Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

♪ ♪ ♪ i know you don't believe it ♪ [laughter] pete: will and rachel are arguing again. [laughter] rachel: no, we're not. pete: she's taking credit for something we'll talk about later. imaive degraw, soldier. i didn't know he had a song called soldier. i'm going to have to check it out. beautiful sunset -- sunrise, excuse me. rachel: where's that at? pete: south carolina. that looks like south carolina, doesn't it? oh, there the he is. he's going out on the dock. has no idea that -- rachel: he's on "fox & friends." pete: let's hope he keeps it -- rachel: doesn't take his clothes off. [laughter] pete: keep it pg, buddy. rachel: oh, boy. pete: welcome to "fox & friends." 7:00 eastern time hour. it's also eastern time in texas, i guess that's true. rachel: are you thinking about rome? pete: i do think about rome, what it would have been like, you know? the roman soldiers that were there at the crucifixion. it's all very -- they were there at so many confluences. rachel: yeah. do you think about rome? will: not as a often as this meme would suggest, but there's -- i think about history a lot. i think about the 1800s america a lot. but people think about rome for obvious reasons, decay of an empire, do you move towards an authoritarian state, which rome did, and i think as you point out its ties to early christianity. pete: yep. will: yeah, so there's a lot of reasons you would come back to rome. rachel: yeah. a lot of people saying it's associated also with sort of, like, manhood and masculinity which is obviously under attack. i think it's a really interesting thing that's happening, you know? trend, if you will. it'd be interesting to see if men two generations ago thought about rome as much as men today. pete: they also gave us the numerals, which are the super bowl. will: correct. [laughter] rachel: not what i was thinking. will: if i said to you what historical period do you reference and come back to the most, would the answer be rome? pete: yes. because i would probably think of early christianity. rachel: i amro mono-- roman catholic, my favorite movie is gladiator, and my kids go to classical -- will: a lot of people think about the civil war, i think about 1800 -- rachel: i love that too. will: what about you guys? [email protected]. pete: [email protected]. good, a couple years in, you're nailing it. [laughter] rachel: i'm always getting that site wrong. pete: i think a lot of people think about the late 1700s, the revolutionary period too, right? rachel: what does vivek ramaswamy say, i don't want reform, i want a revolution. will: [email protected], how often do you think about the roman empire. of. pete: all right. so this poll caught our eye, and it's going to get a lot of attention, and it's going to rattle a lot of cages because it's from the washington post, washington post/abc. look at that number. there's two reasons -- rachel: wow. pete: first of all, that's trump above water at 52%. rachel: yes. pete: that's a huge number. that's a 10-point lead if the election were held today, who would you vote for. 52%, trump. 42%, joe. that's after the indictments, that's after the first debate. that is a huge number, and that's going to -- a lot of people, that's going to be splashed across the pages of "the washington post" this morning with a lot of people saying, is it time for joe to go. rachel: right. will: the downhill effect of that, i see that poll and i think, you know, you're going to hear a rot about that poll from president trump. -- a lot about that poll from president trump. pete: for sure. will: but the downstream dominos, as you point out, as to what that can mean on the other side and whether it's time to move on from joe biden. rachel: there are polls about that as well, will. one poll is saying -- this is about whether, and it's a dem-leaning poll, by the way, only 33% of people say they would nominate joe biden. 62 would nominate -- 62% would nominate someone else, and 5% -- pete: wow. so this is inside that a same poll amongst leaning democrats. this is not an overall poll, this is democrat, that's what's so stagger ago -- about this. rachel: that's going to make the biden people and the obama people behind the campaign nervous. but then people like gavin newsom, kamala harris and even rfk jr. has got to look at that poll and go, maybe there's some hope here. pete: i don't think there's any hope for rfk jr -- rachel: there's a lot of powerful forces against him. will: senator ted cruz has offered up yet another name. >> here's the scenario that i think is perhaps most likely and most dangerous. in august of 2024, the democrat kingmakers jettison joe biden and parachute in michelle obama. i view this as a very serious danger. so michelle obama, number one, you don't infuriate african-american women which is a critical part of the constituency that democrats are relying on to win. rachel: this could have, by the way, what we were joking about at the top of the hour is i've been saying michelle obama for a long time -- pete: should have cited you. rachel: he should have cited me. [laughter] will: when we came into this hour, i was asking rachel, do you think this should be foot noted as first suggested by rachel campos if duffy? rachel: only because when i said i predicted this could happen, i was called crazy for it by a lot of publications on the left, crazy rachel saying that, you know, michelle obama could be, you know, pair parachuted in. look, the democratic convention is in chicago. and who knows, could have been always a backup plan for them, you know? because, obviously, joe biden's mental capacity has been in question since he ran the the last time. so that could have been in. and i think that ted cruz makes a great point that it was always dangerous to assume that, you know, you couldn't put a black woman in. you can't just brush aside kamala harris who they know would probably not do well in a general election and go to gavin newsom who many people like. you just can't, you can't do that in a party that is built on identity politics and on the black women's vote. pete: he made a great point because he made your point. that's why it was great. right? rachel: that's so nice of you. pete: that's what a i mean. rachel: i don't have a harvard degree like you or ted cruz, but i called that one. pete: you always plan for the most likely enemy course of action or the most dangerous. rachel: interesting. pete: if when those two line are up, then you're up against something you really may not be able to defeat. and if they went to the convention, jettisoned joe, the delegates would have to go to michelle obama. rachel: they would. pete: that's one of those nuclear options. rachel: and, will, do you think that would be, if it's a trump/michelle obama race, what would happen? will: i don't know. i hadn't considered that matchup, the way it would shake out in the polls. i'm not convinced that it has to be michelle obama. i think gavin newsom's going to have something to say about that, and i'm going to give you an example of why that might be the case. here is what gavin newsom had to say this week when it comes to the controversial bill which required parents to affirm their children's gender choices or potentially lose custody battles for -- pete: it passed the legislature in california, went to his desk. will: and he vetoed that bill in california. here's what he said. he said, i urge caution when the executive and legislative the branches of state government attempt to dick the tate in printed terms -- dictate in that single out one characteristic for the judicial branch to apply. california and other states could very well use this strategy to toty inish -- diminish the the civil rights of a lot of communities. rachel: that was a lot of gobbledygook. will with will it was. it pivots back to the center. this is also an issue that is so far left, it's falling off the edge of sanity that he simply didn't indulge a fully insane piece of legislation. pete: yes. rachel: but he also didn't say it with clarity, which was interesting. so he clearly wants to keep those people -- pete: he can't say it with clarity. he can't insult the progressive part of his base, so he made up some -- i'm saving you from the republicans by vetoing this crazy bill. [laughter] is so he found his own rationale. but i'll take a small win in california where i can get one with. rachel: yeah. i will still say, or he's very superficial, i've said this before. he looks the most presidential. sadly, those kinds of things can make a difference, and he -- listen are, he went in, he had that interview with sean hannity, he's done all kinds of things to say i'm willing, i'm here, i'm ready. if you want me. pete: raising his hand. rachel: and he looks fine. i'll say that again and again. he looks good. look at