Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140925 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140925 10:00:00

responded. let's keep talking about these national guard shirts. they're being banned at a new york high school because -- there they are. -- they have guns on them. what do you think? head to our facebook page and join in the conversation, #keeptalking. >> "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the suspect charged with abducting university of virginia student hannah graham captured by police in texas. now the question is, where is hannah? >> meanwhile, as the united states unleashes new airstrikes on isis's oil trade, the syrian rebels who we were supposed to be helping them, suddenly they're having a change of heart. >> meanwhile ter -- terrifying photos showing a woman being chased by a home intruder and how close
he came to finding her hiding on the roof. smile, mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> welcome aboard. live from studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan where it's going to be a rainy day. thanks very much for joining us. >> the game could get rained out at home. >> or at least a rain delay. >> they told me derek jeter is retiring this year. i had no idea. >> joe tory is coming up. >> special relationship between those two. >> we start with a huge development. the certainly for that missing university of virginia student hannah graham, the man charged in her disappearance, her abduction now under arrest. for the latest let's go to heather childers for breaking details from the galveston, texas, area.
>> reporter: we've been following this story this morning. police, they're calling it an extremely lucky break. jesse matthew arrested more than 1,300 miles away from the university of virginia in galveston action texas. matthew was arrested after someone called police reporting a suspicious person hanging around the beach. when police showed up, they ran the license plate on his car and the result, the car belonged to him, the fugitive from justice with a warrant out of virginia. matthew was taken into custody. he did not put up a fight, we're told. as you can see in this video taken in peacefully. it was just released to fox news. authorities had been looking for him since saturday. that is when he sped swea from officers after leaving the spaferl police -- the charlottesville police station. investigators say they still don't know why matthew was in texas but they are in the process of bringing him back to virginia and that could take a couple of days. legal experts we talked with say running off to
texas not necessarily something that an innocent person would do and it could be used against him in court. meantime the search for graham continues. the reward for information in that case now up to $100,000. definitely hopeful that they will be closer to getting some answers now. back to you. >> heather, thank you very much. it's interesting. apparently this fellow down in texas, what he did was he went over to like a quick shop or something like that along the beach and said do you think anybody would mind if i just camped over there. so he pitched a tent. they don't know exactly when he showed up. the guy said yeah, you can stay there as long as you want to but there are bad mosquitoes this time of year so he bought bug spray and the cops came. >> 13 minutes now after the hour. speaking of 13, 13 airstrikes last night on 12 isil-controlled modular refineries. not major plants.
smaller plants. not the whole refinery. part of the refinery blown up. why? we're looking to knock off the way they're earning money, about $3 million a week, $2 million per day. i guess that's about $14 million per week. i guess the price went up. refineries are being targeted in the airstrikes, not major cities. they want to hold down casualties and somehow stop that revenue from flowing in. >> they produce 300 and 500 barrels of refined oil. the goal is to leave the refineries largely intact so they can be used again, obviously to support facilities. these were by isis used to additionally sell that oil on the black market in turkey. >> you don't want to punish the people of syria per se or assad. you want to keep the refinery up. also according to one of isis's twitter accounts, apparently 73 jihadis were killed. there is an interesting item in the "wall street journal" today that talks about it was so important for the president to have arab nations on board with
these airstrikes, and apparently the way it all worked was john kerry had been working behind the scenes with the king of saudi arabia. and saudi arabia sounds like had a lot of leverage over the united states. the saudis said, first of all, we want you to train the rebels because we don't like mr. assad. they said okay, we'll do that. then they said you've got to get rid of now al-maliki, the prime minister of iraq because he is a puppet of iran. once we did that, they were on board. they had a lot of leverage. you might say who's calling the shots. ultimately we are but it shows how important it is to have the saudis on board. >> the country's strategy was to say yes to everything we requested because last time we blew them off when we left them on the doorstep and decided not to have any airstrikes against assad because he had the chemical weapons. the saudis say i've got an idea. let's say yes to everything they request and not give them a chance to go back on
their word. >> what about this? the rebel group may not be on board with the airstrikes here. one of the moderate factions, part of the free syrian army alliance and a recipient of the missiles and training, issued a statement tuesday denouncing the, quote, external intervention that is the u.s.-led bombing campaign in syria as -- quote -- "an attack on the revolution." >> we're going to arm them. we're going to feed them. we're going to give them logistic support and they're saying they don't want it and they're outraged we're giving it to them? are you kidding me? >> how about you get what you get and you don't get upset. >> i know it works in the hasselbeck household. i'm not sure it works in syria. >> not to oversimplify it. >> also the people of syria apparently were very heartened that the united states was attacking. then they realized they're not going to take out assad, boo, there was actually some demonstrations about that yesterday. meanwhile, as we talk about these, all these very
technical missile strikes and what not, who else, who better to talk to than leah gabriel, a former naval aviator. part of the fox news team. nice to have you. explain how some of these things work. we've been hearing a lot about thomas tomahawks. >> what we're seeing is a lot of the technology we have, things like the tomahawk attack missile. this is an amazing weapon. our country demonstrated how good it is with those initial strikes. this is a weapon that can be launched from 1500 miles away from target and hit something very precise. it essentially has a picture in its brain of what the terrain it is flying over looks like and is comparing that for accuracy. we want to prevent collateral damage as we're
doing that. i think these strikes are kind of demonstrating our ability to do that. you also mentioned the g.p.s.-guided bombs that are being used. they have not named them yet but from my experience, i would guess the jdam attack mission is what they're using as a g.p.s.-guided bomb when they're dropping them from airplanes. that would be the weapon of choice. >> the tomahawk takes off on its own and the jdam gets dropped? >> yes. the tomahawk is a land attack missile, launched from a ship. the jdam is launched from an airplane. the jdam is a dumb bomb. we can fly high and fast over a target, maybe 30,000 feet or maybe 450 miles per hour, giving it gravity to work with and it will basically fly its way to the target. we don't even have to fly right over it.
we can pick the types of fuses we want. there is a picture we've seen from some of the strikes, a picture of the isis finance building. we may have it that we can pull up here. it shows how they took out a calm array on part of the rooftop. they said they used an air burst fuse. if they wanted to take out the building, they could have done that. they would have used a penetration fuse and intelligence analysts would probably have looked at the building, figured out how thick the walls were, how thick the ceiling was weaponeer for that building. >> there are critics that are concerned that the pinprick strikes as they have been nicknamed are not going to work. listen to dick cheney and what he had to say. >> pinprick attacks as they were doing initially with respect to the aerial campaign, that's what you get. you give the enemy time to adjust to go underground, to take care of protecting themselves from those
attacks and they're less effective when you telegraph what you're going to do. and barack obama has consistently demonstrated, i think, a refusal to accept good military advice in terms of how he actually uses the force. >> we're trying to attack in a way because we think one day we're going to eventually have to rebuild this stuff? >> not to go too much into the strategy, dick cheney has a unique perspective. he's somebody who has been on the inside of things, had access to a lot of intelligence. as you know i worked in the intelligence community in my last few years in the navy and i got a good perspective but can't argue with what the man says. there are reasons we didn't hit the entire building, that we hit the calm areas i described. we have the ability to do that. we're showing we have the ability to do it. i think some people would like to see us decimate isis. >> that might be the only thing we understand because we're watching them chop off heads. they chopped off the head
of another french mountaineer. next up it could be a german citizen in his 60's. we see that brutality and wonder what kind of message it is sending as we take off one building in one town. >> some want an eye for an eye. we have the best military in the world. there's a lot of really smart people working on this problem. >> they're taking their lead from the administration. >> that's true. to some degree, they certainly are. at the same time i think they have a lot of capability. there are a lot of smart people working on this problem and i have to put faith in our intelligence community for the reason they're doing the things they're doing. >> i saw ever jennifer griffin on twitter and saw the reaction when they found out it was a woman at the helm. >> i didn't know they let women fly airplanes. >> it's incredible. people were proposing to her on twitter.
she's 35 years old, apparently had the dream of doing this since she was a teenager, fighting for the u.a.e. to have it be a female fighting isis here, what message will that send? >> this is one i stay out of. when i was a fighter pilot, i thought of myself as a pilot. i didn't think of myself as a woman pilot or anything else. i have to guess that a woman who's done this probably, she probably feels the same. she probably sees herself as a combat fighter pilot, period. >> how does the enemy see her? the enemy does not have that equal pay mantra when they're not chopping off heads. >> if i can get into the head of a person who serves with isis, i would be a crazy person, so i can't answer that question. >> we've seen so many photos that have been devastating as they come across instagram or twitter as they use social media as a way to recruit. when we saw this photo of the female pilot, the major here, it was inspiring to so many, as i think that
you -- and this is what the message said. it says, hey, you were bombed by a woman. have a nice day. >> wouldn't we all love to have that t-shirt for some point in our lives, every woman? it's great. you mentioned the social media campaign that's kind of starting. i think it is important we look at the cyber aspect because they're using social media to recruit people because the u.s. is starting to take moves on our own to try to stop that, try to fight back. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up on this thursday, he mocked president bush's foreign policy, but president obama sure sounded a lot like president bush yesterday when he was talking about isis. former ambassador to the united nations john bolton, coming down the hall. >> terrifying photos show a woman being chased by a home intruder and how close he came to finding her
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hi everybody. after saying that isis is not islamic, has president obama finally toughened up and changed his tune? >> the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. in this effort, we do not
act alone nor do we intend to send u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. instead, we will support iraqis and syrians fighting to reclaim their communities. >> joining us, fox news contributor, former u.n. ambassador to the united nations. he recognized that mantle behind him. john bolton, ambassador. what do you think of the president's speech? >> i thought it was a huge missed opportunity. he didn't say anything new about the campaign against the islamic state he hasn't said before. i think he lost the chance with the spotlight of the world there to elaborate on the case of why we're trying to do this. instead it was a repetition of what we're not going to do. i don't think he gained any new adhereants yesterday. >> the other thing, he actually brought up where he thinks america is vulnerable. we've got our problems too. we've got our problems in ferguson. >> he can say that was not an example of moral equivalence. the fact is even by
mentioning ferguson, missouri, where we still don't know the facts, let's be clear, by mentioning it in the same speech as isis he's declaring moral equivalency. i thought that was an incredible mistake by the president. >> there was similar rhetoric which president obama when he was senator obama despised by president bush. >> we have reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. >> the terrorists are violating the tenets of every religion including the one they invoke. >> there can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. >> this threat cannot be ignored.
this threat cannot be appeased. >> we are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom and we're prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come. >> we did not ask for this mission, yet there is honor in history's call. >> ambassador, similarities are there. president bush was knocked. will president obama be mocked? not so far. >> no but i thought it was quite interesting yesterday how restrained the reaction was in the hall. these are his peeps at the u.n. general assembly and yet they greeted the speech in much the same way president george w. bush used to describe the general assembly as the wax museum because they didn't react to anything he said. i think president obama had the opportunity to make his case, not to discuss violating international norms and the importance of multilateral institutions which is where his heart really is instead of the struggle against isis.
>> thanks so much for your analysis and what's going on just down the road. as we change gears, a customer claims a costco co-worker karate chopped him because he refused to show his receipt. why do we have to show receipts? i'm a member, by the way. woooo.
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breaking overnight, a big terror arrest. counterterror cops in london busted nine men accused of supporting terror groups. one of them a radical preacher who has publicly supported isis and even called for britain to become an islamic state. he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die but that child's father won't face the same fate. the death penalty is off the table for justin harris. prosecutors said he researched hot car deaths days before his son cooper died in one.
his attorney claims it was an accident. he's playing a twisted game with police, wanted fugitive eric frein leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. the kind snipers wear when they must stay in one spot for a long time. officers say they lied eyes on the accused cop killer but he's managing to disappear. >> was the driver killed by tony stewart high on pot when he died? that is what toks cole gists died. meanwhile a grand jury cleared stewart of criminal charges but he's not in the clear. he could still face a civil suit from ward's family. those are your headlines. elisabeth, over to you? >> should retail store employees be allowed to check your receipt before you leave their store? soon the courts might answer -- get to answer this after a multimillion-dollar lawsuit was placed against wholesale giant costco. one man claims when he tried to leave the store without showing his receipt
employees fought back and broke his leg. joining me now the author of ethical intelligence, dr. bruce weinstein, known as the ethics guy. timothy walls filed a suit for $670,000 against costco. full disclosure. i've done business with costco, been a member for 12 years. part of that membership, when you walk out of the store they're going to check your receipt. >> he made a promise to the business that he would abide by their policy. costco is completely justified. i'm not saying they're justified in what the employee did. he should be a stuntman in a movie. he shouldn't be working in customer care. that was way over the line. >> at what point? when you're crossing that boundary between the store -- and there is some variant between where this took place, inside or outside the store. after you purchase and you're holding your
receipt, if it is checked, is that purchase yours? >> there is a policy that allows the stores to check your bags and your receipt if there is a reasonable suspicion that you have partaken in a theft. that can extend into the parking lot of the store as long as it is on the store's property. however, in this situation, the store is still required to issue a reasonable response. here there might not have been a suspicion that a theft occurred. this seems to be about i want to check your receipt. >> where does the karate chop fall into place? >> the broader issue is don't businesses have a right to protect their financial interests? i'm a corporate ethics chairn. i help companies make financial decisions. a business is not a charity. it is a for-profit institution. this makes it harder for honest customers to do
business. because they're stealing from the store. the store is going to have to raise prices. >> we want to keep the presumption that not everybody is a potential criminal. we should be using these tactics when there is a suspicion something may have occurred instead of the blanket policy that says every single person is under suspicion. >> i think other stores have faced this before. this is a private membership location. if this happened at wal-mart or target or a big-top store that is not membership-related? if you decide to check based on suspicion, you're leaving yourself vulnerable to possible, you're going after me because i'm a woman. you're going after me because of -- >> target and warmth, -- wal-mart should apprise customers you're going to have to show your receipt. it's not a big deal, a minor annoyance. if customers don't like that, they don't have to shop there. >> you can say no. if they want to check your receipt outside a target or
wal-mart, you can say no. we're talking about the need for possible additional training for employees how to deal with these issues because this is a safety concern. we're talking about somebody whose leg was broken in an altercation over a receipt. >> does an employee have the right to protect themselves. costco is alleging this gentleman here made the first move. >> this happens so rarely. the broader issue is should companies be entitled to ask customers for receipts. >> what do you think? >> absolutely. a business is not a charity. it is a for-profit institution and they're justified in protecting their financial interests. if we as customers don't like that idea, we can shop elsewhere. >> i think you need to have that element of was there a suspicion that something illegal occurred. we can't just assume everyone is a potential criminal. while i do appreciate that the store needs to have tactics in place to make sure they don't lose money, i don't like the idea of
privacy being at odds. >> it is a good debate. thank you both. you let us know what you think about that. should you have to show your receipt coming out of a store? e-mail us, facebook and twitter. coming up, while he is grabbing luggage at the airport, the one problem. it is not his. what is going on at our nation's airports? should you be cend? -- should you be concerned? want to take a picture on federal land, be ready to be charged for it. we're talking about $1,500. first, happy birthday to my brother-in-law matthew hassle back. ♪ ♪ my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix.
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it's our shot of the morning. you're looking live at brian kilmeade's iphone. he loses it between 15 and 20 times a day. >> not true. >> it is true. >> that's exaggeration. >> he loses it a lot. and sometimes it can be a bit awkward. here's what happened at 9:00 and 1 second after the hour yesterday. >> what are you missing? >> could everyone stand up and see if you're sitting on my phone? >> no. >> all right. you can be seated. thank you. >> if i find it, i'll just stomp on it. >> thank you very much. >> i had forgotten that. >> it was nice for the whole family to get up on the couch. as you can see, we still haven't found our remote at home. >> see, this is the problem with having a phone when you turn the ringer off.
if you leave the ringer on, you can ring, ring, ring. but because we're on tv you can't have the ringer on. >> that is why when that watch comes out, if it is even close to accommodating, i'm buying it. >> why don't we get awe strap in the mean -- get you a strap in the meantime. >> if that watch -- although i forgot my watch today. [buzzer] >> everybody get up. >> i think the watch could change my life. i did lose the bottom of my case. >> where's your wallet? >> my wallet? >> i have it. here it is. >> my office. >> i know. >> essentially brian shows up with clothes on and nothing else. >> i will never show up in an alternate outfit because i'll always forget something valuable. >> you need a tote. >> shepherd and eric
bolling come in in totally different outfits. tight jeans. >> i forget things too. that's why it goes in my tote. >> if you're walking on the street and you see a piece of hardware -- >> it's brian. >> give it back. >> leah gabriel joins us for headlines. >> what happened in boston will stay in boston. a judge ruled the trial of the accused boston bomber will be held at the scene of the crime. the defense wanted it moved to washington, d.c. the defense also wanted a 10-month delay but the judge said no way. he gave them two months. the trial set to start on january 5. he's grabbing luggage at the airport but one problem is it's not his. phoenix police releasing brand-new video of a man stealing luggage from sky harbor airport. you can see him walking off
the airport train and into the baggage claim where he steals a woman's bag and gets back on that train. police offering a $1,000 reward for his arrest. >> want to take a picture of federal land? you may have to pay for it. the feds are pushing a law aimed at the press trying to take pictures or film on federal land but it would apply to people taking photos or videos with a cell phone. as for anyone who wants to take photos or film commercial thri they must pay $1,500 for a permit or face a $1,000 fine. >> this photo showing how close a woman came to be found by an intruder. police arrived just minutes after she called 911 and gave her a ladder to get down. those are your headlines. back to you guys. >> that was close. >> it's time to take a look at the weather. for that, maria molina joins us live from, take a
look outside where it's raining. >> that's right. we are starting to see that drizzle moving in to parts of new york city and the rest of the northeast. we have heavier rains coming down across parts of the mid-atlantic in states like maryland and pennsylvania. it is going to be a slow morning commute as you try to head out to work in places like atlantic city, philadelphia and farther west into baltimore. by tomorrow this storm system is going to be out of the area. what we are going to be expecting with it is gusty winds and along coastal areas, coastal flooding could be a concern. temperature-wise i want to take you to the center of the nation where you're looking at warm temperatures, upper 80's in places like dallas. look at rapid city. 91 degrees, warmer than parts of florida like over in tampa where they're expecting a high of 87.
>> celebrity fitness trainer sean t is releasing a new workout that will push you to the limits. a very fit michael tammero. >> he's performed some of the biggest musical acts around but you know him best for making you sweat. he made me the other day when celebrity fitness trainer shaun t stepped into the spotlight and showed me some of his moves. >> thanks for having me here. >> focus t-25, what is it? >> a 25 minute workout that has no break. people can't find time to workout. >> you ever have a treat day? >> i have treat days. for me it is about treating yourself. it is not about cheating yourself.
when you think cheating, it is like a bad thing. i'm about 85% healthy and 15% fun. >> this is me 50 pounds ago. that is 2009. >> you look amazing. how do you feel now that you lost the weight? >> you feel great, fe lighter, you can move better. what do you have now? >> i'm doing an urban triathalon in october. i'm ready to inspire you right now. >> all right. here we go. >> ready for a workout? i'm going to show you cardio. jump up and jab. jump up and jab. here we go. punch right and punch left. pick it up bit. come on, let's work. there you go. push through, push through. this is working your core. a little cardio, working
your leg. take your hands in the air. you're going to alternate. just like that. okay. it's very jane fonda but it actually works your core. arms up and go. side to side. excellent. keep going. go faster. we don't do that slow stuff. come on. four, three, 2. >> working out doesn't have to be too crazy even though he made it look crazy. a few minutes of your life, that's all you've got to do. >> shaun t, thank you very much. >> t-25 and insanity max 30 check it out. >> i woke up this morning and abs were hurting a little bit but it could be from the sausage and pepper i had last night. check out more of the workout by going to and check me out on instagram. >> up next, a young marine
dies waiting for his appointment at the v.a. and shortly after something even more disturbing surfaced. that hero's mother joins us next to tell us what. a a
on november 26, 2012, marine corporal iceman died while waiting for the v.a. to treat his epilepsy. after something more disturbing happened. the v.a. said the corporal canceled his appointment. the problem? the corporal died four days before. so did the minneapolis v.a. change his records to cover up? joining us is his mother and his lawyer. good morning to both of you. lisa, we are so sorry for
the loss of your son. we're glad that you would join us to tell us about what looks like the falsification of federal records. we've got a time line, just so that people understand what happened. back in october of 2012, michael -- jordan called the v.a. and asked for an appointment. and then on the 17th he got a letter, your appointment is going to be on december 20. then on november 26 your son died, but four days later somebody wrote in the official v.a. records that the veteran himself canceled his december 20 appointment. but, lisa, that was impossible because your son had died four days earlier. >> that is correct. >> when you got that notification, when you looked at the records, what did you think? >> well, i didn't even look at the records that closely until i was sitting with my attorney, and we both just kind of looked at each other and said how can this
be? how could he have called in four days after he passed away? that wasn't even the reason i started the whole process. the reason i started the whole process was the 70-day wait that was required of him to be able to see a neurologist. >> that 70-day wait seemed so extraordinary because you had been told by experts in this field since then what? >> that if he had been seen sooner or expeditiously, that he would possibly still be in our life. and he, the expert gave him more than a 50% chance of still being alive today had he seen a doctor right away. >> that is just so heartbaking. michael, how are you trying to help the family? >> well, i mean, there's a number of different levels. i mean, when a parent loses a child, it shouldn't happen.
it's unnatural to lose a child. it shouldn't happen. there are -- the level that i mean lisa has been incredible on working not only with the medical issues that her son had and being an advocate on getting treatment for individuals like her son. but beyond that working for veterans and making sure that the time lines get dealt with, that there's not these horrible things where they're changing records after the fact so that they can meet certain guidelines and making sure this doesn't happen to anybody else. i'm helping her as much from the legal side as well as dealing with all the different parts for her. it is at time overwhelming. >> you are talking about the falsification of federal records. i would imagine normally somebody should go to jail for something like that? >> what they'll do with that, i don't know. there's absolutely some very big questions and there's been some other people that have come forward over the time that suggest this is not an isolated incident. this is just an incident where it's solid.
there is absolutely no question that he did not make the phone call they're claiming he did. >> absolutely. they were caught red handed. we should point out we reached out to the v.a. for comment but have not heard back from him. michael bryant attorney, and lisa riley, jordan's mother, thank you for joining us and telling us about this terrible chapter in your life. >> thank you. >> all right. next up, 11 minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert, late last night the man charged with the kidnapping of university of virginia student hannah graham was captured more than 1,300 miles away from where she disperiod? how did police find him and where is hannah? live with the breaking details coming up. bowe bergdahl still on duty and has not been charged. does the white house simply want to forget about the alleged army deserter? the judge weighs in next. good morning, judge.
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3 1/2 months come and gone and the pentagon has offered no clarity on what happened to alleged army deserter beau bergdahl and what will happen. >> critics fear the delayed investigation is shaping up to be a white wash designed to protect the president. but is beau bergdahl a problem the white house wants you to forget about? we're going to ask senior news judicial analyst, judge napolitano. >> good morning. very good introduction. it is a problem the white house would like us to forget about.
