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For filling in the last couple of weeks. In fact, some saying, tell me neil isnt back today. That was from my wife. That was totally not necessary. And the fear, the growing fear here of the crackdown on the president and essentially shelving him from social media is meant to favor democrats, and go ahead and defend the president of the United States. There might be to it than that. It might come down to this, money. A lot of the guys are concerned that they might be held liable for some of the violence that ensued because they were carrying the president s remarks. It might not be a strange as you think. We will be getting into that in just a second. First i want to go to david spunt at the white house on how the president may be preparing well for a crackdown, david. David no question that donald trump will be known as the twitter president. Hes made policy decisions, hes hired, hes fired and even pardoned people through twitter. That has been primary means but the social Media Organization completely suspended his account yesterday. He no longer has access to that platform leaving some 88 million of his followers unable to get his regular updates from him. Sometimes dozens of updates a day. Several other trumprelated accounts are also gone, neil, House Speaker nancy pelosi is moving forward with a second impeachment effort of the president. That would be the first time in history if hes impeached a president would be impeached twice. Pelosi is hoping to introduce articles of next week if the house impeaches the house again which is entirely possible the senate would hold another trial but that may not be until after joe biden becomes president. If President Trump is convicted, he cannot run again for public office. The white house responding to effort yesterday as President Trump said yesterday, meaning thursday, this is a time for healing and unity as one nation, politically motivation impeachment against a president who has done a great job with 11 days remaining in his term will under divide our country. Coming from Deputy White House secretary john. There are controls, several controls in place regarding the Nuclear Launch codes. Pelosi is worried about the president acting in anger. She said in a statement to colleagues yesterday, the situation of this unhinged president could not be more dangerous and we must do everything that we can to protect the the American People from the unbalanced assault in our country and democracy. That coming from House Speaker nancy pelosi. As for President Trump, will we hear from him today, will we hear from him much over the few days . Hes been in front of the camera, hes been tweeting, these things we have not seen from him but as you mentioned at the top of the show. Hes not at camp david. Hes here at the white house. Second to last weekend in office. Neil. Neil so, david, how would we hear from him if hes shut out of social media. Obviously would have to make a statement from the white house, the only way he can do that, hes bypass in the past to go to the American People but his only options are to do a live thing, right . David some kind of statement through the press office, thats what we saw with president s typically in the past or he could make a statement on television but declined to do any any type of live statement since what many are calling a siege, several days ago, instead releasing pretaped twitter videos to the American People, social media videos. He has yet to do any type of Oval Office Address. He can say i want to make an Oval Office Address and the networks would carry to see what he has to say. Neil hes still the president of the United States. David, gate reporting, thank you very much. In the meantime as he outlined here, twitter permanently suspending the president s account, not the only one, by the way, basing it on the risk of further incitement of violence. Now, keep in mind, this guy better than 85 million followers. Silent, stopped, a lot of people are raising about that. Might this have been driven by cover your hinny kind of deal, much more than being a target of the president of the United States, the twitter and some of the other entities are concerned, maybe still concerned about getting sued by all the violence that ensued because of some of the inflammatory language of the president or thats what they will fall back without saying it. Lets go to carley shimkus, headlines 24 7 reporter with chris ruby with us, social media expert. Ruby media ceo. Last but not least katie, katie, to you first. Is that a legitimate and genuine concern to take account down to protect itself than to target the president . I dont think thats a fear. Twitter and Bigtech Companies enjoy Liability Protection of users posts because of federal law. Twitter wants to have its cake and eat it too and join the protections but also moderate content, of course, they are a private company so when we are talking free speech, its not the same thing as government regulation. Twitter can regulate things like hate speech which are protected under the First Amendment, but when you have a Company Making decisions, where does that really end and where is the law going to stop them and actually impose liability . Neil you know, carley, you can look at this and say, all right, you might be losing that 230 protection and ahead of that, you might be doing Something Like this to show that youre very cognizant about the risks that you employ running such a large social media concern, what do you think . Carley yeah, i think its more simple than that. I think social Media Companies are doing something that they wanted to do for a long time and President Trump handed them the gift of an excuse because what happened on wednesday was horrible, disgusting and the platforms are saying they are censoring President Trump and other conservatives as a matter of Public Safety be where were they during the riots over the summer. If they cared about Public Safety, the rioters and politicians who supported them should have met with the same bands, Kamala Harris used twitter to fund raise to get protestors and rioters out of prison, so this is purely political, neil. Its really concerning that this country works because of twoparty system, the balance of power, somehow we meet in the middle. What happens when the town square is filled with liberal voices and thats what happened overnight. Every major platform began total purge of conservative thought. This creates a lot of problems within our country, it tears people further apart and externally, how does this look from the standpoint of other nations, our adversaries where their leaders, irans leader is allowed on twitter but our president is not. Neil yeah, thats a very good point. That has come up a good deal. Chris, another thing that comes up is the idea that a lot of these guys, a lot of the social Media Companies might be trying to curry favor with democrats, incoming democrat administration, senate takeover, a run at the table, the democrats, they might have figured this will maybe get the helms for a while if we go away after donald trump on talk of basicking us up breaking us up and doing all that. Do you think thats come in the calculation here . I completely agree with you, neil. This is more a pr stunt for twitter and Bigtech Companies in general. If they truly cared about user safety and privacy and protection, where were they as carley said over the summer or a year ago or any other time in the past year when protestors rights were going on in their platforms. This is going to be a democratled house, they are sort of cracking the whip on getting rid of twitter voices, conservative right, and thats what we are seeing. Whats interesting here is that we have a very unfortunate situation where Silicon Valley now thinks that they are more powerful than the president of the United States of america and at one point we saw President Trump go back on twitter under the official u. S. Government owned twitter account. Twitter instantly deleted tweets within minutes. Thats scary. My advice to americans here, if this can happen to the president of the United States of america, what makes you think that you are not next and that it cant happen to you too . So you really want to focus on creating content that you own rather than on the rented platforms that you have basically no control over and really the big question on my mind, what is the difference between freedom of speech and freedom of reach, right . They go hand in hand with each other and how do you differentiate at this point . Neil you know, katie, we did reach out to twitter. Weve gotten no calls