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Third place in north carolina. We can see on the ground there is a ton of excitement and a great ground game, and i spent a lot of time in both states, so my campaign is doing really well. Im about to show america that i can pull it together with a Diverse Coalition of democrats, not just win the nomination, but to beat donald trump in the fa fall. Bill first thing is first, will you be on the stage tuesday night in South Carolina . Yes or no . Yes. Bill you have spent upwards of 267 million . So Michael Bloomberg is outpacing you by 409 million. How much when money are you willing to spend . Look, bill, my opinion about the race and the reason i got into the race is i believe it is absolutely critical for america to take back our government from the corporations that bought it. I believe we are in a crossroads. It cannot be more important. You are asking me about money, and i am answering you about commitment. I would not be in this race if i did not think it was critical. I would not spend 100 of my time to my kids and my wife, they would not have quit their jobs to work on the campaign if we did not think that this was a critical issue. Bill might not be in the race if you are not a billionaire and had the money to spend. To speak of the funny thing is, bill, i have spent years that every time i have seen something wrong in america, i have put in all of my time and energy and pn money to try and change it. Thats exactly what im doing here. Thats exactly what i did in climate and why it started the need to impeach movement, to impeach the most corrupt president in history. I work as hard as i can and do whatever it takes in order to right it and stand up for working americans. Thats what im doing here. So when you ask me how much i care, there is no limit to how much i care. What is going on in america is wrong. And im doing every single thing i can to take back the government from the corporations who have bought it to represent working americans and give them a chance to put money in their pocket and deal with the climate crisis. Thats exactly what i am doing. Im doing it as hard as i can do it. And thats what i will keep doing. Bill you saw the debate this past week, you said donald trump won the week. How come . I felt as if the people on stage forgot that what we really need to do is pull the Party Together and explain to americans that why what we are going to do is so much better for them, why the economy is going to work so much better for them than it does in the trump and administration. If you take your eye off that ball, then i gets an advantage, you have people attacking each other, one when we should be taking those points. Bill give me a chance to get in here, what did you think of the debate . I heard you say that donald trump won the week, and Mike Bloomberg said the same thing, with another that a third billionaire won the week, how is spent too other. I felt that in fact, the case in point here was matt what is wrong with each other, but what are we going to do for the American People. A 10 tax cuts for everybody who makes less im talking about creating foreign a half million good paying union jobs across this country as we rebuild america. And i am talking about a completely different minimum wage, that in fact, i call it the maralago economy. This is the economy that works for mr. Trumps palate at the maralago country club. It does not work for working americans. The money is not flowing for them. You cannot live on the wages that this bill i saw the Unemployment Rate in South Carolina, 2. 6 . I saw the Unemployment Rate in New Hampshire at 2. 7 . These are historical lows. You are making the case that everybody is getting ripped off. Wait for the question. You are making the case that everybody is getting ripped off. I am looking at the numbers, and it is extraordinary. I am looking at those jobs and going to South Carolina, and i am looking at what it means to make 7. 25 an hour. Im looking at South Carolina and looking at people who cannot afford medicare to keep their kids alive. I am looking at South Carolina and looking at people that drink the tap water and get sick and have schools that are not enabling their kids to grow up and have the mobility and to the success that they deserve. I am looking in america where all the money is going to rich people and there are a lot of jobs, but you cant live on the job. Thats what im looking at. And i am looking at South Carolina. Ive been in New Hampshire, around the country, and what i see is people who are suffering and all the money is going to the richest people. And we just gave them another huge tax break. Why . I dont know, i would do the exact opposite. Bill i will show you the numbers in South Carolina, this is tough going here. I see biden at 24. 