Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20160711

there was at least one police officer injured. in minnesota there were the deaths of two african-american men at the hands of police. bill: investigators say micah johnson was planning more attacks but saw the rally last tuesday as his opportunity. >> we are convinced he had other plans and thought what he was doing was righteous and believed he was going to target law enforcement and make us pay for what he sees as law enforcement's efforts to punish people of color. martha: what an outstanding voice police chief brown has been in all of this. what are we learning from the police? reporter: we are learning about two things. he's increasingly interested in explosives and bombs, and he's becoming attracted to the ideology black hate groups that advocate violence against police officers. and those two things came together after minnesota and baton rouge. the rally became a march. the police were not prepared. johnson took a advantage of that shooting through a glass door at el centro college. we we fleeld an interview with chief david brown that johnson laughed and taunted the police negotiator about how many comes he killed and he would only talk to a black police officer. because of his shooting techniques and moving from floor to noor, the officers were -- >> at the scene where he was killed he wrote some lettering in blood on the walls. which leads us to believe he was wound on the way up the stairwell on the second floor of the building where we detonated the device to ended standoff, there was more lettering written in his own blood. reporter: as for the search warrant of his home, they did find guns but it wasn't an arsenal. and they did finds explosives. but it's legal and is used in target practice. martha: as for black lives matter they were back on the streets protesting on the streets. reporter: not just in opt early cities, but also in dallas. it was small but ugly. in the end they actually came together when a veteran police officer brokered a police between the two. while we'll have vigils and prayers here the next day or so, the president is coming but many say he's coming home to a powder keg. bill: the woman in texas is shielding her son when she was wounded. she spoke of how heroic the officers were all around her saving lives, and perhaps even her own family. >> he turned around to grab me. he turned around to see where i was, but i had already been shot. police officers started coming up the block, and one of them, i heard him when he said is anybody hit? i said yes, sir, i'm on my -- i'm hurt on my leg. that's officer jumped on top much me and covers me and my son. i saw another officer get shot right in front of me. i'm so thankful for the dallas police department and whoever else watf, i don't know who was down there. i'm thankful for all of them because they had no regard for their own life. bill: she says this whole experience has made herm respect police even more than before. the last comment, they had no regard for their own life. they stayed there with my son and i. it made my admiration greater. martha: i listen to all the back and forth on news stations and you hear all this anger and talk about racism. this woman said it all. there are good people and there are bad people. and she understood she was surrounded by very good people and she was grateful to them. and we need to take a lesson from her. we'll talk more about the message she has for all of us coming up at 10:40. bill: this is in the context of a national election. president obama cut his trip short oversea. he will speak at a memorial. donald trump took to twitter to take the president to task tweeting the following. look what is happening to our country under the weak leadership of obama and crooked hillary clinton, we are a divided nation. katie pavlich, good morning to you. look at the reactions from trump and clinton and president obama. this is emerging as a story about leadership. who is hitting the right note on this case? >> i think it's a good thing president obama is coming home early considering this is the worse loss of law enforcement life since 9/11. obviously in a situation like this both sides of the argument are scared. a lot of community are scared about what this situation means for the country, and we hope people can come together and share the values that's loretta lynch stated last week. but the question tbks what kinds of values are we talking about? and what kinds of values can bring americans together after a tragedy like this. bill: it's hard to say how events like this shape an election in four months. but it could. >> i absolutely think it could. you look at president obama's legacy which has been a huge part of the conversation with hillary clinton running for president. and much of his legacy has to do with negative things like race relations being at a low in modern history. both sides of the argument are concerned about what we are going to do moving forward. and racial tensions are high. when it comes to the situation between law enforcement and community, there are a lot of police officers who feel betrayed by president obama and what he has done with his justice department to attack police officers over the course of his presidency. bill: we'll debate that in our next segment. protests have ongoing. one in philadelphia where democrats will be in two weeks. what we don't know about the protests is how long they last, how big they grow, and how they address leadership. >> over the course of president obama's presidency, we are now talking about the new black panther party. there were a lot of returnees who warned about the violent tactics the new black panther party was planning on taking against white police officers and wise in general. saying things like "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon." "what do we want? dead cops." they need to be condemned for the things they are saying and the tactics they are taking. bill: we are going to cleveland later in the weeing. you know already the police in cleveland have their concerns about what happens then. the eyes of the nation, the eyes of the world will be watching themes cities for conventions when they get under way. martha: the pictures that followed in dallas,ing a young black child giving a flower to a police officer. let's hope for safety in all of these venues over the course of the next few weeks. a vow of violence against our country. son of usama bin laden threatening the united states. bill report horrific scene captured on live television. martha: rudy giuliani taking criticism for calling the black lives movement inherently racist. our panel will debate whether or not he has a point. >> they don't mean black lives matter. they mean let's agitate against the police matter. if they meant black lives matter they would do something about the way the vast majority of blacks are killed in america. >> it's inherently racist because it divides us. all lives matter. the black lives matter never protest when every 14 hours somebody is killed in chicago, probably 70-80% of the time a black person. where are they then when a young black child is killed? that's the predominant way in which a black person will be killed, by another black, not by a police officer. what are they doing about that? that means they don't mean black lives matter. they mean let's agitate against the police matters. bill: that's former new york mayor rudy giuliani doing a lot of interviews over the weekend saying black lives matter are racist. his larger point is that if black lives matter cared about black lives, they would have been in chicago a year ago or two years ago or five years ago. as a result of gang violence there. it's hard to think he does not have a point about that fact. go. >> he makes a larger point and it's a worthy point about chicago and other instances. but rudy giuliani chose to throw a match on gasoline. ask the people who used to work for him who still work in law enforcement. bill bratton and jeh johnson. they a th patently disagree wite way he's gone about this. bill: he would argue under his leadership the percent and of crime dropped when he was mayor. >> you make a good point about the broken glass aproper he took. but he also initiated stop and frisk which led to a deterioration of trust in community policing. giuliani's policies of the 90s don't work in 2016. bill: people like ray kelly said you have to stop and frisk. it's the only way to get inside the neighborhoods. there has been year-round national coverage of the killing streak in chicago. >> we have seen time and time again. i grew up on the southside of chicago. i know it is a violent place that resembles a war-torn country in the middle east. i think it's disappointing black lives matter has not added that into their rhetoric. however, i disagree with the narrative that we need to be suspecting our neighbors in the black community. i should be thinking about how someone in my community may be out to kill me. i thought that was distasteful. overall he has a point in terms of black lives matter. has to focus on policy positions that brings everyone to the table when it comes to police, prosecutors, like those of the 2020 leaders of america. they brought in negotiators and police to start the conversation. bill: you will admit the black lives matter protests are not on the southside of chicago. they may be in downtown chicago. >> you see laquan mcdonald under the leadership of rahm emanuel who ran a racist police department. but on other black on black crime, do you not see them absolutely. bill: another comment about president obama. we'll see him in dallas and he will be there with president bush number 3. what do you expect? >> i think that's appropriate. he thinks the fact that former president bush is speaking and the president is speaking is terrific. but we are long past the point of talking. it's time to act. the protesters need to register and vote. the police need more resources in community police and they need better training. get out there and vote. change policies, do something. talk is cheap if it's not backed up by actions. you can use all the words, you can point the finger everywhere, but every single one of us can point a financialer. bill: to both of you, we have much more to discuss. next time we'll talk about race relations. there are some who believe they have gotten worse. we'll find out whether the facts back them up. martha: tomorrow is an important day in dallas. the rnc is about to get started. what donald trump is telling organizers he wants before he arrives there. you both have a perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twenty-four seven. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. martha: we were there for the debates and it's a great town. rn c's platform committee starts its meeting today to make sure everything is worked out. they are building the ideas for the republican platform for the convention. it will be in cleveland, the home to the cavaliers. we now know that the house speaker paul ryan has confirmed that he will speak at next week's convention. that's one new piece of information. peter doocy is here to get us up to speed on the latest. how involved is donald trump in terms of the platform process. >> none as involved as you might think. i had a chance to talk to senator john barrasso. he said when he spoke to the presumptive nominee at the end of next week, his main concern was having this 100-member committee put together something he can stand behind. he said we should expect the language to reflect trump's position on trade. past platforms have embraced the trade deals like the tpp. this one is expected to give trump an out to walk away from any deals he does not believe benefit the interests of the united states. and a position on same-sex marriage. social conservatives are pushing hard to have in the platform to let states decide. where in the past the big push has been for the constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and woman. martha: it's not a surprise he would fight for that. you know, in terms of those who might want to derail a trump nomination, even at this late point in the process, will they be looking to have certain triggers in that platform to allow them to go down that road? >> that's not a platform committee thing as much as the rules committee. there are rumblings about possible revolts. they will try to unbind supporters trump won in the primaries. it does in the sound like it's likely they will have the support to get it going. martha: we'll have a front row seat. we'll be broadcasting live from the republican national convention in cleveland. that's why they are work so hard to get all that stuff set up in there. bill: we start on thursday. we are going to be the first people you see from the convention center. we'll be there until everyone else leaves. bill: moving from cleveland to philly. pack well. the pentagon stepping up in the fight against isis. more u.s. troops are headed to iraq. how many are going and why they are headed. martha: the fallout from the dallas attack. police forces across the country shifting their tactics because they have to protect their own people. first nypd commissioner ray kelly weighing in. > >> they are concerned about their jobs and being criticized. we searched billions of flight combinations to make getting here easy. because the hardest part of any trip, should be leaving. expedia. technology connecting you to what matters. i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? 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stressful situations so when they are there, when you don't hear as well, when you don't see as well because your opportunity vision and you are fighting for your life. you need to train and get yourself ready for that before that critical event. >> these situations just keep cropping up across the country. you say utilize video to identify criminality and hold off on the arrest. explain. >> we learned that in boston. you go out and try to make an arrest caught throwing the rocks and bottles, creating the crowd to be in scene uproar. but if you can identify him with covert or overt videotape and bring charges later on, the officers aren't putting themselves in harm's way, but if you do this in the middle of the crowd,ed crowd won't give you cover. but you don't endanger the officers by breaking ranks. martha: there was a guy in baltimore pouring gasoline on cannisters and hitting police cars with it. he was just arrested and got 15 years. have tactical units at ready but out of site. >> you want -- out of sight. >> you want the tactical teams in response crowd control gear ready to rock 'n roll. but keep them in a school or parking garage where they are not inflaming the crowd. but if your officers are in a situation where they need help, get out there, make it arrests and go back and deescalate as quickly as possible. martha: what about leadership from the top? what do you think the president's message should be. >> i'm looking forward to president obama's and president bush's address. we have to heal dallas after his horrific event, get dallas up on its feet and deal with the horror that hit this country. and we have to heal our country. martha: we'll hear a lot more about this and see a lot of these scenes on the weeks ahead, no doubt. good to see you, sir. bill: we are sending more troops to iraq. defense secretary ash carter arriving there. 560 more american troops will help the locals take back the city of mosul from isis. that's the terror group's last stronghold in iraq we are told today. gregg, what do we know? >> american boots on the iraqi battlefront. it's coming from secretary of defense ash carter. he's in iraq today meeting with that country's prime minister. he said u.s. military advisers could be accompanied rank and file iraqi forces in the coming weeks. here is how he laid it out. >> development of mosul occurs in a pincher from a movement from the south of iraqi security forces and movement from the north by peshmerga forces. both will be supported by and enabled by u.s. and coalition forces. reporter: carter said an air base 60 miles south of mosul was taken. it was being used by isis. a marine was killed in march in a town south of mosul as well. this finally as one study claims, isis has lost in the past in 18 months a quarter of its territory in iraq and syria but notes it's stepping up its terror attacks. in the past 10 days or so hundreds have died in attacks in baghdad. farther offered to the iraqi government to ashift them further in protecting civilians in that country. martha: a terrifying scene at one of the world's most dangerous sporting events. a matador killed in the ring after something went very wrong. bill: the veep stakes are heating up. who is topping donald trump's short list. >> newt has been my friend for a long time. i'm not saying anything and i'm not telling even newt anything, but i can tell you in one form or another newt gingrich is going to be involved with our government. that i can tell you. it'sand your doctor at yoto maintain your health.a because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. and on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting... 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. family: surprise! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. at humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. (climbing sounds) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ♪ (duracell slamtones) martha: tragedy in spain after a bull fighter is gored to death. the bull struck his leg causing him to flip over and fall to the ground. the bull delivered a fatal blow to his chest puncturing his lung and aorta. over 1,000 people take part in that festival. bill: one of the best-known matadors. martha: he will be heralded by his country. his name will be on the plaque where they put the names of all bull fighters killed in the ring. bill: the vp search hitting a fever pitch. a report donald trump will announce his pick before the convention. chris christie is said to be on the short list and another naming with retired general michael flynn. he's said to be a democrat, but some people are worry abouted about his views on abortion. >> women have to be able to choose, a right choice. but that's a difficult legal decision and i think women are so important in that decision making process. they are the ones that have to make decisions because they are the ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not. bill: karl rove in austin, flynn is a remember sistered democrat, but he has been a fierce critic of the president. is flynn a good choice? yes or no. >> we don't know much about him except one thing. he's an ardent opponent of islamic extremism. he was in the joint special operations command. he was the guy leading the evident to find the major players in al qaeda and take them out. so, you know, first of all, it's odd that the last time either party republican or democrat had a vice president of the opposite party was in 1864 when abraham lincoln chose a war democrat andrew johnson of tennessee as his running-mate. so this will be a little unusual. and yes his views expressed on abortion will cause a kerfuffle among the largely pro-life members of the convention. bill: 1864. that's reaching deep. there is one report that says that mike pence is the guy. strong conservative cred. former republican lawmaker on the house side. is pence the guy? >> relationship nally trump said he wanted somebody with washington experience that could help get his legislative package through. he's now at the end of his first term as governor of indiana. but he's still an outsider. we have three things going on. trump has to figure out dose want a general or a washington insider. dose want an outsider, does he want somebody with legislative experience. there are all kind of changes going on here. dose want somebody who is simpatico with him on extremism or on a wider range. does he want an attack dog or somebody who will play a closer role. the fact he's saying i'm not certain i want an insider. i may want a general or somebody who was an insider serving in congress. this will come down at the end to personal chemistry. bill: a lot of times, that's where it goes. the one hard-core clue trump gave is he wants somebody in congress going back 20-25 years. newt gingrich, chris christie. jeff sessions out of alabama. is there one of those three that is more likely? >> out of those three is newt gingrich who has been a fan of trump's for a long time. he's an insider who knows how congress works. you saw his comments earlier where he said in one way shape or form newt gingrich is going to be part of my administration. whether it will be vice president or not, that will be interesting to watch that dynamic. newt has an idea a minute and it will be interesting to see how trump responds to that. i'm sure he already has gotten a sense of it. bill: do you think gingrich would want that job? >> absolutely. he would kill or die for it. absolutely. i had to deal with newt when i was at the white house at a lower level, and he clearly would love to be a player inside any republican administration. the vice president has a regular weekly lunch with the president and sits in on main policy issues and is able to opine. bill: others suggested he would hate that job. we'll find out from begin privilege. paul ryan will speak at the convention. ted cruz will speak at the convention. some of the mechanisms are in order for that as well. martha: back to this raging wildfire in colorado. it turned into a crime scene. authority have now arrested two men. bill: a frightening scene for a guitar legend. what happened to joe perry from aerosmith during a concert in new york. ld keep what you buy. that's why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. some major carriers say you can keep your data. but when you read the fine print, your data does expire. but tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90-day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. tracfone. do everything for less. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. bill: aerosmith's joe perry now in the hospital after collapsing on stage. he was on stage performing with johnny depp and alice cooper. cooper tweeted, thanks to everybody asking about our brother joe perry. we offer him our best as well. get better. martha: good for you. keep rock on. 65, right? is he in the rock 'n roll hall of fame? we hope he got a quick recovery. we have this story for you. two campers from alabama are under arrest charged with starting a massive wildfire. they were camping thursday night and failed to properly extinguish a fire which is camping 101. how did the investigators figure out it came from their fire? >> it was tips from members of the community that led authorities to the two men who were arrested at an evacuation site. a fire commander said he started a campfire on private land and didn't put it out properly. here is a look at the situation. conditions calmed a bit overnight. but forecasters say today will bring 35-mile-per-hour wind gusts. a boulder daily reporter just happened to interview the two men from ago bama. >> did all see the fire and smoke? >> oh, yeah. >> it was pretty close. >> we threw some dirt and rocks on it. but with the wind and the heat it will smolder and take off again. >> the blaze started sat dane quickly doubled in size. the two transients are facing 4th degree arson. but if someone gets hurt or worse in the fire, those charges will be upped. one couple lost everything. even though they got news their home had been destroyed, the firefighter kept fighting. bill: citizens and police with intense standoffs. police in dallas get ready to update us with the latest on the investigation. that's coming up with the next hour here. i considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended once-daily toujeo®. now i'm on the path to better blood sugar control. toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24-hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. and along with toujeo®, i'm eating better and moving more. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. . . . . like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. ask your doctor about toujeo®. i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. martha: it is monday morning and we're waking up to a country very much on edge. we're waiting for an update from the dallas police as protests erupt across the country for the fourth straight night last night. here are some of the images from that. >> put the guns down! martha: most of what we saw out there last night was peaceful, even some very positive images of people protecting the police in some cases. there is a lot of intensity though across the country. former police chief of one of our largest city warns that we are a country he says, that is sitting on potential powder keg. welcome, everybody, brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. president obama cutting his overseas trip to return to dallas to be with the victims of this horrific attack. he talked in europe first, saying the shooter does not represent what america is and that we are not a fractured nation. >> america is not as divided as some have suggested. americas of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it is in dallas or any place else. martha: but the former commissioner of philadelphia's police department says that he thinks the country needs real leadership right now and is warning one more spark, he thinks could set off a whole wave of problems. >> call it a powder keg. you can say we're handling nitro grist rin, you look at we're at a very critical point in this counttry. martha: joining me, brit hume, fox news senior political analyst. good morning to you. good to have you here. everybody watches discussion on this and images that we're seeing. it is very deeply troubling. what do you think? >> i agree with you, i think it is very deeply troubling, remind me so much of the atmosphere of this country in 1968 where we had incredible political turmoil much sparked by the vietnam war. there were tensions on whole range of issues. seems in times the 1968 the country might fly apart. i don't think we're quite there yet here but this is certainly turbulent and troubling times. and i think the former police chief's call for leadership is well-placed. martha: yeah. you know, you listen to president obama's words and he obviously it trying to calm things down. he is trying to say the right things. he says that the country is not as divided as people think. do you think he is being effective? >> so far, no, and i think the thing that would fault the president on is, he isn't telling the truth about black lives and how they're lost and where they're lost. i mean i'm not the first one to point out streets of chicago are a killing field in some areas. black on black violence, gun violence, gang violence. the death count out there is tragically high. the president almost never says anything about that. instead he is aroused by the these incidents where blacks are killed by white police officers. and at each turn when one of these episodes occurs, he does not fail to mention the, what he considers the persistent racism in this country. it feeds the idea, which upon the whole black lives movement is based we're in epdemmic of white police violence against plaque victims, often unarmed, many times innocent and shot down in cold blood. there is enough video evidence from individual cases to provide some momentum and impetus for that idea. but if you drill down into the statistics and you look at the number of white, hispanics killed, versus number of blacks who are killed in the context of crime situations, it turns out that the there is nothing disproportionate about the number of blacks who are killed by police and so i, and i think that though that myth, that there is this epidemic of white police violence against blacks has taken hold in this country. the president has, to some extent fostered it and when you see something like what happened in dallas, i don't draw direct connection between that guy who shot all those people and the president obama, but i think it would be go a long way if he were to use his credibility and his enormous megaphone as president to put some of these myths to rest. martha: well-said. you said a lot there. i think the chicago analogy, when you look back at presidency of president obama the question will be asked what he did to improve race relations, what he did to improve the condition of inner-cities and time he spent walking and talking with people who are in that environment, who desperately need a leg up and a way out and who see people around them getting killed all the time and hear almost nothing about it in the press. we have certainly tried to bring attention to it here and i know others have as well but in terms of leadership and the search for leadership i was struck over and over again by the words of chief brown in dallas he is talking, about it doesn't matter to him people don't necessarily give them praise or support them because they are sworn to protect the lives of people in their community and that's what they do and here he is talking about that. >> we're sworn to protect you and your right to protest and we'll give other lives for it. there is no greater life than to give your life for someone, and that's what we're continuing to be willing to do. martha: exactly what those men did in dallas. there will be opportunity tomorrow, brit, for former president bush, president obama to speak out on this. what do you expect? >> well, i don't know. it would be striking and very welcome if the president would abandon kind of commentary remember he has made that sort of fed these ideas and say something truly, utter the ground truth about this. the police really are not the enemy and chief brown is a wonderful example of that. he has done very much as nearly everyone recognizes to make the dallas police department kind of a model and it is particularly tragic that it is officers under his leadership who were gunned down so brutally and so the wantonly by a man who was fully seized with this idea that the myth that black lives matter is built on. martha: we all remember president obama emerging on the scene as a senator who said we're not a black america, we're not a white america. we're the united states of america and how powerful those words were coming from him then. we will look for some of that tomorrow. brit, thank you so much. >> thanks, martha. bill: as we mentioned a moment ago dallas police hold a news conference about an hour from now, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we expect the latest on the investigation. there are some unanswered questions. we're told the killer had a much bigger attack in mind. still don't know what that was or details on that. we may learn a bit more when that happens. we'll bring it to you live. we do know he scrawled in blood, the letters, rb. whether that means anything or not, we don't know. they think he had the shoot move tactic and fire and move and fire and move, give impression there were a lot more attackers than him. chief brown has been awesome.da. blue all across this country are lucky to have the police chief the way he is talking today. martha: i'm glad we're able to bring his thoughts back to our viewers today who missed it over the weekend. a passionate and strong man who deserves to be heard across the country. bill: stay at it, chief. eight minutes past. donald trump on the trail after brief break. he is set to speak in new jersey and new jersey governor chris christie is there to speak with hill. carl cameron, virginia beach, virginia, carl, to you. first public appearance for trump since the shootings in louisiana, minnesota and dallas. does he also talk about that or just issues with the va, which is what we were told about today, carl? >> reporter: that's right, bill. he has been promoting this speech to talk about the va. it has been canceled a number of times, appearance with chris christie likewise canceled because of all the violence across the country. today he will talk about the va. he will talk about law enforcement and rule of law and law and order. he will likely call for unity as he had in couple statements and tweets over the course of the weekend. this is his first opportunity to speak live about i and there is a pretty huge appetite for it. just as there is appetite for real serious reform at the veterans administration and he is going to enunciate 10 goals. we're not sure how specific they will be but he said these sorts of things during the campaign. among others he will say, and i quote, we'll going to insure every veteran in the america has to choice to seek care at. va or seek medical care paid for by our government. he will promise if congress balks he will use executive action if necessary, saying i'm going to use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our veterans or breach the public trust. these are concepts that he outlined over the course of the campaign. 