Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141009 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141009 10:00:00

into a runway while trying to land at a l.a. -- a louisiana airport. have a good one. bye. good morning. today is thursday, october 9. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. this morning airport workers are walking off the job after fears of catching ebola, this after another possible case surfaces in the south. a sherrifs deputy is sick and he never went overseas. >> a scandal surfaces at the white house overnight apparently kept secret for two years. it all goes back to this. >> was the president aware there were allegations like this? >> i don't think any of us were aware of it until we read the newspaper source. >> probably not true.
details on the story that everybody in washington is going to be talking about today when the sun comes up over 1600 pennsylvania. >> they love the over this. incredible pictures taken moments after a u.s. air force a-15 falls from the sky. the plane erupts in flames but the pilot walks away. you're looking at it. mornings are better with friends. >> this is dwayne johnson and you're watching "fox & friends." >> the question is, is dwayne johnson watching "fox & friends" right now? we should give him a phone number. >> i like your idea. we know you're watching. we're thankful you are. we'll get right to a neart for you. the united states steps up screening in the face of ebola. workers at la guardia walked off the job. they say they don't have the right training or materials to deal with sick
travelers. >> joining us with brand-new details, doug lieu czar -- luzader is live outside washington. >> good morning guys. this is one of the airports targeted for additional screening. workers in la guardia have walked off the job on strike now because they're concerned about what they're going through cleaning some of these aircraft, that they may not have the kind of protective gear they need to do that. that is one other angle to this. sometimes we don't think about the fact that these airplanes have to be cleaned. as far as additional screening is concerned, dulles in virginia one of five airports targeted for enhanced screening. jfk and newark and atlanta
and chicago. those are the five airports they are concentrating on. they are looking for passengers arriving from sierra leone, guinea and liberia. passengers will have their temperatures taken and be asked specific questions about their health but the c.d.c. admits this is one additional layer of protection. right now the bottom line is protection for people coming into this country and for americans related to travel. we will continuously look at ways that we can increase the safety of americans, and we do that at many different levels. >> nothing foolproof here. and remember, you look at the guy in dallas who recently died from ebola. thomas eric duncan, this kind of screening process would probably not have protected him because he was not showing symptoms of
ebola when he arrived here in the united states. >> he also lied on that declaration form when he got on the plane. >> he went to the hospital, said i'm sick, they said you're fine, go home. he wasn't. he's dead. >> it wasn't supposed to get here, no one was supposed to die from it. we're in a situation where this is absolutely tragic. >> and you know what? we don't have any of that serum either. they're making more, so we hope they hurry. as washington wakes up this is a full blown scale in a potential coverup involving the white house. it also involves a potentially obstruction of justice charge for many and it appears that the barack obama administration did indeed corrupt the inspector general process. they're supposed to be independent. not so. what does it have to do
with? remember in 2012 a couple of months before the election, there were couple of americans in chom i can't. there was a -- in colombia. there was a scandal on the first day, seemed like secret service guys brought hookers to the hotel. in the wake of that, secret service people, their lives were ruined. all along the white house denied nobody from the white house was involved; absolutely not. in fact, in april of 2012, jay carney came out to the podium and said this. >> was the president aware that there were allegations like this before the news report this morning? >> i don't think so. i doubt it. i don't know that any of us were aware of it until we read the newspaper reports. >> that is not true. >> new details from government documents in fact show that there are many actual interviews with senior white house aides and they were given the information at the time
suggesting that a prostitute was an overnight guest in the room of a presidential advanced team member. this is what it said, quote september of 2012, we did find a hotel registry that suggests two nonunited states service personnel might have had contact passengers. this was no investigation into these findings because they are not d.h.s. personnel. twice they interviewed and twice they said no misconduct was found as it related to this white house official. >> this guy, jonathan dock, is the one people are looking at now. he was 25 years old at the time. a yale law school guy. i didn't know a guy who is a volunteer would get a position like this, to be part of an advanced team that would coordinate drivers for the white house, something so important. you'd think maybe he would help the guy hired to be the guy. >> this could have hurt the actual big guy in charge. >> what jonathan dock did is evidently there are reports that he had a
prostitute in his room and that brings us to the question of when they did the investigation, the inspector general, this guy, i believe charles edwards, did he come to the conclusion that this happened? and was he told by the white house not to include that in the report? >> interesting, the white house counsel, she said when they conducted thattent view with the advanced team member, that 25-year-old jonathan dock, said he did nothing wrong. >> she is now being considered to be the replacement for eric holder. as soon as it hit the papers that there was a secret service scandal, keep in mind the white house made it clear nobody here involved even though brian said this guy who is a law school student who still works for the administration and is the son of a big democratic donor and somebody who supported barack obama to get elected, on that first weekend the white house counsel called all the people in. they worked through the
weekend. this guy, did he have anything involved in they go no. they go okay, he's not involved. next thing you know the inspector general gets involved, homeland security and they start to look and then it became clear that there was a lot of evidence that this guy at the white house was involved. and yet this comes out and this is from "the washington post," and this is from david nyland who was involved in the inspector general process at homeland security. he said we were directed at the time, before the election, to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election. so there, ladies and gentlemen, it does appear that the inspector general process, which they're supposed to be independent, it was corrupted by the white house. look, we don't want this coming out before the election, so whatever you do, keep it quiet. there was this struggle behind the scenes and they did their best to do t. now that everything has blown up at the secret service, now we know that apparently
the white house pressured this investigation, nothing's got to come out before the election. >> according to this because it would tarnish the image for the president. it would look bad for the white house. didn't have to do much digging. there are photos of the prostitute. they could tie that to the room that they entered in the hotel or where they were. this wasn't a deep investigation but it has many layers of cover. >> let's say this proves to be true,, you see the ramifications for the election. but if a 25-year-old volunteer screws up and gets a prostitute, barack obama doesn't lose the reelection because of that. to think they're going to have to be that buttoned up and that paranoid if this proves to be true -- >> they've got the information. "the washington post" went down there and did an
investigation in cartagena, prostitution is legal this and it is on this guy's record. his attorney says he was not involved. but what it shows is that the coverup is always worse than the crime. barack obama probably would have been reelected any way, but it's the steps they went to look like everything is fine here. remember this was a little ahead of benghazi when we were told that, you know, al qaeda is on the run, none of that stuff is true. looks like big trouble for the white house. stand by for knouse on -- stand by for news on that throughout the day. >> what happened to ainsley after she did her show? >> i'm here filling in for heather this morning. we miss her but i'm glad to be here. other headlines this morning, breaking news right now, violent protests erupght in st. louis -- erupting in st. louis, missouri, after a police shot a teenager dead.
this all started when an officer saw three men in the street. the cop claims that one of the men was grabbing his waistband indicating that he was carrying a gun. the cop chased him and that's when that teenager turned around and fired at the officer. the cop fired back and killed him. this all happening the same day the protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson so mark two months since the death of michael brown. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force plane crashes and bursts into flames. this happening during a combat training in england. the f-15 slammed into that field near an elementary school. the pilot did manage to eject safely. it's not clear what caused that crash. the surprising star of the senate debate in kansas, harry reid. but for all the wrong reasons. in one corner republican
senator pat roberts. in the other corner independent candidate greg orman, both traded blows over reid. take a listen. >> a vote for greg orman is a vote to hand over the future of kansas and the country to harry reid and barack obama. >> i believe obama and reid are part of the problem. >> the latest fox news poll has roberts with a five point lead getting 44% of the vote. talk about the ride of a lifetime. >> pope francis inviting those two children from the crowd outside of the vatican for a spin on the pope mobile. and look at their faces. they can handily contain their excitement. those boys are from italy and they were seen pumping their fists as they were driving around st. peter's square. how special. i remember the pope came to
my hometown and one of my friends who is catholic was on stage with him. pretty special. >> i know he's the pope but if you're the parent you can't just hand over your two five-year olds. >> yes, you can. >> i'd say listen, i need to see some i.d. >> by the way, we forgot -- we left out one juicy little tidbit regarding the guy accused of hiring the hooker. >> the 25-year-old at the time. >> he now works -- he didn't get fired after the hooker scandal. he now works for the state department at the global women's issues department. he hired a woman hooker and now he's -- apparently he's an expert at this. global women's issues at the state department, that's where he's working. coming up a new antiterror handbook refers to jihad as a noble thing. and did we mention it's all government approved. >> she's on track to make
history in washington. the harvard grad who is rising through the g.o.p. ranks joining us next. ♪ huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> president obama piled on more taxes, more regulations, more debt for future generations and higher health care costs hurting our mainstream economy. i decided to run for office because my generation can't just complain about these problems. we have to help solve them as well. >> who exactly is this fresh face in the g.o.p.? she is with me now in the studio. good morning to you. >> thank you so much. >> this is a big week. i want to point directly to the fact that president obama is saying to launch a fresh millenial image on friday heading across the country talking to young individuals like yourself but you're actually speaking their language. why is your voice resonating so much with voters? a poll has you up by 13% against your opponent. >> if you look at president obama's record in this country, if you look at
high employment rates particularly for young women, we're in double digits. if you look at health care costs they're rising faster under the obamacare act. women in particular are having to absorb these price hikes whether they're taking care of their elderly parents or single mothers taking care of their children. they make 80% of health dent obama may be this launching the millenial initiative but he's letting us down in terms of the debt he racked on for future generations. ultimately my generation is going to inherit this mess. one of the reasons i'm running is stepping up to the plate and offering new solutions. >> i know you're a 2006 harvard grad. harvard students say america is the greatest threat in the world, greater than even isis. take a listen here. >> in many ways i have to think it is america because america is making decisions that are much more likely to affect the world. >> american imperialism and our protection of oil interests in the middle east are destabilizing.
>> we're to blame for a lot of problems we're creating now. i don't think anyone would argue we didn't create the problem of isis ourselves. >> in your mind, the problem? >> the challenges of being a new generation republican on our college campuses today, i think it is clear that isis is the most well funded terrorist group in recent history especially and the united states plays an important role in the world. and when i think about that clip you just plays, elisabeth, i think about the troops. my district is home to fort drum, the most deployed unit in the u.s. army. i believe that is a slap in the face to our troops who are fighting to defend our principles abroad and also standing up for women and standing up for children. >> elise stefanik, you speak to a broad generation out there. thank you for joining us. did the e.p.a. inform the i.r.s.? thousands of text messages
that were supposed to be handed over for investigation were accidentally deleted and can't be recovered. >> the navy has a plan to make the military stronger and bring back jobs to the and bring back jobs to the u.s.a. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio,
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welcome back. we've got an update for you. the f.b.i. is getting very close to i.d.'ing this english-speaking terrorist we showed you yesterday. >> we're here in the 17th division military base just outside the city of raqqa. >> one day after asking for your help for information on this man the f.b.i. received hundreds of tips on their tip line. this controversial handbook that claims jihad is noble is banned in canada, but the obama administration just endorsed it. yes, the state department
tweeted a link on its twitter page promoting the manual. in chapter 1 of the "united against terrorism" the authors promote sharia law. can't make it up. brian, over to you. >> five minutes before the bottom of the hour. american company revolutionizing the way we make clothing and now the u.s. navy is testing its new process. proposal l.l.c. says let's get rid of the needle and thread and weld our fabrics together. if this works it could bring more jobs back here to the united states making u.s. uniforms. joining us to talk about this mission and what she accomplished, fabric welding is what the method is called and what it means for our military, claire, congratulations on doing this. tell me how welding and clothing mix. >> we're looking at taking needle and thread out which tends to be bulky and heavy and looking at ways of using different welds to
bond the fabrics together instead. >> let's do the neelgd -- needle and thread. >> this is a seam in this navy garment. it is bulky and stiff. >> that's typical. now the mission to any company, let's make this lighter and let's do it quicker. so this is what you came up with? >> yes. we did this in a research project for the navy and we've come up with a seam that is much more flexible and much lighter weight. thinner and right now we're still researching how it will hold up in the field but it's showing really good promise. >> this is interesting that you might have that welding mask and welding clothes together. >> you don't need a welding mask. but it would be welded; correct? >> exactly. >> we have a little bit of that video. let's have an example of what this piece of clothing would be like without seams essentially. >> we've still got seams because you've got to shape
the garment around the body. for example, this zipper, there is no stitching in this area at all. this has been bonded and welded in. this tab has been created without stitching. and we've got another pocket right in here. it's been assembled without stitching as well. >> how long would it take to do something like this? on the surface it seems welding might take longer than a needle and thread through a machine. >> this is a research and development project. right now i would say it's similar time stitching. this project lends itself to automation and semi automation. as we can develop it further we think it will lead to faster speeds in assembly. >> what the military has asked you to do is make it lighter; correct? >> they have asked us to look at how this can make the clothing better. we've found we can significantly make clothing lighter. >> what's the response? >> positive. they are looking in funding further research so we're hoping that will progress
next year. >> the theory is you get the contract and we hope you do, can we keep those jobs here? make the clothing here? >> yes. by law all of our department of defense clothing have to be made in the united states. what this has the potential to do is add other jobs for other companies that want to make things that aren't just department of defense clothing. we'll keep jobs here and we could add jobs. >> if the men and women are fighting with lighter equipment that's better sealed, keeps them safer. that's better for everybody. congratulations on the innovation. hopefully you'll get the okay. let us know. coming up next, one vet told to make doctor's appointments every two weeks but it turns out no appointments are available for months. has anything changed at the v.a.? a conservative film maker who says he was targeted by the feds for criticizing the president now going in front of the camera. we'll get his story. happy birthday to scottie mccreary.
