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The whole minute, no one came out, nobody knew what was happening. There were six people on the helicopter. The pilot freed himself. The other five did not. So police and fire divers entered the water and removed the other five. Great tragedy that we had occur here on an otherwise quiet sunday evening. Bill what do we know about the investigation, laura . Good morning. Reporter good morning, bill. The National Transportation safety board is sending a fourteam member go team. They are in route now to find out why this helicopter reportedly lost power sending that chopper into the icy cold waters and trapping all five passengers inside. We have the dramatic video of what took place. Witnesses saw the red helicopter come down around 7 00 p. M. Some reports seeing the copter. Horrified bystanders say after the splash down it quickly flipped over as the rotating blades began chopping into the water. We didnt know what was happening. There were like seven of us there. We were all calling 911. We didnt hear anything. We saw the yellow raft and then someone on top of it. They were screaming and yetting for help. We were all waving saying, help is coming. Reporter the euro copter is owned and operated by liberty helicopters who were flying the passengers hired for a doors off photo shoot. Rescue teams were on the scene within minutes and say while the pilot was able to strap himself and get out, his passengers were not able to do the same. The five people beside the pilot were all tightly harnessed. So these harnesses had to be cut and removed in order to get these folks off of this helicopter, which was upside down at the time and completely submerged. Reporter and weve been able to confirm the identity of the pilot. Hes 33yearold richard vance, who has reportedly been flying helicopters for a long time according to family members, and is said to be cooperating with investigators today. Bill had this company had problems before, laura . Reporter weve been looking into the Safety Record of liberty helicopters. It does promote itself as the largest and most experienced helicopter sight seeing Helicopter Service in the northeast. But there have been several accidents. You might remember we reported on this in 2009. There was a really bad crash. A liberty helicopter and a small plane collided above the hudson river when five italian tourists and the pilot were killed. In 2007 one of the companies fell 500 feet into the hudson river. But that pilot was able to save the seven passengers. Ntsb will be on the scene shortly and we will bring you developments. Bill thank you starting us off in manhattan. Thank you, laura. Sandra another fox news alert. The Trump Administration said the u. S. Will make no concessions to north korea ahead of a first ever meeting between President Trump and north korean dictator kim jongun. That according to cia director mike pompeo, who also says north korea must seize all missile and Nuclear Tests until the talks conclude. President trump saying swift and tough action against the regime has provide a window of opportunity. Weve had a problem for years with north korea. In fact, president obama said it was the biggest problem we had. We put very, very strong sanctions and lots of other things weve been doing fright the first day i was in office. This should have been handled, by the way, over the last 30 year, not now. Thats when it should have been handled. Shouldnt have this should have been handled and everybody will say it, too. But thats okay. Thats what we do. We handle things. Sandra kevin corker live at the white house. Kevin, is there a sense at the white house that north korea will be willing to meet the conditions for a meeting to actually take place . Reporter thats a good question. I think to be honest with you, there are probably some pockets of high skepticism within the white house, but at least publicly theyre saying all the right things and that indeed they believe that with the help of our partners in the region, that something will get done. How consequential that will be, obviously, remains to be seen. But the north, keep in mind, this is really i believe about validation as much as it is about conversation. Over the weekend, again, we heard the president saying a great deal over the great state of pennsylvania. He also seemed to suggest that this could be a historic opening. I think they want to do something. I think they want to make peace. I think its time. And i think weve shown great strength. Thats important. President trump isnt doing this for theater. Hes going to solve a problem. Whats most important is what is discussed and the clarity and the strength and resolve of this president and this administration to achieve the outcome that americans so desperately deserve. Reporter strong words from mr. Pompeo. The idea is that this isnt some dog and pony show that they want to play on the international stage. They expect results or there could be catastrophic result. Thats why the administration is looking at it from that perspective. Sandra kevin, the white house unveiled new proposals on School Safety. Yeah. Very interesting. As you and i have talked about previously, School Safety is one of the keystone domestic policy initiatives for this administration in 2018 in particular in the wake of the devastating attack in parkland, florida. Betsy devos telling fox and friends this morning. That means we will do all we can do to keep American Kids safe. Everything is on the table. Part of the job of this commission is to study an and that see if thats advanced ultimately as a recommendation. The point being there are many steps to be taken now and additional steps that will be taken down the road as we do the work of the commission. Reporter education secretary talking about the commission she will head. Democratic senator chuck shumer saying this in a statement about gun safety. He said the white house has taken tiny baby steps designed not to upset the nra and the gun violence epidemic in this country demands that giant steps be made. He said democratic will push to go forward, actual federal legislation on protection orders and a debate on banning assault weapons. Thats been their take for quite some time. For now back to you. Sandra monday morning at the white house. Thank you. Bill off to the korean matter again. South koreas envoy meeting with chinese officials later today ahead of planned talks with President Trump and kim jongun. Still a couple holes in the story. How are you doing . Good morning to you. Thank you. Bill South Koreans are prepping, the chinese are prepping. You need the region to get on board. How do you see this . Absolutely. The reason theres a break through to begin with is that the leader of north korea has requested. He has initiated demand for negotiations. He pronounced the term denuclearization. There was a road for that. That road was, on the one hand, administration put those sanctions displayed and send the forces spoke with china and got a vote at the United Nations Security Council against north korea. Said it was completely isolated except the south then said well theres a path for you. Everything is closed except going through me to the United States, which explains why now there is a partial success or relative success on that track. Bill so no word from pyongyang. Are they getting weak knees . Whats up . They will not make statements in public after making so many statements about the enemy, the United States, and all their other allies. On the other hand, South Koreans, including the National Security adviser, speaking now with the chinese, are relaying this message to north korea. North korea wants to talk because the equation there is the only path. I think china is the one that tipped the scales by telling the north koreans i wont be with you to engage in a war. Bill last question. Is the plan to denuclearize north korea working . I think at this point in time it is. The first part of that plan is working. They are willing to sit down and talk. It all defends on the negotiation not just between the u. S. And the north Korean Leader, but south korea, japan, are willing to do. Mostly china. What would china do . Bill thank you. What will china do, indeed . Thank you, sir. Ten minutes past the hour. Well wait and see what north korea says. Sandra lot of details to be worked out on that. We are just Getting Started on a very busy month morning. As President Trump goes into full campaign mode. Did you say i love President Trump . Sandra the president holding a raucous rally in steel country, looking to tip the scales in a heated special election tomorrow. We will break it all down for you. Bill ice on the hunt for an illegal immigrant charged in a deadly heat and run. Local authorities defying the feds request to detain this man. Can they do it . The judge joins us with his legal analysis and an answer coming up. Sandra and a hypothetical murder confession from oj simpson surfacing more than ten years after this lost interview finally comes to light. I remember i grabbed the knife. I do remember that portion. Taking the knife from charlie. To be honest, after that, i dont remember except im standing there and its all kind of stuff around and but life can throw them off balance. 