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5 00 a. M. Was when that cut off was for them when Seattle Police were given the green light to dismantle chop following mayor Jenny Durkans executive order. Officials say they have made 44 arrests for failure to disperse, assault. Recall malicious mischief. Even though the police took back over the precinct still a lot of cleaning to do. The mayor reluctant to shut mayor down six weeks ago sounding off. From conversations over the weekend it was clear that many individuals would not leave and that the impacts to the community could not be reduced and Public Safety could not be improved until they did leave. The executive order to clear the area comes after the Fatal Shooting two of teenagers. Carmen best slamming to allow the occupy protest zone known as chop to remain for far too long. What has happened here on these streets is lawless and brutal and bottom line, it is simply unacceptable. Black lives matter and i, too, want to help propel this Movement Forward but is enough s enough. Leader of chop said we are going to have to work 10 times as hard to get our message back on track. Anxiously, brian, steve . Ainsley thanks so much, ashley. The summer of love, as you mentioned, steve, the mayor of seattle supported chop. She said this is going to be a summer of love. Its ironic because the first day of summer was june 20th, a saturday, and Horace Lorenzo anderson jr. Was shot and killed in the chop zone on that day. His father said he went to bed, he was interviewed with sean hannity last night. A very long emotional interview. I couldnt turn the tv off. I went to bed my son was sitting on the sofa. I told him how much i loved him. He took custody of his son 2 years old. He said i never saw my son again that was a saturday. I got to identify the body on a thursday. How did he find out . Not by the mayor, not by the governor, not even by the police who werent even welcome in the chop zone. He found out by two friends who were with his son who were from a different city and they came to tell his dad. Here is that emotional interview with the dad Horace Lorenzo anderson sr. With sean hannity last night talking about his son brought to tears. Somebody had to come to my house and knock on my door and tell me something. I dont know nothing. All i know is my son. This is a 19yearold. No thats my son. You know. And i loved him. And that was my son. Because of my son, i feel like. Its personal. Just like you say. Somebody should help my son. He needed help he need paramedics. He needed the police to come in. Somebody somebody was supposed to go in there and help my son. Even after that still, i need let me know. I shouldnt know from some little kids. I should have somebody im 50 years old. Somebody the police somebody should have knocked on my door and said, man, we need to sit down and talk to you and let you know whats going on because i still dont know whats going on. Ainsley it was a beautiful conversation and sean offered to pay for the funeral. He said look i appreciate that. Sean, you are wonderful to offer that they continuously complimented him on being upstanding man who cares you are the only one who has. He said its not about the money. We appreciate the money. Its not about the money. Its about my family and my life. There are real consequences to what is happening without our police, without protection. He said his son walls a premature baby and he had special challenges. Special needs. Steve you know, that young man should be alive. Had the city of seattle not made the business decision to abandon that area to whomever wanted to control it, that young man would most definitely be alive today. And its just got to be heartbreaking for the father to look at images like that of his son who he raised to know that had that city followed the rule of law and not abandoned it, he would probably be alive. This is the problem when some these mayors and governors give the protesters an inch and what starts out with a peaceful protest then devolves into some sort of violence. That is why rather the governor, the mayor ultimately said enough is enough. We are sending in the cops in 48 hours. The cops showed up at 5 00 yesterday morning and said everybody who is here in five minutes will be arrested. And they arrested 31 people although the police chief, brian, says they probably wont be prosecuted. Brian yeah. Four shootings. Two deaths 2, 5 assaults. 30plus arrested. This was so predictable, sadly, that it was going to end up in violence. Think about, this thrrg are rules in your house there are rules in school. There are rules in the workplace there are rules usually on the streets. If you get rid of those rules in some fantasy operation and take seven blocks knock it down to three blocks and then start introducing your own set of laws, this is what is going to happen. And you take over a Police Precinct in the process. Lawmakers support it. This mayor underlined it. The Seattle Times ignored all the negativity that was going on there and all the violence that took place. All the networks made it seem like this was just a wonderful place to be and wasnt it great to sound out and try to rebalance society . This is what you get. This is why they broke it up immediately in washington across from the white house. This is why they wouldnt let it happen in portland. For some reasonable in new york they let it happen. The occupy movement was welcomed into new york city across from city hall by this mayor who, proudly, wecht out and cut a billion dollars out of the police budget. And everybody cheered. And then you got to see video as well as how our police in new york city the finest arguably in the country, maybe the world, are being mocked by protesters in the most demeaning way, possible. It was so much that even Cardinal Timothy dolan said, this anxiously, maybe you towpght take it from here in an editorial. He brought out his typewriter. Ainsley sure, this is what he wrote. He is supporting the Police Officers. He said our valiant Police Officers have one of the most perilous stressful duties around. What i have seen in nearly a dozen years here they do it with care, compassion, and competence. Now we have added to their load with continual, at times exsagger rate offed rash and inaccurate criticism combined with rocks, molotov cocktails and taunts. Do Police Forces deserve criticism, sometimes . You bet they do. The men and women of the department realize they are far from perfect, but we know that while bad apples there indeed may be, they are very rare. He said whats happening to police really resonates with him because just like there are some bad apples in the church, most priests, most cops, the majority of them rrge good. Steve if you have not read it go online, New York Post. Com. It is a great read. It will take you two and a half minutes. What the cardinal says is, he starts out and says whenever guy home to missouri, people say what do you love about new york city . He goes well i love Saint Patricks cathedral, obviously. The windows at christmas time and then he talks about how much he loves the men and women of new yorks finest. And he says, you know, they come into my kitchen here in the right over there at the cathedral. They have coffee with me. We talk. I perform their baptism for their children. I marry them. And, unfortunately, he is there at their wakes and their funerals. His heart breaks for what is happening to the Police Officers. He also said this. In the oped. As representative peter king eloquently remarked on the floor of the house last week, racial minorities in the tents and poor areas of the city, especially need the police. In a recent meeting with community activist, one black leader remind us dont give me this get rid of the cops rant. You on madison avenue or park avenue might not need the police but we up in the bronx sure do. Brian thats where they got to go to help out the most. There is video out there. Help at some point posted it. There is a woman screaming in the face of these cops who have to take it. By the way, im not sure if they are social distancing in occupy movements or protesting movements as they bring their mask down and spit in their face. The woman goes you go to a Clown College for 26 weeks. A hairdresser has to go to school clowng longer that un. Half of you dont even have an college education. Other is you have to sit there and tell me are you educated enough to do your job and then the rest gets full of explicatives. You get the job. 41,000, maybe get a 10,000 raise, you take down half of that after you are done with the ridiculous taxes in this town. You come into work you dont wear your uniform because people are going to ridicule you along the way and tough take that and you are the bad guys and the mayor there supports the protesters. Sadly im sure this new York Movement is going to end the same way seattle ended. Because in the beginning its great and at the end even mayors realize what have we created . They learn nothing. So, mean while, lets talk a little bit about whats going to be happening in our president ial election. Its going to combine to heat up dominate the summer and certainly dominate the fall along with the coronavirus. The president of the United States pointed out that Vice President biden is doing something kind of odd. He is actually underlying the fact that he is going to raise your taxes and thinks its a real good thing. Heres what he said, joe biden said. Irresponsible sugar high tax cuts. Sugar high tax cuts . Corporate tax rate was the highest in the world so they cut it in half. Had already pushed us into a trilliondollar deficit. Im going to get rid of the bulk of the 2 trillion tax cut. And a lot of you may not like that. But im going to close loopholes like Capital Gains and stepped up basis. With that verse could be heard running for the hills. Here is the president on that. I think what happens is if do you that you are going to crash the market. We have a market thats going to be believe by some time early next year, could even be sooner at record level. Just to put it more accurately. He just wants to raise everyones taxes because they want to spend it on nonsense. They want to spend it on things that dont work. They wants to give the money away. I dont think people are going to stand for it. The democrats want to raise taxes. And its going to ultimately be everybodys taxes that will kill the market. It will kill everything that were doing. It will kill jobs. Brian just add to that. If you want to know what the biden budget will look like, look whats happening in the house passing 1. 5 trilliondollar infrastructure bill. Its all green. And there is nothing going to stop it. Oh, we are out of money . Go right to the Defense Department just like president obama did for 8 years and go down and start having to take out plane parts in order to get some keep the air force intact. Ainsley the president cut the Corporate Tax basically in halflike you were saying, brian. Businesses started opening bangk up. We saw Car Dealerships and manufacturing jobs. Many economists were saying that is never going to happen but it did under this president. If we have another president who wants to cut to increase the Corporate Tax, what does that mean for businesses that want to open up . What does it mean for jobs. For even the Blue Collar Workers out there going to be working in these factories. We need to think about this and take a deep dive into this. We want businesses to come back to america. To leave china especially after covid, thats not going to happen if we increase our Corporate Tax. Steve but you know that for years the democrats, very Popular Campaign slogan has been essentially to tax the rich. And when you have double digital unemployment and a lot of people are out of work they dont care if a corporation pays 7 . They dont care. Because, keep in mind, what is the number of people who actually pay federal taxes . It is, i believe its less than 50 . Ainsley yes. Steve thats a very big number and thats a very big deal on the left side. And thats why when the house rolls out their very gigantic green new deal, essentially in the form of a budget, its not surprising because that is just their opening bid. They would like to get some of that stuff, one of the things the president did say in a great interview with blake burman of fox business yesterday is that he supports a bigger stimulus, phase 4 than the democrats do. Mitch said he would like to take it up later this month. 6 14 in new york city. Thanks for joining us on this thursday. Jillian joins us with breaking news on covid. Jillian thats right. Good morning. Lets begin with this. A grim milestone. New coronavirus cases in the u. S. Rise guilty above 50,000 in a single day for the first time as some states roll back reopening plans. Gavin newsom is ending indoor operations for businesses including restaurants in 19 counties. Bars ordered to close all operations. New york city also delaying the return of Indoor Dining, Vice President mike pence will travel to tampa today to meet with Florida Governor ron desantis after visiting arizona and reassuring doug ducey health is on the way to tame surge in cases there. A threestory building collapses in new york city with one man escaping with minor injuries. Witnesses say it went down in 30 seconds. The building has a gym on first floor and apartments on the top. The cause of the collapse sunday investigation. Overnight, the House Armed Services Committee Man columbusly approved 740 billiondollar defense bill. The panel approving several amendments including one that would force the pentagon to rename military bases named for confederate generals. President trump has threatened to veto the bill. Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell has urged the president to reconsider. The bill will now be voted on by the full house. Macys fourth of July Fireworks lighting up the new york city sky for a third night. The fireworks going off over times square. Macys producing displays each night this week leading to the finale on the fourth. Times and locations are not being released to keep large crowds from gathering. But, it i is good to see them. Steve that looks like new years eve. Brian a lot of bottle rockets. Investigation into couple after pointing guns at protesters. They say they were being threatened. I think everyone agrees with that the couple was simply will implementing their second rtamendment rights. Is he outraged about the backlash. He joins us next. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. 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Brian missouri prosecutor launching a probe into fear for live during confrontation with protesters who broke into their community. Next guest calls it outrageous. Josh hawley. Senator, these two protecting their own house. They broke down the gate. But, yet now most people, most news organizations are vilifying them. Its incredible thing to see, brian. Especially when you consider that the same st. Louis prosecutor has this dozens and dozens of violent criminals referred to her by the st. Louis police and she hasnt prosecuted any of them. She hasnt charged any of them. She has turned them back out on the streets and got this couple who by the way are on their own property. They never left their property, just standing there with pier perfectly Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms standing right there. And they are going to be investigated . Its just insane. Brian they are attorneys themselves. I was looking at Jonathan Turleys twitter account. Hardly a left wing fire brand. He said this might be tough to defend because of public sentiment right now. You are the former attorney general. Does he have a point . Well, public sentiment shouldnt come into it when you are talking about the law. The truth is they are on their own property. They are standing there they have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. They felt they were being threatened. The video shows folks on their property shouting threats at them. And the truth is they never left their property. They never went toward the crowd, got off the property. You know, waved the guns around to get them back on the street. They stayed right where they were, which is their right to do. The idea that you wouldnt prosecute actual violent criminals who are shooting cops, who are burning buildings in st. Louis. Those people dont even get charged. Yet, you are going to investigate and maybe prosecute this couple . Thats really an abuse of power. Brian lets move on. I would like to push back on you, senator but i just agree with you too much. Its too obvious to me. Senator, lets talk about whats happening. A lot of republicans and conservatives are upset by. So Supreme Court justice rulings that have come down with the conservative as the chief justice roberts. What are you proposing . Well, i think we have got to take a hard look how republicans over the years have chosen these justices. This has been a disastrous term in many ways for the Supreme Court. Especially for religious conservatives who have staked so much on the Supreme Court. President trump inherited a Selection Process that he made some changes to which i think was good. Enough to i think more changes need to be made. We have got to make sure that were getting proconstitution judges on that bench who are not going to waiver in the face of pressure who are going to follow the law the way it is written, not legislate from the bench. I have think its time to make sure that this process of choosing judges gets scrubbed from top to bottom. So that we are choosing hard core rock ribbed conservatives who are going to follow the law and follow the constitution and not impose their own will. Brian thats true. Another reason why everyone has to vote in november. Logic says you are going to have at least two more openings on the court. Finally, real quick. Black lives matter. While people believe with the statement a lot of people are upset with the organization, including the president. Do you believe black lives matter is a Marxist Organization that should be ridiculed or supported . Black lives matter is an organization, i think you just go to their website and look at what they believe. They are marxist. They have statements against the state of israel. There is this hatred for the United States of america that is there. And all kinds the Nuclear Family they say is inherently racist. Thats crazy, crazy stuff. Of course, the principle, of course black lives matter. All lives matter. Absolutely, 1 hearse . But the organization and what it is standing for and pushing i think is very, very dangerous. By the way, brian, they are hijacking the organization is trying to hijack any Movement Towards justice for george floirksd fringes, they are trying to hijack that conversation away to their own marxist political agenda, thats dangerous. Brian some weird things happening in the city between the monuments and between the unrest in seattle, new york, minneapolis and that movement. Lets see if something positive will come out of this. Right now it just looks like chaos. Senator, thanks so much. Thank you. Brian President Trump setting the record straight about a stance on masks. Im all for masks. I think masks if i were in a group of people and i was close. You would wear one. I would. Brian yep. There is debate about a mask mandate. Do we need it nationally. Doctor who cease coronavirus patients every single day. burke at farmers, we know how nice it is to save on your auto policy. But its even nicer knowing that if this happens. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. So, get a quote today. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i felt like i was justthis constantly cleaning up his hair. Then, i got my paws on the swiffer sweeper. Its a game changer. These heavy duty dry cloths pick up a crazy amount of hair this is all you. We stopped cleaning and started swiffering. With the denial of the promise of this nation, made to so many. Because if it werent clear before, its clear now. This country wasnt built by wall street bankers and ceos, it was built by the Great American middle class, health care workers, docs, nurses, delivery truck drivers, Grocery Store workers. You know weve come up with a new phrase for them essential workers. We need to do more than praise them, we need to pay them. As president , its my commitment to all of you, to lead on these issues and to listen. For thats what the presidency is the duty to care, to care for all of us, not just those who vote for us, but all of us. This job is not about me. Its about you. Its about us. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Ainsley today top intel officials are heading to capitol hill to brie brief officials abt russian bounties on american troops. Griff jenkins is there. Griff two security briefings coming today led by the security director. Bipartisan gang of 8 will get one. House Intelligence Committee at 1 00. This as the steps up handling of the intelligence assessments. This didnt rise to the occasion. And from what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didnt even many of them didnt even believe it happened at all. I think its a hoax. I think its a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats. Griff this after National Security advisor Robert Obrien revealed here on this show yesterday that it was a cia briefer who decided not to tell the president about the assessment which remains to be verified and that the president has retaliatory options if necessary. Russia has denied the allegations first reported in the New York Times calling it a Smear Campaign against them. Meanwhile, democrats are blasting the president for his response. Iraq war vet and massachusetts congressman seth moulton says this amounts to the highest level of betrayal. If this isnt treason i dont know what is. As a Second Lieutenant, if i disregarded an intelligence report, didnt bother to read it and it got my marines killed, i wouldnt be treating tweeting excuses, i would be in prison. Because thats the standard of accountability for the most junior officer in the United States military. Apparently that standard does not apply to the commanderinchief. Griff Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ainsley, bob menendez mends. Part of of a military spending bill on the senate floor this week. We will see where it goes. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, griff. Steve, over to you. Steve thank you, ainsley. President trump yesterday afternoon set the record straight on his stance on masks. I dont know if you need mandatory because you have many places in the country where people stay lock distance. You talk about social distancing. But, im all for masks. I think masks are good. If i were in a group of people and i was close. You would wear one. I would oh, i have. People have seen me wearing one. Steve so he says is he all for masks. This amid the debate over whether the u. S. Needs a nationwide mask mandate. Do we . Lets talk to fox news medical contributor dr. Janette nesheiwat who examines coronavirus cases here in new york city. Good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Steve for some reason over the last couple of weeks, month, masks have become political. But the science of masks is not. How do they work . Yeah. Its important to understand and follow the facts and the data. Heres what we do know. We know that wearing a facial cloth covering or a mask can reduce the transmission of this virus from 17 down to 3 . What does that mean . That equates to saving about 35,000 lives over the next three months. Steve wow. The data and science shows it works. You are not only protecting yourself but protecting others. Thats the latest data that came out of the cdc. I believe wearing a mask is not the only solution. It certainly is part of our best defense tools. I think its even just as important to practice that physical distancing. Make make sure there is 6 to 10 fight between you and someone else. Can you have whats called a super spreader. One person coughing, sneezing, coughing can spread this virus to another person and then can you see exphone rise i exponentn number of cases. Avoiding close contacts and confined spaces. Avoiding clouds. All of these can minimize the transmission of this virus as we just saw and now breaking records of 50,000 new cases in a day. We certainly need to take action against that. Steve sure. The president was asked about a nationwide mask mandate and he says i dont think we really need one there are a lot of spaces in the country where people are in the wide open spaces and there is nobody for five miles. Why should they then have to wear a mask. But, when the president did make it clear when if he is in a tight area, he would wear a mask which is great. But, you know, you on the front lines, city md in fact i drove by one offices out in new jersey yesterday. Every parking space was taken obviously because people are interested in testing you see whats going on and talked about the increase and states rolling things back. There is a story, ainsley and i were just talking about out of alabama, apparently teenagers are going to parties to see who can get the virus first. What do we need to know about the coronavirus over the next 10 days to make sure that it doesnt go crazy because the worry is over the fourth of july holiday so many people could come into close contact, that could just cause an explosion. Sure. We have to understand the virus is present. Its here. Its strong and its thriving. And it can affect anyone from kids to senior citizens. Even teenagers. The biggest outbreak we are seeing right now is those under the age of 44. Yeah. Some states like california, new york, were scaling back and pausing on reopening for for example, monday we are supposed to start with Indoor Dining. We are holding back on that because we see a we have a vaccine under development thats starting phase 3 here right now in july our president procured half a million cases of remdesivir. And that sort of thing. We need to stay vigilant and continue our prestrengthennive measures. Steve like wearing a mask. Wear mask. Over the fourth of july. Social distance. People are going to be drinking things. Some scientists could possibly come up with a mask with a straw, that you could actually drink out of, that person will be the richest person in the world. Very creative thought. Steve doctor, thank you for joining us live. Thank you, steve. Steve 24 minutes before the top of the hour and this is our lead story again, chaos unfolding in some liberal cities like new york and seattle and many state leaders are letting the protesters go too far. Judge napolitano says we are nearing the end of society. Thats a real pick me up. The judge is next. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Steve mayhem rocking certain liberal cities in new york. Protesters Taunting Police and demanding they be defunded. Got about a billion dollars so far. Meanwhile, in seattle, newly released Surveillance Video of the chop zone looking down at it shows brawls. Audio of gunshots and people scrambling for cover. Brian yup. Officials finally allowing the police to dismantle the socalled chop zone after multiple deaths and a surge in crime. Why did they let it get this far . Ainsley good question, brian. Here to discuss this is fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file on fox nation judge andrew napolitano. Good morning, judge. Good morning, guys. Ainsley we have seen videos of trash cans thrown on top of cop cars, fires. Heated strandoff notice streets. Where is mayor bill de blasio in all of this . Where are these local leaders . Well, they are counting the they are counting their supporters that are among the demonstrators, ainsley. Ainsley true. The mayor of seattle and mayor of new york are more interested in play indicating their supporters and those who back them than they are in maintaining the property and the lives of the people in the neighborhoods that are being harmed. And part of this is caused by a Supreme Court opinion. Supreme court of the United States when police turned away from helping someone and those people sueded the police, the Supreme Court said surprise, the police have no moral or legal duty to protect life or to protect property. That decision is wrong. The police should have a moral and legal duty to protect property and protect life. Thats why we have a police department. If that moral and legal duty existed in seattle, then the mayor would not have been able to interfere with it and the same is the case to a lesser extent in new york city. You know, judge, we started this hour out after w. A soundbite from the father of a 19yearold man who is going to be buried today up in seattle. And he was shot in the mayhem there i suggested my opinion is that he would be alive today had the city not made the business decision to essentially abandon that part of town. Am i wrong in that . No, you are not wrong. Not only are you not wrong, steve, the police should have gone in there anyway, even though the mayor didnt want them to go in there. The mayor was making a political decision to enhance her Political Base. The police have to make a decision about saving lives and preserving property. And that young man would be alive if the police did the right thing. Now, the police are following the law. The law is wrong. That Supreme Court opinion is wrong. They have you had is defied it and they should have defied the mayor. Brian judge, you are looking at the big picture here and you wrote an oped and brought up the declaration of independence and our constitution. Your title is one of the course of human events. So, look. The spirit of revolution was in the air in 1776. And jefferson wrote and congress enacted the declaration of independence. Everybody felt free. Not everybody, but the people that were running the government. They established a small government. It needed the consent of the people to exist. It needed the consent of the people to do almost anything. Today we have the opposite. That spirit of freedom is gone. Today we have governors telling us where to go and when to go and how many people can go. So we are being squeezed on both sides. We have the anarchists taking law into their own hands because governors want the Political Base that supports those anarchists. And we have governors who dont uphold the bill of rights who mock our liberties and are willing to crush them. And everybody else is left in the middle with property being destroyed and freedom being diminished. If the spirit of 1776 returned, the lives and liberty and the pursuit of happiness are personal to us. And not choices for the government to make for us. We would be a better country and we would be happier and we would be more unified. Brian being torn every side. Torn at every side. From the cops to the pandemic to the local mayors. To the governors. Unbelievable. Judge, thanks so much. Cardinal dolan wrote a great piece this morning in the New York Post. And everybody should read it. Dont vilify the police. Yes, there are bad people in there society would be chaotic. The country would look like seattle if we didnt have the police. Brian we are getting a glimpse. Seattle and new york. Believe me, heading down that same pa path across from city h. Judge where is jillian. Brian never been done before. Judge, toss to jillian. Judge here is jillian with the latest news. Jillian i love you, judge. Good to see you. I love you guys, too. Good morning, guys. Lets start off your headlines with. This vigil is planned tomorrow for the fort hood soldier missing since april. Vanessas family believes her remains were found in two shallow graves this week. They are calling on congress to get answers. My sister was [inaudible] for responsibility safety and respect because they didnt respect my sister. Will they didnt keep my sister safe. Jillian the remains have not officially been identified. A military suspect killed himself when authorities tried to contact him. Another civilian suspect is in custody. A manhunt is underway for a protester accuse of assaulting officers. Salt Lake City Police releasing this photo of the man wearing a tshirt which says, quote. Love is always the answer. He is accused of hittings one officer in the head with a baseball bat at a protest in may. That officer was seriously injured. Allege sheriff blast as bookkeeper accused of stealing 768,000 from a florida church. Sharon bradley was the finance secretary for 11 years. During the last five years police say she stole the cash and used it on amazon purchases, a 50,000 swimming pool. And a match. Com account. Jesus aint happy. If i were her, i would be asking forgiveness and its a good thing i aint jesus, i would say you send me 768,000. Police discover the threat while will reviewing finance records for new church leaders. Swept off of their feet and into the ocean. Watch this. Oh my will shall. Whoa, the couple pulled into the water as the massive wave hit the rocks during photo shoot in laguna beach, california, by standers from a lookout saw what happened and thankfully called for help. Several lifeguards seen rush into the water to save the bride and groom. They are both okay. Wow, that is frightening. Brian how do you swim in that dress, too. Ainsley looks like she is wearing Wedding Dress i would imagine your legs would get entangled in it. Steve lucky to be alive. 12 minutes before the the top of the hour. Adam joins us with the foxcast for this holiday thursday. Hey, likely heading into what is going to be the hottest next couple of days we have seen across the entire country so far this year. Really widespread heat dive into the daytime highs and temperatures running into the upper into the middle 90s denver to dallas over to new orleans and even 90 dries as far as north to minneapolis and over to chicago and stretching to new york city back down to tampa. Real extreme heat. There is a bulls eye in the middle of the country where we are going to be talking about heat indices, the index when you feel that heat plus the humidity. Those temperatures probably closer to 105 to 110 degrees. So, we this is going to continue the next couple of days, steve, maybe find a cool, find some air conditioning, its going to be a hot one. Steve it is summer. Adam, thank you very much. Brian find a body of water. Thats what i take away from that the july 4th weekend usually leads to an economic boom. How will covid19 lockdowns and restrictions especially in california impact the numbers this year . Charles payne is here to break down what will happen. Im bad. Youre stronger than you know. So strong. You power through chronic migraine, 15 or more headache or migraine days a month. One tough mother. Youre bad enough for botox®. Botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for almost 10 years, and is the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. 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The savanna bananas maken bacon. Bananas pealed out 8 runs, the bacon went home burnt after getting shut out. They play again tonight. Im upstairs and i heard brian downstairs go ugh ainsley. Ainsley thank you, jillian. The fourth of july weekend travel, tourism, leading to a big boost for our economy. What can we expect this year with all the lockdowns in place and officials urging americans to scale back our plans . Lets ask Charles Payne host of making money on fox business. Hey, charles. Hey, ainsley, its a tough one. Before the pandemic we could have seen as many as 55 million americans hit the road for trips lasting more than 50 miles or longer. We would have spent a lot of money on fireworks. Maybe a billion dollars. I still think we can get there because a lot of people are buying them. Over a billion on beer. 700 million on wine. Its obviously a huge holiday. We spent close to 7 million on it. And 61 of americans would have been at a picnic on july 4th. Its really tough to figure out how we are going to do it. I know americans want to celebrate though. I know maybe even if you have to have that picnic in your backyard or in your living room, i think spending obviously will be lower. I dont think its going to be down as much as you would think. Ainsley a lot of people trying to avoid older relatives and traveler because then you have to come back in quarantine. Definitely an issue. What about the june employment report. I know its coming out today because tomorrow is a federal holiday. Search waiting for this one. We got to take it back to that last report when the experts said we were going to lose 8 million jobs and created 2. 5 million. Todays number look for the private sector to create more than 3 million jobs. The government is going to lose almost 600,000 jobs. Your net number, 2. 5 million is the estimate. I think it will be higher than that we have got to put it in perspective though. We lost just a two month period almost 23 million jobs. We are chipping away but heres the most important thing. We are coming back, still, way faster than any of the experts thought could even be done. So lets keep that going. Ainsley we all want the economy to come back. Thanks so much, charles. You can watch making money with Charles Payne on fox business. Comes on at 2 00 in the afternoon. Still ahead, senator rick scott and dean cain are going to join us live. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Ask your doctor if your teen just between us, you know whats better than mopping . Anything at the end of a long day, its the last thing i want to do. Well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. Its an allinone so its ready to go when i am. The cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. And the pad absorbs it deep inside. So, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. Plus, its safe to use on all my floors, even wood. Glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. Try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee [gunshots] [shouting] good morning, it is thursday, july 2nd, 2020. We start the 7 00 hour in new york city. A fox news alert. Newly released body cam video capturing violence inside seattle wants chop zone has finally, after yesterday, been dismanted, brian. Brian police retaking the east presingle digit after three weeks. They were told by the mayor relinquish it. Police chief slamming lawless in ashley . Seattle police finally giving the green light to dismantle chop following mayor jimmy jim y durkans failure to dismers, assault, interference and malicious mischief. Even though police took back over the precinct there is still a lot of cleaning up they have to do before move back in the mayor reluctant to shut the zone down since it began. It was clear over the weekend that many individuals would not leave and the impacts to the community could not be reduced and Public Safety could not be improved until they did leave. The executive order to clear the area comes after the Fatal Shootings of two teenagers. Chief carmen best slamming city leaders for allowing the k407 joan to remain for far too long. What has happened on these streets is lawless and its brutal and bottom line, it is simply unacceptable. Black lives matter. And i too want to help propel this Movement Forward but enough is enough. Following their removal, a leader of chop says quote we are going to have to work 10 times as hard to get our message back on track, ainsley, brian, steve. Steve thanks so much. What message will people remember. As they finally close the place down, essentially, were starting to connect some of the dots. And on june 21st, we told you about how there was a shooting there. And the police were essentially having to battle with the people in the chop zone or the chaz zone to try to get. In because the deal that the mayor had made, essentially, was there would be no police in that area. Well, last night, sean hannity had the father of one of the young men who was killed during that there right there is Horace Lorenzo anderson jr. He was killed on june 20th. Yesterday, for the first time on the hannity program, sean showed the father the video of you who hard the police had to work to get in to reclaim his sons body. Here is that video. Please move out of the way to get to the victim. August we are trying to do is get to the victim. Please allow us to provide aid. Steve its not supposed to be that hard to do your job. Brian four shootings, two deaths, 25 assaults, 30 plus arrested just to break it up it became look what is happening in seattle became very personal last night on seans show and Horace Lorenzo anderson senior went on and talked about his son. And how there was absolutely no communication in that lawless autonomous zone and when sean showed that he said i had no idea that cops even tried to get in there listen. It want the world to know that was my son. I understand floyd and everything. Im with black lives matter and all of that. Thats cool. I appreciate that but, its just certain things that should matter outside of that that we have to put a stamp on to say hey, hey, certain things, these are children though, too. Remember, these children are gone. They are babies. Amen. What you are seeing in seattle, not just telling you about a city, we are telling you about a trend in a country. We are telling you about a trend in minneapolis to change the police force and this liberal mayor is trying to say we need police and no one is listening to him. In los angeles, they are Reimagining Police before their eyes and they are just retiring in droves. Including the person in charge of Law Enforcement for schools. And then in new york same thing they have occupy zone supported by the mayor Geneva Convention the police where the Police Actually have to sit there and take abuse while retirements are up 49 . New class of cadets are told you are not coming on the job and while your anticrime unit has been disbanded. We are watching the support of our leaders, our elected leaders, almost all democrats saying laws dont matter rules dont matter. And Law Enforcement should be vilified. This is what is happening before your eyes, best example is whats happened in seattle. The