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They make their own rules, she should have never tagged the school in the post. Josh says over the line. This is the wussiification of america meets pc. Disgusting. Hes fouryearold 08d old, come on. Dont forget the Concert Series the last of the summer is up federal government. And fox and friends starts right now. Hello, good morning, today is friday the 29th of august. We begin with a fox news alert. Joan rivers is in Critical Condition after she strops stops breathing during a routine procedure. We have brandnew information as her family is breaking her silence, her joke about death hours before her medical emergency. Meanwhile, the president of the United States plans to defeat isis is, i dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. We dont have a strategy yet. Well, thats a great admission. Now fallout. Whats the rush . Come on, please. Great news, kids, mom is having another baby. Im pregnant what were you thinking . This is exs a per rating. Hes exasperated. He is totally not impressed with the family announcement. His hilarious reaction next. This morning is friday on fox and friends. [ music playing ] where were you couldnt live without you, baby on the stage this morning, our final concert the thompsons square. I was figuring to talk to kiefer thompson. Its great that they would be our final act. They have been terrific. They have been on the program a couple times. We love them. Right. They were having a rehearsal before. You stay up there until we approve of the sound i finally approved of it. There you go. Stamp of approval. Exactly. They will be great, come on down here. We also have on each cable. I didnt foe this, we have paper towels. We have for years. It is finger licking good, still. You can walk or wipe em. Also, we get famous anne in with us today. We need to turn our attention to the news headlines. We have news on joan rivers. Good morning. Joan is if Critical Condition after she stopped breathing during throat surgery. Her daughter says she is resting comfortably. This photo snapped during rivers show wednesday night. Rivers appears in good health and jokes about dying, saying she can go at any missouri she says there is no one she wont make fun of. I say you are lucky to have a joke made about you because if america doesnt know who you are, theyre not going to get the joke. So i only joke at people that are very, very famous. Many people sending messages of support. Larry king, saying, i wish you nothing but the best in this struggling time. Go get em, girl. Two volcanos are threatening air travel at a popular sports destination. In papua, new guinea, lava spewed and an overnight eruption in iceland, a ready alert in europe. So far no ash has been detected. Experts warn of a bigger eruption within the next couple of days. And reclineing rage. Another fight diverted in a fight over leg him radio. American Airlines Flight from miami to paris ends in boston after a pan argues with a passenger trying to recline in front of him. Air marshalls jumped in when he grabbed a flight attendants arm. Its the latest brawl earlier this week, a united Airlines Flight was forced to land over this device called a fee defender. Its meant to keep the person in front of you from being able recline. This retired stepped up to be a crossing guard. It started a year ago when corporeal lewisalston saw students running between cars in intersections to get to their Elementary School in pennsylvania. Since then, he has volunteered in uniform morning and afternoon to walk his safely across the street. Those are your headlines. Once a always a marine. Thats right. Or a five pilot. Thank you very much. Lets talk about the president s press conferencied. Cancer springing through the region its got to be stopped. The joint chiefs of staff came out and said, hey, when you look at isis, i look at somebody with apocalyptic goals and beliefs and aspirations. This week it was time to announce it while not giving away the details. How did it go, mr. President . Lets hear. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. I think what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where were at i think thats not just my assessment but the assessment ofpy speaker as well. Hearing the president of the United States saying we dont have a strategy in public. Speaker boehner says the fact that the president admitted he didnt have one should alarm every american. Particularly alarmed, this general with megan kelly. This is an extraordinary and stunning admission coming from the leader of the worlds most powerful nation and as such, megan, its embarrassing also. We know a lot about isis. They reemerged in 2009 and 2010 in ernest in iraq. They moved into syria in a comprehensive way in 2011. They have been there for three years taking control of territory. They were a growing menace every single month, increasing in territorial control and holding their harsh go. Our intel agencies have been watching them all this time. Everybody in our government in the National Security business knows this organization and what a significant threat it is to the middle east, which is attacking our vital interests and also to our country. We feed a comprehensive strategy and i fear, i fear we may not get one. Right. Come on, putting the cart before the horse, youve had several years to do this, mr. President. Where is the urgency in this . There is people in crisis management. They try to get ahead of it. Youve had several years, what is the problem with all this thing. You would expect the president would meet with his National Security advisers and the folks from the pentagon who are apparently working on this, instead, the president is scheduled to hit up three fund raisers in two states. Thats terrible. If you listen to the president. He had so many caveats and conditions for taking military action. Its extraordinary. He made it very clear to isis, you got to figure they were watching. He made it very clear the United States is not going to do anything any time soon, which means they can just behead people, they took 41 u. N. Workers hostage yesterday. They stripped the syrian army down to their underwear between 150 and 250 they murdered in cold blood. At the same time they have an american on deck to be beheaded because he happens to be a journalist and an american. We have others held captive, including a fe machl he used the words, we could defeat them. We have to come back with a longterm strategy. Theyre sending the secretary of state to talk to people in the area see the we can get momentum that way. Meanwhile, i have a wedding to go to and three fund raisers, what do you think of my suit . The National Security people have had a bunch of plans for the president. The president all put them in front of the president all he has to do is decide. The president cant decide. More on this throughout the morning. In the meantime, a shocking tale of moment grown terror regarding isis, we told you about doug las mccain, an person from california born if illinois who turned against his country and died by isis overseas. Mccain grew up in minnesota near a High School Area in the twin cities just like abder rominijaheen him one of Mccain High School buddies became a terrorist. He was killed in 2009 in somalia. Ainsley ehrhardt is actually live outside the high school where they grooup grew up and went to school. Ainsley, what are group saying there . Reporter oh, gosh, 1250e6rks theyre so shocked. A lot of these neighbors didnt foe these guys live among them. Let me go through their personalities. The first one is castagar. We have a picture of him. He has been arrested twice. Traffic investigations an credit card fraud. His mom says he converted to islam. It made him bright again she says. It was a path that was wonderful for him, she says. Then she talked about his best friend. Mccain. She said he was funny, goofy, polite. He was always respectful. She was shocked this happened. He was always in trouble with the law. Then mohammed the one in a sweatshirt with a malls mascot from his high school. She says i give up this holy life, worldly life for allow. Allow loves those who fight for his cause. In a picture on facebook he is holding a rifle in one hand and a karan in the other hand. Their neighbors say they had no idea the terrorists were living on their street. I was shocked. I wasnt thinking that people from the Muslim Community would be engaged here. Its a quiet, nice suburb and so its hard to understand where these ideals came from. Reporter apparently theyre recruiting a lot of guys. They cant recruit no real u. S. Citizen that know about politics and about the law. Reporter these are two guys that went to your high school. Whats your reaction . They just look like regular high school students. Like nothing that would and dont even, i would have never guessed. Reporter its the largest somali population in the United States so its no surprise when these radical groups want to come to america and recruit young men and women now, this is where theyre going to come. Here to minneapolis. We were driving around their mosque. There is a whole Community Set up for these somalis. Most of them, of course, are not radical like these three guys. The leaders here have a message for the president. They say he definitely needs to come up with a plan or a strategy, this is just getting worse. Isis has 100 americans fighting for them overseas now. Back to you guys in the studio. They have come home. Peter king says, the chairman of Homeland Community of the subcommittee he says theyve known about minneapolis as a hot bed for terrorist recruits for years. They seem to have not be able to connect that with homeland security. On top of that, they said these kids go from zero to thats the attraction. They seeming to the common alal. All you need is a plane ticket to become a jihandi, its crazy. All you need is a plane ticket to be here. They are coming up, kids across the country heading back to school along with them, thousands of illegal children. Illegal in this country. Who is paying for all that . We will talk about it. Its a 20yearold murder mystery. This morning, a crack in the case, thanks to legos . [ music playing ] baby we were born to run can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. New fiber one streusel. Without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Because the best moments in life arent experienced from the sidelines. Now theres Nothing Holding you back. This is nexium level protection™. The 1 prescribed acidblocking brand now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™, now available at walgreens. Illegal immigrant children coming across the border are about to hit our schools as kids head back to school. You have 2,804 starting in maryland alone t. Cost is 13,000 alone it could total more than 38 million. So, what burdens will this place on the educational system and the cost to american taxpayers . Joining us is derek morgan the Vice President of Economic Freedom for the heritage foundation. Our heart goes out to these kids and these families, the question is whos paying, derek . Well, unfortunately, bryant, its the taxpayers the state and local taxpayers in particular that fund the schools and because the federal government isnt doing its job, its paying the bill. We pay ouring a, about 10,000 per kids. Parents arent thrilled its too high. It is about to get higher. It is, you know, you got these School Districts trying to plan. They sent surveys to figure out how many children they will have. You have a county in maryland, for example, prince georges county. That one county is asking to take a thousand students additional they hadnt planned for. You talk about english as a sec language in the anne arundel school. They say we have seven teachers for that. You need about 20. Where do the teachers come from . Who is going to pay their salaries, everyone says, look at these kids, there is a feed. What is more important American Kids for the american taxpayer or the rest of the world . You cant have both. Heres an example of what some people are dealing with now. Heres kelly of anne arundel county on teaching illegal kids. They pay have only gone to 2nd or 3rd grade, have limited literacy if their first language. That does create a different kind of teaching impact on a school than our traditional immigrant family. Take a look at this map, derek. Heres the impact on various states across the country. Maryland gets hit the worst. Then have you virginia, california and texas. Where do you sound off if your skid suffering . Well, you know, brian, i have been thinkingle of this myself. I have three kids. My county has been asked to take three immigration children. The federal government is not doing its job. Its making it worse. We talked about president obama not having a strategy, he doesnt