Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

corner e, my sisters and brothers of every different color ♪ pete: another beautiful shot of st. pete beach. love it. and rob thomas. rachel: maimed after you. pete: named after me, st. pete. i pointed out no one's ever called me st. pete, but saints are what we call all members of the christian church. rachel: we are all called to be saints. pes pes it's -- pete: it's a work in progress in my case. rachel: in all of our cases. pete: what? will: i mean, i'm close. pete: he's pretty close. rachel: not today, will. pete: these two have a little bit of a tiff, and i'm over here as switzerland -- rachel: yeah, you were switzerland during the whole midwest debate, and then every southerner came after me. this is the face he had -- will: here's the thing, the source of this disagreement is about the rundown, and i don't understand how he became switzerland and i became the bad guy when he's the one on national television airing the dirty the laundry. pete: i didn't air anything -- rachel: yeah, you did. but you are just a little more surly about it. he does it with more midwest good cheer. will: in the court of rachel, i'm guilty. [laughter] pete: yes with. you do not want to find yourself in that court. will: what are you talking about? i'm a repeat offender in that court. [laughter] pete: she will find you guilty no matter what. will: i'm the convict that doesn't care. whatever you got, judge, throw it at me. pete: glad you're here on "fox & friends" on this 8:00 eastern time hour. with. will: to a fox weather alert, tropical storm ophelia making landfall in north carolina earlier this morning. to a live look at the boardwalk in ocean city, maryland. rachel: heavy rain and powerful winds are pounding the coast and causing minor flooding. there are about 65,000 outages in north carolina, virginia and maryland. pete: let's turn now to the chief, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth, for our fox weather forecast. rick: all right. pete asked me, hey, should i go to the yankees game today or -- pete: well, i bought tickets yesterday. rick: it is going to be a complete washout. but he's like, oh, i didn't know there was a storm. i'm trying to get to a point here, that a lot of people didn't know there was a storm. there's a 70 mile-an-hour tropical storm the, snuck up on us. this time of year, you start to get potentially tropical systems that develop closer to land instead of way out to sea, and this is one of those. formed off the coast of the carolinas and florida with maybe 24-36 hours' notice and now a 70 mile-an-hour tropical storm came on land about an hour and a half ago, almost two ours -- hours ago right here in emerald isle. that's the area that's taking the pummeling of the storm surge. a lot of water being pushed in towards the norfolk area, causing flooding concerns right here, and that is a tornado warning. we'll see some tornadoes throughout the day today. you get that often with landfalling tropical systems. storm is going to continue to pull off towards the northwest and make this little turn the, maybe somewhere tomorrow afternoon around the delmarva, but this is a really widespread storm, so a lot of areas are going to get a lot of rain that's going to cause significant inland flooding. there's going to be a lot of wind, sometimes maybe 50-60 miles an hour, so potentially trees going down and power outages throughout the day. rachel: thank you, rick are. turning now to a major washington corruption scandal, new jersey senator bob menendez and his wife are facing bribery, fraud andings extortion charges. will: the democrat is accused of helping egypt's authoritarian government in exchange for lavish gifts like gold barses, mercedes benz and more. pete: and lots of cash. alexandria hoff joins us with more details. >> reporter: hey, good to be with you. senator menendez has temporarily stepped down from his role as chairman of the foreign relations committee, but he says he's not going to give up his elected position despite calls from democrats who say, quote, the alleged facts are so serious, they compromise the ability of the senator to effectively represent our state, therefore, i am calling for his immediate resignation. the senator has been called with three counts including bribery linked to his work on the foreign relations committee, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right. the indictment was unsealed yesterday and accuses the senator and his wife of a corrupt relationship with three new jersey if businessmen. >> senator menendez, the senior u.s. senator from new jersey and the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee and his wife nadine menendez, engaged in a corrupt relationship. the indictment alleges that through that relationship the senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars many bribes. >> reporter: search warrants of senator me 9/11 cez's properties turned up approximately half a million in cash in closets and in the senator's jacket pockets, gold bars also. in exchange for intervening in a criminal prosecution, prosecutors say menendez was gifted a mercedes. additional allegations that the senator used sensitive u.s. information to aid the government of egypt. senator menendez remained defiant yesterday stating this: it is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a loo -- latino and push him out of his seat. ooh i'm not going anywhere. the senator is expected to the appear in federal court on wednesday. he was tried six years ago on unrelate charges, and that results in a hung jury. will: thank you, alexandria. pretty blatant, pretty dumb can. cash, gold bars. in so many different ways, of course, people can't help but notice the similarities between the allegations -- in the allegations between this and hunter biden. the is salaciousness and obviousness of the allegations against menendez. there's literally a mercedes benz involved. rachel: a usedded mercedes benz. it's a lot more egregious on the biden side. first of all, let's talk about the timing for a second. why now? there have been corruption allegations swirling around this senator for decades, so why now? i think we have to look at the timing. it's a perfect timing if you want to quickly take off hunter biden and joe biden's corruption scandal, take that off the table, easily take out this guy who, by the way, not the most reliable democrat for the bidens, you know? if he's come out against biden policies on cuba, also came out against, you know, obama had a lot of problems with him on the iran deal because he was very vocal against that as well. we know the obamas are running this whole operation anyway, so get him off the stage. not trying to minimize what he's done, will, but he did this with the egyptian authoritarian, as you say, government, but an ally of the united states. the bidens were working with the communist chinese government and getting money from them and also ukraine and russia. so it's just -- and shell companies, you know, and many more millions of dollars involved. pete: we just did a segment about the media and how they said let's not be neutral anymore, let's be truthful -- rachel: exactly. pete: if they wanted to be truthful, they would look at the mountains of evidence against haunter biden and examine it. -- hunter biden. they're covering this one because it's so obvious, but it's nowhere with near if as consequential. if senator menendez is compromised and given gifts by the egyptian military, yeah, that's not good, but it doesn't undermine our entire country the way joe is. rachel: right. pete: senator menendez also had the audacity to go to the senate floor and talk about donald trump be compromised by the russianss. this is a tape from 2019. watch this. >> the american people deserve to know who they elected to be their president. they deserve to know if he's, in fact, putting america's interests first. they deserve to know donald trump is, wittingly or unwittingly, an agent for the russian federation. pete: so as he's peddling that concern. will: he's compromised. as he's peddling that, he's peddling influence to foreign powers. it's just always the case, a reminder, that which they accuse you of, they are guilty. rachel: yeah. will: whether or not it's claims of, you know, misogyny or racism, it's usually as a cover for their own misogyny and racism. and for what it's worth today, menendez suggesting it's all about race. he's played the race card and said it's because he's latino. rachel: yeah, he did say that. again, it's just such a dirty business at this level of politics where menendez is a high ranking, chairman of foreign relation ares, and they're going to take him out. they've been covering for him for decades. like i said, this stuff the fbi's probably known for a long time, but they bring it out right now and sacrifice him which, you know, he's rightfully guilty, but they do that in order to cover up for the bidens. the bidens can get away with a hundred times more than what senator menendez, but they needed him right now for that purpose. pete: speaking of the bidens, you know when you're happening out with someone who's a little bit aged, and they tell you a story. good story, cool story, and two minutes later they tell you the same story, and you go, okay, i heard that story. but you're nice to them because maybe their memory's not quite there. well, that was joe biden on wednesday, and we're just learning a little bit more about it now. he was at a fundraiser, and this is no tape of this, but there was a press pool which means reporters that wering able to cover it that were covering it. and here's the readout of the white house pool notes, the notes they took of joe biden at a fundraiser, here's how they describe it. after briefly touting his economic record, potus reflected on his decision to seek the presidency. he told the story about the events of charlottesville in 2017, as he's talked about a lot, as the reason for his campaign. a few minutes later, he toll the same story -- he told the same story again nearly word for word. rachel: wow. pete: it is "politico," by the way, in right-wing outlet, with their white house pool readout of what happened. will: karine jean-pierre was asked about that, here's what she had to say. >> reporter: is it any concern the that he would fully retell a story in the same space, in the same vent? >> sometimes i respeak as well from here and retell a story. but, look, you know, i think it's important to note that the9 president was peeking -- speaking, as you said, at a fundraiser, and he was speaking from his heart. he was speaking about why he decided to do this. when you hear the president talk about this, it's always incredibly emotional for him, because he didn't have to. he went through an incredibly