10 promises or 10 priorities to reform the va will be part of this but we will now see donald trump and we're not clear whether it will be a teleprompter or off-the-cuff speech but he will talk about law and order and need for. more of it. bill: chris christie is there as i mentioned. he is still on the short list for vp? >> he is, we're told that donald trump has gotten frustrated with establishment republicans that casts shaded that dough of is did favor because is governor of new jersey and involved in politics a long time. there is talk about picking somebody from the military. lt. general michael flynn, director of the defense intelligence agency. he was one. first people in the military to spot rise of isis early. he wassidelined by the obama administration and for that reason and conservative accuracy on threat of isil, he is considering one of the people trump is vetting and seriously so. over the course of the weekend general flynn was on sunday shows which he describe ad pro-choice position on abortion. that is in opposition to platform approved by the rnc in next week's convention. to awful lot of pro-life groups, general flynn essentially disqualified from being donald trump's running mate and vowed to pick pro-life judges and a pro-life administration. bill: carl cameron in virginia. thanks. martha: hillary clinton back on the campaign trail this week as she tries to move from her email scandal into the future. the investigation may be over but does this issue hang around her until november? bill: the son of osama bin laden is talking. u.s. must pay for the killing of his father. and he is out now with a public warning. we'll tell you about that. martha: as we await for a news conference this morning in dallas, a powerful account for one survivor. her message to her sons and everyone else about the heroism she witnessed from the dallas police department. >> i saw him go down. i saw him when he got hit and he slumped over and as was slumping over, he has a gun. run. i don't think he made it. i don't think he made it. my cousin's wedding is c♪ming soon. i like the bride more than the groom. ♪ turquoise dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no ones got moves like uncle joe. ♪ when it's go book on for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20%. book direct at wopen up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. bill: breaking news in the sports world now. one of the best players in the nba is retiring. san antonio's tim duncan says after 19 seasons says he is finished. five championships, two mvp awards, 15 all-star appearances. played great out of wake forest, 19 the 7. tim duncan, number one overall draft pick this is how it ends today. breaking news out of san antonio. good luck. ♪ >> this is a strong man. he is not a timid wall flower. the american people are seeing a refinement in his messaging, most substantive messages. they see the strength though that they know needs to be shown in washington to break the cycle that we are on. martha: that was this weekend. at bam senator jeff sessions voicing strong support for donald trump's leadership skills as donald trump returns now to the campaign trail for the first time since five police officers were murdered in dallas. he has blamed weak leadership on what is wrong in this country. he tweeted out over the weekend, look at what is happening to our country under the weak leadership of obama and people like crooked hillary clinton. we are a divided nation says the candidate donald trump. i'm joined by carl higbie, former navy seals, spokesman for the great america pac and trump supporter. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. martha: as he gets back on the campaign trail today, as jeff sessions point out we've seen a more disciplined version of donald trump over the past couple weeks or so, i would say, what do you expect him to do as he gets backs on the campaign trail? >> he with continue to hammer hillary clinton very hard and also president obama because hillary clinton is extension of president obama. president obama campaigned on unity bringing the country together and hunky doorry, smiley promises never happened. new black panthers party trying to leave the union and take over five southern states. up highest number of people in the federal workforce. isis on the rise. nothing he did, and hillary clinton is extension of that. he needs to hammer that home. martha: i will be interested to see how he seizes what happened in dallas. he put out an instagram video, basically said both sides of equation, commending dallas police the way they responded. he recognizes the difficulty in the alton sterling situation and philando castile. he spoke of them specifically. what would you like to see him do on that sid of the occasion to reach out to voters who may be more in the clinton camp? >> he needs to reach out to people, "black lives matter" and hillary clinton have been trying to get along and been pretty hand in hand but donald trump needs to reach out to the "black lives matter" group. you want to fix problem? why don't you reach out to the police department. work on building unity. look in chicago the death rate of black on black crime is higher than afghanistan. blacks consitute 13% of the population, yet have 50% of the homicides. why don't he bring that in the conversation. i want to help you but i need you to help our communities. that will bring us together. martha: polls have shown him knot strong with black voters. this does feel like a moment black voters will be looking for leadership and paying very close attention to what is said out there. this is senator cory booker saying why he thinks donald trump is not the right person. we'll get your response. >> we need people that bind our wounds and build bridges across our chasms. to see someone socallously stoking hate and fear and inflaming divide, this is not the person to be president of the united states i believe ever. martha: your reaction. >> cory booker, new jersey is not safe place in all of its districts. you have right now a divide. the black community better off now than it was when barack obama was elected? absolutely not. the black unemployment higher. economy is worse off which is middle paying jobs. people like cory book remember in hillary clinton's camp because of policy standpoint and vying for cabinet position, potentially vp but donald trump right now is only one that can bring economic prosperity together, bring america together. everybody works for donald trump is happy about their employment. let's make our nation like that. martha: if you could give him one piece of advice what would you like to see donald trump do this week to try to make that move and reach out in that way? >> i i they needs to believe it or not, this will be controversial, sit down with "black lives matter" people. even though some. leaders are committed to fbi's most wanted terrorists but i think you sit down, what do you want? articulate exactly what you want? if they can do that which they haven't been able yet i think we have can have a serious conversation. otherwise we need to look at them as potential threat to america if at the they were not willing to articulate position and work with us. martha: carl, thank you very much. bill: 20 minutes past. former foes on the trail making plans for a joint event but will bernie sanders actually endorse hillary clinton when they appear together for the first time since their last debate? martha: that is the question. a protester wounded by the dallas sniper breaks down in tears as she recalls the selfless police officers as she describes them who rushed into harms way to save the life of her and her boys. >> he, they stayed there with us, and i saw another officer, saw another officer get shot. now there were two. use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief ...cleasee ya!ake off. when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. martha: so our friend and former fox news correspondent greg burke is now the new spokesman for the vatican. for the first time a woman will serve as deputy in that position. he is taking over from reverend lombardi who held the position for 10 years. it is part of a change. what a nice picture of greg burke. bill: what a big job. >> what a big job! bill: my name is greg burke. i speak for the pope. martha: i speak for the pope. nice to meet you. bill: well-done. we've known him for a long time. martha: absolutely. we'll have to go back to rome to visit i am. bill: we should applaud the pope, great selection. martha: great selection. you have our blessing. not that they asked. bill: son of osama bin laden now vowing revenge on the u.s. for the raid that killed his father in pakistan. that threat coming in a new audio recording promising new attacks on americans. chief intelligence reporter catherine herridge on that in d.c. what are we learning? reporter: thank you, bill. the 21 minute statement. the 25-year-old son of usama bin laden promises to avenge his father's debt. he claims al qaeda will punish the west for actions in the palestinian territories, pakistan, syria, iraq, yemen and somalia. hamza, long considered his father's favorite and heir apparent has saudi mother. after 9/11 it is believed he lived in iran under house arrest. this sun dated photo. 