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ainsley was born into money; right? >> i've never seen that much money in my life. thank you. let me tell you about the headlines. it looks like the government did not learn its lesson from lois lerner's misfortunes. a top official in the environmental protection agency claims the agency deleted thousands of text messages and they can't be recovered. this news in response to a request for messages by a conservative think tank t. claims they're using texts instead of e-mails to carry on off-the-record conversations. kevin trainer put his life on the hien for our country for 13 years serving as a combat rescue swimmer in the navy. now the injured hero is being forced to wait months just to get an appointment for an m.r.i. at the v.a. hospital. >> six months and waiting for shoulder repair, that's ridiculous. >> here's the worst part. trainer says he's also supposed to receive
counseling for ptsd every two weeks but the v.a. hospital in north carolina only offering it every four months. conservative anymore maker dinesh d'souza is turning his probation sentence for illegal campaign contributions into a tv career. he has to complete eight months of community service and he'll record the whole thing as a reality show. he plans to teach english to immigrants. he was spared from jail time for giving illegal straw donations to college friends and new york senate candidate wendy long. call in the camel google going to the extreme to map an arabian desert. the tech giant strapping its street cameras on to a camel. a guy will lead that animal on a 62-mile journey taking 360-did he dpree views of the desert in the u.a.e. and google is saying it used the country's ancient mode of transportation for
authenticity. and those are your headlines. >> that is so cool. >> something we can google later. >> the google car with that thing on the top drove by me out in new jersey a couple of weeks ago. i waved. >> have you ever looked up your house on-line? >> of course. >> do you know there's snow on it. >> some people have done it and found a car in the driveway that maybe shouldn't be there. >> interesting. i never thought about that. >> meanwhile -- >> this hasn't happened before. >> hey maria. >> good morning. good to see you. let's switch gears to the weather because we have incredible video out of massachusetts. there was some damage caused by something called a micro birth. we have strong storms rolling through parts of the northeast yesterday. what that is is very strong straight line winds coming from a thunder storm. that downdraft hits the
ground and causes sometimes some of this damage. this video was shot by a drone, incredible aerial. that is in massachusetts, winds estimated to be over a hundred miles per hour from that storm. today we are expecting more storms. some of the areas included are arizona and parts of new mexico. you can already see rain moving through that region. a lot of tropical moisture from the eastern pacific ocean. far off towards the east across parts of kansas and into missouri we have a cold front moving through and that system is going to produce several inches of rain. we have the concern for flash flooding. there are watches already in effect out this. that rain will continue today into tomorrow. high pressure in that front will be in the 80's and 90's. friday and into saturday cooler air will continue to move south and parts of the texas pan handle are going to be seeing highs in the 60's by saturday. a big cooldown coming up for a big chunk of the
country for the weekend. >> perfect football weather. maria, thank you. >> it is the dracula story you have not heard. >> sometimes the world no longer needs a hero. sometimes what it needs is a monster. >> right. my words exactly. the action-packed adventure dracula untold hits theaters tomorrow. let's look into the fox light with the vice president of marketing and the host of fox light, michael tammero. >> just what we need now, monsters. >> is it fantastic? >> it is a dracula movie so it is what it is. >> got a cape? >> no cape, a lot of biting. what universal is trying to do here, they're home to some of the great characters of all time. frank stein, the mummy and of course dracula. they are looking to create a shared cinematic monster
universe, the way marvel has done with the super heroes. they are starting with dracula. you meet prince lad, the prince of transylvania defending his homeland against the turks. he makes kind of a deal with the devil and the rest is history as they say. we sat down with two big stars and asked them about the training. there is a lot of physical scenes in this. >> he really put so much -- brought so much integrity to our love story, to the emotional side of the film even though he had to do so much work physically for it as well. there were moments we were onset where he was doing push-ups and crunches and i was watching him and saying good work. good work. do a few more, you know. >> i had to train for about two months before we started shooting this film. i was in new zealand.
i took the trainer with me there. we were packing on pounds and the muscle out there. it's all real; okay? >> he's starring in the final hobbit. >> why don't they have one of the batman suits for him to make you look like you're fit. he really owns the part. >> we have cable at our house and we have the starz channel. starz is on quite a roll. they have outlander, a huge success. last week they premiered a new show, a basketball phenom who survives growing up in the hood. it is signed by an nba atlanta franchise. he feels guilty about how he navigates fame and fortune. >> lebron james. >> lebron james is producing it. it has a lot of heavyweights behind it. we sat down with two of its
stars. the show is ripped right from the headlines. we discuss about what they thought about the nfl. >> the nfl taking too much heat? i don't think so, no. you reap what you sow. >> they skirted around these issues for years. >> too much under the carpet, it's going to get lumpy. right now it is a little lumpy. >> it is a lot lumpy. >> at the misfortune of others. at the same time it is kind of unbelievable, it is amazing to see us having filmed something months ago but it is so relevant to what is happening right now. >> you can catch survivors remorse saturday on starz. catch my celebrity interviews on follow me on twitter at
foxlightmichael. >> thank you. this coming up. a pilot doing something you never heard of before. he kicked every single passenger off the plane. wait until you hear why. >> more on the secret service bombshell. white house aides apparently knew about the prostitution scandal but kept it quiet until after the 2012 election. they forced others to do that as well. the judge says this is big trouble. trouble. ♪ are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. ccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds]
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we have headlines for you now. here is a travel tip. next time you're boarding a plane don't ask the pilot if he's drunk. a passenger on jetblue made a joke about the pilot being drunk and that forced security to perform a
mandatory test on him. so the pilot kicked everyone off the plane. the fan who used a laser pointer on the buffalo bills quarterback and holder during sunday's game in detroit busted, banned from lions games forever. more to come on that, i'm sure. >> a bombshell. new report alleges the white house knew of one of its members involved in the 2012 secret service prostitution scandal and that the lead investigator claims he was told to delay his report until after the election. >> what does that mean if these allegations are true and could anybody go to jail for this? let's talk to the judge. judge, what do you think? >> good morning, guys. the government is allowed to lie to us. we're not allowed to lie to the government. but government officials lying to government officials can be a crime. so if an investigator in the i.g.'s office, the
inspector general's office, was told to lie to investigators from the senate committee looking at this prostitution scandal, like deny that the president knew this -- and he does concoct and express is express -- express that lie, he can be prosecuted. >> when jay carney says nobody from the white house was involved even though according to "washington post" that was this -- >> that's between jay and god the father. he can lie. >> what about delaying the release of this information >> only if an investigator told another investigator we don't have it. if there is a subterfuge, it is a crime. holding back the truth, delaying it is a political issue. that is not crime. if one investigator misled another, one from the investigative branch misled an investigator from the
senate that is a crime. >> you may have answered this subtley, if i'm coming forward and i say they told me to delay my conclusions until after the election and i did, am i guilty of something? >> no. no. unless you lied in order to justify -- >> if i let something out, i'm not in trouble. >> in this specific case where do you see potential for absolute crime? >> you're looking for two things. you're looking for a conspiracy, an agreement amongst people in the white house to keep the truth from the senate investigators. that's number one. >> "the washington post" says that happened. >> "the washington post" says that happened, correct, steve. you're also looking for individuals in this conspiracy with a duty to tell the truth and did not carry out that duty. >> it seems like members from the secret service tried to keep the record straight and along the way they were told keep quiet. what about this --
apparently the first weekend after it happened, white house counsel worked through the weekend, this kathryn ruemmler, and she asked the guy involved in this and he said i didn't do anything wrong, so supposedly she said we talked to the guy. nothing there even though secret service came forward and said we got receipts. we can prove there was a hooker. >> i don't know her but i know her reputation. she has a reputation as a very fine lawyer. she is also reportedly on the short list to replace eric holder. something tells me she is not on that list this morning. >> what about janet napolitano? >> she is not my cousin. >> homeland security secretary, do you think she plays a role in this? >> she prosecutable knew what was going on. -- she probably knew what was going on. >> do you think this was an effort to protect this guy who was 25 because his parents were donors? >> i think it was to keep this from voters before the 2012 election. >> why was this guy doing
advanced work for the white house? >> because his daddy was a big donor. >> next on our rundown, are you an at&t customer? take a closer look at your old phone bills because you may have money coming back to you. >> a mom gets pulled over because her child isn't in a booster seat but instead of giving her a ticket that officer bought her a car seat and they are both going to join us live next. >> this they are. good morning. you're next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the conference call.
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when a michigan public safety officer pulled a woman over for not having her five-year-old daughter in a carseat, the normal protocol would be to write her a ticket. instead he did something extraordinary. he told her, follow me. we're going to wal-mart and there he bought her a booster seat with money from his own pocket. since then the whole thing has gone viral and joining us now to tell us the story is public safety officer ben hall and the mother he helped, lexi. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> so officer, let's pick up the story. you heard on the radio there is some lady driving and she's got a kid in the back in no car seat, right? >> yep. that's correct. >> what did you do? >> the vehicle drove by me just
shortly after dispatch notified me of the call. and i pulled the vehicle over and made contact with lexi here, who was one of the passengers. her friend was driving and her young child was in the back seat. >> that's right. so lexi, the officer right there comes over and says, hey, where is the car seat? what do you tell him? >> basically told him why i didn't have one. i knew the importance of it. i know the importance of her being in a booster seat. i fell on hard times. i can't afford one right now. this is the lesser -- this is the only way i can see my kid. >> officer, normal protocol would be to write her a ticket. but you didn't. you said, let's go to wal-mart. why? >> after hearing her story and understanding what she's going through, i concluded it was just obvious that writing a ticket is not going to solve the problem and that i had to do something
else if i wanted to try to help this family and this child. >> that's an awful nice thing of you to do. and lexi, you went back and you were looking at them and the person who actually made the selection was your five-year-old daughter, right? she said, i like that one right there. >> yes, she did. officer hall looked at one and said, this is kind of boyish and put it back and grabbed another one. and my daughter looked and goes, oh, i like the black one on this one, too, and then hugged the box. >> that's awesome. these pictures that we're looking at are actually from a wal-mart clerk who took the pictures, so inspired by what you did, officer. there you are paying out of your own pocket 50 bucks. you weren't reimbursed. you took it out of your family'? >> i was in a position to help this family out and this child and if i'm able to do something
like that and to change even just a little bit this family's life or lives, i felt that i was in that position to do it and i went ahead and did what i did. >> you did. but you know what? i've read that people are giving you a hard time. you know what, you should have written her a ticket. >> no, not even close. i faced a little bit of criticism, but nothing what lexi is facing. but the overwhelming amount of support from everybody across the country and across the world has just been outstanding. >> absolutely. and lexi, i know you love the fact that he helped you out. you're going through a hard time. your car had been repossessed. but your daughter has a new car seat. what did you tell him when he did that for you? >> i told him i'm grateful. i didn't really know what to say. i was at a loss for words. i had never heard of anything like this before. >> absolutely not. it's terrific. paying it forward. ben hall and lexi joining us from michigan today.
