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The white house. An important commitment made by north Korean Leader kim jongun at the last months summit with President Trump is apparently being delivered upon. At the time he said his country was dismantling a major missile engine testing site. There has been no official announcement yet from pyongyang. New satellite photography indicates the regime is beginning to tear down facilities at a launch site in the northwestern part of the country including a missile engine firing stand as well as a gantrylike structure used to assembly rockets. Bill how much can we read from it, greg . At the very least experts are saying its an important confidencebuilding measure towards denuclearization with north korea with caveats. There were no expert observers present, no way to verify what was happening and not dismantled there the actual launch pad and the site is used for liquid fuel missiles. More and more the regime is dependent on more mobile, faster to use solid fuel rockets. And there is no other word on commitments also made at the summit like the return of the remains of those u. S. Service members from the korean war back in the 50s. But as the President Trump administration is saying now, all this could indeed take time, bill. Bill well watch it. Greg palkot leading us off in london today. Breaking news coming out of the white house as well this hour. President trump heading to missouri for a big event honoring our veterans today. Leaving behind lots of buzz this morning with a white house announcement. The president is considering revoking the security clearances of several former top obama officials. Kevin corke joins us live on the north lawn with all the details on this one. The white house would suggest yeah, this may be unprecedented but not without cause they argue because of some of the things the former intelligence and Security Officials have not only said but done. The list is a fairly lengthy one. Mentioned yesterday during the press briefing let me share a graphic for the folks at home that may have missed sanders comments. John brennan, jim comey and Andrew Mccabe and others. Yesterday she explained the thinking behind the move saying they politicized and some cases monetized their Public Service and security clearances. Making baseless accusations of improper contact with russia street extremely inappropriate. The fact that people with security clearances are making these baseless charges provides inappropriate legitimacy to accusations with zero evidence. Sarah sanders. Many say the accusations are baseless. This is nick shapiro, a spokesman for mr. Brennan saying john brennan hasnt made one penny off his clearance since leaving the government. One doesnt need a security clearance to speak out against the failings of trump. Michael hayden said this, i dont go back for classified briefings. Wont have any effect on what i say or write and a spokesperson for Andrew Mccabe, who you might remember was removed from his position, she said that Andrew Mccabes security clearance was deactivated when he was terminated. You think the white house would check with the f. B. I. Before trying to throw shiny objects. To the press corps. Kentucky senator rand paul specifically mentioned the antics of john brennan. Here he is. I think there is a great danger to having people on television who are speaking off the cuff who are getting classified information. There is a great danger that they could reveal something that they shouldnt reveal. So yes, i think this should apply really to most people who are retired. Senator rand paul. The president on his way to missouri for that veterans event should be great. 12 30 live coverage on fox. For now back to you. Bill for more on all this now republican senator james lankford, how are you and welcome back here on americas newsroom. Ive got a long list of questions. Lets go one by one. Do you have a problem revoking some of the security clearances when you are out of the administration . I dont. You are out of the administration, no reason for you to get classified documents. Whatever administration its a need to know. You have clearance and access it. Once youre out of the administration there is no reason to have access to the information. Bill the argument is that if International Affairs come up you want to revert to the Previous Administration and ask questions how to deal with it. Do you think its a reasonable explanation to have it in place . You could talk about the history of whats been done in the past. I met with several folks on list before to talk about what they did in the past but theyll often say i have not had any access to any information in the past year, year and a half and so i dont know what has happened in the last year and a half but i can tell you historically. They continue to be able to testify what happened in the past but there is no reason to have access to classified information now. Just because you have top secret clearance doesnt mean you have access to everything top secret. You have only access to the information you need to know. You still dont have access to other areas. Bill north korea, is there a sign that its actually Going Forward with its word at least partially . Ill take a partial good sign there as was mentioned by your Previous Report there. For them to dismantle some of the sites where theyve done previous testing is a good thing but theyre solid rocket fuel. Thats the next generation of testing they have to do for solid rocket. That will be the next big sign to see as well as the returns from the remains of the korean war and trying to be able to step away from actually having Nuclear Weapons at all. Bill do you accept this stepbystep process, build trust, move forward a little piece at a time . I dont see one big day that north korea says well take away all of our weapons facing toward seoul and put down conventional weapons and Nuclear Weapons. I think it will be a stepbystep be able to earn trust and engage. Its a wise thing to do and something the previous five president s have not seen before. This is entirely new behavior from north korea. I want to be able to continue to see that progress. Bill the reason why the question is important the democrats say you went to singapore and came away with nothing. The white house seems to say slow your roll. Its a process and you agree with that . I do agree. It is an ongoing process. They have had the conversation and begin to see actual physical progress. One thing to get words, another thing to get actions. Were getting words and actions. Its very important to us. Bill on the fisa application that was made public, do you see a problem in that . I dont. A lot of people look at the fisa process and a top secret event to go through National Security issues most people never see it. To see what is out now on carter pages fisa application a lot of people are amazed at the process. Very few fisa applications are turned down because of so much work and back and forth with the judges saying we need more evidence before you finalize this. Turning it all in is extremely important. The very clear thing is the f. B. I. Was trying to use the steele dossier where at one moment they were saying its unverified, we dont noe. Another moment they were using it as backup to do further research on carter page. They cant have it both ways. Bill where do you think thats leading the more we peel back the layers on that story . Well, i think the Biggest Issue is the dossier now two years into it is still unverified and no one can look at any of the information and say this is actually accurate. This was a great grand story that had been created that was passed on through the Clinton Campaign to try to press on into the news media and successful getting it into the media but they cant actually see facts behind it. Thats the challenge and it was used during that time period. A longterm look with the f. B. I. And im sure something the fisa judges will start doing in greater depth is asking prove this information before i give you fisa clearance. Bill was there abuse of the system based on what youve seen . Can you answer yes right now. Im not sure i would say yes there is an abuse of the system but they pressed the facts harder than there were facts. Carter page had been acting with russians on a business dealings. They tried to say the russians were reaching out to him trying to engage him and marry up the dossier and enough to do a wiretap and to go further. It looks like its a bridge too far. Bill election midterms. You are sponsoring the secure election act. What will this act do if passed, sir . This act cleans up the mistakes in 2016. Obama administration had no engagement with the states at that time. Had the responsibility to engage with them through the department of homeland security, wasnt doing that. Weeks before the election johnson announces to all the states well come in and consider this Critical Infrastructure and have a heavy federal presence trying to engage in this. Every state pushed back and said no. What the federal government wasnt doing at that time was getting clearance to individuals within states so they could get classified information to them saying there is a threat but didnt tell them what the threat was until a year later. Were trying to clean that up. We should learn the lesson. No questions the russians were trying to interfere in our elections. We need to make changes for future elections whether its north korea, russia, iran, china or domestic activist group. We need clearances in the states and the ability to be able to see information so we can protect our elections but to reaffirm again the elections are run by the states, not by the federal government. But lets help the states be able to do their job well. Bill thank you for your time and hope you come on back. James lankford, the republican from oklahoma. Thank you, sir. Breaking news out of israel where were learning the military is claiming it has shot down a syrian fighter jet. The latest on the situation there. Well have that straight ahead. Bill a contentious battle on the hill. A new Veterans Affairs head. Who is robert will key . Well talk to a Top Republican senator coming up. The president making it clear made in the usa is one of his Top Priorities as he looks to get americans back to work. President Trump America never waves the white flag. We only wave the red, white and blue flag. The era of economic surrender for the United States is over. 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Never give up. See me. See me. Clear skin can last. Dont hold back. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. Julie the Israeli Military saying it has shot down a syrian fighter jet that entered its airspace only the second such incident along the border in 30 years. This happening just one day after israel launched its david sling as its called Missile Defense system for the first time in response to rockets from the war zone in syria. The Israeli Military says its on high alert and will continue to protect its territory. Of course, well keep monitoring this story and bring you any new developments. President trump the more we make things in america, the stronger america becomes. Thats why we will always live by two crucial rules. Buy american and hire american. Bill from the white house yesterday President Trump touting American Pride showcasing products from all 50 states pointing to a booming u. S. Economy. Grover norquist president of americans for tax reform good day to you. What did you think of the event yesterday selling america and the usa sf the president has taken a number of steps to make it easier to make things in the United States. The tax cut, we used to have a 35 tax on all american businesses. China has 25. We had 35. And then we wonder why we couldnt compete during the obama years because we were shooting ourselves in the foot. The president said enough of that. We took the rate down to 21. President wants to go with 15. I think thats a great idea. We should have the lowest Corporate Tax in the world not what we had until seven months ago, the highest. The stupidest. Bill okay. But then there is that testy issue of tariffs, grover. Here is the latest tweet on that from the white house. Tariffs are the greatest, he writes, either a country which has treated the United States unfairly on trade negotiate is trade deal or gets hit with tariffs. Everybody is talking. We are the piggy bank being robbed. We will be great. He said countries are doing a new deal. You have a lag in different sectors of the country that show people are hurting as a result of the tariffs. How do you marry the two . Well, there are two things. The president wants to get to where we have lower tariffs and lower nontariff barriers regulatory barriers both in the United States and by other countries. Other countries have higher tariffs against us than we do against them and higher and more destructive nontariff barriers. He is trying to negotiate that down. The president is negotiating it down by threatening tariffs. There is a challenge here if you can get past the tariffs to okay, we have tariffs and nontariff barriers against the United States worse than you do. Lets bring them both down. Japan needs to do better, china needs to do better. The rest of the world steals our intellectual property. They extort that and steal it and copy it. We dont have reasonable agreements and rules on how to do that. How you get from where we are to there, there is a danger that you start a trade war that doesnt end. There is also the possibility, we saw some of this with korea and some in other areas, that you hit somebody and get their attention and negotiate a better deal. Thats what the president is trying to do. I hope it works. I just worry were not in charge of stopping a trade war. Bill i think the tariffs are tricky. You laid it out in a bill tax cuts maybe will not pass before november. What do you think of kevin bradys idea . 