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This is americas late news fox news at night. Breaking to 19 22 hours into President Biden and former President Trump take the stage for the first president ial debate of the 2024 election and the country will be watching. A new poll says that 6 in 10 us adults plan to watch at least some of the debate, a higher percentage than this years super bowl which broke records for the largest tv audience today. Meantime california is where the most creative people in the world want to be. A place where worldclass education leads to worldclass job with a worldclass job leads to a brighter future. A worldclass education where only 34 of Public School kids can do math at grade level. Perhaps that way we got news tonight the gavin newsom is moving him his kids back to obscure marine county into private schools. Common sense and pg kenan have thoughts. Plus. Shall we be releasing people and tore absolutely certain of their intentions and whether or not they are potentially going to end up killing an american . It really is important to make sure we know peoples intentions and have a process for that. Democrats should know the process is not working and many are unaware of the shocking rise and assaults rapes and murders at the hands of Illegal Immigrants. But we begin with what looks like a sea change. Last nights primary indicating a split in the democratic party. The Senior National correspondent kevin corkes live in dc with news on this dramatic change. Kevin good evening. Good evening. Rumours of the death of the Political Centre in this country greatly exaggerated and decidedly premature. How else to explain the shifting landscape that saw numerous leftwing progressives lose across the country in primary battles last night including new york state where progressive squad member Jamaal Bowman was trounced by moderate democrat George Latimer making bowman the first member of the squad to lose an election since the farleft group was formed back in 2018. In fact in Party Primaries and special elections from new jersey to oregon moderate democrats in particular seem to be regaining their footing by tracking a bit to the right of the progressives on issues like immigration Foreign Policy and Public Safety. In missouri another member of the squad representative corey bush in danger of losing august primary where the same outside forces that helped defeat mr bowman in new york are already at play. The second term bush is facing a primary challenge from saint was county prosecutor wesley bell was being supported by a pack and theres very little polling but in the scant polling in that race that does suggest bush is facing a very, very tough challenge as she seeks reelection. The primary trace coming up on the 6th of august has a lot of observers pointing to last nights loss by bowman as a possible harbinger of things to come. We shall find out kevin corke live in dc. Thank you. Lets bring in former White House Deputy strategic munication structure room and robbie and Prince University political scientist lauren right. Thank you both for coming on. Im not sure if you heard kevins report but Jamaal Bowman is out. Hes out corey bush is behind. What do you is the Progressive Left being put on notice in your opinion . Yes, and its not apacs fault and its no fundraising in the world thats doing it. Its the issue positions that these progressives take where schist a matter of time before they get ejected from office because they have untenable out of touch positions on issues voters really care about. You mentioned immigration but its also cancelling rent and Student Loans open borders and publicly funded healthcare and benefits for Illegal Immigrants. It seems that cancelling all fossil fuels in 10 years. Its not just israel palestine. Its a number of issues where in times of prosperity voters are willing to entertain radical and extreme ideas outofthebox ideas as may be a nice way to say it but those not the times they feel they have right now where they have real concerns. Thats a whole thing is it seems Like Movement is coming that way roman to you bill maher the Aspen Institute said the following. Part of at the left has to own. There aggressively anticommon sense. The democrats keep running on this 1 idea saying to the American People you can possibly think you can do worse than donald trump and they keep saying yes we can. Yes, we can. And he very likely will win and then what are we going to do . Trace is he right . Absolutely. The left has a lie that they love. Moving to the left is not what they are doing. They are moving to the centre. Its bidens favourite thing to run on. Its not the truth and the American People can see right through it nowadays when you look at the radical left, when you look at the squad when you look at them claiming that the women on october 7th were not raped brutally in the streets of israel you know that they are lying to you so now with the reality is that the American People on the truth and they have a definition of what biden has told them. Its not what hes done. So words over actions for the last 3 years you have to compare the reality and its not whats happening in america right now. People are seeing that. Like they had of watching the debate put this up on the screen, 73 , its like super bowl numbers. Thats very good for political in bed. We dont usually get that many viewers. But, yes, i think for the entertainment factor and sadly for the ageold oldage factor of whats winter album with joe biden do think a lot of people are going to tune in and the pressure is absolutely in his lap more than trump. Thats right. Finally nate silver 538 says the electoral forecast gives trump a 65. 