back. We reached out to parlor, alternative social media site seen as conservative site but actually its openended to anyone and everyone, you want to Say Something, theyll put it up there. Google to app store has taken it down, apple is warning them they better moderate content or risk the same. What do you make of that . Sounds like this is a free market issue at this point with a lot of the media forms and i think theres going to be a lot of lawsuits and how those resolve will hopefully tell us a bit more about how we are all going to be able to move ahead and have our voices heard. Its a difficult debate when you have private Companies Involved with people making speech because, again, theyre not liable under the First Amendment in the same way that a government actor would be but yet they have such pull and power. We need to let the free market work here and let the companies ensue and see where the chips fall. Neil you know, carley, i mean wondering if it gives people a pause in social media in general, they feel that it might be screened or anything that you say might come back to haunt you, could it backfire on all the social Media Companies . Carley yeah, the problem is that where else can you go, everybody likes social media, everybody wants to be on twitter, facebook and instagram to talk to their friends and there really are no other options. Neil how about picking up the phone and calling . Carley the old rotary phone . Neil how did you know . I dont know if they are going to pick up the phone but might think twice about it. Carley maybe snail mail will come back, who knows. I do want to Say Something from a standpoint, they are complicating thicks. In early days of twitter and facebook, you would get off platforms, punished for a period of time if you posted the obvious bad things, violent threat, terroristic message, nudity, Something Like that. And it has since changed where these bigtech platforms have declared themselves the arbiters of truth and if you Say Something that goes against what their social media censors say is wrong. You were talking about parlor, its a big deal. Apple and google have stepped in and they are essentially trying to put them out of business. Parlor may not be perfect if there are threats posted on the platform. That needs to change but it really does seem that all of the censorship is happening in one direction and theres no balance to the decisions. Neil we will watch it closely, ladies, thank you very much coming on a saturday digesting all of this. This is a social Media Industry wide swipe at the president of the United States, none of them, none of them, keen for the time being hearing from him, will we hear from him later today or any of the days Going Forward as he finishes out his presidency . We are on top of that and also on top of the growing rift with the president even in his own party, why the alaska republican senator Lisa Murkowski is now saying, just go, i want him out now after this. Neil all right, i want to pass along an update on capitol hill that cop toil hill police are responding to what they call a suspicious package thats been found at building on capitol hill. Very close to the capitol itself. Our assignment reached out to authorities to find out what is going on, what the us suspicions are, what is exactly happened and whether the area has been clear as we get details from the crazy week, we will keep you posted. Speaking of this as you probably know on monday, the house is already going to officially file articles of of impeachment against the president of the United States even though and we get word that Lisa Murkowski, alaska, senator, the president should just resign right now to avoid the trouble. The former health and human secretary under the president with us right now on all developments. Tom, happy new year. Tom and to you. Neil its certainly been a bumpy start to the year and im wondering what you make of i wouldnt call it a jailbreak at the white house but with two cabinet officials, betsy devos, education secretary, and obviously we see the transportation secretary elaine chao leave, others, why are we seeing this with little more than days to go in this administration anyway . This is a week that we wont forget. Its understandable that people are leaving. They probably already done the the activities to close up their office and and get things moving but i think its incredibly important to have an informed handoff from the leader of one department or agency to the incoming leader of in the next administration. So i think its i think, again, its understandable but its regettable that individuals are leaving and i think now that theres the basic consensus among the Leaders Within the departments, at least apparently that they will make certain that things that ought not be dont, ought not be done, that its important to have that continuity as we move to a new administration. Neil senator, do you think the president lit the match, is responsible for this . When you look at the language that was used it is absolutely unconscionable and unforgivable, and so as i say for individuals that are leaving, its understandable that they have reached that conclusion, but i think that if you look at the larger picture, how do we govern the nation and how do we make sure its governing and the most effective manner through the transition which is clearly going to happen and we want it to be seamless as possible, then having leaders of departments and agencies stick around i think is the most appropriate way to peed. Neil you think the president should resign now . Well, it is likely the most practical solution, i think its unlikely to happen but its likely the most practical solution and, again, i understand the calls for it. Im hopeful that what we will see is a lowering of the temperature. I dont know that Movement Toward impeachment is consistent with that and the announcement that you had just before i came on about a package somewhere close to the capitol, we need to understand and appreciate that we are all americans and we are all in this together and that its together that we will get through this, but we need to do so with lowering of the temperature and not so much personal attack that has been kind of the custom of politics for frankly a long time, before this president. Neil all right, secretary thank you very much, we will see where all of this goes. We will be hearing from top democratic senator, what he makes of all of this, ben on what has to be done right now to calm the storm and the fury in washington, d. C. If that is even possible. Your first stock on us. Robinhood. Neil all right, we still dont know, we are getting word out of indonesia that it has happened again, reports that the government there has lost contact with air boeing jet that took off earlier this morning carrying 62 people. It was on route to jakarda, on route, they lost contact with it. 2 30 p. M. Their time which would have been Early Morning here back in the east coast of the United States. 56 passengers were on board including ten kids, they simply lost contact with the plane. It was over the sea, if that rings a bell to you, 3 other incidents of planes that have been lost or crashed in that area. Theres no hint of that so far, they call it a searching and rescue mission for the time being. If we get anything more on that, we, of course, keep you posted. In the meantime keeping you posted on the latest developments on the nations capitol where impeachment, process at least will begin at least in the house of representatives as nancy pelosi is working with leaders there to come up with a clear lead, that would be the push but it would have to be done very quickly and the senate would have to be on board with that. Maryland democratic member, i assume the chairman of that committee. Hes with us now. Senator, are you on board with this impeachment effort . Senator neil, first of all, good to be with you. What happened this week was one of the darkest moments in the history of america, the capitol itself being attacked and the president inciting the crowd to march on the capitol. The best thing for the country would be for the Republican Leadership in congress with the Vice President to encourage the president to resign. That would be in the best interest of america to move forward. If the Republican Leadership is not willing to take on the challenge, then i expect we will see impeachment articles in the house. As you know, to do a trial before january 20th is almost impossible, but quite frankly we would hope that the Republican Leadership would show leadership and meet with the president. Neil now others have advocated