2. 0 is good. Its telling the american people, this tax reduction is not a onetime thing. Well do it every year. We had a tax cut in january and in 17 and 18 and well have one every year this republican house, senate and presidency. Thats the message that brady and the republicans and white house are putting out and they are laying out we want to make some of the individual tax cuts permanent, very good, very important. We need to expand taxfree savings so people can save for their retirement, they can save for healthcare, they can save for education. All of these need to be more simple, easier and looking at doing that. Taking a look at how we can do better on healthcare. Saving for healthcare. I think there is some exciting stuff. One thing the president is looking at that he can do unilaterally a is the treasury secretary. End the taxation on inflation inside Capital Gains. It can be done by a regulatory change saying costs when you calculate the Capital Gains tax is cost plus inflation. It takes about half of the imaginary gains off the table. Bill theyre picking up on something out there. Well see whether or not they can sell it. Grover norquist in d. C. Good to be with you. Julie wildfire striking paradise. Dozens killed as flames go through a popular resort down overseas. Bill our new satellite images showing that pyongyang is in the process of getting rid of its nukes. Could it silence the critics from the singapore summit . Ive been there. The North Koreans have consistently reaffirmed their commitment that chairman kim made to President Trump. Hot wat, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Whoooo. You rely on tripadvisor so you dont miss out on the Perfect Hotel. But did you know you can also use tripadvisor so you dont miss out on the best price . 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Hundreds fled to the beach to escape flames and smoke. Authorities evacuated 700 people by water overnight. At least 60 reported dead thus far. The most deadly fire to hit greece in more than a decade. Still going on now. Julie fox news alert. Secretary of state mike pompeo set to testify on capitol hill tomorrow about President Trumps summits with russian president Vladimir Putin and north Korean Leader kim jongun as new satellite images suggest north korea has begun dismantling a missile engine test site. A possible sign kim is looking to make good on his denuclearization promise. Joining me now retired Army Lieutenant colonel james reese. Do you really believe north korea is entering its denuclearization process . Im cautious but optimistic. One of these things, this is open Source Intelligence coming out of this which we call imagery intelligence. Organizations such as 38 parallel that reported this are great watchdog organizations. But its something our intelligence communities have to verify for our government officials. Julie you call it cautious optimism. Here is secretary of state mike pompeo who helped utilize the summit with President Trump and kim jongun last month and he talks about his optimism with the process being made with north korea. Take a listen. Ive been there. The North Koreans have consistently reaffirmed their commitment, the commitment that chairman kim made to President Trump. No one was under any illusions it would happen in hours or days or even weeks. It is going to take time to achieve this outcome. Julie what are the next signs we should expect to see from pyongyang . Well continue to watch what happens at this missile site. Which will be key. I also think another simple step for the North Koreans that is supposed to happen here hopefully sooner than later is repatriation of remains of some of the soldiers from the korean war. That will be another nice step well watch to help. Julie pompeo says its a very slow process. The solid rocket fuel sites hasnt been dismantled. Trust doesnt necessarily work in the favor of north korea. Everyone would like to see this thing move faster but we have to be realistic and let this move along. It is a process. All negotiations are a process. We as americans have to be patient and understand this process and we also need to trust but verify. Like i said, all this intelligence is great but then getting folks on the ground to verify this will be great for the intelligence community. Julie they tested a bomb just about one year ago in september. The military drills with the south koreans. We work with them every day. We have the dmz and joint units that are patrolling the dmz. That continues to go on. Julie we arent backing off. No. The full exercise are things planned for people coming over but all the operations on the peninsula continue to move forward. Julie good to see. Well continue to watch and be cautiously optimistic as you say. Thank you. Bill opening bell two minutes away. Stocks will pop in a moment. Well tell you why. Also were learning about a deadly shooting in toronto. What were learning about the gunman on two victims killed on sunday. Intriguing. Well tell you about it. There is this. The president contends the fact people with security clearances are making these baseless charges provides ledge julie the white house threatening to revoke security clearance for several former obama officials. Is this the right move . Governor Mike Huckabee joins us next with his reaction. Anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Welcome to tide pods talk with gronk. 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The president is exploring these mechanisms to remove security clearance because they politicize and in some cases monetize their Public Service and security clearances. And making baseless accusations of improper contact with russia or being influenced by russia against the president is extremely inappropriate. Julie lets bring in former arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and Fox News Contributor. I can tell you this if the boss of fox news knows somebody is Walking Around disparaging them they wont be allowed back in the building. Do you have a problem with security clearances being pulled . I dont have a problem with them yanking the clearances. I was shocked that they still had them. Never occurred to me you could walk out the door of your job and keep the hall pass. What you said about fox is right. You walk out the door you dont get to keep your i. D. That lets you back in through security. It doesnt work like that in any employment ive ever been in including public employment. I walk out the door of state government, you think i carried passwords with me to the Computer System . Absolutely not. They were all changed. Here is what i think you have to remember. John brennan didnt just say i disagree with President Trump. He have accused him of treason. Thats an offense that if guilty you could be executed for it. Thats not a minor thing. For a former c. I. A. Official to be that unhinged, they should never have kept their clearances and by gosh rather than say we are reviewing it the one disagreement i have with the Trump Administration they should have said we have today revoked them and been done with it. Julie rand paul made that very same Statement Last night on the story. Basically saying that you are calling for the assassination of President Trump and then youll be in his white house. If you accuse the president of treason that would be the penalty, right . Lets play a quick sound clip from rand paul talking about this . I think there is a great danger to having talking heads on tv who are exc. I. A. Agents and still have classified clearance. A real danger they might inadvertently reveal classified information. I dont think that exc. I. A. Agents of any stripe who are now talking heads should continue to get classified information. Its wrong. Julie he is talking about being a contributor on a Cable News Network. Certainly thats not very friendly to classified information but here is the other argument. These government officials, the reason that they do not get their security clearance revoked much like in the government and white house they need to go back in in order to talk with others that are still working currently in their former role in order to advise them on policy that was made in the former administration. Would you agree that they should have access perhaps limited, though . To that argument i would say horse apples. Come on, if they need to get advice from john brennan or James Clapper they can call them up and tell them what they think they might need to know to give them a point of reference. Do you think anybody in the trust administration trusts john brennan, James Clapper susan rice and say we would like to have your insights because we have such confidence after you guys have created these phony dossiers, have gone after us, weaponized us and called us a treasonous. We would love to have your point of view . Thats never going the happen. Julie i want to move on to the fisa warrant application. It basically supports the nunes memo, do you believe it supports nunes and does it shoot down the naysayers that said its all a bunch of horse apples, is that what you called it . I could have called it Something Else but didnt want you to get bleeped. This whole scenario was based on absolute phony documentation. Lets just roll this back. If this were 2008 and the John Mccain Campaign had created a phony dossier and had used it to go to the then Bush Administration and asked them to get a fisa warrant to spy on the Obama Campaign and accuse them of collusion with a Foreign Government so that they could influence the election, im telling you there would be fires burning in the streets, cars would be turned over in major cities, and this country would be on fire and the press would be ripping their garments and demanding people be put in jail. The fact that we dont have consistency is disgusting. Julie its washington i dont need to tell you, right . From the time that the memo released happened, nunes released the memo in february the democrats have been hounding it is full of lies and mischaracterizations. Saturday night it started all over again. Is this because there is no other argument to be made on the part of democrats because there are no teeth to this argument . Well, right now the democrats are a onetrick pony. They have adam schiff running out there who sees russia in everything. Trey gowdy made the best observation ive heard. He said if there was anything to this, adam schiff would have leaked it on National Television long ago. I cannot think of a more appropriate maybe just clear understanding of whats happening. There is no there there and there never has been and thats why i think that the president deserves to be frustrated and exasperated, especially with the people who continue to make this a story when it isnt a story. Julie Mike Huckabee always great to see you. Thank you so much. Bill 22 before the hour now. Another fox news alert. Deadly shooting rampage in toronto we have some answers today. Canadian investigators have i. D. Ed the gunman who sent bullets into cafes and restaurants killing two and injuring 13. Brian yenis with motive and more. We are right now in alexander the great park in the heart of toronto in a neighborhood called the danforth. This shooter walked throughout the neighborhood shooting indiscriminately add people in the sidewalks and people in the park and cafes. Families were sitting by the fountain sunday night and had to take cover when he started shooting people. You can see a memorial has been growing all morning. People dropping by flowers for two of the victims who died, including a 10yearold. 