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Getting up early today. Thank you so much. Steve its 8 00 in New York City and 5 00 in the morning in los angeles and third hour of Fox And Friends is starting right now. Lawrence looking at a live shot of new orleans, the boot is what they call it. It looks way better than New York City there. Looks like they were coming from ainsley that is new orleans, that looks like something completely different. When i think of new orleans, i think of boure ushg rbon street. Brian i think of tulane. Steve new orleans is a city built under sea level, below sea level, it is always perilous spot to be in the area. Steve why are we playing The Beach Boys . See that bird . Lawrence i think that was brian that bird is dead. Steve whoa. Brian that is bird is steve i hope not. Thoughts and prayers for the bird. Ainsley camera shy and flew the other way. Brian should we whisper . Is everyone in new orleans sleeping . Steve no. Brian where are the people. Ainsley they are in their car right there. Scaring bird. Lawrence brian is a new yorker ainsley used to hustle and bustle. Steve birds being done. Lawrence new orleans is orderly. Ainsley not in familiar. Brian really . Lawrence not like brian cue you up in the first hour . Lawrence second hour, too. Brian you kidding . Steve good morning, new orleans. Ainsley tulane is such a good school, if hayden wants to go to tulane, what would you say . Brian i would say okay. Ainsley you would . You trust them . Brian also master p and i are tight. Lawrence now yall are best buds. Brian and he endorsed my new book and came back with cereal. It is great. Me and master p. Ainsley have him on again. Lawrence brian, how much hip hop do you listen to . Brian i cant even starts, how much time do you have . Ll cool jay. Ainsley ll jay cool jay, the president said. Lawrence brian listening to hip hop tickles me. Brian only time im happy. Right . Dont give me that new country. Last thing i want. Ainsley three after top of the hour, begin with this fox news alert. Writers guild of america and hollywood reaching a tentative deal that would end the months long strike. Brian hollywood production came to a halt in early may when negotiations broke down. Lawrence the union sent an email saying, we can say with great pride the deal is exceptional for membership. Steve sag and actor unions are still striking and writers wont return to work until the new deal is ratified. Brian i guess they dont know you dont need a mask outdoors. Steve lets bring in joe piscopo. Good morning to you. It is good to have you. What do you make of this . Sounds like the Writers Strike is done, now figure out how much to pay the actors. Joe exactly right. Im cautious. I dont know the particulars. You look great. Lawrence, you look great with ainsley. Brian what about me . Joe we have to take rap lessons. Ainsley vivek will teach you. Brian okay, that is fine. Rap lessons. Joe last time we talked about the Writers Strike with mr. Cavuto on the network, i have residuals for 4, for . 02. They gave away cable last time for the Writers Guild. I wrote on saturday night live, i was proud to be part of the Writers Guild and they never really got to the point where you get what i think the writers deserve. The hardest thing to do is look at a blank screen and create something. Im suspect, but taking a positive high road. Brian who are the writers going to write for . Joe that is right. I have to tell you, you are so positive in the morning and i just stepped out of my radio studio, i want to be positive. Dont sell us out again. We got sold out early and i feel corporate takeover of america, again, not to be negative, look at the uaw, we have a democratic president not standing up for the unions. Steve this time around, Artificial Intelligence terrifies everybody, not just writers, actors. They can take Harrison Ford and make him 30 years younger with this stuff. They have figured out how to deal with that regarding writers. They just have to say, actor guy, dont worry, we got you covered. Joke joe that is exactly right, you can go to gpt and say write a script and it will be written. Corporate cash and i dont want to sound like an anticorporation guy, they will go in and do Artificial Teleigence and create characters. Brian and extras. Joe before i came on, i called over and writers dont get up before noon. I dont have the particulars, but they have great people, hope that to your point will lead over to after and sag and settle everything and lead to the unite autoworkers, as well. Ainsley how are they surviving for months and months . Steve 146 days . Joe can i tell you something to be honest, pandemic went down, people were hurting, they had to sell their homes. They are writers in hollywood, it is a tough time and give Writers Guild a lot of credit for standing strong. It is very tough, ainsley, they are having a tough time, i hope it is settled. Those of us fortunate enough to do broadcasting, it makes it easy. It is not just hollywood elite, these are bluecollar entertainment. I was going to put myself in blue collar of entertainment. Up early, learn the lines, not a big star, but working. Hope this is a good settlement and with sag,a well. Brian yesterday in tunnel to towers, do you ever take a day off . Joe it is Brian Kilmeade work ethic. Shout out to frank siller, tunnel to towers, and thank you fox news for supporting tunnel to towers. We have a great time. 40,000 showed up. They put me up there and frank siller said joe is going to sing new york, new york and celebrated. Thank you. Steve if people did not donate yesterday, do it today, t2t. Org. Ainsley great to see you. Joe keep