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if our three hours kick off with headlines. >> there's time for headlines, crews in nevada will resume recovery efforts after a deadly helicopter crash there. the chopper operated by sundance helicopters. it was taking four people over the hoover dam when it went down. the pilot and all passengers were killed. still no word of what caused the crash. according to one report, this is not the first fatal crash in sundance since 2003. a pilot and six passengers died. the ntsb ruled that accident was caused by unsafe flying procedures and bad judgment by the pilot. major development in the case of missing florida mom michelle parker. police have now found her cell phone. the iphone was in its case and in good condition. however, police are not saying where they found it. parker's sister is hopeful. >> i'm excited because, you know, hopefully something will come of it. hopefully there's something that can be found off of it to help locate where she is or find out who did this but then again i'm very sad because it wasn't, you know, it was found somewhere where it wasn't supposed to be obviously so i don't know how it got there or why it got there. >> parker has been missing since november 17th, the same day she appeared on "the people's court" with her ex-fiance dale smith jr. he is now the prime suspect in her disappearance but has not been charged. the scandal at dover air force base getting worse this morning. there are new reports the cremated remains of at least 274 american troops were dropped in a virginia landfill. air force officials say the dumping was kept secret from families who authorized the military dispose of the remains in a dignified and respectful manner. there are no plans to alert those families. congress now investigating how this was allowed to happen. incredible new video just in of hawaii's volcano. 5,000 visitors gathered each day to watch the lava make its way into the ocean but geologists on the big island warn the volcano famous for its quiet lava flows could awaken into violent explosions at any time. wow, amazing pictures. and those are your headlines. >> all right. two minutes after the top of the hour. when you are leading in three of the first four primary states, one, of course, is a caucus and you're closing in on the one state you're trailing in and that would be new hampshire, you have to feel pretty confident if you're newt gingrich that you're going to get the nomination. so confident, you're already thinking about a running mate? >> that's exactly right. in fact, who will it be? here's what newt said yesterday about mitt romney. he said "i think there are circumstances where he certainly would be on the list. i don't know if he had want to or not but he's a very competent person. this is a serious man and i would certainly support him if he became the republican nominee." as well. so not only would he be a good vice president but if mitt is at the top of the ticket, newt would support him and newt revealed yesterday that if he is the nominee, he would make john bolton secretary of state. >> got to be fair, he was asked that question. it's not like he came to the podium and said hey, you know. >> wasn't a big announcement. >> here's who i pick. i mean, come on. these are the kinds of questions and actually, the question should be -- should people running for president had been asked those kind of silly questions in my mind right now before they're actually even the nominee but the interesting difference between mitt romney and newt gingrich, you can even see it in this approach and it's a difference in personality. newt gingrich immediately tells you who his secretary of state will be, john bolton, former ambassador to the u.n. for america and mitt romney says, of course, i couldn't tell you any names right now. it's a total difference in philosophy. maybe it doesn't matter. it's interesting. >> he goes on to say i might name my cabinet early when i get the examination. he does have a weakness, it's organization. he's not even in the ballot in ohio. he has one office nonexistent almost in iowa in particular and although he's closing on the national polls and he looks very strong in south carolina, florida and closing in on new hampshire. he thinks it's ultimately going to hurt him. >> you know what? it's a news alert that he's apparently leading because in the front page of "the new york times," they have a story slightly above the fold that talks how the white house now realizing newt could be the guy. we'll throw some mud at him. >> legitimately think that newt can win for the first time. >> win the nomination. they've started to dub him the grandfather of gridlock. if you want gridlock in washington, look what he did last time he was speaker. >> in the meantime, chris christie back out on the stump for mitt romney. he endorsed him about a month ago, now he's going to iowa where mitt romney is a distant second behind newt gingrich. it's interesting, he opened another door for speculation. remember how long we all speculated would he run for president, chris christie. now he's leaving the door open for v.p. >> do i look like somebody's vice president? i mean, you know, i -- i was just, you know, i have to tell you i kind of find it hrd to believe that somebody would look at me and go, yeah, that's the guy i want standing behind me nodding my head for the next eight years. i kind of would be the secretary, the gate at the belmont. it would be a little bit hard so i don't think governor romney will ask me. i think there are others who might be better suited for the job that i am. and i've also made it very clear to him that i love the job i'm in. i won't say absolutely not because in the end, i think it's i am -- impolite. running for president is one decision. saying no to something i haven't been offered. >> the romney camp says we're assets and ann romney sorry, she's been really strong. what's another asset? chris christie. he's in iowa yesterday and speaking very bluntly and he knows how to go after newt gingrich where the polls show he shouldn't or he's reluctant to. he knows how to go after newt gingrich and after the president. >> the only thing, i said this last week and it's a little thought that i had, does it remind voters that chris christie is not running for president? when he's out there and if you like him and if you hear him speak but he's pumping for mitt romney, does it say something in the back of your mind like oh, man, i wish he was running. it might mean it would be an incredibly smart move for mitt romney if he gets the nomination. to pick him. >> he was in a place called the kum & go. he told the president, get up, get out of the chair and do something. >> mr. president, we need a leader who will lead us to the moment, will help to find what the challenges of being in the moment means and not to be cautious and safe and sit back and wait for someone else to do the hard work but to get out of your chair and start doing the hard work yourself to make america a greater place. first of all, i never thought i'd hear a president of the united states talking about upping our game. apparently, the formality of the president has completely left 1600 pennsylvania avenue. i would respectfully suggest that this president has had every opportunity to up his game for three years and he has been on the bench. >> interesting thing that he said yesterday was i get why you're angry speaking to the people who came out to see him. >> i get it! yeah. because president obama when he was candidate obama promised hope and change and a lot of people bought into that and they were expecting it. and when it didn't happen in some people's minds, they got angry. chris christie was saying don't be angry at me. don't be angry at mitt romney. be angry at the guy that promised you in the white house. >> the guy that said we lost our edge, we're lazy and the guy yesterday said we live in a society that's no longer fair so it's all of a sudden, everything is tilting the other way and that's really excited colonel alan west who is congressman alan west from florida. he posted this on his facebook page. he said this, we have an unalienable right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. barack obama believes in a guarantee of happiness and that he along with his liberal disciples are the arbitors of fairness. america is about equal opportunity, not the liberal progressive mantra of equal achievement, nice try. they do not equal visionary leadership. >> and he followed it up. he appeared on the greta van susteren program last night. >> i grew up in the united states military and if you have to be able to call it as you see it and i'm very concerned about this very divisive rhetoric that the president is using and he continues to talk about equality and fairness and this thing that i think is very contrary to the principles that i mentioned, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because the government cannot guarantee happiness. >> difference of philosophy between democrats and republicans. one believes that the government will get rid of all of our problems and the other thinks that individuals should be more responsible for those actions. >> one thing the republicans are doing is rather than just having a food fight on the other side of the aisle as they try to figure out who the nominee is going to be, they're focusing on the president of the united states and by the way, the president may be taking a little heat from mitt romney who said i can't believe you're going to be taking off 17 days on a vacation. president of the united states announced yesterday he's not going to go on vacation until they figure out what to do about the payroll tax holiday. so he might not go at all if there's gridlock in washington. >> all right. attacks on our military are up but it's not terror. it's mostly violence? at least, that's what the obama administration is telling this father who lost his son. >> the f.b.i. call abdul muhammad an al-qaida adherent. they come back in a letter to me saying this is just a criminal man. they don't get it both ways. >> they don't. congressman peter king called for hearings and he had them yesterday and he's here next. >> brand new report says government money spent on electric cars is a complete waste. maybe this is why. would you believe these guys got their loan approved? for whatever that is. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> 15 minutes after the top of the hour. the united states and its military base is becoming a top target for home grown terrorists right here in the u.s. coming from an alarming report highlighted by members of congress including the chair of the house homeland security committee, republican peter king. >> joining us right now is congressman, the congressman from new york and he's via satellite. congressman, first off, in your hearings yesterday, people resented that you had these hearings once again but yet, the trends are undeniable. >> yeah, brian, they really are. the fact is there is growing islamic radicalization in this country and as senator lieberman and i showed yesterday, there's clearly growing islamic radicalization both within the united states military and also there's been a definite increase in the attacks in this country against the american military. there's been 33 attacks against the american military in this country since september 11th and 70% of them have occurred in the last two years. and in addition, that is a significant number of people who have been enlisted in the military or in the military but we believe have islamic ties who are tied to radical movements and could be potential terrorists themselves. it's a growing, growing concern. >> you just said an alarming fact. 70% increase in these types of attacks in just the last two years. could it be because of philosophy and the way we treat them. listen to a father who lost his son. >> he's left on a battlefield. it took me two years to get these back. these are any son's dog tags. he wore these when he took four rounds of 7.62 ammo from about three feet. they come back in their letter to me saying this is just a criminal man. they don't get it both ways. >> does he have it right? >> oh, yes. what a great patriot he is. he's a career military person. his son was actually gunned down right in front of his mother at an army recruiting station. he was murdered just because he was in the united states army and the army and the f.b.i. for that matter treating us as this ordinary crime. the federal government did not even prosecute that as a terrorism crime even though he was killed by someone who was a muslim convert who was trained in yemen and came back to this country to kill the american military. that case was not brought into federal court as a terrorist case. they treated it as an ordinary crime. we're trying to figure that out. it could be because the f.b.i. had dropped the ball along the way and didn't want this brought out or it could be this overriding tendency in this administration to try to treat these as workplace incidents to somehow not highlight the fact that it's islamic terrorism and there are people in the military who feel very strongly about this and they are good people. they are people, i believe, in the political end of it who are pulling back on this. they don't want to give any impression that somehow, there's a difference between islamic terrorism and a person who happens to be a burglar or bank robber. >> let's talk about another political game where you carry a lot of weight especially now with your committee chairmanship and i was shocked by your comments on newt gingrich. you essentially say i worked with the guy before. he's not presidential material. why? >> brian, this isn't just me saying, it's top conservatives like tom coburn saying the same thing. we served with newt in the house when he was speaker. he's a brilliant guy and great leader but during the time he was speaker, it was just a roller coaster. it was constant crisis, self-inflicted wounds, newt gets diverted from issues and topics. he makes it all about himself. i mean, remember, he was speaker for four years and he was forced out by his own party. he was forced out by the people who work closest with him. >> congressman, quickly, some people have said that this is a new newt gingrich, that people actually can change. would you agree with that? and the second part of the question is with congress at such a dismal approval rating of less than 13% right now, should we be