Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Bill Hemmer Reports 20201023 : comp

FOXNEWSW Bill Hemmer Reports October 23, 2020

Lives and could still save over 100,000 lives the next few months. The longer donald trump is president , the more reckless he gets. We dont have to be held prisoner by this administrations failure. We can choose a different path. We can do what americans have always done. Come together and meet the challenge with grit, compassion and determination. Today im going to tell you exactly what i plan to do if i have the honor of be elected your next president. Ill immediately put in place a National Strategy to position our country to get ahead of the virus and get back our lives. Ill reach out to every governor in every state, red and blue, as well as mayors and local officials during transition to find out what support they need and how much of it they need. Ill ask the new congress to put a bill on my desk by the end of january with all of the resources necessary to see how both our Public Health and our economic response can be seen through the end. What is needed. Look, a pandemic doesnt play favorites. Nor will i. As i said, no red states, no blue states. Just the United States. United in our response, united in our purpose to stop the spread of covid19 and beat this virus. First, ill go to every governor and mandate mask wearing in their states. If they refuse, ill go to the mayors and county executives and get local masks in place nationwide. As president , ill mandate mask wearing at all federal buildings and interstate transportation. Masks save lives, period. Look what happened in arizona. Republican governor initially tried to bar local governments from mandating masks on their communities. In what happened . Arizona got hit with a surge of cases. Hospitals were flooded. The state Health System was overwhelmed. So cities and counties appealed the governors ruling. They imposed their own local mandates covering most of the states. The result . Cases fell by 75 . Wearing a mask is not a political statement. Its scientific imperative. Its a point of patriotic pride so we can pull our country out of the got awful spiral were in. A testament to the values were taught by our faith. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Second, ill put a National Testing plan in place for the goal of testing as many people each day as were currently testing each week. A seven fold increase. A key difference in this campaign between donald trump and me. I believe in testing. Donald trump does not. I believe in science. I believe in Public Health officials. I believe in the example of other countries which prove that widespread testing is needed to regain the health of our nation, to reopen safely and to stay open. Every school, every worker, every american should have easy access to regular reliable free testing. To achieve this, we need to increase both labbased diagnostic testing with results back in 24 hour or less or faster, cheaper screening tests. You can take at home or in school. Look, we have right now isnt anywhere near good enough. States are still improvising on the fly. School districts are still mostly on their own. Many Americans Still dont know when its important to get a test or how. This isnt beyond our capacity to master. Not if were directing a coordinated effort across government and the private sector. Instead of leaving chaos to reign. Well manufacture the lab supplies needed to make sure that we have enough tests. Well tap more of our nations lab capacity to get your test results more quickly. Well build a National Court of contact tracers to work with organizations in these communities that are most at risk. Well also take steps to ensure that no one has to choose between getting a test and putting food on the table. Look, no one, no one is scared that being tested for covid might jeopardize their immigration status. Only way well defeat this virus is if we defeat it everywhere. Third point id like to make is, well close the personal protective equipment gap and get the gear out wheres needed. Every Healthcare Worker will have a reliable supply of properly fitted n95 masks. Its unconscionable. More than eight months in and front line workers are still rationing their personal protective equipment. As president , ill use the full power of the defense production act the drive the manufacturing of personal protective equipment, masks, gloves, gowns and more and ensure its distributed equitably. Look, we wont stop until the nations supply exceeds the demand. Our stockpile is replenished especially in hardhit areas and in communities that are disproportionately impacted by the virus. Im appoint fully empowered i will put fully empowered supply commander to fill in the gaps to make sure we can make supplies here at home so were not dependent on other countries in this crisis. Fourth, well provide consistent reliable truthed detailed nationwide guidance and Technical Support for reopening safely. The resources to make it happen. We need a Single Source of guidance that we can trust where we know the information wont change for any other than the science that guides it. Not political expediency, not public image. It wont be easy as to open our close. Social distance is not an on or off thing. Were learning more every day about the virus and how it spreads. We need to be able to adapt and adjust our behavior to responsibly respond appropriately. With schools and businesses cant make responsible decisions if they dont have the information, the science. Its not just more detail effective guidance they need. Its consultations and Technical Support so people have a place to turn with their questions. Its happening in government that is in your corner, not a government that turneds back on you. Once we get our federal, state and local governments working together, once theres universal