that, he looks like a president. will: i mean, you've said that - rachel: i'm sorry, he looks good. but look at his state. that's not enough. pete: here's a reminder, we had a couple of california parents on our show on september 10th talking about this bill that gavin newsom just vetoed. listen. >> this is a steady assault on family and children that we've been seeing this legislative session and throughout the past couple of years in california. all of these assembly people, they don't even know what they're talking about. they don't even have children. you know, how child transition apparently has a success story with that,s they do not get to legislate their unique personal experiences to the rest of the masses. there are over 9 million children in the state of california. what it says is that every single one of them who's going through a divorce, whose parents are fighting over them, whose entire world is crumbling, their entire identity is crumbling, that we as a parents have to affirm that confusion. >> when you introduce this, it's going to make it even more complicated to where we really don't know what this means in the end or, you know? a parent, ultimately, will have to affirm whatever their child says and wants in this regard or else risk losing custody. and that's a horrible decision for a parent to be in, especially in the middle of a custody dispute. will: political or not, good that gavin newsomsome vetoed -- pete: yeah. he probably doesn't agree with anything those parents just said, but he's got a political antenna and knew this was crazy. rachel: he might not even agree with the crazy ideology saying i'm going to take your kids away, he might knot. and that's the point. gavin newsom will be whatever he needs to be to become president. will ewell check out this, the cover of "the new york post," it's titled hot mess. jon levine? pete: do you pronounce it hot or haut? will: i really wish you'd have done it instead of me. [laughter] pete: i would have said hottie mess. [laughter] will: jon levine dressed up essentially like john fetterman -- rachel: except he looks better. will: and then he went to fine restaurants in new york to see if he could get in, and they videoed him. watch. [inaudible conversations] >> we don't allow shorts. >> so there's no possible way i can eat inside at small no way of getting around the dress code? >> do you have a dress code? >> yes. >> would my sweatshirt be okay many. >> no. >> nothing i'm wearing is okay? >> yeah -- [inaudible] >> you won't let people wearing shorts in? there's a united states senator that yes, sirs like this. >> yes, he would not be pert here. >> he would not be permitted here? >> you know who i'm talking about? >> no, i don't, but we've with turned away guests regardless of their occupation. pete: well, there's a reason "the new york post" is in the print business. the audio wasn't great on that. [laughter] but the point was well made. you can't get into a haughty new york city restaurant, but you can preside over the senate. rachel: one time government was shut down and sean was in d.c., and he decided to grow out a beard. and i turned on the tv if wisconsin, i saw him on with sandra smith, and i literally was, like, he looks is so bad. he looks so, so bad. i called him up after and i'm like, honey, that doesn't look great. you've got to shave the beard. i know the government's shut down, i know you're tire of being in d.c., but pull it together. and, again, i'm sorry, i go back to gisele fetterman, his wife, where the heck is she? her husband doesn't have enough dignity to dress properly, why doesn't she have enough dignity for her own husband to say, hey, step it up here. you're a senator now. you are the senator of pennsylvania. i'm sorry. i lay the blame on both. i have a podcast, by the way, on the cruelty of gisele fetterman and jill biden. i lay out the case for why i think these women have a role to play in what's happening with their husbands. so that's my political spouse a vice. pete: i bet gavin newsom would look good with a beard. rachel: no, i think that look looks good on him. he knows what looks good on him. [laughter] pete: and we know what actually looks dignified. will: you think the wall street, swept-back hair? rachel: i'm saying that's a good look for him. will: i'm serious, by the way, the slicked-back style, wall street style, i'm not sure how that plays in middle america. rachel: they are the party of wall street and business and corporate america. rul. will: all right. the two teens accused of killing a former california police chief while he was on a morning bike ride were in the midst of a crime spree according to klas in las vegas, the two report hi tried to kill a second cyclist, stole three cars and committed a burglary. both the driver and passenger appeared in court thursday, they're facing murder, attempted murder and battery charges. and new jersey senator bob menendez now facing a primary challenge from house democrat andy kim after saying he would not resign amid corruption charges. kim saying not something i expected to do, but new jersey deserves better. we cannot jeopardize the senate or compromise our integrity. can't jeopardize the senate. he means for his political party, not for america being beholden to a corrupt politician. kim has been in congress since 2019 and won his last re-election by 10 is points. menendez and his wife were charged with federal corruption charges last week. now to baseball where the pirates pull off the most incredible comeback in team history. they faced a 9-0 deficit against the reds by the third inning, but pittsburgh scored 13 straight runs. check out the moment they tied the game. >> base hit! briefly bier fairchild, rodriguez to the plate, he scores! the lead is gone! [cheers and applause] will: all right, here we go. and in texas, the rangers win their fourth game in a row holding off the mariners 2-00. the race is absolutely on in the als, where the rangers are leading the division by a game and a half over the astros with just eight games to play. two of those teams will make the playoffs, the astros, the rangers and the mariners. pete: what are those jerseys? will: those are their city uniforms. pete: they are ugly. will: oh, i like them. it's the third alternate uniform. pete: they should remain that. [laughter] rachel: all right. more a vice from -- advice from from pete. this morning thousands of runners taking to the streets for the annual tunnel to towers 5k. pete: joey jones is live outside the tunnel where the race kicks off a today. joey. >> hey, good morning, guys. listen, i'm wearing a uniform i borrowed from rick reichmuth because there's a little bit of rain out here. as the rain picks up, the energy picks up. they've got music playing, the wounded veterans just showed up, several of them with run this 5k with prosthetics, some in a wheelchair, but everyone here is here because they want to be, and is we're having a great time. we care about being here with each other. this is a reunion for us, and we're having a fantastic time the, guys. rachel: [inaudible] pete: thank you, joey. we were trying to -- we were with listening, but we were also trying to get to the bottom of haute. will: how do you say that word, joey? >> that's hottie. will: it's spelled differently. it's a different word. [laughter] we're going to get -- >> don't come to me what with words, okay? pete: thanks, joey. love it. we'll keep checking in. by the way, where the fox corporation is matching donations for this race. very cool. rachel: and we're going to be checking in with joey all morning long, so we look forward to those segments. pete: coming up, they came to the u.s. from germany to home school their children. now a tennessee family is fighting a deportation battle after 15 years in the country. so so if you come across the border today, you won't get deported, but if you've been here home schooling, you just might. rachel: because home schooling is illegal in germany. that's fascinating. and a new study traces mrna covid vaccines in breast milk. our friend, dr. nicole staff fighter on what new mothers need fighter on what new mothers need to know about that -- dr. nicole saphier. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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(vo) get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. it's happening. rachel: a new scientific study reveals how the covid vaccine could be impacted by breast-feeding. trace amounts of mrna covid vaccine were found in breast milk samples collected from participating lactating mothers. here with what this means for new mothers is fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. doctor, so great to have you on this sunday morning. this is a big deal because you see warnings for breast-feeding, you know, don't take this if you're breast freeding -- feeding or consult your daughter on virtually any kind of medication. and yet there was no warning about this before people took the vaccine. in fact, lactating mothers in many cases were mandated to take the vaccine. >> that's right, they were mandated, they were recommended to take the vaccine, and yet when it came to the initial studies from the vaccine companies, they didn't actually look at young children and lactating mothers. now, it's important to know this new study came from nyu, it was published in lancet last week. it adds to a growing body of evidence that shows when you look at the breast milk of women who are breast-feeding who get the vaccine, yes, there are trace amounts of mrna in the breast milk. they looked at about 20 the exposures, and about 10 samples did show very small amounts, nothing near the amount that's actually given in the vaccine. but the question is, you know, what is that a magic number that makes it safe versus unsafe? and the truth is we don't actually know. the nih did a big, systematic review looking at how newborns and young instants -- infants did when they were breast-feeding, and up to 10% of those infants did have some adverse effects whether it was irritability, change in their sleep patterns or some gi issues. thankfully, there weren't severe reported yacht comes, but it still -- outcomes, but it still leaves a big question. one thing i can say to new mothers who are nursing and wondering should i get the vaccine? when it comes to getting the vaccine, the risk of a severe outcome seems to be exceedingly low. but i can also tell you when you look at covid in a household, the university of washington published last year that of everyone in the house, if the mother tests positive, the infant has a less likely chance of being infected altogether and also they have less likely getting severe outcome. we already know that young babies tend to have less severe covid than the rest of the house. rachel: right. my baby had covid, and she had zero symptoms. again, of course we don't know what could happen from this because there were no long-term studies, and that's the part i don't understand, dr. saphier. how is it that our government could coerce, in some cases mandate people to take a vaccine if they were pregnant, if they were nursing when we had no long-term studies on this vaccine? >> well, that's right, rachel. and i think at this point everyone's kind of getting the same motion that you are as well. certainly, we shouldn't have been mandating anybody, and when it came to pregnancy, it should have been given with a lot more caution. covid infection during pregnancy certainly was associated with poor outcomes, with early birth, blood clots and -- rachel: and miscarriage. >> it should have been a decision between the mother and the physician about the risk versus benefit, but the mandates were not warranted whatsoever. and going into the winter season, we need to stop fear-mongering these new moms about covid is. they should be more concerned about rsv because rsv and even flu has much more likely of a severe outcome when it comes to these newborns than covid. ray yeah. well, there are always exceptions in the past for pregnant and lactate thing mothers when it came to -- lactating mothers when it came to certain medical procedures and medicines, and this was untested and mandated, and i really hope this never happens again. dr. saphier, thank you so much for joining us. this is a really important topic. thank you. >> sure. thanks, rachel. rachel: okay. still ea ea ahead, an anti-application bigs group sending a -- anti-religion group but first, joe by jones is live from the tunnel to towers 5k run and walk many new york city. ♪ ♪ and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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i told you the friends were going to show up. our fox running team's here -- [cheers and applause] they've got smiles ear to ear. the rain is starting to hold off, i think, i'm pretty hopeful on that. frank, it feels like there's so much energy. >> it's incredible. nobody cares about the rain. i was talking to amy freeze, and she said something to me, if our soldiers, our heroes can take a bullet, we can take some rain drops. we don't care about the weather today. we're here to honor some great heroes. there's so many catastrophic injured service members, gold star windows, first responder widows, and tunnel to towers, we're about remembering everybody. for me, it's about my brother who, you know, 22 years ago ran through this tunnel with his gear on his back and gave up his life. two of his kids are reading the names today of all the heroes that are here. they'll be doing that shortly. his wife is here and another one of his daughters are here. he had five kids. my brother gave upper, you know, a lot in sacrifice. so we're here to celebrate their lives. >> listen, i love that you brought up your brother. it's called the tunnel to towers because of your brother's footsteps, what everyone will be running today, what it means to for new york, what it means for the country. that's the reason 40,000 people show up. they remember 9/11, they remember their brother, and they remember how important this data is, the day that we're celebrating. but not everybody's just running. we actually have our very own dancing connoisseur here, i don't know the right word for it because i can't dance. >> yeah. >> tell us about what you're doing. >> listen, i'm so excited to be a part of this event this year. not only, like you said, am i going to be running, but at the end of the race, at the finish line are, i'm known as the dancing running man, right? so i'm going to do a little victory dance with me and some of my buddies back from the. we're going to post it on social, and that's going to kick off a little donation campaign to do do our to raise a bunch of money for this awesome organization. so fox corporation's going to match if every dollar 2 to 1, to 21, up to to $25 the 0,000. [cheers and applause] so, yeah, or i'll cheer to that, i'll dance to that. and, listen, i figured also if the firefighters and servicemen and women can coall this in their work outfit, i'm going to run the race in my work outfit. so i've got my full suit on. we're running and dancing in the full suit today. >> can you give us a little tease? >> here's a little preview of one of the moves, just a quick arm -- [laughter] >> hey, i can do that one. i don't even have to tap my feet to that one. that's a good one. >> yeah, everyone can do that. just a little preview of what we're going to do at the finish line. and if you're not there in person, that's okay, we'll post it on social media. >> we're having a lot of fun out here. i might learn this dance, i'm not really sure. i'm going to throw it back to you guy, and we're going to keep dancing, right? [cheers and applause] will: all right, cool. rachel: we want to see the dance. pete: you're going to do it, joey. i like it. [laughter] will: you a dancer? pete: when i go to weddings -- will: yeah? pete: tear it up. will: really? rachel: don't you remember? pete: no, usually men dancing's is not really my thing. will: right. pete: but at a wedding, have a couple drinks, hit the dance floor, boom -- will: this is a hot take. i feel like dancing is taking off. [laughter] pete: what? rachel: you mean like ballroom dancing? will: no, just in general -- pete: because of social media? will: right. i'm not saying, when i was growing up, it's not a -- that all dudes danced, but not many dudes danced. pete: it wasn't a dudely thing -- will: but now it is. pete: it's just more socially acceptable now. will: i think so. to your phone. rachel: do you remember when the salsa dancers came and you guys -- will: no. rachel: yeah, you do remember. [laughter] you guys had -- pete: roll that tape. rachel: we've got it somewhere. will: the the family who fled germany for the right to home school their children is facing deportation after 15 years in the united states. the parents join us with the legal battle next. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. pete: in 2008 a family fled from germany to tennessee after they were fined for home schooling their kids many germany. five years later, their asylum claim was denied claiming they weren't persecuted. but they were told their stay was ine definite. now, after 15 years of making the united states their belovedded home, they are facing deportation. uva and hanalore join us along with an attorney with the u.s. home school legal defense association. thank you all for being here. uva, let me start with you. you claimed asylum because home schooling's illegal in germany, correct, and you've been home schooling here in the united states ever since. >> that's correct, yes. we were actually granted asylum first by the immigration judge here in the united states. pete: and you made a home in tennessee the. you've thrown roots down there. when did this notice come that a your family is going to be deported? >> this month on the 6th. we were in knoxville office and, yes, we got this notification order of removal. pete: is so, kevin, help me out here. we're seeing record numbers of illegals race across our southern border, most of which are loosely claiming some sort of a need for asylum, yet your clients clearly because of their beliefs want to home school in a country that allows it, and germany does not. how -- square that circle for me. >> well, thanks, pete, for having me. what i can say is the family has entered the country lawfully, they've been here lawfully for 15 years, they want to stay the here, and there's a way to stay here. the family followed the rule of law and wants to continue to follow the rule of law to stay here. and so the biden administration can make that happen. the agencies can make it happen, and we're asking them to simply do just that. pete: uva, why you guys? why were you chosen for deportation at this point in what are they telling us? >> well, they did not tell us anything. we don't really know why. we wonder that ourselves because we cannot understand. pete: if you were returned to germany and you wantedded to continue to home school, what would happen? >> the laws there haven't changed, and so we would face the same persecution as we did back then. pete: so home schooling is totally illegal in germany, you can't do it? >> yes, it is illegal. pete: it is the illegal. how does that not qualify as an asylum claim, kevin, as an everyone to? how can you fight this at this point? >> well, you know, the original immigration judge did find that there was a proper asylum claim. they found that the family did have a well-founded fear of persecution based on their, you know, participation in a particular social category,ing that being home schoolers. you know, the obama add administration appeal that, the appeal court agreed with them as did the sixth circuit, and the supreme court denied it. we do think they have a well-founded fear. as we testified, our organization testify to that fact when this was ongoing before the trial courts, and, i mean, i can tell you today i talk to families today that have fear in germany and, you know, the fight there, the persecution there is very is real today as it was a 15 years ago. pete: well, i hope you keep us posted. we're pulling for you. you've clearly got a real good attorney here. we wish you the best in this fight. and you came here the right way, you want to stay here for the right reasons. our government should have your back in that process so please do keep us posted. god bless you. thanks for being here. >> thank you. pete: thank you very much. >> thank you. pete: by the way -- thank you, kevin. we reached out to i.c.e., the ones that are not deporting lots of illegals that are coming here, for a statement and is -- have not heard back yet. all right, still ahead, rain and a hit piece from the washington post did not stop thousands from attending the one bite pizza festival in new york city. dave portnoy joins us on why he has more support now than ever. but first, country music singer gillian carterelli joins us live with a special performance as she walks in the studio and we say hello. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪ ♪ know how i feel.♪ you don't have to take... 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[laughter] pete: and rolling stone, one of the on top ten artists to watch coming up. rachel: what would you say to elvis? >> i would thank him for the music and legacy. pete: very cool. what are you going to perform this morning? >> could have been boy. for all the could have been boys, yeah. [laughter] pete: if you would, would you take it away for us? >> absolutely. rachel: we've been hearing you in the commercial breaks -- pete: sounds really good. ray yeah. ♪ ♪ my daddy don't like anybody but, boy, he liked you. ♪ even many your fast car racing me underneath the moon. ♪ followed that with a red light kiss thinking i could get used to this. ♪ drinking cheap wine like champagne living the tv life. ♪ we were with talking kids and dreams and what our future house looked like. ♪ those days would take my breath -- ♪ now all that's left is the could have been boy. ♪ the kind of love -- [inaudible] timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, and they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ now i get a little in my head thinking about what -- ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ funny how i can't remember who or what's to blame. ♪ was it just a small town wind that blew out a red hot flame? ♪ what was waiting down that road, we'll never know. ♪ could have been been boy. ♪ the kind of love they write about in a timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ now i get a little in my head thinking about what could have been, boy -- ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ oh, i pray there'll come a day, i mean it when i say -- ♪ that i'm done thinking about about a could have been boy. ♪ oh, could have been boy, the kind of love they write about in a timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, and they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ -- and now i get a little in my head thinking about what would have been, boy. ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ my daddy don't like anybody but, boy, he liked you ♪ [applause] pete: nicely done. rachel: love that. 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Okay , Fun , Dancer , Weddings , Wedding , Don T You , Couple Drinks , Ballroom Dancing , Stake , General , Dance Floor , Boom , Dudes , It Wasn T A Dudely , Salsa Dancers , Somewhere , Phone , Tape , Deportation , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Nunormal , Steroids , Nucala , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Help , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Injection Site Reactions , Trouble , Face , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Fatigue , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Home , 2008 , Asylum Claim , Stay , Belovedded , Asylum , Attorney , Uva , Hanalore , Home School Legal Defense Association , Immigration Judge , Notice , Roots , Kevin , Record Numbers , Office , 6th , Notification Order Of Removal , 6 , Illegals , Home School , Clients , Sort , Circle , Need , Beliefs , Administration , Agencies , Rule Of Law , There Haven T , Laws , Persecution , Find , Participation , Well Founded Fear , Appeal Court , Home Schoolers , Appeal , Add , Category , Supreme Court , Sixth Circuit , King , Fight , Fear , Families , Trial Courts , The Right Way , Ones , Process , Ice , God Bless You , Thousands , Lots , Bite Pizza Festival , Statement , Hit Piece , Country Music , Gillian Carterelli , Studio , Performance , Support , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Breeze Driftin , Thigh , Stand , Power , Ways , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Heart Condition , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , 24 , Pain , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Vision Changes , Save , Trelegy Com , September 11th , Jillian , Cousin , Flight , Rauner , 11 , Saint , Doing , It Hits , Responders , Mom , Girls , Addition , Songs , Hit , Title , Artists , Elvis , Rolling Stone , Ten , Legacy , Breaks , Hearing , Boys , Daddy , Fast Car Racing , Thinking , Tv Life , Red Light , Kiss , Champagne , Dreams , Moon , Love , Girl , Classic Story , Blaze Of Glory , Little , Head , Wind , Red , You Weren T A , What , Flame , Town , Road , Slider Sunday , Saved Slider 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240703

