Carlos danger was in business and why carlos is now blaming mrs. Danger, huma abedin. Brian forget the shoe bomber. Check this out. Someone tried to fly away with them. Fox friends, which according to to my blackberry set for 6 01, starts now. Hear ye, this is the town crier. You are watching fox friends. Steve hes back on tape. Gretchen he has to say anchor hello, gretch. Brian you cant make the town crier ad lib. It goes back centuries. Steve it was great. We were trying to recreate what they had in london a couple of days ago. As it tuns out, that town crier in london was not official. He crashed the party, wasnt supposed to be there. Then we thought wed get one. He wasnt a real town crier either but he did a lovely job. Gretchen a convoluted way of saying even stu varney was fooled. When he comes out here, former brit, did you think think that town crier was the real one . Everyone did. He wasnt the real town crier. Steve he was the town crier just not for london town. Another town. Brian as a tribute to town criers everywhere, lets go visit the black smith and go totally back in time. Can we . Gretchen okay. Now we have to do some headlines. Get out the yellow pages and look that up. Live pictures in florida where at least 15 cars flipped over, three carrying highly flammable ethanol. Emergency crews sprayed foam there. Authorities have not ordered homes be evacuated. A judge delaying a hearing to find out whether there is sufficient grounds to go ahead with the aaron her phapbdz murder trial. Prosecutors asking for more time. Hernandez pleaded not guilty to murdering 27yearold odin lloyd. Hours after hernandez arrest he was cut from the new England Patriots. Coach bill bellacheck saying it is time for the team to move on. This case involves an individual who happened to be a new england patriot. We certainly do not condone unacceptable behavior, and this is not in any way representative of the way the new England Patriots want to do things. Gretchen meantime prosecutors are reportedly showing a separate grand jury evidence that may link hernandez to a driveby shooting last year that killed two men. The house rejects an effort to cut off the n. S. A. Phone surveillance program. It was offered as an amendment to a 600 billion defense spending bill. The bill passed by the amendment failed. It was pretty close. The amendment would have ended the agencys ability to collect phone records and met at that data unless it ph et at meta data unless it identified to a specific person. It is important we keep fighting to protect Civil Liberties and the constitution. That is what the American People are asking for. Gretchen the top secret fights in courte programt week. This pair of killer heels, the replica shoes were confiscated at la guardia new york. The shoes could have been checked into luggage. An agent tweeted the photo to warn other fliers about what not to wear. I cant see. Steve a little handgun. Lets talk a little bit about the big news yesterday. The president of the United States went to galesburg, illinois, where he outdid himself. He has been known to give long speeches. Yesterday that speech there was the next to longest speech hes ever givens president of the United States. Brian it was over an hour . Steve it was 80something minutes. For the eighth, ninth, tenth time he talked about how he was pivoting to the economy, nothing new. We heard a lot about stimulus, and things that will never happen. Really what is going on he was trying to position the democrats for the upcoming battle and the democrats for next year. Gretchen certain columnists who tend to like what hes saying in these speeches were saying things like if hes to break through the resistance, obama will need bold new proposals. Thats why his speech returning to the oldies would seem to say the white house has given up on big achievements. Also you thought you could be forgiven if you heard obama talking about the economy before because you have. These are people on the left. Brian he said it is about the middle class. He said im going to spend my last days focusing on the middle class building from the middle out. Economically it is a tough formula to fill. But he points out the c. E. O. s making so much money and the average american, their pay has not gone up as much as he would like even though he has had the job for four and a half years. Here is the story everyone is saying, it was about 2014 and not about 2013, 2014 the mid term elections because he talked about the endless distractions in washington, which is where he lives, and the phony scandals. That is dynamite to bring up. Because when you have benghazi it doesnt seem phony. When you talk about i. R. S. Targeting, it seems pretty real. When you talk about the n. S. A. And what the program is, a lot of people are upset. The president really opened up. Listen. With this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, washington has taken its eye off the ball. And im here to say this needs to stop. Our focus has to be on the basic Economic Issues that matter most to you, the people we represent. Steve it was written in politico that phony scandals was going to be the new buzz term. That is what theyre going to use to try to deflect. The economy is creeping along, job creation absolutely brian doesnt it seem risky to say things like that . Steve it is how they did the Campaign Last year. Take a look at congressman gowdy. He said when he heard the phony scandal part, the antenna went