rapping, brian, keep it up. Steve lawrence, what is coming up . Lawrence two days,a way from the second Republican Debate, hosted by fox business and held at Ronald Reagan library in simi valley, california. Fox business is live at the library with more what to expect wednesday night. Good morning, yes, were here at the Rayingon Library ahead of the second primary debate. Seven candidates will take the stage. Their goal . Convince america they should be the next president of the United States. Here is what the debate stage looks like. Most recent to qualify is north dakota governor burgum, he qualified this weekend. Candidates have task of proving not only they can beat one another, they can beat biden in a match up and with age of the current president a concern, you can expect it will be a big topic on wednesday. I think it will take a leader from a different generation to reach and stand for The Next Generation, the ones that bear the burden. I am the youngest to ever run for president as a republican as an outsider. That is what it will take to think outside of the partisan boxes. Age, economy, immigration expected to be on the table on wednesday, here at simi valley at the Ronald Reagan library. Excitement is palpable. Good week, guys. Brian madison, who is your favorite moderator out of the three . I should say stu, as big dana fan, she is a mentor of mine, why choose, all three will be fantastic. Lawrence that is how you answer that question, never be traps by Brian Kilmeade. I could be a candidate on that stage, that was a pretty good one. Ainsley he tries to trap us, you handled that beautifully. Im ready. Ainsley do you want us to get him back for you . We can gladly do that for you. Brian she is punch me during the break. Total pro. Steve somebody who will not be at the Republican Debate is donald trump, then again, his people say why show up, hes so far ahead. Brand New Washington post abc and nbc poll show donald trump is 40 points away from ron desantis. Here is the headline came out early sunday morning, donald trump is currently leading joe biden, incumbent at this time by 10 when they go headtohead. This was such a jawdropping result, Washington Post in the body of the story, where they talk about how trump is beating biden had to explain we dont think this is accurate per se. It is probably an out liar. Ainsley right, other polls have been closer than that. We were like, what, 10 points ahead . In the poll it says 62 of democrat leading voters said they should choose a different candidate. 64 disapprove how hes handling the economy and now Progressive Group called progressive now, a liberal group, they will spend 70 million to make biden cooler to appeal to young people through memes. Steve might take more. Brian that is all they had with them. Lawrence same poll you were citing, it said 15 support a minority voters, as well. And New York Times warning democrats, they say, running on democracy and abortion is not going to have any impact on black and hispanic voters because they are living paycheck to paycheck. This whole election will be about the economy. Ainsley even in your group, ages 18 to 39, 59 disapprove of joe biden. Lawrence they are struggling. Brian last time we saw martha so upset, joe biden won, she cried. She said this cannot be happening. If you go back to may, donald trump was winning by 7. Maybe fire the pollsters until joe biden wins one. They did say 5 38, a poll separate from abc, has donald trump winning by two. What makes you so upset donald trump is winning by 10 . Doesnt make sense. When asked, are you better off today than before Joe Biden Took Office . Only 15 said yes. Not as well off 44 . Only 12 approve of energy and gas policy and 23 approve of immigration. What are the 23 . His approval is 37 . This adds up to this. Every element of the poll, i think find most disturbing it goes separate from what the media is telling you and everyone else is telling you. They look past this and say, i have a problem with the guy that cant find his way on and off the stage and cant finish a sudden. Steve maybe Washington Post is trying to give him a nudge, you are too old. After they came out and said, this is just an out liar, they got pushback from democrats. Steve lets see, from washington most to new york post, john levine, great reporter, looked at the new dress code in the u. S. Senate, which thanks to John Fetterman is a hoody and shorts. That is what he gets to wear to the u. S. Senate, most exclusive club in america. John levine went to the nicest restaurants in New York City and tried to get into them. You know what, they looked at him and said, nope, watch. [video playing] you dont allow shorts . Im sorry. Is there a dress code here . No possible way i can eat inside at all . Are you open right now . We are. You have we dont permit shorts. You dont permit shorts. Do you have a dress code . Yes. Would my sweatshirt be okay . No. Nothing im wearing is okay . Yeah, Athletic Wear and shorts. Have you ever allowed anybody in with hoody and shorts . No. A United States senator dresses like this. He would not get in. He told us every restaurants, he didnt realize this was one of the nicest restaurants in the world. Ainsley the article is funny, went to danielle, they served me stink eye. He want to john george, next to Columbus Circle where people watch the parade. Steve i guess John Fetterman couldnt get in. Someone yelled, it doesnt matter if you are lady gaga. Lawrence i cant believe we are entertaining this. The argument John Fetterman is making, his Mental Health and disability is part of the reason. He has been wearing the hoody before that, when he was lieutenant governor. Im