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I dont know him. I hear hes nice looking. I think im better looking than him. Personally, i like rick saccone. I think hes handsome. Bill saturday night, President Trump campaigning near pittsburgh over the weekend for rick saccone. Big election tomorrow, special election in pennsylvania. Show you the map behind us. The big board is back. The billboard, too. This is how the vote turned out in 2016. Philadelphia over here, pittsburgh over here. Keep your eye on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Thats Congressional District number 18. Spreads itself out over 3 1 2 counties. A lot of this is rural. Its steel country. Its democrats who typically vote republican. Also little bit of the Southern Suburbs of pittsburgh, pennsylvania as well. Greene county. Not a ton of votes but an easy victory for the president. Washington county similar, 60 plus. West moreland, 64 over Hillary Clinton. This is allegheny county, so it includes pittsburgh. Only a tiny sliver is included here. Answer that question first off. Why is that apparently close . Good morning, bill. Great to see the board again, as a matter of fact. You know, this is something, as you said, donald trump won really big. It has been a headache for republicans ever since. The reason were having this race, the reason the seat is open, is because the republican who held it was a big pro lifer, was having an extra marital affair and advised the woman that he was having an affair with to get an abortion because they thought she was pregnant and resigned in the subsequent scandal. Combine that with the president whose National Approval rating is in the 30s. Thats a problem. And then the third thing, rick saccone is almost by all opinions not a very candidate. Especially has not raised a lot of money. I was told this morning that conor lamb, the democrat, spent more on tv ads last week than rick saccone has raised in the campaign. Bill getting a lot of money from the outside to help him through this. You mentioned tim murphy. Last time he ran unopposed byron. You look at the president ial results of 2016. I mean, here is, in a word, how you are able to win the white house. 68,200 votes in the state of pennsylvania for President Trump. But even history for this district in 18, mccain won it by 11, romney by 17, donald trump won it by 19, byron. Republicans would have you believe that this is kind of a perfect storm of bad because of the circumstances of tim murphys resignation. Because of the quality differential between rick saccone and conor lamb who is a very telegenic former marine and former prosecutor. Kind of a dream candidate, who is presenting himself as a centrist candidate. Said he wont vote for nancy pelosi. Very pro 2nd amendment. Republicans would tell you, try to tell you it doesnt mean a lot, but the fact is this is a district that a republican should have easily won. Still might win it. But if he does, it will be really close. Bill we have it lean republican. Kelly anne con way was there on thursday. Donald trump jr. Is there today. How much of a risk was this at all to donald trump going there saturday night . It was a calculated risk for the president to do it. Because he is still relatively popular there. The hope was to fire up the people who had voted for donald trump, especially some crossover democrats who had done that. But, the flip side of the risk is that you risk energizing the opposition. The resistant forces are more energized by seeing the president they dislike show up and want to send him a message. The white house knew that this was a risk going in. Bill byron, can you see the camera where you are . Yes. Bill i always find this remarkable. The county breakdown from 2016, blue is democrat and red is republican. And you see the divided country here, right . Blue counties on the east coast and the blue counties out in california. This is Trump Country in the middle, byron, with all the red. You know, so many states look that way. Theyll have a democratic very blue urban center and suburban areas. Then theyll just have vast areas of red. Thats kind of the way our electoral map works these days. As you said, pennsylvania was absolutely critical for Donald Trumps victory. And it was a very narrow victory. So this is out in the area where he has a lot of support. Even in those areas, his Approval Ratings have been going down over this last crazy year. Bill it was 2 35 a. M. , remember . Just to make your point, right . Blue pittsburgh, blue philadelphia. Thank you, byron. Well see how it goes tomorrow. Appreciate your time. Thank you, bill. Sandra breaking news into our news room. After 38 people are killed in a plane crash after a commercial jet veers off the runway an bursts into flames. Well have details in a live report. Plus stunning dash cam video showing the kidnapping of a Police Officer in progress. For all the noses that stuff up around pets. 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And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Bill police in georgia releasing dash cam video showing a routine traffic stop turning into matter of life and death. The suspect at first appears to cooperate with the officer. Then he pulls for his car. Off thesser jumping in that vehicle trying to stop him. The cop is inside. The suspect speeds off with the officer trapped inside the vehicle. Then the chase is on. Backup patrol cars hot pursuit of the suspect, their kidnapped colleague. Police saying the chase hit 70 miles an hour through heavy traffic. Eventually the officers got their man arresting the suspect and two others in the car as well. All caught on camera. Unbelievable. Tough job, right . Very dangerous. Sandra fox news alert. 49 people are dead. Passenger plane crashing on landing in katmandu, napal today. There are survivors though. Reporter still no official confirmation what caused this crash. Based on witness statements some experts are pointing to mechanical failure. The plane was on fire as it came in to landing. The death toll has been rising. Now were hearing 49. That number may continue to rise. Rescuers on the scene moments after the crash desperately trying to pull bodies from the wreckage. 71 people were on board. Dozens of rescue workers trying to get them out. Amid the chaos, many passengers still remain unaccounted for. Survivors said after a normal takeoff from bangladesh the plane had begun to act strangely. It circled the airport twice then swerved before catching fire. The plane was an hq400. The airline called u. S. Bangla airline. Will is no clear affiliation to u. S. Firms. Its operated since 2014. It flies to several domestic and regional associations. It has been the sight of several deadly crashes in recent years. In september 2012, a plane care rig trekkers hit a bird and crashed shortly after takeoff killing all 19 on board. Still waiting for confirmation of what caused this crash. Mechanical failure at the moment seems to be the suggestion. That airport surrounded by 25,000 foot mountains. For years going back 20 years now. They did not have sophisticated radar. You had these passenger planes that were flying in the mountains. Sandra horrible crash. Hard to believe there are survivors. Bill this doesnt appear to have been due to radar. The plane apparently hit the runway and slid off. Were awaiting more word from anyway pal. The white house saying their communication with bob mueller are getting ready to talk. So if so, how would that work out . Sandra ice on the hunt for an illegal immigrant charged with a deadly hit and run car crash after local authorities defy the feds request to detain him. Can they do this . Judge andrew will join us with his legal analysis. Well ask him. You want the money, you cant have the sanctuary city. That way we avoid the court battles, which we probably will win, but who needs it . Thy. Theres something you may be missing. A key part of your wellness that you may be. Overlooking. Its your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite, from bausch lomb. As you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish those nutrients. Ocuvite has lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega3. Nourish your eyes to help them be their healthy best. Ocuvite eye vitamins. Be good to your eyes. Bill right now ice agents seeking an illegal immigrant accused of vehicular homicide. The fatal hit and run closed down a denver interstate for several hours last week. We have the story live from denver. How did this happen . Reporter hi. Good morning, bill. Ice says this was a communication issue with the denver Sheriffs Department. Youve seen the video of the after