7 chance of winning. He says the model is ready and heres our headline. President ial election is not a tossup. He goes on to put numbers up. Trump 65. 7 biden 33. 7. The chances of winning. Ive got ago but those are big numbers for the former president. They are great numbers for President Trump. Yossi a Strong Performance from him tomorrow and i know you wont cut my mike off because this isnt cnn. The facts read the truth right now President Trumps agenda is America First and bidens agenda is not prodemocracy no matter what the democrats say. Their antiisrael antidemocracy. The 2 are interchangeable and nowadays thats more important than ever so 3 against 1 tomorrow night. President trump doesnt need any favours from dana, jake or joe biden. You will come out on top. Trace roman and lauren right. Thank you. New red flags about Illegal Immigrants may have ties to terrorism. More than 400 migrants from central asia and elsewhere have been flagged because they were brought in by a network affiliated with the ice is terror group in the news comes in a given Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayer chris visits keyboardist sachar and tries to knock on the concern level. Ashley strohmeyer is live in new york with more on these numbers. Reporter it appears Homeland Security secretary is now at odds with officials and his own department over new and information that reveals just how many migrants with ties to isis have made it into the us. Fox news confirmed with senior dhs officials that more than 400 Illegal Immigrants were flagged because they were brought in by a network affiliated with isis terror group. While visiting keyboardist sector today all hundred mayer chris said the info is false. Dhs confirms 400 migrants with potential i just isis ties croston united states. Incorrect. The individuals identified to have those ties would pose a concern from a Public Safety and security perspective and would be priorities for detention and removal. Reporter critics of the Biden Administration says current betting system is too week. We dont know who they are where they came from we dont know their intentions. Reporter mayorkas is a 40 drop in migrant encounters over the past 3 weeks to about 2400 a day. Showing the president s recent executive order limiting asylum is working but at least 1 Border Patrol agent on the ground tells fox it is too soon to tell if its a way the president s executive actions causing the numbers to drop. Reporter assess strohmeyer live in new york. Thank you. Lets bring in former Army Reserve Captain and intel officer. Great to see you. Put this up on the screen. Dhs identifies over 400 migrants but to the us by an isis affiliated human smuggling network. Listen to what Alejandro Mayorkas responded to an msnbc asked him about the headline. With respect to the people from central asia we have no evidence there individuals plotting to harm the united states. Thats an accurate. Trace nobody ever said anything about harming anybody. They said these people were attached to an affiliated isis network no more no less in the dhs secretary kept knocking it down. Wallace edmonds jason does is constantly lied to the American People. The fact that there is an isis Network South of our border thats bringing in Illegal Immigrants just proves the fact that our border is completely open and enemies will exploit it. Thats why you are seeing radical islamists coming across the southern border but not just isis but has blah with iran. I iran wants payback. Southern border is the greatest National Security threat our country faces and its all because of joe bidens open border policy so is gaslight American People constantly but the 400 number its probably a lot higher than that if you look about the number of got a ways who are on the terror lost list so this is concerning to all of americans and im really concerned about a potential black swan type of event. All the markings are there not just radical islamists but communist chinese and the entire world taking a vantage of us because of joe bidens weakness. The fbi director chris wray has said that very thing in front of congress on multiple occasions. Foxbusiness reporter hilary vann talking with congresswoman from pennsylvania democrat some really. Watch this smear can ask a few of the 12 girl in houston that was tortured. I dont know who you are who she is. Other than pittsburgh. Theres a child who was killed. You dont know about the child killed by Illegal Immigrants. How do you not know about this 12yearold girl. This thing has been all over the news. Some news. How do you not know about this here in congress . Because theres a narrative they are trained to push in trying to ignore the fact that Illegal Immigrants are committing crimes at a rate we have never seen before because President Trump is right. The people come across a southern border a lot are criminals leaving mental facilities and committing crimes. President trump has called so many of the family members who are affected by the crime of these Illegal Immigrants. This is where President Trump has a heart and joe biden democrats dont. Them. Of the people they are set to