the 25th amendment, the Vice President would be on board with that. We have reports, senator, that mike pence is not. So that seems to have been put aside. The other option i think that Lisa Murkowski, colleague from alaska, that the president resign. That doesnt look like wall street journal and host of other publications have been urging just that. Short of that, it looks to me that he will serve out his term. What is the risk that you see that he does . Senator well, i think there is a risk and obviously its still 11 days left of his presidency. What has not been said is that the republican i understand the president is unlikely to retire on his own but if he was confronted through leadership in congress along with the Vice President , perhaps reality will set in and the president would realize that in really to save his presidency, he needs to resign. Neil senator, what are you afraid of . What are you specifically afraid of, that he will launch a nuke or what . Senator you never know with this president. Hes not in twitter any longer. We dont know how he will recognize. He has tremendous power, including the power as commander in chief. Hes unhinged. We are concerned about what people do in the last few days. Neil we dont know exactly what will happen on this 10, 11 days. We already know that he is not going to joe bidens inauguration, joe biden didnt want him at the inauguration, what do you think . Senator the president elect is acting correctly. He doesnt want to be there, hes never acknowledged the election. So its too late for him to be present to give the sign of a peaceful transition of power from the current president , mike pence doing the right thing, handled himself with distinction during joint session of congress and recognizes that president elect biden, his presence at the inauguration is appropriate. Neil senator, we will keep track of this, thank you very much for joining us and maybe we can get back to you on monday to see how things are going. Senator ben, from the beautiful state of maryland. I told you about the plane on jakarda and now debris being sea, as we are trying to find out what caused all of this, 737, its a boeing jet. Its in the neck of the woods where we have seen this kind of stuff before. We dont know much more than that outside that they have found debris from the jet that took off about 8 hours ago. We will keep you posted if we get any more developments. Stay with us. You are watching cavuto live. Neil i want to take you from jakarta, indonesia, a boeing 737 had taken off and now reports that wreckage has been found. Now reports that they knew something was wrong right away, that it was 10,000 feet altitude in less than a minute and little more than 4 minutes after taking off from jakarta, we know little more than that. Debris has been found. Authorities in the region are saying that the search and rescue continues. This happened in the neck of the woods where we have seen incidents where planes took off and crashed and at least in one case went missing, missing to this day. If we get anything more on that, we will keep you posted. There were reports 40 to 60 people. Almost a dozen children were among the passengers. If we find more on this, we will keep you posted. Back to all craziness going on in the United States and with the attacks on the call toll you would think the markets would be free falling and they were not. They surged to record, dow, nasdaq, record territory despite all of this, maybe because they are seeing past all of this. It is weird, wells Fargo Management cio, carel, seems like a disconnect or are the markets seeing past it . I think youre exactly, right, neil. They are seeing past it. Somewhat powerful bullish mossaic thats happening, weakening dollar, metals at decade high. S p set a new high, russell 20000 set a new high. Volatility across equity and fixed income. What people are paying attention switch in fiscal policy that was built in maybe late last year for contraction or drag of physical policy which is progrowth. Neil darrell, curious what you make of the push to either have the president to resign, im talking about the one that we have right now or impeachment, 25th amendment, im wondering how the markets are going to digest that if any one of those things are going to happen . Yeah, i doubt those things will happen. They may draw articles of impeachment and discuss the 25th amendment, we have 11, 12 days of the presidency. I think the markets as long as something doesnt go awry, even president elect biden was out saying the fastest way to make the change is to get to inauguration day. So markets right now are assuming that you have a peaceful transition of power, the inauguration happened on january 20th and nothing material happens between then and now. Neil normally the markets are not red or blue, they are green. They are about making money and they made a lot of money under this president just as they made gad deal of money under prior president and bill clinton, et cetera, i dont think their politics comes into it as must as enjoying a good run and they seem that a good run continues, will it . We think it will. You have the powerful mossaic and the markets are not cheap but not wildly expensive when you consider where they are relative to Interest Rates. You have inflation breakevens now up over 2 for the first time in 2 years, you are seeing inflation coming back and the yield curve is steepening and steepening for the right reasons. So this neil darrell, the yield, the gap between shortterm Interest Rates and longerterm rates. It has been getting wider. Thats generally seen as Constructive Development as longterm Interest Rates move up a little bit. What does that signal to you . Anticipation of better growth. You can see a booming 5, 6 gdp growth this year as the vaccine takes hold to the middle part of the year, growth returns, we think the u. S. Probably grows somewhere between 4 and 4 and a half percent in 2021 which is well over double what weve been on a trend growth rate for the last lets say decade and dont forget, markets do tend to do well whether you agree with it or not when you have consistency across washington, d. C. Youll recall that clinton, bush, obama and trump all started the presidencies with a consistency across or alignment of executive branch neil youre right about that. Darrell, its a good point. Some people are startled about that. Darrell, Wealth Management cio, happy new year, darrell. In the meantime you saw capitol hill and you thought, there ought to be a law against this. Well, in florida, there soon might be. I got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. Express yourself express yourself express yourself honey honey . New nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honeylicious taste. Nyquil honey. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. Neil all right. That suspicious package apparently isnt suspicious. Theyve given the allclear signal at capitol hill. They found package that some thought could be nefarious or dangerous. All coast clear. This on week of heightened tensions in the capitol with the violence afterwards and now move to get impeachment proceedings going for punishing the president for triggering it. Lets get the read from chris who said these types of conditions werent a law. Thats certainly what they are talking about in the nations capitol to make sure it doesnt happen again. In florida they are taking this into their own hands. Florida state speaker of the house. Speaker very good to have you, what is this new antiviolent protest measure about . Great to be with you, neil, thanks for having me. The measure is simple. Its about protecting our neighborhoods, protecting our communities. This started last summer through the leadership of our Governor Ron Desantis as well as Senate President simpson and we got together we will not tolerate people burning our businesses and terrorizing and now is the time to get the bill out to make it clear that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated here in florida. Neil spell out what it will enforce and what the punishment would be if you do Something Like this . Well, it punishes the behavior you saw on the television the other night. A group of people getting together, being violent, destroying property, injuring Police Officers, you saw brian sitnik killed in line of duty, a Police Officer, battery of Law Enforcement officers in the summer, that kind of action will be elevated, the criminal penalties will be elevated if you injury a Police Officer you will go to jail for at least 6 months and if youre aggravating riot situation, you will go to jail. It was a