math of that fiery crash. Police say the suspect is back on the street. The victim was trapped in the cab of his semitruck and died. Police say the immigrant from mexico and in this country illegally ran away from the scene and was arrested later. Hes charged with vehicular homicide, driving under tin tphraoupbs and leaving the accident. He was in court friday and posted bond saturday evening at 5 28 p. M. , but ice agents werent notified about that until 6 33 00 p. M. When they showed up to take him into custody, he was gone. Last week the Sheriffs Department announced that while it was not their policy to detain illegal immigrants, it would let ice know when the suspect was releaseed so they could nab him if they chose. That did not happen in time. The denver Sheriffs Department admitting this is unacceptable and the sheriff ordered an immediate internal review to determine why established notification process did not take place before castinetta was released. He is due back in court april 2en. Right now no one in Law Enforcement can find him. Bill what is ice saying about this . Reporter ice says right now they are working with the Sheriffs Department to figure out exactly what went wrong, issuing a statement saying as Law Enforcement professionals, we should all have the same ultimate goal in mind, to protect the public. The Sheriffs Department in sheriff departments have not honored the civil detainers since 2013, 2014 after the aclu was successful in a court battle involving this exact issue. Bill thank you. Well see what comes up. Thanks. Sandra debate over illegal immigration and sanctuary cities continue. Lets bring in fox news judicial analyst. Were watching this story already knowing it and still, appalled that this person was able to walk. So some human being, a judicial officer or judge, fixed bail at 25,000. This to me is inconceivable. Theres a death in this case. And he fled the scene. Meaning he had no intention of cooperating with Law Enforcement. The bail is an insurance policy. He buys he purchases the policy with a premium of 2500, face value on the policy 25,000. Stated differently, if he doesnt show up the insurance carrier owes 25,000 to the government. They should know where he is or they will be out the face value of the policy. But it was profoundly wrong to give bail at any amount to a person who is a danger to the society. They really is to find him now. This is not a case of sanctuary cities. I know were gonna talk about that. I have got some ideas. I think the president is right, money will resolve this. This is a case of a breakdown in communication. This is a sheriff who did want to put this guy in federal custody because the sheriff disagreed with the bail. He had no choice but to honor it. He didnt want this guy in the streets. Now hes loose on the streets. Probably to drive a Motor Vehicle again. Sandra hard to believe. Hard for us to see that that can happen and that person can walk. Meanwhile, the president , as you are mentioning, he, over the weekend at that rally, still talking ab defunding the sanctuary city. Here what he had to say. Today im calling on congress to stop funding sanctuary cities. So we can save american lives. The funding bill should not give precious and massive taxpayer grants to cities aiding and abetting criminals. Sandra something this president has talked a lot about, judge. The Supreme Court has said congress can give grantses to any state or local government that it wants and it can attach strings as it wants. So Congress Says city of san francisco, city of chicago, city of boulder, colorado, heres 100 million for police cars, for education. Theres a half dozen strings, one of which is you will cooperate with ice. The Supreme Court said if they take that money, they have a contractual legal obligation to cooperate with ice. Why hasnt this happened . Probably because they cant get 50 votes in the senate. They can give this money away. Only congress can write the string, not the president. But the president should Lobby Congress and negotiate with them very aggressively. Because on that will solve this issue. Why . Because these cities and states are cash strapped. They will never say no to the cash because they dont like the string. Sandra i have to ask you about this. The president s legal team is denying reports that hes unhappy with his legal team. The white house, however, reportedly reached out to high powered attorney emmitt t. Flood. What does that tell you if true . It tells me that the white house is going for a super star whom i know personally. Hes probably one of five or ten smartest and best lawyers in the country. Hes very, very skilled and adept at dealing with federal prosecutors in the district of columbia. The president has a very small team of lawyers compared to bob muellers team. And the two lawyers that he has are experienced. But if he adds flood to this team, he will be adding a superstar. One, i might add, that is not gonna take direction from the president. Hes gonna tell the president what should be done. I dont know how long that kind of relationship will last. Sandra the white house, for its part over the weekend, rah shaw, said the president plans to sit down with robert mueller. Watch this. Hes also said that that will be in consultation with his attorneys. Theyve been in touch with the special counsel. Theyre going to be communicating back and forth. You said 100 yes. Im sure he intends to. What im saying is that his attorneys are communicating with special counsel on the specifics. Sandra i heard you take a deep breath. He should absolutely not do this. It is a very dangerous environment for any potential defendant. Prosecutors know far more about the case than the person being interviewed. You know how many documents bob mueller has from or about donald trump . In excess of 100,000. So pru den interviewee, trump, would review all 100,000 pages before the interview. Thats not gonna happen. Hes the president of the United States. He should not talk to bob mueller. Pwhraeup blame it on your lawyers and go back to being president. Sandra the thought that hes taking on this high powered lawyer is because the Mueller Probe is widening . I would say the probe is widening. He should be concerned about it. His people are denying it. Sandra judge, thank for being here. Pleasure. Bill talk about your march madness. Tiger woods looks to be on track for a come back. Made a good run in tampa over the weekend. This one is from 44 feet on 17 for birdie. Sandra this is so personal for you. Bill wheres the crowd . Crank it up. He finished second falling short of the title, but just short despite making that birdie. Woods was going for his first win in about five years. Paul casey was the winner. But tigers in shape for augusta. Sandra literally, he looked good. You have personal you really want to see him thrive. He makes golf exciting again. Bill i agree with you. I like to see the intensity that he brings. The turnout for that tournament was extraordinary, too. If that continues the way it looks right now, its gonna make for a very interesting masters championship. Sandra he got everybodys attention. Bill i know youre a golf fan, too. Youll be watching. Sandra lot of good players. Bill youre right. Hardest game in the world. Sandra taking second. Thats strong though. Talk about the 2020 president ial race already under way. President trump said hed welcome a challenge by oprah winfrey. I was on her last show. She had donald trump and Donald Trumps family. I know her weakness. Wouldnt we love to run against oprah . I would love it. Sandra president also promising the fight would be a, quote, painful experience for her. Well take that one up. Bill also senator Elizabeth Warren was asked about a poepb run and her claims of native american ancestry. He was head over heels in love with her and wanted to marry her. And his family was bitterly opposed to that because she was part native american. Its part of who i am and no ones ever gonna take that away. Sandra bill, have you filled out your bracket yet . Have you . March madness is upon us as 68 schools chase the 2018 mens basketball championship. The final four will be played in san antonio texas. Here are your number one seeds. Kansas, villanova, villanova, virginia and xavier. They will be fighting it out for the ultimate prize. But everyone seems to be in agreement about the ncaa selection show. This year produced by tbs. Bunch of format show glitches lighting up twitter. One coming from the Kansas Police department noting this. Please do not call 911 to complain about the format of the ncaa tournament selection show. We cant do anything about it no matter how bad it is. That bad . Bill call someone else. Do you like anybody . No . Sandra you tell me. Bill i saw virginia play. I saw duke play. Very good team. I think villanova right now seems to be the odds favorite. Sandra going to be an exciting tournament . Bill no doubt. Noon thursday tipping off. Id love to beat