represent treating Illegal Immigrants better giving them free housing and free money. Its unacceptable and this is why they will be rejected this november because americans of all stripes black hispanic are fed up with the lies being told by the Biden Administration. You talk about calling the families of these victims and patty moran the mother of rachel morin had this to say about nobody from the Biden Administration calling her about the death of her daughter from an illegal immigrant. Watch. No ones contacted me personally and as far as i know no 1 has reached out and contact anybody in the family. Because if you contact somebody you have to admit that this is happening. Exactly you have to acknowledge the failures of this Biden Administration that the policies have caused and its intentional what theyre doing. But this is where President Trump is already being president with outing sitting in the oval office right now by contacting the family members. Thats really admirable and we should give so much respect for that because they are seeing a leader with the servant leaders heart right now and this is what americans are desperate for and thats why tomorrows debate will be very telling of the differences between President Trump and biden and how much he cares about the American People. At the big 1 and we should note we will have full reporting and analysis after the debate tomorrow night. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Meantime republican lawmakers in the house have issued and report claiming top cia officials were aware of alleged collusion with the Biden Campaign regarding that 2020 letter from the 51 intel experts saying Hunter Bidens laptop was russian disinformation. Christina coleman is live with breaking information on that. Could evening. Good evening. House Judiciary Committee chairman jim jordan says its clear the rush letter release from 51 former government or intelligence for officials was a political manoeuvring between the Biden Campaign and the Intelligence Community. This happened 15 days before the most important election we have. 15 days before an election 51 former intel officials sign a statement with their former titles by their name statement that was prompted by the Biden Campaign signed by some who are on contract with the cia. Jordan says report underscores the risk posed by quote weaponize federal government. The newly released joint report in the matter was released by the House Committee on the weaponization of the government. House republicans will continue to expose this blatant and illegal weaponization of the federal government and hold both joe biden and his administration accountable. Reporter the top democrat on House Intelligence Committee has a different take on the report. If you read the reports what they are saying is the cia should have stopped these 51 people from expressing their political beliefs. You dont need to agree with the 51 to know that its a pretty bad idea to say the director of the cia should be stopping political speech. Reporter following the report republicans are looking at possible legislation to revoke security clearances. Trace thank you. That spring and former Deputy Assistant attorney general johnny you who is live us here in los angeles. Its great to see you. Its kind of interesting because it looks like the cia new that this 51, you know, intel experts had signed this letter. They knew the letter wasnt correct and didnt say anything. Should they have said anything . The gop reports it seemed finis hunter biden statement had all the hallmarks of Intelligence Community influence operation but rather than carrying out against adversaries on foreign soil the separation was directed American People and our democratic processes picture the cia have allowed this to go forward . Right to be with you onset. I should do it more often. This is the problem. Ice to be a lawyer and worked closely with the Intelligence Community. We invest them with great powers to surveillance. They have a license to kill if necessary to protect the country the reason we do that is to protect the nations security. But the deal is dont use the vast powers to interfere in domestic politics. So all these officials crossed redline to getting involved with domestic politics so i think not only should the cia try to keep their contractors and former officials out of politics. I think the house has an obligation to bring every single 1 of these officials up before them under subpoena and ask them how much did they know about this information, where did it come from, where they working with Democrat Party and were they using their information and contacts as intelligence officials to help joe biden get elected. Trace bloomberg was reporting today the Supreme Court opinion on idaho Abortion Case was accidentally posted on the Supreme Court website. Jonathan turley posted that about this. Quoting what is it about abortion decisions and Supreme Court internal controls . 