21-minute audiotape shows that the al qaeda brand is not dead and son emerging as new leader. audio, rather than video is used for security reasons. video can provide clues to the location and when it was recorded. bill: good point. what do we know about hamzeh? reporter: she was one of the three wives taken into custody after the 2011 raid in pakistan on the compound. hamzeh was no not there at the compound a letter seized in the raid and written to osama bin laden's chief of staff that he wanted his son educated in religious school back to qatar and bring back credibility to the al qaeda network. other correspondence says he was courtoom grooming his son whether the other brother was killed in 2009 drone strike. hamzeh bin laden was insurance policy he was agreemented to be leader but never physically with his father because he would be feared he would be target after drone strike or raid like we saw in 2011. bill: catherine herridge in washington there. martha: we expect new details in the dallas police ambush. police set to hold a news conference to get their very latest findings at tap of the hour. latest revelations we know that the sniper had planned a much larger attack that evening. bill: also the fbi saying the clinton email investigation is over but the fallout could be far from finished. former governor john sununu weighing in on the fbi's decision not to recommend charges against clinton as we react to a brand new poll on the matter. >> it seems to a lot of us that the average joe, average american, that if they had done what you laid out in your statement, that they would be in handcuffs. >> we try very hard to apply the same standard whether you're rich or poor. bill: we are about 30 minutes away from a news conference out of dallas. police will give us update on their investigation in the attack that took lives of five officers. we know the killer had military training. we know the killer had an arsenal of weapons and bomb-making materials inside of his home. now investigators say he was planning a much bigger and deadlier attack before turning his attention on that peaceful protest. we'll bring you news conference when it happens. we'll try to get more information for you as we move along. ♪ martha: so hillary clinton is setting stage for endorsement from her most powerful rifle. her campaign joining joint appearance happens tomorrow with senator bernie sanders. jennifer griffin live in washington with this. did sanders win enough from the platform committee in orlando that he feels he can now endorse hillary clinton? he has been quite cagey about this, jennifer? reporter: that's right, martha. that is how he will present it as a win for his side. we got a statement from the sanders campaign that he will appear in new hampshire with hillary clinton to campaign tomorrow. that is where the long-awaited endorsement is slated to occur at a high school in portsmouth, new hampshire. remember president obama and hillary clinton appeared together in unity, new hampshire, in 2008 after she lost the primary to him. here's what sanders and his supporters gained in orlando at the democratic platform committee's meeting over the weekend. a $150 minimum wage, support for the public option -- $15. states can allow government health plans. additional funding for community-based health centers, free tuition and public colleges to universities for families earning under 125,000-dollar. >> really a victory for secretary clinton and her campaign. because the democratic platform is a pretty meaningless piece of paper and meaningless inside baseball. and so look, it allows senator sanders to go to his supporters saying i got these concessions but it really doesn't matter unless secretary clinton goes out of and decides to actively campaign on these issues. reporter: however the concessions are a far cry from what sanders promised. free college tuition for everyone and free payer health system. he wanted to block congress voting on controversial deal. clinton supporters blocked that. >> i think as democrats we have come together. i think senator sanders has raised some issues that we all care about. reporter: a new pew research survey shows 85% of the sanders voters are ready to back hillary clinton. tomorrow sanders will add his name to that list. martha? martha: jennifer, thank you. bill: hillary clinton meanwhile trying to move on from the email, server and benghazi scandals, but fallout from both could stretch well into november. new washington poll shows following. 56% of the americans disapprove of the fbi decision not to recommend charges against clinton. 35% do approve. governor john sununu, former chief of staff to president george h.w. bush. author of the quiet man. happen monday to you. >> hi, bill. bill: how many independents in the 56% category, wow? what does that tell you? >> tells me america is doomed to an election shy kel which the biggest asset for each of the candidates are the shortcomings of the other and there is no question in my mind that donald trump will exploit the specific comments that mr. comey made about mrs. clinton in ads that he is going to put on television. and, with the receptivity of that poll, i think they're going to be very devastating ads. bill: wow. here is another one. same poll. does the email issue make you worry, that is the key word here, about how clinton might handle her responsibilities or is it unrelated? 57% say they are worried. how does she, how does she overcome that? >> both candidates are going to have to have a good strategy to overcome their shortcomings. this will be an election that focuses, i think less on issues and more on the personalities. mrs. clinton will have to figure out how to create confidence in america in a way she is too well-known, in a way her failings are clear to clear majority based on that poll. in a way she is going to have the difficulty of trying to erase something that is etched deeply into the minds of the voters. i think she will have a tough time doing it, bill. bill: there is a piece out today, "washington post" now, here is the title for the story. gop vows to pummel clinton over email controversy. all right. you just alluded to it in your first answer. what do republican does? what does donald trump do? >> i think the republicans and donald trump use little clips of comey making his presentation in his news conference and some of his answers to congress. and what better authority for her personal failings than the head of the fbi. if people are worried about those problems, they will be reenforced every time they see the director of the fbi reminding them about how badly she handled her emails and about her shortcomings. bill: do you think trump's response was appropriate last week? was it what you would have done? >> which? the response to dallas? bill: no. trump's response to the clinton server, et cetera and hearings from last week? >> the server, well look, he can't resist responding with quips but when he gets settled down and starts responding with devastating ads, ads that are clearly thought out and ads that pick exactly the right clip and ads put emphasis of real heart of her problem, i think those are the responses that will make a difference, not what he threw out as quips last week. bill: do you have a guess about bern bernie sanders and hillary we expect in new hampshire? >> i suspect bernie will endorse her. obviously they picked new hampshire, because new hampshire is one of the swing states. it is still going to be four very important electoral votes. it is close to bernie's home. so all of those things coming together. i suspect bernie is going to give a resounding, whatever resounding means to bernie endorsement of hillary clinton. bill: i don't care about your damn emails. that is what i'm telling you. thank you, governor, very much. >> thank you. bill: john sununu in new hampshire. paul ryan apparently accepted a speaking invitation a at convention in cleveland. that along with ted cruz make as more interesting lineup as we get morsels of information that will happen. martha: they both spoke at the last one. they got a huge response. we'll see them again this time around. as the schedule gets meted out who will be where. meantime we want to bring this to you. a mother brought four of her five boys to show them what a peaceful protest looked like. they didn't spend much time in the city center of dallas. they decided they would be go to be part of the experience. what she did not know they would be almost among those murdered in cold blood last thursday. she has now opened up about the police, the people that she is calling her heroes. >> i'm sorry that that person thought that that would be okay, that he thought he would, that is was solve something. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry that they lost their lives. but i'm thankful. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[inaudible] i'm so thankful for the dallas police department and the, whoever else, atf, i don't know who was down there but i'm thankful for all of them because they had no regard for their own life. martha: they had no regard for their own lives. what a story she told yesterday at that news conference and how beautifully she demonstrated to her sons, she even said this was thankful all of this happened because of the lessons they all learned in that moment about life and about what's important and about people coming to your aid regardless of color. lisa booth, republican strategist, president and founder of high noon strategies. rashad thomas, calvin coolidge presidential foundation. they join us now. rashad, let me start with you. what is your takeaway from what she had to say there? >> well, wow, listening to miss taylor's comment just, i'm almost at a loss for words. i can't imagine what she was going through and what she and her family and children experienced last night. the entire situation in dallas is just so heart-breaking. these police officers who really go out of the way every day to protect and serve and at the demonstrations in dallas they were there to keep the peace and make sure that the demonstrators were protected and to have them all gunned down in cold blood is really awful and i think we as a nation have to come together and no mat our skin color. we're all americans and human beings. when we're shot the blood that runs from our wounds is red no matter what our skin color may be. martha: so true. >> acknowledge the problems we have as a country and face them united as one people. martha: i think of the phrase love is love that surrounds the gay marriage issue, i think violence is violence. >> quite right. martha: regardless who it is perpetrated against. we need to be color-blind when we talk about people who commit violent acts against other people. we need to be honest in playing out of figuring out where the blame lies