Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto Live 20200425 : comparemela.

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Cavuto Live 20200425

I am neil cavuto, its very good to have all of you with us here as we pick apart what have been some growing fights right now between protesters in states where theyre not opening things up as swiftly or certainly not nearly as swift as they would like to see and were also going to be hearing from Peter Navarro at the white house, and what he is saying about how china has complicated this picture, and can we still trust china to make good on promises, if it hasnt really been enough when it comes to the coronavirus . All that coming up first right now to steve herrigan outside the cdc on how georgia is now slowly and i mean very slowly getting back to business. Steve . Reporter neil that reopening has been a controversial decision even here inside georgia it began yesterday, Governor Kemp allowing certain kinds of nonessential businesses to reopen including hair salons, bowling allies, as well as some gyms and monday theres going to be even more opening up with movie theaters and restaurants opening. Governor kemp cited a decline in the confirmed number of cases for that reopening and also cit ed the economic hit this state has had from this crisis about onefifth now unemployed and he said now social distancing will still be in effect for those workers and we talked to some store owners shop owners who are cautiously now beginning to reopen. Businesses are allowed to open, if they can follow certain protocols and guidelines and theyre going to be pleased to some extent as well. We expect to be pleased, and thats okay. Reporter the decision to reopen has gotten a lot of criticism even here in atlanta from the cdc, from the mayor of atlanta who said she wasnt informed before it happened and she basically told people to ignore what he was saying and even President Trump who thought georgia was moving too fast and georgia has 22000 cases at least so far of the virus, 900 deaths fewer than 1 of the population of georgia has been tested and there has not been a steady decline over two weeks and other states set to follow and let those stayathome orders expire april 30 including alabama, arizona, florida, texas and tennessee among anothers. Neil back to you. Neil steve herrigan thank you very very much so are some of these states particularly georgia where they still have a high number of cases moving too soon lets raise that with Peter Navarro also the white house and trade and Manufacturing Policy director. Peter good to have you. Good morning, neil. Neil what do you think of georgias move . The president was hoping the states getting back to business was concerned that georgia was moving a little ahead of its skiis. Do you agree with that . I like to stay in my lane and Vice President pence is doing a great job on the task force setting out the guideline, but the one value add i might have to this is that talk with the American People now about the calculus. What we know for a fact that the virus kills directly. We know for a fact that shutting down our economy has destroyed jobs. Its caused enormous stock market wealth loss which goes into pension funds. We know that its doing tremendous economic damage but the more subtle problem which is a serious problem that comes into the calculus, neil is the fact that economic disruptions kill as well. We learned that when china wiped out a lot of our factories in the midwest. We saw dramatic rise in suicide rates, and the opioids and alcoholism, death to co morbidity increases to things like diabetes, we also saw a sharp blow from the china shock then to the family structure. We saw more divorces, we saw more children in poverty, so when the president has been grappling with this whole issue of when to get the economy back, its a decision that no president should have to make. Its probably the toughest decision any president has to make but the people themselves, boots on the ground now, are understanding this tension between the death and destruction that the china virus can cause directly and the death and destruction the china virus can cause indirectly by shutting down our economy, so thats, i think thats the big picture here and were struggling with that but were learning as a people how to fight this virus. This is a war. Its a war that china started by hiding the virus, by hording personal protective equipment during the time it hid the virus and now, its ironic in my view disgusting that they are profit earring from that, so thats the big picture. Neil well let me ask you about the china part of that peter, could i ask you . Sure. Neil you have long been very critical of china even the trade talks, they had to verify everything they did and were promising. Im just wondering now they made a lot of commitments to the administration and the American People about buying a lot more goods from us but seeing as they misrepresented the seriousness of the coronavirus in their country, and might have had some help and assistance in that regard do you trust them to make good on promises they made to you . Neil, one of the most Important Documents is that issue this year is the recentpew research poll. Its an amazing poll that shows that over 90 of americans now believe that china is a threat, over 70 of Americans Across Party Lines have an unfavorable view of china, they are concerned about jobs, the trade deficit, the environment, human rights, and the military, so if you ask me, the author of death by china and the coming china wars whether i trust china i would simply say the American People no longer trust china, and theres something that i think neil so are they going to make good . Do you worry about that . Lets look at the promises they made. They agreed to buy a tremendous amount of our agricultural products. Its curious theyre now buying a lot of brazilian soybeans. Were watching that carefully. They also promised to stop all of this intellectual property theft and