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Lives. Welcome back doctor and good afternoon to you. Is there any way i need to know this answer in the month of april right now . Knowing what, and the things we need to do now to make our society safer and be able to open as soon and as safely as possible. We are all inpatient to go out again, we need to restart our economy and society but if we do that too soon it will backfire. You see that big, this is catastrophic. Hundreds of deaths every day. This is the sound of ambulance sirens a day and night and thats the potential, if we dont get it right. Bill dr. Birx was asked about the second wave last night at the briefing at the white house and heres how she characterized that specifically with regard to new york and elsewhere. I dont know if it will be worse, i think this has been pretty bad. When you see what has happened in new york, that was very bad. I believe we will have a Early Warning signals both from our surveillance that weve been talking about in the vulnerable population. Statements of the way she characterizes it, how could it be worse . Weve all been put on warning so far today. It could get a lot worse. So far the vast majority of americans havent been infected and, we cant make a real big difference here. We need to make sure Health Care System is stronger, and we protect patients so they can survive. And we also need to protect our vulnerable elderly and vulnerably medical people. And we are a lot better about that than we were before find anyone who was infected and self isolate those people for a period of 14 days. You are also protecting those who have hurt issues. We have to see who is most vulnerable. The older you are on average, the more likely you are to get severely old from this virus. When i think about my 90yearold mother, she used to be in a couple of choirs. Shes not going back to those choirs anytime soon because thats just too risky. We have recognized people with uncontrolled diabetes and other underlying conditions that are more severely affected, and all of us are going to have to Work Together to protect the most vulnerable among us. Bill when you look at some of the states, what should they be considering now as they try to reopen . I think this is a hard decision, follow the data and we have to understand its a risky experiment to open early. Thats why its so important that we strengthen our Public Health system and we protect our vulnerable and we are ready to close again if we have to, to avoid the kind of catastrophic spread. After these agreements there are always a lot of who won and who lost. Bill and Mitch Mcconnell will join us in a few moments, providing billions for Small Businesses and hospitals and testing. The house could vote on that bill tomorrow. I want to bring in martha maccallum. Nice to see you. Good afternoon to you. What is your sense for how washington is doing . I think you are starting to get conversations about these next tranches and where the money goes. You are getting a closer look at where the money is going and scrutiny on where the money is going. I know we will discuss Harvard University which is one of the Big Questions and examples and it almost feels like in the first round we had the Kennedy Center. And people said, wait a minute. Why is the Kennedy Center in this emergency bill to help businesses get through this tough time . Those questions questions are rising about the second tranche and i think you will get even more scrutiny going forward. I know Mitch Mcconnell, and i know you are speaking to him in a moment said hes open to the idea of bankruptcy for states. What you are hearing on the policy side is what they want, they want more of that money to save the states. And they should be allowed to go into bankruptcy protection and its a valid question. To bill i saw this a bit earlier today, for the First Time Since 1945. It just really makes you swallow hard. You mention harvard, i guess these are the moral hazards you get when you are handing out hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars at one time. We will see whether or not they hang onto this money. What is your view about harvard with regard to dozens if not hundreds of higher places who got money as well . On one hand when the word goes out, if you are running the finance of these institutions, you will apply for it. On the other hand you got harvard which has a 40 billion Endowment Fund and they laid off about 300 of their cafeteria employees in the early stages of this. If they use some of that Endowment Fund to cover this, i think at 700,000 in cost, i heard Charles Payne say earlier today, that would be a drop in the bucket for their endowment. Harvard has also long been working toward the model where they are tuition free. So you do have to raise these questions about where this money is going on how much scrutiny but i think you have to raise it at the level of when these bills are being written and the plans are being written. I dont think you can blame businesses and institutions for applying. And they are the ones that put the money in there in the first place. Harvard has been allocated funds as part of they act Higher Education relief fund. They will be used to provide direct assistance to students facing urgent financial needs due to the covid19 pandemic. You could find hundreds if not thousands of recipients. And we might right now be just at the tip of