Huma abedin and and her estranged husband unbelievable that this name worked its way into this story former congressman Anthony Weiner. Agents investigating him for allegedly sexting a 15yearold came across a laptop that he had shared with his wife, huma abedin. But fbi director james comey wasnt fully briefed about the existence of these emails until mustve later much later, on october 27th. Bill we are told as many as 650,000 email messages might be involved. The fbi obtaining a warrant to dig into those emails even further. However, it is not clear how many of those emails, if any, relate to the clinton case. It is also not clear whether theyre entirely new emails or just copies of emails the fbi has seen already. Martha reaction has been swift, as you would imagine, from both campaigns. Trump seizing on the news while the Clinton Campaign is demanding an explanation. Director comey owes it to the American People, releasing this just a matter of days before the election to provide all the information. Thats what were asking, just get all of it out there, and the voters or can judge for themselves. How do you get to 650 i think thats called the mother load. I think they found them all. How do you have that many emails . What do you do, sit down all day and just keep typing . No wonder nothing gets done in our country. This is the single biggest scandal since watergate. Bill so Fox Team Coverage begins our morning. Mike emanuels with the clinton team, byron york standing by for analysis, but we start with chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge working this story since it broke on friday and through the weekend. At 9 00 this morning, where do we stand now . Reporter bill, a government source confirms the metadata has turned up positive hits for the Clinton Emails, like the address on a letter. You know who its to and from but not the content. Meantime, an intelligence source told fox late yesterday it is, quote, a virtual certainty that new records are on the computer and likely contain classified information. It was the sheer volume of data that drove the decision to reboot the email case. As new york fbi investigators began sifting through wieners computer records in early october, they found emails from huma abedin which did not seem surprising since both abedin and wiener had access to the laptop. The new york fbi team had to get new authorizations to do a deeper dive on the metadata, and that is when the hits linked to the clinton account, and they were uncovered. Abedin told the fbi she sent state Department Emails to her personal yahoo account where it was easier to print, and in june abedin swore under oath that she looked through all her devices that could hold government emails, that claim is now in doubt. Meantime last night on special report the republican chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee which first uncovered the private account said the fbi director is not to blame for the box that hes in. Jim comeys not responsible for a single one of the facts at hand. He didnt tell her to use a private server, and god knows he didnt tell Anthony Weiner to send sexuallyexplicit texts to allegedly underage people. Reporter given the sheer volume of records are, Law Enforcement sources have told us consistently since the end of last week that they have no expectation that a thorough review can be complete before election day, bill. Bill all right. So now what are we learning about the Clinton Foundation investigation through all this . Reporter well, bill, in january fox news first reported as part of its Ongoing Investigation of the Clinton Emails that the email case itself had expanded to public corruption and the Clinton Foundation and the intersection of the charitys work and government contracts amounted to pay for play. And over the weekend a former fbi executive told cnn that despite what the Justice Department had told reporters, these investigations had not been shut down and that the fbi agents involved had continued to pursue these leads. But yesterday the wall street journal reported that the Justice Department had been tapping the brakes on these cases, and in the summer it came to a head when justice learned that the fbi agents were still pursuing public corruption leads. Justice Department Leadership was, to say the least, beyond upset, bill. Bill you just heard from congressman gowdy there a moment ago, he will join us live, and well get his reaction as to where the story goes from here. Martha looking forward to that. Meanwhile, the clinton team is demanding the release of all the information related to the fbis investigation. Senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel live in white plains, new york, today. Mike, whats the mood at the clinton team right now . Reporter martha, stressed, mad, worried. This was a political earthquake on an issue that has troubled the Clinton Campaign from the very beginning. Hillary clintons private email server, they thought it was over this summer, and now its back. In florida yesterday clinton made reference to dealing with adversity. No matter what is thrown our way, we are not going to back down, we are not going to give up. Were going to reject anyone who try ares to drag us tries to drag us backwards. And we are going to remember that if god loves us all, we are commanded to try to love each other. Reporter the strategy at this point seems to be putting massive pressure on fbi director james comey to at least give the appearance that they are not worried about what is in those emails. Martha . Martha so how big of a change would you say youre picking up on in terms of the way they felt about things last week and today, mike . Reporter martha, its been a stunning shift. There was talk at the highest levels of the Campaign Last week about overconfidence, but Hillary Clinton, the democratic nominee, and her team were feeling great with. They were reading the polls, and they felt like they were in a great spot. She brought back birthday cake to reporters at one point last week with. She even took a question about after the election. I certainly intend to reach out to republicans and independents, the elected leadership of the congress which you mentioned. Im going to be doing everything i can to reach out to people who didnt vote for me. Reporter so today well be back on the plane heading for battleground ohio to try to continue normal activities with this Clinton Campaign uncertain of the impact of this fbi probe, martha. Martha mike, thanks. Bill byron york, chief Political CorrespondentWashington Examiner and fox news contributor. Byron are, youve been watching and reading for three days, as we all have. What does this mean right now based on what we mow . Well, this is a huge, new, totally unpredictable factor in this race. We knew that the race was actually tightening before director comeys revelation on friday. Go back to about the time of the last debate, about 12 days ago. Hillary clintons lead over donald trump in the real clear politics average of polls, National Average fourway race, it was 7. 1 points. This morning its 2. 