2 years ago the dogs decision was leaked. Almost number of hoops we put on the thing and didnt need that. What you think . You have to think the Supreme Court is looking for a new webmaster now. This is the third decision on a controversial issue this term that the court has invaded. There was a case about the abortion pill. There is a case today about whether the Biden Administration was using social media to suppress opponents and now you have this case coming out of idaho. Theres 2 ways to read this. You can see the court is with scared now of getting involved with these political issues because of all the attacks that have been launched on it by democrats. Maybe the other hopeful explanation is the core o series of very important decisions about from in the january 6th protesters, about the a demonstrators state and maybe they are trying to save their powder and keep it dry. Mac extractor with other political issues because they know they have to make series of blockbuster decisions tomorrow and friday. Trace the debate is tomorrow night. Do you do the president ial immunity thing tomorrow or maybe wait until friday . The politically smart thing to do would be to put it out friday. Maybe chief Justice Roberts doesnt think theres anything to talk about in the debate so he will give him some content they can argue over. But i would say friday maybe even monday july which would be unusual for the court but sometimes happens. Just to rewind you talked about case where the Supreme Court said the Biden Administration did not censor social media companies. What you think about that case . They rejected that case altogether. People are over reading this in the media. The court did not uphold what biden did with the Biden Administration did to interfere with social media to suppress people atlas, people you have had on your show critical of covid. All the court says was these were not the right plaintiffs. You can bring the case again. You can make the same claims and in the way the doctors won because they got all the information out into the public of how intertwined the Biden Administration was with facebook and twitter and youtube to suppress speech on the most important political issue of the day covid and the response. Trace john you great to have you onset. Coming up a member of the Federal Reserve board revealing the impact the border crisis is having on your bottom line and why the crush of Illegal Immigrants is costing you a bunch more. And later in the night cap. Its amazing. Im watching hilary gough over facts and shes going after fact after fact and shes lying again. Do you think it was fine to delete 33,000 emails . I dont think so. Its awfully good someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Because you would be in jail. Trace moderators asked Hillary Clinton in 2016 about her email scandal and trump jumped right into him or her on her inconsistencies. But do you think tomorrows debate hosted by cnn will be fair and impartial . Will both candidates be at the other end of some hardhitting questions . And on that note what is a must ask question for either candidate tomorrow . Let us know expanded step Trace Gallagher. Bill reiter of sponsors coming up. 8 21 here in the west coast. Fox news at night trip across America First live look eugene oregon where the mass got the or in mascot oregon back kansas city kansas nicknamed the city of fountains. Thats a live look at 10 20 pm. Hampton New Hampshire where the First American alarm clock was invented in nearby concorde New Hampshire in 1787. If you cannot join us live set your dvr. Watch us anytime. We are coming right back with what its costing you for all those immigrants coming across the border. [ ] no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. Dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. Job done. What Tractor Supply customers experience is personalized service. 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Trace to another detrimental factor of the massive influx of Illegal Immigrants a member of the Federal Reserves board of governor says the flood of illegals is having a negative effect on inflation and the rising cost of pretty much everything. Back live to the Senior National correspondent kevin corke. Thats for sure. At least 1 Federal Reserve board member acknowledging Us Immigration policy has if, in fact, affected inflation. Rick say its economy 101. The more demand you have by bringing in more people without increasing supply you get it, that means the prices will rise. Theres a risk that increased immigration and continued Labour Market tightness could lead to persistently high for services inflation. Persistently high court inflation. She also said in some areas the number of Illegal Migrants combined with a low inventory of Affordable Housing is driving up pressure on rent. Tell me about it. The white house says actions taken by the president back in june have made a difference driving down the flow of illegal migration but its also important to point out that he did something on the 4th of june but weve also had extreme heat and texas has increased security along its border that could also be having major impact on the inflow of illegal migration. Meantime in a statement to foxbusiness House Speaker mike johnson said each day joe biden enables this crisis he exacerbates its economic toll forcing citizens to compete with the legal immigrants for scarce resources further burdening American Families who already struggle to make ends meet and subjecting them to unprecedented threats to their physical safety. 7. 