counterfeiting, but were being inundated now with counterfeit tests for antibodies and other things, and so do i trust the chinese . No. Let me give you theres something china would call the four kills. I think its worth going over because the chinese effectively declared war. They spauned that virus, the most likely explanation is it came out of a biological weapons lab, probably by accident, but who knows but more importantly, we know, they knowingly hid that virus, neil, for six weeks and thats the second kill because during that time, hundreds of thousands in wuhan and other chinese flew to places like new york and detroit and all around, milan, all around the world effectively seeding the planet with this wuhan virus and if they had simply been honest, honest with the world they could have contained it within wuhan and we wouldnt be having this conversation. Thats the second kill. The third kill, and chinas own customs data show this , we saw while they were hiding the virus , from the world, they went out and vacuumed up all of the ppe around the world, 2 billion masks they bought alone and they took it from countries in europe, south america, United States, and so when the people, the nurses of the brave nurses and doctors on the frontlines in new york and chicago and detroit and new orleans needed ppe, part of the reason they didnt have it is because of the third kill, the chinese that basically vacuumed that up and now the fourth kill is that theyre hording that and using that ppe as a weapon and their power to project it and to profiteer. Neil, these are 0. 30, 0. 50 masks at retail usually and theyre selling them coming to the hospitals here for 7 and 8 and so neil well its proof that they lied. They lied there with those four pillars they lied four times so im just wondering back in january and february when you were apparently sending signals in this memo that went to the National Security council and worried about this approaching virus and a potential pandemic that people didnt appreciate the magnitude of that because even then, you seem to be sensing that the chinese might be hiding something. Did that ever reach the level of the president . Indeed it did and as i was writing that memo to the task force, on the travel ban, President Donald Trump had already made the decision to do that and that was one of the most courageous decisions weve ever seen a president make he took tremendous heat. Neil well no doubt but he was always convinced that the chinese were trying to deal with the crisis and that i dont think thats fair, well theres a difference between public pronouncement and what you actually know and prepare for and i can assure you that the president neil so he had his doubts back then . There are no question, look hes one of the smartest guys in the world. He knows theres trust issues with the chinese. Neil the thing that bothered me, me being the china watcher for many years is the fact that they came here, shook our hands, broke bread, got near the president and on january 14 and 15, now, they knew over a month before that that we had a pandemic on our hands and the other thing they did neil is this is the whole debate about the World Health Organization. Trusted brands prior to this crisis now what people know is that china gained control of that agency through a proxy, from ethiopia, which is a client state of china, and basically china was able to hide behind the World Health Organizations shield while it essentially went through these four kills and this is a serious point in our history, neil, where we have to do first and foremost is a deal with the Public Health crisis, win this war and one of the things that im doing about 40yards across the street in my of the office is working a great team on mobilizing our Industrial Base and supply chain President Trump is orchestrating the most rapid industrial mobilization that weve had since world war ii. If you look at the ventilator issue which was like the issue over a month ago, and people like Governor Cuomo were running around with their hair on fire, at this point in time, we are going to have more ventilators than we need and were going to have plenty to help our friends around the world. General motors, to its credit, took 17 days to stand up a factory and turn out its first ventilator and we were able to deliver those ventilators off the Assembly Line to hospitals in gary and chicago within three days, so im seeing that. Neil there was no doubt, the companies to do this was very impressive but peter i do want to get a sense from you now where were going and you talked in the beginning about balancing our economic needs, with our health needs. The president did hint there might be distancing provisions still in effect into the early summer. Isnt that almost inevitably going to mean that the vshaped recovery he hopes for and a lot of people seem to think its still possible, that thats harder to do, as people come back they cant crowd into as many restaurants and certainly theaters, itll be a different environment. It might be a slow go. Not at all a vshape. You began that discussion by saying i had talked about balancing our health and economic needs, but that wasnt my point at the beginning. My point is that theres Health Concerns whether you open the economy or not. In other words the virus kills directly but it also kills indirectly when we destroy our economy, you got suicides, drug overdoses, alcoholism all of that, so thats what were grappling with and as i said at the outset here, the Vice President , mike pence, one of the greatest Vice President s weve had, hes doing a fine job navigating where its a learning experience for all of us, but i think that the American People who are learning how to social distance and learning how to be responsible in terms of this whole thing. Neil but do you think itll be a slower recovery as a result . Slower economic recovery or Public Health recovery . Neil right. Economic recovery. The vshaped one i was talking about. Again im not going to