oprah. I know her weakness. Wouldnt we love to run against oprah . I would love it. I would love it. That would be a painful experience for her. Bill President Trump talking about 2020 saturday night calling out one potential opponent, oprah winfrey. Ladies, good day to both of you. Good morning. Bill so oprah responded. Shes not running, she says. Listen here. I am not running for office. I will say to who ever is going to run for office. Do not give your energy to the other side. Do not spend all your time talking about your opponent. Do not give your energy to that which you really dont believe in. Do not spend an ounce of your time on that. Bill i still think the recruiting continues, katie. I still think theres a chance. Tell me im wrong. I know oprah is not a, quote, politician, however, she is using the politicians line of claiming she is not running for president when the door is still wide open. She is opposed to president donald trump. She was a big backer of barack obama. Shes been involved in politics for a very long time. And she has a very extensive pop culture fan base. So i actually think she could pose a significant challenge to the president. However, she does have to realize that donald trump doesnt go easy on anybody. And if you look at how the gop primary of 2016 went, he took no prisoners and he would do the same with her. They will go after her businesses. They will go after every single thing she has ever done. She will have to make a decision whether she wants to put herself in that position. President trump now has a track record rather than just big ideas and one that a lot of people are really liking. Bill he brought her up for a reason say, maryanne. Yeah. No question. The fact is oprah didnt close any doors but donald trump laid out for everyone to see who he thinks is going to run against him in 2020. He went after oprah. He went after Elizabeth Warren. He used saturday night to resurrect the culture wars by going after both of them. Going after chuck todd, too. So i think what you saw saturday night is donald trump tell graphing his 2020 strategy. The problem is when he says lets run, i want to run against oprah, reports from the rally that half the room was silent. They didnt agree with him. They seemed to support oprah. You dont see the attacks on the culture wars, whether its Elizabeth Warren, oprah, or others working. Its in pennsylvania tomorrow, if the union workers, steel workers, trump voters showing up at conor lamb rally. If he wins in a district where anyone with an r after their name should, you will see his strategy that worked in 2016 based on culture and others is not working in 2018. Thats a problem. Bill tomorrow will tell us a lot, but may tell us a little. Elizabeth warren apparently is not running either. She is just following. I am not running for president in 2020. I know who i am because of what my mother and my father told me. What my grandmother and grandfather told me. What all my aunts and uncles told me and my brothers. Its a part of who i am. No ones ever gonna take that away. Bill if you listen to the end of her answer, this is very important. She says shes not running for 2020. Shes running for 2018. I still think theres a door that can swing open there, katie. On the ancestry question, it was not a yes or no question. So that was a little bit evasive, too. I think the headlines are different today from what she actually said. What do you think . I think Elizabeth Warren certainly has her sights set on a 2020 president ial run. Shes been heavily involved in Democratic Politics on the left side of the party for a very long time representing the Bernie Sanders wing. In terms of the ancestry question, its not she has a huge credibility problem when it comes to this. Its not the right wing grand conspiracy demanding she take a dna test to provide evidence for her claims of being native american which benefitted her in her career. After all harvard listed her as minority for years in their directory system to prove that they had diversity at the university. But its an issue of the boston globe, a columnist there coming out saying, she can end this controversy by coming out and proving it. For her to claim shes never benefitted just doesnt go with the facts. I understand she has a family store troy pass down. She can prove it by taking a test. Bill she said she knows who she is. I want to be clear about that. Quickly to mary anne, what do you think about that evaluation . First of all, i didnt hear Elizabeth Warren say she wasnt going to run in 2020. I hear shes running for reelection in the senate in 2018. She took steps to reinforce the 2020 race giving 5,000 to every Democratic State in the country and going after her democratic colleagues on banking legislation she supported which wont help the democrats win the senate back, but would help her in 2020. As to her heritage, look, this country was built on anecdotal ancestry. We all have taught when we were asked, it was always our answer were based on what our parents, grandparents told us. Until we invented do it yourself dna. Now, the problem here is bill is she running or not . I think shes running. The problem is, the do it yourself dna test is the new Birther Movement in 2018 and thats shameful. The problem is she needs to prove it instead of running from it. No. No. Thank you. Bill thank you. Appreciate it. Sandra oj simpson sparking a social media frenzy with his hypothetical account of a double murder. The lost tapes ten years later coming up. The one thing that hurts me as much as anything in this, you know, besides being considered by some a murderer, is this. Is. Lobsterfest. At red lobster with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac cheese. Classics like lobster lovers dream are here too. So enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest wont last. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Do you believe you will see nicole some day . Yes. And what will you say to her . I havent thought of that. I would hug her. Was it healthy . No. I dont have to explain anything. Its what heaven and hell is all about. Sandra the lost tapes of oj simpson now coming to light and causing a social media meltdown as he describes a hypothetical account of his involvement in the murder of his exwife and her friend ron goldman. William le jeunesse is live in florida. What is the take away . Reporter for viewers who were never sure whether oj did it or not, many are convinced they heard a confession. Simpson calls here hypothetical, he describes in first person the 95 murder of his wife and her friend ron goldman. As things got heated, i just remember nicole fell and hurt herself. This guy kind of got into a karate thing. I said, well, you think you can kick my bleep . I grabbed the knife. I remember taking the knife from charlie. To be honest, after that, i dont remember except im standing there and its all kind of stuff around. Reporter charlie is the hypothetical character simpson created to stand in for the real killer. At the crime scene, simpson said he had never seen so much blood in his life. I dont think any two people could be murdered the way they were without everybody being covered in blood. Of course weve all seen the grizzly pictures after. Everything would have been covered in blood. Reporter so a jury found simpson not guilty at trial, but he was found responsible in a civil suit. Of course, he is now living free in florida. Back to you. Sandra william, thank you. Bill 12 years later. Breaking new details on a meeting between south korea and china, days after President Trumps announcement waiting on an answer from the north. What will kim jongun say and do . Corey lewandowski joins us live coming up. When did you see the sign . When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Sandra a fox news alert. British Prime Minister teresa may expected to make a statement on the nerve agent tact that sickened a former russian spy and his daughter. Both remain in Critical Condition after being attacked on march 4th. Over the weekend, british investigators said hundreds of people could have been exposed to the chemical. Authorities believe the kremlin was involved. We will have more on this when we get it. Meanwhile, the world still waiting for an official response from north korea. After President Trump agreed to meet with dictator kim jongun. In the mean Time Administration getting ready for the hard part, preparing for the historic talks between the two leader. Welcome to a brand new hour of america news room. Bill good morning. Im bill hemmer. Last weeks announcement taking the world by surprise after a year of very tough language against north korea and back and forth between the two. The trump team defending the president s decision on the sunday talk shows. Here part of that. This meeting, this potential meeting has been agreed to. There are no additional conditions being stipulated. But again, they cannot engage in missile testing, Nuclear