13 others were wounded. At this hour Police Identified the shooter as 29yearold faisas husain from toronto. He died from a gunshot wound. We dont know if it was selfinflicted. Witnesses reported hearing 20 to 30 gunshots during the attack. His neighbors at his apartment complex reportedly say the 29yearold was a happy and smiling guy but his family says the shooter had Mental Health issues. In a statement the family offer their condolences to the victims and said this, quote, our son had severe Mental Health challenges struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life. The interventions of professionals were unsuccessful. Medications and therapy unable to treat him. Police say they dont have a motive and have not ruled out terrorism. We do not know why this has happened yet. The investigation itself is very fluid. It is very new. It will take some time and because of that, im certainly not going to invite any type of speculation. Two people died in this attack, a 10yearold girl and 18yearold named reese fallon. She was attending a friends birthday party. She was on her way to college. She had a great personality, whip smart. Bill, at this hour the investigation continues. A city mourns just three months after the van attack in the city that killed 10 people and we are still searching for a motive. Bill more to come. Thank you, brian, in toronto today. Julie President Trump getting ready to take off for missouri to honor veterans as the v. A. Gets its first leader in months. The Senate Confirms Robert Wilkie to lead the department. 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A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Bill 9 45. Take you out to joint Andrews Air Force base. President trump is heading to kansas city, missouri. Scheduled for a short helicopter ride on marine one but due to Rainy Weather they went by ground. Big speech this morning for the veterans of Foreign Wars National convention in kansas city as we see the president board now, a day after senate voted to confirm Robert Wilkie as the new secretary of the department of Veterans Affairs. That move giving the agency the First Permanent leader that weve seen in months. Mike brown is a member of the Senate Veteran affairs and Senate Armed Services committee. Good morning to you, senator. I guess nothing is easy. 869 in a decent vote, isnt it . Its a good vote. Naturally in the senate there are a number of our members on the other side of the aisle that will vote against anyone who is a trump nominee. But nonetheless it was a pretty solid suggestion of support for the veterans across the country. Bill what do you like about Robert Wilkie . He has a very big job, senator. He most certainly does. This is an agency which has lots of work to be done within it. A huge bureaucracies over 360,000 individuals who work there. They have in the past shown in some cases more protectionism for the agency as opposed to taking care of our veterans. I think robert is the right guy at the right time. He comes from the department of defense. He clearly is a veteran himself and has a family of veterans and understands how critical it is we provide healthcare and services to the veterans across the country and he understands the challenges he faces and i really think he has the right demeanor to take on this agency and make improvements. Bill Bernie Sanders voted no. He said he is worried about the v. A. Being privatized. Is that a possibility and if you believe that, will it make it better . Look, nobody is trying to privatize the v. A. But there is nothing wrong with providing services that are best for the veterans. And in this particular case i think senator sanders believes that mr. Wilkie will look at what is best for the veterans and he is not going to be protecting the agency. What he will try to do is provide the best services possible. Tricare, which is what our Armed Services uses allows individual members to go into the community and get services. If the rules promulgated by the v. A. Will now allow those veterans some leeway in terms of where they get the services provided, thats good for the veterans. But there are some members here in congress that think that they should be restricted back to Government Services only. In other words, governmentrun healthcare. Bill if you can make the system better i dont think a single veteran would argue with you on that. What is the president s message in two hours in kansas city to the convention there . Number one, there are literally billions of people acaos this globe that are free today because of their service. Our country is free today and we have the opportunity for all of the liberties because of men and women that wear the uniform of the United States of america. We owe them a debt of gratitude we can never truly repay but we need to send a message of support and a promise that we will honor the commitments weve made to them over the last several generations and to thank them for everything that they provided to our country and for their families as well. Bill josh hawley is trying to unseat Claire Mccaskill in november. Can he win the race in missouri . Absolutely. Folks in missouri will say are we moving in the right direction as a country. Are we choosing the right person at the very top to actually make nominations to the United States Supreme Court that will look at the decisions based upon what the constitution would have us believe is correct as opposed to try to write new legislation themselves . And i think thats exactly what josh hawley brings to the table. Do you believe the president should have support as he continues to nominate and get conservative judges on the bench across the United States. Bill interesting race to watch. President trump did very well in missouri in 2016. We shall see. Senator, thank you for your time and appreciate it. Mike rounds from south dakota on the hill. Thank you. Julie iran responding to a lengthy threatening tweet from President Trump yesterday as the United Nations Security Council gets ready for a big meeting on the middle east. Were live from the u. N. Next. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. 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The regularlyscheduled quarterly meeting expected to start a few minutes from now. We can show you a live picture of the stakeout position where some people may speak before heading into the u. N. Security council chambers. An open debate on the situation in the middle east with a focus on the Israeli Palestinian question with new outbreaks of tensions. The u. S. Blames hamas for fueling the violence and blames iran for propping up hamas and supporting terrorism around the globe. Part of nikki haleys remarks today will be focused on forcing the u. N. To recognize hamas as a bad actor in the middle east. They include a lot of israel bashing usually. The u. S. Has a strategy to force hamas into the conversation. From now on every country knows the United States will not just block antiisrael measures, we will shine a light on those who are responsible. The u. S. Criticism of iran will likely share the stage here especially after the Iranian Foreign minister responded to the president on twitter writing color us unimpressed. The world heard harsher bluster and weve heard it for 40 years. Weve been around for millennia and seen fall of empires, including our own. Be cautious, the iranians wrote. Now that the u. S. Has pulled out of the iran nuclear deal. Economic sanctions kick in less than two weeks from now. That could be part of the conversation and well be monitoring the speeches here inside the u. N. And bring you highlights throughout the day. Bill another alert here. President trump en route to kansas city, missouri for the vfw national convention. You will see his speech live on Fox News Channel about two hours now as he considers revoking security clearances from some of his biggest critics inside the Intel Community who used to serve in the Obama Administration. A lot of them are online come pen tateors and working for other cable news outlets. Well hear from congressman peter king out of new york and talk to him on that and what to make now of this carter page fisa documents. All this coming up next hour. Come on back. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. You always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com bill 10 00 here in new york. 10 00 in our nations capital. Will the president pull security clearances from the most controversial members of the Obama Administration . Thats where we start. A brandnew second hour of americas newsroom. Im bill hemmer. Sandra has a day off. Julie im julie banderas. Bill have you done this hour before . Julie i havent. This show has another hour after this one . Bill its a telethon. Julie these former officials have all been highly critical of President Trump in the past. Bill that brings us to our newsroom news feed. Todays top stories from the newsmakers and journalists who bring it to you. President trump is considering revoking the security clearances of some of his biggest critics. The list includes some of the top intelligence, Law Enforcement and national Security Officials of the last decade. Will it be said its unprecedentsed on his part. But the behavior of these officials has been unprecedented as well. Not only is the president looking to take away brennans security clearance. He is also looking into the clearances of comey, clapper, hayden, rice and mccabe. The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearance because they politicized and in some cases monetized their Public Service. This appears to have been touched off by rand paul urging President Trump to revoke the security clearance of former c. I. A. Director john brennan. Im very concerned about him having privileges because of his past history. I would make it more universal. I dont think that exc. I. A. Agents of any stripe who are now talking heads should continue to get classified information. I think its wrong. Thats the real question for the american people. Should they in particular have access if they are still going out there making very Strong Political statements in opposition to the sitting president of the United States. This will suck up all the oxygen in the room for a couple of days. Bill including now. New york republican peter king. Welcome back to americas newsroom as our headliner today. Thank you bill and julie. Bill senator rand paul kicked it off. He said this last night with martha. Listen. This is so over the top. Something has to be done and these people do not need to be privy to secrets because they might be using these secrets for partisan purposes. They are nakedly partisan and john brennan should not get anywhere within 10,000 yards of the government. He should have a restraining order. Bill 10,000 yards and a restraining order. What do you think . Do you agree . I dont always agree with rand paul but i agree with him this time. There is no vested right for a former c. I. A. Director or anyone to have your permanent security clearance. It is a privilege. So again there is no right to have it. Secondly, when you have someone like john brennan who is making money because of what he can say on television, to me thats incentive for him whether he intends it or not a risk of information being leaked and why you should be giving him that type of access is beyond me. To me the main reason you would give a person a security clearance if theyve left office if you need to call on them for advice or want them to be part if a crisis develops to bring them in. John brennan despises donald trump. They are as far apart as two people could be. It serves no purpose forgive him a security clearance and you run the added risk now that he is a highpriced commentator on other networks the risk is too great. I certainly understand why you take it away. Julie he claims he hasnt made money off this. Clearly you pointed it out. He has a highpriced commentator job. What business would he have in the white house and what business would the president have to have somebody in the white house who wants you assassinated if you accuse the president of treason thats what you are sessionly saying. And whether or not he is getting paid by the networks. I dont know if he is or not. It fills up his speaking fees and makes him more of a commodity, sellable commodity. What purpose does it serve . If he thinks the president is a traitor to me the president has every right to take away his security clearance and also thats such an over the top, irresponsible statement by john brennan. Unfortunately all too typical of him. Bill general Michael Hayden works at cnn as well right now and he said this on twitter. I dont go