thank you very much for telling your story. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> that is great. meanwhile, this doctor fought cancer and won. but to make sure it never happened again, he transformed his body. dr. z joins us live campbell's® fiesta chicken lime tortilla. sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!®
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the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is your imagination. ♪ nissan. innovation that excites. good morning. today is thursday, october 79. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. this morning angry airline workers are walking off the job over fears of catching ebola virus. this as another possible case surfaces in the south. a sheriff's deputy is sick and he never went overseas. a brand-new scandal surfacing at the white house kept a secret for more than two years and it all goes back to this. >> was the president aware that there were allegations like this? >> i don't know that any of us were aware 'til we read newspaper accounts. >> right. the man that broke the original story, the one the white house denied will be here live. and wait until you see what
happens to this homeless vet asking for money on a street. the guy just told his sign to pizzas. the reason why will really blow your mind. mornings like this thursday one are better with friends. >> this is trace adkins. you're watching "fox & friends". all right. we got a big scandal to tell you about at the white house. they denied involvement, but now it looks like the "washington post" has got the goods on him. right now a fox news alert. federal government is now stepping up the screening in the face of the ebola crisis with workers at la guardia just walking off the job. they say we don't have the right training or the materials to deal if somebody sick comes in. joining us with brand-new
details is doug luzader at dulles airport. doug? >> reporter: that's right. good morning. this is one of the airports where we will see that additional screening. we spent so much time talking about the potential for infected passengers, we don't think about infected planes as well. that's the concern of these workers at la guardia airport. some of them have gone on strike because they're concerned about cleaning aircraft without the kind of protection they say they need to protect them from viruses like ebola. so this is a whole kind of other angle to this story as the federal government has stepped up its screening of passengers. we talk about the five airports affected, dulles in virginia, but also jfk, newark, atlanta hearts field and chicago o'hare airport. they're look specifically for passengers coming in from free countries in west africa, sierra leone, guinea and liberia. those people will have their temperature taken and have to answer basic questions about their health and depending on
how that screening g they could be quarantined. >> starting at jfk on saturday and at the four other airports that were mentioned in the following week, and that was dulles, newark, chicago and atlanta, these five airports represent 94, 95% of all of the 150 travelers per day who arrive from these three countries. >> reporter: now, what gets complicated, there aren't really direct flights coming in from these countries, so they have to keep track of the potential connections that people have made. the department of homeland security says they are up to this job of figuring out where these people originally came from to see if in fact they're coming up in international flights where they may have originated at one of those three countries. no guarantees. they're just hoping to come in contact with 95% of the passengers from those countries. the cdc will tell you, this is just another layer of security.
it's not a final fix to prevent ebola from coming into the united states. back to you. >> doug luzader, thanks so much. of course, craziness right here in queen, new york. this morning another bombshell. a new report alleges the white house knew that one of its own aides was involved in the 2012 prostitution scandal that led to the downfall of nearly two dozen secret service agents and that investigators were told to hold off on any embarrassing details until after the election. joining us right now is the author of "the first family detail," ron kessler, who broke the story of what happened in colombia and the whole prostitution scandal himself. and now we have this new page. ron, welcome. what's your reaction to what the "washington post" has today? >> i think it's a very clear cut cover-up, even more clear cut than benghazi because we know exactly who made the decision and that is the white house
counsel, and you had this investigation by the secret service. the secret service, despite corner cutting on the projection side by management, is very good at investigating. it's just as good as the f.b.i their investigations lead to people going to jail. they found that yes, this white house aide was involved in hiring a prostitute and yet, the white house counsel ignored that, covered it up. on top of that, i think it sheds light on why president obama did not replace mark sullivan as secret service director even though he presided over the salahi party intrusion, and then over the prostitution scandal, because sullivan knew the white house was involved in the scandal. so why replace him? >> sure. and you mentioned the white house counsel. the weekend after this all hit the fan, she talked to this guy, this 26-year-old then volunteer by the name of jonathan dock, he, according to the "washington post," is the one who hired the
hooker. the white house been saying no, nobody from the white house was involved. he was a volunteer at the time. but then she talked to him and he told her, i didn't do that. so then it's like we didn't have anything here. but then a bunch of investigations started and there she is right now, currently being considered for attorney general, at least she was until today. but then there were these other investigations and the closer they got to the truth -- and they had photocopies of the hook' i.d. tied to his room. it sounds like the department of homeland security, the inspector general started the process. as the investigators got closer to it, they were told by the white house allegedly, back off until after the election. >> yeah. the inspector general of homeland security at the time just covered up everything for the secret service, ignored all their failings. i wouldn't expect anything more out of them. but it's really the white house that's the key here.
they perpetuated a double standard where secret service agents were fired for hiring prostitute, as they should have been. and yet their own aide was involved and they covered that up. >> right. this is a reminder for everyone that 2012 in april, when jay carney completely denied that they knew anything. >> undercuts the credibility of the white house yet again. >> here he is. >> the news report this morning? >> i don't think so. i doubt it. i don't know that any of us were aware of it 'til we read newspaper reports. >> he was waiting for the paper boy to come and then find out what happened. >> yeah, they had no idea. >> another way to make sure that president obama was reelected. >> the interesting thing about this, this guy who got caught in the hooker scandal apparently didn't get fired. now working at the global women's issues department at the state department. ron, according to judge napolitano, who was on with us
ten or 15 minutes ago, he looks at this as a potential for obstruction of justice, obviously. plus there is a possibility that people could go to jail over this. >> i don't see it as being that clear cut. what i do see is that the white house counsel, katherine reummler is not going to become the next attorney general. apparently she was on the list to replace eric holder. she can not do that now. this is ridiculous. very, very scandalous that the secret service would present this investigation. they had cleared another individual. they were very sure that this aide was involved, and yet the white house covered it up. >> sure. the fact that mr. nee kneeland and two others am put on leave for asking questions. we thank you for joining us. >> we have another layer now. ainsley earhart is poised to
give us the rest of the breaking news. >> yes, i am. we have breaking news for you. violent protests erupting in st. louis, missouri, after police shoots a teen-ager dead. look at this one officer trying to -- that one protester trying to pull the officer down. then there is another man caught recording cops with two cameras, while others start kicking their car. this all started when another officer saw three men in the street. the cops claim that one of the men grabbed at his waistband, indicating he was carrying a gun. so the cop chased him and that's when the teen-ager turned around and fired at the officer. the cop fired back and killed the teen-ager. this all happening the same day protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson to mark two months since michael brown's death. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force plane crashes and bursts into flames. here is the picture. it happened during combat training in england.
the plane slammed into the field near an elementary school. thankfully the pilot did manage to eject safely. it's still unclear what caused that crash. at & t slapped with a massive fine this morning for unauthorized charges on your bill. the company agree to go pay $105 million after charging for things like horoscope texts and celebrity gossip from third party companies. the federal trade commission saying at & t was keeping the profits from at least a third of those bogus charges. if you are an at & t customer, you can look for your refund by heading to the ftc's web site. it's and you can make a claim on that site. a usc fighter's pride takes a beating after he tells a guy to google him and then he gets socked in the face. >> oh, dear. >> you know who i am line.
seconds later, ufc star cody gibson tackles the man to the ground before security breaks up that bar fight. it happened in vegas. and gibson admits he's embarrassed now and he tweeted this out. when it rains, it pours. if you are human, you make mistakes. the worth of a man is not whether or not he falls. it's if he gets up. those are your headlines. i thought what happened in vegas stays in vegas. >> not if you have an iphone. did he end up on top? did he beat the guy up, do we know? >> what did the video show? >> it showed him taken down with a two-legged take down, but we didn't see much else. >> he did get back up. >> in every way. >> thank you very much. you've seen this, a routine traffic stop ends with shattered glass and with a stun gun. (scream). >> the family inside that vehicle says it's excessive force. police officers say it was
excesstive resistance. a fair and balanced debate coming up next. then a homeless vet asking for money on the street has his sign torn to pieces. but wait until you hear why. ♪ ♪ (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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quarter after the top of the hour. how did a routine traffic stop end up like this? >> ma'am, are you going to open the door? >> how can you say nobody is going to hurt you? people are getting shot by the police. (scream). >> oh, man. the guy in the passenger seat refused to comply with the police for 13 minutes before you just saw the window was shattered. now those two people are suing the cops. so do they have a case? joining us right now for a legal debate is a pg tv commentator and drummer for 20-pound sledge. also joining us is civil rights attorney, andel brown. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> alfonso, as you look at this video, you say that the people inside the vehicle did everything wrong. >> yes, yes. all you had to do was do what the cop said.
i don't think the cop was asking them for their kidney. he just asked them to get out of the car. get out of the car. >> for a long time. >> yes. she could have been on her way to the hospital and she was worried about seeing her mom before she died. she could have been well on her way. >> okay. andel, what do you see? >> when i look at this video, the question i ask myself is do they have a legal obligation to do what the cops are asking them to do? the truth is, they don't. it's a consentual encounter. when a consentual encounter is made, you do not have to identify yourself as a passenger in the vehicle and you do not have to get out of a vehicle. so if they say no, the encounter is over and there is nothing more to be done at that point. >> and the passenger is the one who refused to produce a document for -- apparently he was asked for his driver's license and he said, i don't have it. i had to give it up because i got a ticket and he was showing them a ticket.
right? >> yeah. he showed them a document with his name on them. according to the case out of nevada that was decided in the supreme court, once someone identifies themselves, it's over. >> this cell phone video was taken by one of the children in the back seat. listen to this. here you can hear the woman who is trying to get to the hospital say she's worried about her safety. >> what was the purpose of a gun? and now they're asking me to open my door so i can get out. i'm scared. if you could pull out a gun in -- there is two kids in the back seat. >> there were two kids in the back seat. alfonso, the family now is going to sue the cops for probably a lot of money. >> this has become more complicated than it needs to be. even the person that she's on the phone with is telling her, do not make this worse on yourself. just get out of the car. you don't even have to see what's going on to know that they're doing everything wrong. the person on the other end of the phone is do don't make it
worse, get out of the car. don't worry about the kids' safety. they got the windows rolled up and both smoking in the car. they're not worried about the kids' safety. >> you say this was an instance of excessive resistance to what the police officers was asking them to do, which you say was reasonable. >> yes. and the restraint -- the passenger, he's reaching all over the place, he's reaching off into the back seat, let me get my backpack, let me do that. the restraint by these cops is amazing. they seriously deserve a doughnut after the job they did. >> andel, you say this was excessive force by the police. >> alfonso is definitely amusing and absolutely wrong. this is excessive force. there is no crime that they suspect jamal jones has committed, so there is no reason to detain him. under a consentual encounter, the force has to be reasonable to the threat. they're talking for a long time. if you watch the video, there is
a very calm exchange going on. there is no belief that he's reaching for anything. it's are you going to open the door or not? it's are you going to do what i'm going to do or i'm going to show you who is boss and that's what happened on the side of the road. i don't believe in getting into those kind of contests with an officer. but at the same time, we expect them to act in a professional and reasonable manner. using force, tasing someone, breaking the fellows in front of children -- the glass in front of children is not reasonable and that force was excessive. >> i'm glad you mentioned that. the police officer said he was reaching into the back seat and they were worried it was a weapon. so that's why they broke the glass, according to the police. alfonso rachel and andel brown, great debate. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, incredible images, an airport goes up in flames. what led to this massive destruction? then this doctor had a life-threatening wake-up call, so he changed his life and his body. how did he do it?
dr. z is going to tell us when he joins us. by the way, he's got a new book. good morning, dr. z. ♪ ♪
quick headlines now from around the world. the big update. the f.b.i. is getting very close to the english speaking terrorist. >> we're here in the 17th division military base just outside the city of aropka. >> that's just one day after asking for information on this man. the f.b.i. receiving hundreds of leads on their tip line. and the cease fire in ukraine was not able to save a major airport. new images show the destruction of the main terminal after a battle between pro-russian rebels and ukrainian forces.
china just overtook the u.s. as the world's largest economy. the international monetary fund basing the ranking on purchasing power, saying chinese domestic product is worth $17.6 trillion compared to 17.4 onfor the u.s. -- trillion for the u.s. after being diagnosed with cancer in 2006, this doctor was motivated to rebuild his life, but his entire body and also give others the tools to do the same thing. his own personal transformation is astounding, to say the least. he's currently working with former "good morning america" host joan lunden who was diagnosed with breast cancer this past june. joining us, we're happy to have him as the author of the book "rebuild." thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> 2006, they find cancer. >> yes. >> non-hodgkin's lymphoma. you decide to build because you said i created this disease.
i'm going to fix it and rebuild myself. you take major ownership for cancer, first off. the transformation is astounding. i can't wait to hear how you can do this, but why did you blame really your own actions and self? >> it's not that i blamed my own actions. i think people need to realize that what you do to yourself and how you create the internal environment for yourself will really push knew a place of disease. so when i say that i've created my disease, i didn't take care of my stress. i didn't eat like i should. i wasn't exercising the way i normally would. and not taking care of all those things i normally do set up the stage for cancer in my body. to take ownership, i guess i do. >> admirable. >> as research says, only 5% of cancers are genetic. 95% are rooted in lifestyle. >> so you are what you eat. you've been eating a lot of the wrong stuff. >> well, at the time i unfortunately was. >> you're not alone. a lot of people do. >> i think when people get
stressed, they go into a place that's kind of dark. >> at the time you were starting your business. you had a lot of pressure on you. you were being sued at the time. >> well, it wasn't sued. i just had somebody -- >> legal problem. >> yes. i was having someone in my office doing unfavorable things. >> you want to get your body into shape. you have before and after shots of people you worked with. >> yes. >> so here is mimi, for example. tell me about her. >> mimi is a phenomenal woman. she's breast cancer victor and she came to me through a business networking group and said, you need to help me rebuild. so we put her on the rebuild program, which is a specific food plan, supplement regiment and exercise program and you can see mimi's results. she was also set up for or had risks for cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, other inflammatory marks that would dictate maybe she would be heading back to cancer and all of those are gone. >> astounding. joan lunden, you've been working with her. what are you able to tell us?