asking members of congress what they think about their fellow member running for president? >> it would depend on the individual. if they don't, they don't. but the fact is, no, i don't think it's -- a leopard changes spots or whatever those expressions are. when you're 68 years old, you pretty are what you are. in recent weeks, newt compared his wife to jacqueline kennedy and nancy reagan and laura bush and compared himself at various times churchill and de gaulle and to margaret thatcher. listen, i just -- we've been there and this is people who serves with him and people have no personal animosity against him but i wouldn't want to go through with him if i'm the nominee. >> not pulling any punches. >> see you around the neighborhood. >> you got it. >> take care. they're four regular ladies with one mission, they want to save christmas. how are they going to do it? let's let them explain coming up next. >> accidently only shot a cannonball through a neighborhood, it happened. now the show "mythbusters" is paying the price. i take an omega for my heart. but to be honest, i find the omega choices overwhelming. which one is right for me? then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum, a name i trust. it goes beyond my heart to support my brain and eyes too. and these ultra-concentrated minigels are much smaller than many others. it's part of a whole new line of supplements. there's probiotic and fruit & veggie too. new pronutrients from centrum helps make nutrition possible. new pronutrients from centrum ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ >> some quick headlines now. new pictures out of boston where protesters are sleeping out in the rain in the city's financial district despite a judge ordering them to get out of the rain. now to san francisco where police arrested six protesters. they tried to reoccupy the plaza. they were evicted from the night before. and how's this for a sign of the times. pope benedict the 16th illuminating the giant christmas light display by tapping a touch screen computer. pope was in the vatican about 100 miles away from the display which is in umbria and i believe i said that right. >> i believe you did, brian. >> ho, ho, ho! well, it's christmastime and here on our show, we're always sharing with you the stories of some people that are taking to take christ out of christmas. next, our guests are on a mission to stop owl -- all that. for the last five years, linda, pat and judy have been placing these billboards all across the country reminding you it's ok to say merry christmas. joining us, we havely billboard ladies, pat and linda and joanne and judy. good morning to all of you. >> good morning, steve. >> merry christmas billboard ladies. let's start with you, mary, i understand this got started years ago when you were driving down the road and you saw billboards and they said holiday craft show and the next one said holiday sale, holiday this, holiday that. you said to yourself, you got to do something because there's no christmas billboards. >> absolutely. that's what happened. we got together and tried to figure out what we can do to bring christmas spirit back to the celebration and we decided the rest way to reach folks is through the use of billboards and that's exactly what we did. >> and joanne, i understand you said this idea was born when you were thinking what if jesus was sitting at my kitchen table with me having coffee, right. >> yes. yes. what would he say? and we thought and we thought maybe he would say, i miss hearing you say merry christmas. and that's exactly what we do. we miss hearing merry christmas. >> pat, what you did is you started to raise money and you put up billboards and you've been doing it for years. it's been making a difference to you, but what about other people, what sort of reaction have you heard? >> well, we've had very positive reactions. many people are asking us each year when we're going to see the billboards and they're hoping we're going to continue doing the billboards. >> gotcha. >> there's great reaction. >> right, exactly. and judy, have you noticed a change? for a number of years, it seems like people are using the christmas less and using holiday more. now some big companies are coming up saying merry christmas rather than happy holidays. >> absolutely. in the five years you've been doing this, this year, we've truly noticed a big difference with so many large department stores and chain stores. this has been a big difference. >> linda, how have you been paying for these billboards? >> the billboards have been paid for by donations, by individuals who have the same concerns that we do about keeping the spirit of christ in christmas. it's all donations. >> sure. gotcha. you know, joanne, ultimately, you just want to include christmas in this holiday season. there are a lot of people who celebrate different things that happened this month. don't exclude anything, just include everything. right? >> exactly. december 25th is christmas. if you can have christmas in july sales, why can't you use the word christmas at christmastime? and we as christians are being very offended by this and we're not the only people that are offended by this. >> sure, you make a great point about christmas in july. i haven't thought about that. christmas billboard ladies joining us from pittsburgh today. thank you very much. and merry christmas with all of you. >> merry christmas. thank you. >> you bet. thank you. that's great. see them next year. meanwhile, is the president putting politics before good paying jobs? stuart varney here to explain the republicans' latest offer and why the white house has turned it down. he looks stern today, doesn't he? is government money going to waste? take a look and decide. workers caugh destroying the supposed cars of the future. oh, man. why should we give this company $150 million? almost tastes like one of jack's als. fiber one. h, forgot jack cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, ts is pretty good. [ man ] we've been in the business over the course of four centuries. [ woman ] it was a family business back then, and it still feels like a family business now. the only people who knew about us were those in new england, that moment that we got our first web order... ♪ ...we could tell we were on the verge of something magical. all of a sudden it just felt like things were changing. we can use this to advertise to bakers everywhere. [ man ] browns summit, north carolina. crescent city, california. we had a package go to kathmandu once. the web has been the reason this entire section of the warehouse exists today. we were becoming more than this little flour company in vermont. [ woman ] we're all going after one common goal, which is to spread the joy of baking throughout the whole world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at >> now it's time for your shot in the morning and yesterday i had the pleasure, actually tuesday i had the pleasure of and moderating the march of dimes lunch on in new york city. the luncheon was to bring awareness to new concerns about obesity and pregnancy. it's really amazing. what they're finding out now is that if you are too heavy when you get pregnant, you're passing along all of these tendencies for your child then to have hypertension, diabetes, etc. so they're trying to put out the word for women to get fit before they decide to have a baby. although 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned. it's hard to do it. >> good job. >> when was that? yesterday afternoon? >> that was tuesday. yesterday i wasn't here because i went to my daughter's christmas program at school. they have it at 8:15 in the morning. i can't be here and there so i went there. >> it's nice they celebrate the season. >> meantime, headlines for you. a group of home grown terror suspects accused of planning to attack a military recruiting station in seattle. they were inspired by the massacre at fort hood. now, one of them is ready to cop a plea. wally heid is expected to plead guilty to multiple charges in court later today. f.b.i. busted him and another guy just as they were picking up machine guns to allegedly use in said attack. >> eric holder back on the hot seat today to answer questions about the botched fast & furious operation. the attorney general set to testify at a house judiciary committee. holder called the gun walking tactic unexcusable. he maintains the justice department is fully cooperating with congress. 50 republicans have called for him to resign. they are asking for one of holder's top aides lenny brewer to go as well. >> does he pretend he didn't know anything about the project? president obama hailed thems the cars of the future. workers who made them treated them like junk. you're watching workers at the abterra motors destroying the shells of the futuristic cars. the california company went out of business, shocker, days ago even after getting $150 million a loan from the energy department. the company says the video was shot before it went belly up and the cars being tossed and crunched by forklifts were flawed prototypes. they were given the huge government loan on the condition to raise an equal amount from private investors but that did not happen. >> oh, boy. >> meanwhile, the discovery channel mythbusters program returning to the scene of their stunt that went horribly wrong as we've told you yesterday. they've apologized to a family in california for accidentally shooting a cannonball through their house. the cannonball flew off course from a firing range and also wrecked a minivan. luckily, nobody was hurt. myth busted. all right. >> albert pujols undecided about which team he's joining next season. it won't be the miami marlins. the first baseman rejected miami's $200 million offer. he's now considering the cardinals, the cubs and the angels. as for the marlins, they did manage to land shortstop jose raez and pitcher mark burly. there's word they're in negotiations with texas rangers pitcher c.j. wilson. someone tell them they're a small market. so much for taking it easy during the off season. tmz reporting this. dodgers first baseman james looney arrested after crashing his mazaratti and then spitting at an officer after taking a breathalyzer test. the incident reportedly happened last month but just coming to light now. police say looney was acting erratically although he passed the drug and alcohol test. no word of he'll face charges. the f.b.i. is now investigating allegations that the russian mafia rigged the bids for the world cup. you remember, the u.s. entered a bid to host the 2022 games but mysteriously lost to cutter who can't play at that level. the u.k. lost the bid to host in 2018 to russia. they believe they may have hacked into the e-mails or bribed officials for the vote. "sports illustrated" is working on this. coming up on radio, amongst our guests on kilmeade & friends. these are not our guests. that's not it. those aren't them. that's like a best of from earlier in the week. but, you know what? my guests elude me at this moment. >> i'll be there at 9:30. why not? i'll help you out and do my lincoln chafee impersonation. >> i saw that. fantastic. >> surf's up is on hold for president obama. he's decided to postpone his 17-day hawaiian vacation. maybe, he's going to postpone it until congress can pass the payroll tax cut extension. but he's got a warning for republicans who want to include the keystone pipeline in that legislation. >> any effort to try to bring keystone to the payroll tax cut, i will reject. so everybody should be on notice. and the reason is because the payroll tax cut is something that house republicans as well as senate republicans should want to do regardless of any other issues. >> so the president putting politics -- >> he's ticked right there, isn't he? stuart varney joins us live. there he is. you know, the republicans, they want to go ahead and do this payroll tax holiday. they can't figure out how to pay for it. if you're going to have to do something they're not crazy about. why not tax something on they really do like, like build that pipeline. >> what you just saw is the president saying no to a whole bunch of good things. he's saying no to 20,000 or more jobs immediately. he's saying no to the unions surprisingly enough. he's saying no to canada. we're not going to take your oil. he's saying no to a degree of energy independence. we're not going to take canada's oil and he's saying no to a payroll tax holiday extension. he's saying no to all of those goodies because he doesn't want to build the pipeline. he's saying yes to the environmentalists. >> ok, i'll go with you guys. no pipeline. he's saying yes to a bunch of academics who will be continuing this study. they'll get -- they're the 1%, by the way, they're going to get paid government money to continue the study. >> right. >> even if he makes a decision, he's going to hack off one of his big constituents. if he goes with building it, he's going to hack off the environmentalists. >> so what? >> where if he doesn't build it, he's going to hack off the union -- >> vote for romney. >> have you ever thought about america's interests here? doesn't america have an interest -- >> interesting about that every day. >> doesn't america have an interest in getting oil direct from canada? >> brian and i have an interest in asking you a question which is are we missing the main point here which is this is a political game. this is what both parties do to attach things to bills to try to sweeten them or make them more appealing. >> yes and the frustration level is rising. we can't get a payroll tax holiday extension because the president doesn't want to allow a pipeline to be built. politics, politics, politics, all the way out to the very -- the last second. >> talking about the other side. >> republicans are playing politics here. >> why are they playing politics? >> because they're adding something that has nothing to do with the payroll tax holiday. >> that's a good reason for the president to reject it? >> i'm saying it goes both ways. >> they do that in washington all the time, though. >> i will say this, what bothers me most is our national security. can you imagine if there's a problem with opec or with the strait of hermuse and we need oil. all we have to do is ask canada to pick up the pace a little bit if we have that pipeline but now if we don't build the pipeline, that oil goes to china. >> oil is now $100 a barrel. gasoline is well over $3 a gallon and heating oil, for us in the northeast this winter is $4 a gallon. but we will not take oil from north of the border. oh, dear. >> canada is not waiting for us. they met with chinese officials. >> don't you raise your eyebrows at me, young lady. >> you started it! >> varney at 9:20 on the fox business network. everybody tune into him. >> thank you. >> who's on "kilmeade & company" brian? >> funny you bring that up jennifer griffin, chris wallace, i've never met him. dara torres. and steve doocy in the first 20 minutes, right? >> there you go. you've seen tim tebow get picked on for praying on the football field but our next guest says that would never happen if tim tebow were muslim. is she right? i'm going to report. you're going to decide. >> the answer is no. >> and critics of donald trump calling his upcoming debate a circus. so will rnc chair reince priebus denounce the donald's debate? we'll ask him coming up. >> former illinois governor rob blagojevich sentenced to 14 years in prison. whoa! this is the most disgraceful thing to happen to an illinois governor since their last governor, you know. the last governor, he's in jail, too. how lucky are the people in that state? think about this. look at all the money they're saving by not having to pay their former governors a pension, you know. maybe every state, throw all the politicians in jail. we'd save a fortune. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! that's why i'm carpet for life. but if things get out hand, there's no shame in calling us. ♪call 1-800-steemer. on the network they deserve. like the powful droid char by samsung, or get the samsung stratosphere, and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizo >> a quarter before the top of the hour, quick headlines for you. former m.f. global chief jon corzine reportedly taking the fifth, refusing to answer questions in the congressional hot seat later today. sources say the former democrat governor from new jersey is only expected to make a brief statement and then clam up. and a kennedy may want to jump into barney frank's congressional seat. joseph kennedy iii says he may run when frank retires next year. kennedy is the son of former congressman joe kennedy and the grandson of late senator robert f. kennedy. all right, gretch, over to you. >> thank you, steve. he's just 24 years old but broncos quarterback tim tebow is in the media's cross hairs. why? many are criticizing tebow's public display of faith. he's a christian. but our next guest says if tim tebow were a muslim, attacks on him would not be tolerated. jennifer floyd ingall is a columnist for interesting analogy. how did you come up with it? >> i started to think about it. it hit me that if tim tebow were doing things to honor his muslim faith and people started mocking him which has happened in the media and we've seen other athletes in the nfl do it, people would be up in arms and somehow because it's tim tebow and because he's a christian, we think it's ok and to me, you know, i've heard people say that's a disingenuous question. to me, it's a very important question, why are we so willing to let people mock the christian faith? >> i know. i want to get to what you think it is in a moment. let's show some of those mocking incidents so when the broncos took on the lions, the lions players did sort of a mocking. we're watching the video right now. when they did something great on the field, they went down on their knees and looked as if they were saying thanks to god. unfortunately, they weren't, right? >> no, they were mocking tim tebow for doing it. and afterwards, the idea was oh, well, we were just mocking him, we weren't mocking god. and to me, there's another question there, why do we think it's ok to mock someone who has the good sense to say thank you to god? it's his religious beliefs and he's very genuine in that. he's very sincere. he is a firm believer and for some reason, that's made him open season. >> but why do you think -- because you came up with a really interesting reason why. why? >> because i think tim tebow makes a lot of us feel uncomfortable because he actually proved that you can bring god into whatever area or arena of life you're in and he does what the bible asks of him and what he believes the bible asks of him so i think if you're a person who doesn't follow that, he makes you uncomfortable. what do you do? you make fun of him. >> uh-huh. it's really interesting, too, jennifer because if you watch the way in which tim tebow reacts to those kind of mocking sessions, what does he do? >> i'll tell you what, we all could learn a lesson from tim tebow. you know, he lasted off. he's so convicted of what he believes and he doesn't care what other people are saying about him. that doesn't matter to him. he's firm in his beliefs and i think he stands by them. there's a lesson on how you handle criticism from him. >> no doubt. here was one of his quotes. he probably was just having fun and was excited he made a good play and had a sack. good for him. wow. i don't know if i could do that or not but that's how he reacts. that's very interesting discussion. interesting article. jennifer floyd ingall, national sports columnist at check it out. >> karl rove says don't do it. sarah palin says it's a good idea. what will rnc chair reince priebus suggest the candidates do about donald trump's debate. we'll ask him after the break. why is rhode island's governor intent to keep christmas out of the capitol? we went right to the source to find out. >> can we talk to you for one second? >> what governor chafee said to defend his holiday tree instead of the christmas tree. [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. is non-stop to seattle? just carry preparation h totables. discreet, little tubes packed with big relief. from the brand doctors recommend most by name. preparation h totables. the anywhere preparation h. >> should they or shouldn't they? sarah palin says they'll reach a new audience if they take part in donald trump's debate but karl rove has a warning. >> what the heck are the republican candidates doing showing up at a debate with a guy who says i may run for president next year as an independent. i think the republican national chairman should step in and say we strongly discourage any candidate to appear in a debate moderated by someone running for president. >> joining us now, karl, you asked, we deliver, republican chairman reince priebus. what do you say to karl rove? >> first of all, candidates can do whatever they want to do. now, i respect news max and i respect mr. trump. we've done events together with mr. trump so there's no issue there. >> you support it? >> but i would have a concern and i do have a concern of a moderator who is talking of running as an independent still being a moderator of a debate so i would -- >> yeah, i would have an issue with that and i would understand why candidates would say hey, look, i don't know if i want to avail myself to a forum where the moderator might be although albeit very slight and we appreciate what mr. trump has done. but if you're still talking about potentially running as an independent candidate, i think that's a problem. that would be malpractice for me as an rnc chairman not to believe that is an issue. >> so you're going to do something about it. >> i mean, candidates can do whatever they want, brian. we don't sanction the debates. >> you pull the press conference and i strongly urge. you can do what i want. i strongly urge you newt and rick santorum not to go. i think they would listen. >> i wouldn't recommend it. but i would also say to the candidates they can do what they want to do. fox news, nbc, cbs, you can all issue a release tomorrow and say a month from now, we're going to do a debate and we're going to do it in las vegas, nevada for the nevada caucus and it's up to them whether they want to go or not but i would agree that having a person be the moderator who is still talking about running as an independent, i think that's a problem. >> as a viewer perspective that loves this stuff, i would love to see this, i cannot wait for this forum. it's something brand new. >> i think having a successful businessman serve as a moderator has a lot of value. but the issue here is whether the moderator should be a person who is still batting around the idea of running as an independent. i think that should give some of these candidates some concern. >> now, i want to see a little bit of the brand new ad that's out. it emphasized the fast & furious controversy. >> operation fast & furious. and obama, an administration program that let thousands of assault weapons fall into the hands of violent mexican drug cartels, guns founded over 170 crime scenes. >> it sounds like it can't be -- it sounds like you're making that up. that actually happened. >> you can't -- i mean, these are the things that are permeating the obama administration. he's been an absolute and utter disaster to this country and the worst part about this is that everything underneath this president has been a disaster in this country. eric holder ought to resign. who came up with the idea? that you would send 2,000 weapons and machine guns down to mexican drug cartel and then have it be used against our own people. >> let me ask you, you know what the democrats say, it started really with operation wide receiver in arizona. >> they're going to go back 30 years. what about this? listen, we're living in today's world. this president promised this country to be a different kind of leader and what he's brought us is everything the opposite of what he promised this country. he's the great divider. and everything he's touched so far as president has turned out to be a disaster. >> he's one of the busiest guys in america and happy to do it. reince priebus in new york, raising money and raising awareness. thanks so much for joining us today. the big difference is they told the mexican government we're going to try this and they did it small scale and they tended it. >> i'm sorry about your giants. i told you the packers would take them. >> sorry, your audio has been cut! your audio has been cut! and no one heard that. i owe chris wallace $10. >> good game. >> for you. the president has been avoiding the occupy wall street movement but michelle bachmann is coming on to -- she thinks it's the number one election issue out there today. she's going to be joining us at 7:15. i was taking a multivitamin... but my needs changed... i wanted support for my heart... and now i get it from centrum specialist heart. new centrumpecialist vision... helps keep my eyes healthy. centrum specialist energy... helps me keep up with them. centrum specialist prenatal... supports my child's growth and development. new centrum specialt is a complete multivitamin that gives me all the benefits of centrum. plus additional support... [ all ] for what's important to me. [ male announcer ] new centrum specialist helps make nutrition possible. [ male announcer ] new centrum specialist i joined the navy when i was nineteen. i spent four years in the military and i served a tour in iraq. all the skills that i learned in the military are very transferable into the corporate and real world. chase hired me to be a personal banker. the 100,000 jobs mission has definitely helped me get my foot in the door. chase is giving opportunities to vets who don't think that there's any opportunity out there. chase and these other companies are getting a great deal when they hire veterans. chase is proud to help 100,000 veterans find jobs at home. >> top of the morning to you, it's thursday december 8th. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you for sharing part of your day with us. it's been called inexcusable. what does this congresswoman think about fast & furious? >> not familiar with that. >> oh, ok. >> well, she's not the only one in the hot seat this morning. >> is she in? or is she out? congresswoman michelle bachmann mum on the donald trump debate. we'll put her on the hot seat when she joins us live. see if she makes the commitment. >> we have a hot seat? >> why is rhode island's governor so determined to keep christmas out of the capitol? fox news tracked down lincoln chafee. >> hey, governor! with fox news, can we talk to you for one second? >> sure. >> what you will hear from governor lincoln chafee regarding this, that and so much more straight ahead. hour two for this thursday of "fox & friends" starts now. >> hi, this is kid rock. you're watching "fox & friends." >> jesse watters has kind of become the new mike wallace. remember back in the days when mike wallace in the trench coat would track people down. if you see jesse watters outside your car, don't get out. >> i love the governor's response, jesse watters from fox news. can we ask you a couple of questions? yeah. he's thinking about it saying where is this going? >> he did pull over and he did talk. he did that interview. kid rock, his music is the theme music, this one song -- >> "born free." >> born free, it's going to be the theme of mitt romney's campaign and kid rock is ok with it. don't have to pay me. i'm not endorsing you. but you can go ahead and use it. >> interesting. now to your headlines for a thursday. a deadly helicopter crash is apparently not a tour company's first one. four people and a pilot were killed last night after this sundance helicopter's chopper went down near lake meade. investigators don't know what caused this crash. according to one report, sundance had a fatal accident in 2003. a pilot and six passengers died in that one. the ntsb ruled that crash was caused by unsafe flying procedures and bad judgments by the pilot. the scandal at dover air force base getting worse this morning. there's new reports now, the cremated remains of at least 274 american troops were dropped in a virginia landfill. air force officials say the dumping was kept secret from families who had authorized the military to dispose of the remains in a dignified and respectful manner. there are no plans to alert those families. congress investigating how this is allowed to happen. a major development in the case of missing florida mom michelle parker. police have found her cell phone, the iphone was in its case and in good condition. they are not saying where they found it. parker's sister is hopeful. >> i'm glad they found it, hopefully there's something on it to help locate where she is and find out who did this. then again, i'm very sad. it was found somewhere it wasn't supposed to be obviously, i don't know how it got there or why it got there. >> parker has been