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Stumbling, brian with that question first with George Stephanopoulos the former vp has become more assertive. Mr. Vice president , what was your involvement in the investigation of Michael Flynn and the fbi investigation of Michael Flynn . I was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. Not one single time. Griff this raising questions after it was revealed that biden was in an Oval Office Meeting with obama when the flynn matter was discussed and the timing of bidens request seven days later on january 12th to unmask flynn. Biden also in an interview blasting attorney general barrs decision to dismiss the flynn case. The attorney general of the United States is not the president s lawyer. Its the peoples lawyer. Its a dereliction of his duty. Whats going on is an absolute travesty. A travesty of justifiable. That will not happen. Griff remember flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi. Barr moved to drop the case citing fbi misconduct in conducting the flynn interview. Flynns Attorney Sidney Powell also speaking out last night. The government is the only institution that lied in this case. General flynn was honest with the agents. Griff we could see hearings on the hill. Senator graham is opening an judiciary inquiry into the russia investigation. Dont expect him to call former president obama which he said would be good for tv but not good for the country. Brian, ainsley, steve . Steve thats right, griff. Thank you very much. So the big question is did the white house play a role in the leaking, the criminal leaking of this information to the the Washington Post . Everybody is trying to do that calculus. And as griff just mentioned the president yesterday tweeted out hey, Lindsey Graham, first person you should call is barack obama. He knew everything, dont be mr. Nice guy. Lindsey graham came back and said probably not good for the country. Meanwhile, lets talk about we are hearing from two of the figures who did do some unmasking. John brennan and James Clapper. Clapper the dni and brennan who ran the cia. Here is a soundbite where brennan talks a little bit about the doj dropping the charges against mr. Flynn and mr. Clapper talking about how often unmasking happens. I think our country is in very serious trouble. When you have such blatant political corruption at the highist levels of the u. S. Government, something i never thought i would see in my lifetime. Its a routine thing. Its appropriate and legitimate. When you have a valid foreign intelligence target engaging with a u. S. Person. Steve so whats interesting about those two interviews is during the john brennan interview he was not apparently asked why he wanted mr. Flynn unmasked. That was on msnbc. And then, ainsley, on cnn, when mr. Clapper wars asked about whether or not he had leaked the video went dead and obviously he could not answer. But, of course, video goes dead all the time on these remote location shows like we are doing right now. Ainsley thats exactly right, steve. It is live television. When you hear from brennan and you hear from clapper. You hear susan rice saying she would accept the position if she were asked to be joe bidens Vice President. Jim jordan had an interesting comment on Laura Ingrahams show last night. He is talking about the swamp fighting back. Listen. They just keep on going with their narrative because they are so determined to go after this president. You know, this is a simple principal here. When you drain the swamp, the swamp fights back, even when they know theyre wrong and even when its proven they are wrong, they keep fighting back. Ainsley its the same players, guys. We keep hearing these names and have been for more than a decade. Brian . Brian yeah. Im just very curious what about a followup question you said you had nothing to do, joe biden for the investigation. Who asked for the unmasking, was it you . Samantha powers says i didnt ask for any unmasking. Seven times she is requesting. Is someone requesting in her name . Is there another story to this or are they just being dishonest in saying that they request it . Other big story is what is going to happen to Michael Flynn, almost every legal expert caught by the surprise to go to the retired judge to evaluate whether they should prosecute Michael Flynn. Which makes no sense to legal scars like mark levin. Mr. Flynn is first and foremost an american citizen. They used the surveillance of the Russian Ambassador and i suspect many others as an excuse to back door their way into eavesdropping on american citizens, particularly those who work for the Trump Administration. In clear violation of the purpose, intent of the bill of rights and the fourth amendment. What they have done to this country, the rule of law, the constitution, and now our courts with this judge emmet sullivan. And i want to talk about him in particular. This judge is a rogue judge. He is out of control. He should recuse himself. He is too damn arrogant and he wont. Brian rear fear i have for Michael Flynns welfare and familys welfare they will go into delay of game four corners offense before the 30 second shot clock and say wait to see if we get a President Biden at which time they can have a brand new Justice Department to take a look and Michael Flynns life just ends up in hyper space in an apartment somewhere wondering how he is going to pay his bills. Could not be more unjust, ainsley. Steve you know, brian, let me add just one thing. You know, that is one of the reasons why yesterday the president last night actually a little before midnight tweeted out hey, where is the 302 . That is the notes that the agents took where supposedly mr. Flynn is accused of lying to the fbi . Where are those notes . They cant find them. So, just curious its like when the shot goes dead, its one of those things that happenings, just saying. Ainsley the president [inaudible] that too. Go ahead, steve, sorry. Steve meanwhile, another fox news alert. Looking live at capitol hill where later today the house is set to vote on the democrats 3 trillion stimulus proposal. Nancy pelosi says this is just a starting point but its a big one. Were saying okay. Heres our offer. Lets see where you are. 18hundred page liberal wish list. Its a parade of absurdities that can hardly be taken seriously. Ainsley the massive deal would include 1,200 payments for certain undocumented immigrants. 3. 6 billion for mailin voting. 20 million for the arts and humanities. 100 million for Domestic Violence prevention. And bank loans and cannabis businesses. The white house has threatened to veto this bill. Brian yes, i need money to grow pot during the pandemic, Everybody Knows that. Today 11 states and d. C. Are easing restrictions for businesses. That includes new york. But only five regions have met the state criteria. Governor andrew cuomo taking his time withs extending his stayathome order for the rest of the state until june 139. Maybe he feels a bailout is coming he doesnt need people to work and build up a tax base. Cdc opening up new guidelines for restaurants and. For the Washington Post that doesnt seem to be good enough. Meanwhile people are getting upset. Its not just politicians. Its not well known democrats or activists. Its not right wing activists or republicans. Are people every day following the rules, listening to the experts, staying indoors, shelving their businesses and heard about bend the curve and then we hear about well, thats just not good enough. Among the people a little upset about that is dave portnoy who did an interview with forbes. Here is the headline. This is what dave portnoy doesnt get gets wrong in his rant about the coronavirus. I listened to his rant about the coronavirus. I believe hes 100 percent right. Listen. 17 years ago. It took me 10 years, a decade of working almost 2 24 hour days no exaggeration to turn the corner and be successful. If corona hit at that moment i would be out of business and everything i worked for 10 years gone and flushed down the toilet. Give me the choice then, let me go outside and risk potentially getting sick or do i want to ruin my business because if it was me, i would rather die from corona than have to start over working 9 to 5. Fight how are you going to get a job . How are you going to put money on your familys table when the economy is going to be gone . Steve so there he is on with tucker last night. Go ahead. Brian. Brian yeah. Quick thing, he didnt do an interview with forbes. Forbes did a critique of what he said. Which prompted tucker to interview him he said essentially my business is not going to fail. Five years ago, six years ago i would be in the tank. All the gyms are done forever if you have to wait another month as the governor seems intent to do. Steve right. [coughing] ainsley god bless you, ainsley. Steve the reason tucker booked him. My dave portnoy rabbit and at the verrant. There is a lot of ie for breakfast language in it so we will not be playing it up loud. He said right at the beginning a lot of people after i do these rants, half the people love them. Half the people hate them. But he said after watching dr. Fauci in front of the senate and watching l. A. Mayor garcetti talking about l. A. Is not going to open until there is a vaccine available. Brian nuts. Steve he said wait a minute, thats different than what we have been hearing. We have heard flatten the curve, flatten the curve, flatten the curve. We did. Now its not just flatten the curve and social distance. Now it is after you flatten the curve were going to have to do is nobody leaves their house until there is a cure. And ainsley, that is completely different than what we have been told. He is a cultural icon. That particular video was seen by millions of people. Ainsley so many people follow his site. Steve every day people are doing what told to do and then somebody somewhere moves the goal post. Ainsley yeah. So many people follow his site. A lot of young people follow his site. Steve barstool. Ainsley he posts some really funny videos. I follow them. I agree like you said, brian, people are hurting and when you read all these articles about new york, people are closing up shop, they are considering whether or not they are going to be able to even open. Brian done. Ainsley its going to be so interesting to see what happens to big centers especially new york the epicenter. California is still closed. People are complaining over there because they were the first to be hit the west coast was. They are like how much longer do we have to go on like this. I get it. I get what he is a cultural icon. I dont know if he is a democrat. I dont know if is he a republican. Its not about politics at this point. Its just about people that are hurting. Brian common sense. Ainsley we can all relate to that story. Thats the american dream. We all did that, right . All three of us, so many people watching, you work your tail off from the moment that you graduate high school or college and you work the overnights, you work the weekends. Do you 24hour shifts like he said. You know when you hit 40 years old its going to pay off and you will be able to provide for your family in a way that our hope is to give our kids a better life than we had. You know, thats the american dream. And thats what hes talking about. We can all relate to that can you imagine if you are just Getting Started like he said, imagine you remember what you went through when you were 21, 25. Imagine if this hits when you are 25 years old and you are building your business or 30 years old and you just bought that restaurant. I talked to a lady a restaurant around the corner from my house. And i said are you part of this family, im not going to say the name of the restaurant are you part of their family . She said no. I just bought it from this family iconic family out in long island. I just bought it from them in january. She suretying. You know, brian . Brian its not an option of staying closed. You cant sit there behind the microphone and say see you june 6th or august 1st. And that has got the attention of joe rogan another icon. The number one podcast in the world. Ufc guy, standup comedian. He says if this continues im going to texas. Dan crenshaw answers and says we would love to have you. Thats what a lot of people are doing. Going to florida, going to texas, going to georgia. Going to South Carolina. They want a shot at being successful. They dont want some politician destroying their lives as they scramble for some type of vaccine thats 18 months away. We dont have 18 months. Meanwhile, coming up a little bit later. Another part of the carnage of this period in our lives are the graduates. They are not going through graduation unless you are in the air force academy at west point. What are we going to do . Fox friends will salute them with inspirational words from larry beginninlarry winget he tt is. Ben watson great message for them. And those who want to be cool and win the apprentice bret mibletion is going to be here. He have a message of inspiration. One of the great guys you will ever meet. Special performance. Steve indeed. We have a busy three hours starts right now with jillian who is in our World Headquarters and the news. Good morning to you on this friday, jillian. Jillian happy friday to you. Start with this fox news alert. The cdc issues a nationwide alert about a rare and deadly disease in kids linked to covid19. Its called multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Doctors highlighting symptoms including abdominal pain, swollen hands and feet rash and high fever for at least 24 hours. At least 150 kids are diagnosed with the rare condition in 18 states. Moist of them though in new york where three kids have died. Testimony from a socalled whistleblower setting off a firestorm in washington. Federal vaccine experts dr. Rick wright says he was moved to lesser role after raising concerns over the u. S. Coronavirus response. Health and Human Services secretary alex azar firing back saying thats simply not true. The president literally ask what bright is saying what should be done. You know, this guy was singing in