the moments after they were sworn in, as brand new american citizens. president trump: congratulations to everybody. >> thank you. president trump: with the rights and freedoms each of you now enjoy as citizens there is no dream beyond your wildest reach because americans can do anything. today, you have also accepted the profound duties and responsibilities that come with american citizenship by the oath of allegiance each of you has entered a sacred and unbreakable covenant with our nation. your pledge, your undying loyalty to the american people, the american constitution, and the american way of life, you're now stewards of this magnificent nation, a family comprised of every race, color, religion and creed, united by the bonds of love we are one people, sharing one home, saluting one great american flag. steve: so that's the president last night, senator. the reaction, a lot of people loved it and it reminded people of what donald trump has done so far in the last three and a half years but other people somebody over on one of the other channel s said he used those people as political props. what do you say about that? >> well first of all i imagine all those people that were there voluntarily, i thought it was a very powerful moment. it reminded us of three things number one being a citizen in this country is a tremendous blessing one i was born into but one that millions of people, throughout our history, have actually chosen, and in fact i find that some of the most patriotic americans, the most appreciative americans, the most active americans, are the ones who actually chose to be americans because they know how valuable it is. it was also a reminder that we had a process in this country by whichever are year hundreds of thousands of people become citizens, and they come from every corner of the globe of every race, of every religion, ethnicity, and no other nation can say that, that they have, the great thing about america is american is not a race, is not a skin color, is not a religion or how your last name is pronounced. american is an identity rooted in the equality of opportunity for life, liberty, to pursue happiness and it's unique among the nations and the history of world and i hope last night was a reminder how special that is. ainsley: melania even hit on that and said we're all one community and compromised of many races and religion we are one nation undergod we need to cherish one another. many people are worried about paying their bills in the future because of coronavirus and having to shutdown their businesses and we see all the looting. where do we stand with this next relief bill? >> well i think we'll take another shot at it. we're very close to having a bill that republicans are prepared to move on, hopefully as early as next week. unfortunately, right now, it appears at least that the leader s of the democratic party and congress, senator schumer and speaker pelosi have at least for the moment decided that the benefits not to do them anything at all. they think the more people hurting it helps them in november. i don't think that reflects the feeling of the rank-and-file democrat. i think if it was up to the members of the house and senate they would want a deal too but being held back by their congressional leaders who i imagine are coordinating that with the biden campaign. brian: senator with the ppe it was to sustain business while we get a hold of this virus and thankfully i think it's going down as a case of 22% across the country all hoe hot shots in the midwest and california but if you look at small business time is running out and according to a small business survey, one-fifth of all small businesses will go out of business if conditions don't improve. we're seeing it in new york on a daily basis and things have improved. the people understand we're up against the clock and what is your message to small business, waiting for business to come back, or them to open up? >> yeah we've got a great plan for a second round of ppp. it's targeted for the businesses that have been most hurt and will allow them another shot at retaining their employees and paying these overhead costs. unfortunately, i think that it was a bill all by itself, getting 90 votes in the senate. unfortunately it's being held up , they are not allowing it to move forward but i'm confident if we do something, if we do a next round of assistance ppp will be part of it but if we don't we've got to really push hard to have it pass ainsley: what's the holdup? can i ask? >> yeah, well, the holdup is they don't want any bill to move forward, they are saying we want ppp, the democrats, democrat leaders, but we're not going to let you vote on its own and in essence it has to be a part of something broader that includes money, for state and local governments and $3 trillion plan that they passed out of the house. they are saying it's all, everything they want, or nothing at all and that includes nothing on ppp. i hope that will change. i hope we can get a deal. we're ready to go on another round. we need another round, small business needs another round of ppp. steve: and in fact mark meadows the chief of staff was on capitol hill and he tried to get into talk to nancy pelosi saying look, let's make a deal but they declined. so, let's see where we go. before you leave though, senator , how much is the miami dolphins paying you to wear that shirt on tv this morning? >> [laughter] nothing nothing. i'm looking forward to the season. i'm grateful they are going to be able to play, them and everybody else. steve: with fans. >> with fans, not a lot. nothing will be normal. it's a new normal, have to do it as safely as possible. i do think it's important for those kinds of things to happen to the extent that we can do it. it's just good for everybody's well being i think, to be able to do some of these things and enjoy these things and i grew up and created some pretty good memories, haven't been so great in the last few years but hoping that's about to turn around. steve: talking about the dolphin s? brian: it's just a shame, the big 10 seem to be pure politics to keep that college football from playing. never thought i'd say that but there's no question that politic s is playing a role with college football starting up again. maybe you should get involved in that senator, you don't have enough on your plate. i appreciate you joining us. ainsley: thank you so much. >> thank you. ainsley: they are used to hurricanes down in florida this one is heading looks like toward louisiana and texas janice has the latest. >> janice: yup, upgraded to a category 3 storm we knew this was going to happen this time yesterday it was just a tropical storm, so rapid intensification, it is still ongoing we're expecting this to be a category 4 storm in the next 12 hours, as it makes landfall tomorrow morning, around 3:00 a.m., texas/ louisiana border really the same location that rita struck 15 years ago so 115 miles per hour cat 3 storm and i mean the satellite presentation is looking incredible and really tight eye now which indicates strengthening. category 3 is 111-129-mile per hour sustained winds expecting a category 4 before it makes impact tomorrow morning in less than 24 hours. there's the track, again, as we go through the afternoon. that's when we think it's going to reach its peak and then making landfall overnight, a major hurricane with storm surge now upwards of 15 feet, which is going to be catastrophic for many of these areas on top of 15 inches of rainfall, and hurricane force winds battering the coastline, for hours. it's going to be a big deal and a potentially deadly storm for the gulf coast. steve, ainsley brian back to you brian: janice thanks so much 15 minutes after the hour jillian mele has been following the non- weather related news. >> reporter: good morning, let's begin with this. overnight, chaos in portland, police say rioters broke into city hall downtown by smashing windows, even setting a fire outside the building. officers describe how they're cutting back on controlling the city as it sees more than 80 days of unrest. we're only going to call where people are being actively hurt. there's an active disturbance where people are physically in danger, short of that we're not going to the call. >> reporter: portland's police chief says they will sometimes have as many as 80 emergency calls waiting while officers try to calm a violent protest. a similar scene in philadelphia overnight look at this a police car set on fire, again, right outside the third district station. officers say they have surveillance video of the suspect riding off on a bike and our fox affiliate in philadelphia reports this is the 94th cruiser set on fire, since late march. 20,000 covid-19 cases likely stemmed from one biotechnology conference in boston. the boston globe reporting three scientists from m. i.t. and harvard believe tens of thousands of people were likely infected in february. the conference happened before much was known about the coronavirus and that would have never put anyone at risk if they had known. the chicago white sox are celebrating the first no-hitter of the shortened baseball season >> to right field, at an angle, and it's there. a no-hitter. >> reporter: wow, lucas striking out 13 pirates and only allowing one base runner in the dominat ing start it's the first no-hitter for the white sox in eight years that's a look at your headlines sending it back to you. steve: something to cheer about. brian: nobody is there to cheer. steve: i know, well we can. jillian thank you very much. more on our top story on this wednesday morning. riots have turned deadly in wisconsin overnight, as night violence and unrest have left businesses reeling and lives changed. we are live on the ground in kenosha, with a look at what's going on there, coming up, next. it's pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word 'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at ainsley: we're back with a fox news alert. two people shot and killed as violence erupts in kenosha, wisconsin overnight. three straight nights of unrest there, and now, taking their toll on the businesses, brian. brian: grady trimble joins us live with a notion with a look at the impact as the sun is now up, grady? >> reporter: steve, ainsley and brian, the unrest here took a grim turn last night, at this used car lot. this is where three people were shot, two of them killed, as the protesting and unrest and the rioting continued overnight. we don't know the circumstances that led to that shooting, but there are multiple reports investigators are looking into whether it involved people protecting businesses. back here at the car lot, you can see several cars with their windows smashed in and graffiti. one of them burnt to a crisp and we talked to several business owners in this area, who told us they understand the frustration of the people who are protesting what happened to jacob blake, what they don't understand is why they have become the targets >> i think that there would have to be another way that they can do things legally morally, there's got to be a different way for you then to touch on innocent people that really haven't done anything to you at any given time. >> reporter: the kenosha county board sent a letter to governor tony everrers asking for 1,500 national guardsmen with police powers. in that letter, they said our county is under attack. brian: no argument there. steve: grady thank you very much we'll step aside, donald trump jr. is going to join us live, on this day three of the rnc, right here on fox & friends. >> ♪ ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we're committed to taking care of you and your car. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite 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personal victory we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media, or from the tech companies, or from the outraged mob either. one more thing. let's make america great again. steve: didn't see that part coming, until he did it, anything sandmann's speech was one of the highlights from night two, covington high school graduate calling out the media over their coverage of that viral confrontation, caught on video. he wound up suing a bunch of media companies, and here with his reaction is donald trump jr. don good morning to you. you actually went to bat early on for nick sandmann. >> i did. i saw what was going on and it's amazing it took a 16-year-old to actually stand up to the nonsense that we have in the media, and i think for the american people, who are watching, imagine a scenario where the media because the narrative was so good he was a white, christian, conservative , male from the south. oh, this is the perfect story. we must cancel him immediately. if the left and their media is willing to destroy a 16-year-old child, to push their nonsense what won't they destroy, steve. steve: well you know, and he wasn't going to be canceled. he hired lynn wood, a legendary attorney, and he sued a bunch of media companies and he's sued the washington post and cnn for about a quarter of a billion dollars. the settlement terms are confidential, but nonetheless, he settled with them because they wanted to get that over with, but he did say, last night , nobody has been a victim of unfair media coverage more than your father. >> well i think that's 100% accurate when you look at the trump adminitration, when you look at the accomplishments even prior to covid, 96% negative coverage, with all-time low unemployment number, all-time high start-up businesses for every demographic in the country for hispanics, african americans, women, just across-the-board there wasn't a single economic metric where we weren't significantly better off than the failed obama-biden administration, and yet, you don't hear about it because the media refuses to cover that. they literally got a peace deal done in the middle east within the last two weeks and there's almost zero coverage so that's like the holy grail of geo political politics and nobody is talking about it because they want to shield for joe biden, they want to push for a guy that's a 50 year d.c. swamp creature and you can't name his accomplishments but now after half a century he's going to start deliving for the american people, give me a break, steve does anyone believe this nonsense any more? steve: you were one of the keynote speakers on the first night, monday night and speaking of the media afterwards, i saw that the main concern was why were his eyes so glassy? >> well i guess there must have been something with the lighting but they started doing this trending thing, donald trump jr.'s on cocaine and all of that. i said no, no, you have me confused with hunter biden. steve: oh. >> it was pretty ridiculous, so , when they can't attack the delivery, when they can't attack the substance, they got to attack something just like be tte midler, and all of these last night attacking melania because she didn't speak english the same way that they would. well she speaks five languages she's from a foreign country she got up on a world stage and knocked it out of the park, but do you know what? attack her. it's ridiculous. it's the same as watching the dnc attacking the rnc, because the rnc has the gall to showcase real americans, who have benefited for donald trump 's policies, who have benefited from this administration, rather than the out of touch hollywood celebrities that they put on their never-ending zoom call of i hate america last week. it's truly mind boggling how out of touch the democrats are. they don't even see it. steve: before you go, i'm sure you've talked to your father after two nights we're half way through. what's his reaction to how its been going so far? >> you know, honestly, i think he seems really excited. he called me after my delivery and each of us, as we've gone he's called us and just been very thankful for that and for our performance, but more importantly, he was so excited to see , again, those real americans i was speaking to. isn't that an incredible story? it's amazing to see , and that's what's amazing. that's what's so great about america. unlike the dnc's hate fest last week, this is showcasing the american dream. max alvarez the other night coming over from cuba escaping communism talking about those things you saw last night prison reform, opportunity zones , that's what america is about. that's the american dream. that's the american story and those stories could only happen in america. this is the greatest country on earth, and we shouldn't be afraid to embrace that. if you even attempted to embrace that last week you get nothing. at the dnc four straight nights no one even denounced, they didn't even touch the violence, the looting, the rioting but man if you go to church they will make sure they arrest you. you open up your business to put food on your table you're in trouble, you'll lose your business license and also arrest you. it's ridiculous. steve: well people are watching tonight, night three, don jr. thank you very much for joining us today from the d.c. area. >> thank you, steve. steve: all right there you go. 27 minutes before the top of the hour, foreign policy is a hot topic in the presidential race, whose tougher on threats like terror, and china? senator lindsey graham here to weigh in on that, there is his picture, he will be live, next. from prom dresses... soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ainsley: hurricane laura is now expected to strengthen into a category 4 storm before hitting the u.s.. it's now a category 3 and is set to make landfall in louisiana and texas in less less than 24 hours. steve: so it is going to strengthen. jeff flock from our sister network fox business is live in port arthur, texas, where mandatory evacuations are underway and jeff, there is so much oil that is refined down there, what happened in the next 12-24 hours could impact so many people around the country. >> reporter: you are absolutely right, steve, and it's right in the crosshairs. the