missing since november 17th, same day she appeared on "the people's court" with her ex-fiance dale smith jr. he is now the prime suspect in her disappearance but has not yet been charged. an 80-year-old woman could be thrown in the slammer? after feeding ducks? yep. it's true. police in lynn, massachusetts, say they've been telling claire butcher for years not to feed the geese and ducks at a local pond because it attract rats but he kept doing it saying the animals belongs to god and not to the city. she faces criminal charges and could spend 30 days behind bars. >> 30 days in jail for feeding the birds. >> she won't do it again. that's their thinking. >> even blagojevich said that's a little harsh. i think that's a little over the top. >> that's right. meanwhile, back in the hot seat, attorney general eric holder will be grilled by a house judiciary committee today over the botched fast & furious scandal that gave guns to mexican drug cartels. will the mounting pressure force the attorney general to resign? >> peter doocy live in washington with more. hey, peter. >> hey, brian. attorney general holder isn't going to testify until 9:30 but the doj has given us excerpts of his testimony and he does not plan to take any blame at least not in his opening statement. holder is going to say that gun walking is wholly, unacceptable and it must never happen again. he's going to say his department has been fully cooperative and responsive in dealing with congress and that just as department higher ups didn't know anything was out of line until we did. "the documents produced to date also imply the r juice department spokeswoman says attorney general holder continues to have confidence in brewer's ability to lead the criminal division and something else that holder says is he doesn't want the fast & furious investigation to become a political side show or a series of media opportunities. back to you guys. >> all right. peter, thank you very much for the live report. no doubt, this is a major scandal for this administration. a lot of people in washington are talking about the hearings today. and yet, extraordinarily, there's a democrat congresswoman from new york state, who is someone from "the daily caller" blog came up to her in a hall and asked her about fast & furious. watch what happens. that woman right there, a congressman from new york has no idea what fast & furious is. >> i wanted to get your thoughts on operations fast & furious and whether you thought it was a legitimate reason for eric holder to step down. >> ok. >> so chalk it up to complete ignorance or chalk it up to the fact that the mainstream media has not covered this very much and if that democratic congresswoman from new york is watching the mainstream media, then she wouldn't know about fast & furious. could be one or both. >> 200 mexicans have been killed because of fast & furious. you have 11 violent crimes linked to the fast & furious campaign and one dead border agent. it's not come on her radar. >> look, she's been really, really business, she's a congresswoman and if -- cut her some slack, you know. if eric holder doesn't have time to read his memos, right. >> no one read anything if you watch this testimony. >> i bet if you asked her about the solyndra scandal, she's go huh? >> yeah, i blocked that out. >> there's one other congressman, by the way, jose enrique sorrano, also from new york, he didn't know about it either. >> let's bring you up to speed about what's going on in rhode island with that holiday tree lighting because remember, the governor there lincoln chafee decided after other governors in the past had called it a christmas tree at the statehouse, he decided to call it a holiday tree and it sort of caused an uproar as you can imagine by people who believe there is a war on christmas out there. >> there's the lighting. >> so the lighting went off without any sort of a hitch as far as protests. but one of our own did decide to go and track down governor chafee to ask him why did you decide to change the name? >> hey, governor. jesse watters with fox news. can we talk to you for one second? >> sure. >> we just wanted to know, who exactly does a christmas tree offend? >> i'm continuing the past practice of previous governors have instituted. and calling this a holiday celebration. that goes back not only to governor ctierri but governor almond and even past him. >> don't you think you calling it a holiday tree offends more people than calling a christmas tree? >> that's a debate going on for many years. when i was in grade school, we had to say the lord's prayer. this is a continuing debate about the mixing of religion and government. >> but christmas is a federal holiday. you don't want to repeal that, do you? >> no, it's an ongoing debate about this subject and as i just said the lord's prayer in schools is one of those and the case is going to the supreme court and here in rhode island, the case so it's an ongoing debate and we're trying to uphold the values of roger williams and make sure that the purity of theology is kept separate from the solution of government. >> don't you think that a holiday tree. i mean, a holiday tree. what holiday is it? what holiday is it, governor? >> and there he goes. last night, when they lit the christmas tree there in the statehouse, the governor -- >> there were 200 people in attendance and apparently, there were a number of people holding up signs that said "it's a christmas tree." as soon as they lit it up, some of the protesters erupted into renditions of "o christmas tree, o christmas tree." so i think you can understand why the governor was trying to get the heck away from him. >> the german version of tenenbaum. >> what's the debate? december 25th is christmas. there's no debating that. i don't get it. that's just an easy way to try to push people aside and follow the p.c. mode we have fallen into. by the way, the governor definiteli defended the exact argument that they were using. back when you went to elementary school, we said the lord's prayer in school and slowly but surely, things have changed. maybe christmas won't be a federal holiday coming up if it continues down this path. >> here's some more -- a little bit later on, we'll have more angry people. that were there. angrier than jesse and gretchen combined. >> up in providence this morning, they have a poll, what should they call that tree next year? 86% of the people and it's thousands say call it a christmas tree. >> by the way, the governor before chafee for eight years called it a christmas tree. it's the moment a father comes home from war. watch this. >> hey, babe. >> hey. >> oh! >> all in one place. the founder of the welcome home blog joins us straight ahead. get out your tissues. >> is she in or is she out? congresswoman michelle bachmann mum after the debate in christmas. we'll put her on the hot seat and ask her if she's in or out next. >> mitt romney's campaign announced that its official song is kid rock's born free. yeah, it narrowly beat out mitt romney's first choice, mr. roboto. i've got nothing against these do-it-yourself steam cleaners. lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! that's why i'm carpet for life. but if things get out hand, there's no shame in calling us. ♪call 1-800-steemer. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> republican presidential candidate michelle bachmann taking a jab at president obama's re-election team. occupy wall street? >> the united states needs to get her own fiscal house in order. and we have not. you may have noticed there's a vocal minority in this country today. it's called occupy wall street. otherwise known as the obama re-election team. >> he took a lot of those slogans and brought them to kansas earlier in the week. joining us is the presidential candidate and author of "core of conviction, my story." congresswoman michelle bachmann joins us. welcome. >> good morning. good to see you this morning. >> good to see you. you heard a lot of what the occupy wall streeters were chanting. >> am i right? >> can you hear us, congresswoman? >> i'm sorry. i couldn't hear. >> oh, my goodness. >> can you hear us now? >> say the question again. ok, i was sitting like this and i was trying it one more time. congresswoman, i was wondering did you see the similarities between what the occupy wall street movement has been chanting and what the president included in his speech in kansas? >> well, there's no question. as a matter of fact, you'll really enjoy this. we had four people camp out in the office in washington, d.c. from occupy wall street. we asked them what they wanted, why they were there and the fourth one that was there said i don't know why i'm here. my union said i could get a free trip to washington, d.c. if i came and that's why i'm here. so clearly, this is obama's re-election team. >> there you go. coming up, we mentioned this a moment ago, two days after christmas, donald trump is hosting that news max debate. we know that newt gingrich is in. i know that grover norquist is in, are we going to be in? >> we haven't made up the mind on this. there's a lot of questions on this -- >> like what? what kind of questions will go to your calculation whether or not to sit down with the donald? >> i like donald trump a lot. we have a very good relationship but there's a couple of issues behind the scenes. one of them is -- as you mentioned this morning, whether or not donald trump himself will be a candidate and he was also on television saying that he was leaning toward one candidate. even if he was leaning towards me, it just -- it suggests the idea of bias and i don't know that that's necessarily the right format. >> that's interesting because i had not thought of the latter part of what you just said as being possibly a conflict of interest if he actually is leaning towards one candidate. obviously he wouldn't make his endorsement until after this debate. rick santorum has agreed to do it. mitt romney said he doesn't want to do it. the rnc chair was on our show today and he has a problem with the debate as well. listen to this. >> first of all, candidates can do whatever they want to do. i would have a concern and i do have a concern of a moderator who is talking of running as an independent still being the moderator of a debate so i would have a problem with that. >> congresswoman bachmann, i think you've met with donald trump more than any other candidate. you do have a good relationship. >> he has a great sense of humor. he's added so much to the party. his voice has brought up the issue of china more than anyone else and the fact with opec strangling us with gasoline prices and he is just a wonderful voice for the party. i love him so much for what he's doing to bring out this important voice. again, this is a presidential race. they need to be taken seriously these debates and when you have a question of potential bias, i just think it's important that we look at it carefully. i look forward to the fox debate. that will be a week from, i think, a week from last night. and then we have another one coming up this saturday. the debates are great. i'm glad we're having them. i just think that there's questions about this one. >> all right, let's talk a little bit about the new hampshire tea party endorsement that you received. that must have been a good thing for you but at the same time, the tea party caucus members in congress apparently not endorsing you at least just yet. your thoughts? >> well, the members of congress really are holding the powder right now because as we've seen, this has been like political wall street. candidates are going up. candidates are going down. and so they want -- they just want to wait and see how the dust settles but we've had a lot of tea partiers since the deck was reshuffled this weekend. i was on the phone all day yesterday and we've had tremendous crossover from the herman cain supporters who have been coming over to support me including representative ralph norman of south carolina so we've been very excited at all the supports that have been coming our way. we're growing, we're gaining, we've got a lot of momentum particularly in iowa. now in south carolina. and now in new hampshire. so we're very excited in the direction this course is taking. >> all right, michelle bachmann, she's running for president. she joins us from d.c. today. thank you very much, ma'am. have a great week. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> straight ahead, a woman makes a life or death decision when an intruder comes for her. 