a choir back then of everybody. We all were singing the same tune. And now hes trying to claim that he was a soloist. Ainsley President Trump also slamming bright claiming he was disgruntled employee. Turning over stock documents to investigators overnight. She and her husband are accused of unloading millions of dollars in stock durin before the crashg the pandemic. Her Spokesman Says she also handed over documents to investigators. Both senators deny doing anything illegal. The nation is mourning the loss of a hero. Army Staff Sergeant ronald shore has died after a long battle with lung cancer. Shurer was enlist after 9 11 terror attacks. He used his body to shield cowngsd wounded combats by fighters on a mountain in average. President obamPresident Trump presented him with a medal. Nerve that team is a family. There is nothing they wouldnt have done for me. There is nothing i wouldnt have done for them. And it didnt make sense not to do everything that i did that day. Jillian Staff Sergeant surer sr left behind his wife and two sons. Gone too soon but what an impact he has made. Ainsley 41 years old. My gosh. Thoughts and prayers with his family. God bless him. Thank you so much, jillian. As americans push to get back to work, our next guest warns our country cannot strict lock downs. Dr. Matthew mccary reveals his plan to safely stay open. Flexible Payment Options for those whove been financially affected by the crisis. We look forward to returning to something that feels a little closer to life as we knew it, but until then you can see how were here to help at libertymutual. Com covid19. [ piano playing ] i remember my dadg coming up the stairs in my grandpops house where we were living, sitting at the end of my bed and saying joey, im going to have to leave for a while. Go down to wilmington, delaware, with uncle frank. Theyre good jobs down there, honey. And in a little while, ill be able to send for you and mom and jimmy and val, and everythings going to be fine. For the rest of our life, my dad never failed to remind us that a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about respect. Its about your place in the community. Its about being able to look your child in the eye and say, honey, its going to be ok and know its true. You never quit on america. And you deserve a president who will never quit on you. Unite the country is responsible for the content of this advertising. Noticks and fleas . O simplifies protection. See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Staying connected your way youre just a tap away from personalized support on xfinity. Com. Get faster internet speeds with a click. Order xfi pods to your home in a snap. Or change your Xfinity Services with just a touch. All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Brian welcome back, everyone. A new warning amid the pandemic. A european Counter Terror official says isis could exploit the coronavirus arguing quote islam militants could view attacks on facilities highly effective because they could generate a massive shock to society. Here to discuss is retired u. S. Army freon beret Lieutenant Colonel scottman. Colonel, has this occurred to you even before this report . Hey, brian. Thanks for having me on as long as i have been looking at ice its i never count them out. Special blow. As long as their narrative survives, they will always look for a way to show that theyre relevant in the world so, yeah i think though will keep trying to come for us. Brian do you think we understand that at the highest level with the cia and for our military presence there . Is that being relayed through channels . I think there is some level of understanding about it. What i worry about is we allow ourselves to get a bit come play sit and think because we defeated them on the battlefield to hold physical terrain or project large amounts of global power that they are defeated. Thats where i worry. We take our eye off the ball in Something Like a pandemic and isis drives a truck right through it literally. Its that strategic surprise that worries me that maybe we are not paying as much attention to it as we should be. Brian exactly. U. N. Security council came out with this report in january on isis. Says Member States continuing to assess between 1. 5 and 2 thirds of more than the 40,000 who joined the caliphate are still alive. Where do they go . Well, a lot of these fighters go back home. And thats what is very worrisome. Is they leave the caliphate. They go back to their origin country. And they either reestablish or create networks right there and, remember, that before isis was taken down to the level they were, they were conducting local, close violent interpersonal attacks in the places we live, work and play. That was their m. O. It. Would not be hard for them to pick that back up again. With all the world watching the blue screens today, it would get a lot of play. Brian good point. You serve our country. You fight wars. You also wrote a play about what you experienced its called last doubt. Give me an idea what it is like. How is that for a mid life crisis. I wrote the play because i felt like, you know, 20 years into this war we always see the movies and books about the first, in the commands dose and warriors that go n the very beginning. We never talk about those lawyerers that are the last out. Fight that war day after day, month after month and year after year and family supporting them like the green berets. I wrote this play performed with myself and a cast of combat veterans about one Green Beret Sergeant and his family as they endure the longest war in our nations history. Its about a 90 minute White Knuckle ride and coming out on fox nation today. Brian wow. Thats fantastic. Lets hear a clip. Lets watch. After the war started. I built this to help kaedyn understand. This wall holds together. At least it used to. Steve and you are standing in front of the wall of honor that you are sitting in front of right now there. Give us an idea of what is happening. So the whole story is about a Green Beret Sergeant who is stuck between his fire base and his home living room. And he toggled back and forth as the war rages on. And he goes through his life and finds the people who made his heart bump the most blood. This wall inspired by a wall i had with my kids has memories on it that he keeps going back to and connecting to. On this wall as we traveled 15 cities around america, brian are the memories of gold star families, our fallen warriors. Many like staff is a Sergeant Ron Shurer who succumbed to cancer today. We travel put pictures and warriors up who fell become a part of our story. Neatest thing to honor all of these warriors as we travel around the country. Today america gets to seat wall of honor and honors not just green enter race all of their warriors and their families. Brian sounds good. Colonel, thanks for your service. Lets hope the intelligence is wrong and isis wont use this opportunity to attack. But you can never be more prepared. Thanks so much. Thanks a lot, brian. Brian check out last out green beret and behind the scenes special its now posted on fox nation. Meanwhile as americans push to get back to work, our next guest warnings our country cannot tolerate strict lockdowns much longer, you think, dr. Marty that carry reveals his plan to reopen. Feed. This is the moment when america comes together. There are so many uplifting stories. People helping each other. People looking out for each other. Americas best shine brightest when needed the most. Spirit of generosity has been enormous. Took an oath to be here for the public so were not going anywhere. We are resill yengt thanks to her citizens, the america we know will come out of it stronger than ever before. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. While most of the world is being asked to stay inside, there are people out there giving it their all. So, to everyone who is helping keep us safe against covid19 day in and day out, all of us at amgen say. Thank you. The story where the chances are low, and the cost is high. The sacrifice is real. Its all around us. But this isnt a story about how tougher times beat us. This is our comeback story. The time when we rally and come from behind. The time when we defy the odds and get back to work while the whole world watches. Yeah, this is your comeback story. And when its time to come back, well be ready. Ing. Steve warning of the fallout of staying locked down too long on fox friends yesterday. Watch. You look around the country there have been examples of draconian. We have acted appropriately and we have had a better result. Steve this is what they are doing down in florida this as the state starts easing restrictions. Next guest actually called for the lockdown now saying time for a new approach. Here to explain Fox News Contributor dr. Marty makary who is a professor at John Hopkins University school of medicine. Doctor, good morning. Good morning, steve. Before it started you were for the lockdown because you thought that was the best idea. Now your thinking has evolved. You think we need to be more surgical to protect the vulnerable but not do more damage. Explain . Thats right. Steve. You know, going into this thing there were a lot of unknowns and we didnt have good data. We were formed by the experiences overseas. Our experience has been different. Since that time we have data that has taught us disinfection is associated with public transit. With density. With mass gatherings. With citytocity travel and associated with climate. We also know mitigation of distancing and hygiene work and they can be effective. And if you look at florida, they have high humidity, they have i had meet and may be related more to the muhammad at this than uv light. They have less public trarns sit. They have sparse distribution of their population density they did not get hit nearly as the models accounted for using simple multiplication. When we had Governor Desantis on yesterday, i asked him about is it is it weather related . He thought just the fact that the that the weather is nicer down there and people are outside more is one of the contributing factors and thats one of the things you say people should be outside more. You also say there should be universal masking. Tell us about that. Well, im kind of amused at the discussion around masks because as a surgeon, i have worn a mask most of my adult life. And the first time it itches and you want to maybe rip it off. But you get used to it. And it turns out that it is a very effective strategy. Especially for anyone who cannot achieve social distancing. So if you cannot achieve that 6foot distancing at a time when we are still at risk, at a time when that virus load is still high, its very effective in multiple ways. Steve absolutely. Also you say we need to prioritize things so we protect our Nursing Homes and people are vulnerable. People over 65. People who have preexisting conditions that might make them susceptible to bad things like covid. Its a political medical question. Later today congress is going to vote on proxy voting, doctor where people who are Vulnerable People over 65 who are have conditions would not have to show up in the capitol. Somebody else could cast their vote it. Protects them from covid. A lot of people say thats a good idea. But then there are a lot of people who say we have got to show up and be at work. What do you say . Well, i would say not reopening strategies are created equally. It probably depends on the local virus burden. What we do know there are safe ways to conduct activities in society if we use certain precautions. We probably need a targeted approach where we find areas where there is either an outbreak or ongoing increase in cases. And use some of the more aggressive strategies in that particular location. Steve okay. Well, lets see where we go from here. Dr. Marty makary, Fox News Contributor also at johns hopkins. Sir, thank you very much and thank you for telling us about masks. We all now know they are itchy. Right. Good to be with you. Steve you bet. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. Still ahead, Obama Administration alumni susan rice revealing she would jump at the opportunity to be joe bidens Vice President ial nominee. But is that a idea considering her track record with incidents like benghazi . We are going to talk to pete hegseth about that coming up next. , try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. To ewhether youreting these uncaring for your. Family at home or those at work, principal is by your side. Were working hard to answer your questions. Like helping you understand what the recently passed economic package can mean for you. Were more than a financial company. Were a together we can get through anything company. Now, more than ever. Show me what youre made of. So we showed it our people, sourcing and distributing more fresh food than anyone. Our drivers helping grocers restock their shelves. How were helping restaurants open popup markets. And encouraging all americans to take out to give back. Adversity came to town. So we looked it in the eye. And it wont be us. That blinks first. Im humbled to be among the extremely Accomplished Women who are reportedly being considered in that regard. Would you say yes if he asked you to be his vp . I certainly would say yes. Wow. If that were the role in which he felt i could best serve then im not going to say no. Ainsley all right. Lets bring in Pete Hegseth Fox Friends Weekend cohost. Hey, pete could you imagine susan rice on joe bidens ticket . She knows she would be one heart beat away from the presidency. So of course she is going to say yes. We have seen what she has done with power before, listen, the benghazi thing never got the scrutiny it should have because of the way the media covers up for obama it. Would be a disastrous pick. But, you know what . She checks the two most important boxes for the democratic party. Female and minority. She makes that point he has made. She is on the list. A terrible pick but who knows. Brian pete. Thats a good point. Im wondering where you stand. Great to see somebody who think themselves extremely accomplished. Usually you have other people say that but. Meanwhile. Ainsley i know. I thought the same thing. Brian i know. Okay. Ainsley im very accomplished. Brian i know. Thank you. Meanwhile the governor of florida yesterday said we are going back to school in the fall. And in california, they said we have given up on the call cal state system has given up on the students going in fall. Harvard, another ivy league school. Princeton where the sun sets and rises is another one of them. Harvard long admitted richness of the education virtual learning, however, also threatens to tear the very fabric of the diversity by eliminating the equalizing force of campus life. The thought of them having a virtual fall does not resonate with the kids of harvard. Do you agree . I mean, i agree but, brian, they stumbled on the right answer for all the wrong reasons. When i first saw the story, i thought they are yelling about liberty. And freedom and they are young and they are healthy and they want to set an example for the country so they want to go back to school to rally everybody. No. Its about diversity. And the virtual fall would be rife with iniquities if we were online. And this is especially concerning, guys if there was a return to letter grading. Heaven forbid they gave as, bs, cs, ds and fs at harvard if you are virtual. So this is all about the privileged class. We have got to mike sure everything is diverse. We have to be in person to be diverse. What if we are not in person then we cant be equal. What if they give us grades that would really hurt our earning potential. Its all the wrong reasons not unsurprisingly for harvard. Steve why work your whole life to get into harvard but then not actually get to go to harvard. You would just do it online. Pete why go to harvard. A lot of us would like a doover on that one. Steve you went to harvard as well. Ainsley i would have loved to have had a chance. Steve got a question for you, pete. Will you be shaving before tonight at 8 00 p. M. When fox nation presents friday night live with pete hegseth . Pete absolutely not. I will be shaving before saturday morning live on fox friends but tonight, for friday night live its kind of like pete hegseth unplugged. We are going to answer questions. Tell jokes. Be within a did. Tell stories and im going to read some excerpts from the book. Can you go to fox nation, fox news, fox nation facebook. Fox news facebook. Ask any question you want. I will be sitting right here. I will probably explain. So stuff behind me and just take some questions. And it ought to be a lot of fun. I will never get a chance to host saturday night live i know that why not friday night live while i can . Brian you might as well just make your house a professional studio. You are on television all the time on your house even on friday night and saturday and sunday morning and friday morning. Meanwhile, coming up this weekend if you can confirm congressman Adam Kinzinger a little bit upset about whats happening in illinois. Richard childress. Correct. Brian talking about nascar again. Three time daytona winner go back to swords this weekend. There are reports i will be on the same exact outfit. Pete yes, you will be on. What will you be talking about, brian . Ainsley brian you should said the accomplished Brian Kilmeade will be on. Brian the accomplished Brian Kilmeade. Excuse me, anxiously very accomplished. Ainsley you all should get matching corona tattoos on the show this weekend. Brian. Pete if you are coming on the weekend show this weekend extra gel in your hair because we do it extra on the weekend. Brian absolutely. I when do you not have extra gel in your hair, pete. Pete every day. Every day, brian, its true. Ainsley thats because we all need a lot of help right now. Thank you so much. Pete. We look forward to watching you this weekend. Thank you, appreciate it. Ainsley jillian is back in the studio. Jillian brian, you chose the weekend i wasnt filling in on purpose. I think im offended. Brian whats happening with that why arent threw . Ainsley jedediah is coming back. Jillian and i will be watching, brian. Brian thats great. Jillian story we continue to follow. Charged ahmaud are a enterys murder. We are asking everybody who is following this case, who is reading about it, who is reading about it piecemeal. Who are forming opinions without knowing all the facts to just take a breath. Because the facts will come out. All of the facts will come out. Jillian thats the attorney for travis mcmichael. He and his father are accused of shooting and killing arbery on a road in february. Mcmichaels say they thought he was a burglar. Are a enterys family says he was out on a josmght arrest warrants issued overnight for two players arrested for robbery. Dion baker and seahawks quarterback wanted in florida. Both accused of stealing cash and watches while at a house party. Both players are florida natives. The nfl says aware of the situation but had no further comment. Mlb believe players will return to the field this year. Listen to. This i have great confidence actually to reach an agreement with the players association. Both that its safe to come back and work out the Economic Issues that need to be resolved. Jillian team owners have agreed to a shortened season beginning in july. However the Players Union is asking the legal league for financial documents because the proposal calls for changes in players pay. So, something we will continue to follow. Back to you guys. Steve all right. Jillian. Thank you very much. Meanwhile, about a dozen members before the top of the hour and janice dean joins us on the friday with friday foxcast. Janice it is rainy here in the northeast. Janice we could see severe storms across the northeast as welaswell across the plain stat. Large hail, isolated winds and damaging rain fall. Not only in the plangs but here in the northeast. Also watching an area of disturbed weather that could be Tropical Storm arthur this weekend. Regardless of if it gets named we will still see the potential for very heavy rain across south florida up towards the carolinas and certainly going to have to watch this for development. Otherwise across the rest of the u. S. , looking fairly quiet but we will watch those areas of severe storms and possible Tropical Storm arthur this weekend. Steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. Happy friday. Steve thank you. Brian thanks, janice. I appreciate it. Meanwhile 12 minutes before the top of the hour. The class of 2020 set to graduate amid rough times. The pit bull of rough personal Development Larry winget says not what happens to you but what you do about it. His advice for grads entering the workforce. Thats next. And while theyre working to keep us safe, prudential is proud to provide over one Million Health care workers with benefits that help bring peace of mind in times like these. Ainsley okay, with commencement plans up in the air for the class of 2020. Our next guest is offering advice to graduates on overcoming the obstacles. Joining us now is larry winget the pit bull of personal development and author of whats wrong with damn near everything. Hey, larry. Good morning. Ainsley good morning. Okay. You are the perfect guy for this segment because so many people are hurting out there. You have all these poor graduates that they are not going to be age to walk the able stage. What advice do you have for them. This is not fair. I know its not fair. I hear a lot about it. People almost think they have been picked out for this to be unfair. To say we are all going through. This and because we are all going through it, we all get a different reaction to it. And so we dont get to choose whats going on but we do get to choose our reaction. The way to deal with crisis is to take control of your reactions and get proactive. Then, you have to be willing. You have to be willing to do what other people arent willing to do. You have to be willing to work really hard. Ainsley that is true. To do whatever it takes out there. And you have to be willing to take a job you probably hate right now. Just be willing. Willing to do whatever is legal, ethical and moral in order to make a living. Ainsley you also say being nice. Dont burn bridges. That sounds like a silly one. Be nice. But, be nice actually has solid value in the marketplace. Employers want people who are nice and easy to get along with. And, you know, anybody can be nice when things are going well. Anybody can be nice when other people are being nice to them. Well, thats not always the case, especially when were in crisis. There are a lot of people who are not being nice and very emotional. Be nice when the other person isnt being nice. Again, its a marketable skill. These are considered soft skills in the past but now soft skills are hard to come by. Ainsley you say forget blame. Forget blame. We have a tendency to want to blame everything these days. We blame the government for their reaction. We blame coronavirus. We blame the school that we cant go to commencement. We blame our coworkers, our boss, our parents, our mom and daddy, everybody. We want to blame. Blame makes you a victim and noble wants to deal with a victim. Nobody wants to hire a victim. Take responsibility dont worry about fixing the blame. Worry about fixing the mess. And then the last one is life im sorry, i didnt mean to interrupt you. Ainsley you are fine. Go ahead. Life is either about subtraction or addition. You always add to the situation or you take away from the situation. What every Single Person needs to be doing right now is asking how they add value to every situation. Your presence needs to add value. Your talents needs to add value. Your actions need to add value. So all of us, not just graduates, need to say how can i add value to whats going on . Ainsley wonderful advice, larry. I do feel sorry for young kids hospital to graduate from high school with their friends and enjoy that moment and their parents want to see that moment. But we are in this together and there is a reason for it, im sure. And down the road they will be the corona kids that graduated and they have a story to tell their grandkids one day. You are right. Its all about perspective. Absolutely. Ainsley thank you, larry. Great advise. Thank you for having me. Ainsley you are welcome. We have Kellyanne Conway and former patriots tight end great guy ben watson. Turkey for jj. Tuna for tj. This is why we named your brother derek. Get a free footlong yup, free. 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Plus, free premium delivery setup when you add an Adjustable Base ends monday. Brian here you go. A fox news alert. President trump calling for the fbis missing 302 report on Michael Flynn. Steve the 302 is the investigators actual notes of an interview where flynn is accused of lying to the fbi. But they cant find it. This all comes as joe biden speaks out since being named as one of the obama officials who requested flynns unmasking. Ainsley. Ainsley thats right, Kristin Fisher joins us at the white house with what the former Vice President who to say. Hey, kristin. Hey, guys. Good morning. Yeah, last night former Vice President joe biden gave his first interview since his name appeared on that now infamous unmasking list. And he remains adamant that he had no knowledge of the fbis investigation into President Trumps former National Security advisor Michael Flynn. Mr. Vice president , what was your involvement in the investigation of Michael Flynn and the fbi investigation of Michael Flynn . I was never a part or had any knowledge of any criminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. Not one single time. So that statement obviously raises questions about why his name appeared on the list of officials who had requested the unmasking of flynn. It also remains unclear how biden did not know about the investigation since we now know that the former Vice President was in the oval office for a meeting a few weeks before President Trumps inauguration when the flynn matter was discussed. As for President Trump, last night he raised questions on twitter about, quote where is the 302 . It is missing. Waffles it stolen or destroyed . General flynn is being persecuted. 