>> why? >> because the president's personal involvement in it. there is a lot of unusual things. ordinarily when one is charged with a crime which could bring the death penalty, desertion where someone dies as a result of the desertion, two people died trying to find him, two soldiers. >> at least. >> ordinarily that person has been charged, arrested, confined, sometimes given bail. sometimes not given bail. bergdahl hasn't been urge whiched. then a team of investigators led bay major leads the investigation. in this case it's led bay general, unheard of. third interesting and unique thing, ordinarily the crime of desertion does not involve the president of the united states. but the manner in which he came back here, which is not his fault, of course, clearly involves the president of the united states. did the president provide material assistance to a
terrorist organization by releasing five of their leaders in order to get sergeant bergdahl back? he does not want that to be aid at a criminal trial. >> hard to believe this is happening. on top of that, compare what the bergdahls were able to do, communicate back and forth with the captors, constantly in touch with the pentagon, compared to the journalists who were captured in syria. the state department had no communication with them. their heads were chopped off and they were not able to speak to them. >> great point, brian. it makes you wonder about the government's priorities, particularly in the sotloff case and the foley case. both cases the two american journalists were told that if they attempted to extricate their sons, the government would back off. >> everybody knew what he was up to. i'm not crazy about the mission. i'm leaving. there is evidence that shows and proves that he deserted. >> there is plenty of evidence. the other side of this story is
it takes a while to accumulate evidence. the government knows more about this than we do. the general who is leading the investigation. this kid may be nuts and it may be impossible for them to prosecute him. they have to sort that out. >> will it play better to not proceed with speed at this point based on the fact that we have now officially declared war on isis? >> yes. yes. that's the answer. >> judge, always a pleasure thanks very much. >> thank you. coming up, are you an at-will employee? do you even know what that means? you should. judge napolitano does because you could be fired for no reason at all. our legal expert, bob massi, knows something about it, too, and he's coming up in the next hour on at that point plus, do you know what women want? yeah, you. we'll tell you the number one thing they're looking for from guys. i was going to keep it a secret. ♪ ♪
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good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, captured, 1300 miles away, the man charged with kidnapping university of virginia student hannah graham under arrest. but where is hannah? the charlottesville police chief joins us live with the breaking details. is the president back on his apology tour? >> i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals. >> wow. sure sounded like it. why does he keep apologizing for america? >> meanwhile, it sounds like something sent straight from heaven. a church hands out $500 to each of its parishioners. but that free money coming with some very specific instructions from above. thank you for joining us on this thursday because mornings are always better with friends. >> i'm bear grills and you're
watching "fox & friends." now that's something to be afraid of. ♪ ♪ brian we found your iphone. >> that's not mine, thankfully. >> that monkey looks familiar. that is the monkey from "the hangover." also in our green room, mr. jinx that. is a professional. also mr. jinx from "meet the fokkers" is here. we're going behind the scenes with some of your animal actors. >> he's sticking his tongue out. we don't need that. >> it's early for that, buddy. >> that was similar to my reaction the first time i saw myself on the monitor. i think that's what he was seeing there. he's going to be out in a little while. is this going to be a situation
like the mascots where we asked them questions and expect them to answer. >> they're not going to talk. mr. ed went off the air a number of years ago. since then, we really haven't seen any talking animals. >> i don't know how they got him to talk. >> we'll get answers one way or the other. in the meantime, leah gabriel joins us with breaking news for you. >> good morning. we start with a fox news alert. overnight the u.s. stepping up its aerial assault on isis militants, hitting oil refineries. the u.s. and arab partners conducted 13 strikes, hit 12:00 targets. this morning there are also reports of the leader of carson group was killed in a strike that has not yet been confirmed. he's play ago twisted game with police, wanted fugitive eric frien leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. they're the kind snipers wear when they must stay in one spot for a long time. officers say they laid eyes on
him, but he keeps managing to disappear. he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die, but the child's father won't face the same fate. the death penalty is off the table for justin harris. prosecutors say he researched hot car deaths just days before his 22-month-old son died in one. his attorney claims it was an accident. it sounds like something sent straight from heaven. a church in chicago is handing out $500 to each its parishioners. but that free money is coming with some very specific instructions. they were told to pray about it, then pay it forward for a good cause. >> see yourself through your lens, think about the gifts you've been given and think about your responsibility of those gifts to the people you love and care for around you. >> the church was able to hand it out after making 1.6 in a real estate investment. those are your headlines. back to you. >> that's terrific.
thank you very much. >> thank you. this is a fox news alert. brand-new video of the man now under arrest in the disappearance of 18-year-old college student hannah graham. here he is being taken into custody shortly after he was discovered reportedly camp ago beach in texas. jesse matthew fled from charlottesville, virginia on saturday and yesterday was arrested over 1200 miles away in gilchrist, texas. >> joining us with the very latest detail, police chief tim long goes o. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so i guess the big break came yesterday in gilchrist, texas, which is near galveston when somebody spotted a suspicious person on the beach, right? >> that's my understanding, yes, sir. >> can you give us the circumstances? >> well, i haven't spoken directly to the deputies that were involved in effecting the arrest. i did speak with the sheriff to thank him for his cooperation
and pass on that appreciation to the detectives that were involved. beyond that, my understanding is you've already reported is that he was on the beach camping. he was spotted by someone who called police. they responded and took him into custody. beyond that, i don't know that i'm clear to what the facts and circumstances are leading up to his arrest. >> where is he now? >> he's still in custody in texas. the extradition process is still underway. >> do you have the feeling or reason to suspect that with this case of jesse matthew, that you are dealing with a serial kidnapper or serial killer? >> i think it's way too premature to come to any conclusions in that regard. i would be speculating otherwise. >> what do you -- what makes you feel as though he might be involved somehow? >> well, as i have indicated many times, we've been very tight-lipped with respect to the evidence. during the course of this investigation, we've been closely assisted by our commonwealth attorneys chief prosecuting attorney. there came a point in time earlier this week where we
gathered some additional evidence which got us to the probable cause level with respect to applying for an arrest warrant and that's what we did. we're still waiting for additional evidence at our state lab. hopefully we'll get that toward the end of the week and further advance the investigation. the real priority is continue to search for hannah graham. >> has the car proven beneficial in order to move forward on this investigation? if so, how? >> well, what i'll say, and again, i'm not trying to be evasive. but you can certainly understand what types of evidence we might acquire from such things as a vehicle and a house. we've searched his apartment. we searched his vehicle. we've taken clothing from the apartment. of course, we're searching very aggressively with respect to that vehicle to see if any evidence might be there. >> chief, i know you talked to the sheriff down in the galveston area yesterday. did he indicate whether or not jesse matthew had done any talking? i know when the initial sheriff's deputy went up to him on the beach, he lied to him
because he goes, i just ran your plate, you're that guy. he goes, no, i'm not him. has he done any other talking to the cops? >> i'm not aware of any. >> is he cooperative? >> in what regard? >> is he providing any -- is he resistant at all? >> he's provided no information certainly to us. with respect to the deputies in galveston, i've not been aware of his level of cooperation. >> has anything happened over the last 24, 48 hours to make you optimistic or hopeful that you're on the trail of finding hannah? >> i can't point to any one thing. i will tell you that i met with hannah's parents yesterday morning. we tried to communicate with them daily. i can't not look at those two individuals and not have hope for their daughter. they've not lost hope. i have not lost hope.óp3 we're going to continue to be hopeful until there is evidence to the contrary. my goal is to help them find their daughter.
>> sure. there is $100,000 reward leading to her whereabouts. the people watching right now, chief, how can they help? >> well, certainly if you're in the area, nine counties that surround us, we've asked that citizen, particularly those with large parcels of land to search their own property and be thorough about that search. when it's concluded, call our tip line so we can check that box. the other thing is that particularly from that time of hannah's disappearance to the time of it being reported to the police, we're concerned about that large block of time and just with the habits and behaviors of jesse matthew might have been. let me give you an example. if at 8:00 o'clock on saturday morning, september 13, someone saw jesse matthew and he was pumping gas at a gas station. he was alone. it was in a grocery store buying milk and he was alone. or he was somewhere else in charlottesville and he was alone, that's important information for us to know pause we're trying to shrink that time
line so we can again be more efficient about how we go about the search for hannah graham. >> in the big picture, how would you characterize jesse's behavior from the disappearance up until today? >> you know, his behavior saturday after coming to the police station and then abruptly leaving and what followed there after is bizarre behavior. but again, i don't know that's a fair characterization, not knowing what might have motivated that would be speculative for me to speak further with regard to that. >> does he have a lawyer? >> he asked for a lawyer when he came into the police station. the commonwealth attorney helped to acop date that question. he met with a lawyer that day. they met and spoke briefly. the two of them left. it's my understanding that that attorney has been retained. he's a local attorney here in charlottesville and that's my understanding at this point. >> thank you for joining us this morning. we want to let everyone know that to your note, if there is any information, there is a tip
line. we'll post that on our web site. thank you. >> thank you. it's ten minutes after the top of the hour. the president of the united states was here in new york city yesterday tying up traffic and speaking at the united nations general assembly. the highlights were he talked about how putin is a bully when it comes to the ukraine. he talked about how isis and extremism must be stopped. and then this got a lot of people scratching their heads, he seemed to be looking for a way to say that we've got problems in the united states as well and then he invoked a small city in missouri. >> i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals, that america has plenty of problems within its own borders. this is true.
a summer marred by instability in the middle east and eastern europe, i know the world also took notice of the small american city of ferguson, missouri where a young man was killed and a community was divided. >> i just wonder where the topic went. it's almost like a test. i'm going to throw anything out there. anybody who might have something negative to say about america, you're probably right. he spoke for 40 minutes and a lot of people are wondering, why did he have to bring that up? can you equate that behavior with the behavior of let's say isis? here is charles krauthammer. >> we have people who slit throats on television, take their heads off in some places. we have countries that invade their neighbors. more people incidentally have been killed in eastern ukraine than died in the gaza war. no one knows that. a lot of death. but on the other hand, we have a shooting in missouri still unresolved. nobody has been charged yet. and thus, everybody ought to
know. this is a continuation of the apology tour or the confession tour which took place at least -- the one thing you can see about the improvement in obama's treatment of his own country is that six years ago he went around the world talking about our sins and he stayed home and did it from the podium of the upunion. >> remember, there was the nonexceptional tour as well. we're just like everybody else. well, in fact, we're not. we are an exceptional nation. a lot of people really having a troubled moment with that postscript there in that speech. >> it does seem tone deaf regarding scale, but that's what he said yesterday. it's a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this thursday. new accusations the nsa might be spying on american students and the schools are helping them. who is better at defending your freedom, republicans or democrats? john stossel has an answer, but you know what? you might not like it. we like him.
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senator rand paul delivering a scathing criticism of the democrat's policies and impact on americans' rights. >> it's not just about health care. it's light bulbs. it's toilets. it's car. you name it, your freedom of choice is gone. for a party that says they are the pro choice party, had is the most antichoice administration we've seen in a lifetime. >> all right. we need a choice when it comes to toilets. but john stossel says neither party believes in protecting our freedoms. john stossel is host of "stossel" on the "fox business" network and joins us now. neither party gives us choice? >> the democrats say we're the pro choice party, but they're only talking about abortion. rand paul is right. what you pay people what you can buy, so many other things. no choice. what school you can send your kid to? no, we're going to pick that for you. >> interesting. gun rights. >> absolutely. you can have an abortion, but not buy a gun. >> on the democrat side you say
it's limited, what about the republicans side? >> there, one of my big issues is if i'm old and sick and in pain, i want to choose to maybe end my life and republicans fight that and is against legal gambling. republicans want to keep fighting the drug war. they don't want to say, you own your body, it's your choice. so both parties -- we libertarians say once you're an adult, you own your body, you ought to do what you want with it as long as you don't directly harm somebody else. >> that's a fine line because so many times that affect occurs with those choices. >> if we eat too much and government is big and other people have to pay for my health care, then that would give the democrats the right to ban almost all good food. >> right. so what's the alternative? >> the alternative is to keep government small and then choices -- more people could have what they want. it's like -- >> it's too late on that. the government is gigantic. we can't make it small. >> suppose you go to a
supermarket and it was run like the government 'cause people say, hey, you get to vote for your leaders. it's like a free market. but you can only vote for donkey meat or elephant meat. if the majority votes for donkey meat, everybody has to eat that. if it's a market, everybody can buy what they want. >> that free market aspect is appealing to many. >> keep decisions out of government. >> by the way, neither donkey meat nor elephant meat sounds good. now, if there was a chicken party -- >> you're going to talk about this on "stossel." >> we'll talk about choice and can you have too much? 'cause it gets confusing. >> if your choice affects me, my choice could be not to give you a choice. >> i think folk also choose to see you tonight. always great to have you here. >> he doesn't like when you touch him, elisabeth. >> it's her choice. >> meanwhile, are your kids growing up social? not the kind of social you grew up with.
the kind with iphones and computers. our next guest is going to show you how to kill that screen time without having them screaming all the time. plus, do you know what women want? we're going to tell you the number one thing that they are looking for in a guy. >> they want choice. >> look at that [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
it's that time. time for news by the numbers. $92,000. that's how much severance pay a california teacher got after resigning for telling unruly students she wished she had a robot to kill them. the school says it would have been too expensive to fire her, so they gave her $92,000.
next, october 1 marks the 18th year of no significant global warming trend in surface average temperatures. scientists at the cato institute say there is no indication global warming will resume any time soon. sorry, al gore. and finally, what's the number one thing a woman looks for in a man? a job! a new pew research study found eight in nine women questioned want a man who's got a job. and that's the news from this man who has a job. >> all this money on cologne and all i need is a job. in the social media crazed world, it might be difficult to pull your child away from his mini -- or her mini screen. >> our next guest says where there is a will, there is a way. how to protect that perfect balance. she's an author and we have some questions for you. how do you know -- right now so many kids have exposure to
tablets, phones. how do you know if they're on too much too often? >> you have that gut feeling that tells you, am i letting them do too much? you start to see some behaviors that if they're not on the internet, they start looking for it. i know people that have gone on vacation that they have no internet access and have come back early because their kids said, we couldn't handle being out here. you see there is this compulsion that if i don't have it, i'm going to be irritable and it's something that's alarming for parents and grandparents. >> we were talking before, the big thing with the earlier generation, it was stop watching television. now it's the ipad and phone. you set up guidelines. first off, set up guidelines. >> yes. a lot of parents do not have a game plan. so whatever happens, happens. so the american academy of pediatrics recommends no screen time for babies to two years old and then two hours for kids two to 18. many parents are like, we do a lot more than two hours. >> two to 18? >> age two to 18. two hours of screen time would
be optimal. >> that seems like a lot. >> and then other parents will say, how will i get there? so wherever you're at, consider these guidelines and make incremental changes toward where you want to go. >> you're a mom of three, you say there should be screen free zones, including meal time. >> it's a huge thing. you know you've been in restaurants and think you're here, paying for dinner, talk to each other. my co-author, sees a lot of different families. you see this breakdown where people are not communicating. so make sure that meal times, that's a time where there are no phones. parents included, and no video games. let that be a time of communication and really set aside that meal time. >> you really see it as the kids get older when they can not talk to adults or teachers and cannot express themselves at all. they're most comfortable looking down. >> right. >> you also say evaluate the content with abc's. >> yes, 'cause you also want to know what is my child watching? so a, attitude. you know when your child is done with something, what's their attitude like? b, behavior. what kind of behavior does the
show they're watching or video game they're playing what, does it make them do? the character, what character is being encouraged in my child by watching this, 'cause obviously technology can be very positive, but can also be very negative. >> how much of the kids on screen behavior and tech behavior is reflective of the adults' behavior? it's kind of hypocritical. >> it's huge. >> the adults need to go through the abc's. >> it's huge. as a parent or grandparent, they're going to realize this is about me because the children are going to emulate what we do and how our digital life is and we can't impart what we don't have ourselves. >> right. so you got to have some discipline there and also i noticed an agitation with kids when they get to a certain point. also they get a text message, puts them over the top. the positive point is you don't get the phone calls. they're not on the phone for four hours. they're look down for maybe too much. >> right. it's a different thing. even just before the show we were talking about how you used to have a parent call and say,
is jimmy there? and you would know this child because they were calling your phone. but now it's all something that a parent really has to work doubly hard to be involved in their child's life. >> that's important, to get involved. you can do background checks on your kids' friends now just through instagram and see who they're following, what their behaviors are. in a way, we're at an advantage point with tech. but these tips are essential. thank you so much. we thank you for joining us. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. look at your tv screen of the is this shirt showing a national guard soldier offensive to you? a lot of folks are saying yes, weigh in. then new accusations the nsa spying on american students and guess who is helping? the schools. ♪ ♪
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jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. secret service set up a three-foot fence in front of it to deter people from trying to make their way in. a three-foot fence. it seems pretty low, yeah. then again, most americans can't even get over the baby gate in their kitchen. >> that's always a problem. the good news is in addition to the three-foot fence, they've also started locking the door. >> right. >> which helps. >> used to be just wide open. but now it's closed. >> who knew? meanwhile, we've got a fox news alert of concern. cities all across america right
now are apparently now on high alert because of air strikes that we're doing along with our partners on isis. new york city, the most vulnerable to attack and joining us from penn station, one of the biggest train hubs in the nation is wnyw reporter theresa priola. >> reporter: good morning. this is a direct initiative from governor andrew cuomo here in new york and governor chris christie in new jersey. they are ramping up security. they say we can never be too safe and so the approach here is two heads are better one. bring both heads of state together and allow them to be able to support some sort of initiative that would keep awful us safe. they say this is a direct response to what is happening overseas with those air strikes in iraq and syria. so what commuters will notice over the next 30 days at least is a true ramped up security effort not only by nypd port authority, state police. you also might see national guardsmen. they're telling us be prepared for random bag checks. take a listen to both governors.
>> this region is a potential target for offensive activities, retaliation by the terrorist community. >> this is something that's absolutely necessary for us to do in light of the new and increased tensions that we know are going on around the world. >> reporter: they tell us also that this is not in response to any specific threat. this is simply a change in mood they're responding to. most importantly, they tell us for residents as well as for tourists, the see something, say something approach is always the best approach. that's the latest from outside penn station, new york city, back to you. >> i think i was telling you last week that even after 9-11, i've never remembered the police presence as amped up as it was last week, especially around times square and in penn station. i go to both. so i'm pretty much -- i walk from here into times square, take that subway into penn station. and i feel i do my own
surveillance work. >> in addition, this week there is amped up security because the united nations general assembly and the president has been in town. the traffic has been terrible. now we got a nor'easter going on outside. we're going to get to the weather in a moment. first, we got to get news and leah joins us with that. >> hello. what happened in boston will stay there. a judge ruled the trial of the accused boston bomber will be held at the scene of the crime. the defense wanted to move to washington, d.c the defense also wanted a ten-month delay, but a no. he gave him two months. the trial set to start january 5. is the nsa monitoring our students? alabama school district announcing it's been secretly monitoring students on social media after getting a call from the agency about a student making a violent threat or violent threats. the huntsville school district says since the threat 18 months ago, it now scans social media pages for gang activity, photos of guns, and violent threats. the nsa denying that call was
made. is this shirt inappropriate for high schoolers? a school in new york banning the national guard t-shirt because it shows a soldier holding a weapon. teachers complained when they saw a recruiter handing them out because they violate the dress code which actually prohibits t-shirts depicting violence or weapons. some students refused to take them off saying it was disrespectful. and do you remember your first heart break? it's not easy. one mother recording her four-year-old's priceless reaction when he finds out his crush likes someone else. >> how do you feel? >> sad. >> why? >> because i'm sad. >> you don't like that? >> no. >> why? >> because that hurts my
feelings! >> why does that hurt your feelings? >> i want her to like me more than her? >> you want her to like you more better? >> yes! >> those are your headlines. his name was mark wilson. he had a twin named michael and we communicated by smiling at each other. >> we got him on the phone right now. >> reuniteed. >> that kid is speaking his mind. he's getting it out. >> that looks like an invasion of privacy. was the mom driving? >> i'm sure she had up with of those safe stands there? >> i hope so. meanwhile, it is terrible outside right now in new york city. that's why we sent maria out. >> we have a nor'easter moving up the coast and the storm system producing wind. it's not cold enough yet to see
some snow from the storm system, but if it were november, december, january, we would be seeing that snow coming down with this storm system because the concern also isn't just the moisture with it, possibly more than an inch of rain possible in some of these regions, but also the wind. they will be gusting, especially along coastal areas. you can see that rain already moving into parts of maryland, pennsylvania, also across new jersey and right here as well in new york city. it's going to be a quick hitter. by tomorrow, the storm is going to be gone and you're going to see that sunshine returning across the region. that's going to be sticking around through the weekend. temperatures farther west, the plains states, we'll be seeing them climbing over the next few days. already warm today across parts of texas, in the upper 80s. rapid city, you are in the 90s today. that's warmer than parts of florida, like in tampa. out west, we have an area of low pressure that's going to be moving on in. this is welcome news for drought areas here that really need the rain. we're going to get a little rain from that storm system. the concern along coastal areas
in the pacific northwest are going to be very strong winds. it could gust over 50 miles per hour right along the coast. let's head back inside. >> all right. >> thank you. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. let me tell you what's going on with the weather and how it relates to sports. derek jeter's last home game, a washout? what? the game scheduled for tonight. first pitch is supposed to be thrown at 7:05 p.m major league baseball spokesperson says they have not decide what had to do if it gets called off. think about it. if you scalped tickets, how do you get a refund from the guy on the corner? plus side lines bill simmons for three weeks after he blasted original goodell and his handling of the ray rice video. listen to this. >> goodell, if he didn't know what was on that tape, he's a liar. i'm just saying it. he's lying. i think that dude is lying. if you put him up on a lie detector test, he would fail. saying he didn't know is [ bleep
>> wow. espn says he violated his journalistic standards and dared espn to suspend him. they did. baseball fan getting a face full of leather. yes. the third baseman going for a foul ball. he fell over a tarp, smacking her right in the face. he didn't make the last out and the fan got the last laugh. cleveland indians went on to win 6-4. just goes to show you should never go to baseball games. that's quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. >> all right. coming up -- >> are you an at-will employee? do you even know what that means? you should because you could be fired for no reason at all. our legal expert is on it. bob massi up next. that's right. you've seen them star in some of your favorite movies like "the hangover." >> no! wait a second! >> he's monkeying around. some of the biggest animal actors here live. monkey see, monkey do.
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hi. before you left the house, i have to tell you something and it sounds like this. starting tomorrow, dhl will begin a trial run of drone deliveries. for starters, they will bring medicine to a car-free island off the coast of germany. if successful, the program could be expanded to english speaking people. the new apple operating system is rotten to the core. pulling its first update to ios 8. users complained about dropped calls and faulty feature. talk about the best boss ever, virgin founder richard
branson giving employees unlimited vacation. he thinks it will boost morale. the policy only applies to those who work in the company's main offices. who is going to work? >> why would you bother? talking about those employees. do you know your rights as an employee when it comes to employment? do you know what at-will employment is? are you an at-will employee? we want to make sure you're not taken advantage of by your company or your employer. that's why bob massi is on your side. he joins us right now from las vegas. good morning to you, bob. >> good morning. >> so we started this segment, we're talking about at-will employees. what does at-will employment mean for the employer and the employee? >> well, basically means that an employee can be fired at will for any reason or for no reason. so the employer has the right to say, you're fired, for any
reason and no reason and the employee could wake up one morning and come to the employer and say, you know what? i want to leave. i'm not bound by anything. i'm going to get another job. most states in our country, steve, are at-will employment states simply because of the fact it's just the way it's been set up over the years. >> if the employer can fire you for any reason, that means it doesn't have to be a very good reason, doesn't it? >> doesn't have to be any reason at all, steve. really for all intents and purposes, the employer could just maybe not like the way that you're dressed, for example, never even tell you that. just say you're fired. you're out of here. i don't need you anymore, things of that nature. it happens a lot. it's an insecure position for everybody. but at the same time, the employee has the right to walk in and say i got another opportunity. i'm moving to new york, i'm moving to florida, i'm out of here. >> there are probably people watching now wondering if i'm an at-will employee. how do you tell the difference? >> there is a couple things you should know. first of all, if you have an
employment contract where you work, it sort of takes it outside the concept of an at-will termination because in the employment contract, it gives reasons for cause to terminate somebody, or to suspend somebody. the other thing is, steve, if you're an at-will employee, there are certain things employers cannot do that violate public policy. this is just a few examples. for example, if you're an at-will employee and you're injured on the job, it's a workers' compensation case, under most states, public policy says you can't fire that employee because they were injured on the job. you can't fire an employer for being a whistle blower. you can't fire an employee if they get jury duty. so the states have sort of protected at-will employment in saying, look, if in fact there are certain things under the law you are entitled to, such as workers' compensation because of your injury, if an employer retaliates and fires them, it could be a wrongful termination lawsuit. and of course, if you have an employment contract, both sides are bound by that contract.
