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Im Julie Banderas, and for sandra smith. A few big developments. Police have also arrested a man in connection with the death, and police recovering some remains. She was last seen on january 4th leaving a lexington bar with at least two men. Bill we have this to fleeting police back to one of those two men. Human remains were located outside the residence. The state medical Examiners Office in frankfurt did an autopsy investigation. At this time, we cannot confirm the identity. Bill we have covered live in our midwestern bureau. Mike, hello. Hello, bill. The suspect has been identified as david sparks. He is currently being held in the Madison County Detention Center in kentucky. The charge on which they are holding him is abuse of a corpse and tampering with physical evidence. That is connected with police finding a body. A positive i. D. On the scene was not possible. The remains have been sent to the state medical Examiners Office in frankfurt. That home has been searched. A short time after that mother of four had gone missing. Sparks had been a primary suspect at the time. Someone reported a foul order. They found the remains and what they only described as other items buried on the property. She was 22 years old. She had given birth to twins in december if you are a blessing on fourth, leaving a bar in lexington. A bridge near the home. Even a cave have been searched. We are just past six months since she had been seen. Bill mike tobin live in chicago. Thank you. Julie newly uncovered report to be reviewed by fox news, showing former president bill clinton actually attended a dinner with Jeffrey Epstein in 1995. Here is why that is important. That report goes directly against a Public Statement from bill clinton earlier this week. All of this coming as Alexander Acosta rejected calls for his resignation and defended his involvement in the plea deal. Listen. The goal here was straightforward. Put him behind bars, and ensure he registered as a offender, provide victims with the means to seek restitution, protect the public by putting them on notice that a predator was in their midst. Julie we have reaction, but first, lets bring on bryan llenas. Good morning. Alex acosta under fire for choosing not to prosecute Jeffrey Epstein back in 2008 when he was he was attorney in florida, insisting that his office handled the case appropriately. He says Florida State prosecutors were about to charge him then facing similar sex trafficking allegations with the state crimes i would have resulted in no jail time. Until the office stepped in with a plea deal. Simply put, the Palm Beach State Attorneys Office was ready to let epstein walk free. No jail time. Nothing. Prosecutors in my former office found this to be completely unacceptable. And they became involved. Our office became involved. Under the plea deal, he registered as a sex offender and spend 13 months in jail with work privileges. This was the best they could do given the evidence they had at the time. One of the tough questions in these cases, what if the value of a secured guilty plea . With registration versus rolling the dice . And i know that in 2019, looking back on 2008, things may look different, but this was the judgment of prosecutors with dozens of years of experience. State attorney for Palm Beach County in 2008. He said his account is both completely wrong and that acosta could have gone after epstein federally. He said if he was truly concerned with the states case and felt he had to rescue the matter, he would have moved forward with a 53 page indictment that the office drafted. He said the reason why the plea deal was negotiated in secret was because prosecutors were seeking financial restitution for epsteins victims, and they did not want to compromise victims credibility. A federal judge in february ruled that plea deal was illegal because victims were not notified that a deal was being negotiated. Julie. Julie all right, bryan llenas. Thank you. Bill thank you, julie. Another new turn in what has been very public Speaker Pelosi reportedly said behind closed doors the following to her colleagues. You got a complaint, you come and talk to me about it, but do not tweet about our members and expect to think that that is p pay. Newt gingrich knows the issue better than anyone. News world. Theres all kinds of goodness in that. She said dont go to twitter. Go to me. Alexandria ocasiocortez did not go to twitter, but she went to the Washington Post. When these comments first started, i kind of thought that she was keeping us at arms length to protect more moderate members, which i understood, but the persistent singling out, it got to a point where it is just our disrespectful. The explicit singling out of newly elected women of color. So where is this going . Well, first of all, thats a classic comment by the hard left. Everything becomes either an attack on women, but since pelosi is a woman, it has to be women of color. You know, the key thing here is very simple. We have now seen a group of genuine radicals who are way outside any reasonable position, and their public spokesperson is aoc. They have a deep better difference with nancy pelosi, who is an old time liberal, representing an establishment, h these people, several of these people beat democratic incumbents, so they come in as the opponents of the very things that nancy pelosi stands for. So the idea that nancy pelosi is going to say and i respect her. I think frankly she has and a hard place and doing a pretty professional job as the speaker, but she says why dont you come to me, when in fact she is what they ran against. Remember, aoc beta senior democrat. A democrat from massachusetts, beat an incumbent democrat. Talking about going out and recruiting people in the primaries to run against democrats that they dont think are radical enough. So they are not in a position what are they going to say to her . Can we tell you how much we hate what you are doing . How was i going to get anything done . This is turning into a bigger and bigger war because the three or four or five members on the left, genuine radicals, they see themselves on a mission to change america. The sea change in the Democratic Party has a first top that mission. Bill Kevin Mccarthy was with sean hannity last night. Heres what he had to say. Think about that relationship with aoc and the speaker. They are on the cover of Rolling Stone, now they are throwing stones at each other. This is war. Bill there it is pure Washington Post characterizes it this way. I dont think they are too far off. Political and generational divide. Is that spot on . I do love mccarthys alliteration there of going from being on Rolling Stone to throwing stones. I thought that was pretty good. I set a couple weeks ago, nancy pelosi has to recognize and i recognize my own age. She is my grandmother. She is yelling at these young members, and they are her thinking you are two generations older than me. Why am i supposed to listen to you . Youre the person im running against. I think that attention will become more bitter, more personal. The question will be and again, i dont know that they can do this. But the four or five people at the core of this have to get to be 15 or 20 to matter. Otherwise, she will totally isolate them, make sure that nothing they want gets done, eliminate their ability to participate, do what she can. They get up to ten, 15, 20 members, now she has a much bigger problem. Bill more of these democrats in these deeply blue districts watch that story. On the epstein thing, i get the sense we are in the early stages of this. Bill clinton had dinner with him years before, secretary acosta came out and defended the position that they took back in 2008, 2009. Who has a bigger problem . Is it bill clinton . Is it secretary acosta . Well, im just going to say first of all, you wouldnt believe how many young girls were being exploited by the sky. It is genuinely horrifying. He is in fact monster. Now, he is obviously a sociopathic monster that people found pleasant and interesting. He was rich, and he took care of them. It doesnt necessarily mean that there is anything that they did wrong. Clinton may have some problem, but thats bill clinton. He doesnt have a political future. There were said it will happen is that it will further scar up his reputation. Secretary acosta is a different thing. I have looked at it a little bit. I am not an expert, and im not a lawyer, but i look at this and i think they had more than enough examples. They would have overwhelmed the jury if they had 30 or 40 or 50 witnesses, so i find some of yesterdays press conference frankly not as convincing as it should have been. And i dont understand whats going on, and i think we are going to have to look into more of what acosta did and certainly see some of the stuff come out into the open. This is a case that involves power, politics, money, and sex. If you get all four in one story, that story lives a long night. Bill Newt Gingrich with live today. 12 minutes pass. Julie louisianas governor putting the state braces for the first hurricane of the season. When will it hit . We are on the ground in new orleans. 31 oh four, a town in minnesota. The City Council Votes to scrap the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of its meetings. Will it reverse course . Julie a hot off of the world cup won, senator joe manchin talks was about the effort and his effort personally to level the Playing Field for the men and women soccer team. [chanting] [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. Theyre completely different people, thats why they need customized Car Insurance from Liberty Mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Prestige creams not living up to the hype . One jar shatters the competition. Olay regenerist hydrates skin better than creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay. Bill 1 15 pass. Iranian gunboats trying to seize a British Oil Tanker. After british warship gets hot on their tail. The latest in a series of provocations. Joe manchin serves on the Armed Services committee. A big thank you to you for making time for us. Thanks for having me, bill catesby when ive got a lot to cover in 4 minutes. What do we do with iran . First of all, sanctions. I hope that they are working. We double down on the sanctions. But we need our allies more than ever, and we have shown that with the u. K. They are interjecting, getting involved in this, basically being able to intervene to prevent a catastrophe and exploding that kind of scenario could get much worse. Bill the birds and the germans and the french are coming onto the idea that the iranians are up to no good. I agree. I didnt vote for the jcpoa because i didnt think that iran ever intended to honor it. They are going to walk away and say the americans walked away first. I never thought we should give them the money that we gave them up front, never held them accountable for their actions. They never did anything to show their sincerity, and now we are seeing exactly what they intended. We need our allies working together. I would employed the president to work on those allies. Lets make sure we are all on the same page. Bill listening to Newt Gingrich a moment ago. In a broader sense, where is it headed . Well, first of all, this country is not prepared. Not going to be protected from extremes, whether it be the far left or far right. That is what is getting all the attention right now. What do you believe . A West Virginia democrat and republican with common sense, not agreeing in these extremes. Thats what i said. Im trying to work in that center is part. I have always been fiscally responsible and socially compassionate. I think most republicans and democrats fall in that order. Maybe center left or center right. They are not that far away. Bill i am thinking how that plays in your state. Running up against the trump economy. Its pretty good right now. Yeah. I am concerned about the debt. I really am concerned. I think we else after turn our attention to how do we bring this down before it drives us but that being said, people are not going to go to these extremes, and it does not play well in my state or even in many parts of suburban america appeared at my play good in a few neighborhoods, but not bill do you think that there needs to be a course correction . Well, i think nancy is trying to. I have watched her, and i have admired her trying to hold that center left position that she has been trying to do. We have seen nancy being extremely liberal. We are finding out that she is not where we might have thought that she was before, trying to hold the common sense position has been very difficult. She has a few outspoken people getting an awful lot of attention. Now they are basically trying to destroy from within. It is absolutely horrible. Bill every day too, as you very well know. Let me say one thing very quick. Both parties should not worry about are we going to be pure . Get the votes where ever you can, let the metal come together and grow. Bill got it. Fair enough on that. You are pushing the bill right now. Eight years, 2026. Seven years from now. On the mens side, we have been watching what the women did. You say that you would withhold any federal dollars in the u. S. What does it mean . It means should we treat the women as fair as a man, especially when they outperform them in the soccer arena . They are getting more viewership, 14 million versus 11 million. More revenue. Why should they get 0. 