Testing. Theres no question these sanctions are working. Thats whats brought them to the table. These are conditions the north korean regime has never admitted to in exchange for conversation. President trump isnt doing this for theater. Hes going to solve a problem. Bill Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent greg palcot on the scene. Has there been any talk from north korea about the meeting . Reporter not quite yet. We just checked a feed of the north korean state media propaganda. No mention yet of a President Trump kim jongun meeting. Today in beijing, the south Korean Leader of their National Security department debriefing chinese officials about developments. Remember, he was the one along with other south korean officials who were at the white house last thursday. Theyre the ones that brought that invitation of talks from kim jongun which the president promptly accepted as well as the commitment to pause missile launches, Nuclear Tests, as well as talking about denuclearization. So, the question is, why hasnt pyongyang confirmed yet . St from experience they take awhile to put it in writing and out to the public. They are probably monitoring signals coming from the white house. There have been some qualifiers, some shift, as is the white house to whats going to have to happen is a direct talk between the two countries, the u. S. And north korea to firmly commit this to move forward. Bill where are the possible places where this meeting could take place, greg . Reporter thats a very good question, too, bill. Thats not confirmed yet either. Over the weekend, it seems to many centering on the dmz. This is the border between north and south korea. Pretty neutral ground. Theres a building there that weve been at called the peace house, where there have been past meetings. In fact, where the planned summit between kim jongun and south korean moon could be taking place. Moon, by the way, speaking out today. Hes saying the next two months could be, and heres a quote, precious chance to denuclearize. Hes warning about being careful by the way, bill. No word exactly when the president , kim jongu meeting will take place. First it was by may, then end of may, then in the next two months. The word were getting now is its going to be not just at a place, but a time to be decided. Back to you. Bill thank you, greg. Sandra joining us for more on all of that former New Hampshire government. Good of you to be here this morning. Happy monday, sandra. Sandra weve love first to hear your thoughts on the meeting in general. When you heard this breaking thursday night, did you think this was a good move . I think you have to put it in the context of why it might have some advantages. Number one, the cessation of Nuclear Testing and missile testing. Thats a positive. As slim as the odds may be, theres always a slight chance that something constructive could come out of it. But theres a third reason that not too many folks are discussing and that is having this kind of meeting checks off one more box on a list called exhaust all the possibilities before you take really serious action against north korea. I think that last one is an important component in this whole process. Sandra do you agree with the cia director mike pompeo that the timing is right for this meeting . Well, the timing is always right for such a meeting. So in that context, i do agree with mike. Sandra so, as far as north korea sort of silence i guess you could call it since all of this started happening late last night, why do you think that is . Why have we not gotten confirmation from them . Why have we not heard anything . As was pointed out in the last segment, they are often slow to put their responses into writing. Theyre trying to be sure, precise and nuanced in what they say. I suspect also theyre trying to touch base with their friends in china to find out what the chinese perception is on all of this and what role the chinese will have. So i dont think too much should be read into the delay. Sandra leaves a lot of room for speculation. So far the exact timing and place of this meeting. What do you think is the best Case Scenario for us for that meeting and what it looks like . Well, i think the best Case Scenario is to go in there and make it clear to the north koreans that this really is sort of a last chance meeting and that the president does understand that the third reason that i mentioned is applying. That this is checking off one more box before the United States takes serious action against north korea. They have to understand that this is not the same as the whole host of meetings weve had over the last two decades. Sandra what do you think about chinas role in this with the south korean envoy, as you just heard from our reporter there, meeting with china today and their president xi. Has china been left on the sidelines here . Well, if they have been left on the sidelines, theyre not going to let that last too long. One concern i would have ab this whole process is whether or not the chinese are gonna try and interject themselves into this thing to get back into, if you will, prominence in the process. They drag their feet to some extent when they had the opportunity to be the leader in pressuring north korea. And now all of a sudden theyre going to have to figure out how not to be shoved to the side by this meeting that the president has accepted with north korea. Sandra its interesting. Do you think china can take a little credit for this meeting actually taking place . Well, i think they can try to at least take credit for the process, if not the meeting. And they can talk about the sanctions. They can talk about if nothing comes out of this meeting, they will ramp up their component of sanctions in the process to put additional pressure on the north koreans. They can be a constructive part of the process or they can do something that may delay any real success coming out of this. I think its an important thing to watch how they do react to all of this in the next few day, next few weeks. Sandra well lean on the white house for updates. Mike pompeo making it very clear, no concessions have been made to enter into these talks. Governor sununu, always good to get your take on things. Bill republican lawmakers threatening legislative action about the president s decision directly defying republican leader. More than 100 republicans have signed a letter warning the president of the tariffs potential impact. Im concerned that this is a counter productive as well as you can really result in retaliation by our trade partners. Just injects uncertainty into an economy that was doing quite well. Bill mike emanuel getting ready for a whole new week. Good morning. What are the options here . Reporter bill, jeff flake said he is drafting and will introduce legislation to nullify the tariffs. The morning the House Majority leader said that probably wont work. I do not think that would even pass. This isnt section 232. Youd have to have both committees, the house and the senate, pass it. If it get sraoes reporter mike lee said, quote,ly work with my colleagues to use Congress Article i power to make sure these tax hikes are never enforced. Corey gardner said the tariffs koeupbld up hurting american consumers. We have to narrowly tailor this to the people the people who have struggled for far too long over the past decade who havent seen a wage increase in years. Reporter the best hope for conservative republicans is probably working with the white house to try and narrow the focus of these tariffs. Bill what are you hearing from democrats on the tariff issue . Reporter bill, its pretty stunning when you hear Elizabeth Warren praise President Trump. I was very glad to see what has done. Look, i have been a critic for a long time about u. S. Trade policy. My view is we have negotiated one deal after another that has been great for big Multinational Corporation and been lousy for american workers, lousy for american small businesses. Often not even good for american consumers. Reporter warren is calling for rethinking our trade strategy and using tariffs as part of that strategy. Bill thank you, mike, from capitol hill today. Sandra breaking new developments on the potential cause for that deadly chopper crash in new york city overnight. Well tell you what investigators are now saying may have led to this tragedy. Bill also investigators in the trump dossier heating up. Now top officials from the obama team have exactly one week to respond to devin nunes. We will answer those questions coming up. Sandra and President Trump trying to tip the scales in a key congressional race tomorrow. Were live in the heart of steel country. Plus this. Who knows whats gonna happen . Hey, who knows . If it happens, if it doesnt happen. I may leave fast or we may sit down and make the greatest deal for the world and for all of these countries, including, frankly, north korea. Sandra President Trump preparing for those historic talks with north