New york and the state and the president appeared to be a bit freda. Watch. Saw on the news this morning, we are sending 400 ventilators. I need 30,000 ventilators, you want a pat on a back christening 400 ventilators . I watched Governor Cuomo and he was we are building him hospitals, medical centers but we are doing definitely more than anyone else, he shouldve ordered the ventilators. Well have coverage on the back and forth later but more on the breaking news. A deal between the senate and Trump Administration is ready. The stimulus package expected to be worth 2 trillion. We begin with Fox News Contributor correspondent chad pergram. What do we know at this hour . Here in the past hour, trace, the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said, at last we have a deal after days of intense negotiations. They have an agreement on this to trillion dollar package. Perhaps the largest single bill to ever move through congress. Now congress is out now, senators outcome of the just went out a few minutes ago. Theyll be back at noon. We dont have a specific time as to when they will both come up at Chuck Schumer, that the aquatic leader, has just sent a letter to his caucus saying that we will provide unanimous consent. What that might mean is they wont have a roll call vote, meaning that there is universal buyin on both sides of the aisle and with the white house would be the most expeditious way to do it. We are going to get the ledge late of techs. They do not have this all together in legislative text yet and theyll need to walk their members through it at some point tomorrow as well as the house of representatives. They get it through the house excuse me, through the senate, doesnt mean they can get it through the house. People want to see every jot and tilt in this bill, something that Chuck Schumer alluded to in his remarks. He said that this bill is going to have Unemployment Benefits on steroids. Basically what he was saying here and think about how expensive this is going to be is that if you are laid off, the federal government will pay you your salary and guarantee that the companies for whom you work will bring you back on so they can get back on the ground as fast as possible when this is all over. Thats why the extent of his bill is so staggeringly expensive. It also includes about 150 billion for states and local governments to cover their costs and about 130 billion for a small and rural hospitals. There were some concerns but some of these places to go bankrupt, trace. I want to play some sound if we can from Mitch Mcconnell on the floor, chad, i will get back to you and will go on with this. Watch this. Madame president , i have update for information on senators and for the information of the American People, and its good news. Its good news for the doctors and nurses in Emergency Rooms around the country who are waiting for more masks and more funding. Its good news for families all across america. At last, we have a deal. Back to our congressional corresponded chad pergram. Lets assume there is buyin on both sides of the aisle as you say and lets assume for the sake of argument that it does go to the house. Do we know timing wise, people sitting at home saying when do we get the money it was the timing on that . Ballpark it if you can. Thats going to be the hard part. We dont even have operationally understanding how many of these programs work for thats why this bill was so complicated and people were saying, why did they vote sunday. This is a massive bill. There are massive components. And starting to lay this out and it works properly its a gargantuan task for thats why democrats want to make sure there were provisions to make sure that the money was going to the right people, that there would be an inspector general. There one nugget that ive come across here thats very interesting. It prohibits the president , Vice President , members of congress from getting some of the relief funding for businesses that they may own. Thats going to be something thats very controversial probably down the line. I will tell you this. When it started to get very quiet around the capital tonight and people retreated behind closed doors, that tells you they are getting down to brass tacks. It took another 34 hours, thought they might even vote at 9 00 or 10 00 on tuesday night, but that told you they were getting there, i got word about 10 30 or 11 00, they were down to the final issues, thorniest issues. We save those for last. What they had to do, trace, go through and say, okay, do you agree, do you agree, do you agree . When they were making sure that the legislative text they wanted to make sure the text align with what they had agreed to in principle or verbally and youre bouncing this between the white house, republicans and democrats in the senate, and the house of representatives. If they didnt have some degree of buyin from the house, then, you know, this is just a fools errand here. Because of the amount of time it takes for the house to do their own bill and bounce back, they dont have that much time. Thats why pensions were running down my tensions were running so high earlier in the capital this week and senators r providing verbally with each otr which is something ive never seen in my 27 years covering congress which is remarkable because they want to get this money out the door. They are very concerned they want to be viewed as helping the American People, and they are also concerned for their own health and safety. They want to get out of the capital where theyve been there for days and days and days and members of congress are starting to get sick. Timing really is, chad, everything, and its fascinating to learn that they are literally crossing the ts and dotting the is. More information a bit later. Secretary of treasury