0 off. they were going southbound at a pretty good clip. >>gretchen: they are being treated for hyperthermia. four years ago captain sully's plane landed a plane on the hudson river on board and saved the lives on all aboard. the 49ers arrived in new orleans last night. quarterback colin kaepernick looking relaxed. the baltimore ravens will arrive in new orleans today. our own pwaoeupb -- brian kilmeade will be there later this week. he'll be live from new orleans starting this friday. >>brian: the big challenge about the super bowl now, the longer you do it is figure out the roman numerals. they used to be easy. >>steve: give me a single x and i got it. >>brian: this will be 47. >>gretchen: is that your age? >>brian: no. i'm a little bit older. >>steve: last night barack obama sat down with hillary rodham clinton whose official last day as secretary of state is this friday. why exactly did they sit down? the interview was awkward. they were giddy saying goodbye. and right at the top steve kroft said they only gave us 30 minutes which means there's not going to be real news, which there wasn't. >>brian: i think for some reason they didn't dig into anything at all. i would like to know did she pass out and hit her head? was she pushed? how did she hit her head and get a concussion? >>steve: several ways. she said -- quote -- "i still have lingering effects from falling on my head." >>brian: there was no follow-up. >>steve: you're right. >>gretchen: she was injured. she had a concussion. >>steve: that is one of the questions i have. how did you fall on your head? >>gretchen: she passed out i think is the story. to me, 30 minutes is plenty of time -- well, plenty of time to make news in 30 minutes. for me, this was more, the first thing that came to my mind when i saw the two of them together is barack obama is going to endorse hillary clinton for president in 2016. that is why they were doing this interview together, i think. >>steve: then joe biden -- here's what i think. i think this would have been a great interview for the month after they decide to get together. it's been four years. we already know they put everything aside. they got together. bush and reagan were at each other in the primaries. they ended up president and vice president. these two guys, tooth and nail, they ended up coming together. a great story. i wanted to know, number one, what exactly she did as opposed to what he did. were weren't they able to get a deal on north korea? why weren't they able to get an envoy for palestinian-israeli peace. we didn't get any of that. >>steve: all good questions. we did see a lot of love between best friends forever. here's 1 minute and 46 second of "60 minutes" last night. >> i want to have a chance to publicly say thank you because i think hillary clinton will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. >> after i ended my campaign, i immediately did everything i could to help the president get elected because despite our hard-fought primary, we had such agreement on what needed to be done for our country. >> it made for tough debates. we could never figure out what we differed on. >> we worked at that pretty hard. >> i consider hillary a strong friend. >> very warm, close. i think there's a sense of understanding that sometimes doesn't even take secretary of state hillary clinton to come together and to find a friendly person to sit down with to say, hey, yes, we are best friend and, yes, this will be where we're moving for the next four years. and if you watched the first part of it before they went to commercial break, you were like, wait a minute, is that going to be all there's going to be here? i found myself thinking that. then they came back and they did talk about benghazi, albeit only about one question. >>steve: let's listen. >> do you feel guilty in any way at a personal level? >> steve, obviously i deeply regret what happened. as i said many times, i knew chris stevens. i sent him there originally. it was a great personal loss to lose him and three other brave americans. but i also have looked back and tried to figure out what we could do so that nobody insofar as possible would be in this position again. >> i think one of the things that humbles you as president -- i'm sure hillary feels the same way as secretary of state -- is that you realize that all you can do every single day is to figure out a direction, make sure that you are working as hard as you can to put people in place where they can succeed, ask the right questions, shape the right strategy. but it's going to be a team that both succeeds and fails. it's a process of constant improvement because this world is big and is chaotic. >>steve: everybody was expecting to hear about benghazi because a couple of days earlier she had been in the hot seat where she famously said what difference does it make? he did ask good questions but these are two political pros who are able if they don't want to say anything won't say anything and they didn't. >>brian: she stays out of the fray. that's the nature of the position. but michael handlinwho says he is an admirer few big problems were solved on her watch, few victories achieved. i think everyone should keep level headed about what exactly has taken place. >>gretchen: so many people were managed. they were big time -- >>steve: so she couldn't challenge him in mid term. >>brian: you're right, gretchen. >>gretchen: she's traveled a kazillion miles. i think she's done a good job and i think it was one of his smartest moves. >>steve: what do you think the motive was last night? do