korean dictator kim jongun. Former Trump Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski will be here. I promise to have and to hold from this day forward, til death do us part. Selectquote can help you keep your promise. With Life Insurance starting under 1 a day. But you promised dad. Come on. Selectquote helped jim, 41, keep his promise by finding him a 500,000 policy for under 26 per month. And found kathy, 37, a 750,000 policy for just 22 per month. Since 1985, weve helped millions of families by finding them affordable coverage by impartially shopping highly rated insurers offering over 70 policies. Dad, youre coming right . You promise . You promise . You promise . I promise. Bill police releasing this information about deadly Helicopter Crash overnight in new york city. Happened 8 00 local time. Investigators are looking into the possibility that a passengers bag may have interfered with an Emergency Fuel shutoff button. The pilot made a may day call as the chopper was going down calling the emergency engine failure. The helicopter was hired for a photo shoot when it crashed into the east river. Five passengers inside did not get out. They all died. The pilot was the only survivor. Devin nunes is expanding the investigation into the trump dossier giving a handful of obama officials one week to respond to his questions. This includes joe bidens former deputy chief of staff and his National Security adviser. Lets bring in pete king a member of the house intelligence committee. Congressman thanks for being here this morning. Thank you, sandra. The dossier was unverified. It was being spread among people throughout the administration. I believe the reason devin sent the letter to joe bidens staff is that Vice President biden was one of the first in the administration that mentioned the dossier. January. Heres the issue. We have a document paid for by the Democratic National committee, by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Its been shown as if this is some sort of official document. I want to know how many people saw this, how many people have access to it. How much reliance was put on it. When was it shown to president obama. So again it shows the influence that the dnc committee had spreading this salacious document on then candidate trump and president elect trump. Sandra one crucial question being asked is when were these individuals aware first aware of the dossier to begin with . And that really is the central question. It really is. Was it used by people in the administration as campaign document. Was it being leaked to the media. Why do certain people seem to have access to it. Why were there specific references to russian interference in the campaign. Why was this being said during the campaign . For instance, Hillary Clinton would make reference to russian influences in the campaign. Where was she getting that . People in the Intelligence Agency leaking it to her . Again, what was this confluence of intelligence gathering, political campaigning and what should have been a government operation. Sandra congressman what is so far the success of these questionaires and getting these questions answered. This is two additional people of many that have already been sent these questionaires by nunes . Some have asked for additional time. Some have not answered at all. I dont think were at liberty to discuss whos doing that. The chairman and the committee have to decide are we going to subpoena. I believe the answer would be yes. Those who do not provide answers to the questionaire. I think the director of the fbi should answer whether or not he had access or when he had access to the dossier, who he knows besides him had access to it. Also general clapper. These are people who should tell us when they had access to the dossier, who they transmitted it to, who else they knew in the administration had it and what was done with it. Sandra how helpful is it in advancing the investigation . This is one aspect of many of this widening probe into the dossier, congressman. To me, its one part of the puzzle. Real genesis of this concern is the fisa clause. The fact that this unverified salacious document was used as a large reason for the fisa court granting the fbi and the Justice Department the opportunity to wire tap carter paige then the back door into access to many Trump Campaign documents and communications and contacts. Again, this whole issue of the dossier goes beyond the scandal impact. How is it used legally. How was it used improperly. How much of it comixing was there between the campaign, Justice Department, Obama Administration and people in the National Security field. Sandra are you confident that theyre getting somewhere with this . That were getting answers . Were getting answer, but its not easy. Its not been again whether its director comey or general clapper. We have not gotten much cooperation at all throughout this entire investigation. With fisa, we had to go to court to get the documentation that we needed. Again, the intelligence community, we have the oversight responsibility and yet the department of justice, the fbi have been extremely uncooperative. Part of that is happening right now. Again, well do what we have to do and keep this going. Sandra these deadlines are out there, these questionaires. You said some have asked for extension. Few days left to get these in. Congressman pete king, good to see you. Bill we are awaiting an update any moment now on that nerve agent attack in england. The u. K. Prime minister about to make a statement about the attack. The attack. Is moscow to blame . We could find tphout a matter of minutes. Sandra plus a showdown in Trump Country with a tight race expected in pennsylvania. Both sides going all in on tomorrows special elections. Conor lamb, lamb the sham. Lamb the sham. Hes trying to act like a republican so he gets, he wont give me one vote. Personally, i like rick saccone. I think hes handsome. Sandra a massive high rise reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds. Watch. An unbelievable scene playing out there this weekend in kentucky. A 28 Story Office Building that housed State Government offices for decades in order to make way for a brand new state of the art complex. The blast was triggered in a blowup Bureaucracy Campaign with the winning bid coming in at 15,000. Somebody like lamb, hes not gonna vote for us. Hes now saying i appreciate his nice words about me. This is Trump Country, right . So he has to say nice. Smart. Hes saying nice things. Heres the problem. Soon as he gets in, hes not gonna vote for us. Hes going to vote the party line. He has to. Reporter thats President Trump urging voters in southwestern pennsylvania to get out and vote for rick saccone in the election that will be in the southeastern part of the district number 18. The billboard is back. I want to take you and show you how it looks in pennsylvania. This is how the state was just about 18 months ago. President trump beating Hillary Clinton. The margin was only 68,000 votes out of what . You had 5. 3 million cast throughout the state. This is the area to focus on. This is the Congressional District 18 before they redraw the maps as it stands. Steel country, its democrats who tend to vote republican. It stretches over 3 1 2 different counties. Trump won in greene, washington, westmore land. Allegheny county is an area to watch. Growing suburbs. Molly line has been there for a few days. She checks in now with a pulse of what shes hearing. Molly, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, bill. Excellent job there breaking down the districts. Stretches from the subpushes of pittsburgh down to the West Virginia line. This is the last full day of campaigning for these candidates before the special election. As special elections sometimes do, this one got a lot of outside attention. The biggest attention getter the republicans could call in for state rep saccone. The president of the United States made a trip to rally for saccone. He spoke here hitting topics that resonate. This is steel country. The president also enthusiastically backed saccone. Told the press to get out there and vote. Here is saccone. When President Trump is in your corner, how could you lose . Hes the best man to be in your corner. Reporter the democratic contender, conor lamb, federal prosecutor also rallied over the weekend joined the United Mine Workers of america for a get out the vote rally. Lamb pulled in a lot of support from union folks carpenters, steel workers. He was atkorsed by the pennsylvania afl cio. He has vowed to support coal miners through retirement and push back against republicans. Im proud to support the american miners pension act because i believe we have to keep our promises to the people. I do not believe, as paul ryan does, that these are entitlements for another form of welfare. Reporter a lot of big names stopping here in pennsylvanias 18th Congressional District. The president , but also Vice President