5 , taking in third place, is South Carolina your best hope to win, place, show, tom . Let me put it this way, i take South Carolina very seriously, bill, this is a place that has a large africanamerican population. I have been speaking directly about race. Those are people who have a huge impact, and reflect on diversity in the democratic party. So i consider South Carolina very important. I am the only person running for president who says openly and consistently down for reparations for slavery. And South Carolina will have a real voice in terms of showing which candidate can put together a Diverse Coalition of democrats and can pull the Party Together and cant have people show up in november to beat mr. Trump at the polls. Bill i have about a minute left here, when you are going after the economy and the way that you are, a lot of folks see it much differently. They see a very strong economy. They say a bull market has been running for a long time. Any would say, the dow is no measure of success. But for a lot of people in america, wages are going higher, unemployment is dropping. And if you want a job, you can find one. I will give you the last chance. Yes, the stock market is up, we gave big American Company is the biggest tax break ever. Most americans dont own stocks. The people at the maralago country club do you own stocks. You can get a job, but you cant pay for your rent if you get the job. You can get a job, you just cant afford health care. You can get a job, but in fact what is really happening is the money is going to rich people. And that is the statistic. Bill we will see what South Carolina says, tom, thank you. I have some breaking news. Thank you for coming on today. Harvey weinstein will have to wait until the weekend is over for the possibility of the ultimate decision in hayes rape trial. Despite some latebreaking development about an hour ago, jurors have reached a unanimous verdict on three of the five counts. But the judge ordering them to keep deliberating to try to agree on all of them. We will break it down with a lawyer, so stand by as breaking news in new york. Tom steyer, cut him off early, but i want to show viewers at home as we move the focus back to democracy 2020. I will show you what is happening in nevada. We are talking about South Carolina a moment ago, here South Carolina four years ago put Hillary Clinton, fivepoint win her over Bernie Sanders. Two places to look for votes in nevada. You have clark county, where Hillary Clinton was an easy winner by nine points four years ago, and reno is the second place, washoe county, Bernie Sanders turned to the points of two points there. We are watching this on the calendar. In february, coming up on the 22nd for nevada. South carolina was what i was just talking about tom steyer, the week after on a saturday. Politics reporter for reno gazette, good day to you. Who has no momentum, would you say . Who has the buzz when you look at these numbers behind Bernie Sanders . Hi. Thank you for having me on. Bernie definitely has the momentum. And he has for some time. Building up a lead in the polls. Probably the most fearsome organizing team in the states. Certainly the largest one. The opportunity for the other candidates to blunt his momentum may have already passed as far as the union decided not to endorse a candidate. It would hurt Bernie Sanders if they nominated some of the else, but they opted not to. So you have to think that Bernie Sanders is the favorite. Bill what about process, accounting, systems that might work, backup paper systems, what is the expectation for how smoothly this goes or not . Good question. My expectation is that it goes more smoothly than iowa, because we have the opportunity to learn from some of their mistakes. But i dont know how much more smoothly. The information that has been trickling out and the party has been good and better than the communication that we saw in iowa. But at the end of the day you do not know. A lot depends on turnout. A lot depends on ipad technologies that are maybe in the not best suited for this thing. But the party is very wellrun, they know what they are doing. They have done what they can to avoid i was mistakes. Moving to pen and paper in a lot of cases. I would expect something less catastrophic. Bill i will put you on the positive category. But two days ago they were still doing all the training. Was that the case . Because early voting has been underway for some time. Yeah, yeah. Well, they have had to shift in a lot of different technologies. They were going to use the same app that iowa, that because so many problems in iowa. They had to shift away and hire new teams, they are folks here from google that are going to be standing by, especially down south in vegas. My sense is that they have done everything they can to make it right smoothly, and now we hope that there is not some computer glitch that they missed or something. Bill we will keep our fingers crossed, james, thank you. Nice to have you gone from las vegas. James dehaven with us. Back to the top story, the judge in Harvey Weinsteins case dismissing jurors all only moments ago after they reached a unanimous verdict on three of the five counts. The judge then ordering the jurors to resume deliberation next week and agree on all of them. Back to that story and moments coming up. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. The sun is risin as the day begins time for reflectin on family and friends and hey, we got somethin just for you sniffing its a cup of your favoriiiite. loud splashing highpitched laughter dang woodchucks with geico, the savings keep on going. 