Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20161007

we have been watching it overnight. it's moving up the florida coastline. that's where we find it. it puts millions of people in imminent danger. janice dean on this since the beginning. she is tracking the storm's path. we begin with brian in the middle of it in sebastian, florida. reporter: we are in sebastian, florida, 20 minutes south of melbourne and an hour and a half west of palm beach. everyone is saying we are lucky. that's the consensus. but there is damage. this is a business sign that has fallen to the ground. based on what we have seen because of the winds. when we turn over here, we have got damage over here. leaves and foliage that has fallen down. over here we have flooding on this side of the street. think it gives you the idea of the kind of damage we are seeing in sebastian. traffic lights are out around palm beach county can indian river county and south florida. north of us in melbourne where the hurricane is still going, they are dealing with the effects of the hurricane as it climbs up. the winds reached 70 miles an hour. as the storm was going by, about 2:00 a.m. last night. we are seeing damage to signs, localized flooding. we are seeing things like this. but overall we have 500,000 people without power. ftl is not restoring power. they are telling people to stay off the roads with downed lines, it's an unsafe condition. i am not able to hear you guys. but there is a report of a st. lucie county woman who had cardiac arrest and was unable to get help because emergency crews were unable to get to her. that's considered to be a storm-related death because conditions were so bad emergency crews were not able to get to her. but the treasure coast palm beach, florida was spared from the category 4 winds. martha: what is one person's being spared is another person's concern as you head up the coast. let's take a look at the track of hurricane matthew. janice dean is in our fox extreme weather center. 120-mile-per-hour sustained winds. the strongest winds in the core, 20 miles from the center of this storm. the worst of the winds for now have stayed off more. the sustained winds of 120 miles per hour. however, we are getting hurricane-force gusts, and we have seen that across portions of the space coast. and you get a look here, this is a screen shot of the where we have the strongest winds in the eyewall. this storm has kept its shape for the past week as a major hurricane. it hasn't wavered. ahead of this storm that's the concern. we are getting into vulnerable beach areas where the storm surge will be imminent. we could see 6-11 feet of storm surge along georgia and the south carolina coasts. they are vulnerable to storm surge. in some cases they haven't seen storm surge of this height. then it will move to north carolina and the mid-atlantic coast, then exiting off the mid-atlantic coast, and then we could see a recur and an effect off the bahamas. also, the threat of heavy rainfall depending on where the center of the storm moved, we could get upwards of 8 to 10 to 12 inches of heavy rain. storm surge is in some cases the deadliest part of the storm. hurricane katrina and hurricane sandy. that had enormous storm surge and that was the most destructive part. if you get 10 feet of form surge, that could be devastating for them. i'm concerned about these folks because there will be more evacuations. bill: maybe it best news for florida is the wind are on the strongest part of the storm and the upper right-hand corner is where you get the strongest wind. when you are talking about georgia and south carolina, that's where that upper cut possibly comes. as you put the map in motion, you can see how the storm is starting to take that turn. that's something you have got to watch. >> this might be the biggest legacy from this storm. our concern was from florida as we were dealing with coastline for a potential hit. the storm has remained, the core of it has remained offshore. but we are going to see an overcoming of some of these vulnerable areas, depending on what your high tide is, and you have to know what your coastline looks like where you live and how your coastline deals with a water rise of 10 feet or more. what i'm concerned with is maybe our focus has been on florida which is a good reason obviously. but now that we are getting close to vulnerable areas of north florida, georgia and south carolina, the national weather service has put out a note saying this could be as catastrophic as sandy was to the northeast in terms of potential damage. bill: great point. we'll hang on that for chapter two in this story. reports out of haiti suggest 500 may be dead there. it's a killer indeed. martha: a state of emergency exists as hurricane matthew works up the east coast. brevard county emergency management spokesman david what therwhat --waters joins us on t. >> we have the new news, 9 hours after the road, emergency personnel are just return together roads to assess the damage and start responding to emergency calls. you had that report out of st. lucie county where personnel couldn't respond to a woman having a heart attack. we didn't have reports of things like that here. but we did have residents in an area of a mandatory evacuation. a family called in and said the roof came off part of our house. but they were in the mandatory evacuation zone. and we had people calling in regretting. and many calling about family members. they are saying we are trying to get our mother or father to evacuate and we can't convince them. there was nothing more we could do because it was too dangerous or rescue personnel to go out and retrieve anybody else. martha: that's a horrible situation to be put in. i don't think anyone at this point can't say they weren't warned. it does get to a point where if you are stuck, you are stuck and there isn't going to be anybody on their way. >> that's correct. with a category 3 storm and at one point category 4. it's potentially fatal for responders to go out. the brevard county rescue personnel decided it could be too unsafe to send personnel out that could be blown off of the causeway and into the river. it would be potentially fatal for their folks. we had a couple of house fires believed to be hurricane related a because there were power lines that went down. a lot of power outages. but we did have house fires. in some limited case we had local fire crews responding to that. in this county we have the most power outages of anywhere in the state of florida. much more than any other area in the state of until right now. martha: good luck too all of you. i hope most people got to where they needed to go and those who are stuck can hunker down and get to the safest part of their house until this is over. bill: haiti has taken a tough hit. overnight the death toll doubled. we are told most those dead in haiti were in towns and fishing villages around the southwestern coast, killed by falling trees and flying debris and swollen rivers. some of the video from haiti shows you the foaforts water that moved across that country. as the sun came up earlier today, they are starting to assess how extensive that damage is. we'll get you covered from haiti up and down the florida coast. martha: the structure those homes are made of. they are so vulnerable. incredible resilience of the people. but a tragedy in haiti. much more of our coverage to come of this historic hurricane. matthew is still ahead. we'll talk to florida senator bill nelson. if the peopler director and the director of the national hurricane center. he can tell us how he sees this playing out the next 7 days. >> we have more debris moving around. this is like a paper bin or something that's