Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140826 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140826 10:00:00

the park. >> one wrote i have no idea how a law could protect them. >> john says the world is no longer a safe place but i doubt a lot that prosecutes parents can be helpful. thanks for watching. "fox & friends" starts now. good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. they told us the irs targeting e-mails were gone. >> there has been a hard drive crash and some may have been lost. >> no e-mails could be retrieved. >> now the big bombshell, those e-mails do exist. it is just too much work for the government to find them. that explains it. >> that does. then this. a flight forced to be diverted mid air because of a battle over leg room. somebody tried to put their seat down and wouldn't go.
we are going to tell you about a new device that led to an epic mid air melt down and why you probably don't want to install it next time you go for a flight. last night's emmy's got pretty steamy. >> previous wins have been for "seinfeld." >> more hot moments for one of hollywood's biggest nights straight ahead. >> because mornings are better are friends. >> hi. you are watching "fox & friends" and you should sit on the curvy couch. >> welcome to the curvy couch. live from new york city on this very busy tuesday. thanks for joining us. >> we are so glad that you are. good morning to you both. hot topic today u.s. military is preparing right now. >> fox news alert.
>> for surveillance flights. drones overseeria to gather intelligence on what is going on. the administration, we are going to take a look at all of the flip-flopping right now. because last thursday we actually heard this is more serious, that this was terror times two. we understood that this could effect the western world in a way that we haven't seen before. all of a sudden the president returns from vacation and yesterday we heard a very different story about isil. >> we were hoping the president would come out with a hard core plan for the way forward. he decides if we attack isis we have to start where the headquarters are in syria. to do that we have to get intelligence on the ground. a little disturbing we don't have any. so he is telling everybody we are going over with drones to take a look at where to hit. among the people upset by this
is the free syrian army. if they are saying you are just going to hit us once in a while and try to contain it you are tickling isis and doing more harm than good. >> you talk about the flip-flops with the administration. to your point it goes back last week when general dempsey was talking apocalyptic terms about how bad isis was. if we are going to get rid of them we have to go over there. then somebody must have gotten to general dempsy because he said it is really just kind of a regional threat. regional? really? >> the president of the united states has described it as a cancer which is funny because back in january when he was talking to the new yorker magazine he referred to that organization that wants to fly the black flag over the white house as the jv team. josh earnest, the president's spokesperson was asked about it
yesterday, that gaff the president made in january. he did his best to try to untangle the president. >> the president was not singling out isil. he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of extremists around the globe. many of them do not have designs on attacking the west or the united states. that is what puts them in stark contrast to the goals and capability of the previously existing al qaeda network led by osama bin laden. >> that is such a load because david remnic asked the president specifically about isis. >> and he did and he talked about that. i remember when george bush said bring it on to what was left of the dead enders and he said i shouldn't have said that. that is wrong. the administration now to pretend as if they didn't call isis the jv while they flew the black flag is wrong. it is a relative insult to people who are paying attention,
which i imagine is you. the president of the united states has to look at this group, this group bringing in $2 million a day in oil revenue alone and in extortion in various points saying how do we contain them. >> in addition to that a state department official concluded 1,000 americans joined the forces such as isil. we had an american beheaded across the world globally on the web and witnessed what their intentions are. when you hear that reference back in january to these groups, isis, as j.v. it is insulting. right now colonel west said it is completely idiotic. >> when i listened to those comments made by josh earnest those were inane, incoherent,
incompetent. what josh earnest is doing and the obama administration is trying to relegate and define isis in a term or ideology that fits in their national security strategy so they don't have to take an action. >> we have found out in the after math in our operation in libya where we led from behind and had no plan afterwards egypt and the the uae have conducted air strikes in libya because extremists have taken over the airport. uae and egypt see this as a threat and conducted air strikes in the region and didn't even tell us. >> you know why they didn't tell us? they can't trust us. that's the problem. >> i get that. here is the thing. do you trust your government? because we have heard that louis
lerner who apologized at the irs they illegally targeted conservative groups and tea party groups. people tried to get her e-mail to make sure there wasn't coordination with the white house. it was revealed her e-mails were destroyed because there was a problem with the hard drive. people came out of the woodwork to explain away the problem. listen to this. >> the actual hard drive after it was determined it was dysfunctional and with experts no e-mails could be retrieved. >> was it physically destroyed? >> that is my understanding? >> because there was a computer crash? 67,000 e-mails provided to congress. 24,000 have come from this period during which her hard drive crashed and in which those e-mails were lost. >> in april determined that, in fact, there had been a hard drive crash and some e-mails may
have been lost our next step was to investigate how many e-mails did we have and could we find. >> so they are very clear there all of her e-mails gone. as it turns out judicial watch which has filed some freedom of information lawsuits against the irs were told by government attorneys on friday there is some backup system that keeps everything. it's in the end of days thing where if you need the continuity of government there is a copy of it somewhere. there is a copy. >> as the law dictates. >> it's just too hard to get so we are not going to try. what? >> everything we have been hearing about scratched hard drives and missing e-mails with lois lerner and other irs officials and other officials in the obama administration has been a pack of malarkey. they can get the records but they don't want to. they haven't told anyone about
it frankly until we were able to get it out of them on friday. >> just to be clear. there were backup tapes but too costly to retrieve and we are not sure if they are there. this is pretty much the same thing. who are we writing the checks to? if we can't retrieve it how much does it cost. is it in a vault? is it a trip? >> what did you know? when did kroun it? let's start from the beginning here and get to the truth on how this all started. >> the administration says there is no new backup system describes to judicial watch. do you believe that? did you see ansly this
morning? >> i was looking for her. >> money must be flowing in her account to do two shows in a row. >> glad to be here. thanks for welcoming me to the show this morning. an update to a missing person's story. 21-year-old luge s rovy has been missing for a week after he failed to show up at college at the university of montana. now a new clue might shed some light. this surveillance footage from a chevron station in garden valley, idaho appears to show his green subaru. he was working at a raft and kayak camp in idaho. his friend and supervisor will join us at 8:15. thousands gathering paying final respects to michael brown. family, friends, celebrities and even strangers among the crowd
there. the reverend al sharpton delivering a wild speech criticizing police and calling for justice. tomorrow the grand jury is set to resume hearing that evidence. as the fbi interviews witnesses as part of a justice department investigation. a united airlines flight heading from newark to denver forced to make a landing in chicago after a fight over leg room. a passenger used a banned knee defender device to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender locked her seat into place. they got into a fight. the woman threw her water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane. they were both sitting in economy plus which already allows for four inches of leg room. >> those are banned. don't buy one of those. let the person in front of you decline. >> the knee defender seems
defensive. hundreds of residents in napa, california may be without running water for days following the 6 magnitude earthquake. the destruction may take a week to tally and damages could top a billion dollars. we are joined live from napa. good morning to you, rick. what can you tell us about today? >> good morning, elizabeth. people still working on the cleanup process and also not only small business owners going through inventory but homeowners who saw devastating damage. we have seen images and i believe we have video of the fire that struck one of the mobile home parks during the earthquake or immediately thereafter. yesterday we were able to get footage and see exactly what the area looks like and talk with one of the owners who survived and barely got out in time before her home was engulfed in flames. take a look at what she had to say. >> there was a fire in the house
in the back of me was burning. and then there was a big explosion. and it was really, really burning. they told me half of your place is gone. >> so everybody there having to figure out what to do and get their life back on track now and how to sort through the pieces as well as the small business owners we will be talking with the folks here. we will bring more of that to you in a bit. >> absolutely heartbreaking. live in napa. coming up on this tuesday, the president slams the use of enhanced irrigation. as the isis threat gets worse is it time to use them again? the cia official who ran the program under george w. bush is here live next. and a proposal so big it is catching the attention of police. the couple behind the incredible
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>> before i came into office i was very clear that in the immediate after math of 9/11 we did some things that were wrong. we did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. we did some things that were contrary to our values. >> that is the president's opinion that we tortured some folks. with enhanced interrogation techniques would it help us now. joining us now a man who defends the use of the techniques, the former head of the cia's clandestine service. your response to the president's characterization of what you did? >> i take tremendous exception to what the president said. it is very disturbing and it is not true.
as i have explained many times all of those techniques were approved by the president, authorized by the president, president bush at the time were certified as legal and were briefed to the congress. so when the president comes out and accuses cia officers of torture it creates tremendous problems for all of us. and we take tremendous exception. >> so would you say -- obviously you did everything right. you did what you were supposed to do and got tremendous intelligence out of it. now, with isis, this organization everyone says is as bad if not worse in al qaeda who beheaded a journalist from being a journalist, would you think some of these techniques would be effective in maximizing intelligence opportunities? >> yes, isis is a dangerous and evil organization that has no
problems beheading american citizens. mark my words, if we don't go after them, they will come after us here at home and try to kill us and terirorize us. we have to go after them. i don't think the enhanced interrogation program should be used against them. the reason why is because in the spring of 2009 president obama decided to release the legal justifications for the use of the techniques. he declassified it and released it to the world. and this document provided the details of the program and also the legal options available to us to undertake the program. so basically we have given away
the play book on this. our enemies have the play book. and i feel that they will be able to counter whatever we want. >> thank you so much for joining us. more "fox & friends" right after this. four wholesome grains.
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we have quick tuesday morning headlines. former fbi director louis frye seriously injured in a car accident in vermont. he required surgery for a broken leg. all eyes on primary races in arizona and florida. in house it is a three way republican race in arizona's second district. a win for retired air force
colonel martha mcsally would set up a rematch against former gabrielle giffords aid martha. the winner faces incumbent rick scott in florida. let's talk. >> good news for tired teens. the american academy of pediatrics urging schools to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. they say teens need between 8.5 and 9.5 hours of sleep per night and they are not getting it. well rested you look. for teens i think it was from a parent i think that sleep is important but statistically you say could be vital. if teens are not getting enough sleep we know the consequences are real. >> this is actually a very
important study. 8.5 to 9 hours. the new logo is let them sleep. what they found was about 20% of our teenagers are getting that number of sleep. we have a lot of accidents the next day. they are not functioning well both physical and mentally. memories are not functioning well as a result of not enough sleep. most of them are going to bed around 11:00 distracted by computers, ipads, facebooks and twitter. next day they are taking a nap and not doing so well in school. this is a new finding. >> the demand on them is high and the pressure to get into college and many holding down a job, homework, accounts to -- activities to build a resume before a resume. one study found a 70% drop in car crashes involving teens
driving after. when they push the school date back they found kids are safer on the road. that is a huge number. 70%. >> that is a big number. >> it's a huge finding. that is why they are emphasizing this. also as a physician i will tell you that lack of sleep leads to obesity. your cortisone level is all out of sync. risk of heart attack and diabetes. overall this will help us in a big way. there are also behavioral changes. you don't want to workout right before sleep. you don't want to take a lot of caffeine and energy drinks before you go to bed. make sure you go to bed at the same time and wake up the next morning at the same time so you have a system down. make the bedroom comfortable it them. >> phones and things like that should go off? how early before bed? a half hour before you want to go to sleep? >> at least about an hour or so. interesting finding.