difficult time when he was deciding to jump into the race. the passion that he has when he tells that story and how important it is for him to have done something because he believed, you know, our democracy is at stake. will: i just, i think it's a slightly impressive concern. rachel: i do, i was kind of impressed too -- will: slightly impressive but obvious attempt at spin. but look is always a tell. it's usually give me your anticipation, i'm about to do something here. she then transitions social security always important to -- it's always important to, then she begins to say he spoke from the heart, so it's ad libbed but it's motional. he feels it so much, he might need to tell the story twice, and then she uses that as an opportunity to talk once again about charlottesville or the moment and why it was so important and that democracy was at stake all without ever really answering the question of, is it concerning that he are repeated himself twice. pete: and as the tape plays forward, the reporter asked again, and she followed up with, you know, i have not spoken to the president about it. so it's not as if she had a conversation with joe and he said, hey -- she's looking at the events and spinning it as best she can. rachel: you know, we make fun of this press secretary a lot. and i was actually impressed. i thought this was pretty good. this was so heart felt -- will: that's the kind of thing jen psaki was good at. rachel: yeah. will: be clear, you're complimenting her on spin. rachel: on spin. yes, yes, yes, yes, of course. but, look, i mean, they're going to keep getting these kinds of questions over and over. this is not -- can you can see it's now speeding up, the deterioration -- pete: because he's going to do this in public. he's already done it, he's going to do it again, they know that. how you play defense on that for the next 13 months if he is the candidate is -- rachel: there's only one by to do it, and that's hide him. they've got to keep him off the stage. this would have been twice as bad if this had been on tape. all right. turning to course headlines, five people are in the hospital this morning following a house exmotion overnight in west milford, new jersey, right near the new york state line. no word on how badly the victims were hurt, but they were airlift from the scene. investigators are still looking boo what triggered the blast. san francisco mayor london breed may now have some new competition heading into next year's election. interesting. levi strauss heir daniel murray filing paperwork on thursday. murray has been outspoken about the spiraling homelessness and crime rates as well as the open air drug market. an official announcement is expected on tuesday. nfl hall of famer and buffalo bills' legend jim kelly is praising god and getting baptized. check it out. >> you love jesus? >> yes, i do! >> in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit -- [cheers and applause] rachel: kelly credits his late son hunter for helping him find god. hunter died at 8 years old in 2005 after a battle with a rare condition. kelly says becoming a christian is the best decision he ever made. wow, that was beautiful. and those are your headlineses. made me think of your boy getting baptized in the ocean there. pete: it's amazing, yeah. life changing. good for him. coming up, we are shining a light on the clinton global initiative. how a record of corruption could taint their latest launch -- oh, they're relaunching again? rachel: oh, yeah. [laughter] pete: a deep dive with judicial watch president tom piton coming up next -- fitton. will: plus, how police and bystanders saved a teen pinned underneath a car. rachel: and it's our new saturday night lineup. don't miss an all new one nation tonight at 9 p.m. eastern. ♪ ♪ all the people in the world ♪ if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: the clinton global initiative is announcing their new action network will now provide aid to ukraine, but the clintons have a shady history e when it comes to helping other nations. here to break it down is judicial watch president tom fitton. tom, thank you so much for joining us this morning. is so the situation in ukraine and all the tax dollars that are going over there seems shady enough to me, but now we've added the clintons to this. what do you make of that? what could go wrong is? [laughter] >> first thing -- [laughter] i mean, the first thing i would highlight is, obviously, hillary wants to run for president. why would she be taking this prominent role again. first, clinton global initiative meeting in six years is and previously the foundation, the clinton the global initiative with the foundation, you know, as we uncovered through the e-mails of the state department, the clintons had been using the foundation as a pass-through for influence peddling -- rachel: yeah. >> and they were given special favors at the state department despite promises and, of course, a lot of money came from, guess where? russia. ukraine. and i tell you, it's like hillary clinton opening up this operation again is like al capone reopening a casino. we can presume there's going to be criminal activity, influence peddling. and i tell ya, if you support uni's case -- ukraine's cause, the last thing you want is bill and hillary hillary clinton messing it up with or their influence peddling, and this is a way for them to accumulate power and provide a platform for them for their political purposes in addition to, you know, paying the bills. rachel: do you suppose that anyone from from haiti was consulted on whether the clintons would be the best people to head up such a large operation? there's millions and millions of dollars that are going to the clinton foundation from us and from other donors, and then they get to distribute it out. let's talk about what -- two. >> yeah, haiti's notorious for the clintons, obviously, bill invaded haiti -- [laughter] rachel: yeah. >> and then they ran this operation where a lot of friends of bill and and hillary were there in haiti, and haitians to this day resent the clintons' involvement because they thought aid money was diverted to their friends. rachel: yes. >> and, you know, when you have billions of dollars sloshing around in ukraine, who dawning's going to be attracted to this? we're -- they're saying we're going to have heads of governments involved and unions and the usual suspects, but this highlights to me the concerns americans is have with our aid in ukraine. things are so bad that hillary clinton things that she can get a little bit of it. and this is the sort of thing that, in my view, should alert law enforcement given the prior activity the of the clinton foundation, the global initiative -- rachel: right. >> that there's an operation going on up there in new york that deserves monitoring. rachel: to say the least. this is really a shameless move on their part considering the bad name, as you said. hillary can't campaign in haitian communities because they were so angry at the corruption that the clinton foundation committed in their, in haiti. >> she got, rachel, just quickly, her foundation, bill's foundation got millions of dollars from the ukrainian oligarch. rachel: yeah. yeah. >> what a racket. rachel: it is a racket. tom fitton, thank you for staying on this. keep bringing us back more news on this because, as you said, this is not good. it looks terrible. thank you. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: coming up, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. hear from the heroes who saved a teen who was pinned underneaths -- underneath a car. but first, country music star chris jansen is in studio, and he talks music next before his two live performances. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before taking drastic measures, talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo. 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[laughter] she's a lot of fun to be around. and i, you know, we enjoy each other's company, i think. so we just get out there and do it and have a good time. and i enjoy hers at least, and i think she own joys -- enjoys mine. i'm kind of all over the place like a pinball most of the time, when i'm in new york city, i'm a pretty meat and potatoes kind of guy. pete: by the way, she mentioned your tour, go to chris, but she said it's a show. >> it is a show. it's -- well, thank you, honey. it's very entertaining, and, you know, i'm a guy who writes his own is songs, sings those song, and i believe in what i believe in. poi note what i like -- promote what i like to call healthy things in life, american values faith, family,ing god, country, conservation is, hunting, fishing, that's my audience, that's my core fan base, and that's what i love, that's what i sing about. and i like to rock and roll in a country manner. i play bass, drums, piano, guitar, harmonica, of course, and i switch it up. the next single is top 20, top 15, actually, in country radio, is so hopefully, that'll be the next number one. we feel pretty blessed to be doing it. will: the new album, the outlaw side of me s and you have a lot of duets, brantley gilbert, slash, dolly parton -- >> yeah. people have been asking me, like, how do you get these kind of things? well, i say you have to dream big to win big. if you're going to reach for the star, to actually touch one, you've got to believe in yourself, and what's the worst that could happen? anybody out there watching, what's the worst that could happen if you have a moment of, oh, my gosh, i don't know if this is going to happen, you just say, hey, would you like to join me? if it does, it does. 9 if it doesn't, no big deal. i figure if you woke up today, you're blessed to be alive today. we sit here in the greatest city on the face of the earth, you know? everybody's here this week in new york city, united nations, everybody's here. they come here because this is the greatest and the biggest. we're free in this country thanks to guys like you, we appreciate your service. it's a blessing to be here, it's a blessing to be free, wake up. when you look at the core things of just getting up in america every day, what else is -- i mean, it's exciting. it's an exciting life to live, and that's the way that i look at it. rachel: you said your wife was smoking hot, thank you, honey. i'm starting to rethink my midwest versus southern men -- pete: oh, here we go. [laughter] rachel: you helped the cause. you helped the cause. >> so i'm a midwest guy. [laughter] i married a -- sorry, i know. it's getting worse by the second. i'm a midwest, i'm a missouri guy. rachel: like brad pitt9. >> exactly. so he's from bass pro land, springfield, i'm from the other part of the state, southeast. i married a southern georgia girl though. a here's the deal, man, i always tell people, i say all the time, it doesn't matter what gender you are, what race you are, what background you are, you treat each other with respect, period. especially when you're married. and i just happen to be married to my best friend which is a blessing in itself. so we get along really good. we're friends first, which is why it works. will: i don't know how you're going to top this interview is, you nailed it, but you're going to try -- [laughter] in the next hour chris is going to perform live here on "fox & friends." you guys are the best. rachel: you rock are. >> thank you. [laughter] pete: you thought you had him, and then boom. straight ahead, a fox weather alert, the kiese coast waking uo tropical storm ophelia making landfall. rick reichmuth tracks the maps as it barrels inland. will: plus, we return to maui, we go behind the scenes of the massive relief effort, task force line. >> seriously, we're standing in the middle of a miracle right now. >> the collaboration of multiple nonprofits to make sure that the supplies get to the people who need them. >> plane's loaded, volunteers are in the plane, let's go to maui. struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. 