302s are documents typically used by the fbi and fbi agents to summarize their interviews with subjects. Republican congressman devin nunes told fox he believes its the document where flynn is accused of lying to investigators. He says he has tried to find it but cant. So where does it all go from here . Republican senator Lindsey Graham says he is opening a formal inquiry into this matter. And then, of course, dont forget the durham investigation is still beyond going. Brian, ainsley and steve . Brian yeah, kristin. Its going to be interesting because he is going to have that hearing in the first week of june. The president thought a good person to call would be president obama. I dont think thats happening because things could always flip. Kristin fisher, thanks so much. Right. Brian President Trump is probably like in a couple years maybe they want to bring President Trump back if he is not president or if he is president it will be a horrible precedent and thats what his point was. Bottom line is where i understand if you take if you make a request to unmask somebody, you have to go to the nsa and you have to give a reason for that request. Can we see that paperwork . And if joe biden, who says he has no idea about the investigation but, yet, is down here with an exact date of request, it is january 12th, 2017, one of his last days in office, he requested the unmasking. Why . What did you write down . Or, was someone doing it actually in your name because brennan with two requests. Clapper with three requests. Comey with one. And then Samantha Power with multiple requests. Now, why does this matter . It matters because you need to know if Michael Flynn was targeted because of who he was working for or what he did when he was working for president obama. Not many people are sure. But one person that might know is k. T. Mcfarland. She was supposed to be his deputy National Security advisor. And she went after the officials that set them up, both of them. Yet, at the very same time they were walking out and going media people like the cia director brennan President Trump, he is a russian asset. Which way is it, guys . You dragged the country through three years of being at each others throats over something that you knew was a lie and a hoax. Brian a lot of this stuff is chronicled in her book and now she is starting to piece this all together but sadly Michael Flynn cant get on with his life because Michael Flynn has to find out what this judge is going to do with his legal fate despite the represented by a great lawyer. Steve right. Well he has a great lawyer now, brian, it was his previous lawyers who said plead guilty to this and that is why judge emmet smith is saying, you know, look into perjury because he said one thing then and now so its just a complete mess. You know whats interesting in Kristin Fishers report, she showed where the host on that channel asked joe biden about his involvement in any investigation and what he knew. And joe said i didnt know anything about it. But, the host never asked him why did you want general flynn unmasked . That would seem to be kind of a no brainer question. That was never asked. Meanwhile, you said Michael Flynn has great lawyers now. He does, sydney paul is the lead attorney. And she says what judge sullivan has done by bringing in this clint era judge, essentially is a sad day for justice. Here she is last night with sean hannity. Having called judge sullivan the judicial hero of my book license to lie for more than six years im personally extremely disappointed. We have been the victim and of course was in the possession of the fbi before that the fbi knows that its agents made up the purported false statements and then the special counsel operation made up the purported false statements on the fara filing. The government is the only institution that has lied in this case. General flynn was honest with the agents. Steve ainsley, when you look at the number of people who called for the unmasking and ric grenell provided that to the doj and two senators provided it to all of us, two names are curious in their absence. One is ben rhodes, the deputy National Security advisor. And susan rice, who we heard a little while ago would love to be joe bidens Vice President. Lee smith, who has written a book on this whole scandal writes in the pages of the New York Post today that there are two ways they could have gotten the information without actually asking for the unmasking. One is they could have been in an Oval Office Meeting with the president and others discussing it or every day the president gets the president ial daily briefing. And he most probably according to lee smith would allow susan rice and ben rhodes to look at it. And thats where they could have seen flynns name but never asked for it. Ainsley really, okay. Im just wondering why dozens of people are requesting the unmasking and where that 302 is from that investigation at the white house when flynn was questioned without an attorney present. The president said where is the 302 . Was it stolen or destroyed . We cant find it and thats whole premise of him being charged. Lets move on to coronavirus. A fox news alert. The house is set to vote on the democrats 3 trillion relief bill. Speaker nancy pelosi calling the measure a starting point. We are saying okay. Heres our offer. Lets see where you are. Its an 1800 page liberal wish list. Its a a parade of absurdities that can hardly be taken seriously. Brian right, the massive deal includes 1,200 payments for Illegal Immigrants great. Nearly 4 billion for mailin voting which trucks dont want. Funding for arts and humanities which i dont think we need. Domestic violence prevention and marijuana businesses. The marijuana business is an interesting must have. So we will see where that goes. As they try to cull out that list and realize this is all money we dont have by the way. Half is because we are not working and you have got to wonder if we spend all this when we come out of it are we going to even have an economy . Steve 100 million for Domestic Violence prevention. I know that is one of the things that this Administrations Department of justice is working on because Domestic Violence right now is a real problem. Meanwhile todays vote comes as 11 states and the District Of Columbia ease business restrictions that includes as you can see on this map right here the green spots of new york state; however, it does not include as you can see long island and the metropolitan area of new york, nor western portion of the state. For the rest of the state the stayathome order is extended to june 13th. Meanwhile, the cdc releasing new guidelines and guidance for states to reopen schools and businesses and restaurants. And, of course, we want that as quick as possible. So, in addition to what you had detailed, brian, one of the a couple of the other things in this nancy pelosi bill, which is called the new heroes act, which is dead on arrival. Today when they vote on it. Is 1,200 payments for everybody, which is very popular and it would extend Unemployment Insurance that extra 600 bonus. It would extend it through january. And the rub is the fact that with that money about half the country who is on unemployment would actually be making more money not working than working. So what is the incentive to go back to work before the money runs out in january which, you know, in one of the pages of the opeds today i think it was the wall street journal, they argued as long as they keep that money there, it keeps unemployment very high. And that means right up to the election, between donald trump and presumably joe biden, a lot of people are not going to be working the unemployment number is going to be really high, ainsley. Ainsley i know. Steve and brian, how many times have we done stories before this hit our country where we interviewed californians who said they are moving to texas. Interviewed new yorkers who say the taxes are too high. We are moving to florida. We are moving down to tennessee where you dont have to pay a state income tax. Well, now, that conversation is so many people are having that conversation now. We are seeing new yorkers leave. People are closing up shop. Its going to be interesting to see how all this unfolds. Joe rogan who has one of the most popular podcasts in the country. He was sounding off on this. He lives in california. Listen to what he said about possibly moving. Hey, i might move to texas. If california continues to be this restrictive. Yeah. I dont know if this is a good place to live. I might jet. Im not kidding. Yeah . Im not kidding. This is silly. I dont need to be here. Ainsley he talks about high taxes. He says all his comedian friends are not going to be able to do standup he said until 2022 at the earliest. Brian if you are going to do standup, you have got to go to florida or georgia, South Carolina, maybe north dakota, south dakota, you have to pick out the states that are making it a priority to stand up their economies, their counties and businesses. Dan crenshaw came out with this and formally endorsed this move. Texas is going to be even more awesome if that was even possible. Joe rogan, eli musk, anyone else . Texas is open for business for freedomloving americans. Elon musk actually weighed in when dave portnoy of barstool said we have to get back to president. Well said, please run for office. The politicians and unelected bureaucrats who stole our liberty should be tarred, feathered and thrown out of town. And that, of course, would apply possibly to michigan and pennsylvania. Steve well, you know, as we look at the reopening across the country very slowly, businesses are trying to figure out how to do things. Like right now movie theaters for the most part across the country are not open. Here in new jersey they are actually going i believe by the end of next week, they are going to be opening up the lone drivein theater so people can actually go out if they would choose. The cars have apparently got to be socially distanced or have you got to keep the windows up. So that will be one way for people to get out in a big way. I would not be surprised if somehow donald trump, who has wanted to do some rallies does something at a drivein movie theater. I just have a feeling because thats one of the things that theyre moving toward in new york state and new jersey. Who knows . Might do it. Brian is there a moan roof policy if you have a moon roof can you put up the moon roof. Ainsley how do you hear the movie if the windows up . Brian with the speaker. Ainsley turn on radio . Brian speaker or the radio, i guess. Ainsley i have never been. I dont even think we have those in South Carolina. Brian you are missing something. Ainsley i want to go. Can you buy popcorn and cokes there . Steve that is a very good question. Im sure they are going to work the bugs out, ainsley. Ainsley or bring your own. Steve im older and i remember growing up in the 60s and every friday night my mom and dad would load us all up. Ainsley thats awesome. Ainsley me and my sisters would be wearing our pajamas and drive out to the west side of i salin, texas and go to the drivein and that was listen. So drivein theaters are slowly reopening as well. All right. 7 13 now here in the new york city area. Jillian joins us right now with some more news. Jillian it is the dealty drivein located in vine land. We interviewed the owner on Fox Friends First earlier this week who said they had a plan that they were going to put in place that you could preorder food and things like that earlier and have too food service. They have a plan in place. Ainsley jillian, good. Jillian other headlines we are following. Today the white house unexpected to unveil a initiative to create a Coronavirus Vaccine as quickly as possible. Its called operation warped speed. President trump picking a former pharmaceutical executive and a four star general to lead the team. Researchers warn it could take months to develop a vaccine. Joe biden sending a message to voters questioning sexual agencies made by his former staffer. If they believe tara reade they probably shouldnt vote for me. I wouldnt vote for me if i believed tara reade. The fact is look at tara reades story it changes considerably. I dont want to question her motive. I dont want to question anything other than to say the truth matters. This is being vetted. Its been vetted. Jillian biden has repeatedly denied the 1993 accusations when he was a senator. The fisa reform bill now heading back to the house after getting passed in the senate. It received overwhelming approval from the senate after being amended the measure includes more protection for people under surveillance. The fisa law has been at the center of controversy at the Inspector General found it being misused to surveil Trump Campaign members in 2016 thats a look at your headlines. Send it back to you. Ainsley thank you, jillian. 7 15 on the east coast. Still ahead they spent years hyping up the russia narrative. Will the media change its tune after the flynn narrative . Weigh in next. If you have asthma or copd, these are challenging times, and you may have a lot on your mind. We want to help, with real questions from you, and real answers from experts. We can get through this together. Visit letsbreathetogether. Com. And right now, is a time for action. So, for a second time were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. Com coronavirus and my side super soft . Were helping members yes. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, save 1000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Plus, free premium delivery setup when you add an Adjustable Base ends monday. The Trump Administration trying to exact revenge on enemies perceived in real, mostly perceived, of course. Manufacturing a scandal that targets trumps political enemies. Claims without evidence that the Obama White House was trying to undermine him and his security advisor. Allies taking what a routine intelligence matter and whipping it up into this conspiracy theory. Okay. Well, after covering the russian collusion theory after three years the media now down playing the Michael Flynn unmasking revelations. Here to discuss we have the Senior Writer at the Heritage Foundation kelsey bolar screen right and media reporter for the Hill Joe Concha joins me four blocks he is in his remote location four blocks from my remote location. Joe and kelsey, good morning to both of you. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for giving away my undisclosed location, steve, appreciate it. Steve okay. I have got wikipedia, i know where you live. Kelsey, lets start with this. Why has there been such limited coverage of the flynn unmasking when this is what the president of the United States has referred to as the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States of america . Well, the media is suddenly claiming that it is impossible it cover two stories at one time of course they can and should be covering any and all coronavirus news. But they also should be covering the unmasking scandal of Michael Flynn after spending three years reporting on this day in and day out. Sending us breaking news alerts. Having adam schiff on tv every day who was promising that there was evidence of trumprussia collusion. Completely hypocritical. Shows the deeper agenda going on here. I cant help pointing out the Washington Post and New York Times won Pulitzer Prizes for deep coverage of the trump russia collusion of the conspiracy theory. I will give it that they covered it relentlessly but it was not deeply sourced. We now know the source of that intelligence was an illegal leak to the the Washington Post. And now they conveniently dont want to cover the real scandal that would appear would learn about the Obama Administration. Ainsley all right. And, of course, the president has made it very clear those people should give their awards back, he says. Since you brought up the fact, kelsey, that for three years we heard the drum beat of russia collusion, russia collusion, adam schiff says he has evidence of it and yet it has now been proven, according to interviews with every official in the administration they couldnt find any of that stuff. Nonetheless, the media has been touting this, joe, im going to play this and then get your reaction after this. We do know this. The russians offered help. The campaign accepted help. Adam schiff the top democrat saying there is significant evidence of collusion. One of the things we heard from adam schiff. We just heard it from adam schiff. We heard from adam schiff. We heard from adam schiff, the top democrat on the Intelligence Committee is warning today that there is already evidence that the Trump Campaign colluded with russia. Steve and, joe concha, the problem is because those networks and reporters were so in on that narrative, russia collusion, adam schiff has evidence, you know, fast forward to today and its like okay, now we know there was no collusion, at least evidence of that. That was presented to the various committees. And they invested in that story that simply was not true. Can you say, steve, that adam schiff is the michael avenatti. He was on cable news more than any lawmaker in congress. He got a free stage to say whatever he wanted to. Very rarely challenged and never asked for actual evidence which when he said he had evidence. Look, the bottom line is old mantra in media speak truth to power without fear of favor or party. Im not seeing that here. Obvious the reasons why. I see James Clapper on cnn on wednesday for instance. Can you field an entire baseball teams of exobama intelligence officials that now work for cnn, including andy mccabe who lied to the fbi, was fired for it and instead stead of he being sent off never to be spoken on a National Stage again. He gets hired by the network to talk about ethics in Law Enforcement which is really quite a remarkable thing. Here is the question that needs to be asked, steve. Okay, if you are going to say that unmask something routine as clapper said, then why isnt anybody asking okay, how did it get leaked to the the Washington Post exactly . That Sensitive Information . Because at last check, steve, that is a felony. And, look, james comey admitted in open testimony, senate Intelligence Committee may 2017 that he leaked to the media, he said he was proud of it because he wanted to prompt a special counsel into the russia investigation. So, this is something that exintelligence officials continually did, leaking to the media. And why do you do that . Its to push a narrative, a nefarious one and take intelligence and use it as a political weapon and that is something that we should be asking about instead of talking about how this story isnt a story at all. Its a huge story and deserves a heck of a lot more attention than its getting, steve. Steve well, i was reading this morning, joe and keit kelsey tht during a meeting with clapper over on another network he was asked if he had leaked and then mysteriously the video went dead. Then again when we operate from our living room as we all are right now, sometimes the video is unreliable. Who knows . Or basement, steve. Steve joe and kelsey, thank you for joining us live from your remote location. Thank you. Thank you. Steve all right. 7 26 now here in the east. This is exciting. The countdown to race day is on. The first nascar race in more than two months is happening this weekend on fox. Nascar president Steve Phillips is here with a preview and youre going to want to see it. 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We cant offer much during this time of crisis, but we can offer what we have. So from all of us working early mornings on the farm, long days in the plant, or late nights stocking shelves doing all we can to get you the milk you need. We hope it makes your breakfast a little brighter. Your snacks more nutritious. And reminds you when it comes to caring, there is no expiration date. Milk. Love whats real. Ainsley well, they say when nothing goes right, go left. Nascars first race in 10 weeks the real heroes 400 is this sunday down in darlington, South Carolina. And you can watch it all on fox. Here with the preview is nascar president steve phelps. Good morning to you, steve. Good morning, ainsley. Its a pleasure to be here with you. Ainsley thanks for being with us. What a fun job. I know its a lot of work. I am from South Carolina. I know its at darlington it is a tough race whats up for sunday. Racing without fans first time in 27year history we will be doing that we will see the same great racing we saw when we left phoenix 10 weeks ago. Really excited to be back. Its going to be different, for sure. Because there wont be fans. But, in a 10week hiatus is something we have never had in our history as well. Really excited to be back. Ainsley the drivers will not have qualifying races. The moment they say gentlemen, start your engine, thats the first time they are going to hit the tracks in 10 weeks, right . Thats correct, yeah. No qualifying. No practice. So the roll out of the garage and roll right onto the racetrack and we will get right at it. Ainsley what do you how many viewers are you expecting . Im hearing from so many people up in new york that werent nascar fans before they are so excited this is going to be on on sunday. Yeah. We are not exactly sure how many. Obviously the country is starved for live sports. And were thrilled to be the first kind of major live sport back. So its hard to know the exact number that will tune in. We had i racing over the last seven weeks. The i race diagnose phenomenal. We were averaging almost 2. 5 million unique viewers each and every weekend. Ainsley thats amazing. How are you going to do it and keep the drivers safe . Yeah. We have a whole protocol and policy in place. We work with local, state and federal officials, Health Officials to make sure that our competitors are safe. Only nonessential only essential personnel will be there. Im deemed nonessential personnel so i will not be in the footprint inside the track. I will be outside of the track. You know, its been a journey. But we are really excited about the plan that we have in place. Its been vetted by, again, local, state, and federal Health Officials. We are excited to be back and we think its going to work really well. Ainsley i know its called the real heroes 400. Here is Kevin Harvicks shoutout to the heroes. Im Kevin Harvick. My local front line hero is dr. Josh hughes, listening to his stories and the things that theyre up against at the hospitals, seeing how its affecting his daily life is something that is, you know, scary and inspiring. Ainsley i love that you are honoring those on the front lines. Tell us more about that. What we have done, ainsley, is we think instead of having a traditional entitlement sponsor, that the real heroes in this entire fight against covid19 are the front line health workers. We thought it fitting to honor them and so each of the drivers, instead of having their driver name over the door, they will have a healthcare official that they have picked. So, and then we will have a mosaic of 36 different healthcare workers that will be give the commands to start your engines. So, we think its just a really fitting way to get america back and what better way to do it than nascar racing. Ainsley darius rutted gear is m South Carolina. Hooty and the blowfish. He is one of those guys left South Carolina very successful and always gives back. I wouldnt be surprised if he had a house there and still lives there, actually. Is he always at the university of South Carolina. He goes to the basketball games. He has not forgotten from where he came. He is a true hero, too, i understand is he going to be part of this. What is he doing . Is he going to sing the National Anthem for us, ainsley. Darius has been a good friend to nascar. He has done a lot of concerts for us. Been at the racetrack a lot. Friendly with a number of the drivers. It will be great to have darius there. Ainsley its going to be an american moment. A moment our country can come together and watch something thats not political. Watch something thats sports related, team related. America related. The red, white, and blue. Thank you so much, steve for being with us. We look forward to watching it on fox. This sunday at 3 30. Set your alarm right now, 3 30. If you have never seen a nascar race its something to watch amazing and exciting. Joe biden denying that he had any knowledge of the Michael Flynn probe as it was unfolding. So, will it have any impact on his bid for the white house . Geraldo rivera is going to sound off on that coming up next. Some work cant stop. Because our communities need you. Which is why were working to keep you working. And ready to dig in. To help you keep your properties and towns maintained. Your farm running. And construction moving. Your work is essential. Kubotas 1,100 dealers are behind you. Together we will get through this. Call or email your kubota dealer about 0 financing. No payments for 90 days offer expires 5 31. Together we do more. So rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the exact same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast, free shipping. Visit us at petmeds. Com today. Mr. Vice president , what was your involvement in the investigation of Michael Flynn and the fbi investigation of Michael Flynn. I was never a part or had any knowledge of any incriminal investigation into flynn while i was in office, period. Not one single time. Brian ryan that is joe biden last night there was no followup question then why did you ask to unmask him along with the date and time in which it was done which leads me to believe that somebody is not telling the truth or forgot it or the host just didnt press him and it will come up later. Lets bring in geraldo rivera, fox news correspondent at large. Geraldo, i found out you need a form. Hi, brian and ainsley and steve. Brian good to see you. You need to put on that form what you need to unmask for. We need to see those forms. Well, i mean, first of all, brian, it is impossible to ask for an unmasking of a National Security investigation of this profound importance and then forget that you either asked for the unmasking or that your name is listed there. It is preposterous. Brian i know. I was asking James Clapper on another of the channels and he was asked directly why did you ask for the unmasking, he said, you know, i dont know. I dont remember. How do you not remember that . How do you remember you . Are trying to take down the National Security advisor for the income president and you forgot what you were doing . I mean, it is so blatantly false to me. And to see the sycophants in the media go along with that answer. The i dont know answer i think really tell as lot about what the motivation of the reporter is if not of clapper or brennan or comey, et cetera. Steve yeah. You know, geraldo, yesterday President Trump tweeted out, you know, if Lindsey Graham is going to have a hearing, the first person he should call is barack obama because he knew what was going on with everybody, no more mr. Nice guy. Lindsey graham later said probably not going to do it. Not good for the country. What do you think . I dont think its particularly good for the country either. The question of what the former president knew and what did he know it. It is, when you see the list of people involved, you know, brennan, clapper, comey, stephanie powers, joe biden. It almost impossible for the outgoing president , barack obama, not to be at least somewhat curious about what his entire there were so many people of the outgoing of the Obama Administration involved there was like a graduating class party. They all want i want to unmask him. No, its my turn to unmask him. Brian incredible. How could the former president not know . Ainsley he changed his answer with George Stephanopoulos and yesterday he was saying i didnt know that there was an investigation so whats the truth . He also had a round table, watch this. Were in the middle of a pandemic that had cost us 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people, millions of people, millions of jobs. What have we learned . What have we learned . I find it both stunning and heart breaking. You know, whats whomever what are the things that people are most concerned about . What are you hearing the most . I mean, whats and what keeps you awake at night . Ainsley geraldo . Well, you know, he is only a year older than i am. But that was not the smoothest presentation that anyone has ever seen outside of sixth grade. I mean so hesitant and almost, it seems, forgetting about what the topic was that he was forgetting about. Maybe it was the technical issues involved and its very difficult to campaign for president from the basement in delaware. But it really seems very, very rough. It would seem to me that that person, if that person shows up at a president ial debate against donald trump, then, you know, there is going to be a rout of epic proportions. I dont think that joe biden can take that act on the main stage and hope to prevail. Steve yeah. He said that we lost 85,000 jobs. 850,000. Steve people who applied for Unemployment Insurance 36 million. Millions dead here in the United States. 