biggest oil refinery in america, dead in the crosshairs of this storm, and you've watched over the course of your broadcast this morning, the reports and the forecast on this intensified, the storm intensify and the predictions do. i'm going to show you the last look you're going to get at the sun just coming up but now being surrounded by clouds. preparations as you point out have been underway for the last few days and they're just coming to completion right now in the town of port arthur and everything, right around it here , along the louisiana/texas border, that is the center of where the cone is right now, and theoretically, where the storm would commashore now as we believe, a category 4 storm. to those who are right in the center of that cone, the governor of texas, greg abbott, with a special message to you. listen. >> people anywhere near where the eye of the hurricane will come ashore will need to be very aware of this high water surge because it can easily sweep you away. >> reporter: we are out here speaking of water along the intercoastal waterway, that is pictures you're seeing of the intercoastal and the levy and i suspect that will hold because it's on the intercoastal but water is a major problem that got hammered in harvey, and decimated in rita. people remember what this is and i leave you maybe, steve, with a picture or with a thought, about that refining capability. everything is shutdown right now if you get a direct hit on it, as you point out, everyone across the nation is going to feel the hit, gas prices. steve: that's right. scary times all right, jeff, thank you very much. ainsley: let's hand it over to janice she's tracking it all for us, janice what's the latest >> janice: this time yesterday , the storm was just a tropical storm and it strengthen ed by 55 miles it is the quickest strengthening storm that we have seen since irma, and that's quite a while ago, and i am nervous that this is going to be a historic storm, one that could potentially cause catastrophic damage especially when it comes to storm surge, 10 -15 feet, and some of the surge is going to move well inland by 30 miles, so we're going to see strongly- worded evacuation orders. if you are ordered to evacuate you need to do so. a foot of water high, along with 12 inches of water, rainfall, moving inland, and 130-mile per hour winds is tough to survive, so you need to listen to your local authorities. we are expecting this to make another bump up in strength as category 4 and then making a landfall overnight, around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. as a very strong maiming or hurricane along the border of texas and louisiana, and this is going to rival all of the big names like rita and irma, katrina was a cat 3 when it made landfall as well. there are some of the wind gusts as it makes impact, and again, certainly hurricane force winds for a duration of hours but the water, the water level rise will be perhaps the deadliest risk from this storm. i can not stress it enough. this is going to cause kate ic damage in the area, steve and ainsley, back to you. steve: and of course the headline right now, 130-mile per hour winds, people have to get ready for. ainsley: dangerous. steve: thanks, j. d. ainsley: over to you, brian. brian: senator lindsey graham joins us now trying to get six more years, member of the senate foreign relations committee very respected on the global stage ment senator while we are all paying attention to what's happening with the storms, we're also talking about foreign policy, and eric trump last night really defended the president's foreign policy as did moo ic p and you wrote that eric did a great job showcasing the president's success record there. well the washington post says i don't see much success, defend the president overseas. >> [laughter] well number one, radical islams worse nightmare has been donald trump and mr. ignaceous, what movie are you watching? when trump took office the caliphate was alive and well in iraq and syria, you can ask baghdadi no you can't because he's dead, whose tougher the iranian deal was a disaster we pulled out of it and the regime was on their back foot, they're weaker today than they've ever been, the taliban are at the peace table. it's not even a close call. donald trump has been radical islam's worst nightmare and done a hell of a good job clean ing up the mess created by obama and biden and that's one of the reasons he needs to be re-elected. brian: so you tweeted out about eric trump and also james comey whose writing and talking a lot again, wrote an editorial how the justice department under president trump has destroyed america, and you say to him, check your calendar, james comey , and keep tuesdays and wednesdays open, between september 15 and 30. why? >> well number one, james comey is an embarrassment as a director of the fbi. he's done a lot of damage to the institution. it's up to wray and barr to clean up the mess i believe they will. if you want to find common ground between hillary clinton and donald trump and lindsey graham we all think james comey was a disaster, so i'm going to give him a chance to and the country about cross fire hurricane one of the most corrupt investigations in the history of the fbi. he was rebuked by the fisa court , the investigation was, and he signed a warrant against carter page in april of 2017, and i find it hard to believe that the director of the fbi did not know that in january and march of 2017, the russian sub source disavowed the reliabil ity of the dossier, so you've got a lot to say, james comey come in under oath and say it. brian: you have an fbi lawyer who admitted guilt to changing a document to get a fisa warrant and no one even brought that up on face the nation. unbelievable. lastly, you came outlast night, you were at a law enforcement function and you were asked about what was going on in wisconsin and you said i'm wondering why jake blake didn't yield to police. in terms of the shooting. >> yeah, i want to know what happened. mr. floyd was subdued. he was in custody. he was defense less and they just put the knee on the neck. well i want to know what happened. why was the guy, mr. blake, still moving? i don't want to pre-judge here. floyd was subdued. mr. blake was apparently still moving and i want to find out what happened, but i'm with the cops. more cops have been killed in 2020 august of 2020 than all of last year. we never talked about what's going on in wisconsin is not an appropriate response, mr. blake's mother is calling for peaceful protest that's the way to do this but i'm not ready to condemn the cops, when mr. floyd was defensely, i don't know what happened. go be a cop for a day or two and see how easy this job is. give it a try. put on a badge and gun and go ought in the middle of this crap and see how well you do. brian: the point was with the seven shot, at close range, that's what was so strong, one of the main things -- >> i don't know. brian: senator lastly -- >> that's why we need to investigate it. brian: let's get answers. your opponent has taken money from who is for defunding the police. does that matter if they say they are not? >> i wouldn't take $1 for anybody whose declared war on the police department. is in their eyes, we need to defund the police, get the money to social workers and the police need to apologize that is not south carolina. that is not who we are. he should refund the money and reject that ideology. they gave him a money for a reason, because they see in him an allie. they sure as hell don't see me as an allie. brian: senator lindsey graham all in the eye of the storm thanks so much. >> [laughter] thank you. brian: you got it coming up straight ahead second lady karen pence will speak at the republican convention tonight. she joins us live with a preview , next. we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- 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sports zone everybody wins. now that's simple, easy, awesome. say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. >> reporter: good morning we are back with quick headlines and the company that operated the helicopter in kobe bryant's deadly crash is suing two air traffic controllers the lawsuit from island express helicopters claims the crash was caused by a series of erroneous acts and/or omisions. bryant and his daughter and seven others died after their helicopter went down in a los angeles suburb in january. a federal judge rejects the request to be moved to general population in prison. maxwell's lawyers asked she be transferred out of her high security cell to allow her to better prepare for her defense but the judge deemed the move unnecessary. the british socialite is charged with recruiting underage girls for jefferson. she has pleaded not guilty. democratic senator chris murphy is warning democracy could soon be lost. murphy telling the new york times in part, "we don't run anything important in our lives by democratic vote other than our government. it will fall apart at some point and maybe that point isn't now, but maybe it is." ainsley? ainsley: thanks, jillian. well looking ahead tonight, night three of the republican national convention which has the theme, a land of heros. vice president mike pence will headline tonight's event and we're going to hear from his wife, second lady karen pence, senators marsha blackburn and south dakota's governor, and many more, but before her speech tonight, mrs. pence joins us now , for a preview, good morning to you, mrs. pence. >> good morning, ainsley. thanks for having me on. ainsley: you're welcome. what can we expect tonight? >> it's exciting because this is the third night and the theme is as you said is " land of heros" and america is made up of people would are hero s and every day americans so you'll hear from some everyday americans as well, but for my part, i get to talk a little bit about our military community, and i know that you know that's near and dear to my heart, and i've worked a lot with military spouses to help them with employment and i've also done a lot of work with veterans on preventing suicide, so, it'll be an exciting night to highlight the heros in this great country. ainsley: one of them is the son that you are raising because he's a marine we're proud of him >> semper fi. ainsley: as a school teacher what do you think about schools reopening should they? >> it's interesting you ask me because today is the first day of school that i teach at and i'm not there because i don't teach on wednesdays but we are open. we had 100% kids at school, and we have ways that we can take precautions, and the cdc has made that very clear to us. my school has spent the entire summer working on ways to make the school safer. like for example, i'm an art teacher. i'm not teaching the kids in the art room this year. i'm taking a cart, room-to-room, because we don't want the kids congregating in the hallways. we're wearing masks, we're social distancing, we're washing our hands, and we just are able to take those precautions to make schools safe, so to everybody at school this morning , i'm excited, i look forward to seeing you next week. ainsley: well that is a wonderful message. we're going back in a few weeks too and all the kids are excited as for tonight, how do you think the rnc is going so far? >> i think it's phenomenonal. we are telling an empowering, optimistic, hopeful message. the first night the theme was land of promise and this president has kept his promises but he didn't tell you that on the first night. we actually had everyday americans tell of the promises he's kept for them and it's a land of promise. it's a land of opportunity, which was the second night's theme, land of opportunity. this president wants to empower every american, to enjoy the opportunities that we have in this country, and it was very inspiring to me. we got to be there with melania 's speech and it was absolutely beautiful, absolutely uplifting she told a great story , she told her story which is a story of so many americans, and then tonight, to have land of heros, what an in spiering story. ainsley: your faith is extremely important to you how about last night with the pardon his message was incredible. >> absolutely spectacular and i think its been great to have those surprise visits at the convention where you actually see the president. for example, when he had the pastor, pastor brunson in his office how inspiring was that and i think the thing, ainsley, that's so important about this convention is that there are a lot of people on the fence still, and that's okay and they're looking at this convention and wanting to hear the stories, and they're wanting to know what should i do , who should i vote for? this is an opportunity for this president to tell his story. to tell of the promises that he's kept, and i think last night, what you heard from melania was she shared how much this president loves this country and i've got to tell you, ainsley, i see that all the time when i talk to this president. he absolutely loves this country and he wants everybody to succeed. ainsley: well god bless you, thank you so much we wish you all the best tonight. we'll all be watching. see you tonight. ainsley: more fox & friends just moments away. >> hurricane laura looks like it will be a cat 4 when it comes ashore tonight. we'll have live coverage throughout the morning tomorrow and highlights from the rnc. see you then. >> sandra: fox news alert. hurricane laura barreling toward the gulf coast with winds in excess of 115 miles per hour. it will be a catastrophic storm, possibly category 4. it is taking aim at the texas/louisiana host. hundreds of thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate. we'll have more on this in a moment. another alert. our fox news crew capturing gunfire erupting on the streets of kenosha, wisconsin, overnight. a warning, the video is disturbing.

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who refused to be silenced by the far left. this is worth fighting for. this is worth voting for. >> we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back to the strongest country ever known. [applause] ♪ ♪ brian: we are coming to you live. amazing loss is bill clinton when he walked through all those tunnels and hallways the most famous walk now is melania trump's walk down the walkway to the she knocked it out of the park. she did it in front of a live audience. steve: there she is right there. ainsley: what a story. she talked about growing up under communist regime. and she said it was always my dream to become an american. that was where. brian: i thought that was great. ainsley: land of opportunity. first lady she speaks so many different languages, english is not her first language. for her to deliver a speech that long and beautifully hats off to her. steve: the cover of the "new york post" this morning it says give them mel as in melania. first lady makes impassioned pitch for four more years. of course, the democrats are steamed that she, you know, they are doing things at the white house and that mike pompeo who is the sitting secretary of state is making political statements while he is out working and there will be a demonstration by the democrats. three hours starts right now rcialg. >> griff jenkins is prrge is he in fort mchenry. >> good morning. we are here at fort mchenry where vice president pence will speak later tonight. you were talking about the star of the show last night first lady melania trump. she was compassionate and compelling and genuine and she certainly stole the show. my husband will not stop fighting until there is effective treatment vaccine available to everyone. like all of you, i have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. it is a harsh reality. we are not proud of parts of our history. i encourage people to focus on our future while still learning from our past. >> but one keynote speech drawing criticism that has democrats now investigation because they believe it's violated the hatch act secretary of state mike pompeo speaking from jerusalem. >> delivering on this duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. this president has led bold initiatives in every corner of the world. the president has held china accountable for corresponding up the china virus no, nuclear test no, on range missile test. stronger. the isis caliphate is wind out. it's gone. >> biden's deputy campaign manager kate bettingfield saying each by you this nation's abysmally standard serve as errand boy for the president's re-election on taxpayer and decision to use one of our closest partners as a political prop in the process is absolutely disgraceful emocialght moment the president pardons john pardonner. watch. >> so now i would like to invite john's wife jamie to join us as i grant john, i'm not sure you know, this a full pardon. >> now, also coming up tonight, the president's daughter-in-law lara trump, i talked to her yesterday, she gave me a little preview of what she is going to say. listen. >> i come from a middle class family in north carolina. i'm going to talk about that, about meetings the president and really i want to give a version of donald trump that you never hear out there the man he is. griff: have you kellyanne conway who is speaking after recently announcing her departure of course have you got lara trump, former dni ric grenell and senator from tennessee marsha blackburn. why fort mchenry it's the site during a battle of 1812 that inspired francis scott key write the star spangled banner. we will hear more about that. brian: different types of fireworks coming there with the vice president speaking and very significant because people having trouble whether to stand or kneel during the national anthem. really struck over the last two days when you talk about the difference between republicans and democrats republicans are rich and democrats are working class. just the opposite when you look at convention and voters. have you lobster men and steelworks ranchers and farmers. they have found