you think there was political payback because the clintons did hop on board. ten minutes after the hour. in a few hours the president and vice president will meet with police chiefs from aurora, colorado; newtown, connecticut to talk gun safety. but one top cop says the problem is not assault rifles. >>brian: kelly wright with more. >> good morning, hope you're doing well. you're right. while the president will be meeting with police chiefs of those cities affected by recent tragedies, meantime new york city's top cop is stepping into the gun control debate. new york police commissioner ray kelly said a national policy is needed to deal with guns. kelly says he supports conducting universal background checks for purchasing firearms. and during an interview on "face the nation," kelly explained that he is in favor of gun control legislation that calls for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition. but he says there's more. >> only 2% of the people we've arrested for guns in the last two years have had assault weapons. we don't want them on the streets. make no mistake about it. but the problem is the handguns, 60% of the murders in new york city are caused by handguns, and we simply have too many of them. >> senator dianne feinstein is the coauthor of a measure in the senate that seeks to implement a ban on assault weapons and those high-capacity magazine rounds. >> i do not believe that military-style weapons belong on the streets of our cities. >> and new york police commissioner ray kelly also says the nypd right now, steve, brian, and gretchen, is planning to launch new technology that can actually detect legal guns. he described the device as being similar to body scanners that you see at airports currently, and it reads what's known as terror hertz, which is a form of radiation which everybody admits is blocked by something such as a weapon. they can then see the outline of that weapon. the device is not yet readily to roll out but they're getting close to it and preparing for it. back to you. >>steve: big brother is watching. thank you very much. >>gretchen: illinois' credit rating just became the worst in the nation. stu varney has his numbers and that's next. >>brian: was lance armstrong's big confession just another big lie? hear the man who says yes and has the tests to prove it. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. 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[ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. >>steve: bad news. downgraded illinois has sunk to the bottom of the credit heap as the s&p gives illinois the worst rating of all 50 states in the united states of america. credit agencies have been yelling at the prairie state officials to get their act together to conform out-of-control pensions crippling the states. stuart varney is here. this can't surprise you, can it? >> no. pension costs out of control that don't have the money to pay their obligations, and everybody knows it. the rating agencies know it, so they downgrade them. that means that when illinois comes to borrow money -- and they're going to try to borrow money in the next couple of days, maybe $500 million. >>steve: from who? >> anybody who will lend it to them. the people who will lend it to them, floating bonds, will say, wait a minute, we're not sure you can pay us back so we want more interest. pay us more interest to accommodate the risk. it is possible when they borrow this $500 million over the life of those bonds, the taxpayers illinois will have to shell out an extra $95 million over the life of those bonds. and it gets worse from there. >>brian: they only have themselves to blame? >> yes because they cannot come to an agreement on how to deal with their massive pensions for their retired state workers. they can't come to grips with it. >>gretchen: when we first started talking about illinois being in so much debt, they were talking about this 67% tax increase on the people who live in that state. what ramifications will this now have on that tax rate? >> that tax increase was supposed to be temporary, start to run out, put it down again in 2015. odds are it will not be temporary. odds are it will be made permanent. >>brian: i love your last point of view. you said look for the businesses and wealthy people to pull a mickelson? >> yeah, sure. >>brian: which means? >>gretchen: nothing to do with their golf swing. >> mickelson threatens to leave california because of high taxes and declining state finances. why shouldn't wealthy people do the same in illinois? taxes are way up there. the state's finances are a mess. they know they're going to call on the rich to pay your fair share. they know it's coming. >>gretchen: some businesses have gone to wisconsin and indiana. >>brian: what you're talking about is if they're going to increase the taxes in the state itself, that's one thing. but -- and this is something you've been hedging for over a year -- there's always a possibility uncle sam's got a big checkbook. let's write a big check to illinois. >> it's happening already. in the city of chicago, they want to transfer health costs for retirees to the federal taxpayer. that is a backdoor bailout of illinois in chicago. >>brian: more on this at 9:too on -- 9:20 on the fox business network. >>gretchen: we're handing over f-16's to egypt and the muslim brotherhood. are we arming the enemy then? next. >>steve: the buzz from last night straoepb -- screen actor's gild award. not what she was wearing but what she wasn't wearing. 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