powder keg. Those are the things that we will crack down to make sure people understand that they cannot do that in the state of florida. Neil speaker, thank you very much, keep us posted on that. Florida now the first state in the nation to act on something that as we have seen in the capitol of our nation to make sure at least there it doesnt happen. In the meantime, word out that the Queen Elizabeth and her husband have received vaccinations, i believe its the second round of vaccination, they have both been fortified here. As the variant takes off in britain. What are the possibilities of this variant getting here and where do we stand in the vaccination process after this these days you need more than an education. So thats what we give you. Introducing Career Services for life. Learn more at phoenix. Edu can you guaranty that everybody can get their second shot on time . The answer is i will be talking about that on friday. On friday, on thursday . Neil peter doocy getting that out of the president elect, joe biden, getting doses out. We are getting word since that the president elect wants to get almost all of them out into states hands and americans arms much more quickly than it is going on right now. Associate professor of medicine there. Doctor, good to see you. Doctor great to see you, neil, happy new year. Neil to you as well, doctor. This idea of getting more vaccines out, i dont understand the holdup in the first place. They are getting out depending on the state. Thats the issue. What is the problem . Doctor right, the problem is there are many times more doses out there available to the states than there are people who have actually gotten vaccinated. Thats certainly frustrating for everybody including the people who are responsible for doing this and part of this is a logistical issue, its a huge rollout and seems as perhaps the plan wasnt as great as it should have been or given the support they needed to because things are not moving as quickly as they should be. The other issue quite frankly is there are other people offered the vaccine who are saying no and what do you do with supplies and how quickly can you move on to the next person that may be eligible. Theres a lot of factors going on there. The first and second dose, one you get the first dose and i got mine two weeks ago, youre about 50 protected from the virus. After the second dose it goes to 95 . The question is, is it better to have people with 50 who will eventually get second dose or people with 90 and thats what joe biden is talking about and modeling out what is safer in terms of preventing the pandemic or, sorry, stopping the pandemic as quickly as possible. Neil right, doctor, we hold off on a lot of doses because we are keeping reserve the second dose for people who have to take that 21 days later much as the queen and her husband did in britain. Yet in britain we are seeing the variant, mutation, whatever you want to call it thats prompted a third lockdown and concerns that it could escalate, whats going on . Doctor so we know the virus mutate, thats normal part of life cycle of the virus. Covid19 is a virus that mutates every two weeks. However, mutations are more concerning and persistent. Persistent and spread quickly across the country and more transmissible, easily spread than the prior covid19. Thats why thats concerning. We have seen in our own country, in the u. S. , 52 cases and many of these are people who never traveled outside of the u. S. We know that it is here on our soil and thats worrisome. South africa has a a variant and seems to be transmissible. One of the concern is the variant going to be less are the vaccines going to work for the variants, so far, pfizer did one study that, yes, the vaccine will work against the uk variant. Not sure about the south africa variant. Is it going to become resistent to the vaccine or possible treatments . Neil you know, doctor, what i worry about how long this drags on and with the severity in cases, deadly number of deaths, 4,000, 5 in the last ten days where we have seen record cases and hospitalizations and deaths and im wondering is this something that will we will just have to get used to right through this year . Well, unfortunately it looks like the rollout of the vaccine is going the take longer than most people thought it would and, yes, looks like this year is going to be a tough year in terms of really getting a handle on it. Just like you said, we are in the worst period that we have been since covid19 started in the u. S. In terms of cases so time is absolutely crucial of the essence and i will encourage everyone once you get the opportunity to get the vaccine, please go get it because thats one of the main things we can do to stop the pandemic. In the meantime, we all have to continue to practice safe practices of wearing masks, hygiene, these are the only steps we can take right now to really try to curtail this as quickly as possible. Neil wise words always, doctor, thank you very much, have a safe happy new year. Dr. Rashini raj, school of medicine. This occurs as we are getting word in france that they instituted a curfew because of serious spike in cases, thats the case now in 27 european cities where they have curfews in effect. So it is a little bit scary here. All right, we are still trying to look back at what prompted the riots and the protests that got out of control earlier this week. Nancy pelosi says she wants a timeline on all of this from the Capitol Hill Police. I want you to meet the republican congressman who says she wants timeline for nancy pelosi after this. We have still not heard from the president of the United States what he makes of being, you know, shunted aside by social media and twitter, hes not a fan of it we know. And if youre shut down on social media i believe hes still getting access to parler. How do we know . If the tree falls in the forest, was there any sound . It comes at a time when theres a clarion call to shut down the president and shut him down now and have him leave. Welcome back, im neil cavuto and youre watching cavuto live as we monitor developments for the push to get donald trump out now. Forget about waiting until january 20th and probably best illustrated in the cover page of the drudge report thats out today, effectively saying that the reason for all of this brouhaha is fears over what the president might do in those remaining days. Do we have that, guys . All righty, make a liar out of me. Thats the case. I want to go to Mark Meredith. Hes in washington with more on this, at the white house and the idea about drudge points out how crazy will he get . It seems a little extreme, mark, but that is really whats behind all of this, right . Neil, you bring up such a good point. Nobody knows what the president is thinking right now because we dont have his twitter account to look at. After all, its been a central part of his presidency from the beginning. Late friday the social media platform suspended his account accusing him of using it to promote violent. You look at the president s account, a message reads account suspended. Future tweets by the commanderinchief may create further incitement of violence. Until yesterday, he had sent out 57,000 tweets, thats a lot. On it hes fired cabinet secretaries, blasted the media and dictated policy. And theyve suspended accounts for Trump Campaign as well, and many so applaud it saying the ban is a long time coming, virginia senator mark warner tweeted an overdue step, but remember, this is bigger than one person, its about an entire eco system that allows misinformation and hate to spread and fester unchecked. And South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham claimed this action will silence free speech and viewpoints often held by viewpoints. The ayatollah can tweet, but trump cant. It says a lot about the people who run twitter. Its not just twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat blocking the president , republicans are calling for the social Media Companies to lose their Liability Protection. And something the president brought up a lot. Were so used to going to twitter on saturday mornings you and i and seeing what hes talking about and right now thats not an option. Neil so his option for now, mark, would be just to go to the American People and address them directly or put out a video release, the kind of stuff we saw earlier in the week. He could call into your show and were on the air. Thats a way to do it. Neil or check in with you. That would be helpful. Neil there you go, my friend, Mark Meredith on that. To congresswoman victoria sparks from indiana. She has a question to ask nancy