been blown free from this gas station. unlike ordinary diapers, pampers stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. pampers. >> exact firmness and comfort you want - and so does your partner - for the best sleep ever. don't miss the columbus day sale going on now! save $400 on the queen c4 mattress set, with 24 month financing and free home delivery. learn more at bill: we have breaking news on matthew. this is a monster and a killer already. >> if you turn your head towards the wind and the beach and the water it's like a bit of a sand blast. we have seen several street signs uprooted. and banging down the street. you can see how the tropical leaves, the palms are blowing, and they have been breaking apart shooting across the roadway. this is u.s. one. two times the streetlights have gone blackout. we thought, we are doomed, now. >> this is one of those things that sat over a gas station that's supposed to protect you from the wind and water. it toppled over and now the sheet metal is flying through the streets here. bill: a long night for our colleagues and correspondent up and down the coast. craig fugate runs fema. what do you have for us now? >> conditions are improving further south in florida. but i don't want people to look down there and say it doesn't look that bad, we dodged a bullet. the full brunt of the storm is moving up to the jacksonville area and they are about to gointd the most severe conditions today. as we get power turned on in south florida, we are still looking at life-threatening storm surge. bill: what are you hear being the potential for that? >> we just got off a briefing with the hurricane center. we are in constant contact with our teams there. the big concern is we'll have several cycles of high tide through the forecast period. the storm is staying just off the coast, but the principle risk right now is not -- the principal risk is storm surge and potential for heavy rain as it moves through the carolinas. water is a big threat. people need to pay attention to evacuation orders. for some people it's too late. you are being told to stay where you are at. it's going to get too late too quick. bill: what's the worst reporting you are getting out of florida so far. >> power outages and most of the impacts of wind have been right along the coast. while we haven't seen too much that we would characterize as catastrophic in damage, we are getting the power outages. but i want people to focus on what's about to happen with the storm surge. bill: this is rick scott, governor of florida. >> it wobbled. we are very concerned about storm surge and the worst effects are still likely to come. the jacksonville area has a lot of low-lying area. especially nassau county. we are concerned for jacksonville. there is potential for a lot of flooding. damage estimates are coming in for south florida. i have been reaching out to people in each county as it passes. fish and wildlife has 0 officers performing search and rescue operations and -- has 90 officers performing search and rescue operations and 70 on standby. highway patrol, 150 controllers on public safety patrol and another 100 on standby. they have not reported any issues yet. we have over 145 shelters open. we have over 22,000 people in our shelters. i checked all night and we don't have any main traffic or issues at this time. we have been checking. we kept our roads open. all major road and interstates in florida are open. miami, west palm where the storm passed the department of is out check the road. all toll suspensions remain in effect. we denied the request t to reinstate tolls this morning. we'll review this on a county by county basis. some individual gas stations are reporting fuel short ands. but these stations are quickly being refueled and fuel is readily available across the state. we don't have fuel issues. the current fuel supply in the state is at least 5 days even if all the ports are temporarily closed. right now we have plenty of fuel in the state. 600,000 homes are without power. the number is going to fluctuate. but some utility companies said they restored power in miami and palm reach counties. about a third out in st. lucie county. florida power has restored a third of their initial power out ands. right now they have about 5. >> 0,000 homes -- have about 500,000 homes without power. but we'll have more outages. restoring power is important that we get restored as quickly as we can. we started setting up housing for utility crews across the state to make sure as we get all these individuals in that we can get them housed and they can get to work so they don't have to worry about where they are staying. we have cam a camp that can house 1,000 utility workers than their trucks. we are going to do everything we can to make sure the utility companies get power back on as quickly as possible. these resources will be available to any utility. let's remember this. power saves lives. we want everybody to get their power back as quickly as possible. damage assessments are just coming in where the storm has passed. the u.s. army corps of engineers are conducting their assessments of lake okeechobee. this morning the national guard will conduct assessments in south. *. once they conduct recovery missions, as we saw in the south, we'll keep moving all these assets up north. our goal is to keep solving problems. i have spoken to quite a few people this morning. the martin county sheriff. he said all roads will be cleared in martin county without any obstruction in two hours. palm beach sheriff, no issues at this time. i talked to the palm beach mayor and she reports no issues. st. lucie sheriff, no major road closures. the emergency management says no major issues. i heard from a lot of people, the evacuations worked. indian river sheriff. they are focused on power outages. it's not completely out of present yard and he's starting to assess the damage. so they have a lot of power outages. i made the following request to the federal government. food, water, pumps. haz-mat assessment teams, cots, blankets. food distribution, helicopters. they are supporting all of our requests. if our local community need more resources we'll continue to make request s from the fema. we also received offers from many states, oregon, massachusetts, california, louisiana, mississippi, and we are appreciative of their support. let's remember the storm only passed half our state, so this is not over. text fl prepares one we are to 888777 for updates from the emergency response team. flprepares is one word. the national hurricane center will be pushing life saving messages out during the storm. if you hear a loud noise, don't ignore them, it could save your life. we focused have much on being prepared before the storm. but don't touch or get close to downed power lines. call your shaffer. do not touch downed power lines. they can kill you. don't go into standing water. there is no reason to go into standing water. while the storm is still on, don't go outside. there is going to be debris. we have over 100-mile-an-hour winds hitting us in some areas. if a tornado approaches move into an interior room your house. venerators. do not use them inside the house. only use a generator outside the home. keep it outside. if you evacuated, don't return until they tell you you can evacuate. i was talking to the st. lucie sheriff and he said both north and south hutchinson hide was open now. don't go back until it's open and they said it's open. the most important thing is protect every family. we all have families. i love my wife, daughters, grandchildren and son-in-law. be careful. if you have any concerns about your safety, call your sheriff. they are staffed and they are there to help