>> so bob, some people have contracts and others don't. can you be an at-will employee and then your company says, you know what? i want to offer you some sort of a written agreement where you come every day to work and then what happens? >> well, any employer at any time could advance an employee and say listen, i like what you're doing. i like the services you're rendering. i'm going to reduce it to writing 'cause i want you for a long time, steve, bob, elisabeth, brian. we want you here for a long time. any time they can do that and the employee has the right to say i don't know if this is the career i want to follow. so an employer at any time could come to an employee to advance them to reduce it to writing. >> we've got a map we're going to put up. at least states apparently that where they ban or restrict these contract agreements. california, montana, north dakota and oklahoma. >> yeah. let's talk about it. what we're talking about in these contracts if you have an employment contract or
otherwise, what we call restrictive covenants or covenants not to compete, meaning that if you're working at a particular field, there may be a provision in your contract that says, if you leave for any reason, you can not compete for a period of time. most states enforce that. it has to be reasonable time and reasonable location and almost every state has that. but there are some exceptions as you've shown on that map. >> bob massi talking about our employee rights. thank you, sir. >> thank you, steve. it's about ten minutes before the top of the hour. up next, we're almost on monkeying around. behind the scenes with some of your favorite animal stars. look at that. that's the cat from "meet the fokkers." on this date in 1970, the partridge family premiered on tv. sandra day o'conner was the first female supreme court
justice. and on this day "sugar, sugar" number one song in america. ♪ ♪
>> jj, don't do it! no! >> they are known for stealing the scene in some of your favorite hollywood hits. so how do these animals end up on the big screen and what goes
on behind the scenes? here to reveal all of that is the president and ceo of the american humane society and author of a new book "animal stars." we're so thankful to have you here. it's been a fun morning. brian, just like every other day -- >> i always come in with a monkey and this is the first time i bring it on camera. it's always good -- i'm used to sharing the stars with big stars, but this is a bigger star yet. >> that's the monkey from "the hangover." >> i smell his breath. >> we got the cat from "meet the fokkers." >> what a treat to have them here. essential part of films that they have become. why did you want to share all of this with so many in the book? >> american humane association is celebrate ago milestone this year. 75 years of protecting animal stars in film and entertainment. we thought it was about time to put together the behind the scenes look at what these animal stars do. >> what was the first animal star? >> we go back to rin tin tin.
so remember what that gorgeous dog did way back when. >> what is he doing? >> trying to take your wig off. >> good luck. >> he's just grooming you. >> how do you help protect the animals? >> we have representatives on sets around the globe that ensure their safety so they can work in film and they do so working closely with the animal trainers. >> here is the thing, the actors aren't the trainers. so the actors have to learn to interact without the trainers around. how do they do that? >> animal trainers are always on set with their animal stars. so for example, today we have trainers for charlie and for crystal right here on set with us. so the trainers stay with us and make sure that the animals can do their tricks. then american humane has our safety representative on each set. we cover productions around the globe. >> it's so important to get to know the animal. even for us to know what they like and didn't like to be
comfortable with us here. >> will he give us a high five? >> high five. >> there you go! >> do you want to go to elisabeth? can he go to elisabeth? >> you can come down. >> or just stay there. >> we probably should have worked this out with crystal. >> there she goes. >> how perfect is that? >> does anyone keep them at home? >> well, actually tom is the famous trainer for crystal and crystal lives in their home with two children, which is wonderful >> thank you very much for bringing the famous critters. >> thank you so much. >> can we end with a smile? you got a smile, crystal?
threw go. >> i got to tell you what's coming up next. hundreds of students protesting history curriculum change that would promote patriotism. but is the whole story being told? meet the man who set the students straight ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days.
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good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the suspect charged with the disappearance of hannah graham captured in texas. >> he was on a beach camping. he was spotted by someone who called police. they responded and took him into custody. >> is jesse matthew talking? are we any closer to finding hannah? and as the united states unleashes new air strikes on isis' oil trade, the syrian rebels who were -- we're supposed to be helping suddenly have a change of heart. we'll tell but it. >> and more evidence that dad knows best. the one thing willie robertson does before his daughter is allowed to hit the dance floor.
>> i want to hear that. >> so do i. mornings are better with friends. watch our pictures float. >> all right. welcome aboard, folks. hour three of "fox & friends" live from new york city where all the way from washington right up to the boston area today, if you're going to work, bring your umbrella. >> this is a perfect time to book some of that slide we had last week. it was pretty much the same weather. if you have a change of clothes -- >> thank you for being with us here. we so appreciate that. we're going to start right now with a huge development. on the search for the missing university student, hannah graham. we have some updates here. >> yep, at this hour, the man charged in her abduction now behind bars in texas. let's get the very latest. heather childers has the breaking details.
>> a lot of people breathe ago partial sigh of relief. police are calling it an extremely lucky break. jesse matthew arrested 1300 miles away from the university of virginia near galveston, texas. matthew was arrested after someone called police. they reported a suspicious person was hanging around the beach area there. when police showed up, they ran the license plate on his car. the result? the car belonged to a fugitive from justice with a warrant out of virginia. matthew was taken into custody. he did not put up a fight, we're told. you can see right there in that video as he's being taken in. this was just released to fox news. authorities had been looking for him since saturday. that is when he sped away from officers after leaving the charlottesville police station. they think that he was the last person to see hannah graham before she went missing. investigators say they don't know why matthew was in texas, but they are in the process of bringing him back to virginia. that could take a couple of days. legal experts we talked with say
running off to texas, that is not something that any innocent person would do. it could be used against him in court. meantime, the search for graham, that continues. charlottesville police chief saying this earlier on "fox & friends". >> i will tell you that i have met with hannah's parents yesterday morning. we try to communicate with them daily. i can't not look at those two individuals and not have hope for their daughter. they've not lost hope and i have not lost hope. we're going to continue to be hopeful until there is evidence to the contrary. >> the reward for information in this case now at $100,000. steve, brian, elisabeth? >> thank you very much. by the way, apparently somebody there in the galveston area saw him on the beach, called the sheriff. sheriff came and as heather was talking about, they ran the plates and it came back that that was the wanted car. the officer said to him, you're that guy. and then he lied to them. so in addition to the charges
that he's facing in the commonwealth of virginia now, he's charged with failing to identify himself as a fugitive and giving false information. he obviously has been denied bail and will be probably headed to virginia very shortly. >> let's change gears right now and talk about what happened last night. we had a series of air strikes, 13 air strikes overall. 12 on the isil-controlled oil refineries, not in major cities, but outskirts. we're trying o stop the money flow from flowing in. they're doing it by smuggling oil out. so we're going to little by little, rein in the banks, sanction the banks dealing with them and hopefully stopping the oil flow and we get a little more aggressive than we have been. so far one of the biggest stories to come out today in the "wall street journal" has it first, there is some editorials to support it, saudi arabia is the one who is actually laid the ground work with the secretary of state on this bale plan that includes four arab nations. >> yeah. >> the good news is that all the aircraft from the strikes that were ramped up last night made
it back safely. those refineries, getting them where it hurts. you're thinking about, they would like to use these locations in the future. so they don't want to destroy them completely, which puts us into these precise attacks we've been seeing. >> we're going to talk to eric bolling. brian, talk being how behind the scenes, saudi arabia really had a lot of leverage over the united states. remember last year the president said he was going to take out assad essentially with that red line and then he pulled the plug on that. and the saudis were furious. so now this year you got john kerry going to saudi arabia talking to the king, saying will you help us? and the king said okay. yeah, we'll help you. but you've got to train the syrian rebels because we want assad out. and you got to get rid of al-maliki, the guy who is prime minister of iraq because he's a puppet for iran. so saudi arabia, very cageyly got rid of a couple of big things that have been on their bucket list. they wanted to get rid of assad
and they also wanted to do something about maliki. and so what did they do? they got the united states to agree, we'll do both those things, which makes you wonder who is calling the shots, is it the president or the saudis? the saudi high school a lot of leverage, but ultimately the president needed the saudis because once they were on board, according to the "wall street journal," then they were able to get other arab partners that currently part of the coalition. >> i never heard this before. they said whatever the u.s. requests, say yes, because we want to give the u.s. and president obama a chance to say now look, i tried to get the vote of congress, they didn't want to give it to me. so i couldn't do anything. so just say yes. so he said yes and they rallied. what i find reassuring is that they see isis as a threat. sometimes i wonder with a wink and a nod if they do see it as a threat. now if they can rein in the curriculum that's giving birth to a lot of these crazies, then i would be really excited. >> part of the deal was we were going to help train and arm the rebels. well, you would think they would love that.
they would love the fact that we've got the u.s.-led coalition. no. the rebel group actually says they're not on board with the air strikes. of the free syrian army denounced the bombing and calls it an attack on his revolution. >> that's right. >> because al nusra is pro al-qaeda, anti-assad. they heard we're going to wipe out isis and double down on isis. >> they do not want, quote, external intervention. clearly depicted by their statement there. >> speaking of external intervention, that was the business that leah gabriel was in before she started for fox. she was a navy aviator. so you've joined us this morning to kind of give people an idea of the munitions that are involved in these strikes. >> right. we've seen some of the strikes. we've seen the things they've been able to take out, things
like comm rays on the buildings. these are highlighting some of the technology and unique capabilities we have. one of them is, as we talked about earlier, the tomahawk land attack missile. this is very niece. what we're seeing fired from ships. more than 40 attacks in that very first night of strikes from ships. this tomahawk land pack missile is a gps-guided missile, can take out specific targets. can be weaponeered with a different type of fuse depending on the target it's trying to hit. like the comm ray. >> where they took out satellite dishes? >> yes. they call it a comm's ray. they used fuses that cause bombs to go off while they were still in the air, basically just take those out instead of using a penetration fuse that would have gone through the building itself. >> when you say fuse, people think like where you light something. how does this fuse work?
>> that would be something like a timed fuse. they would time out that cord and figure out how long it would take for that to basically burn. but basically it's do you want the bomb to blow up before it hits -- >> it's a computer program? kind of? >> we use computer programs to weaponeer and set the fuses. i'm not an ordinance man. but some of the other weapons that we're seeing, they're using a lot of precision-guided munitions. i think it kind of let's us see some of the intelligence that we've been able to gather from the surveillance flights that have been flown because these pictures are coming from somewhere. we have these before and after pictures. so those pictures are basically handed to planners who then say we want you to strike this particular target and then maybe it's the weapon for that. >> would you say precision is good here in terms of reducing collateral damage, 'cause some say pin pricks won't work. too precise. >> you're talk being two different things here.
>> here is dick cheney with sean last night. >> when you have pin prick attacks as they were doing initially with respect to the arab campaign, that's what you get. give the enemy time to adjust, to go underground, to take care of protecting themselves from these attacks and less effective when you telegraph what you're going to do. barak obama has consistently demonstrated i think a refusal to accept good military advice in terms of how he actually uses the force. >> i just remember with bosnia air campaign, people were getting so impatient. i remember bush 41 getting so impatient. if we're bombing and they are still beheading and this keeps going on week after week after week, there is going to be pressure for us to get more aggressive. but right now, we're bombing sections of buildings. not even buildings. >> right. >> just sections. >> we are. and there is a reason for that. i don't know what it is, but i know there is a reason that they're picking only these particular targets. i think he also makes a good
point about strategy and trying to take out the enknee a more full way. but you mentioned collateral damage. i think the u.s. military is really showing their annual to avoid collateral damage. we can even pick a heading that we want to attack on to avoid hitting mosques and schools. i think being able to see these, as you're calling them pin pricks, the military calls these surgical strikes. like surgery, taking out something very specific. >> somebody doing some of the surgical strikers, you would appreciate is a woman, she's a pilot from the united arab emirates. there she is. it's interesting, also there was a sign on twitter that said, isis, you've been bombed by a woman. and we did ask for your reaction and we got it. there is the instagram right there. >> gave a lot of people a pump yesterday for sure. tina on facebook says god bless her, we need more woman power. >> and another said she became an overnight inspiration to young girls all around the said, you just got to love this.
what an accomplished woman. so proud of her. very nicely done. >> ambassador bolton told us earlier today that by these governments allowing a woman to do the bombing, they're saying we're breaking with isis and they know that is twice as bad knowing that a woman is bombing to those twisted minds that we're fighting against. >> that culture, it sends a message. and she is an inspiration. it's wonderful to see somebody who this was her dream to become a combat fighter pilot. she's too long it and then she's going out and executing her mission professionally. wonderful to see that. >> mission accomplished. we're giving her a thumbs up. >> we sure are. thank you. >> thanks for having me. coming up, it's like something out of a horror movie. a woman on the run from an intruder. but take a look at this. that intruder is right behind her, right by that window. we're going to tell you what's going on in this picture next. do you think the nsa is wrong to spy on americans? what about now with the current threat of isis? is spying okay in this instance?
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he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die. the death penalty is off the
table for the child's father, justin harris. prosecutors say he researched hot car deaths just days before his 22-month-old son died in one. his attorney claims that it was an accident. a driver killed by tony stewart have pot in his system when he died? that's what the toxicology report found. 20-year-old kevin ward died after stewart's car hit him during a race on august 9. a grand jury just cleared stewart of criminal charges, but he could still face a civil suit from ward's family. take a look at this video just in to "fox & friends". there you go. in a giant cooler lost at sea. he spent an entire week floating six miles off the coast of mexico. high waves from a tropical storm sunk his fishing boat, sew crawled into the ice cooler. another boater spotted him and now he's recovering in the hospital. and more evidence that daddies know best.
>> those are dish towels. >> okay. dad. i realize this is impossible. ♪ ♪ >> look at her dance. "duck dynasty" star willie robertson having the final say in his daughter's outfits before she hits "dancing with the stars." now he's saying he wants her to look appropriate and classy. those are your headlines. >> that sounds like her father. all right. thank you. coming up, is learning about patriotism in school a bad thing? that debate raging in our nation's schools right now. we'll take a closer look coming up. plus, want to take video on federal land? get ready to get out your wallet. get out 1500 one dollar bills. how does that work? find out straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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fox news alert. he's playing a twisted game with police. yep. wanted fugitive eric frein leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. rick leventhal has been covering the story and has the latest. hey, rick. >> reporter: good morning. we got new details from pennsylvania state police yesterday afternoon. they say they found notes and writings left behind by suspected cop killer eric frein that suggested this is some kind of twisted game for him, that he is targeting law enforcement and that he was wearing those diapers so that he could stay in one spot for a long time as this
13-day manhunt continues. they say they also found serbian cigarettes that he's been smoking during the manhunt, possibly because he pictures himself as some kind of serbian soldier like he was during many war reenactments. police released pictures of his 2001 jeep cherokee sport that was stuck in the marsh presumably during his escape from where he shot two troopers, killing one. they say hundreds of officers and federal agents continue to focus their search on this rugged area near the border of pike and monroe counties. they believe he's here in these thick woods based on multiple sightings. some of them by law enforcement. they think they spotted the self-taught survivalist in the woods wearing all black clothing, but they've always been at a distance. by the time they get close, they say he's a ghost. they have found bunkers and shelters in the woods that may have been built or used by him and they say there have been many reports of shots fired, but not by law enforcement. they can't confirm that it's frien who has been pulling the
trigger. he is considered armed and very dangerous. he's on the f.b.i.'s ten most wanted list and they're encouraging the public to stay out of the woods until he's caught. guys? >> all right. thank you very much. rick leventhal in pennsylvania. when they catch him, rick will be there. steve? logical advances that allow u.s. intelligence agencies to pinpoint an al-qaeda cell in yemen or an e-mail between two terrorists in the sahel also mean many routine communications around the world are within our reach at a time when more and more of our lives are digital, that prospect is disquieting for all of us. >> back in january the president called nsa surveillance methods that help catch terrorists disquieting. but does isis and the latest threat make nsa surveillance more acceptable to you? let's have a debate. morgan wright is the former senior advisor for the state department's antiterrorism assistance program and julian
sanchez is the senior fellow specialize noting in privacy. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> morgan, let's start with you. does the fact that we've got this isis threat now, does that make people, does that change people's feelings about the nsa, because we all know that the nsa is spying on all of us. >> right. the french said at one time, everybody spies on everybody. it's the policies around the collection of information and intelligence. steve, we both come from kansas. i'm a former detective from there. i don't care about sources and methods when i'm protecting my state and area, i want to know about information. we got to remember that ultimately this information is going to come back to the law enforcement officials, the men and women who are out on the streets every day protecting us. lot of people don't realize there is 10,000 fewer new york police officers today than there were on 9-11. so the value of intelligence is far more important today than it was ten years ago. >> julian, the thing that bothers you and bothers many americans is, okay, the fight
thing was about foreigners. we're talking about the bulk collection of every american's digital life, the phone and everything else. and that's where they have gone over the line, in your estimation. >> that's right. there is new reason we can't limit, for example, the indiscriminate collection of millions of americans' phone records without hampering our ability to fight adversaries like isis. the director of national intelligence has said the reform on the table in the senate now would not hinder their foreign intelligence mission. there is mo reason. >> when you look at the record, let's not go that far back, i mean, we've heard that the nsa needs to collect all this stuff. they know if they wanted to, they could look in the record and know that i called my wife three times and called a bunch of other people as well yesterday. but here is the thing, if this program that spies on americans is so effective, why didn't it
catch the guys in boston? they were hiding in plain sight making phone calls all over the place? >> it's not a failure of technology. it's a failure of policy at that point. it goes back to who is talking to who and the prohibitions around it. i've been a proponent of technology. right now there are people in the united states who are not american citizens planning to do us harm. we have to realize that this threat is not just foreign. it's also domestic. we've got to be able to have the tools at our disposal to be able to address that. and i'm not saying that the bulk collection that gets into a policy issue, but i'm saying is when you have somebody overseas talking to somebody here and we have a reason to believe this is terrorist relled information, i think opens the door to say what else is going on here? >> julian, i'll give you the last 20 seconds. >> when we have specific reason to look at someone, we can get targeted orders. every independent review of the bulk program has said in fact it wasn't useful.
they never found a case where we needed that program to get intelligence about bad actors in the u.s. when they did get information, it was duplicating what the f.b.i. was able to get through traditional targeted orders. that's all we need, i think, to fight the fight domestically. >> the debate goes on. all right. julian and morgan, thank you for joining us from d.c. >> you bet. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a marine dies waiting for his appointment at the v.a. and four days after he died, something even more disturbing surfaced. did the v.a. try to cover up a massive mistake? that's next. then he's grabbing luggage at the airport. one problem, it's not his luggage. what's going on at the airport? should you be concerned about people like that? ♪ ♪ and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac!
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fox news alert. the labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. it just happened moments ago. 293,000 new jobless claims. that's more than last week and a little bit less than we expected >> that's right. >> a little bit of an improvement. overnight the u.s. carrying out more air strikes against isis. this time targeting air oil refineries. what's the financial impact of these strikes and how should they be targeted now? joining us now to discuss that very topic is co-host of "the five," eric bolling. good morning. brian was commenting on your jeans earlier today. >> i heard about that. what happened is i -- you have the courage to have an alternate outfit when you come here. i would come in no shirt, no socks, no shoes. >> yeah. so i change when i get here. >> it's another topic for another day. let's talk a little bit about, okay, so what we did was
attacked some oil refineries. they're being described as modular, which sounds small. that's probably better than blowing up the great big refineries. >> actually, i'm not sure it is. first of all, i love this strategy. i talked about it last week that i recommended we do hit the oil infrastructure within syria and iraq, the ones that isis is controlling. syria has a little bit of oil production. they're taking eye -- isis is stealing some oil from syria. iraq has a ton of oil production. they have a million barrels a day worth in iraq. >> the reason we're talking to you about oil is you dealt in oil on wall street. >> 20 years in the business drilling, selling, transporting. >> what's the impact? >> what do you is you've cut off isis' ability to raise money. the reason why isis was spreading so fast, the reason why isis went from a few hundred fighters to 31,500 fighters in a short period of time, they had a lot of money and paying mercenaries. they were paying various
terrorists or various people who were looking for the fight to come over and fight for them. >> ten times the amount. >> here is what's going on. 13 mood car oil refineries, i think it's misnomer. i think refineries. i don't think that's what we're hitting. we talked to the state department. paged through everything they've talked about these strikes. 12 targets were hit. 13 strikes. 12 were hit. modular oil refineries could probably be small ways of pulling oil out of the ground. in the middle east, it's sand and the oil is close to the top. the smart thing to do and i hope they're doing this, is hit all the crude oil installations. don't hit the refineries. refineries -- >> take years to make. >> and billions of dollars to fix it. it will be our responsibility to fix it later. if you hit an oil processing plant pulling the oil outç of e ground, very easy to fix. very cheaply and very quickly once this is stopped. i don't know if we have it, i asked for a map of syria.
if you have that, do we have that? anyway, so here -- perfect. so isis is in syria. the big issue right now, right now the concerted effort have isis surrounded with the exception of that one up top, turkey. we have iraq covered, saudi arabia covered, jordan in the south covered. and then there is water. to the east, you need turkey to play ball with us. you need turkey to get involved because the oil they're pulling out of the ground in syria and iraq goes straight up through that turkish border and sold to the population areas within turkey. >> they've always been smuggle smuggleed. >> ninety-two dollars a barrel for oil on the free market. they're selling it for 30 to 35 bucks. >> you have to have turkey say no. >> yeah. >> they like cheap oil. so it's definitely going to affect their economy. you have to start hitting the trucks that are transporting. these are wide open roads. >> even better, hit the roads.
eliminate their ability to put the trucks on the road. these hell fire missiles, tomahawks are very expensive to spend one for a single truck. you may not want to do that. you may want to disrupt the roads and certainly the roads leading up to turkey where they're selling it. >> my last point is we could make up the difference on the market with the oil that we produce. we have to -- we could commit to doing that. >> you mean help them out? >> yeah. if iraq stops producing and syria gets sunk -- >> the smartest thing we're doing is pushing isis back into syria, letting them locate in syria because it's really, really well producing oil fields are in iraq. you want to keep them in syria. there is not a lot of oil. once you get them covered from all sides, you win the war. i think this is great, smart war tactic. >> yesterday they started to cut off the cash. all right. eric bolling, check him out on "the five" at 5. have you seen that, lea? >> of course i've seen that.
>> who do you have for us? >> on november 26, 2012, marine corporal jordan bizman died while waiting for v.a. treatment. after something disturbing happened, the v.a. said he canceled that appointment. one problem? he died four days before he allegedly canceled that very appointment. his mother joined us earlier to comment. >> how could he have called in four days after he passed away? the reason i started the whole process was his 70-day wait that was required of him to be able to see a neurologist. if he'd have been seen sooner or expeditiously, that he would have possibly still been alive. >> the v.a. has not commented. and he's grabbing luggage at the airport, but one problem? it's not his. phoenix police releasing brand-new video of a man stealing luggage from sky harbor
airport. you can see him walking off the airport train and into the baggage claim where he steals a woman's bag, then gets right back onto that train. police offering a a $1,000 reward for his arrest. want to take a picture of federal land? you may have to actually pay for it. feds are pushing a law that's aimed at the press trying to take pictures or film on federal lands. it would even apply to people taking photos or videos with a cell phone. as for anyone who wants to take photos or film commercially, they must pay $1,500 for a permit or face $1,000 fine. check out this terrifying photo showing the moment a woman hid from an intruder on her roof of her home. look how close he comes to actually finding her. she grabbed her phone and crawled into that hiding spot when she realized he had broke into her home. police in los angeles arrived minutes after she called 911 and gave her a ladder to get down from there. those are your headlines. maria, over to you. >> good morning. good to see you.
we're outside here on the plaza on a rainy day in new york city and joining us this morning is the very special guest, your motor trends editor in chief. you're here because we have a very special announcement. you're actually going to be revealing for us the number one best driver's car. how is that different than the car of the year award? >> so car of the year is open to every all new vehicle every year. this this is just for the top performance cars. only the best sports cars. >> and you have the top three choices. let's start with number three. >> yes. this is the 2014 911 turbo s, insane car. all wheel drive. 560 horsepower. incredible vehicle. very, very quick. >> we can open it? >> yeah. beautiful car. this is the kind of car you want in this kind of weather. >> what is number two? >> alpha romeo 4 c. mid engine, you can see it right
here. club chassis. turbo forged, 4 cylinder engine. >> and now number one is special because this is the first time an american car won this award. >> absolutely. the last two winners have been porsches. this is a camaro, z 28. this is a race car built for the street. got a 7-liter engine, v 8 engine. the widest tires you can get on a production car up front. absolutely insane. >> this car you can purchase it without ac? >> absolute he. so to make it super lightweight, you can get an option with no ac, no remarks stripped down just like you want a race car. >> thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> i'm going to toss it back inside while i get into my brand-new car. thanks, ed. >> you're a lucky woman, maria. >> it will take you five minutes to figure out where the wipers are. you'll need them today. coming up, is learning about
patriotism in school a bad thing? that debate raging in our nation's schools, believe it or not. we're going to take a closer look as we roll on live from new york city. ♪ when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
hundreds of colorado students protesting history curriculum changes that would promote patriotism. >> they want to take away our curriculum, u.s. history. i mean, the students don't deserve that. we deserve to know everything that went on. >> it's not right to teach them what's right about america. we need to teach them what we did wrong. >> the censorship of u.s. history is wrong. and i think it's communist. >> is the whole story being told? our next guest says these students are being used as political pawns.
here to explain is the president of jefferson county board of education, ken witt. thanks for being with us. we're not talking about a few students here. we're talking 500 from one school. 400 from another. 300. today more are probably expected to do the same. what's the core issue here? the rumor is there is going to be censorship. $40 million in cuts. are these rumors true? >> therein lies the issue. i personally went to one of these web sites and saw the discussion that these students were having for the reason they wanted to walk out. they talked about $40 million in cuts that we wanted to eliminate slavery from u.s. history, that we wanted to eliminate civil rights discussion and martin luther king from history. these are simply not true. and that's the unfortunate part what is true is that this board recently decided to give significant raises to our teachers in a way that did not fit the old union model of some get raises, some don't. but instead, we instituted
performance-based compensation. that's what the board did do at the last meeting. we also discussed seating a curriculum review committee to form the board and look at what curriculum, whether there are changes, what the changes are and whether or not they're appropriate for our district because that's our responsibility. >> those materials were set to promote citizenship and the positive parts of our nation here and not condone civil disorder or disregard for the law. i like the fact that students are out there getting excited about history. what concerns me is that what i'm hearing from you, and correct me if i am wrong, is that there is someone else behind this planting it and using these students for their own gain. your response? >> that's the unfortunate situation that's going on. i believe that there is a significant amount of union conflict right now that we would like to not have. the issue is that it's easy to get children out. it's easy to use kids as pawns
and it's not right. we have a union contract that's expiring in august of this year. there is significant concern over the changes that this board have instituted to implement even equalization of choice across our schools, performance pay to insure we have an effective teacher in every classroom. >> of course. >> and soon we'll be renegotiating that contract and that back story is very important to understand why there seems to be this continuing turmoil that's being stirred up. >> are more protests expected today or are these kids getting back in class? >> there are rumors that additional schools will protest today. it's kind of rolled through our schools and i hope that ends soon. we need our kids in their classroom. i welcome their participation and i laud their interest in what's going on. but they need to be in class getting an education. there are other ways to get that
information and interact with the district. i hope they'll take advantage of them. >> it should be organic, coming right from them. we thank you for being with us this morning. we'll stay on it. coming up, he's a fugitive no more. the suspect wanted in the disappearance of hannah graham. that suspect is now under arrest. but is he talking? are we any closer to finding hannah? mark fuhrman with the new details next. but first martha mccallum for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> we have a packed show. what is next in the war against isis? who will help us and for how long? we're going to talk to josh earn he is of the white house who is here in new york with the president. he will be here in studio. admiral kirby of the pentagon here as well this morning. also former first lady laura bush on what we all need to remember now that we are back in a high anxiety state over potential terrorism here in the united states. bill and i will see you top of the hour. see you then
♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
we've got a fox news alert just in. west high school in manchester, new hampshire, on lockdown. reports of a 21-year-old former student seen walking into the building with a gun tucked into his pants. police are currently searching for him. all students are said to be safe. that's a fox news alert from manchester. brian and elisabeth? >> the man waned in the hannah graham disappearance captured last night in texas on a beach. >> how did he get there? did he have any help? we still need to know where is hannah? >> right now we're joined by one of the best in the business, detective mark fuhrman. what would you be doing right now if you're on this case knowing your suspect was 1500 miles away?