>> only 15% of schools right now start later than 8:30 so maybe that number will changed based on this. >> it's a good move. >> good to see you. is this a sign of the times? a new study shows the majority of americans want to make it illegal for children to go to the playground alone? should a walk to the park be a crime? she is not exactly a model citizen. a model accused of shop lifting chocolate. wait until you hear what someone told her. ♪ ♪
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the dentist that i dated. >> she has won five emmy's and had 18 nominations. previous wins have been for "seinfeld." >> he was on "seinfeld." >> they smooched there. >> that wasn't the only hot moment. did you see it? the emmy's did not disappoint. you are stepping in. were there more kisses? >> good morning. it was definitely tv's big night last night. for all the talk about big movie stars being invited and the tv academy nominated streaming services like netflix, they really stuck to their own last night. the academy while they gave them invites to the big party didn't get mvp passes. jim parsons won.
a lot of people were shocked. matthew mcconaughey everybody thought he was a lock for last night. he was a big part of the program, a lot of jokes, a lot of comments headed his way. people were kind of surprised. what an amazing performance with "breaking bad." billy crystal had a heart felt tribute. >> so amazing. one of the big more popular moments of the show and the highest rated moment of the show is in memorial. last year it was very depressing. this year they did it perfectly as each of the people came up of people we lost this year. at the end billy crystal did a tribute to his long time friend and colleague, robin williams. this is what he had to say. >> he made us laugh hard. it is very hard to talk about
him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. miraculously because they float in the heavens so far away from us now the beautiful light will continue to shine in us forever and the glow will be so bright it will warm your heart, it will make your eyes glisten. and you will think to yourselves, robin williams, what a concept. >> well said. >> very moving. it all started last night on the red carpet. we were there live. the big question we asked everyone last night was some of the best story telling is happening right now on television. we asked some of the stars what they thought about that. >> i think television is kind of like a new film. a lot of people are telling us television is where it is at. >> drawing the best actors out there? >> that's what great material
does. it draws the best talent. >> the fact that networks put money behind big shows. i think boundaries are left because you can do any concept or idea and follow it to the darkest place. >> a great, great night out there. a little hot in the l.a. sun. >> that the where you are wearing a vest this morning? >> i figured why not? trying things different. we are bringing the vest back. >> it works, michael. >> thank you, sir. >> worked for chuck coners on the rifle men. >> he was not nominated. it is 25 minutes before the top of the hour. >> everyone loves you because you go from the emmy's to that. it is just so fun. >> it was a great show. it lightened my life in the
afternoons after school. here is what is happening in the news. a football player turns hero when he jumps into action to save his nephew's life. star defensive back for the university of california was at his cousin's house when his 7-year-old nephew started to drown in a swimming pool. shaw jumped off of the second story balcony on to the concrete and pulled that boy to safely. he did severely sprain both ankles and will be sidelined. despite risking his season and potentially his career shaw says he would do it all over again. murderers on the loose. u.s. immigration and customs enforcement releasing convicted killers. 169 immigrants have been released with homicide related convictions because of a supreme court ruling which prohibits from detaining people who cannot be deported.
ice said they cannot release identity and locations because of privacy concerns. it looks like a top model should get used to the perp walk and not the catwalk. this dutch beauty charged with shop lifting fish oil and chocolates from whole foods. appearing in a manhattan court the six foot stunner was told to stand up straight and unfold her arms. she declined a plea deal saying i'm doing fashion week soon. a romantic mystery. police in london looking for a stolen car when their helicopter spotted this. will you marry me spelled out in lit candles. the thermal image picking up the man getting on one knee in a par. police left wondering who the couple was. thanks to twitter he they are. their back is to the camera. we know that she said yes. those are your headlines. brian, over to you.
a buzzworthy performance at the u.s. open. let's talk tennis. a be wreaking havoc on venus williams first round win. the two bugging out as attendants tried to swat away the pesky opponent which would not get off her racquet. williams refused to kill the bee and later would not comment. the bee could not be reached for comment. this may be the last time they watch the nationals. a little girl in front of the nationals pitcher stephen strasburg as he winds up for a warmup pitch. the girl was involved in the pregame show and just didn't leave. she ran between the pitcher's mound and home plate. kids do not belong at baseball games. make the kids stay home. talk about crafting a message for new recruits the university of tennessee photo shop "rolling stone" of him with beyonce.
it includes a section on why the pop star thinks tuttle belongs at tennessee. the big question is will it work. tuttle is still undecided. it is amazing what schools will do to get a top level recruit. in the world of polling a poll asking is it appropriate for young children to play at the park alone? 68% of you americans say that there should be a law that would require kids under 9 to be supervised. remember, this comes on the heels of a south carolina woman who was thrown in jail because she allowed her 9 year old to go to the playground unsupervised. >> 68% for a 9 year old. 43% feel the same way if a kid is 12. what do you think about that? >> obviously, it depends on the
circumstances. if you are in a bad section and have to worry about going outside your house it is an issue. in suburban america or cities without a high crime rate, just normal every day things i think it is a bad message. you scare the heck out of kids thinking you walk out and get kidnapped. i can't go in the park, parents paranoid. >> with everyone's head down into their device you don't necessarily feel that everyone has that neighborhood watch over the kids. when i grew up everyone was watching. elizabeth was doing this. people telling my mom what i did all day long. >> you were a bad kid for a while. >> the irony is all of us played in the park alone when we were in kindergarten. now we are all parents. there are so many helicopter parents who don't let the kids out of their sight and then scare them where they say you have to be careful. if you know your neighborhood. if your kid has a cell phone
when they are out and about they are going to be safe. what kid doesn't know about stranger danger? what teacher -- just get away from them. >> should be illegal. >> it criminalizes the kid and the parents, is that okay with you? >> there would be no satch, no mo. >> they went to the park alone. >> they were at the park alone. let us know what you think. e-mail us or facebook or twitter. northern california still reeling from a massive earthquake. our next guest says they actually dodged a bullet and the worst could be to come. and a top secret weapon that could hit any target in the world within hours. it is not a secret anymore after a mission failure is caught on camera. >> what is that?
a a
15 minutes to the top of the hour time for quick headlines. batteries in apple's iphone 5 turning rotten? apple recalling a small percentage of iphone 5s because batteries no longer hold charge. to see if your phone is eligible head to website and enter your serial number. and a photograph shows the moment a top secret weapon explodes. the hypersonic weapon was destroyed four seconds after launching. officials say there was a technical glitch. >> great. thank you very much. northern california is still picking up the pieces and reeling from a massive earthquake over the weekend.
our next guest says we dodged a bullet and the worst is still to come. here now is associate director at u.s. geological survey. >> we dodged a bullet i understand you told one of our producers. what are you talking about? >> a couple of different things. one is that this earthquake ruptured and began in the south and ruptured up to the north. so a lot of the energy was directed away from some of the most populated areas and particularly some of the soils, the california bay delta which is a major source of water for californians. a lot of levees are susceptible to liquid faction failure. the energy was directed up towards napa. of course, we saw what happened with the buildings there. you also saw a lot of sidewalks where there was rubble. this was in the middle of the night. we saw no fatalities. we are very grateful for that.
that is part of a factor. it was 3:00 in the morning. if it were a different time of the day we would have seen fatalities. >> it is interesting you talk about how thankfully the energy was directed to the north. had it been to the south that could have been much worse. automatically when people think about big california fault lines they think of the san andreas fault. this particular fault that had the earthquake the other day was the west napa fault. it kind of runs parallel to the big one, right sth. >> that's right. the san andreas is a system of faults. they are taking up movement all the time. about the speed the fingernails are growing. moves against north american plate. since we are talking about rocks even though plates may be moving slowly the rocks themselves get jammed up. pressure builds up and they fail. there is a whole sequence of
faults in the bay area that have the potential for building up strength and have the potential for a major damaging earthquake. >> and there is an image that shows 63%. put on your professor hat for just a second. what is a straight slip? >> there is essentially three ways that these plates can be interacting. one is that they are pressing against one another and you get for example subduction zones around the ring of fire in the pacific. where they are diving down against the other. you can get them pulling apart or have them moving side to side. that is what happens in the case of the san andreas system. it is what we call a strike-slip fault. it moves to the right or the left. it is accommodating that kind of a movement. >> very informative stuff. we thank you very much. i think people watching may have
got two hours of college credit. that was really good. folks, you know what a strike-slip is. >> thank you, david. burger king may be forced to leave the united states because they say their corporate taxes are too high. one democrat slamming the move. how about criticizing shouldn't our ridiculously high rates be the focus. for two years this 12 year old running a lemonade stand to help pay the bills. why is one neighbor trying to shut him down? that young entrepreneur here live next. ♪ ♪
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he's 12 years old, but fort last two years, t.j. has been hard at work running a lemonade stand in his fellow there neighborhood. >> but while cops say it's completely legal, one neighbor has been pushing to shut him down. joining us is lemonade stanine, t.j., welcome. when did you get this idea for a lemonade stand with different flavors and the location? >> well, my friends, they did a lemonade stand in the summer before i did it. i figured that was a good idea, so i decided to try it. >> were you surprised that someone by the name of doug wilke decided to complain and doesn't think you should have this. he says it's an illegal business, causes traffic problem, too much noise and trash? >> yes, i was very surprised. >> so has he said anything to you directly?
>> no, not really. >> wow. they actually we know around, the police went around and said the neighbors were polled and no one around seems to have a problem but this gentleman. what would you tell him about this business and why it's so important to you? >> that this lemonade stand is a very good business and that everybody else is supporting the lemonade stand. so i think he should, too. >> right. it's totally legal right now. he's just made a few phone calls. how much is the lemonade and what kind of flavors do you offer? >> lemonade is one dollar and i have pink, strawberry and regular for one dollar. i said that. and 50 cents for cookies. >> you get cookies, too. so you expanded into food. >> yes. >> i heard you're 12 years old now. i heard you can't wait to be 14. why is that? >> because when i'm 14, i can apply for a bagger job at
publix. >> right. what do you do with the money? >> i buy my mom and i dinners. i pay for cell phone bill. all different things. >> wow. that's tremendous. >> such an entrepreneur. >> it doesn't get you down that your neighbor is complaining and has hurt your business, 'cause he says it's very loud and some of the people that come there use profanity. >> it does kind of make me upset the fact that he is kind of lying, because nobody does that. but everybody else has supported me so much. so that just brings me right back up. >> we actually reached out to him to see if he would join us and provide a comment, but we haven't heard back yet. have you given him any remedy, maybe a free cup? >> i tried, but he won't really listen. he won't come to the stand. he won't answer the door. >> why do you think that is? >> i guess he's just not really
into the lemonade stand, so he doesn't want to join. >> right. >> i tell you, it looks like everything that's good about america. beautiful neighborhood, beautiful town. great drinks. what else can you ask for? >> a fantastic entrepreneur who can't wait to get his first official job. we are impressed, we have some cheers to you today with our own lemonade. >> it's not as good as yours, but it will have to do. >> thank you. >> thanks for hanging with us this morning and hope you have good sales. >> if we only can get him to deliver. four minutes before the top of the hour. it's the most popular week for beach goers. but this could change all that. a great white shark could be coming to your beach. where that shark is heading and does he have your name on his mind? >> and they show up for waffles and stay fort alcohol. the new york neighborhood getting up in arms over these
boozey brunchers in this video right here. ♪ ♪
good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. they told us lois lerner irs targeting e-mails were gone forever. >> a hard drive crash and some e-mails may have been lost. >> hard drive crashed in which the e-mails were lost. >> no e-mails could be retrieved, was recycled and destroyed. >> this morning a huge bombshell. they were never really gone. it turns out it was just too much work for the government to find them. >> great. meanwhile, a flight diverted at 30,000 feet because two passengers came to blows over leg room. that little gizmo right there featured in the green circle led to an epic midair meltdown.
we'll tell you about it. a quiet day at the beach turns terrifying when this, yep, that, you know, this and that was spotted swimming just feet away from shore. that's a great white shark with the capability of coming on land. run for your lives, but team your tv on so we get the ratings 'cause mornings are better with friends. >> hear ye, hear ye, this is the town crier! you are watching "fox & friends"! >> thank you, town cryer. brian, i think you're confusing the news of the day, which is big out of massachusetts, with sharknado. that wasn't real? >> it wasn't? >> wicked big news coming out of massachusetts. >> yeah. we got a reporter to tell us about that in a moment. but right now, ainsley earhart joins us on this tuesday with an update. >> hey. yes. let me tell you what's happening in the headlines. an update to a missing person story. we first told you about it yesterday. 21-year-old lucas roby has been
missing for a week after he failed to show up for college at the university of montana. now a new clue might be shedding some light on all this. this surveillance footage from garden valley, idaho, appears to show his green subaru last tuesday. search teams and volunteers are now scouring the mountains of the boise national forest for any signs of him or his car. kenneth long was the last person to see him. he will join us at 8:15 with the latest on this search. lois lerner's lost irs e-mails do exist. that according to government watchdog judicial watch. they say justice department attorneys are admitting now the e-mails are likely on back up computers, but they say they're just too difficult to retrieve. the agency accused of targeting conservative groups has repeatedly said that her lost e-mails cannot be recovered. >> just an amazing sequences of cover-up, delay, denial, even what now appears to be a false
statement from the new irs commissioner in which he said he moved heaven and earth to give us lois lerner's lost e-mails. he either lied under oath or he chose not to know a critical fact. >> judicial watch now plans to ask a federal judge to force the irs to hand over those e-mails. a united airlines flight forced to land in chicago because of a battle over leg room. a passenger using the band's knee defender device to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender essentially locked her seat into place so that she couldn't move it back and she became angry. a flight attendant intervened asking the man to remove the gadget. he refused. the two passengers got into it. the furious female even throwing water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane when it landed in chicago. get this, they were both seated in economy plus, which already has four inches of more leg
room. "breaking bad" broke good. the tv show dominating the emmy awards almost a year after going off the air. >> and the emmy goes to "breaking bad". >> it took home six emmys, including best drama series. bryan cranston picked up lead actor. anna gun and aaron paul won for supporting roles. one of the best dressed, "modern family" star sofia vergara. with missing one thing, her new boyfriend. sofia vergara said that she didn't bring him because he's too hot for the red carpet. you be the judge. there he is. and speak of steamy, julia louis-dreyfus got quite a surprise from former seinfeld flame. >> you look so much like the actor in "seinfeld" who played the dentist that i dated. >> she won five emmys and had 18
nominations. previous wins have been for seinfeld -- >> he was on seinfeld, yeah. >> she took home her third emmy award in a row for best actress. those are your headlines. >> very thorough. thank you. meanwhile, we've got a fox news alert. united states has overnight started flying surveillance drones over the country of syria. >> this move authorized by president obama over the weekend brings the u.s. one step closer to an all-out air assault in the region. >> could it happen and did we ask the government for permission? how do they feel about this? let's go live to peter doocy in washington. hey, peter. >> reporter: hey. the goal right now is to get a better look at what kind of fire power isis is working with in syria. that's why president obama signed off on surveillance flights over syria and depending
on what these man asked unmanned aircraft see, the next move could be air strikes. >> we've been looking at syria from across the border with very high altitude observation for a long time. now he's given permission to fly drones over syria. this is a step props of increasing surveillance and reconnaissance over time, gather the information, find the targets and eventually i'll guarantee you, we're going to start bombing them. >> reporter: a syrian government official is warning the white house not to start air strikes unless their president, al assad, gives the okay. the obama administration says they may not ask permission. kind of like when they decided to go after bin laden in pakistan without giving anyone a heads up. >> i'm not going to get ahead of decision making that the president hasn't made yet or rule any option on our off the table, but we're not going to be restricted by borders. we're actively considering
what's going to be necessary to deal with this threat. we're certainly working with a range of partners in the region as we coordinate those efforts. >> reporter: there is a debate about how much of a threat isis really is. the white house says they don't know of any active isis plots against the u.s. homeland, but the house intel committee chairman mike rogers concerned with all the westerners getting involved with militants said this weekend, isis fighters are one plane ticket away from u.s. shores. back to you in new york. >> all right. thank you very much. it seems like the debate as well is going on between the white house and the pentagon. last week the pentagon, you got the joint chiefs chair, general dempsey, he said that the only way to take out isis is to go over to syria. couple days later, he walks it back. he says, you know what? it's really just kind of a regional threat. what happened? why did he flip flop? ralph peters has an idea.
