daylight they got busted at the gate. somebody quick call wolf blitzer. he's in the situation room. >> if you don't believe in ghosts, this video might change your mind. a security camera catches a plate flying off the shelf with no one around. >> how does it do that? >> the store owner says it's absolutely real andç he's here to explain how it happens. mornings are better with friends, ghosts and all. >> if you like "fox & friends," you will keep "fox & friends." >> that is true. special thanks to david asman and president obama. >> and thanks to anna kooiman who is here for elisabeth. >> one day to sleep in and you're back for two straight days. >> i'll be snoozing -- actually not true. i'm going out with rick reismuth. we're going to do a warrior workout together.ç >> is that a date or a shoot? >> this is a work husband. >> if something happens, i'm curious to see if anna or rick will be using their obamacare coverage. >> speaking of obamacare, we knew this was coming. we knew there would be delay. they asked kathleen sebelius about it a couple of weeks ago. she said no there is not going to be a delay. the white house later today will announce another delay and here is how it works. they're going to say there are so many people who have tried to sign on and have been unable. if you go to and check the blue button you will get an extension. what the extension means is i tried to sign up but couldn't finish the job. >> they got a phone call, unexpected guests, car had a flat tire? >> first of all, it is going to be the honor system. they're not going toç ask. government is not going to ask. just say you need extra time and they'll give it to you. >> can we do that with taxes? >> exactly. honor roll for the i.r.s.? that would be great. the other thing is the extension, how long is it? they don't know. it could be a month, it could be a week, it could be forever. this is -- we saw it coming. >> if they don't get it done by march 31, they have until mid-april. actually it is not just mid-april. after that you can't do it on the website anymore but you can do it by calling a call center and trying to get an extension that way. the group is a little bit narrower. the population that qualifies for it, you got divorced, you had a baby, if you lost your job, if website. again, it's just you saying it and them saying, okay, sure. >> it's the honor rofplt how many other things in the federal government would you like to see work on the honor roll? the i.r.s.? immigration? what else? >> i was not parked illegally. >> i put a quarter in there. i can't explain -- what else should be on the honor roll? and what would be the impact? e-mail us at friend at fox >> the only thing on the honor roll should be weeblos. >> what about eagle scouts? >> what about girl scouts? >> i know. i got enough of their cookies, can i go to 7-eleven without feeling bad? more on thatç later. they're everywhere. i go into this 24-hour place in the middle of geneva, new york, and i've got a person outside the restroom, a little girl and their mom asking me to buy girl scout cookies. can i just go to the bathroom? more on that later. >> probably no more on that later. i have to move on. >> there is none left. >> thank you. let's talk about celinda lake. she has a firm called lake research partners and has advice for democrats. when it comes to obamacare, hold on to something, don't defend it. say things like we're going to fix it. wow, has that been a change. >>ç it's kaoeufpbgd surprising -- kind of surprising because we heard nancy pelosi and other top democrats say people will win on obamacare and now celinda lake says don't defend it. say we're going to fix it. we're working on fixing it. here's the problem for democrats in congress if they're going to say we're going to fix it, some of them have been in congress for four years. why haven't you fixed it so far? that's only going to go so far. what they found -- she's a pollster -- people like the idea of fixing it rather than blowing it up especially women because they're exhausted by the whole health care debate. >> isn't it funny to look back at the evolution of the democratic spin because over the summer it was the opposite. it was like embrace it. say this is a good thing. then as it beoao to roll out which was such a disaster, such a train wreck, say wait a minute, let's try to neutralize it. now it's let's run away from it. >> the republican side of the background poll says obamacare, consider it a noose around the neck of democrats because it's symbolic of the party's big-government approach. >> you've got to wonder why are they delaying things and stuff like that? it's because not enough people signed up. you remember kpwhaoels -- kathleen sebelius said success looks like seven million. this was developed for the 30 million americans who were not covered. they areá5ezating of the million perhaps one million never ha coverage. if you think one million out of 30 million, that's 3%. is 3% success? that's probably why kathleen sebelius every time people say how many people have signed up for that exactly, we don't know. they know. it's just embarrassing. >> media research center did a study and said with the news we discussed and being obamacare is the biggest legislation since the 1960's civil rights reform -- i don't watch the nightly news