77,000. Which is a tragic number. Of course, heard, w geraldo we e experts all say the key is socially distancing ourselves to keep away from people, wear masks and things like that. The president says the schools need to open in the fall you think before then summer schools and summer camp explain that exactly. I had an interview yesterday. Cleveland based radio show 1100 with david bernhard, the secretary of the interior. The interior of the secretary was here in cleveland talking about opening up our National Park and going around to yellow stone and other National Parks and encouraging people to come. The weather is going to be great and, you know, the virus doesnt do well in the hot weather and people have to get out and its a great way you can socially distance and, you know, can you wash your hands and do all of the prophylactic things you need to do but get out. I was listening to the secretary and i said you know something . He is on to something. These kids should get out there. They are not as susceptible to the disease as my age group is by far. Let them get out and let them reformulate the aspect their parents are going crazy. The parents that have 6yearolds, 8yearolds, they are home and trying to school them and trying to keep track of everything else. So my feeling yesterday was we got to get back in summer camp. I told erika, i told my wife. She said are you crazy . I said but honey, the secretary of the interior just told me that its great, they should get outside. She said but thats when kids are hugging and they are kiss go ahead in camp and she is not going to go to camp. Maybe in september and i realized who was the boss of this family. Brian right. Absolutely. Hugging and kissing at camp. No more. All right. By the way, just a quick joe biden note. He was asked. Gets briefed 90 minutes every day by whom . He didnt know anybodys name. So, im wondering whats going on there. Geraldo, thanks so much. You are welcome, brian. Thank you. Thanks, ainsley. Brian good luck at camp. I agree with him. Get to camp, back to school. Meanwhile, jillian, can you please tell me whats going on and you begin with a fox news alert. Jillian thats right. Good morning, yes. We have some news right now a strong earthquake hitting western nevada overnight. 6. 4 magnitude quack was centered in a remote town between las vegas and reno. People reported feeling the quake in northern california. No word of any damage or injuries. We will bring you the very latest details as soon as we get them. We are also following. This a paralegal is charged with helping a mexican drug cartel. Jennifer loya worked at a Texas Attorney generals office. Federal investigators say she served as a mole tipping off various investigations she learned through her job. Kurt documents show loya drove drugs across the border to mexico, giving them to her brotherinlaw who works for cartels. She is facing several charges. Now, some trending stories on foxnews. Com. First up, a the Washington Post columnist is mocked for repeatedly claiming the walls are closing in on President Trump. Several people poking funnel at the columnist on twitter. One of them accusing her of recycling the same story for the past three years. Next, a missouri restaurant facing backlash. Take a look at this, for affidavitting a covid19 surcharge tonight bill. One of several restaurants across the country to add a flee to stay afloat during the pandemic. Finally iseman is back. A movie producer confirming dow kilmer will return for the top gun sequel. He will reprise the fighter played in the film. To learn about these stories and more download the fox news app. Back to you. Ainsley good deal. Thanks, jillian. The class of 2020 is set to graduate during these tough times and ben gentleman minute watson shares lessons he has learned on and off the football field. Thats coming up next. Discomfort back there . Instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Brian the class of 2020 preparing to take the next step in their lives but in a different way. Here with lessons long road ahead former nfl player he just retired again ben watson. Ben, we cant get everybody into an open field or a stadium or a gym. So please inspire and give a message to the class of 2020. High school and college. Wont you . I will. Thank you, brian. Thanks for having me on. You know, it is a difficult time. And as i think about those 20 years ago when i graduated, if i was going through right now it would be really tough. A couple things that i thought of. Going through football, we learn about perseverance, about adversity. The number one thing i would tell the class of 2020 would be that their character is forged in conflict. Character is forged in conflict. In football we go through training camp. We have injuries. All those sorts of things. You dont understand your true character until you have some sort of test. This test for this class when they look back at it in the future its going to morning a lot of great character for them. They will be able to fight through Different Things and excel through any sort of adversity and have a certain bond together. The number one thing is that character is formed through conflict. The second thing i want them to remember that as they move forward their failure doesnt define them. Failure does not define them. Im a perfectionist like many of us are when i do something wrong, when i fail at something, i feel like its an indication of my selfworth. They need to understand that whether they succeed in life at whatever obstacle they had. Whether they fail at life, it doesnt define your worth. Your worth is defined by the fact that you are a creation of god. Thats what defines your worth. When you allow yourself the freedom to fail, you will excel to new heights. Another thing that i learned is that preparation is key. When we play on sundays, you see the manifestation of a bunch of work. But there is so much that goes on behind the scenes. Dont forget that they need to prepare for whatever task at hand. Brian benjamin you talked about its not about you but it is about you n what way . Thats the final one. My wife tells me that all the time. Its not about you. I want everything to revolve around me. I have a plan. I have an idea. We should have won the super bowl this year. Things would have been great. I would have rode off sun set sun set second time it. Didnt happen. Life is not always about you. Its about what you can do about other people. Its not but. Sometimes we have a plan for ourselves. Look, you should take care of yourself. Im not saying that. Many times there is a larger plan at place that you may not even realize there are peoples lives that you will touch. There are situations and relationships that will happen that you never planned before and you look back in retrospect and see wow i see why that happened. Its not always but. God is sovereign. He is in control. And even as we talk about right now the situation that we are in as a country, its not about us individually. We keep talking about being in this together. We truly are in this together. Its not solely about you. Its about the larger plan. About how can you use your time, your talent, your treasure as you continue through your life for the benefit of others. Brian gotcha. And you certainly understand team and you also understand giving. You have a big event coming up tonight churches helping churches benefit . Yeah. Churches helping churches benefit. I appreciate yall telling people about that a couple weeks ago. Over the last month we raised almost 500,000. We have given 3,000 grants to 120 churches so far. We have had 1200 applicants. As soon as the money is coming, in we are sending it to churches that are in need and churches on want front line of this crisis that are helping their communities. Tonight 10 00 p. M. Eastern time churches help churches benefit simulcast. People turn in to generation. Com at 8 00 p. M. , Musical Artists and others. People can tune into that and learn more about it and enjoy. Brian gotcha. You know, ben, the play clock is winding down. Ebenjamin watson, thank you very much. Great message. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. vo what does it mean to be americas most Reliable Network . It means helping those who serve stay connected to their families. And now verizon wants to give them something back. Our best pricing ever. 30 per line for all nurses, teachers, first responders, military, and their families. Not for a few months, but for as long as they need. Plus, up to 700 off the oneplus 8. Because the people we rely on deserve a network they can rely on. Show me what youre made of. So we showed it our people, sourcing and distributing more fresh food than anyone. We showed it our drivers helping grocers restock their shelves. We showed it how were donating millions of meals to those in need. We showed it how we helped thousands of restaurants convert to takeout and pop up markets. And how were encouraging all americans to take out to give back. Adversity came to town. So we looked it right in the eye. And it wont be us. That blinks first. Brian here we go a fox news alert everybody. President trump calling for the fbis missing 302 report on Michael Flynn. Thats a sum of his interview. Steve this all comes as joe biden speaks out to being named one as one of the obama official s requested Michael Flynn be unmasked. Ainsley Kristin Fisher joins us live at the white house with what the former Vice President had to say. Kristin . Reporter former Vice President joe biden remains adimate that he had no knowledge of the fbis investigation into President Trumps former National Security advisor Michael Flynn. His first interview since his name appeared on that list of the officials, biden said he was never a part of nor did he have any knowledge of a criminal investigation into flynn while he was still in office. Last night, biden also went to attorney general bill barr for his decision to drop the flynn case. The attorney general of the United States is not the president s lawyer. Its the peoples lawyer. Whats going on is an absolute travesty of justice. That will not happen. Reporter as for President Trump , last night, he raised questions on twitter about where is the 302, it is missing was it stolen or destroyed . General flynn is being prosecuted. 302s are documents used by fbi agents typically to summarize their interviews with subjects. Republican congressman devon nunes told fox he believes its the document where flynn is accused of flying to investigators of critical piece of information. He says hes tried to find it, but cant. So, what happens next . Well senator Lindsey Graham says hes going to be Holding Hearings in june. President trump has asked him to subpoena his predecessor former president barack obama but it appears that senator graham is not open to that idea. He says hes worried about the president that subpoenaing a former president could get. Brian, ainsley and steve . Brian yeah, that be quite an event thanks, fresh it, Kristin Fisher, now lets bring in Kellyanne Conway, counsel to the president as we talk about this first off what do you say to critics, kellyanne, and say the president should be focused on the pandemic, not the unmask ing and the 302s with Michael Flynn. Yeah, the president is echosystem to used on both but you dragged all of us and its entire nation for two years the tomorrow payers footed the bill 40 million, we produced over 1 million pages of documents, of 500 witness, i think, and on and on and on and 500 subpoenas and nothing was found. I think weve got nor evidence here of wrongdoing than they ever have in their phony russia collusion Mueller Investigation so lets quickly review the facts. Its early january 2017. Were supposed to have a peaceful transition from the Obama Administration to the trump presidency. Right in this white house on january 5, 2017 having lunch with eightyear Obama Administration veteran senior advisory valerie jarod. The same day they are cooking up their scheme in the oval office and what was that lunch about . She was very gracious and said president obama wants us to help all of you who are coming into this new white house. I now have her old office, and upstairs in the oval office they were could being up the scheme that they went to trump tower the very next day when comey pulls the president aside after their intelligence briefing and mentions this ridiculous dossier to him. Then, everybody house intel report april 2018. James clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the dossier with cnn journalist and admitted that he might have spoke with other journalists. We no one of these officials who asked for the unmasking likely leaked to the Washington Post in or around january 13 the same time joe biden himself who wants to be your president , was requesting the unmasking so we already have more questions than answers and the idea that the people at the department of justice and others cannot be looking at this while the president leads us through the Global Pandemic, the financial and medical crisis is ridiculous. Today in the rose garden the president will be announcing the vaccination updates and going to be incredibly impressive. Do you know that the nih started looking at Vaccine Development on january 11, march 2, the president invited the commercial labs into the cabinet room. I was there and his opening comments were were here to talk about therapeutics and vaccines and just yesterday nih and dr. Fauci announced they are starting a new covid19 treatment, hydroxychloroquine and the aunt by odd ices that i cant pronounce, yes, the zpack so this is all very exciting well have the military and private sector and Health Professionals and they have tax cut through so much red tape on President Trumps watch what would take years to approve has been approved in a matter of weeks. This president has been working nonstop on the Global Pandemic for months and months and months and it is nonsense for people who got caught red handed now to think that we as americans dont have a right to know who was doing what at the top levels, top levels of this , of the Obama White House and of our government. Why werent they trying to help us why wasnt joe biden saying incoming Vice President mike pence let me try to help you here. Instead, they were trying to un mask general flynn and coming into our white house, four days into the administration to interview him to set him up. Steve well now, because those documents have been declassified we know there were 23 obama era officials who asked for the unmasking close to 50 times. Two of those who did some requesting of unmasking and got the name unmasked, john brennan and mr. Clapper, as well. Both were on tv yesterday. I want to play a sound bite for you but first, is john brennan talking a little bit about how bad it was that the department of justice suggested dropping the charges against Michael Flynn and mr. Clapper talking about hora teen this unmasking is. I think its very serious trouble when you have such blatant political corruption at the highest level of the u. S. Government