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0 the word republicans because this is a name that has been hijacked by a segment of the republican party, the tea party element. >> you have never seen in the history of the united states the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt ceiling being used to extort a president. >>steve: if they're using language like that, they obviously have the -- obviously somebody has gotten their attention, and that somebody is ted cruz. essentially what he's going to try to do tomorrow will be ted cruz's alamo. he essentially will filibuster the bill that passed the house that defunds obamacare and that all republicans want. it's clearly a political strategy, but here's the thing. mitch mcconnell has already said i support the house bill that defunds obamacare but i'm not going to vote to block it. so, in other words, ted cruz and mike lee right now kind of are out there by themselves. >>elisabeth: listen to that hr-pblg. >> no rational republican wants to. i'm not even sure the irrational republicans want to. the entire history of shutdowns, the opposition is the one that takes the hit. on obamacare republicans are winning. even labor unions are up in arms against obamacare. why would you want to step in the way. the oldest adage in politics. when the other guy is committing suicide, get out of the room. >>steve: what it all comes down to is it comes down to this. there is going to be this vote tomorrow, harry reid needs 60 votes to go forward. they haven't even talked about the bill yet per se. this technical thing called cloture. once he gets 60 going forward, all he needs is a simple majority. once they get 60 on wednesday, then all they have to do is a simple majority and they'll go let's take that defunding thing out. and they could easily do that because the democrats have 54 votes. so that's what ted cruz is trying to do, trying to say stop, let's not vote on this right now even though it's a bill he supports. >>elisabeth: that is what he was elected to do. take a look at what the people want. you have the pride of the president versus the will of the people. you have physicians opting out and certainly americans don't want it and yet our president continues to try to push it. indeed this continuing resolution will be on his lap. >>brian: the one thing they can do and get it across, and have a hard time if democrats reject it, it was brought up yesterday by senator vitter and senator graham is say i want everybody on obamacare, every congressional staffer, none of this financing coming from the outside, make everyone take obamacare like they force americans to do and letoññ see how many go we don't want any part of it. then you might see people come around. i thought one great quote was before we accept obamacare go home and talk to your wife because your wife's writing the bills. even though you might think that's sexist that is in most cases the truth with lawmakers. they're writing the bills and are going to have to write a check for an additional $700 per person a month. that is what america is stuck with. >>steve: in a couple of hours the president of the united states is going to tie up traffic significantly on the east side of manhattan as he speaks to the united nations general assembly, and all eyes are over there in that corner on those people from iran. >>elisabeth: thursday secretary of state kerry will meet with iran's foreign minister, the highest level of talks we had since 1979. will president obama meet with iran's new president? hassan rouhani? >>brian: doesn't look like it. it is amazing democrats and republicans are getting together on this. senator menendez teaming up with lindsey graham saying mr. president, keep in mind who they areçó and what they're doing. senator schumer and senator mccain: understand they have a nuclear program they must own up to before you talk to them. people around the world are getting nervous after they saw the way syria and that deal came down. i understand the best chance they have of meeting might be a semi scripted step aside or handshake at lunch today. >>steve: i bet they do meet. i bet they have a chat of some nature. ambassador john bolten had this to say regarding that with greta last night. >> they're using the first days in office of hassan rouhani to smile, to try and convince gullible westerners that they're moderates and that they're different from mahmoud ahmadinejad. they are different, much more savvy. they are not going to change a single thing about iran's nuclear weapon program but they're going to try to take advantage of president obama's weakness to buy time, to get relief from the sanctions and to continue with the nuclear weapons program. i call it the diplomatic equivalent of the p. t-bar number doctrine. -- p. t-barnum doctrine, a sucker born every÷ >>steve: you've got to keep in mind secretary of state john kerry is going to be meeting with iran's foreign minister, the first time we've had serious talks with him since 1979. a lady walked in over there. >> there is a lot of news this morning. we've got a fox news alert to bring you. some brand-new explosions taking place at that mall in kenya as the battle there enters its fourth day now. at least 62 people are dead and nearly 200 have been injured so far. the kenyan government confirming three terrorists have been killed but the remaining attackers say they still have hostages in that mall. there's also a brand-new report out this morning about one of the possible attackers. take a look at this lady right here. was one of the killers the britain's notorious white widow? samantha luthwaite, a widow of one of the suicide bombers who blew up their transit system in 2005. a doctor who helped the c.i.a. find osama bin laden is expected in court today for a new trial. shakil afridi was sentenced to 33 years in prison for settingç(u( that sting operation to verify osama bin laden's identity and also his hroerbgs. his -- and also his location. his conviction was overturned because a judge said that sentence was too harsh. a man found dead after a skydiving incident went terribly wrong. the 56-year-old was one of seven people who jumped from 29,000 feet over the state of tennessee. he never arrived at the landing site and then a six hour search ensued. crews located his body. they found his parachute was not fully deployed. investigators not sure if that chute malfunctioned or if the victim was unable to open it. after nearly two years in afghanistan a soldier gives his kids the surprise of a lifetime. first he went to his son's classroom. watch. >> daddy! i missed you. >> i missed you too. >> then he walked down the hall to see his little girl. his daughter was having lunch when she saw her dad. take a look at this. >> how excited are you? >> very! >> why? >> because i love my daddy. >> i was afraid she wouldn't recognize me because i had been gone so long. but she recognized me. >> arm staff sergeant corey humphrey says his next mission taking his kids to disney world. those are your headlines at this hour. >>steve: thank you. >>brian: 30 seconds before 14 after. >>elisabeth: nancy pelosi says there's nothing left to cut because the president has already cut enough. >> president obama, when he became president, he said i'm going to cut the deficit in half in four years. he did it in four years and three months. >>elisabeth: i'm doing the math here. i don't know. stuart varney says her math is fuzzy as well. he's right here as well. he's right here as well. i'm trying to do the math. it's not gonna happen. and when the pounds still come off... we'll be like, "whoa!" e night we'll even eat a cupcake like it's our job. just not the entire cake. that's part of the weight watchers plan. we're gonna feel happy... healthy... and good. really good. weight watchers. because we understand. because we've been there. because it works. join for free. offer ends october 19th. do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? 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