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♪ ♪ ♪ i know you don't believe it ♪ [laughter] pete: will and rachel are arguing again. [laughter] rachel: no, we're not. pete: she's taking credit for something we'll talk about later. imaive degraw, soldier. i didn't know he had a song called soldier. i'm going to have to check it out. beautiful sunset -- sunrise, excuse me. rachel: where's that at? pete: south carolina. that looks like south carolina, doesn't it? oh, there the he is. he's going out on the dock. has no idea that -- rachel: he's on "fox & friends." pete: let's hope he keeps it -- rachel: doesn't take his clothes off. [laughter] pete: keep it pg, buddy. rachel: oh, boy. pete: welcome to "fox & friends." 7:00 eastern time hour. it's also eastern time in texas, i guess that's true. rachel: are you thinking about rome? pete: i do think about rome, what it would have been like, you know? the roman soldiers that were there at the crucifixion. it's all very -- they were there at so many confluences. rachel: yeah. do you think about rome? will: not as a often as this meme would suggest, but there's -- i think about history a lot. i think about the 1800s america a lot. but people think about rome for obvious reasons, decay of an empire, do you move towards an authoritarian state, which rome did, and i think as you point out its ties to early christianity. pete: yep. will: yeah, so there's a lot of reasons you would come back to rome. rachel: yeah. a lot of people saying it's associated also with sort of, like, manhood and masculinity which is obviously under attack. i think it's a really interesting thing that's happening, you know? trend, if you will. it'd be interesting to see if men two generations ago thought about rome as much as men today. pete: they also gave us the numerals, which are the super bowl. will: correct. [laughter] rachel: not what i was thinking. will: if i said to you what historical period do you reference and come back to the most, would the answer be rome? pete: yes. because i would probably think of early christianity. rachel: i amro mono-- roman catholic, my favorite movie is gladiator, and my kids go to classical -- will: a lot of people think about the civil war, i think about 1800 -- rachel: i love that too. will: what about you guys? pete: good, a couple years in, you're nailing it. [laughter] rachel: i'm always getting that site wrong. pete: i think a lot of people think about the late 1700s, the revolutionary period too, right? rachel: what does vivek ramaswamy say, i don't want reform, i want a revolution. will:, how often do you think about the roman empire. of. pete: all right. so this poll caught our eye, and it's going to get a lot of attention, and it's going to rattle a lot of cages because it's from the washington post, washington post/abc. look at that number. there's two reasons -- rachel: wow. pete: first of all, that's trump above water at 52%. rachel: yes. pete: that's a huge number. that's a 10-point lead if the election were held today, who would you vote for. 52%, trump. 42%, joe. that's after the indictments, that's after the first debate. that is a huge number, and that's going to -- a lot of people, that's going to be splashed across the pages of "the washington post" this morning with a lot of people saying, is it time for joe to go. rachel: right. will: the downhill effect of that, i see that poll and i think, you know, you're going to hear a rot about that poll from president trump. -- a lot about that poll from president trump. pete: for sure. will: but the downstream dominos, as you point out, as to what that can mean on the other side and whether it's time to move on from joe biden. rachel: there are polls about that as well, will. one poll is saying -- this is about whether, and it's a dem-leaning poll, by the way, only 33% of people say they would nominate joe biden. 62 would nominate -- 62% would nominate someone else, and 5% -- pete: wow. so this is inside that a same poll amongst leaning democrats. this is not an overall poll, this is democrat, that's what's so stagger ago -- about this. rachel: that's going to make the biden people and the obama people behind the campaign nervous. but then people like gavin newsom, kamala harris and even rfk jr. has got to look at that poll and go, maybe there's some hope here. pete: i don't think there's any hope for rfk jr -- rachel: there's a lot of powerful forces against him. will: senator ted cruz has offered up yet another name. >> here's the scenario that i think is perhaps most likely and most dangerous. in august of 2024, the democrat kingmakers jettison joe biden and parachute in michelle obama. i view this as a very serious danger. so michelle obama, number one, you don't infuriate african-american women which is a critical part of the constituency that democrats are relying on to win. rachel: this could have, by the way, what we were joking about at the top of the hour is i've been saying michelle obama for a long time -- pete: should have cited you. rachel: he should have cited me. [laughter] will: when we came into this hour, i was asking rachel, do you think this should be foot noted as first suggested by rachel campos if duffy? rachel: only because when i said i predicted this could happen, i was called crazy for it by a lot of publications on the left, crazy rachel saying that, you know, michelle obama could be, you know, pair parachuted in. look, the democratic convention is in chicago. and who knows, could have been always a backup plan for them, you know? because, obviously, joe biden's mental capacity has been in question since he ran the the last time. so that could have been in. and i think that ted cruz makes a great point that it was always dangerous to assume that, you know, you couldn't put a black woman in. you can't just brush aside kamala harris who they know would probably not do well in a general election and go to gavin newsom who many people like. you just can't, you can't do that in a party that is built on identity politics and on the black women's vote. pete: he made a great point because he made your point. that's why it was great. right? rachel: that's so nice of you. pete: that's what a i mean. rachel: i don't have a harvard degree like you or ted cruz, but i called that one. pete: you always plan for the most likely enemy course of action or the most dangerous. rachel: interesting. pete: if when those two line are up, then you're up against something you really may not be able to defeat. and if they went to the convention, jettisoned joe, the delegates would have to go to michelle obama. rachel: they would. pete: that's one of those nuclear options. rachel: and, will, do you think that would be, if it's a trump/michelle obama race, what would happen? will: i don't know. i hadn't considered that matchup, the way it would shake out in the polls. i'm not convinced that it has to be michelle obama. i think gavin newsom's going to have something to say about that, and i'm going to give you an example of why that might be the case. here is what gavin newsom had to say this week when it comes to the controversial bill which required parents to affirm their children's gender choices or potentially lose custody battles for -- pete: it passed the legislature in california, went to his desk. will: and he vetoed that bill in california. here's what he said. he said, i urge caution when the executive and legislative the branches of state government attempt to dick the tate in printed terms -- dictate in that single out one characteristic for the judicial branch to apply. california and other states could very well use this strategy to toty inish -- diminish the the civil rights of a lot of communities. rachel: that was a lot of gobbledygook. will with will it was. it pivots back to the center. this is also an issue that is so far left, it's falling off the edge of sanity that he simply didn't indulge a fully insane piece of legislation. pete: yes. rachel: but he also didn't say it with clarity, which was interesting. so he clearly wants to keep those people -- pete: he can't say it with clarity. he can't insult the progressive part of his base, so he made up some -- i'm saving you from the republicans by vetoing this crazy bill. [laughter] is so he found his own rationale. but i'll take a small win in california where i can get one with. rachel: yeah. i will still say, or he's very superficial, i've said this before. he looks the most presidential. sadly, those kinds of things can make a difference, and he -- listen are, he went in, he had that interview with sean hannity, he's done all kinds of things to say i'm willing, i'm here, i'm ready. if you want me. pete: raising his hand. rachel: and he looks fine. i'll say that again and again. he looks good. look at that, he looks like a president. will: i mean, you've said that - rachel: i'm sorry, he looks good. but look at his state. that's not enough. pete: here's a reminder, we had a couple of california parents on our show on september 10th talking about this bill that gavin newsom just vetoed. listen. >> this is a steady assault on family and children that we've been seeing this legislative session and throughout the past couple of years in california. all of these assembly people, they don't even know what they're talking about. they don't even have children. you know, how child transition apparently has a success story with that,s they do not get to legislate their unique personal experiences to the rest of the masses. there are over 9 million children in the state of california. what it says is that every single one of them who's going through a divorce, whose parents are fighting over them, whose entire world is crumbling, their entire identity is crumbling, that we as a parents have to affirm that confusion. >> when you introduce this, it's going to make it even more complicated