back for classified briefings. It wont have any effect of what i say or what i write. What do you think about that . I think general hayden is proving President Trumps point. Michael hayden, i know him. If he doesnt take briefings now no harm, no foul. He should lose his security clearance and have it taken away. I wouldnt put him in the same category as brennan. He has been sort of hostile to the president. Brennan has gone beyond that. The rule should be unless youre an advisor to the president i dont see what purpose it serves for people like that to retain security clearance. To me it creates risk. Fisa, youve seen the redacted document that came out on saturday. I still dont get a sense that a lot of americans remember who carter page is or was, what he is doing today or what he did then. He was with tucker last night. He believes now the onion is starting to be peeled away and the truth is starting to emerge. Have a listen here. Finally 14 months later the f. B. I. Answered my requests. This weekend we started having a little bit of transparency. Obviously there are 100 plus pages of blackedout information and i think, you noe, it is just starting the process in terms of getting to the real truth of these crimes that were committed against american democracy. Bill you have that. His comment from last night. Youve seen a lot more intel than most americans or many other americans are privy to. Do you believe the u. S. Government abused its privilege based on this fisa system . The answer is yes. First, bill, you said the average american has no idea who carter page is. I dont think President Trump had any idea who carter page was. Never met or spoke with him. No contact at all ever between carter page and candidate trump or President Trump and there was absolutely minimal contact between carter page and the campaign committee. He was a name that was put on they wanted an Energy Advisor and recommended by somebody in another capacity to put his name on this. He had no influence on the campaign whatsoever. As far as fisa, despite what you are reading in the New York Times and others this to me what came out over the weekend what proves what nuns said was right. That application was based so much on the steele dossier, the steele dossier was based on a Foreign Agent from the British Government who based his report on russian agents. It is like two or three times here say and yet the f. B. I. Says they verified the accuracy of it. How could they . They dont know who the russian agents are. The report was paid for by the Clinton Campaign which means the only ones who had real contact with russian intelligence was the Clinton Campaign. Julie whats really disturbing. The way it works. When you ask for a warrant you go to a judge and you need to provide accurate credible information to get a warrant. So who is at fault here . Does the f. B. I. Then take responsibility if you are applying for a warrant, you are getting a warrant and it turns out the information you are using is false. The antidonald trump dossier, bogus. In is why nunes thinks americans should see unredacted documents. Weve been fighting for this to be put out for the public to see. Still a lot of redactions. Wed like for all those to be unredacted so the American Public can see this in full transparency. Julie the democrats have called it all lies and they continue to do so on saturday. I dont see how they can say that. The fact is that fisa application, as Andrew Mccabe told the Intelligence Committee they wouldnt have been able to get the fisa warrant if they hadnt used the steele dossier. Yet in the application you would have to be a mind reader or genius to know it was the Clinton Campaign or Democratic Committee which paid for the steele dossier. It wasnt even mentioned. They talk about someone believed to have opposition to President Trump. Not saying he was paid 150,000 which came by virtue of the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic Campaign committee. This was totally misleading. Who is to blame . The f. B. I. And the Justice Department because as mccarthy was pointing out the other day on fox the f. B. I. Verifies and swears theyve verified the allegations included in the fisa application. They couldnt have. Nobody spoke or even knows who the russian agents are who gave the information to steele and i dont think the f. B. I. Ever sat down with steele and got his the basis. This is a triple here say. Bill it is tangled. Listen to you trying to explain it to us a year and a half later. Extraordinary. North korea, apparently there is movement at a missile testing site. Not a nuclear site but a missile testing site. Satellite images suggest theyre deconstructing a location . Can you add anything to that . If that report is true its a step in the right direction. We cannot trust the North Koreans. You cannot kim jongun. We have to lean on them and pressure to china and other countries to make sure north korea begins and starts to follow through on the promises it made to President Trump. I dont trust him but again as Ronald Reagan said, trust but verify. Julie you said it right there. I dont know if we can believe it. The only way to know it for sure is to allow weapons inspectors in there to examine this. When they blew up one of their test sites months ago they let journalists in but covered the windows of their trains before they actually brought them to a test site. Nobody has been able to verify this is happening. We cant rely on satellite imagery. When will we allow inspectors in there to make sure north korea is holding up their end of the bargain . That has to be all part of the ongoing negotiations and we should make no concessions to them at all until we have concrete proof that they are in reasonable compliance at the very least. They havent even returned the remains of the american bodies from the korean war. Theyve been lying for 65 years now, 70 years. The fact is we cannot trust them and we cannot believe them and we need to always keep that in mind. Bill bob mueller, seems like we cant have a conversation with you unless we talk about bob mueller and russia. Rudy giuliani is talking about an interview as long as there is nothing about obstruction. I would think if mueller wants to have an honest interview and real interview its a very good set of ground rules. On obstruction if theyre talking about the president firing comey, which i think he had the right and obligation to do. Jim comey was telling us one thing in private, so the president had every right to do it. To try to read into a lawful act carried out by the president as obstruction of justice makes it too easy for mueller to get a perjury trap if he gets another guy to say no, the president wanted to get rid of him to stop the investigation. The president knew the investigation would go forward. On collusion this all began because of allegations of collusion. So far nothing has come up. If anything had come up the democrats on the Intelligence Committee would have leaked it out. It is not out there. So i would say focus on collusion, the president i believe is more than willing to answer any questions on collusion. There cant be a perjury trap on that. Bill do you think the interview happens or not . I have known rudy for over 50 years. He is 10 steps ahead of the rest of us. What i saw if that quote is accurate, i believe it is, laying the foundation if mueller wants an interview its there and up to him. Bill peter king, thank you, sir. Talk about. Thanks for being our headliner today. Julie shifting gears to a political slugfest where conservative florida congressman ron desantis and new york selfproclaimed democratic socialist alexandria ocasiocortez are clashing over ideas. Bruising primary battle in the state of georgia. Will a trump endorsement be the key to victory . All this for the ateam coming up then. We had the momentum in the race. Our polling numbers were showing that. When the president sent out the tweet wednesday afternoon it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. Ooh, heaven is a place on earth uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. 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Im sure the florida voters appreciate your comments. The ateam is ready to go. Morgan ortagus, welcome back. Leslie marshall radio host and Fox News Contributor and howard kurtz, host of media buzz. Desantis has his shot and she had hers and desantis came back again. She is complaining about the occupation of palestinian and someone said what do you mean by that . She said well, i dont know, im not an expert. Wait a minute. You are saying that one of our best allies is occupying some country. There has never been a palestinian state. You are talking about the left wing talking points and youre the savior of the Democratic Party . She is on the road with Bernie Sanders. Where they went is fascinating. St. Louis, missouri, kansas city, missouri, wichita. This is a place where you would not find folks on the far left of the party going to campaign. What do you think . I dont think that congressman desantis should have called her this girl. I dont think any of us appreciate being referred to as this girl. Saying that is substance of what she is saying and preaching especially about israel is pretty much as intolerable as it gets in Foreign Policy language calling it the occupation of palestinian. Israel is our closest ally around the world and her comments are around the pale. If she is the face for the Democratic Party id say go for it. Doesnt do anything but help my party. Julie the Democratic Party needs somebody new. Maybe she should do a little homework first. First of all, i think desantis should do homework. The bongs is bro x is in new york. She isnt running for governor in florida. Attack your opponent. I dont understand why he is attacking her. I agree with you on the woman thing. If you look at the composite of the voters in florida you have a lot of females. You have a lot of latinos. You have a lot of puerto ricans, cubans and other hispanics. As somebody who is half italian you dont dog that segment of your population. He was off the mark. I think she has a right to her opinion and the millennial voters in israel. I lived there in 1996. They do feel maybe not occupation but do feel the palestinian population is greatly oppressed and not really in favor of that, the new, younger voter. She booted the question during the interview. Absolutely. Ron desantis of florida is running against this 28yearold woman from queens in the bronx heard before. Everyone wants to run against her. She has become the face. Her brand of democratic socialism will not play in many of the red and swing states. The media that built her up to a star, giving her a complete pass. She has called for occupying airports, occupying ice offices. Admitted she doesnt know anything about geo politics. The whole gop would love for her to be the symbol of the Democratic Party. Bill desantis concluded by tweeting this. Trust me, socialism wrapped in ignorance is something from people in florida from all walks of life reject. I agree wholeheartedly with the congressman. Something that worries me as a conservative is that the number of millennial voters in the u. S. Who do seem to buy into some of the farleft arguments. We see it on college campuses. As a conservative we have our work cut out for us to convince young people to vote with the Republican Party and to buy into conservative ideology. A lot of people buy into the extreme rhetoric. I was in columbia last week the country, columbia. Right across the border we see the effects of socialism in venezuela. We see people starving to death in venezuela coming to the border into columbia where you see democracy, where you see capitalism and freedom. Just to the south of us we have a picture of what this woman running for Congress Wants to see happen, in venezuela versus columbia. The most stark picture we can draw and it is quite scary what is happening in venezuela. Bill lets see the primary vote in georgia. Bill once again the president is getting behind another candidate and seems to be working for the candidates getting President Trump behind them. Bill july 18 brian kemp is running for governor the great state of georgia. Primary is tuesday. He loves our military and i give him my full and total endorsement. He has made quite a comeback politically. When you think about connor lamb in pennsylvania and in alabama. The people trump supports are pulling out wins. Well see in florida. I dont know if desantis is going to. For a lot of people whether they like it or not midterms will be a referendum on trump and as you were saying about my party which everybody thinks is going completely to the left. Not entirely. Its a split that concerns me as a