>> i can't give you too much information on it, but joan is a warrior and when she gets something in her head, she goes with it. the principles of "rebuild" really helped her get through her process. >> what are those principles? if you're at home right now, obviously reading your book is key. but what are some things we can take away today to say do these three things and it will be a difference maker? >> the three things are if you can just focus on eating all nutrient dense whole foods, getting rid of processed foods. if you can incorporate 20, 25 minutes of high intensity interval training into your schedule four or five times a week, and just taking basic nutrients like multi vitamin, vitamin c, d, you'll have a greatest impact on your help. >> what about sleep? >> sleep is a big one. >> oops. wrong host. >> i was going to say. when people are stressed like i was, you don't sleep well. how do you feel when you don't sleep? you kind of feel a little hungover. that's an inflammatory process.
all of those -- >> we sleep when we are in bed. just getting to the bed is the issue. thanks so much. i'm glad you're okay. >> thank you. >> man, are you in great shape. >> i appreciate that. >> "rebuild" is the name of the book. go get it. thank you very much. up next, if you value your sleep, then you will want to live in this city. the best and worst places to catch some z's. >> speaking of. and a homeless vet asking for money in the streets had his sign torn to piece. just wait until you hear why. ♪ ♪ you make a great team.
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the guys have come up with frightening creations just for fright fest at six flags. we're getting the first taste. chef josh capone and tony luke, junior, joining us now and i smell bacon and syrup. >> what is this? >> a bacon franken funnel dog. >> are you trying o scare our heart or circulation? >> a combination of ordinary ingredients that come to lifement we partnered with pepto to create something extraordinary. a monster mash-up for fright fest. it is a franken bacon but butter
ball. >> what do you mean you teamed up with pepto-bismol? >> you're going to grab a dog and chances are you're going to overdo it. we tend to overdo it many times. even when i'm work every day as an ordinary chef, i'm tasting different foods all day. at six flags, the pepto chopper will be there to rescue you. >> does it come with kyle to bring you back to life at the end of the day? >> moderation. look at that. a little powdered sugar. bacon!
>> i actually ate part of the stick. it's delicious! there goes the pepto copter. we got to turn it on. >> this will be making many flights, i'm sure. >> delicious. >> i have a feeling people are going to love this. >> pepto, i need you! bacon! >> josh and tony, check out the franken food at six flags. >> ainsley, this is calling your name when you're done. >> we'll save you one before they're all gone. >> i'm going to tell you some of the news. the mother of globe customer tears the navy seal murdered in the benghazi terrorist attack opening up to greta van susteren. barbara dougherty talking about why it took more than a month after her son's death for the f.b.i. director robert muller to
reach out. >> he couldn't find my contact number. and i said, do you mean my phone number? i said you are the f.b.i he said, yes. so then i sort of was laughing to myself and i said, you're going to stick to this little story, aren't you? >> barbara filed a lawsuit against the obama administration now. this video is incredible. a newly restored world war ii era plane crashes nose first while trying to land in louisiana. the pilot had engine trouble earlier in the day, but it's not clear if that is what caused the crash. amazingly the pilot and his passenger were not injured. the german fighter was worth about $2 million. the city that never sleeps living up to its nickname. a new study found people who live in brooklyn, new york get the least amount of sleep in america.
on average, they get to bed past 11:40 at night. who gets the most amount of sleep? people who live in hawaii. >> no kidding. >> they hit the sack at 10:30 at night. this next story is going to blow your mind. a homeless veteran asking for money ask approached by a man on the street in vegas. but then watch. the guy rips the veteran's sign to pieces. just wait 'til you see why. roll the rest of this tape. >> i figured this would help, though. it seems kind of weird to do that. >> are you one of those street musicians that's going to make this into a wad of money. >> i actual israeli a wad of money for you. >> here is the best part, the magician has done that in the past. this army veteran made quite an impact on the entertainer.
he set up a go fund me page to get him back on his feet. so far they have raised $13,000. those are your headlines. i think i'm tossing to maria now. no, i'm not. >> you're not. >> we have the power. >> it's our magic trick. >> thank you for the toss. i got a feeling now we go to maria. >> you know everything. >> good morning. good to see you. temperatures are cooling off out here in new york city, but it's still the atlantic hurricane season. i want to point out this incredible stat that the capitol weather gang has put out. florida has gone more than 3270 days without a hurricane. nearly nine years. by far, the longest stretch on record. incredible. been a very quiet atlantic hurricane season. that's good news, but across the pacific ocean, we've had very
tough weather in terms of hurricane activity. very active season. right now we actually have super typhoon heading towards japan and surrounding islands. out here we're looking at what would be a category 4 hurricane. so that's the equivalent out there. maximum sustained winds at 155 miles an hour. incredible storm system across the western pacific ocean. now, across the lower 48, we have areas of rain across parts of arizona and new mexico and areas of rain as well in parts of missouri and the plains. out there we do have the risk for flash flooding. let's head back inside. >> all right. going to feel like fall this weekend. thank you very much. can't wait to start rake. i love the sound of it -- >> you can do it right now. >> they're just holding out right now. >> are you serious? >> i'll bring some of mine. >> ours were coming down in august. coming up, who will replace eric holder as attorney general? we just learned the top two picks may now be immersed in a
prostitution scandal. peter johnson, jr. is going to sort it all out for you. and they're supposed to be some of the smartest students in the world. >> what is a bigger threat to world peace, america or isis? >> to world peace? oh, america. >> in many ways i think it's america. >> the man who caught those harvard students on camera with us next. first trivia question, born on this date in 1952, this tv host is the wife of the godfather of heavy metal. who is she? be the first to e-mail us. you'll be the winner. ♪ ♪ (male announcer) it's happening.
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operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar levels. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. (male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. time for some animal headlines. first, it is one of the worst
sounds, the sound of your car alarm. but in this case, the warning was a welcome one. just take a look. the alarm was set off by a pretty big mountain lion on top of a toyota camry. good luck. and how about waking up to the sound of your own car horn honking? in this case, it was a black bear leaning on the horn. look at that. it happened in colorado. the bear looking for a late night snack, but he got stuck in the car and could not get out. barely he did. >> thankfully not my car. an explosive new report alleges that the white house covered up a major story during the height of the president's reelection campaign and what's worse, we just learned that the top two picks may now be immersed in a prostitution scandal. peter johnson, jr. is here to sort it all out for us and focus in. >> it's a story in the "washington post." they're detailing what appears to be denied by the white house,
denied by department of homeland security, two breaches in terms of protocol, in terms of investigation. an investigator with the department of homeland security i.g.'s office says he was pressured by the i.g.'s office to delay the report until the election had passed. the presidential election passed in 2012. there is also issues with regard with not only janet napolitano's involvement here, but also katherine reumner, who is speculated to be a cab at this time to replace eric holder as attorney general. she conducted a confidential and quick white house investigation into the scandal and determined that one jonathan dack, a 25-year-old basically intern day laborer as it were, political appointee who was there at the trip did nothing wrong. and so while two dozen secret service and military personnel were either fired or disciplined and took polygraph tests and
were thrown about the media as being in a terrible scandal, the white house quickly excuh pated its own employee. this is a huge story. >> involving prostitution here. i want to ask you about the two pictures we saw coming up. a big position here. explain to everyone. >> i think they have been rumored to be considered by the white house to take on eric holder's job as attorney general. so now based on the "washington post" story, there is huge questions about their stewardship with regard to miss reumner, did she properly investigate the scandal? did she honestly investigate the scandal, and whether miss napolitano denies it and the white house denies it, but with regard to miss napolitano, did she pressure her own inspector general to delete portions of a
report, to leave certain things out? the white house has responded to this. they've responded in a strong way. they have denied wrongdoing up and down. they denied it previously to a senate committee which investigated to this. in fact, they said the senate committee discredited the whistle blower as it were here. they allege that he was not telling the truth with what went on. >> the white house said back then in 2012, jay carney said, we don't know anything about this. we learned about it when everybody else did reading the newspaper. >> you look at the clips of questions asked by ed henry and other people from fox and other news organizations and a big story in the a.p. as well around that time, it appears that the statements that they made, if you believe the accusations in the "washington post," it appears that their statements weren't credible at the time. so obviously this is going to foster a new set of investigations. what did janet napolitano know? what did miss heumner know?
did they adequately perform investigations as head of dhs and white house counsel. that means that you're the to the president. should the president's lawyer have undertaken that investigation herself? and was there a whitewash? we don't know the answers. the "washington post" today says it was a whitewash. we will look and see what the answers are going forward. this is going to pop. >> it was an important year. we understand reelection year, and perhaps protecting this young man to have been -- >> mistake or crime? >> involved with a prostitute? >> negligence or intentional? we'll see. >> peter johnson, jr., we know you'll stay on it. they are supposed to be some of the smartest students in the world at harvard. >> as a western civilization, we're to blame for a lot of the problems we're facing now. i don't think anyone would argue that we didn't create the problem of isis ourselves. >> the man who caught them on camera saying just that. the ivy league is here with us
next. first on this day in history in 1936, the hoover dam began transmitting electricity to los angeles. in 1984, katherine sullivan became the first american woman to walk in space. in 1993, "dream lover" by mariah carey was the number one song in the united states. ♪ ♪
the answer to the trivia question sharon osborne. the winner is from cypress, texas, he'll get a copy of my new book. who is a greater threat to america and to peace, i should say? america or isis? yesterday this video got a lot of you fired up.