not asking people to wear threepiece suits, i understand everybody has different fashion. I thought the democrats believed the capitol was sacred. Ainsley he was yelling his vote into the chamber, he was not allowed to come in. Susan collins said, i am going to wear my bikini. Lawrence and different ones on twitter. Brian there is a lot of democrats who think this is bad. Senator dick durbin said i am not for this, there are standard. What was Chuck Schumer thinking . Why would he do that why didnt he talk to people . Why would he care . Steve john levine was on the problem and had this observation about getting thrown out of swanky joins. The senate is the worlds great e69 delib rative body, i wanted to walk in to restaurants like you can walk into the greatest delib rative body and the resounding answer is no. Civilization is a choice, you put on a suit and tie and ive ever seen you in a suit and tie. You have Great Respect for yourself and audience. In the u. S. Senate, you camarch in like you came out of pilates clas, it is difference in standard and a choice he is not making. Steve pilates clas ive gone to, he could not get into, just saying. Pilates. Lawrence you do pilates . Steve club pilates. Ainsley i like pilates, there arent many men, a few. Steve conversation starter. Brian if you look good in lycra, you do it. Steve and i do. Thanks for noticing. Ainsley and Hillary Clinton Will Introofr with elections. Rusians r adopt at interfering and if he has a chance, he will do it again. Steve again . Piers morgan is next. The veteran mentality. These are people who have served. Theyve been in leadership positions. Theyre willing to put their life on the line if necessary. And they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. Theyre not looking for a handout. Theyre looking for a little hand up. My team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. Every day, businesses everywhere are asking is it possible . With comcast business. It is. Is it possible to help keep our Online Platform safe from cyberthreats . Absolutely. Can we provide health care virtually anywhere . We can help with that. Is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address Operations Issues . We can help with that, too. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. Ashley a plane carrying the Pittsburgh Steelers made an Emergency Landing this morning. They were heading home after winning last night. A player quoting everyone is safe and we will arrive in pittsburgh later today. It was not clear what prompted that emergency. New jersey senator bob menendez has hired abbe lowell to represent him. Menendez is expected in court on wednesday. He is holding a Press Conference in a couple hours in union city, new jersey. New overnight Top Republicans launch investigation into lawsuits against big oil funded by leonardo dicaprio. It was found his nonprofit was funnel money. And the Tunnel To Towers 5 K and walk yesterday in New York City. The annual race goes through the Brooklyn Tunnel and lower manhattan, same route Steven Siller took to the World Trade Center and Brian Kilmeade took part in the 5k. How was it . Brian good, really good, i could not believe the sea of humanity. They say 40,000 i think it was more. Lawrence how do you feel . Brian no problem, it is 21 2, maybe three miles. A took a picture in front of the firehouse there. That is who in front of me . Ainsley who did you go with, your family . My friend rick and his family down there and one of the people, that is the group we ran in. The picture is one of the people they lost 9 11 from massapequa. That is george cane. Great guy. Keep in mind, too, we lost another 343 people after 9 11 from 9 11 related illness. When you get through the tunnel, everyone has a picture and it goes on. Ainsley there was a marriott next to it . Brian they staged there. Steve i was just watching fox was matching contributions. If you would like to make a donation go. Fox t2t. What is ezaer t2t. Org. Brian there were 100 fox people that ran in it and frank siller, this guy was able to put this together. Lawrence a great guy. Ainsley deja vu, Hillary Clinton warning putin will interfere in u. S. Elections. I dont think despite all of the deniers, there is any doubt he interfered in our election. Russia ans have proven themselves to be adept at interference. Brian on fox nation, piers morgan. Ainsley sound familiar . Brian that hurts. Look out for vladamir putin. Piers can i just thank ainsley, it used to be Brian Kilmeade and friends and now it is just Brian Kilmeade show. Piers welcome to, lawrence, ive not been on this show with lawrence, you are a great addition, very sharp. Steve indeed. Piers John Fetterman could take a lot of lessons from you. Nearly eight years, Hillary Clinton has been trying to persuade the world only reason she lost the 2016 election was because of vladamir putin. Hillary clinton proved to be an unpopular candidate. Here she is talking to jen psaki, they have been very angry about donald trump and his election denying, both of them on the record many times saying this is terrible for democracy. The enemy of democracy, how dare he not accept the election. Here is hillary still trying to pretend she did not lose the election fairly. It was done through russian collusion, but that has been misproven. Democrats are pretending to be outraged by trump. But it is okay if they do it. That is double standard and brazen hypocrisy. Brian how do you feel about trump winning by 10 in this newest poll . What is reaction . Piers i warned democrats, if democrats persist thinking joe biden should be nominee when he can barely walk straight or think straight or speak