democrat. Republicans were seeing the same thing. Republicans who are more moderate are backing some of those candidates. Were seeing that in the polls. Desantis is down 12 to 18 points and then up. We see it in georgia as well. At this time, though, bill, at this time, julie, you expect the numbers to be smaller and were seeing that. I dont think its just a bump from the president supporting the candidates in georgia. Some republican governors dont like the president getting involved in the fights. He has every right to do it. They dont get notice whatsoever. Some of them believe he is backing people who can win a republican primary but might be weaker general election candidates. Well see about that. Bill eric holder might be running for the white house. Here he is with stephen colbert. Listen. Are you seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring for 2020 . Im thinking about it. I would make a determination sometime early next year. Bill i think he is running. Sound like it. Up in New Hampshire and not denying it. Im also thinking about it. When they say im thinking about it. It will be interesting, leslie. Well have 20 people on stage fighting it out for the heart and soul of the party. Eric holder hasnt run for dog catcher. He will have the obama baggage. How does obama aside, kamala harris, cory booker, those are fresh faces. Holder would have a tough time. It is not that easy to do that if youve never run before. It is who you are running up against. Look, im a democrat and i have said im going to vote for whichever democrat can make this president a oneterm president. Thats my opinion as a democrat. I want a winner. I dont think with all due respect to the former attorney general he is a winner. All respect to my home state of massachusetts. I dont think warren is a winner. Senator sanders, are you watching me . You will not beat donald trump. Joe biden speaks the kind of talk that donald trump does. I think he would be great with him in a debate and i think he would appeal to the voters that really put it over the top for trump which is that blue collar, middle class working class rust belt voter. Joe biden. He will be almost 80. He is not as polarizing as Hillary Clinton was. He has a tendency to make gaffes but so does the current president. He is real. Bill paul ryan is talking on the hill. The house speaker. What is he talking about . Countries that perpetuate unfair trade practices there are better tools to use to get them to play fairly. I dont think the tariff route is the smart way to go. I understand the president s plan and what he is trying to do and the goal he is trying to achieve is a good one. Better deal for americans. I dont think the tariffs are the way to go and members are making it clear. [inaudible question] weve made our points very clear and we hope at the end of the day we all want to land in the same place. I would like to get to the landing spot as fast as possible. [inaudible question] im seeing cecilia today. Well, they do they dont trade fairly with us on a number of issues. I am a person who wants to get im a little out of the mainstream on these things. I believe its important we lower our trade barriers to one another. They do have higher tariffs on our products in certain areas. Agriculture in particular we have a big beef, no pun intended, with the europeans and cheese as well. But i think its important that we Work Together to reduce trade barriers and trade restrictions between our countries. This friction that were having as long as it results in lowering barriers and making it easier for us to access foreign markets and have reciprocal trade agreements thats great and hopefully where we can end up with this. [inaudible question]. [laughter] sam ryan came to work with dad today and he gets the distinction of that honor today. Bill paul ryan taking questions there. Before we went to him he was talking about the possibility of Vladimir Putin coming to washington he favors talks, he said, but a joint session addressed for congress not something he would be for right now. Well see whether or not it happens. On tariffs not a big fan. Free market guy never hidden behind that but does not like the tricky issue of tariffs thats ongoing today. In a moment the price of flying heading for the clouds. Should you lock in your hotel and Airline Rates . Julie President Trump visiting kansas city. What he will say to military veterans after the Senate Confirms his pick for Veterans Affairs. He comes from the department of defense. He clearly is a veteran himself and he understands how critical it is we provide. I really think he has the right demeanor to take on this agency and to make some improvements. A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Julie President Trump right now heading to missouri as we speak where he will be addressing veterans during a big speech in two hours. The event coming one day after his pick for v. A. Secretary finally gets confirmed by the senate. This is an agency which has lots of work to be done within it. Its a huge bureaucracies, over 360,000 individuals who work there. They have in the past shown in some cases more protectionism for the agency as opposed to taking care of our veterans. Robert is the right guy at the right time. Julie doug mcelway is live in missouri. Robert wilkie will be with him. The president said in a statement about wilkie that he has dedicated his life to serving his country with honor and pride and commitment to supporting the armed forces and veterans. An interesting confirmation vote. His predecessor received unanimous support. Not so for him. Nine democrats voted against him. Many president ial contenders including cory booker, dianne feinstein, kamala harris, jeff merkley, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders. Wilkies conservative credentials are significant as a onetime staffer for jesse helms. He managed to win over most Senate Democrats with a promise not to privatize the v. A. President trumps address will focus primarily on a proUnited States, proveteran message. He will express his gratitude for their service to their country. After todays address mr. Trump will attend a fundraiser for Missouri Attorney general josh hall running against Claire Mccaskill. Here is mr. Hawley. Delighted to have his endorsement and support. He was voted for by 20 points for the people of missouri. After all this time Claire Mccaskill still hasnt gotten it. The white house sees mccaskill as a highly vulnerable. This race is tight. The latest average of polls has mccaskill up by just one percentage point. It is key. A lot of missouri voters will be watching closely the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Julie thats very much. Bill well cover that speech in an hours time. If you are planning to travel, should you lock in a deal today, julie . Cost of traveling likely to rise sharply in 2019. Jerry willis, Fox News Network here to tell us why. Its a simple story, bill, i have to tell you. Good morning to both of you. Its demand, right . We have a growing economy, expanding economy, more people want the travel and the price goes higher. Thats the big story. Youve seen this economy just great guns here. 4. 1 probably this quarter on gdp. Some folks are saying we can go to 5 . Thats a big deal. Rising oil prices, thats an important component of this, too. The airlines slap fuel surcharges on the priels of tickets and labor prices are going up. Were seeing 3 or 4 increases in prices not just for the airfares but hotel prices. Julie it bo eds well for the economy. You want a better economy and jobs, we have that now. With supply comes demand. The key here if youre planning a holiday vacation is book now. Hotels are going up, too. Hotels going up more than airfares nearly 4 . As demand increases so do the prices. It is a good idea to book early that you can. The holidays are coming. Bill on the markets, google is crushing it. Google is crushing it absolutely. And the dow is up 100 points because of that. Googles shares up dramatically, 5 for that stock. Earnings are the reason. If you talked about google two weeks ago, a month ago, the only thing we would have discussed is European Union is putting in place a 5. 1 billion dollar fine. The new privacy regulations will crush google. Not so. The earnings outstripped by analysts were expecting. Revenue was up 26 . In terms of sales theyre getting 2 billion in just ad revenue every single week. So a 5. 1 billion fine, so what . Bill revenue in ads is 2 billion every week. From ads 2 billion a week. 32. 7 billion for the quarter, for the quarter. This isnt a year. Bill wait until the government breaks it up, right . You mentioned the gdp. That number comes out on thursday friday. The president tweeted this. Our country is doing great, he writes, best financial numbers on the planet. Great to have usa winning again. Consensus estimates over 4 for the quarter. Were looking at a very strong quarter. People said we couldnt do this or get past 2 . We are. There is an outlier estimate of 5 , can you imagine . Thats breaking a 15year rule. We havent seen it in forever. That would be a big shocker. Im betting on four plus. Bill well mark you down for that. Julie positive news is a nice change. Happy to deliver. Bill in a moment facial recognition could be coming to a school near you. Will it boost security or give more power to big brother . Well talk about that with our 24 7 crew. Julie satellite images say north korea is dismantling a key missile site. The ateam is back for round two next. Whoooo. You rely on tripadvisor so you dont miss out on the Perfect Hotel. But did you know you can also use tripadvisor so you dont miss out on the best price . Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the hotel you want for the lowest price. Saving you up to 30 so you can spend less time missing out. And more time paddling out tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com or download the app copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. 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The president is frustrated behind the scenes that after the summit with kim the North Koreans are slow walking, canceling meetings, not returning phone calls. Gangsterlike behavior by the u. S. The original hope of quick denuclearization has clashed with the reality of dealing with the north korean regime. He needs concrete results. It might be a first step. I dont think anybody thought it would happen overnight but it is going at a snails place. James reese talks about patience but also being cautiously optimistic. I want you to react. Everyone would like to see this thing move faster but we have to be realistic and have to let it move along. It is a process and we also need to trust but verify. Like i said, all this intelligence is great but then getting folks on the ground to verify this will be great for the intelligence community. Julie its the trust but verify part. The trust is what i have a question about. I do, too. I think when it comes to north korea there is not left to right democrat, republican. We all know what kind of regime this is. When you look at this leader, his father, grandfather, a lot of promises that werent kept. Meetings that didnt go the way we wanted. I do not feel that our idea of denuclearization is the same as the leader of north koreas. I also dont think he is going to denuclearize in any full capacity while we have our military presence in south korea which well continue to have. We have not seen remains returned. Im a pessimist on this and i just dont think what were seeing from the ariel view is the full story. I would like it to be cooperation but i fear its not and i think well find that out. This comes on the heels of secretary pompeo and nikki haleys meeting at the u. N. Security council on friday. They came out on friday with a Big Press Conference where they pressed all the members of the Security Council to implement the sanctions three Different Levels of sanctions passed at the u. N. Whats important to note secretary pompeo called out the chinese and russians for violating the petroleum ban and showed pictures of ship to ship transfers. Why am i talking so much about sanctions . These sanctions are drastically hurting the north korean economy. Its what kim jongun wants to get out from under. The move you saw today could be in direct reaction from the press conference and the meeting that pompeo and haley had at the u. N. On friday. Bill pompeo testifies tomorrow before the senate. Whether its north korea or whether its putin. He might even be asked about the president he may take away the security clearances of some former officials who were criticizing him. John brennan calling him treasonous. Pompeo has become a guy on the hot seat. Unlike