>> to world peace. oh, america. >> american imperialism and our protection much oil interests in the middle east are destabilizing the region and allowing groups like isis to gain power. >> as a western civilization, we're to blame for a lot of the problems that we're facing now. i don't think anyone would argue we didn't create the problem of isis ourselves. >> right. this morning the man behind it joins us now. caleb bonham. the editor and chief of campus reform. first off, people are stunned because this is maybe one of the top three schools in the country, possibly the most famous in the world. you found this school of thought. how many people would you say you edited out to get tho those like minded people who blamed us, not isis? >> the initial question that i asked, two or three people said isis was a greater threat to world peace. but then i was shocked to see that student after student, as we continued our interviews
found ways to blame america. and i've seen at the leadership campus reform is that this is sort of a fad that's sweeping the nation. it's been doing so for several years where the students think it's high brow to be able to somehow blame america for the world's ills. >> so what was the point of going there to bring this up? to prove what your theory was? >> the idea was to ask what people really thought of this. i know that among these institutions of higher learning, students are being taught in class that america is to blame. they're hearing our president on many cases talk about how america is to blame. they're hearing situation after situation where america is the root of all evil. i wanted to hear -- i really expected every student to look at me, roll their eyes and say, come on. isis is the problem here. but what i find funny about our video is that -- it's sad, my video proves students are listening to what they're
learning in class. that's concerning. >> what's been the reaction? your goal with campus reform is to expose what you say is liberal bias on campuses. but on this in particular when you did it at harvard and got the answer to that comparison, what's the reaction been over the last 24 hours? >> well, it's been fascinating. i think the majority of people are outraged that students are trying to draw the idea that isis poses a greater threat to world peace than america does. america historically has liberated the oppressed. we've strengthened and supported the weak across the country, across the world in war after war. and so it sparked a lot of debate. some people are outraged. then you have a string of people that are trying to support these students in what they're saying that america is to blame. >> so that question came up on a composition question at harvard, that answer probably would have got them an a? >> unfortunately. they would have looked at it as
diversity of thought. and probably valued that more than somebody trying to support the good that america has done world wide. >> go to, right, and you can find out more >> caleb, thanks so much. disturbing but necessary. four minutes before the top of the hour. a fox news alert as we go to break, we're following this story, angry airline workers walking off the job this morning over fears of catching the ebola virus. we're live from the airport where it's all happening. incredible pictures taken moments after a u.s. air force f-15 falls from the sky. the plane erupts in flames. but the pilot walks away
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good morning. today is thursday, october 9. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. this morning airline workers are walking off the job over fears of catching the ebola virus. we are live with the impact on
travelers today. a brand-new bombshell at the white house. something kept secret for more than two years and it all goes back to this. >> was the president aware that there were allegations like this? >> i don't know that any of us were aware of that 'til we read newspaper reports. >> brand-new details on the hooker scandal that everybody in washington is going to be talking about today. that means you will be, too. >> what made these patriot cheerleaders put on their opponents' jersey. it's great story and brought this defensive tackle to tears. devon here to explain what's going on with him and his family. mornings are better with friends. >> hello, my name is adam west. sometimes known as bruce wayne or batman, and you're watching "fox & friends," as i do every morning. >> it was great to see adam west
yesterday. >> fantastic. lives out in idaho, watches "fox & friends" every day. >> really? >> and it was odd to see him without robin. i thought they still traveled together. >> only in our hearts. >> every year he knows what exactly he's going to be for halloween. >> not on wednesday. >> not on wednesday? >> that was on the after the show show. it's still posted today. >> it is indeed. it was at the end of yesterday's show. today we got big news. we start with a fox news alert. the united states steps up screening in the face of ebola, workers at la guardia airport here in new york city walked off the job. they said we don't have the right training, the material if somebody shows up with ebola. so we're not going to work until we get something. >> that is right. joining us live with the brand-new details on that and how it will impact travelers, doug luzader is live at dulles. good morning to you. >> good morning. it seems like every day there is a new aspect to this ebola story. we have been talking a lot about airline passengers and what they're going to have to go through. now we're talking about people behind the scenes that you never
even see sometimes. in case of la guardia, these are some of them cabin cleaners, people that actually clean the aircraft that say they're not properly equipped to deal with aircraft that could potentially be contaminated with the ebola virus. here is a union representative. >> they're given no equipment, no tools, no training that is appropriate for the kind of challenges we need for our airport to be safe for passengers and workers alike. >> reporter: they're concerned about the ebola virus. obviously the federal government is concerned as well. that's why they're looking at five airports around the country. five major airports to institute new screening protocols for some passengers. the airports we're talking about here at dulles international outside of washington, d.c., but also jfk and newark, as well as atlanta and chicago. those five airports looking for passengers that are coming from
three countries in particular in west africa, sierra leone, guinea and liberia. they will be screened, which means they will have their temperature taken. they will be asked specific questions about their health and depending on those answers, they could be quarantined. >> if any travelers are found to either have a fever or have history of contact with ebola, then the on-site centers for disease control and prevention public health officer will further interview that individual. >> reporter: now, a couple of potential complications here. first of all, we're not talking about necessarily direct flights from liberia to the united states because these people take connecting flights. so the department of homeland security will have to figure out where these people originated from, what connecting cities may have been involved before they assess whether someone needs additional screening. also the other aspect to this, the fact that there is an
incubation period. so it's certainly possible, likely, in fact, that someone may not be symptomatic when they get off the airplane and would not necessarily be caught in these additional screenings. steve, brian and elisabeth, back to you. >> good point. doug, we thank you. >> thank you. big scandal right now. let's go back to 2012. remember how nearly two dozen secret service members were asked to leave their positions because of a prostitution scandal that occurred in colombia. >> right. >> big summit, reelection year. also what we're finding out now, though, is that apparently there was, even though it was denied at the time, the white house knew that someone else was involved. the other person involved happened to be someone in the white house staff. >> that's right. >> student and volunteer jonathan dach, 25-year-old yale law student at the time. he repeatedly denied bringing prostitute to his hotel room. but the facts tell a different story.
so does the inspector general. >> jay carney was asked about this whole thing. these are allegations today in the "washington post." jay carney back in 2012 was asked about did anybody at the white house know about this, that there was somebody from the white house involved? and he said this. >> was the president aware that there were allegations like this before the news report this morning? >> i don't think so. i doubt it. i don't know that any of us were aware of it 'til we read newspaper reports. >> okay. that as it turns out is absolutely a lie because according to the "washington post" today, senior aides knew after the scandal, the weekend after the scandal that there was apparently a white house assistant, a volunteer, per diem kid, the son of a big donor involved. the person who -- one of the key people, according to the "washington post," who knew about it was the white house
counsel, katherine ruemmler. she had an investigation over the weekend. secret service went to her and gave her all the evidence, including receipts and photocopies of this guy's room down in cartagena. apparently the way they work is if you bring a hooker to your room, you got to register them. so the hooker gave the front desk her i.d. and they put it on his particular room charge. >> they're still looking for the prostitute, by the way. >> you heard that clip there, we just found out about it like everybody else, in the paper. when you understand that twice ruemmler said no, no offense occurred here in terms of the allegations of this 25-year-old man. then you have david nieland, lead investigator in the secret service prostitution scandal, he told senate staffers that he was directed to delay the release of the report until after the election because it might not bode so well for the president and the white house. this is the quote.
we were directed at the time to delay the report of the investigation 'til after the 2012 election. that is david nieland's quote. >> kessler says the timing was not coins dentsal. >> i think it's a very clear cut cover-up, even more clear cut than benghazi because we know exactly who made the decision and that it was the white house counsel. it's really the white house that's the key here and they perpetuated a double standard where secret service agents were fired for hiring pros suits as they should have been, yet their own aide was involved and they covered that up. it's another way to make sure that president obama was reelected. >> and how many times have we heard that in advance of the election, allah benghazi, nothing there to see, folks. judge napolitano was sitting this on the curvy couch about an hour and a half ago. who can get in big trouble? here is the judge. >> the government is allowed to
lie to us. we're not allowed to lie to the government. but government officials lying to government officials can be a crime. so if an investigator in the i.g.'s office, the inspector general's office was told to lie to investigators from the senate committee looking at this prostitution scandal, like deny that the president knew this, and he does concoct and express that lie, he can be prosecuted. >> as for the young man, jonathan dach, the volunteer who according to the "washington post," brought the hooker to his room because they've seen all the documentation, did he get fired? well, right now he works for th. he is a policy advisor on global women's issues at the state department, which is ironic. here is the guy who hires hookers and -- a hooker and is allegedly on the global women's issues department at state. >> congressman jason chaffetz a
little later will talk about this and other things live in our studio. in 22 minutes. right now we're going to turn to ainsley who has breaking news for us. breaking overnight, violent protests erupt not guilty st. louis, missouri, after a police officer shoots a teen-ager dead. look at this one protester trying to pull the officer down. then another man is caught recording the cops with two cameras, while others start kicking their car. this all started when another officer saw three men on the street. the cop claims one of those men grabbed at his waistband, indicating he was carrying a gun. the cop chased him and that's when the teen-ager turned and fired at the officer. the cop fired back, killing him. this all happening the same day that protesters planned to take to the streets in nearby ferguson to mark two months since michael brown's death. caught on camera, the stunning moment a u.s. air force
plane crashes and bursts into flames. it happened during combat training in england. the f-15 slammed into the field right near an elementary school. the pilot did manage to eject safely. it's still not clear what caused that crash. the surprising star of the senate debate in kansas is harry reid. but for all the wrong reasons. in one corner you have reason senator pat roberts and the other, independent candidate greg orman. both traded blows over reid. take a listen. >> in fact, a vote for greg orman is a vote to hand over the future of the country to harry reid and barak obama. >> as i said, i believe obama and reid are part of the problem. >> the latest fox news poll shows roberts with a five-point lead, getting 44% of the vote. rocker sting already in the rock'n'roll hall of fame for his music with the police. ♪ roxanne ♪ you don't have to put on the
red light ♪ >> sure. i'll see what i can do about that. we need that louder for brian. there you go. thank you. now he himself is on the ballot. sting among 14 other nominees. they include greenday, lean on me singer bill withers and guitarist stevie ray vaughn. the voting is in december. they aired that later after the actual -- >> they do. >> i love it. >> you know how i love broadway. it's coming to -- sting is coming to broadway. and i love musicals. i'm look for the dates. any musical, you can cap me. >> you're soliciting on world wide television for a date to go to broadway? >> ainsley asked me to bring her. >> no other woman allowed. me with brian. >> thank you. >> fine! you take him. >> wow. thanks for the fight, elisabeth.
appreciate it. sting is coming to broadway. this coming up next, a pilot does something that you probably never heard of before. he kicked every single passenger off the plane. just wait until you hear why. >> plus, the number of people on food stamps hitting an all-time high. the facts show welfare makes it harder for people to succeed. john stossel is ambling in to the studio with the evidence in his hand. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. 46 minute million people have been put on food stamps over the past 35 months straight. that's an all-time record that nobody wants. >> so with one in five households getting handouts, john stossel took to the streets to find out how to solve the problem of poverty. >> what should america do about poverty? >> oh, my gosh. that is too big of a question. >> that's a hard one. >> here is one answer. just give people money. one country may do that. many people's minds tell them spread the wealth. >> i think we should be less greedy. i think we should share more. >> and especially -- >> increase minimum wage. >> is the minimum wage really
the answer? john stossel joins us, host of "stossel" to answer that question. it's not the answer. i mean, millions and millions of dollars over the course of the last months, this is not a solution, you say. >> and it's not millions or even billions. since the war on poverty began, you had a graphic up 15 trillion. it's adjusted for inflation, 22 trillion they spent. the poverty rate went down to 12%. but then it went back up again. we taught people to be dependent. >> instead of a way out, it's a trap. it does help people initially, but they don't get out of it. >> i'm a sucker if i'm not taking a handout. the outrageous part is before the war began, the line was going like this. americans were lifting themselves out of poverty on their own. >> if you bring that up as a politician, you're known as
heartless, you only care about the rich. you only want the people who support your campaign. >> they say that about paul ryan and republicans. >> let's listen. >> paul ryan doesn't want to invest. he just wants to cut down the size of government and trust the private sector to do everything. >> how much investment -- >> in the 1920s. >> how much investment do you want? the war on poverty has cost $22 trillion. we're already deep in debt. there aren't enough young people to pay for the debt now. you just want to keep spending more? it's all going to be happy good? >> great point. >> and it's not going to be happy good. certainly it feels good to give people money, have these programs. >> especially the ones who need it. >> there is no evidence that they work. the minimum wage that you mention, yeah, it's only fair. but it doesn't occur to people, that's the reason nobody is pumping your gas at a gas station. that's the reason that there is no apprentice -- i'm not going to hire a kid if i have to pay
minimum wage and i might as well hire somebody experienced if i'm paying that much. >> once upon a time there was a stigma, if you're on relief, you're getting food from the county or something like that, there was a stigma. now it seems like it's so easy to get whatever you need, people do it. >> it's still somewhat of a stigma, there is a concept in some neighborhoods, if you're not taking it, you're a sucker. >> have you thought about doing a whole show on this? >> we're doing a whole show. you mentioned something important. rich people get a lot of welfare, too. i got flood insurance, entitlements go to rich people. not just the poor. >> good point. >> tonight at 9:00 o'clock. >> starring john stossel. >> thanks, john. up next, one vet told to make doctors appointments every two weeks. but they're not available for months. has anything really changed at the v.a.? we'll examine. then patriots cheerleaders put on their opponentses'
jerseys, bringing the bengals offensive tackle to tears. the story behind it from devon himself. he joins us live. good morning ♪
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they all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46. 23 minutes after the top of the hour on this thursday. we got some headlines for you. here is a travel tip. next time you're boarding an airplane, don't ask the pilot if he's been drinking. a passenger on jetblue made a joke about the pilot being drunk, forcing security to perform a mandatory test on the pilot. so the pilot kicked everybody off the airplane.