Stephen Nguyen said trump will absolutely sign the Coronavirus Team was bill if it is passed by both house and senate. Thats a very good sign for millions of americans in desperate need. Lets go to kevin corke live nations capital. No surprise there because the treasury secretary has really been hammering this through. Hes been in and out of the offices, especially having conversations with the minority leader Chuck Schumer over exactly what could be or might be or ultimately will be in the stimulus package. As you just heard, my college chad pergram reported not a moment ago, finally it would appear the white house and senate do you have a deal. Well see what happens between now and say tomorrow afternoon. Keep your eye on the 1 00 hour. Well see what happens. The real hope is that by friday, lawmakers will be able to push this all the way over the finish line and into the president s hands. More importantly, into the pockets of the American People. Here is Mitch Mcconnell not long ago. After days of intense discussions, the senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic. Itll rush new resources onto the front lines of our Nations Health care fight, itll inject trillions of dollars of cash into the economy as fast as possible. To help American Workers, Small Businesses, and industries make it through this disruption. Majority leader from the great state of kentucky, the commonwealth there. The president and several members of his Coronavirus Task force spoke at length about the challenge of balancing the need to protect those most at risk for contracting coronavirus with the need to protect the longterm health of the u. S. Economy. We have to put the country to work look, you are going to lose a number of people to the flu. But youre going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression you cant just come in and say lets close of the United States america, the biggest coma most successful country in the world by far. For the possible brain trust advising the president and all things coronavirus, theyve made it clear to varying degrees the need to assess the data and proceed with country doll my caution with this idea of getting back to normal, say, by. The president say earlier that hed like to see it happen. One thing they all agree on, trace, is the president is in fact listening. The president listens to tony fauci. He listens to dr. Birx for he listens when i, dr. Carson, or dr. Hahn, dr. Rayfield speaks up. We will assess at the end of the 14 days and well figure out the most appropriate thing to do. General jerome adams speaking there. The markets let the optimistic tone over on capitol hill. The Dow Jones Industrial average rising more than 2,000 points to close at 4. 91. The s p advancing more than 200 points. Nasdaq composite gaining 557 points, that is an 8. 12 increase ending at 74. 17. We will look forward to our latest guidance from chad and others over on capitol hill. Carolyn mickey and others have been working feverishly to try to track down how fast we can get those dollars into the hands of those most in need. Trace, back to you for now. Trace kevin corke live for us in d. C. New york, the epicenter of the pandemic in the u. S. Faced with an infection rated five times that of the rest of the country print sounding an alarm of the shortage of equipment. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issuing a desperate plea to help those afflicted. The equipment we are bringing today will resolve that immediate need. There will be no hospital in the city of new york who will say today they are nurses from other doctors cant get equipment. We are addressing that need not just for new york city, butr long island and westchester. We have acquired everything on the market there is to acquire. For more on the dire situation in york, fox news correspondent jeff paul live in the l. A. Newsroom. The situation in new york so bad right now, Governor Cuomo said cases there are doubling every three days. He believes the state could be close to a surge in patients at area hospitals that would cripple the Health Care System statewide. New york could be two weeks away from a situation that lands some 40,000 people in intensive care. Hospitals there have been in overdrive to double their capacity to around 110,000 beds, but the governor says the peak could require 140,000. Its not just fads that are in short supply in york. There are also desperate for lifesaving medical equipment through the state only has about 7,000 ventilators for the crisis that could require triple that figure or more. 20,000 ventilators in the stockpile. Release the ventilators to new york fema says we are sending 400 ventilators. Really . What am i going to do with 400 ventilators when i need 30,000 . You pick a 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators. At the moment there are only 26,000 coronavirus voice dell my cases with more than 200 deaths in new york alone. Because the numbers are so high and growing, the World Health Organization reports the u. S. Could be the next coronavirus epicenter due to a very large acceleration in infections. Over the past day or so, 80 of new cases have come from the u. S. Or europe. 