have a strategy to deal with these children. The federal government needs to treat them with kindness and send them home immediately. When people used to come here, it used to be forge your own way, now you come here, the money flows to you, the money flowing to the illegals is money that belongs in other places with a country thats 17 trillion in debt. Somethings going to brake. For the, are you right. You are exactly right. The fact is illegal immigration is very expensive. We taxpayers should first take care of americans, obviously, our hands are tied in this situation. Because of the supreme court. The solution is to start enforcing our immigration laws and make sure that we welcome those here legally but those their illegally, they need to go home immediately. How about this, help them in their own country, because we only have so much room here. Derrick morgan, thank you so much. If you have been impacted go on Facebook Page we want to hear your story. Straight ahead, disturbing fuse, our good friend comedienne joan rivers is in Critical Condition after she stopped breathing during routine surgery. We have a doctor on call to tell us about the risks involved with that procedure and the funniest kid you will ever meet. Im pregnant. Oh, what were you thinking . This is exaspirating. Why . Because you just got two. Crestor lowered bad cholesterol in its a fact. Highrisk patients more than lipitor. Bad cholesterol. Youre going down yeah lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. So, when diet and exercise arent enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. Im down with crestor crestor is not right for everyone, like people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor about other medicines youre taking. Call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of rare but serious side effects. Are you down with crestor . Ask your doctor if crestor could help you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Hey, everybody, how are you feeling the we hope you are doing well. Some quick headlines now the vatican is stepping up security after a roman newspaper reported isis is targeting pope francis. This comes after the pope endorsd airstrikes if response to christians in iraq. Nato releasing satellite images overnight showing Russian Troops and tanks pouring into ukraine. Check this out. President obama saying u. S. Will not get wage involved. Steve, over to you. Hey, we got a fox news alert, joan rivers, the comedienne, is in correct, al condition this morning after she was rushed to the hospital yesterday morning here in new york city t. 81yearold comedienne stopped breathing apparently during what is described as a routine throat procedure. What is the procedure about . What could have gone wrong joining us is dr. Nina radcliffe a physician and anesthesiologist who actually performed what a sudden of these endoscopys this week. Yeah, i did 20 of them on wednesday. Joan rivers has been complaining of vocal problems. You think it was from what . She was at a clin they can specializes if procedures for the digestic tract. This can include colonoscopies and egds. What it seems like the pieces of the puzzle are coming toke. She had an upper endoscopy but the complication was with her throat. When you say upper endoscopy what that means you take a camera, put it down somebodys pout and then you put it down there as far as it goes to move it around. The esophagus into the stomach. We do this for heartburn, abdominal pain or difficulty swallowing. The camera was in there, what does it sound like happened to you . What happens we pass the camera behind the voke e vocal cords. You have to remember they function as a gate to keep out anything foreign, spitz, blood, secretions from going into the lungs, its a gate and a guard to prevent that from happening. Eighth normal response for us to cough or our vocal cords to spasm, when they close, oxygen can not get into your lungs. So apparently at some point during the endoscopy they realize, wait a minute, shes not breathing, is that normal . Correct. It is normal for a body to respond to any foreign body going into that area. Many times this can be treated as it looks like she was, she may have been more sensitive to the drops in the oxygen levels. The two big things are its unclear how long she was without oxygen. Correct. That could result in who knows what at this point . Right. Absolutely. You have toer, she was elderly. She is 81yearsold. She has a different risk than 18yearolds in this procedure. We understand she, joan rivers, is in a copa, a medically induced coma. Thats what theyve reported. They said she is resting comfortably. When we do a medically induced coma, its for your brain to rest, if there is swelling, for swelling to go down while the doctors support her other organs. Melissa rivers her daughter put out a statement thanking everybody for their prayers and everything else, i imagine we will get a statement from the hospital later today. Thank you for the house call. Up next, he missed three races after hitting and then killing kevin ward, jr. This morning arc big update on Tony Stewarts future. Then she lost her veteran father when she was just fouryearsold, thanks to a Great Foundation she is able to go to college and today, you can help, too, just by going golfing. [ music playing [ music playing ] president obama addressing us in a tan suit and tie in yesterdays White House Briefing yesterday afternoon, within minutes of stepping up to the podium, though, tweets started flying, the internet went crazy over that suit. So do you dig it . The internet did go crazy. In fact the website the wire said president obama gave an Important Press conference overshadowed he debuted one of the ugliest suits in the history of america. They refer to it as hashtag beigeghazi. I think it looked good on him. Its Something Different than you see. Was it beige, taupe, cream, khaki . Its summer. The other thing is they say it didnt fit, it was a little baggy. Thank you, mr. Black. Some are tweeting about this, 20 minutes earlier, obama, im not wearing this suit, joe biden, no, no, no, you look good, mr. Obaum. Fine iernlgs not wearing the seaworld hat. Abaum vows to defeat whoever made him wear this suit. I think it looks good. I am somebody who has worn a tan suit on many occasions on this program. Its the summer. You got to get it in. Our final summer concerts. There is steve tucci. I was in the sears catalogue. I remember that. That was a great year for you. Lets be honest, there was no plan on what suit to wear. I had for the strategy today other than it was a big fuse day i should go with the dark suit. Its the end of summer, lets keep it on an upnote and talk about fuse. Leah gabrielle has more on whats making headlines at this hour. Good morning, fox news exclusive, chilling words from the convicted shooter of the fort hood massacre. He says he wants to become a citizen in the Islamic State. Ter two americans were killed fighting for isis, he tells the leader, i formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State. It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient soldier to its leader who dont compromise the religion of allmighty allow to get along with disbelieveers. Hasan killed 13 and injured more than 30 at the 2009 fort hood shooting. Police solve a 33yearold murder mystery in utah thanks to legos. They decided to test toys, on those the fingerprints of the suspects then fiveyearold son. It is clear that he bludgeoned lucille to death leaving his fiveyearold apparently in the living room of the home to play with legos. It is believed the suspectulesed his son to get into the 78yearold womans home and steal jewelry. Well, we showed you some eerie pictures this week of malaysian Airlines Flights looking like ghost towns. That is the beginning of the fallout since the disameerns of flight 370s and downing of flight 17. The airlines is getting a few ceo and downing staff and becoming completely government owned. For the moves to change its name. And this is the funniest kid you will meet all day. Im pregnant. Huh, what were you thinking . Why you have to just get another baby . You just have two. This is exasperating. You just will have another brother or sister that you have to take care of, will help to take care of is there that doesnt make no sense. For the seat between us. Mia well the little boy totally not impressed that his mom is having a new baby. He says he just doesnt want to hear all the crying. Those oyour headlines, brian, over to you. They like the things that way they were. Tony stewart is getting back behind the wheel. He is doing it this weekend. He is set to run sunday. This is stewarts first nascar event since hitting and killing ward. He is expected to speak today for the first time. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell admits he got it wrong giving ray rice just a twogame suspension after he was caught on camera hitling and dragging his wife, who turns out to be his wife, at that time she was his fiancee. He is making sweeping changes to the Domestic Violence abuse policy now. First offense, six game suspension, second offense, lifetime ban. Lets see what the Players Union says about that. Thats it for water happening in the world of sport. Let me tell you whats happening with weather. Beachgoers getting hit with strong rip currents and rough surf. But on what coast, janice . Reporter on both coasts, actually, brian. Take a look at these surfers, this is across the west coast. Where we had hurricane marie earlier last week. It is gone, leaving with it high surfs and rip currents. Be careful of. That we had strong rip currents across the feast because of Tropical Storm allison cristobal. We are getting so excited for the long weekend, of course, our all american summer Concert Series on the plaza. What are your name, ladies . Rebecca. Miranda. Reporter what are you from . Upstate new york. Reporter you like music and barbque . Yes. Reporter you are in the right place. Lets look at the maps real kwivenlg ill show you where you can expect showers and thunderstorms, in the gull of mexico, thats not going to turn into a tropical depression or a Tropical Storm, tankfulhankfull it will bring some across the Mississippi Valley. Are you ready for a good time . Yeah. Reporter all right. Back inside, whew having too much fun out there. Folks, if are you planning to hit the golf course this holiday weekend, join former president bush. I pledge to do nate as little as 1 on top of your green fees every time you play golf over Labor Day Weekend. You will be helping to make sure dreams become a reality. The u. S. The right thing to do for our heroes in uniform and for their families. Quite an enforcement there. For more, joining us live from the bears club in jupiter, florida, major dan rooney and folds of honor recipient cally santos. Good morning, thanks for being with us. Good morning. Major, i want to start with you, a former f16 fighter pilot. Three tours in iraq. Now a pga professional. Tell us about folds of honor for people who arent familiar with it. If you look at this weekend, its americans patriot holidays, we have almost 5300 golf courses across this great nation that are signed up to accept donations on behalf of the folds of honor, we will have mr. Nicholas on the second segment. Good between president bush and Jack Nicklaus today encouraging governor golfers to get out and stand for these recipients we are so blessed to pay it forward. Folds of hon for kicked out 10 million in scholarships a couple weeks ago. Were honored to make sure we are able to provide Educational Opportunities for spouses and kids who had someone either killed or disabled in combat. Yeah, these scholarships are changing their lives, helping them get a leg up. You are a recipient, a fursing student at florida southern cleevenlg your father Richard Santos died when you were 4yearsold from brain cancer related to agent orange. You grew up foeing he was a hero. Where would you be today without folds of honor . I would not by a tending college, truthfully. They have been more than an extended family to me and i am truly blessed. What does it mean to you that you were able receive this and how were you picked . I was selected on, from a website that i went on and applied for them online and it was, it was, i had to do an Application Online and write an essay and they selected me on behalf of you know my fathers military service. Well, you werent able to say to your father then but becoming a nurse, you will be eight save a lot of individual. How does that make you feel and what is your background done for you to make you want to become a nurse . Im truly honored. I really am excited for what my career has to hold. A little bit about my background is my father in august 1999 was diagnosed with cancer of the brain. At that time i didnt realize my life was going to change forever. The doctors at that time told me that dadty had ball in his head and the doctors couldnt remove it. So i took it upon myself. I went and put on my nursing outfit and i made sure that he took his medications and put, made sure he had lotion on his skin and his lips were always moistened and even though cancer robbed me of time with my father, his memory, his memory lives on. And the biggest thing is, is that i still remember the day he passed like it was yesterday. It was 6 07b8 august 5th of 2000. I was one month shy of my fifth birthdayment my mom woke me up to tell me my daddy had gone to be with the angels. I went over to his hospital bed. I looked at him and bun of my tears had fallen on his face. I said, pom my, momly, daddy the alive, hes crying, shes still in pain. Hes not dead. She had to explain to me that daddy could not come back. Yeah. It wasnt until later on in the day when the field director came to the house, i was okay with daddy being in the house. But as soon as he took him away, all my emotions took over and i chased him all the way down the street screaming for him to bringpy daddy back and at 4yearsold, one can not fathom death or losing a loved one, let alone parents, knowing it has been my mom and i growing up, its been hard, losing my dad was the hardest thing i ever had to deal with in my life. However, with the help of folds of honor and them being an extended family to me. Were all connected uniquely. I am so blessed to meet these incredible individuals. Kelly, thank you very much. That is what today is all about. Your father is certainly looking down on you and smiling and. I appreciate it. Go to patriotgolfday. Com. Make sure you get out there and golf for a good cause. 