kyle forden freaking out about a laser pointer hitting him in the eyes during sunday's game in detroit. you can also see it here on holder as well. the culprit was just found. now he is banned from nfl games for the rest of his life. brian? what made these patriot cheerleaders put on their opponents' jerseys during sunday night's games against the cincinnati bengals. >> it was a most inspiring tribute to number 75 devon still. his four-year-old daughter leah is battling pediatric cancer and their gesture brought a tear to his eye and it's just the latest show of support for still and his family this season. >> joining us now is that defensive tackle himself going through a tough time, but standing strong for us this morning, devon still. so sorry your daughter has to go through this. for a lot of people that are just get to go this story late,
what would make the patriots cheerleaders put on your jersey? >> it was actually a surprise to me. ever since i broke the news that my daughter had cancer, a lot of people have been stepping up to show support. i didn't really expect the patriots to do that in the middle of a game. so being able to see that video that they had up on the big screen, of them being able to look over and see the cheerleaders wearing my jersey, it was definitely a touching moment. >> how emotional this had to be for you. tell us about leah. i know she had surgery two weeks ago. how is she doing today? >> she had surgery two weeks ago to try to remove the cancerous tumor from out of her stomach, which was successful. this friday she starts her chemo. her last round of chemo to try to remove the cancer cells that are spread throughout her body. that's followed by a radiation stem cell transplant. >> i love that picture of her giving you a big kiss. this is what really got so many
people talking about it. it's the fire in your heart really reaching out to her and it went viral and after you see this, everyone will know why. >> i'm going to ask you again, i'm ready for today. you ready for today? you ready to get this cancer out of you? let's do it. >> that's amazing. there your daughter is getting fired up. she's got your toughness. every jersey of yours that's sold goes to the cincinnati children's hospital. correct? >> right. it goes to cancer research, pediatric cancer research, cincinnati children's hospital. the bengals are doing a great job stepping up to help me fight this cause against pediatric cancer. >> devon, you're so strong. i can only imagine what leah is teaching you. can you share a little bit of that with? >> i feel like i get my strength
in from my daughter. i feel like my family and close friends are getting their strength from my daughter. she's able to go through this process and be that same kid before we found out she had cancer. she's able to walk around with a smile and still have that energetic attitude, which we feed off of. she's teaching me a lot of things. she's put life into perspective for me and i know that i'm basically just cherishing every moment i have with family and friends. >> and then you immediately said hey, i'm not playing anymore and the bengals said no, we're going to put you on the practice squad to keep your insurance. then you decide to get back and play. as we see your picture in the middle of the game, the patriots played very well and beat you guys. your thoughts right there, because you play such a physical, demanding sport. at the same time, you look up. you see the jerseys and you see your daughter and the video of your daughter. what is going through your mind? >> it's a lot going through my mind. just that my daughter is a
fighter. the other kids in the video are fighters. just seeing the whole country come together like that and seeing the patriots organization come together like that, even though we're participating in a competition on the field, it's amazing to see the impact that we're having on pediatric cancer. >> $25,000 from robert craft. you found out in the post-game. i don't know what's going on with those boston fans, they're pushing for a cincinnati bengals player. tremendous class. >> every team is on your team, to say the least. you can count ours here at fox news as members of that team for you. >> go buy his jersey. the money goes to a great cause. devon, thanks so much and best of luck to you and your daughter. we'll be following you. >> thank you. >> big hug to leah. >> he's got practice a little later today. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up, brand-new developments in the secret service bombshell. did the white house aides know
about the prostitution scandal and keep it quiet until after the 20 is it -- 2012 election? congressman jason chaffetz is o all over this. then a mom gets pulled over because her daughter is not in a booster seat. but instead of giving her a ticket, the officer bought her a car seat. your e-mails are pouring in on this story
fox news alert we've been following this morning. did white house officials know the prostitution scandal did not involve just the secret service, but also involved a white house aide as well? then ordered investigators to keep quiet until after the 2012 election. >> at that time the white house totally denied even knowing about it. >> there are no, to my knowledge, and have been no credible or specific allegations of misconduct by any member of the white house advance team or
white house staff. but out of due diligence, this review was conducted and there is no indication of any misconduct. >> congressman jason chaffetz is heading up a new investigation to find the truth and he's joining us right now. good morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning. >> apparently that 2012 statement there not true. what do you have to say about it? >> no. there were very credible and very specific allegations that a white house staffer was intimately involved with a prostitute. there are evidently hotel records. there are investigators that went down and looked at this. the "washington post" has done a fabulous job investigating this. our committee and the oversight committee is diving deep into this issue. the white house needs to come clean. there is a white house staffer that was very involved in this. remember, there were nearly two dozen secret service and military personnel that were either fired or reprimanded. but the concern is that when it
came to the white house and the white house taking care of its own personnel, totally different standard. and perhaps a misdirection and some cover-up to make sure that story never saw the light of day before the 2012 election. >> sure. then it wound up apparently inspector general wound up looking into it and then somebody in his team said we were directed at the time to delay the report until after the election. congressman, i know that -- i believe it was last week you wrote to the white house chief of staff and you wanted to know about how the white house concluded that nobody at the white house was involved because apparently somebody was. and apparently josh earnest tweeted you back last night. is that right? >> he did. he tweeted out this is an old story. so i tweeted -- and that had been fully vetted. so i tweeted back to the press secretary and said, well en, this you're obviously not going to have any problem sharing all the information that you have. katherine ruemmler, right there
in the white house, the counsel that supposedly looked at this, they have done a report and came to the conclusion that there was no wrongdoing and nothing to believe that this white house staffer had hired and brought a prostitute, a foreign national, back to his office in advance of the president's -- >> his hotel room. >> yeah, to his hotel room. so bring all this information and share it with the united states congress. that's what i asked the chief of staff last week. >> congressman, my first thought when i looked at this this morning is, okay. they covered it up. they did it for the election. you have "washington post" is all over this thing. it was all out there. i'm looking at this, why would they care the white house looked that bad with the 26-year-old volunteer advance man screwed up like this? to me it wouldn't seem as it would negatively affect the president enough to risk covering up a story like this. >> i don't know why they don't come clean on this. look, this person was paid by the united states government to go down there and given a per diem, hotel room. come clean on this. what happened to this person? remember, nearly two dozen
people were fired and reprimanded and secret service and military. what happened to this guy? he actually has been hired by the state department to work in the office of global women's issues. that's what he's doing now to represent the united states of america. so obviously we're going to look at this. come clean. share all the documents with us from the white house. they say it's an old story. well, then give us all the information and we'll come to -- let the american people see it. >> we should also point out that this fellow, the volunteer, jonathan dach, who allegedly, according to the "washington post" hired the hooker, took her back to the room. got the documentation. his father, a big donor for barak obama. but i'm sure that's just a coincidence, congressman. >> i'm sure, yeah. now he's working on global women's issue. the office of global women's issues at the state department. it really is offensive to the morale of the secret service, the men and women who served. they got reprimand.
they got fired. you had three people in the inspector general's office there in the department of homeland security who were put on administrative leave because they were asking questions and wondering why? why aren't we including this information about a white house staffer involved in this prostitution problem? >> a double standard, you say? >> yeah. that's the problem. if you want to solve the morale problem down there, why are we holding these people? why were these three people put on administrative leave? i find it more than coins dentsal that you had three people who were asking tough questions and believe that information should have been given to the public. that's what's so offensive. >> since it's old news, i'm sure they're going to be bringing all the documents over before you know it. thank you for joining us. >> i can hear them knocking. >> thank you for joining us from salt lake city today. >> and the republicans are to keep the house, he probably would be taking over the oversight committee. >> he's got this story about right now trying to get some answers. >> we are going to turn to ainsley now who has some headlines. a lot going on this morning.
>> thank you. brand-new developments in the v.a. scandal. we just learned about kevin trainer. he served as a combat rescue swimmer in the navy for 13 years. now the injured hero is being forced to wait months just to get an appointment for an mri at the v.a. >> six months and waiting for shoulder repair. that's ridiculous. >> here is the worst part. trainer says he's also supposed to receive counseling for ptsd every other week. the v.a. hospital in north carolina is only offering a it to him every four months. did the government learn its lesson from the lois lerner scandal? claiming the agency deleted thousands of text messages and they can not be recovered from the epa. this news in response to a request for those messages by a conservative think tank. it claims that they're using text messaging instead of e-mails to have off the record
conversations. and your e-mails are pouring in on this story this morning. ben hall could have given alexis a ticket. a michigan police officer pulls over this mother because her five-year-old daughter wasn't riding in the booster seat in the back seat. but after learning that she couldn't afford that seat, he bought her a $50 booster seat with his own money. they joined us earlier on "fox & friends". >> to change even just a little bit this family's life or lives, i felt that i was in that position to do it and i went ahead and did what i did. >> i'm grateful. i didn't really know what to say. i was at a loss for words. >> so i'm going to hand it over to you guys on the curvy couch to find out what the viewers are saying about that sweet story. >> thanks so much. angel tweeted this, now that is an officer who knows the meaning of protect and serve. good point. >> reporta wrote, glad you gave this good cop the acknowledgment
he deserves. and trisha e mailed, that was so sweet of him. i know a few people who need to learn from that officer. this is the best story of the week. >> it's a good one. meanwhile, we got some weather. it's getting cold here in new york city. maria molina put on a coat. >> yeah. i went upstairs and grabbed my jacket. it's a little chilly here early this morning. but one of the reasons why it's chilly is because we had a cold front move through the northeast and that system produced some damage across parts of massachusetts. take a look at this incredible video that's from a drone in massachusetts. we had a thunderstorm produce something called a micro burst. winds of over 100 miles per hour caused this damage. you can see that trees were brought down and that's across this region here in east hampton, massachusetts from that particular thunderstorm. today we are expecting more storms. that's specially true across parts of arizona and new mexico. there is a second region associated with another cold front across areas in illinois, missouri.
you are seeing those areas of rain early this morning. flooding is a concern across parts of missouri. that's where we do have several flash flood watches in effect. several inches of rain are forecast. temperatures today still on the warm side, though, across parts of oklahoma and texas. in the 80s and 90s. much cooler weather there. expect it coming up this weekend. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much for the foxcast. >> thanks. while you were sleeping, airport workers walked off the job over fears of ebola. coming up, could a camera like this one right here ease their fears and yours? we're going to show you exactly what it can do and how it can help. >> then are you an at & t customer? take a closer look at your old phone bills because they might have socked you for something you didn't buy. >> oh, no. oh, no. ♪ ♪
consumer headlines now. af and t slapped with a $105 million fine for an unauthorized char bills. they charged for stuff like celebrity gossip from third party companies and if you're looking for your refund, head to the to make a claim. and you may also have money coming to you if you bought a red bull in the past decade. the company agreeing to settle a class action lawsuit over false advertising. customers are owed $10 cash or $15 worth of red bull. this is crazy. and this is no mirage. google is using a camel to map a desert in the united arab emirates. they are strapped a street view camera on the animal's hump to take 360-degree images. take that, yahoo. we got a fox news alert for you. the brand-new weekly jobless numbers just in and nicole petallides is live on the floor
of the new york stock exchange and the numbers are? >> looking good, steve, elisabeth and brian. good morning. the numbers that came out in the latest week, 287,000 claims versus estimates of 294,000 claims. it's down 1,000 from last week. when you read into the numbers, ultimately it's good news. moves it to levels that we haven't seen basically the lowest levels in eight years. so that's good news. it means that employers are hanging on to their workers. we know that the economy has been improving. though slow. they've been hanging on to the workers to try to meet demand. slow demand, but it's been there. we saw a great day on wall street yesterday. our best day of the year, 2014. the stock market, we saw the dow up 274 points. that was basically all because of the fed. the fed saying look, we're still worried. we're still cautious. we're not changing those rates that are near zero. you know that. they've been near zero since
december of 2008. but they're worried about the global growth story and the strong u.s. dollar, guys. >> all right. nicole petallides down at wall street. it has been a lot like working at six flags. it's been a roller coaster this week. thank you very much. >> no doubt. >> thanks. by the way, don't miss nicole on our sister network. if you're not sure where to find "fox business" network, log on to foxbusiness >> or if you see neil cavuto on the street, tap him on the shoulder and ask him. >> i saw him yesterday in the hall. we had a great conversation. go find them. this while you were sleeping now, airport workers walk off the job over fears of ebola. coming up, could a camera just like this one ease their fears and yours? we're going to show you exactly what it can do. >> that's what maria looks like thermally. let's check in with martha for a preview of what happens on the channel in 12 minutes. >> that i hay there. good morning. we are going to hear heartbreaking words from the mother of one of the men killed
in benghazi. ebola fears rise as a second patient is now in isolation. what happens now at united states airports to prevent more of this? senator candidate tom cotton is here. as election day gets closer, we'll show you how the numbers are shaping up, when bill and i see you at the top of the hour
about 200 workers walking off the job this morning at la guardia airport over fears of ebola. they say they don't have the right training to keep them from getting sick. that's why they're out in this after the government announced five united states airports will add fever screening for travelers from west africa. is that the best tool? should every airport be doing this very thing?
joining us is the director of crisis in emergency management and the former commander manager of jfk and la guardia airport. he's also the father of one of our producers. right now we're seeing these workers get out. they feel as though they're not prepped to deal with this crisis here. we suffered the tragedy of the first death as regards to ebola yesterday. we're in trouble. how could technology like this thermally detect ebola and why aren't we using it yet, because it's been used elsewhere. >> this camera has been used since the 2003 with the sars and other airports. it looks and measures the -- it can look and decide what the temperature of someone is and differentiate that. so as we look here, you can see that these people are warm. you can look at their nose and see their nose is cool because air is coming through it.