because i'm usually in a think tank, working out somewhere -- >> eating cookies in a bathroom. >> they did a study and said how many times have they talked about obamacare and the problems on nbc, cbs and abc? i could not believe these results. >> just a little more than a half-hour since january 1. obamacare reworked one-sixth of the national economy and the big three networks have given it just barely half an hour. >> you remember all of the nightmares, people losing their plans and how harry reid called all of those people liars? well, apparently cbs is the only one of the big three who has covered any of these nightmares and highlighted someone who has been a victim of obamacare. if you're a loyal abc or nbc viewer, you have no idea. >> nbc didn't even cover their own poll that showed more people were against obamacare than were for it. no time for that, let cbs cover it. if fox is doing it, i wonder what heather put together forç us. >> hi guys, we've got a lot of news going on. in particular we've been following what's going on in washington state. new this morning, the death toll is sadly rising following that devastating mudslide in washington state. as many as 24 people are now dead as crews battle those treacherous conditions there. they are searching threu quicksand -- through quicksand-like mud and a lot of debris. we're getting dramatic new video. look at this from a rescue helicopter that shows the very moment crews pulled a four-year-old boy from that mud over the weekend. that boy is now out of the hospital and is with his mother but sadly his father and three sibling are still missing along with so many others. moments ago malaysian officials claiming there are new satellite images provided by france that show 122ç potential objects floating in the indian ocean that they want to take a closer look at. these images were taken three days ago on march 23. also overnight planes resuming their search from pieces of that missing jet and also new this morning, investigators are looking into a partial ping that may show where the plane could have crashed. it went off about eight minutes after what was thought to be the flight's final radio transmission and also a friend of the pilot now speaking out claiming his buddy was in no state of mind to be flying that day because it was just days after his wife left him. he believes he may have taken that jet for some sort of]iñ last sick joy ride. >> is poor spelling to blame for the boston marathon bombings? there is a soon to be released congressional report that will show the united states missed multiple chances to nab tsarnaev. when he returned to the united states, his aim was -- his name was on a watch list calling him to be detained by the united states but he was not stopped because his last name was misspelled. finally, happy news to bring you. there is an update for you on the story of seven-year-old josh hardy. he is the young boy who was once denied a potentially lifesaving drug because that drug was discontinued by the manufacturer. this morning he is out of the i.c.u. and is doing better, much, much!retter after he received a drug when the company was pressured to change course. we reported on this story extensively. the company refused to give him the drug fearing the f.d.a. wouldn't approve it for all but after a successful campaign and a lot of coverage we provided, the boy is now doing well. josh's mom announcing the news to the world on facebook and we couldn't be happier to bring that story to you. we needed some good news. >> that is the best news of the day. >> yesterday afternoon around 2:00 cnn decided to look intoed security around the -- into the security around the world trade center in light of the fact that a 16-year-old was ableç to get to the top and take these pictures and got himself in a lot of trouble and people said my goodness, aren't we providing security? but these people went in in the afternoon and were deliberate trying to sneak in and ended up in jail. >> first they tried to get in through the gate and the guard said you can't go through. so those two climbed over the fence and got arrested. >> obstruction of governmental administration. >> they climbed the fence. cnn said we didn't ask them to sneak into the site but they were there to do a story. those guys not very smart. >> heather brought a video yesterday of the new york city men who did the base jumping. that's even more unbelievable. that happened months ago and they just turned themselves in. i mean, the video is pretty cool, butç what a security disaster we have here on our hand. the number-one terrorist target, i would say, in america. former new york city mayor giuliani will be here in our 8:00 hour to talk about it. >> one of the these geniuses told a police officer at a check point if a 16-year-old can get into the site we should be able to get into it. they couldn't. >> a group of veterans speaking out about the president's foreign policy. listen. >> makes me feel like the sacrifices i made and my friends made are in vain. >> the president bragging about cutting our military. one of those veterans reacts next. >> the video will make you hold yourç breath. a construction worker trapped by a raging fire rescued not a moment too soon. ♪ ♪ nice morning, scott? 