biden has been here, ivanka has been here, Kellyanne Conway has been here. Joe biden stopping by on the trail last week to stump for lamb. Really a lot of attention paid. As you mentioned, bill, this is a district the president won by about 20 points back in 2016. The big question is, does the president still have the pull . Can he still get the voters out there . Bill . Bill lot of attention, youre right. Thank you, molly. Molly line there in front of the pickup truck. Thank you, molly. Sandra . Sandra Trump Administration said the president will be prepared for historic negotiationses with north korea. We need to make sure that we can inform the president of history, defeat of this regime, where they have committed to things, the frame work. We need to make sure we go into these discussions understanding those risks. Sandra President Trump open to talking to dictator kim johnun, but will the diplomatic risk pay off . Corey lewandowski is next. Bill President Trump taking aim at a familiar foe in pennsylvania. The main stream media was in his cross hairs. Does he have a point . Our panel will take that up in a matter of moments. You know what they say about the early bird. He gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using tripadvisor thats because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot. By comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. Saving you up to 30 youll be bathing in savings tripadvisor. 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Corey lewandowski, author of the New York Times best seller let trump be trump. How you doing, sir . There hasnt been a response yet from north korea. What did you think last week when you heard the headline, President Trump wants to meet with him . I think its bold. I think its what the American People have said many times, which is we elected a person who is an agent of change to come to washington to do things differently. If you look at even the state department official, for 30 years the policy weve had toward north korea has done nothing to stop denuclearization. What this president has done and said is going into the meeting, north korea has agreed not to continue Testing Nuclear weapons. That should be a savior for south korea. Should be a savior for guam, for the people of hawaii. There is no attacking that takes place, thats a victory. Bill little risk, too. We can all concede that. Heres the wall street journal. Even a brief meeting will boost north koreas claim to be a Nuclear Power that must be given respect and recognition. In return, kim appears to have given nothing oer that than the promise not to test his weapons in the interim. He can resume those tests at any time. Thats true. Well, it is true. But, look, you have a country now, north korea, that has had significant economic sanctions placed on it. They need to do something with the path moving forward. What this president has said was, lets sit down and have a conversation to stable aoeu only the region, but the world from a person who has been very clear that theyre willing to test and use Nuclear Weapons against individuals for really no reason whatsoever. Bill well see if the meeting happens. Still awaiting word from pyongyang. How many hours on thursday . I spent four hours, cumulative total of 12 hours before the house intelligence community. Bill how much did you get done . Look, i could have had the whole thing done in five minutes. I could have answered their questions very simply in the first five minutes. As the Campaign Manager to President Trumps campaign, did you see any collusion between your campaign and the russians. My answer would have been no. Interview over. Lets move on. But we spent 12 hour. The disappointing point in my opinion was, the questions being asked, some of them werent pertinent to the election. They werent even related to the election. They were asking questions post election. What that means to me, some of the individuals who are asking those questions had no real desire to find out if there was collusion, cooperation or coordination leading up to the election. Bill suggesting what then . I think this is a political polite by the democrats. What i have said from the very beginning was if anybody colluded with a foreign entity to impact the outcome of our election should be in jail the rest of their lives. But they started to ask me about things that took place after the election. I dont understand what that had to do with the outcome of the election. Donald trump won the election. There was no collusion. Bill how would you characterize the line of questioning . Hostile. Adversarial. And it was done in such a manner where it really wanted to put me on the defense. As a person who volunteered to be there on two occasions there, as a great expense to myself. I was there on thursday. As many viewers know, there was a massive snowstorm in the northeast. My family had no electricity. I was willing to sit there all day long and answer the questions to make sure they knew i had nothing to hide. I leave. And we see members of Congress Come out and say, corey didnt answer the questions. I spent 12 hours answering questions. I answered every question that was relevant. Do you know what . Members of congress wanted to go home on that thursday so they cut the questioning short. Bill how much are russia matters getting in the way of productivity on behalf of this administration . Well, i think the democrats have been complete obstacles of moving the president s agenda which is a historic tax cut. Look, why cant we Work Together to produce what the American People want which is job, a Strong Economy and instead many of these individuals, particularly on this particular committee, are using it as a platform to get on television, to push their own agenda, their own narrative and arent really trying to get to the bottom of something which never occurred. Bill pennsylvania has a big vote tomorrow. You spend a lot of time on the road. Why do you think this district is so tight . Only 18 months later. After it was a blowout in this district in 2016. I think well see tomorrow with the work the president did out there this weekend. Don jr. Out there today. Were seeing Vice President pes out there. I think youll see saccone win that district. It will be close for sure. Democrats are highly motivated. If you look at the last five special elections which have occurred, democrat turnout in four of five is up between 15 and 20 meaning democrats are motivated. President trump talked about this. When you win, your base is not as motivated so you have to keep them engaged. Bill youre predicting victory. Hope so. I think the republicans are going to win in that district. Well see what happens in the redistricting. I think saccone will be the next congressman of pennsylvania. Bill find out tomorrow night. Thank you for being back with us. Sandra, what is next . Sandra President Trump preparing to brief the Senate Intelligence committee. Thursday a second confirmation hearing. So what can we expect to learn . Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is in washington for pups reporter nominees will testify before the Senate Intelligence committee important stop before a final vote on confirmation. This job brings together the u. S. Government signaled intelligence collection as well as the Cyber Command Lieutenant General told the Armed Services committee that u. S. Government networks are under constant attack. I have also seen Cyber Threats growing. And adapt just as quickly. From adversaries to the harnessing of social media platforms for false messaging to destructive attacks. The department and our nation face significant challenges in this ever growing domain. Reporter officials tell fox news that president putin has already laid the ground work for the midterm elections with the goal of building on his 2016 campaign which comes down to dividing americans, disrupting the democratic process and causing the u. S. To look increasingly inward, distracting it from the global stage. Christopher wray recently testified the threat from china is expanding. The bureau now has active Counter Intelligence cases in virtually every field office across the country. Next head of the nsa key Decision Maker on the appropriate response. If confirmed, i will ensure our military commanders can call upon aggressive and globally dominant cyber force with the capability and capacity to defend us at home and apply pressure on our adversaries abroad. Reporter the nsa director will also navigate the fallout over alleged u. S. Government surveillance during the 2016 election especially if a Second Council is appointed as republicans have asked. Sandra thank you. Bill President Trump taking on the media during a Campaign Style rally over the weekend. What he said nbc is perhaps worse than cnn. I have to tell you. Msnbc is horrible. Bill well, more on what he said thats stirring up a bit of controversial. The treasury second tear responded to that question when asked about it. These are important moments for the president and this is news. What im trying to say is, im focused on the policies. When you look at the mercedesbenz glc. With its hightech cameras and radar. Contemporary cockpit. Three hundred and sixty Degree Network of driverassist technologies. And sporty performance. Whats most impressive about the glc . All depends on your point of view. The 2018 glc. Starting at 40,050. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Do you think its a mistake for us to cover them . If it doesnt matter what he says, if were to dismiss everything he says at a campaign rally, as i think youre trying to imply, then are you saying we shouldnt cover these things . Youre putting words in my mouth. I wasnt saying you should dismiss that. You should obviously carry them. These are important moment force the president and this is news. What im trying to say is, im focused on the policies. The policies have created results. Weve had more results in the last year on both Foreign Policy and domestic matters. So, what we should be focused on and what i came to talk about were the president s policies. Sandra thats Steve Mnuchin firing back at chuck todd after the meet the press host questioned him over the president s choice to use vulgar language to make fun of him over the weekend. Lets bring in Lawrence Jones editor of in chief at campus reform and Michael Starr hopkins, contributor for the hill. Thanks for being here. Morning. Sandra as i set this up, ill make everybody aware that you are going to have differing opinions on this. Lawrence jones, what did you make of mnuchins defense of that rhetoric saying, look, im focused on the policies because those policies are bringing results . I couldnt have said it better myself. I agree with the secretary. I think the media and democrats have a tendency to follow the bouncing ball of these rallies. Theyre pep rallies. The president is connecting with his base. But what we do see is a much different plt when it comes to governing. Tax cuts, working with democrat, inviting people in. He said build the wall on the campaign trail. When it comes to legislation, he wants to offer 1. 8 Million People citizenship. What we see, when the president starts going behind closed doors, meeting with elected officials on how to get their legislation done, its much different than the rally. Sandra what do you think about that, michael . Lawrence is making the same point as mnuchin. Theres stuff getting done. Media wants to talk about the words he used at the rally . I think here, this is one of the things we should agree with. The president s language, denegration of the media. Its beneath the office. When we talk about making America Great again. Talk about being the best country in the world. We have to live up to that. Other countries take their cues from how we respond to each other. Id expect better behavior out of a third grader. Sandra lawrence, we know the president referred to that tv host as sleepy eyes chuck todd. He further referred to him as a sleeping sob. Did he go too far . I mean, its definitely not language that i would use. The American People elected this man. They knew what they were getting when they elected him. Im not saying this is the way i would have characterized the media. But i do believe that a lot of this show is for entertainment. Remember, we knew what we were getting. We elected an entertainer that used twitter, that said these things about people his whole life. He doesnt sneak around like politicians do behind closed doors. So the American People decided policy matters more than the entertainers. Is the president going to do some entertainment on the side and give us tax cuts . Ill take it. With all due respect, lawrence, you dont talk this way. Thats what i said. Thats what im saying. You dont talk this way. I know many republicans who i disagree with on policy dont talk this way. Sandra todd went as far as to question whether or not the media should even show the president s rallies. Do you agree with that . I think the media should cover his rallies. Hes the president of the United States. Hold on. Let me finish. His statements have the power to influence decisions of war and peace. What im saying as president of the United States, he talks not on for himself, not only for republicans but for people across the world. So its time for him to act like a leader and stop acting like a child. Lawrence . Look. Lets be clear. The reason the media covers these rallies is because the American People want to see this. It gives them ratings. We know the president does it intentionally. He knows the American People are watching. He takes on the press at every single rally. Yet the press still covers it. They know attend of the day people are watching. Attend of the day im concerned with how the president governs. He can do the side shows all day, but as long as i get my tax cut, im cool. Are you scared to say that it is wrong . When democrats Say Something is wrong i come on and say it is wrong. Sandra he said hes focused on the policies. Lot like Steve Mnuchin. We have to leave it there. Good discussion, guys. Bill we are going to mars, folks. A new deadline adding pressure in the race by this guy. The latest bold prediction, coming up. Its time for the sleep number spring clearance event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Its the last chance for clearance savings up to 600 on our most popular beds. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Bill weve recently had a chance to talk about what makes this channel and its viewers so special. And we wanted to give you a look behind the scenes as to how it all comes together every day. I want more. Sandra that was fantastic. Bill our viewers probably do as well. Just a teaser. Bit of an appetizer. The entree will come in a couple weeks. Sandra were all looking forward to seeing more. Bill youre gonna love it. Sandra unique opportunity to talk about us, this network and our viewers as well. Bill we cant wait for it. So stand by. Youre gonna see more. Give it two or three weeks and we will unveil it then. Seven minutes before the hour. There is a new challenge in the race to phar. Elan musk dropped this ambitious goal. I think we will build short flights, short up and down flights probably sometimes in the first half of next year. Bill so what can we expect . How you doing, sir . So, he said give me some volunteers and you may not come back. What is he saying about testing the ship . They have a new falcon rocket. This is elan musks ship that he wants to send people to build a colony on mars. They want to send 100 people. They need to Start Testing it. He is talking about short robotic hops up and down at maybe a new space port in brownsville texas. Bill where is the altitude on a mission like that . Initially its not to space. Theyre going to mimic what theyve done with their current landable rocket. Theyll launch a few kilometers up and keep going higher until they get to that first space shot to test everything from the ground up to make sure this works. Bill after that comes the next phase which will be humans, right . Which will be he said 2022 for that first mars flight. If this goes well next year, the year after that theyll go to space. The year after that, probably 2021, first flights with people on them. 202 mars very ambitious goal. Bill he has put out deadlines that have not been met. He essentially said if you go on this mission, you may not come back. So my question to you would be, how many are willing to volunteer . This Pioneering Spirit is what he is banking on for people to go to mars. You can expect thousands of people would sign up. There have been efforts in the past that people flooded to apply for the mars one project which is a one way trip to mars, and a few others who are looking for that. There will be some takers to go there. Bill no shortage of volunteers for a mission to mars that may not, that will likely end your life. You would be a pioneer. Just like the pier pioneers i the United States. Bill 2022 . Thats the goal. Bill tariq, thank you very much. Well track it together. Im gonna stay here though. I think sandra is staying here, too. Sandra its enticing. Well see what happens. The Trump Administration revealing new plans on how to prevent School Shootings. White has many gun control advocates up in arms. And the breakdown of that proposal ahead. People would stare. Psoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. 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The president s plan to prevent School Shootings and coming under fire from gun control advocates. Its jon scott. Happy monday. Im melissa francis. After a growing push to make changes to schools, the white house out with its recommendation and they include calls for an audit of the fbi tip line, a rigorous firearm training for qualified teachers. White house correspondent k

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