up. He was angry. There is nothing phony about four murdered americans in benghazi. And if he thinks there is, i would encourage him to look at the autopsy photos. There is nothing photo about brian terrys murder at the border. There is nothing phony about an n. S. A. Program that almost failed on the house floor because people dont trust his administration. There is nothing phony about bonuses being paid to i. R. S. Employees. Gretchen back to what you were asking about and steve is right about how they campaigned, we talked a lot about dumbing down the message. If people are paying attention to all of these scandals going on, then they hear phony scandals. Then they go they must be phony. Its worbd in the past. It remains to be seen if it works this time. Brian my problem is all of these are firstterm scandals that have come up now. You didnt have four of these things to talk about. Fast and furious a pwhreult. Benghazi was just emerging, mitt romney should back off. You look at the Foreign Policy it is imploding. Look at the president s Approval Rating. People satisfied at how things are going right now in america, now 35 say it is great. 63 say no. In april it was up to 40 . In july it was around 40 . So this is not going in the right direction. I do think if im the president and they handed me this idea for a buzz term to bring me through the summer and into the fall, i would say come up with Something Else. Youre not serving me well by saying phony scandals because that is not why the special forces was rallying out there on tuesday. Steve just remember, this stuff worked in the campaign when barack obama was running. Hes not running anymore. Well find out. Meanwhile somebody who is running is anthony weiner. Brian he is running for mayor . Steve yes. According to his latest victim online mistress, the mother of the mistress says god help new york if hes mayor. And then of course the new York City Post today, whats wrong with you talking about mrs. Carlos danger. Mr. Weiner sent out an email to supporters. And the reason he was sexting that woman was he was having a rough spot in his marriage. Gretchen even after they did these puff pieces in a lot of magazines and newspapers, weiner with his wife and their new baby, turns outs that is when he was starting this latest sexing relationship. I think it is clear he should never have thrown his hat in the ring for a place in politics again. It is disingenuous right now because he wasnt over the problem he had obviously. Its just its just beyond embarrassment now. Brian dirty. Com, thedirty. Com says more is coming out today and so is his woman whose nickname is something leathery. Steve sidney. Brian sidney leather, she is going to talk more about this relationship. Can i recommend he get the camera function off his phone. Number two, the guy needs a lot of work, a lot of therapy for him to sit out there and say i want to get back to work for the people of new york and try to think its going to be business as usual, hes on another planet. Gretchen hes got his own party saying, obviously the people running against him to become mayor, but jerry nadler, new york congressman says he needs help. You have people in your own party saying its probably not a good idea to stay in the race. Steve we should point out in the New York Post today one of the columnists takes a shot at his wife and says essentially that in the press conference the other day, she admitted that they had colluded on the lie. So she was she knew about, that he had been lying. But apparently she knew the truth and happened to lie along with him. Why was she standing by her man . When you look at Eliott Spitzer who is running for comptroller here but will not release his taxes and of course still loves the hookers, his wife never actually she stood next to him during the scandal. Never spoke. This woman actually spoke in his defense. Gretchen they are trying to make a joke about it and selling carlos danger brian that is his handle. Gretchen theyre known for poking fun at things. Steve in the small print critics say carlos danger is nuts. Spirit getting into the spirit of weiner palooza. Brian more coming out today. Expect press conferences. One of the problems weiner had is i should have told people everyone i was doing it. I think this guy has the oddest denial. Gretchen as i go back to the original point, why would you go into politics when you knew this stuff was coming up. Any way, the royal crier was a fake. Kind of. The duke and duchess of cambridge, the third in line to the throne. Gretchen this morning hes going to join us live to explain why he did it. Steve we need to ask questions really loud. Then the president says forget the scandal. He wants to talk economy. Stuart varney saw something much different in yesterdays speech. He is entering studio e to explain next. Brian how do you know . Steve hes right there. [ jackie ] its just so frustrating. 