to where we really don't know what this means in the end or, you know? a parent, ultimately, will have to affirm whatever their child says and wants in this regard or else risk losing custody. and that's a horrible decision for a parent to be in, especially in the middle of a custody dispute. will: political or not, good that gavin newsomsome vetoed -- pete: yeah. he probably doesn't agree with anything those parents just said, but he's got a political antenna and knew this was crazy. rachel: he might not even agree with the crazy ideology saying i'm going to take your kids away, he might knot. and that's the point. gavin newsom will be whatever he needs to be to become president. will ewell check out this, the cover of "the new york post," it's titled hot mess. jon levine? pete: do you pronounce it hot or haut? will: i really wish you'd have done it instead of me. [laughter] pete: i would have said hottie mess. [laughter] will: jon levine dressed up essentially like john fetterman -- rachel: except he looks better. will: and then he went to fine restaurants in new york to see if he could get in, and they videoed him. watch. [inaudible conversations] >> we don't allow shorts. >> so there's no possible way i can eat inside at small no way of getting around the dress code? >> do you have a dress code? >> yes. >> would my sweatshirt be okay many. >> no. >> nothing i'm wearing is okay? >> yeah -- [inaudible] >> you won't let people wearing shorts in? there's a united states senator that yes, sirs like this. >> yes, he would not be pert here. >> he would not be permitted here? >> you know who i'm talking about? >> no, i don't, but we've with turned away guests regardless of their occupation. pete: well, there's a reason "the new york post" is in the print business. the audio wasn't great on that. [laughter] but the point was well made. you can't get into a haughty new york city restaurant, but you can preside over the senate. rachel: one time government was shut down and sean was in d.c., and he decided to grow out a beard. and i turned on the tv if wisconsin, i saw him on with sandra smith, and i literally was, like, he looks is so bad. he looks so, so bad. i called him up after and i'm like, honey, that doesn't look great. you've got to shave the beard. i know the government's shut down, i know you're tire of being in d.c., but pull it together. and, again, i'm sorry, i go back to gisele fetterman, his wife, where the heck is she? her husband doesn't have enough dignity to dress properly, why doesn't she have enough dignity for her own husband to say, hey, step it up here. you're a senator now. you are the senator of pennsylvania. i'm sorry. i lay the blame on both. i have a podcast, by the way, on the cruelty of gisele fetterman and jill biden. i lay out the case for why i think these women have a role to play in what's happening with their husbands. so that's my political spouse a vice. pete: i bet gavin newsom would look good with a beard. rachel: no, i think that look looks good on him. he knows what looks good on him. [laughter] pete: and we know what actually looks dignified. will: you think the wall street, swept-back hair? rachel: i'm saying that's a good look for him. will: i'm serious, by the way, the slicked-back style, wall street style, i'm not sure how that plays in middle america. rachel: they are the party of wall street and business and corporate america. rul. will: all right. the two teens accused of killing a former california police chief while he was on a morning bike ride were in the midst of a crime spree according to klas in las vegas, the two report hi tried to kill a second cyclist, stole three cars and committed a burglary. both the driver and passenger appeared in court thursday, they're facing murder, attempted murder and battery charges. and new jersey senator bob menendez now facing a primary challenge from house democrat andy kim after saying he would not resign amid corruption charges. kim saying not something i expected to do, but new jersey deserves better. we cannot jeopardize the senate or compromise our integrity. can't jeopardize the senate. he means for his political party, not for america being beholden to a corrupt politician. kim has been in congress since 2019 and won his last re-election by 10 is points. menendez and his wife were charged with federal corruption charges last week. now to baseball where the pirates pull off the most incredible comeback in team history. they faced a 9-0 deficit against the reds by the third inning, but pittsburgh scored 13 straight runs. check out the moment they tied the game. >> base hit! briefly bier fairchild, rodriguez to the plate, he scores! the lead is gone! [cheers and applause] will: all right, here we go. and in texas, the rangers win their fourth game in a row holding off the mariners 2-00. the race is absolutely on in the als, where the rangers are leading the division by a game and a half over the astros with just eight games to play. two of those teams will make the playoffs, the astros, the rangers and the mariners. pete: what are those jerseys? will: those are their city uniforms. pete: they are ugly. will: oh, i like them. it's the third alternate uniform. pete: they should remain that. [laughter] rachel: all right. more a vice from -- advice from from pete. this morning thousands of runners taking to the streets for the annual tunnel to towers 5k. pete: joey jones is live outside the tunnel where the race kicks off a today. joey. >> hey, good morning, guys. listen, i'm wearing a uniform i borrowed from rick reichmuth because there's a little bit of rain out here. as the rain picks up, the energy picks up. they've got music playing, the wounded veterans just showed up, several of them with run this 5k with prosthetics, some in a wheelchair, but everyone here is here because they want to be, and is we're having a great time. we care about being here with each other. this is a reunion for us, and we're having a fantastic time the, guys. rachel: [inaudible] pete: thank you, joey. we were trying to -- we were with listening, but we were also trying to get to the bottom of haute. will: how do you say that word, joey? >> that's hottie. will: it's spelled differently. it's a different word. [laughter] we're going to get -- >> don't come to me what with words, okay? pete: thanks, joey. love it. we'll keep checking in. by the way, where the fox corporation is matching donations for this race. very cool. rachel: and we're going to be checking in with joey all morning long, so we look forward to those segments. pete: coming up, they came to the u.s. from germany to home school their children. now a tennessee family is fighting a deportation battle after 15 years in the country. so so if you come across the border today, you won't get deported, but if you've been here home schooling, you just might. rachel: because home schooling is illegal in germany. that's fascinating. and a new study traces mrna covid vaccines in breast milk. our friend, dr. nicole staff fighter on what new mothers need fighter on what new mothers need to know about that -- dr. nicole saphier. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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(vo) get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place... ...the massage chair at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. it's happening. rachel: a new scientific study reveals how the covid vaccine could be impacted by breast-feeding. trace amounts of mrna covid vaccine were found in breast milk samples collected from participating lactating mothers. here with what this means for new mothers is fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. doctor, so great to have you on this sunday morning. this is a big deal because you see warnings for breast-feeding, you know, don't take this if you're breast freeding -- feeding or consult your daughter on virtually any kind of medication. and yet there was no warning about this before people took the vaccine. in fact, lactating mothers in many cases were mandated to take the vaccine. >> that's right, they were mandated, they were recommended to take the vaccine, and yet when it came to the initial studies from the vaccine companies, they didn't actually look at young children and lactating mothers. now, it's important to know this new study came from nyu, it was published in lancet last week. it adds to a growing body of evidence that shows when you look at the breast milk of women who are breast-feeding who get the vaccine, yes, there are trace amounts of mrna in the breast milk. they looked at about 20 the exposures, and about 10 samples did show very small amounts, nothing near the amount that's actually given in the vaccine. but the question is, you know, what is that a magic number that makes it safe versus unsafe? and the truth is