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Prescription power. Proven to work. Now with a new indication. Ask your doctor about vascepa. Bill breaking news in new york, the judge in harvey Harvey Weinsteins trial telling jurors to come back after they reached a verdict on 3 of 5 verdicts against him. A pleading not guilty to all charges. Of the two counts that to the jury has not decided to carry maximum sentences of life in prison. Former federal prosecutor with me. Get to the heart of the matter, count 1 and count 3 carry a sentence of life in prison. A potential life maximum. Bill what is happening so far today . Yes, there is a unanimous verdict, the jury has reached consensus on the underlying three charges. And there is no other way to read it that the jury has found him guilty on the other three charges. Because, and it will tell you why, the way that the state charged the cases that the counts of Sexual Assault counts, you have to find him guilty of one underlying crime in order to even consider that charge. So the jury is essentially saying to the judge, look, we have decided that he is guilty of Sexual Assault against these two women, the complaining witnesses. But there are these two additional charges that are there predatory Sexual Assault charge, which means a habitual charge. That is the charge of annabella sciorra. The actress from the sopranos. Bill that goes back to the 1990s. So what is happening here is whether or not her story was credible. Bill valid on the two counts . Exactly, they have been asking for read backs on testimony and evidence pertaining to Annabella Sciorras testimony. And frankly, she was the most credible witness many have been saying and commenting that she was the most credible witness throughout the duration of the trial, thats why the state put her in the case to begin with. It is not looking good for Harvey Weinstein. Bill you dont think so . No, not looking good. Bill you look at the jurors and the questions, they have come back to the courtroom to ask, what do you take from that . The commitment is the longer the jury deliberates, the better. We have seen indications that there is a holdout in the jury just as we have seen there is one person or two or three that cant come to a consensus about annabella sciorra. Clearly they have come to a consensus about just command and the one thing they are holding out on his annabella sciorra. Bill can you get a hung jury on two of the five counts . Absolutely, and the defense was willing to accept a partial verdict, and the reason why is that they read the tea leaves, and this meant in all likelihood he would be guilty of the lowest three charges, and they said we dont want him convicted of the top two. Bill can you appeal the verdict . You can always appeal. Bill what happens with the case in california . Regardless of what happens in this case, Harvey Weinstein will stand trial in california for those charges. Two different accusers, different circumstances, and l. A. Will definitely want to have their day in court with mr. Weinstein. Bill you say it is not a good day for weinstein, you conclude that based on what . I conclude it based on this last question that they have asked the judge, because if they found him not guilty on those underlying three crimes, they would not even ask about the top two charges, they would not get to considering the top charges. Thats what tells me they have decided on the guilty verdict. Bill so they take the weekend off . On monday they come back and say, we are still at a stalemate. Absolutely, the judge sent an allen charge, or dynamite charge, they have to come to a decision. This happened in the bill cosby case. When there are five charges, its highly unlikely that there will be a consensus on the five charges. Bill it is breaking news for now. We will pick it up on monday. Nice to see you in studio today. In a moment here, a new coronavirus case in the u. S. , more passengers from that diamond princess cruise ship have tested positive. The latest on the outbreak with marc siegel and why the cdc is having a problem testing for the virus. Why would that be . I use rakuten to get cash back instore and online. Rakuten is free to sign up and its in over 3,000 stores. I use it to buy makeup. Travel. Clothes, electronics. To me, rakuten is a great way to get cash back on anything you buy. Sign up today and rack it up with rakuten. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. I suffered with psoriasis i felt gross. People were afraid i was contagious. I was covered from head to toe. 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University of, meanwhile, the Medical Center reporting 11 of 13 americans under quarantine after they left a cruise ship in japan have tested positive. So for the virus has spread across 27 countries, and infected 70,000 people worldwide. Most of those cases are in china. Dr. Marc siegel with me, professor of medicine at nyu, how are you doing, sir . A good day to you. What we need to understand today on this. Starting with the United States, center of disease control, 34 cases in the u. S. , 18 came from that ship you mention, the diamond princess. They were evacuated here in a facility in nebraska, which was a 20 million grant, it is a beautiful quarantining facility, 11 out of 13 testify. Bill status of the vaccine today is what . I want to reference that by saying that the swine flu vaccine back in 2009 was done under a fullcourt press in six months. The vaccine they are working on here, several candidates based on previous coronavirus vaccines. The prediction is a year, but with all of this attention, there is a possibility it could be faster