the iceberg theres all this money being thrown at so many businesses and institutions and i know there are some businesses that are trying to get out and cant get it and i hope the money gets to those that need at the most. We are going to have a reckoning. We are entering a zone where we will be 25 trillion in debt, and thats one that we will wrestle with in the months following the darkest days of all of this. I think its going to be one that has some reckoning moments as well as we try to get the economy back on track. Theres nothing that is going to help businesses survive more than getting back to business. Bill Steven Mnuchin said we will see in time who gets the money or those who needed more with the Endowment Fund. Martha, we will see you at 7 00 east coast time, thanks for coming on today. As we mentioned, a 484 billion relief package goes to the house tomorrow. But first i will speak with the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell about that, lots of questions for him coming up momentarily. You got hundreds of protesters pushing to reopen virginia and the governor says they are putting people at risk. Some inmates have been released over coronavirus concerns and will tell you why. If anyone commits the kind of crime where they have to be rearrested to, of course they will be. If they have to be reincarcerated, they will be. But i think against the backdrop of what was a real humanitarian crisis, it was the right move. By over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. For one week only, save up to 44 on select claritin products. Check this sundays newspaper for details. To those who donate their time. Who go from making coffee to making masks. And turn their store into so much more. From all of us at dunkin, to all the heroes keeping everyone running. We thank you. To all the heroes keeping everyone running. Veteran50year lows. Ortgage rates have fallen to but did you know that your va benefit lets you easily refinance to a lower rate . One call to newday can save you 2000 a year. With newdays va streamline refi theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. 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The New York Post also reports that the more than 50 inmates who were rearrested after being let go, some had been freed yet again. Since midmarch some 1500 inmates have been released in new york city to reduce crowding in jails an end in an effort to prevent coronavirus outbreaks. But there is concern given the uptake and crimes in the city. And thats 50 compared to the same week last year. That blamed in part, the states new bail reform law for increasing and stay free on the streets. And with the existing law, whats happening is the individuals are being released immediately and thats something that ultimately in the end has to be fixed. The 1500 inmates released, they are releasing nonviolent offenders and they would priority focus on those more susceptible to covid19. So here in new new york, here at the Queens Borough correctional facility the aclu says 120 inmates at least have died of covid19 nationwide. Some 17,000 inmates have been released in 21 states across the country and ultimately the aclu is calling for all states to free more inmates. And they have done is much present testing, and more than 700 inmates have tested positive there including 80 of inmates at the marion correctional center. Those guards have tested positive and to have died. There is concern that they may be inadvertently spreading coronavirus in their community. Bill bryan llenas reporting here in new york. The house getting ready to vote on another massive stemless package after the Senate Passed it. In a moment i will speak with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. How well has the system works so far . Welcome missouri becoming the first state to sue china. What legal chance that lawsuit stands and what sort of damages could they win . Lem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin. I want that too. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. 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But it was in fact delayed by democratic maneuvers. And we put 310 billion in two replenish the program for Small Businesses which ran out of money 12 days ago. We also added 75 billion for hospitals and we know they are struggling. Probably even more important to the outcome of 25 billion for testing. We have really developed kind of a Manhattan Project approach to testing because we know that even when the governors begin to open up the economy, as in my view they should begin to do, and when hospitals are allowed once again to do elective surgery which is the only place they make any money, we can begin to get out of this malaise by bringing the economy back to life. Spivey one we will ask about that in a moment, but thats what she said, she made the bill better because the testing on the billions that are no available for hospitals. Thats a point she was making. And we are all interested in that and none of that was in contention. What they really wanted to do was to pass legislation to send money to local governments and what i said was we are not going to do that, we will wait and take a pause, and we will assess the future potential damage to the country by adding 2. 