>> well, certainly i hope he waives extradition you and get him back quicker if i have the evidence. if i don't have enough evidence or i'm waiting for more forensic tests that would actually shore up my case, i kind of hope he fights extradition, gives me another 30 days to 60 days to work on my case. as far as interrogation, i wouldn't want to go to texas -- i would want to go to texas, get a dialogue going and hope he would waive his rights and actually talk, but i doubt that's going to happen. >> we actually don't hear that he is doing that right now. how do you actually get that to happen? desperately everyone wants to find hannah. how do you get him to help find her? help the police get to her? >> well, it's not in his best interest if hannah graham is dead. it's not in his best interest if he raped hannah graham and she
is somehow held captive. it is not in his best interest to help the police. if they can convince him that somehow he would get a lesser penalty or charge when it comes to court, that's about the only kind of tool that you have right now because he's incarcerated. he knows he's caught. he fled. he fled knowing full well that the police wanted to talk to him. so he knows he's a suspect. he knows what he did. he knows where hannah is. but as far as telling authorities, that would only make his case worse unless they make some sort of a deal with him. >> on our show, the police chief joined us. here is what he said he needs from witnesses. >> particularly from that time of hannah's disappearance to the time of it being reported to the police, we're concerned about that large block of time and just what the habits and behaviors of jesse matthew might
have been. let me give you an example. if at 8:00 o'clock on saturday morning, september 13, someone saw jesse matthew when he was pumping gas at a gas station and he was alone, he was in a grocery store buying milk and he was alone, or somewhere else in the city of charlottesville and he was alone, that's important information for us to know because we're trying to shrink that time line so we can again be more efficient about how we go about the search for hannah graham. >> you're get to go see the holes they still need filled, mark. >> well, of course. there is always holes, even when go to a prosecution and somebody successfully prosecuted, there is still holes because the suspect doesn't give up everything. i cannot second guess what the chief and his detectives have done in charlottesville. i think they've done a great job. a lot of people have been slightly critical. why didn't you talk to him at the search warrant? why didn't you talk to him when he came into the station? this is really a delicate dance
because once you actually approach a suspect and you advise him of his rights, if he shuts the door on you, you can never approach him again. so you want to find that opportunity when he is the weakest and the most apt to talk to you and they really haven't gotten to that point yet because he became so eadvicesive, they couldn't -- evasive, they couldn't even find him to present things to him that might want him to talk. >> this case certainly turning as we speak. we might have a breakthrough today. thank you for setting the table for us. >> thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back with one for the road and something else special ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪
♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away
and before you go out, check this out. our state department tweeted out
these photos showing dead terrorists killed in this week's air strikes. the #thinkagain, turn away, is aimed at turning people away from joining isis. join isis and get killed essentially is the message. bill: the u.s. unleashing a new round much targets in syria hitting the terrorists cash cow, its oil. martha: i'm martha maccallum. the u.s. and its arab allies attacking a dozen facilities in east syria. >> what can y r

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Lacustrine Plain , Truck , Nissan Titan , Ram , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Fender , Off Road Vehicle , Mini Mpv , Off Roading , Precipitation , Pedestrian Crossing , Sidewalk , Daewoo Lanos , Mercedes Benz , Peugeot , Garage , Suzuki Swift , Entertainment , Collage , Floristry , Shelf , Shelving , Collection , Laser , Computer Monitor , Desktop Computer , Laptop , Computer Hardware , Netbook , Ford Freestar , Feature Phone , Mobile Phone , Smartphone , Mobile Device , Mobile Phone Accessories , Cellular Network , Numeric Keypad , Telephone , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Energy Drink , Liquid , Grassland , Prairie , Iphone , Internet Meme , Exercise Equipment , Basketball Moves , Slam Dunk , Tile , Plumbing Fixture , Trampolining , Mini , Science , Space Shuttle , Planet , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Park , Song , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Bodybuilding , Exercise , Fitness Professional , Aerobic Exercise , Dance , Strength Training , Fitness And Figure Competition , Net , Material Property , Party Supply , Ball , Swiss Ball , Kettlebell , Long Distance Running , Running , Marathon , Crossfit , Training , Chip , Picture Frame , Athletics , Track And Field Athletics , Knee , Decathlon , Press Up , Sports Training , Contact Sport , Cross Country Running , Spring Break , Triathlon , Zumba , Weights , Pilates , Circuit Training , Calf , Weightlifting , Pull Up , Waist , Jeans , Shorts , Wood Flooring , Foot , Leggings , Laminate Flooring , Wood Stain , Non Commissioned Officer , Icon , Bedroom , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Mattress Pad , Boutique Hotel , Comfort , Bottle , Alcohols , Drinkware , Wine Bottle , Wine , Tableware , Dining Room , Sweater , Blouse , Plaid , Tartan , Button , Polo Shirt , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Sweatshirt , Hoodie , Polar Fleece , Pencil Skirt , Locker , Filing Cabinet , Incandescent Light Bulb , Lamp , Lampshade , Darkroom , Tattoo , Spring , Meadow , Vegetation , Rural Area , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Branch , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Painting , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Jungle , Plant Stem , Cool , Playground , Jumping , Coast , Paragliding , Public Space , Bench , Outdoor Play Equipment , Pasture , Swing , Grove , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Playground Slide , Outdoor Furniture , Trampoline , Mammal , Pet , Dog , Canidae , Dog Breed , Dog Walking , Carnivore , Sporting Group , Borzoi , Whippet , Shiba Inu , Saluki , Obedience Training , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Tide , Wetsuit , Mudflat , Fawn , Bay , Seabird , Aeolian Landform , Budgie , Surfboard , Beach Volleyball , Volleyball , Caribbean , Barefoot , Ecoregion , Fell , Steppe , Field , Major Appliance , Home Appliance , Kitchen Appliance , Refrigerator , Textile , Crochet , Linens , Holiday , Cooking , Cookware And Bakeware , Medical Equipment , Stethoscope , White Coat , Physician , Service , Medi Cal , Medical Assistant , Health Care Provider , Health Care , Makeup Artist , Hearing , Silhouette , Monument , Veterans Day , Police , Thunderstorm , Lightning , Flag Of The United States , Memorial Day , Camera Operator , Cinematographer , Videographer , Machine Gun , Airsoft Gun , Rifle , Shooting , Air Gun , Optical Instrument , Camera Accessory , Camera , Petal , Flower , Album Cover , Bangs , Tongue , Sleep , Infant Bed , Bathtub , Rock Climbing , Adventure , Bouldering , Glove , Climbing , High Heels , Outdoor Shoe , Boot , Bag , Sandal , Sneakers , Handbag , Fisheye Lens , Graffiti , Paint , Orienteering , Whiteboard , Slope , Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Freestyle Bmx , Road Bicycle , Bmx Bike , Gym , Leg Extension , Escalator , Plaster , Hall , Molding , Fur Clothing , Bookcase , Bookselling , Self Help Book , Trailer , Caving , Sport Climbing , Cave , Carnival , Drawing , Modern Art , Baking , Dish , Goggles , Action Figure , Ford Crown Victoria , Taxi , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Ford , Public Utility , Police Car , Head Restraint , Full Size Car , Army Men , Mud , Outdoor Power Equipment , Tree Stump , Autumn , Floral Design , Deciduous , Beige , Flower Arranging , Curtain , Vegetable , Salad , Cuisine , Ingredient , Leaf Vegetable , Recipe , Produce , Superfood , Vegetarian Food , Lunch , Asian Food , Meal , Spinach , European Food , Greek Food , Greek Salad , Cruciferous Vegetables , Side Dish , Tomato , Thai Food , Grilling , Barbecue , Outdoor Grill , Barbecue Grill , Wok , à La Carte Food , Plantation , Oak , Twig , Place Of Worship , Church , Chapel , Historic Site , Basilica , Monastery , Mosque , Cathedral , Synagogue , Medieval Architecture , Steeple , Parish , Château , Classical Architecture , Clock Tower , Listed Building , Tufted Capuchin , Non Sporting Group , Tape , New World Monkey , Old World Monkey , Snout , Macaque , Bat , Vertebrate , Aggression , Puppy , Labrador Retriever , Retriever , Pointing Breed , Orangutan , Capuchin Monkey , Lobby , Bellh 13 Sioux , Fire , Guitarist , Peugeot 3008 , Steering Part , Chevrolet Volt , Home Door , Gate , Fire Department , Fire Marshal , Police Dog , Security , Arrest , Rescue , Mitsubishi Eclipse , Security Guard , Special Agent , Model Car , Automobile Repair Shop , Auto Mechanic , Convention , Banknote , Currency , Crumble , Snack , Staple Food , Cherry Pie , Streusel , Pie , Streuselkuchen , Finger Food , Appetizer , Fast Food , Scone , Focaccia , Breakfast , Pastry , Cobbler , Blackberry Pie , Strawberry , Strawberries , Raspberry , Cookies And Crackers , Gluten , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Natural Foods , Quinoa , Muesli , Popcorn , Fruit , Vitis , Valley , Depression , Arête , Plateau , Chaparral , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Plant Community , Badlands , Acura , Acura Mdx , Acura Rdx , Acura Tsx , Honda Fcx Clarity , Hydrogen Vehicle , Acura Tl , Bling , Gramophone Record , Data Storage Device , Shooting Range , Military Vehicle , Herd , Flightless Bird , Animal Migration , Ratite , Bird , Plucked String Instruments , Woodwind Instrument , Reed Instrument , Brass Instrument , Varnish , Mo Ney , Mechanical Fan , Pianist , Musical Keyboard , Electronic Keyboard , Keyboard Player , Keyboard , Digital Piano , Piano , Market , Flea Market , Street Food , Drum , Bass Drum , Ammunition , Boutique , Rickshaw , , Bicycle Wheel , Cart , Natural Material , Barista , Loudspeaker , Personal Computer Hardware , Mixing Console , Software Engineering , Visual Arts , Auditorium , Hospital , Mat , Concrete , Fixture , Drawer , Chest Of Drawers , Cardboard , Baluster , Baby Products , Treadmill , Compact Van , Light Commercial Vehicle , Microvan , Ford Transit , Computer Icon , Inn , Everyday Carry , Electronics Accessory , Brochure , Comfort Food , Baggage , Luggage And Bags , Portable Media Player , Handheld Game Console , Dawn , Lantern , Sad , Celestial Event , Recruiter , Door Handle , Museum , Hardware Accessory , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Indian Elephant , African Elephant , Terrestrial Animal , Zoo , Reading , Tablet Computer , Pen , Graphics Tablet , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Skin Care , Cream , Fluid , Cosmetics , Crescent , Polar Ice Cap , Arctic , Arctic Ocean , Glacial Lake , Crop , Speedboat , Marina , Fishing Vessel , Yacht , Power Station , Industry , Pollution , Cooling Tower , Electricity , Chimney , Technician , Research Institute , Dispatcher , Customer , Airline , Computer Keyboard , Recording Studio , Baseball Field , Goal , Sari , Flag Day Usa , Independence Day , Diet Food , Superfruit , Whole Food , Local Food , Vegan Nutrition , Legume , Cranberry , Mantis , Still Life , Botany , Insect , Bud , Lily Family , Anthurium , Pollen , Alstroemeriaceae , Chili Pepper , Carrot , Bell Peppers And Chili , Birds Eye Chili , Nightshade Family , Capsicum , Herb , Working Dog , Dog Food , Companion Dog , Canis , Australian Shepherd , Siberian Husky , Alaskan Malamute , Dog Supply , St Bernard , Convenience Food , Food Group , Class , Academic Institution , School , Art Exhibition , Exhibition , Art Gallery , Brutalist Architecture , Scaffolding , Workwear , Fashion Model , Fashion Design , Cocktail Dress , Bun , Haute Couture , Peach , Leather Jacket , Tights , Denim , Choreography , Dancer , Modern Dance , Concert Dance , Punk Fashion , Bow Tie , Flash Photography , Acrobatics , Cardigan , Human Anatomy , Bone , Scarf , Superhero , Aston Martin One 77 , Toyota Ft Hs , Palace , Town Square , Byzantine Architecture , Volvo Cars , Bullet Train , Pagani Zonda , Porsche , Maserati Mc12 , Tunnel , Carmine , Viaduct , Concrete Bridge , Nissan Gt R , Alfa Romeo 8c , Aston Martin Rapide , Business School , Choir , Secondary School , Private School , Luxury Yacht , Drum Machine , Peripheral , Range Rover , Wrist , Stage Equipment , Balance , Lens , Camera Lens , Cameras Optics , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Digital Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Teleconverter , Spoke , Gas Stove , Hubcap , Kitchen Stove , Cucumber , Cucumis , Jalapeno , Cook , Brunch , American Food , Wedding Reception , Red Hair , Meat , Polish Food , Eastern European Food , Casserole , Zapiekanka , Food Storage , Basket , Garnish , Solanum , Drinking , Sharing , Family Pictures , Cappuccino , Coffee , Cup , Espresso , Serveware , Latte , Coffee Cup , Dietary Supplement , Plastic Bottle , Soft Drink , Juice , Obelisk , Rocket , Dome , Emergency Vehicle , Fire Apparatus , Metro Station , Guard Dog , Conformation Show , Riot , Bull , Bovine , Newfoundland , Intersection , Cricket , Horse , Stallion , Horse Racing , Umbrella , Basketball Player , Baseball , Bat And Ball Games , Baseball Umpire , Baseball Park , College Baseball , Pitcher , Baseball Player , Baseball Positions , Infielder , Baseball Equipment , Softball , College Softball , Baseball Uniform , One Day International , Freestyle Wrestling , Pitch , Basketball Court , Mural , Watercolor Paint , Acrylic Paint , Rhesus Macaque , Baboon , Street Art , Cable Car , Airport , Outlet Store , Fashion Show , Shopping , Mascot , Cosplay , Stuffed Toy , Toy , Teddy Bear , Plush , Nightlight , Warehouse , Train Station , Passenger Car , Railroad Car , Tram , Whiskers , Rabbits And Hares , Maglev , Animal Shelter , Valentines Day , X Ray , Lego , Aircraft Cabin , Garbage Truck , Freight Transport , Cargo , Grille , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Range Rover Evoque , Computer Speaker , Carbon , Speedometer , Measuring Instrument , Odometer , Gauge , Lexus Rx , Pleased , Alley , Hyundai Veloster , Mazda Cx 5 , Lexus Gs , Driveway , Honda City , Kia Forte Koup , Universe , Batman , Gown , Classic Car , Scrap , Wood Chopping , Longboard , Skateboard , Botanical Garden , Wildflower , Rhododendron , Cornales , Maple , Airplane , Robot , Canary , Propeller , Flight , Aerobatics , General Aviation , Air Show , Skiing , Freestyle Skiing , Slopestyle , Ski Jumping , Winter Sport , Alpine Skiing , Downhill , Air Racing , Fighter Aircraft , Rubiks Cube , Cold Weapon , Ring , Melee Weapon , Cutlery , Hand Tool , Ball Pen , Nail Care , Media Player , Ipod , Professional Wrestling , Music Artist , Heat , Sailboat , Sail , Atlas , Pool , Dog Sports , Ambulance , Light Bulb , Picket Fence , Home Fencing , Cottage , Porch , Coach , Identity Document , Payment Card , Credit Card , Photographic Paper , Box , Neon , Felidae , Big Cats , Lion , Meerkat , German Shepherd Dog , Street Dog , Cat , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Birman , Persian , Kitten , Chihuahua , Welsh Corgi , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Pomeranian , Ferret , Mustelidae , Yorkshire Terrier , Shih Tzu , Toy Dog , Spitz , Trial , Old English Sheepdog , Procyonidae , Cairn Terrier , Terrier , Schnauzer , Maine Coon , Ragdoll , Miniature Schnauzer , Mustelinae , Polecat , Weasel , Raccoon , Rodent , Himalayan , Balinese , Siamese , Snowshoe , Thai , Tonkinese , Domestic Long Haired Cat , Animal Sports , Carpet , Lingerie , Jheri Curl , Arecales , Palm Tree , Screen Door , Aluminium , Campus , Biathlon , Ice Hotel , Penguin , Poker , Sports Game , Cable , Bowling Pin , Net Sports , Armored Car , Combat Vehicle , Humvee , Stupa , Courthouse , Beer , Window Treatment , Dairy , Supermarket , Boxing Ring , Grocery Store , Aisle , Marketplace , Shopping Cart , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Chocolate Chip , Bread , Bakery , Soda Bread , Oatmeal Raisin Cookies , Panettone , Chocolate , Spiral , Fractal Art , Astronomy , Windsurfing , Aurora , Aquatic Plant , Coral , Coral Reef , Birds Eye View , Estuary , Tank , Action Adventure Game , Shooter Game , Airsoft , Backlighting , Dodge Dart , Volkswagen Gti , Fiat Bravo , Satellite Radio , Porsche Cayenne , Porsche Panamera , Mitsubishi Outlander , Hyundai Genesis Coupe , Chevrolet , Supermini , Ford Focus , Microwave Oven , Display Case , Window Blind , Toilet Seat , Bidet , Skateboarding , Skateboarding Equipment , Boardsport , Fedora , Cowboy Hat , Sun Hat , Locomotive , Rolling , Freight Car , Shipping Container , Supersonic Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Double Decker Bus , Artificial Turf , Recycling , Trailer Truck , Truck Racing , Football , Soccer , Soccer Player , Soccer Ball , International Rules Football , Granite , Ostrich , Emu , War , Self Propelled Artillery , Joker , Supervillain , Cg Artwork , Scale Model , Nissan Quest , Killer Whale , Shark , Combat Sport , Stripper , Musical Theatre , Cheering , Cheerleading , Pride Parade , Banger Racing , Demonstration , Transformers , Research , Ferrari 458 , Porsche Cayman , Automotive Exhaust , Tread , Exhaust System , Tire Care , Rain , Windscreen Wiper , Video Projector , Wireless Router , Home Accessories , Figurine , Mecha , Subwoofer , Studio Monitor , Home Theater System , Balcony , Turquoise , Lamnidae , Cartilaginous Fish , Whale , Submarine , Gautama Buddha , Mythology , Gmc , Rally Raid , Mitsubishi Pajero , Jeep Commander Xk , Land Rover Discovery , Ford Ecosport , Sniper Rifle , Precision Sports , Yoga , Undershirt , Water Bird , Stretching , Striking Combat Sports , Meditation , Beak , Ducks Geese And Swans , Martial Arts , Yoga Mat , Rabbit , Sole , Guitar , Dinner , Rehearsal Dinner , Banquet , Bread Roll , Mediterranean Food , Slider , Fried Food , Supper , Taste , Golden Retriever , Gun Dog , Wine Glass , Stemware , Cheeseburger , Kids Meal , Veggie Burger , Sandwich , Hamburger , Whopper , Breakfast Sandwich , Radiology , Medical Imaging , Flame , Inflatable , Fog , Sketch , Line Art , Tail , Coloring Book , Beaver , Owl , Muroidea , Cylinder , Cargo Pants , Bulgur , Wedding Dress , Bridal Clothing , Bride , Romance , Column , Frontenis , Airliner , Batholith , Unesco World Heritage Site , Outcrop , Intrusion , Sill , Bedrock , National Monument , Mountaineering , Villa , Tent , Volkswagen New Beetle , Tvr , Porsche 911 , Porsche 911 Gt3 , Ruf Rt 12 , Hardtop , Ruf Ctr3 , Maserati Coupé , Fisker Karma , Ford Puma , Porsche Boxster , Daihatsu Copen , Volkswagen Beetle , Alfa Romeo 8c Competizione , Alfa Romeo , Artega Gt , Lotus Elise , Alfa Romeo Mito , Lotus Exige , Lotus , Pontiac Solstice , Muscle Car , Automotive Engine Part , Chevrolet Camaro , Custom Car , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Suzuki , Limousine , Ford Five Hundred , Cadillac Dts , Radio Controlled Toy , Emergency , Pottery , Ghee , Comics , Toyota Camry , Cherry Blossom , Hedge , Mazda , Honda Civic , Mazda Cx 9 , Toyota Avensis , Buick Lucerne , Lexus Es , Pontiac Vibe , Nissan 350z , Mazda3 , Honda Civic Hybrid , Motorcycle Helmet , Calendar , Water Bottle , Bottled Water , Laboratory Equipment , Absolut Vodka , Bight , River Delta , Stained Glass , Safari , Beanie , Dirt Road , Dust , Wadi , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Makhtesh , Butte , Klippe , Mass Production , Attic , Lumber , Inventory , Electrical Supply , Sphere , Subway ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140925 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140925 10:00:00

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responded. let's keep talking about these national guard shirts. they're being banned at a new york high school because -- there they are. -- they have guns on them. what do you think? head to our facebook page and join in the conversation, #keeptalking. >> "fox & friends first" starts right now. >> good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the suspect charged with abducting university of virginia student hannah graham captured by police in texas. now the question is, where is hannah? >> meanwhile, as the united states unleashes new airstrikes on isis's oil trade, the syrian rebels who we were supposed to be helping them, suddenly they're having a change of heart. >> meanwhile ter -- terrifying photos showing a woman being chased by a home intruder and how close
he came to finding her hiding on the roof. smile, mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> welcome aboard. live from studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan where it's going to be a rainy day. thanks very much for joining us. >> the game could get rained out at home. >> or at least a rain delay. >> they told me derek jeter is retiring this year. i had no idea. >> joe tory is coming up. >> special relationship between those two. >> we start with a huge development. the certainly for that missing university of virginia student hannah graham, the man charged in her disappearance, her abduction now under arrest. for the latest let's go to heather childers for breaking details from the galveston, texas, area.