7 Million People have already illegal across southern border since mr Biden Took Office and thats considered a conservative estimate. Trace thats what we know of. Kevin live for us in dc. Lets bring in the host of the prevailing narrative podcast attorney matthew belinsky. Great to have your initial. Want to play some sound. The governor of Federal Reserve Michelle Bowman on the immigration and inflation connection. Inflation and Labour Market developments in the us have unfolded differently in recent quarters compared to many other advanced economies likely reflecting a more open immigration policy. What she is saying is other countries that dont have wide open borders having a better time with the economy. Things are not going up as fast as she mentions other countries dont have as much of an open immigration policy and what does that mean . And means reletting and tweet to many people. Inflation is teaching much money chasing treaty few good and services are in balance and supply and demand ratio and you look at items like housing you can build housing fast enough to absorb these people. You have other items like gasoline more daytoday items you can expand the supply a little bit but at the rate we are letting people into this country you cant increase the supply to make up for that increasing demand. I love the picture of the gas 299 now. Outside its 599 a gallon. Youve got to point me in the direction. Prices are actually coming down. Cbs begs to differ. The price tracker a dozen eggs in 2019 bucks 36. In 2024, 270. Milk halfgallon 296, 386. Utility gas a buck 37. Those are explosions of prices. Nobody takes this woman seriously at this point. Anybody know she is secretary of propaganda and all shes there to do is to fleck from joe bidens failures. Him even trying to take credit for prices dropping even though they are not dropping is like the arsonist coming in and trying to take credit for pouring water on fire they started and anybody seen through this. Trace fox news says top economist claim trump will be an economic disaster. They say the same thing in 2016. Fox news reports the letter that said trumps will be a disaster, the letter was nobel prizewinning signatory sendzik 51 tell people shut political donations to President Bidens 2020, and 2024 campaign. Sounds like theyve got a little skin in a game. Beyond skin and again look at their track record not great. They expect us to forget the first time they predicted disaster economically with donald trump the exact opposite happened and anytime people resort to quoting experts they are wondering is people speaking from expertise and Knowledge Base or some sort of agenda and clearly they have an agenda biden donors. Their views in the bag. Lets great to have you on. Thank you sir. Other hateful and rowdy antiisrael protests on College Campuses may be having an adverse effect on admissions at least that what we are hearing from 1 liberal arts school Emerson College in boston placing the blame for low enrolment and possible staff cuts. With 3 in the law for project ceo brooke goldstein. Its great to have you on the show is always. Fox news. Com writes the following coaching 3 Columbia University deans placed on administrative leave over disparaging text. It goes on to say 3 deans at columbia have been placed on leave after screenshots of their tax during an Antisemitism Panel which included ivana emojis and dismissive texts were shared online. This is antisemitic behaviour at an Antisemitism Panel and on it goes. Reporter thank you for always highlighting the rising jew hatred and antiamericanism happening on our campuses but im happy to say that finally we are seeing some consequences. Finally the hatred and antisemitism is catching up with them at Columbia University. The question is why has it taken so long. I want to give a little History Lesson because i think its very relevant. Back in the 1960s the kkk decided to be a good idea to have violent antiblack protests. They were attacking churches and what happened . Rfk and president johnson at the time set up fbi field offices and the issue became of such prominence in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted and enforced. Again in 1990s the kkk attacked the black community and what did bill clinton do . He said the commission enclosed the loopholes in the law and he enforced the law. Now we have protesters at Columbia University and other universities are taking advantage of loopholes in the law wearing masks. Theyre not identifying not being arrested not being prosecuted. You have police were not enforcing the law. It is high time the fbi takes seriously and the National Guard is put on the street to take control of the situation. You toker not prosecuting. Onto put this up because we play this a couple of weeks ago so heres this new york subway train in new york and this person says this. Raise your hands if you are a zionist. This is your chance to get out. New york post rights quoting antiisrael protester who told zionist to id themselves on subway now hides face from press after arrest following weeks of long manhunt and goes on to say he was charged with attempted coercion and released the desk appearance ticket. He faces up to a year in prison. We know theres no consequences going to be facing this person. This is not antiisrael. This is jew hunting in the subways and just like the prosecutors failed in the 1960s to go after the kkk so too is alvin bragg failing to go after those hunting jews down on the streets of new york. Anyone who has experience harassment or salts because they are jewish were israeli should immediately reach out to me reach out to the law for project. We want to hold the protesters. We want to hold the organizers and the funders who are