38 on the dollar . I great coach at wvu. Great soccer womens program. I brought this to her attention. I said we have to do something. Thats how this came about. Thats the easiest way to get their attention. They have seven years to correct it. I would think that the World Soccer Association would do the right thing. Pay the women the same. Equitable pay. Bill sir, i hope you come back and talk about this. Nice to see you again. Thank you for your time. Julie thousands of exinmates reuniting with family members this month. How the Trump Administration is working to get them jobs and also housing. Matthew charles is the first man to be released from prison under the first step back. He will be here live. Now a date and a time for what will likely become a blockbuster hearing next month. Robert mueller set to face lawmakers on his russia report. Congressman doug collins is the Top Republican on the Judiciary Committee. He will be here to tell us how it will all go down. Bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Bill narrow escape for a driver in tucson, arizona. Check it out. You saw it there. Giant cactuses in my windshield, mom. Look at the size of that thing. The driver was not hurt. Julie im so confused. How did the cactus end up in the windchill . Bill he hit a median driving down the highway. Julie and hes okay. Thats whats shocking. Bill this is my day where this is not my day. Bill im kind of thinking im okay, i survived a flying cactus. Julie ive never seen or heard a story of the cactus and a windshield. This is a first for us in americas newsroom or maybe an life. We are now proving that we are a nation that believes in redemption. Also making it easier to work, removing obstacles to securing licenses, providing mentorship through proven programs, such as prison fellowship. Something that people really find very important. Julie that is President Trump on the first step asked, reducing prison sentences for earned good time. Reuniting inmates with their families. Released from prison under the act. You were not only the first inmate release from the program but also recognized by the president for being a model citizen. A first of all, what did it feel like to be called a model citizen by the president of the United States closer mike speak out it is an overwhelming amazing feeling. I was just trying to live. It changed life. So to hear him state that as being the president of the United States, it meant a whole lot. Julie when we talk about these inmates, it brings up a very interesting and valid point, the fact that a lot of these relationships are absolutely destroyed after incarceration, so how critical is this program for people like yourself . I would say it is very critical. His stance has always been to move forward, to make sure we are moving forward. Successful reentry into society. How it comes into play, employment and housing. Julie im sorry, im not cutting you off. Continue. In regards to the Second Chance initiative that was spoken of, Second Chance hiring in june by the president , where he stated that he was working with housing and the barriers to housing, for those who would be reentered into society. The private sector to hire us, and sometimes we are the best workers because we now have a different work ethic then we had to cause us to be incarcerated. Seeing all that is very important. I think the president for that. Julie that is such a great point. That is a different lens that you see life through. It almost sometimes takes a moment where you get pushed back and life, whether you are unemployed, you get fired from a job, you take more appreciation for employment. They call it being on the bench in our business. It makes you more appreciative, makes you work harder. So many barriers that excons like yourself face, not only seeking employment and housing about the interview process is really rigorous for any of us, let alone those of us who have served time behind bars. There is a part that now asks employers to ask whether they have a criminal record until the interview portion. How will that help former inmates get into the drawer . I would say very much so because many times we actually meet the criteria for the job. It is just the fact that we have the conviction and we have to check that box on the application form, so it causes the person to just caught, cut us off. Not even collison for the interview. So for allowing it to take place in the interview process, they can have a humanistic view. This is an individual that has the qualifications or criteria to complete this job and will probably do i dont want to say doggone on air. Probably do a very good job. Julie i think that that is a very Good Opportunity for many. If you have a criminal record, you are not considered as a potential applicant, that is unfair for many. Matthew charles, thank you very much. Congrats for getting the word out. Good luck. One criminal homicide, count two, aggravated kidnapping. Obstructing justice. Abuse or desecration of a human body. Bill we have some horrific new details in the murder of College Students 325 lueck. Weve got an attorney. We will take that up with him coming up. Julie plus, President Trump weighing in on big story out of minnesota when the City Council Decides to stop saying about a pledge of allegiance. Will they reverse their decisi decision . One nation under god, usa. Even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . Bill keeping an eye on this story. Fox news alert. Louisiana under a state of emergency. Severe storms triggering dangerous flash flooding in new orleans. The gold coast now bracing for what could be the first hurricane of the 19 season. What do you see and what is in the forecast . Bill, the sun is shining. You hate to be trite, but it could be the calm before the storm. Could be developing into a tropical depression later today. Landfall sometime between friday and saturday, and now forecasters are saying that it could strengthen into a category one hurricane before making landfall somewhere along the louisiana coast. 8 inches of rain in just three hours. Yesterday morning in Metro New Orleans, look at this video. Causing nightmare damage, flash flooding. Then it all went down in a matter of hours. But on another 128 inches could fall over the weekend with the system. So, the usual preparations are underway. Sandbagging, both voluntary and mandatory evacuations for certain parishes, lowlying areas. I talked to one man out here who has got his three children, and he is headed north. Trepidation. It makes you scared for your life. I have been here my whole life. I love this place, but sometimes you have to leave. Another major concern is right back here. The Mississippi River. It is so swollen because of all that flooding that we reported on up in the midwest. It all made its way down here. 16 feet and a lot of spots as of today. The reinforced levee system protecting the area. 2025 feet in some spots. There are big concerns about storm surge, and also this massive rainfall that is projected. Bill we are waiting along with you. Casey come live in new orleans. They still do it. We stand for the flag. You are american. You should be doing the pledge of allegiance. I dont have to say the pledge of allegiance. I expect to be talk to people, it is more actions. We can all identify as americans that we all have the same true values, and at the heart of that is democracy and the pledge of allegiance to our country. Julie pretty strong public reaction to a brewing controversy in st. Louis park, minnesota. The city council there facing fears backlash over plan to stop saying the pledge of allegiance at the start of meetings. They are now reconsidering that decision. Lets bring in charlie hurt. Fox news contributor and opinion editor at the washington times. Author of the new book still winning, why america went all in on donald trump and why we must do it again. This takes it to a whole new level. People kneeling at Football Games and now this. The pledge of allegiance, when you hear those words, i dont know about you, but it brings me back to my childhood. Every single day before school started, we put our hands across her chest, on our hearts, and we pledged allegiance to the American Flag. What the heck . Yeah, exactly. We dont have to agree on much in this country. We are not a country that is based on one race or anything. The only thing that unites us all a sort of a set of ideals that we all agree upon about freedom and liberty. And all of that is enshrined in the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. My goodness. At a point like this in america, we need more things that unite us. Controversies like this just tear us apart. And if we cant sort of all agree that we can rally around the words in the pledge of allegiance, we dont have anything in this country. Julie people argue church and state, we should not combine the two. This is not religious. This is america. Patriotism. Being proud to be an american. I just dont understand the controversy and why we are even having to have a discussion. The important thing to remember is that the people who are protesting this they are the people who decided they are no longer going to say it. And it is just like as he imagined with football or soccer or whatever, politicizing all these issues. People are exhausted of it, tired of it. Lets focus on its not like we dont have actual problems in this country. Why dont we focus on those problems in that effort to try to reach out to our neighbors and get along . Julie i want to talk about the city council because they are under a lot of pressure. Not only backlash but a lot of people who are anchored. The president in fact weighing in on it. People are sick and tired of the stupidity and disloyal to our wonderful usa. What you think is going to happen . Do you think that they will reverse it . Yes. Donald trump is these are not extreme positions he is taking. They are not even sort of right wing or republican positions. We are talking mainstream positions, even with i would say the democratic voter base. Your average democrat i dont know if these people here now any regular or normal democratic voters. Julie there she is with the American Flag behind her. Should we take the flag is too . You talk to regular democrat voters, they support saying things like this and not disrespecting the national anthem. Julie it looks like theyre going to reverse the decision. Maybe it will teach the rest of the country that this is not worth arguing over. We nee seem to never learn te lessons. I am sure it will. Julie im sure it will. Bill thats why god made tomorrow. Is this democracy and its finest form . They say they want everyone to have a fair shot in the economy. Joe bidens wife, saving big money using a tax break that former president obama tried to eliminate. It was all legal. How is this going to work out . Julie we are just minutes away from more subpoenas. Democrats want to summon 12 more witnesses and the mueller matter. The Top Republican, congressman doug collins, joins us next. Whats going on up here . Cant see what it is yet. What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. 