42 minutes after the hour. Remember when the president said he didnt become president to help out the fat cats . Well, things certainly have changed. Charles payne here with the details on that coming up next. [ music playing ] [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow. Its more than just a meal, its meow mix mealtime. With great taste and 100 complete nutrition, its the only one cats ask for by name. A a hypocrisy alert. Remember when president obama said this about people who work on wall street, the elite. I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of, you know, fat cat bankers on wall street. Well, with the world in crisis, it looks like he has no problem hobnobbing with them. Thats a slight term for hanging out, when it hess him and the democrats. He has a fundraising barbque today. In new york, its expected to bring in 250 high rollers paying 32,000 each to rub elbows with the commander in chief. Charles payne is the host of money network. He knows a lot of the wall street fat cats. We will be at the event this weekend. But i wasnt invited. Listen, the president , theres always been this myth around president obama that he was the peoples president. Somehow he raised a Million Dollars from nickel and dime do nations from the anonymous public. The bottom line is the president has redefined the office. Its always been about money. Were talking about a new paradigm where you never stop raising money. I never stop raising money. That is the number one priority every single monday at the top of the agenda, raise money. Every friday going into the weekend, raise money. There is only a few sources can you get that cash from. Whats the mindset of the people that pay 32,000. He raised Capital Gains and villified wall street. Word goes out there is a fundraiser, they got to go. Our government spends trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars. There is no greater source of money spending in the world than the u. S. Government. Guess who gets a big clunk one way or another . These wall street fat cats. Of course, a lot are wrinkled. Heres the thing, you never are able change the hedge fund guys. Theyre limosine liberals, particularly in new york city. If you happen to make a billion dollars a year, its okay. Can you deal with the higher taxles. Its the warren buffet phony times of the world who campaign for higher taxes which wont hurt islam. It will hurt a guy doing business making 450,000 a year. Expla tin Approval Ratings, a lot of candidates, midterms, in particular, saying im going to run for the hills, im going to stay away from the president as i can, yet hes able to make the money. People will take the cash. We dont want the photo op. If you can email the cash or wire it. He has a star quality about him still . The president has a star quality among not deitty by idol worship. He can say i fell because of the republicans and so there is a core that will always love the president. You think about where his Approval Ratings are, where they are on the economy and foreign policy, its pretty bad. But he can only raise money on wall street, Silicon Valley and hollywood, thats where hes raising money in there for the political party. Soon. Hes going to start raising money for his library. Thats a whole another ball of wax. President obama will raise 150 million. Hell go broke. Make sure you fix that. Watch Charles Payne on making money on fox business network. Thanks, charles. Have a great labor day. Have a great labor day. In case you missed it, the best of fox be friends next. We are born makers. So we went the extra mile, and made a car that does the same. The allnew chrysler 200. Americas import tm but parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. It can help your business save money. False. The truth is when you compare our Fastest Internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Sweater, extra sweater oh and this is the xfinity tv go app. He can watch live tv from over 50 channels and xfinity on demand movies and shows wherever he wants. Have fun, make some friends. Alright . Did i mention his neck pillow . blowing charlie from my three son, alice from the brady bunch. Mr. French from family affair. Mrs. Livingston from courtship of eddies father. If off good butler story, write us. Okay. Also, its been a busy week and a lot of fun here on fox friends. We compiled the highlights in case you missed them. Hello. Good morning to you both. Good morning to you. Good to see you guys. A lot happening. Unbelievable amount happening. Very nice. Brian kilmeade, just broke a little toe. We got ice for that toe. I dont care about political correctness. I want to be spiritually correct. You lost out there and youre all alone. There is news this morning. What is that . Carry you home. Thats what you were singing . I didnt have the band and back up singers. Its not exactly the karaoke back up that you get every thursday night at your local club. We would have backed you up. Drum roll, please. Nothing was stopping those two crazy kids. I thought they were already married. Not a dry eye in the house. Steve, pull yourself together. Were still on camera. Emotional. Congratulations. True professionals. We have to play for some cash. Look at that. Were going to ill put it right here. Yesterday we had jim courier on our program where we played for 100. We won. I left it in my pocket. I actually have jim couriers dough. Party. She gets her hair tangled in her own tennis racket while chasing down that shot. Have you ever got your hair caught in the blow drier . Brian and i were talking about that. Drives me crazy. Where are you going is this. Im not sure. Very nice. Drum roll, please. Turns out we had the longest drum roll in american television. Let me tell you whats coming up next in the next two hours. Torontos crack smoke mayor dances again. Why hes also now apologizing and running for reelection. Plus, were closing out our summer Concert Series with Thompson Square. What do you want to know from them . Email your questions. Well ask. [ male announcer ] behind every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research. Inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. Centrum silver. For the most amazing parts of you. That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . Hey, everybody. Good morning. Today is friday, the 29th of august, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert. Comedian joan rivers in Critical Condition hours after joking about her own death. What happened and what her family is saying this morning. The president s plan to defeat the terrorists. Lets listen. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. Nothing . Not even a bad strategy . A stunning admission from our commander in chief in beige. Meanwhile, hes not just a terrorist, hes just uncomfortable. Air marshals called in to settle a dispute over leg room. Thats the second one this week. Whats going on . Ill tell you whats going on. Youre watching fox friends right here on the fox news channel. Hey, america. This is famous dave. Youre watching fox friends. We rolled out the astro turf. All we need is 100 more people and well have them by the time our friends, Thompson Squared takes the stage. Theyre featured performers in the finale of the summer Concert Series. Theyre getting ready and famous daves is slathering up his ribs. And theyre married. For 14 years. Happy couple. Lot of people say the story behind the song, them singing those songs and they sadly, its the end of summer. Its official. So if youve got a question for Thompson Square, email us and were going to talk to them in a little bit. But in the meantime today, weve got leah gabriel with us, joining us with the headlines. Good morning. Well get right to the headlines. Joan rivers in Critical Condition at New York Hospital after she stopped breathing during her routine throat surgery. This morning the 81yearolds daughter saying shes resting comfortably surrounded by family. Earlier on fox friends, we had a doctor explain what could have gone wrong with that procedure. We passed camera behind the vocal cords. They function as a gate to keep out anything foreign from going into the lungs. So its like a gate and guard to prevent that from happening. Its normal response to cough or vocal cords to spasm. When they close, oxygen cannot get into your lungs. And this new photo of rivers snapped during her standup show wednesday night. She appeared in good health and joked about dying, saying she could, quote, go at any moment. Two erupting volcanos threatening air travel at popular tourist destinations. And new guinea, smoke, ash and lava shooting into the air. Communities have been evacuated and flights in and out of the country are grounded. Overnight eruption from iceland raising a red alert for air travel in europe. So far no ash has been detected. Experts warning bigger eruption within the next couple of days could come. Reclaiming rage. Another flight diverted and a fight over leg room. American Airlines Flight from miami to Paris Landing in boston after a passenger began arguing with a passenger trying to recline in front of him. Air Marshal High School to jump in when he grabbed a flight attendants arm. Its just the latest brawl over leg room of the earlier this week a united Airlines Flight was forced to land because of a clash over this device called the knee defender. Its meant to keep the person in front of you from reclining. And torontos crack smoking, dance loving mayor giving an emotional apology to Council Members saying hes sorry for embarrassing them. The apology comes just a month before the citys Mayoral Election which could end fords tenure. Will he calm down his crazy antics . Moments after his apology, the music starts playing and he breaks out those dance moves again. The council stripped fords responsibilities last year after he was caught on video allegedly smoking crack. And those are your headlines. Back to you guys. You can take away his powers, but not his dance moves. Why do they pipe music into the city council up there . What is that about . Theyre happy its over. Elaine benis called, said hes a bad dancer. Weve been telling you for months about isis and the news this week has been terrible about isis. Just yesterday they released a video that shows they executed 150 members of the syrian air force, also in the past week they executed nearly 500 syrians as well. It is clear that isis is rampaging. It is time for action. On monday it was revealed that the white house ordered drones over syria to figure out whats going on over there. We told them ahead of time. Yesterday when the president of the United States announced that there would be a press conference, the world tuned in to find out what our strategy would be to destroy the evil isis. What did the president say about our strategy . Here we go. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. I think what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where were at than we currently are. And i think thats not just my assessment, but the assessment of our military as well. Does he know hes president . Does he know that hes responsible for stopping the number one enemy of america . Im sorry, russia, youre number two for now. Thats been amosing in taking this base in syria, they just got planes with our tanks and our armored personnel carriers and making 3 million a day. They are taxing courts, keeping the lights on of the this is same administration saying one week ago that isis cannot be defeated without air strikes in syria. The president says i know one thing we have no strategy. Not only is he embarrassing himself, hes embarrassing the pentagon who now looks totally inept because he has just come out and said for four years, we still have nothing. Not a strategy that he can sign off on, but no strategy at all. The pentagon has given him many different plans and there is an item that talks about in the daily beast, the reason he couldnt come to any sort of strategy is because his war council is split. Half of them want to decimate isis. They want to coordinate with the rebels. They want to target the infrastructure, plan of control and financial capabilities, including the pipeline. But the other half of obamas war council, no cooperation with the Free Syrian Army and instead, focus strikes inside syria near the iraqi border. Just cut off isis supply lines to iraq. Its a rather limited strike. So you would expect the president after making the speech and getting hammered about not having a strategy in syria, you would expect him to be meeting with his National Security advisors, talking to the pentagon. Well, apparently not. We still dont know what his official plan is going to be. And instead, hes out fundraising. Hes going to be doing three fundraisers in two states. Hes got a big wedding this weekend. A couple weddings, i think. Anyway, after that incredible sound bite where the president reveals we have no strategy, the white house then shortly thereafter decided we should actually go ahead and try to clarify this and clean up the mess. So they issued this statement. It goes like this this afternoon, the president met with his National Security council to discuss the situation in iraq. Our ongoing efforts to support the Iraqi Government and our comprehensive strategy to counter the threat posed by isil in iraq and syria, the president will continue to consult with his National Security team in the days to come. See, in that they said hes got a comprehensive strategy. Well what is it . For iraq. The problem is their headquarters is in syria and they cant be stopped by hitting iraq. He keeps trying to change the subject. The subject is isis. Iraq is the subject. He cant be bound by these borders. A shock tale of home grown terror to tell you about. We told you about the american from california who turned on america and died fighting for isis. He grew up in minnesota near the twin cities, just like the second american killed in the same battle. And they werent alone. Troy castigar, a buddy from high school, was killed also. So mind boggling. Ainsley earhart outside the high school where the two grew up together. What are Community Leaders telling you . Reporter theyre saying they need more mentors. Its very eerie to be standing outside this high school knowing where this is where they were educated 15 years ago. You might wonder why would an american go overseas and fight for jihad. We asked one of the Community Organizers that and he was telling us this is the largest somali population in the entire country. So these recruiters come here to target those muslim individuals that are not radical, but you have a few radicals that join these mosques these groups, and they pick out these kids that are maybe going through tough time and they convert them and teach them how to be radical terrorists. Thats when the brainwashing begins. There is a lot of dubious things that kids are taught. First, they are told utopian islam. Here you cant find a job. They hate you. They discriminate against you. The police is bad. As a young person in the world no matter who he is or how he looks like, have challenges and energy. So they channel those challenges. They dont have any mentoring programs. So they replace those programs that every kid should have to mentor and to chapel their ager and energy that they see every day. This man made it his life mission to mentor all the kids in this area because he said he lost his nephew to alshabab. His nephew was recruited, went over, tried to get out. As soon as they found he wanted to come back, they shot him in the head. He doesnt buy those recruiting videos. He was in a video called minnesotas martyrs, where hes saying that being a part of alshabab is like going to disneyland. The Community Organizer said he doesnt buy it. That they put fear in these kids and know they will be beheaded or shot if they try to get out. The f. B. I. Back home says 20 out of the 100 isis fighters that were recruited here in america came from this community. Pretty scary. High school a hot bed for it. Folks at home, its not just in that area. The department of justice saying they brought at least five prosecutions against americans in florida, california, virginia, and North Carolina trying to help isis in iraq. Ainsley earhart, thank you very much for going out to minnesota for us. So those guys from minnesota wanted to go over and join the Islamic State and become terrorists. You know who else wants to join the Islamic State . This is galling. Major nidal hasan. Thats right. The guy who shot 13 people and injured 30 down at fort hood. He has written a letter, a twopage letter to al bagdadi, the guy who runs isis, and asks if he can join the caliphate. He says this, i formally request to be a citizen of the islamic city. It would be an honor for any believe to be an obedient soldier. This is the guy that was not allowed to testify. We would have seen howful he was. Hes in a wheelchair that eventually i believe will be put to death. Correct . I dont know. Who knows . Remember, this particular department of justice chose to prosecute him as Workplace Violence. Thats what he was involved in. But when you look, was it Workplace Violence . When he was shooting all those people, he was screaming allah akbar. Now it is revealed that behind prison bars, he wants to join the Islamic State. Behind prison bars he certainly knows how to work it. How is he even able to write this letter . You remember how many delays happened during his trial and because of his religious beliefs he wasnt going to shave his beard. Were too fair to these terrorists. Call it what it is. There is so much involved with this story, peter johnson, jr. Is going to break it all down and tell us about the majors rights behind bars coming up. The bombshell of the week. Lois lerners black berry was deliberately wiped out. You wouldnt know by watching any other media outlet because it was not covered. The bias exposed next. Plus, its a story so many of you are talking about this morning. A fouryearold booted from preschool because of his mothers Facebook Page. What was on the page . What happened . Find out. Hey, i notice your car yeah. Its in the shop. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg. You shoulda taken it to midas. They tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. Highfive arg brakes, tires, oil, everything. whistling feet. Tiptoeing. 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Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. D we have several new shocking revelations dealing with the irs targeting scandal. Which we knew lois lerners blackberry was deliberately wiped clean after the start of a congressional probe. But if you were watching the main stream media, you wouldnt know about it at all because it wasnt even covered. Joining us is political commentator, elizabeth, thanks for being with us. Thank you. This is confirm by our brain room here at fox news channel. The irs bombshell coverage on thursday night, abc, cbs and nbc, all of them didnt cover it at all. You took it a step further. Even did a Google Search and what did you find . Thats right. It wasnt just a tv blackout. If you put the terms lois lerner and blackberry in a google news search, the only places youll find it being covered are the fox news article and then a few conservative web sites that are brave enough to cover this. I think the one thing that we learned about the story this week is that it still has legs. This is all of the juicy inside scandal that the media normally loves. The problem is the people involved are the people that the media normally loves as well and thats liberals. The thing is, irs is such a universally recognizable entity, someone always has an emotional reaction to it. Does it surprise you . Unfortunately, it doesnt surprise me that theyre sort of sweeping this story under the rug because lets face it, this is not the george w. Bush administration. So theyre not going to have any interest in holding these people accountable. Youre right. This is relatable. Everyone can understand how scary it would be to think there might be someone in the irs targeting you because of your political beliefs. Lets talk about gas price and the dichotomy between what were hearing from different news outlets. Lets take a listen. When you fill up the car this Labor Day Weekend, youll get a nice surprise. Gas prices this Labor Day Weekend are expected at their lowest level in four years. The National Average price for a gallon of gas this morning is 3. 43. That is already a full 16 cents cheaper than last labor day. In the big picture, is that the story . Its kind of funny. These people are making me feel old because i can remember when gas prices were actually under a dollar a gallon. So i think actually news busters did a great report. They show how they covered gas prices under the Bush Administration with Obama Administration. They linked the Bush Administration with higher prices than the Obama Administration. When george bush left office it was 1. 84. Now its 3. 43. A huge difference. And were still supposed to be happy. Have a great holiday. Thank you, you, too. Coming up, ben carsons solution to prevent more events like what happened in ferguson. Government funded child care. Is this really a good idea . The debate is next. And a terrifying close call. A shark heads straight for swimmers who have no clue trouble was coming right their way. yelling can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. New fiber one streusel. I thought so what . , but now cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. Well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. Three in a row sweet 15 minutes for a quote isnt so sweet. Level 2 start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on Car Insurance in half the time. Welcome to the modern world. Esurance, backed by allstate. Click or call. Time for news by the numbers. 422 . Thats the first set of numbers im using. Thats how much the government is hiking its fee to renounce citizenship. It now costs more than 2,000 to say i dont want to be here noumea. Next, 1 million. Thats how much this bagadi was worth. The texas man driving it pleaded guilty to deliberately driving into the drink for insurance money. He didnt know someone was taping him. He also didnt know hed eventually air it. 16,000. Thats how much money in gold an artist buried on a british beach. 30 bars are up for grabs if anyone can find them. Steve . Good luck. Meanwhile, after the unrest in ferguson, missouri, potential 2016 president ial hopeful dr. Ben carson has come up with a solution that he says might help prevent more incidents like this shooting of michael brown. Governmentfunded child care. Carson writes, quote, we should devote some of the tax revenues generate to do child care facilities. We must concentrate on these kinds of programs cause we can not afford to lose large segments of our society to despair and underachievement in an increasingly competitive world. The suggestion coming off the fact that he says young black men dont have father figures, so is more Government Intervention the answer . Sabrina joy stevens joinses from d. C Kevin Jackson is the executive director of the black spirit. He joins us today from st. Louis. Good morning to both of you. Good morning. Serena, i understand you do not agree very often with dr. Ben carson, but on this you do. Well, yeah. We need to remember first that when we say government here, were talk being our fellow americans. Its a problem when those of us who are Police Officers and Public Officials oppress us instead of protecting us as happened in ferguson. But if thats taught us anything, its that we not only need to resist government tyranny no matter where it happens, but we also would be better off spend ago lot more on small children and a lot less on big weapons. Kevin what, do you think . Well, its funny. We want government to let government tyranny, but more government tyranny in the form of taxes. Look, the solution is not to put more money into another federal program. Everything that goes into a federal program is a money dump. And the idea that i mean, i understand the call out for helping kids. But how about we start helping families . Thats where it starts. Absolutely. Sabrina, when you look at the amount of money the government spends on entitlements and other governmentfunded programs. Back in 2012, we spent 254 billion on welfare. 