>> reporter: we've been following this story this morning. police, they're calling it an extremely lucky break. jesse matthew arrested more than 1,300 miles away from the university of virginia in galveston action texas. matthew was arrested after someone called police reporting a suspicious person hanging around the beach. when police showed up, they ran the license plate on his car and the result, the car belonged to him, the fugitive from justice with a warrant out of virginia. matthew was taken into custody. he did not put up a fight, we're told. as you can see in this video taken in peacefully. it was just released to fox news. authorities had been looking for him since saturday. that is when he sped swea from officers after leaving the spaferl police -- the charlottesville police station. investigators say they still don't know why matthew was in texas but they are in the process of bringing him back to virginia and that could take a couple of days. legal experts we talked with say running off to
texas not necessarily something that an innocent person would do and it could be used against him in court. meantime the search for graham continues. the reward for information in that case now up to $100,000. definitely hopeful that they will be closer to getting some answers now. back to you. >> heather, thank you very much. it's interesting. apparently this fellow down in texas, what he did was he went over to like a quick shop or something like that along the beach and said do you think anybody would mind if i just camped over there. so he pitched a tent. they don't know exactly when he showed up. the guy said yeah, you can stay there as long as you want to but there are bad mosquitoes this time of year so he bought bug spray and the cops came. >> 13 minutes now after the hour. speaking of 13, 13 airstrikes last night on 12 isil-controlled modular refineries. not major plants.
smaller plants. not the whole refinery. part of the refinery blown up. why? we're looking to knock off the way they're earning money, about $3 million a week, $2 million per day. i guess that's about $14 million per week. i guess the price went up. refineries are being targeted in the airstrikes, not major cities. they want to hold down casualties and somehow stop that revenue from flowing in. >> they produce 300 and 500 barrels of refined oil. the goal is to leave the refineries largely intact so they can be used again, obviously to support facilities. these were by isis used to additionally sell that oil on the black market in turkey. >> you don't want to punish the people of syria per se or assad. you want to keep the refinery up. also according to one of isis's twitter accounts, apparently 73 jihadis were killed. there is an interesting item in the "wall street journal" today that talks about it was so important for the president to have arab nations on board with
these airstrikes, and apparently the way it all worked was john kerry had been working behind the scenes with the king of saudi arabia. and saudi arabia sounds like had a lot of leverage over the united states. the saudis said, first of all, we want you to train the rebels because we don't like mr. assad. they said okay, we'll do that. then they said you've got to get rid of now al-maliki, the prime minister of iraq because he is a puppet of iran. once we did that, they were on board. they had a lot of leverage. you might say who's calling the shots. ultimately we are but it shows how important it is to have the saudis on board. >> the country's strategy was to say yes to everything we requested because last time we blew them off when we left them on the doorstep and decided not to have any airstrikes against assad because he had the chemical weapons. the saudis say i've got an idea. let's say yes to everything they request and not give them a chance to go back on
their word. >> what about this? the rebel group may not be on board with the airstrikes here. one of the moderate factions, part of the free syrian army alliance and a recipient of the missiles and training, issued a statement tuesday denouncing the, quote, external intervention that is the u.s.-led bombing campaign in syria as -- quote -- "an attack on the revolution." >> we're going to arm them. we're going to feed them. we're going to give them logistic support and they're saying they don't want it and they're outraged we're giving it to them? are you kidding me? >> how about you get what you get and you don't get upset. >> i know it works in the hasselbeck household. i'm not sure it works in syria. >> not to oversimplify it. >> also the people of syria apparently were very heartened that the united states was attacking. then they realized they're not going to take out assad, boo, there was actually some demonstrations about that yesterday. meanwhile, as we talk about these, all these very
technical missile strikes and what not, who else, who better to talk to than leah gabriel, a former naval aviator. part of the fox news team. nice to have you. explain how some of these things work. we've been hearing a lot about thomas tomahawks. >> what we're seeing is a lot of the technology we have, things like the tomahawk attack missile. this is an amazing weapon. our country demonstrated how good it is with those initial strikes. this is a weapon that can be launched from 1500 miles away from target and hit something very precise. it essentially has a picture in its brain of what the terrain it is flying over looks like and is comparing that for accuracy. we want to prevent collateral damage as we're
doing that. i think these strikes are kind of demonstrating our ability to do that. you also mentioned the g.p.s.-guided bombs that are being used. they have not named them yet but from my experience, i would guess the jdam attack mission is what they're using as a g.p.s.-guided bomb when they're dropping them from airplanes. that would be the weapon of choice. >> the tomahawk takes off on its own and the jdam gets dropped? >> yes. the tomahawk is a land attack missile, launched from a ship. the jdam is launched from an airplane. the jdam is a dumb bomb. we can fly high and fast over a target, maybe 30,000 feet or maybe 450 miles per hour, giving it gravity to work with and it will basically fly its way to the target. we don't even have to fly right over it.
we can pick the types of fuses we want. there is a picture we've seen from some of the strikes, a picture of the isis finance building. we may have it that we can pull up here. it shows how they took out a calm array on part of the rooftop. they said they used an air burst fuse. if they wanted to take out the building, they could have done that. they would have used a penetration fuse and intelligence analysts would probably have looked at the building, figured out how thick the walls were, how thick the ceiling was weaponeer for that building. >> there are critics that are concerned that the pinprick strikes as they have been nicknamed are not going to work. listen to dick cheney and what he had to say. >> pinprick attacks as they were doing initially with respect to the aerial campaign, that's what you get. you give the enemy time to adjust to go underground, to take care of protecting themselves from those
attacks and they're less effective when you telegraph what you're going to do. and barack obama has consistently demonstrated, i think, a refusal to accept good military advice in terms of how he actually uses the force. >> we're trying to attack in a way because we think one day we're going to eventually have to rebuild this stuff? >> not to go too much into the strategy, dick cheney has a unique perspective. he's somebody who has been on the inside of things, had access to a lot of intelligence. as you know i worked in the intelligence community in my last few years in the navy and i got a good perspective but can't argue with what the man says. there are reasons we didn't hit the entire building, that we hit the calm areas i described. we have the ability to do that. we're showing we have the ability to do it. i think some people would like to see us decimate isis. >> that might be the only thing we understand because we're watching them chop off heads. they chopped off the head
of another french mountaineer. next up it could be a german citizen in his 60's. we see that brutality and wonder what kind of message it is sending as we take off one building in one town. >> some want an eye for an eye. we have the best military in the world. there's a lot of really smart people working on this problem. >> they're taking their lead from the administration. >> that's true. to some degree, they certainly are. at the same time i think they have a lot of capability. there are a lot of smart people working on this problem and i have to put faith in our intelligence community for the reason they're doing the things they're doing. >> i saw ever jennifer griffin on twitter and saw the reaction when they found out it was a woman at the helm. >> i didn't know they let women fly airplanes. >> it's incredible. people were proposing to her on twitter.
she's 35 years old, apparently had the dream of doing this since she was a teenager, fighting for the u.a.e. to have it be a female fighting isis here, what message will that send? >> this is one i stay out of. when i was a fighter pilot, i thought of myself as a pilot. i didn't think of myself as a woman pilot or anything else. i have to guess that a woman who's done this probably, she probably feels the same. she probably sees herself as a combat fighter pilot, period. >> how does the enemy see her? the enemy does not have that equal pay mantra when they're not chopping off heads. >> if i can get into the head of a person who serves with isis, i would be a crazy person, so i can't answer that question. >> we've seen so many photos that have been devastating as they come across instagram or twitter as they use social media as a way to recruit. when we saw this photo of the female pilot, the major here, it was inspiring to so many, as i think that
you -- and this is what the message said. it says, hey, you were bombed by a woman. have a nice day. >> wouldn't we all love to have that t-shirt for some point in our lives, every woman? it's great. you mentioned the social media campaign that's kind of starting. i think it is important we look at the cyber aspect because they're using social media to recruit people because the u.s. is starting to take moves on our own to try to stop that, try to fight back. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up on this thursday, he mocked president bush's foreign policy, but president obama sure sounded a lot like president bush yesterday when he was talking about isis. former ambassador to the united nations john bolton, coming down the hall. >> terrifying photos show a woman being chased by a home intruder and how close he came to finding her
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hi everybody. after saying that isis is not islamic, has president obama finally toughened up and changed his tune? >> the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. in this effort, we do not
act alone nor do we intend to send u.s. troops to occupy foreign lands. instead, we will support iraqis and syrians fighting to reclaim their communities. >> joining us, fox news contributor, former u.n. ambassador to the united nations. he recognized that mantle behind him. john bolton, ambassador. what do you think of the president's speech? >> i thought it was a huge missed opportunity. he didn't say anything new about the campaign against the islamic state he hasn't said before. i think he lost the chance with the spotlight of the world there to elaborate on the case of why we're trying to do this. instead it was a repetition of what we're not going to do. i don't think he gained any new adhereants yesterday. >> the other thing, he actually brought up where he thinks america is vulnerable. we've got our problems too. we've got our problems in ferguson. >> he can say that was not an example of moral equivalence. the fact is even by
mentioning ferguson, missouri, where we still don't know the facts, let's be clear, by mentioning it in the same speech as isis he's declaring moral equivalency. i thought that was an incredible mistake by the president. >> there was similar rhetoric which president obama when he was senator obama despised by president bush. >> we have reaffirmed again and again that the united states is not and never will be at war with islam. islam teaches peace. >> the terrorists are violating the tenets of every religion including the one they invoke. >> there can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. >> this threat cannot be ignored.
this threat cannot be appeased. >> we are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom and we're prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come. >> we did not ask for this mission, yet there is honor in history's call. >> ambassador, similarities are there. president bush was knocked. will president obama be mocked? not so far. >> no but i thought it was quite interesting yesterday how restrained the reaction was in the hall. these are his peeps at the u.n. general assembly and yet they greeted the speech in much the same way president george w. bush used to describe the general assembly as the wax museum because they didn't react to anything he said. i think president obama had the opportunity to make his case, not to discuss violating international norms and the importance of multilateral institutions which is where his heart really is instead of the struggle against isis.
>> thanks so much for your analysis and what's going on just down the road. as we change gears, a customer claims a costco co-worker karate chopped him because he refused to show his receipt. why do we have to show receipts? i'm a member, by the way. woooo.
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breaking overnight, a big terror arrest. counterterror cops in london busted nine men accused of supporting terror groups. one of them a radical preacher who has publicly supported isis and even called for britain to become an islamic state. he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die but that child's father won't face the same fate. the death penalty is off the table for justin harris. prosecutors said he researched hot car deaths days before his son cooper died in one.
his attorney claims it was an accident. he's playing a twisted game with police, wanted fugitive eric frein leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. the kind snipers wear when they must stay in one spot for a long time. officers say they lied eyes on the accused cop killer but he's managing to disappear. >> was the driver killed by tony stewart high on pot when he died? that is what toks cole gists died. meanwhile a grand jury cleared stewart of criminal charges but he's not in the clear. he could still face a civil suit from ward's family. those are your headlines. elisabeth, over to you? >> should retail store employees be allowed to check your receipt before you leave their store? soon the courts might answer -- get to answer this after a multimillion-dollar lawsuit was placed against wholesale giant costco. one man claims when he tried to leave the store without showing his receipt
employees fought back and broke his leg. joining me now the author of ethical intelligence, dr. bruce weinstein, known as the ethics guy. timothy walls filed a suit for $670,000 against costco. full disclosure. i've done business with costco, been a member for 12 years. part of that membership, when you walk out of the store they're going to check your receipt. >> he made a promise to the business that he would abide by their policy. costco is completely justified. i'm not saying they're justified in what the employee did. he should be a stuntman in a movie. he shouldn't be working in customer care. that was way over the line. >> at what point? when you're crossing that boundary between the store -- and there is some variant between where this took place, inside or outside the store. after you purchase and you're holding your
receipt, if it is checked, is that purchase yours? >> there is a policy that allows the stores to check your bags and your receipt if there is a reasonable suspicion that you have partaken in a theft. that can extend into the parking lot of the store as long as it is on the store's property. however, in this situation, the store is still required to issue a reasonable response. here there might not have been a suspicion that a theft occurred. this seems to be about i want to check your receipt. >> where does the karate chop fall into place? >> the broader issue is don't businesses have a right to protect their financial interests? i'm a corporate ethics chairn. i help companies make financial decisions. a business is not a charity. it is a for-profit institution. this makes it harder for honest customers to do
business. because they're stealing from the store. the store is going to have to raise prices. >> we want to keep the presumption that not everybody is a potential criminal. we should be using these tactics when there is a suspicion something may have occurred instead of the blanket policy that says every single person is under suspicion. >> i think other stores have faced this before. this is a private membership location. if this happened at wal-mart or target or a big-top store that is not membership-related? if you decide to check based on suspicion, you're leaving yourself vulnerable to possible, you're going after me because i'm a woman. you're going after me because of -- >> target and warmth, -- wal-mart should apprise customers you're going to have to show your receipt. it's not a big deal, a minor annoyance. if customers don't like that, they don't have to shop there. >> you can say no. if they want to check your receipt outside a target or
wal-mart, you can say no. we're talking about the need for possible additional training for employees how to deal with these issues because this is a safety concern. we're talking about somebody whose leg was broken in an altercation over a receipt. >> does an employee have the right to protect themselves. costco is alleging this gentleman here made the first move. >> this happens so rarely. the broader issue is should companies be entitled to ask customers for receipts. >> what do you think? >> absolutely. a business is not a charity. it is a for-profit institution and they're justified in protecting their financial interests. if we as customers don't like that idea, we can shop elsewhere. >> i think you need to have that element of was there a suspicion that something illegal occurred. we can't just assume everyone is a potential criminal. while i do appreciate that the store needs to have tactics in place to make sure they don't lose money, i don't like the idea of
privacy being at odds. >> it is a good debate. thank you both. you let us know what you think about that. should you have to show your receipt coming out of a store? e-mail us, facebook and twitter. coming up, while he is grabbing luggage at the airport, the one problem. it is not his. what is going on at our nation's airports? should you be cend? -- should you be concerned? want to take a picture on federal land, be ready to be charged for it. we're talking about $1,500. first, happy birthday to my brother-in-law matthew hassle back. ♪ ♪ my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix.
i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i... i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i am very proud. i love myself as a nonsmoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places.
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it's our shot of the morning. you're looking live at brian kilmeade's iphone. he loses it between 15 and 20 times a day. >> not true. >> it is true. >> that's exaggeration. >> he loses it a lot. and sometimes it can be a bit awkward. here's what happened at 9:00 and 1 second after the hour yesterday. >> what are you missing? >> could everyone stand up and see if you're sitting on my phone? >> no. >> all right. you can be seated. thank you. >> if i find it, i'll just stomp on it. >> thank you very much. >> i had forgotten that. >> it was nice for the whole family to get up on the couch. as you can see, we still haven't found our remote at home. >> see, this is the problem with having a phone when you turn the ringer off.
if you leave the ringer on, you can ring, ring, ring. but because we're on tv you can't have the ringer on. >> that is why when that watch comes out, if it is even close to accommodating, i'm buying it. >> why don't we get awe strap in the mean -- get you a strap in the meantime. >> if that watch -- although i forgot my watch today. [buzzer] >> everybody get up. >> i think the watch could change my life. i did lose the bottom of my case. >> where's your wallet? >> my wallet? >> i have it. here it is. >> my office. >> i know. >> essentially brian shows up with clothes on and nothing else. >> i will never show up in an alternate outfit because i'll always forget something valuable. >> you need a tote. >> shepherd and eric
bolling come in in totally different outfits. tight jeans. >> i forget things too. that's why it goes in my tote. >> if you're walking on the street and you see a piece of hardware -- >> it's brian. >> give it back. >> leah gabriel joins us for headlines. >> what happened in boston will stay in boston. a judge ruled the trial of the accused boston bomber will be held at the scene of the crime. the defense wanted it moved to washington, d.c. the defense also wanted a 10-month delay but the judge said no way. he gave them two months. the trial set to start on january 5. he's grabbing luggage at the airport but one problem is it's not his. phoenix police releasing brand-new video of a man stealing luggage from sky harbor airport. you can see him walking off
the airport train and into the baggage claim where he steals a woman's bag and gets back on that train. police offering a $1,000 reward for his arrest. >> want to take a picture of federal land? you may have to pay for it. the feds are pushing a law aimed at the press trying to take pictures or film on federal land but it would apply to people taking photos or videos with a cell phone. as for anyone who wants to take photos or film commercial thri they must pay $1,500 for a permit or face a $1,000 fine. >> this photo showing how close a woman came to be found by an intruder. police arrived just minutes after she called 911 and gave her a ladder to get down. those are your headlines. back to you guys. >> that was close. >> it's time to take a look at the weather. for that, maria molina joins us live from, take a
look outside where it's raining. >> that's right. we are starting to see that drizzle moving in to parts of new york city and the rest of the northeast. we have heavier rains coming down across parts of the mid-atlantic in states like maryland and pennsylvania. it is going to be a slow morning commute as you try to head out to work in places like atlantic city, philadelphia and farther west into baltimore. by tomorrow this storm system is going to be out of the area. what we are going to be expecting with it is gusty winds and along coastal areas, coastal flooding could be a concern. temperature-wise i want to take you to the center of the nation where you're looking at warm temperatures, upper 80's in places like dallas. look at rapid city. 91 degrees, warmer than parts of florida like over in tampa where they're expecting a high of 87.
>> celebrity fitness trainer sean t is releasing a new workout that will push you to the limits. a very fit michael tammero. >> he's performed some of the biggest musical acts around but you know him best for making you sweat. he made me the other day when celebrity fitness trainer shaun t stepped into the spotlight and showed me some of his moves. >> thanks for having me here. >> focus t-25, what is it? >> a 25 minute workout that has no break. people can't find time to workout. >> you ever have a treat day? >> i have treat days. for me it is about treating yourself. it is not about cheating yourself.
when you think cheating, it is like a bad thing. i'm about 85% healthy and 15% fun. >> this is me 50 pounds ago. that is 2009. >> you look amazing. how do you feel now that you lost the weight? >> you feel great, fe lighter, you can move better. what do you have now? >> i'm doing an urban triathalon in october. i'm ready to inspire you right now. >> all right. here we go. >> ready for a workout? i'm going to show you cardio. jump up and jab. jump up and jab. here we go. punch right and punch left. pick it up bit. come on, let's work. there you go. push through, push through. this is working your core. a little cardio, working
your leg. take your hands in the air. you're going to alternate. just like that. okay. it's very jane fonda but it actually works your core. arms up and go. side to side. excellent. keep going. go faster. we don't do that slow stuff. come on. four, three, 2. >> working out doesn't have to be too crazy even though he made it look crazy. a few minutes of your life, that's all you've got to do. >> shaun t, thank you very much. >> t-25 and insanity max 30 check it out. >> i woke up this morning and abs were hurting a little bit but it could be from the sausage and pepper i had last night. check out more of the workout by going to and check me out on instagram. >> up next, a young marine
dies waiting for his appointment at the v.a. and shortly after something even more disturbing surfaced. that hero's mother joins us next to tell us what. a a
on november 26, 2012, marine corporal iceman died while waiting for the v.a. to treat his epilepsy. after something more disturbing happened. the v.a. said the corporal canceled his appointment. the problem? the corporal died four days before. so did the minneapolis v.a. change his records to cover up? joining us is his mother and his lawyer. good morning to both of you. lisa, we are so sorry for
the loss of your son. we're glad that you would join us to tell us about what looks like the falsification of federal records. we've got a time line, just so that people understand what happened. back in october of 2012, michael -- jordan called the v.a. and asked for an appointment. and then on the 17th he got a letter, your appointment is going to be on december 20. then on november 26 your son died, but four days later somebody wrote in the official v.a. records that the veteran himself canceled his december 20 appointment. but, lisa, that was impossible because your son had died four days earlier. >> that is correct. >> when you got that notification, when you looked at the records, what did you think? >> well, i didn't even look at the records that closely until i was sitting with my attorney, and we both just kind of looked at each other and said how can this
be? how could he have called in four days after he passed away? that wasn't even the reason i started the whole process. the reason i started the whole process was the 70-day wait that was required of him to be able to see a neurologist. >> that 70-day wait seemed so extraordinary because you had been told by experts in this field since then what? >> that if he had been seen sooner or expeditiously, that he would possibly still be in our life. and he, the expert gave him more than a 50% chance of still being alive today had he seen a doctor right away. >> that is just so heartbaking. michael, how are you trying to help the family? >> well, i mean, there's a number of different levels. i mean, when a parent loses a child, it shouldn't happen.
it's unnatural to lose a child. it shouldn't happen. there are -- the level that i mean lisa has been incredible on working not only with the medical issues that her son had and being an advocate on getting treatment for individuals like her son. but beyond that working for veterans and making sure that the time lines get dealt with, that there's not these horrible things where they're changing records after the fact so that they can meet certain guidelines and making sure this doesn't happen to anybody else. i'm helping her as much from the legal side as well as dealing with all the different parts for her. it is at time overwhelming. >> you are talking about the falsification of federal records. i would imagine normally somebody should go to jail for something like that? >> what they'll do with that, i don't know. there's absolutely some very big questions and there's been some other people that have come forward over the time that suggest this is not an isolated incident. this is just an incident where it's solid.
there is absolutely no question that he did not make the phone call they're claiming he did. >> absolutely. they were caught red handed. we should point out we reached out to the v.a. for comment but have not heard back from him. michael bryant attorney, and lisa riley, jordan's mother, thank you for joining us and telling us about this terrible chapter in your life. >> thank you. >> all right. next up, 11 minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert, late last night the man charged with the kidnapping of university of virginia student hannah graham was captured more than 1,300 miles away from where she disperiod? how did police find him and where is hannah? live with the breaking details coming up. bowe bergdahl still on duty and has not been charged. does the white house simply want to forget about the alleged army deserter? the judge weighs in next. good morning, judge.
♪ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
3 1/2 months come and gone and the pentagon has offered no clarity on what happened to alleged army deserter beau bergdahl and what will happen. >> critics fear the delayed investigation is shaping up to be a white wash designed to protect the president. but is beau bergdahl a problem the white house wants you to forget about? we're going to ask senior news judicial analyst, judge napolitano. >> good morning. very good introduction. it is a problem the white house would like us to forget about.
>> why? >> because the president's personal involvement in it. there is a lot of unusual things. ordinarily when one is charged with a crime which could bring the death penalty, desertion where someone dies as a result of the desertion, two people died trying to find him, two soldiers. >> at least. >> ordinarily that person has been charged, arrested, confined, sometimes given bail. sometimes not given bail. bergdahl hasn't been urge whiched. then a team of investigators led bay major leads the investigation. in this case it's led bay general, unheard of. third interesting and unique thing, ordinarily the crime of desertion does not involve the president of the united states. but the manner in which he came back here, which is not his fault, of course, clearly involves the president of the united states. did the president provide material assistance to a
terrorist organization by releasing five of their leaders in order to get sergeant bergdahl back? he does not want that to be aid at a criminal trial. >> hard to believe this is happening. on top of that, compare what the bergdahls were able to do, communicate back and forth with the captors, constantly in touch with the pentagon, compared to the journalists who were captured in syria. the state department had no communication with them. their heads were chopped off and they were not able to speak to them. >> great point, brian. it makes you wonder about the government's priorities, particularly in the sotloff case and the foley case. both cases the two american journalists were told that if they attempted to extricate their sons, the government would back off. >> everybody knew what he was up to. i'm not crazy about the mission. i'm leaving. there is evidence that shows and proves that he deserted. >> there is plenty of evidence. the other side of this story is
it takes a while to accumulate evidence. the government knows more about this than we do. the general who is leading the investigation. this kid may be nuts and it may be impossible for them to prosecute him. they have to sort that out. >> will it play better to not proceed with speed at this point based on the fact that we have now officially declared war on isis? >> yes. yes. that's the answer. >> judge, always a pleasure thanks very much. >> thank you. coming up, are you an at-will employee? do you even know what that means? you should. judge napolitano does because you could be fired for no reason at all. our legal expert, bob massi, knows something about it, too, and he's coming up in the next hour on at that point plus, do you know what women want? yeah, you. we'll tell you the number one thing they're looking for from guys. i was going to keep it a secret. ♪ ♪
my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i talked to my doctor and i... i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it was important to me that chantix was a non-nicotine pill. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems,
which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i am very proud. i love myself as a nonsmoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, captured, 1300 miles away, the man charged with kidnapping university of virginia student hannah graham under arrest. but where is hannah? the charlottesville police chief joins us live with the breaking details. is the president back on his apology tour? >> i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals. >> wow. sure sounded like it. why does he keep apologizing for america? >> meanwhile, it sounds like something sent straight from heaven. a church hands out $500 to each of its parishioners. but that free money coming with some very specific instructions from above. thank you for joining us on this thursday because mornings are always better with friends. >> i'm bear grills and you're
watching "fox & friends." now that's something to be afraid of. ♪ ♪ brian we found your iphone. >> that's not mine, thankfully. >> that monkey looks familiar. that is the monkey from "the hangover." also in our green room, mr. jinx that. is a professional. also mr. jinx from "meet the fokkers" is here. we're going behind the scenes with some of your animal actors. >> he's sticking his tongue out. we don't need that. >> it's early for that, buddy. >> that was similar to my reaction the first time i saw myself on the monitor. i think that's what he was seeing there. he's going to be out in a little while. is this going to be a situation
like the mascots where we asked them questions and expect them to answer. >> they're not going to talk. mr. ed went off the air a number of years ago. since then, we really haven't seen any talking animals. >> i don't know how they got him to talk. >> we'll get answers one way or the other. in the meantime, leah gabriel joins us with breaking news for you. >> good morning. we start with a fox news alert. overnight the u.s. stepping up its aerial assault on isis militants, hitting oil refineries. the u.s. and arab partners conducted 13 strikes, hit 12:00 targets. this morning there are also reports of the leader of carson group was killed in a strike that has not yet been confirmed. he's play ago twisted game with police, wanted fugitive eric frien leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. they're the kind snipers wear when they must stay in one spot for a long time. officers say they laid eyes on
him, but he keeps managing to disappear. he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die, but the child's father won't face the same fate. the death penalty is off the table for justin harris. prosecutors say he researched hot car deaths just days before his 22-month-old son died in one. his attorney claims it was an accident. it sounds like something sent straight from heaven. a church in chicago is handing out $500 to each its parishioners. but that free money is coming with some very specific instructions. they were told to pray about it, then pay it forward for a good cause. >> see yourself through your lens, think about the gifts you've been given and think about your responsibility of those gifts to the people you love and care for around you. >> the church was able to hand it out after making 1.6 in a real estate investment. those are your headlines. back to you. >> that's terrific.
thank you very much. >> thank you. this is a fox news alert. brand-new video of the man now under arrest in the disappearance of 18-year-old college student hannah graham. here he is being taken into custody shortly after he was discovered reportedly camp ago beach in texas. jesse matthew fled from charlottesville, virginia on saturday and yesterday was arrested over 1200 miles away in gilchrist, texas. >> joining us with the very latest detail, police chief tim long goes o. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so i guess the big break came yesterday in gilchrist, texas, which is near galveston when somebody spotted a suspicious person on the beach, right? >> that's my understanding, yes, sir. >> can you give us the circumstances? >> well, i haven't spoken directly to the deputies that were involved in effecting the arrest. i did speak with the sheriff to thank him for his cooperation
and pass on that appreciation to the detectives that were involved. beyond that, my understanding is you've already reported is that he was on the beach camping. he was spotted by someone who called police. they responded and took him into custody. beyond that, i don't know that i'm clear to what the facts and circumstances are leading up to his arrest. >> where is he now? >> he's still in custody in texas. the extradition process is still underway. >> do you have the feeling or reason to suspect that with this case of jesse matthew, that you are dealing with a serial kidnapper or serial killer? >> i think it's way too premature to come to any conclusions in that regard. i would be speculating otherwise. >> what do you -- what makes you feel as though he might be involved somehow? >> well, as i have indicated many times, we've been very tight-lipped with respect to the evidence. during the course of this investigation, we've been closely assisted by our commonwealth attorneys chief prosecuting attorney. there came a point in time earlier this week where we
gathered some additional evidence which got us to the probable cause level with respect to applying for an arrest warrant and that's what we did. we're still waiting for additional evidence at our state lab. hopefully we'll get that toward the end of the week and further advance the investigation. the real priority is continue to search for hannah graham. >> has the car proven beneficial in order to move forward on this investigation? if so, how? >> well, what i'll say, and again, i'm not trying to be evasive. but you can certainly understand what types of evidence we might acquire from such things as a vehicle and a house. we've searched his apartment. we searched his vehicle. we've taken clothing from the apartment. of course, we're searching very aggressively with respect to that vehicle to see if any evidence might be there. >> chief, i know you talked to the sheriff down in the galveston area yesterday. did he indicate whether or not jesse matthew had done any talking? i know when the initial sheriff's deputy went up to him on the beach, he lied to him
because he goes, i just ran your plate, you're that guy. he goes, no, i'm not him. has he done any other talking to the cops? >> i'm not aware of any. >> is he cooperative? >> in what regard? >> is he providing any -- is he resistant at all? >> he's provided no information certainly to us. with respect to the deputies in galveston, i've not been aware of his level of cooperation. >> has anything happened over the last 24, 48 hours to make you optimistic or hopeful that you're on the trail of finding hannah? >> i can't point to any one thing. i will tell you that i met with hannah's parents yesterday morning. we tried to communicate with them daily. i can't not look at those two individuals and not have hope for their daughter. they've not lost hope. i have not lost hope.óp3 we're going to continue to be hopeful until there is evidence to the contrary. my goal is to help them find their daughter.