straight, then they are going to hand the election to donald trump. Donald trump looks to me, almost unstoppable now as the republican nominee, not to say he cant be stopped, try other candidates, try to knock him off. If it comes down to trump v biden, i think trump wens. Biden is almost unelectable now. Democrats have to make a choice, they have to, wo out if they seriously want to compete against trump, they cannot put up joe biden, i dont think, i dont see it. Lawrence democrats have no curiosity, they dont want to win in over the american people, they rather have a Disinformation Campaign than make changes. Piers as a brit, it is not my election, it is your election, i dont want to tell americans how to think or vote in their election. What i would say, can america, this unbelievable superpower with 330 million people, can it not come up with two better candidates than joe biden and donald trump. Come on, america has brightest and most brilliant minds, including Brian Kilmeade that i have encountered. If you are a young, dynamic, thrusting democrat like gavin newsom in california, i watch come on sean hannity and did an effective job coming on. If you are looking at biden and thinking that is right party, you are living in cloud coocoo land. Steve it is tee time in london. Piers i want to see a picture of you in your lycra at pilates class. Brian coming up, 14 celebrities trading red carpet for cammo jackets. Well have that coming up, Special Forces on fox. In 2015, my dad had the idea to revitalize American Textile manufacturing with bedding crafted from cotton grown on our family farm. We created red land cotton to give you the best farm, the Home Products possible. Because its more than quality products. Its a Labor Of Love from our family. Go to redland cotton dot com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. Hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. I realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. I saw the golo commercial and i liked how they werent actors. They just seemed like people that were just happy with themselves and had true results. Since being on golo, i truly feel like im back to the best me i can be. Try golo. It worked for me, and im real. soft music hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Ainsley multiple polls release over the weekend could spell serious trouble for President Biden. Former President Trump beating him by 10 points, in a hypothetical match up according to the abc Washington Post poll. 610 democratic primary voters would like another candidate to challenge the president. We have two guests here. Moses, thank you, from phoenix. We have doug and naitalia, a democratic voter. Thank you forrin jo joining us. Moses, what do you think, 10 points ahead, donald trump, we were blown away by that. What is your reaction . I think it will be closer than that. It is clear President Biden is unpopular president with failed policies when it comes to immigration about student loan forgiveness, inflation, home prices. My son just bought a house, 8 , breaking news, four years ago, it was less than 4 . Now double . Hes clearly unpopular right now and polls show that. Ainsley when a republican wins, those numbers will go down and he can refinance. Natalia, Washington Post is saying that was an out liar, what is your reaction to the 10point lead for donald trump and what do you think about the Democratic Party . Should they choose someone else . I think it is probably higher, i think people are afraid to admit how down they are on democrats. Over promised and under delivered. As a parent, its been horrifying to see how little he values our children. First meeting he took with the teachers union, so yes, they should choose a different candidate and please dont let it be gavin newsom wlo has run his state into the ground. Ainsley who else do you have, though . Doug . Kennedy. Okay. Ainsley not doing great in the polls, better than we thought. Doug, what is your reaction . Read the article and thought this is king kong versus god zila. We are all going to be living in the aftermath of destruction. This speaks to where america stands. Interesting article, with President Biden, you have somebody that governors from the left and attracts fridge and legislation attracts what center of america is not interested in. President trump does have the economy to go on. My concern was hes toxic when hes in office and i fear he cant pass more legislation. Between the two, you have to side with ump there, he does identify with the center of america better than what President Biden does. Ainsley thank you so much for joining us. Have a great day. Have a wonderful monday. Thank you. Coming up, taylor swift and travis kelce, dating rumors stocking fans wildest dreams, that is coming up. Mahomes and touchdown by kelce. This isnt just freight. These arent just shipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. Is it possible my network could take my business to the next level . 