inciting violence accountable but we need the plaintiffs to do so. The first step is for the Jewish Community to stand up for themselves. We must enforce the law in a civil capacity for your to have any hope of this country remaining free for all minorities to continue to live with ego approved protection under the law. Brooke goldstein thank you for coming on as always. We appreciate your time. Coming up the investigation into friends star Matthew Perrys death is reportedly coming to a close but now multiple people could face charges. Will have more on the breaking information on that coming up next one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. Nature is wild. Your home doesnt have to be. Sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresses exclusive gel flex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure and instantly adapts. Sleep better. Live purple. Right now save up to 800 off mattress sets at purple. Visit purple. Com or a store near you today weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. Are you sure . 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[ ] fox news and 8 common sense to permit waited patiently for telephone you governor gavin newsom state of the state address. It was supposed to be in march. Finally here we are late june state resident prescot Early Morning prerecorded state of the state. He said californians were students get a worldclass education. Commonsense ones looking for the worldclass credentials and found just 34 of Public School kids can do math at grade level. Only 46 can read and right at grade level. Maybe not so worldclass. But as newsome says at least california education is not under assault like in florida and texas. California schools are required to teach progressive perspectives on gender and sexuality to all kids. Although common sense says all kids doesnt mean newsomes kids. Because we just learned the newsome kids are moving out of sacramento back to upscale marin county and into private schools. You know worldclass schools for the private schools for me. Maybe this weather governors Approval Rating in deep lou farleft california stands at 44 just a click of joe Bidens National numbers. Is always the governor has welcomed to come on the show and go toe to toe with common sense. Apparently it wont happen tonight. Hes doing laundry. The french laundry. With that lets bring in author of domestic extremist 1 of americas great writers pg keenan. Its great to have you on. He knows that putting his kids back in the schools in marin county which is 1 of the highest priced counties in the country much us california looks bad politically when your test scores are just abysmal. He doesnt care anymore about looking good. He knows he will not be replacing joe biden anymore so he feels free to do this and its just a typical democrat politician. They want to make the meal and serve it to you but they will not serve it to their own family. It makes me laugh because i look at his approval numbers and hes in california and approval numbers 44 anything joe biden is like 4142 depending on what paul you look at. If you are in blue california at 44 nobody will elect you president anytime soon. He has no shop but i wanted to announce are proposing a new law state of california. I think if youre living in statefunded housing the Governors Mansion you should be required to send your children to statefunded Public School. It makes sensitive we did have that law look up faster schools would change. They would change overnight. So heres a few bullet points from your latest piece called white girl summer. Put these up on the screen to. Take the monitor time and let you give us 10 seconds trump making inroads with gen z what does that mean . Its interesting mostly its the boys who seem to be rejecting the left, rejecting transgender is a man feminism, among the young boys i know dzumhurs love trump. I have a son who cannot wait to vote for in this fall. Trace pull Shows Majority in favour of deporting Illegal Immigrants. I just saw this Climate Change does not even register on the list of things people care about. The 2 top issues crime and immigration on both sides and the democrats want to talk about defending our sacred democracy in ukraine and Climate Change. Known cares about this. They care about not getting mugged or raped on the subway and being able to afford groceries. Being able to by house in your home state at some point which on the happen no sisters of perpetual indulgence at dodgers games. This is such a huge win. I was at the protest last year Dodger Stadium when these men just like nuns. It so blasphemous they do these performances with a torque on the crucifix. There were no shirzad pride night at Dodger Stadium because the record busy. A cats meow. Usa today writes the following Jamaal Bowmans loss shows gen z the protests mean nothing if progressives dont vote and goes on to say what does it say about us progressives standing in the political arena of after thing we see in the spring with the Largest College protest since the vietnam war new york democrats just traded an antizionist antifarright israeli house seat for prozionist candidate. It seems to me like people are tired of the left and the displays of violence and hatred. Unfortunately for the progressives and for the squad now the faction of the Democrat Party is hamas and that some people associate them with now and no 1 no 1 wants to be