>> sure. there is $100,000 reward leading to her whereabouts. the people watching right now, chief, how can they help? >> well, certainly if you're in the area, nine counties that surround us, we've asked that citizen, particularly those with large parcels of land to search their own property and be thorough about that search. when it's concluded, call our tip line so we can check that box. the other thing is that particularly from that time of hannah's disappearance to the time of it being reported to the police, we're concerned about that large block of time and just with the habits and behaviors of jesse matthew might have been. let me give you an example. if at 8:00 o'clock on saturday morning, september 13, someone saw jesse matthew and he was pumping gas at a gas station. he was alone. it was in a grocery store buying milk and he was alone. or he was somewhere else in charlottesville and he was alone, that's important information for us to know pause we're trying to shrink that time
line so we can again be more efficient about how we go about the search for hannah graham. >> in the big picture, how would you characterize jesse's behavior from the disappearance up until today? >> you know, his behavior saturday after coming to the police station and then abruptly leaving and what followed there after is bizarre behavior. but again, i don't know that's a fair characterization, not knowing what might have motivated that would be speculative for me to speak further with regard to that. >> does he have a lawyer? >> he asked for a lawyer when he came into the police station. the commonwealth attorney helped to acop date that question. he met with a lawyer that day. they met and spoke briefly. the two of them left. it's my understanding that that attorney has been retained. he's a local attorney here in charlottesville and that's my understanding at this point. >> thank you for joining us this morning. we want to let everyone know that to your note, if there is any information, there is a tip
line. we'll post that on our web site. thank you. >> thank you. it's ten minutes after the top of the hour. the president of the united states was here in new york city yesterday tying up traffic and speaking at the united nations general assembly. the highlights were he talked about how putin is a bully when it comes to the ukraine. he talked about how isis and extremism must be stopped. and then this got a lot of people scratching their heads, he seemed to be looking for a way to say that we've got problems in the united states as well and then he invoked a small city in missouri. >> i realize that america's critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals, that america has plenty of problems within its own borders. this is true.
a summer marred by instability in the middle east and eastern europe, i know the world also took notice of the small american city of ferguson, missouri where a young man was killed and a community was divided. >> i just wonder where the topic went. it's almost like a test. i'm going to throw anything out there. anybody who might have something negative to say about america, you're probably right. he spoke for 40 minutes and a lot of people are wondering, why did he have to bring that up? can you equate that behavior with the behavior of let's say isis? here is charles krauthammer. >> we have people who slit throats on television, take their heads off in some places. we have countries that invade their neighbors. more people incidentally have been killed in eastern ukraine than died in the gaza war. no one knows that. a lot of death. but on the other hand, we have a shooting in missouri still unresolved. nobody has been charged yet. and thus, everybody ought to
know. this is a continuation of the apology tour or the confession tour which took place at least -- the one thing you can see about the improvement in obama's treatment of his own country is that six years ago he went around the world talking about our sins and he stayed home and did it from the podium of the upunion. >> remember, there was the nonexceptional tour as well. we're just like everybody else. well, in fact, we're not. we are an exceptional nation. a lot of people really having a troubled moment with that postscript there in that speech. >> it does seem tone deaf regarding scale, but that's what he said yesterday. it's a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this thursday. new accusations the nsa might be spying on american students and the schools are helping them. who is better at defending your freedom, republicans or democrats? john stossel has an answer, but you know what? you might not like it. we like him.
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senator rand paul delivering a scathing criticism of the democrat's policies and impact on americans' rights. >> it's not just about health care. it's light bulbs. it's toilets. it's car. you name it, your freedom of choice is gone. for a party that says they are the pro choice party, had is the most antichoice administration we've seen in a lifetime. >> all right. we need a choice when it comes to toilets. but john stossel says neither party believes in protecting our freedoms. john stossel is host of "stossel" on the "fox business" network and joins us now. neither party gives us choice? >> the democrats say we're the pro choice party, but they're only talking about abortion. rand paul is right. what you pay people what you can buy, so many other things. no choice. what school you can send your kid to? no, we're going to pick that for you. >> interesting. gun rights. >> absolutely. you can have an abortion, but not buy a gun. >> on the democrat side you say
it's limited, what about the republicans side? >> there, one of my big issues is if i'm old and sick and in pain, i want to choose to maybe end my life and republicans fight that and is against legal gambling. republicans want to keep fighting the drug war. they don't want to say, you own your body, it's your choice. so both parties -- we libertarians say once you're an adult, you own your body, you ought to do what you want with it as long as you don't directly harm somebody else. >> that's a fine line because so many times that affect occurs with those choices. >> if we eat too much and government is big and other people have to pay for my health care, then that would give the democrats the right to ban almost all good food. >> right. so what's the alternative? >> the alternative is to keep government small and then choices -- more people could have what they want. it's like -- >> it's too late on that. the government is gigantic. we can't make it small. >> suppose you go to a
supermarket and it was run like the government 'cause people say, hey, you get to vote for your leaders. it's like a free market. but you can only vote for donkey meat or elephant meat. if the majority votes for donkey meat, everybody has to eat that. if it's a market, everybody can buy what they want. >> that free market aspect is appealing to many. >> keep decisions out of government. >> by the way, neither donkey meat nor elephant meat sounds good. now, if there was a chicken party -- >> you're going to talk about this on "stossel." >> we'll talk about choice and can you have too much? 'cause it gets confusing. >> if your choice affects me, my choice could be not to give you a choice. >> i think folk also choose to see you tonight. always great to have you here. >> he doesn't like when you touch him, elisabeth. >> it's her choice. >> meanwhile, are your kids growing up social? not the kind of social you grew up with.
the kind with iphones and computers. our next guest is going to show you how to kill that screen time without having them screaming all the time. plus, do you know what women want? we're going to tell you the number one thing that they are looking for in a guy. >> they want choice. >> look at that [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality
for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
it's that time. time for news by the numbers. $92,000. that's how much severance pay a california teacher got after resigning for telling unruly students she wished she had a robot to kill them. the school says it would have been too expensive to fire her, so they gave her $92,000.
next, october 1 marks the 18th year of no significant global warming trend in surface average temperatures. scientists at the cato institute say there is no indication global warming will resume any time soon. sorry, al gore. and finally, what's the number one thing a woman looks for in a man? a job! a new pew research study found eight in nine women questioned want a man who's got a job. and that's the news from this man who has a job. >> all this money on cologne and all i need is a job. in the social media crazed world, it might be difficult to pull your child away from his mini -- or her mini screen. >> our next guest says where there is a will, there is a way. how to protect that perfect balance. she's an author and we have some questions for you. how do you know -- right now so many kids have exposure to
tablets, phones. how do you know if they're on too much too often? >> you have that gut feeling that tells you, am i letting them do too much? you start to see some behaviors that if they're not on the internet, they start looking for it. i know people that have gone on vacation that they have no internet access and have come back early because their kids said, we couldn't handle being out here. you see there is this compulsion that if i don't have it, i'm going to be irritable and it's something that's alarming for parents and grandparents. >> we were talking before, the big thing with the earlier generation, it was stop watching television. now it's the ipad and phone. you set up guidelines. first off, set up guidelines. >> yes. a lot of parents do not have a game plan. so whatever happens, happens. so the american academy of pediatrics recommends no screen time for babies to two years old and then two hours for kids two to 18. many parents are like, we do a lot more than two hours. >> two to 18? >> age two to 18. two hours of screen time would
be optimal. >> that seems like a lot. >> and then other parents will say, how will i get there? so wherever you're at, consider these guidelines and make incremental changes toward where you want to go. >> you're a mom of three, you say there should be screen free zones, including meal time. >> it's a huge thing. you know you've been in restaurants and think you're here, paying for dinner, talk to each other. my co-author, sees a lot of different families. you see this breakdown where people are not communicating. so make sure that meal times, that's a time where there are no phones. parents included, and no video games. let that be a time of communication and really set aside that meal time. >> you really see it as the kids get older when they can not talk to adults or teachers and cannot express themselves at all. they're most comfortable looking down. >> right. >> you also say evaluate the content with abc's. >> yes, 'cause you also want to know what is my child watching? so a, attitude. you know when your child is done with something, what's their attitude like? b, behavior. what kind of behavior does the
show they're watching or video game they're playing what, does it make them do? the character, what character is being encouraged in my child by watching this, 'cause obviously technology can be very positive, but can also be very negative. >> how much of the kids on screen behavior and tech behavior is reflective of the adults' behavior? it's kind of hypocritical. >> it's huge. >> the adults need to go through the abc's. >> it's huge. as a parent or grandparent, they're going to realize this is about me because the children are going to emulate what we do and how our digital life is and we can't impart what we don't have ourselves. >> right. so you got to have some discipline there and also i noticed an agitation with kids when they get to a certain point. also they get a text message, puts them over the top. the positive point is you don't get the phone calls. they're not on the phone for four hours. they're look down for maybe too much. >> right. it's a different thing. even just before the show we were talking about how you used to have a parent call and say,
is jimmy there? and you would know this child because they were calling your phone. but now it's all something that a parent really has to work doubly hard to be involved in their child's life. >> that's important, to get involved. you can do background checks on your kids' friends now just through instagram and see who they're following, what their behaviors are. in a way, we're at an advantage point with tech. but these tips are essential. thank you so much. we thank you for joining us. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. look at your tv screen of the is this shirt showing a national guard soldier offensive to you? a lot of folks are saying yes, weigh in. then new accusations the nsa spying on american students and guess who is helping? the schools. ♪ ♪
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jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. secret service set up a three-foot fence in front of it to deter people from trying to make their way in. a three-foot fence. it seems pretty low, yeah. then again, most americans can't even get over the baby gate in their kitchen. >> that's always a problem. the good news is in addition to the three-foot fence, they've also started locking the door. >> right. >> which helps. >> used to be just wide open. but now it's closed. >> who knew? meanwhile, we've got a fox news alert of concern. cities all across america right
now are apparently now on high alert because of air strikes that we're doing along with our partners on isis. new york city, the most vulnerable to attack and joining us from penn station, one of the biggest train hubs in the nation is wnyw reporter theresa priola. >> reporter: good morning. this is a direct initiative from governor andrew cuomo here in new york and governor chris christie in new jersey. they are ramping up security. they say we can never be too safe and so the approach here is two heads are better one. bring both heads of state together and allow them to be able to support some sort of initiative that would keep awful us safe. they say this is a direct response to what is happening overseas with those air strikes in iraq and syria. so what commuters will notice over the next 30 days at least is a true ramped up security effort not only by nypd port authority, state police. you also might see national guardsmen. they're telling us be prepared for random bag checks. take a listen to both governors.
>> this region is a potential target for offensive activities, retaliation by the terrorist community. >> this is something that's absolutely necessary for us to do in light of the new and increased tensions that we know are going on around the world. >> reporter: they tell us also that this is not in response to any specific threat. this is simply a change in mood they're responding to. most importantly, they tell us for residents as well as for tourists, the see something, say something approach is always the best approach. that's the latest from outside penn station, new york city, back to you. >> i think i was telling you last week that even after 9-11, i've never remembered the police presence as amped up as it was last week, especially around times square and in penn station. i go to both. so i'm pretty much -- i walk from here into times square, take that subway into penn station. and i feel i do my own
surveillance work. >> in addition, this week there is amped up security because the united nations general assembly and the president has been in town. the traffic has been terrible. now we got a nor'easter going on outside. we're going to get to the weather in a moment. first, we got to get news and leah joins us with that. >> hello. what happened in boston will stay there. a judge ruled the trial of the accused boston bomber will be held at the scene of the crime. the defense wanted to move to washington, d.c the defense also wanted a ten-month delay, but a no. he gave him two months. the trial set to start january 5. is the nsa monitoring our students? alabama school district announcing it's been secretly monitoring students on social media after getting a call from the agency about a student making a violent threat or violent threats. the huntsville school district says since the threat 18 months ago, it now scans social media pages for gang activity, photos of guns, and violent threats. the nsa denying that call was
made. is this shirt inappropriate for high schoolers? a school in new york banning the national guard t-shirt because it shows a soldier holding a weapon. teachers complained when they saw a recruiter handing them out because they violate the dress code which actually prohibits t-shirts depicting violence or weapons. some students refused to take them off saying it was disrespectful. and do you remember your first heart break? it's not easy. one mother recording her four-year-old's priceless reaction when he finds out his crush likes someone else. >> how do you feel? >> sad. >> why? >> because i'm sad. >> you don't like that? >> no. >> why? >> because that hurts my
feelings! >> why does that hurt your feelings? >> i want her to like me more than her? >> you want her to like you more better? >> yes! >> those are your headlines. his name was mark wilson. he had a twin named michael and we communicated by smiling at each other. >> we got him on the phone right now. >> reuniteed. >> that kid is speaking his mind. he's getting it out. >> that looks like an invasion of privacy. was the mom driving? >> i'm sure she had up with of those safe stands there? >> i hope so. meanwhile, it is terrible outside right now in new york city. that's why we sent maria out. >> we have a nor'easter moving up the coast and the storm system producing wind. it's not cold enough yet to see
some snow from the storm system, but if it were november, december, january, we would be seeing that snow coming down with this storm system because the concern also isn't just the moisture with it, possibly more than an inch of rain possible in some of these regions, but also the wind. they will be gusting, especially along coastal areas. you can see that rain already moving into parts of maryland, pennsylvania, also across new jersey and right here as well in new york city. it's going to be a quick hitter. by tomorrow, the storm is going to be gone and you're going to see that sunshine returning across the region. that's going to be sticking around through the weekend. temperatures farther west, the plains states, we'll be seeing them climbing over the next few days. already warm today across parts of texas, in the upper 80s. rapid city, you are in the 90s today. that's warmer than parts of florida, like in tampa. out west, we have an area of low pressure that's going to be moving on in. this is welcome news for drought areas here that really need the rain. we're going to get a little rain from that storm system. the concern along coastal areas
in the pacific northwest are going to be very strong winds. it could gust over 50 miles per hour right along the coast. let's head back inside. >> all right. >> thank you. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. let me tell you what's going on with the weather and how it relates to sports. derek jeter's last home game, a washout? what? the game scheduled for tonight. first pitch is supposed to be thrown at 7:05 p.m major league baseball spokesperson says they have not decide what had to do if it gets called off. think about it. if you scalped tickets, how do you get a refund from the guy on the corner? plus side lines bill simmons for three weeks after he blasted original goodell and his handling of the ray rice video. listen to this. >> goodell, if he didn't know what was on that tape, he's a liar. i'm just saying it. he's lying. i think that dude is lying. if you put him up on a lie detector test, he would fail. saying he didn't know is [ bleep
>> wow. espn says he violated his journalistic standards and dared espn to suspend him. they did. baseball fan getting a face full of leather. yes. the third baseman going for a foul ball. he fell over a tarp, smacking her right in the face. he didn't make the last out and the fan got the last laugh. cleveland indians went on to win 6-4. just goes to show you should never go to baseball games. that's quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. >> all right. coming up -- >> are you an at-will employee? do you even know what that means? you should because you could be fired for no reason at all. our legal expert is on it. bob massi up next. that's right. you've seen them star in some of your favorite movies like "the hangover." >> no! wait a second! >> he's monkeying around. some of the biggest animal actors here live. monkey see, monkey do.
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hi. before you left the house, i have to tell you something and it sounds like this. starting tomorrow, dhl will begin a trial run of drone deliveries. for starters, they will bring medicine to a car-free island off the coast of germany. if successful, the program could be expanded to english speaking people. the new apple operating system is rotten to the core. pulling its first update to ios 8. users complained about dropped calls and faulty feature. talk about the best boss ever, virgin founder richard
branson giving employees unlimited vacation. he thinks it will boost morale. the policy only applies to those who work in the company's main offices. who is going to work? >> why would you bother? talking about those employees. do you know your rights as an employee when it comes to employment? do you know what at-will employment is? are you an at-will employee? we want to make sure you're not taken advantage of by your company or your employer. that's why bob massi is on your side. he joins us right now from las vegas. good morning to you, bob. >> good morning. >> so we started this segment, we're talking about at-will employees. what does at-will employment mean for the employer and the employee? >> well, basically means that an employee can be fired at will for any reason or for no reason. so the employer has the right to say, you're fired, for any
reason and no reason and the employee could wake up one morning and come to the employer and say, you know what? i want to leave. i'm not bound by anything. i'm going to get another job. most states in our country, steve, are at-will employment states simply because of the fact it's just the way it's been set up over the years. >> if the employer can fire you for any reason, that means it doesn't have to be a very good reason, doesn't it? >> doesn't have to be any reason at all, steve. really for all intents and purposes, the employer could just maybe not like the way that you're dressed, for example, never even tell you that. just say you're fired. you're out of here. i don't need you anymore, things of that nature. it happens a lot. it's an insecure position for everybody. but at the same time, the employee has the right to walk in and say i got another opportunity. i'm moving to new york, i'm moving to florida, i'm out of here. >> there are probably people watching now wondering if i'm an at-will employee. how do you tell the difference? >> there is a couple things you should know. first of all, if you have an
employment contract where you work, it sort of takes it outside the concept of an at-will termination because in the employment contract, it gives reasons for cause to terminate somebody, or to suspend somebody. the other thing is, steve, if you're an at-will employee, there are certain things employers cannot do that violate public policy. this is just a few examples. for example, if you're an at-will employee and you're injured on the job, it's a workers' compensation case, under most states, public policy says you can't fire that employee because they were injured on the job. you can't fire an employer for being a whistle blower. you can't fire an employee if they get jury duty. so the states have sort of protected at-will employment in saying, look, if in fact there are certain things under the law you are entitled to, such as workers' compensation because of your injury, if an employer retaliates and fires them, it could be a wrongful termination lawsuit. and of course, if you have an employment contract, both sides are bound by that contract.
>> so bob, some people have contracts and others don't. can you be an at-will employee and then your company says, you know what? i want to offer you some sort of a written agreement where you come every day to work and then what happens? >> well, any employer at any time could advance an employee and say listen, i like what you're doing. i like the services you're rendering. i'm going to reduce it to writing 'cause i want you for a long time, steve, bob, elisabeth, brian. we want you here for a long time. any time they can do that and the employee has the right to say i don't know if this is the career i want to follow. so an employer at any time could come to an employee to advance them to reduce it to writing. >> we've got a map we're going to put up. at least states apparently that where they ban or restrict these contract agreements. california, montana, north dakota and oklahoma. >> yeah. let's talk about it. what we're talking about in these contracts if you have an employment contract or
otherwise, what we call restrictive covenants or covenants not to compete, meaning that if you're working at a particular field, there may be a provision in your contract that says, if you leave for any reason, you can not compete for a period of time. most states enforce that. it has to be reasonable time and reasonable location and almost every state has that. but there are some exceptions as you've shown on that map. >> bob massi talking about our employee rights. thank you, sir. >> thank you, steve. it's about ten minutes before the top of the hour. up next, we're almost on monkeying around. behind the scenes with some of your favorite animal stars. look at that. that's the cat from "meet the fokkers." on this date in 1970, the partridge family premiered on tv. sandra day o'conner was the first female supreme court
justice. and on this day "sugar, sugar" number one song in america. ♪ ♪
>> jj, don't do it! no! >> they are known for stealing the scene in some of your favorite hollywood hits. so how do these animals end up on the big screen and what goes
on behind the scenes? here to reveal all of that is the president and ceo of the american humane society and author of a new book "animal stars." we're so thankful to have you here. it's been a fun morning. brian, just like every other day -- >> i always come in with a monkey and this is the first time i bring it on camera. it's always good -- i'm used to sharing the stars with big stars, but this is a bigger star yet. >> that's the monkey from "the hangover." >> i smell his breath. >> we got the cat from "meet the fokkers." >> what a treat to have them here. essential part of films that they have become. why did you want to share all of this with so many in the book? >> american humane association is celebrate ago milestone this year. 75 years of protecting animal stars in film and entertainment. we thought it was about time to put together the behind the scenes look at what these animal stars do. >> what was the first animal star? >> we go back to rin tin tin.
so remember what that gorgeous dog did way back when. >> what is he doing? >> trying to take your wig off. >> good luck. >> he's just grooming you. >> how do you help protect the animals? >> we have representatives on sets around the globe that ensure their safety so they can work in film and they do so working closely with the animal trainers. >> here is the thing, the actors aren't the trainers. so the actors have to learn to interact without the trainers around. how do they do that? >> animal trainers are always on set with their animal stars. so for example, today we have trainers for charlie and for crystal right here on set with us. so the trainers stay with us and make sure that the animals can do their tricks. then american humane has our safety representative on each set. we cover productions around the globe. >> it's so important to get to know the animal. even for us to know what they like and didn't like to be
comfortable with us here. >> will he give us a high five? >> high five. >> there you go! >> do you want to go to elisabeth? can he go to elisabeth? >> you can come down. >> or just stay there. >> we probably should have worked this out with crystal. >> there she goes. >> how perfect is that? >> does anyone keep them at home? >> well, actually tom is the famous trainer for crystal and crystal lives in their home with two children, which is wonderful >> thank you very much for bringing the famous critters. >> thank you so much. >> can we end with a smile? you got a smile, crystal?
threw go. >> i got to tell you what's coming up next. hundreds of students protesting history curriculum change that would promote patriotism. but is the whole story being told? meet the man who set the students straight ok who woh, i do!t rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days.
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good morning. today is thursday, september 25. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. the suspect charged with the disappearance of hannah graham captured in texas. >> he was on a beach camping. he was spotted by someone who called police. they responded and took him into custody. >> is jesse matthew talking? are we any closer to finding hannah? and as the united states unleashes new air strikes on isis' oil trade, the syrian rebels who were -- we're supposed to be helping suddenly have a change of heart. we'll tell but it. >> and more evidence that dad knows best. the one thing willie robertson does before his daughter is allowed to hit the dance floor.
