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Helping a man in a motorized wheelchair. He helps him carry his groceries. Next the bad. A woman stealing a bed from the hotel room. Just kidding. It was the hotel hiring private investigators to see if people would steal their bed. The ugly. The car plowing an uncoming driver. Luckily it looks worse than it was. Everyone walked away okay. Now to fox friends. Bye. Good morning. It is monday, august 18. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert. Calls for peace ignored as more violence erupts in ferguson. [sirens] overmoisture the National Guard overnight the National Guard called in. We are live with details. Any moment a major announce from Wikileaks Julian assange. Well bring it to you live as it happens. Your kids ignore your calls and your Text Messages . Meet the mom who created this simple app to make sure this never happens again. And we thank her. That was elisabeths voice. Mornings are better with friends. Look whos back from vacation. Great to see you. I leave a couple of days and all heck breaks loose. All week its bee slowbrewing real problem. In fact, ferguson has become international news. The National Guard has been called into ferguson, missouri, to restore peace after another night of chaos. Look at that. [sirens] we believe those flares were actually fireworks set off by protesters. Heather childers has the breaking news. Weve been following this story all morning. The National Guard set to arrive later this morning. This was the scene just before midnight. The curfew went into effect at that hour, and this is the second straight night for the curfew. But you can see Police Firing tear gas into the crowd of protesters marching toward a Police Command post. As many as eight people were arrested, two people shot as gunfire broke out. At 9 20 it was reported that mcdonalds was being overrun and employees locked themselves in the storage room. There were multiple additional reports of molotov cocktails being savings and loan, police being thrown. Makeshift barricades were set up to block police. Bottles and rockets were thrown at police. Based on these conditions, i had no alternative but to elevate the level of our response. For those who would claim that the curfew was what led to tonights violence, i will remind you, it this incident began before 8 30. Three and a half hours before the curfew was to have started last night. I feel like i should add those two individuals who were shot, we did receive a report that they were not shot by police. Fox news producers on the ground have conflicting reports. They claim they did not see any molotov cocktails which we have received reports of. The unrest forcing the School District to cancel what would have been the first day of school. Back to you. Thank you very much. Thursday, last thursday was supposed to be the first day of school. They said come on monday. Last night the School District put out the word dont come today either. School is not right. School is typically the best place a chies could be. The area looks like a war zone in the past week. Its interesting that the governor deploys the National Guard through the night but yesterday he blames overmilitarization for raising tensions there, you know the video released. This is him over what brought this emotion to flare up. All of us were thunder struck by the pictures we saw. I mean, the overmilitarization, the guns pointed at kids in the street. All of that, i think, instead of ratcheting down, brought emotion up. Who gave him his talking points . Al sharpton . Hes blaming the militarization of the police force. They came out in strike but look what he asked for the next day. After doing five talk shows he called out the National Guard. I dont think it is the time for the governor to set the tone if the police didnt come out with such force. I think he should be the voice of reason, more of a fact finding mission. He seemed to go out of his way yesterday going on five separate talk shows to exonerate himself for not speaking for five days. He said when you release pictures and clearly attempting to besmirch the victim, i think it caused this stuff. Really back stepping. Hes talking about the Convenience Store video that has many surprised. He said by the way that Police Officer was not responding to a robbery. A strongarm robbery right there. And would later find out virtually confirmed it is Michael Brown. It does look like him. Bernie kerrick, once the Police Commissioner here in town defended the cops. He told the daily news this Morning Police cant be afraid to do their job. He said, quote, when the thugs try to take over the community, police have to act. Meanwhile the attorney general of the United States acted yesterday. He announced that the family of Michael Brown asked for a federal autopsy, and he granted it. This on the heels that the New York Times this morning has apparently the report from a private autopsy which was performed by our friend, dr. Michael boden, former new york city chief. It shows six bullet wounds. Michael brown said he was shot in the back while running away. None were in the back according to Michael Boden who at 80 years old has done 20,000 autopsies. But hes not making any determination. Hes just telling everybody what he saw. He did indicate he thought the way he was hit at the top of the head could indicate ducking or charging police as prior incidents have shown that location to indicate that. Not specifically saying that was definitive in this case. Boden said there is too little to tell what happened but this is new as it came in through the night. We dont have video of the actual event. It is one of the few events we dont have video of in todays society. It is interesting, you have an eyewitness there who said something similar to what the officer said on the next day, which was Michael Brown [inaudible] into the car. Wilson, the officer that did the shooting, reached for his weapon. He ends up getting out of the car and shooting him six times. But he had turned back towards him. The big question is, maybe not a big question but in terms of piecing the thing together, was Michael Brown taking a run at the cop afterwards . It does sound according to one of the eyewitnesses captured on tape where it was said there was a scuffle, they were together over by a truck. Next thing you know Michael Brown takes off and turns around and comes back at the cop. So that could explain. There was one person who surmised that perhaps because one of the bullets, two bullets in the head, one toward the top, Michael Brown could have been going like that, kind of bulldozing towards the Police Officer. But this like so many of the other details was simply at this point we dont know what happened. The increased violence over the night, put everything to bed that things would become more peaceful, that was not the case. Marine one leaving Marthas Vineyard late last night. President obama will be getting briefed on whats happening in federal government son happening in ferguson today. Peter doocy live with details. President obama is back in town today. He and his daughter malia had a late night return to the white house. They got in at about 12 40. Looking at his schedule it is not clear yet which of the meetings required this interruption in his vacation. This morning the president and Vice President will meet with the National Security staff about iraq. Then the Vice President and the prz are going to have lunch. At 1 15 an oval Office Update on whats happening on the ground in ferguson, missouri, by the attorney general eric holder. When critics complained about president obama taking a twoweek vacation amid many catastrophes, Administration Officials fired back and said the president always travels with the kind of communication and staff that allow him to do his job as well on the road as he can at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. The president is expected to rejoin his wife and daughter sasha in margt that is vineyard tomorrow Marthas Vineyard tomorrow and the tab for the run for these meetings according to Judicial Watch should be about 500,000. He did say this long after before there was a catastrophe in ferguson, before we are am ping up things in iraq, im coming back on the 17th. The speculation was a couple of weeks ago maybe hes coming back to do that executive amnesty thing. Or could be a Supreme Court justice about to retire. Everywhere you turn it looks more like iraq on our home front when you look at ferguson. This is not a great situation to return to and try to fix from behind. We want to say good morning to ainsley earhardt. She joins us this morning, in for Heather Nauert. Been up since early early. But good to be with you guys, thanks for having me. We do want to start with this fox news alert. Moments ago Julian Assange speaking at a press conference. He says he is ready to leave the Ecuadorean Embassy in london after hiding this for two years. He did not go into details about why or when he is leaving. Assange asked for political asylum to avoid extradition to sweden where he faces assault charges. The u. S. Has been investigating him since 2010 when wikileaks published leaked military documents. The United States widening its air campaign in iraq. Video shows u. S. Airstrikes taking out militants, the barrage of militants allowing iraqi and kurdish Ground Troops to take back part of the area. U. S. Defense sources tell fox news is the fighting is far from over. Texas governor rick perry will turn himself in today. He will be photographed and finger printed in downtown austin after an indictment of two felony counts of abuse of power. The problem stems from perry promising to veto roughly 7 million in funding for a Public Integrity unit that was run by this lady, the District Attorney, a democrat who had been arrested and convicted of drunk driving. He says the whole thing is politically motivated. This is way outside of the norm. This is not the way that we settle differences, political differences in this country. You dont do it with indictments. We settle our political differences at the ballot box. Perry says right now he is focused on this case and not a possible 2016 president ial run. Davis and the taney dragon taking on texas but it wasnt her arm getting it done. It was her back. This one second baseman going out. Davis driving in a run in the first inning. The dragons get the big win 76 in front of 32,000 fans. Philly takes on las vegas on wednesday. And those are your headlines. That is one of the top stories in the country. Throwing 70 miles an hour and hitting like that. No one has done that. And she is still calm even when she is being interviewed about it. Almost as if she had media training. 13 minutes after the hour. The man charged with leading the Police Response to ferguson giving an emotional speech yesterday. When this is over, im going to go in my sons room, my black son, who wears his pants sagging, wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arm. What is his agenda . Well talk about it. D for. Legs look longer, you look leaner. Any way you wear them. Chicos leggings. Were famous for our legs. At chicos and chicos. Com. Captain obvious tell your travelgrandmother with the. Hotels. Com loyalty program, shell earn free nights. So theyre not the same, because theyre different. Woman jimmys not my grandson, captain obvious. Woman man hes my lover. No. Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. [guy] you love it so much. Yes you do. But its good for you, too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. Protests in ferguson rage overnight shortly after reverend al sharpton rails against the cops accusing them of a Smear Campaign against the victim. How can the young folk of the city believe in a system that would try to spit on the name of a young man who hasnt even been buried . But as an already tense situation is underway, is sharpton making things worse . Kevin jackson is the executive director of the black sphere. He joins us to weigh in. Thanks for being with us this morning, kevin. My pleasure. What is your opinion here . Is reverend al sharpton, is he making it better . Didnt you hear his Cash Register go off . No, hes not making it any better. He is essentially doing the thing that reverend sharpton does which is throw up turmoil. And were seeing it. Hes been here a couple of days and its gotten worse. They put ron johnson in charge, its gotten worse. Its up to the level of barack obama. Its gotten worse. Were talking about bin laden were talking about black leaders that are supposed to quell things but its gotten worse. He did say yesterday i dont want anyone looting. But the big story last weekend came into the picture nationally, is captain ron johnson. He grew up in the area. He came in. People in the area said they identified with him. He seems to be identifying more with the people than with his fellow officers. Heres an example of how he says i understand you. When this is over, im going to go in my sons room, my black son, who wears his pants sagging, wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms. But thats my baby. Is that the right message . What do you think the message is . What about the approach . Of course its the wrong message. The idea he emphasized that is o show hes playing to the audience. These guys are losing sight. What they want us to do is lose focus on the idea that there are two sides to this story. Sharpton got up there and made his comments essentially saying whatever the story is about this other, the man who is on the other side of this, darrell wilson, the cop, disregard his story. What johnson is doing, quite frankly, and he said something a little more incendiary before that if you ask me where he essentially said i stand here almost saying he was ashamed to be in the uniform. This is not the way you quell this incident and make people understand we have to have law and order. We have to have people that will look at both sides of an issue objectively. Kevin jackson from the black sphere from the streets of ferguson, missouri, where there was more trouble last night, thank you have much. Coming up, an incredible story. A man lost in the woods for five days with no food and water found. How pine needles saved his life. You bought your kid a cell phone and now you cant get him to pick it up when you call him . The simple way to make it impossible for the kid to ignore you. If you want to make things that move, move better, just talk to one of our scientists. Theyll show you a special glue weve developed that bonds metal to plastic. And that makes the things youre trying to move. Lighter. The less weight. The less energy. And what you save can be used for speed. For efficiency. Or just for fun. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. The summer that summers from here on will be compared to. So get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. Find it for less and well match it and give you 50 toward your next trip. Expedia. Find yours. Weve got quick monday Morning Headlines for you. 13 kids hospitalized after swipg at swimming at a hotel room in denver, colorado. The kids are all now in Good Condition this morning. It is not clear what made them sick. An investigation is underway. This gives a whole new meaning to car pooling. Look at that. An elderly man in Southern California crashed his car into his backyard pool. He told police he accidentally hit the gas instead of the brakes when his flipflops got caught in the pedals. The 85yearold got out unharmed before the car went under. Car pooling. Elisabeth, over to you. A texas mom frustrated when her teenage kids continued to ignore her texts and phone calls. She came up with a way to make sure it never happens again. She created an app, ignore no more that is what it is called. She joins us with her teenage son bradley to explain how it works. Thank you for being with us this morning. Why did you want to create this app . Was bradley not answering your phone calls . That is what happened. One day my husband and i were out. We were trying to contact our kids. We wanted them to let the dog out. After many calls that were not answered, i got extremely frustrated and said we need to develop an app. Bradley, your mom scaled mount kilimanjaro, served in the gulf war. Why did you want to mess with her . I really dont. In terms of how this app works. How did you come to do this . How does it work . How can we start using it ourselves . I went from being a teacher to an app developer. It was selftaught. I started researching how to develop an app. From there i was able to find an awesome developer that walked me through the whole process. There we have ignore no more. Youre texting or calling bradley. Hes not answering, what happens . All i have to do is activate the app. A screen will come up and i press bradleys name. The next screen asks you to enter a four digit password. Once i enter it i hit lock bradleys phone and voila his phone is locked. He cant text his friends, use internet or play games until he calls me back to get that password. Where can we get it . The Google Play Store and download it from there. It is 1. 99 per phone. It is a onetime fee. It works on an droid phone 3 version or higher. Ignore no more. Thank you for being with us this morning. Thank you for having us. You got it. Coming up, Michael Brown suspected in a strongarm robbery but there is a lot of controversy about that like should police have released that video . We report. You decide. The people who protest on soldiers have a new target. Robin williams is in their aim. The disgusting move by the west borough baptist folks. Your eyes. Even 10 miles away. They can see the light of a single candle. Look after them with centrum silver. Multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. Now, with a new easy to swallow coating. Start a team. Join a team. Walk to end alzheimers. Visit alz. Org walk today. While you were sleeping the governor of missouri calling in the National Guard to protect the city as violent clashes broke out hours before the midnight curfew went into effect. At least two people were shot. Police were not involved in either incident. Also this morning we received the results of an autopsy ordered by Michael Browns family. The private autopsy shows he was shot six times, four in the right arm, twice in the head. That is not the last autopsy. Brian, youve got more on that. Thats right. Attorney general eric holder also ordering another autopsy, saying this. Due to the extraordinary circumstances involved in this case and at the familys request, the brown family that is, attorney general holder has instructed Justice Department if he believes to arrange for an additional autopsy, this after the d. O. J. Tried to block the release of security footage of brown stealing cigars minutes before his death. Whats behind the action . Is it politics or justice . Joining us to weigh in is the former Deputy Assistant attorney general in the Bush Administration thomas dupree. Tom, what do you think . Do you like the role of the d. O. J. Right now . I think your question about whether this is politics or justice, i think the answer is there is a bit of both going on here. There is no question the Justice Department has a role to play in terms of investigating whether there was a civil rights violation. At the same time i think there has to be a p. R. Element. The toning is very aware that the eyes of the the attorney general is aware that the eyes of the world are on our response here in ferguson. They are trying to manage the response and delay the video. I think they are very aware that a lot of president s supporters are looking very closely at how they handle this case, whether theyre doing the right thing in their judgment. For that reason the attorney general and others in the administration are very attentive to the p. R. Aspects of whats going on here. As assistant attorney general, you know to clear the decks, we dont know that is Michael Brown. I watched the familys press conditioners and press conference and they basically admitted it was Michael Brown and said it he he wasnt a perfect kid. I think ultimately that video had to come out. People can disagree about whether it would have been prudent to delay it. As you pointed out we had Michael Browns family, his lawyers speaking about him. Originally they said he was a gentle soul, never would have been involved in any activity. That video undercuts that narrative pretty much. I think you could have waited a day or two. I think the local officials should have given the federal government and State Government heads up this was coming out before they released it but ultimately i dont think it would have made sense to permanently keep a lid on that or suppress it. It is a relevant video. If i put you the head of the Justice Department now how would you have handled thengz things differentlily . I think the d. O. J. Is aggressive at this moment because of the zimmerman case. I think attorney general holder doesnt want that to happen again. For that reason we see heavy Justice Department involvement. We see the you said it is disturbing because you said they didnt want it to happen again . They didnt want the acquittal to happen again . Now the difference is youre dealing with Law Enforcement, not someone pretending to be in Law Enforcement. Thats right. In the florida situation you had a lot of president s political supporters saying this needs to be made a civil rights case from early on. They didnt. They deferred to the state prosecution. It resulted in acquittal. The federal government looked at trying to build a civil rights case but it doesnt look like it is going to go anywhere. The administration got heavily criticized for that. They dont want it to happen again. They want to be involved, control event to the greatest extent possible. Would you be upset if you were in the state right now . I think i would. I think i would say we need to work together. The Justice Department has a real to play but it is a concurrent role for state authority and local authorities. Thomas dupree, former assistant attorney general under the Bush Administration. Thank you. 35 minutes before the hour. Let me toss it over to ainsley earhardt. A Baptist Church planning to protest Robin Williams funeral because of this. You do fosse, fosse or Michael Graham, Michael Graham or madonna, madonna, madonna. The controversial kansas based Church Planning to picket the Funeral Services because of the gay character that he played in the movie the bird cage but a counter protest is being planned and well hear about it in the next hour from planting pieces eric jackson. Tragedy during the San Francisco 49ers debut. A fan died after having a heart attack during the Third Quarter of the preseason game against the denver broncos. He was sitting in the sun baked part of the stadium where temperatures reached into the 80s. A hiker lost in the mountain with no food, no water for five days rescued after he spelled out help using pine needles. The california man picked up by a helicopter after the pilot spotted his ten foot s. O. S. On the ground. He says he was this for a fishing trip but got lost as he walked into the woods searching for crickets to use as bait. A pennsylvania man has people laughing even after his death. His name is kevin mccraugherty. He penned his own obituary last year. In his obit he says he lost a long battle with mediocrity and leaves behind no children that he, quote, knows of. Friends say kevin was the life of the party. Those are your headlines. Now the weather forecast. Hello everyone. Were looking at the threat for severe storms across parts of minnesota and also into ai. And also into iowa. Damaging winds and large hail, even tornadoes. Keep an eye out for warnings if they are issued for your county. States like West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and northern georgia we are expecting showers and storms and some could be producing heavy rainfall so we could be seeing isolating flash flooding across those aerocrass. There are flash flood Warnings Issued across part of Eastern Kentucky. It will be a hot one across the Southern Plains. When you factor in the humidity, i want to show you heat index values, what it is going to feel like in places like tampa, florida. It is going to feel like 98 degrees. In new orleans, 101. In dallas and san antonio it is going to feel like 102 degrees. A hot and sticky day across parts of the plains and southeast. Across portions of the northeast, a beautiful day, a lot of sunshine, low humidity and temperatures that are a little bit below average. Lets head back inside. Let me tell you about sports. We know were playing fake floob and getting closer to the fake football and getting closer to the nfl season. Johnny football of the washington brown taking on rg3 of the washington redskins. Grefn will have the job locked down. It is Johnny Manziel who will have to try to win his job. My hunch by week four hell be the starter if not week one. What else happening in sports . College football reigning Heisman Trophy winner taking the number one spot in the press bowl. Number two alabama, three, oregon, four oklahoma. Rounding out the top five is ohio state. Get this, cameron tringell asked to be disqualified because of a wrong score card. He claims he may have made a slight double stroke but never scored that way. He loses out on 53,000 for his honesty. It shows you if youre a young kid growing up, dont be honest. Im only kidding. Thats one thing about golf. They really have a lot of integrity. Its a game of rules. 53,000 lost. That hurts. Steve lost that over the weekend at the casino. 20 minutes till the top of the hour. It is not even close to christmas but one major retailer is rolling out the Holiday Hours already. Governor rick perry responding to being indicted for abuse of power. Why he says he would go it all again. Weve got a live report straight ahead. Shes still the one for you. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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It is never too early to start Holiday Shopping and target can help you out. The retailer keeping stores open until midnight at more than half of its u. S. Stores in an effort to attract Holiday Shoppers and combat online shoppers. What holiday . Back to school is a holiday for some parents. It is now depending on how you look at it. Governor rick perry in texas responding to being indicted for abuse of power. Why he says he would do tall over again. Were live in washington. The Travis County District Attorneys Office has a long history of alleged politicized prosecution against republicans. It went after senator Kay Bailey Hutchison in 1993 for misconduct as state treasury. It went after House Speaker tom delay in 2002. His conviction was overturned by the state court of appeals. Now it is going after governor rick perry for threatening to veto state funds to an office run by a democrat. She refuseed to resign following her arrest for d. W. I. Perry defended his veto threat yesterday on fox news sunday. The public lost confidence in her and i did what every governor has done for decades which is make a decision on whether or not it was in the proper use of state money to go to that agency and i vetoed it. That is what the rule of law is about, shannon. As we have said all along it is not about the veto. We believe we have the right to veto. It was his decision to veto. It was about the intimidation before the veto, about him using the veto as a coercion tactic to get her to do something she didnt want to do which was quit her job. The indictment is coming under attack from all sides of the political spectrum. Law professor turley wrote it does not make for a particularly compelling criminal charge. L. A. Governor jindal wrote the lawsuit against perry is misuse of the judicial system by liberal activists and the ensuing circus is a witch hunt. David axlerod tweeted it seems pretty sketchy. The latest on the Texas Governor. Did you see the video of d. A. She was super drunk. Pleaded guilty april 12, 2013, to drunk driving. Alcohol level shy of three toims times the legal limit in texas and then she refuseed to step down. I wonder what is going to be his political role. He is an extremely popular governor. He had a pretty good interview where he said america likes Second Chances and when he did not have the greatest run. Among the people who think this is outrageous is Alan Dershowitz. He said this is outrageous they had this indictment go through the grand jury. We have comments that indicate this has no legs. Well see how far it in fact the term indictment has been brought up by people. The fact that youre running and it says indicted. For the lowinformation voter, for them it is like i wonder what he did. They dont open up the paper to read it is probably a political witch hunt. They see hes in trouble. What did he do . Coming up next, a new mom smokes pot her entire preg man is i and now pregnancy and now plans to nurse her baby. Is it entirely legal . A shooting investigation can be a lot easier when a cop is wearing a camera. On the ground on the ground on the ground [bleep] on the ground. Stay right there. Up next, curt the cyber guy is showing us firsthand how these cameras that cops wear would work. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you it can help your business save money. False. The truth is when you compare our Fastest Internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Police officers wearing body cameras like this right here can make shooting investigations like whats going on in ferguson, missouri, a whole lot clearer. As you see firsthand when this carjacking suspect is arrested in arizona. Watch. On the ground on the ground on the ground [ bleep ] on the ground stay right there. Okay. No questions what happened there. Meanwhile, the officer accused of shooting Michael Brown in ferguson was not wearing a body camera and experts say conflicting eyewitness accounts in ferguson could be avoided if he had been wearing one of these things. A cyber guy, curt joins us to show us how it works. This is so simple. Its less than 1,000 bucks. Explain for us why every cop wouldnt want to wear one . A petition on line is asking the same question, especially after ferguson. Were talking about a device that is a point of view from every officer. This is the output from this camera on this thing right here. Its live and streaming blue tooth to the officers device. We happen to have it to an ipad. It would also go to their phone which would enable them to use it in a tactical situation. But back to the purpose of this camera and proving the point of view of an officer. Initially officers are saying, wait a second. My privacy on on the job, lookig at me every step of the way. Big brother is watching. Yeah. And then they realize that it actual israeli a tool that helps tell the truth a lot better because their point of view for example, we showed the arizona video. Imagine you pull over a drunk guy last night and hes filthy mess and beer cans rolling out of the car and the next morning there he is in front of the judge sharp, with a suit on saying i dont drink. What are we talking about. When the officer says watch this video. Done. Its that easy. Let me tell you a little bit about why this is so important how this works. So officers, once they get this on, youre wearing it now, you would go into the scene. This would hold nine hours, 45 minutes of video. You cant change it as the officer. As soon as you get into a scenario where youre responding to what you think is important for it to be recorded, you would double tap the Center Button on the front and it will start recording. We could do that right there. Youll see boom, its starting to record that inside the device. Throughout the day, youre going to have moments like having lunch and the doughnut shop stop, you dont need that recorded. So youll press and hold it and stop it. What would be the difference and there are some Police Officers who dont like the idea. But what would be different from this than the dash cam video . Good question. I dont know that there is much difference, except for the fact that you may be as an officer, going into somebodys home that they would claim that that is their own personal sanctuary. You can not come in here with cameras and make my life public. If the officer is going into your home, you a, either invited them in presumably, or they had a warrant and reason to be there, according to a court. So that would be their defense. Who doesnt want this on every Police Officer in america . The drunk driver from last night, the person who has an other idea of a scenario. You might have an eyewitness to a crime that shot the video and from their perspective, they may have seen a shooting somewhere in america, they may have seen an incident happen where it looks totally different to them, but if you were to look at a bunch of video and a lot of the data is Something Else completely occurred. If that officer had been wearing one of these in ferguson, we wouldnt be talk being this. Possibly. If you think about it, it would have enabled the chief of police, it propelled a lot of mobs, and anyway, what it did, this would have allowed the Police Officers to come out and say, all right. Weve got some data that tells us a different story and we feel firm about that, and quelled the mystery of the unfolding event. Today hes wearing a badge. Thank you very much. Thank you. What do you think about that . Do you think every officer should have one of cameras on them . Email us. Curt is putting it on of the you can tweet us or facebook us. Straight ahead, the unrest in ferguson, missouri, looking a lot like the rodney king riots. How did the mayor of los angeles at that time handle it . He joins us in the next hour. And proof police are out there to protect and serve. These photos of one cops good deed going viral this morning. Chicos leggings. Every styles a showstopper with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. Legs look longer, you look leaner. Any way you wear them. Chicos leggings. Were famous for our legs. At chicos and chicos. Com. For that moment, where right place meets right time. And when i find it i go for it. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so youre always connected, wherever you are. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. Good morning. It is monday, august 18. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert, more shootings, more violence in ferguson, missouri. Overnight the National Guard was called in. We are live with the breaking details straight ahead. Are people like al sharpton making a difference in missouri or are they just dividing the crowd and making things worse . Donald trump, a friend of al sharpton, is here to react live in 90 seconds. And the people who protest Fallen Soldiers have a new target. Robin williams. The disgusting move by the Westborough Baptist folks youre not going to believe. By the way, on a lighter note, mornings are better with friends. Wake up. Welcome back, everybody. It looks like steve, youre back from vacation. I am. You were on vacation the week before. So finally were all back together. Right. We did channel each other, just like when you asked, white and white together. Where do we get these colors . Well tell you in just a bit. Listen, were waking up on this monday morning and weve got some more big news. Fox news alert. The National Guard has just been called in to ferguson, missouri, to restore the peace after another night of Violent Attacks and looting. Heather childers has the breaking details. There is a story out this morning that there could have been medical staff cocktail, all sorts of things going on. There is some discrepancies in all of that. We do know this, the National Guard is set to arrive later this morning. This was the scene, three hours before the midnight curfew went into effect for the second straight night. Several businesses were vandalized. You can see the Police Firing tear gas into the crowd as protesters marched toward a Police Command post. We know as many as eight people were arrested. Two people were shot as gun fire broke out. Police were shot at, makeshift barricades were set up to block police. Bottles and rockets were thrown at police. Based on these conditions, i had no alternative but to elevate the level of our response. Were told those two people who were shot were not shot by Police Officers. The unrest also forcing the School District to cancel the first day of school. All of this is happening as there is a brandnew autopsy report that reveals 18yearold Michael Brown was shot six times. Twice in the head and four times in the arm. The private autopsy done at the request of browns family, but here is the thing, it shows all of the bullets hit brown from the front. Feds are now planning their own autopsy. Back to you. All right. Thank you very much. Now lets bring in donald trump. Good morning to you, mr. Trump. Good morning. What do you make of whats going on out in ferguson . Well, its a terrible thing. Its a very sad thing. I was in india. I was all over the place during the course of this and i will tell you the biggest subject in india was whats going on in ferguson. I got a glimpse of it. Very, very, very sad to see this happening. Why does it happen and also i understand the iranian ayatollah tweeted out that there is racism in america. So were not look good world wide. But in the big picture, we have a controversial situation where a guy dies in staten island by at the hands of police. They were keeping him down or whatever they were doing. A lot of controversy. A lot of people outraged, but no riots. Why are there riots there and not here . It just seems to have taken. This is a racial situation and nobody ever discusses that, nobody ever talks about it. But largely this is a racial situation, brian. Its a very sad situation. I will tell you outside of this country, theyre making a very big deal of it because hear showing the United States is a mess and it is. And its very, very sad to watch. I was in mumbai. I was all over the place and everywhere i went, this story was following me and i was watching it on television and they are making a very big deal of it outside the United States. Its very, very bad. Its a very bad thing. Its a very sad happening. Good morning, mr. Trump. Looking at the videos, it doesnt look like something you would see coming from the middle of our nation here. Ha do you think about reverend al sharpton getting in there . He seems to be, as many say, fanning the flames. Is he making it better . Does he want it to get better and should he go back and continue talking . Again, as i said last time with you, i know him very well. Hes always been, believe it or not, a friend of mine. He was up in my office recently apologizing to me for something and i understand al. Al sharpton is doing his thing. Thats what he does. He fans flames, no question about it. Hes doing his thing. He makes a living doing it. Hes actually for him its a Cottage Industry. He makes a living. Does he believe in it . Lets not discuss that. But he certainly creates a little bit of a Cottage Industry for al sharpton by doing it. This is the time when you cant be doing that. There is no question about it. This is really terrible. And this could spread to other parts of the country. Do not kid yourselves. Absolutely. Mr. Trump, are you saying that al sharpton, this is how he makes his money, by fanning these flames . This is his business . Well, this is an industry for al. Its small industry, but its al sharpton is doing his thing. This is what he does. Whenever there is a conflict, he gets out there and sometimes its for the right and sometimes its for al sharpton. But he gets up and he stands on a soap box and he rants and raves and he does his thing and people some people like it and many, many people dont like it. And many people dont dig it. You have a happening in new york city all the time with al. Right. He seems more powerful than the mayor here. Does he have a talk show. Meanwhile, captain ron johnson has been called in because he grew up in the neighborhood to calm things down. It did not work last night. They called in the National Guard. Here he is relating to the community with his own situation. When