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[ scott ] get scotts turf builder lawn food. it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it! good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he'll love the crunch of the healthy smile kibbles. you'll love how they help clean. with soft, meaty centers, and teeth cleaning texture, healthy smile snacks help keep a shine on his smile. it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. growth? growth. i just talked to ups. they've got a lot of great ideas. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. in the midst of tensions with the country of russia, president obama is reminding europe of u.s. plans to cut military spending saying, quote, as we have told our european allies many times, we want to see more european nations meeting their commitments when itdoms defense spending. in the united states, after two wars, we are moving toward a leaner military, he said a couple of days ago. >> some veterans voicing out about the president's foreign policy. listen. >> this is what weak foreign policy gets you. al qaeda is back in anbar province. iraq is a less safe country than it was before we left it. makes me feel like the sacrifices we made, my friends made are completely in vain. >> c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america and fox news contributor pete hegseth joins us now. good morning. president obama also said vladimir putin took crimea out of weakness. do you see it that way? >> he's got his own domestic problems, there is no doubt about it. he's bluffing a better hand than he actually has. they've got problems. but he's acting the way he's acting because he believes he's got the space geopolitically to doç it. romney talked about it; he was right. because of our equivocation, our red lines that we don't enforce, it is basic. he's seeing this opportunity and seizing it. and our weakness, our lack of leadership it is dangerous and invites volatility in that region. >> one of the troubling things is while the president is overseas and talking about what's going on in russia and nuclear scaryness and stuff like that, he's reminding the russians while you are being aggressive, don't worry about us because we're cutting back on our military. >> i'm here to reassure our nato allies that we're here for them with our bigger, badder, leaner military which is code for gutting while president obama reinstates a soviet-era physical fitness program where he's bolstering his entire population. the optics could not be¿ worse. it is so disturbing to watch a commander in chief go we've been through two difficult wars and so now it's time for a leaner military. history is over and we hope russia doesn't try anything else. >> they did a study and cutting the number of troops in the army in the military, reducing military spending, 36% of the country is in favor of it, almost 60% are opposed to these cuts let alone people like you who actually fight in these wars, pete, when you heard that soldier talk leading into this segment about i feel as though essentially he feels like he's been betrayed for a guy who fought in iraq and afghanistan, do you feel the same way? >> people get it. that's the difference between finishing a war and ending it. what he wasç talking about was volusia and anbar province which we fought so dress prattly over -- desperately for and now al qaeda is taking it over. it has nothing to do with the strength of wars and has nothing to do with the vitality of the united states. if you're not responsible about following through on your obligations, the world pays attention and your enemies are emboldened. we saw that in al qaeda. you're seeing it with putin now. >> yesterday, pete, you testified before the house veterans affairs. you basically are saying a lot of our veterans are feeling like second-class citizens in our very own system. let's take a listen to what you had to say. >> it's time for accountability, time for transparency, time for results. the key question before this committee and this congress is simple. who will you stand with? underperforming bureaucrats who can't be fired or veterans who are being underserved? the answer to that question is crystal clear. >> pete, will this make a difference? >> i think so. we're working with great legislators on the hill who are advancing the v.a. management accountability act that will allow the v.a. secretary to fire bad managers. no one has been fired at v.a. for all the problems we've talked about a lot. this will allow them to be fired to create accountability so we can start getting the actions we want. >> thafrpbgs,ç -- thanks, pete. >> 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming in hot, this plane comes in for a landing without the landing gear in the front. we're going to show you how that all turned out. >> and have you seen this. >> i'm placing $57,000 in this briefcase for the mayor to secure licensing permits. >> that movie scene playing out in real life. right now democrats caught red handed with the democrat attorney general refusing to prosecute? we're on the case. ♪ ♪ [announcer] who could resist the call... ...of america's number-one puppy food brand... ...with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. ♪ ♪ ♪ great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? 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