>> i want to hear that. >> so do i. mornings are better with friends. watch our pictures float. >> all right. welcome aboard, folks. hour three of "fox & friends" live from new york city where all the way from washington right up to the boston area today, if you're going to work, bring your umbrella. >> this is a perfect time to book some of that slide we had last week. it was pretty much the same weather. if you have a change of clothes -- >> thank you for being with us here. we so appreciate that. we're going to start right now with a huge development. on the search for the missing university student, hannah graham. we have some updates here. >> yep, at this hour, the man charged in her abduction now behind bars in texas. let's get the very latest. heather childers has the breaking details.
>> a lot of people breathe ago partial sigh of relief. police are calling it an extremely lucky break. jesse matthew arrested 1300 miles away from the university of virginia near galveston, texas. matthew was arrested after someone called police. they reported a suspicious person was hanging around the beach area there. when police showed up, they ran the license plate on his car. the result? the car belonged to a fugitive from justice with a warrant out of virginia. matthew was taken into custody. he did not put up a fight, we're told. you can see right there in that video as he's being taken in. this was just released to fox news. authorities had been looking for him since saturday. that is when he sped away from officers after leaving the charlottesville police station. they think that he was the last person to see hannah graham before she went missing. investigators say they don't know why matthew was in texas, but they are in the process of bringing him back to virginia. that could take a couple of days. legal experts we talked with say
running off to texas, that is not something that any innocent person would do. it could be used against him in court. meantime, the search for graham, that continues. charlottesville police chief saying this earlier on "fox & friends". >> i will tell you that i have met with hannah's parents yesterday morning. we try to communicate with them daily. i can't not look at those two individuals and not have hope for their daughter. they've not lost hope and i have not lost hope. we're going to continue to be hopeful until there is evidence to the contrary. >> the reward for information in this case now at $100,000. steve, brian, elisabeth? >> thank you very much. by the way, apparently somebody there in the galveston area saw him on the beach, called the sheriff. sheriff came and as heather was talking about, they ran the plates and it came back that that was the wanted car. the officer said to him, you're that guy. and then he lied to them. so in addition to the charges
that he's facing in the commonwealth of virginia now, he's charged with failing to identify himself as a fugitive and giving false information. he obviously has been denied bail and will be probably headed to virginia very shortly. >> let's change gears right now and talk about what happened last night. we had a series of air strikes, 13 air strikes overall. 12 on the isil-controlled oil refineries, not in major cities, but outskirts. we're trying o stop the money flow from flowing in. they're doing it by smuggling oil out. so we're going to little by little, rein in the banks, sanction the banks dealing with them and hopefully stopping the oil flow and we get a little more aggressive than we have been. so far one of the biggest stories to come out today in the "wall street journal" has it first, there is some editorials to support it, saudi arabia is the one who is actually laid the ground work with the secretary of state on this bale plan that includes four arab nations. >> yeah. >> the good news is that all the aircraft from the strikes that were ramped up last night made
it back safely. those refineries, getting them where it hurts. you're thinking about, they would like to use these locations in the future. so they don't want to destroy them completely, which puts us into these precise attacks we've been seeing. >> we're going to talk to eric bolling. brian, talk being how behind the scenes, saudi arabia really had a lot of leverage over the united states. remember last year the president said he was going to take out assad essentially with that red line and then he pulled the plug on that. and the saudis were furious. so now this year you got john kerry going to saudi arabia talking to the king, saying will you help us? and the king said okay. yeah, we'll help you. but you've got to train the syrian rebels because we want assad out. and you got to get rid of al-maliki, the guy who is prime minister of iraq because he's a puppet for iran. so saudi arabia, very cageyly got rid of a couple of big things that have been on their bucket list. they wanted to get rid of assad
and they also wanted to do something about maliki. and so what did they do? they got the united states to agree, we'll do both those things, which makes you wonder who is calling the shots, is it the president or the saudis? the saudi high school a lot of leverage, but ultimately the president needed the saudis because once they were on board, according to the "wall street journal," then they were able to get other arab partners that currently part of the coalition. >> i never heard this before. they said whatever the u.s. requests, say yes, because we want to give the u.s. and president obama a chance to say now look, i tried to get the vote of congress, they didn't want to give it to me. so i couldn't do anything. so just say yes. so he said yes and they rallied. what i find reassuring is that they see isis as a threat. sometimes i wonder with a wink and a nod if they do see it as a threat. now if they can rein in the curriculum that's giving birth to a lot of these crazies, then i would be really excited. >> part of the deal was we were going to help train and arm the rebels. well, you would think they would love that.
they would love the fact that we've got the u.s.-led coalition. no. the rebel group actually says they're not on board with the air strikes. of the free syrian army denounced the bombing and calls it an attack on his revolution. >> that's right. >> because al nusra is pro al-qaeda, anti-assad. they heard we're going to wipe out isis and double down on isis. >> they do not want, quote, external intervention. clearly depicted by their statement there. >> speaking of external intervention, that was the business that leah gabriel was in before she started for fox. she was a navy aviator. so you've joined us this morning to kind of give people an idea of the munitions that are involved in these strikes. >> right. we've seen some of the strikes. we've seen the things they've been able to take out, things
like comm rays on the buildings. these are highlighting some of the technology and unique capabilities we have. one of them is, as we talked about earlier, the tomahawk land attack missile. this is very niece. what we're seeing fired from ships. more than 40 attacks in that very first night of strikes from ships. this tomahawk land pack missile is a gps-guided missile, can take out specific targets. can be weaponeered with a different type of fuse depending on the target it's trying to hit. like the comm ray. >> where they took out satellite dishes? >> yes. they call it a comm's ray. they used fuses that cause bombs to go off while they were still in the air, basically just take those out instead of using a penetration fuse that would have gone through the building itself. >> when you say fuse, people think like where you light something. how does this fuse work?
>> that would be something like a timed fuse. they would time out that cord and figure out how long it would take for that to basically burn. but basically it's do you want the bomb to blow up before it hits -- >> it's a computer program? kind of? >> we use computer programs to weaponeer and set the fuses. i'm not an ordinance man. but some of the other weapons that we're seeing, they're using a lot of precision-guided munitions. i think it kind of let's us see some of the intelligence that we've been able to gather from the surveillance flights that have been flown because these pictures are coming from somewhere. we have these before and after pictures. so those pictures are basically handed to planners who then say we want you to strike this particular target and then maybe it's the weapon for that. >> would you say precision is good here in terms of reducing collateral damage, 'cause some say pin pricks won't work. too precise. >> you're talk being two different things here.
>> here is dick cheney with sean last night. >> when you have pin prick attacks as they were doing initially with respect to the arab campaign, that's what you get. give the enemy time to adjust, to go underground, to take care of protecting themselves from these attacks and less effective when you telegraph what you're going to do. barak obama has consistently demonstrated i think a refusal to accept good military advice in terms of how he actually uses the force. >> i just remember with bosnia air campaign, people were getting so impatient. i remember bush 41 getting so impatient. if we're bombing and they are still beheading and this keeps going on week after week after week, there is going to be pressure for us to get more aggressive. but right now, we're bombing sections of buildings. not even buildings. >> right. >> just sections. >> we are. and there is a reason for that. i don't know what it is, but i know there is a reason that they're picking only these particular targets. i think he also makes a good
point about strategy and trying to take out the enknee a more full way. but you mentioned collateral damage. i think the u.s. military is really showing their annual to avoid collateral damage. we can even pick a heading that we want to attack on to avoid hitting mosques and schools. i think being able to see these, as you're calling them pin pricks, the military calls these surgical strikes. like surgery, taking out something very specific. >> somebody doing some of the surgical strikers, you would appreciate is a woman, she's a pilot from the united arab emirates. there she is. it's interesting, also there was a sign on twitter that said, isis, you've been bombed by a woman. and we did ask for your reaction and we got it. there is the instagram right there. >> gave a lot of people a pump yesterday for sure. tina on facebook says god bless her, we need more woman power. >> and another said she became an overnight inspiration to young girls all around the said, you just got to love this.
what an accomplished woman. so proud of her. very nicely done. >> ambassador bolton told us earlier today that by these governments allowing a woman to do the bombing, they're saying we're breaking with isis and they know that is twice as bad knowing that a woman is bombing to those twisted minds that we're fighting against. >> that culture, it sends a message. and she is an inspiration. it's wonderful to see somebody who this was her dream to become a combat fighter pilot. she's too long it and then she's going out and executing her mission professionally. wonderful to see that. >> mission accomplished. we're giving her a thumbs up. >> we sure are. thank you. >> thanks for having me. coming up, it's like something out of a horror movie. a woman on the run from an intruder. but take a look at this. that intruder is right behind her, right by that window. we're going to tell you what's going on in this picture next. do you think the nsa is wrong to spy on americans? what about now with the current threat of isis? is spying okay in this instance?
a debate next. ♪ ♪ [music] ♪ jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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he's accused of leaving his kid in a hot car to die. the death penalty is off the
table for the child's father, justin harris. prosecutors say he researched hot car deaths just days before his 22-month-old son died in one. his attorney claims that it was an accident. a driver killed by tony stewart have pot in his system when he died? that's what the toxicology report found. 20-year-old kevin ward died after stewart's car hit him during a race on august 9. a grand jury just cleared stewart of criminal charges, but he could still face a civil suit from ward's family. take a look at this video just in to "fox & friends". there you go. in a giant cooler lost at sea. he spent an entire week floating six miles off the coast of mexico. high waves from a tropical storm sunk his fishing boat, sew crawled into the ice cooler. another boater spotted him and now he's recovering in the hospital. and more evidence that daddies know best.
>> those are dish towels. >> okay. dad. i realize this is impossible. ♪ ♪ >> look at her dance. "duck dynasty" star willie robertson having the final say in his daughter's outfits before she hits "dancing with the stars." now he's saying he wants her to look appropriate and classy. those are your headlines. >> that sounds like her father. all right. thank you. coming up, is learning about patriotism in school a bad thing? that debate raging in our nation's schools right now. we'll take a closer look coming up. plus, want to take video on federal land? get ready to get out your wallet. get out 1500 one dollar bills. how does that work? find out straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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fox news alert. he's playing a twisted game with police. yep. wanted fugitive eric frein leaving a trail of diapers in the woods in pennsylvania. rick leventhal has been covering the story and has the latest. hey, rick. >> reporter: good morning. we got new details from pennsylvania state police yesterday afternoon. they say they found notes and writings left behind by suspected cop killer eric frein that suggested this is some kind of twisted game for him, that he is targeting law enforcement and that he was wearing those diapers so that he could stay in one spot for a long time as this
13-day manhunt continues. they say they also found serbian cigarettes that he's been smoking during the manhunt, possibly because he pictures himself as some kind of serbian soldier like he was during many war reenactments. police released pictures of his 2001 jeep cherokee sport that was stuck in the marsh presumably during his escape from where he shot two troopers, killing one. they say hundreds of officers and federal agents continue to focus their search on this rugged area near the border of pike and monroe counties. they believe he's here in these thick woods based on multiple sightings. some of them by law enforcement. they think they spotted the self-taught survivalist in the woods wearing all black clothing, but they've always been at a distance. by the time they get close, they say he's a ghost. they have found bunkers and shelters in the woods that may have been built or used by him and they say there have been many reports of shots fired, but not by law enforcement. they can't confirm that it's frien who has been pulling the
trigger. he is considered armed and very dangerous. he's on the f.b.i.'s ten most wanted list and they're encouraging the public to stay out of the woods until he's caught. guys? >> all right. thank you very much. rick leventhal in pennsylvania. when they catch him, rick will be there. steve? logical advances that allow u.s. intelligence agencies to pinpoint an al-qaeda cell in yemen or an e-mail between two terrorists in the sahel also mean many routine communications around the world are within our reach at a time when more and more of our lives are digital, that prospect is disquieting for all of us. >> back in january the president called nsa surveillance methods that help catch terrorists disquieting. but does isis and the latest threat make nsa surveillance more acceptable to you? let's have a debate. morgan wright is the former senior advisor for the state department's antiterrorism assistance program and julian
sanchez is the senior fellow specialize noting in privacy. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> morgan, let's start with you. does the fact that we've got this isis threat now, does that make people, does that change people's feelings about the nsa, because we all know that the nsa is spying on all of us. >> right. the french said at one time, everybody spies on everybody. it's the policies around the collection of information and intelligence. steve, we both come from kansas. i'm a former detective from there. i don't care about sources and methods when i'm protecting my state and area, i want to know about information. we got to remember that ultimately this information is going to come back to the law enforcement officials, the men and women who are out on the streets every day protecting us. lot of people don't realize there is 10,000 fewer new york police officers today than there were on 9-11. so the value of intelligence is far more important today than it was ten years ago. >> julian, the thing that bothers you and bothers many americans is, okay, the fight
thing was about foreigners. we're talking about the bulk collection of every american's digital life, the phone and everything else. and that's where they have gone over the line, in your estimation. >> that's right. there is new reason we can't limit, for example, the indiscriminate collection of millions of americans' phone records without hampering our ability to fight adversaries like isis. the director of national intelligence has said the reform on the table in the senate now would not hinder their foreign intelligence mission. there is mo reason. >> when you look at the record, let's not go that far back, i mean, we've heard that the nsa needs to collect all this stuff. they know if they wanted to, they could look in the record and know that i called my wife three times and called a bunch of other people as well yesterday. but here is the thing, if this program that spies on americans is so effective, why didn't it
catch the guys in boston? they were hiding in plain sight making phone calls all over the place? >> it's not a failure of technology. it's a failure of policy at that point. it goes back to who is talking to who and the prohibitions around it. i've been a proponent of technology. right now there are people in the united states who are not american citizens planning to do us harm. we have to realize that this threat is not just foreign. it's also domestic. we've got to be able to have the tools at our disposal to be able to address that. and i'm not saying that the bulk collection that gets into a policy issue, but i'm saying is when you have somebody overseas talking to somebody here and we have a reason to believe this is terrorist relled information, i think opens the door to say what else is going on here? >> julian, i'll give you the last 20 seconds. >> when we have specific reason to look at someone, we can get targeted orders. every independent review of the bulk program has said in fact it wasn't useful.
they never found a case where we needed that program to get intelligence about bad actors in the u.s. when they did get information, it was duplicating what the f.b.i. was able to get through traditional targeted orders. that's all we need, i think, to fight the fight domestically. >> the debate goes on. all right. julian and morgan, thank you for joining us from d.c. >> you bet. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, a marine dies waiting for his appointment at the v.a. and four days after he died, something even more disturbing surfaced. did the v.a. try to cover up a massive mistake? that's next. then he's grabbing luggage at the airport. one problem, it's not his luggage. what's going on at the airport? should you be concerned about people like that? ♪ ♪ and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac!
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fox news alert. the labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. it just happened moments ago. 293,000 new jobless claims. that's more than last week and a little bit less than we expected >> that's right. >> a little bit of an improvement. overnight the u.s. carrying out more air strikes against isis. this time targeting air oil refineries. what's the financial impact of these strikes and how should they be targeted now? joining us now to discuss that very topic is co-host of "the five," eric bolling. good morning. brian was commenting on your jeans earlier today. >> i heard about that. what happened is i -- you have the courage to have an alternate outfit when you come here. i would come in no shirt, no socks, no shoes. >> yeah. so i change when i get here. >> it's another topic for another day. let's talk a little bit about, okay, so what we did was
attacked some oil refineries. they're being described as modular, which sounds small. that's probably better than blowing up the great big refineries. >> actually, i'm not sure it is. first of all, i love this strategy. i talked about it last week that i recommended we do hit the oil infrastructure within syria and iraq, the ones that isis is controlling. syria has a little bit of oil production. they're taking eye -- isis is stealing some oil from syria. iraq has a ton of oil production. they have a million barrels a day worth in iraq. >> the reason we're talking to you about oil is you dealt in oil on wall street. >> 20 years in the business drilling, selling, transporting. >> what's the impact? >> what do you is you've cut off isis' ability to raise money. the reason why isis was spreading so fast, the reason why isis went from a few hundred fighters to 31,500 fighters in a short period of time, they had a lot of money and paying mercenaries. they were paying various
terrorists or various people who were looking for the fight to come over and fight for them. >> ten times the amount. >> here is what's going on. 13 mood car oil refineries, i think it's misnomer. i think refineries. i don't think that's what we're hitting. we talked to the state department. paged through everything they've talked about these strikes. 12 targets were hit. 13 strikes. 12 were hit. modular oil refineries could probably be small ways of pulling oil out of the ground. in the middle east, it's sand and the oil is close to the top. the smart thing to do and i hope they're doing this, is hit all the crude oil installations. don't hit the refineries. refineries -- >> take years to make. >> and billions of dollars to fix it. it will be our responsibility to fix it later. if you hit an oil processing plant pulling the oil outç of e ground, very easy to fix. very cheaply and very quickly once this is stopped. i don't know if we have it, i asked for a map of syria.
if you have that, do we have that? anyway, so here -- perfect. so isis is in syria. the big issue right now, right now the concerted effort have isis surrounded with the exception of that one up top, turkey. we have iraq covered, saudi arabia covered, jordan in the south covered. and then there is water. to the east, you need turkey to play ball with us. you need turkey to get involved because the oil they're pulling out of the ground in syria and iraq goes straight up through that turkish border and sold to the population areas within turkey. >> they've always been smuggle smuggleed. >> ninety-two dollars a barrel for oil on the free market. they're selling it for 30 to 35 bucks. >> you have to have turkey say no. >> yeah. >> they like cheap oil. so it's definitely going to affect their economy. you have to start hitting the trucks that are transporting. these are wide open roads. >> even better, hit the roads.
eliminate their ability to put the trucks on the road. these hell fire missiles, tomahawks are very expensive to spend one for a single truck. you may not want to do that. you may want to disrupt the roads and certainly the roads leading up to turkey where they're selling it. >> my last point is we could make up the difference on the market with the oil that we produce. we have to -- we could commit to doing that. >> you mean help them out? >> yeah. if iraq stops producing and syria gets sunk -- >> the smartest thing we're doing is pushing isis back into syria, letting them locate in syria because it's really, really well producing oil fields are in iraq. you want to keep them in syria. there is not a lot of oil. once you get them covered from all sides, you win the war. i think this is great, smart war tactic. >> yesterday they started to cut off the cash. all right. eric bolling, check him out on "the five" at 5. have you seen that, lea? >> of course i've seen that.
>> who do you have for us? >> on november 26, 2012, marine corporal jordan bizman died while waiting for v.a. treatment. after something disturbing happened, the v.a. said he canceled that appointment. one problem? he died four days before he allegedly canceled that very appointment. his mother joined us earlier to comment. >> how could he have called in four days after he passed away? the reason i started the whole process was his 70-day wait that was required of him to be able to see a neurologist. if he'd have been seen sooner or expeditiously, that he would have possibly still been alive. >> the v.a. has not commented. and he's grabbing luggage at the airport, but one problem? it's not his. phoenix police releasing brand-new video of a man stealing luggage from sky harbor
airport. you can see him walking off the airport train and into the baggage claim where he steals a woman's bag, then gets right back onto that train. police offering a a $1,000 reward for his arrest. want to take a picture of federal land? you may have to actually pay for it. feds are pushing a law that's aimed at the press trying to take pictures or film on federal lands. it would even apply to people taking photos or videos with a cell phone. as for anyone who wants to take photos or film commercially, they must pay $1,500 for a permit or face $1,000 fine. check out this terrifying photo showing the moment a woman hid from an intruder on her roof of her home. look how close he comes to actually finding her. she grabbed her phone and crawled into that hiding spot when she realized he had broke into her home. police in los angeles arrived minutes after she called 911 and gave her a ladder to get down from there. those are your headlines. maria, over to you. >> good morning. good to see you.
we're outside here on the plaza on a rainy day in new york city and joining us this morning is the very special guest, your motor trends editor in chief. you're here because we have a very special announcement. you're actually going to be revealing for us the number one best driver's car. how is that different than the car of the year award? >> so car of the year is open to every all new vehicle every year. this this is just for the top performance cars. only the best sports cars. >> and you have the top three choices. let's start with number three. >> yes. this is the 2014 911 turbo s, insane car. all wheel drive. 560 horsepower. incredible vehicle. very, very quick. >> we can open it? >> yeah. beautiful car. this is the kind of car you want in this kind of weather. >> what is number two? >> alpha romeo 4 c. mid engine, you can see it right
here. club chassis. turbo forged, 4 cylinder engine. >> and now number one is special because this is the first time an american car won this award. >> absolutely. the last two winners have been porsches. this is a camaro, z 28. this is a race car built for the street. got a 7-liter engine, v 8 engine. the widest tires you can get on a production car up front. absolutely insane. >> this car you can purchase it without ac? >> absolute he. so to make it super lightweight, you can get an option with no ac, no remarks stripped down just like you want a race car. >> thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> i'm going to toss it back inside while i get into my brand-new car. thanks, ed. >> you're a lucky woman, maria. >> it will take you five minutes to figure out where the wipers are. you'll need them today. coming up, is learning about
patriotism in school a bad thing? that debate raging in our nation's schools, believe it or not. we're going to take a closer look as we roll on live from new york city. ♪ when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
hundreds of colorado students protesting history curriculum changes that would promote patriotism. >> they want to take away our curriculum, u.s. history. i mean, the students don't deserve that. we deserve to know everything that went on. >> it's not right to teach them what's right about america. we need to teach them what we did wrong. >> the censorship of u.s. history is wrong. and i think it's communist. >> is the whole story being told? our next guest says these students are being used as political pawns.
here to explain is the president of jefferson county board of education, ken witt. thanks for being with us. we're not talking about a few students here. we're talking 500 from one school. 400 from another. 300. today more are probably expected to do the same. what's the core issue here? the rumor is there is going to be censorship. $40 million in cuts. are these rumors true? >> therein lies the issue. i personally went to one of these web sites and saw the discussion that these students were having for the reason they wanted to walk out. they talked about $40 million in cuts that we wanted to eliminate slavery from u.s. history, that we wanted to eliminate civil rights discussion and martin luther king from history. these are simply not true. and that's the unfortunate part what is true is that this board recently decided to give significant raises to our teachers in a way that did not fit the old union model of some get raises, some don't. but instead, we instituted
performance-based compensation. that's what the board did do at the last meeting. we also discussed seating a curriculum review committee to form the board and look at what curriculum, whether there are changes, what the changes are and whether or not they're appropriate for our district because that's our responsibility. >> those materials were set to promote citizenship and the positive parts of our nation here and not condone civil disorder or disregard for the law. i like the fact that students are out there getting excited about history. what concerns me is that what i'm hearing from you, and correct me if i am wrong, is that there is someone else behind this planting it and using these students for their own gain. your response? >> that's the unfortunate situation that's going on. i believe that there is a significant amount of union conflict right now that we would like to not have. the issue is that it's easy to get children out. it's easy to use kids as pawns
and it's not right. we have a union contract that's expiring in august of this year. there is significant concern over the changes that this board have instituted to implement even equalization of choice across our schools, performance pay to insure we have an effective teacher in every classroom. >> of course. >> and soon we'll be renegotiating that contract and that back story is very important to understand why there seems to be this continuing turmoil that's being stirred up. >> are more protests expected today or are these kids getting back in class? >> there are rumors that additional schools will protest today. it's kind of rolled through our schools and i hope that ends soon. we need our kids in their classroom. i welcome their participation and i laud their interest in what's going on. but they need to be in class getting an education. there are other ways to get that
information and interact with the district. i hope they'll take advantage of them. >> it should be organic, coming right from them. we thank you for being with us this morning. we'll stay on it. coming up, he's a fugitive no more. the suspect wanted in the disappearance of hannah graham. that suspect is now under arrest. but is he talking? are we any closer to finding hannah? mark fuhrman with the new details next. but first martha mccallum for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> we have a packed show. what is next in the war against isis? who will help us and for how long? we're going to talk to josh earn he is of the white house who is here in new york with the president. he will be here in studio. admiral kirby of the pentagon here as well this morning. also former first lady laura bush on what we all need to remember now that we are back in a high anxiety state over potential terrorism here in the united states. bill and i will see you top of the hour. see you then
♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
we've got a fox news alert just in. west high school in manchester, new hampshire, on lockdown. reports of a 21-year-old former student seen walking into the building with a gun tucked into his pants. police are currently searching for him. all students are said to be safe. that's a fox news alert from manchester. brian and elisabeth? >> the man waned in the hannah graham disappearance captured last night in texas on a beach. >> how did he get there? did he have any help? we still need to know where is hannah? >> right now we're joined by one of the best in the business, detective mark fuhrman. what would you be doing right now if you're on this case knowing your suspect was 1500 miles away?