4 points. This race has gotten much closer. It is close in some battlegrounds. The average is exactly tied in florida. Clinton has excuse me, trump has a little lead in ohio, but clinton still has a substantial lead in places like North Carolina and colorado and pennsylvania. So, i mean, the race is clearly getting tighter, and this has thrown a huge new, unpredictable factor into it. Bill let me just show our viewers a little bit of what were talking about on the map behind us. We look at the scenario for trying to get to 270 electoral votes, and we have said for months now she has the advantage, the inside track, right . Trump has a much more difficult task. Yes. Bill i tell you what, byron, we keep coming back to florida. Look where this is right now. This is all the polls put together, shes at 44. 4 , hes at 44. 4 , all right . My attention keeps going back to florida and ohio. It also goes to North Carolina too because based on what were seeing, she apparently has some sort of edge in North Carolina at least based on the polling. And its possible that this could be our focus come eight days from now, byron. Absolutely. I was just in North Carolina a few days ago. The democrats have a very strong effort, really pushing early voting there. First Lady Michelle obama went to North Carolina on thursday to appear with Hillary Clinton. President obama is going to be there on wednesday for Hillary Clinton. So they are really pushing hard. They think donald trump absolutely has to win North Carolina. If he doesnt, he doesnt win the presidency. Bill 15 electoral votes, tarheel state. Maybe its the new ohio or florida or both. Thank you, byron. Thank you, bill. Martha so there are eight days now until this election. Sometimes it feels like it will never be over, and now it feels like it is incredibly close. Youve got both campaigns hitting the ground hard today in the battleground states, donald trump is in michigan. Were going to talk about that move with jason miller, one of his Campaign Managers coming up. His vp, mike pence, is in florida. Obviously, very important to both campaigns. Hillary clinton in ohio today, her running mate, tim kaine, is in the allimportant state of North Carolina. Of course, the big day is one week from tomorrow. Fox news will have complete election day coverage all day long, and we look forward to that. Boy, you know, this when this came across on friday afternoon, i think everybody stopped in their tracks and knew that we were dealing with an october surprise perhaps of a dimension that nobody had anticipated. But we wait and see whats really in here. Bill and were going to work through this and try and figure it out best we can. We know the longtime clinton aide, huma abedin, at the center of this controversy. How much does she know about the emails in question . Well talk to congressman trey gowdy, he is standing by live in his home state of south carolina. Martha moments away. Stick around for that. Plus, how will this impact the balance of power on capitol hill . Is there an impact on the downballot races . A Top Republican who is fighting to keep his senate job, senator ron johnson, will be here to weigh in coming up. Plus, this 2016, struck him out [cheers and applause] there will be a game six cubs win it 32. Bill they call him the cuban missile. He was a rocket at wrigley last night. Martha they needed him bigtime. Bill were going back to cleveland, america, and a terrific world series rolls on. [cheers and applause] many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. 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Thank you, me too, me too [laughter] [cheers and applause] bill that moment was the months and 18 12 months and 18 days ago. The fbi apparently cares about those emails. Congressman trey gowdy is with me live today in greenville, south carolina. Thank you for coming back here on americas newsroom. Its been reported that there could be as many as 650,000 emails on antiny wieners Anthony Weiners computer. If that is true, could you say that the deleted 33,000 on behalf of Hillary Clintons own server are part of that cache . No, sir. I dont think anyone can say that. I dont think the Bureau Agents have read these emails, and i certainly have not. Bill have you considered that possibility . I hope that all records that are considered Public Records will ultimately be made available, but keep in mind, bill, were talking about decisions that secretary clinton made years ago that prompted you to even have to ask that question. I want the entire Public Record to be complete, whether thats classified information or whether its a benign email about yemen, these are Public Records, and the public is entitled to them. Bill is a president elect under an active investigation on behalf of the fbi, is that individual eligible for a security clearance . I think so, bill, under the theory that the ultimate security clearance check takes place on november the 8th. The president of the United States does not have to go through a security background check just like members of congress and u. S. Senators dont have to go through a background check. If the voters elect someone, that is about tantamount to hava security clearance. Bill so if she wins a week from tomorrow, she will be privy to whatever National Secrets are necessary for a commander in chief to know, correct . Yes, sir. Bill on friday you issued a statement and said director comeys statement was instructive. What do you mean by that word, instructive . Well, bill, there are other ways the head of the fbi can notify be congress that an investigation has reopened. In other words, his explanation was that he was supplementing the record, he had previously said the investigation was closed. He wanted to avoid the problems that commissioner John Koskinen has now because he did not supplement the record. My point was he thought it was important enough to not just Tell Congress that the matter had been reopenedded, but also tell the public reopened, but also tell the public. And i think the reason he did that, bill, keep in the mind secretary clinton and her acolytes for months nowhave been saying no wrong doing, the investigation is over. If she were to continue saying that in the week before the election, director comey knows that is not true. If he knows its not true, then why should the rest of us who are having to decide what to do on november the 8th also not know that is true . Bill alberto gonzalez, former attorney general, was on earlier today. And he said theres very little with this investigation that is consistent with protocol, suggesting how the department of justice operates, how the fbi operates. Is that true, sir . Bill, unusual and difficult facts make for difficult conclusions. But most of these facts were given us by secretary clinton, not by jim comey. Im sure former attorney general gonzalez and former attorney general holder will tell you that having Loretta Lynch meet with the spouse of a target of an investigation on the tarmac is unusual. I am sure they will both tell you having the current president prejudge the outcome of this investigation while the investigation was ongo