you. 11:15 i'll be getting a briefing from the national hurricane center and speaking to the florida counties. at some point today we'll go out and start assessing damage around the state. i'll be glad to answer the questions anybody has. >> from st. lucie county officials there was a report of a possible hurricane-related fatality there. have you talked to anyone there? >> i talked to both in st. lucie and the emergency management director and have not heard that. i have not heard of any fatalities. i hope everybody stays safe. >> one of your emergency directors said there is two missions going on. below brevard and above brevard. below brea regard you are starting to deal with recovery. can you talk about the time frame for restoring power to the southern part of the state? >> we -- i'll be talking to the utilities today. we have a report talking about how many homes are without power. they have restored 150,000 homes already. so we have -- we have a report of how many homes are without power. and we'll be talking to them. what you need. is there anything the state can help you with? as my goal is, as any utility finishes up their restoration, then we use those assets to help any other utility in the state. i know that florida power and light has brought in people and duke has brought in people. my goal is let's share resources, find out where our problems are and get everybody there. on top of that, like we did with ermine e if we can help through the army corps of engineers or d.o.t., if we can help them deal with debris to get the power back on we'll do that also. >> can people be thinking about returning later today or do you think it will be a few days? >> it's up to local officials. we'll have to assess the damage. right now i have been in talking to the state department of the transportation. all the major roads are open. but let's remember, it could be the worst part of this is still to come. i'm really concerned about jacksonville and nassau. over 10 foot of storm surge on top of that. that's a low-lying area on top of the fact we still have the potential for a direct hit and we are seeing 100-mile-an-hour winds. >> a lot of folks on the east coast did evacuate but many did not and road out this storm. is the fact that the they are okay now, does it concern you that they think that at this point. >> you have to take every storm seriously. and let's remember, we are not through this yet. we are still doing assessments of what happened. we saw half the state go through. we are going to see -- we are going to have our worst storm surge. 10 feet. on top of that, the waves. and just remember, if you follow the map on the st. john's river, we'll have a lot of storm surge. nassau is very low-lying. so the -- i hope no one dies. my goal is everybody vac wea -- everybody evacuating should have and they learned they did the right thing. i don't know if we'll have more people in shelters tonight. we'll see how much wind damage we have. it's just getting light in the south. i talked to sheriff ivy and he thought he could just a few minutes ago he could go to the southern part. gut northern part of his county is still getting big winds. bill: rick scott probably hasn't slept mu he's been on the air a lot. all roads are said to be open. power outages widespread. 600,000 people without power. that's in st. lucie county near the space coast in florida. i think on the whole, that's a pretty good briefing from the florida governor based on what some of the forecasts have been. martha: there is a report that one person died in port st. lucie. it's confirmed by the communications director. so rick scott did not mention that person. he said he hopes there would be no loss of life. more details on that as we get it. as they say, they want to make sure the number is as low as possible. we are joined by florida senator bill nelson, welcome. it's a busy time there. we heard there is five days of fuel left, so that's not a concern. a lot of power out ands in your state. tell me your biggest concern at this point. >> as the storm moves up the coast and tears up the beach, this wall of water that's going to be coming, and it doesn't just flood the beach as you all have already reported. it goes inland as well. and the storm surge goes up the inlets and the creeks and they will start to flood. so we'll have a lot of threat coming from the damage as a result of the flood. martha: we have seen in katrina and hurricane sandy. even when the hurricane itself, the strength of itdown grades. the peripheral effect as the outer expands work their way up the coast. that's when you have to worry. that's when you see the greatest damage. >> last night when it was a category 4. we were worried you combine a 10-mile-an-hour wind with 11 feet of water at high tide. that that was a killer. it's a category 3 wind in the area of 115 miles an hour. and very importantly, the eye of the hurricane is about 15 miles off the coast. it's presently more east of the kennedy space center and canaveral national seashore national park bearing down on daytona beach. because it stayed out there, the highest wind on the northeast quadrant of the hurricane did not hit the land. so we have been very fortunate there. one other good news of fortune is the fact you have seen in your interviews in the last self interviews, the cooperation between the federal level, fema, the state and the local government and that's happening and all of these emergency operations centered up and down the coast of florida. martha: senator, thank you so much. bill: i want to bring in the director of the national hurricane center. the state of the storm right now is what? >> it's centered offshore. and it's occurring in many places, wind gusts approaching hurricane force wind gusts. the heavy rainfall occurring. i hope people aren't out on the road. water is the biggest killer. not just what is ongoing in florida but what could happen in georgia and south carolina where we are urging people to evacuate as they have been told to go by local officials. >> you know when these storms interact with land, they can do some funky things. what are you seeing now or is this as predicted do you believe? >> generally it's predicted. the details have made a big difference in terms of what the impacts are south of the eye. we could have had the center of circulation going right along the coastline which could have brought even stronger winds and higher storm surges. but it's close enough that we have hurricane conditions onshore and the hurricane warnings still up all the way into south carolina. it's amazing to see this awful track that follows just the shape of the coastline to bring so many folks into harm's way. we still do not know. nobody knows for sure whether the center of circulation will come onshore. but we still are concerned it will remain and come close to the coast enough so not only could strong wind. but storm surges occur. we have a storm surge warning in effect for these areas. >> hi, doctor nabb. excellent work. you and the folks behind the scene shape the forecast and help us get the message out. this possible storm surge along the coast of georgia and south carolina. the fact it could be similar to what we saw in the northeast with hurricane sandy. could you talk to us about that? >> the potential is there. we have issued these prototype storm surge warnings along the east coast of central northern until rrp going into georgia and south carolina. we are not just talking about the immediate beach. there are complex coastlines in northeastern florida and georgia and south carolina. we are talking to emergency managers about particular areas that could flood and they are not all on the beach. storm surge can take advantage of getting into bays and rivers. if you are being told to evacuate and they are telling you there is still time to go and if you don't see the atlantic ocean from where you are sitting. the water can still get to you. the fact that this is not just a potent hurricane but a big one. it's plenty able to push the ocean around into these areas. >> we don't know the legacy of this storm yet. >> no, we don't. we know it's historic to have a hurricane of this magnitude in this area. but be on the positive side of history. i. bill: what do you think the big difference was with haiti. construction on the island or the impact of this storm? >> both, and the mountainous terrain that takes the rainfall from the sky and it turns into flash floods and mudslides. pill * we'll check back in with you. thanks again. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may 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hit and we are seeing 100-mile-an-hour winds. martha: leland vittert is in the heart of it. tell us what you are seeing and feeling, leland. >> there is a whole lot of wind and water. and the wind is triefght water in. you feel like you are being sand blasted. rick scott said the worst is still to come and that's true for daytona beach and volusia county. the power outages have begun her here. the stoplights are out. the people on daytona peach are certainly on that list. just talked to some folks, they left their house, it had gotten too bad for them as they were trying to figure out where to go. they will be realizing it's too late to come up with that plan. in terms of damage you can see the wind lifted the awning to protect you to from the wind and rain at this gas station. popped it through those palm trees. the palm trees now horizontal. we talked about people being prepared for this storm. this is one of the many gas stations that ran out of fuel. they board up the windows on the gas station. then we have a trailer protecting the rest of the gas station. as we talked about during this storm, the big issue is not necessarily the wind and rain which is of course the most impressive part when it causes damage and hurls things around as it has signs and sheet metal from that. but it's the storm surge and that's begun here in daytona beach. this area in particular is what you might call the bull's-eye for the perfect storm. the combination of the storm surge that's all about water that's being pushed by matthew up the coast and high tide. we have seen flooding all over daytona beach. more flooding to come. high tide about noon when the highest winds are expected here. so those two combination are not something that is going to bode well for this community that is already, if you will, almost like a fish bowl that all what the for comes into and can't get out of. once all that water comes in, difficult to get it out. especially in the mainland areas. there is no pumps. it has to self train once the tide goes down. already issues of cars coming almost stuck in if the high water. that water will rise another couple of feet probably. conceivably here closer to the shore you can get a 3 or 4-foot level of water. no way for cars to get through. anybody who tries is putting themselves at risk and the first responders at risk who will be trying to come out and get them. daytona beach, fire departments were they are going to have to stop answering calls from anybody because it's simply too dangerous. martha: clearly the winds are very strong. we'll see you in a little bit. bill: what's remarkable is how long the storms last. we were on the air last night and the conditions were bad then. 12, 13 hours later and it's still not done. when you are in the middle of that storm, the winds shift and move around. you can literally tell if the storms off to your east or northeast as it rotates around you. you feel that. martha: so we march on. bill: matthew, what happens next? we'll follow the map and let you nope as far as we can. a new report suggests the white house may have had its hands all over the hillary clinton email investigation from the very early days. we'll tell you what that's about next. >> the "wall street journal" reports newly uncovered documents show white house officials coordinating with hillary clinton's advisors about her private server from the earth days at that point trying to shield john kerry from having to answer questions about it. joining me, juan williams and mercedes schlapp. early 2015, "new york times" breaks the story about the private server in the basement at chappaqua. that's when hillary clinton is starting to organize her campaign. >> this raises so many questions, bill, in terms of the fact is this a politicized state department. are we looking at the fact -- would there be potential coordination between the state department and the clinton campaign going into the future. the emails we are seeing, obviously they were trying to figure out a way to make sure they protect secretary kerry and secretary kerry protecting hillary clinton. when you start putting the pieces together, it's a bit alarming. i was talking to a former white house counsel who said this is the tip of the sighs berg. is this something that could lead to the office of special counsel coming in and further investigating? bill: we have a ways to go on that. let me come back to that. juan, how do you see this story. >> i was just tapping into what you and mercedes were talking about. the "new york times" broke the email story in march of 2015, then we see the flurry of communication between state and first the white house and jennifer palmieri who is working for hillary clinton now working in the white house. she is talking to jen psaki and she goes to the white house and said we can keep john kerry off these sunday morning talk shows to avoid talking about the email problem. the second more interesting communication is between state and one of clinton's lawyers saying we have not told the congress or anybody that mrs. clinton erred by using the private server. in both cases you have to put this in context. the rnc, the republican national committee obtained these emails and this seems to be the highlight, the headline. it's not illegal. bill: this is the question now. what does the law say about the white house getting involved potentially in political campaigns? >> it says nothing. even as the "wall street journal" reported, no law was broken. >> at this point what we have seen in these particular emails. i worked in the white house. state department, white house, many of these agencies have to follow the hatch act. there are strict restrictions on how you can politically engage and not being able to politically engage. when you start seeing these communications on kerry potentially connecting hillary clinton and trying to figure out what talking points secretary kerry will say on the email server. and the fact that they were trying too a quash the story with cbs. ben rhodes' brother happens to be the president of cbs. there are situations that leave a lot of questions to answer. bill: everybody in that town swims in the same pool anyway. don't they? >> theoer question that also that we have to raise is the fact that why does it take so long for the white house and state department top respond to these foia requests? for so long hillary clinton has been stonewalling on these emails. you are talking 2015, a year later we are starting to discover more of the fact there could be potential coordination between the state department. bill: he did a cbs interview, john kerry did, and he was not asked about this. >> obviously the story was out there and you would think given he's the secretary of state and her second user that he would be asked about it. to