80 billion on food stamps. You know, did that really help wipe out the war on poverty . No. Well, first of all, i dont consider it a money dump when we invest in children and when we invest in our fellow americans who are actually providing services for them. Now, we probably would be less reliant on programs like food stamps and welfare if we actually were helping people get back to work and support their own children thats dr. Ben carsons point. Kevin . Well, shes made an excellent point. Lets start focusing on jobs, but more importantly, lets start focusing on having young men stay with their families and take care of their families. All of these things point right back to this very basic thing that conservatism is based on, which is the support of the family. So yes, its interesting to say we need to support children. Everybody understands that. But you support children best when you support that conservative value known as the family. Exactly. Which is why we need to make sure those families can provide for children. Parents cant be in more than one place at once. So they need to have a safe place to keep their children when theyre working. The other thing is that research has shown that this old st rest. Which one . Parents of all color, including black fathers, are very involved in their childrens lives. The fact is that anybody who works in this country knows exactly how hard it is to find quality, affordable child care. I dont see how anybody can be against that. Kevin, do you agree . We heard that black fathers are involved in their childrens lives . I didnt say black. She did. I understand. But yeah, i agree, that certainly there is a lot more fatherless situations going on in the black community. But this is a community at large. So yes, we definitely need to be paying attention to this. But i think every time we run to the idea that government is going to solve the problem, we create a new entitlement and it ends up backfiring. What well end up doing is having government be mommy and daddy as opposed to parents. When you have baby, take care of them. Thats the real solution. How are people supposed to take care of the kids if they cant go to work . Great points on both sides. We thank sabrina and kevin for joining us live. Folks in tv land what, do you think the government should do, if anything . Email us. Still ahead, a town rejects a mosque from being built because of a zoning issue. The department of justice calling it racial discrimination. Really . A closer look at that story. Plus, were closing out our summer Concert Series with country superstars Thompson Square, the couple, theyre answering your email next. Youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. 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A hammer head shark hunting a stingray, not those two people and getting far too close to oblivious swim increase destin, florida. The stingray took a turn and thats when the two saw the shark thrashing around. They immediately made a run for it. The stainingray did not survive. It leaves four children. Where did he come up with that . Made it up. Okay. All right. Its 27 minutes before the top of the hour. Weve had a very busy day. Heather nauert is off today. And in her place, leah gabriel. Great to have you. Thanks for having me this morning. Great to see you. The department of justice now suing a small town in minnesota over its decision to reject a mosque. The feds say that st. Anthony broke the law when it rejected the Islamic Center in 2012. The town is 20 miles from where those two american terrorists went to high school. The town Officials Say its a zoning issue and it has nothing to do with religion. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell admits he got it wrong giving runningback ray rice a twogame suspension after he was caught on camera hitting and dragging his unconscious fiance at a casino in atlantic city. He now is making sweeping changes to the Domestic Violence policy, announcing harsher punishments that will result in a sixgame suggestion pension for first offense and a lifetime ban for a second offense. Remember when passengers helped rescue this man trapped between the train and the platform in australia . It happened again. This time in ireland. Dozens rushed to save a school girl trapped under a tram. After three push, she was able to free her leg. She was taken to the hospital with just minor injuries. A florida mom outraged after her fouryearold son is expelled from preschool. She says she vented about missing school note on picture day and she posted why is it that every single day there is something new i dislike about wills school . Are any standards too high or are people working in the educational field really just that ignorant . The school sent a dismissal letter saying that her Facebook Post violated policy by questioning the integrity and intelligence of the staff. We asked you what you thought. Karma says shes disparaged the school publicly and its a private school. Its the schools right to accept or reject students. Craig says it wasnt private after posting it. However, the child cant be held responsible for moms comments. And mike says the school needs to fill out a hurt feelings report. Those are your headlines. Steve, back to you. Thank you. A texas man up to his neck in flood waters is saved just in the nick of time. The dallas native driving home from a round of golf swept down the road by a dangerous flash flood. The lubbock, Texas Fire Department was able to reach him from dry land with a ladder truck, as you can see. And took him to safety just in time. As the man says, he could feel that his car was starting to drift. Thats a problem. Janis dean, the weather machine, joins us with a look at the day and the weekend ahead. Good morning to you. Hi, steve. Look at this fantastic crowd yea we have an anniversary here. What are your names . Betty and joe. How many years you been married . N 28. Tomorrow is the 28th. Happy anniversary. Thank you. You guys excited for Thompson Square . Yeah all right. Lets take a look at the weather here in new york city. I couldnt have planned a better forecast. 61 now. 71 in chicago. 85 in phoenix. 55 in provo. 78 in san antonio. Not a bad forecast for much of the country as we head into the long Labor Day Weekend. We do have some showers and thunderstorms across the central u. S. The west coast looks fantastic. Say hi to everybody at home. Everybody wave wave well see you later. The fox friends all american summer Concert Series rolls on today. Its the last one. Say it aint so. Were joined by Thompson Square, keifer and shanna. Married 14 years. 15 years. Its great to have you guys back. This time because youve been on the show so much, were running out of questions for you. Everybody knows everything about us. Does being married make it hard to travel or does it make it easier . Does spending so much time together, is that good or bad . It makes it a little bit harder to fight, to have a good fight on the bus because we dont have doors to slam. Theyre air doors. It doesnt stop us from doing it, though. So youre yelling and all that and the door slowly closes. There is nothing to slam. Sometimes you just have to get out and take a walk at a rest stop or something. Its weird. We had a discipline its discipline to be able to do what youre do because were together all the time. We fight like everybody else. Were really, really good at it. But you have to figure out how to let it go. You have number one hit singles all overt world. Our next question is, from laura, from florida, she says if you Guy High School to put one on stage with the band, who would fit . Brian or steve . Im going to go with brian. Who would look better in leather chaps . Im not speaking on that. Ill say brian. Im pleading the fifth. Steve is offended right now. Steve would look great in happens. Ill pick steve, i guess. The final question comes from bob who says do you have any creative blocks being you were married or do you work well together creatively . We work really well creatively, but any artist at some point will have blocks. The best thing we found is to shut it down. Well shut it down. We wont write for three or four months until inspiration comes back. Its just up with of those things. You buy more guitars and those things guitars have songs in them and usually its just having a little time. Youll get some inspiration from fox friends fans. Im going to bring in brian and steve. Im just a little uncomfortable. She said i would look good in happens. I want to join the band. And im traveling. Maybe the tambourine. Since it is the finale for the year, today could be your tambourine. Ill go right on the road now. In fact, im going to go down and audition. You read the tease. There he goes. Thats the last we saw of him til the end of the show. Stick around, coming up, right now weve got a fox news alert. Joan rivers in Critical Condition after she stopped breathing during a routine surgery yesterday. Were live outside the hospital with the breaking details on her condition coming up next. Then the president s plan to defeat isis, he just admitted he doesnt have a plan. So how is that sitting with our allies overseas . Complete details. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in with Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. Theres a reason its called an all you can eat buffet. And not a have just a little buffet. Because what we all really want is more. Thats why verizon is giving you even more. Now, for a limited time, get more data 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. Our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50 off all new smartphones. Like the htc one m8 for windows or android. Built to inspire envy. Come get your more with verizon. More on or fox news alert. Comedienne joan rivers is in Critical Condition at a new york city hospital. Wnyw reporter carey drew live outside mount sinai hospital in new york city with breaking details about joans condition. Reporter good morning to you. Were hearing that joan rivers is said to be in critical but stable condition at mount sinai hospital this morning. Her daughter, melissa, released a statement saying shes resting comfortably and that her family is with her. Rivers was rushed here to mount sinai yesterday in cardiac arrest. She was undergoing minor throat surgery at an Outpatient Clinic about a mile from where we are. At 9 30 yesterday morning, someone from that clinic called 911 saying that rivers had stopped breathing. Rivers is 81 years old. Shes a comedic icon both here in the u. S. And internationally. Shes also a fixture on television. Shes also on a reality show on we tv with her daughter. Last night her daughter released a full statement saying, quote, i want to thank everyone for the overwhelming love and support for my mother. Shes resting comfortably and with our family. We ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Rivers had a very busy week. She performed wednesday night here in new york city on 42nd street. She also had a show that was scheduled for tonight at the count basie. Were being told that show has been rescheduled. Thats the very latest from here outside mount sinai hospital this morning. Steve, back to you. Thank you. Before the horse, we dont have a strategy yet. I think what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where were at than we currently are. President obama admitting he doesnt have a strategy to combat isis in syria. How is that news sitting with our allies overseas. Douglas murray is the associate director of the Henry Jackson society. He joins us now. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Good to be with you. So our allies are watching us. But are our adversaries watching and how will they react to this . Its an amazing thing, sitting in britain, sitting anywhere in the world at the moment and watching really, watching isis do and able to do so without any apparent concern seemingly from the leader of the free world. I simply think is the sort of thing which even a few years ago would have been unimaginable. Yet here it is. You know whats crazy is that the president said, oh, we got the best army in the world. We can wipe them out, but theyll just come back. What can we do . Whats your response to that . I mean, its not true, is it . I mean, this is the president who has said repeatedly, boasted repeatedly about his ability to undermine alqaeda, put it on the ropes. Why cant he do the same thing with isis . You have the worlds most advanced military capability in the u. S. And to some extent some ally, including Great Britain as well. You have the most advanced militaries in the world and here you have the least advanced. Youve got men with rifles and knives, as well as now sadly, some pretty extraordinary equipment, including helicopters and things. But why exactly could we not defeat that army . Why is it not an objective put out there to defeat isis . Maybe it is, but we just dont have astruty at this point. Douglas, over the last couple days weve been detailing how a couple of these guys who are fighting for isis came from the United States. Couple of them went to the same high school in minnesota. In addition to hundreds coming from the United States. Theyre projecting that thousands perhaps coming from europe and the united kingdom. What is it that is going on there in london and england as well that seems to be radicalizing all these guys . One thing is that even a few years ago, i heard it for most of my life, im sure other people have as well. Even a few years ago, the idea that a caliphate would be set up was a pipe dream. It seemed the most decades in the future. Here its a reality. Its happened now. Its been announced this year. Borders which have been in place for almost a century are being erased by isis as we speak. That gives an extraordinary head of steam to any ideological supporter of such, and it plays back into that famous bin laden about strong horses and weak horse. At the moment isis looks like a strong horse. Its been able to seize major oil fields, major city in iraq, and that doesnt seem to have woken up the world. And that is an extraordinary recruiting drive. The second thing of course is there are a lot of people attracted because of the unbelievable evil and barbarism that isis perpetrates. There are people from this city and other cities across europe who are simply attracted to that. We got to wipe them out and shut off the magnet. Douglas murray, you understand the danger. I wish other people did. Congratulations on your book thats now out. Thanks. Thank you. Coming up straight ahead, its a foundation with a great cause. Helping our heros and their families. Today you can help, too, just by going golfing. There is brian with the president. One year ago. First on this day in 1984, whats love got to do with it by tina turner was the number one song in america. Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken but this. Takes my breath away [ male announcer ] when your office is 1,500 acres, its good to have the right help. With models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400pound payload. Go tough. Go strong. Go gator. Go strong. Doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. For many, prescription nexium helps heal acidrelated erosions in the lining of the esophagus. There is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. Side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. Other serious stomach conditions may exist. Avoid if you take clopidogrel. Nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. Talk to your doctor. 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Joining us now live from palm springs, florida, major dan rooney, the founder of folds of honor. Hes also in the military himself. Pete, the ceo of pga america, and pga legend the greatest ever, jack nicholas. Welcome to awful you. First off, jack, youre a rookie, i believe with folds of honor on this day. Had they call, youre in demand every day. Why was it important that you said yes . Well, im not really a rookie. Ive done this before. But dan, ive known dan for quite a while. What hes done has been phenomenal. He was telling me that 10 million this semester in scholarships from the folds of honor and a large part of it is from patriot golf day. So why in the world would i not want to be here . Exactly. Pete, its important that golf, they always have a charitable aspect every single tournament. When it comes to folds of honor, the pga presence always seems to be out there on labor day. For you, what makes it special . Well, we have such a great relationship with dan and everything hes done at folds of honor. Weve been in this relationship since day one. Its obviously part of our mission, part of mission of our pga foundation, pga reach. And really with the 27,000 pga professionals around this country, we feel as though were the boots on the ground that allow dan and the folds of honor to do all the great work they do for our veterans. And its just a proud weekend for the pga of america. Dan, someone with little kids at home, this really comes true. When youre out there as a fighter pilot, you know that those kids, if something happens to you, you got to wonder what happens to your kids. How does that resonate to make you form this foundation and put these scholarships for the children of the fallen . It is. If you look at were at almost 8,000 recipients now. Those are spouses and kids who have had someone either killed or disabled defending our country. We wake up today on a beautiful friday down here in florida with someone you cant believe you get to sit next to, mr. Nikraul. Thats what patriot golf day is, an opportunity for americans to get out, play the game that brings us together that we love and give back, ensuring we dont leave any of these families behind on the field of battle. I just know one thing, from what ive noticed is there are so many patriotic people who choose the sport of golf and this time you get to play on a holiday weekend, as well as give back. Jack, first off, how is your game today . I dont play much anymore. Thats okay. Ive had enough good days. Now my days are more for things like folds of honor or patriot golf day and whatever. So maybe ill get out this weekend and strike it a little bit and be able to put a little money into the coffers too. Were trying to find a flu in dans swing. Thanks so much. Give to folds of honor. And for goodness sakes, golf. You dont have to be good. Coming up next, geraldo andm tampson square and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why weve built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. Its time to bring it out in the open. Its time to drop your pants for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 Million People who may need depend underwear. Show them theyre not alone and show off a pair of depend. Because wearing a different kind of underwear, is no big deal. Join us. Support the cause and get a free sample of depend at underwareness. Com our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat. The flavors, are anything but. So whether its taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. Or the smoky spice of the southwest. Or bold, adventurous thai flavors. You always get flavor thats anything but flat. And always with chicken raised without antibiotics. New flatbread sandwiches from panera. Each 360 calories or less. Try one today. Hey, everybody. Good morning. Today is friday, the 29th of august, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. We begin with a fox news alert. Comedienne joan rivers in Critical Condition this morning. Brandnew information as her family breaks their silence and her jokes about death just hours before her medical emergency. Meanwhile, the president s plan to defeat isis is i dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. A stunning admission. Geraldo rivera just said it was awful. He joins us live in a moment. That was my exclusive until you said it. A great news, kids, mom is having another baby. Im pregnant what were you thinking . This is exasperating that kid totally not impressed with the expansion of his family. More fallout from that family as we give you the entire conversation as we taped it. Mornings are better with friends. Watch this animation. Its Thompson Square. Theyre singing i got you and we got them. Its been terrific to be able to watch them through this final hour. Go to www. Foxandfriends. Com concert. Do you know what im going to wish in addition to the live music . The brisket. Every friday ive had brisket and its been delicious. Famous daves. Because for us who have been up since 2 30, its 5 at night. Even sushi sounds good. Lets get some tuna. Two minutes after the hour. We have a lot to talk about, including an interview with Geraldo Rivera. First, leah, you have breaking news. I sure do. Fox news alert, comedienne joan rivers in Critical Condition at a New York Hospital after she stopped breathing during a routine throat surgery. This morning the 81yearolds daughter says shes resting comfortably surrounded by family. Early on fox friends, we had a doctor explain what could have gone wrong with the procedure. We have to pass the camera behind the vocal cords and remember they function as a gate to keep out anything foreign from going into the lungs. So its like a gate and a guard to prevent that from happening. Its a normal response for us to cough or vocal cards to spasm. When they close, oxygen cannot get into your lungs. This new photo of rivers snapped hours before she was hospitalized. She appeared in good health during her performance and even joked about dying, saying she could, quote, go at any home. Another fox news alert. Two erupting volcanos threatening air travel at popular tourist destinations. In new guinea, smoke, ash and lava shooting in the air overnight. Communities have been evacuated and flights in and out of the country are grounded. And overnight eruption from a volcano in iceland raising a red alert for air travel in europe. So far no ash has been detected. Experts worn of a bigger eruption that could happen within the next couple of days. And another flight diverted over leg room. American Airlines Flight from miami to paris, landing in boston after a passenger began arguing with a passenger trying to recline in front of him. Air marshals jumped in when alexander grabbed a flight attendants arm. Its just the latest brawl over leg room. Earlier this week a united Airlines Flight was forced to land because of a clash over this device, the knee defender. Its meant to keep the person in front of you from reclining. I just love this kid. This funniest kid you will meet all day. Im pregnant what were you thinking . Why you have to just get another baby . You have two this is exasperating. Youre going to have another brother or sister you have to help take care of. That doesnt make no sense the little boy totally not impressed that his mom is having a new baby. He says that he just doesnt want to hear all of the crying. Those are your headlines. Exasperating. Thank you very much. She was under the impression you give a kid away when you get a kid. Joining us now, Geraldo Rivera wearing something from the barak obama summer collection. Its not the suit. Its the golf. Its the fact that he was disrespectfully unprepared for the question. Even if there is no broad overall strategy, here is how the president could have answered. He could have said, these barbarians have committed atrocities that cannot stand in the civilized world. We are rallying our muslim allies and nato and our other friends around the planet. This cannot stand. Well have more specifics coming up. But instead toible like that fumble like that and say we have no strategy, i think its appallingly unprepared. He was prepared not to say anything. I didnt say anything either, brian. Thats my point. You can say nothing and say a lot. You give a sound bite and you also let the bad guys know that cut the head off jim foley, the american, that were coming for you. Sure. Instead of doing what you did, which would have been left the isis guys scratching their head, instead the president was very clear, he doesnt have a plan. Listen. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. I think what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where were at than we currently are. And i think thats not just my assessment, but the assessment of our military as well. So he has no plan. But yet we have another american journalist on deck to be beheaded. We have a situation where they have just murdered 150 syrian troops and taken 40 u. N. Soldiers and have them hostage now. Theyre expanding right through the region. Flashback just eight days when the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general Martin Dempsey said it is impossible to deal with isis just in iraq. At some point we have to deal with them in syria as well. That was eight days ago. Clearly the pentagons thinking is for more evolved than the commander in chiefs thinking. They paid a lot more attention to this problem than the president has apparently. I just think that they should speak. The pentagon should speak to the white house. Sunday he walked back what he said on thursday. He walked it back sunday. Let me say what i said three months ago, two months ago, one month ago, isis represents an exist essential threat to the United States of america and our allies, israel, the suez canal, the euphrates basin, they are a problem that must be dealt with militarily, diplomatically, politically, economically. We have to crush them and the president has to get over his reluctance to use armed force. I can see his reluctance in ukraine. In ukraine it is very possible that economic sanctions will eventually take their toll. But in the middle east, visavis isis, this is i cant say it enough, it sounds alarming, but it is to me a miracle that one of these local jihaddists hasnt taken a suitcase bomb into the Grand Central station or on the george washington bridge yet. They are coming for us. We have to hit them where they are. These columns are exposed. Theyre especially vulnerable to air power. We must do it. Absolutely. And the thing about keep in mind, the pentagon, they put a million plans in front of the president. He just has to go i want that one, which he has not done. You bring up the lone wolf. Were two weeks away from 911 and youre terrified about somebody doing something stupid here as a lot of people are. I know you know that a number of these jihadis were from that school out our americans went to high school in the minneapolis area. Daily beast has an article and says like castigather, mccain was killed after being dispatched on a minor mission against fellow muslims. The fact that they were expended for so little, despite possessing u. S. Citizenship, suggests their masters in isis. Figures they will be plenty of jihadis available when the target switches from the immediate opposition on the ground to the enemy they call the great satan and where the great satan lives, i added the last part. I would like the president of the United States to say to muslim americans, you are our fellow citizens. We adore you. You are part of the american mosaic. We incorporate you. We extol the virtue of your wonderful religion. But i ask me speak as the president , you imams in the various mosques around the country, to begin preaching american patriotism. Begin spotting these troubled youngsters, disabusing them of the notion that their first loyalty is to jihad or extreme islam. I think that we now have to recognize that this is an urgent situation. Not merely the military situation in iraq and syria as critical as that is. But right here at home and in Great Britain and other countries where there has been a tremendous diaspora of the muslim population. They are everywhere. We love them. They are business leaders, drivers, teachers. They are scholars. But there must be now a commitment by american muslims as encouraged by the president of the United States to be american first and to let the kids know that to be a jihaddist is a dead end street. I hate to tell you, dont hold your breath. Weve been trying to do that. This president has been a very good friend to the muslims. He celebrate ramadan again. What are you doing this weekend on your show . This weekend weve got a special at 9 00 oclock instead of the usual hour 10 00 oclock. It is on anna nicole smith. I think you have the call. This is how we all really refocused on anna nicole. If you can please respond to the hard rock. Room 607. Okay. Its going to be reference to a white female who shes not breathing and shes not responsive. Shes actually anna nicole smith. Never heard that. What killed her . Who was responsible for giving her the drugs that killed her . We confront or interview every principle player in the sad story of the life and mysterious death of anna nicole smith. Geraldo rivera, wearing a tan suit. Last day. You wont see this again until next june. And then right to the smithsonian. Thanks. Watch this weekend. Illegal immigrants, you now have the right to remain silent. Really . Should they have the same rights as u. S. Citizens when they break into the country . Then its fight for old glory. A woman told her American Flag must go, but shes not backing down. Hear from her ahead. Im type e. My golden years will not just be gold plated. I had 3 different 401 k s. E trade offers rollover options and a Retirement Planning calculator. Now i know when im going to retire. Not if. Can you fix it, dad . Yeah, i can fix that. dad i wanted a car that could handle anything. I fixed it dad thats why i got a subaru legacy. vo symmetrical allwheel drive plus 36 mpg. I gotta break more toys. vo introducing the allnew subaru legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. You knowfine barbecue,merica . Good times and zero heartburn. And thats why i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. You cant beat zero heartburn. Prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Fox news alert. Breaking news at Chicagos Ohare International airport, where as many as 15 people have been injured when a shuttle bus smashed into a median. These are live pictures as at least ten ambulances arrive on the scene. The crash also causing flight delays. More details as they come in. Brian . The right to remain silent, Illegal Immigrants must be read miranda rights before they can be deported to their origination. Why are we protecting the people who broke the law by breaking in . Joining us now to put it in perspective, kansas secretary of state chris koback who helped write the arizona immigration law. Does this surprise you . Well, its a surprising development, but if you think about it, it shouldnt be surprising. Put it this way, when the aclu and the Obama Administration negotiate a settlement, which is what this is, do you think the interests of the American People are going to be represented . Probably not. At the heart of this, the premise of this is something that the open borders left has had for decades. Its this idea. Its the idea that being deported is punishment. But under our laws and under common sense, we know thats not true. Being deported is just going home. Its not punishment or time behind bars. And unfortunately, thats the way they have construed this. Now you have this absurd situation where people who, before they accept whats called voluntary departure, are going to be read this list of rights and its ad about deal for the American People. Its not necessary either. But think about it this way, voluntary departure is a really good deal for both the American People and for the alien himself. The American People get to save the expense and the time of removal hearing and the alien gets a pretty good deal too because if he voluntarily goes home, then he can come back legally the very next year. Whereas if he went through whole hearing and he gets deported involuntary, he might have to wait three or ten years. This is the trend. Think about what happened earlier this week. Swamped by other major news, and the president lack of strategy. Guatemalan women, all they have to do is claim domestic abuse and they can now stay here. So that on the heels of the dream act from 2012 where anybody brought here as a child can now stay here. So little by little, were just wearing down the border. Youve hit upon a really important point. These things look like small steps in and of themselves. But together theyre huge. Let me mention the one you brought up. The notion that someone who is subject to spousal abuse can claim eye sigh lum . Thats a huge change. Thats been the holy grail for many on the left for years. Asylum has an International Definition and the definition is that you have a fear of persecution by the government. Not by your spouse or by your significant other. But by the government. Incredible fear of persecution. Thats not spousal abuse and it will lead to all sorts of false claims, all kinds of people getting a green card who do not deserve one. All of these changes lead to the same result. More illegal. Wed like to help people. But we have to help them in their own country. We cant afford to pay for everybody. Were running a 17 to 18 trillion debt here on these social programs. And you know this cause you live it every day in kansas. Thank you for joining us. My pleasure. Coming up next with ten minutes before the bottom of the hour, can you picture yourself living here . A brandnew home just under 300,000. There is plenty more just like it and anna will tell you about it. Here is Thompson Square at my request are you going to kiss me or not. Here i am. Rock you like a hurricane fiber one now makes cookies. Find them in the cookie aisle. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. 24 minutes after the top of the hour. Quick headlines now. The department of justice now suing a small town in minnesota over its decision to reject a mosque. The feds say st. Anthony broke the law when it rejected the Islamic Center in 2012. Town Officials Say its a zoning problem and has nothing to do with religion. We showed you eerie pictures earlier this week of malaysia Airlines Flight looking like flying ghost towns. Barely anybody on board. Thats just the beginning of the fallout since the disappearance of Malaysian Air flight 370 and the downing of flight 17. The airline says its cutting 6,000 members of its staff. Getting a new ceo, and becoming completely government owned. But theyre not, at this point according to a trulia survey, 41 of americans say they would prefer to buy a newly built home. Lucky for them. Home building in several cities is booming. But how can you avoid the 20 premium that typically comes with a newly constructed home, cause of those people only 20 want to pay the premium . Joining us is real estate expert and best selling author of find it, fix it, flip it, michael corbett. Its funny, people want the new construction, but only half of the people surveyed said they want to pay for that extra 20 and what it would cost. They want the modern amenities and able to customize it. But that does come at a cost. You found affordable options for us. In houston, texas. Texas is one of those houston is a city where weve seen new construction rises over the past year 61 . We found a great house in houston, texas. This is 299,999. Two story, wonderful home with a brick facade. Four bedrooms, 2 1 2 baths, 3300 square feet. Its got a beautiful, wonderful living room, open floor plan. Whats really nice about this is its got a big kitchen and a big breakfast room and eatin. It also has a wonderful Granite Counter top, standless steel appliances. Beautiful home. An enormous backyard with no back neighbors. Looks like a great place for a fem. Yes. Charleston, south carolina. Its 248,000. This again is a four bedroom, 2 1 2 baths. About 2600 square feet. This is another one, yet to be built. So you have an opportunity to customize it yourself. Obviously at this price point, its not downtown by the battery or something. This is in one of the suburban nice areas . Exactly. In a Community Called carolina bay. Most new construction is not right downtown cause there is no land. Most of them are outside of the city. But this ones got a beautiful separate dining room, its got also a den. Its got a wonderful kitchen. Almost like a galley style kitchen. Optional study, big master bathroom and bedroom. Cove ceilings. Its a really good deal and again, all Energy Efficiency and great building materials. Nice windows there. Too. How about oklahoma city, oklahoma . We got one at 252,500. Three bedroom, 2 1 2 baths. This is about 2100 square feet. This is already built. Got a beautiful brick facade. This has deep rich woodwork. Its all very custom. Big open. Its got a den ajason. A huge kitchen with stainless steel appliances. A breakfast room, big fireplace. Again, another big backyard thats got plenty of room for entertaining, barbecuing. Here is whats great about this, the price on this including your down payment of 20 , mortgage and taxes, about 1,200 a month. Good deal. And a storm shelter, by the way. It is oklahoma. Exactly. Michael corbett, thank you so much. 28 minutes after the hour. Coming up, frantic moments as a woman in labor realizes shell never make it to the hospital in time. I got the baby you got the baby i got the baby. Is the baby breathing . Yep. Baby is breathing. How dad saved the day on the side of the road. And a crack in the case of a 20yearold murder mystery. Thanks to legos . Well explain. First here is Thompson Square with if i didnt have you. Good morning. Fox news alert. The feds say as many as a dozen americans have recently traveled to syria to fight with the terror group isis. Overall, Officials Say the number of americans joining terror groups in syria has doubled just since january. More than 100 americans since civil war broke out in the region three years ago. Whats the attraction . Perhaps they have land. They seem to be on somewhat of a roll. Thats an image of some that we know. Yeah. Right from the hots with did he do in minneapolis. More than 120 