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Aag is the leader in reverse mortgages. Call us today for your free information kit. It will answer all your questions and help you decide if a reverse mortgage is right for you, and how to qualify. I know what youre thinking. I did too. I felt the same way, but i checked it out, and i found out a lot more. Its pretty simple. A reverse mortgage from aag can give you the retirement stability youre looking for. Maybe you want to check it out. If youre sixtytwo or older and own your own home, give aag a call to receive your free imformation kit. Youll receive the imformation youre looking for as well as tell you how much cash you may quality for. And receive your free information kit. So, whats your better . The Mueller Report comes out, no obstruction, no collusion. Then what do we do . We are going to have these hearings. They have had to far. Nobody tuned in. Why . Because the report itself is incomprehensible. Bill sounding off on democratic let hearings on the Mueller Report that are expected on wednesday next week. There is a House Committee vote on whether or not to authorize more subpoenas. Subpoenas for 12 more witnesses connected to the mueller matter. That begins a few minutes from now. Ranking member will be there. Today, he will be there next wednesday. Sir, thank you for your time and thank you for being here today. Michael flynn, Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions among about eight others. Does anyone appear soon . Speak out i tell you the problem that we have here is that the circus continues. I am really beginning to wonder if the chairman of other parts of the democratic side slept through law school when they determine what a subpoena actually is. Many of these people have never been contacted before this. This is the very first time. Some have actually provided documents in return for their cooperating on the 81 letters, which has been done away with. They are getting another subpoena. This is simply because i had about a couple with immigration, and they are trying to retake the narrative. They are doing so bill do you think the mueller hearing happens . As far as i know, it does. I think it is invalid that my chairman has decided to give away our authority to talk to robert mueller. The time frame of only one hour right now has been given on both sides. It actually breaks house rules, the five minute rule for a hearing, so im not sure what has happened here, but in their desperation to get to something that they think they can hold on, Going Forward at least as far as we know bill two committees are going to come together are two different times on wednesday. Two hours in the morning in two hours in the afternoon. Is that subtle . Well, considering ive heard about 14 different stories from the time it was linked to the press and not to me, the Ranking Member, we have heard a lot of different stories, but at this point, that is what it looks like. Going for two hours. Bill 448 page report. Bob mueller could read from the report, reference different pages. Lets see what he does. What is your first question . I think the first question is what you have to look at is does he still confirmed the reports findings, which is what he did already. When you get to that point, we understand his investigation is closed, so there is no new information coming out here. These are the kinds of things that we need to frame the report it speaks for itself. No collusion, no charge of obstruction. If the democrats have something, its on them to show that mueller has spoken. Bill youre the Ranking Member in the morning. Devin nunes is the Ranking Member in the afternoon. I did a podcast with him yesterday. It will be posted later this afternoon. He was breathing fire. He had long list of questions, but in the end, this is what he concluded. Why this matter needs to be cleared up. This is significant. Just listen to what he says. These are all a bunch of dirty cops. I tell you, some of them better go to jail, or we are going to go down in a spiral in this country because you will not have a republican that will trust the fbi or the department of justice for generations to come. Bill he went on from there. Called them dirty cops. Is that the feeling on the republican side . I have been on your show, talking about that. They were all at the start of this. I think this is where bill barrs investigation was going on, and also there are reports that are going to come out. When it comes to these issues, i support the attorney general. As far as it goes, what he is going to say, i want him to have to answer those questions. I am just fed up with what we have seen over the past two years from the administration under president obama, who allowed this stuff to happen. Those are things i will come out and are being investigated. Bill is wednesday a bombshell or a dud . It will be what it is. No collusion, no charge of obstruction. It is time to say why did you not do other things . It is time for mueller to answer. Bill we are waiting to see what the negotiations are behind closed doors. And we hope that you come back before next wednesday. Doug collins, thank you, and to our listeners at home, check out the pods to make podcast. Doug collins, thank you. Republican from georgia. Julie coming into our newsroom right now, the u. S. Coast guard seizing a huge hall of cocaine and marijuana. This is dramatic video coming in. The details of this major drug boast as they try and stop this. Bill a bit of a windfall leading to a freeforall for cash. Sounded good until the cops came around. Let them move the way they were born to in new pampers cruisers 360 fit with its ultra stretchy waistband. And adaptive 360 fit new pampers cruisers 360 fit bill a bit of a chaotic scene on a major highway in georgia. The door of an armored truck flew open, and with it, 175,000 in cash. Many drivers capturing video of those pulling over to catch handfuls of bills. On and on it one, police warned that keeping that money is against the law, but if you turn it in, you will not be prosecuted. What do you do . Do you give it back . Julie i mean, first of all its impossible to track down every one of those bills, right . They cant arrest you for picking it up, technically, even though it is illegal. Bill would you give it to charity, put it in your pocket . Julie i would give it back. Its not mine to give to charity. I mean if it was mine to give to charity, sure, but its not yours. It is not technically up to you. Anyway thank you, though. I appreciate it. A major drug dump happening today. This video is insane. The u. S. Coast guard getting rid of cocaine, more than 900 pounds of pot. Dumping it at sea. William la jeunesse. This video is crazy. Tell us about it. So, marijuana could be illegal in some states, but the drug war is alive and well outside the u. S. As you saw. You might think that the coast guard is just off the coast, but these operations happened hundreds of miles away, so this video is shot off of columbia, where the cartels move about 85 of the cocaine of the Central American coast, off of new mexico, transported over the border. It comes in fishing boats or speedboats like this. He jumps on top on till the crew opens up and eventually stops. So what the coast guard is trying to do is stop these loads where there are the most largest, vulnerable, valuable. Before being a broken down small packages. The coast guard patrols the eastern pacific, an area larger than the u. S. They shrink that space using helicopters to detect the drug runners. Then they send in fast boats to intercept. At some cooperative, others, forcing the coast guard to shut out their engines before the crew tosses the evidence overboard. Some catch fire. Prosecutors have a 99 conviction rate, so in san diego today, they will offload about 20 tons of cocaine seized over the last several months. Street value of 600 million. Julie incredible. William la jeunesse, thank you. Bill President Trump will hold a press conference this afternoon. What will he say on that . The feud between leading democrats testing the party appeared reaction from our headliner. House minority whip, Steve Scalise coming up next hour. Rom credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. 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This is going to become a bigger and bigger war because the three or four or five members on the hard left are genuine radicals. They see themselves on a mission to change america, and they see changing the Democratic Party as the first step of that mission. Bill mike emanuel begins our coverage they are on the help. A lot of action, mike. Bill, julie. Good morning to you. Nancy pelosi putting her foot down after she feels like she has heard a little bit too much from her freshman. Ilhan omar of minnesota, rashida trashida, alexandria ocasiocortez. Presley. They dont have any real following. They are for people. Thats how many votes they got. What the speaker said, its not true. Its just wrong, as progressives, its okay not to vote for the legislation to make a point. Sources tell fox that pelosi was very firm in the meeting yesterday, saying i can come you got a complaint. You, talk to me about it, but do not tweet about our members and expect them to think that is just okay. Republicans are enjoying watching back setting back as democrats have this family feud. This is not the Democratic Party. This is the socialist Democratic Party. You are 100 correct about that. Think about that relationship with aoc and the speaker appeared just a few months ago, they are on the cover of Rolling Stone. Now they are throwing stones at each other. This is in a family fight. This is war. Speculating that democratic leadership is trying to i was assigned to two of some of the busiest committee and subcommittees, so my hands are full. They want to try to keep me bu busy. [laughs] part of her concern is some of the newly elected democrats who gave them the majority in the house come from swing districts, meaning they could go republican or democrat, so she doesnt need them getting hammered from aggressive about purity. Bill mike emanuel. We want to bring in our headliner, House Minority whip Steve Scalise. Glad to have you here. Good morning. Here is the quote from alexandria ocasiocortez on nancy pelosi in the Washington Post. The third and fourth time she insulted me, this was unnecessary, but im not going to pick a fight about it. Whatever. I will be the punching bag if thats what they want me to be. Then you hurt her reference to women of color. Well, it is ugly and getting uglier. You are seeing this fight between the far left socialists and liberals. It used to be in the Democratic Party a fight between liberals and moderates. There are no moderates left. The socialists are winning, and for nancy pelosi to think that she can silence aoc and these others, this shows that she is out of touch with what is happening in her own conference. That i think is shocking a lot of people. Bill you are saying shes out of touch is what youre saying . Yeah, i think she is completely miss reading how much of a grip these far left socialists have on our congress. Aoc is threatening some of the liberals that shes going to run somebody in their primaries if they dont run for mainstream policies. They said they were going to be prolife, antipelosi. They are all voting to allow a baby to be murdered after it is born alive, voting to raise taxes, take away your gun rights, voting on the line with nancy pelosi. Yet, that is not enough for aoc it and the socialist, so they are having this internal struggle. It just shows you, pelosi took the gavel, trying to think that she could appeal to Middle America, in Middle America is looking at this going wait a minute, we are still center right nation. Julie like it or not, this is the new blood that is coming into congress, and she needs to get used to it quite frankly. Social media, and a lot of these younger women do like to go to twitter. She said they need to stay off of twitter and get off of social media. When our own president , thats how he likes to communicate with the country. Instead of twitter, in effect alexandria ocasiocortez went on the Washington Post and how this interview. I want to play you a clip of that. Okay, we do not have that, but we do have a quote from it. Lets put that on the screen. The third and fourth time she insulted me, its like this is unnecessary, but im not going to pick a fight over it. Whatever. Ill be the punching bag if thats what they want me to be. Is she making this story too much about herself, what you say . Its always been about her and that shes going to promote socialism. The earlier interview that got played, for her to say that they are keeping her busy, there is a lot of hard work to do. A lot of meetings, committee meetings, hearings. If she thinks thats a little too hard, let me tell you. There are a lot of folks out there, hardworking families that worked two jobs that are looking at this going you know what . Why dont you start focusing on us and the things that are broken in this country instead of trying to go after donald trump every day and having these little internal fights because you want more power. Its not about power. Its about fixing the broken immigration system, more opportunity for lower income people to get into the middle class. Instead of bashing the policies of donald trump that are working, they had to be working with him to do more. Bill karl rove writes in the wall street journal the headline, it says democrats go to extremes. Radicals