pelosi, what did you know . How did you prepare . This was welltelegraphed and the Congress Woman said there was a plan to see the president and then march on the capitol. What did she do to prepare for it . Congresswoman victoria sparks. Very good question. Have you heard back from the speaker on this . Well, i havent heard yet, but i hope i will because its implying anyone who wrongfully with this has to take responsibility when things fail and we can have a lot of different discussion, but ultimately, our leader and the leader of our branch is speaker nancy pelosi. Shes in charge of the legislative branch and she was in charge of that spouse and who is responsible for the security of the house and reports to here and directed by her so i would like to know what happened since we really need to address it. Its been chaotic and very bad whats happened there. Neil we have reached out to the speaker, congresswoman. Weve not heard back to her. Hope springs eternal though. Let me get back to what you were saying she should have known. Obviously this rally was well publicized and telegraphed. What made the difference though, there were marches on d. C. All the time from all sorts of groups. This is the first one that invaded the intersanctum of the capitol. So that everybody was caught off guard from the Capitol Hill Police to a host of others. What do you think of that . Well, i dont think it was actually. People was not caught off guard and it was discussed. And whether we like what was said or not, people knew the marches were going to be happening around the capitol, around the white house. I had a lot of my did they know, it was it considered that they would invade the interior sanctum of the capitol itself . Thats in retrospect what made this unique. Was there a plan for that . Welcol, i dont think that anybody would plan to invade anybody. You can anticipate when you have a lot of upset people, large crowds and the crowds everybody knew were going to be very large, you know, some gets very agitated and very upset and it could be a setup also to make people agitated and upset. So when you have thousands of people, you can expect the violence can happen and you have to be ready. And you have to be prepared to it. Regardless if it happens or not. And weve been seeing a lot of very violent protests happening in the last year, including in the capitol. To say that we shouldnt be ready for it . I think its really sad for me to see that we are so well, is the president , kroom congresswoman does the president bear any responsibility for those folks, but even some republicans said he lights the match. The president hasnt been saying anything that he hasnt been saying. And i did support the certification, we have a difference in the country, a difference in opinion and debate, theres Nothing Happened that was new that we didnt expect. We know people were upset and the country is very divided, knew that we had a problem. It shows how dysfunctional our government became that were supposed to protect the people. We couldnt even protect ourselves. And whats happening in this chambers, as a freshman, i was shocked. I was really shocked to see that we had no plan and ultimately, the speaker of the house, abandoned her ship. A saying, i represent all the people whether youre republican or democrat the speaker of the house represents her house. She knew that events are going to be very turbulent. She knew that the House Chamber that where everyone is going to meet. You have senators, you have vicepresident , you have your congressional house delegation. And that was a very significant event and to have no plan i think that we need to have a response from had her what she directed to do or didnt. Neil well follow it closely, congresswoman, thank you very, very much. Well reach out yet again to speaker pelosis office. We had and we will again to keep on top of this and see exactly what happened and the chain of events that led to it happening. With us now is charles marino, a former dhcs Law Enforcement official. What do you make of the congresswoman saying theres a lot of blame to go around. You could talk about the president lighting the match and maybe inciting this crowd talking about capitol hill, Police Caught flatfooted and maybe nancy pelosi herself and the leadership in Congress Unable to deal with this unexpected invasion. What are your thoughts . Neil, its a fair question. Listen at the end of the day the Capitol Police sent in house sergeant and arms and Law Enforcement at the capitol report directly to congress. Like you said there isnt a lot of accountability thats going to be spread around and need to be looked at here regarding this Overall National security failure, the failure to anticipate what could go wrong that day, coordinate proper resources in advance and then incorporated into an overall strategic plan. What we saw here was, we saw the capitol Police Officers that really were set up to fail here by their leadership. They put up a valiant fight at the end of the day and did what they needed to do and evaluated the members and the vicepresident to safety, but you know, ultimately lost the battle there and unfortunately lost one Police Officer in the process so far. Neil im joust wondering how we prevent this from happening again. Obviously groups of all sorts take out permits for protests in washington. This one got out of control, but now i guess the fear is, just to make sure it doesnt happen again, you know, expand the, you know, autoless zone around the capitol much as weve done around the white house, the pennsylvania avenue, that weve done since 9 11. Is that necessary . Yeah, i think this is where dhs was absent in terms of their overall responsibility to monitor the threat activity here domestically. If they had been doing their jobs, what they would have seen was that there was absolutely the big possibility, and the chatter on social media for things to go south here. You had the main rally that the president attended down on the ellipse a few blocks away from the capitol, questioning the validity of the capitol and at the capitol the process underway to validate that election. Really the intelligence was there. The possibility for this to go wrong was prevalent and the department of homeland security, with the certification of an election being a Significant National event, should have been designated in National Special security event and put these secret service in charge of the overall coordination, similar to what were going to see on the inauguration. Neil all right, we know of 6,000 National Guardmen and women called in over the next 30 days to cover the period of the inauguration and onward. So theres going to be beefed up security there. What do you look out for . What do you think theyve got to be prepared for to deal with anything and everything that could come up . Well, were already seeing the chatter on social media to, you know, cause violence around the capitol again. The problem is, whatever you follow on the heels of a successful breach is whats supposed to be a very secure building like we had the other day, people are going to want to strike that target again, as well as other targets that are considered to be secure. So, the secret service is aware of that. Theyve partnered with all of the federal agencies to include the fbi. Theyll monitor that intelligence. Every time they do this, they take a fresh look at everything and the intelligence plays a big role on that, but the big thing here is going to be the coordination of the resources in advance, something that we did not see at the capitol that day. So, having all the key players, not just in place together operationally, but also, in a communication functionality at a Multiagency Communication Center where everybody has reached back to their agencies and could immediately turn and communicate and coordinate with one another to solve any problems that pop up. Neil yeah, lets hope that none do pop up. Charles, thank you very, very much and for giving us the judgment. And monday is getting a lot of peoples attention because of impeachment proceedings that could begin. Mo n monday is when the 282 billion of paycheck protection money could be available. Probably not a moment too soon for restaurants who are limping along if surviving at all. Meet one next. Crest gum detoxify. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Crest. All right. Youve been hearing a lot about the fight of covid cases in this country and a reason weve seen a reversal of forces for the Unemployment Rate hanging around 6. 