result . Total chaos, death and destruction. Ainsley you know, when i watched that interview last night, maya angelou always said one of her famous quotes we are more alike than we are different. Look at this video of what is happening in our cities around our country. Yall, we are all americans, we are all goddens children. And i watched that video last night and sean might not have much in common with Horace Lorenzo anderson senior but together last night in that interview they shared a bond because they both talked about their faith. They said theyre both christians. They said they are both sinners, just trying to get through this world. They want to raise their children. They want to put food on the table and both of them have sons. Sean got emotional. Lorenzo senior got anderson senior got emotional. It was so powerful to watch them and realize our country has got to come together. Thats who were. We are americans. Our Police Officers sign up to serve because they sign up to protect us. They couldnt get in there to get this child that was dying because of a gunshot wound because our country is so divided. And now you have Horace Lorenzo anderson senior crying to sean saying i have to kiss his picture now every morning he said i got custody of my son and my children my son was 2 years old. He said i tell him i love him every day. I told him i loved him. I said good night to him. He was sitting on the sofa and he said i so wish he hadnt gone back out that night. Here is more of that interview someone had to come to my house and knock on my door to tell me something. I dont know nothing. All i know is my son 19yearold. No that is Horace Lorenzo anderson, my son. I loved him. And that was my son because of of my son i feel like. Its personal. Somebody should help my son. He needed help i needed paramedics. He needed the police to come in. Man, somebody was supposed to go in there and help my son. Even after that still, let me know. I shouldnt know from some little kids. Im 50 years old. Somebody should have knocked on my door and said, man, we need to sit down and talk to you and let you know whats going on because i still dont know whats going on. This is what is happening in our country. No one told him his son was dead except for two of his friends sons who had to come and tell him. He went to the hospital on that saturday. And then he didnt see his son until thursday because he had to go and identify his child. His child. Brian lets think about this. The mayor mocked the president s and others who said what are you doing giving up 7 blocks of your city . Once again, the president is misinterpreting what we are doing here. What else it going to be like . Its going to be the summer of love. Not only did it blow up in her face, one of those left, left, left lawmakers put it out in public. And the riots went to her doorstep. Thats when she realized the center of her city needs to go back to the police and precinct really should be occupied by the police and she is responsible for this. Ainsley what do they expect to happen . We dont want police here. It was a matter of time. Brian we are going to be coming in here saying the same things, different outfits talking about the same outcome in new york while our mayor spray paints black lives matter. On the street when he doesnt realize trump doesnt live in trump tower. Steve the United States of america when we have a elections we elected people to, among other things, make our lives better but to protect us. And, unfortunately in certain parts of the country right now a lot of people do not feel protected because they have backed off the police. I get the fact that there is a movement underway. But, unfortunately there has been some Violence Associated with it. That is why so many people are going hey, whats going here . You are probably thinking the same thing. Lets switch gears. Today intel officials are heading to capitol hill to brief members of Congress Reports on russian bounties on american troops. This as President Trump slams those reports once again. Brian Griff Jenkins standing by for the other report for us on where the briefings are going to begin in just a few hours. We will find out more about this russian situation, i guess. Thats, brian, ainsley and steve, good morning. Highest level briefing that anyone has gotten on capitol hill so far cia director and dni leading first bipartisan gang of 8 and the house Intelligence Committee will get one as the president defends his administrations handling of the intelligence assessments. Listen. This didnt rise to the occasion. And from what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didnt even many of them didnt believe it happened at all. I think its a hoax. I think its a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats. Griff this after we learned National Security advisor Robert Obrien revealed here on this show, it was a cia briefer who decided not to tell the president about the assessments which remain to be verified. Secretary mike pompeo would not go into the intelligence but had this to say. The United States has responded appropriately to the threat that have been presented to it in afghanistan consistently during my entire three and a half years first cia director and now secretary of state. President trump has taken this seriously. Meanwhile democrats are blasting the president s response saying it amounts to the highest betrayal. If this isnt treason, i dont know what is. As a Second Lieutenant, if i disregarded an intelligence report, didnt bother to read it and it got my marines killed, i wouldnt be treating tweeting excuses i would be in prison because thats the standard of account for the most junior officer in the United States military. Apparently that standard does not apply to the commanderinchief. Griff as for our russian response we could see some movement on that in the senate. The Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee bob menendez is proposing additional sanctions against russia as part of the annual military spending bill being debated this week. Brian, ainsley, steve . Brian thanks, griff. I think what seth moulton is missing and appreciate his service and what it is like being in a war zone. The president gets a daily brief which is like a mini novel every single day. He gets verbally briefed the highlights. There was dissenting opinion on this. Before you take action against another nation especially against russia you usually get more it wasnt briefed to him directly. It was kept below him. When he was finally briefed on it, i think, two days ago, they are going to decide if its verifiable. They are also talking to the New York Times about a person that was found with i think 500,000 an afghani found leaks to the taliban that could be it. Obviously this thing is unfolding and obviously people once again cant wait to get their claws into another russian controversy. Steve politics. Brian if you ask me, if you tell me if its news that a taliban official a taliban fighter wants to kill american thats every day for 19 years. Uzbeky, taliban they dont need russian incentives. If the russian money is involved there, lets find out it. Is not big news that a taliban guy is trying to kill an american soldier. Ainsley plus i says its treason. If the president knew about in this is was treason. He didnt know about it. He wasnt briefed on it. Lets move onto the mask issue. The president , many people have their opinions about whether or not the president should be wearing a mask or if he should or shouldnt. He gets tested every day. Blake burman with fox business sat down with him yesterday and asked him about it. Listen to his response. I dont know if you need mandatory because have you many places in the country where people stay very long distance. You talk about social distancing. But im all for masks, i think masks if i were in a group of people and i was close you would wear one . I would oh, i have. People have seen me wearing one shall we have seen him wear one he said i thought i looked pretty good in it. A dark mask. Kind of looked like the lone ranger but then you are thinking that mask was up here and not over there anyway, its good for the president to say that michigan mcconnell said on monday he condemned the stigma. It has become a politicized issue, mitch said we must have no stigma, none, when we wear mask and come near other people. Essentially that is what the president of the United States said yesterday. And who knows, maybe he will start wearing mask when he is around other people. Dr. Janette nesheiwat was with us about an hour ago and said the science is not political masks actually work but they work in concert with other things we know wearing a facial cloth covering can reduce the transmission 17 down to 3 . What does that mean . That equates to saving about 35,000 lives over the next three months. So the data and the science show that it works not only protecting yourself but also protecting others but i also believe wearing a maverick is not the only solution. Certainly part of our best defense tools but just as important to practice that physical distancing. Steve people really need to remember that during this fourth of july holiday, bribe, because we were talking earlier there is a story out of tuscaloosa, alabama, where teenagers are having parties to see who can get the coronavirus first, which is crazy. Miami beach now has a curfew. The beach closes at 12 30 at night. And as Kellyanne Conway was with us yesterday, she said we need to prioritize opening schools over bars. There are choices people need to make to keep people safe. Brian schools more important than bars unless you are a bar owner trying to support your family there is a way to safe live do it. We should work on both. The thing is, keep in mind if you were confused about masks yeah we should wear them now we were told in march and april dont really work. Dont worry about it. When Anthony Fauci was asked about it do i wear a mask . I dont go out much. Now all of a sudden we are terrible people if were slow to get on the mask train now you want to wear a mask, okay. But dont vilify people that are slow to do it because we are getting a lot of mixed messages and it wasnt just from the president. It was from our lauded scientists that werent on the same page including the Surgeon General who told us it didnt work. Steve at that point we now have heard they didnt have enough masks. Brian we were supposed to make our only. We had cloth, we had socks we had tshirts we had to use. All he had to say masks dont dont use the medical masks. We can understand that as a country. Ainsley okay. Use stizzer, wear your mask and social distance. Steve mine is nearby always right there in my pocket. Ainsley okay. Lets hand it over to jillian. Jillian has headlines for us. I hit the elevator buffet tons with the clorox wipe. Jillian good morning, i goose. Start with this. Deadly shooting of an oklahoma officer and critically injuring another will appear in court. Davidware opened fire during traffic stop striking Craig Johnson and rookie officer in the head. Officer is slightly improving but remains in critical condition. Sergeant johnson died. Crowds lining the streets as Police Escort his body to the medical examiner. The 15 year veteran of the tulsa force leaves behind a wife and two sons. New coronavirus cases in the u. S. Rising above 50,000 in a single day for the first time. As some states roll back we opening plans. California governor gavin newsom is ending indoor operations for businesses. That includes restaurants in 19 counties. Bars ordered to close all operations. New york city also delaying the return of Indoor Dining. Vice president mike pence will travel to tampa today to meet with Florida Governor ron desantis after visiting arizona and reassuring governor doug ducey that help is on the way to tame a surge in cases there block buster fund raising in the 2020 race for the white house. Joe biden and the dnc bringing in a record 141 million last month with a total of 282 million for last quarter. Bidens fundraising topping President Trump and the rnc. Look at the numbers on your screen. The president and Republican Committee raking in 131 million in june with a total of 266 million for the quarter. All right. This story will quack you up all along here. Brian is already going oh. Mother duck follows. Anna mall control officer for a quarter mile as he carries her ducklings to a lake. The protective mom keeping an eye out for fowl play. California police say the birds were found in someones swimming pool. So they carried them to safety. The officer made sure to make plenty of stops in the shade so she could stay on his tail. I know you love those stories. Ainsley cute. Brian absolutely. Im produck. And were out of ducks. So its a good thing. Ainsley especially now. We all need those images. Thank you, jillian. Steve all right. 7 19 in new york city. Other side of the country Seattle Police finally clearing out the chop zone yesterday. What about if you live there . Little too late for your residence there . What one Business Owner whose store was looted still doesnt feel safe. East coast with them gone, is he going to join us coming up next. You are watching fox friends. O what do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The first and only full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel available overthecounter. New voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. New voltaren is powerful aryou try to stay ahead of the. But scrubbing still takes time. Now theres powerwash dish spray its the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. Spray, wipe, rinse. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Ainsley the city of seattle putting an end to the chop area lawlessness including two senseless deaths. Police returning to precincts that had been taken over by all those protesters. Is it too little too late for the Business Owners. Cofounder of beuke, a Clothing Store based in downtown seattle franchises all over the world. He has joined us a few times to tell us whats going on in that area. Joey, good to see you again. Good morning, ainsley. Ainsley good morning. Is it too little, too late . Heres what i will tell you. Lets not forget that less than a month ago our Downtown District was decimated prior to chop or chaz. It was decimated by these funloving kids that had nothing else to do but come over and really attack our Downtown District so, you know we look and say listen how do we bring a city back . Here is a couple things, ainsley that im concerned about. Our city council we know is our number one threat in the city. They are now in a power struggle amongst each other. And the one that seems to be delivering the violence within that group is district is the chop district. Now she is upset because businesses up there are now free to start to get their businesses back in order, open up their stores and she is very, very upset about that her nickname is seattle is karl marx jr. Thats how we know her up there. With that you know, we have crossed into a new half here with her that she is delivering violence to the city. She is the one that is delivering violence. She is also the one thats delivering, you know, she is delivering she delivered that violence to the mayors front door so now i think its personal between her and the mayor. That power struggle is in play right now. We dont know quite frankly if this power struggle is going to end well for either one of them but heres what we know for the community for the Business Community there is no sense of returning. The conventions gone why had a very vibrant Convention Business during the summertime. Our cruise ship business is gone. We saw over a million Cruise People come through every summer which was really vital to our business. We really had a great business also the Convention Business added a lot. With that being gone, we know we are going to struggle. So now the question is do you stay or go . I many h seeing a mass exodus. This is not coming back any time soon. Ainsley two steps forward and 10 steps back. You probably have spent decades trying to build your business. Are you going to go back and reopen there . Well, heres the thing we know that we cant open any time soon, ainsley. There is no confidence in trying to reopen. Downtown is delivering glass. Still in clean up mode. Delivering glass to most of these stores. When i say it got decimated it got decimated. Its not like stores are in a hurry to open up until city council delivers a message to us that says its going to be safe. Heres how we are going to protect you. And here is how we are going to deliver law and order into our downtown corridor. Then then, ainsley, nobody has the confidence and quite frankly, you know, right now with swant exposing herself. The person she is. In my opinion dereliction of duty on her part and i hope that somebody comes and gets her. Maybe a. G. Barr will put her in that ainsley she is a selfproclaimed socialist. Thank you for coming on his store is buki if you want to support him. Clothes comfortable clothes take fingerhut desk to the dining room. Thank you so much. Good to see you. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Have a good day. Ainsley you too. 27 minutes after the top of the hour. As our teammates kneel during the anthem. One Soccer Player decided to stand up to support her military family. Rod smith is applauding that decision and hes on deck. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Steve its time now for news by the numbers on this thursday. First number is 150 million. Thats how much espn reports its going to cost the nba to finish out the season and play offoffs in orlando, florida. 22 teams plus support staff are staying at three disney resorts. The season was to resume on the 30th. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, one. Iowa becomes the first state to permanently legalize to go alcohol. Governor kim reynolds approved it temporarily to boost sales during the pandemic. It was so popular she kept it in place. Ceers, finally number one. Chickfilas ranking in satisfaction. Getting top marks from the American Customer Satisfaction index. Sixth Straight Year they have stopped the list and we are lucky, brian, there is one across the street. Brian yup. Meanwhile the return of the National Womens professional Soccer League bringing a wave of player protest. Many chose to kneel forward rachel hill decided to stand. She quoted she said. This this was a decision that did not come easily or without profound thought. I chose to stand because of what the flag inherently means to my family, my military family. Members and me, but i 100 percent support my peers. Here to discuss is iraqi war veteran. Spokesperson author of always a soldier rob smith. Did she do the right thing . She did do the right thing for standing for the theme. We have to say and i have to make this very clear. Its not a risk after the all to to. Its not a risk to the risk is stand up for america. The risk is to love america. The risk is to stand up for the flag and for that National Anthem and that is what she did. Its a great decision and im glad she did it. Im a little bit saddened by the fact that she though arab two gram instagram apology for standing for the anthem. I thought that was very unfortunate. But i am glad that she stood up for the anthem. She had the black lives matter shirt on. Touching her teammate at the time. And you didnt appreciate the apology. Whats interesting in the Comment Section cono smith former coach is black. Rachel, you dont have to explain yourself. As a black man who coached you i know your character and will always support you. You are one of my people players i ever coached. Anyone has a problem with you, direct them to me. Thats wonderful. Brian i hope she continues to do what is best and that is to stand. Many watching this for the first time and i definitely wanted to share it. A dad posted a video of his son. He is playing basketball. A cop car comes by. He quickly ducks behind the car. Hiding from the police as he comes past. Answered later would say, i was afraid that he was going to choke me, come by and choke me like he did george floyd. And then went back to playing. So thats thats a kid with his perception of police. What do you take away from that . I think its heartbreaking, brian. It really is heart breaking. And i think that the reason why there is this idea that Police Officers are sort of on the attack like hunting black men on the attack to kill black men is something being pe perpetuated y mass media. Celebrities, entertainers, pop culture all of that stuff permeates the media and sends this message that its not the right message to africanamericans that there lives are somehow in danger wherever they have a Police Interaction or whenever they see Police Officers around. Its really unfortunate. I think the way, brian, that we combat this is providing positive examples. Also we have to start highlighting the millions of africanamerican Police Officers that are out there protecting their streets and their cities every single day narrative that all Police Officers are white all victims are black. We have to break down that narrative. Brian he looks 8 to 10. Is that what you say to him. Thats not what i say to an 8 to 10yearold. What i say to an 8 to 10yearold is what my mother and father told me which is that the Police Officers are our friends. That was taught to me from a very young age. I think when you teach them that from a young age that sort of permeates their life so they will have that positive interaction with Police Officers as they become older. I think thats the most important thing. Brian rob, you know what . This is a conversation we need to have. Not taking over cities. Not screaming at Police Officers. This is the conversation we need to have. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts go ahead. Absolutely, brian. Thanks a lot. What i was going to say this is a conversation we need to have and also this is a conversation that needs to start with families and this is a family situation that people can start taking care of theirs. Brian absolutely. Rob, i will see you soon. Thanks so much. Coming up straight ahead, Florida Governor ron desantis says he will not shut down his state again despite rising covid cases. Former senator and governor of that state ron desantis is here to discuss it. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. We are not going back closing things. Business is not whats driving it. We know what we need to open and protect. Most of those younger item gratifications although we want them to be mindful of what is going on. Much, much less at risk than the folks in those older age groups. Ainsley im sure Business Owners is happy to hear about that. Ron desantis announcing he will not reimpose sweeping shut downs in his state despite floridas rise in covid19 cases. Steve here to discuss this Florida Governor and senator rick scott. Senator, good morning to you. Good morning. We ought to stop mandating things and start giving people good information. Thats what i did when i had hurricanes. People are smart. Give them good information. Tell them where there is the spread of the virus. The places they are at risk. If you tell me a restaurant has had patients or employees with coronavirus, i would probably avoid it for a while. Give us information. You dont have to tell me to wear a mask. You dont have to tell me to shut things down. Give me more information. Steve because, ultimately, senator, what we have learned in the last three or four months is completely different than we thought in the very beginning there was the total lockdown. Now we know this is manageable. Ands is the governor Current Governor just said you protect the vulnerable, ultimately what you are trying to do is keep the number of hospitalizations and icu beds from going up. If it just requires social distancing and being careful and wearing a mask, we can do that. But what they ought to be doing when you are elected in this country at the federal level give us more information about the vaccine. Tell us the type of people getting sick. What therapeutics were. State and local level, tell us where the cases are coming. Tell us if there is a business or a type of business this is where we are seeing cases. Do you know what . People will avoid it for awhile we need to open our economy. Get people back to work. By the way, democrats act like oh, its okay to protest but you cant go to church. I mean, have you got cdc and w. H. O. Have not been consistent with their message. We have got to be very consistent with the message and talk to elm pooh. People are smart. They will make good decision. Trust them. Brian so when you roll back, a the loft freedoms that we got back in florida with bars and indoor with restaurants and now mandating masks, are you against all of that . Im against you should wear a mask. You should social distancing. You should listen and say oh thats where you get sick . Im not going to go there should government mandate these things . No. I mean, think about it. I had the ezekiel healthcare crisizikahealthcare crisis. Avoid it no local transmission. We dont need government to take away our rights. We dont need government to tell us what to do. If you are doing the wrong thing you are being selfish. Dont do that. Dont go to bars and not wear masks and social distance. Thats wrong. You have got to take we are all in this together. Lets Work Together and we can beat. This. Ainsley i remember that zika virus. I tried to get pregnant and many of my friends were and we were avoiding certain areas because you didnt want to give that to your baby. So what is your message to americans about china . Well, communist china, the german secretary of the communist party. Steals job, steals Technology Basic right put people in jail for religion. We need to stop helping themg them to the extent you can do a two for. Buy an american product, help american jobs and dont buy products from communist china. They have decided they have decided not us, they decided to be our adversary. They have built military to try to dominate us, so we have got to take this seriously. Do everything you can not to buy from communist china. Amazon, walmart. Tell us where things are being made. You are doing it voluntarily in india. Why dont you do it in this country so we as country can help american jobs and stop somebody from becoming our adversary. Steve indeed. American jobs, good idea. Thank you very much, senator, have a Great Holiday weekend. You, too bye bye. Ainsley you too. Happy fourth. Steve time for jillian and she has some headlines. Jillian good morning lets start here. A sheriff sending a warning to would be violent protesters. And if we cant handle you, do you know what i will do, i will exercise the power and authority of the sheriff and i will make special deputies of every lawful gun owner in this county. And i will deputize them for this one purpose to stand in the gap between lawlessness and civility. Clay county florida sheriff Darryl Daniels standing up with his deputies. He didnt say if any protests were planned. Former nfl player Burgess Owens sending a strong message after winning the republican primary for a house seat in utah. America stay optimistic. Evil works its hardest before the dawn. They understand they are about to lose it. They cannot stand this process of seeing all their work for decades being taken away by a president who loves our country. The former safety for the new york jets and Oakland Raiders will take on the states only Democratic Congress this fall. A woman says god saved her life after a tree branch impaled her windshield while she was driving. I just heard this voice say debbie, duck. And i just stood in the middle of the road, thank you, god, thank you, god. Probably all the people thought i was swearing at the tree or Something Like this. It was a true miracle. I know there is a god. Especially today. Jillian she incredibly ducked out of the way after the large piece snapped off. Her car is totaled, debby walked away with just a scratch on her hand. Isnt she