will fight the parties 2020 nominee. Lets say how that plays out. To you news of today, what should the white house procedure now . I think its appropriate to ask a question like many others, why shouldnt one of them be are you an american citizen . Its a basic question. It used to be on the census. If you are trying to out how to proportion the country, make sure that you are putting Financial Resources behind places where you have people that are american citizens, but have whether it is infrastructure needs, health care needs, why isnt that one of the questions you should be able to ask . Bill you think that they will continue to pursue it . I strongly support the president. The Supreme Court left the door open to do it in a different way, and i think the president has been working to make sure that it is done the right away and compliance with what the Supreme Court allowed in their recent ruling. Bill we will hold until he makes that announcement. Julie moving on, labor secretary alex acosta, defending himself in the 2,000 and a plea deal m. Ed. Pressure for him to resign. The question is his refusal to resign, well that hurt, and how much so for the Trump Administration, do you think . Ultimately, this will be up to President Trump, but what epstein did was just disgusting, and it needs to continue to be prosecuted. Other jurisdictions where they can bring in further charges. All the victims ought to have justice served, and he ought to be held to the highest level of contempt and ultimately paid the price that he deserves to pay for the crimes that he committ committed. I want to see that continue to play out where he is going to have to pay for what he did. Its disgusting what epstein d did. And ultimately, what happens with acosta, thats going to be between him and the julie here he is on a potential hearing yesterday. Im not here to send any signals to the president. I think its important. A lot of questions were raised, and this has reached the point that i think it is important that these questions be asked and answered. And as to a message to the victims, the message is you need to come forward. Bill some are doing just that. Sir, i dont know if you are following the battle in the senate, but the democrats are making Mitch Mcconnell enemy number one. Amy mcgrath, she lost her house raise, she is going to challenge him. She apparently was against kavanaugh, for him, then against him. In the span of a couple of hours. Here is her latest week. I know i disappointed many with how i would have voted for brett kavanaugh. I will make mistakes and own up to them. The priority is beating Mitch Mcconnell. Why do you think she change her mind . She is trying to appease the far left of the Democratic Party. She is realizing that kentucky is not far left socialist state. I was campaigning for andy barr when he beat amy mcgrath. She went to massachusetts. Elizabeth warren held a fundraiser for her, and she was on video saying i will be the most liberal person in the state of kentucky. I hope everybody in kentucky sees that because they dont want the most liberal person representing them when Mitch Mcconnell has been doing such a great job of getting President Trumps nominees confirmed. He helped usher through the tax cut that is creating opportunities not just for people in kentucky, my home state of louisiana all across the country, because of what we were able to do. Let her keep running to the left and flipflopping on positions. It is going to get ugly for her when she realizes that when youre running statewide, youre going to be held accountable for the things that you already said, especially when youre trying to appease a base that is very out of touch with the people of kentucky and the people of this country. Julie speaking of getting ugly, possible hurricane and louisiana. Talk to us about what is being done. While, a lot of preparations are being made. I spoke to the mayor of new orleans, and the governor as well about the levees, structural integrity, especially when you look at the height of the Mississippi River right now. Some of the highest levels it has been at. I spoke to the president this morning in fact about this. He is well aware and willing to do whatever needs to be done at the federal level to ensure that people are safe, and hopefully, you always prepare for the worse but hope for the best. We are seeing a lot of prayers, but also doing a lot of preparation. People in and around the city of new orleans and towards lafayette, listen to your local leaders when they tell you what to do. Be prepared to protect your family. Bill thank you, sir. We appreciate you coming back today. Steve scalise. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Bill 12 minutes passed. Julie getting ready to authorize subpoenas for a dozen public testimony before Congress Next week. Their ranking republican on the house judiciary, doug collins, says democrats are beating a dead horse. The first question what you have to look at, look at the reports findings. When you get to that point, we also investigate this is closed. No new information should be coming out here. Catherine herridge joins us live in washington. Thanks, julie. Good morning. We are tracking to major developments. As you mentioned, in the room behind me, democrats on the house Judiciary Committee, signing off on a dozen subpoenas for current and former members of the Trump Administration. It is important to note that almost all of these allegations whether witnesses relate to obstruction of justice. Not the conspiracy or alleged conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and russia. On that when this list is a former Deputy Attorney general, rod rosenstein. He is the principal witness to the firing of james comey. He also signed off on the final surveillance warrant. Also john kelly, former National Security advisor mike quinn, and the president s soninlaw, Jared Kushner among others. It is important to note that they have either blocked or limited testimony from witnesses who have been under subpoena. While we understand from our contacts is that he remains a reluctant witness. Less than a week out before public testimony on july 17th. Thats important because even the democrats are conceding about their plans for next week remain in flux. They have still not ironed out details over whether they will have all of the members decide whether it will be longer. The chairman of that Committee Told fox recently that he believes mueller will come and he sees the hearing as an opportunity. I think it says what is in the report. Says it to the American People so that they hear it, that would be very, very important. Theyve been subjected to months of deception as to what was in the report by the attorney general and by the president. Here on capitol hill, the issues have not been ironed out not only with the Public Session but also with a possible closeddoor session with the team. It working out these details soon, could delay or even derail that testimony, julie. Julie catherine herridge, thank you. Bill in the meantime, the battle for the census is not over. President trump expected to make an announcement today. He will hold a press conference as well, so what action will he take . We will take that up and a moment. Julie chilling new details and the death of utah College Student mackenzie lueck. What those charges say about the suspects intent and premeditation could now play into the prosecutions case. I think its appropriate to recognize this is charged as a criminal homicide. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dto experiencer gthe luxury you desire on a full line of utility vehicles. At the lexus golden opportunity sales event. 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Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. One count of aggravated murder. First degree felony. One count of aggravated kidnapping, first degree felony. One count of obstructing justice. Second degree felony. And one count of desecration of a human body. There degree felony. Julie the salt Lake District attorney announcing all of the charges and the brutal murder of 23yearold at university of utah student mackenzie lueck. They say that ayoola ajayi the burned clothing and muscular tissue that matches mackenzies dna. Then later dumped her body in a canyon about miles from his home. All the aggravated parts regarding the charges he is facing means that there was intense. He had intent to kidnap ben to kill, which is so scary. Julie thats right. It doesnt mean whether it was premeditated necessarily, but he intended to kill her, kidnapper, bent desecration of the body and obstruction of Justice Charges as well. It is a scary, scary case. Scary for anyone who is living in a similar situation. Bill just looking at some of the points that you follow. You say that the investigation was awesome. Why do you use that word . And a lot of these cases, we see situations where the prosecutors have to make a deal or want to make a deal because the families want to fund the body. Here we know that the family found the body through they want on the cell phone records, they did surveillance. They did warrant after warrant. They executed up on it, so we will probably be hearing more in the coming days, but when youre able to find the body without having to make a deal with the suspect, thats a good investigation. Julie the fact that they have all this evidence is great for a conviction. The question is what the punishment should be. In utah, while they do have the death penalty, they have people that have been on death row in the 80s. What does the family want to see . I cant speak for them, but we do know that they have said that they have been talking to the family, and they are having these discussions. In general, i have a psychology degree as well, i would recommend to them that you agree to life in prison, no possibility of parole or getting out in exchange for giving up the death penalty. Two reasons. To some people have been there since the 80s and if you go to trial, there is going to be appeal after appeal, which means reasoning all of these issues again. Bill lets wait until we get to that point. We dont know how they met, correct . We dont. Bill what appears to be some sort of communication we have evidence that indicated that communication that occurred between the two parties, and that there was developed through lawenforcement connections connections of that context. And certainly, as we indicated, that their cell phones put them together at the same location. Bill they had some sort of communication. She landed at the airport at 1 00 a. M. , texted her parents, then took a ride by way of lyft, correct . But the lyft driver is not in question. No. The driver dropped her off. We talk about communication these days. Its not just cell phone texting. I could have been through any one of the dating apps. We know that she was on some of those. I message, direct messages. Going into all of these various areas and a relatively short period of time to find out what that communication was. Julie as a parent, you wonder, meeting somebody usually takes place at an earlier hour. They met sometime around 2 30 in the morning. It makes you wonder how they have prior communication to this . Because it seems like an odd hour to meet somebody for the very first time. The scary thing is sometimes when you have a lot of communication online through texting or whatever it may be, you feel like you know the person even if you havent met, and i dont believe they had met before. Bill heather, how much do we know about the suspect . Not a ton, although in 2014, someone did accuse him of rape. They backed off and decided not to press charges. There is no statute of limitations on that in utah, so it will be interesting if this woman decides to change her mind. Bill he was communicating with multiple women. He could have been on multiple dating sites. Absolutely. Those women should consider themselves very lucky. Julie if you are meeting somebody at 2 30 in the morning, know that you are not the only person on that persons radar. May be until the sun comes out. Its really dangerous. Bill heather hansen. 24 past the hour. Stunning new report. The Trump Administration will launch the nationwide i. C. E. Deportations as soon as i we can. We are live from the border. Julie labor secretary alex acosta saying he has no plans to resign in the midst of this Jeffrey Epsteins candle. So why he says he is not to be blamed in this case and why the defense is still not enough for some democrats. Our ateam will be here next. Im here to say we did what we did because we wanted to see epstein go to jail. He needed to go to jail. How do you gauge the greatness of an suv . Is it to carry cargo or to carry on a legacy . Its show of strength or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain or breaking new ground . This is the time to get an exceptional offer on the mercedes of your midsummer dreams at the mercedesbenz summer event, going on now. Lease the gla 250 suv for just 329 a month at the mercedesbenz summer event. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. M. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. 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Immigration and Custom Enforcement will begin as you mentioned possibly on sunday to arrest and deport some 2,000 Illegal Immigrants. We reached out to i. C. E. We did get a statement. They did not in either reports, however they said they could not comment further because of the specifics for their security, but they also said that they are prioritizing the people that would be deported because they are people that they say would be a threat to National Security, public safety, as well as to border security. Speaking of border security, as you mentioned, julie, we had a chance to see firsthand what Border Patrol is facing as they report seeing an increase here in this area of cocaine and meth seizures. Our cameras were here, and we saw what they are facing everyday. He tells us he is worried that more drugs are being smuggled into the u. S. Right now because Border Patrol officials are so busy dealing with Illegal Immigrants crossing right here in south texas. 100 accurate that more drugs are coming in because our Law Enforcement is distracted with the crisis of immigration coming across. The immigration system is also completely broken, and i think people need to understand that. We had a chance to also speak with a number of Border Patrol agents out there patrolling every day. They tell us that they really are overwhelmed as they are dealing with so many people crossing, and we had a plan to go in and see some of these detention facilities. They would not let our cameras in there. We try to. We saw firsthand that they are packed with people. Even where we are, julie, this is Border Crossing that people use every day illegally. These facilities right now, they are packed with people because officials tell us they have nowhere else to put them. They are being spread out across these facilities all over taxes. Julie mark, thank you very much. Simply put, the Palm Beach State Attorneys Office is ready to let epstein walk free. No jail time. Nothing. Our prosecutors, as the 2008 article recounts, pleading guilty to more serious charges, charges that require jail time, registration, and restitution. Or we roll the dice and bring a federal indictment. Bill that was one interesting statement. Alex acosta yesterday afternoon explaining his role in a plea deal from 11 years go to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. A cost or was u. S. Attorney in florida and miami at the time. Fox news contributor. Jeannie zero, professor of Political Science at iona college. James freeman. Jenna ellis rives, trump 2020 Advisory Board member. Where are we now . I think yesterday and four years, i think while it looks like unfortunately the victims in this case were not served well by various levels of Law Enforcement, he has made a case that he was the one who prosecuted epstein, and he was tougher than for example the democratic District Attorney in this case. He was tougher than the local states attorney is in the palm beach area, who according to his account was going to let epstein walk. We should note it was the local authorities, not alex acosta, even after the plea deal, allowed him to leave jail every day. This is an old story. If you are wealthy are connected, whether left, red, or center in this country, you cant away with things that the rest of us couldnt even dream of. In this case, Jeffrey Epstein, who should be our focus, has gotten away with the absolute abuse and rape of young girls for years. The jail sentence that james mentioned was absolutely ridiculous. You get a year, and youre out. He was out 12 hours a day to work after abusing these young women, and you know, the labor secretary, i think he is going to have to contend with what he did in this case, but our focus should be on this. Changing our system, which has always dashed back to o. J. Simpson and welby on this, has always favored the wealthy and connected. Bill clinton, donald trump. It doesnt matter who. He was connected in new york and palm beach and he has continued with that. I use to be a former prosecutor, then i turned to the defense side because of the political interest that i saw even happening on the state level. I think jeanne is absolutely right. If you are wealthy and connected, often there are political decisions that are made. Prosecutors have a higher interest that they have to follow along they actually have an oath of office that in this case i think what was not convincing to me about alex acosta was that the victims in this case, they were not even consulted. So that doesnt mean that their opinion would be binding on his decision, but the victims rights acts that are very valid law say that the victims are really the ones that are often overlooked in these types of cases, and if they wanted to roll the dice and go to trial, maybe that should have been the call. When we look at whats going on and all of these cases, whether it is Jussie Smollett and that type of thing, or all the way back to o. J. Simpson, all of these things that we can see throughout really prominent cases, this is why criminal Justice Reform historically and especially to black america, has been something that has been so completely frustrating to people who are involved in criminal justice. Now this isnt 100 of the time. Most prosecutors do their jobs very well, but i think these cases before we say this is a story about a deaf buying political influence, i think we have to ask alex acosta is a republican u. S. Attorney down there. The fact that epstein gave lots of monies to democrats would be a reason for him to go easy . But unfortunately, republicans on the state and federal level are the worst when it comes to criminal Justice Reform. When it comes to prosecutions. I mean, i saw that. Thats a generalization. Speak out it is, but this is why we have to loo look at this. He gives a lot of money to democrats, and therefore you think alex acosta give him a break . Not at all. He even said and admitted that this is something where he had a lot of pressure, and what that means is there was a lot of political pressure. He had very prominent defense attorneys, and those are people that you cant afford unless bill left come back to jeannes point. We are missing focus here. Instead of talking about acosta or anyone else, we should be talking about epstein. Absolutely. Quite frankly, it doesnt matter if you are republican, democrat, liberal, or conservative. If you have the means and you go bacback to the labor secretarys point in 2011, the prosecutors in this case at both the state and federal level were being pressured by his attorneys who themselves were wellconnected. We still dont know what was going on behind the scenes there. So if you have the means, you can buy your way through the system. Jeffrey epstein depended on that. He has never expressed much remorse for what hes done, and he is dependent on the fact that he could buy his way out, which was the rape of young girls. These are kids with braces on. Its absolutely sickening when you look at what he has admitted to doing, let alone what he is accused of doing. America is just so tired of cases like this. We are tired of children being exploited without justice. It is easy to exploit children because they cant speak for themselves, and they are not connected. The labor secretary is saying that these girls didnt want to testify. Is that a big shot . They are defenseless young women who have been traumatized. Babies, really. Speak out his Public Defense here, in the sense that there was information that he didnt e witnesses. Ten years later but they its not entirely fair to judge him by this information that has come out sense that in part because of his prosecution. He was under no pressure to move this thing quickly through. Why did he come to this nonprosecutorial agreement, which is incredibly rare . Keep the investigation going, and by the way, when he says people were prosecuting these senses in no way that they were to do, thats not true either. The question of it was hard for him to find federal charges, i think thats a reasonable argument. Youre talking about statutory rape sure. That is legitimately true. Bill we really appreciate the discussion. Thank you all. That is generally true, but this is why we have to go back and actually look at what happened. We cant say just that that was the reason for the decision here. Bill thank you all. Good to have you back. Julie the search for missing mother taking a tragic turn. Savannah spurlock disappeared tragically. They have made a gruesome discovery. Details straight ahead. Bill joe biden, the bluecollar taking a hit. He saved a lot of money with a tax break. How does that jive with mainstream american . Our moneyman, Charles Payne coming up next. Ordinary middleclass americans dont matter. Honorably. Who havey whether its two years, four years or thirtytwo years like myself. One of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. So if you need money for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Who got an awful skin condition. With uncontrolled moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you feel like youre itching all the time. And you never know how your skin will look. 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Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer if eligible, you may pay as little as 25 per prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Julie the investigation into what happened to you a kentucky amount taking a this place now find human remains at home connected to the case. Savannah spurlock was last seen more than six months ago, leaving lexington bar with two men. Investigators are still trying to confirm if those remains are in deed hers. Please have also announced the arrest of a man they say is connected to the case, charging him with evidence tampering and desecration of a corpse. Donald trump has put us and a horrible situation. I would be going about eliminating his tax cuts to the wealthy. Bill that was joe biden two weeks ago. Reports that the former vp stated about 5,500,000 how are you doing, sir . The trump economy sure is working for the former vice president. It sure is. Any time you can speeches for a quarter of Million Dollars, that is a pretty good economic environment. These big tax breaks, arguably he would benefit pretty minorly from them. Helping small businesses. You dont have to pay a medicare, social security. Its estimated he saved about half of the Million Dollars by having a structure like this. President obama certainly didnt like it. He seemed to call it a loophole. Bill they propose it. I mean, its legal. Not against the law. Julie but its not the first one that has prospered. How does that affect them when they are campaigning against these tax cuts when they know they have profited from them . It makes it awkward. You have to believe that this is going to come up in the next round of debates. People are going to say ive got to believe someone is going to say bill i think Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren are getting their lines ready right now. It is just the idea that he benefited from it. Here is an apolitical person looking at this without the political nests, heres another person that made a lot of money and now wants to there is a lot of billionaires out there who are behind ideas that would make it harder for other people to become billionaires. Bill well, you are out with a brandnew book. And its a good one. I want to know why you wrote it. It speak on main frustration is that i know almost everyone in america can change their lives. It is a lack of confidence. Thats why i wrote this book. Confidence in what we know. They talk about i played the market before and lost. I bought a stock, i am intimidated. My favorite is when people tell me i dont know what you buy. I always say i can remember years ago when my number was hot, a guy on the streets stop me. Under armour tshirt and sneakers julie take a look in the mirror. I set obviously, you like the product. Did you tell five or ten friends about it . You are willing to spend your money on it, but you dont think that you should be a part owner of the company . The way that the book was designed, i want people to think how to really make sure bill you want to give people confidence through this. How to actually form a portfolio, manager portfolio. It is not rocket fire. I it is less work than what most people put into fantasy football leagues. I think you can change your life. Julie thats the best way to look at it. You have to first of all invest with confidence. You go in and you dont know what youre doing, you could be making mistakes. Especially these days without marketing so volatile. It could be up, down, you turn on tv, half of the people are saying sell. So i can be very confusing. You have to control your own financial future. Bill i love the title. Unstoppable prosperity. Julie so President Trump holding a social media summit at the white house later today, but some of the Biggest Social Media Companies arent invited. The president accusing some of them of bias. Details ahead. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Booking. Com offers free so bookers can book now. And ask their boss later. [do you want breakfast or no . ] free cancellations [definitely breakfast. ] how good is that . Be a booker at booking. Com. Julie there is a social media summit today. Google, facebook, and twitter are not invited. Lets bring in brett larson and matt. Trump social media summit. The New York Times calls it all the president s memes. It is odd to not invite facebook, google. I have had many conversations with facebook and twitter. I have talked to them about the allegations of shadow banning, censoring conservative voices. That is all that they are. Allegations. Why not bring them to the table to explain to some of these individuals that are going to be there how it works . How these algorithms were, how things get shared. Social media is kind of like a popularity contest. When youre talking about something that is popular, it starts to trend. When more people Start Talking about it, it starts to trend further. It gets seen by more people. When you are talking about stuff that is not popular, things that are considered racist, things that are considered homophobic, things that are considered sexist, those arent popular opinions. They are popular amongst certain groups of people, but not the majority of people. Bill what do you think comes from this . We are going to hear a lot more. The same sort of rhetoric. They are doing things that are illegal. Things that are unamerican. Keep them coming. Bill youve got a great story here. You never know what may come from this. He coaches a team. He is a sergeant with the dan barry police department. He was on fox friends this morning. He is an viral video. He has only seen about 3 32 for negative comments. He told his hockey team when a video went viral, he said we are not women soccer. We are not the nfl. You are going to respect the national anthem. If you want to protest the national anthem, get the bleep out right now. He is saying youre not going to embarrass us, and if you want to embarrass us, we will get you on bus, and you can do that on your time off, but we are here to work. Bill here are the rules. It get off the team. Yeah, pretty much. That is rare, and whether you agree or disagree, it is refreshing today. Its refreshing for somebody to say i dont care what you think. This is what i think is right, and im sorry you have a problem with that. Go to file complaint somewhere. Bill we should tell that to them in minnesota, right . You are going to reconsider that. I think youve got to get frustrated when you see the people who necessarily havent earned their stripes to make comments on certain topics. Comment, then somebody who has earned stripes as listen, youre not really there yet, and i think that is what we are seeing with john. Lots of times, younger generations are barking out this is the way that it should be done. Bill grab your gear and get the heck out. Then clean that up. [laughs] thank you. Good stuff. Here we go. President trump will hold a News Conference today. Among the many topics, the 2020 census. Hes been pushing for that question, are you a u. S. Citizen . More details on that as we roll on. Come on back. Bill 11 00 here in new york. Fox news alert on the new action to get the Citizenship Question on the 2020 census. We will carry it live for you. Brandnew hour for you. Bill hemmer live in new york city. How are you doing . Julie how you doing . Im Julie Banderas, and for sandra smith. The president is supposed to make a statement. He may actually take that executive action to include the Citizenship Question after the Supreme Court rejected the administration stated reason for it. House minority whip Steve Scalise was our headliner last summer. If youre trying to figure out how to apportion the country, how to make sure that you are putting Financial Resources behind places where you have people that are american citizens, that have whether it is infrastructure needs, health care needs, why is it that one of the questions you should be able to ask . Julie john roberts is live with more. Julie, good morning to you. Lets clarify what is going to happen this morning. It is not going to be an press conference. It will be press availability. What looks like executive action to put that citizenship on the 2020 census. He wants to be seen as doing everything he can to put that question on the census, which is coming up next year. If he can get it on, he certainly wants to let his base now that he is doing everything he can to try to get it on. Unclear at this point what the language of the executive order will be, but i am told it will stay within the parameters of the Supreme Court decision, which a couple of weeks ago kicked it back to the lower courts, looking for a more compelling reason to include it on the census. The department of justice, then what they had provided. The republican allies say that putting the question back on the census for the First Time Since 1950 is a nobrainer. Listen to jim jordan here. Dix is just common sense. We have been asking this question and one form or another for 200 years. You can talk to anyone on the street, ask them do you think we should be asking a Citizenship Question, they will say yeah and then follow it up with the second question, arent we doing that already . And you say yes, we have been doing it for 200 years. Everyone is for it except democrats in congress. What jordan is referring to is that that question came off of the census sent to every household in 1950. It has been included on some long form censuses since then. They want to put the question back on as a way of enhancing enforcement of the Voting Rights act. The democrats dont believe that. They say it is purely political and will benefit republicans and redrawing conventional districts. Listen to any club tracks, 2020 president ial candidate. We now know why they are trying to put it on. It is for political reasons. We found that in the operative papers. And it is very clear. And i think that is why you see Justice Roberts throwing it back to the District Court sensing you better come up with a rationale thats real. And now i guess you have the president looking for rationale behind every painting and under every sofa in the oval office. What the senator is referring to there is a study, found that it would benefit republicans. The announcement will happen after the social media conference. So the president will have a big platform on which to launch this, and you can bet that somebody, most likely the aclu, will lead the charge in taking the president to court to try to block this, julie. Julie whats the latest, switching gears here on the saga involving acosta and it looks like his job is safe after he spent little more than an hour talking to you and answer questions from the media about the question that he made back in 2008 to give epstein immunity from federal prosecution if he pled guilty to some state charges. He said that it was his intention to make sure that epstein spent some time in jail after it appeared that the Palm Beach County state attorney was going to let him walk on a civil charge. The agreement was for him to spend 18 months in jail, not the 13 that he did, and he never intended for it to be a work release. Hhe said that agreement was b. S. Not informing the victims. The lead prosecutor was afraid that if the deal fell through, epsteins lawyers made use Victims Compensation against him in any future trial. Listen to what acosta said. These are the words of the career prosecutor. She did not want to share with the victims at the office was attempting to secure for them the ability to pay a monetary compensation because she is aware that if she spoils that, and the negotiations falter, epsteins counsel would use this to questions the victims credibility. Her concerns were not hypothetical. Bill the palm beach state attorney back then says that acosta has got this all wrong. The democrats want to bring him to capitol hill. There is another interesting twist to this, which i think bears eliminating. At that is that in 2011, a prosecutor for the manhattan democratic district Attorneys Office went to court to try to get epsteins sex offender status lowered from the highest level to the lowest level. The judge thought it was outrageous and unreasonable and denied it. No question people will be looking into that as well. What kind of influence did epstein have with all of these legal opposites . Julie intriguing tale, certainly. Bill we want to bring in fox news contributor, katie pavlich. Good morning to you. How are you . We saw this about bill clinton going back to 1995. What are we to make of where we are on this . Well, on the issue of bill clinton, much of the credit for the deal that he got was that he was very influential and had powerful friends. Based on the inconsistencies of bill clintons denial this week about knowing anything about his horrific crimes, there are questions about whether bill clinton is not being investigated for being close to epstein, what his actions may have been. He was flying on his plane multiple times. How far their friendship goes back and whether bill clinton bill clinton is escaping scrutiny on these issues as a result of his status. But in terms of the press conference yesterday, these cases are very, very difficult. My take away from the press conference was that secretary acosta argued that yes, we could have taken this to federal trial, but the bil bar r beyond a reasonable doubt is very high. Based on the witness testimony and those actually corroborating his side of the story, they thought trial would not be a slam dunk. They wanted to make sure that he was registered out of dominic as a sex offender, there are a lot of inconsistencies with the story, both out of the local office in florida and the federal office. As acosta cited yesterday, these decisions were not made solely by him but as a team. He cited his lead prosecutor on the case, so we will see if he can hold onto his cabinet seat and whether this serves as a distraction. We are focused on the actions of secretary acosta ten years ago, rather than the horrific dreams of Jeffrey Epstein. Bill he did not give up later on in life trying to get a reduced sentence. He registered as a sex offender. They tried to get his felony reduced to a misdemeanor. Thats a remarkable stuff. We will see where it goes. In the meantime, what do you expect on the census this afternoon, katie . President trump has every right to use executive action to put the Citizenship Question on the census for a number of reasons. The first is when they have that ruling in june, they said that wilbur ross had authority to put the question on the census, it is just that his lawyers sit adequately explain why. So if wilbur ross has the authority to do it, President Trump certainly does. This has been done before, as we were talking about, and the majority of the country believes that this question should not only be supported, but that it should be asked. The majority of democrats, according to a harvard poll. 52 of them believe the question should be asked, and the majority of hispanics believe that it should be. Especially when it comes down to the stakes here. When you look out the way the census is used to allocate political power in washington, d. C. , it is very important to know who is in the country. This does not believe that everyone will not be counted. It just means that they are further defining who is in the country. The census already asks questions about race. There is no reason why they shouldnt ask questions about citizenship. Democrats are arguing that this will alienate undocumented immigrants, illegal aliens, when the reality is there are a lot of people who are not citizens that are green cardholders for example. It affects other types of immigration. Thanks, bill. Talk to you soon. Julie police making an arrest in the disappearance of savanna spurlock. Investigators discovered human remains at a home linked it to the case appeared she was last seen after leaving a lexington bar with at least two men. Just before minute, human remains were located outside of our residents. Taken to the state medical Examiners Office in frankfurt. We cannot confirm the identity of the individual, due to the decomposition that has occurred. Julie mike tobin in his life morning. Julie, that meant police are holding right now has been on their radar sense spurlock went missing. The developments that got things in motion last night was the location of a corpse. It david sparks is being held in kentucky. His current charges are abuse of a corpse and tampering with physical evidence. That is connected to police finding a body and a home reportedly owned by his parents. The remains are in such bad shape, police could not make a positive i. D. That has been sent to frankfurt, pending a positive i. D. That home had been searched on january 22nd, shortly after spurlock had been missing. Sparks was a primary suspect at the time. Alan sparks reported a follower order coming from his own property. Police found evidence and to david sparks. 