masks, enough ppe and deathing to go around, science backed guidance to help us make the right decision, then we can get our kids back to school safely, our businesses growing and our economy running again without wasting another minute. As i said last night, im not going to shut down an economy. Im not going to shut down the country. Im going to shut down the virus. Finally, focus on redeveloping safe and effective treatments and distributing a safe and effective vaccine. President trump claims he found a cure. Let me tell you, yet we have 1,000 people dying each day, more than 40,000 people are in hospitals right now battling the virus. Lifesaving therapies shouldnt be just available to wealthy and wellconnect wellconnected. We need to make sure theyre available and affordable to everybody. Its also possible that we could learn any day that one of these vaccines currently in trial is showing itself to be effective. That will be a wonderful day for our people and people around the world everywhere whether it comes next week or the next two months. Still it will still be many months before any vaccine is widely available. We need a president that will take responsibility for making sure that it gets to every Single Person in this country in the way that is equitable and accountable. We need a president that in the meantime is doing his job to protect the American People. Once we have a safe and effective vaccine, it has to be free to everyone. Whether or not youre insured. Let me say that again. The vaccine must be free and freely available to everyone. This is not one more reason why its so despicable that donald trump is fighting in the middle of a pandemic to get the u. S. Supreme court to strike down the entire Affordable Care act, which i worked so damn hard to get the votes for. Under the aca, insurers are required to cover recommended vaccines for free. So overturning the aca would mean people have to pay to get covid19 vaccines. Thats wrong. Very, very wrong. Unlike donald trump, i believe healthcare is not a privilege. Its a right. Thats why as president ill protect and build on the aca by adding a public option that will compete with private plans to expand coverage and lower healthcare costs across the board. Ill bring down drug prices by allowing medicare to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. Ill make sure americans have insurance, those with insurance have access to free covid19 vaccines. Ill direct the federal government to bulk purchase as many doses are necessary of the covid19 vaccine so we can provide it free to those that are uninsured, underinsured or medicaid eligible. Yes, mr. President , ill listen to the scientists and ill empower them. I know how much President Trump has damaged faith in our institutions, in our leaders, in government itself. We have to rebuild the trust between the public and the public servants. One of the most difficult tasks well face in the coming years. If im elected president , ill always give it to you as f. D. R. Said straight from the shoulder. Ill deliver on my promises and listen to the American People no matter what their politics. Ill let the doctors and the scientists speak freely so you can make the best decision possible for yourself and for your family. I wont let four years of donald trumprob us of the most fundamental american qualities, our hope if the future and our faith in ourselves. We can beat this virus. Were not too divided to achieve big things. Were american. We can do this. Wee never failed when we worked together. Imagine, imagine a true nationally coordinated plan where we spare no expense so our schools have the resources need to be opening full health and safety protocols in place. Imagine every business get a restare start practices and minimizes. Imagine Older Americans with disabilities having the peace of mind that comes with trusting that the Public Health system is working for them. Imagine instead of staying locked up in their room, they can hug their grandchildren or others that they love that they havent been able to see. Imagine if youre a member of a community that has been hit particularly hard, black, latino, native americans, imagine a Public Health and economic response that treats your needs as a priority, not as an after thought. Imagine a day in the not too distant future when you can enjoy dinner with friends and family and maybe go to a movie. When you can celebrate your birthday, weddings, graduations, surrounded by your nearest and dearest friends. Thats the bidenharris agenda to beat covid19. Its going to take all of us working together. All of us working together. Watching out for one another. Were also going to have to wear our masks. A practical social distancing awhile longer. Its going to be hard. If we follow the science and keep faith with one another, i promise you well get through this and come out the other side much faster than the rate were going now. Look, you know this. The American People have always given their best to this country in times of crisis. This time is no different. Im not joking when i say this. I think every day about the brave doctors and nurses and hospital workers, police officers, firefighters, emts and other first responders. Not figuratively but literally putting their lives on the line day in and day out to care for people. I think of the essential workers that carried the rest of us on their shoulders through the many months, the Grocery Stores clerks, delivery clerks, the drivers. The folks on the assembly line, the meat packers. So many more. People too often overlooked, too often overlooked. Undercompensated. Given the best to their country when we needed them the most. Think of the small businesses, moved heaven and earth and try to take care of their employees and keep their businesses open. Sadly of all of those that couldnt because they didnt get the help they