than a year. Bill that would be . Do you consider that to be good . Or is that on the fast track . That his record speed. Because when they get it through clinical trials, people in great need could be looking at it on an experimental basis. Bill of the medical workers that are treating patients are getting sick themselves, why . Because it is a highly contagious virus. It is about as contagious as the flu. It affects upper and lower respiratory tracts and causes a characteristic pneumonia. Theres a lot of debate about how to diagnose a case if you dont have the blood test to do it. China has gone back and forth on that. Right now they are saying if they have a characteristic finding on xray or a ct scan or clinical symptoms, we can give them the diagnosis. Bill has a doctor if you treated one of those patients, you would take the protection you think necessary, correct . If i knew they had it, i would wear a hazmat suit. Bill you would . If i am suspecting a case, a surgeon face mask, but if i had a case, i would want them with a hazmat suit. I would not risk any chance of it spreading on my clothing. Bill so are they sloppy or is the virus that effective . I think the virus is way more contagious than we were expecting. I think that there has been some sloppiness. Clearly the diamond princess ship is a disgrace, what happened there, with the crew walking around, spreading virus. That was supposed to be a quarantine ship and over 600 people get it, it shows you that cruise ships are not a good place to quarantine people. We know that. We are trying to do in the United States is really contained this by isolating patients and identifying all contacts. So far that has been going well, but i want to put one down side on this. The test kits are not readily available. 100 centers have them around the country from cdc, bill. But one of the entrances is not working. We have to get them soon so that in my office or hospital, i can test for coronavirus. If i see someone with symptoms that concern me that could be coronavirus, maybe they test negative for the flu, i want to be able to test them. Bill are we being paranoid about this . Or are we treating it appropriately . Several weeks in . I think the task force appointed by the president is doing a very good job. The head of the cdc is a virologist. He has many decades of experience on this. In the u. S. We are being sober and messaging correctly, but china is still out of control. Quarantining whole regions, 75,000 people. We dont know where the end point is. I am hoping with the late spring coming it will start to die down. Bill you are the expert. I hope you are right. Nice to see you as well. In a moment, Bernie Sanders wrapping up the attacks against Mike Bloomberg saying President Trump would chew him up and spit him out in a debate. Chris wallace reacts to that comment next. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. New, boost women. Tits great actually, ive been listening to audible. Its audiobooks, news, meditations. Gotta go hey you know, i do think its weird youve started commuting when you work from home. 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Fox news sunday anchor chris wallace, how are you doing, my friend . Nice to see you on a friday afternoon. Chew him up and spit him out, what do you think . Well, i think that if bloomberg continues to perform as he did this last week, that is true. The big question of course is going to be, does bloomberg do better in the debate this week in South Carolina . He can spend all the money in the world, but if he continues to perform like that on live tv, not the gauzy ads that are put together by the biggest, best Campaign Team money can buy, he is not going to be the democratic nominee. He will not have to worry about donald trump or donald trump about him. He asked to do better than that. Bill you have to get your reps end. There is another way of looking at this. Maybe the whole stage in the experience and the cameras and the candidates, and the feeding frenzy we all watched, maybe he comes back and sets the bar really low this week and exceeds anything that happened on wednesday night. There are two things about bloombergs performance that i think you have to say. One is he was rusty. He has not been on a debate stage for over ten years. All of those other people have been through ten debate since june. So is not surprising at all that he was now going to be as adept and as nimble as they were. What did surprise me was the attacks on him were absolutely predictable. He knew we would get attacked on stop and frisk. He knew that he would get attacked on his comments about women and the nondisclosure agreements. It was not that he did not to respond to them well. He did not respond to them at all. Thats what i dont understand. Is why he did not have i dont know what the answers are. But if you have this highpowered Campaign Team, you have to be able to come up with something. If not in defense of view, then in some effective way to shift to the attack on the other people in that state. Bill you saw the wall street journal piece, bloomberg and the moral capitalists. Of the socialist demagogue meaning sanders will beat a guilty billionaire techno cracked every time. That is from the editorial board. But he says he is not going anywhere, he could spend 600 million more dollars, chris. Because he is right at the 