his predecessor this guy knows how to communicate and i think just on that score alone. Bill the shots he fired on saturday directed toward iran was part of a could coordinated effort. They are ratcheting up the pressure very deliberately. Julie iran tweeted back. Anyone following iran knows they make these statements and worse on a regular basis and what they say against our ally israel is over the top. We havent been paying attention. Bill we will bring you back for a hot minute. Thank you morgan and leslie and howard. Julie protestors interrupting the Tour De France. How they put the entire on hold. Shaquille oneal in a shark cage. What joined him in that cage is what made for an epic battle. Sut wont replace the full value of your new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Julie Shaquille Oneal shark attack diving into shark week and braving the sharkinfested waters going into a cage surrounded by tiger sharks. Carley shimkus, brett larson and jared max are here. The surprising award goes to Shaquille Oneal who did diving with sharks. As you can see, things did not go according to plan when a small shark squeezed its way through the metal bars and made its way into the cage. Rescue workers had to get him out. You have to ask yourself how much of this is manufactured drama for the show. An executive producer said it is fortunate nobody got hurt during filming. Shaquille oneal had the best reaction, from now on call me sharkuille oneill. He is one of the original investors in google blows me away. What happened at the Tour De France . The riders were 29 kilometers into a 200 plus kilometer stage and the race gets delayed by 15 minutes because of some protestors, farmers protesting about the funding european funding for bales of hay across the way. Police come by and used pepper spray to disburse the protestors. Here comes the peloton of racers and the guys get blinded by the stuff and they had to get treated. It stopped for 15 minutes. Bill facial recognition with schools . Julie theyll use facial recognition on children . They want to use it on children to keep schools safe so theyll have a list of faces of people that shouldnt be there. Facial recognition weve had it for a long time. Apple has proven it works. Face i. D. On the iphone x and smartphones. They will be scanning the crowd to see who is in the crowd or whether or not they should be in the crowd. Privacy advocates will say its a bad thing. We dont want to be scanning crowds ad hoc picking up whatever it is youll pick up. Its an interesting idea. It works in times that theyve had to use it. It has worked very successfully. I dont see a problem with it. I see it as being sort of a benefit. If we make kids walk through metal detectors because we dont have common sense gun control. Julie where do their faces go . Its in the database and what if that database were to be hacked. Thats my concern. Everybody gets hacked. I have read comments somebody not a fan of this says what a chilling thought for kids. How is any adult to talk about a chilling thought for kids . We arent the ones going to school in a time when there are school shootings. We carry a badge around work that gets us into doors. This is specifically looking for children who were expelled and sex offenders and criminals. Its not like they are just scanning children for any other reason other than looking for specific people that shouldnt be there. I do think this could be helpful. It might not be the solution. Bill my sense is adults have a problem with it more than kids. They are the next generation who have to deal with the technology. Maybe they should be exposed to it. Bill thank you. Big primary today. Well talk to one of the candidates, Lieutenant Governor casey cagle live in americas newsroom. Bill fox news alert. The battle heating up over security clearances involving former white house officials. Third hour begins. Welcome back here. Julie, great to have you today. Julie im julie banderas. President trump may strip security clearances of several former intelligence chiefs including former c. I. A. Director john brennan who went after the president over the putin summit calling his actions nothing short of treasonous. White house saying his security clearance legitimizes those baseless accusations. Peter king was our headliner last hour. There is no vested right for a former c. I. A. Director or anyone to have your permanent security clearance. This is a privilege. Secondly, when you have someone like john brennan who is making money because of what he can say on television to me thats incentive for him whether he intends it or not a real risk of information being leaked. Bill Thomas Dupree under president george w. Bush has analysis but we begin with Catherine Herridge in washington has leadership on the republican side responded to this possibility . Well, bill, they have responded within the last few minutes. We have reaction from the speaker of the house and it comes from the weekly house leadership presser. I think he is trolling people honestly. This is something thats in the purchase view of the executive branch. Some of these people have already lost clearances. Some people keep the clearances. Its not in our purview. Rand paul got the debate going after he questioned whether the former c. I. A. Director john brennan should maintain his clearance. After meeting with the president late yesterday the senator told Martha Maccallum it goes beyond the half dozen Senior Intelligence and Law Enforcement officials. I would make it more universal. I dont think that exc. I. A. Agents of any stripe who are now talking heads should continue to get classified information. I think its wrong. The group singled out by the white house includes brennan, james comey, director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former c. I. A. Director Michael Hayden. National security advisor susan rice and former f. B. I. Director Andrew Mccabe. Before rand paul had his meeting the White House Press secretary explained their rationale. The president is exploring the mechanisms to remove security clearance because they politicized and in some cases monetized their Public Service and security clearances. This morning Administration Official really had no more information when asked by fox about the mechanics or the timing in this case, bill. Bill how are democrats on the hill reacting now . Theyre pushing back as you would expect. The ranking democrat on the house Intelligence Committee said the move amounts to an enemys list. Suggesting that we will punish critics of the president by stripping them of their security clearance, that is not what you see in a democracy. That is exactly what you see in authoritarian regimes. The House Minority leader nancy pelosi said it further politicized National Security. I have been in the meetings for over 20 years. This is so extraordinary. The last thing you want in intelligence is partisanship. Senior Senate Republican bob corker has voiced his concerns comparing the proposed stripping of the security clearances to retaliation and the kind of move, he said, that we would move commonly see in countries like venezuela. Bill thank you, catherine. Julie its the brown hair. More on this with Thomas Dupree, former assistant attorney general under george w. Bush. Lets talk security clearance for a moment. Why would a former c. I. A. Official have any business in the white house regardless of the fact that they are now a commentator on a Cable News Network considering he basically called the president treasonous . Thats a fair question to ask. The reason why you sometimes in some cases will have former officials maintain their security clearance is because they still in some way can participate or contribute to ongoing strategic discussions. For example, there might be a question about well, we just got this piece of intelligence from overseas, you saw Something Like this a year ago when you were serving in the c. I. A. , there can be situations where a former official has a constructive role to play. The relevant point is a security clearance is not a permanent entitlement not like when you get a gold watch and you keep it forever when you retire. Security clearances should only exist if the person is using them constructively and helping to advance the United States interest. It is not some sort of personal gift. It is something that only exists to the extent it helps the United States in its intelligence gathering. Julie the president is looking into the clearances for other former officials and trump critics including former f. B. I. Director james comey, Andrew Mccabe. Lets be clear here first of all mccabe was fired so he is not allowed in the white house. So he didnt have security clearance anyway. What about comey, clapper, mccabe, rice, hayden, the list goes on. The former c. I. A. Director Michael Hayden who worked under president george w. Bush. Any reason why any of those officials there on that list should have any entry into the white house . Well, i think what they need to do here is look at all those individuals you mentioned and other individuals and decide whether there is a legitimate ongoing need for these people to maintain their security clearances. Weve already heard complaints from the democrats that this is targeting and this is political payback and so i think to deflect those charges and to show that this is not, in fact, just singling out people and punishing them for dissent i think they need to cast a broad net to make sure they conduct the inquiry fairly and they need to follow existing procedures. Make sure were applying this standard for maintaining security clearance in a fair, impartial, unbiased way which will deflect the allegations that you are singling out people critical of the president which we shouldnt be doing. Julie speaking of being critical of the president i want to move on to robert mueller, the special counsel. The president s attorney Rudy Giuliani is laying the ground work for a possible interview between the two men saying the president would be open to questions about collusion but less willing to talk about obstruction of justice. Does that seem fair . You know, it does seem fair to propose a solution along these lines. I have said from day one that i think its in everyones best interest, not just bob mueller but the president to try to arrange some sort of sitdown interview under limited, confined circumstances, terms and conditions that will enable us to avoid a subpoena fight to prolong the Mueller Investigation for another year as it goes through the federal courts. The proposal the president s team has put on the table is a reasonable one. I have think its a constructive one. Not to say its the final offer. There will be give and take back and forth but i think theyre on the right track. Julie the president man taind no collusion. So far no evidence to point to that at this point and the president thats why he is willing to sit down with mueller. I want to talk to you about the feds apparently getting 12 audio tapes. They seized them from Michael Cohen in a raid of his office and home. As you know, Michael Cohen was a close confidant of the president. What do you believe are on those 12 audio files and should the president be worried . Well, i guess here is my take. Number one, i think the president should be worried that Michael Cohen was taping these conversations. As a lawyer, it is very unusual. Julie is it illegal . Its illegal in some jurisdictions. In new york you need the consent of one party. For that reason it may have been okay depending where the calls happened. As far as the lawyers ethical duties to his client this raises real questions about what michael could hens motive was in recording the conversations. Whether it could hurt the president. The president so far has not been asserting privilege as to these recordings. They seem to be taking the position that its fine for these recordings to come out. They arent embarrassed. Thats a bold move. I think it does support at least to some extent the president s claim that the stuff thats on these tapes is exculpatory. If it implicated the president you would think they would be fighting privilege to the death to prevent the stuff from becoming public. Julie never a dull moment. Bill good stuff there. Fox news alert. Is there possible progress in north korea . Satellite images showing the dismantling of a key missile test site. A sign the north may be keeping promises made to the president in singapore about a month ago. Greg palkot is on the story live in london. What more do we know about this, greg . Hi, bill. Possible good news coming out of north korea. Signs that a commitment that was said to have been made by north Korean Leader kim jongun to President Trump at the