americans who turned on their country came from the same region of minnesota. The twin cities. We sent Ainsley Earhart to one high school where two of the americans turned terrorist grew up. What did you find . We found all the neighbors are shocked about this. Two of those guys in those pictures went to high school here. They met, they were good friends. Both of them had been in trouble with the law. Then they converted to islam. And then they got that oneway ticket to terrorism. If you guys only knew how much fun we have, this is a real disneyland. Troy was born in the u. S. , but died a terrorist in somalia in 2009. Here he is calling other americans to join him. This recruiting video is even called, minnesota martyrs, the path to paradise. Once you go there, its one way ticket. Thats when young men and women dont know. Reporter this man saw castigar in the community often. Its his mission to keep others from going down the same path. One that left his own nephew dead. My nephew was shot in the head. He was killed by the son of alshabab leader. His mother still lives in the same house. Her husband said they didnt want to talk on camera, but their longtime neighbors say they never knew they shared a street with a terrorist. They literally are living on your street. Yes. Unfortunately they are. Reporter his close childhood friend, Douglas Mcarthur mccain, also grew up here and converted to islam. He was killed this past weekend fighting for isis in syria. They were both born in 1981, two months apart. They were good friends and grew up here in new hope, right outside of minneapolis. They both went to high school right here and walked these very halls. They just looked like regular high school students, like nothing that would 15 years, capable of killing. I would have never guessed. Theyre all in shock here. This is the largest shall la population here in somali population here in minneapolis in the United States. Thats why a lot of terrorist groups come here to target them and convince them to join terrorist groups. Ainsley earhart reporting on a couple of that schools infamous alumni. Yeah. Hopefully we stop the spigot. Leah gabriel is ready to tell us what else is happening in the world. Well get to the headlines. Overnight the university of montana student missing for over a week has been found dead. Cops found 21yearold lucius robys car off the highway in idaho. It was in dense brush and police say it was an accident. He was headed from idaho to montana to start classes. A family friend posting the sad news on his Facebook Page. Quote, thank you all for everything youve done finding him. My heart goes out to all who had the pleasure of knowing him and to all of those who have been touched by him. Police solve a 23yearold murder mystery in utah thanks to legos, after receiving a tip, they decided to reopen the case and run fingerprints on them found at the crime scene. Turns out they matched the suspects then fiveyearold son. Investigators believe john left his son to play while he killed the 78yearold woman in her home. The American Flag banned from a central ohio apartment complex. 86yearold julia has flown the stars and stripes outside her home for 36 years. And just now, someone left her a note saying she needs to take it down. The rental company says tenants are not allowed to hang anything from their units and allowing an American Flag would be considered unfair. Julia is absolutely astonished. I never gave it a thought in my life that there would ever be a time in this country where you couldnt fly the American Flag. She isnt giving up because the flag is, quote, something worth fighting for. Bless her heart. And talk about a wakeup call. A utah mom goes into labor two weeks early, woken up by strong contractions. Kelly anderson and her husband, mike, didnt waste time, grabbing their two daughters to head to the hospital. Just ten minutes into the drive, moms water broke. Dad pulled over and called 911. Okay. Is the baby delivered . You need to support the babys head and the shoulders and hold the legs firmly. The baby will be slippery, so dont drop it. Dads reaction to welcoming his son into the world . Priceless. I got the baby i got the baby i got the baby is the baby breathing . Yes. Baby is breathing. Both mom and baby are in good health and those are your headlines. Back to you guys. Thats something you dont hear every day on a 911 call. The baby is slippery, so dont drop it. I got this. Thanks. How does the operator know . Because they are that well trained. Just as janis dean the weather machine is trained in weather. This is an unbelievable crowd for our last official summer Concert Series right . Oh, my gosh here in new york city, Thompson Square, they rock. Earlier on the internet show that i was hosting, i got to play the drums. Amazing. Oh, my gosh. A dream come true lets take a look at your weekend weather. Here in new york, its been spectacular. Were going to have another great day today. Perfect for the summer Concert Series with Thompson Square. Across the central u. S. , were seeing the most precipitation. We could see the potential for heavy downpours, as well as severe weather. Isolated severe storms and flooding issues. Were watching this little will here in the gulf of mexico thats not going to turn into anything. But it is going to bring some wet weather, unfortunately, across the Mississippi Valley and parts of the gulf coast. And taking a look at your highs today, for friday as we head into the long weekend, i cant believe summer is over 90s across the south in new york. 79. Are you guys having a great time . [ cheering ] oh, my gosh, the best crowd ever Thompson Square, they rock. Join us. Www. Foxandfriends. Com concert. Ill be hosting the internet show. Theyll have all the songs. Janis dean, the music machine, thank you. And free meat, too. You come down here. Thats right. We got the good stuff. We make it and we grill it. We dont. Famous daves does because they know what theyre doing. Were a big family, though n it takes a village to grill the meat. Sometimes. Chilling words from the fort hood shooter. He wants to join isis. The exclusive details on the letter he just wrote. Does he have these rights . First here is Thompson Square singing everything i shouldnt be thinking about. 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Thank you. A fox news exclusive. Chilling words from the convicted killer of the fort hood massacre, nidal hasan, in a letter written from jail where he sits on death row, he tells the Islamic State leader he wants to become a citizen of isis, of the islamic. Quote, i formally request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State. It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who dont compromise the religion of the Almighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers. But can hasan, who was sentenced to death for killing 13 and injuring more than 30, give up his american citizenship . Joining us right now, peter johnson, jr. , who is outraged about this. Yeah. Technically in the law he probably cant, but i think we should change the law to allow him to do it. Citizens can lose nationality if they pay an oath to a foreign state, if they engage in military service with a hostile nation, if they formally renounce citizenship outside the u. S. In an embassy or counsel, or formal renunciation under certain conditions or treason or conspire to go overthrow the u. S. Are we surprised that major hasan would make such a statement . Are we surprised that this has been leaked out now in the most insidious, disturbing, sick way . This is a piece, unfortunately, of, well, waste, garbage. If hes renouncinhis american citizenship, then i say go to isis. Go there today. He will be executed based on a determination by u. S. Military court on august of 2013, it was determined he should die and so there will be appeals probably for the next three decades. It raises a lot of questions, though. Absolutely. Its not surprising given the fact that even though the government said it was Workplace Violence, as he killed over a dozen people, but none the less, when he was shooting them down, he was screaming alu akbar. Its been released by whoever leaked this thing to fox news for some purpose. I say the purpose is propaganda. I say that it is opposite to everything we think in this country and speak out in a forceful way to condemn the statements. What i will condemn and what we know is the quote attributed to mr. Galigan, the civil lawyer for major hasan who somehow reasons that this is part of an appeal that he will be taking with regard to this sentence, that somehow there was some religious justification for the acts that he committed, and that these statements by major hasan prove he was a religious zealot, prove that his quote, religious beliefs motivated his actions during the shooting. Whether this is a holy war, whether this is a crusade, whether this is alqaeda inspired, whether this is isis conspired, whether this is religion, i dont care. He has exhibited his unamerican tendencies. We should change the law to make it easier for him and all the other people who have now fled to syria to fight with isis. Put them out. Put them out now. We dont want them. Keep them out. Peter johnson, jr. Saying isis well said. Up next, our last summer Concert Series. Torchson square. First lets check in with Martha Mccallum for a preview of what happens in 12 minutes. Thank you. They sound great this morning of the coming up at the top of the hour, the threat of isis grows as the president says that we have no strategy to deal with this foe. Were going to talk to bret baier and karl rove. Well have jack keane with us this morning. Is the ukraine already going putins way . Were going to talk about that as well when we see you right here on americas news room at the top of the hour vo this is the summer. The summer of this. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. Where memories will be forged into the sand. And then hung on a wall for years to come. Get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at 150 dollars or less. Expedia. Find yours. Can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. New fiber one streusel. Ladies and gentlemen, the finale of the summer Concert Series the name of the band is Thompson Square and the song. Just feels good. Take it away. Oh, my my but when she calls me baby man it really drives me crazy and i aint really giving a damn why she loves me oh and i aint got to give a name all i got to know it just feels good just like it should whats right is right and i wouldnt try to change it if i could it just feels good it just feels good i like the highway on a friday cause tonight im gonna party and you know im already halfway there i like rocking to the band in the grandstand standing with my hands waving up in the air it just field good just like it should whats right is right and i wouldnt try to change if i could it just feels good it just feels good and so the conversation turned until the sun went down and many fantasies were learned on that day keep feeling fascination keep feeling fascination smoking with chantix. For 33 years i chose to keep smoking. Because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Its a nonnicotine pill. Chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. It actually caught me by surprise. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. I did not know what it was like to be a nonsmoker. But i do now. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. An absolutely fantastic crowd on a beautiful sunshiny day the free famous daves barbecue. And Thompson Square here for our last summer Concert Series. Ive got a viewer question for you. Youve been on our show so many times. This is the question, i graduated high school with your mother, made. Could you give a shout out no fruitdale high school. When opportunity knocks, open the door. Who was it . His name gary burkepile. Oh, yeah. Bringing it back. Everybody heard of fruitdale. I know youre working on an album right now. Do you get the sense there is Something Big there, another number one hit in the mix . Thats the whole process. Every time you go with a new project, weve been writing since the last album came out. This is going to be the complete i dont want to say complete me at that morphosis burks an evolution of torch so much square. All of these concerts have been brought by a. J. Hall, our staff. Hes the coordinator. Thanks very much. Take the rest of the summer off see you monday. Martha good morning. A fox news alert as we brace for a deeing crisis in syria and iraq. President obama putting the brakes on and expanded action in syria and iraq. Vicinity airstrikes meant to protect americans in iraq will continue but he said there is no broader strategy to defeat isis. I dont want to

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