400 million mark. He could pile that on for the next couple of weeks and maybe it gets him somewhere, but there was a reason why you had such a big tune in for the debate the past week. I think the American People are curious as to what bloomberg has in the bag. I think the wall street editorial made a great point, instead of playing defense, bloomberg, and i am offering this for free, mayor bloomberg, you dont have to pay me a scent. He needs to shift to the offense. And when they are criticizing him for things, he should turn around and say, look, i am the only guy on the stage that has created a job. Im the only man on the stage that ever employed anybody. You talk about what i have done to people, let me tell you what i have done for people. I have created tens of thousands of jobs. All those people had homes. All of them sent their kids to college. And exactly as the wall street journal expressed, hit Bernie Sanders not by trying to attack socialism. But talk about the virtues of capitalism and talk about what he has been able to do as an enormous and successful person. Bill he started to go there. Im the only person in this business, then went down the line. President trump, three rallies, three days, he is shadowing the Democratic Campaign today again. I think it is a very effective strategy, he went to iowa just before the iowa caucuses. He went to New Hampshire just before the New Hampshire primary. He is going to be doing it in nevada. And the point is you have five or six or eight candidates on the democratic side that go to a bunch of rallies if they get 1,000 people in an audience. That is a huge audience if they have a huge crowd that they attract. President trump does one rally in one venue in each of those states and he fills up a huge arena with ten, 15,000 people, and it looks like he has all the energy, all the support and does have a lot of support, but the contrast he can contract, the excitement he will create and what they are doing, it is a pretty good strategy. Bill do you think that we or any closer after saturday . Sanders wins by ten points plus. So now he is marching in South Carolina and he makes the case that he is 30. Is he the undisputed frontrunner within the democratic primary . He is already the undisputed front runner in the primary. If he wins in nevada like we expect them to, he is even more so. But lets face it, so long from now, lets wait for super tuesday. Thats when you were really have a sense of whether this will be a race or whether sanders will lock it up. Whether he will have a lot of competition, whether the moderate lane is going to whittle down to 1, or 2 instead of 4 or 5. But a lot more on wednesday march 4th that we do now. So patients, my brother. Bill right on. Nevada tomorrow, South Carolina following saturday, then super tuesday rolls around 72 hours later. Thank you, chris. We will see you on sunday. Good to see her today. You bet, buddy. Bill President Trump accusing democrats of launching a Misinformation Campaign, after reports that his own intelligence officials warned congress that russia tried to interfere in the election of 2020 to help get them reelected. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeting American Voters should decide american elections, not Vladimir Putin. All members of congress should condemn the president s were acquitted efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy and to politicize our intel community. White house has a reaction to that. John roberts has a peer from the north on fred hello, john. This all falls out of a briefing last week in which members of congress were reportedly told by a representative of the office of the director of National Intelligence that russia is continuing its efforts to meddle in the 2020 elections. The headline to come out of the briefing including december 14th is that russia is trying to get President Trump reelected. The president suggesting the democrats are using that information to cause trouble, tweeting this morning another Misinformation Campaign is being launched by democrats in congress saying that russia performs me to any of the donothing Democratic Candidates who have still been unable to after two weeks count their votes in iowa, hoechst number 7. There were reports yesterday that after the president learned about the briefing, he operated Joseph Maguire in an Oval Office Meeting and then replaced him with the ambassador to germany or, prompting adam schiff to tweet we count on the Intelligence Committee to inform congress of any foreign interference in the elections. If reports are true and the president is interfering with that, he is again jeopardizing our efforts to stop foreign meddling, exactly as we warned he would do. For its part, russia is denying any attempt to influence the election. The kremlin spokesman saying these are more paranoid announcements which to our regret will multiply as we get closer to the u. S. Election. They certainly have nothing to do with the truth. Bill what more do we know about President Trump replacing the acting dni . The director of National Intelligence . We are told contrary to what was reported yesterday, President Trump did not prorate or in any way yell at that then National Intelligence joe maguire in that Oval Office Meeting. Fox news has also been told that contrary to some published reports, maguire was not in line for