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[laughter] [background sounds] will: amy sands filled the needs, integral to task force lahaina. amy, tell me your role in all of this. >> honestly, to oversee the collaboration of multiple nonprofits to make sure that the supplies get to the people who need them as quickly as possible. [inaudible conversations] will: it's not just goods going to maui, it's people as well. guys like paul and todd over here to help the people of maui e specifically with therapy. >> i tell you, therapy is so vitally important. the trauma that a they have actually incurred, what they've seen, what they experienced, what they've gone through is so needed. trauma-informed care is so needed during this time. will: landed in maui, smooth landing. let's go unload. [background sounds] will: you guys know carrie riley from "fox & friends," lifestyle expert, you've got a million dollars worth of product coming off this plane. >> it's so exciting. you know, i was so happy when you asked me to be part of this. guitar the center foundation, they gave us ukeleles, we got incredible e-bikes, craftsman, they donated over $10,000 worth of tools. over 5,000 teddy bears. will: 5,000 teddy bears? >> donatedded laptops, phones and tablets. >> we got word that a friend of ours, will cain from "fox & friends," maybe somebody you know, is working with a nonprofit called fill the needs. we've got our team here like dave a packaging up hundreds of laptops. will: carrie, i really appreciate it. >> thank you. will: here are the goods that came off the airplane. they're now here at cavalry chapel in maui. from here, we distribute out the seven or eight churches across maui. cavalry chapel, papas to have sean -- pastor sean, what am i looking at here? >> so this is our distribution center. we mobilized to get it off the runway, getting it here, and now even's descending to pick it up. will: that online task force lahaina, it's amazing to think one little single chat, and this is part of the story. >> it's pretty wild with. i keep jokingly saying, but serious wily, we're standing in the middle of a miracle. will: listen, i appreciate you. i know maui appreciates you. let me tell you what else, america appreciates you. thank you, man. ♪ will: so it was just an amazing thing to be a part of, and i just want to put it this way: the takeaway for everyone involved, heroic efforts especially on logistics. there's a nonprofit called fill the need, help them out. fill the, it's on your screen right now or should come up in just a moment. here's the thing, when governments fail, and make no mistake, ours did in many ways, you build it from the bottom un. -- up it's just people who step up. people like fill the needs fill it from the bottom up, and they need your support. pete: will, and in this case it's you. i mean, huge credit -- no. this doesn't happen without just the original reporting, but then the follow through. and i know we're doing more tomorrow because of the money that you raised that's being given out to people affected in maui. but to fill that plane and connect those people, it's time and energy that you don't have to invest and you did, so we tip our hats to you. will: oh, thank you. i appreciate it. rachel: it's an incredible thing happened -- that happened, and good on those corporations that a stepped up and did the right thing, and carrie who helped bring them together and this incredible plane. you may never get on a plane like that again. will: not unless i get on air force one. i can only think of one plane that's better, and that's the president's. pete: and hot out to andy the aboud who you interviewed. will: i mean, just huge humanitarian charity the, it's amazing. thank you to everyone. pete: really cool. turning now to a few additional headlines starting in the middle east. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says his country is making progress in peace talks with saudi arabia. here's what he told our bret baier in an exclusive one-on-one. >> i think we're getting closer to peace. every day that passes. i think when you have three leaders and three countries that avid ally want -- avidly want a result, the united states under president biden, saudi arabia under the crown prince, mohamed bin salman, and israel under my premiership, i think that really raises the possibility that we'll succeed. pete: this follows bret's exclusive interview with mohamed bin salman who says the potential agreement would be, quote, the biggest historical deal since the end of the cold war. he hedged a little bit, mbs did, but we'll see. all right, joe biden putting vice president kamala harris in charge of the first ever office a of federal gun violence prevention. its other name is gun confiscation. this new role adds to her already big portfolio. not sure what she does, but the portfolio's big. [laughter] the vice president's already in charge of voting rights, space, broadband and setting up a union, pro-union task force, not to mention the border. she's the czar there. she's looking for the root causes, still hasn't found them. now she's going for your guns. rachel: the root causes -- will: the job is, it will not succeed. [laughter] pete: your guns are good for you. will points out the real headline this. there. and georgia police officers and good samaritans saving a teen trapped inside an overturned car after racing on a highway near atlanta. those heroic officers joined us earlier. >> i found the vehicle flipped over. at this time they told me someone was trapped is still in the car. >> i could see him through the sunroof, basically, part of his legs were in the car, the rest of him was trapped underneath the roof. >> it was a fantastic effort by everybody that definitely took the everybody that was there, and we had to get specific leverage to get the car up rather than to push the car over because we didn't want to cause any more damage to the driver. pete: the 19-year-old will face charges, but he's expected to be okay thanks to those heros. and those are your headlines. will: still ahead, sound familiar? the white house wants the fight social media misinformation. even as the supreme court considers restricting their moderating authority. matt taibbi, the journalist behind the infamous twitter the files, exposes the truth coming up. rachel: but first, fox and family is celebrating the first day of family. chef george duran with dishes that you'll fall in love with. pete: who's that little guy? rachel: that's rex. handsome, handsome rex. ♪ don't want to miss it when you hit that high.ed w ♪ wake me up before you go-go ♪ you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. here in the bay, our cars takes and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! ♪ ♪ will: we're bringing the family together for the first day of fall. pete: my son rex is here celebrating his birthday along with national great american pot pie day. rachel: and here to show us how to make all these delicious dishes is chef george duran. chef -- pete: hey, chef. rachel: we love fall food. >> yes. and kids love sweets, and that's why i'm going to have rex help me make this tier missee. you're going to layer the whipped cream with some of these cookies. go ahead, open them up. there you go. all right. now just kind of layer those out. you guys can be your own barista, and these guys make this incredible non-dairy creamer. one of them is apple crumble. it's a very seasonal thing, there you go, just fill that up. and they also have pumpkin spice, you guys can just kind of enjoy the apple crumble inside of their coffees and, again, a lot of wonderful flavors made with real pumpkin purée. that's kind of what i made the tiramisu with. i kind of mixed the cough -- coffee with the creamer -- rachel: and you made it more accessible with vanilla wafers instead of ladyfingers. >> that's right. it adds more of a dimension, and kids can really help with that. and then we're going to add a little bit of some potatoes many our lives. fall for me is about potatoes, in this case, little eau today toe company. i like to spend more time with my family. in five minutes you take these bags, you can microwave them and you have little potatoes. you don't have to peel them, or you just pop them in the microwave, and instantly you have these herb potatoes that you can serve for your family, little is where you can find more information about that. again, no cutting, no peeling, it's already prewashed. oh, you're enjoying that. will: pot pies. >> pot pies is a hearty fall thing. what i've done is actually i've not only air fried my pot pies in this air fryer, connected to my battery cell, this is the pro 1000. it's fantastic. taste this fall vegetable pot pie. you don't have to just use chicken, i used turkey. it's puff pastry on top. i air fried them without using your electricity, and these guy- pete: turkey? >> -- extra battery systems that you can upgrade and have as many as three connected to it. so so easy to use, mug and play. almost has the percentage on it how it work, or and if -- and if you need to, you can hook up a solar panel. they're fantastic to work with. and how is that -- rachel: he's going to eat the cream. pete: rex has stopped cooking -- >> my type of assistant. who's going to clean now? pete: definitely not him. [laughter] here you go, will. rex, i know what you love for your birthday. >> oh -- [laughter] pete: it's a mcflurry. rex, how old are you going to be, bud? >> 8. peter: and you'll eat a mcflurry anytime too far day -- anytime of day, right? will: this is the thing. rachel: this is the most handsome kid. pete: i toll him he was on the show, and he said, i want a suit. looking pretty good, bud. rachel: got a little mcflurry, but that's okay. [laughter] will: this might be your first mcflurry. pete: you and donald trump -- will: i've had a lot of blizzards. rachel: happy birthday, rex. pete: 8 years old. rachel: great age. pete: growing up. will: thank you, chef. in the meantime, don't move, country music star chris janson is going to perform live right here next. 