a way for cows to milk themselves. i had no idea. they talked about pro-levee and talked about women and how many women and power they have had with this administration and becoming who they became and diversity again because you had the kentucky attorney general who is clearly up and coming star. joe biden is giving content to the rnc when he called the african-american reporter are you a junky? when he came back and said there is no diversity of thought in the republican party. and we said we know if you are black you are voting for a democrat. he has been forced to eat those words. why? because he was off script, off prompter and blew himself up. in terms of who was the star last night perhaps i think we can all agree the first lady of the united states with a lot of pressure on her walked down the colin made and give a brilliant speech. touched on a lot of topics including being a mom and how much this job means to the president of the united states. she is talking about her own personal story and how far she has come to get to where she is. >> growing up in i always heard about amazing place. a land that stood for freedom and opportunity as i became older it became my goal to move to the united states. i want to take the moment to thank my mother and father for all they have done for our family it is because of you that i am standing here today. [applause] >> living and working in the land of opportunity dream come true. i wanted to become more. i wanted to become a citizen. after 10 years of paperwork and patience i started for the test in 2006 and became an american citizen. [applause] it is still one of the proudest moments in high life, i understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have. >> she talked about her trip to africa and one of the telling moments living through right now is the slave trade and how it took root there and the horrible history part of our past but also says understand our paths and look forward talked about being a mom, steve. steve: indeed, brian, what we have seen over the last two nights we have seen a mix of high profile republicans. high profile americans and regular people. and that will continue tonight and tomorrow night as well. one of the regular people. while he was a complete unknown until last year when nicholas sandmann from covington, kentucky high school. they took that trip to the lincoln memorial and this image went viral. and yesterday for the first time he spoke out and he talked about how after this video went viral, essentially the mainstream media and others tried to cancel him. he was part of cancel culture. because it looked like a kid in a maga hat with a smug look on his face was confronting that native american. that was not the story. he fought back, he won settlements with cnn and "the washington post." he is still fighting others. but, his message was so powerful because he said there are so many people out there who are trying to be canceled -- or people are trying to cancel them, but he wouldn't stand for it. and he had bought that red maga hat just out there at a vendor because it was at the march for life. and he bought the hat as a salute to donald trump because he is pro-life. so the big question is would he ever put one of those hats on again, and last night we found out as he told us how he fought back. >> my life changed forever in that one moment. the full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. and do you know why? because the truth was not important. advancing their anti-christian, anti-conservative, anti-donald trump narrative was all that mattered. and if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from covington, kentucky, well, so be it. that would teach him not to wear a maga hat. i learned what was happening to me had a name. it was called being canceled. canceled is what's happening to people around this country who refuse to be silenced by the far left. and often the media is a willing participate. but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. i believe this country must unite around a president who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. we must all embrace our first amendment rights. not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. ♪ steve: his appearance was -- you know, i was online i was reading a lot of the things that a lot of people who say oh, i can't believe that kid did that. he is being used by the campaign. but others just absolutely loved it, ainsley. and he's going to be with us in the next hour right here on "fox & friends" because, after a year of silence, he is finally speaking out. ainsley: what i gathered from that was we heard all these media stories and we finally learned the truth is i felt so sorry for him because i thought is he ever going to get a job down the road? this is so controversial now. he was there, goes to a catholic high school. he is a young child, a teenager has his whole life in front of us fighting for babies' lives. this happened. he did fight back and last night you saw him put the hat on and he said i will not be canceled. what a brave young man. the highlight for me last night you saw a little bit of it from griff jenkins' hit was john ponder. the president pardoned him. steve: bank robber. ainsley: he said god if you save me i will devote my life to you. he has done that and tried to save the lives of other prisoners now through an organization he started his beautiful wife was there she was just precious. and the president signed his pardon. gave him the par done and gave the pen to his wife. it was a message of hope that you can -- your life can be changed and there's a bright future for everyone and he said we live in a country of second chances. melania said my husband won't stop fighting for you and your families. message to mothers. nicholas sandmann you heard him and abby johnson who used to work for planned parenthood was one of the speakers. so many of my friends were texting me saying i had to put it on mute to imagine what those babies had gone through. she was very descriptive and why she stopped working for planned parenthood and why she is pro-life now. she was on "fox & friends "fox " and just had a dynamic message. got so many emails saying i was on the fence and didn't know who i was going to vote for because of your message i'm voting for donald trump. brian: john ponder with the fbi agent. go out to dinner and work with each other to make the world a better place. i think we should call the hallmark people. steve: we had heard that they were going to have surprises each and every night. the first night was when the president brought out people who were hostages in a number of different countries. and essentially they thanked him for not giving up on him and then last night we saw the bank robber with a heart of gold whose life he pardoned him right on the spot. that was a made for tv moment. and then in the 10:00 hour they naturalized five brand new americans. ainsley: the american dream. steve: what's going to happen in the 10:00 hour see it right here on fox news. brian: big preview coming your way. manhunt underway in kenosha, wisconsin. two people shot and killed during violent protests overnight. [gunfire] >> get down. get down. get down. [gunfire] brian: our fox news crew capturing those harrowing moments. todd piro is in the newsroom with breaking details. >> good morning to all three of you, protests in kenosha turning violent for a third straight night. here is more of that terrifying video from our fox news crew. [gunfire] >> get down, get down, get down. [gunfire] [yelling] >> we just heard moments ago police confirming that two people were killed. a third personal seriously injured. police still looking for the suspect at this hour. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8 p.m. curfew. wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a stated of emergency and deploying the national guard to support shoot. police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video you z. it right there. 29-year-old father of six is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destruction. he was the very -- for all of the police officers i'm praying for you and your families. >> a lawyer for blake's family says they plan to file a civil rights lawsuit against the police department at the appropriate time. steve, ainsley, and brian, back to you. steve: indeed. and the rnc did include a prayer for jacob blake in the very opening last night. meanwhile, big day for weather. we turn enough to to the extreme weather center where hurricane laura has strengthened overnight. that is not good news and now expected to hit texas and louisiana as a cat 4 storm tonight. they thought it would be a cat 3. ainsley it, looks like a 4. ainsley: more than half a million people have been ordered to evacuate along the gulf coast. a highway along galveston, texas fully packed with people trying to get out. governor greg abbott warning of deadly storm surge. >> people anywhere near where the hurricane will come ashore will need to be very aware of this high water surge because it can easily sweep you away. brian: wow. we will have a live report from texas later. and we're going to have janice dean in just a little while. meanwhile, an eighth generation lobsterman praising president trump for delivering on his promises. >> i have to confess, i didn't support trump in 2016. as long as trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice. brian: that's pretty amazing. that fisherman going to join us live next. get a net and go back to work ♪ take a chance on me ♪ if you need me ♪let me know ♪ i will be around ♪ if you got no place to go ♪ when you're feeling down ♪ take a chance ♪ what do you look for when you trade? i want free access to research. yep, td ameritrade's got that. free access to every platform. mhm, yeah, that too. i don't want any trade minimums. yeah, i totally agree, they don't have any of those. i want to know what i'm paying upfront. yes, absolutely. do you just say yes to everything? hm. well i say no to kale. mm. yeah, they say if you blanch it it's better, but that seems like a lot of work. now offering zero commissions on online trades. we charge you less so you have more to invest. ♪ coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. they're off... in the kentucky derby. rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. he scores! stanley cup champions. touchdown! only mahomes. expect anything different? the big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. steve: all right. welcome back, last night we told you last night the president in the 10:00 hour. one of the surprises things on the script not going in was he surprised five people and they became on the spot u.s. citizens. he welcomed five new citizens in a naturalization ceremony as they showed their citizenship certificates and flags as you can see right there and posed with the president of the united states for pictures. that night last night changed those five lives and those five families forever. let's bring in acting dhs deputy secretary ken cuccinelli. ken, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we hear so much about immigration and that's what it looks like when it gets done by the book. except the president is in charge. >> and it the best news we give out of the agency that does legal immigration work and they have been pounding along including through covid. had to catch up on naturalizations. and i can tell you because i ran uscis before i became deputy secretary at dhs. the president has looked for an opportunity to do a naturalization ceremony for some time. the vice president has done several of them as well. so they both really revel in the positive aspect of america that so many of us who were born here take for granted. that people wh who who work to become citizens. we heard the first lady speak of it as well, her journey. it means so much to them. it's a reminder of those of us born here of just how blessed we are to be americans. something i think the president has always highlighted throughout his presidency and naturalization is just another way to do it. i would note that in the first two full years of his presidency, we naturalized more citizens, i think, than the first two years of any other president i'm aware of. so, we were cranking along under this president on both the legal side being effective while also fighting illegal immigration harder than i think any administration for many years. certainly in our lifetimes. steve: you may see new naturalized american citizens, mr. cuccinelli, but there is a host over on msnbc who just sees political props. listen to joy reed. watch. >> donald trump made that ceremony about him. he made that ceremony about celebrating donald trump. he did one specifically for politics, specifically for re-election. he used those people as props he s hole countries. they are not allowed to come in because they are not from norway. donald trump used a color direction a crayon box of images to welcoming black people and brown people. it was offensive to see that done in the people's house. steve: so, she is saying essentially it was a reality show and these were just props used to get the president reelected. >> well, she also said why just naturalize white people. what a racist. what an ignorant statement. she has no idea how many people from all over the world that uscis naturalizes every single year. and if i remember my statistics correctly, the number one country year in and year out isn't norway. it's mexico. our neighbor to the south. and that's been true for a long time. and, you know, the folks you saw in that naturalization ceremony are very roughly, it's obviously a small sample, representative of the people we naturalize every day. and who become americans every day. and that ceremony being the last step, which is required. they have to be sworn in, become new americans. and so it is part of the process that congress requires. and she just has no idea what she is talking about. everything she said, every single aspect of that statement was wrong. steve: all right. well, thank you very much for telling us what you think. kennel cuccinelli, the acting dhs at the present deputy secretary, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. steve: coming up this morning black lives matter protesters harassing diners in washington, d.c. urging them to raise their fist. new video sparking outrage in our nation's capital coming up. soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen >> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. stop cleaning. start swiffering ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: there you go a fox news alert. you heard it. two people shot. protests rage for the third straight night sparked by the police shooting of jason blake shot seven times. rob schmitt. here we go again. this is george floyd. this is a white officer shooting a black suspect or somebody they are having a confrontation with. the response almost the same. just in a different city. what's your reaction? my reaction, brian, you are right. it's the same thing over and over again. a couple months ago on this network you guys saw me go to minneapolis after the riots happened there go fund me, reraised $100,000 for that and i donated some of that to some people there but when you walk on these streets and you see what has happened in the wake of some of this destruction, you really do have to see some of that stuff for yourself. look, brian, like everybody else i'm mortified by the video of that shooting. i want answers. i think somebody definitely needs to be held accountable. but i do not know or i do not think that these people need to be destroying their own communities and being violent in this way. now, the uncle of the victim in this shooting actually went to one of the other networks and said that he does not want people to protest violently. he said that they want -- he wants them to demand justice and they will get justice but that it has to be done in a peaceful way. we cannot continue to destroy our own communities violently over and over and over again. we do not win in this way. brian: well, that's true. you own a tire store for 50 years and now it's on fire. you own a dealership. >> you financed all those cars and blew up because of something that has nothing to do with you. please explain to me how that works. lindsey graham asks i don't know what happened there. let's find out. it's dangerous being a cop, quote. i don't know why the gentleman didn't yield when he was asked to yield. i don't know what the facts are we don't know if he was grabbing a gun. we don't know if they said drop the knife, if there was indeed a knife. we could see on other video that something else happened. should that matter? >> my first instinct and not coming to you as someone to worked in law enforcement i'm a iraq war veteran. brian: nor i. >> my first thought is why so many shots? that was my first instinct is why so many shots? my first instinct for me as a citizen is that it seemed excessive and it seemed very aggressively. it's a horrifying video, right? so we definitely need answers. but i have to say, again, with all of these protests and with all of the violence who ends up hurting the most when this happened is black people. what ends up -- who ends up hurting the most is black business owners, who ends up hurting the most is black citizens of these communities that now don't have anywhere to go to. brian: gotcha. >> think about the stories i was told when i was in minneapolis. brian: bring to you this video you have a bunch of white protesters getting very close to extreme violence going into diners, demanding these patrons raise their fist in support of black people. please tell me how this helps your cause. people who are clueless about the black community telling white people who want to have lunch join the fight for black people. >> brian, this is not about black lives. that group of people are a bunch of spoiled white leftists who are assuaging their white guilt by attaching