the permanent dni position, and was scheduled to leave the office on march the 11th. Thats what is 210 days of acting were up, we were told that he was not removed from his position because of the bri. But one source does say that the president thought maguire was not robust enough at addressing political leaks of intelligence, and that could be one of the reasons why he was replaced a little bit earlier. Two days ago, the president appointed the ambassador to germany as the acting dni, that is expected to be just a temporary assignment while the president nominates ane individual to the Senate Confirmed position, tweeting this morning four great candidates under consideration for the dni, decision in the next few weeks. The only thing i have picked up here about this at the white house, other than the president , he has been upset about 2016, the only reason he is president is because russia was interfering. That narrative bugs him. But the only thing i have been able to pick up at the white house is that there is some consternation that a representative from the National Intelligence would go up to congress and give a briefing with that content of material without first informing the white house that it was going on. Bill thank you, john roberts, great reporting from the north lawn at the white house. In a moment, are we headed for a historic peace deal with the taliban . Or is this just a head fake . And what does it mean for the thousand of american troops overseas . If you need lumber wood, lonnies is better than good. We got oak, cherry, walnut, and more. And we also have the best selection of plywood clattering in the state. Hey highpitched laughter man dang woodchucks wood clattering stop chuckin that wood with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Bill moments ago at that rally in las vegas, President Trump responding to reports that russia is trying to interfere in the election of 2020 to help him get reelected. Here was his response. They said that they are trying to start a rumor. It is disinformation. Thats the only thing they are good at. They are not good at anything else. They get nothing done. Donothing democrats, that Vladimir Putin wants to make sure that i get elected. Listen to this, so, doesnt he want to see who the democrats are going to be . Wouldnt he rather have bernie . Who honeymooned in moscow . These people are crazy thats all they think about. They dont think about the country. They dont think about jobs. They dont think about lowering your drug costs. Infrastructure. These people are crazy. Trust me, i like what we are doing. And i love this country. Bill that from a moment ago in las vegas. The third rally in three days in the american west, the president s response to that debate breaking in the new york times. That from las vegas. For the last 90 minutes, the u. S. And the taliban have reached a deal of sorts. If this deal holds, it might bring an end to the longest war in american history. Sevenday redemption of violence truth started at midnight in kabul, jack keane is with me to take me through this. Good afternoon to you. Baby steps. What does it mean, reduction in violence . How do we do find that . It is a baby step. Reduction of violence is an ambiguous term. It is not a ceasefire. Why no ceasefire . The taliban and knows that they cannot keep their hardliners from violating it. They are not a monolithic organization. They dont have total control. So they backed off that. So here we have reduction in violence. A seven days is not a long time, it is a testament of good intentions is the way that i look at it. If it holds, then we are going to get into some sub is an attentive agreement in afghan g, and others in the society and the taliban, that is a big deal. That is never happened before in any consequential way. A lot of obstacles to that succeeding, but a good step in the right direction. Secondly the taliban and insisting, listen to this, bill, that we released 5,000 of their prisoners at the outset of a negotiation. The president is saying, no, we will only do that if we have a Peace Agreement and hostilities are overpaid and the United States will bring its forces down to about 8600, that will take months to do before we get at that number. Then we hold and see what the conditions are. Bill so you understand clearly the incentive be half of the commanderinchief to force this home. That was a Campaign Pledge he made in 2016. What is the motivation for the taliban after 18 years of war to reach a deal . What the taliban are trying to do, and some of this is a smoke screen. Their ultimate objective is to take the country back that they were running during the 1990s. And we toppled them in 2001 as a result of 9 11. There objective is to cease that. The singular purpose to achieve that is to drive the United States out of afghanist afghanistan. From some piece negotiation to get us the lead. They believe what will happen as a result of that. In a week in the afghan government, the Afghan National army will be fractured, and they will have their way with it. That is their ultimate goal. Bill mention 8600, that is the number that the pentagon seems to think if we can keep operations in afghanistan and maintain the peace. Lets say maintain the peace. The taliban and says, you all have to leave. If you dont leave, there will be no deal. Between the two, do you see a resolution