>> took hem out behind the wood shed and for an extended period. general dempsey committed the greatest sin you can commit in the obama administration last week. he told the truth. and that just doesn't go with them being a jv team or the administration's narrative. he and secretary hagel were right, president obama would have to do something. with a wave of the president's magic golf club, suddenly within back to, where, it's not an immediate threat. >> so the question is, what would he be doing? so if we do start bombing there, we are technically helping assad who is our enemy and has done nothing for the last 15 years in that region but make life miserable for us and indirectly responsible for the loss of american lives. among the people who are critical of us taking action if it's just willie nilly and without a plan is the free syrian army who have been let down. they say we have not done anything we said we were going to do and that by doing what we
said we're going to do now, it would be like tickling them. >> it seems confusing at the border. -- that the border seems so administration to the administration, but our own border here does not. right now this imminent threat, there is no denying it. an american was beheaded and it went across the web waves like wild with a message from isis and their intentions to drown us in blood. we actually spoke with the former head of the c.i.a. rodriguez, and he said that if we don't do something, isis will sure do it. they'll do it right here in our soil. >> isis is a dangerous and evil organization that has no problems beheading american citizens and mark my words, if we don't go after them, they will come after us here at home and try to kill us and terrorize us. so we have to go after them. >> he handed up the clandestine
service. he knows it. what's interesting is the fact with this break news that -- apparently the white house authorized the flying of drones over syria. we weren't doing it before. isis has been over there for a long time and the fact that just now we're finding out that we're going back because the president didn't want to cross that international border? that is crazy. >> right. he said there was no dissemination. it was a fallacy to think we could just arm a small section of the anti-assad forces. we put in a request for $580 million to arm them and now we're looking to blow up isis to empower them, so something doesn't gel here. yet what's staggering is we still don't have a comprehensive plan. >> most people are praying we don't see a double bogey when it comes to syria with this administration. >> we've got another breaking news story. the iconic line from "jaws," we're going to need a bigger boat, left on this shore line as beach goers are warned of a great white shark in
massachusetts. leah gabriel joins us with the latest details. >> good morning. beach goers in massachusetts clearing the water on a beautiful sunny day after an unexpected visitor shows up. this massive great white estimated to be 15 feet long. spotted just yards off the shore line. the state police called in to verify it was indeed a shark, while confused beach goers had no clue. >> we're in the water maybe three feet deep and we saw the helicopter start coming from the south end of the beach. >> the lifeguard came and told people to get out of the water and i went down and i just asked and they said there had been a shark sighting. >> reporter: lifeguards ordering everyone out of the water for two hours. then the shark slowly swam for deeper water. once the coast guard determined it was safe, people got back in the ocean. at least one person having a little fun with it, leaving this message on the shore line. you're going to need a bigger boat. the famous line from the movie "jaws." and while the beach is now back
open, warnings is posted to swim at your own risk. there is stepped up police presence as we head into the holiday weekend. i don't know about you, but swimming with sharks not on my to do list. >> i wouldn't be the first one back in the water either. >> thank you very much. a little close to home, the movie "jaws" was filmed in massachusetts at martha's vineyard. >> yes. which has a big problem now. >> with the cops there, no shark wants to get a ticket on a holiday weekend. coming up, they show up for the waffles and stay for unlimited cocktails. now neighbors fighting back with this video of boozies brunchers. but is that legal? how many mimosas in that? >> right. i think you got to cut them off. burger king under fire for wanting to leave the united states over high taxes. but is burger king really to blame? stuart varney is from england. ♪
♪ >> they're buy ago canadian doughnut chain. here is what happened when they made the announcement in the city council up there in toronto, the burger king is buying a canadian doughnut shop. here is what happened. out of my way, lady! out of my way! i got to get to the doughnuts.
in a whopper of a move, burger king is in talks to buy a canadian company so they can move their operation, burger king, out of this country and into canada which some are calling unamerican. >> i think it is also about taxes. i think you're right because burger king is so visible, it puts the focus on the general behavior of corporate america and in a sense, the contempt that they feel for the average citizen of the united states. >> is this a bad move or a response to the high regulation and taxes in this country? here to discuss is the host of varney and company, stuart
varney. >> wait a minute, there is a new angle. >> which is? >> warren buffet, president obama's major corporate supporter. he is facilitating burger king's move. >> wow. >> he is financing part of the deal. he is helping burger king leave america, which is an astonishing thing because he's the principle corporate supporter of president obama. >> ironic there. but explain why businesses are opting to do this or why they feel this is only, if not best choice for their business? >> several reasons. number one, if you go overseas, you get a lower corporate tax rate. america's tax rate is the highest in the world, 35%. go oversea, get a lower tax rate. more profit for you and your shareholders. number two, this is a very antibusiness country at the moment. the obama administration regulates business, tries to stamp down on business. corporations are fleeing in droves to a less regulated environment. who would have thought 20 years ago, 25 years ago that american companies would jump ship, go to
canada of all places for lower taxes, less regulation, more growth? who would have thought? >> why is the reaction -- this is devastating for business, the fact that they have to jump ship. >> it's very strong from american business. lower the tax rate, reform the corporate tax structure and let us grow in america. that's what they want. >> 70 companies have left the country and gone overseas since the 1980s. >> how long until somebody in the administration calls warren buffet unamerican? >> unpatriotic, unamerican. that's what president obama called these companies which have jumped ship. corporate deserters, unpatriotic. >> the interesting thing is so many people say, the most brilliant investor, the most brilliant businessman in the world is warren buffet, and he sees the utility in leaving the united states. corporate wise to avoid the tax. >> it's astonishing. president obama got a lot of support from warren buffet when he was doing the tax story.
warren buffet objected to pay ago lower tax rate than his secretary. of course, he didn't pay himself very much. that's why he paid a lower rate. now we have the instance of he's supporting burger king, financing burger king jumping ship to canada. >> that's the closest thing we have to royalty in this country and it's leaving. >> i'm sorry. i got it. i just got it. >> it's okay. >> we could say the same thing about larry king, but he's staying. we'll be watching you on fox business. >> thank you so much. coming up, his tickets sell tore over 100 bucks a pop. but gang members got to say david blane for free. we'll explain. >> did he disappear? and call dad's little helper around the house because it will launch your daughters to career success. mark meryl and just how real that impact is.
♪ ♪
it's raining numbers. that means it's time for news by the numbers. first, 169 convicted killers. that's how many murderers the united states immigrations and customs enforcement have released over the last year. 169. due to privacy laws, they can't reveal their names or locations. terrific. next, $15,000. that's how much oprah spends on water tankers to keep her 40-acre california estate looking green. this as other lawns in the state suffer water restrictions amid a very long drought.
and finally, $10. that's how much arby's new sandwich is going to cost you. the super sized sandwich boasts eight different delicious kinds of meat and two different cheeses. look at that. what time does arby's open? >> that made me hungry. thanks. they say actions speak louder than words and it turns out this could be the case when it comes to fathers and daughters. a new study finding dads who help out more with household chores ended up having daughters who aspire to less traditional feminine jobs. could that be true? joining us is the president of family first and author of all pro dad, mark meryl. good morning. >> good morning. >> so the study is interesting. it basically said if a dad helps out, their daughters would most likely be astronauts, marine biologists, geologists, police officers, professional hock you're owe soccer players. if they don't help out, the daughters would tend toward more feminine jobs, being a nurse, fashion designer, librarian or
stay at home mom. what's your assessment of this? >> my assessment of this small university of british columbia study is i have five kids and i have three daughters. i have a corporate recruiter who is working out in the work field now. i have a nuclear engineer and then i have a musical theater major who is in college. i can tell you, the fact that i did a lot of laundry and dishes as my kids were growing up probably doesn't have too much to do with their career choice. now, i will have to say that there are fringe benefits to doing the chores. in fact, my wife, she loves it. >> i bet she does. let me ask you this, so how can we -- you're speaking from experience. five kids, three daughters who with well on their way to success. do you believe that there are things that you can do as a father specifically that impact their decisions, careers and self-esteem? and what are they? >> yeah. no question about. parental influence is one of the
biggest things that we can do as a parent to affect our kids' career choice. the first one is be a student of your child. watch and take mental notes of your child's natural inclination s in their areas of giftedness. we always did that when our kids were little. one of my daughters, emily, i noticed she was really creative. she loved to sing. so we made sure that we directed her in that area and put her in courses and allowed her to perform, to really work that out. >> what do dads get wrong, do you think? >> well, i think sometimes dads get it wrong that they just really don't understand the incredible impact that they can have on their daughters and mom, too. and so it's very important to be a student of your child. it's also very important to validate your children's gifts. not only observe them, but also look at them and say to them, you know what? i've noticed that you're really good with people. i think you should continue to
develop that because that's -- you're really, really good at that. that's something that we need to do as well. so not only be a student of your child, but also to validate them in their gifts. >> good advice there. dads across the nation right now are pretty psyched because they don't have to do extra chores, it won't make a difference in the career choice. but it's being there and what they can do with their kid that matters. thank you for that advice. >> thanks. tell tim no more chores. he's off the hook. he doesn't have to do anything else. >> i hope he didn't hear that. thanks, mark. >> thanks. coming up, they show up for the waffles and they stay for unlimited cocktails. new neighbors now are fighting back with this video of boozey brunchers. but is it legal? and the college football season kicks off in a matter of days. we are warming up in the middle of times square. brian loves soccer so much, we're going to see if he can kick a field goal.
♪ ♪
all right. damage estimates following the 6 magnitude earthquake in napa, california on sunday could take weeks to tally. fixing the damages could top $1 billion. but experts say we dodged a bullet and the worst could still be to come. >> there is a whole sequence of faults in the bay area that have the potential for -- they're building up strength and have the potential for a major damaging earthquake. >> rick reichmuth is live in napa with how this quake could actually impact the wine
industry moving forward. a lot of people worried in the coming days here that the worst could be yet to come as we heard and the wine industry one of them. >> yeah. wine industry is a really difficult thing, especially small business owners. large wine companies, or wine makers, maybe not having as much of an impact, but it's really the small wine make that are will have some of the biggest impact. i'm joined by karen, a wine owner. thank you for letting us be in your space. all of these barrels that we're looking at fell very quickly, you say. >> yes. it happened very fast. it was 3:20 in the morning. my husband and i live next to the winery. so obviously a loud boom came. we later realized the boom was the barrels coming down. and it happened instantly. >> and you look at all of this, so you still don't have a good sense on the economic loss for you guys? >> we're in the process of pulling the barrels out, finding out how much wine we actually lost and as you can see, we
still have a lot of work to do. >> kind of a dangerous process in trying to get this out as well. you have people in here doing this, but there is danger to the people as they're trying to pull these out. >> you're right. it's very dangerous and slow. we have to be very careful and it's not something people do all the time. so there is not a whole practice on how you pick up barrels that have toppled over like this. >> we have been hearing that earthquake insurance is prohibitive to get. it's so costly. so any loss here is directly to you. >> right. >> as a small business owner. >> my husband and i own the business ourselves. we just happen to sell wine. and each bottle, each barrel lost is all directly affecting us. >> i want to say, first of all, it is harvest season, so that's one of the reasons why this happening at this time is so difficult. you got grapes that you have to get off of the vines right now. they are, these bottles that were not damaged, but you can see the labels are damaged. you guys are selling these as collector's items now.