7 , a disproportionate number of those jobs lost not shockingly coming in the restaurant industry. And this is really just in the month of december where the Food Services and related industries have seen about 372,000 jobs disappear. And thats in a separate survey on that survey. But it doesnt sprays my next it it doesnt surprise my next guest. Hes from new york city, a sushi restaurant, wellliked. Gary, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me, neil. Neil lets talk a little about help that might be on the way. I dont know if you could take advantage of this, gary, but this Paycheck Protection Program that will release more funds about 280, to 285 billion worth. Are you interested in that . Can you qualify that . We were lucky enough to qualify with the first restaurant we opened. Open in 2019, but if you were not open in 2019, if you were open by february 15 of 2020, youre able to qualify for the ppp thats about to be allocated. Neil all right. Gary, in the mean sure, finish that thought. I apologize. So, yeah, were really grateful and hopefully well be able to get approved for this new funding. Neil now, in new york, the problem is you cant do your business, right . I mean, Indoor Dining is still banned and it could be, you know, banned for a while as were dealing with a serious fight in cases. So what have you been doing . So, what weve been doing, when we originally opened, we actually opened in the month of january so right before covid so we were open for about a month and a half and in march we have to close down. After we closed down we spent months trying to have our brand for delivery and takeout and provide dining during covid. It was just a takeout model in the beginning. During the summer, they allowed the outdoor dining, which helped, and i think in the month of september, they brought back a percentage of Indoor Dining, which really, really helped. So, once the Indoor Dining w was once the new restrictions came out with Indoor Dining we lost 30 to 40 of our revenue, so its been tremendously hard for us. The sales reduction led us again to furloughs. This time we had to let go 25 of our total staff. Neil just incredible. And you know, i dont want to bum you out, i mean, but ive been talking to a number of medical experts who fear, you know, with the slow rollout of vaccines and the like, this could drag on well into late spring, early summer, maybe longer. What do you think of that . Yeah. Its a little disappointing because i think the infection rate in new york is 1. 5 and its i really dont understand why the states that are surrounding us and the cities surrounding new york city, their Indoor Dining is open. Why is our Indoor Dining closed . I mean, its hard for restaurants. It was a little bit easier for me to adapt, to whats happening. I would be able to build, you know, the takeout model, but a lot of restaurants that have been in the industry, much longer than we have, they can serve outdoors. Their food is hot, it doesnt test well outdoors and just survival just on to go, hot food doesnt travel well. For us, sushi is cold so we were pretty lucky because our food travels well, but its been hard and were just trying to stay afloat and hoping that come spring theyll be able to open Indoor Dining. I dont see it opening earlier than march in new york city. And you know, you see all the new yorkers. Theyre travelling. Theyre travelling to long island, to connecticut to enjoy that Indoor Dining. I feel like the Human Connection has been taken away from new yorkers and we need to bring it back as soon as possible. Neil i think youre right about that. I hope we will through nofault of your own, gary. Youre stuck between a rock and a hard place here, but youve got a good attitude, young man. Hes the owner of a wellregarded sushi restaurant and hopefully will be open, very, very soon for dining business, thank you very much, gary. Thank you, thank you for having me. Neil go ahead. I was going to say, were hopeful the worst will soon be behind us and well rehire our lost staff and our companys growth in the near future. Neil fingers crossed on that, gary and so much more. And back to president elect biden who wants to help people like gary. He set an aggressive goal in the first 100 days of getting 100 million vaccinations out to the American People. What difference would that make . Could it change the equation . After this. A must in your medicine cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam zinc that cold you know, monday is shaping up to be a fascinating day. Youre looking at the capital and the white house, the push right now to get the president out of the white house before january 20th. Some have even called for him to resign, but on capitol hill and at least in the United States house of representatives it will start with articles of impeachment being filed. Now, you might say, all right, doesnt that take a while . Theres less than two weeks ago anyway, whats the rush . The former Deputy Assistant attorney general, tom, that seems like a heavy workload right there to get all of that done, impeach the president of the United States, all in the matter of nine or 10 days. What the heck . Is that doable . Well, you know, its a tall order for sure. The house is in control of its own proceedings and if they are in a position where they can draft up an article of impeachment or articles of impeachments and approved and sent on to the senate well then the ball would be in the senates court. I think the biggest challenge would be for the senate to attempt to conduct a trial in the time remaining in the president s term. Its a taller order. I wouldnt rule it out. But it would seem if they would pass articles of impeachment and pass it onto the senate it might extend beyond the president s term in office. Neil all right, well, that would not be a moot point then . Well, some would say, yes. Although technically the senate could consider impeachment proceedings against the president even after hes left office. Obviously, the stakes would be different. You wouldnt be talking about removing the president from office. But the consequences could still be significant. For example, its possible he could be barred from holding federal office again or something along those lines. Neil in a perverse way, some republicans might welcome that. They dont want to hear from him again so they might democrats might have more support than they would have otherwise envisioned, right . Neil, i think the political calculus is super complex because of the reasons you mentioned. Some republicans might say, why dont we take out the person in the 2024 primary. Some democrats could say, look, we want to move on with joe bidens agenda, if we dont want the oxygen sucked out of the room with impeachment proceedings, lets move ahead with what President Biden wants to do. Lets see how it plays out. Neil the president elect said they can do what they want to do. And theres the issue of the 25th, that would require the vicepresident and majority of the cabinet saying the president is incapacitated and you know, he should step down. Normally, its meant for a president that goes underanesthesia or an operation. Of course, its been tested so infrequently theres no validity or litmus test. For me, it seems hard to see that happening. Without the vicepresident signing onto this approach, it seems like it would be a total nonstarter and the vicepresident has apparently said according to media reports he has no interest in pursuing that. Even if he were to change his mind he would have to get a bunch of fellow cabinet secretaries to sign on. For that reason i think that impeachment is a likelier course than trying to remove him through the 25th amendment. Neil this has left a legal question, and maybe just a political one. The other option is the president resign. And Lisa Murkowski, among a number of republicans open to the idea. I dont see the president doing that, but what would be the advantage. I hear nancy pelosi saying you dont want him in office a day longer. I dont know what shes fearing, hell blow up the world or something. But how likely is that . I would probably put that at the bottom of the likely outcome. The president is not someone who seems temperamental designed to resign. From his perspective im not sure what advantage he would get. I guess arguably it would help him avoid impeachment proceedings and would make vicepresident pence the president and he could decide whether he would want to pardon the president in his last days in office. But i dont see the president inclined to resign the office and walk away. Neil we already know that the president will not be attending joe bidens inauguration. There are no hard and fast constitutional rules, but something