lucky . Steve no kidding. Brian thank you, jillian. Ainsley god has a plan. Brian 12 minutes after the top of the hour. Very excited to watch fox nation app. Four new episodes what made America Great when search doubting what made it great. Sam houston not only his life but his final days. Here is a little look of what you will see. People always ask about sam houston and Andrew Jacksons relationship. Listen to this. I now behold the Great American eagle with her stars and stripes hovering over the lone star of texas. With cheering voice welcoming it into our Glorious Union and proclaiming to mexico and all foreign governments in voice you must not attempt to tread upon texas that the united stars and stripes defend her in floorous result in, which general, have you acted a noble part and your name is amongst the heroes. Brian isnt that amazing. After winning texas and making it a part of the country. You will find out more of that what made America Great season five out on fox nation. Sign up today and get your first month almost for free but for just 99 cents. Steve almost free. [laughter] ainsley all right. Season five. Must mean its pretty successful, brian. Good job. Brian renewed. Ainsley okay. It is 4 minutes after the top of the hour. A nursing home chain put out the call for pen pals on social media. Look at these pictures. They are so cute. They delivered. Big time. The heartwarming reaction that you have to see next. Im a performer. Always have been. And always will be. Never letting anything get in my way. Not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Steve fox and trends. The pandemic now cutting into the nfl preseason. So what else are they doing . Fox News Headlines 24 7 reporter Carley Shimkus is here with what is going on the nfl sounds like they have got a plan but might not be what we think. Looks like the nfl has cut game one and game four of its original preseason schedule and the reason they are doing this because the league and the Players Association agreed that players need more time to practice. Keep in mind gyms havent been opened. A lot of players havent been able to get out on the field. So theyre cutting two games from the original four game preseasonal to have these players get a little bit more practice time in which seems like a smart idea to me. Also smart is the fact that the nfl may have players and personnel quarantine for two weeks before they head off to Training Camp to make sure that everybody stays as safe as possible. Steve absolutely. Speaking of that we have been talking about how important it is to protect the vulnerable. People over 65 and, you know what . When you are being in quarantine like that, you get lonely. Yeah. Absolutely. Which is why senior citizens, residents living in Nursing Homes are so lonely right now because they dont have visitors. But residents at a nursing home in North Carolina are busier than ever now because they requested pen pals on social media have been inundated with responses. Take a look at this woman who just received a letter from a new friend. Oh my lordy. Thats from all your pen pals. Oh my jesus. Isnt that so nice . It is a blessing. [laughter] if that doesnt put a smile on your face. I dont know what does. They have gotten so many letters that they now have a big map on one of their walls and tracking where all the letters are coming from. Not just in the United States but around the world. Steve not just sending somebody a twitter or posting on something on instagram. Personal. Steve going and getting a piece of paper and writing them a letter. Remember pen and paper . I dont remember how to write. Steve carley, put up on our website exactly how people who are watching right now can write to them. Definitely, great idea we will do just that. Steve check out foxnews. Com and in about 15 minutes we will have that up. Carley thank you very much. Thanks, steve. Steve coming up on 8 00 in the east and final hour of fox friends, dean cain on super heroes. Thats right up his superman alley and senator Lindsey Graham, so stick around. Everyones place, for healthy and safe. To bit never bothered me. Dust . Until i found out what it actually was. Dust mite droppings . Ewww. Dead skin cells . Gross so now, i grab my swiffer sweeper and heavy duty dusters. Dusters has three layers that grab, trap and lock away gross dust. Gotcha and, for dust on my floors, i switch to my sweeper. The textured cloths grab, trap and lock dirt and hair. No matter where dust bunnies hide. No more heebie jeebies. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. [gun shots fired] brian we begin with a fox news alert, capturing violence inside seattles chop zone, the occupy zone now finally dismantled. Ainsley police retaking the east precinct after more than three weeks. Steve which we have been showing you, ashley stromeyer joins us right now with details on the longawaited takedown, it started at 5 00 yesterday morning, cops said you got five minutes to get out what happened thats exactly right. It started at 5 a. M. , they gave them 58 minutes to get out and the police were given a green light to dismantle chop but Officials Say they have made at least 44 arrests for failure to disburse, and malicious mischief even though these took back the pre significant theres a lot of cleaning out they have to do before they can get back in and the mayor was reluctant to shut the zone down weeks ago sounding off. From conversations over the weekend it was clear many individuals would not leave, and that the impacts to the community could not be reduced and Public Safety could not be improved until they did leave. The executive order to clear the area comes down to the Fatal Shootings of two teenagers a seattle Business Owner who joined us earlier on fox friends says the city might never recover. Lets not forget that less than a month ago our Downtown District was decimated prior to chop or chaz and you know, it was decimated by these funlov ing kids that had nothing else to do for the Business Community, theres no sense of returning. And chief best slamming city leaders for allowing the chop zone to remain for far too long. What has happened here on these streets is lawless and its brutal and bottom line, it is simply unacceptable. Black lives matter and i too want to help propel this Movement Forward but enough is enough. Following their removal, a leader of chop sayswere going to have to work 10 times as hard to get our message back on track. Steve, ainsley, brian . Brian wow you think so thanks ashley appreciate it. What is this after and how predict predictable and if you were caught by surprise you were probably watching the networks or picking up the Seattle Times because they would never paint this place as violence. They talked about the great smells the great aroma the great speeches, how they talked, how they all got along and how enlightened everybody was on the inside when in reality on the inside there were assaults happening well into double figures there were arrests around 44 arrests and there were shootings, including the death of two teens. One of which was Lorenzo Anderson jr. He died at the age of 19. How do we know . Even though cops tried to get in , they werent allowed in and we found out he lost his life and the dad took some time to go on with Shawn Hannity last night and talked about the lawlessness that took place there and the death of his son that happened there. Somebody needed to come to my house and knockon my door and tell me something that i dont know nothing, all i know is my son is he got killed there and hes just 19 years old. Thats my son. And i love him. And that was my son. Because off my son, i feel like its personal. Just like you said that. Somebody should help my son. He needed help. He needed paramedics. He needed the police to come in, somebody was supposed to go in there and help my son and even after that, still i need to let me know. I shouldnt know from some little kids, im 50 years old, somebody, the police department, somebody should have knocked on my door and said man we need to sit down and talk to you and let you know whats going on because i still dont know whats going on. Brian we still dont know whats going on but we have found out that theyve learned nothing that the mayor thought it was going to be a summer of love and said other great things about maybe we could all learn from this and it got very personal for her because one of the lawmakers got her address and published it and all these protesters even though she gave them everything they wanted including the Police Precinct went to her house and protested that was a bridge too far and then all of a sudden shes worried about the coronavirus spreading can you believe it so they clear the place out theyve put the cops back in whats left of their precinct and the people are back screaming at the cops again. Incredible. Ainsley many predicted. You dont want the cops here you dont want cops anywhere for six or seven blocks whats going to happen . Its going to be mayhem. One thing leads to another and then theres chaos, and then theres going to be someone whose going to god forbid pull out a gun and thats exactly what happened. That man that we saw in the interview was shawn lorenzo surfing will never see his son again at least on this earth and he said i kiss my sons picture every morning now and his son was a special needs child and born at like 25 weeks. He said this , my son needed me as a father. He said somehow he ended up going to the chop zone that night after his dad told him he loved him, dad went to bed like many of us do with our kids our teenage kids and hes sitting on the sofa and next thing you know , his friends are coming back to his dads house saying your son has been killed. The consequences for this , steve. Steve absolutely and where were the Police Officers . They were outside the perimeter of the chop zone. They wanted to do their job but the mayor would not allow them. And you know what the news out of seattle is this morning . The protesters are starting to talk about opening a new zone, got to figure out where to do it someone suggested we got to move it some place else but the big question is will the mayor allow it . Ainsley no, no. Steve if shes learned a lesson it be no. Brian wheres the governor . Steve well, i think the mayor would have the first say over what happens. Ainsley keep the protests fun, but no cops . Another child is going to get killed these are two teenagers. They are never coming back. Steve youd hope they would learn the lesson. Well keep you posted. In the meantime pick up a copy of the New York Post today and Timothy Cardinal dolan has a great of. Its headline is for god sakes stop demonizing the new York Police Department and he talks about it starts out by saying when i go home to missouri people say what do you like about new york city and he says well obviously i love st. Patricks cathedral and i love the stores at christmastime and i love our officers as well. He says he has a lot of friends who are officers that come to the rectory and they have coffee and they ask him, hey im getting married will you marry us, he marries them, baptizes their children, sadly sometimes attends their wakes and funerals and he is so heartbroken by how our officers have been malined over the last couple of weeks so he wrote it and made it clear that they do not deserve it ainsley. Ainsley yeah, it was a very powerful oped. I definitely think you should read it. Its only a few pages printed out so this is apportion. He says our Police Officers have one of the most stressful duties around and from what i have seen in mineverly dozen years here, they do it with care, compassion and competence. Now, we have added to their load with attimes exaggerated rash and inaccurate criticism combined with rocks and do Police Forces deserve criticism sometimes . You bet they do, he says, and the men and women of the department realize they are far from perfect but we know that while bad apples there in deed may be, they are very rare and brian he goes on to talk about how there are bad apples in every agency in every business, and the police force even in the church, he says, we all know whats happened with the priest. There are a few bad apples but were not all. The majority are really good. Brian its not just new york and its not just seattle and los angeles, they went from 10,000 officers to 9,757, they cut 150 million out of the budget in virginia. They have now downgraded assault on police to a misdemeanor so go ahead swing away. Minneapolis mayor is going back about everyone who wants to ban the police and aoc, whose an advisor to joe biden, says cutting 1 billion is nothing. When i say defund, i mean defund so if youre going to be an advisor to joe biden, if youre going to play a prominent role in consolidating his base then joe biden has to be asked specifically about where he stands on these issues in fact lets talk about joe biden and donald trump. Joe biden made clear as one press conference in 85 days hes going to restore high taxes what a relief. Im so sick of holding on to my money. Its not just for the rich if you look at the tax brackets. They look 1 of the upper class, most are in the middle and lower , and corporate. Guess who works for corporations people. Not everybody is rich who works for a corporation. But he said trumps irresponsible sugarhigh tax cuts already pushed us into 1 trillion deficit, im going to get rid of the bulk of the 2 million tax cut and im going to close loopholes and Capital Gains and stepup basis and also restore regulations so no longer will businesses have the freedom that gave us under 3 unemployment. Ainsley well the president he didnt like that. He blasted Vice President biden, listen. President trump what happens is if you do that youre going to crash the market. We have a market thats going to be i believe by some time earlier next year could be sooner, and he just wants to raise everyones taxes because they want to spend it on nonsense. They want to spend it on things that dont work. They want to give the money away , and i dont