karen, thank you very much and best of luck to you guys. >> thank you. back to you. >> all right. rick, real quick, those big barrels behind you, if they're not broken and the wine is still in them, is it still drinkable? >> it's a great question. if the barrel is intact, the wine is completely fine. there will be no damage to the wine at all. >> quality stays the same. >> that's the most important part to this. certainly. >> it's just all shook up. >> and a great note to everyone out there, if they want to be able to help out, buy a bottle. why not. >> collector's item. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley earhart has headline duty today. >> yes. thank you. a new twist in the michael brown shooting case. a new audio recording claims to have captured the very moment that officer darren wilson opened fire on the 18-year-old. on the recording which has not
been verified, 11 shots are allegedly fired. an autopsy showed brown was hit six times. this as thousands gathered inside a st. louis church paying final respects to brown. family friends, celebrities and strangers among the crowd. the reverend al sharpton delivering a wild speech, criticizing police and calling for justice. and hopefully he didn't give tips how to escape. dare devil magician david blane performing tricks for dozens of new york city's most dangerous inmates. the hour long free show reportedly a reward for the high security inmates with good behavior. inmates included gang members from the rival bloods and crypts, guards are not happy. one saying, quote, how the -- am i allowed to say that on air? all right. how the hell does a killer get to watch a rabbit get pulled out of a hat? good question. they show up for breakfast and they stay for booze.
look at this video. boozey brunchers are popular in new york and in this one neighborhood, people are up in arms over the boozey brunchers there. and there is video to prove it. footage posted on youtube shows young patrons hunched over, stumbling, getting sick on the sidewalk, and even falling on the ground and it's all thanks to a bottomless brunch at a restaurant called prana. the management says they're beefing up security, watering down drinks and decreasing the number of reservations in an effort to keep their liquor license. those are your headlines. they're very popular. that's not the only restaurant in new york that has that. >> a lot of them have the bottomless mimosa cup. >> 45 bucks and you can get all you can eat and drink. >> they get pancaked is what i'll call that, thanks. brian kilmeade joins us from the crossroads of the world as the football season kicks off for college. >> yes. here we are on 44th street at times square. we haven't been here since the super bowl and it was minus 1 degree out.
college football starts in the summer. kirk said i'll come do a spot with you. one of the finest commentators in college football. a fine player in his day. why did you drag me all the way down here from this beautiful studio? >> look at this. >> what is going on here? >> brian put one right through the uprights. but i'm here to hang out with you, of course. allstate's got an amazing thing going on. celebrator their ten-year anniversary to the good hands net. you see them in all the college football games. the thing that i think is most impressive is they have a sweepstakes called it's good sweepstakes. a chance to go to the sugar bowl for four people, the national championship for four people and win $100,000. >> right. >> that's it. >> that's cool. today you've come to take a field goal, meet kirk, as well as have a chance to get these college football prizes. let's talk about this year. for the first time ever, the president has been calling for a football playoff. what's it going to look like? are we getting the voters out of
it. >> you'll have a 13-person panel. no more computers. it's a good step in the right direction. we have four teams. we used to have two. you have the allstate sugar bowl is a semifinal game, and the pasadena rose bowl. the winner of those two will play in the first ever national championship and that's in dallas. >> we have the top five by the a.p. flax fellow state to repeat, alabama still going to be in transition.
>> real quick, before i kick, al michaels came out and said i will not be talking about what's going on in the world during my day. bob costas talks about gun control. >> i work on two shows, college game day in the morning like you guys do. i'll ta,!é about that. but when i'm calling a game, the way michaels would do and saturday night, i'm going to talk about the game. i'm going to talk about the game, the subject matter involving that night and that broadcast. i don't think that's the platform to do that. i agree with al. >> he's al, less bob. so today you're going to have a chance to come to 42nd street and hit field goals. >> 11 to 1. >> am i going to hit this? >> this is going to hit the t, the first t in allstate. >> oh! >> come on of the you got to do better than that. >> i didn't realize i got a field goal plus. >> lookedp1o good. >> i think that was it. >> hurry up. >> there you go.
>> very nice. brian kilmeade, you just broke a little toe. >> back to you guys. >> we've got ice for that toe backf/4áq that is fun. right there times square. coming up, report claiming a special forces mission that tried to rescue james foley from isis was delayed because the president colonel tony shaver next with what he's hearing from inside the pentagon on that. and it's one of the most popular e-mail services out there. but gmail can be hacked almost 100% of the time. do you have a gmail account? you're going to want to stick around.
welcome back. quick headlines. gmail users may be at risk of getting hacked. researchers claim after getting gmail users to download an app, they could hack the account with a 92%atl success rate. also high at risk, chase bank and h & r block. this weakness found in android, windows and ios operating systems. yikes. and the government may soon be snooping on twitter. the feds are spending $1 million to create an on line database to track misinformation and hate speech. the database will also focus on political activity as well. over to you, steve. did president obama wait too long to launch a rescue mission for eç-including the journalists beheaded, james foal zoo according to the uk sunday times, quote, pentagon sources said foley and the others might well have been rescued, but
obama concerned about the ramifications of u.s. troops being killed or captured in syria took too long to authorize the mission. he took too long. lieutenant colonel tony schaefer says his sources confirm that report and he joins us live from d.c good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> we had phil balbonioç on, he was jim foley's boss. when a bunch of european hostages, they negotiated the release for them, they immediately spilled the beans and said we gave them the exact location in the spring where jim foley was. >> and to account for the missing time, by the time the information got out, we had to do our own verification, assessment. and then to put together a planning to in. steve, my understanding is that plan was ready to go in june, early june, like the first -- before the first week and then it took about 30 days for quote, unquote, the assessment of the white house, to go through it. i think that delay was a
material reason why the raid was successful, but the hostages were not there. >> okay. if the raid was successful but the hostages weren't there, that's not a successful raid because the idea is to pick up the hostages. >> exactly. their job. but you're saying that the reason it failed was because the president sat on it too long. >> yes. everything is going on here, steve, is seen through a political lens. let me be very clear for this, you've got to assess our national security based on the intelligence available and instead of doing what's best based on the intelligence, everything is run through this multiple-pronged political optic of the white house. in this case, i think clearly there was a loft down sizing going on with the mission, but they went with the mission and then when the mission didn't pl, the hostages weren't captured, they threw special operations under the bus, well, it was their fault. it was the president's fault for
not approving when he should have. >> the national security council put out a statement that says this report that the president sat on it not accurate. what are they doing there? just spinning? >> well, i'd like to hear the explanation then. okay. if it's not accurate, then with a is accurate? this is where they always play this political narrative game. they've got to get out there and talk about it. they're the ones that put the information out about the raid. they didn't want to talk about the raid, they shouldn't have put it out there. >> sure. what has happened over the last week where on thursday you've got hagel and dempsey and they're having a very somber press conference when they talk about how isis is bigger than anything they've ever seen before and dempsey is very them, we're going to have to go over to syria and do it there. then a couple days later, you know, they're really just kind of a regional threat. what happened with the general? >> again, politicalization. it was very clear last week when secretary of defense hagel stated what he did with general dempsey, isis is a threat, a global threat.
they're coming for us. they're well funded and well organized. and then something happened over the weekend. it's like a mind trick. the president comes into town and these are not the terrorists you want to pursue. clearly, steve, there is a political narrative which always supersedes whatever the intelligence is at the moment. again, it's politicalization of things which should not be politicalized. >> and exit question, the news this morning is that apparently now the president has authorized drones to be flying over syria to look for the bad guys. bad guys until today. >> exactly. this should have been going on the last couple of years since syria has been an issue. steve, you don't conduct military operations without having a clear picture as best you can establish and clearly there is something wrong that we're only now doing it? they went from one sortie per month to 50 a day now, finally. they should have been doing it a long time ago. >> no kidding. tony, thank you for your
perspective.% >> thanks. do you like sports and beef? ip &c @&c@ other companies are hiring right next coming up. first on this date in history in 1986, "higher love" by steve winwood was the number one song in america. ♪ ♪
the job market may be toughç but that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of jobs out there. from the "fox business" network, cheryl casone joins us with the top companies hiring right now. always great to see you. >> goodh;$w'ing.
>> who who is hiring? >> cox communication, depends what part of the country that you live in whether or not you heard of them. cable television company. and they're in 18 states right now. they're based in phoenix, but they've got, again, 18 states. 160 jobs were posted now. they need sales agents, people that can do customer service, technical specialists, managers. this is full time employment. this is benefits, 401(k), vision, all of those things, company 'cause you want to make sure you can get the health care because the government doesn't e$ayrbujhey're looking for a variety of people. >> and jamba juice. you can work for them now. they range from -- if you're going to work at the company, work in the stores, like 8 to 13 bucks an hour. they're looking for team members, but shift leaders and leaders to manage the region.
they're expanding. they're looking to open 80 to juicing, fasting thing. janb arrange juice is reallybd%ñ fad. >> and that means great news for those looking for jobs. tell me about sentimark. >> it's contracting, it's roofing, contracting. it's a fairly old company here in the united states. you may not have heard ofymñ it. but you might want to work there. they've got about 100 jobs that are open right now. reps, people to do customer service and bmt!m laborers. i know some people think,#od go, i have to go work on a roof and that's dangerous or whatever. it could pay really well. benefits. there is 401(k), there is medical, dental, vision, things like that. andjkd b$mj÷o a very substanti, solid company that[jif( operat through9ffñ most of the u.s.2os and canada2rñ. >> see what -- here is another
company. >> we're talking food. nationwide, they're looking georgia, texas, illinois, new york. this is minimum wage jobs, and they've got benefit, but it's all about food and burgers and all that good stuff. it's a fun place to go and eat. if you want to work there, why not? >> great news. cheryl casone, if you want the info, you know where to go. cheryl's blog, we want to thank you for joining us this morning. >> thanks. >> always. coming up, our military getting ready to fly drones into syria to learn more about isis. could air strikes be next? a live report from the white house at the top of the hour. and no one is talking about it. who won the emmys last night? but everyone is talking about who stole a kiss. we've got all the juicy details. d
good morning. it is tuesday, august 26. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. the united states has begun flying surveillance drones over syria to lay the ground work for a potential air strike. but just yesterday the administration said a strike there is not happening. so what in the world is going on? also they told us those lois lerner irs targeting e-mails gone forever. remember? >> a hard drive crash and some e-mails may have been lost. >> hard drive crashed in which the e-mails were lost. >> no e-mails could be retrieved, was recycled and destroyed. >> well, that sounds bad. but this morning a big bombshell. those e-mail never really gone. turns out to get them out of a big machine, it's going to be too much work for the government. we'll tell you everything you need to know. >> i'm so confused. and remember this? (sound) the newest high school
class has no idea what else they don't know. you're going to see how much things have changed that will make you feel really, really old. at least you've got us. mornings are better with friends. >> how you doing? this is andrew dice clay, you're watching "fox & friends." oh! >> remember he was a fill-in host here? he did three hours. did a lot of the international relations segments. >> i don't remember. >> i know. he did a segment when he was very in touch with his emotions. >> i'll be darn. then he could probably identify that die-up sound. >> he probably could. >> remember those old days? that's coming up in a minute. right now, ainsley earhart joins us today. heather nauert has the day off. you're in her shoes. >> i am. let me start with this, an update to a missing person's story we first told you about yesterday. 21-year-old lucius roby has been missing for a week after he didn't show up to college at the university of montana.
now this surveillance footage from a chevron station in garden valley, idaho, appears to show his green subaru. you can see it there. it was last seen on tuesday. search teams and volunteers are now scouring the mountains of the boise national forest for any signs of him or signs of his car. kenneth long was the last person to see roby and he's going to join us live about 15 minutes with the latest on this search. a united airlines flight heading from newark to denver forced to land in chicago because of a battle over leg room. a passenger using a banned knee defender device, you can see it there, to stop the woman in front of him from reclining. the knee defender essentially locked her seat into place so she couldn't move back. that made her angry. flight attendant intervened, asked the man to remove the gadget, but he refused. that's when the passengers got into an argument. the furious female even threw her water on the guy. both passengers were kicked off the plane when it landed in chicago and they were both seated in economy plus, which
already gave them four extra inches of leg room. batteryies in the apple iphone 5 turning rotten. apple recalling the iphone 5 because the batteries no longer hold their charges. the company saying it is a very small percentage of those phones. brian apparently has one -- that will need their battery replaced. to see if your phone is eligible, head to apple's web site and enter in your serial number. >> i need something else to do. >> i'll do it for you. "breaking bad" broke good. the tv show dominating the emmy awards almost a year after going off the air. >> and the emmy goes to "breaking bad". >> "breaking bad" took home six emmys, including best drama series. bryan cranston picked up the award for the lead actor. anna gun and aaron paul won for their supporting roles. "modern family" becoming the first sitcom since "frazier" to
win five emmys in a row. and a moving tribute by billy crystal to the late robin williams. >> as a genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine for almost 40 years. he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. robin williams, what a concept. >> and did you see this steamy moment? julia louis-dreyfus getting quite the surprise from a former "seinfeld" co-star. >> you look so much like the actor in "seinfeld" who played the dentist that i dated. >> she's won five emmys and had 18 nominations. >> he was on "seinfeld." yeah. >> she took home the best actress emmy for "veep." those are your headlines. >> in watching the emmys last
night, i was shocked how little network television we watch now. >> yeah. >> it's all about cable and streaming. >> what about our own bill o'reilly was nominated for "jfk," but he did not walk away with it. >> hanging out with rob lowe. >> thank you very much, ainsley. >> thanks. we got a fox news alert. the united states has started flying drones over syria. apparently until today we weren't. >> this move authorized by president obama over the weekend brings the u.s. one step closer to an all-out air assault in the region. >> and by the way, did we ask syria, should we ask syria? peter doocy at the white house. it's going to be a big day. >> reporter: brian, it's been a big week. the week here at the white house started with the obama administration trying to clarify that when president obama said isis falls into the jv category of terrorists, he just meant at the time that they had no designs on attacking the west.
but now president obama wants to have a look at the of fire power isis is working with, so he's order these surveillance flights over parts of syria that isis controlled and we have heard in the last few minutes those flights have begun. >> we've been looking at syria from across the border with very high altitude observation for a long time. now he's given permission to fly drones over syria. this is a step process of increasing surveillance and reconnance over time, gather the information, and eventually i'll guarantee you, we're going to start bombing them. >> reporter: a syrian official, though, is warning the white house not to start with air strikes unless president al assad signs off. you remember, though, president obama said in no uncertain terms that assad must step down. so now the white house is having to explain that any potential air strike would be an american interest. not an assad interest.