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Surge , Half , Land , Pummeling , Water , Emerald Isle , Flooding Concerns , Tornado Warning , Landfalling , Tropical Systems , Tornadoes , Northwest , Norfolk , Rain , Areas , Somewhere , Wind , Delmarva , 60 , 50 , Senator Menendez , Rick Are , Wife , Bribery , Corruption Scandal , New Jersey , Extortion Charges , Power Outages , Trees , Washington , Fraud Andings , Mercedes Benz , More , Reporter , Government , Cash , Democrat , Exchange , Good , Gifts , To Be With You , Lots , Details , Barses , Helping Egypt , Alexandria Hoff , Chairman , Role , Quote , Calls , Foreign Relations Committee , Position , Ability , Facts , Estate , Counts , Work , Resignation , Three , Conspiracy , Relationship , Indictment , Official , Extortion , Services , Fraud , Color , Businessmen , Nadine Menendez , U S Senator , Senior , Senator , Bribes , Thousands , Hundreds , Properties , Me 9 , Search Warrants , Cez , 9 11 , Allegations , Bars , Intervening , Closets , Prosecution , Jacket Pockets , Prosecutors , A Million , Information , Latino , Loo , Egypt , Charges , Ooh , Anywhere , Seat , Results , Federal Court , Hung Jury , Alexandria , Six , Course , Ways , Similarities , Hunter Biden , Salaciousness , Obviousness , Usedded , Biden Side , Timing , Second , Corruption Allegations , Let S Talk , Joe Biden , Bidens , Table , Biden Policies , Guy Who , Operation , Deal , Obama , Obamas , Problems , Against , Iran , Cuba , Stage , Authoritarian , Rally , Egyptian , Dollars , Money , Ukraine , Segment , Shell Companies , Millions , Media , Russia , Chinese , Haunter Biden , Evidence , Mountains , Doesn T , Country , Nowhere , Military , President , Tape , Floor , Senate , Donald Trump , Audacity , Russianss , 2019 , Fact , Interests , Agent , Wittingly , Concern , Peddling , Peddling Influence , Powers , Reminder , Claims , Race , Racism , Misogyny , Cover , Race Card , It S Worth , Business , Stuff , Relation , Politics , Level , Ranking , Ares , Fbi , Times , Order , A Hundred , Someone , Story , Cool Story , Purpose , Fundraiser , Memory , Record , Notes , White House , Press Pool , Reporters , Readout , Potus , Decision , Events , Campaign , Presidency , Charlottesville , Reason , 2017 , Wow , Word , Karine Jean Pierre , The Way , Outlet , Pool Readout , Politico , Space , Event , Heart , Speaking , Peeking , Something , Passion , He Didn T Have To , Spin , Democracy , Stake , Attempt , To , Tell , Social Security , Anticipation , Ad Libbed , Opportunity , Motional , Question Of , Tape Plays Forward , Fun , Felt , Conversation , Press Secretary , Thing , Will , Kind , Yes , Kinds , Jen Psaki , Questions , Deterioration , Public , Defense , 13 , Candidate , Headlines , Hospital , Scene , Airlift , Hurt , New York State Line , West Milford , House Exmotion , Victims , Five , Daniel Murray , Boo , London Breed , Competition , Election , Blast , Investigators , San Francisco , Levi Strauss , Announcement , Homelessness , Filing , Paperwork , Open Air Drug Market , Crime Rates , Nfl , Hall Of Famer , Jim Kelly , Son , Ing God , In The Name Of Father , Legend , Baptized , Buffalo Bills , Jesus , Holy Spirit , Applause , Condition , Cheers , Hunter , Battle , 2005 , Boy , Christian , Headlineses , Ocean , Corruption , Light , Coming Up , Life Changing , Launch , Clinton Global Initiative , Car , Teen , Tom Fitton , Police , Saturday Night Lineup , Tom Piton , Dive , Bystanders , Judicial Watch , I Don T , Miss , World , One Nation , Eastern , 9 , Kids , Products , Doing Things , Cleaner , Goal , Technologies , Makers , Durable , Planet , Generations , Making Plastics Better Today , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Somedays , Skin , Everything , Nothing , Music , Skyrizi , Thanks , 4 , 3 , Risk , Reactions , Infections , Study , Starter Doses , 5 , 2 , 90 , Doctor , Symptoms , Plan , Infection , Vaccine , Psoriasis , 1 , Clintons , Aid , Situation , Nations , Action Network , Tax Dollars , Clinton Foundation , Hillary Clinton , First , Initiative , Clinton , Clinton Global Initiative Meeting , Influence Peddling , E Mails , State Department , Promises , Favors , Al Capone , Cause , Uni , Activity , Bill , Casino , Hillary Clinton Messing , Haiti , Bills , Power , Purposes , Anyone , Platform , Talk , What , Donors , Let , Haitians , Friends Of Bill , Bill Invaded Haiti , Friends , Aid Money , Involvement , Who Dawning , Governments , Heads , Concerns , Unions , Suspects , Things , Law Enforcement , Sort , View , New York , Part , Move , Hillary Can T , Name , Communities , Least , Racket , Foundation , Bill S Foundation Got Millions , Ukrainian Oligarch , Heroes , News , Camera , Star Chris Jansen , Country Music , Studio , Performances , Underneaths , Weight , Golo , Amber , Announcer , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Measures , Health , Solution , Verge , Golo Commercial , Life , Release , Golo For Life , Shirt Off , Meal , The Sun , 300 , Control , Sugar , Cravings , Hunger , Efficiency , 80 , 75 , Prescription , Weight Loss , Starvation Dieting , Product , In My Life , Natural , Jitters , Muscle , Insulin Levels , Key , Hormones , 4xl Shirt , Change , Weight Loss Surgery , Stairs , Jason , Katie , 424 , Golo Com , Break , 20 , 10 , Botox , Adults , Treatment , Headaches , Migraine , Migraine Treatment , 15 , Breathing , Injection , Eye Problems , Treatments , Effects , Migraine Patients , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Pain , Side Effects , Medications , Headache , Conditions , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Signs , History , Site , Neck , Fatigue , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Users , Survey , Sooner , 92 , Album , Side , Go To Chris Janson Com , Guys , Middle , Couch , Performance , Show , Nap , New Hampshire , Trash , Big Nap , Halfway , City , Company , Joys , Potatoes , Place , Most , Pinball , Meat , Honey , Songs , Is , Hunting , Family , Poi Note , Song , Audience , Fan Base , Fishing , Conservation Is , Core , American Values Faith , Guitar , Country Manner , Piano , Drums , Harmonica , Rock And Roll , Bass , Single , Outlaw Side , Country Radio , Duets , Number One , Brantley Gilbert , Big , Dolly Parton , The Star , Slash , Worst , Anybody , Gosh , Everybody , United Nations , Earth , Wake Up , Greatest , Biggest , Service , Men , Midwest Guy , Missouri , Brad Pitt9 , Matter , Man , Bass Pro Land , Gender , Southern Georgia Girl Though , Springfield , Southeast , Best Friend , Mother , Background , Respect , Interview , Best , Maps , Kiese Coast Waking Uo , Maui , Supplies , Miracle , Standing , Task Force , Nonprofits , Collaboration , Volunteers , Relief Effort , Scenes , Plane , Line , Crowd Cheers , Seats , Farmers , Insurance , Let S Go To Maui , Savings , Aren T Worth Compromising , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Dr , Remover , Scholl S , Fda , Farmers Mnemonic , Breztri , Flare Ups , My Copd , Cough , Lungs , Lung Function , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Vision Changes , Eye , Chest Pain , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Tongue , Medication , Astrazeneca , Woman , Houses , Couple , Vo , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Cash Offer , Opendoor Dot Com , Peach , Aren T , Shipments , Sizes , Shapes , Isn T Just Freight , Promise , Old Dominion , Tropical Storm Ophelia , Parts , Effect , Yellow , Threat , Chesapeake Bay With , Delaware , System , Long Island , Pennsylvania , Wave Action , North , Terms , Moisture , Long Island Sound , Connecticut , Store , Boats , Doesn T End , Coolest , Privilege , Task Force Lahaina , Las Vegas Sands Corporation , Airplanes , Relationships , High Stakes , Casino Owner , Gamblers , Play , Carey Riley , Scott Mann , Pine , Apple , Operation Pinealing , Afghanistan , Goods , Monday If Las Vegas , A Million Dollars , Corporations , Las Vegas , Nevada , 747 , Help , Owner , Flight Crew , Las Vegas Sands , Paul , Phone , Needs , Background Sounds , I Don T Know , Integral To Task Force Lahaina , Amy Sands , Inaudible , Therapy , Conversations , Maui E , Todd , Care , Trauma , Carrie Riley , Lifestyle Expert , Let S Go , Ukeleles , Center Foundation , E Bikes , Craftsman , Laptops , Teddy Bears , Friend , Tablets , Phones , Ours , Tools , Donatedded , Will Cain , 5000 , 0000 , 10000 , Nonprofit , Airplane , Packaging , Dave A , Somebody , Team , Sean , Churches , Papas , Cavalry Chapel , Seven , Eight , Distribution Center , Runway , Descending , Chat , Wily , Everyone , Takeaway , Efforts , Logistics , Need , Screen , Needs Org , Mistake , Bottom Un , Reporting , Support , Step Up , Bottom Up , Credit , It S Time , Hats , Energy , Aboud , Air Force One , Benjamin Netanyahu , Charity , Peace Talks , Progress , Saudi Arabia , Middle East , Israeli , Countries , Passes , Peace , Ally Want , Leaders , Avid , Bret Baier , Mohamed Bin Salman , Result , Possibility , Premiership , Crown Prince , Agreement , End , Bret , Cold War , Portfolio , Charge , Kamala Harris , Office A Of Federal Gun Violence Prevention , Gun Confiscation , Vice President , Causes , Hasn T , Union , Voting Rights , Border , Broadband , Czar , Guns , Job , Headline , Police Officers , Georgia , Officers , Racing , Highway , Vehicle , Samaritans , Atlanta , Effort , Leverage , Legs , Rest , Roof , Sunroof , Damage , Heros , Driver , 19 , Supreme Court , Matt Taibbi , Files , Truth , Authority , Social Media Misinformation , Twitter , George Duran , Dishes , Love , Rex , Handsome Rex , Wake Me Up Before You Go , High Ed W , Restoration , Thyroid Eye Disease , Eyes , Tedhelp Com , This Is Who I Am , Oh My Goodness , Sense , County Of Macomb , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Grandma , Journey , Gift , Ohhh Cool , Michigan , Unbelievable , Cars , Bay , Tolls , Vehicles , Payment Assistance , Balances , Registration , Visit Bayareafastrak Org Ase , Y , Wheels , Birthday , My Son Rex , Great American , Pot Pie Day , Chef , Food , Sweets , Cream , Some , Cookies , Player , Barista , Tier Missee , Apple Crumble , Creamer , Coffees , Pumpkin Spice , Coffee , Flavors , Pumpkin PurÉe , Tiramisu , Wafers , Ladyfingers , Dimension , Lives , Bags , Toe , Little Eau , Herb Potatoes , Microwave , Little Potatoes Com , Peeling , Cutting , Pot Pies , Battery Cell , Air Fryer , Puff Pastry , Electricity , Pot Pie , Vegetable , Chicken , Turkey , 1000 , Guy Pete , Battery Systems , It Work , Use , Mug , Percentage , Assistant , Cooking , Type , Solar Panel , Mcflurry , Peter , Bud , Oh , Kid , Suit , Little Mcflurry , Blizzards , Chris Janson , Twist It , Poppinlig , Form , Cupping Ag Skipping And Ae , Lines , Vision Loss , Warning Signs , Disease , Struggle , Spots , Amd , Wavy , Trouble , Faces , Challenge , Don T Wait , Gawontwait Com Polly Pratts , Eye Doctor , Stack , Turkey Legs , Jobs , Experience , Hat , Tap , Excitement , Grad Cap , Viking , Degree , Symptom Improvement , Phoenix Edu ,