think people are going to stand for it. The democrats want to raise taxes and its going to ultimately be everybodys taxes and that will kill the market and everything were doing and kill jobs. Steve okay so that is obviously , you know, its a binary choice right there. Joe biden says, you know, at that virtual fundraiser you may not like it but im going to raise your taxes. Its a fundraiser. Hes appealing to people who have money who can give him money. So, your choice will be do you like the tax cuts that the Republican Congress and President Trump gave us a couple of years ago or do you think this is people who make more money should pay more and corporations should pay more because there are a lot of people and we see it every election cycle a lot of people say tax the rich, have Big Companies pay more, so once again, its a clear distinction between the two candidates. One wants to raise your taxes and the other wants to keep them low. Brian goodbye oil, gas, cows thatll be the biden montra. Steve okay wait, cows . Brian cows are gone. You know why . Steve yes i do, methane and what it costs to feed them and all that other stuff. Ainsley all right lets hand it over to jillian upstairs with headlines. Jillian good morning and we start with this. Today the man charged with killing an oklahoma officer and critically injuring another will appear in court. Police say david ware opened fire during a strategic stop killing both and striking excuse me both sargent Craig Johnson and rookie officer sartesian in the head. Doctors say the officer is slightly improving but remains in critical condition. Sargent johnson though died and crowds lining the streets as Police Escort his body to the medical examiner and the 15 year veteran of the tulsa force leaves behind a wife and two sons. New coronavirus cases in the u. S. Rising above 50,000 in a single day for the first time as some states rollback reopening plans. California governor gavin newsom is ending indoor operations for businesses including restaurants in 19 counties. Bars ordered to close all operations. New york city also delaying the return of Indoor Dining because of rising numbers in several states including florida senator rick scott joined us earlier slamming restrictions on businesses listen to this. People are smart give them good information tell them where theres the spread of the virus, dont have to tell me to wear a mask, tell me to shut things down. Jillian Vice President mike pence will travel to tampa today to meet with Florida Governor ron desantis. Overnight, the House Armed Services committee unanimously approved its 740 billion defense bill. The panel also approving several amendments including one that would force the pentagon to bringing military bases named for confederate generals. President trump has threatened to veto the bill. Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell urged the president to reconsider and the bill will be voted on by the full house. And baseball is back at least this georgia Summer College league is and this game, well, might make you a little hungry. Why . This is why. Savannah bananas defeat the macon bacon and after getting shut out they play again tonight. I wonder if they will split the series. Steve [laughter] its a sizzler. All right thank you very much. Ainsley thanks jillian. Weve told you how colleges are moving farther left. Well now theres a push for legal action to fight campus intolerance. Molly hemmingway says the riots and violence that we see today start at our schools and shes joining us next. Its not just fund fees that matter. Fund taxes matter too. Every time a fund manager sells a stock it triggers a Tax Liability for you. And the higher the turnover the more you have to pay in taxes every year. And heres the worst part, because of high turnover, you actually might have to pay taxes even if the fund itself loses money. Thats why you want to own low turnover funds whenever possible. The less you pay in fund fees, the less you pay in taxes, the more wealth you can accumulate. The and my side super soft . Es, the less you pay in taxes, yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Come on pup, time to go. 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Steve welcome back to fox friends weve been telling you about College Campuses moving further to the left, for a number of years amid a growing cancel culture and now four states taking action pushing for intellectual diversity laws to fight what they call campus intolerance in public universities. Fox news contributor Molly Hemmingway is here to weigh in. Molly good morning to you. You see a connection between what we have been witnessing on americas campuses over the last couple of years and what we are seeing on americas streets regarding these protests and sometimes violence. Well absolutely. Not just the past couple of years but really in recent decades, it has just gotten steadily worse at universities where young adults are not taught how to argue or debate. They are not taught basic principles of the american founding. They are instead taught essentially to hate their country and to hate a lot of the ideals that we have and this is spilling out into the streets, and there is a clear connection between what is happening nationwide with these colleges. 17 states have already passed free speech requirements for their universities but four states are now considering this intellectual diversity guidance to help their publicly funded universities do a much better job. South dakota already passed a law governing this. Steve sure, cant tell you how many of my friends send kids to college and when the kids would come back they go you know my children came back so political. I didnt see that coming. Now, when you were talking a little bit about how now some states are trying to pushback essentially what theyre saying is if you want public funding, youve got to make the campus quad a free speech zone where you can say anything, its not just one side. Its all sides. Well and really looking for even more than that. I mean, obviously universities have not done a good job of protecting free speech. They do not do a good job of protecting due process. They dont have very good hiring decisions they have faculty who are sort of uniformly in one camp and they dont have a culture of vibrant debate. Thats bad regardless if youre publicly funded or privatelyfunded but its particularly bad when taxpayers are funding the seeds of their countrys own destruction by not having vibrant debate and not having any space where ideas of tolerance can be taught. Steve but people feel helpless because they say well you know, all of the colleges seem to be at that political angle leaning to the left or to the super left. Is there any way that people can actually hold these universities and colleges accountable . Well i do have to mention i teach at Hillsdale College in michigan and we have a very good culture of vibrant debate and we also dont take federal funding, but the trump adminitration last year said that if you take federal funding that you need to make sure that youre ensuring some free speech protections like i mentioned 17 states have already passed laws protecting this but something more is desperately needed and more pressure needs to be applied. We have seen truly radical things happening at campuses nationwide, and it is harming the country itself. We have not taught people what makes america unique, what makes our founding so important and what makes our culture one where we can tolerate people who have different ideas. That is simply not being done at school so much more public pressure needs to be applied and i think people need to think about where theyre sending their kids and whether its going as well as they thought it was going. Steve right and remember i think it was about five years ago at the university of missouri where famously that professor was yelling at a student journalist, i need muscle over here or Something Like that, to get them to stop taping or Something Like that, and the backlash towards the university of missouri was so intense, i think as i recall, they had to close like four dorm s because so few people wanted to go there. Yeah, they actually saw a decline in enrollment and it was a very big problem. That happens all the time at these state universities and the ideals of the people who were funding these state universities is not being match ed by the administration at the state universities. Steve well see what happens all right, molly thank you very much for joining us you can have a sip of water now. The segment is concluded. Thank you very much. All right, a lot of allergies out there. 23 minutes after the top of the hour its a bird, its a plane its a problem. Time magazine under fire for an article questioning the violence used by super heros dean cain, remember that . He was superman, hes also a reserved Police Officer. Hes going to sound off on this , coming up, next. Did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins . Heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. Prilosec otc uses a unique delayedrelease formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. It then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. With just one pill a day, you get 24hour heartburn protection. Prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Brian today intel officials head to capitol hill to brief members of congress about reports of russian bounties on american troops as President Trump slams those reports once again. Griff jenkins is live where the briefings begin in washington in just a few hours. Griff thats right brian good morning. It starts at 11 30. These are the highest level briefings for congressional leaders so far on this issue itll be led by the cia director and the director of National Intelligence the first one is to the Bipartisan Group of congressional leaders followed by the house Intelligence Committee and all this comes as the president defending his administrations handling of the intelligence assessments. President trump this didnt rise to the occasion and from what i hear, and i hear pretty good, the intelligence people didnt even, many of them didnt believe it happened at all. I think its a hoax. I think its a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats griff this as the National Security advisor revealed it was a cia briefer who decided not to tell the president about the assessments which are still unverified. Secretary of state mike pompeo would not go into the intelligence but had this to say. The United States has responded appropriately to the threats that have been presented to it in afghanistan consistently during my entire 3. 5 years first as cia director and as secretary of state. Griff meanwhile democrats are blasting the president s response saying it amounts to the highest betrayal. If this isnt treason i dont know what is. As a Second Lieutenant if i disregarded an intelligence report, didnt bother to read it and it got my marines killed, i wouldnt be tweeting excuses. I be in prison. Griff brian it remains to be seen if there is congressional action taken against russia in light of these revelations a Ranking Member of the senate Relations Committee bob menendez is proposing additional sanctions against russia. Brian thanks for that run down appreciate it well talk to Lindsey Graham about that shortly. Ainsley thanks brian a new Time Magazine oped setting its sight s on super heros the piece entitled were reexamining how we portray cops on screen, now its time to talk about super heros but is this an example of cancel culture going too far . Our next guest played superman on screen and you can see it there and now hes a reserve officer and dean cain joins us to react. Dean, good morning. Good morning, ainsley. This has me a little fired up. Ainsley im sure, first it was paw patrol, the war on cops and now super heros . Youre a super hero and now youre a Police Officer. What do you think . Look i played a super hero on television. This is insane because these people will scream antipolice rhetoric all day long but when their life is threatened and they need a hero they will dial 911 and a Police Officer will show up because Police Officers are heros. Now yes, there have been some bad apples and bad situations but 99. 9 of all Police Officers are fantastic, they are there to serve and protect and they do a fantastic job. This whole cancel culture thing that were living in right now is crazy. Its like an early version of George Orwells 1984 up is down, war is peace, freedom is slavery , ignorance is strength. You know thats news speak and its crazy and what this article does in Time Magazine what they talk about, from the very beginning she makes a bunch the author of this article makes a bunch of claims that are totally untrue. She says in the realworld tolerance for Law Enforcement acting with impunity it is erod ing. Law enforcement is never something we tolerated never will. Calls to defund the police have gone mainstream. No they havent. Look at seattles chop zone look what happened there. Look at the Crime Statistics in new york city and then hollywood and cops and you can destroy that in one just a list of title s. Training day, the departed, the wire, black clansmen, ram barack obama, the list goes on and on because a bad cop is a great villain because theyre not supposed to be bad so this stuff all just drives me insane, and i promise you that superman, i wouldnt today be allowed to say truth, justice, and the american way. Ainsley oh, my gosh youre right. Youre absolutely right but if you watch any of these super hero shows theres usually a pro tagonist, theres usually one bad guy but all of the super heros are trying to fight him and they always show that good prevails in the end. Paw patrol my daughter loves it, you have these paw patrols that come and save the day and help out the good people when they are in need of help. I mean thats what First Responders and Police Officers do. The fact that she went after paw patrol and her quote is what . Parents are protesting benevolent portray alls of canines and the children s Television Show paw patrol. What more do you need to show their agenda . Its crazy. They hate capitalism and law and order and they hate america. Ainsley dean youve worked so many different jobs, but in acting, theres always that one that does the wrong thing to get to the top. But the majority of them are good. Just like Cardinal Dolan wrote in his oped. He said the majority of priests are good. We know what happens when some of them werent but the majority served the lord and they give up so much to do that and sacrifice so much and theyre good people. Same with Police Officers. You see bad people, bad apples in every line of work, right . Absolutely. Its just like they canceled live pd and cops and the reason they canceled that is because those shows humanize Police Officers. You get to know them. You get to see what they are dealing with. It doesnt make them a hero in any way, shape or form but the kind of stuff they deal with on a daily basis and the only thing she does right in this whole article is equate Police Officers to up is heros and in some fashion, because Police Officers i promise you, these men and women are heros, when theres trouble, they run to it and they do their best, just like the canine dogs on paw patrol. Ainsley thanks so much, dean. [laughter] thank you ainsley. Ainsley 34 minutes after the top of the hour a fox news alert, the jobs report out just moments ago, 4 point 8 million jobs were added in june, they were expecting what 3 million right . Just over 1. 