this is over, im going to go in my sons room, my black son, to where his pants sagging, wear his hat cocked to the side. Got tattoos, but thats my baby. Its the wrong message. The idea that he emphasized that his son is black just goes to show that hes playing to the audience. Look, these guys are losing sight that what they want us to do is lose focus on the idea that there are two sides to this story. He said something a little more incendiary before that if you ask me, where he essentially said, i stand here, almost saying he was ashamed to be in the uniform. I mean, this is not the way you quell this incident and make people understand that we have to have law and order. We have to have people that will look at both sides of an issue objectively. That was Kevin Jackson of the black fear saying what seems to be that the captain has a wrong method here in trying to lead. What are your thoughts, mr. Trump . I think its very simple, this is a racial situation. Its not covered that way in the press. Its not even discussed in the press. They dont want to discuss it. They stay away from it. I dont agree with you. Whether people like it. All theyre talk being is the race thing. No, theyre not. I dont think i think its a very strong and in fact, chicago is another situation. Its a very racial situation out there. If you look at whats going on here and chicago and other places and the press really seldom talks about it. You looked at it here, as soon as you mentioned his black son, the audience went wild and applauded. Thats a very sad situation, very sad for the country. People understand it. In my opinion, the press does not really discuss it. They talk about riots, but they dont say whats at the core of the riot. Frankly, its a very big problem in this country and its a problem that is not discussed or certainly not discussed in any great detail and it has to be. Surely. Talking about chicago, 29 shot, five dead over the weekend. Meanwhile, lets go down to texas. Rick perry indicted by a democrat d. A. And a grand jury for high crimes, abusing his office. Does this he says this is not how you solve a political dispute. Clearly it was a political dispute. He says its a witch hunt. What do you say . I think its a disgrace. I know rick perry. Hes a good person. But i think its an absolute disgrace. He vetoed something and he got indicted. Does that mean every time a politician, including the president would veto something you get indicted . I think its its been Alan Dershowitz, who is a terrific guy in a lot of ways, he came out with a pretty blazing statement and people that you would never expect would support rick perry. This is a disgraceful situation. Right. Out of control. What the governor did was he said that unless the d. A. , who was arrested and convicted on dui stepped down from this board she served on, an investigative board, he was going to veto the money to fund the board. That just looks like politics. How many times has a politician said, im not going to fund it unless this or that happens . And they say it all the time. Every day. I heard it the other day on something totally unrelated. This is an absolutely disgraceful situation. And unfortunately, it happens in texas quite a bit. Kay bailey, if you look at that, if you look at tom delay and ultimately they got out of it. It was from the same it emanated from the same area. I think im going to stay out of that area. Thats a very dangerous area to be in. I may utter the wrong word. I may utter no, seriously, for the governor and i think its going to end up making him bigger and stronger. Helping him for 2016 . I dont know. That, i dont know. Certainly his plans are waylaid. But i think ultimately this could actually make him bigger and stronger, the way he handles it is very important. But it is an absolute disgrace. This isnt from donald donald. This is from virtually every legal scholar thats seen it. This should never have happened. Then when you look at the woman who did it in the drunken stupor, i mean, give me a break. Her drunken stupor wasnt a huge story. Now everyone is look at this video. It could have boomeranged on her and her supporters. Donald trump, glad to have you back state side. Thank you very much. Its 7 11. We turn to ainsley with the news. Thank you. Just one hour ago, Julian Assange making a shocking announcement that he will leave london after hiding out there for two years. He did not go into details about why or when hes leaving. He has verbally attacked the white house. The Justice Department, and the f. B. I he asked for political asylum to avoid extradition to sweden where he faces assault charges. Another fox news alert. Kurdish and iraqi forces now have full control of the mosul dam. And this new video illustrates why u. S. Air strikes taking out isis militants at that dam. The barrage of missiles allowing the iraqi and kurdish Ground Troops to take back that crucial area. A spokesman for the iraqi army saying the dam is fully liberated. Texas governor rick perry will turn himself in today. Hes going to be photographed and fingerprinted in downtown austin after an indictment. The charges stem from perry promising to veto 7 million in funding for a Public Integrity unit that was run by this lady, the District Attorney, a democrat, who was arrested and convicted of drunk driving. This is way outside of the norm. This is not the way that we settle differences, political differences in this country. You dont do it with indictments. We settle our political differences at the ballot box. Perry says he is focused on that case and not a possible 2016 president ial run. A heart warming moment caught on camera. An ohio Police Officer goes above and beyond the call of duty. Officer tom ondecker helping this man in the wheelchair, helping him carry his groceries back to the have where he lives. Police were called to help out when several people saw the man struggling to cross the road. Those are your headlines. Nice story. Very nice. Thank you. 13 minutes after the hour. The unrest in ferguson, missouri, looking a lot like the cod knee king riots. How did the mayor of los angeles at that time handle it . Hes here next. And do you really know whats in the food you buy at the Grocery Stores . The government sure doesnt. The shocking new report about what youre really eating straight ahead. Fox news alert. Missouri governor dixon deploying the National Guard to the city of ferguson after, get this, another night of violent protests and clashes with police. This as a local Law Enforcement struggles to contain the growing riots. They thought they were on top of it on thursday. They werent. Theyve now taken over the streets. Many people comparing this to the l. A. Riots that broke out in 1992. Richard riordan was the nature right after those lie yachts and he riots and he joins us from the city of angels. Good morning to you, sir. Good morning. You see parallels between whats happening in ferguson and what happened in los angeles . You always see parallels, but what i see in los angeles is you have to have one leader. You cant have a bunch of leaders getting on tv every few minutes and telling a different story or a different twist to it. It confuses people. And the bottom line is what i learned was beware of immediate reactions. Wait until you have all the facts before you talk to the public. That would be key. Number one. So where does that leadership come from to decide who speaks and represents the riot areas, the region, the people . Well, in this case you would hope it was the governor because i get very confused as to what leadership ferguson has. Ferguson is part of st. Louis, but it seems to have a separate chief of police and all that. But bottom line is, the mayor of st. Louis, the governor of the state, one of those people should have taken over control. They should have included the chief of police so theyre not just ignoring them. But its one person thats making the decisions. There is one person who left his tv show on another channel, al sharpton, and has injected himself into the ferguson situation. What do you think of him . Oh, hes a total disgrace. The interesting thing, ive met him. I had breakfast with him once with one other person and hes very well educated. Hes not fooling anybody. But he really does not know the black community. Wow. Mr. Mayor, when it comes to looting, you got to crack down quickly and it stops. They havent and it hasnt. Right. And it hasnt and so it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Then the big question is, they look like militia in iraq now with the uniforms that the police have on and then its going to scare everybody, particularly the black communities. Sure. And the National Guard has been called out as well. So thats going to get a lot of attention. The mayors got a new book out called the mayor, how i turned around los angeles. Thank you for joining us today. Comes out september 30. Thanks, mr. Mayor. Thank you very much. You bet. Coming up straight ahead, Robin Williams final act revealed and it will inspire you. Smoking while pregnant can cause serious risk for your baby. So why is one expecting mom openly smoking marijuana . Sleep like you just took zzzquil. The nonhabit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil that helps you sleep easily, sleep soundly, and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. A brand new start. Your chance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. With our visionary cloud infrastructure, Global Broadband network and Custom Communications solutions, your business is more reliable secure agile. And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. We make inspiring things. That go beyond the expected and get people talking. Things that make you wonder. How you ever lived without them. The allnew chrysler 200. Americas import quick headlines for you. Abc news anchor Elizabeth Vargas continues to struggle with her addiction. The host checking into a California Rehab Center over the weekend. Vargas, who has been struggling with alcohol addiction for years, says overcoming alcoholism can be a, quote, long and difficult process. A terminally ill woman in new zealand had always wanted to meet Robin Williams. So months before his death, he sent her this touching message. Robin williams here, saying hey, girl. Whats going on down there in new zealand. Sending all my love to you, jack and sophie. Mark this off your bucket list. I said hey, hey, hey, whats going on . Its all right, all right, all right. Much love to you, baby. Thats great. The day of his death, the womans Facebook Page paid tribute to the, quote, wonderful man, Robin Williams. Elisabeth, over to you. Thank you, steve. Oregon mother taking heat for smoking medical marijuana during pregnancy and thats not all. She plans to keep smoking while breastfeeding. Should that be allowed or should someone step in . An attorney thinks the mother should be stopped and an Attorney Says this is within the mothers right. Thank you both for being here. Good morning. So lets start, why is this within a moms right to continue using medical marijuana during breastfeeding . There is no evidence whatsoever that this is going to hurt the child. Of course, i understand there is a moral argument that a woman shouldnt smoke marijuana or drink alcohol, but there is no evidence here. It is legal. This is medical marijuana in the state of oregon, or i believe its oregon where she was her mid wife told her that she could smoke it to treat anxiety. There is just no evidence whatsoever. So i understand the moral argument, but in the legal realm here, there is no reason whatsoever why she cant. Okay. So there is a study out there, california Pregnancy Research group put forward some effects that marijuana could have on infants and one is brain development, growth restriction, lower birth weight. I have yet to see a study that says its clearly clear for someone to smoke and not affect at all. I think research is yet to come. But where do we go from here . Can this really be the case . I was told i couldnt even have coffee, it would get to the baby. Well, what i think is more Research Needs to be done because medical marijuana usage has been legalized in over 20 states. So this is going to come to the forefront right now. And being under the influence of marijuana might actually impact the mothers ability to care for the child. So a greater question that comes into play here is what would happen if something happened to the child when the mother was caring for it under the influence of marijuana . Then the mother could be arrested but there is no evidence of that whatsoever. Lets just talk about alcohol, for example. The reason why this story came to light was because the hospital wanted her to sign a waiver because they knew that she was smoking marijuana. What about women who are alcoholics or who are on prescription medication, vicodin, valium, whatever, they dont require that a mother sign a waiver in order to leave the hospital or to warn them of the effects. This is ridiculous. This is discrimination of a woman smoking marijuana. If there was a waiver that need to be signed for all medication if a mom indicated she was going to proceed with breastfeeding and taking this medication for those, should it then in effect for marijuana . Yes. All medication, should we sign waivers . Child protective services can step in when a child is born to a drug dependent mother and the child itself is drug dependent. Were