>> the incident is no, we're not interested in trying to help the assad regime. in fact, we have been calling for a number of years now for the assad regime to step down. >> reporter: most of the president's day will be spent going to charlotte for an merge legion convention. but when he gets back, he has a meeting with the secretary of state, john kerry, on the schedule. back to you. >> all right. peter doocy, i'm sure the president will get a warm reception at the american legion later today. >> you're being sarcastic, right? think about what he's done to the military. think about what's happened with the v.a. >> are you talking defunding, underestimating, undermining the cost that would be need to do defend against something like an isis that could pop up and surprise us? >> like i said, a warm reception. meanwhile, the white house had a lot of explaining to do. we've been telling you about how general dempsey a couple of days ago said the ohm way to take out isis is to go into syria and do
something there. then he walked it back and he said essentially, you know, isis is just kind of regional. yesterday josh earnest was asked about the president who said in january to the new yorker magazine that isis was just a jv team. keep in mind, the president just last week referred to it as a cancer that needed to be dealt with. so we were going to play josh earnest trying to spin his way out of that and that will be followed by lieutenant colonel allen west who doesn't think that mr. earnest is honest. >> the president was not singling out isil. he was talking about the very different threat that is posed by a range of extremists around the globe. many of them do not have designs on attack the west or attacking the united states. and that is what puts them in stark contrast to the goals and capability of the previously existing al-qaeda core network that was led by osama bin laden.
>> when i listened to those comments made by josh earnest, those were inane, incoherent, incompetent, and absolutely idiotic. what josh earnest is doing and the obama administration is doing is trying to relegate and define isis in a term or an ideology that fits into their own national security strategy so they don't have to take an action. >> if the president was being candid and honest, he could say, hey, i totally underestimated what they can do and i was too slow off the mark and maybe in retrospect we shouldn't have pulled all our troops out. so as fallujah fell, we should have said that's a little bit of an issue. >> but al-qaeda was on the run, remember? >> right. that would have been trouble. but he had already won reelection and there is wrong with the president saying i misjudged and underestimated. you can say fdr misjudged japan. never thought they would bomb pearl harbor. oops. that happened. but in the big picture, i think the president has not come up with a plan yet to stop isis,
whether it's jv or varsity, and i think it's staggering to find out later that egypt and the united arab emirates had their own aerial campaign in libya without even telling us. these are allies of ours and we're pretty much in control of that region. that shows how little trust and little interest people have in checking with us 5 1/2 years after they were afraid of us. >> state department officials thursday estimate 12,000 fighters in 50 country, including up to 100 americans joined radicals fighting. we now know this is a big deal. why they're walking it back, we're not sure. why the president doesn't seem to have a handle on it verbally as a cancer. is this the worst thing we've yet to come and see. why doesn't he want to get a grip on it, many are asking. >> meanwhile, let's talk about the scandal. remember it was lois lerner who apologized to tea party groups and conservatives that the irs illegally targeted them. then there were lawsuits where people tried to get the e-mail to make sure whether or not the
white house was coordinating with lois lerner. well, then we learned that all the e-mails were gone because she had a crashed hard drive, blah, blah, blah, the dog ate my homework. as it turns out, judicial watch, which has filed freedom of information act lawsuits to get to the bottom of it, they were told by irs attorneys on friday, according to the man who runs it, that lois lerner's e-mail and all government records are backed up in case of a government-wide catastrophe. so her e-mail do exist. but government attorneys say it's too complicated to get them out. here is tom now. >> everything we've been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails with lois lerner, other irs officials, other officials in the obama administration, it's all been a pack of malarky. they could get these records, but they don't want to and they haven't told anyone about it.
frankly until we were able to get it out of them on friday. >> see how much it costs to get the records. >> chairman issa is saying he wants a close door questioning again of koskinen. >> i'm sure that will go well. coming up, a bombshell report claiming that special forces mission that tried to rescue james foley from isis was delayed because the president feared for his own image. karl rove on deck to weigh in on that. and it's a top secret weapon that could hit any target in the world within hours. it's not a secret anymore because it failed and we taped it.
breaking right now, a live look in texas where a house went up in flames overnight. you can see the smoke still smoldering. a charred mess indeed. fire crews still on the scene. at least one person was hospitalized and officials believe a gas explosion may be to blame. steve? >> in other news, the white house doesn't seem to be able to commit to a strategy to defeat isis. yesterday the press secretary even saying the president hasn't
figured out what to do about syria. >> in terms of giving an update on the status, i'm not in a position to do that beyond saying the president has not made a decision to order military action in syria. >> really? here to discuss fox news contributor karl rove. what's he saying there? >> he's saying they haven't made a decision, they're still thinking. they've been thinking about this for about six weeks, ever since isis exploded across the northern part of iraq. they have been befuddled and hyped the 8 ball and they continue to be. >> is it denial or procrastination? >> look, normally -- let's go back to last week. on tuesday the secretary of state comes out and says we must crush isis. they must be destroyed. on thursday we have this extraordinary press conference with hagel, secretary of defense, and martin dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs where they say we got to go after isis. they're a real threat. hagel says they're bigger than anything we faced before and dempsey says if we're going to get them, we have to get them in syria to destroy their command
and control nodes. normally you would take the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs as indicating more importantly, we had ben rhodes, the deputy national security director, completely political guy, he comes out and says they're dangerous. you would assume that the president was moving towards that. but then we had search dee walk -- search see walk it back yesterday. >> look. they're confused. the president has been disengaged as he has been on these big foreign policy questions. but they have to sort it out. the pressure from congress, the pressure from the international community is what does america intend to do? >> the military has been cut to the bones. the only thing the president has cut. now we're asking the aircraft carrier to move into the region, continue to fight in afghanistan. maybe take on an aerial campaign in, while putting advisors in syria and iraq. at what point does the military says you can't do this while giving pink slips?
>> the military will tell them that. you're right. the defense cuts have been deep. >> 19 40s level. >> yeah. in the process of getting there. and my hope is that this will cause the administration to rethink its priorities. >> one of the reasons the administration suddenly started thinking about isis and doing something about it is the beheading of jim foley that was youtubed and disseminated across the country. what's curious is there was a report in the sunday times of london that said special operators apparently gave the president a planning to and try to rescue them, but he sat on it so long, the information was stale and when they got there, he was gone. >> yeah. we do know -- we don't know the details about this. it will be interesting to see if this times report is accurate. you had tony on this morning who affirmed it. but we need to find out more about t. first of all, we know one of the most perishable things in intelligence is things like the whereabouts of high
valued targets and high value captives. so it's very perishable so you need to move quickly. the second thing we know is look, the administration, we lack assets in the region. i mean, i don't believe the administration was completely unaware of the threat of isis, but they were clearly surprised when it exploded through northwestern iraq and it's because we frankly have very few assets on the ground that can collect and evaluate the intelligence that's available. >> right. >> now we've got some drones. karl rove, thank you. >> thanks for having me. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, for two years, this 12-year-old has been running a lemonade stand to help pay the bills. so why is one cranky neighbor trying to shut him down? you're going to hear from the young entrepreneur straight ahead. >> he's impressive. and this mom lost 80 pounds. check out her results. how did she do it? with a little help from her friends, of course. these women are starting a mommy movement and you can do it, too.
stay with us.
time for news by the numbers. first, 169 convicted killers. that's how many murderers the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement have released over the last year. that's comforting. and their names andyvj locatios cannot be released. four seconds. the hype sonic lasted that long before exploding. officials blame a technical glitch. no kidding. finally, four. that's how many states are holding primaries today. voters heading to the polls in vermont, oklahoma, arizona, and florida. now, it's news by the -- that's news by the numbers.
>> thanks. hey, moms out there know how difficult it can be to stay fit while raising a family. our next guest did it together. losing a combined total of 210 pounds through what's called the mommy movement. joining us are the winners of the mommy movement challenge, nina, vanessa and ashley and ryan. congratulations, first of all. >> thank you. >> tell us about the mommy movement and your winning. >> having a sense of community within our groups to encourage each other, motivate each other, stay inspired. hard sometimes to stay motivated and we did that together. >> you actually were together. you knew each other before hand? >> yes. we're all co-workers. >> the power of this group is actually what got you through. you lost was a total of 210 pounds in 12 weeks. exceptional. you get to come to new york city, watch shows, get a makeover. >> yes. >> for a mom, that's great. i want to show everyone your before and afterment this is
your before. you see that here. and you lost a total of 80 pounds? >> yes. >> you're 45 years old. proud of that, i know. smiling indeed. >> what about this made it easy for you? >> the support of everybody, encouragement, knowing i wasn't doing it alone. when you overeat, do you it by yourself. i wasn't lonely. i had a community of friends and co-workers. >> moms love moms. vanessa, you lost how much? >> 65 pounds. >> so let's look at your before and after here. look at that. i see your smile. you're 37 years old. >> yes. >> you love the group here. were there any setbacks? when you have a group like this, does that help you? >> definitely helps, especially if you're impatient. if you're at work with people doing it with you, you're not going to have a burger and fries at your desk. they're holding you accountable. that's the best part. >> so i want to ask you, because ashley, you lost 15 pounds.
you all look fantastic. >> thank you. >> are you the youngest of the group? >> i just turned 30, so yes. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> i want to ask you, ashley, your before and after, let's look at this. you look good there. this book i know helped you. but were you all working out as well? was this purely food based? >> working out as well. 45 minutes walking, running, something like that. >> together or on your own, just letting each other know where you were? >> on your own. >> ryan, take a look at your birthday before and after. look at this. how much weight did you lose? >> i actually lost a total of 56 pounds. >> feel great? >> i feel amazing. especially because i did it before in my 20s and it was really hard. so embracing my 30s and feeling good is always the best way to start a new era in your life. >> so radio mamas. you certainly found success
here. are you going to continue? >> yes, oh, yes. >> definitely. >> i have another 20 to get off. >> i think y'all look fantastic. "lean for life," this book, how does this help you implement this diet, this movement? >> the best part is being able to work it throughout our program. when we have questions or not sure about something, when we need a suggestion for something else that we can eat or where to go out to eat or something like that, it's been really, really -- i still refer to it even though i read it like ten times now. it's good to have it as a reference. >> that's a big volume there. congratulations to you all. >> thank you. >> mommy movement has inspired i'm sure moms out there. >> thanks for our makeovers. >> oh, yes. we got makeovers and everything. new york and company definitely helped us with styling. actually during our trip. so it was really great having that, feeling beautiful, so wonderful. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. appreciate that. >> thank you for being with us.