mercedes points about these connections and who runs cbs, possibly. but at this point we are grabbing at straws. there is a real issue. people are upset about hillary clinton's emails and this looks like something out there dangling. bill: i have got to go, we have to get back to the storm. he could always do steve harvey. mercedes, thank you. juan, thanks to you as well. martha: all eyes on this hurricane making its way up the florida coastline. next senator marco rubio joins us. our coverage ask continues straight ahead. stay with us. lobster. with another new flavor you never saw coming... grilled, glazed korean bbq shrimp. and try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. just come in before it ends. martha: hurricane matthew churning northward as it goes through the atlantic coastline. the eye east of daytona beach where we just saw leland vittert being blown around in an area that has seen some destruction already. a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom" starts now. bill: florida dodge a direct hit, but the storm is dangerous and it's enormous. so reports of roofs being ripped off buildings and trees falling on homes. governor rick scott warning everyone to keep up their guard. this remains a dangerous recent in florida, georgia, south carolina and possibly beyond. >> i hope no one dies. my goal is everyone who needed to evacuated. it's just getting light in the south. martha: florida senator marco rubio joins us on the phone. good morning to you. tell us a little bit about your take on the situation florida is in right now and how dangerous this is and whether people have heeded the warning. >> i think most people heeded the warning. there are incidents where people did not. i think we were blessed in the sense the storm could have bench worse. if you look at the path of 24 hours ago and what actually happened to the east in the eye, we were spared the wind. the storm surge, the storm is pushing water on to the coast around the same time as high tide in daytona beach and north of the space coast all the way up to the jacksonville, georgia-florida line. so we are concerned about low-lying areas like nassau county. so we have to keep an eye on that. we know the water from flooding is actually worse than the wind with many of the storms. we are not out of the woods yet. for all our friend in georgia, south carolina and beyond. the areas about be impacted by the storm surge over the next few hours. that's what we'll keep an eye on. martha: what's your sense in your state of how prepared the emergency management people are and how well they have done at getting everybody ready for this and the structures that need to be beale sistered properly. >> there is nobody in the world better in florida, first responders with storms. it comes as the result of a lot of experience. but these guys and gals are the best in the world at what they are doing. that's why their warnings are so important. you can see county by county, the storm moved up. the local agencies moved in. the problem with one of our leading facilities, florida power and light, and they have been restoring people as the storm moves north. they are the best in the world in terms of this thing. but in the end, this is a major hurricane and it will create damage here. our hope is that fema which is prepositioned in central florida will start to move in and provide assistance for loss and recovery from the impact of the storm. martha: it often happens during hurricane season that we are in the middle of elections as well and how candidates respond to these situations can in many ways inform the american public how well they would do in leadership positions. would you advise when the storm has passed for donald trump to come to florida and be and ground as he was in louisiana? >> i would say for donald and anyone, first of all, i believe they will be very sensitive to what's going on locally. when a major campaign comes into town it divert resources from the local officials. the first thing they will keep an eye on is are they a burden to local officials who are trying to respond to the storm. but beyond that, florida is a state that's constantly impacted by things. this is about government working for people. we believe in limited government, but government has a role to keep our people safe. so my hope is this won't be a campaign issue because fema works so well. this is not an issue that becomes a campaign issue because of the hard work they are putting in. martha: when you look at the electoral situation right now, and the big debate coming up sunday, this storm will be probably an issue as we go through the weekend as it goes up to georgia and south carolina. what would you advise donald trump as he thinks about this next debate which is very important obviously for him as a candidate, and very important for your party? >> well, i mean, i don't -- i don't give much stock to that. i'm involved in my own campaign. as a resident of florida and one of the areas that had storm alert, it will be an important debate. as i said, i am sure he's prepared for it. the storm may be a question of the beginning of some sort. beyond that the debate will be about the larger issues in our country, and i'm sure they are getting ready for that. >> your race is one everybody is watching closely in terms of the senate being held by republicans. it's tightened up a little bit. you are still ahead with patrick murphy in the polls. what's your take on it. >> it's florida. you don't win in florida by 10 points in a presidential year. we are going to focus the next couple days on my job as a senator and insuring federal resources are available. we look forward to the continues between myself and patrick murphy who will be a rubber stamp for god forbid a clinton agenda and the damaging obama measures that hurt our cub tri. but i think we'll focus on the storm and make sure florida gets through this and the time is right the next few days as florida begins to recover. we do have an important election. that's what we anticipated. that's what we are prepared for. >> we wish you and the people of florida well as they deal with this hurricane. thank you for speaking with us today. bill: the president is getting a briefing from the fema director and he will make a statement. we'll share that with you in studio j in new york city. our reporters, some of them have been up throughout the night surveying damage. brian is in sebastian, florida. how are things now? reporter: hi, bill, martha, we are in sebastian, until, this is the halfway point as the storm is leaving our area and affecting jacksonville and daytona. governor rick scott said half the state is out of it and the other half is not. this is a facade that crashed down from a goodwill store at a shopping center it's a styrofoam facade. we see other damage and localized flooding in the parking lot. that's the kind of damage we are seeing. we have 600,000 people without power. and florida power and light is working to restore power as they can as conditions improve throughout the state right now that is now. people are assessing the damage. there is roof damage. foliage in the streets. this is the worst we have seen thus far in our thriving in sebastian. we were able to confirm that with st. lucie county. a 58-year-old woman who had cardiac arrest overnight when the storm was hitting, and they are considering it. st. lucie county is a storm-related emergency crews could not get to her during the storm. and unfortunately the 50-year-old woman passed away. governor rick scott says he knows of no fatalities from the storm. but we'll see as the day progresses. and more information starts coming out whether they start assessing the damage. we'll