not talking about a drug. Were talking about now its become a medical substance. So this isnt a crack baby or a heroin baby or whatever that was born drug addicted. This is the question as to whether or not the marijuana will then transfer over through the breast milk to the baby . There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Do the benefits of breastfeeding here outweigh the risks of smoking medical marijuana . This will soon be proven, im sure, by some research. It makes some people uncomfortable that the baby would be used as a guinea pig. I want to thank you both for being with us. Let us know what you think about that. Tamara and deborah, thank you. Thank you. Coming up, more on our top story in ferguson. First it was cops, then it was Highway Patrol. Now the National Guard has to be brought in. Up next, a detailed look at the blown response in the Michael Brown investigation. Then he was lost in the woods for five days with no food and no water. How the movie castaway saved this guys life. Woman jimmy, all of these travel sites seem the same. Captain obvious tell your grandmother with the hotels. Com loyalty program, shell earn free nights. So theyre not the same, because theyre different. Woman jimmys not my grandson, captain obvious. Woman man hes my lover. No. Fox news alert, the violence in ferguson has gotten so bad, the governor of missouri just called in the National Guard to protect the city. You are looking at the scene last night three hours before the midnight curfew went into effect. Protesters vandalized stores. At least two people were shot. Police were not involved in either of those incidents. Meanwhile, the Divisive Political rhetoric is starting to heat up. I heard some of the senators talking, but where are the leading candidates for president . Jeb bush, hillary clinton, dont get laryngitis on this issue nobody can go to the white house lest they stop by our house and talk about policemen. Thats reverend al. Meanwhile, the Obama Administration inserting itself into the investigation. Joining us right now to weigh in is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. Unfortunately, that house is burning down this morning in ferguson. The house that al sharpton wants to preside over. This is somehow about the white house and about president ial candidates. Incredible. Are you surprised the attorney general weighed in so heavily . Hes given in to the familys request for a third autopsy by the federal government. He said yes. Is it right . Its inherently political. Its not right. Its wrong. Michael bodien, greatest forensic pathologist in the country, done independent autopsies. The state is doing an autopsy. This is done to appease crowds. This is done to mollify the masses. This is done to say the president is in it, the president cares about Michael Brown. This is absolute garbage. This is nonsense. Its disrespectful to michael bodien. Its disrespectful to the local authorities. And the federal government is saying time and time again, 40 f. B. I. Agents, theyre saying the president is calling on three, four times a day. Thats what hes preoccupied with during his vacation. Hes saying im going to see what happens there in ferguson. Im going to get justice done. It is international news. Everyone is talk being it. It is international news. But wholey a state matter. Its a state and local matter. And so the president has bumped it up. He put the state police in charge. The state police have screwed it up. Now the National Guard are coming in. Its a mess. When you say screwed it up, peter, are you alluding to the fact that is it the video that was released with Michael Brown allegedly involved in that strong arm robbery . Is that a misstep . No. I think thats a relevant and logical piece of evidence and they say it was done with regard to media request and there have been calls for transparency. This has been screwed up by an effort to somehow have some identification with the rioters, to say im one of you, im with you. Im from you. And then apologize for something that has not been adjudicated either by indictment or by conviction. The Police Officer has not been arrested, indicted, or convicted. Now, he may be. We know there have been six shots. Explain the six shots. It sounds crazy. It sounds wrong with regard to an unarmed man. But justice will determine that. Not crowds in ferguson. And to say, well, im sorry for whats been done and almost that im embarrassed, thats not right. Thats wrong. And that is exactly what ron johnson, who is the captain in the missouri Highway Patrol seemed to be doing with this, unfortunately. I want to know my heart goes out to you and i say that im sorry. I wear this uniform and i should stand up here and say that im sorry. Whats your problem with that . I think hes a great Police Officer. I think hes emotionally overcome by the moments and the nights hes been subjected to. I think hes become too close to the situation to be dispassionate and to be objective going forward. To say to a crowd that youre sorry when the Police Officer has not been arrested, dewpointed or convicted, when he doesnt know all the evidence, what is he saying that hes sorry for . When you do that, because ive been in near riot and riot situations, when you do that, then you give the crowd some cred. You say even the commanding Police Officer thinks were right. We have legit legittization. When can we expect anything to be done on this case legally . Will there be an indictment . I think what has been a failing, there has been a failing in terms of the District Attorney and the attorney general in that state laying out what the robust investigative process is and giving confidence to people. Not rioters. Im saying giving confidence to the people in that community, people who want to keep the peace in that community and throughout that state as to what the process is going to be and how its going to be accorded and what evidence theyre going to look at and whether this man, the Police Officer, will go in front of the grand jury. He may be arrested. He may be indicted. He may be convicted. He may be wrong. We dont know who was wrong on that particular day. But justice should await the determination of justice. Its not a matter of taking justice in your own hands and its not a matter of dictating justice from your vacation retreat in the northeast of the United States at all. This is for the people of ferguson. This is a people up. Not a government down process. Obviously weve got a lot of work to do in this country and a lot of work that the president has failed at. The Unemployment Rate in the Africanamerican Community twice what it is of white americans. The president has been there six years. If the police are a racist Occupying Force in this country, why havent we heard attorney general holder speak out on that in the last six years . Is this something new . Great point. Thanks, peter. He was working the story all weekend. Very sad. All right. 21 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. Ainsley earhart is in today for Heather Nauert with the headlines. Thank you so much. And the latest is a hiker lost in the mountains with no food or water for five days rescued after he spelled out the word help using pine needles. The california man was picked up by a helicopter after the pilot spotted his ten foot message there on the ground. He was there for a fishing trip, but got lost when he was walking in the woods looking for some crickets. He says the movie castaway helped him make it. More Food Additives are slipping into some of our favorite foods. A new report finding manufacturers might be secretly adding newly created chemical preservatives flavorings and thickening agents, which could trigger Serious Health problems like asthma or digestive issues. Manufacturers are avoiding f. D. A. Scrutiny because of narrow legal language when it comes to approving these additives. One of britains Largest Hotel chains giving bibles an early checkout. Travel lodge, which owns 500 hotels, is removing all of the bibles from their rooms for, quote, diversity reasons. The company saying the goal is to not discriminate against any religion. Customers who want bibles can now get them from the front desk. Do you remember jazzy jeff and the fresh prince . Yeah, theyre back together, guys. Will smith sharing this selfy with his friend, jazzy jess at a pool party in vegas. The two pumped up the crowd with the song summer time. They were a musical duo and costars on the french fresh prince of bellaire. Theyre good. Thank you, ainsley. I dont know if shes chilling out cause its getting warmer. Maria molina has the weather for us. Good morning. A little chilly this morning. Temperatures are below average across parts of the northeast and have been so over the last several days. First i want to take you farther west across parts of the Northern Plains because this is the area where we are watching for the possibility for some Severe Weather and this does include sections of minnesota, parts of iowa. Out here some of the storms could produce large hail, damaging winds and even an isolated risk for some tornadoes out there. Again, this afternoon and evening. Across areas from West Virginia down in through northern parts of georgia, you have the risk for heavy rain and isolated flash flooding. Temperature wise, another hot one from parts of the southeast into the Southern Plains and then you factor in that humidity and you have triple digit heat index values for cities like new orleans, san antonio and also dallas. Lets head back inside. All right. Thank you very much. Talking about how warm it will be in georgia. I was in georgia at sea island, beautiful weather. Some afternoon showers. But brian, they were still talking about you showing up down there ordering a pina colada. Im on vacation, i get there. I feel compelled to order a pina colada. You think it was the funniest thing. Pina colada . Is this 1980 . I just thought it was vacationlike. Throwback thursday . I guess so. Take a picture of brian drinking. Nicest people youre ever going to have. Its great to go on a vacation where you can use a bicycle. It is a fantastic place. You got to see my quads. Well trust your judgment. Next hour. Nope, nope. Ill give you 50 bucks not to. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, the people who protest Fallen Soldiers have a new target. Robin williams. The disgusting move by the westborough people. Talk about car pooling, wait til you see how this car ends up in a pool. A pina colada. Introducing chicos leggings. Every styles a showstopper with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. Legs look longer, you look leaner. Any way you wear them. Chicos leggings. Were famous for our legs. At chicos and chicos. Com. Angieby making it easy to buyng and Schedule Service by toprated providers, conveniently stay uptodate on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angies list mobile app. Visit angieslist. Com today. Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldnt he be . Beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. It has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr [announcer]even accents of vitaminrich veggies. [guy] so happy you love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in with Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Members of the westborough Baptist Church who celebrate dead soldiers and stomp on the American Flag now plan to, get this, protest Robin Williams private funeral. They are angry about the role he played in the movie bird cage because believe it or not, there is a silver line to go this proposed protest, theyre pushing back. Evidently the bird cage character is gay and they dont like gay people. Aaron jackson, the founder of planting peace is the man behind the pushback. Aaron, you heard about this. You took action. What did you do . I read in the news that the westborough Baptist Church is planning to protest his funeral. So my mind started spinning on what we could do to counteract their message. I thought why not throw a fundraiser for robins Favorite Charity. So i did a Little Research and saw that was saint jude and so we put together a fundraising page for saint jude and we posted it on our charity Facebook Page and just let the world know what we were doing and got a positive response right away. So you got 1,000 right away. Youre going to continue to get money now, like for example, go to saint judes web site. Have a special Robin Williams button there . Yeah. Go to planningpeace. Org and make a contribution. In his name. He had so many. Comic relief. He did other things. He did a lot. We ran a tape last half hour of a tape he made for someone suffering from cancer. Thats the type of person he is. Do you feel as though you can use this evil towards good in a major way now . Thats our goal. Part of what we do is counteract the message of the westborough Baptist Church. We try to turn any negativity into something positive. Thats what we did was this. We cant necessarily stop the westborough Baptist Church from showing up to his funeral, but what we can do is turn it into something positive and why not raise some money out of this and give it to robins Favorite Charity . A lot of baptists watch and say theyre not baptists. I dont believe they are baptists. What i hope is local Law Enforcement can make a move and they can let them protest, but push them away from the actual place in which the ceremony is taking place, especially if its private. I hope theyre able to do that and somehow get to your cause. One more time, how do we support Robin Williams life through your move . Visit plantingpeace. Org. So far weve raised almost 50,000. We need to keep going up. Saint jude is a phenomenal organization that deserves to be flooded with all our funds. Yep. Childrens childhood cancer. Aaron jackson, founder of planting peace, thanks so much. Thank you. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. Lets talk politics. Governor rick perry responding to being indicted for abuse of power, saying he would do it again if he had to. Now hes getting support from an unlikely democrat. But first we switch gears. On this date in 1920, the 19th amendment passed granting american women the right to vote. 1992, larry bird retired from the nba. That was big news for that. Not nearly as big as the 1920 news. In 1996, the number one song in america which steve is dancing right now the macarena. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. 7 minutes to the 207 of the hour. Quick headlines now. 13 children are hospitalized after at least one of them gets sick from swimming in a hotel pool near the denver airport. The children ages six to 17 years old are all in Good Condition this morning. Its not clear exactly what made the kids sick. An investigation is underway. This gives a whole new mean to go carpooling. An elderly man in Southern California crashes his car into his backyard pool. He told police he accidentally hit the gas instead of the brakes when his flip flops got caught in the pedal. The 85yearold got out thankfully unharmed before the car went under water. Wow. What an image there. Oopsy daisy. Seven minutes before the top of the hour. Did you see this . Governor rick perry of texas was indicted by a Travis County texas grand jury, which by the way we should point out has a democrat d. A. He was indicted for misusing his office because he said he would not fund to the tune of 7 million, this Public Integrity panel if the d. A. Stayed in her job. The d. A. Was arrested when she was way drunk. Thats her mug shot. Were not even showing you the video because she kicks the door, she does all sorts of crazy stuff. Says call greg. Rose mary lehmberg, blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit in texas at the time she pleaded guilty to drunk driving in april of 2013. And she would not quit. Rip relationship said im going to veto it medicals she quits and she wouldnt. Do you realize hes facing maybe prison. Five to 99 years for the first charge. Let alone the second charge. So its amazing who has come to his side. Among them, Alan Dershowitz, who says its outrageous this indictment. Sure. Here is rick perry about what is happening to him. Its politics. The public had lost confidence in her and i did what every governor has done for decades, which is make a decision on whether or not it was in the proper use of state money to go to that agency and i vetoed it. Thats what the rule of law is really about, shannon. Right. And he went on to say, look, when you have a political disagreement, you settle it at the ballot box. You dont indict people. Interestingly enough, the reaction is surprising people. David axelrod tweeted this, quote, unless he was demonstratably trying to scrap the ethics unit for other than the stated reason, perry indictment seems pretty sketchy. Oh, boy. Yeah. There is nothing there. A lot of people are against it. Sarah palin also reacts. This ridiculous politically motivated indictment of rick perry stems from the ugly thug tact ticks tactics that the left is known for. Ted cruz wrote this on facebook, unfortunately, there has been a sad history of the Travis County d. A. s office engaging in politically motivated prosecutions and the latest indictment of the governor is extremely questionable. Of course, this comes at a time when hes riding high, doing better in the polls. Hes been very strong in the immigration issue down in texas. Will this damage him for 2016 . Some are saying it could actually make him stronger. But its going to take a toll on his pocketbook. You look at some of the other prosecutions that have been reversed. Kay bailey hutchison, tom delay, all cost them a lot of money to prove they were innocent. And ultimately they were not convicted. They were exonerated. Straight head. Reporter president obama and eric hold be taking strong interest in the unrest in ferguson, missouri. What are their plans . Bret baier joins us live from washington with his perspective. And youve seen her shine on disney channels show austin and ali. Shes here next hour and she brought us breakfast. How nice. 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Esurance, backed by allstate. Click or call. S charlie. His long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs good morning. It is monday, august 18. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert, the National Guard called in to ferguson, missouri overnight. And this morning, the president back at the white house and ready to get involved. Bret baier joins us live from washington. Meanwhile, a shocking announcement this morning from wikileaks founder Julian Assange. He says hes going to leave the embassy hes been in holding up in. But why now . Were going to bring you the breaking details. And you cant get your kid to pick up the cell phone youre paying for. Up next, a simple way to make it impossible for your kids to ignore you. Pay attention cause mornings are better with friends. Were going to get to that fox news alert. The National Guard is on its way to ferguson, missouri after violence erupts again. That was the chaotic scene three hours before the second night of the mandatory curfew. You can see cops firing tear gas into the crowd of protesters as they march toward a Police Command post. Police were shot at, makeshift barricades were set up to block police. Bottles and rockets were thrown at police. Based on these conditions, i had no alternative but to elevate the level of our response. Then the governor called up the National Guard. The unrest also forcing the School District to cancel the first day of school again. It was supposed to be last thursday. Then they moved it to monday. This morning we received the results of an autopsy ordered by Michael Browns family. It shows he was shot six times, four times in the right arm and twice in the head. All on the front, not in the back. Bret baier joins us every monday morning at this time and he joins us right now from washington, d. C good morning to you. Good morning. This is big news that the governor has called up the National Guard and in addition to the governor, youve got eric holder. He says the f. B. I. Is going to be investigating. He wants his own federal autopsy. Where is this going . Clearly the Justice Department believes that its imperative for the federal government to get involved to assure people that all thats going on on the ground with authorities there is accurate and on the up and up. So the doj, department of justice stepping in, the attorney general saying he wants this third autopsy despite the fact that we had a private autopsy, as you mentioned, conducted with the release yesterday from dr. Michael bodien, who we all know very well, saying that those six gunshot wounds, four in the arm, two in the head. The president is going to meet with the attorney general today at about 1 00 oclock for an update on the situation in ferguson. And missouri governor jay nixon feels compelled to call in the National Guard because he believes the situation is getting worse. The authorities on the ground are trying to say that there is a difference between the protesters who are out there peacefully protesting and the provocative ones. Photographers are set to capture the meetings that the president will have, both allowing pictures to be taken there. Also the president is said to get briefed on iraq here. Is there any indication that boots on the ground will be the next step given air strikes have been occurring here and forced into the region . You know, its tough to say. I think there are calls on both sides of the aisle for a stepped up iraq strategy. But they had a big victory this morning with the iraqi forces and the Kurdish Forces retaking the mosul dam thanks in large part, many believe, to the u. S. Air strikes. More than 25 of them over the weekend that helped those fighters take back the mosul dam from the isis terrorists. Thats a big deal because that dam could be used to stave off southern iraq of water. It could also be used as a weapons of mass destruction if they wanted to cause a wall of water to go toward baghdad. Among its critic, congressman angle. He was on one of the sunday shows and senator ron johnson. They weighed in on what the president needs to do because isis is different from iraq. I dont think we have the luxury of putting our heads in the sand and saying, its over there and were not going to do it. I think what were doing now is effective. Weve got to do more of it. Ultimately, we may have some boots on the ground there. First of all, i would never say never. I dont think you need combat troops there. But again, i would not encourage the president to say what he is not going to do up front. I dont think anyone believes that thats the right solution for this particular problem, but we need to send a message that we are willing to stand up against growing terrorist organizations. That was chairman mike rogers. Ron johnson did Say Something similar. Very interesting, bret, to see a democratic congressman come out for more strength when it comes to iraq. Yeah. A lot of these lawmakers, brian, are seeing intelligence that indicates that isis is much more virulent, stronger than alqaeda and has bigger plans to attack the u. S. And to attack western interests around the world. So they see the threat from isis growing and believe that it needs to be stopped in iraq. The question is how far do you go . And this administration clearly by what the president has said, has been reticent to say that boots on the ground, whatever size, whether theyre special operators calling in air strikes or anything is going to happen. Right now the Kurdish Forces are the strongest forces pushing back against isis. Were blowing up our own stuff, too. Armored personnel carriers. Were blowing up our own stuff that the iraqi just ran and left. Amazing. The isis group has now formed into this terrorist army that has absorbed all of the equipment that we left for iraqi forces and then they left as soon as isis went into mosul. Sure. Plus they knocked over some banks. Theyve got tons of dough right now and gold, so it looks like theyre unstoppable. But thats our job. So the president we just saw the image of the president coming back to washington last night. I think at 1 00 oclock something in the morning. Its curious, bret, this come back to washington in the middle of the twoweek vacation, its been on the books for ten days, two weeks, but you couldnt possibly have known about ferguson. And its doubtful they knew about isis. So is that why hes coming back, just to do something, to look like hes not on vacation for two weeks . There has been a lot of speculation. They would have known about isis obviously and the development in iraq and how it was kind of going south. They would have known about a lot of Foreign Policy crises and perhaps its the image of the president back at the white house working in between his twoweek vacation. There was speculation there was more to it, that it could be meetings about possible immigration action, executive action. Right now on the schedule it is ferguson and National Security briefing. So well see. This may have been just an interim in the middle of this twoweek vacation when the world is a tough place. Sure. Going back to the white house to punch the time clock. All right. Bret baier punches the clock a 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. Check him out on special report. Hes got a great panel. Well see you then. Thank you. 8 minutes after the hour. I saw ainsley typing away. Did you come up with any news . I have a few scripts that ill get through. Julian assange making a shocking announcement this morning. He says hes leaving the embassy in london after hiding out there for two years. But a spokesman later clarifying that the only way hell be able to leave is if the impasse over his extradition is resolved. Assange wouldnt say why he is wanting to leave. The 43yearold asked for political asylum to avoid extradition to sweden where he faces assault charges. Another developing story that sounds like something out of a spy movie, Armed Robbers ambushed a motorcade of a saudi prince in paris, france. They stole a care amount of money. The prince was travel not guilty a threecar motorcade when that ambush happened. The gunmen made off with 330,000. They also snatched one of the drivers, but later let him go. The site where this happened is one of the few places in paris not covered by surveillance cameras and police say the gunmen knew that. Tragedy during the San Francisco 49ers debut at levi stadium. A fan died after having a heart attack during the Third Quarter of that preseason game against the denver broncos. He was sitting in the sunny part of that stadium where temperatures reached 80 degrees. Monet davis and the dragons taking on pearland, texas. But it wasnt her arm getting it done. It was her bat. This one second baseman going out. Davis driving in a run in the first inning. The dragons get the big win, 76 in front of 32,000 fans. Philly takes on las vegas on wednesday. Those are your headlines. Back to you guys. Thanks. Coming up, writers in missouri taking this one making this one of their targets. The store where cops say Michael Brown can be seen apparently robbing one of the clerks of some cigars. Someone from that store is here to tell their side of the story coming up. Then he was lost in the woods for five days with no food, no water. How the movie castaway saved this guys life. 