weve gotten used to. Going back to Andrew Johnson in 1859, i remember covering that, tom, he refused to go to general grants inauguration. Its happened. Nothing usual. Theres nothing in edict or in stone that says the two have to meet before they go their separate ways. Its enshrined in our nations history, and theres no requirement. And i noticed president elect biden said this may be one thing we can agree on that he not attend the inauguration. I imagine barring some 11th hour drama, were not going to see the president on that stage. Neil and going back to john adams, john quincy adams, better than 160 years. Very good to see you, tom dupree, former deputy depuattor general. Youve heard the back and forth, what happens now that the senate will be under democratic control. Remember, its a 5050 senate so its not as if its, you know, unstoppable control, but what that senate can do after this. Our Health Matters more than ever, thats why the new myww is our most Holistic Weight Loss Program ever. The app helps you take the foods you have and gives you Creative Ideas for meals. You can choose any workout you want to fit within your time frame. There are a ton of zero point foods that i love. I never feel restricted. With the new tools my mindset has completely changed. More holistic. More personalized. More weight loss. The new program from ww, Weight Watchers reimagined kickstart your weight loss with the ww triple play offer ends january eleventh all right. The full control of washington, thats what democrats have right now. Though they will soon have the white house, they had the house, theyll have the United States senate and with that wind at their backs the likes of Bernie Sanders and alexandria ocasiocortez saying we can push an agenda because the mandate is there. The senate is 5050 and the vicepresident in the role of a tie breaker will give the edge to the democrats. Its not a dramatic edge. Joe manchin questioning the need for a big stimulus package, certainly more generous stimulus checks. And alicia acuna on the pressure on this new democratic washington to do, well, the progressives bidding. Alicia. Hi, neil. Well, president elect biden has made a lot of promises that they look to deliver. But some are looking for student debt, Climate Change making it a bigger priority than the president elect is counting. Hes counting on the simple majority in the senate to help hike households incomes and raising the tax rate. And giving osha more attention, more support for minorowned businesses and expanding the Affordable Care act. At the same time biden is being pushed to move on covid stimulus and Bernie Sanders tweeting now that democrats have power we have to be bold in a way we have not seen since fdr in the 1930s. The first order of business, a new covid relief bill with 2,000 payments for every working class adult. Soon to be majority leader Chuck Schumer has said as much, but Party Moderates could slow the role, including the democratic senator joe manchin whose spokesperson told correspondent Edward Lawrence he will not support the checks as a First Priority saying the senator, quote, made it clear that the number one priority must be distributing and administering the vaccine as quickly and safely as possible. He has also said repeatedly that when the Biden Administration comes in, they can assess the needs of the American People and submit proposals to congress about how to best address those needs. So, neil, now the democrats have the power, theres going to be a big power struggle for that power, neil. Neil thats a very good way of putting it, a power struggle for that power. Alicia acuna in washington, thank you, very very much. My next guest knows a thing or two about working hand in hand with each other and getting a lot of things done. Senator, good to see you again. Always glad to be with you, neil. Neil so, senator the notion of how Bernie Sanders and alexandria ocasiocortez and other progressives in the Democratic Party who ran through legislation and an fdr first 100 day mission, how successful do you think that will be . Well, i hope not that successful. You know, the senate is a difficult place to run under the best of conditions, depending on your point of view, but our Founding Fathers set it up where that was the cooling saucer to, you know, calm down the hot action of the cup from the house of representatives. So, its a tough place to run. And its especially a challenge when its 5050 and thats only happened, i think, this will be the fourth time in the history of the country. I studied what happened in the 1950s and it was ugly. They couldnt agree on the rules for five months and they basically did nothing. So i had the advantage of having a friend that was a democratic leader, tom daschle, i respected him and i trusted him and i called him and i said weve got to try to work this out. And we did take time to get it done. Not everybody in our conferences agreed with what we did, but basically we set it up where it was going to be equally divided. The committee memberships, the funds, the ratios, how you deal with the tie vote. You could take two to pull the senate on a tie vote, either tom daschle or i either one of us could do it and we got a lot of done. Im not sure with the atmosphere in washington right now, how many people really want to get the right things done. I think that, you know, the things that Bernie Sanders is talking about, i would hope that some of the more moderate democrats, there are a few left, would resist that. Neil you had the advantage technically of the vicepresident dick cheney at the time. Right. Neil sort of being the tie breaker here. Oddly enough you cant have to call on that or him too often. Explain how you were able to get things done and i think it would help matters i dont want to jump to conclusion that you and tom daschle got along with each other. Im not sure that Chuck Schumer and Mitch Mcconnell do. Does that kind of thing make a difference . Well, you know, communication is one thing thats been missing in washington now. You know, president s havent liked to talk to the congress and republicans and democrats dont like to talk to each other and the senate and house. Thats a key part of it. But we were able to get the bush tax cut through and the corporation bills, passed a defense bill and even got the no child left behind education, where you had team like ted kennedy and john boehner working together. But the shoe is on the foot differently. I had dick cheney to call on and i remember once or twice we did think, well, this is going to be a close vote we got him to come into the vicepresident s office right off the floor of the senate and had him available in case we needed him, but that was only a couple of times in the first six months. So, it can work, but now, you know, schumer is going to have the vicepresident as backup, but unless they come to some agreement with about how theyre going to make that work, we got a lot through reconciliation, which is a way to get things down without a being a super majority. Thats another thing, the senate still have a filibuster and most bills are going to require 60 votes. Neil they can change those rules, right . They can, but and theyve been doing that in recent years. Its a slippery slope and i think its a mistake. I think even what they have done with nominees has been a mistake. It makes it easier to ram people through and only get 51 votes. So, it will be a challenge, but it can be done. I hope that senator schumer will reach out to senator mcconnell and make look at the template that tom daschle and i put together that did work. Neil it was a very good template to your point. Senator, your thoughts on this call for President Trump to resign, forget the impeachment stuff, the 25th amendment stuff, just get out. Lisa murkowski saying that the republican senator from alaska, what do you think . I wish everybody would calm down. This has been an extremely difficult year with the pandemic, and the economy and people losing their jobs and stimulus funds that run into the trillions which we needed to do, but, golly bomb, how much are we going to put on the backs of our children and grandchildren in terms of what is being spent. But i went back and read the 25th amendment. I was on the Judiciary Committee and the house during the nixon proceedings and ive looked at 25th amendment more than once. I dont think it applies to this situation. I think for the house to go to an impeachment, what is the goal here, just to make the statement, okay, weve impeached him twice, but you know, trump is only going to be in office, what, 11, 12 more days . We need to calm things down. We