themselves to that movement and trying to get normal white people. normal every day white people to join their cult. and it's horrifying and this is not something that should be normalized. i will tell you something, if i am sitting outside on the street and having lunch and these idiots come in my face, there is going to be a problem. so this is something that needs to be clampsd down right now and the democratic leadership is too weak call this out and end this right now. this should not be normalized, period. >> unbelievable. opportunity to say this is right. this is wrong. this is helpful. this is not. i give this woman so much credit by saying i'm not raising my fist. you could put 500 people in front of me. i'm not doing it. rob, great perspective. >> and, brian, also, be the person that does not bow to the mob. be the couple that doesn't bow to the mob. don't be that weak idiot to the left in that video that raises his fist up just so he can be left alone. everybody like you have to stand up to the mob or else they will run you over. brian: just a quick note i watched the blake family press conference. so much class and kindness came out of that and while they watch to see if their son or relative is going to be able to walk again. truly appreciated that i think that helped things. rob, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. brian: all right. coming up straight ahead, we change gears back to the rnc. secretary of state mike pompeo praising trump's foreign policy during his convention address. >> president trump has put his america first vision into action, delivering on the duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. brian: texas g.o.p. chairman lieutenant colonel allen west here to react next ♪ song make me want to roll my window down and cruise ♪ back down ♪ i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. >> all of us need to be prepared for the direct hit from this storm. this is truly when we have to say prepare for the worst. steve: she is talking about hurricane laura seen there from satellite now expected to be a category 4 storm before it hits the mainland. ainsley: it is set to make landfall in louisiana and in texas tonight after upgrading to a category 2 storm overnight. brian: not a direction we want to go. jeff flock from our sister network fox business. mandatory evacuations underway. jeff, we see the traffic. >> steve, ainsley, brian, yeah. i come to you this morning from the largest oil refinery in america. it is right now dead in the crosshairs of hurricane laura. you see it behind me. 600,000-barrels of oil today typically refined here shut down. more on that in a moment. first, yes, everybody is getting out of dodge. they experienced hurricane rita here back in 2005, that extraordinary year with hurricane katrina. rita was actually a more intense hurricane than katrina. and a lot of people that experienced that now boarding up and getting out of town. but others still not taking it as seriously as perhaps they should. listen. >> don't make no sense to go nowhere else. >> i feel more comfortable just being able to know i know where i'm going to be and just hope for the best. >> they say category 4 -- hmmm, okay. >> you can laugh as it if you want as you report indeed it could be cat 4 before it comes in. if it hits the refining capabilities here, this is refinalry row. port arthur biggest refinery in america and multiple other ones if you filled your gas tank up in the last dariu day or so pers you know gas prices spiking as a result of that. if we get a direct hit here we will see. going to get tough before it gets better, guys. steve: jeff flock down at port arthur in texas. headline right now hurricane laura poses the biggest storm threat to u.s. oil outputs in 15 years. janice dean joins us right now. janice, yesterday, you presumed it was going to be a cat 3 before it made landfall. now, it looks like according to the model, could be a cat 4. janice: right. it is rapidly intensifying. and continues to do so over the next several hours. let's take a look at the track as of the 5:00 a.m. advisory from the national hurricane center. moving towards texas and louisiana. 110 mile-per-hour sustained winds. 111 makes it a category 3. and we do expect this storm to become a category 4 and then weaken as it makes landfall. we think landfall is going to happen overnight tonight into thursday morning around 3:00 a.m. and this is going to be a catastrophic storm now predicting storm surge of upwards of 15 feet. 15 inches of rainfall attached to this in isolated amounts. we are also going to be the potential for hurricane force winds well along the coast line. not just where the center comes ashore. but, you know, extending along the coast and inland. so inland flooding is going to be a problem. we're also going to see the threat for tornadoes as well. we will continue to monitor it. new advisory out at 8:00 a.m. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. ainsley: thank you, janice. let's bring in lieutenant colonel allen west. former texas republican party chair. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you ainsley? ainsley: i'm doing well. we wants to get your reaction about the convention but first ask you about this storm it's heading toward beaumont and houston area as well as louisiana. ohio are y'all preparinhow are . >> there i was in houston county and beaumont and jefferson county. i sent a couple of text messages thato friends i know in beaumon. our their thoughts and prayers e going out there. they are used to these types of storms they have the usual precautions in place. i know we will be able to respond very well. again, our prayers go out to folks there. hopefully this is a fast moving storm and doesn't hang over them like we have seen in the past causing a lot of flood damage but, of course, the storm surge is a big concern. brian: texans their best in times of crises. they are asked to do that again. i'm very confident as you are. pivot to another area of expertise and that's foreign policy. the secretary of state on last night to make sure people know what president trump's foreign policy is and in the middle east it's an example of you who it's working. i understand jared kushner and robert o'brien and maybe the secretary of state will have first historic flight between israel and the uae. here is the secretary of state yesterday from israel. >> primary constitutional function of the national government senel suring that your family and mine are safe. and enjoy the freedom to live, to work. to learn, and to worship as they choose. delivering on the duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact. this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world in china he has pulled back the curtain on the predatory aggression of the chinese communist party. in north korea the president lowered the temperature and, against all odds, got the north korean leadership to the table no. nuclear tests no. long range missile test because president trump stronger ukraine has defensive weapon systems and america left a harmful treaty so our nation can build missiles to deter russian aggression and in the middle east when iran threatened, the president approved a strike that killed the iranian terrorists, will absolutely. >soleimani. how does colonel west grade the president? >> without a doubt everything that the secretary of state pompeo said is true all you have to do is look at the headlines. we don't hear about iran yarn threats and isis. this ptsz has taken on the. especially better than the usama bin laden-biden administration. we are are not sending bulls of dollars or millions of dollars of cash to iran. that's really put a crimp on them. again you go back and talk about soleimani. go back and confront these enemies. we are not leading from behind. we don't have a policy of strategic patience with north korea. without a doubt national security foreign policy wise the trump administration far surpasses the obama-biden administration. will. steve: the biden team says that what he did, mr. pompeo, in the country of israel appearing on behalf of the president, it was political, it's a violation of the hatch act. they want an investigation. but, we wanted your comment as well from just before melania appeared last night the first black attorney general for the state of kentucky, a fellow by the name of daniel cammeron came on and he had quite a story is he considered a protege of mitch mcconnell. he had a message for joe biden and took it directly to him with this. listen. >> joe biden who says if you aren't voting for me, you ain't black. who argued that republicans would put us back in chains, who says there is no diversity of thought in the black community. mr. vice president, look at me. i am black. we are not all the same, sir. i am not in chains. my mind is my own. and you can't tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin. joe biden is a backwards thinker in a world that is craving forward-looking leadership. there's no wisdom in his record or plan. just a trail of discredited ideas and offensive statements. steve: colonel, what do you think about his message? >> you know what? we're having a broad band problem. ainsley: he fell asleep with it. steve: i read his point of view from the producers. ainsley: there is bad weather down there so it could have affected internet and broadband. steve: lieutenant colonel allen west. brian: text us and tell us what you think, colonel. i know you were watching. ainsley: that sound bite was pretty powerful. is he a rising star. 8th generation lobsterman praising president trump for delivering on his promises. >> i have to confess i didn't support trump in 2016, as long as trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice. ainsley: that fisherman is going to join us live next. ♪ signed, sealed, delivered, i'm yours ♪ here i am, baby. ♪ i'm signed, sealed, delivered than just a great netw. with plans starting at just $35. the network more people rely on gives you more. this is unlimited built right. only on verizon. you can adjust youriggest sacomfort on both sides...eep your sleep number setting.. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. will it help me keep up with mom? you got this. so you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. only for a limited time. to learn more, go to >> i have to confess, i didn't support trump in 2016, skeptical that he shared my conservative views, i expected him to flip flop on his campaign promises. but he has followed through on his promises as long as trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice. i strongly support president trump's re-election when he sees something isn't right he is fearless in fixing it. he listens to working people. ainsley: eight generation lobster fisherman jason joyce telling the rnc he didn't support the then candidate donald trump in 2016 but is he supporting him this year. jason joins us now. hey, jason. >> . why do you support him now. what has this administration done for maine that obama and biden did not do? >> well, he has brought attention to our industry. i mean, we are blue collar workers and he is not just about wall street. is he about the average person. and we are just hardworking people. a lot of environmental lists and groups extremists after us. he is just -- no other politician has the guts to stand up to anything that's wrong this that's targeted us. he has expressed that he is -- i'm not sure how to say this. he is very helpful to us and we appreciate it. i was glad to speak on his behalf. ainsley: after the administration's recent tariff agreement with the eu the president said beautiful manuel lobster also move tariff free to europe. what does this mean for your family? >> well, we are down $1 a pound in price. so say your average fisherman catches 25 to 50,000 pounds a year. looking at your average family of making 25 to $50,000 less per year. so, i have already heard from some lobsterman getting 25 cents per pound now. supposedly a bump from that eu agreement. so it's things have been down but things are looking up. and it's all because of the price was down because of the covid. all the restaurants closed. and so the demand was down. and we didn't even know if we would be able to official this year if we would be shut down some days because of lack of demand. he has really gone out of his way for us. i was happy. ainsley: thank you so much. you did a great job last night. and thank you for what you do. we love lobster when we are in maine and the lobster rolls up there are the best. thank you so much. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. mike huckabee and sarah sanders coming up. to be honest...a little dust? it never bothered me. until i found out what it actually was. dust mite droppings? ewww. dead skin cells? gross! so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high... to grab, trap and lock away gross dust. nice! for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. the heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies... no matter where they hide. no more heebie jeebies. phhhhew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. where you live has never no mattermattered more.e, for over 100 years, realtors® have been providing expert guidance, helping people find new places to dream and thrive. when you're ready... look for the r. [applause] ♪ >> donald trump, he doesn't just speak words. he demands action and he gets results. >> president trump has put his america first vision into action. hit may not have made him populr in every foreign capital but it worked. >> do do you want economic health or prosperity. or do you want to turn back to the dark days of stagnation. >> joe biden is ready to raise taxes and working men and women of america will get crushed yet again. >> i believe we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media. >> fighting for america is something he will sacrifice anything for. >> joe biden is a backwards thinker in a world that is craving forward-looking leadership. >> our president will finish what he started to keep this a real land of opportunity. >> together with a forgotten man and woman who are finally foregotten no more, you are making america great again. ♪ ♪ steve: good morning, everybody. ':00 hour of "fox & friends" live on wednesday, august 26th. thank you very much for ainsley and brian we have a couple big stories we are following this morning in addition to the rnc. by the way we will have nick sandmann would he ever put that cap on again? we found out last night. he is going to be with us this hour. plus, it looks as if hurricane laura was -- it sounded like it was going to be a cat 3 before landfall. now it is projected to be a cat 4, ainsley and brian. brian: that's the type of news that would swamp all other news. meanwhile straight to a fox news alert. a mom we -- people shot and killed as riots get killed in wisconsin overnight. >> get down, get down, get down. [gunshots] [shouting] ainsley: our fox news crew capturing the harrowing moments as gunshots ring out in kenosha and todd piro is live in the newsroom with breaking details with the latest. >> steve, ainsley and brian, good morning to you. third night of violence in ken northbound sexual harassment take a look again that terrifying video from our fox news crew. [gunfire] >> get down, get down, get down. [gunshots] [shouting] todd: and just a little while ago police confirming two people were killed. a third personal seriously injured. right now police actively looking for that suspect. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8 p.m. curfew. wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a state of emergency and deploying the wisconsin national guard to help police. the demonstrations sparked by the police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video. blake's family says the 29-year-old father of 6 is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destructi destruction. >> he would be very unpleased to -- two officers i'm praying for you and your families. >> lawyer for blake's family say they plan to file civil rights lawsuit convention the police department. steve: more throughout the day right here on fox. meantime go back to the coverage of the rnc and joining us right now mike huckabee, fox news contributor, former republican presidential candidate and sarah sanders who used to live at his house, fox news contributor and former white house press secretary. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: please remain civil we don't want this segment to go off the rails. all right. sarah, let's start with you. what did you think of night two? >> i thought it was a powerful night. i think there were a lot of big moments last night' and the clincher at the end with the first lady i think really set the tone for the entire night. a message of unity, a message of empowerment. i thought she did an absolutely spectacular job and reminded us all why we want her to be there for four more years as well as donald trump. i thought she was truly amazing and really set the night but the whole lineup was -- again, i think very powerful. attorney general daniel cammeron from kentucky, nicholas sandmann. the president's children. eric and tiffany. all had, i think, just really strong night. larry kudlow and mike pompeo from the administration really, i think, brought a lot of things to the forefront on behalf of the president, strong economy but also showed his heart and who he is and how much he loves this country. ainsley: okay, governor, i'm going to share with you one of my favorite moments from last night and get your reaction and find out what your favorite moments were. this was jon ponder i'm sure you loved this story as a former pastor in arkansas. jon ponder convicted of bank robberies, he went to prison, and he said god saved his life and now he is giving back. he has an organization where he shares his message of hope and forgiveness with other prisoners. he said we live in a country of second chances. listen to this. the president pardoned him last night. >> not so long ago my life was running from the police, fearing the police, and avoiding the police. not because of anything that the police had done to me personally, but due to the animosity i had allowed to grow inside of me, making me believe that they were my enemy. but today, praise god, i am filled with hope, a proud american citizen who has been given a second chance. my hope for america is that formerly incarcerated people will be afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of second chances. my hope for america is that law enforcement and people in the communities across our country can come together and realize that as americans we have more in common than we have differences. >> now i would like to invite jon's wife jamie to join us as i grant jon -- i'm not sure you know this -- a full pardon. so i don't know if you know that jamie. come on over here. it's just an honor. and you have done incredible work. ainsley: mr. huckabee, the man standing behind his wife he was the fbi agent that arrested him. now they are best friends. the media is now saying oh we didn't like this because they had to do it in the white house. they are calling it a political convention. come on it's the middle you have covid and this man's life has changed forever. what's your reaction? >> every american with a heart saw that a i think i did a beautiful story of redemption. a story of a person whose life was changed by the lord and if you can't celebrate that a guy who was once a bank robber and now he and the fbi agent who arrested him are best friends and they are helping people who messed up in their lives get back on track so quite frankly, look at it economically taxpayers aren't having to pay for the people whose lives get straight wanted out. i don't care what your ideology or race or gender, it shouldn't matter. a story like this ought to bring a tear to your eye. it certainly did to mine i thought overall terrific night last night. i agree with sarah i started to say ditto on everything she said agree with her just like her mother, i just have to say second emotion. but the truth is there was some great moments last night. i agree the first lady's message was so very on point. it was interesting to me i will just say this. how many people criticized the fact that she spoke at the white house frool property. why are you so concerned about federal property being burned, looted and statues torn down and you got upset because the first lady gave a beautiful message of what this country means to her and how hard she worked to get here? and what an incredible experience it is for someone who became a citizen in 2006 to now be the first lady of the united states and to do it with such charm and elegance. it was a beautiful thing to see that last night. again, how do you find fault with that? you got to be a real angry bitter person to do it. brian: sarah, you are an expert in administration. coming out of the dnc the mission was to counter the narrative that the president wasn't up for the job michelle obama. that he is a sexist misogynist ego maniac out of control all about him. what you are getting is personal stories that says it's just not true whether it's herschel walker. whether it's andrew pollock who in the time of crisis the president spent time away from the cameras. whether it's senator tim scott talking about how how he has talked to families of victims of violence with law enforcement. step away from the cameras. personal stories i think also one of the moments that stood out to me when he pointed out how many women of power like yourself that the president has empowered with his campaign and with his administration. >> absolutely. and that's one of the things that i have loved about this convention. i have spent almost every single day for two and a half years with the president. and i got to know him very well during that time. he is a man who loves this country and loves the citizens of this country. and is willing to take all the heat, all the negativity every day to make their lives better. he is making his life harder every single day that he sits in that office so that everybody else can be better off and to me i think we have seen a lot of those moments, some of those behind the scenes moments. the call he had with jim jordan's family. i experience those every day with the president when he interacted with men and women of our military. this is a person who respects and appreciates and loves the people who are willing to put their lives on the line and sacrifice everything in some cases so that we get to live free in the greatest country on the face of the planet. we have seen these moments. >> you mercedes, kellyanne conway, other females in power it's a hard narrative to digest if he is so sexist or male-oriented why are so many peoplwomen with power and some firsts? >> exactly. that's one of the things i loved about working with the president. he didn't treat me any differently than he would any of my male colleagues. he put me there because he thought i was the best person for the job not because i was a woman. and if he was happy, he told you. if he was upset. he told you. he didn't treat you any differently. he empowered us to do our jobs. he gave us the latitude to do them. he trusted us. he listened to us. it's one of the biggest things that makes me angry i hear when people say he doesn't listen. he doesn't like people who disagree with him. of course he does. he let's us all in the room. he listens to us. at the end of the day, it's his decision to make. but i loved last night. i thought it was, again, a very special moment for them to highlight the women around the president, but, also, the successes of women under this president's policies. the fact that two thirds of the millions of jobs that have been created under this president have gone to women and minorities. that's a fact that we have heard through the convention, which is a good thing because you certainly won't hear that on most of the media outlets that are talking about this administration and this president and i'm glad that the last two nights have highlighted those big moments for the president. steve: all right. governor, one of the highlights certainly was nick sandmann in the last year essentially a lot of people on the political left tried to cancel him because there was a narrative out that there is that smug kid who put on a maga cap and he confronted that native american, that's the story they put out. it was wrong. we now know the true story but they tried to cancel him just the fact that he was march for life and put a cap on have a vendor will lincoln memorial. so we ever put on that cap again? we found out last night when he talked about how he stuck up -- stood up against the mainstream media and won. watch. >> my life changed forever in that moment. the full of the mainstream media revved up into full attack mode. do you know why? because the truth was not important. advancing their anti-christian, anti-conservative, anti-donald trump narrative was all that mattered. and if advancing their narrative ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from covington, kentucky, well, so be it. that would teach him not to wear a maga hat. i learned what was happening to me had a name. it was called being canceled. canceled is what's happening to people around this country who refuse to be silenced by the far left. and often, the media is a willing participant. but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. i believe this country must unite arranged a president who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. steve: well, there you go. and, governor, he fought back and won settlement. he had sued cnn and "the washington post" for about a quarter of a billion dollars. he settled. and that was his message last night. >> i love that kid. i have never met him, but i love that kid. let me tell you something he has more courage than most of the people who run for office and get to congress. i hope he is there one day after he finishes being the new ceo of the network that he owns cnn. it was a beautiful thing last night to watch. they carried his entire speech and you just wondered of if the people over there were just just wiggling in their chairs having to realize what they had attempted to do to this young man. but he had the guts to stand up to him. and when he put on that hat, how could you just not wants to stand up and cheer and say go get' young man. get' young man. this is the same media that attacks the president every single day with fake news. it doesn't matter what he does, they will find something to be unhappy about, something to be upset about. last night we celebrated another person, like the president, who pushed back and who won. ainsley: sarah, what's your reaction? because he didn't ask for any of this. >> no. this is an innocent kid. i love what they did. i love that he stood up on the world stage and i think that took a lot of courage. what happened to him from people like cnn and other liberal media elites was absolutely disgusting. and should never happen in this country. and i love that he stood up and fought back and he won and could not be more proud of him. i had the chance to speak to him on the phone just days after that incident unfolded. and just what a person of real conviction and courage and to have that at such a young age, i think we are going to see a lot more of nicholas sandmann and i for one am happy about that. brian: you know who probably wasn't happy cnn and msnbc who had to take that story and. joe lockhart tweeted out something negative biffive about him on cnn. who is inbelievably tone deaf for a guy who used to have a job. thanks a lot huckabee families, thanks for joining us. hopefully next time you will get along. [laughter] >> not a chance. brian: i don't think so. let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead and here is what i'm actually going to be saying out loud. nicholas sandmann is going to be coming up live 7:506789 expand on his speech. this truck driver and democrat who backed president trump in 2016. his story was just featured at the republican convention. he will join us live next. ♪ ♪ don't stop me now ♪ don't stop me now ♪ having a good time ♪ don't want to stop at all ♪ straining, and bloating, again and again. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation. maybe it's not. it could be a chronic medical condition called ibs-c, and time to say yesss! to linzess. linzess works differently than laxatives. it helps relieve belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. change your thinking to ibs-c. if your constipation and belly pain keeps coming back, tell your doctor and say yesss! to linzess. tools, cattle, grain, traded goods. tell your doctor even shells represented value. then currency came along. they made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. that's why it's time for digital currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. go digital. go grayscale. book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at >> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. choice hotels is there. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> he is coming here to tell the voters i'm in washington and i'm fighting for you. this guy is actually doing it and we are ecstatic. >> so his name is geno difabio. >> mr. president, this is also the steel valley. [cheers and applause] >> every one of these people love you, sir. >> president trump is a doer. he appreciates every one of us and i know he does. i have seen it. when he said make america great again, that was his task. that wasn't his slogan. that was his his task. ainsley: we introduced you to our next guest following the 2016 presidential election an ohio truck driver who was a lifelong democrat before voting for president trump. and last night geno difabio's story was featured at the rnc and geno joins us again. hey, geno. >> hey, good morning, ainsley, how are you? ainsley: good morning. i'm doing great. what were your takeaways last night? >> it was amazing. it was an amazing night. you know, not just my story but everybody's stories. you will could see the difference in the conventions and how they are presenting their points and their stories. you know, the republican convention, president trump and the administration, it's all about america and the american people and celebrating that is such a difference from the way the other side did theirs. >> i'm sorry. >> it's easy to speak well for the president because he really does want to put america first. and that's why they hate him because he is doing it for us. that's why i back him. ainsley: in 2016 you voted for him lifelong democrat. in 2017 after he won you were on our show and he pulled you up on stage at the next rally. how has your life changed since then? >> since then i have become a lot more popular locally. and i have been on your program a few times. ainsley: yes, sir. >> it has given me the opportunity to speak my mind and i just -- i don't -- i just want -- i think i want what the president wants. what we all wanted. and i'm just blested with the opportunity to presented that you know, we all just -- we want to live our lives. we want to have a decent job where we can take care of our families. we don't want to see our cities burned. i will tell you that we don't want the destruction. and we just -- we're americans. we are exceptional and we just want to live our lives. president trump is fighting for us for that every day. and they are mad at him but they are really mad at us for voting -- i'm sure they are mad at us for electing president trump. ainsley: i know i cut regulations and lowered taxes trucking industry more money in your pocketbook. so grateful for our truckers because we appreciate you even more now going through corona and every single thing on those shelves comes from you and you are amazing. >> thank you. ainsley: what's it like in your life there are a lot of perceptions about who he is. >> you know what? when i first met the president back stage at the centered i was in awe and shock. talk to him and immediately like talking to your best friend like he has known you forever. hey, how are you doing, thanks for coming, thanks for seeing me tonight. he is an amazing thing. the vice president is just as personable. i wish everyone would have the opportunity that i have had. we have an amazing administration. ainsley: what do you say to the critics that he is all about me and not us? >> president trump and the administration are fighting for the american people. i like to know what he does for himself? here is a guy that doesn't need. this he doesn't need this at all. do you know what i'm saying? he could have just retired and went and done whatever. but he is fighting for the american people. i don't know if we lose this opportunity with president trump, i don't know who with the means, with the talent and treasure to run for president would ever do it again after seeing what they have done to this man. yet he goes on and fights on for us. so that tells me, you know, every one of us has to do what we can to help this man. i will take some arrows and punches. if you can't do that, you have to make sure you vote. that's the most important thing. ainsley: great message. we all need to vote. thank you so much geno. >> thank you ainsley i appreciate it. ainsley: 26 minutes after the hour. former attorney general pam bondi making the case against the bidens at the rnc and she joins us live next. ♪ and now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person... ♪ discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. ♪ it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation sales event. right now, get zero percent apr on all 2020 lincoln vehicles. with acetaminophenction fights pain in two ways. advil targets pain at the source... ...while acetaminophen blocks pain signals. the future of pain relief is here. new advil dual action. ♪ >> we were told to look at joe biden as the model of integrity but when you look at his 47-year career in politics. the people who benefited are his family members. brian: that's what pam bondi was talking about yesterday who is joe biden and what has he done? former attorney general pam bondi delivering that blistering rnc speech focusing on the biden family, the links to ukraine and maybe china and who has benefited. joining us now is pam bondi herself. pam, what was your mission and what do you think is important to get across this morning? >> brian, and it's a tough topic. no one wants to talk about someone's family but we have to. when the democrats at their convention are calling joe biden the model of integrity everything they said about him, how ethical he was, how honest he was, and it's just not true. and the american people had to hear it. they had to hear about his son and business dealings, hunter's and his brothers. there is so much more and we narrowed it down. we tried to keep it as short as we could. but the people need to know this guy is in it for himself and his family. and that's what he has been doing for almost 50 years. 