summit last month could be delivered upon at the time he said his country was dismantling a major missile engine testing site. There has been no official announcement that we have heard coming out of pyongyang. Analysts are now looking at satellite photography there are indications the regime is beginning to tear down sites in the northwest corner of the country. A firing stand as well as a Rocket Assembly structure. At the very least, bill, this could be a confidencebuilding measure towards denuclearization by north korea. There are some caveats. Much like the dismantling we saw of the Nuclear Test Site in may in north korea, there were no outside experts present. No way to verify this. Also u. S. Officials tell fox news that these moves could be reversed and, in fact, this is a liquid fuel missile site and a lot of the emphasis now by north korea regarding Ballistic Missiles is toward solid fuel and there is no word on other commitments made in that summit including that return of remains of u. S. Service members lost during the korean war back in the 50s. Still as President Trump and the administration says, this is a long, lengthy process, not an overnight thing. This could be another important step. Back to you. Bill thank you, greg, keep us posted from london. Thanks. Julie fox news alert now. The president should be landing any minute now in kansas city for a big event honoring veterans today. Were live on the ground and bring you the speech as soon as it happens. Bill it is primary day in a critical southern state. Who did the president pick and what role will that play . Julie evacuation orders for hundreds of homes after the area is inundated with water. What a disaster and the flooding danger is far from over. It has been a long time since weve been hit with this much water in such a short period of time and it became a real concern for us. Bad for some of the businesses because theyve had damage. We just got them cleaning all the water out. [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. This is a fight against time. What were dealing with is coming out, meeting someone whos 85, 90 years old, cant get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. And thats where we come in. We are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. [voiceover] for just 45, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. In ukraine, theres no supper network. They dont have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish Holocaust Survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. What i pray is that you wont turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. [voiceover] with your gift of just 45, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. Julie Severe Weather rolling across the country now. Thunderstorms blowing through colorado sparking flash flooding, mudslides and forcing street closures. Residents fleeing homes and advised to stay off the roads. Pennsylvania a creek burst its banks and floodwaterer gushed into the streets in freemont. Multiple homes and structures flooded or destroyed forcing residents to move into shelters. Theyre voting today in the state of georgia. Whether theyll pick a republican nominee for governor. Two trumpsupporting candidates going headtohead. President trump backed brian kemp. We have Lieutenant Governor casey cagle with us today. Good morning to you. Good to be with you. Bill what do you think the trump endorsement does for your opponent . Well, there is no question we have two gold star endorsements. One is President Trump, the other one is governor deal. Governor deal knows this state and i have partnered with him to create number one state to do business in. The historic job numbers along with historic tax cut as well and he has said publicly that there is one person that has his faith and trust to carry the state forward. Bill here is the tweet from the president. He says today is the day to vote for brian kemp. Great for georgia, full endorsement. What does that do to you, do you think . How much are georgia voters paying attention to thats an endorsement by the commanderinchief . Well, there is no doubt from my point of view, ive been an underdog all my life. Raised by a single mom and attended eight different Elementary Schools by the time i reached sixth grade. Adversity is something i understand. Our ground game is very superior and were working every day to turn out our voters and im confident theyll do that and tonight will be a historic night. Bill what about the issues in georgia, i dont know if its immigration or the economy. I imagine the economy is good now. Here is brian kemp from yesterday framing his case for victory. We had the momentum in the race. Our polling numbers were clearly showing that but when the president sent that tweet out wednesday afternoon, it was like pouring gasoline on a fire. Certainly if you saw the crowd saturday afternoon when the Vice President landed, when he hit macon, georgia, it was electric. Our people are fired up. Bill what do you think of that, sir . Well, there is i would say we obviously welcome the Vice President. We had Lieutenant Colonel oliver north in. We are the nraendorsed candidate in the race. We had far more people at our turnout than he did but really it is about turnout today. The reality is, as i stated, its not about endorsements, its about who has a vision for the future of our state and who has the track record that really can move georgians forward to see it being the number one state to do business in. Cutting taxes, creating more jobs for our citizens and building our educational system with business needs. Bill what about the audio tapes. A former opponent recorded you talked about a write down from a campaign. He went public with the tapes. How has that affected you . Well, again, President Trump and i think i have something in common there. It is pretty insulting when someone misleads you and says that they want to have a confidential conversation and then they splice and dice the tape to make you look like someone youre not. The voters in georgia understand what my record looks like. He attacked me on fighting poverty. Wanted to cut it in half. Im not a country club republican. I come from Humble Beginnings and had to fight for everything ive ever had and i will continue to fight for georgia citizens so theyll have goodpaying jobs and i think thats what they want. Bill last question. I keep hearing georgia is changing demographics politically. Is it . Well, there is no doubt in every poll that has come forward indicated im the best candidate to win in november against a democrat. We have been able to be the leading vote getter every time weve been on a statewide ballot. We have great crossover vote. Strong africanamerican support. Im confident once we win the runoff well be successful in november, too. Bill well see who wins. Primary day today. Julie israel shoots down a syrian fighter jet today. Were live from the region next. Plus this. Bill thats a building demolition gone terribly wrong. There she went, too. Come on back for that story. Your mornings were made for Better Things than psoriatic arthritis. As you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for psoriatic arthritis. Taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. 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The building was not supposed to come down that way and authorities are trying to figure out why. Julie wow. The terrorist flaming swastika kites that have crossed from gaza to israel have damaged or destroyed 7,500 acres of land. If it was happening in any of our countries, there would be quite a lot of discussion on it. While the International Media pays very careful attention to every step israel takes in selfdefense, we must not lose sight of the very real damage that is being done to israel from terrorist attacks coming from gaza. Julie nikki haley there speaking moments ago on israel defending itself from cross border terror attacks with the Israeli Military now on high alert after shooting down a syrian jet that infiltrated its airspace. This is the first downing of a syrian jet, by the way, since the u. S. Shot one down over syria back in june of 2017. Connor powell is live in our Jerusalem Bureau with more. What do we know what exactly happened here . Things have really started to heat up along the syrian israeli border. The fighting there intensifying between rebels and the assad regime. Israel is keeping an eye on the fighting as it intensified. A few hours ago a syrian jet crossed over into israeli airspace 2 kilometers deep into their airspace and israel fired missiles hitting the jet that turned into syria and crashed into that area. This comes just a day after two syrian missiles were fired towards northern israel setting alarms, activating alarms across northern israel yesterday. Neither of those missiles made it into israel but certainly things are intensifying and there is a lot of concern about whether or not the syrian war will spill over even further into israel. Julie. Julie do we know at this point if this was a deliberate crossing into the israeli airspace or a mistake . So its not clear exactly what led to this crossing. Two things to keep in mind is one, the intense fighting along the israeli Syrian Border is picking up. The assad regime backed by russia are striking against rebels in that area. It is possible the syrian jet might have accidentally crossed into israeli airspace, although it seems somewhat unlikely because that is a very protected area by the Israeli Military. The other thing thats going on there is the Syrian Government accuses israel of supporting rebels in that area. So does russia. There is some concern that as things are intensifying the syrians are trying to send a message to israel to back out of that area. Just yesterday this weekend we saw white helmet rescuers helped by the u. N. And israel get out of that area. Syria and russia see them as rebels. Bill the president will make a speech in kansas city, missouri at the vfw there. Julie new satellite images out of north korea showing the dismantling of a key missile test site. How the white house is reacting. No concessions to them at all until we have concrete proof that they are in reasonable compliance at the very least. They havent even returned the remains yet. Theyve been lying for 65, 70 years now. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com julie as we await the president s arrival in shortstop, missouri, the air force one set to touchdown any minute now and we are watching it for you. Trump will be addressing the vfw convention one day after the Senate Confirmed his new veteran affairs secretary. Doug mcelway is watching the story and joins us live in kansas city. We understand that the new secretary of the v. A. Will be here with the president when he speaks to the crowd at about 12 30 east coast time. I would be remiss in not acknowledging the presence of a familiar face to you all. Harris faulkner, the keynote speaker today not just because of what she does but her father is a veteran of a foreign war. Served three tours of duty as a Fighter Pilot in vietnam. Back to secretary wilkie. He will be accompanying president here today. The president said of mr. Wilkie he has dedicated his life to serving his country with honor and pride. Wilkie is a washington insider with long experience in the department of defense. Built bridges across the aisle, he has alienated some people and explains why nine democrats voted against his nomination yesterday including many considering president ial runs. Cory booker, kamala harris, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. The white house tells us today the president will focus his remarks on a totally positive message of the prodefense, proveteran, proamerica but the most important part of his visit in kansas city today comes probably not at the vfw convention but at a fundraiser that he will be attending afterwards for josh hawley, the attorney general of missouri trying to inseat Claire Mccaskill from Missouris Senate seat. Hawley is a strong candidate running in a state where there trump won in 2016. Here he is on fox friends this morning. Claire mccaskill wont support him on any issue or meet with judge Brett Kavanaugh. One thing to keep in mind missouris reputation as a bellwether state. It voted for winners in president ial elections except three since 1904. Mr. Hawley is certainly looking for the president ial coattails. Julie, back to you. Julie thank you very much. Bill breaking overnight fox news alert now, is kim jongun keeping a promise . New satellite images show north korea is dismantling a missile engine test site. Doug collins member of the Judiciary Committee. Welcome back to americas newsroom. I know you saw the story. Were