and to not jump to conclusions. i thought newt gingrich's comments were interesting. he was at a facebook event with van jones over the weekend discussing where we need to go on all of this. here he is. >> if you are a normal white american, the truth is, you don't understand being black in america, and you insting tiffly underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk. martha: is that an important thing for conservatives to speak about and to embrace, lisa? >> well, absolutely. look, we're all one nation under god. i think that the world should be colorless and color-blind and we're not really seeing that these days and it is very disheartening, i echo rashad's statements in essence we're bleeding together as a nation. we're seeing unraveling in society that is greatly concerning for everyone. this mother's testimony of the courage of this police officer and her own courage to throw herself on her son and a mother's love is something that is important to share with americans. we've seen a lot of good of hugging of police officers and bringing together the dallas community. we've seen tremendous leadership with the dallas police chief as well as mayor rawlings as well. just words they have chosen to use. their decision to not politicize this. not to draw conclusions worry about right now bringing community together and bringing the country together. i think their testimony, the things they have said are very encouraging for the country. if only we focused more on some of those positive things, the positive rhetoric from these leaders i think we would be a lot better off as a country right now. martha: i want to play one other sound bite from president obama talking about all of this. this is just one piece of what he said. >> whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. the. martha: i think the second part of what he said, rashad is something everybody can agree with, but i wonder what you think about the first part when he says those of us who are concerned about the criminal justice system? who isn't concerned about the criminal justice system? you know sometimes the president does seem to say that some people are one side of this whole thing and some people are on the other. would it be better if he kind of weren't at that in a more universal way? >> well, i think to go back to, for instance, what speaker gingrich said, i want to applaud speaker gingrich's comments because i think what president recognizes, and what a lot of people recognize is that for many years the legitimate grievances of african-americans and other minorities with regard to our relationship with the law enforcement community has been overlooked. it has been, you know he, glossed over and that sort of thing. i think that we all need to recognize that different people in this country have different experiences when it comes to the, our relationship with law enforcement. and in order for us to come together as a country, we have to acknowledge and recognize and address the disparities that exist between different communities and their relationship with law enforcement. that is not a message of division -- divisiveness. i think certainly attacking police is never the answer, even verbally or, certainly not in a physical way or with guns. that is always never the answer. but we should absolutely acknowledge the reality that mine north communities, particularly african-americans, particularly african-american males, have a different experience with law enforcement than with other people in our country. we need to address the problem. martha: we're out of time. i appreciate your thoughtful input from both of you, thank you so much. >> thank you, martha. bill: jon scott coming up next on "happening now" as we say good monday morning, jon, how are you? >> good morning, bill. doing well. we're awaiting a important news conference just minutes from now from dallas police in the murder of their five police officers. plus, is the mainstream media helping fuel anti-cop bias? are police in the united states safe to do their jobs right now? all of that ahead. plus reaction from president obama, hillary clinton, donald trump, to the murders and protests. also trump will speak live 1:00 p.m. eastern today. we'll have that for you, "happening now." bill: jon, thank you. see you in ten minutes. a road map to get america back on track. common sense suggestions for climbing the ladder of american success. eric bolling is next with his new book, "wake up america." bill: brand new book making its debut and "new york times" best-seller getting folks all fired up. my guest is the author of "wake up america, the nine virtues that made america great and why we need them more than ever." >> good to see you, brother. bill: you were seeing something in the country you wanted to write about. what was going on? >> right. president obama famously said i want to fundamentally change the united states of america right before he got elected. we elected him anyway. that is all he has done, bill in my opinion. he dragged the country as far left as he could to the point where people said you need to write this book. you need to get us back to the center. the country is center-right country. we're being so far left i felt it was time to write it. the interesting thing i wrote it. it flowed and went fast. publish letter said who do you want to dedicate the book too? family, parents? barack obama. i dedicated the book to president obama because he made the book write itself. bill: i'm sure he appreciated that too. >> well -- bill: i know you at a personal level. i think your story, everything you've kind of touched, eric, you've been able to figure out how to make it successful. what do people learn in there about your own experience. >> so i go through nine virtues, values i think are conservative virtues and values i think the country needs to get back to and first one was grit. i wrote the book, all politics and added personal stories and did founding fathers history and grit chapter talks about how many times you fall and get back up. dust yourself off, keep trying, keep working. success is not ugly thing. not something to be embarrassed of as mitt romney may have been embarrassed of his success. i came from absolutely abject poverty background in chicago. broke, poor, chicago. i'm the most blessed human being in the world, sitting center seat on "the five" every day on fox news channel. the road from there where i am now, been lit by the good lord above and a lot of grit and determination. that is why i wrote about it. never quit. bill: see you in cleveland. >> yes, sir, yes, sir. go to eric for signed copies. bill: maccallum. dial that up. martha: just a few minutes from now dallas police are expected to give an update on the police ambush that left five officers dead. investigators digging into the background of that individual to learn more about what his motivation was and why this happened. we'll take you live to the dallas at top of the hour. we'll be back with more. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20160711 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Martha MacCallum 20160711

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there was at least one police officer injured. in minnesota there were the deaths of two african-american men at the hands of police. bill: investigators say micah johnson was planning more attacks but saw the rally last tuesday as his opportunity. >> we are convinced he had other plans and thought what he was doing was righteous and believed he was going to target law enforcement and make us pay for what he sees as law enforcement's efforts to punish people of color. martha: what an outstanding voice police chief brown has been in all of this. what are we learning from the police? reporter: we are learning about two things. he's increasingly interested in explosives and bombs, and he's becoming attracted to the ideology black hate groups that advocate violence against police officers. and those two things came together after minnesota and baton rouge. the rally became a march. the police were not prepared. johnson took a advantage of that shooting through a glass door at el centro college. we we fleeld an interview with chief david brown that johnson laughed and taunted the police negotiator about how many comes he killed and he would only talk to a black police officer. because of his shooting techniques and moving from floor to noor, the officers were -- >> at the scene where he was killed he wrote some lettering in blood on the walls. which leads us to believe he was wound on the way up the stairwell on the second floor of the building where we detonated the device to ended standoff, there was more lettering written in his own blood. reporter: as for the search warrant of his home, they did find guns but it wasn't an arsenal. and they did finds explosives. but it's legal and is used in target practice. martha: as for black lives matter they were back on the streets protesting on the streets. reporter: not just in opt early cities, but also in dallas. it was small but ugly. in the end they actually came together when a veteran police officer brokered a police between the two. while we'll have vigils and prayers here the next day or so, the president is coming but many say he's coming home to a powder keg. bill: the woman in texas is shielding her son when she was wounded. she spoke of how heroic the officers were all around her saving lives, and perhaps even her own family. >> he turned around to grab me. he turned around to see where i was, but i had already been shot. police officers started coming up the block, and one of them, i heard him when he said is anybody hit? i said yes, sir, i'm on my -- i'm hurt on my leg. that's officer jumped on top much me and covers me and my son. i saw another officer get shot right in front of me. i'm so thankful for the dallas police department and whoever else watf, i don't know who was down there. i'm thankful for all of them because they had no regard for their own life. bill: she says this whole experience has made herm respect police even more than before. the last comment, they had no regard for their own life. they stayed there with my son and i. it made my admiration greater. martha: i listen to all the back and forth on news stations and you hear all this anger and talk about racism. this woman said it all. there are good people and there are bad people. and she understood she was surrounded by very good people and she was grateful to them. and we need to take a lesson from her. we'll talk more about the message she has for all of us coming up at 10:40. bill: this is in the context of a national