something i never thought i would see in my lifetime. Its a routine thing, its appropriate and legitimate when you have a valid foreign intelligence target engaging with a u. S. Person. You have again the clapper testifying under oath. Steve let me ask you a question first. A moment ago before we played this sound bite you said they were in the oval office cooking up the scheme. How do you know they cooked up a scheme in the oval office . Because they came to trump tower the next day, and first of all, january 5, 2017 ends up being a very important date. James comey the fbi director who was at the midpoint of his tenure term as fbi director and wanted to keep his job through the trump adminitration had not made his way to trump tower. I mean, steve harvey had been there. I think kanye west had popped by the whole world was coming to trump tower to see the president elect and james comey the fbi director didnt come for two months but he came on january 6 as part of the intelligence briefing and he was tasked to then afterwards sort of pull aside president elect trump and mentioned this ridiculous dossier let me remind everybody, the russian dossier, a fancy french word for a load of crap and thats exactly what it ended up being, and yet, yet, so you could see whats being mentioned about january 5 the next day they go to trump tower i was just discussing this with hope h icks recently because were the only two people left who werent involved in these events. We had gone with the president to a different briefing all the way downtown in manhattan, got back, with the intelligence briefing and comey pulls this nonsense and then they all Start Talking to the media. Look at the time line. Instead of helping us to have a peaceful transfer in our great, in the greatest democracy the world has ever known, they were doing this. And if they werent, then i want to apply to them the whole same standard that was applied to all of us and President Trump during the russia collusion nonsense. Guilty until proven innocent. Tell us you werent cooking up this scheme. What do you have to hide . Stop insulting everybody, john brennan whose butt hurt that you got your security clearance taken away from President Trump in the summer of 2018 and if you have nothing to hide then come forward and explain why americans should not be concerned that this is what you were doing while you should have been helping us to have a peaceful transition. Look, its one thing that they didnt want donald trump to become the president. Its quite another, drum roll, please, that all these folks and many enablers in the Mainstream Media never expected trump to win. They could not get over that shock. And remember there have been other reports that people were declassifying intelligence all over town to try to pipe it out there before we got here. So, i think people have a ton of questions. We went through two years of the russia collusion dilution illusion and it went to nothing so cant we just have a minute, everybody, to find out what happened here . Let the department of justice and others do what they are doing let john durham do his work. I never met the man, we dont discuss that here but ill be a curious citizen like everybody else to see what he uncovers. Ainsley kellyanne lets talk about the democrats wish list for the next stimulus or relief money. They want 1,200 for everyone and that includes certain undocumented immigrants, 3. 6 billion for mailin voting, republicans are not in favor of that, 20 million for arts and humanity, 100 million for Domestic Violence prevention , bank loans and Financial Services for cannabis businesses, and here is nancy pelosi. Were saying okay, here is our offer. Lets see where you are. Sadly though, leader mcconnell said we have not yet felt the urgency of acting immediately. He wants us to just pause. Wants us to just pause but families know that hunger doesnt take a pause. Ainsley yeah dont let a crisis go to waste, right . This is supposed to be Coronavirus Money and they are throwing in all this other stuff right well shes got a problem not just with leader mcconnell in the white house, but a problem within her own conference. You have more moderate democrat echosystem members at least they represent moderate and trump pence districts, some of them, kendra horn, theyve come out in the last day or so saying they will probably not vote for this package and calling into question whats in it and saying its no time for partisan politics and we need bipartisan passing legislation and so shes got a problem in her own caucus. Also i would remind people an 1,800 page document, nancy pelosi and the democrats they mention china onetime and the word cannabis more than they have job or manufacturing or trade. Ladies and gentlemen this is not about getting you back to work and getting you the dignity work and helping us open up our country again, as we continue to fight the virus. This is about a wish list that is not going to, i think, doesnt help her in some of these trumppence districts. Some of these, a lot of these members i think looked at the results in wisconsin and california this week, these two special elections where the republican candidates won and they are getting a little nervous. They want to run with trump on the top of the ticket not with nancy pelosi shes not very popular in this district but im glad youre shining a light on whats actually in the package. Shes the same person who tried to get money from planned parent hood, already gets half a billion dollars in taxpayer money every year anyway, trying to make them an essential service, so were watching closely and its not just republicans against her, its democrats as well. Brian so yesterday, in the afternoon, the whistleblower s stood up and wrote a detailed report how he was trying to tell everyone this pandemic is coming, and you guys arent ready, we have no masks, no ppe, no vaccine. Listen. Our population is being paralyzed by fear, stemming from a lack of a coordinated response and a dirth of accurate Clear Communication about the path forward. Our window of opportunity is closing. If we fail to improve our response now, based on science, i fear the pandemic will get worse and be prolonged. Without better planning, 2020 could be the darkest winter in modern history. Brian kellyanne was there a pursuit to find out who rick bright was talking to that was ignoring him . Was it secretary azar, does he remember any interaction with bright being ignored or anything like this . Secretary azar was talking about the pandemic very early on i was in the oval office when he was doing that. He obviously the president took bold action based on information like that in january, and saved probably millions of lives in this country if not elsewhere by shutting down travel from china, bold action was taken early today in the rose garden the president will remind everybody that the nih, which has a job open for dr. Bright started developing a vaccine on january 11 and now, just yesterday, the irony is nih where dr. Bright now has a job, nih just yesterday is waiting for him to go and be part of this exciting 1 billion Testing Program there and they Just Announced a new study of hydroxychloroquine for covid19 treatment so i think his best use is to get to his open job at nih and get busy trying to help us. Also, i just am astonished that again any time the media feels somebody is against donald trump , they just lie and reduce their credibility automatically. Im not calling anybodys credibility into question, but im saying this man has 35 years of government experience as a doctor and scientist get busy at nih and help us. Brian so what youre saying is he wasnt demoted he was shifted and he has misinterpreted the move . Well i was told that he was, hes been offered a new job at nih and its a pretty good job. Its 28 5,000 a year and hes tasked with i think i asked dr. Fauci early on when he said this happened he said this gentleman will be reporting to dr. Collins, the head of nih and theres a bold new 1 billion Testing Program so if youre talking about lack of testing, lack of vaccines, get busy, help us. This is what hes i think devot ed his career to, and today in the rose garden, big announcement by the president. He will be unveiling the two professionals who will be helping us, but this operation work speed Vaccination Program is so exciting the military will be involved in helping us deploy obviously the scientists and the fda already has over 100 in the works and its just been incredibly robust to see americans benefit from cutting regulation and red tape to try to develop therapeutics and vaccines and its been great to watch the pharmaceutical labs come together instead of being competitors theyve been collaborating really terrific. Steve we will watch for that announcement in the rose garden later today, and of course, people will see it live here on fox just as they just saw it, Kellyanne Conway at the white house. Thank you. Have a great day. Byebye. Steve all right, still ahead on this friday, a judge is being called out of retirement to argue against the department of justices decision to drop the Michael Flynn case. Judge jeanine used to be a trial judge and says this is really unusual. Hear it from her, next. Right now is a time for action. Thats why usaa is giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Discover all the ways were helping members today. Brian a highly unusual move in the Michael Flynn case you have presiding judge sullivan now appointing federal retired judge john gleason as a lawyer to argue against the Justice Departments motion to dismiss the case. Now, gleason will instead be exploring the possibility of bringing up new purdy jury charges against flynn and holding him in criminal content. Judge jeanine piro has articles of resistance and revenge, liars , leakers and liberals and the hostess of justice with jean ine, joining us now. First off, you like everybody else, were surprised, i read your remarks about this judges move, but how can you cutoff the prosecution from a case in someone like Michael Flynn . How do you just cut them out . Well, you know, what is happening in this case, brian, is there were two levels to it. One is legal, the other is political. Let me make this very clear to the viewers. There is a two parties or two parties to every criminal case, the government and the defendant , the United States and Michael Flynn. The judge is obliged to decide the issue before him which is whether or not the prosecution wishes to go forward. They do not, they said there was no crime, the fbi had just investigated him and said there was no criminal activity. There was a denial of material, but didnt give him an attorney. They told him he didnt need an attorney and they were fram ing him, as if that isnt enough but what weve got here now is a judge who was so out of his realm that he is seeking other judges to help him co pilot this case. One of course is a clinton appointed judge and of course sullivan is an obama appointed judge, but now, what hes saying is i want everyone else to come in and give me their opinion. Whats so hard about this . The defendant and the United States do not disagree. There is a motion to dismiss and it is based upon fact. The judge simply needs to go forward and under federal rule 48, its very clear, the decision to dismiss a charge lies with the prosecution. Now the fact that this judge wants to bring in other interest ed parties is clearly political and ill tell you why. Ruth Bader Ginsberg in the United States Supreme Court unanimous Decision Just this week reversed the decision by the ninth circuited where they invited other parties to come and give their opinion regarding something that was not essential to the case. This judge, by saying i want to consider a purdy charge against Michael Flynn is so out of his realm that it is stunning to anyone who understands criminal justice. Number one. Are you going to say that everyone who pleads not guilty to a crime but is thereafter found guilty should be tried for per jury or just Michael Flynn . Are you going to say if theres newlydiscovered evidence as there was here or material thats not handed over, that youre going to say well too bad , you plead guilty, are you going to say if theres counsel as alleged here with the coving ton lawyers because by the way it was their law firm that had those papers the fbi knows we couldnt find and now we find out we cant find 302. This is a political hack job and an outrage that it is occurring and i could go on and on, brian, but ask me whatever you want. Brian so yesterday, i cant even make sense of this. His exattorneys, Robert Kellner and Steven Anthony from covington and burling, they have plead to see if they can get back in the case so the lawyers just filed court papers to reappear in this case. They were charged as people that didnt represent him well to be kind and now they want back in. Does Michael Flynn have a say in this . The prosecution drops their case , his attorney, he drops the attorneys. Now his exattorneys want in. Can they do this . Well, no, in any courtroom in america, that could not be done, but emmit sullivan has already indicated his bias when he asked whether or not flynn should be prosecuted for treason and said you know that he was an embarrassment or whatever to the country. This judge should be recused. He is an embarrassment to the bench and the robe that he wears and hes doing nothing to extend this case through the election and they are prosecuting Michael Flynn. This is fundamental criminal justice. There is a motion before you, judge, decide that motion. If you were incapable of deciding it and cant make a decision with all the law clerks that you have then recuse yourself, but this is politics, an act it vest judge, its the left coming in, and coving ton is the law firm where eric holder is a partner, they want in on this and its embarrassment. Every prosecutor is beside himself or herself with what theyre doing to the Justice System and this is the same crew who went after kavanaugh and said theres no presumption of innocence. What is happening in America Today is an outrage. Its