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[ laughs ] >> your son, lieutenant charles jacob. >> in front of 17,500 of their best friends. the touching moment like many others is what inspired our next guests to dedicate a web site to military reunions. chase holfelder is the founder of the welcome home blog. where did you get this idea? >> you know, i had just come across several surprise military homecoming videos on my facebook feed and various e-mail chains and i'd always thought the videos would be especially heart warming so one day i was searching on line looking for more videos to watch and i realized there wasn't a centralized location to watch more videos of this kind so i decided to make one and i launched it in june of last year and it was pretty much immediately a hit. >> huge. and kellie pickler helped you out big time, didn't she? >> she gave me a shoutout sometime last year. it was pretty cool. >> she did that and people came flooding. you're getting 50 videos a week. >> getting submissions from military families from all over the world. >> what do you think is consistent in all these videos that seem to be resonating so much when you're through with the viewers. >> i think the videos are so popular because people are so used to seeing differing opinions and disagreement over our troops, you know, deployment overseas and but these videos, they're popular regardless of your -- they're heart warming regardless of your political stance. >> right here, we're watching a college soccer practice where a dad surprises his daughter in the middle of practice. do you have a favorite, one that stands out? i wouldn't say favorite of all and you said it's something to do with thunder paws, emmitt thunder paws, his dog returns -- when his dog returns and sees the soldier. let's listen. >> yeah, he's a -- do you not recognize me? >> there you go. a great dane happy to see you. he'll let you know. that's a relatively unique reunion. >> yep. >> where did it take place, chase? >> actually, i'm not too sure. i know the woman's name is whitney and she sent it in a few months ago and it was one of the most popular videos on our blog. >> now, with thousands coming home especially for the holidays because we're pulling out of iraq and going out of afghanistan quicker than thought, they'll come flooding into your site. how do we get to your site? >> you go to welcomehome and i uphold videos from submissions from military families. >> thanks so much for joining us and thanks for doing this. this is fantastic. >> thanks very much for having me on, guys. >> ok. 27 minutes after the hour. who's really -- who really creates good paying american jobs? the folks in washington or those evil ceo's that we keep hearing about. wait until you see what john stossel found out. take a look at this picture. those are union bigwigs living it up in the caribbean using union dues to pay for their dollar beers. sometimes $9 beers. i joined the navy when i was nineteen. i was a commissioned officer at twenty-three. i was an avionics... tactical telecommunications... squad leader. i think the hardest transition as you get further into the military is... you know it's going to end one day. chase hired me to be a personal banker. i'm a business analyst... manager. i'm very proud to work for chase. when you hire a veteran, you get... great leadership... decisiveness... focus. chase knows, when you hire a veteran, you're hiring america's best. chase is proud to help 100,000 veterans find jobs at home. the best approach to food is tkeep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the otr guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles for up to 16 hours of relief. that's 8 hours while you wear it, plus an additional 8 hours of relief after you take it off. can your patch, wrap, cream or rub say that? so if you've got pain... get up to 16 hours of pain relief with thermacare. i'm an expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. >> now it's time for your shot of the morning on this thursday morning. new york union leaders caught on camera soaking up the sun in puerto rico. they're on a so-called working vacation paid for by union dues. some workers are outraged saying they're struggling to get by and facing layoffs while as many as 300 union bosses are enjoying a six day caribbean convention there in puerto rico. nice work if you can get it. >> these are new york public employees and they have to leave new york to go to the caribbean to clear their heads and come up with a strategy. one of them said, we've been working. this is not a vacation. we've been working the entire time. but if you're in new york sitting there trying to deal with the traffic and with the rain and you're working each day, paying a portion of your paycheck that you need from christmas and you say to yourself, why do you leave new york? why do i leave new york to begin with? because people come here for conventions. >> the ironies of all ironies is they're down there talking about how to cut more from the budget. huh? >> they're the bosses. they don't have to worry about losing their jobs. >> now to some headlines and we'll welcome in john stossel, two home grown terror suspects accuse of planning to attack a military recruiting stage in seattle. they were inspired by the massacre in fort hood. one of them is ready to cop a plea. that guy is expected to plead guilty to multiple charges in court today. the f.b.i. busted him and another suspect just as they were picking up machine guns to allegedly use in the attack. >> girls 16 and under will need a prescription called the morning after pill. this after an unprecedented move by health and human services secretary kathleen sabelius. she overruled a ruling by the f.d.a. she's worried young girls won't know how to use the emergency contraceptive safely. >> police in california releasing a chilling 911 call as a woman shoots and kills a guy trying to break into her house. here's the tape. >> where is he at? oh, my god. >> you can hear the terror and desperation in 66-year-old donna hopper's voice. it turns out the person she shot and killed was 37-year-old jesse, a man with an extensive criminal history. hopper has been cleared of any wrongdoing. she was the first -- that was, by the way, the first time she'd ever used her gun. >> wow. >> the principal who suspended a 9-year-old boy for calling his teacher cute has resigned. he threatened to fine or demote him and never gave him a chance to apologize. he was suspended for two days after being overheard to say that his principal was cute. -- teacher was cute. >> back in the day, you said teachers might have been cute. can only imagine wha you would have said. >> who knows, i think steve was way out of control. >> those were the days. got a long memory. >> one room schoolhouse, correct? >> i was. >> five grades. >> look at kansas right there. up in the north central portion, i went to a one room schoolhouse in industry, kansas. we had 11 kids in the entire school. >> right, was lincoln in your class? >> lincoln chafee? my look-alike? take a look. we had a little storm scooting through portions of new england. it has brought a lot of rain over the last 24 hours and some snow in some spots. so still kind of a challenging go up in portions of new england. maine in particular. current temperatures, it's cold. look at that, right now, it's freezing in san antonio, texas. it's 25 in el paso. albuquerque has 20. chilliest spot on this map would be missoula, montana at 11. warm up across the southern third of the u.s. of a, 50's and 60's for the most part from raleigh down south. then you'll have 40's from the big northeastern corridor cities back across the central plains. 20's continue in portions of the northern plains. only two dozen today in rapid city and in caribou, maine, the high there should be 31 degrees. now, let's talk about the mob and soccer, mr. kilmeade. >> a major controversy in world soccer. f.b.i. investigating allegations the russian mafia rigged the bids for the world cup. you may remember the u.s. entered a bid to host the games in 2022. we did unbelievable when we had it here in 1994 but we mysteriously lost to cutter. they have yet to build fields. they have models of stadiums. the u.k. lost its bid to host in 2018 to, you guessed it, russia much the f.b.i. believes someone might have been hacking into the bidding e-mails or even bribing officials for their vote. that will develop. tmz reporting this. dodgers first baseman james honey arrested after crashing his mazaratti and spitting at a breathalyzer test at a police officer. the incident happened last month but just coming to light right now. they don't like that of the lapd. he was driving erratically but passed a drug test. tell you how it happens. that's a quick look at what's happening in the world of sports. >> meanwhile, greedy fat cats or are they job creators? some wall street protesters and lawmakers in washington calling top business leaders fat cats. but what do the country's most prominent ceo's think about that? >> we got this corporation with monarchs. >> hey, the fat cats are fat enough. >> don't need their profit motives. we can do it on our own. >> that's what the protesters say but can they? i don't think so. nor does the president of best buy. >> we live better than anybody else in the world with us. it just happened. >> just happened. prosperity was created by businesses. >> we should be rewarded for the productivity and creativity. >> acting in your own interest can fill a more moral environment. >> here with more on this the host of stossel on the fox business network. john stossel. good morning. >> so you interviewed six prominent ceo's, correct? >> they formed something called the job creators alliance because they're tired of taking heat and not talking back. i'm glad they are. au >> what they said in part is the great businesses we have built we probably couldn't do it today because thanks to uncle sam, we are a regulation nation. >> and that's depressing, you take best buy, staples, the ceo's, 200,000 jobs they created. all the guys said we couldn't do the same thing today. too many rules. >> it's interesting because the guy at the top, the ceo of j.p. morgan chase, one of the most successful banks, jamie diamond coming out this morning and saying acting like everyone who has been successful is bad and everyone who is rich is bad. i don't get it. most of us wage earners are paying 39.6% in taxes. add another 12% in new york state in city taxes and we're paying 15% of our income in taxes. he doesn't get this whole fat cat thing and fair share argument that obama has even if he supported him in 2008. >> that's ok. if you want to call them fat cats and say they're greedy, fine. a lot of them are hiring a ton of people. business unlike government can't use force. they're pleasing their customers. rush limbaugh took heat for saying let's help more people. greed or charity? greed every time. mother teresa helped a couple thousand people. these job creators created hundreds of thousands of jobs. >> like the pocket chair creator. >> has to be at least a dozen. gordon gecco may say greed is good. bernie sanders, u.s. senator from vermont says bad. watch. >> corporate greed is running this country. corporate greed is destroying the middle class and corporate greed is destroying the dreams and aspirations of millions of american people. >> do you agree with him? >> the socialist. >> no, he can call it -- >> corporate greed exists but you can also call it enlightened self-interest and that greed makes people work hard. you harness that, you get wealth. capitalism has helped more poor people than any system ever. >> didn't you try to open up a business? >> i did. i did it twice, i opened up a lemonade stand. >> i'm still trying to get the permit. it takes months in new york. >> wait a minute, are you telling me those guys selling the fake prada bags in front of the building have permits? >> yes. >> that's why they scurry when the police officers start driving by. >> it's not a food business, you know. lemonade stand is a food business. that's why i have to take a 15 more course. >> i'm tired of bailing you out. get some permits. >> we'll watch you tonight at 10:00 p.m. on the fox business network. a texas courthouse the latest battlefield, critics take down this nativity scene. isn't it christmastime? our next guest living up to the phrase "don't mess with texas." details of newt gingrich's past coming to light in the brand new book and some things may catch the former speaker by surprise that he has not seen yet. the author here this hour. >> right now, your pfizer trivia of the day. born on this date in 1964, this actress was a cheerleader for the san francisco 49ers before landing her first big role as lois lane. who is she? e-mail, friends at and we'll send you something real nice. 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[ regis ] we love to play tennis. as a matter of fact it was joy who taught me how to play tennis. and with it comes some aches and pains and one way to relieve them all is to go right to the advil®. i have become increasingly amazed at regis's endurance. it's scary sometimes what he accomplishes in a day. well i'd rather not have time for pain but unfortunately it does comes your way every now and then. and that's when i take my advil®. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. >> some quick headlines now, breakthrough in breast cancer research. two new drugs delay patients in advanced stages from getting worse. but treatments run about $10,000 a month and buying holiday presents for your teacher now a crime in alabama. the state is outlawed teachers from accepting gifts unless they're homemade. it's punishable by jail, time and a fine. steve? >> thank you, brian. newt gingrich is the newest g.o.p. frontrunner but he's certainly not new to politics. from his first days in congress way back in the 1970's to his rise as speaker in the 90's. our next guest is writing the book on newt litlerly. joining us is the author of citizen newt, the rise and fall of speaker gingrich coming out in the spring and right now, he has a great brand new "new york times" bestseller called december 1941. mr. craig shirley joins us live from d.c. good morning. >> good morning. thank you. >> hey, newt gingrich has really reinvented himself, hasn't he? i mean, he rose to speaker. then he flamed out. went away. he's back and bigger than ever. >> yeah. you know, it's interesting, you know, f. scott fitzgerald said there are no second acts in american life. as a matter of fact, many successful politicians have reinvented themselves. richard nixon before his successful comeback in 1968 was known as dick nixon, political hatchet man. when he went through his new nixon phase, he came richard m. nixon world statesman. and same thing with bill clinton, there's something that all these four men have in common is that they have a durability in american politics and all four have been written off by the intelligenceia at some point in their careers and some back at sheer force of their own will. >> sure. he does have a history and he's worked with a lot of people on capitol hill. it's interesting, i was reading, i think at the, i was looking at the number of congressional endorsements people in congress who are endorsing newt vs. mitt. mitt romney has 50 and i think newt gingrich has six. i've heard from all the six supporting him but i've heard from a lot of people who used to work with him. didn't like his management style. seems like everything is a crisis. >> right. if you -- if you would have asked him and in fact, i have asked him for the book, he would say that he's running an unconventional type of campaign and everybody would agree. everybody is trying to focus on his ideas and it's not so much about the endorsements as it is about the endorsement of ideas and that's how -- romney is running a very typical type of camig but what we're seeing evolve, steve, is the same thing that's happened in the republican party over the last 40 years with goldwater vs. rockefeller, reagan vs. ford, reagan vs. bush and now that same dynamic is playing out again with gingrich, the conservative vs. romney the moderate. >> that is then and this is now. and i've heard people that have known him for a very long time and you certainly have a history with him. newt is -- newt 2.0 is a more mellow guy. he's a different guy than the guy who is speaker. >> i think there's no doubt about it that he's -- but reagan had changed also and a lot of these men as they get closer to -- deeper into presidential politics, i think they start to reflect more deeply on what the meaning of it is and the presidency, it is. let's face it, the most important man in the world is the president of the united states and has been ever since the time of fdr. but his faith is convergent, his marriage, he talks a lot about his grandchildren and there's no doubt over many years that he's evolved and become, i think, more reflective and more thoughtful. >> right. and mitt romney taking a shot at newt and his family life. mitt has this new ad out called "leader" talks about being married for decades and decades, shot of the fact that newt gingrich has been married three times. >> it's the way the game is played, you know, it's -- it's -- there's no real rules anymore. it's a steel cage match. and it's up to gingrich to see how he handles and responds to it. >> right. people certainly love to see him at the debates. real briefly, you got a new book out december 1941, 31 days that changed america and saved the world. if you want a good read this christmas season, check it out. craig, thank you very much for joining us. informative segment. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> all right. straight ahead, at 11 minutes before the top of the hour, a town in texas is the latest battleground in the war on christmas. one group wants that nativity off public property. but our next guests say don't you dare mess with texas. first on this date back in 2001, toby keith had the number one song in america with "i want to talk about me." [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. save big on great gifts during bass pro shops' countdown to christmas. like... and with my bankamericard cash rewards credit card, i lov'em even more. i earn 1% cash everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% ogas. automatally. nooops to jump through. that's 1% back ... [ toy robot sounds ] 2% on pumpkinie. and apple. 3% back on 4 trips to the airpo. it's as easy as 1... -2... -3... [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ toy robot sounds ] >> rare occurrence when i know the answer to the pfizer question of the day. today i did. and so did the winner. richard in harbor springs, maryland. terri hatcher, of course. love that graphic. the grounds outside this texas courthouse, latest battlefield on the war on christmas. the freedom from religion foundation wants the nativity display moved immediately. but our next guests say there is no way they're going to take it down. henderson county judge richard sanderson, nathan larick sr., pastor of the first baptist church disagree. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, thank you. >> good morning. >> you agee with each other, right? >> absolutely. >> we do. we're in agreement. >> whole heartedly. >> so i understand that this came about relatively recently, right? tell me what happened, judge. >> monday afternoon, i received a letter from the freedom from religion federation that was demanding that we took -- we take our nativity scene down from the courthouse lawn. >> why? >> they said it was in violation of federal law. >> ok. what do you have to say about that, nathan? you're a pastor. i mean, obviously, you're preaching about christmas in the church every sunday and every day for that matter. but why would -- >> absolutely, gretchen. >> why would somebody want to take this down? if they don't believe in it, just drive by. >> gretchen, what you're seeing is just not an east texas thing. we're seeing the beginning of persecution of christianity in america all across the nation. you talked about it earlier today, about tim tebow, here in new york, the judgment that churches can't meet in schools any longer. this is a widespread persecution that's beginning to happen more and more often and the reality is that far too long, evangelical christianity has been the solid majority and we just believe it's time to step up as evangelical christians and take america back to the foundations that we know started our country on biblical principles and biblical values and so that's why we're here to say, it's time to take it back. >> it's interesting because december 25th, obviously is christmas. i don't know what's up for debate on that and 84% of america believes in christianity. so judge, from a legal perspective, do they have a case? >> well, clint davis, our county attorney did some research and looked -- reviewed some supreme court decisions. the latest one, i believe, was 2010 and he reported to the commissioner's court that we are in compliance with federal law so we're taking his word and we're going on just like we always would. >> all right. here is the quote from the freedom from religion. when the county displays the scene that depicts the legendary birth of jesus christ, it places the county government behind christian doctrine. all right. that's their point of view. looks like you have the law on your side at least for now. richard sanderson, county judge and pastor, thanks for bringing this to our attention today. merry christmas. >> thank you. you, too. >> thank you very much for covering it. >> attorney general eric holder in the hot seat today over not one but two potential scandals. gunrunning and money laundering. we'll talk to darrell issa top of the hour. and it looks like the first family will be leaving for vacation alone now. president obama says he'll stay in washington to wait for that payroll tax extension. michelle malkin reacts to that top of the hour. on a ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. [ gasps [ male announcer ] if you're giving an amazing gift, shouldn't it be given in an amazing way? ♪ ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited te. see your lexus dealer for exclusive lease offers on the 2012 es 350 and, as a gift from lexus, you >> gretchen: top of the morning to you. it's thursday, december 8. hope you're goo have a -- going to have a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. the president may be canceling his trip to hawaii to fight the rips over the payroll tax. we're live at the white house with ed henry to get the very latest. >> steve: aloha. extremists are attacking the military more than ever before, but our government won't call them terrorist attacks. >> the f.b.i. called him annealed adherent. they come back and say, this is a criminal man. they don't get it both ways. >> steve: al-qaeda adherent. that father fighting to make sure his son did not die in vain. >> brian: it's a wonderful life. a holiday classic that warms hearts to this day. >> here is a christmas present from a very dear friend of pipe. >> lok, daddy! every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. >> brian: one of the original stars, jimmy hawkins, is here today. 65 years after the movie first hit the big screen. you've probably soon it already this season. "fox & friends" starts right now >> i'm jordan sparks and you're watching "fox & friends." >> steve: we're talking about "it's a wonderful life." it's already been on once or twice so far this holiday season. >> gretchen: there is an interesting story about how it became such a big hit. it came about giving up the rights to allow it to be shown so much on television and become a mainstay now as we think of christmas. >> brian: jimmy stewart, way overrated. >> steve: you think so? >> brian: kidding. >> gretchen: he he had not made a film for six years before that, all because of the war. >> steve: it's a wonderful program we've got for you. every time a bell ring, it's tile for headlines. >> gretchen: we'll start with a fox news alert. because you were looking at live pictures out of massachusetts where we have just learned one firefighter has died in an early morning fire. he was killed after getting trapped in a collapsed manage at a multi-family home in worcester. up to two other firefighters were also rushed to the hospital. they should be okay. a deadly helicopter crash, apparently not a tour company's first one. four people and a pilot were killed after this sundance helicopter's chopper went down near lake meade. investigators still don't know what caused this crash. according to one report, sundance also had a fatal accident in 2003. a pilot and six passengers died in that one. the ntsb ruled that crash was caused by unsafe flying procedures and bad judgment by the pilot. former mf global chief jon corzine will not take the fie in the congressional hot seat this morning. he was expected to stay quiet about the scandal. more than a billion dollars in customers' money is missing from the brokerage firm he used to run. but fox business correspondent peter barns reports the governor from new jersey has a 21-page statement prepared for the hearing which begins in 90 minutes from now. in it, corzine says in part, i apologize to all those affected. i simply do not know where the money is. police in south florida looking for two clumsy criminals. video shows them holding up a hotel lobby. they get tripped up at that pesky automatic door. at one point they dropped the cash all over the floor. in the end, they did manage to escape. no one was hurt. those are your headlines. >> steve: oopsy daisy. so much for president obama's 17-day christmas vacation, we heard about. the president says he's not going to hawaii perhaps when we thought. ed henry live now at the white house. aloha, ed. >> aloha, good morning to all of you. interesting because what they do at the white house every year for these kind of vacations is mark off a certain amount of time. this time 17 days. but oftentimes it gets shortened because of business back here. this happened last year because of the fight with congress about extending the bush tax cuts. the year before that, i believe it was sort of cut down a little bit because of the fight over health care reform. and as is congress' pattern, they let all this business pile up at the last minute. that can often delay the president's departure from washington. right now you've got unemployment benefits expiring at the end of the year for 1.3 million americans. you've got this payroll tax cut the president wants extended. many republicans say they want to see it extended, but they want to see how it will be paid for. then you got the keystone pipeline issue, from canada down through the united states, into the south. republicans want to see that approved. but yesterday appearing with the canadian prime minister here, either president said if congress tries to attach that pipeline and moving forward on it to extending the payroll tax cut, he'll essentially veto it 'cause he doesn't want to load up this bill. take a listen. >> i think it's fair to say that if the payroll tax cut is attached to a whole bunch of extraneous issues not related to making sure that the american people's taxes don't go up on january 1, then it's not something that i'm going to accept and i don't expect to have to veto it because i expect they're going to have enough sense over on capitol hill to do the people's business and not try to load it up with a bunch of politics. >> we'll see if they have a lot of sense on capitol hill. they're not always accused of that. lawmakers in both parties we should note. but it's very clear as well that republicans have been really pushing the president to approve this pipeline project because up on the hill, they say this is a real shovel ready project that actually would create thousands of jobs in the united states if the president moved forward on it. the white house has been going slow on it because they want to make sure that environmental concerns and other issues are addressed before they move forward on it. >> gretchen: so the president is not saying he's not going to hawaii, right? >> that's right. >> gretchen: it's just when congress actually makes the decision. if they're work, then he agreed to work. >> he's going to go, i can almost guarantee you he'll spend at least some time in hawaii. that's what he does around the holidays since he was born there. bottom line is, i was in texas with president bush on a vacation when the pakinstani prime minister was assassinated tragically. president bush didn't get to vacation at that time. the presidency follows you everywhere. i was in hawaii with president obama one time when the underwear bomber struck christmas morning. when you're president, whether democrat or republican, you're on the clock. >> steve: oftentimes you're right with them. ed henry live from the white house. we thank you very much. >> brian: let's bring in michelle malkin. welcome back. >> hey, thanks for having me back. >> brian: first off, your reaction to the president possibly delaying his vacation and warning republicans on top of that, you better not put the keystone pipeline and attach it to the payroll tax holiday. >> yeah. on the first point, it is as suggests, one big elaborate hula dance, more gesture politic, this idea that somehow he's sacrificing nobly to make sure work gets done in washington when this is all part of this annoying pattern that has been exacerbated over the last three years of congress and capitol hill and the white house taking so much time and waiting and procrastinating until the last minute. i'm always on my own kids to make sure they plan ahead and get their pack reports done two weeks before the deadline so we're not crunching right before vacation. and yet, this has been the modus operandi in beltway. i think, of course, it's an indication of how short the observe -- obama's promise of changing the way washington works has fallen. >> steve: you know, some suggested, do you think maybe mitt romney coming out saying, mr. president, you know, you got business at home. you shouldn't be going off on that hawaiian vacation, his suggestion, that's why now they're saying, he might not be going, because on his web site now, mitt romney's got -- since he took office in 2009, the president has gone golfing 1584 holes since 2009. >> yeah. i think it's well worth pointing all of that out and certainly there has been a culture at 1600 pennsylvania of phoning it in. i mean n some cases literally phoning it in. i mean, usually on a lot of these holiday, they'll have the white house photographer show obama hard at work on that red phone talking to whoever is actually back in washington doing business. >> gretchen: i'm sorry to interrupt. let's remember, there is a big chain of events here. we wouldn't be talking about the payroll tax holiday if the super committee had done their job. we wouldn't be talking