election. president obama cut his trip short oversea. he will speak at a memorial. donald trump took to twitter to take the president to task tweeting the following. look what is happening to our country under the weak leadership of obama and crooked hillary clinton, we are a divided nation. katie pavlich, good morning to you. look at the reactions from trump and clinton and president obama. this is emerging as a story about leadership. who is hitting the right note on this case? >> i think it's a good thing president obama is coming home early considering this is the worse loss of law enforcement life since 9/11. obviously in a situation like this both sides of the argument are scared. a lot of community are scared about what this situation means for the country, and we hope people can come together and share the values that's loretta lynch stated last week. but the question tbks what kinds of values are we talking about? and what kinds of values can bring americans together after a tragedy like this. bill: it's hard to say how events like this shape an election in four months. but it could. >> i absolutely think it could. you look at president obama's legacy which has been a huge part of the conversation with hillary clinton running for president. and much of his legacy has to do with negative things like race relations being at a low in modern history. both sides of the argument are concerned about what we are going to do moving forward. and racial tensions are high. when it comes to the situation between law enforcement and community, there are a lot of police officers who feel betrayed by president obama and what he has done with his justice department to attack police officers over the course of his presidency. bill: we'll debate that in our next segment. protests have ongoing. one in philadelphia where democrats will be in two weeks. what we don't know about the protests is how long they last, how big they grow, and how they address leadership. >> over the course of president obama's presidency, we are now talking about the new black panther party. there were a lot of returnees who warned about the violent tactics the new black panther party was planning on taking against white police officers and wise in general. saying things like "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon." "what do we want? dead cops." they need to be condemned for the things they are saying and the tactics they are taking. bill: we are going to cleveland later in the weeing. you know already the police in cleveland have their concerns about what happens then. the eyes of the nation, the eyes of the world will be watching themes cities for conventions when they get under way. martha: the pictures that followed in dallas,ing a young black child giving a flower to a police officer. let's hope for safety in all of these venues over the course of the next few weeks. a vow of violence against our country. son of usama bin laden threatening the united states. bill report horrific scene captured on live television. martha: rudy giuliani taking criticism for calling the black lives movement inherently racist. our panel will debate whether or not he has a point. >> they don't mean black lives matter. they mean let's agitate against the police matter. if they meant black lives matter they would do something about the way the vast majority of blacks are killed in america. >> it's inherently racist because it divides us. all lives matter. the black lives matter never protest when every 14 hours somebody is killed in chicago, probably 70-80% of the time a black person. where are they then when a young black child is killed? that's the predominant way in which a black person will be killed, by another black, not by a police officer. what are they doing about that? that means they don't mean black lives matter. they mean let's agitate against the police matters. bill: that's former new york mayor rudy giuliani doing a lot of interviews over the weekend saying black lives matter are racist. his larger point is that if black lives matter cared about black lives, they would have been in chicago a year ago or two years ago or five years ago. as a result of gang violence there. it's hard to think he does not have a point about that fact. go. >> he makes a larger point and it's a worthy point about chicago and other instances. but rudy giuliani chose to throw a match on gasoline. ask the people who used to work for him who still work in law enforcement. bill bratton and jeh johnson. they a th patently disagree wite way he's gone about this. bill: he would argue under his leadership the percent and of crime dropped when he was mayor. >> you make a good point about the broken glass aproper he took. but he also initiated stop and frisk which led to a deterioration of trust in community policing. giuliani's policies of the 90s don't work in 2016. bill: people like ray kelly said you have to stop and frisk. it's the only way to get inside the neighborhoods. there has been year-round national coverage of the killing streak in chicago. >> we have seen time and time again. i grew up on the southside of chicago. i know it is a violent place that resembles a war-torn country in the middle east. i think it's disappointing black lives matter has not added that into their rhetoric. however, i disagree with the narrative that we need to be suspecting our neighbors in the black community. i should be thinking about how someone in my community may be out to kill me. i thought that was distasteful. overall he has a point in terms of black lives matter. has to focus on policy positions that brings everyone to the table when it comes to police, prosecutors, like those of the 2020 leaders of america. they brought in negotiators and police to start the conversation. bill: you will admit the black lives matter protests are not on the southside of chicago. they may be in downtown chicago. >> you see laquan mcdonald under the leadership of rahm emanuel who ran a racist police department. but on other black on black crime, do you not see them absolutely. bill: another comment about president obama. we'll see him in dallas and he will be there with president bush number 3. what do you expect? >> i think that's appropriate. he thinks the fact that former president bush is speaking and the president is speaking is terrific. but we are long past the point of talking. it's time to act. the protesters need to register and vote. the police need more resources in community police and they need better training. get out there and vote. change policies, do something. talk is cheap if it's not backed up by actions. you can use all the words, you can point the finger everywhere, but every single one of us can point a financialer. bill: to both of you, we have much more to discuss. next time we'll talk about race relations. there are some who believe they have gotten worse. we'll find out whether the facts back them up. martha: tomorrow is an important day in dallas. the rnc is about to get started. what donald trump is telling organizers he wants before he arrives there. you both have a perfect driving record. until one of you clips a food truck. then your rates go through the roof. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twenty-four seven. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. martha: we were there for the debates and it's a great town. rn c's platform committee starts its meeting today to make sure everything is worked out. they are building the ideas for the republican platform for the convention. it will be in cleveland, the home to the cavaliers. we now know that the house speaker paul ryan has confirmed that he will speak at next week's convention. that's one new piece of information. peter doocy is here to get us up to speed on the latest. how involved is donald trump in terms of the platform process. >> none as involved as you might think. i had a chance to talk to senator john barrasso. he said when he spoke to the presumptive nominee at the end of next week, his main concern was having this 100-member committee put together something he can stand behind. he said we should expect the language to reflect trump's position on trade. past platforms have embraced the trade deals like the tpp. this one is expected to give trump an out to walk away from any deals he does not believe benefit the interests of the united states. and a position on same-sex marriage. social conservatives are pushing hard to have in the platform to let states decide. where in the past the big push has been for the constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and woman. martha: it's not a surprise he would fight for that. you know, in terms of those who might want to derail a trump nomination, even at this late point in the process, will they be looking to have certain triggers in that platform to allow them to go down that road? >> that's not a platform committee thing as much as the rules committee. there are rumblings about possible revolts. they will try to unbind supporters trump won in the primaries. it does in the sound like it's likely they will have the support to get it going. martha: we'll have a front row seat. we'll be broadcasting live from the republican national convention in cleveland. that's why they are work so hard to get all that stuff set up in there. bill: we start on thursday. we are going to be the first people you see from the convention center. we'll be there until everyone else leaves. bill: moving from cleveland to philly. pack well. the pentagon stepping up in the fight against isis. more u.s. troops are headed to iraq. how many are going and why they are headed. martha: the fallout from the dallas attack. police forces across the country shifting their tactics because they have to protect their own people. first nypd commissioner ray kelly weighing in. > >> they are concerned about their jobs and being criticized. we searched billions of flight combinations to make getting here easy. because the hardest part of any trip, should be leaving. expedia. technology connecting you to what matters. i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? 