7 trillion to the national debt. The next time we consider, shall i say, phase four, all the members of the senate are back, which would be the earliest may 4th. We are not interested in in revenue for state governments, we are not interested in solving their pension problems and all these other things that they would like for us to finance. To that point, mayor bill de blasio said he wants washington to provide 7. 4 billion to help new york. Thats just the city. Are you saying today that will not happy that that will happen . What im saying is, we will take a pause here at least until may the 4th which is the time they will have everyone back in the senate, and clearly before we provide assistance to state and local government and make sure that they have no revenue losses. And make certain that if we provide additional assistance for state and local governments its only for coronavirus related and they arent taking advantage of this pandemic, solving problems with themselves and bad decisions in the past. Do you see the senate coming back to work on the 4th of may . Thats the current plan. Bill so how do you see or what to forecast what could be in the next bill, or the next tranche of hundreds of billions of dollars . Of the first thing is to decide whether there needs to be another tranche. The ultimate solution to this is to get the economy back up and running. For example, is already doing it to mix up the directions, and the solution to the hospital problem is elective surgery which is the only place they are making any money, thats a state decision. So all of us will be encouraging our states to begin to move in the direction of getting back to normal, bearing in mind of the advice of dr. Fauci and dr. Birx. Social distancing, the destigmatization of wearing a mask, no one should be embarrassed to wear a mask, and less is back in and solve the problem by getting growth back in our economy. Bill one last thing. And what word would you use to describe that . How would you describe what the efforts have done so far. Off of capitol hill . Ive tried to deal with a disaster but anytime you throw 2. 7 trillion out over a short period of time, and there were mistakes made. Thats the impact on the count country, all of this country needs to be considered in a more thoughtful and more measured w way. Bill thank you senator Mitch Mcconnell. Fox news alert, hes ordering ththe new u. S. Navy to shoot and destroy any iranian gunboats to harass american ships. That threat comes a week after they accused military vessels of coming dangerously close to u. S. Navy and coast guard shapes and nearly colliding with one of them on the persian gulf. This is a video of that encounter. And while i ran out launching its First Military satellite into space. U. S. Officials telling fox news that likely fail because they are not detecting any new satellites in orbit. We will keep you posted on that as it moves forward. Meanwhile President Trump also planning to send an executive order today to limit immigration. We will head to the white house and find out the latest on that moments away. In this race for a virus vaccine that has gone global, i will speak with the top scientists from johnson johnson. When do they think they can get the job done on this vaccine . Thats good news for veterans with va loans. Thats me. 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To everyone around the world working so hard to bring breakfast to the table, thank you. Bill President Trump with an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration to the u. S. And he says that will put a 60 day pause on issuing green cards and that will help cut down on competition for jobs. Critics argue that covid19 has frozen immigration. Live from the north lawn, john roberts has more on this. We dont know exact timing of when the president will sign the executive order but we do think it will be sometime today. That will put a pause on the green card process and the reasons for that are twofold. First of all to protect american jobs particularly at a time when he hopes to get the economy back up and running and that gives access to health care. That we will become more and more protective of them. Also you can help conserve vital medical resources, with a short break from new immigration depending on the time we are talking about. We will protect the solvency of our Health Care System. In 2019 the u. S. Immigration service has issued 577,000 green cards and there were another 590 pending as we crossed over and thats how this pause, and those applications are currently in the system. And strawman avoiding of real problems facing the country. He is now is talking about immigration because its a distraction from his failure on testing. Frankly, just grow up to the fact that we haven a big challn our country. Initially it appeared that the immigration ban was going to be much broader, but after complaints from farmers and other sectors, the white house made adjustments and heres the press secretary. I want to emphasize a President Trump approach this in a very smart and measured way. So hotels for instance and landscapers, and 60 days is just an initial restriction and we understand that the president could extend that. That depends on what he feels is necessary, for an indefinite period of time as well. What we know is there are people already in the system and if there are applications overseas. Bill at john roberts on the north lawn. Scientists around the world racing to develop a vaccine. Johnson johnson reporting they will Start Testing on humans in