were promised. I think of the parents, juggling working from home with the added demands of overseaing a childs education. Think about the educators spending hours learning how to teach online. Theyre doing what they always do. Giving above and beyond for their students. Think of the families in the communities who stepped up, donating to charities. Doing grocery runs for older relatives and neighbors. Finding new ways to connect and support one another. Thats the america we know. Thats the United States of america. Thats who we are. Like john f. Kennedy when he committed to take us to the moon, he said i refuse to postpone the possibilities that exist for this country. I refuse to postpone. Refuse to postpone the american purpose. Not only lead our country back but lead the entire world. Theres no challenge, theres no challenge we cannot meet. No enemy were unable to face. No threat we cant conquer. We stand together united, bound by our common resolve, determination and values. Folks, together we the harness the unlimited potential of the American People. Not just to get back where we were before this virus hit us, but to get back better. I promise you. You know in your heart we can do this. We must do this. And we will do it together. You know we can do it. This is the United States of america. God bless you all and may god protect our frontline workers and all of those that have lost a loved one. Thank you and keep the faith. Bill so thats wilmington, delaware. Sounds like a Closing Argument. Joe biden going after the president on covid saying that hes quit on you, saying we cans which a different path, laying out what he would do with a National Strategy including free testing and vaccines and contact tracing. A lot of that is happening right now. This is chris wallace. Good afternoon to you. What do you think of that, the afternoon after the big debate . Yeah, i agree with you. I think it is a Closing Argument but a good one for joe biden. Maybe the best one hes got. You look at the polls, people not happy with the way this president has handled the covid, the coronavirus. Joe biden laying out a specific set of plans there, not just talking about the president did last night about waiting for the vaccine. I thought it was smart also to tie it to healthcare and the fact that the president is in the Supreme Court the week after the election going to try to kill the Affordable Care act. When biden says if talking about trying to kill the aca in the middle of a pandemic, thats a powerful message. Then just the generally the argument about unity that these are not red states, blue states. Its the United States. Were all in it together. Its a good message for him. I suspect its the message youll hear a lot in these last 11 days of the campaign. Bill well see the president later in florida. He will campaign there and do a lot over the weekend. Go back to one moment last night, this is an hour and 15 minutes in. This is President Trump addressing joe biden. Just listen for the language in this exchange, chris. Watch. You were there just a short time ago and you guys did nothing. Joe, i ran because of you. I ran because of barack obama. Because you did a poor job. If i thought you did a good job, i would have never run. I would have never run. I ran because of you. Im looking at you now. Youre a politician. I ran because of you. Bill a lot of people said that is the genesis of his campaign. What did you think of that exchange . That and over and over he kept talking about joe biden as a career politician, 47 years in washington. All talk, no action. I think thats a good message for the president. The one thing that i thought was lacking last night is that he Department Talk much about what his agenda would be for a second term. Generally speaking, particularly with the president seeking reelection, voters want to know. Okay. Youve done this over the first four years. What are you going to do the next four years . We didnt hear a lot of that from the president. I know theres a lot of Top Republican strategists that think that the president need to do more of that in the last week of this campaign. Bill chris, thanks. Sorry it was short. We have to run. Thanks. Thats dope, man. You can use that. See you sunday. Thank you. Big show ahead here. Robert obrien is here in a moment. Wideranging interview and major news out of the middle east and the biden team doing a cleanup. Well do that in a moment after this. Lets be clear about this. Joe biden wont ban fracking. Back in january, we knew that this was really, really bad. We had ample forewarning. But we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. Completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. There were things that could have been done. A lot of people have died needlessly, and theres nothing more frustrating than feeling like youre fighting against someone who should have your back. We are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. We use 11. Eleven. Why do an expense report from your phone when you can do it from a machine that jams . I just emailed my wifes Social Security number to the entire company instead of hr, so. Please come back. How hard is your Business Software working for you . With paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easytouse software. Visit paycom. Com for a free demo. Hon . First off, we love each other. Bill the fbi set to interview Hunter Bidens business parter, Tony Bobulinski some time today. Mike emanuel is on that story reporting again hour by hour. Mike, hello. Were told bobulinski said he was willing to hand over his Electronic Devices about his business dealings. Tony bobulinski was set to speak with the financial communities led Byron Johnson and chuck grassley. Johnson jabbing at the fbi saying theyre finally taking an interest. I expect mr. B

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