about the super committee, some argue, if the president had done his job. so it goes way back as to why this whole vacation thing even came to be. got to move you to the next topic, which is the spike in home grown terrorists. in the last two years, there has been a 70% increase in home grown terrorist. peter king from new york wants to do something about that and he's having hearings again yesterday and today. listen to this. >> this overriding tendency in this administration to try to treat these as workplace incidents, to somehow not highlight the fact that it's islamic terrorism. there are people in the military who feel very strongly about this. and there are people i believe in the political end of it who are pulling back on it. they don't want to give any impression that somehow there is a difference between islamic terrorism and a person who happens to be a burglar or bank robber. >> gretchen: your thoughts? >> he's absolutely right about that. of course, that point is underscored by this latest heinous report on how the fort hood attack is being treated as some sort of generic workplace violence and there are too many people, whether it's in the military or any other bureaucracy, unfortunately, under the obama administration who have been unwilling to call radical islamic jihaddism what it is. of course, we've had home grown terrorist attacks under the bush administration, too, that have been thwarted, whether it was seattle, portland, texas, the chicago one. the millennium bombing plot back in 2000. but i think another possible reason for the spike over the last couple of years, there is good reasons for it. i think there has been better surveillance and detection despite all of the attempts by the likes of the aclu and the civil liberties absolutists to stop the f.b.i. from doing its job. >> brian: i'm so disappointed in the military for not speaking up and identifying this. what do pundits and congress people have to stand on? they're the ones in the line of fire and they're not the ones fighting to change this label. >> yeah. absolutely right, brian. our first line of defense and there are too many people in military brass who have let political correctness run amuck. i think it always bears repeating that with regard to the fort hood attack, you had a guy who had put on his business card, soldier of allah, and had warned in a very detailed power point that he basically was endorsing fracking of u.s. soldiers abroad. >> brian: so we're going to send him over there. >> steve: yeah. michelle, it's always a pleasure. we thank you very much for joining us live from colorado springs today. >> take care, guys. >> steve: straight ahead, brand-new report says taxpayer money spent on electric cars is a big fat waste of money. maybe this is why. that's one of those cars of the future. believe it or not, that company got $150 million loan approved by our government. >> gretchen: if you can't pay your mortgage or credit card bills, can the banks really tap into your weekly paycheck to get their money back? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> brian: last week we told you about the basics of asset protection. remember that? this week we're getting specific, especially when it comes to your wages and your home. all of these fall under a term called statutory exemptions. bob massi knows these words. >> good morning. >> brian: welcome. some questions to throw at you right away. what are the statutory exemptions for asset protection? >> almost every state in the union, brian, has specific laws that were passed involving what we call wage began i canment, what we call homesteads and different type of retirement and pensions. we'll talk about them real quick this morning. >> brian: all right. can wages be an exempt form of asset protection? >> yes. yes. most states have a certain limit, brian that, a creditor could take out of your paycheck. for example, in the state of nevada, you can only take 25% of whatever your earnings are on a monthly basis. to it's important that our viewers understand that garnishment of our wage social security after somebody sued you, after somebody has a judgment against you and then they can take a percentage of your wages. that varies from state to state. >> brian: are retirement plans like park parks, iras exempt from asset protection? >> yeah. this is very important. i want our viewers to understand, the 401(k)s generally on a national level are exempt. best example, brian, o. j. simpson has that big judgment against him in california, lives in florida, has a retirement plan from the nfl. they can't touch it. so i want our viewers to understand that the retirement plans that they have, the 401(k)s basically have an unlimited level as to what you can not touch. iras and keoughs from state to state have different values that you can't get to. so if you have a retirement plan, make sure you check in your state how much they can get to, if at all, and most of the time, it's a pretty high limit. >> brian: what is a homestead? you mentioned this before. what does it protect? >> it means your house is your castle. it's your dwelling place. it's the house where you live. you get a form, you can buy it at an office supply store and easily download it. you take and record that with the recorder's office, you, the owner, signs it. and it protects you up to a certain value in every state. for example, in nevada, there is a $550,000 homestead, which means if i sue you and you own your home free and clear and i have a judgment against you for $200,000, your house is protected up to 5 on a thousand -- 550,000, which means you can't get to the house. every state has a different value. i think new york, brian, is $50,000. everybody should check and see what the homestead law is in their state and most people, if you have equity in your home, homestead your house. >> brian: all right. you can e-mail bob massi with your questions right now. go to our web site and log on to our show site because after the show show, we'll feature bob massi answering your questions. yes, in about 40 minutes. right, bob? >> thank you. yes, sir. >> brian: thanks. talk to you in a little while. occupy wall street taking on chris christie? how do you think the governor gets them to go away? we'll show you. eric holder about to get a grilling on capitol hill. did he try and cover up the fast and furious gun scandal? congressman darryl issa, who is preparing the tough questions, will be here next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] some people just know how to build things well. give you and your loved ones an expertly engineered mercedes-benz... ho ho ho! the winter event going on now. but hurry -- the offer ends january 3rd. the first droid that becomes self-aware. it remembers what you do and does it faster. create shortcuts like automatically syncing while you sleep. instinctively shape-shifting from a music stream for your workout to newsfeed during breakfast, then a gps for your morning commute. powered by verizon 4g lte, this droid is too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. >> steve: some headlines. a new report says the air force dropped remains of at least 274 american troops in a landfill in virginia, far more than the military initially acknowledged. and thousands watched the lava flow from hawaii's kilauea volcano every day, but geologists on the big island warning the volcano could erupt into violent explosions at any time. beware out there. gretch? >> gretchen: attorney general eric holder heading to the hill to testify about not one, but two alleged scandals involving the justice department. you've heard about fast and furious, but now a new report alleges that the d.e.a. and the d. o.j. laundered money to mexican drug cartels so they could monitor the flow of cash between criminals, allegedly. congressman darryl issa is investigating this and will be at the hearing today. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, gretchen. and thanks for covering this expanding scandal. >> gretchen: so how do you link the two of these together, the fast and furious and the d.e.a.? >> the link is a justice department that's just riddled with ineptness and people who either don't know or don't care when things are done that shouldn't be done. normally the d.e.a. investigation probably wouldn't hardly get going except when you look at fast and furious, you look at the wreckless disregard for the safety of the american and mexican people, you realize that the same could well be true when it comes to huge amounts of money being deliberately allowed to go to the drug cartels and that's the reason that i think congress has lost confidence on both sides of the dome in this attorney general, booleany brewer and an extensive amount of political appointees. >> gretchen: today there will be a no confidence motion in the house. you just told me a few moments ago that this is a bipartisan effort? >> i think -- i've certainly heard one after another, democrats, who, including on judiciary committee, who tell me this really needs to go away. so and so is really the culprit. he should resign. it's a moving target. they started off with before the u.s. attorney, they tried to go after a career person, kenneth nelson. now they look like they may be willing to throw lannie brewer under the bus. the problem is, the organization has to be cleaned. it's a much more extensive cleaning if you're going to get the american people legitimately having confidence in what is, by definition, our law enforcement system. >> gretchen: yeah. that's what you're pushing is to clean house at the department of justice. senator chuck grassley is pushing for lannie brewer to resign. listen to this. >> complete lack of judgment and failure to deal with gun lobby when he first learned of it in 2010 was bad enough, but this is the final straw. mr. brewer lostbili to effectivy serve the justice department. if you can't be straight with the congress, you don't need to be running the criminal division. it's time to stop spinning and start taking responsibility. >> gretchen: all right. so that's what he's asking for. here is the response from the drug enforcement administration. they say that they have been working collaboratively with the mexican government to fight money laundering for years as part of that collaboration, dea works with mexican authorities to gather and use information to counter the threats they pose to both of our countries. does that explanation suit you, congressman issa? >> you remember justice told us in writing and in testimony that they never let guns walk, so don't trust, do verify on behalf of the american people becomes a responsibility. that's the whole point. if you have confidence, it becomes performa to double-check. in this case, the american people don't have confidence. congress on both sides of the dome failed to have confidence. and that includes obviously lannie brewer, but it include has host of people who should have been part of the safeguard on fast and furious and clearly weren't. >> gretchen: and the president, president obama, still stands behind his attorney general. has 100% total faith. that's what he continues to say. congressman issa, you're a busy guy i thank for spending part of your morning with us. >> thanks, any time. >> gretchen: in two minute,he new jobless numbers will be released. what they are and what they mean next. and take a look at this picture. those are union bigwigs living large in puerto rico using union dues to pay for $9 beers. eric bolling up next. he doesn't have a brewski in his hand, does he ig on great gifts during bass pro shops' countdown to christmas. like... plus, kids can get a free picture with santa. the amazing alternative to raisins and cranberries with more fiber, less sugar, and a way better glycemic index. he's clearly enjoying one of the planet's most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids. plum amazins. new, from sunsweet. ♪ my hair is gone ♪ cheap cologne ♪ motor home ♪ i'm the rocket man! 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[ male announcer ] crystal clear fender premium audio. one of many premium features available on the all-new volkswagen passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ and i think it's gonna be a long, long time ♪ i >> gretchen: fox business alert for you. the labor department just releasing the latest weekly jobless numbers. 381,000 first time unemployment claims were filed last week. they were estimating 395,000 claims. so it is lower than expected. eric bolling is here and i have learned from eric bolling that the magic number is 350,000. >> right. that's the number that once you get below that, first. time unemployment claims, it's the economy that starts to produce jobs at a brisk pace. above that, it's in limbo between 350 and 400 and above 400, it's just amoebic. it dipped below, then went back up last week, now we're -- or week before last, now back below. it's a good trend. gretchen, we talked quickly before the break about how does the unemployment number move from 9% to 8.6% in one month, only creating 100,000 jobs? there are a lot that -- let's put it this way. there's a lot of gray area when they put that number together. the big number, the unemployment number, they pick up the phone and it's a phone survey. these unemployment claims, initial jobless claims, they're actual claims. people -- this is a more accurate judge of how the economy is doing. it's starting to go in the right direction. >> steve: when the number came out last week, it was 8.6% national unemployment, people go, well, that's really good for the white house. but then you dig around in the weeds and discover 300,000, 400 people simply threw up their hands and say, i'm not going oarlock for work any more. you got to figure a lot of people aren't hiring so a lot have given up the search. >> and steve, i would say that unless the economy next month produces 2 or 300,000 new jobs, that unemployment number will go right back up. >> brian: someone said this and we quote, about the president's tone and the new mantra in america. acting like everyone who has been successful is bad and that everyone who is rich is bad, i just don't get it. most of us wage earners are paying 39.6% in taxes, add in 12% in state taxes, and city tax, we're paying 50% of our income in taxes. joining steve wynn, a lot of big business people. since when are we the bad guy as soon as. >> it's the class warfare mantra that's been going on for the better part of a year now. the fairness speech the other day, really brought it out there. he underlined it. they said -- at one point obama uses the 99.9% thing. >> gretchen: this is the strategy of the campaign. >> the problem is, he says fair, everyone has to do their fair share. everyone has to pitch in their fair share: life isn't fair. milton freedman, 30 years ago gave a speech saying, a job speech, saying life isn fair. it's not fair that mohammed ali can make $2 million in a night when someone else is selling newspapers on the corner making 50 cents a day. >> gretchen: but it actually is fair when you look at what people who have been successful are paying. 