>> well, certainly i hope he waives extradition you and get him back quicker if i have the evidence. if i don't have enough evidence or i'm waiting for more forensic tests that would actually shore up my case, i kind of hope he fights extradition, gives me another 30 days to 60 days to work on my case. as far as interrogation, i wouldn't want to go to texas -- i would want to go to texas, get a dialogue going and hope he would waive his rights and actually talk, but i doubt that's going to happen. >> we actually don't hear that he is doing that right now. how do you actually get that to happen? desperately everyone wants to find hannah. how do you get him to help find her? help the police get to her? >> well, it's not in his best interest if hannah graham is dead. it's not in his best interest if he raped hannah graham and she
is somehow held captive. it is not in his best interest to help the police. if they can convince him that somehow he would get a lesser penalty or charge when it comes to court, that's about the only kind of tool that you have right now because he's incarcerated. he knows he's caught. he fled. he fled knowing full well that the police wanted to talk to him. so he knows he's a suspect. he knows what he did. he knows where hannah is. but as far as telling authorities, that would only make his case worse unless they make some sort of a deal with him. >> on our show, the police chief joined us. here is what he said he needs from witnesses. >> particularly from that time of hannah's disappearance to the time of it being reported to the police, we're concerned about that large block of time and just what the habits and behaviors of jesse matthew might
have been. let me give you an example. if at 8:00 o'clock on saturday morning, september 13, someone saw jesse matthew when he was pumping gas at a gas station and he was alone, he was in a grocery store buying milk and he was alone, or somewhere else in the city of charlottesville and he was alone, that's important information for us to know because we're trying to shrink that time line so we can again be more efficient about how we go about the search for hannah graham. >> you're get to go see the holes they still need filled, mark. >> well, of course. there is always holes, even when go to a prosecution and somebody successfully prosecuted, there is still holes because the suspect doesn't give up everything. i cannot second guess what the chief and his detectives have done in charlottesville. i think they've done a great job. a lot of people have been slightly critical. why didn't you talk to him at the search warrant? why didn't you talk to him when he came into the station? this is really a delicate dance
because once you actually approach a suspect and you advise him of his rights, if he shuts the door on you, you can never approach him again. so you want to find that opportunity when he is the weakest and the most apt to talk to you and they really haven't gotten to that point yet because he became so eadvicesive, they couldn't -- evasive, they couldn't even find him to present things to him that might want him to talk. >> this case certainly turning as we speak. we might have a breakthrough today. thank you for setting the table for us. >> thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back with one for the road and something else special ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪
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and before you go out, check this out. our state department tweeted out
these photos showing dead terrorists killed in this week's air strikes. the #thinkagain, turn away, is aimed at turning people away from joining isis. join isis and get killed essentially is the message. bill: the u.s. unleashing a new round much targets in syria hitting the terrorists cash cow, its oil. martha: i'm martha maccallum. the u.s. and its arab allies attacking a dozen facilities in east syria. >> what can y r

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Stage , Rock Concert , Performing Arts , Concert , Music Venue , Performance Art , Theatre , Digital Compositing , Action Film , Shadow , Cumulus , Meteorological Phenomenon , Vigil , Lens Flare , 3d Modeling , Car Seat , Hyundai , Handrail , Glasses , Display Window , Pattern , Macro Photography , Boardwalk , Walkway , Pier , Dock , Guard Rail , Skyway , River , Suspension Bridge , Street Fashion , Leather , Walking , Travel , Fence , Moustache , Beard , Town , Spire , Food , Flavor , Off Road Racing , Chainsaw , Engineering , Electronic Engineering , Factory , Electronic Instrument , Drink , Distilled Beverage , Alcoholic Beverage , Liqueur , Vodka , Family , Antique Car , Pickup Truck , Musical Instrument , Artisan , Blacksmith , Folk Instrument , Percussion , Firefighter , Headgear , Hard Hat , Emergency Service , Hat , Statue , Soil , Waste , Track , Sculpture , Chainsaw Carving , Woody Plant , Power Tool , Lawn , Arborist , Tool , Shrub , Arch , Landscape Lighting , Tooth , Wrinkle , Microphone , Education , Student , Professor , Teacher , Elder , Natural Environment , Emblem , Bmw , Volkswagen , Moonlight , Animation , Leaf , Grass Family , Satellite , Telecommunications Engineering , Space Station , Fan , Parade , Festival , Kindergarten , Tradition , Championship , Race , Kia Motors , Honda Fit , Subcompact Car , Minivan , Compact Mpv , Honda Element , Mini Suv , Crash , Van , Mazda Mazda5 , Mazda Cx 7 , Kia Sportage , Toyota Venza , Nissan Leaf , Toyota Prius , Fordc Max , Toyota Sienna , Chevrolet Spark , Honda , Scion Xd , Mitsubishii Miev , Nissan , Toyota Innova , Scion , Chevrolet Hhr , Toyota Corolla Verso , Hyundai I10 , Steering Wheel , Hyundai Tucson , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Gun , Shooting Sport , Skirmish , Buzz Cut , Racing , Sports , Auto Race , Motorcycle Speedway , Motorcycle Racing , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Endurocross , Motorcycle , Dirt Track Racing , Sprint Car Racing , Open Wheel Car , Monster Truck , Motorcycling , Road Racing , Football Player , Police Officer , Public Transport , Traffic Congestion , Headlamp , Cadillac , Hood , Award , Trophy , Metro , High Speed Rail , Minibus , Train , Rolling Stock , Bus , Railway , Commercial Vehicle , Rv , Airport Terminal , Lighting Accessory , Mountainous Landforms , Glacier , Glacial Landform , Geology , National Park , Formation , Cliff , Escarpment , Mount Scenery , Massif , Iceberg , Ice Cap , Fjord , Sea Ice , Wilderness , Lake , Hill Station , Alps , Summit , Nature Reserve , Conifer , Natural Landscape , Watercourse , Water Resources , Waterway , Wildlife , Floodplain , Wetland , Tundra , Bank , Pond , Reservoir , Inlet , Canyon , Fault , Landslide , Cake , Dessert , Baked Goods , Torte , Cake Decorating , Icing , Arena , Tournament , Junk Food , Team Sport , Sports Gear , Football Equipment , Football Gear , Gridiron Football , American Football , Football Helmet , Ball Game , Glass Bottle , Convenience Store , Retail , Bazaar , Cruise Ship , Passenger Ship , Motor Ship , Ocean Liner , Soccer Specific Stadium , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Competition , Futsal , Yard , Garden , Backyard , Landscaping , Mansion , Swimming Pool , Swimming , Leisure Centre , Outdoor Recreation , Water Polo , Individual Sports , Synchronized Swimming , Water Sport , Swimmer , Water Park , Cap , Sand , Beach , Bathing , Baby , Swim Cap , Freestyle Swimming , Underwater , Marine Biology , Underwater Sports , Breaststroke , Medley Swimming , Endurance Sports , Protest , Backstroke , Wave , Wind Wave , Sea , Great White Shark , Ocean , Marine Mammal , Lamniformes , Open Water Swimming , Tubing , Boating , Boat , Surface Water Sports , Inflatable Boat , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Loch , Canoe , Watercraft Rowing , Water Transportation , Rowing , Canoeing , Lake District , Towed Water Sport , Paddle , Wakeboarding , Kayak , Oar , Skiff , Fish , Mist , Tornado , Wing , Surfing , Body Of Water , Reflection , Calm , Channel , Marsh , Bayou , Lacustrine Plain , Truck , Nissan Titan , Ram , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Fender , Off Road Vehicle , Mini Mpv , Off Roading , Precipitation , Pedestrian Crossing , Sidewalk , Daewoo Lanos , Mercedes Benz , Peugeot , Garage , Suzuki Swift , Entertainment , Collage , Floristry , Shelf , Shelving , Collection , Laser , Computer Monitor , Desktop Computer , Laptop , Computer Hardware , Netbook , Ford Freestar , Feature Phone , Mobile Phone , Smartphone , Mobile Device , Mobile Phone Accessories , Cellular Network , Numeric Keypad , Telephone , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Energy Drink , Liquid , Grassland , Prairie , Iphone , Internet Meme , Exercise Equipment , Basketball Moves , Slam Dunk , Tile , Plumbing Fixture , Trampolining , Mini , Science , Space Shuttle , Planet , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Park , Song , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Bodybuilding , Exercise , Fitness Professional , Aerobic Exercise , Dance , Strength Training , Fitness And Figure Competition , Net , Material Property , Party Supply , Ball , Swiss Ball , Kettlebell , Long Distance Running , Running , Marathon , Crossfit , Training , Chip , Picture Frame , Athletics , Track And Field Athletics , Knee , Decathlon , Press Up , Sports Training , Contact Sport , Cross Country Running , Spring Break , Triathlon , Zumba , Weights , Pilates , Circuit Training , Calf , Weightlifting , Pull Up , Waist , Jeans , Shorts , Wood Flooring , Foot , Leggings , Laminate Flooring , Wood Stain , Non Commissioned Officer , Icon , Bedroom , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Mattress Pad , Boutique Hotel , Comfort , Bottle , Alcohols , Drinkware , Wine Bottle , Wine , Tableware , Dining Room , Sweater , Blouse , Plaid , Tartan , Button , Polo Shirt , Long Sleevedt Shirt , Sweatshirt , Hoodie , Polar Fleece , Pencil Skirt , Locker , Filing Cabinet , Incandescent Light Bulb , Lamp , Lampshade , Darkroom , Tattoo , Spring , Meadow , Vegetation , Rural Area , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Branch , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Painting , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Jungle , Plant Stem , Cool , Playground , Jumping , Coast , Paragliding , Public Space , Bench , Outdoor Play Equipment , Pasture , Swing , Grove , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Playground Slide , Outdoor Furniture , Trampoline , Mammal , Pet , Dog , Canidae , Dog Breed , Dog Walking , Carnivore , Sporting Group , Borzoi , Whippet , Shiba Inu , Saluki , Obedience Training , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Tide , Wetsuit , Mudflat , Fawn , Bay , Seabird , Aeolian Landform , Budgie , Surfboard , Beach Volleyball , Volleyball , Caribbean , Barefoot , Ecoregion , Fell , Steppe , Field , Major Appliance , Home Appliance , Kitchen Appliance , Refrigerator , Textile , Crochet , Linens , Holiday , Cooking , Cookware And Bakeware , Medical Equipment , Stethoscope , White Coat , Physician , Service , Medi Cal , Medical Assistant , Health Care Provider , Health Care , Makeup Artist , Hearing , Silhouette , Monument , Veterans Day , Police , Thunderstorm , Lightning , Flag Of The United States , Memorial Day , Camera Operator , Cinematographer , Videographer , Machine Gun , Airsoft Gun , Rifle , Shooting , Air Gun , Optical Instrument , Camera Accessory , Camera , Petal , Flower , Album Cover , Bangs , Tongue , Sleep , Infant Bed , Bathtub , Rock Climbing , Adventure , Bouldering , Glove , Climbing , High Heels , Outdoor Shoe , Boot , Bag , Sandal , Sneakers , Handbag , Fisheye Lens , Graffiti , Paint , Orienteering , Whiteboard , Slope , Bike , Bicycle Motocross , Freestyle Bmx , Road Bicycle , Bmx Bike , Gym , Leg Extension , Escalator , Plaster , Hall , Molding , Fur Clothing , Bookcase , Bookselling , Self Help Book , Trailer , Caving , Sport Climbing , Cave , Carnival , Drawing , Modern Art , Baking , Dish , Goggles , Action Figure , Ford Crown Victoria , Taxi , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Ford , Public Utility , Police Car , Head Restraint , Full Size Car , Army Men , Mud , Outdoor Power Equipment , Tree Stump , Autumn , Floral Design , Deciduous , Beige , Flower Arranging , Curtain , Vegetable , Salad , Cuisine , Ingredient , Leaf Vegetable , Recipe , Produce , Superfood , Vegetarian Food , Lunch , Asian Food , Meal , Spinach , European Food , Greek Food , Greek Salad , Cruciferous Vegetables , Side Dish , Tomato , Thai Food , Grilling , Barbecue , Outdoor Grill , Barbecue Grill , Wok , à La Carte Food , Plantation , Oak , Twig , Place Of Worship , Church , Chapel , Historic Site , Basilica , Monastery , Mosque , Cathedral , Synagogue , Medieval Architecture , Steeple , Parish , Château , Classical Architecture , Clock Tower , Listed Building , Tufted Capuchin , Non Sporting Group , Tape , New World Monkey , Old World Monkey , Snout , Macaque , Bat , Vertebrate , Aggression , Puppy , Labrador Retriever , Retriever , Pointing Breed , Orangutan , Capuchin Monkey , Lobby , Bellh 13 Sioux , Fire , Guitarist , Peugeot 3008 , Steering Part , Chevrolet Volt , Home Door , Gate , Fire Department , Fire Marshal , Police Dog , Security , Arrest , Rescue , Mitsubishi Eclipse , Security Guard , Special Agent , Model Car , Automobile Repair Shop , Auto Mechanic , Convention , Banknote , Currency , Crumble , Snack , Staple Food , Cherry Pie , Streusel , Pie , Streuselkuchen , Finger Food , Appetizer , Fast Food , Scone , Focaccia , Breakfast , Pastry , Cobbler , Blackberry Pie , Strawberry , Strawberries , Raspberry , Cookies And Crackers , Gluten , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Natural Foods , Quinoa , Muesli , Popcorn , Fruit , Vitis , Valley , Depression , Arête , Plateau , Chaparral , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Plant Community , Badlands , Acura , Acura Mdx , Acura Rdx , Acura Tsx , Honda Fcx Clarity , Hydrogen Vehicle , Acura Tl , Bling , Gramophone Record , Data Storage Device , Shooting Range , Military Vehicle , Herd , Flightless Bird , Animal Migration , Ratite , Bird , Plucked String Instruments , Woodwind Instrument , Reed Instrument , Brass Instrument , Varnish , Mo Ney , Mechanical Fan , Pianist , Musical Keyboard , Electronic Keyboard , Keyboard Player , Keyboard , Digital Piano , Piano , Market , Flea Market , Street Food , Drum , Bass Drum , Ammunition , Boutique , Rickshaw , , Bicycle Wheel , Cart , Natural Material , Barista , Loudspeaker , Personal Computer Hardware , Mixing Console , Software Engineering , Visual Arts , Auditorium , Hospital , Mat , Concrete , Fixture , Drawer , Chest Of Drawers , Cardboard , Baluster , Baby Products , Treadmill , Compact Van , Light Commercial Vehicle , Microvan , Ford Transit , Computer Icon , Inn , Everyday Carry , Electronics Accessory , Brochure , Comfort Food , Baggage , Luggage And Bags , Portable Media Player , Handheld Game Console , Dawn , Lantern , Sad , Celestial Event , Recruiter , Door Handle , Museum , Hardware Accessory , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Indian Elephant , African Elephant , Terrestrial Animal , Zoo , Reading , Tablet Computer , Pen , Graphics Tablet , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Skin Care , Cream , Fluid , Cosmetics , Crescent , Polar Ice Cap , Arctic , Arctic Ocean , Glacial Lake , Crop , Speedboat , Marina , Fishing Vessel , Yacht , Power Station , Industry , Pollution , Cooling Tower , Electricity , Chimney , Technician , Research Institute , Dispatcher , Customer , Airline , Computer Keyboard , Recording Studio , Baseball Field , Goal , Sari , Flag Day Usa , Independence Day , Diet Food , Superfruit , Whole Food , Local Food , Vegan Nutrition , Legume , Cranberry , Mantis , Still Life , Botany , Insect , Bud , Lily Family , Anthurium , Pollen , Alstroemeriaceae , Chili Pepper , Carrot , Bell Peppers And Chili , Birds Eye Chili , Nightshade Family , Capsicum , Herb , Working Dog , Dog Food , Companion Dog , Canis , Australian Shepherd , Siberian Husky , Alaskan Malamute , Dog Supply , St Bernard , Convenience Food , Food Group , Class , Academic Institution , School , Art Exhibition , Exhibition , Art Gallery , Brutalist Architecture , Scaffolding , Workwear , Fashion Model , Fashion Design , Cocktail Dress , Bun , Haute Couture , Peach , Leather Jacket , Tights , Denim , Choreography , Dancer , Modern Dance , Concert Dance , Punk Fashion , Bow Tie , Flash Photography , Acrobatics , Cardigan , Human Anatomy , Bone , Scarf , Superhero , Aston Martin One 77 , Toyota Ft Hs , Palace , Town Square , Byzantine Architecture , Volvo Cars , Bullet Train , Pagani Zonda , Porsche , Maserati Mc12 , Tunnel , Carmine , Viaduct , Concrete Bridge , Nissan Gt R , Alfa Romeo 8c , Aston Martin Rapide , Business School , Choir , Secondary School , Private School , Luxury Yacht , Drum Machine , Peripheral , Range Rover , Wrist , Stage Equipment , Balance , Lens , Camera Lens , Cameras Optics , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Digital Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Teleconverter , Spoke , Gas Stove , Hubcap , Kitchen Stove , Cucumber , Cucumis , Jalapeno , Cook , Brunch , American Food , Wedding Reception , Red Hair , Meat , Polish Food , Eastern European Food , Casserole , Zapiekanka , Food Storage , Basket , Garnish , Solanum , Drinking , Sharing , Family Pictures , Cappuccino , Coffee , Cup , Espresso , Serveware , Latte , Coffee Cup , Dietary Supplement , Plastic Bottle , Soft Drink , Juice , Obelisk , Rocket , Dome , Emergency Vehicle , Fire Apparatus , Metro Station , Guard Dog , Conformation Show , Riot , Bull , Bovine , Newfoundland , Intersection , Cricket , Horse , Stallion , Horse Racing , Umbrella , Basketball Player , Baseball , Bat And Ball Games , Baseball Umpire , Baseball Park , College Baseball , Pitcher , Baseball Player , Baseball Positions , Infielder , Baseball Equipment , Softball , College Softball , Baseball Uniform , One Day International , Freestyle Wrestling , Pitch , Basketball Court , Mural , Watercolor Paint , Acrylic Paint , Rhesus Macaque , Baboon , Street Art , Cable Car , Airport , Outlet Store , Fashion Show , Shopping , Mascot , Cosplay , Stuffed Toy , Toy , Teddy Bear , Plush , Nightlight , Warehouse , Train Station , Passenger Car , Railroad Car , Tram , Whiskers , Rabbits And Hares , Maglev , Animal Shelter , Valentines Day , X Ray , Lego , Aircraft Cabin , Garbage Truck , Freight Transport , Cargo , Grille , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Range Rover Evoque , Computer Speaker , Carbon , Speedometer , Measuring Instrument , Odometer , Gauge , Lexus Rx , Pleased , Alley , Hyundai Veloster , Mazda Cx 5 , Lexus Gs , Driveway , Honda City , Kia Forte Koup , Universe , Batman , Gown , Classic Car , Scrap , Wood Chopping , Longboard , Skateboard , Botanical Garden , Wildflower , Rhododendron , Cornales , Maple , Airplane , Robot , Canary , Propeller , Flight , Aerobatics , General Aviation , Air Show , Skiing , Freestyle Skiing , Slopestyle , Ski Jumping , Winter Sport , Alpine Skiing , Downhill , Air Racing , Fighter Aircraft , Rubiks Cube , Cold Weapon , Ring , Melee Weapon , Cutlery , Hand Tool , Ball Pen , Nail Care , Media Player , Ipod , Professional Wrestling , Music Artist , Heat , Sailboat , Sail , Atlas , Pool , Dog Sports , Ambulance , Light Bulb , Picket Fence , Home Fencing , Cottage , Porch , Coach , Identity Document , Payment Card , Credit Card , Photographic Paper , Box , Neon , Felidae , Big Cats , Lion , Meerkat , German Shepherd Dog , Street Dog , Cat , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Birman , Persian , Kitten , Chihuahua , Welsh Corgi , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Pomeranian , Ferret , Mustelidae , Yorkshire Terrier , Shih Tzu , Toy Dog , Spitz , Trial , Old English Sheepdog , Procyonidae , Cairn Terrier , Terrier , Schnauzer , Maine Coon , Ragdoll , Miniature Schnauzer , Mustelinae , Polecat , Weasel , Raccoon , Rodent , Himalayan , Balinese , Siamese , Snowshoe , Thai , Tonkinese , Domestic Long Haired Cat , Animal Sports , Carpet , Lingerie , Jheri Curl , Arecales , Palm Tree , Screen Door , Aluminium , Campus , Biathlon , Ice Hotel , Penguin , Poker , Sports Game , Cable , Bowling Pin , Net Sports , Armored Car , Combat Vehicle , Humvee , Stupa , Courthouse , Beer , Window Treatment , Dairy , Supermarket , Boxing Ring , Grocery Store , Aisle , Marketplace , Shopping Cart , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Chocolate Chip , Bread , Bakery , Soda Bread , Oatmeal Raisin Cookies , Panettone , Chocolate , Spiral , Fractal Art , Astronomy , Windsurfing , Aurora , Aquatic Plant , Coral , Coral Reef , Birds Eye View , Estuary , Tank , Action Adventure Game , Shooter Game , Airsoft , Backlighting , Dodge Dart , Volkswagen Gti , Fiat Bravo , Satellite Radio , Porsche Cayenne , Porsche Panamera , Mitsubishi Outlander , Hyundai Genesis Coupe , Chevrolet , Supermini , Ford Focus , Microwave Oven , Display Case , Window Blind , Toilet Seat , Bidet , Skateboarding , Skateboarding Equipment , Boardsport , Fedora , Cowboy Hat , Sun Hat , Locomotive , Rolling , Freight Car , Shipping Container , Supersonic Aircraft , Narrow Body Aircraft , Double Decker Bus , Artificial Turf , Recycling , Trailer Truck , Truck Racing , Football , Soccer , Soccer Player , Soccer Ball , International Rules Football , Granite , Ostrich , Emu , War , Self Propelled Artillery , Joker , Supervillain , Cg Artwork , Scale Model , Nissan Quest , Killer Whale , Shark , Combat Sport , Stripper , Musical Theatre , Cheering , Cheerleading , Pride Parade , Banger Racing , Demonstration , Transformers , Research , Ferrari 458 , Porsche Cayman , Automotive Exhaust , Tread , Exhaust System , Tire Care , Rain , Windscreen Wiper , Video Projector , Wireless Router , Home Accessories , Figurine , Mecha , Subwoofer , Studio Monitor , Home Theater System , Balcony , Turquoise , Lamnidae , Cartilaginous Fish , Whale , Submarine , Gautama Buddha , Mythology , Gmc , Rally Raid , Mitsubishi Pajero , Jeep Commander Xk , Land Rover Discovery , Ford Ecosport , Sniper Rifle , Precision Sports , Yoga , Undershirt , Water Bird , Stretching , Striking Combat Sports , Meditation , Beak , Ducks Geese And Swans , Martial Arts , Yoga Mat , Rabbit , Sole , Guitar , Dinner , Rehearsal Dinner , Banquet , Bread Roll , Mediterranean Food , Slider , Fried Food , Supper , Taste , Golden Retriever , Gun Dog , Wine Glass , Stemware , Cheeseburger , Kids Meal , Veggie Burger , Sandwich , Hamburger , Whopper , Breakfast Sandwich , Radiology , Medical Imaging , Flame , Inflatable , Fog , Sketch , Line Art , Tail , Coloring Book , Beaver , Owl , Muroidea , Cylinder , Cargo Pants , Bulgur , Wedding Dress , Bridal Clothing , Bride , Romance , Column , Frontenis , Airliner , Batholith , Unesco World Heritage Site , Outcrop , Intrusion , Sill , Bedrock , National Monument , Mountaineering , Villa , Tent , Volkswagen New Beetle , Tvr , Porsche 911 , Porsche 911 Gt3 , Ruf Rt 12 , Hardtop , Ruf Ctr3 , Maserati Coupé , Fisker Karma , Ford Puma , Porsche Boxster , Daihatsu Copen , Volkswagen Beetle , Alfa Romeo 8c Competizione , Alfa Romeo , Artega Gt , Lotus Elise , Alfa Romeo Mito , Lotus Exige , Lotus , Pontiac Solstice , Muscle Car , Automotive Engine Part , Chevrolet Camaro , Custom Car , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Suzuki , Limousine , Ford Five Hundred , Cadillac Dts , Radio Controlled Toy , Emergency , Pottery , Ghee , Comics , Toyota Camry , Cherry Blossom , Hedge , Mazda , Honda Civic , Mazda Cx 9 , Toyota Avensis , Buick Lucerne , Lexus Es , Pontiac Vibe , Nissan 350z , Mazda3 , Honda Civic Hybrid , Motorcycle Helmet , Calendar , Water Bottle , Bottled Water , Laboratory Equipment , Absolut Vodka , Bight , River Delta , Stained Glass , Safari , Beanie , Dirt Road , Dust , Wadi , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Makhtesh , Butte , Klippe , Mass Production , Attic , Lumber , Inventory , Electrical Supply , Sphere , Subway ,

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