50 years in office looking out for himself and looking out for his family. president trump didn't need this job. we all know that. this job is a headache every day and he is doing it because he loves the american people. and look at the president's kids in contrast. how hard they all work. i mean, you heard from tiffany trump last night. you know, you are going to hear from the other kids, they are amazing, amazing people. they are working so hard for this country. they sacrificed so much. president trump has sacrificed so much, given up so much because he cares about our country. and joe biden it's been the opposite. it's all about his family getting recidivism while he is in office. he does that as vice president it should scare everybody what he would do as president. brian: how close is the president keeping an eye on the investigations on what happened leading up to the mueller report and how joe biden and president obama might have been in on a meeting when they decided to really target michael flynn and not tell the president? >> yeah, and, brian, what they did there was horrible. you know, we talk all the time how they spied on a president elect. but, going after michael flynn in the oval office and you just can't tell me that barack obama and joe biden didn't know what was going on. they knew what was going on. they had to. and i know all that is going to come out, we have got rely on the durham report. but, what they did to a sitting american president. to president trump i said in the oval office. the situation room. they came in the situation room and spied on mike flynn in the west wing that's unacceptable. it's going to come out. if they did that then, imagine what biden would do as our president. that's why he could not be our president. brian: is it risky bringing this up whole thing being that the ukrainian controversy got the president impeached in the house. >> the president did nothing wrong. i think what we are talking about confirms did he nothing wrong. he questioned hunter biden's dealings, she should have been questioned. no, they are going to continue to go after our great president for the next four years. brian: that's thanks a lot. pam bondi great job last night and thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks. brian: congressman dan crenshaw set to speak at the convention tonight. he joining us with a live preview next. ♪ some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data. entering data. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data. and it doesn't just drag hr down. it drags the entire business down -- with inefficiency, errors and waste. it's ridiculous. so ridiculous. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. visit, and schedule your demo today. inflammation in your eye might be to, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? 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>> yeah. we're going to get the new advisory in just minutes and i have a feeling it's going to be a cearlgted 3, a major hurricane. we are just one mile shy of that and can you see on the satellite imagery that we see a very well defined eye. all four quadrants filling out nicely we expect this to strengthen quite considerably before landfall tomorrow morning between texas and louisiana. there is the radar. you can see the outer bands already moving across portions of louisiana and we are expecting impact landfall arranged 3:00 a.m., 4:00 a.m. on thursday. this is going to be a catastrophic storm with storm surge totals up to 15 feet. i mean, you can't survive that. so, if you are told to evacuate you need to do so immediately. again, storm surge, some of the storm surge is going to be felt miles inland, so this is going to be a big deal. not only storm surge along the coast but upwards of 12 to 15 inches of rainfall and that could potentially be deadly. so there's the track. we will get a new one at 8:00 a.m. and i have a feeling they will bump this up to a major hurricane. once it makes landfall it will started to weaken but as you can see it's going to be a formidable storm and probably go down in the history books as one of the worst storms texas and louisiana has seen in their history. back to you steve, ainsley and brian. steve: not good news. all right, j.d., thank you very much. let's bring in texas republican congressman dan crenshaw. he has got a busy day. is he going to be speaking tonight at the rnc. more on that. dan, yesterday you spent a little time there in houston at the emergency preparedness office. they are getting ready because this looks bad. >> yeah; yeah, it does. we are proud of houston. we have our emergency operation center. that's where all of the relevant agencies connect and communicate whether it's during a pandemic. whether it's during hurricane harvey or upcoming hurricane. you know, as far as the track right now. we are definitely worried about a lot of our energy infrastructure that's in the hurricane sights. here in houston we are still on the edge of the path, it's going to be looking like higher winds but certainly not the kind of rainfall that say we saw during harvey. people need to be ready we encourage them to go to ready so that you understand what needs to be done to be prepared. we are in this together. we have done this before. we will remain houston strong. ainsley: congressman, what are your plans for tonight? i know you are going to be speaking at the rnc. can you give us a preview? >> sure. so the theme tonight is america is the land of heroes. and i think it's -- which is consistent with what the rnc convention has been, which is an uplifting message of optimism about america. this message that america is actually a good place, not this bad place that needs to be revolutionized. it's a good place with a good foundation. and we want to build upon those foundations and be proud of our country. we want to be the party that teaches our kids to love america. and i think that's what you are going to hear tonight. brian: congressman, something that really astounding came out and i think one of the most irresponsible things i have heard a politician say in a long time. hillary clinton. we have got to have a massive legal operation and she goes on to say under no circumstances should joe biden concede. i think this is going to drag out eventually and i do believe we will win. really? so, if donald trump wins the election, joe biden will not concede the election because they will eventually find a way to win. can you say something more irresponsible than that? >> yeah. it's eerie. it's eerie is the word. and how bold she is with just laying out their plan like that. and we all know that's the plan, right? create as much chaos around elections as possible. you should find it very suspicious our institution of voting is the one thing democrats don't want any regulation on. why is that? they have built a narrative, don't concede, universal mail-in ballots. no voter i.d. you know, they have started to build a narrative that if donald trump gets elected it will be illegitimate. and now they are laying out their plan. okay. what's interesting about them, too, is. this if we're all being honest and got a bunch of problem solvers in a room we want an election that is verifiable and secure so we all know our vote counts. obvious is in person voting and voter i.d. everybody would agree on common sense elements. you should find it very suspicious that these are the things that democrats fight against the most. why is that? it's very, very strange. and it's because they want to create chaos in the election. they want to be able to tinker with the chaos and claim victory even when they didn't win. brian: remember, barack obama had to convince her to concede. he had to call her up to concede. it looks like she regrets it. unbelievable. steve: but that was then. this is now. let's see what happens. dan crenshaw, we will be watching you here tonight on fox. thank you, sir. >> appreciate it guys, thank you for having me. steve: quarter after the hour and jillian joins us with headlines. jillian: following a number of stories beginning with this join ago seattle police investigation as rioters tried locking officers inside a burning precinct. demonstrators reportedly tried to seal a door shut with quick dry cemented before lighting the building on fire. officers reportedly kicked the door open running outside to safety. one officer is hurt. one suspect is behind bars. former fbi director james comey blasts president trump and attorney general william barr in a new "the washington post" op-ed. comey accusing them of, quote: leaving a leg gales of damage at the justifiable department. comey also responding to the ongoing durham probably claiming he is not a targeted aing it is being used as a political tool for president trump. that's a look at your headlines. i will send it back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian. his speech was one of the highlights from night two. watch. this but i would not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. ainsley: nicholas sandmann is going to join us live next. that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. there's no question it's something car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. >> i will not be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and i won a personal victory. we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies, or from the outrage mob either. one more thing, let's make america great again. ♪ >> steve: there you go covington high school graduate nick sandmann speaking out about that viral video last year that launched backlash from media and resulted in multiple media settlements after he sued them. and nicholas joins us now from cincinnati. nick, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: you know, the way they did the presentation last night they made it very easy to understand how you had been vilified by the media but it all started because your high school was in washington for the march for life. and you did not have that maga hat before but you saw somebody selling them and you put one on the one that is in this infamous video. why did you want to buy a maga hat and wear it? >> well, it was very simple. i bought the maga hat because it was the first time i had been on a field trip with my school out of the state. and president trump is one of the most pro-life presidents we ever had. and i really support that. i bought that to show my support for him. that's right you were there for anti-abortion march they hold every year. and you were proud, you said, to buy that cap and where it to show your support for him. but, given the video went viral and then the narrative was that you -- you know, the smug kid in that cap was, you know, in the face of this native american, that was a story that was out there. but that is not what happened, is it? >> no. that's not what happened at all. and to tell you honestly, i found out at 3:00ed in the morning on the bus ride back to kentucky that that was the story being created. and i was shocked and speechless to be honest with you. i had no idea that that was going to be the narrative from what i just thought was a very strange encounter. steve: yeah. the story was that you and the fellows from your high school got up into the face of that guy and confronted him. that's not true. he walked towards you. you knew the truth. more video came out that showed it. and, yet, the story was out there and it was all wrong. and you wanted a correction and where was it? >> yeah. and that was honestly the basis for my rnc speech is we need to hold this media more accountable. this is a media that completely ignored video online about the entire incidents. and said -- crafted the exact opposite that i walked up to mr. phillips, which isn't true. it was never true. and someone had to do something about it. steve: so essentially what they were trying to do nick. they tried to cancel you. and they had been effective at canceling some people. but you sued them. you sued a bunch of media companies. i settled with the "the washington post" and cnn for undisclosed amounts. it's interesting, last night, cnn opinion writer by the name of jeff yang after your speech he tweeted this hey nick i watched your speech tonight at the rnc convention with an open mind thinking i might hear something that would convince me your position that you were an innocent victim of a cruel media. i was disappointed, but not surprised to hear otherwise. what's your response to jeff yang? >> well, i think mr. yang is simply upset the speech turned out exactly how it should turn out. this assault by the media wassed. the account was bot anonymous. bought by several outlets. mr. yang is upset i went after the media. i would have given this same exact speech at the dnc if the democrat national convention actually cared about holding the media accountable. but i haven't seen that and they never invited me to give such a speech. so, i used the platform i had. steve: you also said that nobody has been a victim of unfair media coverage as you have. nobody more than donald trump. what are you talking about? >> well, i think regular americans in this country see it every day. we see you know, from press briefings that kayleigh mcenany has to deal with to on twitter. we see the fact checks like fact-checking that donald trump was wrong in saying that the democrats omitted under god from the pledge. we heard it with our own ears. and the bias is clear to the people watching on tv. steve: nick, i know you moved in to college in the past week. what do you want to do after college? >> well, currently my plan is to go on a pre-law track. i want to major in politics, philosophy and economics. and i want to be a lawyer right now and do defamation law. help people like myself and then potentially run for office and help as many as people as best i can. steve: all right. well, that's a great plan. good luck to you, nick sandmann. >> thank you. steve: all right. there you go. one more hour with those two guys coming up. ♪ what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i'm making pizza on king's hawaiian mini subs. yum! king's hawaiian. ... has cost lives but your healthcare costs too much. now that our president has had months but he still doesn't have a plan. what happens now? joe biden knows how to lead through a crisis because he's done it before. when our economy was on the verge of collapse, joe biden led the largest economic stimulus in a generation and saved millions of jobs. now joe biden is ready to lead us through this crisis. he knows rebuilding our economy starts with fighting the virus, increasing testing, getting more protective gear for healthcare workers and calling for mask mandates nationwide. as president, he'll get working families back on their feet by lowering healthcare costs and helping small businesses recover. so what happens now? 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(combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at ♪ president reagan said freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. this is a fight we're in right now. >> criminal justice reform joe biden couldn't do it but president trump did. >> this president led bold initiatives in every corner of the world. >> president trump will bring our heros home. he has done more for the unborn than any other president. >> i believe there can't be better economic policies than we had. >> more than any president in my lifetime, he's acknowledged the importance of farmers. >> when he sees something isn't right he's fearless in fixing it president trump: john's life is a beautiful testimony to the power of redemption. >> not so long ago my life was running from the police but today, praise god, i am filled with hope. >> a vote for my father is a vote to uphold our american ideology. >> he needs the leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back to the strongest country ever known. >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ steve: that's the shot of the statue of liberty attention lower manhattan. move the cranes when we're doing a shot. ainsley: there's no one there to work to go move them though, steve that's the problem. steve: move that crane! brian: yeah i'll tell you there are a lot of work being done even though there's no people. ainsley: construction was phase i wasn't that the first thing they were allowed to do? brian: i guess they have something to do. ainsley: we were all up last night watching the rnc, night two in the books. tonight is the third night. i know kayleigh mcenany is going to talk tonight. she has a big announcement. we were the only show that she went on live television to talk about, because her mom carries the braca gene and eight women in her family have had breast cancer so she made that decision in her 20s she's speaking tonight about that decision and how healthcare has changed under president trump. lara trump is tuning speaking tonight. steve: don jr. is going to be with us in about five minutes and the very latest on hurricane laura which is going to be a cat 4 when it strikes texas and louisiana. so we've got a busy morning, but we've got a fox news alert. a moment we all feared, two people shot and killed as riots got completely out of hand in wisconsin overnight. >> [gun shots fired ] >> [get down get down" ainsley: you can hear them saying get down, our fox news crew capturing those very moments as gun shots were ringing out in kenosha. brian: the president says he's there to help. todd piro is live with the breaking details. todd: so many top stories steve, ainsley and brian good morning a third night of violence in kenosha. let's take a look at the ferry terrifying video from that fox news crew. >> get down, get down, get down >> [shots fired ] todd: just a little while ago, police confirming that two people were killed, a third person seriously injured, and right now, police actively looking for that suspect. the violence ringing out as protesters ignore an 8:00 a.m. curfew and wisconsin governor tony evers declaring a state of emergency and deploying the wisconsin national guard to help police. the demonstrations sparked by the police shooting of jacob blake captured on cell phone video and blake's family says the 29-year-old father of six is paralyzed and may never walk again. his mother, pleading for peace. >> jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes. the violence and the destruction , he was being very good, to all of police officers i'm praying for you and your families. todd: right now, a lawyer for blake's family says they plan to file a civil rights lawsuit against the police department. steve, ainsley and brian back to you. ainsley: thank you, todd. let's bring in florida's gop senator marco rubio, good morning to you, senator. >> good morning, guys. ainsley: good morning, the parents i'm sure you saw that press conference they are praying now for the police, their son will never