get a better sense of the human the physical toll of this storm. so again sebastian, florida here. the storm heads up north, this is the kinds of damage we are seeing right now. bill: let's go up the coast to daytona. feeling the effects of matthew now. on the phone from that area. the director of community information and emergency management, what's happening where you are? >> good morning. right now in the last hour we have had some of the strongest weather in volusia county. we are receiving numerous calls for transforms and power lines down. as the conditions continue to deteriorate, we are urging people to -- this is not the time to leave your homes. because we are in the thick of it right now. bill: can you see outside? and if so, what do the winds look like? is there any standing water in your area? >> i'm at the emergency operations center in daytona beach. so, yes, the wind's blowing and the trees are swaying but we are obviously in a center secure facility. so no i'm not seeing standing water. but we have had some pictures of our coastline area, and the water is coming up, and it's getting higher and high tide is coming in a couple hours. so it's -- we are concerned about the storm surge. we are at the point where the ambulances, police and fire services are not able to respond to calls in the county, especially the south end of our county. if we have a life-threatening situation we'll do our best to get to people and we actually had an instance where we sent our medical personnel in our tank and went out to a life-threatening situation for somebody who was having a heart attack. but we are telling people to stay in their homes. >> is that person okay? >> i don't know that. the armored vehicle is obviously a pretty impressive thing leaving the eoc to go help somebody. bill: thank you so much, joanne magley. we have hours to go. for some people maybe the carolinas it could be days to go. martha: we are smack in the middle of this whole thing and there are days to go. parts of florida as well as georgia and south carolina bracing for the impact. a lot of power outages and a deadly storm surge that's about to push what for on to the coastlines. >> we have a house right on the water. we said good-bye to it. 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(announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy. bill: aerial pictures of palm beach county it's difficult to tell. oftentimes in these stories when you get so much wind. you get tile damage. but this is more to the south where i guess landfall and impact perhaps is 12 hours ago. i just wanted to share that with you. in the meantime the president is going to make a statement in a moment. we are tracking all this trying to put the pieces together and give you have the best picture possible for how this storm is developing throughout the morning. >> we heard from florida's governor warning this storm is not over. that people should not breathe a sigh of relief was there is the upper part of florida still in the brunt of this. the southern part work on recovery. we see the helicopters are able to gone into those areas and look at way it's like on the ground. but you have weather emergencies that can raise concerns about hotels and stores taking advantage of people's desperation. let's bring in attorney general pam bondy. what are your concerns. there are places where there is no gasoline left and gouging always becomes a sad element of these situations. >> it does. we have been vigilantly working, asking people, we have over 2,000 complaints. hotels, fuel, essential commodities like water. it's unbelievable. so we are out there in real-time. my investigators, hours, our offices are closed. we are out there trying to make a difference. you cannot in our state substantially increase the price of an he extension commodity. hotel, water, a commodity anybody might need during the time of an emergency crisis. these people need top protect floridans. it's about helping each other in this time of crisis. and we are going after the bad guys. i was at a hotel yesterday, their rates should have been $55. people drove from the east coast to the west coast to be safe, and they get there and the hotel they thought when were paying $55 for was almost $200 a night. that's absurd. if you are out there doing it we are going to stop you. martha: is there a sense there is a lot of that going on? >> there is. but there are so many good hotels, restaurants, businesses helping people in a time of need, providing shelter. helping people with their pets and helping people with their families. we are seeing a lot of good and kindness and that's really what it's about. thanks to our governor, rick scott. he was warning everyone get out of town and they did that. the main priority is safety. and a lot of good hotels have obeyed the laws and kept their rates where they need to be where people can afford to stay in hotels. we are in a time of crisis but people for the most part are banding together and helping each other. that's what you always see that in a time of crisis. the governor want toad warn everybody now. this storm is moving north. northeast florida is in for storm surges. taller than any human being. people need to evacuate, they need to continue to be safe because we are not out of the woods yet with this. >> pam, thank you for that. obviously you have been working closely with the trump campaign as well. you are a big supporter. there has been news that involves your name in terms of a donation that was made. >> today we are talking -- we are in a state of emergency in florida, we are focusing on saving lifts, on the hurricane, on helping people. i am certainly not talking about politics today. we are going to continue to focus on saving lives in our state and making sure people have the fuel they get to go where they need to go. rental cars are actually providing the rental cars and not doubling the rates. because we heard of that as well. so we are focusing -- we are in a state of crisis in florida and that's what we are focusing on today. martha: we'll talk to you about that time. politics have much in the news. we know you guys have a lot on your hand in florida. bill: we'll watch matthew going to tear its way up the southeast coast. they had half a million clear out yesterday. and parts of the south carolina where they reversed the traffic coming out of the area. in the palmetto nikki haley says it could be a life or death matter. >> this is a storm that should be taken seriously. we need you to evacuate. i don't want to deal with anyone losing their life or anything happening. or the guardsmen or the troopers or anyone working there. the time is long overdue... pharmaceutical industry. need... outrageous profits. important step forward. payers of california - america. passes - ballot. feel the ran pelting me in the back. it's getting pretty strong. >> this is the damage we are seeing, trees down. >> the palm trees blowing sideways. >> they still have electricity here. bill: they go there so you don't have to. reporters overnight reporting for us. the governor of florida rick scott operating out of tallahassee. governor, good morning to you. >> good morning. my biggest concern over 10 foot of storm surge will hit the north part of the state, jacksonville, it's a low-lying area. so that's my biggest concern. we still have hurricane-force wind. we are about halfway through this. so i'm talking to our sheriffs, our emergency management and mayors where we have been and making sure we have the resources to take care of everybody. we'll still get hit. bill: we were listening to your press conference. it appears though this is not over yet. it appears based on the forecasting that you may have gotten perhaps the best card dealt to you when you consider 24 and 36 hours ago what we were looking at. >> so far we have not had a direct hit. but 10-foot of storm surge plus 20 feet of waves injacksonville. nassau county, right now that's my biggest concern. we are clearly assessing the damage in the southern part of the state. we are talking to our mayors. search and rescue teams to make sure both people and property. but right now just keep everybody safe in the northern part of the state. bill: st. mary's river in jacksonville. you think about the storm surge and how the water can be pushed up these rivers and streams. that's what you were referring to in your first answer? >> it goes up fast and comes back fast. we just had a category 1 hurricane in the panhandle. and the people who can't evacuate, there was a lady who said she had to take care of her pets. she knew she was going to pass away. it got to 3 and a half feet. she would have passed away. that's the problem with storm surge. this is 10 feet plus. not 10 inches. 