>> i'm going to come through your side. what we're seeing here is what you're seeing through the camera. this is real time. you are then marking -- is it the color that indicates temperature or you're getting the read here up on your screen? >> i'm getting both. the darker color people are cooler. the white color, which is their eyelids and around their t ducts shows their body temperature. we have somebody who is about 97.3 degrees. >> okay. >> we're showing that. >> you can come through our security check here. if this is being used at the airport, how would you implement it here in la guardia, jfk? >> you can set these up at areas of port holes where people have to come through on an international flight. it then would monitor the people and then using an intelligent video attachment such -- you can have the flair camera alert a person from the cdc who is down range with not only the thermal picture and a temperature, but
also a regular photograph, high definition photograph that says okay. this person needs more questioning. >> so what we're seeing right now is what this camera -- the capabilities are. so if this indeed were an airport, this is what would happen. someone would come through the checkpoint, you're hot. you come through, we get the read, and then you'd be able to actually perhaps detain someone or put them in a holding area for a little while to do further testing? >> exactly. they would then be questioned by people through the cdc or from u.s. public health who could then do additional testing. they could do a temperature testing. they could talk to them. this is not specific for ebola. any infection will cause the body temperature to go up. it could be something like just a skin infection. it could be they have a cold or the flu. when they did this testing back in 2003 in taiwan at the airport, they grabbed about 90 people in the first three months and none of them had h1n1, but
they did have malaria and other things. >> as we're seeing here, show us what these colors indicate. i notice that you said the tear ducts or the tear area will indicate the highest temperature typically? >> that's the closest to body core temperature. if you look at this person here, you can see their shirt is a darker color red. their nose is red because you have constantly got air going through it. so it's cooler than the rest of the body. if you look around their tear ducts, they're the highest because that's the closest to core body temperature. skin temperature is always a little less. >> can this, as an indicator with this technology, will it be a tool that you believe will be used here in the airports that we're seeing? >> absolutely. it's a good tool. it allows them to see a lot of people at a lot of time and do a lot of screening. not individual. what they're doing now is individual screening, one person at a time. it's going to cause delays and as the delays back up, it's going to be something that people are going to want to stop doing. this is something that can just
be on all the time. it's passive. it's not invasive. >> do you believe that this is something that the administration or homeland security are going to actually move forward with? >> i think they should. >> okay. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> pleasure to have you here and your daughter. she's an excellent producer. more "fox & friends" moments away ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru.
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the original batman, adam west, joined us in our after the show show yesterday to talk about his dvd and halloween. watch. >> someone could do any little kid out there who will be batman to really just drive it home. >> thank you, elisabeth. i think it's a way maybe they might say trick or treat. >> favorite candy on halloween? >> it would be maybe a snicker. >> favorite wine, out of curiousity? >> it would be probably a really good bordeaux. i don't want to sound
pretentious. how about a midnight express red? >> he was great and he watches "fox & friends" every morning. >> we should wave to him. >> see you tomorrow. bill: the ebola emergency in america. now a second person in isolation after showing signs of ebola. a sheriff's deputy being tested after just entering the apartment of that infected liberian national. he just went inside the apartment. we'll separate the fact from the fear. martha: if he tests positive the police officer will become the first person to contract ebola on american soil. this is coming hours after thomas eric duncan died of the

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Packaging And Labeling , Flag Day Usa , Holiday , Memorial Day , Independence Day , Columbus Day , Christmas Eve , Illustration , Parallel , Natural Foods , English Cuisine , Pastry , Thanksgiving Dinner , Dinner , Thanksgiving , Hawaiian Food , Brazilian Food , Tapas , Slider , Sunday Roast , Garnish , Delicacy , Food Group , Kids Meal , Australian Food , Bun , Cheeseburger , Burger King Premium Burgers , Baconator , Caesar Salad , Local Food , à La Carte Food , Salad Bar , Diet Food , Buffet , Greek Salad , Pâtisserie , Cupcake , Frozen Dessert , Sweetness , Petit Four , Whipped Cream , Meringue , Icing , Canapé , Cake , Cake Decorating , Gelato , Ice Cream , Sundae , Torte , Verrine , Southwestern United States Food , Icon , Top , Floristry , Floral Design , Classroom , Learning , Office , Sleeve , Portrait Photography , Social Group , Tablet Computer , Smartphone , Ipad , Mobile Device , Graphics Tablet , Curtain , Window Treatment , Dining Room , Hacienda , Fountain , Water Feature , Villa , Garden , Courtyard , Caravanserai , Landscaping , Yard , Arcade , Resort , World Rally Championship , Pc Game , Rallying , Morning , Temple , Hair Care , Microphone , Professor , Teacher , Elder , Natural Environment , Bmw , Symbol , Military Person , Soldier , Army , Pet , Animal , Police Dog , Carnivore , Canidae , German Shepherd Dog , Dog , Street Dog , Barechested , Football Player , Team Sport , Sewing Machine , Machine Tool , Sewing , Craft , Creative Arts , Scientific Instrument , Elbow , Belt , Paint , Fur , Rubiks Cube , Magic , Wrist , Leather , Wetsuit , Musical Instrument , Hat , Shirt , Ankle , Exercise Machine , Clothes Iron , Percussion , Drum , Electronic Instrument , Costume , Clothing , Haute Couture , Coat , Fashion Design , Trousers , Blouse , Jeans , Runway , Carpet , Shorts , Denim , Military Camouflage , Camouflage , Military Uniform , Exercise Equipment , Brassiere , Lingerie , Undergarment , Fur Clothing , Hoodie , Law Enforcement , Military Officer , Mammal , Dog Breed , Working Dog , Schnauzer , Sporting Group , Guard Dog , Exercise , Fitness Professional , Strength Training , Knee , Press Up , Elephants And Mammoths , Tiger , Felidae , Big Cats , Zoo , Animal Shelter , Tattoo , Foot , Kettlebell , Lampshade , Plaster , Lamp , Sunglasses , Sports Sedan , Sugar Paste , Chocolate Cake , Birthday Cake , Fondant , Play , Festival , Block Party , Pride Parade , Parade , Party , Race , Song , Summer , Spring Break , String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Guitar , Electric Guitar , Performing Arts , Guitarist , Rock Concert , String Instrument Accessory , Guitar Accessory , Acoustic Guitar , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Electronic Musical Instrument , Bass Guitar , Jazz Guitarist , Slide Guitar , Neon Sign , Neon , Talent Show , Houseplant , Software Engineering , Operating System , Bánh Chưng , Fisheye Lens , Videoconferencing , Library , Automotive Mirror , Bicycle Part , Spoke , Bicycle Wheel , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Bike , Engine , Vehicle Brake , Glass Bottle , Bottle , Wine Glass , Home Accessories , Fluid , Wine Bottle , Stemware , Transparent Material , Wine , Barware , Distilled Beverage , Ball , Digital Compositing , 3d Modeling , Freezing , Bird , Folk Instrument , Flesh , Standing , Castle , Evening , Landscape Lighting , Hotel , Inn , Selling , Boutique , Marketplace , Bazaar , Market , Closet , Sari , Publication , Comic Book , Book , Comics , Scrapbooking , Boot , Leather Jacket , Hood , Zipper , Moonlight , Airline , Tesla Model S , Feature Phone , Iphone , Bedroom , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Bedding , Boutique Hotel , Mattress Pad , Duvet Cover , Box Spring , Buzz Cut , Scene , Pleased , No Expression , Darkroom , Music Venue , Performance Art , Management , Museum , Captain America , Superhero , Sculpture , Meeting , Training , Conference Hall , Arena , Concert , Cheering , Auditorium , Music Artist , Theatre , Musical Theatre , Fashion Show , Competition , Ball Game , Tournament , Playground , Adaptation , Tower Block , Downtown , Dusk , Reflection , Panorama , Headquarters , Convention Center , Photomontage , Loft , Office Chair , Bowling , Reading , Drums , Timbales , Laser , Space Shuttle , Cabinetry , Varnish , Woodworking , Hair Accessory , Puppy , Dobermann , Yorkshire Terrier , Grass Family , Friendship , Cat , Non Sporting Group , Elephant , Kiss , Poker , Card Game , Conformation Show , Vertebrate , Snout , Canis , Belgian Shepherd Malinois , Camel , Camelid , Arabian Camel , Desert , Animal Sports , Horse , Halter , Rein , Pack Animal , Equestrian Sport , Bridle , Horse Tack , Mustang Horse , Mare , Saddle , Stallion , Eventing , Horse Harness , Western Riding , Reining , Equitation , Equestrianism , Jockey , Mane , Sand , Aeolian Landform , Erg , Sahara , Biome , Dune , Formation , Singing Sand , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Airliner , Lens Flare , Vegetation , Aerial Photography , Hill Station , Forest , Thoroughfare , Lane , Nature Reserve , Bridge , State Park , National Park , Adventure , Freeway , Plant Community , Rainforest , Hill , Soil , Landslide , Shrub , Chaparral , Highway , Automotive Navigation System , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Debate , Wrestler , Actors , Sports Equipment , Narrow Body Aircraft , Flight , Wide Body Aircraft , Aircraft Engine , Boeing 737 , Airbus A320 Family , Landing , Takeoff , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Boeing , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Airbus A330 , Airbus , Flap , Jet Aircraft , Boeing 757 , Aerospace Manufacturer , Boeing 767 , Boeing 777 , Twinjet , Boeingc 40 Clipper , Airbus A380 , Jet Engine , Transformers , Toy , Robot , Mecha , Lego , Bus , Full Size Car , Woody Plant , Infrastructure , Sedan , Classic Car , Parking , Chevrolet El Camino , Mercedes Benz W123 , Road Trip , Vintage Car , Cadillac , Walkway , Gmc , Street Fashion , Photo Shoot , Tartan , Plaid , Body Of Water , Lake , Dock , Lake District , Reservoir , Loch , Waterway , River , Pier , Inlet , Boating , Bank , Sea , Channel , Boat , Coast , Watercraft , Wave , Watercourse , Fjord , Fedora , Cowboy Hat , Sun Hat , Cowboy , Track , Train , Locomotive , Railway , Rolling Stock , Railroad Car , Rural Area , Rolling , Scale Model , Prairie , Passenger Car , Freight Transport , Freight Car , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Terrain , Wind Wave , Bay , Beach , Cliff , Wing , Ground Attack Aircraft , Writing , Jewellery , Sandal , Highball Glass , Old Fashioned Glass , Pint Glass , Liquid , Wristband , Refrigerator , Major Appliance , Icicle , Branch , Twig , Crystal , Painting , Watercolor Paint , Acrylic Paint , Visual Arts , Still Life , Calm , Chemistry , Entertainment , Dance , Cupboard , Molding , Shade , Window Blind , Home Door , Alley , Cathedral , Sidewalk , Christmas Decoration , Christmas , Tradition , Academic Institution , School , Delicatessen , Supper , Food Court , High Heels , Photocopier , Wardrobe , Scarf , Handbag , Aquarium , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Dogue De Bordeaux , Whiskers , Kitten , Telephony , Telephone , Christmas Lights , Christmas Ornament , Traffic Sign , Party Supply , Cellular Network , Security Alarm , Thermostat , Home Security , System , Computer Network , Class , Rv , Honda , Honda Element , Volkswagen Transporter T5 , Microvan , Sport Utility Vehicle , Crossover Suv , Light Commercial Vehicle , Volkswagen Transporter T4 , Volkswagen , Seminar , Projection Screen , Computer Icon , General Motors , Headphones , Hyundai Sonata , Kia Motors , Chrysler , Coupé , Baby Activity , Subcompact Car , Intersection , Parking Lot , Birds Eye View , Road Surface , Palm Tree , Arecales , Windscreen Wiper , Lexus , Suzuki Kizashi , Lexus Is , Sports Car , Audi , Mazda3 , Subaru , Longboard , Driveway , Exhaust System , Infiniti , Auto Show , Rolls Royce , Grille , Hyundai Grandeur , Suzuki , Buick Lacrosse , Automotive Fog Light , Lawn , Porsche , Bentley , Honda Civic , Honda Fcx Clarity , Hydrogen Vehicle , Kia Sorento , Kia Sportage , Hyundai Tucson , Spring , Botanical Garden , Hedge , Travel , Cornales , Plantation , Canadian Football , Gridiron Football , Touchdown , Arena Football , Lacrosse , American Football , Stick And Ball Sports , Super Bowl , Stick And Ball Games , Soccer , Football , Tackle , Rugby , Sports Gear , Football Equipment , Football Gear , Computer Keyboard , Office Equipment , Pda , Melee Weapon , Clock , Wall Clock , Watch , Culinary Art , Cooking Show , Chief Cook , Minestrone , Clam Chowder , Ribollita , Chowder , Magiritsa , Wedding Soup , Tripe Soup , Drinking , Fencing , Archery , Professional Wrestling , Contact Sport , Striking Combat Sports , Button , Collar , Dress Shirt , Supervillain , Bow Tie , Astronomy , Astronomical Object , Outer Space , Star , Universe , Observatory , Light Aircraft , General Aviation , Propeller , Monoplane , Boeing 747 , Mechanical Fan , Steel , Bullet Train , Business Jet , Treadmill , Aircraft Cabin , Hairdresser , Layered Hair , Mcdonnell Douglas Md 80 , Boeing 747 400 , Mcdonnell Douglas , Camera Accessory , Media Player , Bangs , Artificial Hair Integrations , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Arcade Game , Bodybuilding , Bodybuilder , Underpants , Stomach , Briefs , Off Road Racing , Construction Equipment , Engineering , Electronic Engineering , Vodka , Technician , Antique Car , Off Road Vehicle , Artisan , Blacksmith , Firearm , Military Organization , Emergency Service , Infantry , Hard Hat , Army Men , Compost , Waste , Mud , Chainsaw , Chainsaw Carving , Power Tool , Arborist , Outdoor Power Equipment , Tree Stump , Autumn , Skateboard , Deciduous , Woodland , Family , Gumbo , Seafood , Sundubu Jjigae , Braising , Jjigae , Cookware And Bakeware , Asam Pedas , Sweet And Sour , Potato Chip , Corn Chowder , Sweet Corn , Sujebi , Tortellini , Marble , Cutlery , Groom , Ukulele , Handgun Holster , Waist , White Coat , Cool , Gym , Weight Training , Elliptical Trainer , Individual Sports , Crossfit , Leggings , Bicycle Frame , Plant Stem , Tights , Espresso Machine , Coffeemaker , Eyelash Extensions , Pilates , Swiss Ball , Yoga Pant , Active Pants , Aerobic Exercise , Zumba , Acrobatics , Chignon , Running , Ponytail , Video Game Software , Truck , Fearful , Security Lighting , Rain , Electricity , Nissan , Mini Mpv , Toyota , Supermini , Nissan Qashqai , Nissan Rogue , Nissanx Trail , Nissan Murano , Mazda Cx 7 , Ford , Pedestrian Crossing , Signaling Device , Endurance Sports , Street Performance , Mountain , Marine Biology , Telecommunications Engineering , Soccer Ball , Volleyball , Saxophone , Reed Instrument , Woodwind Instrument , Brass Instrument , Ford Motor Company , Chevrolet Uplander , Pianist , Optical Instrument , Exhibition , Tour Bus Service , Food Truck , Dreadlocks , Crest , Flower Arranging , Gown , Quinceanera , Wedding Dress , Costume Design , Bridal Clothing , Bromeliaceae , Pineapple , Food Storage , Outdoor Structure , Backyard , Brutalist Architecture , Flash Photography , Canal , Wetland , Bayou , Pond , Marsh , Meadow , Floodplain , Lacustrine Plain , Tennis Equipment , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Tennis Player , Soft Tennis , Racket , Sports Training , Racketlon , Tennis Ball , Paddle Tennis , Tennis Racket Accessory , Rackets , Net Sports , Padel , Water Park , Swimming , Swimmer , Water Aerobics , Water Sport , Outdoor Recreation , Canoeing , Water Polo , Paddle , Canoe , Campus , Bat And Ball Games , Softball , Pitch , Baseball , Baseball Equipment , , Infielder , Baseball Positions , College Softball , College Baseball , Baseball Player , Pitcher , Ten Pin Bowling , Bowling Equipment , Bowler , Bowling Ball , Bowling Pin , Duckpin Bowling , Triathlon , Picnic , Lumber , Deck , Construction , Log Cabin , Shed , Pergola , Gazebo , Miniature Golf , Skateboarding , Jungle , Butte , Badlands , Canyon , Outcrop , Unesco World Heritage Site , Escarpment , Plateau , Ancient History , Security , Toyota Venza , Automated Teller Machine , Shooting Range , Car Dealership , Truck Driver , High Speed Rail , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Ship , Vending Machine , Shadow , Hangar , Drummer , Bass Drum , Tom Drum , Drumhead , Percussionist , Membranophone , Snare Drum , Goggles , Mercedes Benz , Mercedes Benza Class , Concept Car , Mini , Mercedes Benz Sls Amg , Supercar , Performance Car , Jaguar Xj , Maserati Quattroporte , Jaguar , Maserati , Jaguar Xf , Tesla , Peugeot , Citroën , Fiat Bravo , Tunnel , Subway , Metro , Fixed Link , Bentley Continental Flying Spur , Bentley Continental Gt , Triangle , Fighter Pilot , Lion , Naval Architecture , Rocket , Missile , Clock Tower , Gautama Buddha , Sports Uniform , Orienteering , Cap , Filling Station , Off Roading , Wood Chopping , Maple , Karate , Tang Soo Do , Martial Arts , Black Belt , Japanese Martial Arts , Taekwondo , Combat Sport , Capoeira , Hapkido , Dobok , Judo , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Kenpō , Boardwalk , Crescent , Pumpkin , Halloween , Winter Squash , Calabaza , Jacko Lantern , Cucurbita , Adventure Game , Strawberries , Frozen Yogurt , Sorbetes , Strawberry , Whopper , French Fries , Meatball , Takoyaki , Yakitori , Skewer , Pincho , Mozartkugel , Chocolate Truffle , Confectionery , Middle Eastern Food , Chinese Food , Japanese Cuisine , Shashlik , Radio Controlled Toy , Ring , Shooting Sport , Shooting , Trial , Public Utility , Atlas , Tropical Cyclone , School Uniform , Reactable , Coffeehouse , Crispy Fried Chicken , Fried Chicken , Chicken Meat , Deep Frying , Frying , Home Fries , Canadian Cuisine , Scone , Polvorón , Tempura , Picture Frame , Art Exhibition , Little Black Dress , Yoga , Bouquet , Petal , Cut Flowers , Centrepiece , Ikebana , Violet Family , South Indian Cuisine , Bake Sale , Naan , Kulcha , Chapati , Roti , Iced Coffee , Milkshake , Mousse , Frappé Coffee , Batida , Floats , Hot Chocolate , Irish Cream , Chocolate Milk , Sleeveless Shirt , Cottage , Farm , Artificial Turf , Pasture , Granite , Newspaper , Garden Buildings , Porch , Field , Tobacco Products , Ball Pen , Pen , Cable , Cue Stick , Monocular , Flashlight , Cosmetics , Office Supplies , Mascara , Eye Liner , Poster Session , Handwriting , Post It Note , Cigarette , Soccer Player , Gardening , People In Nature , Steppe , Parachute , Door Handle , Indian Elephant , African Elephant , Terrestrial Animal , Working Animal , Carrot , Root Vegetable , Banana , Ape , Old Growth Forest , New World Monkey , Old World Monkey , Bengal Tiger , Siberian Tiger , Wilderness , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Volkswagen Amarok , Orangutan , Vascular Plant , Bear , Rat , Muridae , Muroidea , Rodent , Pest , Marsupial , Grizzly Bear , Boar , Procyonidae , Tasmanian Devil , Suidae , Tapir , Pig , Marine Mammal , Great White Shark , Fish , Killer Whale , Air Sports , Playstation Vita , Playstation Portable , Air Hockey , Business Card , Rebellion , Marching , Marching Band , Handrail , Wedding Reception , Banquet , Wedding , Rehearsal Dinner , Choreography , Modern Dance , Ballet , Basketball Court , Dancer , Concert Dance , Art Gallery , Ballroom , Balcony , Loveseat , Fireplace , Natural Material , Bowed String Instrument , Afro , Espresso , Headset , Mirror , Cheerleading , Chinese New Year , Resort Town , Seaside Resort , Boxing , Ping Pong , Boxing Ring , Professional Boxing , Bassist , Interview , Airport Apron , Boeing 717 , Fokker 70 , Embraer Erj 145 Family , Boeing 727 , Mo Ney , Cash , Currency , Banknote , Money Handling , Dollar , Surgeon , Medical Imaging , Radiology , Scrubs , Computed Tomography , Dental Assistant , Bmw 3 Series E21 , Volkswagen Golf Mk1 , Bmw 3 Series E30 , Vaz 2101 , Lada Niva , Bmw 2002tii , Volkswagen Brasilia , Seabird , Tent , Theater Curtain , Apple , Avengers , Armour , Recruiter , Output Device , Brochure , Composite Material , Ford Five Hundred , Labrador Retriever , Inflatable , Cheerleading Uniform , Dishwasher , Target Archery , Justice League , Superman , Douglas Dc 3 , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Junkers Ju 52 , Douglasc 47 Skytrain , Reflecting Pool , Rowing , Romance , Dirt Road , Trail , Agriculture , Path , Crop , Shrubland , String Trimmer , Lawn Mower , Wildflower , Rhododendron , Carnival , Mural , Marines , Non Commissioned Officer , Concrete Mixer , Bumper Sticker , Calf , Polo Shirt , Sailboat , Sweater , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Polish Food , Penne , Pasta Salad , Italian Food , Indonesian Food , Rigatoni , Stuffing , Parmigiana , Milk , Horchata , Soy Milk , Lactose , Valentines Day , Frying Pan , Ayran , Navel , Swimwear , Outdoor Shoe , Athletic Shoe , Baluster , Vernissage , Printer , Inkjet Printing , Laser Printing , Vehicle Audio , Miniature Schnauzer , Pinscher , Mountain Pass , Suspension Bridge , Cable Car , Scale , Lager , Umbrella , Camping , Travel Trailer , Trailer , Range Rover , Scion , Mountain Gorilla , Western Lowland Gorilla , Newfoundland , Zookeeper , Ford Explorer , Outdoor Play Equipment , Bounce House , Playground Slide , Town Square , Street Art , Graffiti , Beanie , Mohawk Hairstyle , Kindergarten , Baby Carriage , Baby Products , Electronic Drum , Wheelchair , Knit Cap , Middle Ages , Recumbent Bicycle , Disabled Sports , Motorcycle Speedway , Road Bicycle , Motorcycling , Wheelchair Sports , Race Track , Motorcycle , Bicycle Motocross , Bicycle Tire , Cycling , Bmx Bike , Mountain Bike , Crankset , Accordion , Garmon , Slum , Demonstration , Identity Document , Passport , Penthouse Apartment , Public Library , Energy Drink , Red Bull , Track Cycling , Endurance Riding , Fashion Model , Surfing Equipment , Data Storage Device , Xbox 360 , Video Game Console , Cd , Military Vehicle , Calendar , Bookcase , Tablecloth , Sofa Bed , Mat , Bling , Gold , Pillow , Cushion , Duvet , Camera , Cameras Optics , Digital Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Camera Operator , Lens , Camera Lens , Film Camera , Videographer , Dust , Tundra , Mountainous Landforms , Wadi , Fault , Depression , Valley , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Sill , Bedrock , Makhtesh , Ridge , Batholith , Subaru Outback , Hyundai Santa Fe , Safari , Toyota Highlander , Bison , Horn , Bovine , Mammoth , Savanna , Herd , Rhinoceros , Auto Racing , Race Car , Jeep , Rallycross , Motorsport , Drifting , World Rally Car , Dirt Track Racing , Farmhouse , Birch , Evergreen , Birch Family , Flowering Plant , Swing , Bird Feeder , Groundcover , Bench , Vineyard , Vitis , Moss , Outdoor Furniture , Village , Mount Scenery , Terrace , Paddy Field , Mountain Village , Natural Landscape , Taste , Coral , Coral Reef , Reef , Marine Invertebrates , Syngnathiformes , Cnidaria , Fish And Chips , Cg Artwork , Dawn , Aurora ,

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