forecast that. What im going to say is that were doing our best to defend the American People and nurses and doctors on the frontlines and doing our best to move forward with the economy and dont forget neil we havent even talked about this the tremendous work that congress in the white house have done in terms of stimulus. Neil Peter Navarro all well said, thank you and to a commercial break, here we go. Ded social distancing. Being prepared and overcoming challenges. Usaa has been standing with them for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. Neil all right open for business, well kind of, in georgia theyre doing it step by step, but it does include salons in the state, they will be practicing distancing provisions , and tatoo parlors and the like, some restaurants but it is a step in that direction and something that a lot of folks want to see spread out albeit safely across the country right now, and two guests who couldnt be more happy with whats going on is brook, and her mom, they are owners of Taylor Brooks hair salon, i believe in johns creek, georgia ladies welcome to both of you. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning. Neil so how do you feel now, and how long have you been, did this formally start yesterday and tell me a little bit about how its been going . Were pretty excited. Weve been planning on reopening our business since the governor like shut us down back in march, so we felt pretty organized and pretty prepared for the reopening yesterday. We were just kind of waiting around for the goahead for a date specifically in mind but we have been meeting with our staff and with our manager through zoom calling pretty much weekly and daily and coming up with a game plan on how we will reopen and gathering sanitation supplies throughout the month and everything so were thrilled to be able to get back to somewhat of a normal if not normal business as usual, but to get back to work. Neil how did it go julia . How many customers, i know you have to practice distancing so the salon isnt normally as full as it is but can you update me . Absolutely we have opened, actually, what were calling a soft opening. We do not have our entire staff that came in yesterday, or today. Most of our staff will be back by next friday, and so it was really kind of a great way to get going again, make sure that everything that we were doing in our protocols that we had in place were working and working smoothly for our staff and for our guests, so you know, you want a number i would say we had yesterday actually, we have a salon in johns creek, so that salon probably had oh, 20 during the entire day, people, and staff, and then in our Hamilton Mill location, we had probably about 1520 as well, really about the same. Neil well thats not too shabby brooke, im curious, you have to wear masks and the others there. Do the customers coming in . Yes, we are requiring everyone to wear a mask, that is part of our safety protocols. If they dont have a mask we are offering them to our guests we are able to order some actually a month ago, they just came in this week so thankful but yes, everybody is required before they even enter the building to put on a mask. And also we are taking their temperature. Neil you have to check their temperatures, right . Yes. We have a pretty strict protocol in place so when each of our guests arrive they have to do that. Neil i saw that, yes. They have to tell us and tell us they are here from their car and then we go over a list of questions with them and if they answer yes, they will be asked to reschedule at which point, if their stylist is ready for them because we resanitize between each client then they will come up to the door and check their temperature and then they put on their mask, sanitize their hands and then they can enter the building to receive their service. Neil all right i wish you both a lot of luck. I might fly down to you because i cant get my hair cut here in the new york or new jersey area so well see. We would love to have you. Neil ladies thank you both very much, best of luck. Well have more after this. Neil all right, theyre doing a lot more testing right now in fact the press would like to point out were doing more than any other country i believe combined but the fact of the matter is still not enough for a lot of people in a lot of states who say were not comfortable fully reopening until we have a lot more tests and as to complicate matters we hear from the cdc now that with some of these tests and the antibodies that accompany finding out whether you ever had it, a lot more people are discovered to at least carry the markers for this , so it dramatically explains the pool of potential patients and then low and behold in the middle of that the cdc announces there are some other symptoms that we didnt tell you about we think are worth noting and maybe help you decide whether you might have actually had this , thats the big sort of thinking now in the Healthcare Community that many many more americans and the official numbers we are given at least were exposed to this and might dramatically beef up the cases weve seen that for example, in la county where the number of possible cases suddenly zoomed 50 times earlier figures at least those exposed to this in new york a testing that went on also indicated that a lot more than thought might have been or continued to be exposed to this. Its gone and not an issue any more but it shows that theres wide exposure there in new york s case it extrapolates to about 2. 7 million new yorkers and then these symptoms i was talking about its expanded to areas like if you have chills or muscle pain, or sore throat, or a loss of taste and or smell this has been added to the long list of other possible symptoms that might be a covid19. Dr. Amesh joins us right now at Johns Hopkins University Center for health security, doctor always good to have you. First off on the testing itself and what its revealing, doc

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