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Steve put on a Friendship Bracelet and Ainsley Lawrence is single. Put on a Friendship Bracelet. Lawrence me go date taylor swift . Ainsley i am. Lawrence she is too much, i dont like the swifties. Ainsley she would be more popular than you, a problem . Brian a problem when two entertainers get together. Do you remember Chris Christopherson movie star is born, he ends up killing himself. Steve that was a movie. Lawrence brian, why are you talking about that . Brian these stars were both born and travis kelce doesnt need to be famous, he needs to be successful. He is like, i hear you are a football player, tell me about that. I hear you are a singer. You have good interaction at the dinner table. Taylor swift cant play football. It will work. Lawrence his exgirlfriends say he never wanted to pay for dates. Taylor can pay herself. Ainsley who will be good enough to date taylor swift ever steve hope this guy works out. If they become a couple, ultimate meet cute. I gave her a Friendship Bracelet and shes standing with my mom, i make a touchdown. Lawrence your team, if you want to tank your team, cowboys will be fine. Steve yall didnt do too well. Brian it ruined john mcenroe, 28 years old and never won another tournament. Ainsley i saw that and thought about you, you played with his friend picklebow. You have to watch it. He loses it on the court so much. Brian right, him and barkley, fantastic. Still ahead, trading red carpet for camo jackets, Special Forces appears tonight. Rudy reyes will preview the season. Steve Bill Hemmer Will Preview what happens in nine not ms. Bill just keep her away from joe burrow. Nice to see you, guys. Two days from the big debate. New polling is brutal for the white house and president. Border is a mess, el paso at their breaking point. Russia says the u. S. Is at war directly with moscow. Watch this statement general jack keane will take it up. Leaves are nice in vermont, they are closing roads, whats up . Big week kicks off in a few minutes. See you top of the hour. Its because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. Im at a point now where ive outgrown my house. Growing up, every me id get out of the shower, i would itch. My First Experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. Tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. If youd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i wouldve told you youd lost your mind. Sleep more deeply. And wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresss Exclusive Gelflex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure, and instantly adapts. De d d we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. Our purpose is not just closing a loan. We want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. We want to be known as americas Mortgage Company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. Were the ones that are there to help them. People are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. Some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. Theyre willing to do that for you for me and for our family. So for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. Its a Labor Of Love. Its a noble service. And thats what were all about. Square spinning my umbrella. Thats how we do sarcasm. Not a lovely day on fox square. Were dealing with some after effects of ophelia but rainy and drizzling across the northeast. Lets dive into the satellite and radar. Youre stuck in it for a little while longer. The inhouse forecast model. How long until the system leaves . Its stuck here all day before finally exiting on tuesday. There might be a little afternoon or Early Morning showers. Those are your Weather Headlines from fox square. Toss it inside to you guys. Steve the sun will come out on wednesday. From red carpet to camo jackets. 14 more celebrities will be put through the grueling bases in the process of militarys mostly let unit. Ainsley Worlds Toughest test premieres tonight. Everyone wants to know do i have what it takes . Im here to do the work. Bring it. I want to do it already. These celebrities are about to find out its mentally tough on me. Use the emotion to focus you. There is no safety rope. Oh my god. Brian recon veteran himself rudy reyes joins us. Why put themselves through this . Didnt they see the first season . You know what i think, brother, steve, there is something inside americans they want to know if they have what it takes to be like us to fight in the front lines. We all care about this country. We all respect the military. I think thats their way. Steve i have a question, for you. That is good to have you. You have the celebrities. Does a celebrity come up and say i want to be on it but you look at the person and think they are nowhere in the right kind of shape to do this show . Brian, it is not the size of the dog in the fight. Its the size of the fight in the dog. Some of these celebrities will surprise you. You really cant tell just by how you look at someone if they have the grit and determination it takes to be one of us. Ainsley last year i thought some of the athletes were going to win and it turns out two women won. We had hannah on our show saying was it that hard or is it Just Television . One of the hardest things she has ever done. Ainsley we have a great appreciation for military and Special Forces. You are doing the craziest things in cars submerged underwater, you have to get out. Tied in there and you have to get out and go across all these lines, so far up in the sky if you are a heights person, great if not, you cant really do it. What comes to mind when you think of who you are selecting . Do you try to get some not strong and some that are . You know, ainsley, we do not cast the show. Myself, billy, jason fox and q. We come on as professional directing staff. It is our job to assess and observe and mentor these recruits through the process. I think thats what gives the audience so much fun because what you are seeing is the real deal. Brian they talked about how the last cast stays in touch with each other and bonded together. Lets see what happens here . I cant wait for tonight. The Worlds Toughest test premieres tonight at 9 00 p. M. Special forces. Thank you for doing this. Appreciate it. Thank you, fox, rock on

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