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corner e, my sisters and brothers of every different color ♪ pete: another beautiful shot of st. pete beach. love it. and rob thomas. rachel: maimed after you. pete: named after me, st. pete. i pointed out no one's ever called me st. pete, but saints are what we call all members of the christian church. rachel: we are all called to be saints. pes pes it's -- pete: it's a work in progress in my case. rachel: in all of our cases. pete: what? will: i mean, i'm close. pete: he's pretty close. rachel: not today, will. pete: these two have a little bit of a tiff, and i'm over here as switzerland -- rachel: yeah, you were switzerland during the whole midwest debate, and then every southerner came after me. this is the face he had -- will: here's the thing, the source of this disagreement is about the rundown, and i don't understand how he became switzerland and i became the bad guy when he's the one on national television airing the dirty the laundry. pete: i didn't air anything -- rachel: yeah, you did. but you are just a little more surly about it. he does it with more midwest good cheer. will: in the court of rachel, i'm guilty. [laughter] pete: yes with. you do not want to find yourself in that court. will: what are you talking about? i'm a repeat offender in that court. [laughter] pete: she will find you guilty no matter what. will: i'm the convict that doesn't care. whatever you got, judge, throw it at me. pete: glad you're here on "fox & friends" on this 8:00 eastern time hour. with. will: to a fox weather alert, tropical storm ophelia making landfall in north carolina earlier this morning. to a live look at the boardwalk in ocean city, maryland. rachel: heavy rain and powerful winds are pounding the coast and causing minor flooding. there are about 65,000 outages in north carolina, virginia and maryland. pete: let's turn now to the chief, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth, for our fox weather forecast. rick: all right. pete asked me, hey, should i go to the yankees game today or -- pete: well, i bought tickets yesterday. rick: it is going to be a complete washout. but he's like, oh, i didn't know there was a storm. i'm trying to get to a point here, that a lot of people didn't know there was a storm. there's a 70 mile-an-hour tropical storm the, snuck up on us. this time of year, you start to get potentially tropical systems that develop closer to land instead of way out to sea, and this is one of those. formed off the coast of the carolinas and florida with maybe 24-36 hours' notice and now a 70 mile-an-hour tropical storm came on land about an hour and a half ago, almost two ours -- hours ago right here in emerald isle. that's the area that's taking the pummeling of the storm surge. a lot of water being pushed in towards the norfolk area, causing flooding concerns right here, and that is a tornado warning. we'll see some tornadoes throughout the day today. you get that often with landfalling tropical systems. storm is going to continue to pull off towards the northwest and make this little turn the, maybe somewhere tomorrow afternoon around the delmarva, but this is a really widespread storm, so a lot of areas are going to get a lot of rain that's going to cause significant inland flooding. there's going to be a lot of wind, sometimes maybe 50-60 miles an hour, so potentially trees going down and power outages throughout the day. rachel: thank you, rick are. turning now to a major washington corruption scandal, new jersey senator bob menendez and his wife are facing bribery, fraud andings extortion charges. will: the democrat is accused of helping egypt's authoritarian government in exchange for lavish gifts like gold barses, mercedes benz and more. pete: and lots of cash. alexandria hoff joins us with more details. >> reporter: hey, good to be with you. senator menendez has temporarily stepped down from his role as chairman of the foreign relations committee, but he says he's not going to give up his elected position despite calls from democrats who say, quote, the alleged facts are so serious, they compromise the ability of the senator to effectively represent our state, therefore, i am calling for his immediate resignation. the senator has been called with three counts including bribery linked to his work on the foreign relations committee, conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right. the indictment was unsealed yesterday and accuses the senator and his wife of a corrupt relationship with three new jersey if businessmen. >> senator menendez, the senior u.s. senator from new jersey and the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee and his wife nadine menendez, engaged in a corrupt relationship. the indictment alleges that through that relationship the senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars many bribes. >> reporter: search warrants of senator me 9/11 cez's properties turned up approximately half a million in cash in closets and in the senator's jacket pockets, gold bars also. in exchange for intervening in a criminal prosecution, prosecutors say menendez was gifted a mercedes. additional allegations that the senator used sensitive u.s. information to aid the government of egypt. senator menendez remained defiant yesterday stating this: it is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a loo -- latino and push him out of his seat. ooh i'm not going anywhere. the senator is expected to the appear in federal court on wednesday. he was tried six years ago on unrelate charges, and that results in a hung jury. will: thank you, alexandria. pretty blatant, pretty dumb can. cash, gold bars. in so many different ways, of course, people can't help but notice the similarities between the allegations -- in the allegations between this and hunter biden. the is salaciousness and obviousness of the allegations against menendez. there's literally a mercedes benz involved. rachel: a usedded mercedes benz. it's a lot more egregious on the biden side. first of all, let's talk about the timing for a second. why now? there have been corruption allegations swirling around this senator for decades, so why now? i think we have to look at the timing. it's a perfect timing if you want to quickly take off hunter biden and joe biden's corruption scandal, take that off the table, easily take out this guy who, by the way, not the most reliable democrat for the bidens, you know? if he's come out against biden policies on cuba, also came out against, you know, obama had a lot of problems with him on the iran deal because he was very vocal against that as well. we know the obamas are running this whole operation anyway, so get him off the stage. not trying to minimize what he's done, will, but he did this with the egyptian authoritarian, as you say, government, but an ally of the united states. the bidens were working with the communist chinese government and getting money from them and also ukraine and russia. so it's just -- and shell companies, you know, and many more millions of dollars involved. pete: we just did a segment about the media and how they said let's not be neutral anymore, let's be truthful -- rachel: exactly. pete: if they wanted to be truthful, they would look at the mountains of evidence against haunter biden and examine it. -- hunter biden. they're covering this one because it's so obvious, but it's nowhere with near if as consequential. if senator menendez is compromised and given gifts by the egyptian military, yeah, that's not good, but it doesn't undermine our entire country the way joe is. rachel: right. pete: senator menendez also had the audacity to go to the senate floor and talk about donald trump be compromised by the russianss. this is a tape from 2019. watch this. >> the american people deserve to know who they elected to be their president. they deserve to know if he's, in fact, putting america's interests first. they deserve to know donald trump is, wittingly or unwittingly, an agent for the russian federation. pete: so as he's peddling that concern. will: he's compromised. as he's peddling that, he's peddling influence to foreign powers. it's just always the case, a reminder, that which they accuse you of, they are guilty. rachel: yeah. will: whether or not it's claims of, you know, misogyny or racism, it's usually as a cover for their own misogyny and racism. and for what it's worth today, menendez suggesting it's all about race. he's played the race card and said it's because he's latino. rachel: yeah, he did say that. again, it's just such a dirty business at this level of politics where menendez is a high ranking, chairman of foreign relation ares, and they're going to take him out. they've been covering for him for decades. like i said, this stuff the fbi's probably known for a long time, but they bring it out right now and sacrifice him which, you know, he's rightfully guilty, but they do that in order to cover up for the bidens. the bidens can get away with a hundred times more than what senator menendez, but they needed him right now for that purpose. pete: speaking of the bidens, you know when you're happening out with someone who's a little bit aged, and they tell you a story. good story, cool story, and two minutes later they tell you the same story, and you go, okay, i heard that story. but you're nice to them because maybe their memory's not quite there. well, that was joe biden on wednesday, and we're just learning a little bit more about it now. he was at a fundraiser, and this is no tape of this, but there was a press pool which means reporters that wering able to cover it that were covering it. and here's the readout of the white house pool notes, the notes they took of joe biden at a fundraiser, here's how they describe it. after briefly touting his economic record, potus reflected on his decision to seek the presidency. he told the story about the events of charlottesville in 2017, as he's talked about a lot, as the reason for his campaign. a few minutes later, he toll the same story -- he told the same story again nearly word for word. rachel: wow. pete: it is "politico," by the way, in right-wing outlet, with their white house pool readout of what happened. will: karine jean-pierre was asked