happening . It is possible, but it is also, to be honest with the audience, it is remote. But it is worth trying. The Afghan People certainly after all of these years have suffered significantly. So have their forces. The United States people deserve peace. And so do the forces. At the end of the day, we have to protect america. That is the concern we all have. The concern is that the al qaeda will regroup in afghanistan, supported by the taliban, and reattack again. That is what we have prevented for 18 years. So that is the crucible here. And we are moving in the right direction to see if the taliban has sincerity here, or is it a smoke screen . As i am saying and may be. Bill last point, do you think 8600 is the right number . What is your view on that . Ive talked to general miller who commands the forces in afghanistan, and he worked on this number before negotiations actually began. He believed that he had too many forces there and he needed to get the number down to what is actually required by the mission. That is where i believe we are. And i think that we could possibly go below that in time based on improving conditions. Bill 90 minutes and counting. We will see what holds. General, thank you so much. Jack keane in washington, thanks. Back at home, Southern California offering free tuition for some students. We will tell you how the new rules will work at, mcdonalds has a brandnew product. But this one you cannot eat. Ok so, magnificent mile for me. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Until i realized something was missing. Me. You ok, sis . 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While, the video shows an officer firing toward the kosher deli where the shooting took place. Laura ingle is here live in the studio with more now, laura. Hey, bill, we are getting our first look of what it felt and sounded like for one Jersey City Police officer as he tried to stop the carnage. Now, this new body cam footage were about to show you does not contain graphic content but, a warning, it could be disturbing for some. Shots being fired, one after the other as the body cam from the officer shakes and moves. At one point, the video goes dark, but you can hear the officer on his police radio talk with other cops about possibly taking one of the suspects down. I think hes out here. Ive got a gun on the ground. Nope, he still moving. Behind the what, behind the wo wood. It went on. The couple who unleashed the violence and jersey city were identified as David Anderson and francine grand. According to published reports, the duo had been planning the attack for months. Both were killed in the shootout with police. The couple were believed to have sean killed Jersey City Police detective joseph field and a chance encounter just before the Grocery Store shoot out. Three others were killed inside the store, the markets coowner, miguel rodriguez, and customer. Bill the mayor and jersey city made a decision, which they say about this . Healed a press conference today, it sounded he was a little surprise this was a release. He held that brief News Conference today to address the body cam footage that was made public. He said that while he was surprised the videos and 911 calls were released by the state attorney general without a heads up to his office, he feels that the videos reinforce what they already know, that officers ran toward danger and used appropriate force. We are very proud of the way those officers acted that day. We do feel that the body cam is only reinforce our feelings and sentiment towards that. And jersey city effect jewels say that the families were notified that the videos would be coming out and were comfortable what with their release. Bill sensitive matter, thank you laura ingle for that. The university of Southern California offering free tuition for a couple of their students. Families with an income of 80,000 a year or less wont have to pay. The school say this will open the door to more students. The changes will start with forrester students this fall. Before we run out of here, if you have a burning love for the quarter pounder, and want to savor the small, you are in like. Mcdonalds today is introducing a new camel collection. It features sense inspired by the burger, the bottom, the pickle, the special sauce, lettuce, cheese, on a sesame seed bun, come and get it. All of it. Mickey ds recommends burning them together for maximum deliciousness. Come at us with the fries, maybe weve got a deal on that. Have a great weekend everybody. On this friday, enjoy that. We will see one monday, your world with neil cavuto starts in a moment. Nonetheless, it is friday folks. Neil all right, place your bets, less than a day away now from the nevada caucuses. Still no clear winner among the democrats with polls changing as we speak. The brokers convention, when in which no one has the necessary delicates of the first ballot looking more likely. We shall see in now. Welcome everyone, im neil cavuto, more than that in a moment. First, the Bloomberg Campaign says its office in knoxville, tennessee, had been vandalized and is pointing the finger at Bernie Sanders supporters. Peter doocy in las vegas with more and that, peter, whats going on here . Neal, somebody tagged a Bloomberg Campaign office in tennessee with spray paint overnight

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