22 years old, mother of four. She had given birth to twins. She was last seen leaving a bar in lexington with two other men. They have been questioned by police. A bridge near the home, even a cave had been searched. Just past six months since she went missing. This is the First Major Development in that case. Julie mike tobin, thank you. Bill fox news alert. Here we go. National Weather Service updating a moment ago, Tropical Storm barry has formed in the golf. Declaring a state of emergency on that. If you havent already prepared yourself and your family, for his Severe Weather event, you need to go ahead and do that. Of course, it is Hurricane Season now anyway. We encourage everyone to do th that. Bill here is the radar. As the gold coast braces. It is Hurricane Season. Julie is Robert Muellers testimony now in the air . This just and on capitol hill. Limu emu and doug. What do all these people have in common, limu . [ guttural grunt ] exactly. Nothing theyre completely different people. Thats why they make customized Car Insurance from Liberty Mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need. Yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. [ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. 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We know that the administration is not going to comply with this. We know that this is going to devolve into the usual back and forth. And that sort of thing, and the upshot of all of this is i think it is going to distract from bob muellers testimony next week. Julie with the mueller testimony now in flux, we dont know if he is going to testify or not. Complaints voiced in the public know limiting the length and fact of lawmakers questions and who question the mueller, if they actually get to question him at all. Privately, one republican has said that it could violate house rules, do they . It depends. I think now there has more imposing time limits on questions. He might allow some members to ask questions and for a bit others. Experience, that would be extraordinary if the chairman of the House Committee says well, i like the questions you are going to ask, but i dont like the fellow sitting down the bench from you, so he is going to be cut off and shut up. That doesnt make sense to me. It will spark more controversy. Julie the president obviously tweeted about this last week, causing the whole thing to sort of go up in the air. The Supreme Court handed down to a lower court. Come back with a better more valuable excuse that you think that question should appear. That wasnt good enough for the president. Now he actually may use executive action. Whats going on here . I think the administration is trying to find any possible way they can to get that question asked. The president has signaled he is prepared to issue an executive order, which from his perspective would give them a chance to fit themselves in the rule that chief Justice Roberts avenue, where he said you are allowed to ask this question, about the rationale that they have given so far doesnt pass muster. This is the administrations way of basically rebooting, taking another shot at this. Will pass legal muster with the Supreme Court. Julie thats all the time we have. We have breaking news. Bill breaking news. Taking questions now. The first one about mueller. Mr. Nadler and adam schiff, in terms of the intelligence committee, they will handle it very well. I wish we had more time, but im glad we have the time that we have. You know, as far as timing, distribution of timing on committees yes, maam. [indistinct question] it doesnt look like they have better prospects in the senate. Those bills are of similar ide ideas. Speaker pelosi well, not in those two, but many of those propositions are in the appropriations bill. That we have by bringing them up. Its shameful. What the senate it was shameful. What Mitch Mcconnell did was shameful. That doesnt mean that there werent good things and the rest of the senate bill, but it did not address all of the things that we wanted to address. We give them another chance. It is timing, it is too late. Well, it is never too late to do the right thing for the children, and when it comes to children, again, i am a lioness protecting our cubs. We are going to use every legislative tactic at our disposal. Individual bills or within but we do have, if you have seen our appropriations bill, it has many of these provisions in it. We havent had that discussion. Yeah. [indistinct question] what is your response . Speaker pelosi i said what im going to say and the caucus. That is where that is appropriate. They took offense because i addressed, i requested my members, and offensive tweet that came out of one of the members offices, essentially as segregationist. Our members took offense at that, i addressed that. How they are interpreting it and carrying it to another place is up to them, but im not going to be discussing it any further. Yes, maam . You talk a lot about civility in the caucus. But many of those freshman members reacting to your comment have found it demoralizing Speaker Pelosi ive said what im going to say. With all due respect, maybe you didnt hear what i said, but ive said all im going to say. What i said in the caucus yesterday with overwhelming response from my members. They know what the facts or less are and what we are responding to. We respect the value of every member of our caucus. The diversity of it all is a wonderful thing. Diversity is our strength. Unity is our power. And we have a big fight, and we are in the arena. And thats all im going to say on the subject. If you want to waste your question, you can waste your question. The president Gave Congress two weeks to come to some sort of deal on immigration. Do you see any momentum to change this or to sit down Speaker Pelosi well, the laws are what they are. It is important for people to understand what they are. We are proud of a global society, and when someone comes to country speaking asylum and they are not breaking the law coming into the country, they have to prove their case that they have a wellfounded fear of persecution. Its not a question of saying we are going to change the Global Human Rights dynamic that exists, there are some initiatives that suggest that some review of asylumseekers status could be done in the country instead of traveling here. And thats one thing that i think would be appealing to the administration. That doesnt necessarily mean you change the law. You allocate resources to do it. In terms of i think there is a real need for it. My understanding is that people dont even like that term anymore, so we are talking about dreams, promise, and beyond. Where do we go with that . And i think it is something that we have to do. It is not something we can do in two weeks. I am going to appeal to the people, the organizations to appeal to the president. I think they put him in office, and they have a better voice where that i did appeal to some of them to help for the conditions for the children when we were having the backandforth before the break, in the short trip im Mitch Mcconnell. He wasnt interested in their appeals. Its a longer thing. The possibility is there. I think it is in the public domain. So i will be confirming it. Chairman i guess he is a chairman. The Judiciary Committee. To my office to talk about some things that we could do. There may be some possibilities, things that we can do. It may not be the total comprehensive, but it would address some of the points. We have to do that. I mean, we have principles that we have always put forth when we secure our borders. We want to be respectful of immigration policy that is fair to the American People. The newcomers coming to our country. We want to you again have a path to citizenship, and i always like quoting Ronald Reagan on this. We cannot close the door. Recognizing that we are not deporting 11 Million People as a status of their documents or lack thereof, we did have that initial conversation. And there may be some possibility, but every time you think youve made progress, and it doesnt necessarily happen, but we are having conversations. The census question Speaker Pelosi there is an injunction. That we just have to overcome. An injunction against putting citizenship on the ballot. We have been printing the census forms. June 30th was the deadline, so we are printing the forms. We totally expect the census to go forward. The president s effort to put the Citizenship Question on the census will continue to be challenged in court. They destroy really . Including their rationale was based on a contrived pretext. It next week the full house will vote on a resolution for criminal contempt for attorney general barr and secretary ross so we can force our subpoenas and get the facts. They will try all kinds of things, but they have to get around that injunction. In the meantime, we are printing the forms. By the way, one of our issues and lifting it thank you all. Bill a few headlines there. In regard to that full house vote next week, for the attorney general bill barr and wilbur ross, holding them in contempt of congress, we will see if that goes forward. On the mueller matter, she says that she will leave it up to jerry nadler. Still figuring out how to proceed. In regards to the i. C. E. Raids, she said she is going to many of those questions go to the heart of this dispute that is now going through the house Democratic Party there. Apparently yesterday behind closed doors, nancy pelosi said if you have a member, problem, talk to me. Alexandria ocasiocortez did not do that. She went to the Washington Post saying the persistent singling out got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful. Newly elected women of color. Nancy pelosi saying i addressed it behind closed doors. Thats all im going to say right now. But we respect the value of every member of our caucus right now. This is a story that finds a different story line just about every day, and yet again today, we have this. So we will see how it works out over time. House speaker nancy pelosi. Julie newly formed Tropical Storm barry now brewing in the gulf of mexico. For this particular storm, this is the time to start getting prepared. If you prepare for the very worst, you will be in a situation where you will be able to come out far better in the end. Julie one forecasters productions could turn into a hurricane. Hi walter. Join us for a walk . Id love to, but my legs and feet are so tired and achy. Age, inactivity or medical conditions can affect the blood flow in your legs and feet. The result poor circulation and aches pains. I had the same problem. But now i use revitive to relieve my aching legs and feet. 