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Sharing what youve learned. Thats powerful. Verizon. Get the Samsung Galaxy stratosphere ii for free. And a great deal. Thanks to dad. Nope eeeeh. Oh, guys lets leave the deals to hotels. Com. Ooh that one nice. Got it oh my gosh this is so cool. Awesome perfect yep, and no angry bears. The Perfect Place is on sale now. Up to 40 off. Only at hotels. Com thats why america has to make the investments necessary to promote longterm growth and shared prosperity. Rebuilding our manufacturing base, educating our workforce, upgrading our transportation system, upgrading our information network. Steve president obama hitting the stage yesterday in illinois to give another message on the economy. But that new message sounded a lot like the old mental weve heard a million the old message weve heard a million times. New investments in education that will make our workforce more skilled and competitive. New investments in Renewable Energy and technology that will create new jobs and new industries. Laying down faster railroads and broadband. If we committed ourselves to investing in these possibilities, imagine what it could do brian you get the spirit of what were discussing. Look at where that has gotten us to date. Over 16 trillion in debt. Gretchen Stuart Varney here to weigh in. What did you make of the speech . I have never seen such a big buildup to a big speech, campaignstyle speech, with such a poor and negative reaction. Brian there is no plan. Same old same old, more of the same, which is which has not produced growth. This morning the liberals are angry at the president. Where are the job creation ideas . The left is angry. Hes doing nothing about inequality. The center growing debate, where is the growth . Democrats want growth. If that big speech yesterday was a prelude, a campaignstyle speech moving towards the 2014 elections and it was and stamping the president s legacy on america, it was a failure. Democrats are very upset this morning. Theyre going into an election with no growth, a poor economy, and obamacare wrapped around their necks. They are not happy with that speech or where theyre going. Steve plus the democrats and the republicans are girding for policy fights in the fall over debt ceiling and stuff like that. So the president using his great political skills once again trying to point the finger. Im doing a good job but over there, those guys, those republicans, theyre screwing it up. Still the same story. The president wants to reslice the cake which is the same size as its been for the last four years. Conservatives want to grow the cake. That is lift everybodys boat. There is a fundamental difference between the two sides and it was very clear in the speech yesterday. Steve if you want to grow the cake you use confection. Gretchen before you go i have a bone to pick for you. You said yesterday the name louie would never be a part of the babys name. I said it should never. I know that it is. Gretchen it is the third name. Are you upset . No. It is from the greatuncle of Prince George, i think. He was in the late 1970s. Brian coming up on varney and company, an all royal show. Nothing but royal, jackson kings and queens. I prefer to think of it as regal. Brian only go to the upper class. Gretchen 9 20. Thank you. Steve is attorney general eric holder encouraging racism in america . Our next guest says yes. The perspective you have not heard yet. Coming up. Gretchen incredible new video. A woman was pushed off a huge bridge in her car and survived. Hey did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol . And it tastes good . Sure does wow. Its the honey, it makes it taste so. Well, would you look at the time. Whats the rush . Be happy. Be healthy. [ herbie ] theres no doubt about it brent, a real gate keeper. Heres kevin, the new boyfriend. Lamb to the slaughter. Thats right brent. Moms baked cookies but hell be lucky to make it inside. And heres the play. Oh dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. Its looking good, herbie. Hes seen it. Its all over. Nothing but daylight. Yes id love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. The allnew nissan sentra. This is a fox news alert. Live pictures right now from edgewater in maryland where several boats are burning out of control. You can see black smoke rising. The incident happened at the oak grove marine center. The cause yet to be determined. So far we know of no injuries. But as you can see, some boats there a total loss. Dramatic video just released of a Florida StateFootball Player my goodness surviving a horrific motorcycle crash. Look at that. Nick o leary hit a car that pulled out in front of him. His motorcycle hit the windshield of a bus. O leary only had minor injuries. Brian according to a brandnew fox poll, 36 of americans think race was not a factor in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The f. B. I. Also ruling there is no evidence race played a role. Yet attorney general eric holder is saying his department of justice might pursue civil rights charges. We are all mindful of the tragic and unnecessary haogt shooting death of Trayvon Martin last year. I believe this tragedy provides another opportunity for other nation to speak honestly, honestly and openly about the complicated and emotional issues this case has raised. Brian our next guest says he left something out of those comments. The truth. Linda chavez joins us now. What is your problem with that message . I think he is increasing racial paranoia. It was a message to young black men they should all be worried there are going to be evil white racists out there trying to kill them. Yet the facts of the case dont bear that out. I mean there was just race did not appear to be a factor at all. It was really something that i think was driven by the Mainstream Media that sort of whipped this up into a racial frenzy. And unfortunately its been exploited by not just eric holder but unfortunately by president obama. Brian you said the factor that e