30 which came from the United States. New york mayor bill de blasio taking the situation day by day. Cannot even fathom what the future holds at this point. We are doing all we can just to get through march right now. Particularly in terms of our Health Care System. April will unquestionably will be worse than march. Right now, my fear is that may could be worse than april. Thats the reality we are facing. The white houses coordinat s coordinator dr. Debbies birx saying anyone leaving new york pointing themselves for 14 days. Trace jeff, thank you. While we are in the midst of the pandemic, everybody is wondering when will it end including president from. Ultimately the goal is to ease the guidelines and open things to very large sections of our country as we and the historic battle with the invisible enemy. Going for a wild, but well win, well win. I said earlier i hope we can do this by easter. The question becomes how to balance the health of the American People with the health of the economy. With us now is lanhee chen, former policy director for mitt romneys 2012 campaign. Very quickly, i want to get your break on the breaking news on the capital, good sign for the future of the economy a little bit . Great sign. Look, trace. This is something weve all been waiting on. Weve been trying to figure out when the policymakers in washington and congress would get around to doing this. This is going to deliver much needed help the families, Small Businesses. Many of which, many of whom are suffering because of the consequences of the economic shutdown we are going through. This stimulus package is good news. I predict this wont be the last round of stimulus youll see. Probably have to see one round of stimulus maybe with additional help for Health Care Workers going forward, but no question that this is great news for the u. S. Economy and for markets in general. You acknowledge that we need to make some sacrifices, lanhee, but it can go on forever. You say it still need several more weeks. What do you think of the president s easter deadline . I think easter is optimistic based on what weve seen so far. In some parts of the country, the transmission of the virus is not as significant as we are seeing in new york city or in parts of california. Other hot spots around the country. The question is going to be this, can we restart parts of the country when the apprehension about the virus exists . Can we really restart the whole country when people are going to be allowed to travel between places. In your previous segment, you talk about people leaving new york city, leaving other areas. We have that kind of mobility in our society, is it going to be possible for us to have a partial restart . I would urge the president and policy makers, if we are going to open this up, lets do with the right way. Do it one time, when we are ready, lets get the economy going when that happens rather than trying to do this in phases or in fits and starts. I think thats going to be a challenge. The president said he stare, thats what he said today as far as deadline goes that hed like to see the church is built for easter. On the other hand, dr. Fauci said we need to be flexible about this. Listen to him. Where you see 19 days from now . Thats really flexible. We had a conversation in the oval office, you can look at today but you have to be flexible literally on a day by day, week by week basis. You have to evaluate the feasibility of what you are trying to do. I think even the president given the situation in york, if that is still getting worse by easter, i dont think youll have them just say, okay, lets open up lets put the open up signs out for business, right, lanhee . I think thats right. I think the president has been pretty clear that he wants to be optimistic. We all want to be optimistic and hopeful about this, but its important to take the best advice, Public Health professionals like dr. Birx, like dr. Fauci who were looking at this carefully. When the time comes to open up, i guess my point is lets make sure weve got a plan in place and can indicate what that plan is for the American People because i think the toughest part of this, trace, is the uncertainty. People are having a tough time, when are things going to go back to normal, so to speak . I dont think well ever be in the same normal as before coronavirus, but i think we can be closer to that. Trace confidence is another issue. You talk about people going by complaints and going back and restaurants. Not so sure, they said tomorrow lets go load up all the plain roots in restaurants if people would flood back. There are some apprehension back in. No question that the Public Health condition of the country is going to be related to our economic condition and is not likely that even if things were to open up again, before people perceive that this virus has been tamped down and transmission has been temps down for now, its going to be tough to convince people to get out there and go to a ball game or go to an event or to your po. So i think our economy is going to continue to be slow until there is a sense that the imminent threat has passed and i think opening the economy up must be done in concert with the best advice of our Public Health officials. Trace we have to get a handle one way or another on this pandemic. While he chan, good for you to join us. Thank you, sir. While the coronavirus pandemic rattling people around america from coast to coast, we are working to flatten the curve of new infections by staying at home, wearing protective gear. Ahead, a look at the facts and look at the fear as you try to keep your family safe from this global pandemic. You get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Trace with coronavirus spreading throughout the country, so do misconceptions as americans grow restless under confinement, the isolation can whip up some false truths. Remaining calm is easier said than done when there is nowhere to go and nothing to do. Staying informed, having structure, and going outside, all things can be done to help mitigate anxiety. Lets bring in dr. Norman friede, boardcertified psychologist and medical and virus health expert. Want to take your take initially with whats happening in new york, let me play a sound bite from Governor Andrew Cuomo and get your thoughts. Watch. We are now looking at a bullet train because numbers are going up that quickly. And the most challen