september. And its good to see you is mike again. How will you know and as you know we selected the candidate in late march, and we are preparing for getting into Clinical Trials as well as starting to upscale. We have a plant which is fully functional and already preparing, and soon will bring on board more capacity in the u. S. To also prepare there. Everything is on track to start clinicals and deliver the vaccines early next year. Bill thats remarkable stuff. They seem to be on that timeli timeline. Thats a challenge in the race in the face of time against the disease that you are against, doctor. And we do the diligent work to be sure we cant show the regulators to the government that we have a safe and effective vaccine. At the same time, while its unprecedented it, we need so many, like a billion dosages in such a short time and thats where that capacity needs to become available and thats what we are mobilizing at the moment. Bill that is a million doses by the middle of 2021. Thats massive. If you are able to do this, and we talked about this in our broadcast today, how effective is the vaccine . Does the virus to mutate and change which prevents a whole new challenge for the work you are doing today . First let me, it will take some time before we are really at the 1 billion number. Thats a change of the virus and at the moment, the insurgents may not be there because the virus is changing, but that population will be infected. And thats where if we are not helpful, there are measures to prevent that. And its not because of a change in the vaccine most probably, it will because most of the people are not immune yet. Bill one other thing, can you look at certain aspects for those who have covid19 now . That you can design the drug around . Is that possible . And first of all, they generate antibodies against the disease so thats and those antibodies can be taken from patients and used as therapy is. There are several Companies Working on plasma freeze as its called and bringing antibodies from public patients. Second those antibodies can also lead to learning how to make those antibodies in manufacturing so thats also an option for not immediate, but very soon therapy so we can learn a lot from that. We can also learn whether the antibodies protect, and thats still under evaluation. So more scientists needed to make sure that we learn from the survivors of covid19 on how how will protective and how long they have gone to the disease. Bill i see it as a race against time and i think you feel the same way. Thank you for coming back here today. Thank you and good luck. Hospitals around the world, here in new york a milestone was raised. That is an awesome site. Deborah priester is the 750th covid19 patient discharged from nyu, winthrop and long island. All of the hospital workers were there to send her off. In a moment, a new poll revealing what citizens have to say about china as the Intelligence Committee tries to uncover what happened inside of that lab. Talking about that, and north korean dictator kim jong un and his health. I can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. 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The government in china instead engaged a sinister campaign of malfeasance. The suit claims that they went so far as to arrest whistleblowers in the suit also claims china knowing what the rest of the world was in for a hoarded mask and personal protective equipment. Now eric schmidt the attorney general of missouri wants to get compensation for the people he represents. The chinese authorities suppressed information early on in the months of december and january when that time was critical but could have been controlled in wuhan, but it wasnt. In fact whistleblowers were silenced. Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesman called the lawsuit absurd to come in abusive litigation with no factual basis. He acknowledges that he does have the protection of the foreign sovereign immunities act but opportunities like businesses with ppr created an exception and opportunity. He said he hopes to get to that problem. Bill a thank you mike. Now the latest investigation into how this all started. Sources tell fox news of the trump team is considering different ways told the Chinese Government accountable. They include sanctions, military forces and revoking visas. Teresa payton is a white house operative, welcome back to you. I want to share these pew research numbers with our audience that came out today. Americans overall view of china, 66 in the survey are unfavorable. They asked a question about chinese power and influence and we found 62 consider that a major threat. Do you consider these numbers surprising . Or do you see them changing significantly in a short period of time . If they have changed significantly in a short period of time and its very interesting. It doesnt seem that long ago but yet it seems like years ago. We were just arguing about huawei and 5g and their role into the global cellular 5g rollout and here we are in the midst of a pandemic. Americans are paying attention, they are paying attention to media reports, paying attention to what china is reporting and not reporting, and from many standpoints you could say that they are not even falling for all of the manipulation campaigns that china has been promoting on social media. Bill its you talk about it fitting a pattern, what a pattern do you see it applying