walk again i hope we can all pray for him that a miracle does happen. what's your reaction as we wait for the results of the investigation? >> it's all terrible. you never want to see anybody shot and hurt that way. i think that we also need to wait to know all the facts about that incident and not jump to conclusions in one direction or another and in the meantime i think we should all be in agreement that no one should be tolerating, celebrating, supporting, or allowing riots, or allowing people these armed groups to show up, no matter what their ideology might be, because you have scenes like what you saw there last night. more people have now been ill killed. more people have been shot, it's just a terrible toxic brew being allowed to continue, in city after city and it's a terrible tragedy, and i think we should all be united behind the idea that rioting and/or showing up with all these guns into the street is just not acceptable behavior. it's only going to lead to more violence and suffering for more families. brian: just amazing. minneapolis after george floyd's death, they were riots and the democrats were all over that this , democrats will talk about but they will not talk about what's happening in seattle. won't talk about what's happening in portland. not talk about what's happening in chicago, or new york for that matter, in terms of the rash of shootings which you might not even know about doesn't get much publicity but why is one party concerned about the violence and other parties not? >> yeah, i don't have an answer to it other than to say that because they think or suspect that the ideology of some of the people that are out there doing this aligns with there's, they don't want to be seen as taking them on. i think this should be a consensus in this country that burning things down, attacking courthouses, shooting at police officers, rioting, arson, vandalism, none of these are appropriate responses to whatever complaint you might have about our society, we're a nation as a rule of law. we have court systems, a legislative process it isn't perfect but it is an outlet. the best outlet for litigating and fighting on these topics. what is not appropriate is for anyone, i don't care if you're coming from the right, left or wherever it's not appropriate to take to the streets and attack innocent people and burn things down and attack police officers and try to burn down a courthouse. that's not an appropriate response and all of us should be in agreement on that. steve: we'll have more on this throughout the morning and the afternoon, and all day long here on fox, and in the meantime let's talk about last night at the rnc, it was night two. you know, senator, we had heard that given the fact that the president of the united states used to be on a reality show and essentially it is a producer-at-heart there be a tv surprise every night and so first night he introduced us to a handful of people who had been taken hostage around the world and how his administration was able to get their release and then last night, we were introduced to a bank robber, who he pardoned on the spot after he dedicated his life to helping the lives of ex-cons and then last night as well, in the 10:00 hour, we got a natural station ceremony, and he welcomed five new citizens. he took pictures with them, they showed their certificates, they had little flags, here is the president congratulating them in the moments after they were sworn in, as brand new american citizens. president trump: congratulations to everybody. >> thank you. president trump: with the rights and freedoms each of you now enjoy as citizens there is no dream beyond your wildest reach because americans can do anything. today, you have also accepted the profound duties and responsibilities that come with american citizenship by the oath of allegiance each of you has entered a sacred and unbreakable covenant with our nation. your pledge, your undying loyalty to the american people, the american constitution, and the american way of life, you're now stewards of this magnificent nation, a family comprised of every race, color, religion and creed, united by the bonds of love we are one people, sharing one home, saluting one great american flag. steve: so that's the president last night, senator. the reaction, a lot of people loved it and it reminded people of what donald trump has done so far in the last three and a half years but other people somebody over on one of the other channel s said he used those people as political props. what do you say about that? >> well first of all i imagine all those people that were there voluntarily, i thought it was a very powerful moment. it reminded us of three things number one being a citizen in this country is a tremendous blessing one i was born into but one that millions of people, throughout our history, have actually chosen, and in fact i find that some of the most patriotic americans, the most appreciative americans, the most active americans, are the ones who actually chose to be americans because they know how valuable it is. it was also a reminder that we had a process in this country by whichever are year hundreds of thousands of people become citizens, and they come from every corner of the globe of every race, of every religion, ethnicity, and no other nation can say that, that they have, the great thing about america is american is not a race, is not a skin color, is not a religion or how your last name is pronounced. american is an identity rooted in the equality of opportunity for life, liberty, to pursue happiness and it's unique among the nations and the history of world and i hope last night was a reminder how special that is. ainsley: melania even hit on that and said we're all one community and compromised of many races and religion we are one nation undergod we need to cherish one another. many people are worried about paying their bills in the future because of coronavirus and having to shutdown their businesses and we see all the looting. where do we stand with this next relief bill? >> well i think we'll take another shot at it. we're very close to having a bill that republicans are prepared to move on, hopefully as early as next week. unfortunately, right now, it appears at least that the leader s of the democratic party and congress, senator schumer and speaker pelosi have at least for the moment decided that the benefits not to do them anything at all. they think the more people hurting it helps them in november. i don't think that reflects the feeling of the rank-and-file democrat. i think if it was up to the members of the house and senate they would want a deal too but being held back by their congressional leaders who i imagine are coordinating that with the biden campaign. brian: senator with the ppe it was to sustain business while we get a hold of this virus and thankfully i think it's going down as a case of 22% across the country all hoe hot shots in the midwest and california but if you look at small business time is running out and according to a small business survey, one-fifth of all small businesses will go out of business if conditions don't improve. we're seeing it in new york on a daily basis and things have improved. the people understand we're up against the clock and what is your message to small business, waiting for business to come back, or them to open up? >> yeah we've got a great plan for a second round of ppp. it's targeted for the businesses that have been most hurt and will allow them another shot at retaining their employees and paying these overhead costs. unfortunately, i think that it was a bill all by itself, getting 90 votes in the senate. unfortunately it's being held up , they are not allowing it to move forward but i'm confident if we do something, if we do a next round of assistance ppp will be part of it but if we don't we've got to really push hard to have it pass ainsley: what's the holdup? can i ask? >> yeah, well, the holdup is they don't want any bill to move forward, they are saying we want ppp, the democrats, democrat leaders, but we're not going to let you vote on its own and in essence it has to be a part of something broader that includes money, for state and local governments and $3 trillion plan that they passed out of the house. they are saying it's all, everything they want, or nothing at all and that includes nothing on ppp. i hope that will change. i hope we can get a deal. we're ready to go on another round. we need another round, small business needs another round of ppp. steve: and in fact mark meadows the chief of staff was on capitol hill and he tried to get into talk to nancy pelosi saying look, let's make a deal but they declined. so, let's see where we go. before you leave though, senator , how much is the miami dolphins paying you to wear that shirt on tv this morning? >> [laughter] nothing nothing. i'm looking forward to the season. i'm grateful they are going to be able to play, them and everybody else. steve: with fans. >> with fans, not a lot. nothing will be normal. it's a new normal, have to do it as safely as possible. i do think it's important for those kinds of things to happen to the extent that we can do it. it's just good for everybody's well being i think, to be able to do some of these things and enjoy these things and i grew up and created some pretty good memories, haven't been so great in the last few years but hoping that's about to turn around. steve: talking about the dolphin s? brian: it's just a shame, the big 10 seem to be pure politics to keep that college football from playing. never thought i'd say that but there's no question that politic s is playing a role with college football starting up again. maybe you should get involved in that senator, you don't have enough on your plate. i appreciate you joining us. ainsley: thank you so much. >> thank you. ainsley: they are used to hurricanes down in florida this one is heading looks like toward louisiana and texas janice has the latest. >> janice: yup, upgraded to a category 3 storm we knew this was going to happen this time yesterday it was just a tropical storm, so rapid intensification, it is still ongoing we're expecting this to be a category 4 storm in the next 12 hours, as it makes landfall tomorrow morning, around 3:00 a.m., texas/ louisiana border really the same location that rita struck 15 years ago so 115 miles per hour cat 3 storm and i mean the satellite presentation is looking incredible and really tight eye now which indicates strengthening. category 3 is 111-129-mile per hour sustained winds expecting a category 4 before it makes impact tomorrow morning in less than 24 hours. there's the track, again, as we go through the afternoon. that's when we think it's going to reach its peak and then making landfall overnight, a major hurricane with storm surge now upwards of 15 feet, which is going to be catastrophic for many of these areas on top of 15 inches of rainfall, and hurricane force winds battering the coastline, for hours. it's going to be a big deal and a potentially deadly storm for the gulf coast. steve, ainsley brian back to you brian: janice thanks so much 15 minutes after the hour jillian mele has been following the non- weather related news. >> reporter: good morning, let's begin with this. overnight, chaos in portland, police say rioters broke into city hall downtown by smashing windows, even setting a fire outside the building. officers describe how they're cutting back on controlling the city as it sees more than 80 days of unrest. we're only going to call where people are being actively hurt. there's an active disturbance where people are physically in danger, short of that we're not going to the call. >> reporter: portland's police chief says they will sometimes have as many as 80 emergency calls waiting while officers try to calm a violent protest. a similar scene in philadelphia overnight look at this a police car set on fire, again, right outside the third district station. officers say they have surveillance video of the suspect riding off on a bike and our fox affiliate in philadelphia reports this is the 94th cruiser set on fire, since late march. 20,000 covid-19 cases likely stemmed from one biotechnology conference in boston. the boston globe reporting three scientists from m. i.t. and harvard believe tens of thousands of people were likely infected in february. the conference happened before much was known about the coronavirus and that would have never put anyone at risk if they had known. the chicago white sox are celebrating the first no-hitter of the shortened baseball season >> to right field, at an angle, and it's there. a no-hitter. >> reporter: wow, lucas striking out 13 pirates and only allowing one base runner in the dominat ing start it's the first no-hitter for the white sox in eight years that's a look at your headlines sending it back to you. steve: something to cheer about. brian: nobody is there to cheer. steve: i know, well we can. jillian thank you very much. more on our top story on this wednesday morning. riots have turned deadly in wisconsin overnight, as night violence and unrest have left businesses reeling and lives changed. we are live on the ground in kenosha, with a look at what's going on there, coming up, next. it's pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word 'school' this year. it's why, at xfinity, we're committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. and help college students studying at home stay connected through our university program. we're providing affordable internet access to low income families through our internet essentials program. and this summer, xfinity is creating a virtual summer camp for kids at home- all on xfinity x1. we're committed to helping all families stay connected. learn more at ainsley: we're back with a fox news alert. two people shot and killed as violence erupts in kenosha, wisconsin overnight. three straight nights of unrest there, and now, taking their toll on the businesses, brian. brian: grady trimble joins us live with a notion with a look at the impact as the sun is now up, grady? >> reporter: steve, ainsley and brian, the unrest here took a grim turn last night, at this used car lot. this is where three people were shot, two of them killed, as the protesting and unrest and the rioting continued overnight. we don't know the circumstances that led to that shooting, but there are multiple reports investigators are looking into whether it involved people protecting businesses. back here at the car lot, you can see several cars with their windows smashed in and graffiti. one of them burnt to a crisp and we talked to several business owners in this area, who told us they understand the frustration of the people who are protesting what happened to jacob blake, what they don't understand is why they have become the targets >> i think that there would have to be another way that they can do things legally morally, there's got to be a different way for you then to touch on innocent people that really haven't done anything to you at any given time. >> reporter: the kenosha county board sent a letter to governor tony everrers asking for 1,500 national guardsmen with police powers. in that letter, they said our county is under attack. brian: no argument there. steve: grady thank you very much we'll step aside, donald trump jr. is going to join us live, on this day three of the rnc, right here on fox & friends. >> ♪ ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we're committed to taking care of you and your car. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite 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personal victory we must all embrace our first amendment rights and not hide in fear of the media, or from the tech companies, or from the outraged mob either. one more thing. let's make america great again. steve: didn't see that part coming, until he did it, anything sandmann's speech was one of the highlights from night two, covington high school graduate calling out the media over their coverage of that viral confrontation, caught on video. he wound up suing a bunch of media companies, and here with his reaction is donald trump jr. don good morning to you. you actually went to bat early on for nick sandmann. >> i did. i saw what was going on and it's amazing it took a 16-year-old to actually stand up to the nonsense that we have in the media, and i think for the american people, who are watching, imagine a scenario where the media because the narrative was so good he was a white, christian, conservative , male from the south. oh, this is the perfect story. we must cancel him immediately. if the left and their media is willing to destroy a 16-year-old child, to push their nonsense what won't they destroy, steve. steve: well you know, and he wasn't going to be canceled. he hired lynn wood, a legendary attorney, and he sued a bunch of media companies and he's sued the washington post and cnn for about a quarter of a billion dollars. the settlement terms are confidential, but nonetheless, he settled with them because they wanted to get that over with, but he did say, last night , nobody has been a victim of unfair media coverage more than your father. >> well i think that's 100% accurate when you look at the trump adminitration, when you look at the accomplishments even prior to covid, 96% negative coverage, with all-time low unemployment number, all-time high start-up businesses for every demographic in the country for hispanics, african americans, women, just across-the-board there wasn't a single economic metric where we weren't significantly better off than the failed obama-biden administration, and yet, you don't hear about it because the media refuses to cover that. they literally got a peace deal done in the middle east within the last two weeks and there's almost zero coverage so that's like the holy grail of geo political politics and nobody is talking about it because they want to shield for joe biden, they want to push for a guy that's a 50 year d.c. swamp creature and you can't name his accomplishments but now after half a century he's going to start deliving for the american people, give me a break, steve does anyone believe this nonsense any more? steve: you were one of the keynote speakers on the first night, monday night and speaking of the media afterwards, i saw that the main concern was why were his eyes so glassy? >> well i guess there must have been something with the lighting but they started doing this trending thing, donald trump jr.'s on cocaine and all of that. i said no, no, you have me confused with hunter biden. steve: oh. >> it was pretty ridiculous, so , when they can't attack the delivery, when they can't attack the substance, they got to attack something just like be tte midler, and all of these last night attacking melania because she didn't speak english the same way that they would. well she speaks five languages she's from a foreign country she got up on a world stage and knocked it out of the park, but do you know what? attack her. it's ridiculous. it's the same as watching the dnc attacking the rnc, because the rnc has the gall to showcase real americans, who have benefited for donald trump 's policies, who have benefited from this administration, rather than the out of touch hollywood celebrities that they put on their never-ending zoom call of i hate america last week. it's truly mind boggling how out of touch the democrats are. they don't even see it. steve: before you go, i'm sure you've talked to your father after two nights we're half way through. what's his reaction to how its been going so far? >> you know, honestly, i think he seems really excited. he called me after my delivery and each of us, as we've gone he's called us and just been very thankful for that and for our performance, but more importantly, he was so excited to see , again, those real americans i was speaking to. isn't that an incredible story? it's amazing to see , and that's what's amazing. that's what's so great about america. unlike the dnc's hate fest last week, this is showcasing the american dream. max alvarez the other night coming over from cuba escaping communism talking about those things you saw last night prison reform, opportunity zones , that's what america is about. that's the american dream. that's the american story and those stories could only happen in america. this is the greatest country on earth, and we shouldn't be afraid to embrace that. if you even attempted to embrace that last week you get nothing. at the dnc four straight nights no one even denounced, they didn't even touch the violence, the looting, the rioting but man if you go to church they will make sure they arrest you. you open up your business to put food on your table you're in trouble, you'll lose your business license and also arrest you. it's ridiculous. steve: well people are watching tonight, night three, don jr. thank you very much for joining us today from the d.c. area. >> thank you, steve. steve: all right there you go. 27 minutes before the top of the hour, foreign policy is a hot topic in the presidential race, whose tougher on threats like terror, and china? senator lindsey graham here to weigh in on that, there is his picture, he will be live, next. from prom dresses... soccer practices... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ainsley: hurricane laura is now expected to strengthen into a category 4 storm before hitting the u.s.. it's now a category 3 and is set to make landfall in louisiana and texas in less less than 24 hours. steve: so it is going to strengthen. jeff flock from our sister network fox business is live in port arthur, texas, where mandatory evacuations are underway and jeff, there is so much oil that is refined down there, what happened in the next 12-24 hours could impact so many people around the country. >> reporter: you are absolutely right, steve, and it's right in the crosshairs. the biggest oil refinery in america, dead in the crosshairs of this storm, and you've watched over the course of your broadcast this morning, the reports and the forecast on this intensified, the storm intensify and the predictions do. i'm going to show you the last look you're going to get at the sun just coming up but now being surrounded by clouds. preparations as you point out have been underway for the last few days and they're just coming to completion right now in the town of port arthur and everything, right around it here , along the louisiana/texas border, that is the center of where the cone is right now, and theoretically, where the storm would commashore now as we believe, a category 4 storm. to those who are right in the center of that cone, the governor of texas, greg abbott, with a special message to you. listen. >> people anywhere near where the eye of the hurricane will come ashore will need to be very aware of this high water surge because it can easily sweep you away. >> reporter: we are out here speaking of water along the intercoastal waterway, that is pictures you're seeing of the intercoastal and the levy and i suspect that will hold because it's on the intercoastal but water is a major problem that got hammered in harvey, and decimated in rita. people remember what this is and i leave you maybe, steve, with a picture or with a thought, about that refining capability. everything is shutdown right now if you get a direct hit on it, as you point out, everyone across the nation is going to feel the hit, gas prices. steve: that's right. scary times all right, jeff, thank you very much. ainsley: let's hand it over to janice she's tracking it all for us, janice what's the latest >> janice: this time yesterday , the storm was just a tropical storm and it strengthen ed by 55 miles it is the quickest strengthening storm that we have seen since irma, and that's quite a while ago, and i am nervous that this is going to be a historic storm, one that could potentially cause catastrophic damage especially when it comes to storm surge, 10 -15 feet, and some of the surge is going to move well inland by 30 miles, so we're going to see strongly- worded evacuation orders. if you are ordered to evacuate you need to do so. a foot of water high, along with 12 inches of water, rainfall, moving inland, and 130-mile per hour winds is tough to survive, so you need to listen to your local authorities. we are expecting this to make another bump up in strength as category 4 and then making a landfall overnight, around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. as a very strong maiming or hurricane along the border of texas and louisiana, and this is going to rival all of the big names like rita and irma, katrina was a cat 3 when it made landfall as well. there are some of the wind gusts as it makes impact, and again, certainly hurricane force winds for a duration of hours but the water, the water level rise will be perhaps the deadliest risk from this storm. i can not stress it enough. this is going to cause kate ic damage in the area, steve and ainsley, back to you. steve: and of course the headline right now, 130-mile per hour winds, people have to get ready for. ainsley: dangerous. steve: thanks, j. d. ainsley: over to you, brian. brian: senator lindsey graham joins us now trying to get six more years, member of the senate foreign relations committee very respected on the global stage ment senator while we are all paying attention to what's happening with the storms, we're also talking about foreign policy, and eric trump last night really defended the president's foreign policy as did moo ic p and you wrote that eric did a great job showcasing the president's success record there. well the washington post says i don't see much success, defend the president overseas. >> [laughter] well number one, radical islams worse nightmare has been donald trump and mr. ignaceous, what movie are you watching? when trump took office the caliphate was alive and well in iraq and syria, you can ask baghdadi no you can't because he's dead, whose tougher the iranian deal was a disaster we pulled out of it and the regime was on their back foot, they're weaker today than they've ever been, the taliban are at the peace table. it's not even a close call. donald trump has been radical islam's worst nightmare and done a hell of a good job clean ing up the mess created by obama and biden and that's one of the reasons he needs to be re-elected. brian: so you tweeted out about eric trump and also james comey whose writing and talking a lot again, wrote an editorial how the justice department under president trump has destroyed america, and you say to him, check your calendar, james comey , and keep tuesdays and wednesdays open, between september 15 and 30. why? >> well number one, james comey is an embarrassment as a director of the fbi. he's done a lot of damage to the institution. it's up to wray and barr to clean up the mess i believe they will. if you want to find common ground between hillary clinton and donald trump and lindsey graham we all think james comey was a disaster, so i'm going to give him a chance to and the country about cross fire hurricane one of the most corrupt investigations in the history of the fbi. he was rebuked by the fisa court , the investigation was, and he signed a warrant against carter page in april of 2017, and i find it hard to believe that the director of the fbi did not know that in january and march of 2017, the russian sub source disavowed the reliabil ity of the dossier, so you've got a lot to say, james comey come in under oath and say it. brian: you have an fbi lawyer who admitted guilt to changing a document to get a fisa warrant and no one even brought that up on face the nation. unbelievable. lastly, you came outlast night, you were at a law enforcement function and you were asked about what was going on in wisconsin and you said i'm wondering why jake blake didn't yield to police. in terms of the shooting. >> yeah, i want to know what happened. mr. floyd was subdued. he was in custody. he was defense less and they just put the knee on the neck. well i want to know what happened. why was the guy, mr. blake, still moving? i don't want to pre-judge here. floyd was subdued. mr. blake was apparently still moving and i want to find out what happened, but i'm with the cops. more cops have been killed in 2020 august of 2020 than all of last year. we never talked about what's going on in wisconsin is not an appropriate response, mr. blake's mother is calling for peaceful protest that's the way to do this but i'm not ready to condemn the cops, when mr. floyd was defensely, i don't know what happened. go be a cop for a day or two and see how easy this job is. give it a try. put on a badge and gun and go ought in the middle of this crap and see how well you do. brian: the point was with the seven shot, at close range, that's what was so strong, one of the main things -- >> i don't know. brian: senator lastly -- >> that's why we need to investigate it. brian: let's get answers. your opponent has taken money from who is for defunding the police. does that matter if they say they are not? >> i wouldn't take $1 for anybody whose declared war on the police department. is in their eyes, we need to defund the police, get the money to social workers and the police need to apologize that is not south carolina. that is not who we are. he should refund the money and reject that ideology. they gave him a money for a reason, because they see in him an allie. they sure as hell don't see me as an allie. brian: senator lindsey graham all in the eye of the storm thanks so much. >> [laughter] thank you. brian: you got it coming up straight ahead second lady karen pence will speak at the republican convention tonight. she joins us live with a preview , next. we made usaa insurance for veterans like liz and mike. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance, they called usaa - who helped find the right coverage for them and even some much-needed savings. that was the easy part. usaa insurance is made the way liz and mike need it- 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sports zone everybody wins. now that's simple, easy, awesome. say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. >> reporter: good morning we are back with quick headlines and the company that operated the helicopter in kobe bryant's deadly crash is suing two air traffic controllers the lawsuit from island express helicopters claims the crash was caused by a series of erroneous acts and/or omisions. bryant and his daughter and seven others died after their helicopter went down in a los angeles suburb in january. a federal judge rejects the request to be moved to general population in prison. maxwell's lawyers asked she be transferred out of her high security cell to allow her to better prepare for her defense but the judge deemed the move unnecessary. the british socialite is charged with recruiting underage girls for jefferson. she has pleaded not guilty. democratic senator chris murphy is warning democracy could soon be lost. murphy telling the new york times in part, "we don't run anything important in our lives by democratic vote other than our government. it will fall apart at some point and maybe that point isn't now, but maybe it is." ainsley? ainsley: thanks, jillian. well looking ahead tonight, night three of the republican national convention which has the theme, a land of heros. vice president mike pence will headline tonight's event and we're going to hear from his wife, second lady karen pence, senators marsha blackburn and south dakota's governor, and many more, but before her speech tonight, mrs. pence joins us now , for a preview, good morning to you, mrs. pence. >> good morning, ainsley. thanks for having me on. ainsley: you're welcome. what can we expect tonight? >> it's exciting because this is the third night and the theme is as you said is " land of heros" and america is made up of people would are hero s and every day americans so you'll hear from some everyday americans as well, but for my part, i get to talk a little bit about our military community, and i know that you know that's near and dear to my heart, and i've worked a lot with military spouses to help them with employment and i've also done a lot of work with veterans on preventing suicide, so, it'll be an exciting night to highlight the heros in this great country. ainsley: one of them is the son that you are raising because he's a marine we're proud of him >> semper fi. ainsley: as a school teacher what do you think about schools reopening should they? >> it's interesting you ask me because today is the first day of school that i teach at and i'm not there because i don't teach on wednesdays but we are open. we had 100% kids at school, and we have ways that we can take precautions, and the cdc has made that very clear to us. my school has spent the entire summer working on ways to make the school safer. like for example, i'm an art teacher. i'm not teaching the kids in the art room this year. i'm taking a cart, room-to-room, because we don't want the kids congregating in the hallways. we're wearing masks, we're social distancing, we're washing our hands, and we just are able to take those precautions to make schools safe, so to everybody at school this morning , i'm excited, i look forward to seeing you next week. ainsley: well that is a wonderful message. we're going back in a few weeks too and all the kids are excited as for tonight, how do you think the rnc is going so far? >> i think it's phenomenonal. we are telling an empowering, optimistic, hopeful message. the first night the theme was land of promise and this president has kept his promises but he didn't tell you that on the first night. we actually had everyday americans tell of the promises he's kept for them and it's a land of promise. it's a land of opportunity, which was the second night's theme, land of opportunity. this president wants to empower every american, to enjoy the opportunities that we have in this country, and it was very inspiring to me. we got to be there with melania 's speech and it was absolutely beautiful, absolutely uplifting she told a great story , she told her story which is a story of so many americans, and then tonight, to have land of heros, what an in spiering story. ainsley: your faith is extremely important to you how about last night with the pardon his message was incredible. >> absolutely spectacular and i think its been great to have those surprise visits at the convention where you actually see the president. for example, when he had the pastor, pastor brunson in his office how inspiring was that and i think the thing, ainsley, that's so important about this convention is that there are a lot of people on the fence still, and that's okay and they're looking at this convention and wanting to hear the stories, and they're wanting to know what should i do , who should i vote for? this is an opportunity for this president to tell his story. to tell of the promises that he's kept, and i think last night, what you heard from melania was she shared how much this president loves this country and i've got to tell you, ainsley, i see that all the time when i talk to this president. he absolutely loves this country and he wants everybody to succeed. ainsley: well god bless you, thank you so much we wish you all the best tonight. we'll all be watching. see you tonight. ainsley: more fox & friends just moments away. >> hurricane laura looks like it will be a cat 4 when it comes ashore tonight. we'll have live coverage throughout the morning tomorrow and highlights from the rnc. see you then. >> sandra: fox news alert. hurricane laura barreling toward the gulf coast with winds in excess of 115 miles per hour. it will be a catastrophic storm, possibly category 4. it is taking aim at the texas/louisiana host. hundreds of thousands of people have been ordered to evacuate. we'll have more on this in a moment. another alert. our fox news crew capturing gunfire erupting on the streets of kenosha, wisconsin, overnight. a warning, the video is disturbing.

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