with any part of moss. Thats a bridge too far. The chairman of Democrat Party said quoting the pendulum has swung back. Is he right . I think well see more moderate democrats. It does give me a little bit of hope. We have corey bush and a few more members of the squad to say goodbye to so see how it goes. The book is called domestic extremist. Best of luck. Thank you for coming back. He graduated either the lowest are almost lowest in your class. To never use the word smart with me. Dont ever use that word because theres nothing smart about you. 47 years youve done nothing. Trace command how do you think this president ial debate will play out . Will cnn moderators be fair . What questions do you must be asked of each candidate and let us know Instagram Trace gallagher we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. To treat plaque psoriasis. Allison over here otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. With no routine blood tests required. Doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. Otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. Dont use otezla if youre allergic to it. Serious allergic reactions can happen. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Inin we can secure our world. Watch out for offers too good to be true. Thats phishing someones trying to take advantage of you. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world we can secure our world. Dont just use a password alone. Mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. Learn more at cisa. Gov secureourworld thats how we can secure our world we are back with the nightcap crew. Pg keenan and matthew belinsky. Tonights topic question everything. Speculation surrounding cnns impartiality and hosting the president ial debate tomorrow. Do you think the moderators will ask the candidates equally hardhitting questions . What is a must ask for trump or biden at the debate . Kevin corke give us your political knowledge on this. I dont think it will be totally even. I think it will start out pretty even in the first and obvious question will be do you accept the result of the 2020 election. And his Rearview Mirror to me. Im looking windshield of life but i think they will ask it. Thats exactly right. Hashish oil meyer what are your thoughts. I dont think it will be fair balance with the questions being asked but i do think both of them need to replies to how they are going to handle the border crisis because as we see in its causing chaos all across the country on multiple fronts as well as how they are going to tackle this economy. It really is come to be because you look at this thing in your like the border is among a lot of these places topic number 1 and joe biden cant get up and say no we have secured the border. Its not going to fly. Its indefensible position for him so i wonder how hes gone to even try to deflect on the topic which will be interesting but the question that i actually would like to hear ask for the gentleman that are this old, what have you learned over the last 4 years . There some elderly guys and you wander so stuck in their ways can these people admit to learning anything new coming to any new discoveries at this age . 1 of the fears i havent made you disagree with me but the whole thing is i believe you will see cnn Fact Checking the number the network ill not let him speak live anytime before they listen in Fact Checking. Will they be Fact Checking him in realtime . Amvic they will be. Ive been watching some coverage and they seem to be doing that a lot but i really do hope they drill down trump not trump about joe biden on the border. We need answers this is unacceptable. Its unbelievable and im wondering the fairness aspect because everyone talks about listen we know therell be a little bit of a slant. The question is how much and is it perceptible and is that outcome, you know, driven. I dont think this will be a debate. Addicts severe crossexamination of defending trump and theres only 3 questions i would like them to see the mask joe biden. Whats the date, what year is this and what city are you in 3. Do you think the moderators will ask hardhitting questions about biden . The question yes 2 on x. , 7 instagram. The response, what is a must ask question at tomorrows debate. So many talking to pg keenan. Elizabeth says for joe biden can you tell us your name and your date of birth. Francesco will you shut the border down and stop all illegal immigration . Cord says the following joe do you regret and apologize for lying to the American People about the laptop tweet the laptop might come up tomorrow. I dont think it will but it might come up might be a pickle. Kevin says to trump in retrospect should you have been more forthcoming and turning over classified documents . Roger says ask both men how he stop the antisemitism thats exploded in this country. Its a very good question for both sides and andrew says question for both, what is your plan to fix the economy and address inflation and i would say 1 more thing, what is a going to be about the border. Thank you offer watching americas late news. Fox news at night. Im Trace Gallagher in los angeles. Well see right back here. It is debate night. Ou will havsae full analysis tomorw try killing bugs the worryfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Only purples gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. 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