about that, here's what she had to say. >> reporter: is it any concern the that he would fully retell a story in the same space, in the same vent? >> sometimes i respeak as well from here and retell a story. but, look, you know, i think it's important to note that the9 president was peeking -- speaking, as you said, at a fundraiser, and he was speaking from his heart. he was speaking about why he decided to do this. when you hear the president talk about this, it's always incredibly emotional for him, because he didn't have to. he went through an incredibly difficult time when he was deciding to jump into the race. the passion that he has when he tells that story and how important it is for him to have done something because he believed, you know, our democracy is at stake. will: i just, i think it's a slightly impressive concern. rachel: i do, i was kind of impressed too -- will: slightly impressive but obvious attempt at spin. but look is always a tell. it's usually give me your anticipation, i'm about to do something here. she then transitions social security always important to -- it's always important to, then she begins to say he spoke from the heart, so it's ad libbed but it's motional. he feels it so much, he might need to tell the story twice, and then she uses that as an opportunity to talk once again about charlottesville or the moment and why it was so important and that democracy was at stake all without ever really answering the question of, is it concerning that he are repeated himself twice. pete: and as the tape plays forward, the reporter asked again, and she followed up with, you know, i have not spoken to the president about it. so it's not as if she had a conversation with joe and he said, hey -- she's looking at the events and spinning it as best she can. rachel: you know, we make fun of this press secretary a lot. and i was actually impressed. i thought this was pretty good. this was so heart felt -- will: that's the kind of thing jen psaki was good at. rachel: yeah. will: be clear, you're complimenting her on spin. rachel: on spin. yes, yes, yes, yes, of course. but, look, i mean, they're going to keep getting these kinds of questions over and over. this is not -- can you can see it's now speeding up, the deterioration -- pete: because he's going to do this in public. he's already done it, he's going to do it again, they know that. how you play defense on that for the next 13 months if he is the candidate is -- rachel: there's only one by to do it, and that's hide him. they've got to keep him off the stage. this would have been twice as bad if this had been on tape. all right. turning to course headlines, five people are in the hospital this morning following a house exmotion overnight in west milford, new jersey, right near the new york state line. no word on how badly the victims were hurt, but they were airlift from the scene. investigators are still looking boo what triggered the blast. san francisco mayor london breed may now have some new competition heading into next year's election. interesting. levi strauss heir daniel murray filing paperwork on thursday. murray has been outspoken about the spiraling homelessness and crime rates as well as the open air drug market. an official announcement is expected on tuesday. nfl hall of famer and buffalo bills' legend jim kelly is praising god and getting baptized. check it out. >> you love jesus? >> yes, i do! >> in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit -- [cheers and applause] rachel: kelly credits his late son hunter for helping him find god. hunter died at 8 years old in 2005 after a battle with a rare condition. kelly says becoming a christian is the best decision he ever made. wow, that was beautiful. and those are your headlineses. made me think of your boy getting baptized in the ocean there. pete: it's amazing, yeah. life changing. good for him. coming up, we are shining a light on the clinton global initiative. how a record of corruption could taint their latest launch -- oh, they're relaunching again? rachel: oh, yeah. [laughter] pete: a deep dive with judicial watch president tom piton coming up next -- fitton. will: plus, how police and bystanders saved a teen pinned underneath a car. rachel: and it's our new saturday night lineup. don't miss an all new one nation tonight at 9 p.m. eastern. ♪ ♪ all the people in the world ♪ if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: the clinton global initiative is announcing their new action network will now provide aid to ukraine, but the clintons have a shady history e when it comes to helping other nations. here to break it down is judicial watch president tom fitton. tom, thank you so much for joining us this morning. is so the situation in ukraine and all the tax dollars that are going over there seems shady enough to me, but now we've added the clintons to this. what do you make of that? what could go wrong is? [laughter] >> first thing -- [laughter] i mean, the first thing i would highlight is, obviously, hillary wants to run for president. why would she be taking this prominent role again. first, clinton global initiative meeting in six years is and previously the foundation, the clinton the global initiative with the foundation, you know, as we uncovered through the e-mails of the state department, the clintons had been using the foundation as a pass-through for influence peddling -- rachel: yeah. >> and they were given special favors at the state department despite promises and, of course, a lot of money came from, guess where? russia. ukraine. and i tell you, it's like hillary clinton opening up this operation again is like al capone reopening a casino. we can presume there's going to be criminal activity, influence peddling. and i tell ya, if you support uni's case -- ukraine's cause, the last thing you want is bill and hillary hillary clinton messing it up with or their influence peddling, and this is a way for them to accumulate power and provide a platform for them for their political purposes in addition to, you know, paying the bills. rachel: do you suppose that anyone from from haiti was consulted on whether the clintons would be the best people to head up such a large operation? there's millions and millions of dollars that are going to the clinton foundation from us and from other donors, and then they get to distribute it out. let's talk about what -- two. >> yeah, haiti's notorious for the clintons, obviously, bill invaded haiti -- [laughter] rachel: yeah. >> and then they ran this operation where a lot of friends of bill and and hillary were there in haiti, and haitians to this day resent the clintons' involvement because they thought aid money was diverted to their friends. rachel: yes. >> and, you know, when you have billions of dollars sloshing around in ukraine, who dawning's going to be attracted to this? we're -- they're saying we're going to have heads of governments involved and unions and the usual suspects, but this highlights to me the concerns americans is have with our aid in ukraine. things are so bad that hillary clinton things that she can get a little bit of it. and this is the sort of thing that, in my view, should alert law enforcement given the prior activity the of the clinton foundation, the global initiative -- rachel: right. >> that there's an operation going on up there in new york that deserves monitoring. rachel: to say the least. this is really a shameless move on their part considering the bad name, as you said. hillary can't campaign in haitian communities because they were so angry at the corruption that the clinton foundation committed in their, in haiti. >> she got, rachel, just quickly, her foundation, bill's foundation got millions of dollars from the ukrainian oligarch. rachel: yeah. yeah. >> what a racket. rachel: it is a racket. tom fitton, thank you for staying on this. keep bringing us back more news on this because, as you said, this is not good. it looks terrible. thank you. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: coming up, a dramatic rescue caught on camera. hear from the heroes who saved a teen who was pinned underneaths -- underneath a car. but first, country music star chris jansen is in studio, and he talks music next before his two live performances. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before taking drastic measures, talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo. 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[laughter] she's a lot of fun to be around. and i, you know, we enjoy each other's company, i think. so we just get out there and do it and have a good time. and i enjoy hers at least, and i think she own joys -- enjoys mine. i'm kind of all over the place like a pinball most of the time, when i'm in new york city, i'm a pretty meat and potatoes kind of guy. pete: by the way, she mentioned your tour, go to chris, but she said it's a show. >> it is a show. it's -- well, thank you, honey. it's very entertaining, and, you know, i'm a guy who writes his own is songs, sings those song, and i believe in what i believe in. poi note what i like -- promote what i like to call healthy things in life, american values faith, family,ing god, country, conservation is, hunting, fishing, that's my audience, that's my core fan base, and that's what i love, that's what i sing about. and i like to rock and roll in a country manner. i play bass, drums, piano, guitar, harmonica, of course, and i switch it up. the next single is top 20, top 15, actually, in country radio, is so hopefully, that'll be the next number one. we feel pretty blessed to be doing it. will: the new album, the outlaw side of me s and you have a lot of duets, brantley gilbert, slash, dolly parton -- >> yeah. people have been asking me, like, how do you get these kind of things? well, i say you have to dream big to win big. if you're going to reach for the star, to actually touch one, you've got to believe in yourself, and what's the worst that could happen? anybody out there watching, what's the worst that could happen if you have a moment of, oh, my gosh, i don't know if this is going to happen, you just say, hey, would you like to join me? if it does, it does. 9 if it doesn't, no big deal. i figure if you woke up today, you're blessed to be alive today. we sit here in the greatest city on the face of the earth, you know? everybody's here this week in new york city, united nations, everybody's here. they come here because this is the greatest and the biggest. we're free in this country thanks to guys like you, we appreciate your service. it's a blessing to be here, it's a blessing to be free, wake up. when you look at the core things of just getting up in america every day, what else is -- i mean, it's exciting. it's an exciting life to live, and that's the way that i look at it. rachel: you said your wife was smoking hot, thank you, honey. i'm starting to rethink my midwest versus southern men -- pete: oh, here we go. [laughter] rachel: you helped the cause. you helped the cause. >> so i'm a midwest guy. [laughter] i married a -- sorry, i know. it's getting worse by the second. i'm a midwest, i'm a missouri guy. rachel: like brad pitt9. >> exactly. so he's from bass pro land, springfield, i'm from the other part of the state, southeast. i married a southern georgia girl though. a here's the deal, man, i always tell people, i say all the time, it doesn't matter what gender you are, what race you are, what background you are, you treat each other with respect, period. especially when you're married. and i just happen to be married to my best friend which is a blessing in itself. so we get along really good. we're friends first, which is why it works. will: i don't know how you're going to top this interview is, you nailed it, but you're going to try -- [laughter] in the next hour chris is going to perform live here on "fox & friends." you guys are the best. rachel: you rock are. >> thank you. [laughter] pete: you thought you had him, and then boom. straight ahead, a fox weather alert, the kiese coast waking uo tropical storm ophelia making landfall. rick reichmuth tracks the maps as it barrels inland. will: plus, we return to maui, we go behind the scenes of the massive relief effort, task force line. >> seriously, we're standing in the middle of a miracle right now. >> the collaboration of multiple nonprofits to make sure that the supplies get to the people who need them. >> plane's loaded, volunteers are in the plane, let's go to maui. struck out with the cheap seats? important things aren't worth compromising. at farmers, we offer both quality insurance and great savings. (crowd cheers) here, take mine. 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[laughter] [background sounds] will: amy sands filled the needs, integral to task force lahaina. amy, tell me your role in all of this. >> honestly, to oversee the collaboration of multiple nonprofits to make sure that the supplies get to the people who need them as quickly as possible. [inaudible conversations] will: it's not just goods going to maui, it's people as well. guys like paul and todd over here to help the people of maui e specifically with therapy. >> i tell you, therapy is so vitally important. the trauma that a they have actually incurred, what they've seen, what they experienced, what they've gone through is so needed. trauma-informed care is so needed during this time. will: landed in maui, smooth landing. let's go unload. [background sounds] will: you guys know carrie riley from "fox & friends," lifestyle expert, you've got a million dollars worth of product coming off this plane. >> it's so exciting. you know, i was so happy when you asked me to be part of this. guitar the center foundation, they gave us ukeleles, we got incredible e-bikes, craftsman, they donated over $10,000 worth of tools. over 5,000 teddy bears. will: 5,000 teddy bears? >> donatedded laptops, phones and tablets. >> we got word that a friend of ours, will cain from "fox & friends," maybe somebody you know, is working with a nonprofit called fill the needs. we've got our team here like dave a packaging up hundreds of laptops. will: carrie, i really appreciate it. >> thank you. will: here are the goods that came off the airplane. they're now here at cavalry chapel in maui. from here, we distribute out the seven or eight churches across maui. cavalry chapel, papas to have sean -- pastor sean, what am i looking at here? >> so this is our distribution center. we mobilized to get it off the runway, getting it here, and now even's descending to pick it up. will: that online task force lahaina, it's amazing to think one little single chat, and this is part of the story. >> it's pretty wild with. i keep jokingly saying, but serious wily, we're standing in the middle of a miracle. will: listen, i appreciate you. i know maui appreciates you. let me tell you what else, america appreciates you. thank you, man. ♪ will: so it was just an amazing thing to be a part of, and i just want to put it this way: the takeaway for everyone involved, heroic efforts especially on logistics. there's a nonprofit called fill the need, help them out. fill the, it's on your screen right now or should come up in just a moment. here's the thing, when governments fail, and make no mistake, ours did in many ways, you build it from the bottom un. -- up it's just people who step up. people like fill the needs fill it from the bottom up, and they need your support. pete: will, and in this case it's you. i mean, huge credit -- no. this doesn't happen without just the original reporting, but then the follow through. and i know we're doing more tomorrow because of the money that you raised that's being given out to people affected in maui. but to fill that plane and connect those people, it's time and energy that you don't have to invest and you did, so we tip our hats to you. will: oh, thank you. i appreciate it. rachel: it's an incredible thing happened -- that happened, and good on those corporations that a stepped up and did the right thing, and carrie who helped bring them together and this incredible plane. you may never get on a plane like that again. will: not unless i get on air force one. i can only think of one plane that's better, and that's the president's. pete: and hot out to andy the aboud who you interviewed. will: i mean, just huge humanitarian charity the, it's amazing. thank you to everyone. pete: really cool. turning now to a few additional headlines starting in the middle east. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says his country is making progress in peace talks with saudi arabia. here's what he told our bret baier in an exclusive one-on-one. >> i think we're getting closer to peace. every day that passes. i think when you have three leaders and three countries that avid ally want -- avidly want a result, the united states under president biden, saudi arabia under the crown prince, mohamed bin salman, and israel under my premiership, i think that really raises the possibility that we'll succeed. pete: this follows bret's exclusive interview with mohamed bin salman who says the potential agreement would be, quote, the biggest historical deal since the end of the cold war. he hedged a little bit, mbs did, but we'll see. all right, joe biden putting vice president kamala harris in charge of the first ever office a of federal gun violence prevention. its other name is gun confiscation. this new role adds to her already big portfolio. not sure what she does, but the portfolio's big. [laughter] the vice president's already in charge of voting rights, space, broadband and setting up a union, pro-union task force, not to mention the border. she's the czar there. she's looking for the root causes, still hasn't found them. now she's going for your guns. rachel: the root causes -- will: the job is, it will not succeed. [laughter] pete: your guns are good for you. will points out the real headline this. there. and georgia police officers and good samaritans saving a teen trapped inside an overturned car after racing on a highway near atlanta. those heroic officers joined us earlier. >> i found the vehicle flipped over. at this time they told me someone was trapped is still in the car. >> i could see him through the sunroof, basically, part of his legs were in the car, the rest of him was trapped underneath the roof. >> it was a fantastic effort by everybody that definitely took the everybody that was there, and we had to get specific leverage to get the car up rather than to push the car over because we didn't want to cause any more damage to the driver. pete: the 19-year-old will face charges, but he's expected to be okay thanks to those heros. and those are your headlines. will: still ahead, sound familiar? the white house wants the fight social media misinformation. even as the supreme court considers restricting their moderating authority. matt taibbi, the journalist behind the infamous twitter the files, exposes the truth coming up. rachel: but first, fox and family is celebrating the first day of family. chef george duran with dishes that you'll fall in love with. pete: who's that little guy? rachel: that's rex. handsome, handsome rex. ♪ don't want to miss it when you hit that high.ed w ♪ wake me up before you go-go ♪ you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at knowing where you came from, it gives you a sense of “this is who i am”. oh my goodness... wow, look at all those! you get hungry for more and then you're just like, “wow, i'm learning about my family.” yeah, yep. which one, what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? look at grandma... hey grandma! unbelievable. everybody deserves to know who they are and where they came from. this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family. here in the bay, our cars takes and all of our stuff where we want to go. but, our cars can't take us e with unpaid tolls. vehicles with overdue, unpaid tolls may not be able to renew their registration until outstanding balances are paid. payment assistance is available. visit so go pay your unpaid tolls y and keep your wheels on the ! ♪ ♪ will: we're bringing the family together for the first day of fall. pete: my son rex is here celebrating his birthday along with national great american pot pie day. rachel: and here to show us how to make all these delicious dishes is chef george duran. chef -- pete: hey, chef. rachel: we love fall food. >> yes. and kids love sweets, and that's why i'm going to have rex help me make this tier missee. you're going to layer the whipped cream with some of these cookies. go ahead, open them up. there you go. all right. now just kind of layer those out. you guys can be your own barista, and these guys make this incredible non-dairy creamer. one of them is apple crumble. it's a very seasonal thing, there you go, just fill that up. and they also have pumpkin spice, you guys can just kind of enjoy the apple crumble inside of their coffees and, again, a lot of wonderful flavors made with real pumpkin purée. that's kind of what i made the tiramisu with. i kind of mixed the cough -- coffee with the creamer -- rachel: and you made it more accessible with vanilla wafers instead of ladyfingers. >> that's right. it adds more of a dimension, and kids can really help with that. and then we're going to add a little bit of some potatoes many our lives. fall for me is about potatoes, in this case, little eau today toe company. i like to spend more time with my family. in five minutes you take these bags, you can microwave them and you have little potatoes. you don't have to peel them, or you just pop them in the