50% of their money is going to the government! >> there is no doubt that they want to villainize the 1% or 5%, but they pay the majority of taxes. >> brian: and they're hiring people. >> steve: and the people here in new york who are very fortunate and make a lot of money, they got bad news from the legislature and the governor here in the state. if you make a lot of money, you'll start paying 2% more in state tax coming up shortly. >> very importantly, steve, governor cuomo ran on the platform, i'm not going to raise taxes. so there was a loophole where he could raise taxes temporarily. they were going to get rolled back. turns out he said we're not going to roll back all the taxes. just on certain people, the wealthier. >> brian: he did everything except read my lips. this is a shot of the caribbean, a place -- >> gretchen: i thought it was your vacation photo. >> brian: those two guys are union heads. and they're in a big meeting. >> steve: electricians. >> brian: in the caribbean. the union bosses meet in the caribbean, leave new york to do it, and guess who is paying for it? the union members who pay their dues. >> this is why i say the union model is broken. private unions, the unions will go to the bosses. the private businesses and say we need more money. the boss says no. they strike, it breaks down the whole system. these are public unions. municipality unions. they send the bosses to this junk dt. meanwhile, the cop on the street, the fireman says wait, what about us? it's freezing. our union dues is sending 300 fat cat union bosses to the caribbean hilton. they're up in arms about it over here and they should be. >> steve: this has gone on for years! >> it's been going on for years, but finally the membership is saying, enough. what's the point? and by the way, there have been at one point, cuomo here in new york, who these people all answer to, at one point said, i'm gog have to lay some of you off unless we raise taxes. so it all ties in. >> steve: all right. we're going to be watching "the five." eric bolling, thank you. >> brian: now for your headlines. two home grown terror suspects accused of planning an attack at a military recruiting station in seattle, said they were inspired by the massacre at fort hood. now one is ready to cop a plea. he's expected to plead guilty to multiple charges in court today. the f.b.i. busted him. another suspect, just as they were picking up machine guns to allegedly use in the attack. >> steve: great. meanwhile, the obama administration hailed them as the cars of the future. but the workers who made those cars of the future treated them like garbage. >> whoa. >> steve: my car of the future is in the crusher. you're watching workers destroying the shells of their futuristic electric cars, just models of cars they'd like to mr. in the future. the california company went out of business days ago, even after getting $150 million loan guaranteed from the u.s. department of energy. the company says the video was shot before they went belly up and the cars being tossed and crushed by forklifts were flawed prototypes. >> gretchen: new jersey governor chris christie campaigning for mitt romney in iowa and putting the occupy protesters who interrupted him in their place. >> you know what? we're used to dealing with jokers like this in new jersey all the time. don't you worry about it. >> gretchen: he let's the protesters chant for a few minutes before security guards escorted them out. the governor then joked the entertainment portion of the night was over. although some people believe he can be entertainment, too. >> brian: yes. returning to the scene of their stunt gone horribly wrong. apologizing to a family in california for accidentally sending a cannon ball through their home? do you get flowers after that? take a look at this google earth shot. you can see how far the cannon ball flew. it went almost a half mile past its target, through the house, and did not stop until it wrecked a neighbor's mini van. no one was hurt. >> gretchen: what were they trying to do? >> steve: they were trying to hit right there and instead, it bounced off a hill. >> gretchen: to prove they do ruin homes? steve: it was a miscalculation. 700 yards off target. oops. let's take a look and find out where it is raining on this thursday. as you can see, big storm that moved through the east is now concentrated in portions of new england. bit of snow there. a little snow moving through portions of the central plains states. current temperatures as you head out, it's cold. freezing right now in atlanta. colder than that in the plains states. today's daytime highs, as you see them, it will be 45 here in new york city. ten better than that in raleigh. 62 in tampa. and that's your fox travelcast. >> gretchen: are sick americans dying because the government and the drug industry are battling over profits? peter johnson, jr. is here with one man's struck toll win a christmas miracle. >> brian: can you believe this movie is 65 years old? >> look, daddy. he says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. >> brian: jimmy hawkins who played tommy paily is here to keep the spirit alive. ♪ [ knock on door ] coo you found it. wow. nice place. ye. 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[ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ i >> steve: here is shocking news. this great nation of ours is suffering from a severe drug shortage and it's costing some americans their lives. a report from the associated press says at least 15 people died since mid 2010 because of the shortage and yesterday, senator orrin hatch summed it up this way. >> this crisis means worse outcomes for our patients, increased costs for care giver, and the government, slower medical advancement and persistent undermining of confidence in our country's health care system. experts contend that federal government pricing and rebate programs are a significant contributing factor to the current drug shortage process. >> steve: that's how he explains it. let's deal in, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. why are there these drug short annuals that are costing people their lives? >> this is the shame and scandal of america in 2011. thousands of americans will die because the drug companies will not provide drugs that they own, that they have patents for because of short annuals, because of production problems, because of questions over profits. these companies are fighting with the federal government about reimbursement and that's what one of the things senator hatch was talking about. that's also resorted to a gray market or black market for people who can't get the drugs and who are being gouged by profit it is eers. that's why senator schumer now has a bill that will impose tremendous millions of dollars in penalties on people to try and gouge prices. but now there are 200 drugs that we have shortages of in america. 20 of those drugs are cancer, chemotherapy drugs. and so i thought that we should talk about today one person, one man that i know and his family who needs a christmas miracle, who will die unless the federal government, the f.d.a., johnson & johnson steps in. dan, a brilliant engineer from northern new jersey, will die unless he gets a drug called doxil. and about 2500 other women who are being treated for ovarian cancer, who are being treated for multiple myeloma, will die because they're on a waiting list, even though johnson & johnson has that drug, has made that drug for dan for five years, and has now said we've had production problems. we have issues. we've shut town the plant that's making it for us. he's one case in thousands. he's one person of many in this country who don't have the drugs that we have, that we developed! we are the world leader, but who will die. >> steve: peter, if they have the drug that will save the lives and they say, we can't make the pills or production problems, the government obviously has got to step in some to do something. >> the f.d.a. has the capacity. they've known about this for months. they can impose a consent decree on these companies to say listen, you have this drug. they can say use it or lose it. they can say, we grant you the right to make this drug and distribute it. if you're not going to do it, step out of the way and let someone else do it so americans can live. this is not only johnson & johnson, this is across the gamut. this is something we need to be talk being in this country. we talk about obamacare. we talk about regulation. we have the capacity today to save people's lives with the drugs that we have and we're not doing it. so we pray for a miracle for these thousands of americans, including dan, who should not die. a great person who should not die. >> steve: thank you very much for bringing us his story. keep us posted on what they do. >> absolutely. >> steve: peter, thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> steve: all right. straight ahead, we're going back in time with this christmas classic. >> look, daddy, teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. >> steve: little tommy bailey from "it's a wonderful life" here to tell us how he's keeping the spirit of the movie alive. first, let's check in with martha mccallum for a preview of what happens in 12 minute. >> i'm sticking around for that. i watched it the other day. >> steve: so did i. >> we have a wonderful show coming up this morning, steve. we have mitch daniels here. he's going to talk about the keystone pipeline. he says it brings jobs and energy. so why would the president be against that? that's a big question. and will the gop get to pass the payroll tax? rick perry is here to talk about his campaign, ed rollins is here. bill hemmer and i are here, chris christie, we'll talk about that coming up at the top of the hour. 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? was gonna say that. uh huh... >> brian: it's been called one of the most inspirational movies ever. "it's a wonderful life" has become a holiday classic over the years and now 65 years since it first hit the big screen, we're looking back. >> have a hectic day? >> oh, yeah. another big red letter day for bank. >> daddy, the brown next door have a new car. you should see it. >> what's the matter with our car? isn't it good enough for you? >> daddy. >> excuse me. >> excuse you for what? >> i burned. -- burped. >> steve: we are joined by one of the film stars, little jimmy hawkins. he played tommy bailey. he's all grown up and he joins us from l.a good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, you guys. thanks for having me again. pleasure being here. >> steve: it's interesting, one of the reasons has become a holiday classic is for some bone head at the studio forgot to renew the copyright and what happened? >> well, back in 1973, they dropped the copyright and tv stations all over the country could play it for free and they took advantage of that. it's television made it a hit. people started having "it's a wonderful life" parties and it grew and grew and now it's been voted the most inspirational movie of all time. i met with the councilman here in hollywood for the l.a. city council and he proclaimed it "it's a wonderful life" day. and no film in the history of hollywood has ever had its own day. so it's growing and getting bigger and bigger. >> gretchen: it's an amazing story. and at 4 1/2 years old, you have vivid memories of your time on the set. >> i sure do, gretchen. i remember getting this real early in the morning, walking on to the big set and there was snow outside of the house that they built on the stage. then coming into the living room with the christmas tree and everything. my siblings were there and we played. but i remember frank capra giving me the directions on the scene you just saw, the excuse me scene and he would stop all the action and crouch down and talk to me one on one and say, i want you to stop right here, do you see when we walk? you can stop right here. do you understand that? and i understand oh, yes, sir. so then we'd get up and walk a couple more feet and he'd stop jimmy stewart and donna reed and crouch down again and say, i want to you say it here. he it that two or three times, and then we took a couple takes and that was it for that scene. >> brian: that was it. are you trying to say that this wasn't an instant classic? it's a recent classic? >> oh, yeah. it lost money when it first came out at the box office. but television made it a hit. >> steve: that is amazing. it's got to feel good for you to be part of history. as you just mentioned, the most inspirational movie of all time. >> yeah. it really is. i've written some books on it for a new audience because i know people tell me they sit down with their kids and watch the film and sometimes kids don't understand banking and building and loan. so i wrote this "it's a wonderful life" coloring book. and it tells this story from tommy's point of view, my character, so that the kids can get the message of frank capra because he wanted to tell people that each life touches so many other lives, that they weren't around, it would leave an awful hole. so i let kids know from somebody their own age that they are important, that they make a difference in lives. >> gretchen: all right. we'll link your coloring book information on our web site. great to speak with you, especially this time of year. i like the red sweater. you're totally in the christmas spirit. >> thank you very much. >> brian: we'll be back in two minutes to tell you something substantial (merry christmas! merry christmas, greta! merry christmas, shepherd! and to all our viewers, merry christmas ♪ more, more, more... ! >> gretchen: all parents and college students, the deadline to sign up for the college contest is midnight tonight. the best part, we'll show you some of the winning news stories on "fox & friends." >> steve: go to

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