10 feet plus, there is waves on top of that. jacksonville, nassau county, very low-lying. bill: you are in touch with the hurricane center. have they suggested this storm jogged to the west or does it continue in a northern posture. >> right now it's still staying off our coast. that's a blessing. so we are still getting hurricane-force wind but it's not the 140-mile-an-hour wind. it's 100-110-mile-an-hour wind. which is a positive for us. but it's still deadly. we have to watch the winds and the storm surge. bill: 600,000 without power. i expect that number to go higher, i'm sure you do as well. >> we restored power to 150,000 homes. i called up 3,500 members of the national guard. they are part of the assessment team that's gone into these counties. they are part of the evacuation route. all our roads are open to make sure people can go across these bridges. we have to make sure all our bridges are safe. but our concern is the big storm surge in the northern part of the state. bill: the death toll in haiti is staggering. there is a report the death in your state from cardiac arrest. you did not confirm that last hour. can you now? >> we cannot. i don't have any -- no one has brought that to me. so we'll be doing that over time. i hope when i think about my daughters and grandkids and wife, i want all them to survive. they are on the west coast. i want everybody in my state to survive this. you can always rebuild this. i want them all to survive this. bill: your neighbor to the the north in georgia and south carolina. >> they have a lot of low-lying areas. south carolina has even more low-lying areas than georgia. they are concerned for their citizens like we are down here. we'll do everything we can to keep everybody safe. so you have got to ride this out. i hope we don't lose any lives. bill: when was the last time you spoke with a mayor in jacksonville? >> i talked to mayor curry just a few minutes ago. he just worked hard to get people to evacuate like i have, and we know we are going to lose a lot more power up there. it hasn't hit there, but we haven't lost a lot of power up there. i'll be having a call in just a few minutes with all the utilities in the state to make sure we are sharing resources. bill: governor, thank you. get back to work. i know you have a lot to do. vick scott. all these the storms have their own personality, and matthew is shaping its own personality. martha: so many times it looked like it was over, then a couple days in you get a major impact, even katrina. and sandy as well days later. we hope that's not the case here and we hope everybody can handle this well. the full impact still coming through. a category 3 barreling up the east coast. our meteorologist january this dean is tracking all of it so we'll go to her coming up next. we'll be right back. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. . . new tide purclean is the first eco-friendly product in your cupboard that won't wait to be discovered. some may claim some labels are green but only one has the powerful tide clean new tide purclean, 65% bio-based, 100% cleaning power of tide ancestry helped med buildfind out that military service goes into my family 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will move to his left a little bit, out there in the mist, you will see yachts that are being trosessed around like rubber duckies in a bathtube. the bridges here are closed. we have seen signs flying off. there's no way for a car to get across them. that's exactly what the police chief have been telling us. when the storm has gotten to this point and moved in slower, there's no way to come out and go to island and try to save anybody. that was why it was so important to evacuate when they told people to evacuate, the fire chief who said now they're not going on any calls, balance has stopped moving and with that, martha, we are probably going head back into our cars to see if we can get out before the storm surge comes. martha: i think that's a good idea. leland, stay safe out there. bill: getting word up and down the coast, no power, actually they did not lose power. it stayed on all night and not a lot of damage, southern corner of the state. only place open is the waffle house and they are hoping hoping that matthew goes out to sea. martha: as you saw leland is getting the worse of the forecast winds right now. we have definitely send force winds and the real worst of the core has maintained offshore, but we are still expecting the potential for an epic storm surge along the coastline. there's daytona beach right now and leland is getting part of the strongest wind so hurricane force winds are 60 miles away from the center of this storm and so he is certainly getting the hurricane force winds. the storm surge we talked about this, because of the shape of the coastline and couldn't clock wise winds pushing in water along the coast, we could see upwards of 10-12 feet of storm surge. something that this coast has not seen before and that's why we are seeing very strong language from the national hurricane center saying this could be equal to hurricane sandy event, something they are not prepared for and that's why if there's an evacuation in order you need to heath them. we still have 24 to 36 hours to go and the forecast wind gusts as we go through tonight still hurricane 4 along georgia, up towards south carolina, into saturday and sunday and this potentially still could be a hurricane now moving into north carolina. so we don't quite know what the legacy of this storm is going to be but that storm surge is going to be incredible along coastline as you pointed out. right here category 3 and a 2 here but it doesn't matter about the category, it's the push of the water. bill: janice, thank you. we have the statement from the white house now and this plays out in what they call fact. martha: making a statement on the hurricane, here he is. >> obviously everybody has been tracking the course of matthew. i've received an update of fema director as well as national security team and i wanted to make a couple of key points. first, what we are seeing now matthew having moved above south florida and some of the largest population centers working its way north and the big concern that people are having right now is the effects that it could have in areas like jacksonville on through georgia and what we have seen some significant damage in portions of south florida, i think the bigger concern at this point is not just hurricane force winds but storm surge. many of you will remember hurricane sandy where initially people thought this doesn't look as bad as we thought and then suddenly you get massive storm surge and a lot