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They were notified very late in the evening on thursday that the Video Surveillance tape would be turned over. They tried to reach out to the folks and through the media on friday, saying listen, weve had a warrant for this hard drive. We turned it over. Please know that this is not about us. We stand with the people of ferguson. We were very hopeful that things had calmed down after thursday. They did not. It got very ugly on friday night. Looting took place. And at that point the police had basically been told through the Governors Office to stand down and it got very ugly. Fox affiliate caught someone holding a sign saying ferguson market did not shoot Michael Brown. Can you tell us about that . Sure. If you were watching on friday night when the police were standing by, the citizens of ferguson kind of jumped in and stood arm in arm up against the looters and that group that was set on doing things other than protesting the situation with Michael Brown. Those same people stood with us when we went down there early in the morning to take back the store and it was their way of saying, listen, this isnt about the folks at ferguson market. It isnt about our community. Its about something completely different. We stand with the people from ferguson market just as the people of ferguson market stand with us when it comes to this investigation. Jay, how much damage has been done to the store . How many days has the store been closed because of this . The damage was substantial, if you watched it, you could see the looters coming out carrying whatever they wanted. One guy was carrying the Cash Register out. The damage was substantial, but they were able to piece it back together, open back up on saturday. Unfortunately, things did not get any better saturday night and they were closed down again. They opened for a few hours yesterday. Closed at 4 and at this point, theyre just not sure what theyre going to do now that the National Guard has been called in. Do you believe that the National Guard will provide resolve here or is it going to get worse before it gets better . You know, i think the people of ferguson, including my clients and the business owners, theyre just desperate for some calm. Unfortunately, im not certain that anyone has any level of confidence that thats going to occur. Every night it seems to be something different. But it always results, always ends up being violence. Jay, the owners really victims in this situation. He didnt even call the cops. It was somebody in the store that called the cops. So why the Community Seems to be blaming them and targeting them is beyond me. Jay, thanks so much. Youre very welcome. Thank you. Coming up, Texas Governor rick perry will turn himself in today on two felony accounts. But is this indictment just one big political witch hunt . Liz cheney weighing in on that next. And its not even close to christmas. But one major retailer is rolling out the Holiday Hours already. For back to school . I think for christmas. Chicos leggings. Every styles a showstopper with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. Legs look longer, you look leaner. Any way you wear them. Chicos leggings. Were famous for our legs. At chicos and chicos. Com. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in with Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. 22 minutes fast the top of the hour. Retailers expected to unlimited talk, text and data for 50 a month. Thirty dollars less than t mobil. And target caving to consumer demands, keeping its doors open until midnight at more than half of its stores. Its trying to combat on line shoppers and getting ready for the holiday rush. And piping hot pizza straight from a vending machine, thats right. The pizza cost 12 and takes less than three minutes to make. The machine, first of its kind in australia. Also debuted in italy, france and england. Not here yet, steve. Maybe soon. It looks delicious. Thank you. That man right there, Texas Governor rick perry meeting with prosecutors later today after getting hit with two felony charges for doing what he claims was just his job. This is not the way that we settle differences, political differences in this country. You dont do it with indictments. We settle our political differences at the ballot box. We thought so. But it looks to many like a political witch hunt. Liz cheney is a former state Department Official and Fox News Contributor joining us from the bureau. Good morning to you. Good morning. Good to be with you. So the d. A. Down there, rose mary lehmberg, were going to put up her video cause this was when she was arrested and she acted super drunk. Her blood alcohol was three times the legal limit. The governor said unless she resigned her post at this Public Integrity unit, he wasnt going to fund it to the tune of 7 million. She didnt resign. He didnt fund it. Case closed, you would think. Now this right here where she fails the sobriety test. Isnt this just how politics works . Isnt it crazy that the court system suddenly involved, liz . Absolutely. Its absurd, the indictment itself is absurd. Governor perry was right on the policy. He didnt think that somebody who violated the law, who abused Law Enforcement officials as she does when you watch that video, who asked for special treatment repeatedly as she does when you watch that video. He didnt think that somebody like that should be in charge of the Public Integrity unit. And completely right as a matter of policy and he was also completely right as a matter of the law. He has authority under the Texas Constitution to veto legislation. He has authority for line item vetoes. So what he did here was totally legitimate, completely within his authority, and its an absurd indictment and clearly motivated politically. Sure. And ultimately, this is probably going to have the same fate as the case against Kay Bailey Hutchison and tom delay where other courts said what were they thinking when they came up with this . But its going to eat up the political oxygen for a little while and cost him a lot of money to clear his name. Right. The absurdity of the indictment is one thing. The fact that were now p a very dangerous situation where you got political opponents of the governor attempting to use the court system to go after him, it really is dangerous. When youve got people like Alan Dershowitz who said look, he would never vote for rick perry, but this is not the kind of thing our court system should be doing, weve got to be concerned. I think ultimately, although youre absolutely right, this could result in a lot of personal cost for the governor, from a political standpoint, i think it helps him. It helps him to be demonstrating clearly that hell stand up for the rule of law and whats right, that he will not be bowed or cowed into doing something he doesnt believe is right by an out of control prosecutor. I applaud him for that and i think there are a loft conservatives who do. What do you do about the out of control prosecutors . There is an op ed today in the wall street journal that says the prosecutors have got nothing to worry about. Nobody is coming after them. Why doesnt the governor file charges against them . They write file civil rights actions against the prosecutors personally and maybe theyd stop with the crazy stuff. Yeah. I think its an interesting idea, that if you get to a situation where those prosecutors know that theyve got a personal obligation, a personal liability if they exceed their authority as this one clearly has. When you see the damage that can be done by a prosecutor who has absolutely Unlimited Power as this one seems to have, or who attempts to exercise Unlimited Power with no regard for the constitution, weve got to consider both things like those the wall street journal mentioned in terms of civil rights action, but also politicians like governor perry standing up to it, saying i wont be wowed by this. Liz cheney, thank you very much. Have a great week. Thanks. Good to be with you. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. Coming up, the people who have protested Fallen Soldiers now have a new target. Robin williams. The disgusting move by the westborough people coming up. You bought your kid a cell phone and now they wont pick up the phone to talk to you when you call. 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And with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week. A fox news alert. The violence in ferguson has gotten so bad, the governor of missouri is calling in the National Guard to protect the city. Take a look at this scene last night. Three hours before the midnight curfew went into effect, protesters vandalized stores. At least two people were shot. Police were not involved in either incident. Also this morning, weve received the results of an autopsy ordered independently by Michael Browns family. It shows he was shot six times, four times in the right arm, twice in the head, all in the front. Eric holder has also ordered the department of justice to conduct a federal autopsy. But most of the focus this morning still on how police can get a handle on the violence and the looting and brian is trying to get some answers on that with a great panel. Incredible panel. Thats right. The video of tear gas and rubber bullets scaring Many Americans and people over the world are horrified. Is it what Police Officers need to do or is it over the top . Is it too much . Here to discuss the militarization, so to speak, of local Police Forces like this one, some of the countrys finest experts. Retired nypd commissioner, and retired commander of the Community Policing unit in new jersey, steve rogers. And bo deedle needs no introduction. Hes a Fox News Contributor here. First off, you saw the response initially, commissioner. They said the governor says it was over the top with humvees and some of the actions and the snipers. Do you feel as though obviously what theyre doing now is not working. Whats the right mix . The right mix is a response to the action that the community is creating. The governor imposing this curfew was right. The response last night i think is what needs to happen. Initially, look, we had a riot control circumstance, or disobedience control, whatever you want to call it. To have armored humvees out there in the front, to have assault weapons in the front when people out there they werent arms, they had their hand up in the air, thats a bit over the top. But you can not let people take over the city, destroy private property, personal property, assault people, throw molotov cocktails. Thats whats happening. Steve, you saw what happened and then we got the National Guard called in two days later. We thought we beat this thing when we had friday morning here. We had a terrible weekend. I said all along, this has been an epic failure of leadership on all levels. The people and the police are victims of the policy makers. Bernie is absolutely right. It was over the top. We need this equipment in a post911 era, but to address terrorism incidents, not the American People on the street. They need to get somebody in charge there. Look, i said before, there must be multiple News Conferences going on, who is in charge, who is saying what. Somebodys got to get down there and take control of the situation or its going to send a signal thats going to be chilling around this area. The governor took five days to come public. Did five shows. You must have been horrified as we watched this happen again two hours before the curfew even started. You know, really disturbs me is the fact that a lot of people saying about how the cops were dressed and all that. They have vests on. Theyre using tear gas. The problem here is theyre being shot at also with molotov cocktails, with stores being burned down, stores being looted. Youve got to take charge. We saw what happened with rodney king. 60 people were killed. I was here during the 1977 blackout riots. Youve got to take charge. I dont care where the people are from, now its become a more and more tumult ous and it comes out of control. Unless you get that control, what are you going to do . Send police cars in there, humvee thing, whatever they had there, thats very good for that because when you got molotov cocktails coming at you, youll have police cars that are getting their windows smashed, setting them on fire. Is that what you want . Go through some of the stats on some of the military hardware available at a discount rate because were fighting two wars for 13 years. More than 93,000 machine guns, 533 aircraft, 45,000 piece of night vision equipment all can be handy in case of an extreme circumstance, all scrapped to get this brian, what led up to this . There was a chilling statement by the police chief. You want to hear it . Yeah. Here is one of the statements because this was the police chief addressing a congregation on