to this . Whats interesting is china is very much sort of a Public Opinion guidance management. We call it manipulation but thats what they call it. They focus on their own citizens to live and telling the citizens that their numbers were lower and they give the rest of the world time to prepare. If told their citizens we are now open for business and we are going to be monitoring things. What they are also telling the rest of the world is, it wasnt our fault. It didnt originate here. By the way, we are open for business, while you are not. For continuing to follow this pattern for whats going on for more than a decade as far as using social media to promote these manipulation campaigns. Bill so often we associate that with moscow and now this. We will keep an eye on it and see how the mood of americans, how we evolve right now as we move through the story. Another story out of north korea, what do you think the story is there with kim jong un and his fate . Please list a series of highprofile events inside of his own country. Do you have a theory or can we Say Something definitively now . This is interesting. And thats north korean news saying that they believe he is gravely ill, and and what they do know is this. North korea will decide when and if we actually know the full truth of whats going on with his actual health. They are very good at guiding social media and making sure their citizens cant access it but promoting sort of a strong north korea, strong leader and strong presence. My hunch is he may not be feeling well, whether or not its gravely ill or hes in trouble, it remains to be seen. Bill one more point here. You say if he is in trouble his sister takes over and that could be worse for the united states. Many people went may not realize, shes been in discussions with her brother when the president s delegation was there. She actually runs the propaganda campaigns today for her brother. So she really understands what works and what doesnt, and how to shape opinions. If she ends up taking over, a lot of people say she will be a figurehead and she really understands how to leverage these propaganda campaigns to north koreas advantage. Bill teresa, we will talk in a week or two, if not more. Many of you coming together to help our Health Care Workers across america. In a moment, how you can get involved with that rv and more. And tom brady will have some family or company on his new team and his new town if and when the nfl ever comes back. I unite. He set out during his time away. He appeared as fox sports commentator and focused on his charity. Now hes going back to the field and enjoying a Buccaneers Team already stacked with offensive talent. Interesting year, we will see how it goes. Meanwhile, a move picking up across the country. Its called rbs for mds. It is a movement that has got a lot of momentum going right now. Strangers helping strangers. For all the success this movement is having, there is actually a need for more rbs to be donated. I want to tell you about this story. It started with emily phillips, the wife of an Emergency Room Physician in texas who received an rv from her husband after reaching out a facebook as she became more concerned about the increasing risks to her family. A day after her request to get a loan rv was posted, holly hagerty showed up with her rv without hesitation. And the women knew immediately, this was an idea that we catch on with people. They are not hesitating, they are just doing it, because it is the right thing to do, and they want to do something for somebody else. Ive never seen anything like it in my entire life. I dated this is going to go down in my opinion as one of the biggest, most positive things that came out of tragedy in our country. They created a Facebook Page called rvs for mds. It has 30,000 members. 1100 matters of medical workers with rv and camper owners in the u. S. To date, including new york long island, donated her rv to a woman temporarily whose daughter works nights at a local hospital and whose husband has respiratory issues from 9 11. During this time, i have been feeling kind of helpless. And i thought that, you know, if i could just go on and donate my rv. It was my driveway doing nothing. So i might as well donated to someone who needs it. It is overwhelming. It is overwhelming to know that somebody will just selflessly give this trailer to us and let my daughter stay in it. No questions asked. She just dropped it off. It was very selfless, beautiful thing for her to do. Speak to the needs vary from state to state. Perhaps the greatest need might be here in new york where there are so many Health Care Workers. Bill it is an awesome story. Thank you. News on harvard, neil, has got that next. We will see you tomorrow. Byebye. Neil thank you, bill. It is the warning that has everybody talking. Why did he mean . What are the cdc director mean about maybe a more maryland strand of this coming later . This has protests keyed up in richmond, virginia, among a halfdozen other cities and states today that are dealing with the shutdowns, which state had enough. We will be up on those protests. But first on what the cdc director meant when he told a Washington Post that there is a distinct possibility that a second stronger virus could be coming our way by the end of the year. The latest from cdc headquarte headquarters, in atlanta. Jonathan

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