mommy movement, the proof is right here in the pudding. or no pudding. >> right. >> love the support from the moms. thank you all. >> thank you. >> hey there, steve. >> hey, thank you very much. great segment. coming up, brand-new developments in the michael brown shooting case out in ferguson, missouri. police now look at a new piece of evidence possibly giving a clearer picture of what went down that day. >> that would help. and tony stewart still mia from the racetrack since the spring car crash that killed a fellow racer. ryan reed joins us live to weigh in on that and also racing with diabetes, all that and more. ♪ ♪u98ñ ú1en%ú;
we have a had a very busy
day. >> we sure have. we have more to bring you right now. ainsley earhart joins us with the headlines. >> thank you. new audio recording claims to have captured the very moment that officer darren wilson opened fire on the 18-year-old. on that recording which has not been verified or widely released, 11 shots are allegedly fired. an autopsy shows brown was hit six times. this as thousands gathered inside a st. louis church paying final respects, family, friends, celebrities and strangers among the reverend al sharpton calling for justice in a wild speech criticizing police. >> this is about justice. this is about sadness. it's time to;dx deal with poli. justice is gonna come. justice is gonna come! >> a grand jury set to resume hearing evidence tomorrow to
determine if the officer will be charged. this as the f.b.i. interviews witnesses as part of a justice department investigation. a football player turns hero when he jumps into action, literally, to save his nephew's life. josh shaw, star defensive back for the university of southern california, was at his cousin's house when all of a sudden his 7-year-old nephew started drowning in the pool down below. shaw jumped off a second story balcony onto the concrete to finally pull that boy to safety. shaw sprained both of his ankles, forcing him to be sidelined. but despite the risk to his season, as well as his career, shaw says he would do it all over again. the iconic line from "jaws" you're going to need a bigger boat, written in the sand. this morning after a great white was spotted yards from the shore line at a massachusetts beach. it's believed to be 15 feet long. swimmers were kept out of the water for two hours. the beach is now back open with a warning, swim at your own
risk. a florida man sour on a boy's lemonade stand. he e-mailed city hall at least four times about this 12 yearly's business in an attempt to shut it all down. he claims the lemonade stand is illegal and brings lots of noise and trash. the little entrepreneur, t.j., joined us earlier and says that is not the case. >> it does kind of make me upset, the fact that he's kind of lying because nobody does that. but everybody else has supported me so much, so that just brings me right back up. >> t.j. says that he's been hard at work running that stand for two years now to help his mother pay her bills. remember using netscape to browse the internet? yep. well, kids started college this year, they do not remember that. the deloitte college put out a list to show how different life is for those kids born in 1996.
any time that they see wired rim glasses, they say they think of harry potter. not john lennon. and the pound button on the phone is now called the hashtag button. those are your headlines. >> time marches on. thank you very much. in other news, the search continues for a missing 21-year-old montana student. he was last seen a week ago today wrapping up his summer job as a guide at cascade raft and kayak in horseshoe bend, idaho. he was headed to his student orientation at the university of montana, but he never showed up. this morning new surveillance footage from a chevron gas station 20 minutes from where he was last seen is helping searchers narrow down the search area. kenneth long is the owner of kayak raft and -- cascade raft
and kayak where he was last seen and he joins us live this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i understand that lucius worked for you the last two summers at your family 4÷ busin. when he took off last tuesday, what did he say? >> you know, he said good-bye to everybody. he said that he was going to take a two-day drive up to montana for college and that he was excited to get up there and get going. >> so if he said he was going to take a couple of days to drive up there. and we've got this image from the chevron gas station in garden valley, idaho,$ñ i know that folks were unsure which route he might have taken. the fact that he's seen near that gas station tells you what? >> it tells us that he took one of two;ñ&ñ possible routes to go montana. so it makes the search area --
cuts it in half. it takes out the north route on highway 55 and allows us to look moore toward the garden valley, lowman area as opposed to wondering which direction that he went. >> all right. so they narrowed it down by half. so if he said as he was setting out, i'm going to take two days to drive to college, does that mean he would have been planning on doing some hiking along the way or some camping? did he have the supplies -- did he have a tent or would he just have stayed there in his subaru legacy? >> no, he definitely should have had the supplies. he was camping all summer, most of the -- we have a camp ground that we provide for the guys. so they do camp most of the summer. so he would have broken down his camp and presumably had all of that stuff in his car. so he definitely would have had those supplies. >> i understand some of the staff there at your place is actually helping in the search,
right? >> that is correct. yeah. many of the staff who have not left for their college for the winter have been looking in some of the camp grounds in the vicinity and driving up and down some of the forest service roads where he could have potentially gone off and maybe done hiking or kayaking. >> let's hope they're able to locate him safely. and he just lost track of the time in high country. >> absolutely. >> kenneth long, the owner of cascade raft and kayak, thank you very much. by the way, if anybody watching has any information, we're going on the screen, if you could just back the teleprompter up. it was the boise county sheriff's office, the telephone number is 208-392-4411. brian and elisabeth, outside to
you. >> he has now missed his third race since the death of ken ward, junior. joining us right now is somebody special. >> ryan reed, we are so thankful that you're here. saw you on twitter yesterday and as brian just mentioned, a lot of talk about tony stewart aft%[ he went intod4 kevin ward, junir from potentially all angles to see what his intent was. what's your gut instinct there in terms of what happened? >> yeah. thoughts and prayers go out to both sides. that's an awful situation. i wasn't there. tape. but i wasn't there, so it's really hard to form an opinion. but thoughts and temporaries go out. >> do you think tony will be back racing? >> i hope so. he's a great racer. i have a lot of respect for him. but like i said, thoughts and prayers. >> people thought about chaining things, you're not going to be able to walk on the track. is that something you look forwardw5 to? >> i think it's probably a good rule.
i know that tempers flare and it's easy to hop out of the car and show your displeasure. i think all in all it's a good rule. >> you're 21-years-old, you've been racing since you were five, maybe? >> four. >> four. gosh. that's incredible. you're doing this and you have an excessive responsibility. you had diabetes, diagnosed three years ago? >> at 17 years old. >> there is somebody on your pit crew who can do what for you? >> giti je an insulin injection during a pit stop if needed. >> that's incredible. what a group to have behind you at all times. does it make it more difficult for you or just sort of another bump in the road? >> there isnjfw definitely challenges. it's definitely been a transition. i raced before i was diagnosed and afterment it's been a transition, but i have a great sports team withç doctors and american diabetes association, they're all behind me. so i know that i can do it with all their help. it's been a lot of fun. >> you're 9th in the point
standings right now. you're going to be racing atlanta this weekend. >> yep. >> you look so young. even though you're 20, you look so young. do you ever have trouble getting on the track? >> no. luckily i have a hard card that says i'm a driver. that makes it easier to get in and out of the track. being young. you have to earn your keep, i guess. >> some of the veterans give you a hard time? >> oh, yeah. >> is this the car you're racing? >> not this exact one, but it looks just like it. >> do you mind if and i take a trip in it? >> go for it. >> look at this. take a look inside this car. explain here, when you're sitting, you have the protection around your head. do you have anything in here for yourself in terms of diabetic rescue or is it just your pit crew? >> no. i have a monitor on the dash. i wireless monitor my blood sugar on the dash.
>> we wish you well. thanks for stopping by. >> congratulations. >> steve, tell me what you have planned for the last 25 minutes. >> we've got a fox news alert. northern california just hit with another aftershock from the 6 earthquake. we are live with the latest on the ground from napa where that video was taken a couple of days ago. then they showed up forsesz wafs and then they got toasted with the unlimbed cocktails. now neighbors are fighting back by taking pictures of the boozey brunchers. sounds like i've had a couple. is that legal? ♪ ♪
fox news alert. out of napa, california, rick
reichmuth just felt an aftershock. i'm looking at the national weather service. they say it's a 3.9o7b magnitude american canyon, california. >> exactly. the initial earthquake was about six kilometers from that area, napa valley fault line, which is exactly where this winery where we are is. so this aftershock right in the exact same area. 3.9. we moved out of this area with these barrels. you see the barrels that had toppled over during the initial quake. now if anything had resettled with this, we just came out here to be more safe. >> we talked before about an early warning system being in the works. do you have any updates on that? >> reporter: yeah. it's a really fascinating project that's out there. there is a way -- the speed at which a wave from an earthquake moves through the land that can actually get digitally signal out and warnings to people before that wave hits them. so during this earthquake that
just occurred two days ago, they got ten seconds notice of the system in a test. they believe that there is capacity that they could give people as much as 40 seconds advance notice of an earthquake coming, which could get people out of elevators, could get fire trucks to be able to open their doors so they could get out of their fire department, could allow people to get into safe spots in their houses. we talked yesterday to somebody from the usgs. take a listen to what he said about how this works. >> the early warning system uses sensors spread out all over the state and it detects earthquakes very, very rapidly, determines their size and their location and can actually send alert messages out faster than the seismic waves are moving. so you can get a warning before the seismic waves reach your location. >> reporter: yeah. this is super important, potentially really life saving. the problem is they need funding. they need congress to potentially get funds out there to get this system in place.
california obviously the threat of a big earthquake and it's something they hope they can maybe get funding out and get this in place just in time. guys? >> sounds like it would take at least $80 million, where does that come from? rick reichmuth live in napa where this just had a 3.9 aftershock. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. sign of the times, the majority of americans want to make it illegal for kids to go to the playground by themselves. should a walk in the park really be a crime for the parents? we asked you to send an e-mail. you've done it. first let's check in with martha mccallum. she promised to tell us what's on her show. >> who grew up playing by myself in the park. >> we all did. >> good morning. big show coming up today. the u.s. has now begun drone and surveillance in the skies over syria. so what happens next? general jack keane will tell us. and the white house tries to back pedal the jv characterization of isis. and the real shark week gets
underway as a 15-foot great white is spotted off the coast, when we see you at the top of theño' hour.
some quick headlines for you. a top model in court for stealing chocolate bars from whole foods. the dutch beauty was told by the judge to stand up straight and uncross her arms. since she's never left the store with the bars, she was given probation, then she told reporters to watch for her at fashion week. and one new york neighborhood is up in arms over the boozey patrons from an all you can eat brunch. footage posted on youtube shows patrons hunched over, falling on the ground and this is all before 3 p.m management says they are working