trying to piece this together right now. What do you make of the images that have been reported . I think the images being reported so far have confirmed what the president said. This is a president who likes to see things done. He likes to meet, get his hands dirty and get into the details. He makes sure the other represents what they are supposed to be. Everybody was saying it was a disaster. Were seeing some improvement here. Bill what would you say to your democratic colleagues who say you have nothing to show for singapore . How are we to understand the relationship that is now established . Well, i think this is a pattern for the democrats that i know of. Well have crumbs and we get tax reform and robust economy. They say deregulation wont help and our businesses are growing. Now were seeing this. I think theyre continuing on a strike pattern here that maybe they start learning this president is out to do something and were seeing results from it. Bill you walk with a sense of trepidation, this is north korea. It is north korea. Look, im a reagan guy. Trust by verify. We trust, we go into it, negotiate hard. The president does that. When you negotiate hard you make clear what we expect. We expect both sides to participate. At the end of the day you verify. Were starting to get the verification. The president as he said gave away nothing, i met with him. Look what were getting now. Bill fisa that now went public. The unredacted form to a degree. Peter king said this last hour about what we understand. The steele dossier was based on a Foreign Agent from the British Government, who based his report on russian agents. It is like two or three times hearsay. The only ones who had contact with russian intelligence was the Clinton Campaign. Bill do you think there was abuse . Thats exactly what were concerned about. The fisa court is under the Judiciary Committee and we need to look at it. What were seeing here is unconfirmed, unconfirmed reports of unverified sources being brought forward and being included in several applications to continue the surveillance. But only talked about in the footnotes by the way if you want to know something about this it was paid for by here. We need to continue to focus while these reports were coming together what is being used we need to give them the tools they need but privacy rights and understanding american Citizens Rights is important as well. Bill did you say you serve on a committee or a jurisdiction in the fisa court . The Judiciary Committee in the house and senate have direct control over the courts and discussions many of us on the committee are having, is the process still working and doing what it should be doing to protect the rights but get us the intelligence we need . Those questions need to be asked. Bill what do you think about the president threatening the take away the intel classification of former intel officials . Paul ryan said about an hour ago he thinks the president is trolling those who pop up on Networks Like cnn. What do you think should happen . When you look those who have former classifications. Some still do who are continually bashing the president. The president is making a statement that many in america wanted to say. Where were you at when you had a chance to do some of these things and where were you at, mr. Brennan, when you didnt do anything about it . I think the president is making a point people are talking about what is the proper use of security clearances. To go on tv and bash the president . He is making that point right now. Bill would you support it if they revoked the clearance . I think at this point you can support pulling their clearance. They are using it for other gains at this point. They arent being read in. Lets not let them go back to it and keep them off their talking points for the Democratic Party right now. Bill see if he makes some moves. Julie just a few moments from now President Trump lands in kansas city, missouri speaking to the veterans of Foreign Wars Convention one day after his new Veterans Affairs secretary was confirmed by the senate. Well bring you the president s remarks live when it happens. Bill our next guest is spearheading an effort to find a persons achilles heel who will be running for president in 2020. People would stare. Psoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. 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Right now dozens of Opposition Researchers are scouring archives and videos and public records. They want to dig up whatever they can find on any potential democratic challenger. Our next guest is leading the charge. Alexandra smith is the executive director at America Rising pac. We are trying to dig up dirts on the democrats who wants to go up against President Trump youll have skeletons pulled out of the closet. The biggest targets . Were looking at anyone who expressed an interest. A wide variety of people. Julie huge trying to keep track. Everyone from Elizabeth Warren and ceos that might be looking at running for president. We are looking at everyone. It stems from our Hillary Clinton initiative which we started actually back in 2013. It took us nearly four years to assembly the 5,000page Opposition Research book on Hillary Clinton and we pulled from everything, freedom of information requests, video streams. We were attacking her constantly. Julie i would never want to get in a fight with you guys. You get in a fight and somebody digs up dirt. You have these people i wont want to mess with our researchers, either. Julie talking about the inside, the mission to blow up the 2020 democratic field. When you look at the battlefield for 2020 it doesnt run through liberal america. They are going to win california, they are going to win new york. These battles are fought in midwestern great lakes states. Thats where, as they gravitate to the left theyre creating more and more opportunities for republicans. Talk about the effort to dig up dirt on President Trumps opponents and where specifically you are targeting. What areas of the country. We are looking primarily at the ideological shift to the left that were seeing among these candidates. As brian walshe, our partner at America First who leads up the president s super pac were working with them on this project here. But as he mentioned, the path to the presidency doesnt run through liberal states like new york or california, it runs through the middle of the country. And someone like senator Kristin Gillibrand who expressed an interest in running, a senator from new york, she came out yesterday and said that she wanted to abolish ice. Thats not something that will play in the middle of the country. Julie this has burned a lot of politicians in the past. Senators kamala harris, Elizabeth Warren. You seem very proud of this. We all remember blasting the video caught on video telling an audience that she wants to, quote, cut open the bodies of republicans to see if they have hearts in 2017. That was pretty catastrophic. Pretty creepy. Elizabeth warren is thinking about running. America rising was the first to obtain her book before it went on sale. And leaked excerpts. Were everywhere. We have over 75 fulltime staff including 25 trackers that are out there capturing video live of these candidates and were methodically cataloging that video, saving it and waiting for the exact right time to drop it. Julie lets talk more about the massive field you have to survey. Bernie sanders is out there campaigning. Didnt he learn what happened to Hillary Clinton . Does Bernie Sanders have any skeletons in his closet that you can reveal . Do you think he is a threat . He is pretty honest about who he is as a socialist, which is sort of a different tactic to take in washington these days. The Democratic Candidates are adopting socialist positions claiming that they arent socialists, guaranteed jobs and medicare for all. Julie Kristin Gillibrand, cory booker. These are candidates looking to run, whether the most recent example of this was Kristin Gillibrand coming out and saying she wont take corporate money. Cory booker not to be outdone races within a couple of hours and says i wont take it, either. They are really trying to find ways to distinguish themselves. This is actually a pretty crowd for the Bernie Sanders base. Julie do you have dirt on bill hemmer . Never. Julie wait until you run for office. That will change. Alexandra smith. Thank you. Bill President Trump touches down in a moment. Also professional golfer and former naval officer billy hurley is giving veterans a shot on the green that weve never seen before. Thats next coming up. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Bill air force one touching down a moment ago in kansas city, missouri. Well see his speech in a few minutes. As this is happening billy hurley is a professional golfer, the only veteran on the tour today. Billy served in the u. S. Navy for five years and now giving back to other military veterans through a charity called the brave Golf Tournament that starts next week at the u. S. Naval academy golf course in indianapolis. Billy hurley is here. Thank you for your time. Give us a sense as we get ready for the speech to veterans, what did your service mean to you, billy . Well, you know, for me, bill, it was what i did after going to the Naval Academy. I fell in love with the Naval Academy at the young age and knew i wanted to go to school there and knew the navy came after that. It was a natural extension of Naval Academy and serving five years as a Service Warfare officer was one of the best times in my life. I made some of the best friends that i still have today and got to experience things and see things that not many people get to do. So it was really a once in a lifetime maybe not be the right words but certainly a significant developing moment in my life. Bill you wear the red, white and blue on your clothes sponsored by fairway green and others. You hold the Charity Event next week. 18 lucky people take advantage of what at the Naval Academy . You know, we have our charity Golf Tournament this coming monday in indianapolis, as you mentioned. We decided to do Something Different as opposed to me inviting 17 of my friends to come out and be the celebrities in the group, what weve done is host 18 active Duty Service Members as kind of the celebrities in each group. So its an all expenses paid trip for 18 active Duty Service Members. We held a raffle competition at navy golf courses across the country in the early part of the year and we drew out of a hat for raffleing the 18 members. We host 18 Service Members all goes toward supporting billy hurley iii foundation for military families. My wife, heather, and i, were the normal active duty couple and who we want to give back to is families. Its a family effort to serve in the military. Not just the service member, but families are left behind on deployments and countless days of long working hours and being kind of a single mom, my wife was, for the better part of my deployment. And my time in the navy. So we just want to give back to families in any way we can. Bill i know people who receive it have to be thrilled, too. Bh3. Golf is the website for those viewers who want to give and check it out online. What do you think about tiger . No conversation is complete in these days without talking about his comeback. I think its great for the game. What do you think about it . Well, its certainly fantastic for the game, no doubt about that. I actually got my first chance to play with tiger a couple weeks ago. We played a ninehole practice round in d. C. At his tournament the quicken loans national that i won a couple years ago. That is the connection i have with tiger now. His speed is amazing now for somebody who has had discs fused in his back. Its unbelievable the speed he has. His touch around the greens is back to what were used to. I think its a matter of time before he wins Golf Tournaments again. Bill good luck next week and thank you for sharing today. Thank you for giving back. Thanks for your service. Julie more information on the victim of that trader joes shooting. The general manager of trader joes got caught in the crossfire before the suspect and several Los Angeles City cops. It turns out that the bullet wound that eventually caused her her life was from a sheriff. This was an hours long standoff and unfortunately she did get in the middle and the bullet did come from a sheriffs gun. But nonetheless she is being hailed as a beloved general manager of that trader joes and the suspect is now facing a very long list of crimes. Well be on top of this story and have more in a moment. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Air force one is on the ground

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