sunday. Its about to come up. What it is is ron johnson, who grew up in that community, is taking control of police action. In fact, we can hear it right now . All right. If i may, you have these armored vehicles. Theyre being given to Police Departments very inexpensive. They can go to water six, eight feet deep also. Here is my most important point, and bernie will stand up for this. Theyre coming back. Theyre coming back, these extremist muslims are coming back and theyre going to do something in the United States look at it this way, if you had a scene in connecticut or one of these schools or a theater where you have these terrorist events or attacks on the community, mass assaults and murders, you need those vehicles to respond. Brian, id like to get the school shooting, too. The columbine thing they have to be used prudently. But the two points i want to bring out what led up to this, one chilling statement by the police chief down there, the johnson, he had no idea he said that there was a great disconnect between the people and the police. There is a failure in leadership. He should have known. Secondly, ron johnson, the statements he made over the weekend, he took sides on this. A person in a command situation here is the captain. When this is over im going to go in my sons room my black son to where the pants sagging, wear his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms. But thats my baby. He also went on to apologize, commissioner. You know what . Apologize for what . Grand jury hasnt concluded its investigation yet. You know, you have to wait for the evidence and ron johnson, any prosecutor, any cop knows that. Wait til the evidence. We have a thing called due process. Whats happening in chicago . All our young black kids are being shot. Where is the outrage in chicago . Where is Jesse Jackson . Where is al sharpton in chicago . We got kids killed every day. Plaque on black crime. You know what . This is a division, what hes doing there is wrong cause what were dividing white and black again. America has no color. Its all one color. Were all americans. To do Something Like this before any information has been finalized is wrong just maybe the cop was right. Maybe he was getting beat up. We dont know what happened. Also remember he got shot in the back . Now it comes up he was shot in the front. When youre in a shootout, youre firing away. You stop and shoot in the torso trying to stop somebody. I dont know how he got hit in the head. But bullets go that way. Ron johnson should be relieved of command down there for this. Thats how serious this is. They need someone down there who is unbiased, who will take control of the situation and not take sides. What he did was emboldened the wrong people. The people of ferguson are good people. They got good cops. You need somebody to bring everybody together at this point. Listen, we can go for another two hours and still leave things undone. But thanks so much for setting the table, putting this last week in perspective. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Ainsley, take it away. Thank you. Investigators want to know was there something in the water . 13 children rushed to the hospital after swimming at a hotel pool in denver. The children, ages six to 17, are all in Good Condition this morning and an investigation is underway to see if whatever caused that illness came from the Swimming Pool water. A hiker lost in the mountains with no food or water for five days is finally rescued after he spelled out the word help using pine needles. The california man was on a fishing trip when he went into the woods to look for crickets for bait and he got lost. I just couldnt find anything to catch. So in the meantime, i was zigzagging up and down the ridges. Every time i would walk up one ridge and think there is the lake, there would be nothing. Finally after five days, a chopper pilot spotted his tenfoot message. He says he got that idea to make the sign from the movie castaway. Do your teenage kids ignore your phone calls or Text Messages . One woman created ignore no more. It is an app that lets parents remotely lock their kids smart phones. She joined us earlier to tell us how it all works. If her child ignores her, she selects her childs phone and locks the phone. Once i enter that four digit password, i enter lock broadlys phone and his phone is locked. The phone cannot be used until you call your parent back. Very clever idea. Those are your headlines. Elisabeth . Love that idea. Im going to download that. They must text mommy back. Only 1. 99. My brothers son, who is an unbelievable kid, forgot to communicate for six months. What . University of michigan. I think theyre going to get that app. Now there is a solution. Body cameras now becoming a critical tool for police. On the ground on the ground on the ground [ bleep ] on the ground stay right there. What if the officers in ferguson had those . Curt the cyber guy is going to show you next. And a mom add misses to smoking admits to smoking pot while pregnant. That story ahead. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. Introducing the allnew Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. But you may not know were a family. 12 brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. Like days inn, where you can do everything under the sun. For a chance to win one million dollars, visit wyndhamrewards. Com quick headlines for you. An oregon mom under fire for smoking medical marijuana during pregnancy. She gave birth august 8, eight weeks early. Now shes saying she will not stop smoking pot, even though she plans to breastfeed her daughter. Its completely legal. And westborough Baptist Church planning to protest Robin Williams funeral because of the gay character he played in the bird cage. They wont be alone. Planting peace has launched a fundraiser to counter their plans. All proceeds will go to charity. What do you have there, steve . Policemen wearing body cameras can make shooting investigations a whole lot clearer as we see firsthand when this carjacking suspect is arrested in arizona. You know exactly what happens. Watch. On the ground on the ground on the ground [ bleep ] on the ground stay right there. All right. We know what happened there. The officer accused of shooting Michael Brown in ferguson, missouri was not wearing a body camera. Experts say conflicting eyewitness accounts in ferguson could be avoided if he had been wearing one. Cyber guy is here to show us how new Technology Works and you are actually wearing this camera made by the same folks who do taser. Yeah. Good morning to you. Were talking about this is the latest technology thats out there. Me up, scotty. You hit this two times if youre a Police Officer wearing this. If you hear a beep, you know its recording. Theyll have a device like their own phone to show you a view finder of exactly what their camera is seeing. So this records nine hours, 45 minutes. A Police Officer has the ability to turn it off and on but can never tamper with the data inside because its stored in the cloud. At the end of their shift, youll put this away, it will sync up and this video is three seconds away from any d. A. s office. So there is no question about what happened if the guy is wearing that, provided he doesnt throw it in a river. You know, i think the wood chipper rule on this one, its going to have the bosses back at the station saying, now, why did you lose it . cause its pretty sturdy gear. Its really tough to take this off of a uniform. We asked folks earlier because we did something on this, what you thought about it. Here is an email from ty. I want your comment on it. I am a staunch supporter of cam videos. However, i dont like the idea of police being able to pause or stop the video. This could be abused and or forgotten to be enabled. Right now this is about the policy of a particular Law Enforcement agency thats using this. Its up to them how they want to police their own police in the way this is used. Yes, youre right. You can turn it off. But the question is, you really shouldnt have anything to hide. In fact, this would defend you as a Police Officer making sure that the truth of your own point of view is told from the video. I would imagine most officers would turn it on and leave it on all day. The cool thing about this is if youve gone in and responding to something critical, you then finish your business to get control of the scenario and then you hit it and it goes back 30 seconds automatically. So its constantly storing the video, even though its not recording. When you hit record, it starts 30 seconds ago. So youre likely to catch the tale end of something dramatic. Thats good to have as well. We got a facebook message from brandy. My husband is a cop and wears one every shift that we bought him out of pocket for these reasons and more. The biggest of all being that cops seem to be guilty until proven innocent these days. This is resonating enormously on line. Other posts are coming in. There are pros and cons. This is another one we have. Unbelievable how people are very pro putting this on or they dont like it at all for privacy reasons or just hey, big brother watching yet one more time. That would be a concern. Michelle writes, its ridiculous. How about letting officers do their job and you as a Community Back them and support them . Its invasive and ridiculous. Thats one opinion. Although if the officer had been wearing one of those in ferguson, we would have a much clearer idea. We would have a very different story to report. There is more on line on the web site. Chime in. Do you think they should wear them . You . I think so. I would agree with you. Theyve got dash cam videos, so why not . Id like to hear from you. Meanwhile, shes the star of the hit show austin and ali. So how has laura moranos life changed since it all started . Big time and shell join us live 7 first lets check in with martha mccallum. Good morning. Good to see you. So we have a big day coming up. We expect a News Conference shortly from dr. Michael bodien with respect to his autopsy on Michael Brown. Well speak to him live here. And well talk with dr. Ben carson here. Well get his reaction to whats going on in missouri. And why is the president back at the white house . Is there a big announcement coming . Were going to talk about that when bill and i see you at the top of the hour for 60 days of lifelock Identity Theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. Use promo code notme. Call the number on your screen now. I came up with a you have seen her shine on the show austin and ali. We love her. You have no idea what its like to be with one person. When there is another person you would rather be with. Actually i know exactly what that is like. Laura marano is here and you brought us lunch. Were going to talk about all of this in a second. Your show in its third season, renewed for a fourth. Congratulations. So excited. And a sneak peek. We still continue our third season, so we still have a few more episodes there. You saw kind of the first prom episode. Its a twoparter. Its this sunday. Get ready. Drama happens. Proms are always two parters. What about rumors . We were talking about you and ross dating. Well, those are not real. We are what . I know. I do have to say, even austin and ally arent dating right now. So you have to watch the prom episode to kind of see the chemistry right there. You know what i like . The fact that youre showing people that you can be friends with a guy. Just friends. I think its so possible to have a platonic relationship with other two genders can have. Very true. It doesnt usually happen. Youre our friend because you brought us something to eat. Tell us about this, step up to the plate campaign. So i am teaming up with birds eye vegetables to kind of encourage kids that vegetables can be cool. They just have a really bad rap. Show me what you can do. Have you a veggie girl . Im a veggie girl. But whats so great, byrds eye is showing you can mix your veggies with other foods that you really like. Do you have an example . While i give you a hug, you just helped parents everywhere by saying that. All those kids are listening right now. We have some really cool 30 minute sausage and peppers over here. They smell delicious. I kind of want to eat everything right now. I probably would just eat the veggies. Big turkey taco burgers we have. And then teriyaki chicken right there. Its pretty great. So say there is a date night and you have to make something, which would be the meal . Obviously big turkey burgers. You got to be honest. Come on. Like for date night . You usually have date night at home . Dating is big right now. Dating on a budget. Thats whats so cool about the campaign. How cool it is to cook at your house these really cool recipes . Theyre easy. Like as a kid, you can help your mom, have family bonding. With your friends. Okay. I love you even more. As i told you before, youre my last hope. Im trying to get the kids have vegetables. This could do it. I think this is the recipes are really cool. And i know ive had some. Theyre very, very tasty. They look great. And you do, too. Thank you for being here. Congratulations on everything. Well be checking you out, our kids love you. Were going to step aside. Up next, the story behind oh, that photo. I know it. Every styles a showstopper with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. 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