microwave, and instantly you have these herb potatoes that you can serve for your family, little is where you can find more information about that. again, no cutting, no peeling, it's already prewashed. oh, you're enjoying that. will: pot pies. >> pot pies is a hearty fall thing. what i've done is actually i've not only air fried my pot pies in this air fryer, connected to my battery cell, this is the pro 1000. it's fantastic. taste this fall vegetable pot pie. you don't have to just use chicken, i used turkey. it's puff pastry on top. i air fried them without using your electricity, and these guy- pete: turkey? >> -- extra battery systems that you can upgrade and have as many as three connected to it. so so easy to use, mug and play. almost has the percentage on it how it work, or and if -- and if you need to, you can hook up a solar panel. they're fantastic to work with. and how is that -- rachel: he's going to eat the cream. pete: rex has stopped cooking -- >> my type of assistant. who's going to clean now? pete: definitely not him. [laughter] here you go, will. rex, i know what you love for your birthday. >> oh -- [laughter] pete: it's a mcflurry. rex, how old are you going to be, bud? >> 8. peter: and you'll eat a mcflurry anytime too far day -- anytime of day, right? will: this is the thing. rachel: this is the most handsome kid. pete: i toll him he was on the show, and he said, i want a suit. looking pretty good, bud. rachel: got a little mcflurry, but that's okay. [laughter] will: this might be your first mcflurry. pete: you and donald trump -- will: i've had a lot of blizzards. rachel: happy birthday, rex. pete: 8 years old. rachel: great age. pete: growing up. will: thank you, chef. in the meantime, don't move, country music star chris janson is going to perform live right here next. 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Prosecutors , A Million , Information , Latino , Loo , Egypt , Charges , Ooh , Anywhere , Seat , Results , Federal Court , Hung Jury , Alexandria , Six , Course , Ways , Similarities , Hunter Biden , Salaciousness , Obviousness , Usedded , Biden Side , Timing , Second , Corruption Allegations , Let S Talk , Joe Biden , Bidens , Table , Biden Policies , Guy Who , Operation , Deal , Obama , Obamas , Problems , Against , Iran , Cuba , Stage , Authoritarian , Rally , Egyptian , Dollars , Money , Ukraine , Segment , Shell Companies , Millions , Media , Russia , Chinese , Haunter Biden , Evidence , Mountains , Doesn T , Country , Nowhere , Military , President , Tape , Floor , Senate , Donald Trump , Audacity , Russianss , 2019 , Fact , Interests , Agent , Wittingly , Concern , Peddling , Peddling Influence , Powers , Reminder , Claims , Race , Racism , Misogyny , Cover , Race Card , It S Worth , Business , Stuff , Relation , Politics , Level , Ranking , Ares , Fbi , Times , Order , A 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Drug Market , Crime Rates , Nfl , Hall Of Famer , Jim Kelly , Son , Ing God , In The Name Of Father , Legend , Baptized , Buffalo Bills , Jesus , Holy Spirit , Applause , Condition , Cheers , Hunter , Battle , 2005 , Boy , Christian , Headlineses , Ocean , Corruption , Light , Coming Up , Life Changing , Launch , Clinton Global Initiative , Car , Teen , Tom Fitton , Police , Saturday Night Lineup , Tom Piton , Dive , Bystanders , Judicial Watch , I Don T , Miss , World , One Nation , Eastern , 9 , Kids , Products , Doing Things , Cleaner , Goal , Technologies , Makers , Durable , Planet , Generations , Making Plastics Better Today , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Somedays , Skin , Everything , Nothing , Music , Skyrizi , Thanks , 4 , 3 , Risk , Reactions , Infections , Study , Starter Doses , 5 , 2 , 90 , Doctor , Symptoms , Plan , Infection , Vaccine , Psoriasis , 1 , Clintons , Aid , Situation , Nations , Action Network , Tax Dollars , Clinton Foundation , Hillary Clinton , First , Initiative , Clinton , Clinton Global Initiative Meeting , Influence Peddling , E Mails , State Department , Promises , Favors , Al Capone , Cause , Uni , Activity , Bill , Casino , Hillary Clinton Messing , Haiti , Bills , Power , Purposes , Anyone , Platform , Talk , What , Donors , Let , Haitians , Friends Of Bill , Bill Invaded Haiti , Friends , Aid Money , Involvement , Who Dawning , Governments , Heads , Concerns , Unions , Suspects , Things , Law Enforcement , Sort , View , New York , Part , Move , Hillary Can T , Name , Communities , Least , Racket , Foundation , Bill S Foundation Got Millions , Ukrainian Oligarch , Heroes , News , Camera , Star Chris Jansen , Country Music , Studio , Performances , Underneaths , Weight , Golo , Amber , Announcer , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Measures , Health , Solution , Verge , Golo Commercial , Life , Release , Golo For Life , Shirt Off , Meal , The Sun , 300 , Control , Sugar , Cravings , Hunger , Efficiency , 80 , 75 , Prescription , Weight Loss , Starvation Dieting , Product , In My Life , Natural , Jitters , Muscle , Insulin Levels , Key , Hormones , 4xl Shirt , Change , Weight Loss Surgery , Stairs , Jason , Katie , 424 , Golo Com , Break , 20 , 10 , Botox , Adults , Treatment , Headaches , Migraine , Migraine Treatment , 15 , Breathing , Injection , Eye Problems , Treatments , Effects , Migraine Patients , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Pain , Side Effects , Medications , Headache , Conditions , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Signs , History , Site , Neck , Fatigue , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Users , Survey , Sooner , 92 , Album , Side , Go To Chris Janson Com , Guys , Middle , Couch , Performance , Show , Nap , New Hampshire , Trash , Big Nap , Halfway , City , Company , Joys , Potatoes , Place , Most , Pinball , Meat , Honey , Songs , Is , Hunting , Family , Poi Note , Song , Audience , Fan Base , Fishing , Conservation Is , Core , American Values Faith , Guitar , Country Manner , Piano , Drums , Harmonica , Rock And Roll , Bass , Single , Outlaw Side , Country Radio , Duets , Number One , Brantley Gilbert , Big , Dolly Parton , The Star , Slash , Worst , Anybody , Gosh , Everybody , United Nations , Earth , Wake Up , Greatest , Biggest , Service , Men , Midwest Guy , Missouri , Brad Pitt9 , Matter , Man , Bass Pro Land , Gender , Southern Georgia Girl Though , Springfield , Southeast , Best Friend , Mother , Background , Respect , Interview , Best , Maps , Kiese Coast Waking Uo , Maui , Supplies , Miracle , Standing , Task Force , Nonprofits , Collaboration , Volunteers , Relief Effort , Scenes , Plane , Line , Crowd Cheers , Seats , Farmers , Insurance , Let S Go To Maui , Savings , Aren T Worth Compromising , Breakthrough , Skin Tags , Dr , Remover , Scholl S , Fda , Farmers Mnemonic , Breztri , Flare Ups , My Copd , Cough , Lungs , Lung Function , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Vision Changes , Eye , Chest Pain , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Tongue , Medication , Astrazeneca , Woman , Houses , Couple , Vo , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Cash Offer , Opendoor Dot Com , Peach , Aren T , Shipments , Sizes , Shapes , Isn T Just Freight , Promise , Old Dominion , Tropical Storm Ophelia , Parts , Effect , Yellow , Threat , Chesapeake Bay With , Delaware , System , Long Island , Pennsylvania , Wave Action , North , Terms , Moisture , Long Island Sound , Connecticut , Store , Boats , Doesn T End , Coolest , Privilege , Task Force Lahaina , Las Vegas Sands Corporation , Airplanes , Relationships , High Stakes , Casino Owner , Gamblers , Play , Carey Riley , Scott Mann , Pine , Apple , Operation Pinealing , Afghanistan , Goods , Monday If Las Vegas , A Million Dollars , Corporations , Las Vegas , Nevada , 747 , Help , Owner , Flight Crew , Las Vegas Sands , Paul , Phone , Needs , Background Sounds , I Don T Know , Integral To Task Force Lahaina , Amy Sands , Inaudible , Therapy , Conversations , Maui E , Todd , Care , Trauma , Carrie Riley , Lifestyle Expert , Let S Go , Ukeleles , Center Foundation , E Bikes , Craftsman , Laptops , Teddy Bears , Friend , Tablets , Phones , Ours , Tools , Donatedded , Will Cain , 5000 , 0000 , 10000 , Nonprofit , Airplane , Packaging , Dave A , Somebody , Team , Sean , Churches , Papas , Cavalry Chapel , Seven , Eight , Distribution Center , Runway , Descending , Chat , Wily , Everyone , Takeaway , Efforts , Logistics , Need , Screen , Needs Org , Mistake , Bottom Un , Reporting , Support , Step Up , Bottom Up , Credit , It S Time , Hats , Energy , Aboud , Air Force One , Benjamin Netanyahu , Charity , Peace Talks , Progress , Saudi Arabia , Middle East , Israeli , Countries , Passes , Peace , Ally Want , Leaders , Avid , Bret Baier , Mohamed Bin Salman , Result , Possibility , Premiership , Crown Prince , Agreement , End , Bret , Cold War , Portfolio , Charge , Kamala Harris , Office A Of Federal Gun Violence Prevention , Gun Confiscation , Vice President , Causes , Hasn T , Union , Voting Rights , Border , Broadband , Czar , Guns , Job , Headline , Police Officers , Georgia , Officers , Racing , Highway , Vehicle , Samaritans , Atlanta , Effort , Leverage , Legs , Rest , Roof , Sunroof , Damage , Heros , Driver , 19 , Supreme Court , Matt Taibbi , Files , Truth , Authority , Social Media Misinformation , Twitter , George Duran , Dishes , Love , Rex , Handsome Rex , Wake Me Up Before You Go , High Ed W , Restoration , Thyroid Eye Disease , Eyes , Tedhelp Com , This Is Who I Am , Oh My Goodness , Sense , County Of Macomb , Yep , Lorraine Banks , Grandma , Journey , Gift , Ohhh Cool , Michigan , Unbelievable , Cars , Bay , Tolls , Vehicles , Payment Assistance , Balances , Registration , Visit Bayareafastrak Org Ase , Y , Wheels , Birthday , My Son Rex , Great American , Pot Pie Day , Chef , Food , Sweets , Cream , Some , Cookies , Player , Barista , Tier Missee , Apple Crumble , Creamer , Coffees , Pumpkin Spice , Coffee , Flavors , Pumpkin PurÉe , Tiramisu , Wafers , Ladyfingers , Dimension , Lives , Bags , Toe , Little Eau , Herb Potatoes , Microwave , Little Potatoes Com , Peeling , Cutting , Pot Pies , Battery Cell , Air Fryer , Puff Pastry , Electricity , Pot Pie , Vegetable , Chicken , Turkey , 1000 , Guy Pete , Battery Systems , It Work , Use , Mug , Percentage , Assistant , Cooking , Type , Solar Panel , Mcflurry , Peter , Bud , Oh , Kid , Suit , Little Mcflurry , Blizzards , Chris Janson , Twist It , Poppinlig , Form , Cupping Ag Skipping And Ae , Lines , Vision Loss , Warning Signs , Disease , Struggle , Spots , Amd , Wavy , Trouble , Faces , Challenge , Don T Wait , Gawontwait Com Polly Pratts , Eye Doctor , Stack , Turkey Legs , Jobs , Experience , Hat , Tap , Excitement , Grad Cap , Viking , Degree , Symptom Improvement , Phoenix Edu ,

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