of people were severely affected. and so i just want to emphasize to everybody that this is still a really dangerous hurricane, that the potential for storm surge, flooding, loss of life and severe property damage continues to exist and people continue to need to follow the introductions of their local officials over the course of the next 24, 48, 72 hours. those of you who live in georgia, i think, should be paying attention because there's been a lot of emphasis on florida but this thing is going to keep on moving north through florida in into south carolina, there are a large population centers there that could be vulnerable. pay attention to what your local officials are telling you. if they tell you to evacuate, you need to get out of there and move to higher ground because storm surge can move very quickly and people can think that they're out of the woods and then suddenly get hit and not be in a position in which they and their family are safe. pay attention to local officials. in the meantime, i've been in contact with the governors of all four of the potentially affected states. i want to thank them all for their leadership, there's been strong cooperation between federal and state and local officials. fema has worked diligently to preposition resources, assets, water, food commodities and as the hurricane moves north, what craig and his team will be doing is moving the resources and assets further north so that any place that happens to get hit badly will be in a position to immediately come in help. but i want to emphasize the governors who have been on top of this, state and local officials have been on top of this. they are the ones who are tracking most closely what is happening in your particular community, your particular area. you need to pay attention to them, do what they say, do not be a hold-out here because we can always replace property but we can't replace lives. i want to thank craig and his whole team as well as department of homeland security, my own national security team for staying on top of this. we are going to monitor this throughout the weekend. our thoughts and prayers are with folks who have been affected. you know, it's -- even if the damage in south florida wasn't as bad as it could be, there are people who have been affected and for them, they are going to need help. last point i would like to make is we are still tracking what happened in areas like haiti that were hit more directly. haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. it has consistently been hit and battered disasters to compound what is already great poverty there. we know that hundreds of people have lost their lives and that there's been severe property damage and they're going to need help rebuilding, so i would ask all americans to go to the american red cross, other agencies to make sure that we are doing what we need to do to help people in need. and we will continue to provide information if you're interested in how you can help the people of haiti and others, you can go to white and we will provide you with information in where even the smallest contribution can help very much. thank you very much, everybody. fema is in a good position right now. we had some concerns last year when we were in the mist of budget negotiations, i think that we did a good job of making sure that fema was properly funded and not to make them blush, but we happen to have one of the best public servants in craig and they know how to manage their money and use it effectively. that's not going to be an issue. of course, we always want to be cautious about making assessments with respect to damage. we are still on the front end of this hurricane, we are not on the back end, so we don't know how bad the damage could end up. we don't know how severe the storm surge could end up being and we are not going to know for three, four, five days what the ultimate effects of this are. if we end up having significant problems and really severe property damage, then the staff comes into play, our ability to provide through emergency declarations and other mechanisms more help to local governments, that's always going to be flexible. as you know, we still have flooding in louisiana that has left a lot of people homeless. over a hundred thousand people lost their homes there and we still have to rebuild, there's a backlog of need from natural disasters around the country that would like hopefully during the lame-duck session to figure out how to fund effectively. the issue is not so much fema's funding for immediate emergency respond, the issue is going to be making sure that after the -- in this case the hurricane but in other cases flooding or wild fires or other natural disasters after they happen are they in position to properly help people rebuild. we will make those assessments after the fact and then we will talk to congress about how we can help out, all right? thank you, everybody. thank you. [inaudible] martha: the president saying that obviously there's concern about georgia, south carolina and florida at this point. everybody thought the worst was over in the storm when the worst just began and became the second most costly natural disaster in the country's history. just putting that warning out there from the white house today. bill: we were sitting here yesterday 24 hours ago and everybody said it was going to take a turn for the north and it looked like it was headed right for miami, florida, right for palm beach and sure enough it changed. so far the prediction has played out the way they told us. it would hit the jet stream and ride up along the east coast and done exactly that. martha: amazing to watch the power of it and we will continue to do that in the next couple of days. bill: matthew moving to jacksonville and then it is georgia. rains drenching the south carolina. the latest next. >> we ducked down behind a building. you can see the rain is coming sideways and as the storm raises, they're getting bigger and more painful ♪ lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving... good morning, indeed. v8. veggies for all. when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. liberty did what? yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! 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[laughter] martha: we came a little later. i came in january of '04 and you came in '05. bill: look at you, you have not changed? martha: i think they were nice to me. many more hair styles they didn't choose to bombard me with. bill: baptism by fire at the fox news channel with you and all my colleagues. martha: i love working with you and a great ride and we look forward to a great future. bill: to viewers at home and whoever is watching today, thank you because the growth of our channel and given the news event of our time today, i feel like we are right now in the middle of a bull market for our industry and what we are doing here, so thank you for your loyalty. martha: very fortunate to have fantastic, loyal viewers at home and i want to mipción the -- mention the folks behind the scenes. thanks to them. happening now starts right now. john: for the record, i liked the hair. jenna: that's nice, john. john: blasting the coastline with howling wind, pounding waves, knocking out powers to tens of thousands and leaving path of destruction behind. welcome to happening now on this friday morning i'm john scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. the category 3 storm is strong enough to threatened a broad stretch of the southeast. the severe conditions considered life-threatening in many areas. >> my biggest concern now is over 10-foot storm surge that's going the hit th

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