to fix the problem. >> it's not the all you can eat part that's the problem. it's all you can drink, 'cause it's a bottomless mimosa or floody mary. >> yes. >> the restaurants are trying to dilute the drink. >> or people can get familiar with their own limits. >> maybe. but when it's free, you know. >> of course you're talking about chris chulo. that's a message to you. >> recent magazine did a survey. remember it wasn't long ago a south carolina woman was thrown in jail because she let her nine-year-old go to the playground unsupervised. well, this new poll, about 70% of you support a law that would require kids under nine years old to be supervised and if they do go there alone, the parent would get in trouble. really? 70% of you? >> and for the 12s? >> 43% thought 12-year-olds should be supervised the entire
time. we asked you what you thought about that. here is what you said. heather wrote, didn't realize we were so incapable of raising our own kids now. >> looks like it. >> i get the sarcasm. >> donald white on facebook says, i have to say times are much different now. most parks are not safe for even adults. it's not the world i knew as a child. >> i think a lot of it's hype. mike says this on twitter, if unsupervised kids in the park was an unenforced crime in the 350s and '60s, my mom would still northbound jail. every case is different. remember the mom who said go out and do something. when the lights come off, come back. >> a college professor said i doubt there has ever been a human culture that ever understatements children than we do in our culture today. >> one for the road after this. we're look for you. oas÷
before we're history, tennessee pulling out all the stops to recruit a top football prospect. they sent him a photo shopped rolling stone magazine next to beyonce. she's not really next to him. but they're hoping that will help him decide to go there. right now he's undecided. >> still undecided. junk food sales marketing saying eating carrots is just as much fun as eating doritos. grocery stores creating new kid friendly snacking selections. tiger woods may be the best golfer ever, but he needs to get his game back together and he's fired his swing coach, sean foley. this after he won 13 times two years ago. the question is, will he go back and hire his first coach when he won eight majors but never paid him? >> good question. >> by the way, yesterday we had
jim courier on our program where we played for $100. jim had 100 bucks and the winner was going to get to keep it. we won. i left it in my pocket. i actually have jim courier's dough. >> party! fox news confirming u.s. spy planes are flieght skies over syria possibly preparing form s. airstrikes against isis in syria. eric: i'm eric in for bill hemmer. syria asking the u.s. ask permission before launching any attacks. >> repte

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International , Bus , Fire , Heat , Street Light , Firefighter , Explosion , Riot , Night , Wildfire , Flame , Gas , Factory , Warehouse , Forklift Truck , Industry , Steel , Marines , Sand , Infantry , Sea , Tsunami , Pollution , Fog , Smoke , Mist , Storm , Dust , Cumulus , Meteorological Phenomenon , Blizzard , Water Feature , Motocross , Freestyle Motocross , Endurocross , Sports Equipment , Architecture , Scoreboard , Freezing , Calligraphy , Black And White , Monochrome Photography , Style , Moon , Car Seat , Sporting Group , City Car , Underwater , Portrait , Drawing , Illustration , Happy , Photo Shoot , Fashion , Summer , Portrait Photography , Dress , Sleeve , Magenta , Learning , Baby , Hair Care , Fashion Design , Design , Liquid , Emblem , Icon , Company , Pattern , Square , Stock Photography , Triangle , Animation , Religion , Artwork , Science , Morning , Sunlight , Daytime , Website , Evening , Ocean , Sunrise , Skyscraper , Black Hair , Sleep , Bed , Mattress , Hand , Nap , Material Property , Operating System , Software , Siding , Stop Sign , Screen , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Panorama , Jumping , Play , Gesture , Friendship , Clip Art , Parallel , Diagram , Education , School , Academic Institution , Office , Teacher , Chef , Buzz Cut , Cook , Cooking , Culinary Art , Food , Chief Cook , Kitchen , Pastry Chef , Chefs Uniform , Cuisine , Dish , Meal , Baking , Cooking Show , Recipe , White , Home Appliance , Kitchen Appliance , Major Appliance , Scale , Plan , Web Page , Smartphone , Mobile Device , Mobile Phone , Communication Device , Portable Communications Device , Computer Icon , Professor , Desk , 3d Modeling , Military Vehicle , Tower , Tourist Attraction , Monument , Crane , National Historic Landmark , Stairs , Moustache , Beard , Waterway , Tower Block , Channel , Water Transportation , Human Settlement , Canal , Sign Language , Armored Car , Humvee , Combat Vehicle , Tank , Luxury Vehicle , Kia Motors , Kia Sportage , Crossover Suv , Suzuki , Honda Element , Toyota Highlander , Mazda Cx 9 , Gmc , Volkswagen , Kia Sorento , Retail , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Mazda , Horse , Stallion , Jacket , Personal Luxury Car , Rolls Royce , Police , Mini Suv , Grille , Bmw , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw 3 Series Gran Turismo , Sports Car , Bmw 3 Series F30 , Hood , Sedan , Coupé , Bmw X5 , Bmw X6 , Bmw 335 , Bmw 5 Series , Hatchback , Spoke , Tire Care , Tread , Hubcap , Concept Car , Bmw Z4 , Automotive Fog Light , Bmw M3 , Bmw X1 , Bmw 6 Series , Bmw Z3 , Bmw 3 Series E90 , Convertible , Mercedes Benze Class , Exhaust System , Lexus , Bmw 7 Series , Mercedes Benz , Lexus Gs , Honda City , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Mercedes Benza Class , Automotive Mirror , Windscreen Wiper , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Wheel , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Frame , Fixture , Bmw 320 , Bmw M5 , Bmw 1 Series E87 , Bmw X5 E53 , Writing , Clothing , Standing , Outerwear , Blazer , Coat , Shirt , Trousers , Top , Button , Fashion Accessory , Dress Shirt , Collar , Groom , Jersey , Sportswear , Water Resources , Fountain , Drop , Superfood , Crocodilia , Crocodile , Watercourse , Finger , Remote Control , Small Appliance , Coffeemaker , Makeup Artist , Eyelash Extensions , Wrinkle , Ophthalmology , Throat , Hearing , Selfie , Thumb , Layered Hair , Handwriting , Black , Monochrome , Midnight , Moonlight , Texture , Laptop , Television Set , Lcd Tv , Home Cinema , Championship , Gambling , Poker , Brassiere , Indoor Games And Sports , Trial , Playground , Outdoor Play Equipment , Playground Slide , Swing , Park , Nonbuilding Structure , Dog Agility , Dog Sports , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Water Park , Roller Coaster , Human Leg , Jeans , Boot , Hot Air Balloon , Hot Air Ballooning , Balloon , Singing , Music Artist , Cake , Cake Decorating , Chocolate Cake , Dessert , Sugar Paste , Torte , Icing , Baked Goods , Birthday Cake , Buttercream , Chocolate , Fondant , Ganache , Sachertorte , Cream , Flavor , Mansion , Sash Window , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Town , Historic House , Manor House , Aurora , Anime , Summit , Natural Environment , Meadow , Fell , Mount Scenery , Ridge , Action Film , Scene , Cg Artwork , Fiction , Flash Photography , Pleased , Actors , Dance , Performing Arts , Choreography , Dancer , Salsa , Performance Art , Audio Engineer , Microphone , Electronic Instrument , Leather , Musical Instrument , Temple , Disc Jockey , Percussion , Guitarist , Supervillain , Shooting Range , Map , Globe , Atlas , Hospital , Medical Equipment , Medi Cal , Physician , Health Care , Medicine , Health Care Provider , Medical Assistant , White Coat , Medical Technologist , Collaboration , Door Handle , Hand Tool , Headphones , Headset , Plumbing Fixture , Tap , Peripheral , Eating , Statue , Trophy , Wood Stain , Basketball , Slam Dunk , Kiss , Nightclub , Stage , Talent Show , Aerostat , Police Officer , Wedding , Carpet , Song , Baseball Field , Team Sport , Ball Game , Tournament , Baseball , College Baseball , Super Bowl , College Softball , Baseball Park , Bat And Ball Games , Gridiron Football , Canadian Football , American Football , Arena Football , Sports Gear , Football Gear , Football Player , Touchdown , Rugby , Soccer , Football Equipment , Six Man Football , Football Helmet , Football , Soccer Specific Stadium , Tackle , Soccer Player , Ball , Kick , Soccer Ball , Artificial Turf , Forward , Goal , Twenty20 , Wicket , Track And Field Athletics , Athletics , International Rules Football , Arena , Law Enforcement , Softball , Makeover , Feathered Hair , Artificial Hair Integrations , Step Cutting , Basketball Moves , Basketball Player , Individual Sports , Speed Skating , Tennis , Tennis Player , Racquet Sport , Track Cycling , Racket , Tennis Court , Soft Tennis , Competition , Cheerleading , Net Sports , Wheelchair Tennis , Artistic Gymnastics , Gymnastics , Baseball Positions , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Player , Infielder , Pitch , Pitcher , Catcher , Baseball Uniform , Baseball Protective Gear , Baseball Umpire , Sports Uniform , Costume , Crash , Subcompact Car , Nissan Rogue , Ford Five Hundred , Nissan , Wall , Shed , Outdoor Structure , Historic Site , Display Window , Music Venue , Plastic , Fast Food Restaurant , Air Hockey , Junk Food , Elbow , Stomach , Cityscape , Skyline , Aerial Photography , Downtown , Mixed Use , Corporate Headquarters , Birds Eye View , Headquarters , Construction , Penthouse Apartment , Plaza , Thoroughfare , Infrastructure , Pedestrian Crossing , Intersection , Taxi , Traffic Congestion , Sidewalk , Full Moon , Spire , Clock Tower , Mosque , Palace , Place Of Worship , Bob Cut , Memorial , Obelisk , National Monument , Classical Architecture , Steeple , Bridge , Body Of Water , River , Reflection , Dock , Fixed Link , Skyway , Ferry , Track , Rolling Stock , Train , Locomotive , Railroad Car , Railway , Rolling , Freight Car , Train Station , Passenger Car , Marina , Harbor , Ferris Wheel , Dusk , Alley , Basilica , Town Square , Church , Arch , Cathedral , Suspension Bridge , Cable Stayed Bridge , Overpass , Extradosed Bridge , Girder Bridge , Transporter Bridge , Port , Beam Bridge , Concrete Bridge , Medieval Architecture , Synagogue , Brickwork , Tropical Cyclone , Terrain , Coast , Astronomical Object , , Formation , Fault , Cave , Erosion , Traffic Light , Parking Lot , Walkway , Road Surface , Endurance Sports , Inlet , Automotive Navigation System , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , River Delta , Estuary , Ammunition , Flyer , Pyramid , Leisure Centre , Shopping Mall , Arecales , Palm Tree , Backyard , Houseplant , Tent , Cage , Animal Shelter , Home Fencing , Bird , Shade , Toy , Action Figure , Supermarket , Grocery Store , Convenience Store , Outlet Store , Convenience Food , Aisle , Shopping , Shopkeeper , Boxing Ring , Street Food , Cool , Drink , Alcohols , Distilled Beverage , Bottle , Alcoholic Beverage , Bartender , Drinkware , Shopping Cart , Inventory , Street Fashion , Publication , Soft Drink , Marketplace , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Snack , Ingredient , Chocolate Chip , Finger Food , Produce , Gluten , Scone , Asian Food , European Food , Bread , Staple Food , Bakery , Panettone , Soda Bread , Breakfast Cereal , Vegetarian Food , Breakfast , Cereal , Drifting , Mitsubishi Pajero , Mitsubishi , Volkswagen Touareg , Headgear , Still Life Photography , High Heels , Foot , Hyundai , Electric Vehicle , Infiniti , Ford Motor Company , Suzuki Sx4 , Hyundai Veracruz , Compact Mpv , Nissan Qashqai , Ford Ecosport , Hyundai Santa Fe , Toyota Venza , Toyota , Mini Mpv , Barechested , Flesh , Nissan Teana , Satellite Radio , Supercar , Cadillac , Lexus Rx , Lexus Rx Hybrid , Acura Rdx , Pilot , Nissan Juke , Steering Wheel , School Bus , Bodybuilding , Tongue , Head Restraint , Tesla Model S , Minibus , Van , Microvan , Volvo Cars , Backlighting , War , Lion , Office Chair , Plaster , Cabinetry , Photocopier , Shelf , Shelving , Drawer , Filing Cabinet , System , Tableware , Belt , Office Equipment , Answering Machine , Telephone , Corded Phone , Telephony , Office Supplies , Desktop Computer , Album Cover , Bangs , Hair Accessory , Hardtop , Dodge , Fender , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Dodge Nitro , Ram , Jeep , Jeep Trailhawk , Jeep Compass , Jeep Commander Xk , Electric Car , Kia Cee D , Mini , Model Car , Bugatti , Book Cover , Jeep Liberty , Toyota Land Cruiser , Toyota Land Cruiser Prado , Road Trip , Cadillac Xts , Cadillac Cts , Cadillac Sts , Pontiac Vibe , Chevrolet Hhr , Fordc Max , Tesla , Chrysler , Toy Vehicle , Automotive Parking Light , Muscle Car , Dining Room , Mammal , Russell Terrier , Companion Dog , Fox Terrier , Terrier , Jack Russell Terrier , Small Terrier , Puppy , Parson Russell Terrier , Rare Breed Dog , Whiskers , Kooikerhondje , Tablet Computer , Feature Phone , Camera , Cameras Optics , Cinematographer , Camera Accessory , Digital Camera , Videographer , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Whippet , Beer Pong , Picnic , Walking , Exercise , Flower , Air Sports , Party Supply , Petal , Running , Flowerpot , Great White Shark , Fish , Lamniformes , Ski Jumping , Shark , Cartilaginous Fish , Lamnidae , Long Distance Running , Marathon , Knee , Chip , Signaling Device , Balcony , Robot , Transformers , Comfort , Recliner , Sofa Bed , Reading , Inflatable Boat , Dinghy , Surfboard , Tubing , Inflatable , Kindergarten , Sculpture , National Park , Headstone , History , Beach , Calm , Wave , Wind Wave , Liqueur , Whisky , Glass Bottle , Wine , Beer , Wine Glass , Stemware , Dinner , Dreadlocks , Tartan , Textile , Plaid , Electronic Drum , Nail , Camera Lens , Lens , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Reflex Camera , Audi , Audi A5 , Center Console , Audi Allroad , Bentley , Porsche , Floristry , Floral Design , Spring , Flower Arranging , Elder , Gardening , Gardener , Farmworker , Annual Plant , Local Food , Wildflower , Herb , Vitis , Botany , Flowering Plant , Herbaceous Plant , Daisy Family , Pollen , Golf Equipment , Hydrangea , Cornales , Pond , Leaf Vegetable , Vegetable , Lettuce , Salad , Cruciferous Vegetables , Spinach , Chard , Rapini , Broccoli , Spring Greens , Kale , Collard Greens , Agriculture , Cash Crop , Porch , Garden Buildings , Ipad , Computer , Computer Monitor , Software Engineering , Fitness Professional , Marine Mammal , Banana Family , Banana , Telecommunications Engineering , Autocross , Outdoor Recreation , Wilderness , Kayaking , Rafting , Water Sport , Kayak , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Canoeing , Rapid , Raft Guide , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Fjord , Whitewater Kayaking , Adventure Racing , Canyon , Sea Kayak , Paddle , Oar , Hobby , Lake District , Piste , Mountaineering , Skiing , Biathlon , Glacial Landform , Motor Ship , Pommel Horse , Lingerie , Undergarment , Club , Party , Contact Sport , Archery , Target Archery , Northrop Grumman , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Drone , General Atomics Mq 1 Predator , Ultralight Aviation , Monoplane , Biplane , Gliding , Glider , Stealth Aircraft , Air Show , Lockheedc 130 Hercules , Military Transport Aircraft , Air Racing , Aerobatics , Cardinal , Patriarch , Metropolitan Bishop , Bishop , Clergy , Regularity Rally , Coupe Utility , Ford Super Duty , Gmc Terrain , Gmc Acadia , Saturn Outlook , Saturn , Bungee Jumping , Cable Car , Wakeboarding , Surface Water Sports , Waterskiing , Rowing , Fast Food , Hamburger , Cheeseburger , Breakfast Sandwich , Sandwich , Baconator , Burger King Premium Burgers , Patty , Veggie Burger , American Food , American Cheese , Buffalo Burger , Meat , Blt , Bacon Sandwich , Chivito , Whopper , Big Mac , Ham And Cheese Sandwich , Hot Dog , Comfort Food , Lunch , French Fries , Gramophone Record , Data Storage Device , Training , Private School , Course , Secondary School , State School , High School , Exercise Machine , Elliptical Trainer , Luxury Yacht , Yacht , Recruiter , Rv , Sailboat , Sailing , Sail , Trailer , Suzuki Kizashi , Nissanx Trail , Buick Enclave , Volkswagen Tiguan , Nissan Sentra , Nissan Altima , Suzuki Swift , Dvd Player , Honda Cr V , Volkswagen Cc , Steering Part , Nissan Leaf , Trailer Truck , Bobsleigh , Sledding , Cargo , Exhibition , Sphere , Lake , Glacier , Loch , Sound , Massif , Crater Lake , Reservoir , Alps , Bank , Glacial Lake , Ice Cap , Arctic , Waterfall , Stream , Afterglow , Sunset , Red Sky At Morning , Dawn , Lighthouse , Art Exhibition , Winter Squash , Pumpkin , Fruit , Tank Ship , Container Ship , Cargo Ship , Floating Production Storage And Offloading , Ocean Liner , Cruise Ship , Passenger Ship , Hard Hat , Engineer , Hat , Network Administrator , Vascular Plant , Plant Stem , Grapevine Family , Grape Leaves , Plane , Ivy , Ivy Family , Morning Glory , Chevrolet Uplander , Car Seat Cover , Nissan Quest , Peugeot 3008 , Seat Belt , Baby Activity , Light Commercial Vehicle , Bus Driver , Academic Dress , Range Rover , Land Rover , Land Rover Discovery , Ford Flex , Ford Expedition , Curtain , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Drinking Water , Iphone , Portable Media Player , Netbook , Silhouette , Shadow , Slope , Jewellery , Gemstone , Diamond , Ring , Turquoise , Clock , Home Accessories , Wall Clock , Interview , Computer Keyboard , Typing , Input Device , Computer Component , Keyboard , Space Bar , Dispatcher , Lamp , Plastic Bottle , Sad , Crumble , Cherry Pie , Streusel , Pie , Appetizer , Focaccia , Strawberry , Strawberries , Streuselkuchen , Raspberry , Red Hair , Popcorn , Muesli , Granola , Mural , Stage Equipment , Fair , Food Truck , Market , Ford Transit , Giraffe , Giraffidae , Safari , Savanna , Motorcycle , Scooter , Volvo Xc90 , Volvo C30 , Peach , Karate , Tang Soo Do , Black Belt , Japanese Martial Arts , Martial Arts , Striking Combat Sports , Capoeira , Taekwondo , Combat Sport , Hapkido , Judo , Dobok , Kenpō , Metro , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Jujutsu , Brazilian Jiu Jitsu , Sports Training , Boardwalk , Hall , Warehouseman , Refrigerator , Display Case , Filmmaking , Tripod , Film Crew , Optical Instrument , Film Camera , Film Studio , Television Crew , Digital Slr , Film Producer , Studio , Video Camera , Scientific Instrument , Mixer , Espresso Machine , Blender , Machine Tool , Book , Bowling , Security , Jheri Curl , Lace Wig , Afro , S Curl , Modern Art , Brunch , Beef , Brain , Bun , Pastry , Crab , Dungeness Crab , Seafood , Decapoda , Crustacean , Animal Fat , Red Meat , Pork , Salt Cured Meat , Acrobatics , Bouldering , Weapon Combat Sports , Padel , Tunnel , Swimming Pool , Barbecue , Dairy , Triathlon , Deck , Chest Hair , Drinking , Family , Skin Care , Energy Drink , Sunlounger , Outdoor Furniture , Composite Material , Resort , Jacuzzi , Bathtub , Fluid , Personal Care , Chopper , Go Kart , Bike , Bedroom , Bed Frame , Chest Of Drawers , Wallet , Picture Frame , Painting , Yorkshire Terrier , Norwich Terrier , Cairn Terrier , Toy Dog , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Australian Terrier , Australian Silky Terrier , Airedale Terrier , Aeolian Landform , Drum , Drums , Synthetic Rubber , Goth Subculture , Engine , Automobile Repair Shop , Acura , Prison , Management , Pantsuit , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , School Uniform , Little Black Dress , Romance , Overcoat , Trench Coat , Dry Cleaning , Marriage , Bride , Gown , Haute Couture , Electrical Supply , Washing Machine , Ice Cream , Clothes Dryer , Gelato , Closet , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Pen , Ball Pen , Darts , Graphics Software , Video Editing Software , Editing , Pianist , Rubble , Recycling , Barrel , Winery , Astronaut , Technician , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Drummer , Membranophone , Bass Drum , Wine Bottle , Comics , Honda Ridgeline , Filling Station , Parliament , Funeral , Exercise Equipment , Weightlifting , Weight Training , Powerlifting , Strength Training , Personal Trainer , Strength Athletics , Climbing , Airport Terminal , Coach , Bocce , Putter , Calf , Golf , Shooting Sport , Bmw M6 , Branch , Woodland , Driveway , Longboard , Blossom , Bloodhound , Hound , Scent Hound , Conformation Show , Basset Hound , Fila Brasileiro , Ancient Dog Breeds , Tosa , Broholmer , Golf Course , Golf Club , Lawn Game , Rhodesian Ridgeback , Vizsla , Dogue De Bordeaux , Redbone Coonhound , Hunting Dog , Plant Community , Seed Plant , Output Device , Cellular Network , Château , Official Residence , Presidential Palace , Mustang Horse , Mare , Horse Harness , Casino , Playstation Vita , Entertainment , Concert , Rock Concert , Guitar , String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , Brass Instrument , Wind Instrument , Coffee , Cup , Espresso , Barista , Cappuccino , Coffee Cup , Serveware , Celestial Event , Dietary Supplement , Packaging And Labeling , Vegan Nutrition , Juice , Watercolor Paint , Paint , Lego , Desert , Cap , Tints And Shades , Figurine , Glove , Home Door , Fashion Model , Lingerie Top , Agent Provocateur , Underpants , Briefs , Erotic Literature , Navel , Swimsuit Bottom , Womens Erotica , Fashion Show , Swimsuit Top , Fetish Model , Waist , Volkswagen Amarok , Limousine , Line Art , Aquarium , Rope , Reef , Coral Reef , Echinoderm , Anemone Fish , Coral , Coral Reef Fish , Invertebrate , Octopus , Cephalopod , Freshwater Aquarium , Giant Pacific Octopus , Molluscs , Mythology , Syngnathiformes , Starfish , Visual Arts , Trail , Downhill Mountain Biking , Mountain Bike , Old Growth Forest , Freeride , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Grove , Birch Family , Birch , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Hiking , Backpacking , Jungle , Natural Landscape , Tundra , Grazing , Antelope , Shrubland , Paragliding , Powered Paragliding , Windsports , Kite Sports , Parachuting , Parasailing , Hummer H1 , Land Rover Series , Sahara , Sun Hat , Cowboy Hat , Cowboy , Spring Break , Pride Parade , Crossfit , Tribe , Christmas , Cyclo Cross , Traditional Sport , Seahorse , Dragon , Neon Sign , Stripper , Lap , Astronomy , Supper , Parade , Street Art , Graffiti , Beanie , Knit Cap , Mohawk Hairstyle , Baby Carriage , Baby Products , Leggings , Denim , Wetsuit , Chinese New Year , Recumbent Bicycle , Motorcycle Speedway , Bicycle Motocross , Road Bicycle , Motorcycling , Racing Bicycle , Cruiser , Moped , Cycling , Cycle Sport , Bmx Bike , Bicycle Racing , Flatland Bmx , Freestyle Bmx , Crankset , Road Bicycle Racing , Disabled Sports , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Wheelchair , Wheelchair Sports , Daughter , Bazaar , Demonstration , Marching , Identity Document , Passport , Slot Machine , Runway , Vought F4u Corsair , Northrop Grumman Rq 4 Global Hawk , Dirt Track Racing , Boardsport , Ipod , Media Player , Mobile Phone Accessories , Lockheed Martinf 22 Raptor , Fairchild Republica 10 Thunderbolt Ii , Northrop Grummane 2 Hawkeye , Theatre , Vovinam , Penguin , Unidentified Flying Object , Wristband , Watch , Flea Market , Selling , Gautama Buddha , Boutique , Silver , Bracelet , Necklace , Bling , Body Jewelry , Pendant , Wedding Ring , Typewriter , Scarf , Engagement Ring , Wedding Ceremony Supply , Pearl , Bouquet , Family Pictures , Fur Clothing , Optometry , Spectacle , Bookcase , Loveseat , Loft , Roller Sport , Engineering , Cottage , Farmhouse , Newspaper , Tobacco Products , Cylinder , Writing Implement , Cable , Polo Shirt , Whiteboard , Clinic , Patient , Cigarette , Marker Pen , Miniature Golf , Hedge , People In Nature , Cactus , Truck Driver , Speedometer , Stately Home , Courthouse , Museum , Toyota Vios , Toyota Camry , Toyota Tundra , Custom Car , Toyota Yaris , Kia Forte Koup , Toyota Prius , Toyota Matrix , Kia Forte , Countertop , Buick , Mirror , Buick Regal , Jaguar Xf , Maserati Quattroporte , Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution , Buick Lacrosse , Lincoln Mkx , Lincoln Mkt , Lincoln Motor Company , Mazda3 , Lancia Ypsilon , Buick Verano , Opel , Seat Ibiza , Kia Carens , Toyota Avensis , Acura Mdx , Subaru Tribeca , Dishwasher , Prom , Cheering , Motorcycle Racing , Auto Race , Sprint Car Racing , Off Road Racing , Open Wheel Car , Monster Truck , Stock Car Racing , Touring Car Racing , Banger Racing , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Race Of Champions , Road Racing , Group A , Group B , Classic Car , Time Attack , Touring Car , Electricity , Honda Cr Z , Taste , Sweetness , Tide , Surfing , Surfing Equipment , Skimboarding , Bodyboarding , Kitesurfing , Windsurfing , Personal Water Craft , Powerboating , Surf Kayaking , Old English Sheepdog , Sled Dog , Vintage Car , Golf Cart , Rickshaw , Sketch , All Terrain Vehicle , Bedtime , Stuffed Toy , Teddy Bear , Plush , Mascot , Applause , Snooker , Rugby Union , Goalkeeper , Pda , Gopro , Pole Vault , Mud , Roof Rack , Handrail , Recreational Fishing , Formula One , Formula One Car , Emergency Vehicle , Emergency Service , Fire Apparatus , Fire Department , Tour Bus Service , High Speed Rail , Antique Car , Paramedic , Ambulance , Police Car , Cab Driver , Double Decker Bus , Pit Stop , Cornrows , Caricaturist , Garage , Mercury Mariner , Ford Escape , Chevrolet , Ford Edge , Hug , Sun Tanning , Bake Sale , Energy Bar , Side Dish , Polish Food , Iced Coffee , Frozen Dessert , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Milkshake , Milk , Lactose , Plant Milk , Soy Milk , Grain Milk , Raw Milk , Almond Milk , Hemp Milk , Hong Kong Style Milk Tea , Yogurt , Rice Milk , Smoothie , Frappé Coffee , Mousse , Cd , Diet Food , Food Group , Present , Hamper , Confectionery , Health Shake , Batida , Strawberry Juice , Aguas Frescas , Slush , Slaughterhouse , Greengrocer , Natural Foods , Whole Food , Scale Model , Molding , Gate , Sharing , Water Bottle , Ghee , Gingerbread , Chevrolet Cruze , Hybrid Electric Vehicle , Villa , Picket Fence , Hacienda , Cupboard , Tile , Lock , Hardware Accessory , Dead Bolt , Beak , Bird Of Prey , Owl , Parrot , Falconiformes , Pigeons And Doves , Perching Bird , Cockatiel , Pencil , Acrylic Paint , Caramel Color , Stone Wall , Gravel , Bedrock , Pebble , Cobblestone , Outcrop , Stream Bed , Cherry Blossom , Bayou , Outdoor Grill , Barbecue Grill , Grilling , Cookware And Bakeware , Tabbouleh , Pebre , Stuffing , Israeli Cuisine , Greek Food , Couscous , Greek Salad , Brochette , Yakitori , Skewer , Shashlik , Satay , Roasting , Shish Taouk , Churrasco Food , Pincho , Makchang Gui , Grillades , Frying , Shrimp , Horumonyaki , Mediterranean Food , Thai Food , Chicken Meat , Barbecue Chicken , Fried Food , Kebab , Mixed Grill , Brazilian Food , Gopchang , Botanical Garden , Bicycle Saddle , Iranian Cuisine , Acoustic Guitar , Block Party , Bassist , Musical Ensemble , Bass Guitar , Artist , Musical Theatre , Camgirl , Art Model , Neon , Microwave Oven , Library , Beacon , Floodplain , Insect , Control Tower , Volkswagen Golf , Honda Fit , Honda Civic Hybrid , Hydrogen Vehicle , Ford Focus , Citroën , Mazda Cx 7 , Peugeot , Column , Dungeon , Religious Item , Cross , Metro Station , Subway ,

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