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There is always a little bit of shift in this. That is the time frame we are currently looking at. That is the biggest concern. No surprise here. Getting all the way into portions of the panhandle, those are everything in the green highlighted areas. Rain is going to be a major issue. We also have all of the hurricane watch is in this area. It is not up to hurricane strength, but all that wind and water is going to push up along the coast. One of the Major Concerns this is our current storm surge forecast. You are looking at it right along the coast. You see still a lot of indecision, some of this running far over to new orleans. This is something we are still going to be watching over the next day. Bill adam, thank you. Plotting that storm. Thank you, sir. Julie lets head over to new orleans our Casey Stegall is standing by. Hey, casey. Hey, julie. Adam talked about the storm surge. That is what a lot of people are concerned about, and i will tell you i am a second. Because all eyes are on the levees right now. Following katrina, most of them were fortified, rebuilt, made higher. The maximum height, though, is 25 feet. In some of these lower lying areas, like the lower ninth, where we are. Most like the ones protecting Metro New Orleans, they are 20 feet high. The problem is right behind us, the Mississippi River. Because of all the heavy rains, the river is already at 16 feet. So there is not much wiggle room when you talk about a storm surge of just a few feet. Thousands not taking any chances whatsoever. Sandbagging, boarding up, and they are getting out of town. Here is the governor of the state. We know its going to be a big storm, significant rain and storm surge. If you havent already prepared yourself and your family for Severe Weather event, you need to go ahead and do that. Since weve been on the ground, many o have told us that they are afraid it is a sign of what is to come. Just yesterday, 8 inches of rain fell in three hour period of time, crippling Metro New Orleans down there along the border. It is usually higher ground. The floodwaters went down rather quickly, but no doubt people hope that that is not what is going to be heading this way. Weve got a close eye on it, julie. Julie Casey Stegall, thank you. We are very pleased that the special counsel, former special counsel will be coming, but i have confidence in our committee chairs. Mr. Jerry nadler, and adam schiff. In terms of the intelligence committee, they will handle it very well. I wish we had more time, but im glad we have the time that we have. Bill a moment to go on muellers upcoming testimony. That is scheduled today. House Judiciary Committee, we see it right now. Starting on subpoenas for a slew of witnesses named in the Mueller Report very soon. About 12 of them. Former utah congressman, jason, jason chaffetz. Congratulations on the book. While come back here to our program. Thanks, bill. You heard from Speaker Pelosi. Bill what is your expectation as they try to negotiate for this next week . Well, negotiations within the Committee Structure require the concurrence of the minority, and i dont think doug collins and devin nunes are just going to roll over and allow the democrats to reconstitute the rules of the house of representatives. Each member gets 5 minutes to question the witness. The chairman can invoke a 30 minute rule, where he can unilaterally ask 30 minutes of questions, but they also get those. The question is if you are limited to do two hours, that means the majority of your members are never going to be able to ask a question, and i think that is going to be unpalatable for a lot of people. They are not going to want to vote for a scheme like that. Bill i think there are 41 house members on the Judiciary Committee. The intelligence committee. It devin nunes is the Ranking Member on that committee. You are going to need a lot of time if you want to make a lot of people happy. The scheme that they are trying to put together now is going to make a lot of people unhappy, and the reason you set up the rules before you know it was going to come before the committee is so that you have all of this sorted out. Now they are trying to change the rules. What nadler wants to do and what adam schiff wants to do is create this drumbeat that there is some sort of impediment that donald trump is putting this into place. It is a fallacy. It is an illusion. It is a distraction. These clans in congress are not doing what theyre supposed to be doing, which is the work of congress. They are going over our report that is months old at this point. Bill do you think it happens because her yeah. The republicans i think actually have the most salient questions about why mueller didnt look at certain things. Why didnt he have time to investigate the origination of this . All the questions that mueller doesnt want to answer are on the republican side of the aisle because the democrats want to essentially read that Mueller Report again as of the country has not had a chance to read it. I mean nadler literally said that. Its important we say that aloud. They are appeasing a very small portion of the public and distracting the American People and an inappropriate way. Bill there is consideration that it will not happen after all. Do you believe it will happen next wednesday with mueller . Yes or no . I dont think its going to happen. From my personal point of view, if they are still trying to figure this out but we count in advance, you have the attorney general, signaled to mueller that he has his back i if you wt to back out of this, i dont think theyre ready for prime time. I dont think they have thought this through. They are having latenight meetings about this. I dont think the meeting happens next week, and to the congressional calendar is going to push this thing into september. Bill i wonder if you are right in the end. We will see. Jason chaffetz, thank you, sir. Good to have you back today. Thank you. Julie bold new move by iran, another one. Trying to seize a british tanker iin the strait of hormuz, what t means for tensions between tehran and the west. We need our allies more than ever. The u. K. , they are interjecting. Basically being able to intervene. Bill looking at this verified error the dow trading well above 27,000. Of 200 points today. Man oh, man. Just like at that. All right, keep an eye on this. A mother who now gives new meaning to the word of carpool. Arrested for allegedly driving her suv with her daughters on the roof and a swimming pool. She told police that she went down into town to inflated. Her daughters were on the roof to hold it down for the drive home. Thats one way to do it. She now faces charges for endangering her children. Julie a couple things wrong with that. Obviously, dont put your kids on the roof, especially an apple. There are pumps you can buy. So a couple really valuable lessons. Bill its faster at the gas station. Julie who blows up a pool and the gas station . Do it in your backyard, for god sake. Iranian gunboats are turned away after trying to see is a British Oil Tanker traveling through the strait of hormuz yesterday. They u. K. Said that british warship had to intercede and issue a verbal warning. Amber smith, former Deputy Assistant to secretary of defense jim mattis. What does it say about irans current state when they lash out with intimidation tactics like this . Well, i think it shows that iran is incredibly desperate, and i dont think we are going to see iran coming to the negotiating table to talk to the United States until they have reached rock bottom, until they have absolutely no options left, and right now, they still feel like they have a couple of those options. We saw it yesterday when they attempted to harass and intercepts the British Oil Tanker. They continue to impede freedom of they you think that they can make other nations meet their demands. They feel like they can hold our european allies who stayed in the nuclear deal with iran hostage on the Nuclear Level unless they attempt to help iran circumvent the u. S. Sanctions, so until we really see irans economy have irreversible damage, i dont think they are going to come, be willing to talk to us about a new deal. Julie from senator joe manchin, he came on earlier in the americas newsroom, saying that the deal wasnt working. I never thought that we should give them all the money that we give them upfront, never held them accountable for their actions. They never did anything to show their sincerity, and now we are seeing exactly what their intent is. We need our allies working together. Julie after breaking the deal, and enriching weapons grade uranium. Not only getting into hot water with the u. K. And u. S. , but they are backing themselves into a corner, which you say is a good thing, right . Yes, i completely agree, but giving iran large sums of money, we know that they are the number one state sponsor of terror, and thats where that money went. So doing business with them and that sort of fashion, it was a deal that benefited before. It did not make the world safe for a long term, which is why this administration is looking to create a new deal. Iran is backing themselves into a corner because it is completely flawed logic, as we just saw with iran attempting to intimidate this British Oil Tanker. They are trying to work with the british, do financial deals in order to increase irans economy for their own survival, and its not making any sense when it comes to building that relationship. Our allies are always going to side with the United States economy, the United States military. And decades of this alliance in the middle east. Julie talk about backlash. We are now threatening to increase sanctions, not reduced. Iran trying to blackmail european allies clearly backfiring. What is the president s next step . So the next step is to stay the course. This isnt going to look like any sort of war with iran on the horizon, but what i can say is that we are ready. Things could change with iran tomorrow. They could change in the blink of an eye. I am a former defense official in the Trump Administration at the pentagon. I can tell you that we have a warplane were 24 7, they are creating and updating these courses of action, Contingency Operations to provide options for the president of any military options are on the table, so the president can make that decision. We are ready. Hopefully it doesnt come to that. The ball is in irans court. Julie amber smith, thank you very much. Thank you, julie. Bill the outnumbered coming up next. Checking in with the ladies. Good morning. Good morning. The latest from nancy pelosi inside the family feud. The alexandria ocasiocortez accusing the speaker as being outright disrespectful and singling out women of color. She said to keep their complaints in house and social media. Thus, the rose garden remarks from President Trump. Will he announce executive action on putting a Citizenship Question i can never say that right. You know it . We are here with you, and we hope that you are here with us. Julie bill thanks, ladies. 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Susan eaton, she was not married mother of two originally from oakland, california. Molecular biologist. She was on crete for a conference. It is believed that she went out for a jog when she was a target of what police are calling a criminal act. The body was found in some sort of burlap bag down that world war ii era manmade bunker. 6 miles from her hotel. There was a big family lets search going on on the island, but people simply exploring the cave came across the body. It was reported that police think that she could have been a rough stuff, strangled, brought to that location. Could have been more than one person involved. She was physically fit. Family members came to the island to help search for the woman. She was described by individuals at her place of work as an outstanding, inspiring scientist. A dear friend and colleague. So far, there is no word of any suspects in this apparent criminal act. Bill what a story that is. Greg palkot in london. Julie fox news alert. Going to the white house whether president is getting ready to take some action on the census citizenship issue. A News Conference expected later this afternoon. Is there an executive order on the way . We will find out. I had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. Like the old tunic tug. But always discreet is less bulky. And it really protects. cause it turns liquid to gel. So i have nothing to hide. Always discreet. When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. O ozempic® oh oh announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. Oh under 7 . announcer and you may lose weight. 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And i you know julie and the rest is history. So is that lady who put her kids in a pool. I cant stop talking about it. Stupid. Bill truly unique. Julie lets do this tomorrow, shall be . Okay starts now. Melissa fox news alert, the war of words between congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez and House Speaker nancy pelosi is taking another dramatic turn as the new york democrat now select dont ask adjust the criticism of she and three of her colleagues as racist. This is outnumbered. Im melissa francis. Here todays harris faulkner. Joining us on the couch for the first time, Alexandra Wilkes attorney Senior Vice President of America Rising corporation and former National Chair of the College Republican national committee. Welcome. Harris hello, alex

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