4 Million People filing for unemployment, what . Brian up goes the market. Ainsley can we roll that . 1. 4 Million People filing for unemployment last week. Reaction from senator Lindsey Graham from the great state of South Carolina next. Steve so much bad news these days were back with some good news and its a fox news alert. Two big jobs reports just released moments ago, lets see nine minutes ago. 4. 8 million jobs were added in june. Economists had predicted around maybe 3 million as you can see that is a gigantic blowout number ainsley. Ainsley thats right the National Unemployment rate dropping from 13. 3 in may to 11. 1 , brian. Brian the weekly jobless claims report also out just over 1. 4 million americans filing for unemployment last week. Thats a little higher than what some economists predicted. More than 48 million americans have filed for unemployment since the start of the pandemic. Lets bring in senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham. Senator, first off your take on this and what it means for another rescue package just on first take . Well it means we need a rescue package that would hit the gas and make the economy grow faster. This is really good news. It means americas coming back economically. People are going back to work. Theres confidence that you can actually open up the country, so the president is proposing a payroll tax cut that would put money into the pocket of consumers and businesses. That would stimulate the economy and an infrastructure bill to give america a face lift with our road, bridges and ports that would set in motion future job creation. We need to make sure you dont pay people more in Unemployment Benefits than they get to work that will help get people back to work. Im even willing to do a minimum wage increase. Theres so many things, liability reforms, so you can open up without being sued, Congress Needs to act in july to continue this trend. If we had the right kind of stimulus package we be going through the roof by october in terms of economic growth. Ainsley i know you are all taking a two week break when are you all back and when do you think this next relief package will be released . Just as soon as we get that we need to get up and get this done. Bottom line here, the bottom line here is we got an opening, take it. It may not last. Now the coronavirus can be a wet blanket in all of this reopening if we dont control it, so President Trump needs to get on the phone and call all the governors. What can i do to help you . What do you need that you dont have . Lets really double down on testing because that gives us insight how to control the virus and a vaccine and therapies are on the way. Im increasingly optimistic that were going to control the virus and reopen the economy smartly. Steve and thats really the key because even though the numbers are going up, you know, were approaching 50,000 new cases yesterday, were figuring out how to manage it and with social distancing and masks and pharmaceuticals and things like that, so when you look at that and you think you know, we shutdown the whole world for the most part for about 100 days, did we ever do it on that or was that just part of the learning curve because in the beginning we dont know where that was going. I hear a lot of chatter on cable tv i need to watch less of it. Steve youre one of the chatter ers sir. Here is the deal. President trump was told if you do nothing and let the mentality take over youre going to lose 2 million americans. Were going to probably have 180,000 dead after having shut the whole world down so i think President Trumps decision to shut down the economy and focus on protective equipment coming back to america, vaccines and therapies and testing saved probably a couple Million People s lives. If you dont think this is deadly by now what would it take to convince you this virus is deadly. Brian lets switch to russia. Beth sanner is the president s briefer and did not verbally brief the president on the threat of the russians if the fact is proven correct, the russians giving the taliban money to kill americans. Now seth molten says from what he knows the president committed treason. Where does Lindsey Graham stand . Well i dont know if congressman molten has been briefed but id say im a fairly hawkish guy, would you agree with that . Wells fargo yes. Russia has been up to no good in a lot of different places and i havent had a lot of affection for putins russia but i do understand the military i think the system got it right. You had contradictory intelligence, we increased force protection just to be cautious but i cant imagine briefing the president of the United States about this allegation given the nature of the independence. Now where were all of these democrats when benghazi was on fire, when they were calling for help from the consolate the president of the United States obama was briefed and went to bed and never called anybody for a day and a half while our people were being slaughtered in benghazi. Where is the outrage then . The intelligence here in my view does not justify a nation state conflict with russia. Steve yeah, well you were briefed though, right . Yes i was briefed and i asked a lot of hard questions and you dont tell the president of the United States everything you would tell a Second Lieutenant. Steve exactly. Senator given what we know about the briefer and all of that other stuff as well, it shouldnt surprise anybody that its a big story in the New York Times. I mean, thats what they do. They come up with these big stories to make donald trump look bad. And its all bs. He wasnt briefed and there was no consensus, as a matter of fact the most reliable form of intelligence gathered around this episode was against russia giving money to the taliban. The iranians are giving money to the taliban. Russia has been giving weapons to the taliban. The point is that this president and i disagree with him sometimes about military footprints over there to protect us here but when it comes to american personnel on the ground in harms way, this president has an unwavering desire and commitment to protect our troops on the ground. If you dont believe me, ask the 400 russian mercinaries killed in syria when they threatened our troops. Brian yeah they were wiped out real quick, karl rove wrote an editorial saying the president has to reset in the next few months or hes going to lose. Do you believe the president has to reset his reelection . Yeah, i think hes got to go on the offense. I dont know if he will lose or not but a hell of a story to tell he should start telling it. You want to bring back protective equipment in this country from china ive got a bill that gives a tax credit to make ppe here and treating it like military uniforms so National Security has that and china lied and americans died. Let american citizens sue the Chinese Communist party, do an infrastructure bill. You go on the offense mr. President and your second term what do you want to do . Finish the job of your first term keep building the wall fix the broken immigration system, more judges. Make sure iran never gets a nuclear weapon. I think the president is right on all these issues hes for law and order and joe biden is being controlled by the most radical people in this country. This election is still Donald Trumps to lose but prosecute the case, mr. President. Steve senator graham before you go, i saw you played golf with the president over the weekend. Who won . Ive never seen him play this well. I mean, hes got more on his shoulders im hoping hes a little distracted, he beat me like a drum. It was amazing he shot a 74. Brian always lose to the boss. Im not joking. If i could beat him i would. Ainsley senator, our thoughts and prayers dealing with covid there so thanks so much for what you do for that great state. Thank you. Ainsley it is almost 47 minutes after the top of the hour. They call it barbecued Chicken University dedicated dads cooking up a fun summer sports camp, the groups founder and his son, theyre here live, next but first lets check in with sandra to find out whats coming up at the top of the hour. Sandra ainsley great to see you this morning good morning, everyone we are awaiting President Trump set to deliver remarks at the spirit of america showcase, we will have those for you live from the white house this morning. Stay tuned for that plus brand new reaction to New York Times claims russians offered bounties to kill u. S. Troops, tom cotton, the u. S. Senator, will be joining us top of the hour and joe biden and the dnc out raising President Trump and the rnc for a second straight month what does it mean for 202o debate that and a brand new jobs report what it says about the u. S. Economy and how markets are looking on the opening bell this morning join us at the top of the hour. 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I got the idea of basically i got a phone call from his coach saying we were going to be going to a National Tournament and we were quarantined for about four months, he was playing video games all day long , so i wound up ordering this speed and agility pack from amazon and once it arrived Everything Else kind of took off from there. Brian how many weeks you been doing it . About nine weeks now. Brian 25 kids,d j how is your dad doing in this camp . They are doing amazing. I like the way how they do bbqu. Brian right and bbq u is from what, dave . Bbq u comes from barbecue chicken alert. I used to say that whenever i played pro football to my opponents before i scored touchdowns on them. Brian d j what do you learn from your dad and other parents . I learned that not all cops are bad and i learned he was trying to show to the kids that when a cop comes towards you, dont think they are going to arrest you just because that youre black. Some cops normally take it easy on you and not all cops are bad. Brian and dave, how do you get that message across . Do you have cops working with you at the camp . Well we actually had a situation, the situation hes referring to is we were outside working in the earlier stages of the barbecue u and we had a group of about seven or eight kids and in the neighborhood running around and we had a situation and the cops showed up on scene, and i just pretty much tried everything that i could do to diffuse the situation. Brian nice and watching now some of the Police Officers running sprints against your guys ive not seen one of the cops win. No we dont let anybody win. You know, this is still my house i make the rules i set the standards, so that cop show ed up he didnt know he was barbecue chicken as soon as he hopped out of the car. Brian d j, its so tough on you guys you havent been able to see your friends, play with your friends you watch video games but youd be more than happy to do other stuff. You couldnt even go to school. What has it been like for you . It hasnt been really good because like ive been playing video games a lot ever since quarantine happened and school has been gone, so ive been normally focused on video games and then thats when my dad decided hey, now is the time that you need to start Getting Better and working on these standards and getting yourself better for this national game. Brian you realize how lucky you had to have a dad like this right . Yes, sir. Brian dave finally youre taking precautions i see you taking the temperature keeping the kids apart and you had a brief pause and now youre back to work on monday, right . Oh, yeah were back at it. We owe it to these kids to make sure that were making sure safety is first, so were taking the necessary precautions to make sure that were getting temperatures read and coming up with different ideas on how we can work out socially distancing brian if you want a franchise i want to take a bbq camp out on long island. Lets see if we can work out a number i can deal with it. Dave anderson, best of luck guys thanks, before we go, i want to shout out just difference newman and his wife shannon, for 50 years of marriage today its their anniversary. Brian nice and good job to the Police Officers in your neighborhood helping you out supporting you. More fox and fox friends in just a moment. Are very acidic and theyre actually pulling out the minerals from the enamel. I like to recommend pronamel to my patients. Pronamel will help push the minerals back into the enamel, to keep the enamel strong. I know it works. And i hear nothing but great things from my patients that have switched to it. 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