shocking. Brian it is. Justice with jeanineh will have senator Lindsey Graham, Corey Lewandowski and Peter Navarro will all be on your show. Judge have a great show well all be watching at 9 00. And im going to have two opens, brian. Brian two opens . Were doing two opens. Brian nice, okay. I didnt think you could open twice but judge you write the rules. All these judges are rewriting the rules i dont even know whats real any more. Thanks so much. Meanwhile, straight ahead the countdown to race day is on, the first nascar race in more than two months is happening this weekend on fox. Fox sports nascar host shannon s pake will join us live with a preview, next. [tires squealing] its time for the Memorial Day Sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed. Plus, free premium delivery when you add an Adjustable Base. Okay, showtime turn it up tubi has you covered. Were gonna celebrate yes tubi. Watch now. Ainsley longlive the drivein drivein movie theaters are on the list of low risk businesses allowing them to reopen. Christina partsinevelos from our sister network, fox business, is live, in warwick, new york where one drivein is opening today. Hey, christina. Kristina i know its a big blow out today and for those of you watching are you itching for a timeout in a period of social distancing . Well its a blast from the past, but drivein movie theaters are proving to be quite the alternative especially this one here in warwick, new york. Like you mentioned it is deemed low risk itll be reopening tonight but at 50 capacity which means that theres only going to be one car allowed between every white pole as opposed to two in the past. They also have an app they are working on hopefully ready to go tonight which means you can order all your refreshments and they will deliver it straight to your front window, all in attempt to get customers back into the drivein movie theaters but of course, the launch is not without its obstacles. Listen in. We were shut down the week before we were supposed to open in march. The whole industry was shut down so theres no movies no current movies until july 15. Kristina you have over 300plus drivein movie theaters across the country definitely far off the peak back in the mid1950s when there was over 4,000 locations but its proving to be quite the alternative to the cinema and since were talking about movie theaters in new york , were not expecting cinepl ex amc to open until at least phase iv which could be a ways away but this is an alternative and for moviego ers a taste of freedom of course from the safety of their cars. Ainsley who would have thought, ressurecting the drivein, thanks so much christina. Kristina i should say, juman ji and trolls are the first set of movies playing. Ainsley oh, good the kids will love it. Thank you. Over to you, steve. Kristina thank you. Steve thank you very much i said earlier that i wouldnt be surprised if donald trump goes to rallies or something there because thats the trump team has been talking perhaps about using driveins in the future. Meanwhile, speaking of driveins , nascar drivers have their lineup and are ready to rev their engines this sunday. The real heros 400 at Darlington Raceway follows a 10week hiatus they are ready to turn on the cars, here with what to expect fox sports nascar host shannon spake. Shannon, good morning. Hey there, good morning, steve what a great segway from driveins to now driving and nascar. Two things im excited about this weekend home schooling is over for my kids so i get to hang up that fourth grade teacher hat and of course nascar is back and its back at one of the coolest racetrack, Darlington Raceway is one of the oldest tracks on the circuit its one of the toughest tracks. Things are going to be a little bit more challenging for the drivers though this weekend, steve because normally, they get an opportunity to really dial their cars in. Theyve got practice qualifying, because of procedures this weekend, they are going to show up in darlington, sunday morning and pretty much go from their streetcars to their race cars. They are going to have to figure out what kind of car they have at close to 170 miles an hour. And i talked to Kevin Harvick and hes told me hes gone through every scenario with his crew chief and teams really relying on past notes but harvick did tell me one thing they cant plan for is the heat. Its been mid60s here in charlotte for the last couple weeks. Its going to be close to 90 in darlington this weekend. Much hotter inside the race car, and harvick told me its just going to be a manup kind of race. Steve yeah, you know, all eyes are going to be on ryan newman as well, because we havent seen him since that horrible accident at daytona. He was asked yesterday, at the nascar presser, if hes ready and hes ready. Listen. Multiple miracles, big miracles, Little Miracles in my opinion, that aligned for me to be able to walk out with my hands around my daughters and i get the opportunity to return to my race car seat and not just any seat but my race car seat and darlington of all places, being my favorite racetrack so i look forward to getting down there on sunday, and the opportunity to give sports back where i want to be when it comes to nascar. Steve yeah, you know, were starving for live sports. People want live anything. Were live right now, thats why our ratings are really high, because so many more people are home right now but so many people, shannon, are going to be polling for ryan newman after all he has been through. No question, so steve, ive been covering this sport foreclose to 20 years. Ive seen a ton of wrecks during that time. This was certainly the most scary. We were covering this race live. We really didnt know what the outcome was going to be. We didnt know if ryan was going to survive that crash. You heard him say miracle and then to see hem walk out of the hospital, no broken bones, he did have a head injury and nascar has cleared him to race. I heard from him this week he mentioned darlington is his favorite racetrack, he cant wait to get back but a lot of people say why get back in the car after Something Like that and i just love ryans attitude. He says listen im a racer ive been doing this since i was five years old and im focusing on what went right instead of what went wrong and thats a great attitude. Steve it is indeed. Shannon, its great that fox will be back on tv with live stuff watch the real heros 400 sunday, at 3 30 in the afternoon eastern time on fox. Shannon thank you very much. Thanks so much. Steve all right it is 22 minutes now before the top of the hour. Still ahead, Brett Michaels has rocked stages around the world but this morning, hes going to perform a special living room concert dedicated to the class of 2020. He will join us live, up next. People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. 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Brett, its great to have some musical talent you can entertain yourself and america at the same time. When did you realize you could go to the hot tub and play, you didnt have to make a decision you could do both . Ainsley [laughter] i decided, you know what im going to stay positive as best i can through this whole thing. I was hinting at the Acoustic Guitar all around the ranch of the property just trying to stay mentally positive and knowing im diabetic so im in the highest risk category, so i just decided you know what . As you were talking about with ryan, said focus on the things i can do positive and right, rather than the things that are wrong, so i started working on everything. Acoustic guitar, playing it, i dont know why i got in the hot tub. I think i was starting to lose it a little bit. And having a great time. Steve yeah, indeed. You know, when you heard, brett, given the fact that youve got diabetes, youre a young guy but when the cdc came out and said if you got diabetes and if you got other circumstances, you got to isolate yourself. When you heard dr. Fauci company talk about stuff like that, did you wind up just saying okay, im going to have to just keep away from everybody until they figure this out . Have you been on house arrest essentially not leaving your place . Here is exactly what happened to me. I was out on the road touring. I just finished up playing in new york on new years eve, and then was back out on the road. We did three shows in oklahoma, went down to charlotte, North Carolina and we were traveling all over the place and when it really set in that were putting these guidelines out, and being a diabetic youre in the highest risk category with the compromised immune system i knew instantly im taking this serious, and im going to follow the rules here, and thats what i did, but on the other side of that all my life since ive been six, and being diabetic, ive always decided im not going to have a victim mentality. Im going to find a way to be positive about this but i did absolutely quarantine myself from my family, from my kids, and really isolated for about two to three weeks completely by myself, and it was a actually good time for me. I got to clean up a lot of stuff in my arizona ranch that i never realized id been hording for so long, and stuff that just needed fixed so thats what i focused on. Ainsley im glad youre safe and were following all the right measures. Tell us about your new book, brett. Brand new book is an autobiography and its basically almost a scrapbook diary of the real moments and it comes in volumes and the very first volume just came out and we sold out the first two prints which is awesome and i thank three generations of amazing fans and what i wanted to say about it is this book is very unique to itself. What i did is i wrote everything , pieces of paper, scotch tape on if going old school, and polaroid scotch taped it and wrote everything out so this first book is talking about a lot of the stuff that wasnt in the poisons behind the music or just the rock or these Different Things , it goes all the way back to birth, all these Different Things you go through to get to those crossroads and when you get to those crossroads the decisions i made to be able to handle adversity and remain unbroken. Brian brett, real quick 30 seconds, can you tell me the message to the class of 2020 sia field or in a gym for a normal graduation . First of all the class of 2020, they rock our world. Theyre our future. We are going through, no doubt, were going through some unprecedented tough times. I think they are going to come out and be resilient. They are definitely our future and i think they will rock our world and i want to say congratulations to everybody, class of 2020, rock our world, you are awesome brian nice. Brett michaels thanks so much well see you in a second though thank you, you all be safe and health it to all of the viewers everybody. We love you, well see you soon. Steve thank you, brett. Stick around, bretts performance is coming up, next but first lets check in with sandra smith for a preview of coming attractions. Sandra steve, brian and ainsley, good morning, coming up the president will be delivering live remarks from the rose garden on Vaccine Development, and there will be an update on where things stand. Plus, President Trump now pushing for former president obama to testify over the flynn probe, senator Lindsey Graham pushing back on that, mark tea son will join us top of the hour and the wall street Journal Editorial Board calling Nancy Pelosis 3 trillion Coronavirus Relief bill, joe bidens real agenda for 2021, well dig in join ed and me on this friday morning top of the hour. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. 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I want to play a Little Something Something Special right here from my house, this is called every rose has its thorn, have an incredible summer. We both lie in the dead of the night while we are both together, we feel miles apart in size was it something i said or something i did, did the words not come out right though i tried not to hurt you, though i tried, but i guess thats why they say, every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn, just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad, song, every rose has its thorn yeah, it does, i listen to our Favorite Song playing on the radio, hear the d j say loves a game of easy come and easy go, but i wonder, does he know, has he ever felt like this , and i know that youd be here right now if i could have let you know somehow i guess every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn, just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song, every rose has its thorn its been wild now i can still feel so much pain, like the knife that cuts you the wound heals, but the scar, that scar remains, oh, yeah. I know i could have saved a love that night, if id known what to say, instead of making love, we both made our separate ways, but now i hear you found somebody new and that i never meant that much to you, to hear that tears me up inside and to see you cuts me like a knife i guess every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn, just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song, every rose has its thorn whoa have a great summer youre going to rock our world, have a great summer graduating class. From going to be on this really great show over the weekend, pretty much a morning show talking about sam houston, the alamo, or vendors. If you missed the show, what do you do . Do you have any fallback chimeric is a show like ours only on the weekend. Class of 2020, congratulations. See you back here monday. Sandra the house and senate to vote on a 3 trillion Coronavirus Relief bill but also already facing a president ial veto. The good friday morning, im sandra smith. Ed very pleasant good morning to you. Nancy pelosi admitting it faces very long odds and the senate because it an opening bid for negotiations while the Top Senate Republicans dismissing this proposal calling it unsalvageable. We are open to negotiation, so when people say partisan, it wasnt partisan when they did it. Then we are saying

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