we don't actually know. the nih did a big, systematic review looking at how newborns and young instants -- infants did when they were breast-feeding, and up to 10% of those infants did have some adverse effects whether it was irritability, change in their sleep patterns or some gi issues. thankfully, there weren't severe reported yacht comes, but it still -- outcomes, but it still leaves a big question. one thing i can say to new mothers who are nursing and wondering should i get the vaccine? when it comes to getting the vaccine, the risk of a severe outcome seems to be exceedingly low. but i can also tell you when you look at covid in a household, the university of washington published last year that of everyone in the house, if the mother tests positive, the infant has a less likely chance of being infected altogether and also they have less likely getting severe outcome. we already know that young babies tend to have less severe covid than the rest of the house. rachel: right. my baby had covid, and she had zero symptoms. again, of course we don't know what could happen from this because there were no long-term studies, and that's the part i don't understand, dr. saphier. how is it that our government could coerce, in some cases mandate people to take a vaccine if they were pregnant, if they were nursing when we had no long-term studies on this vaccine? >> well, that's right, rachel. and i think at this point everyone's kind of getting the same motion that you are as well. certainly, we shouldn't have been mandating anybody, and when it came to pregnancy, it should have been given with a lot more caution. covid infection during pregnancy certainly was associated with poor outcomes, with early birth, blood clots and -- rachel: and miscarriage. >> it should have been a decision between the mother and the physician about the risk versus benefit, but the mandates were not warranted whatsoever. and going into the winter season, we need to stop fear-mongering these new moms about covid is. they should be more concerned about rsv because rsv and even flu has much more likely of a severe outcome when it comes to these newborns than covid. ray yeah. well, there are always exceptions in the past for pregnant and lactate thing mothers when it came to -- lactating mothers when it came to certain medical procedures and medicines, and this was untested and mandated, and i really hope this never happens again. dr. saphier, thank you so much for joining us. this is a really important topic. thank you. >> sure. thanks, rachel. rachel: okay. still ea ea ahead, an anti-application bigs group sending a -- anti-religion group but first, joe by jones is live from the tunnel to towers 5k run and walk many new york city. ♪ ♪ and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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i told you the friends were going to show up. our fox running team's here -- [cheers and applause] they've got smiles ear to ear. the rain is starting to hold off, i think, i'm pretty hopeful on that. frank, it feels like there's so much energy. >> it's incredible. nobody cares about the rain. i was talking to amy freeze, and she said something to me, if our soldiers, our heroes can take a bullet, we can take some rain drops. we don't care about the weather today. we're here to honor some great heroes. there's so many catastrophic injured service members, gold star windows, first responder widows, and tunnel to towers, we're about remembering everybody. for me, it's about my brother who, you know, 22 years ago ran through this tunnel with his gear on his back and gave up his life. two of his kids are reading the names today of all the heroes that are here. they'll be doing that shortly. his wife is here and another one of his daughters are here. he had five kids. my brother gave upper, you know, a lot in sacrifice. so we're here to celebrate their lives. >> listen, i love that you brought up your brother. it's called the tunnel to towers because of your brother's footsteps, what everyone will be running today, what it means to for new york, what it means for the country. that's the reason 40,000 people show up. they remember 9/11, they remember their brother, and they remember how important this data is, the day that we're celebrating. but not everybody's just running. we actually have our very own dancing connoisseur here, i don't know the right word for it because i can't dance. >> yeah. >> tell us about what you're doing. >> listen, i'm so excited to be a part of this event this year. not only, like you said, am i going to be running, but at the end of the race, at the finish line are, i'm known as the dancing running man, right? so i'm going to do a little victory dance with me and some of my buddies back from the. we're going to post it on social, and that's going to kick off a little donation campaign to do do our to raise a bunch of money for this awesome organization. so fox corporation's going to match if every dollar 2 to 1, to 21, up to to $25 the 0,000. [cheers and applause] so, yeah, or i'll cheer to that, i'll dance to that. and, listen, i figured also if the firefighters and servicemen and women can coall this in their work outfit, i'm going to run the race in my work outfit. so i've got my full suit on. we're running and dancing in the full suit today. >> can you give us a little tease? >> here's a little preview of one of the moves, just a quick arm -- [laughter] >> hey, i can do that one. i don't even have to tap my feet to that one. that's a good one. >> yeah, everyone can do that. just a little preview of what we're going to do at the finish line. and if you're not there in person, that's okay, we'll post it on social media. >> we're having a lot of fun out here. i might learn this dance, i'm not really sure. i'm going to throw it back to you guy, and we're going to keep dancing, right? [cheers and applause] will: all right, cool. rachel: we want to see the dance. pete: you're going to do it, joey. i like it. [laughter] will: you a dancer? pete: when i go to weddings -- will: yeah? pete: tear it up. will: really? rachel: don't you remember? pete: no, usually men dancing's is not really my thing. will: right. pete: but at a wedding, have a couple drinks, hit the dance floor, boom -- will: this is a hot take. i feel like dancing is taking off. [laughter] pete: what? rachel: you mean like ballroom dancing? will: no, just in general -- pete: because of social media? will: right. i'm not saying, when i was growing up, it's not a -- that all dudes danced, but not many dudes danced. pete: it wasn't a dudely thing -- will: but now it is. pete: it's just more socially acceptable now. will: i think so. to your phone. rachel: do you remember when the salsa dancers came and you guys -- will: no. rachel: yeah, you do remember. [laughter] you guys had -- pete: roll that tape. rachel: we've got it somewhere. will: the the family who fled germany for the right to home school their children is facing deportation after 15 years in the united states. the parents join us with the legal battle next. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. pete: in 2008 a family fled from germany to tennessee after they were fined for home schooling their kids many germany. five years later, their asylum claim was denied claiming they weren't persecuted. but they were told their stay was ine definite. now, after 15 years of making the united states their belovedded home, they are facing deportation. uva and hanalore join us along with an attorney with the u.s. home school legal defense association. thank you all for being here. uva, let me start with you. you claimed asylum because home schooling's illegal in germany, correct, and you've been home schooling here in the united states ever since. >> that's correct, yes. we were actually granted asylum first by the immigration judge here in the united states. pete: and you made a home in tennessee the. you've thrown roots down there. when did this notice come that a your family is going to be deported? >> this month on the 6th. we were in knoxville office and, yes, we got this notification order of removal. pete: is so, kevin, help me out here. we're seeing record numbers of illegals race across our southern border, most of which are loosely claiming some sort of a need for asylum, yet your clients clearly because of their beliefs want to home school in a country that allows it, and germany does not. how -- square that circle for me. >> well, thanks, pete, for having me. what i can say is the family has entered the country lawfully, they've been here lawfully for 15 years, they want to stay the here, and there's a way to stay here. the family followed the rule of law and wants to continue to follow the rule of law to stay here. and so the biden administration can make that happen. the agencies can make