need to change the rhetoric, to and by the way, if i were president elect biden i would say, wait a minute, hey, im just Getting Started here, we have a lot of good stuff we need to do maybe we can do, an infrastructure bill, there will be another stimulus bill. I dont need this distraction. I have not really particularly liked what biden has had to say lately, but on this issue, i think he handled it well, basically ive got a job to do and theyll do theirs, but im sure he would like to get a clean slate and get started without more acrimony hanging over everybodys head. Neil yeah, he all, but said that waut taying is to your point. Trent lott, thank you, the former majority leader with proof things could get done in a 5050 body. And the violence in washington now no less than the pope weighing in, that the washington assault was against democracy, against the common good, that he was astonished by the assault on the u. S. Capitol. Well have more after this. Medicine cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam zinc that cold all right. You know, since the big startling news this week was almost lost with the protests going on capitol hill, the senate switched hands. The democrats won both of those seats right now, but theyre not in place fully just yet. Charles watson in atlanta on what is to become of them and when theyre officially u. S. Senators. I guess one technically is and the other is not. Thats right, its an ongoing situation. Both of georgias republican senators have now conceded defeat. Democrat Raphael Warnock and john 0s off. Even though we won the state of georgia, we didnt win with the 50 rule. And i want to congratulate. And Kelly Loeffler posting a short letter to twitter. I called reverend warnock to congratulate him and wish him well in serving this great state. While my heart breaks not being able to continue to serve georgia and america, im tremendously proud of all we achieved together. Now, Georgia Election Officials Say both ossoff and warnock are ready to get to work in washington. I am going to the senate to work for all of georgia, no matter who you cast your vote for in this election. Whether you were for me or against me, i will be for you in the senate. Ill serve all the people of the state. Now, the big question is when will they be seated . Well, it depends on how quickly georgia certifies the election results. The state has until january 22nd to certify, however, secretary of state brad raftens berger could complete it further. And that President Trump has dropped all litigation concerning the litigation against georgia. And however, that his Team Continues to spread information, their decision to drop the litigation was due to an out of Court Settlement agreement, neil. Neil all right. Charles watson, thank you very much. My friend Charles Watson in atlanta, georgia. In the meantime, there are a lot of democrats who are dancing and running happy theyve got the full run of the table in our nations capitol, but lest they get too cocky we go back in history there are plenty of time both democrats and republicans thought they ruled the world until the next election when they didnt. After this. Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. You know, you hear that democrats have the run of the table and that will control the white house, the house the senate, but its more like a walk of the table given of their near even majorities that they have in the senate and in the house where they only have about 11 seat edge. Its not that they can do and have everything that they want. Bud the editor in chief, sometimes looking at history here, we hear these doom and gloom scenarios for the party that gets beaten up and particularly the republicans, losing the senate and tied around the violence at the capitol, but we forget sometimes those obituaries are written prematurely. Thats right, neil. Its a tough time for republicans as you mentioned lost the white house and both houses of congress. When barack obama came in, he had everything, a super majority and by the time he left and when trump came in, he had everything and now trumps losing with losing both the house and the senate. So, if you look at the mid terms, usually the party who has power in the white house does poorly in the white house, as george w did in his second term as did obama. Looking at two years, its eternity, and both the house and senate could flip back to republicans by then. You doesnt think theres going to be any long lasting damage to, you know, republicans . I think it depends on what the party does. I mean, certainly if there were an election in a month, which theres not, obviously, it would be bad for republicans, but voters have short memories and i think it depends on what republicans do. I mean, republican lawmakers, many of them have hit their breaking point with the president. Where does the party go from here . Thats a valid question. Neil you know, i think this applies even when the power party in power winds in a landslide. In 1964 Lyndon Johnson won in a landslide and they thought democrats for decades. In 1968 that was forgotten. The same in 1972 when Richard Nixon won. In a landslide. Everyone said, all right, republicans have control of the world for the foreseeable future. Of course, four years later, watergate, it was jimmy carter. So were reminded again, dont get ahead of your proverbial skis. Thats right, and also, with and w bushs term they were doing very well. They had control of everything and talk about a permanent majorities. Neil, there are no permanent majorities, period. Then how far do you think democrats push the edge they do have on and not misinterpret it . Some president s like to season that, even in george bushs win in 2000, you know, with a very aggressive agenda. And saying he has a mandate for it. Others are a little bit more cautious, actually because they have to be. How do you think this will go . Well, i think, neil, depends on joe biden. The first term of obama they were ramming things through. And there wasnt much bipartisanship going on. Biden says hes going to unite the country and i think the first days are telling. If democrats try to ram things through again, the party that does that usually pays the price down the line. Neil joe manchin, he already signaled hes not for these generous stimulus checks out. Might be the first signs among many that you cant necessarily count on him to be in the democratic column all the time. No, you cant, but if theyre going to raise taxes or repeal some of the trump taxes theyre going to need joe manchin and he hasnt indicated where he is on that. Maybe they could pass the 2k checks, but if theyre going to raise some taxes, theyre going to need all the democrats on board. Neil happy new year, my friend. A crazy week and appreciate your expertise and calm through this week. Well keep monitoring on fox and including the effort right now to get the president out of office right now. They might be uphill leaps, but the political season goes on and on and on. See you monday. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Crest. Some things are good to know. Like where to find the cheapest gas in town and which supermarket gives you the most bang for your buck. Something else thats good to know . If you have medicare and medicaid you may be able to get more Healthcare Benefits through a humana Medicare Advantage plan. Call the number on your screen now and speak to a licensed humana sales agent to see if you qualify. Learn about plans that could give you more Healthcare Benefits than you have today. 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So if you want more from medicare, call the number on your screen now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. Learn about humana plans that could give you more Healthcare Benefits. Including coverage for Prescription Drugs, dental care, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids and more. A licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and, if youre eligible, help you enroll over the phone. Call today and well also send this free guide. Humana, a more human way to healthcare. Reaction now pouring in as twitter moves to permanently suspend President Trump from the platform. Facebook and instagram also banning the president , quote, indefinitely. Welcome to americas news headquarters from washington, im alicia acuna. Im griff jenkens. President trump not only hit with a ban, but several of his supporters kicked off major social media platforms. Alicia, its great to have you here in d. C. Welcome. Alicia thank you, wonderful to be here. At the epi

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