it happen, and we're asking them to simply do just that. pete: uva, why you guys? why were you chosen for deportation at this point in what are they telling us? >> well, they did not tell us anything. we don't really know why. we wonder that ourselves because we cannot understand. pete: if you were returned to germany and you wantedded to continue to home school, what would happen? >> the laws there haven't changed, and so we would face the same persecution as we did back then. pete: so home schooling is totally illegal in germany, you can't do it? >> yes, it is illegal. pete: it is the illegal. how does that not qualify as an asylum claim, kevin, as an everyone to? how can you fight this at this point? >> well, you know, the original immigration judge did find that there was a proper asylum claim. they found that the family did have a well-founded fear of persecution based on their, you know, participation in a particular social category,ing that being home schoolers. you know, the obama add administration appeal that, the appeal court agreed with them as did the sixth circuit, and the supreme court denied it. we do think they have a well-founded fear. as we testified, our organization testify to that fact when this was ongoing before the trial courts, and, i mean, i can tell you today i talk to families today that have fear in germany and, you know, the fight there, the persecution there is very is real today as it was a 15 years ago. pete: well, i hope you keep us posted. we're pulling for you. you've clearly got a real good attorney here. we wish you the best in this fight. and you came here the right way, you want to stay here for the right reasons. our government should have your back in that process so please do keep us posted. god bless you. thanks for being here. >> thank you. pete: thank you very much. >> thank you. pete: by the way -- thank you, kevin. we reached out to i.c.e., the ones that are not deporting lots of illegals that are coming here, for a statement and is -- have not heard back yet. all right, still ahead, rain and a hit piece from the washington post did not stop thousands from attending the one bite pizza festival in new york city. dave portnoy joins us on why he has more support now than ever. but first, country music singer gillian carterelli joins us live with a special performance as she walks in the studio and we say hello. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪ ♪ know how i feel.♪ you don't have to take... 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[laughter] pete: and rolling stone, one of the on top ten artists to watch coming up. rachel: what would you say to elvis? >> i would thank him for the music and legacy. pete: very cool. what are you going to perform this morning? >> could have been boy. for all the could have been boys, yeah. [laughter] pete: if you would, would you take it away for us? >> absolutely. rachel: we've been hearing you in the commercial breaks -- pete: sounds really good. ray yeah. ♪ ♪ my daddy don't like anybody but, boy, he liked you. ♪ even many your fast car racing me underneath the moon. ♪ followed that with a red light kiss thinking i could get used to this. ♪ drinking cheap wine like champagne living the tv life. ♪ we were with talking kids and dreams and what our future house looked like. ♪ those days would take my breath -- ♪ now all that's left is the could have been boy. ♪ the kind of love -- [inaudible] timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, and they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ now i get a little in my head thinking about what -- ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ funny how i can't remember who or what's to blame. ♪ was it just a small town wind that blew out a red hot flame? ♪ what was waiting down that road, we'll never know. ♪ could have been been boy. ♪ the kind of love they write about in a timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ now i get a little in my head thinking about what could have been, boy -- ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ oh, i pray there'll come a day, i mean it when i say -- ♪ that i'm done thinking about about a could have been boy. ♪ oh, could have been boy, the kind of love they write about in a timeless, classic story. ♪ the girl gets the guy, and they ride away in a blaze of glory. ♪ -- and now i get a little in my head thinking about what would have been, boy. ♪ if you weren't a could have been boy. ♪ my daddy don't like anybody but, boy, he liked you ♪ [applause] pete: nicely done. rachel: love that. 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T Just Freight , Promise , Old Dominion , Cuddly , Right , Dewpoints Have , Remnants , Florida , O Peel Ya , 60 , Moisture , Storm , Record , Heat , Anywhere , Ophelia , 99 , 100 , Weather , Spots , Finish , Area , Drizzle , Threats , Dallas , Move , Storms , Start , Hot One , Areas , Louisiana , Tunnel To Towers 55k , Members , Lost On 9 , Fox Running Team , War On Terror , Frank Siller , 9 11 , 55k , 40000 , Our Fox Running Team , Ear , Friends , Amy Freeze , Heroes , Bullet , Nobody , Towers , Everybody , Rain Drops , Service , Care , Widows , Gold Star Windows , First Responder , Back , Life , Names , Gear , Brother Who , 22 , Lives , Brother , Daughters , Sacrifice , Five , Data , Footsteps , Event , Dancing Connoisseur , Dancing , Running , Social , Victory , Buddies , Running Man , Finish Line , The End , Organization , Donation , Bunch , Dollar , 25 , 21 , 0000 , Work Outfit , Suit , Servicemen , Firefighters , Preview , Moves , Arm , Feet , Tease , Guy , Dance , Social Media , Okay , Fun , Dancer , Weddings , Wedding , Don T You , Couple Drinks , Ballroom Dancing , Stake , General , Dance Floor , Boom , Dudes , It Wasn T A Dudely , Salsa Dancers , Somewhere , Phone , Tape , Deportation , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Nunormal , Steroids , Nucala , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Help , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Injection Site Reactions , Trouble , Face , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Fatigue , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Home , 2008 , Asylum Claim , Stay , Belovedded , Asylum , Attorney , Uva , Hanalore , Home School Legal Defense Association , Immigration Judge , Notice , Roots , Kevin , Record Numbers , Office , 6th , Notification Order Of Removal , 6 , Illegals , Home School , Clients , Sort , Circle , Need , Beliefs , Administration , Agencies , Rule Of Law , There Haven T , Laws , Persecution , Find , Participation , Well Founded Fear , Appeal Court , Home Schoolers , Appeal , Add , Category , Supreme Court , Sixth Circuit , King , Fight , Fear , Families , Trial Courts , The Right Way , Ones , Process , Ice , God Bless You , Thousands , Lots , Bite Pizza Festival , Statement , Hit Piece , Country Music , Gillian Carterelli , Studio , Performance , Support , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Breeze Driftin , Thigh , Stand , Power , Ways , Feelin Good , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Heart Condition , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , 24 , Pain , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Vision Changes , Save , Trelegy Com , September 11th , Jillian , Cousin , Flight , Rauner , 11 , Saint , Doing , It Hits , Responders , Mom , Girls , Addition , Songs , Hit , Title , Artists , Elvis , Rolling Stone , Ten , Legacy , Breaks , Hearing , Boys , Daddy , Fast Car Racing , Thinking , Tv Life , Red Light , Kiss , Champagne , Dreams , Moon , Love , Girl , Classic Story , Blaze Of Glory , Little , Head , Wind , Red , You Weren T A , What , Flame , Town , Road , Slider Sunday , Saved Slider Sunday , Peyton , Classic Eli , Tastes , King S Hawaiian Slider , King S Hawaiian Slider Sunday , Hotel , Hotels , Wand , Brands , Type , Comfort , Kiddos , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Oooo , Don T Wave , Little Bear , I Ll Be There , Bear , You Don T , Ted , Thyroid Eye Disease , Camera , Arms , Bridget , Tepezza , Source , 8 , Ibd , Diabetes , Infusion , Infusion Reactions , Heartbeat , Planning , Eye Bulging , Eye Specialist , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Blood Sugar , Visit Mytepezza Com , Botox , Adults , More , Headaches , Photos , Injection , Migraine Treatment , Treatments , Migraine , Migraine Patients , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Skin Infection , Muscle Weakness , Condition , Signs , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , Neck , Users , Medications , Muscle , History , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Sooner , Survey , 92 , Shot , Virginia , Timing , Pouring Rain Here , Food , Victory Lap , Mark , Breakfast Order Perfect , Rocket , Relationship , Mug 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