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stressful situations so when they are there, when you don't hear as well, when you don't see as well because your opportunity vision and you are fighting for your life. you need to train and get yourself ready for that before that critical event. >> these situations just keep cropping up across the country. you say utilize video to identify criminality and hold off on the arrest. explain. >> we learned that in boston. you go out and try to make an arrest caught throwing the rocks and bottles, creating the crowd to be in scene uproar. but if you can identify him with covert or overt videotape and bring charges later on, the officers aren't putting themselves in harm's way, but if you do this in the middle of the crowd,ed crowd won't give you cover. but you don't endanger the officers by breaking ranks. martha: there was a guy in baltimore pouring gasoline on cannisters and hitting police cars with it. he was just arrested and got 15 years. have tactical units at ready but out of site. >> you want -- out of sight. >> you want the tactical teams in response crowd control gear ready to rock 'n roll. but keep them in a school or parking garage where they are not inflaming the crowd. but if your officers are in a situation where they need help, get out there, make it arrests and go back and deescalate as quickly as possible. martha: what about leadership from the top? what do you think the president's message should be. >> i'm looking forward to president obama's and president bush's address. we have to heal dallas after his horrific event, get dallas up on its feet and deal with the horror that hit this country. and we have to heal our country. martha: we'll hear a lot more about this and see a lot of these scenes on the weeks ahead, no doubt. good to see you, sir. bill: we are sending more troops to iraq. defense secretary ash carter arriving there. 560 more american troops will help the locals take back the city of mosul from isis. that's the terror group's last stronghold in iraq we are told today. gregg, what do we know? >> american boots on the iraqi battlefront. it's coming from secretary of defense ash carter. he's in iraq today meeting with that country's prime minister. he said u.s. military advisers could be accompanied rank and file iraqi forces in the coming weeks. here is how he laid it out. >> development of mosul occurs in a pincher from a movement from the south of iraqi security forces and movement from the north by peshmerga forces. both will be supported by and enabled by u.s. and coalition forces. reporter: carter said an air base 60 miles south of mosul was taken. it was being used by isis. a marine was killed in march in a town south of mosul as well. this finally as one study claims, isis has lost in the past in 18 months a quarter of its territory in iraq and syria but notes it's stepping up its terror attacks. in the past 10 days or so hundreds have died in attacks in baghdad. farther offered to the iraqi government to ashift them further in protecting civilians in that country. martha: a terrifying scene at one of the world's most dangerous sporting events. a matador killed in the ring after something went very wrong. bill: the veep stakes are heating up. who is topping donald trump's short list. >> newt has been my friend for a long time. i'm not saying anything and i'm not telling even newt anything, but i can tell you in one form or another newt gingrich is going to be involved with our government. that i can tell you. it'sand your doctor at yoto maintain your health.a because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. and on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting... 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. family: surprise! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. at humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. (climbing sounds) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ♪ (duracell slamtones) martha: tragedy in spain after a bull fighter is gored to death. the bull struck his leg causing him to flip over and fall to the ground. the bull delivered a fatal blow to his chest puncturing his lung and aorta. over 1,000 people take part in that festival. bill: one of the best-known matadors. martha: he will be heralded by his country. his name will be on the plaque where they put the names of all bull fighters killed in the ring. bill: the vp search hitting a fever pitch. a report donald trump will announce his pick before the convention. chris christie is said to be on the short list and another naming with retired general michael flynn. he's said to be a democrat, but some people are worry abouted about his views on abortion. >> women have to be able to choose, a right choice. but that's a difficult legal decision and i think women are so important in that decision making process. they are the ones that have to make decisions because they are the ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not. bill: karl rove in austin, flynn is a remember sistered democrat, but he has been a fierce critic of the president. is flynn a good choice? yes or no. >> we don't know much about him except one thing. he's an ardent opponent of islamic extremism. he was in the joint special operations command. he was the guy leading the evident to find the major players in al qaeda and take them out. so, you know, first of all, it's odd that the last time either party republican or democrat had a vice president of the opposite party was in 1864 when abraham lincoln chose a war democrat andrew johnson of tennessee as his running-mate. so this will be a little unusual. and yes his views expressed on abortion will cause a kerfuffle among the largely pro-life members of the convention. bill: 1864. that's reaching deep. there is one report that says that mike pence is the guy. strong conservative cred. former republican lawmaker on the house side. is pence the guy? >> relationship nally trump said he wanted somebody with washington experience that could help get his legislative package through. he's now at the end of his first term as governor of indiana. but he's still an outsider. we have three things going on. trump has to figure out dose want a general or a washington insider. dose want an outsider, does he want somebody with legislative experience. there are all kind of changes going on here. dose want somebody who is simpatico with him on extremism or on a wider range. does he want an attack dog or somebody who will play a closer role. the fact he's saying i'm not certain i want an insider. i may want a general or somebody who was an insider serving in congress. this will come down at the end to personal chemistry. bill: a lot of times, that's where it goes. the one hard-core clue trump gave is he wants somebody in congress going back 20-25 years. newt gingrich, chris christie. jeff sessions out of alabama. is there one of those three that is more likely? >> out of those three is newt gingrich who has been a fan of trump's for a long time. he's an insider who knows how congress works. you saw his comments earlier where he said in one way shape or form newt gingrich is going to be part of my administration. whether it will be vice president or not, that will be interesting to watch that dynamic. newt has an idea a minute and it will be interesting to see how trump responds to that. i'm sure he already has gotten a sense of it. bill: do you think gingrich would want that job? >> absolutely. he would kill or die for it. absolutely. i had to deal with newt when i was at the white house at a lower level, and he clearly would love to be a player inside any republican administration. the vice president has a regular weekly lunch with the president and sits in on main policy issues and is able to opine. bill: others suggested he would hate that job. we'll find out from begin privilege. paul ryan will speak at the convention. ted cruz will speak at the convention. some of the mechanisms are in order for that as well. martha: back to this raging wildfire in colorado. it turned into a crime scene. authority have now arrested two men. bill: a frightening scene for a guitar legend. what happened to joe perry from aerosmith during a concert in new york. ld keep what you buy. that's why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. some major carriers say you can keep your data. but when you read the fine print, your data does expire. but tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90-day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. tracfone. do everything for less. won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, you qualify for a multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. bill: aerosmith's joe perry now in the hospital after collapsing on stage. he was on stage performing with johnny depp and alice cooper. cooper tweeted, thanks to everybody asking about our brother joe perry. we offer him our best as well. get better. martha: good for you. keep rock on. 65, right? is he in the rock 'n roll hall of fame? we hope he got a quick recovery. we have this story for you. two campers from alabama are under arrest charged with starting a massive wildfire. they were camping thursday night and failed to properly extinguish a fire which is camping 101. how did the investigators figure out it came from their fire? >> it was tips from members of the community that led authorities to the two men who were arrested at an evacuation site. a fire commander said he started a campfire on private land and didn't put it out properly. here is a look at the situation. conditions calmed a bit overnight. but forecasters say today will bring 35-mile-per-hour wind gusts. a boulder daily reporter just happened to interview the two men from ago bama. >> did all see the fire and smoke? >> oh, yeah. >> it was pretty close. >> we threw some dirt and rocks on it. but with the wind and the heat it will smolder and take off again. >> the blaze started sat dane quickly doubled in size. the two transients are facing 4th degree arson. but if someone gets hurt or worse in the fire, those charges will be upped. one couple lost everything. even though they got news their home had been destroyed, the firefighter kept fighting. bill: citizens and police with intense standoffs. police in dallas get ready to update us with the latest on the investigation. that's coming up with the next hour here. i considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended once-daily toujeo®. now i'm on the path to better blood sugar control. toujeo® is a long-acting insulin from the makers of lantus®. it releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24-hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. and along with toujeo®, i'm eating better and moving more. toujeo® is a long-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. allergic reaction may occur and may be life threatening. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily while using toujeo®. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose or type of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor if you take other medicines and about all your medical conditions. . . . . like heart failure that can lead to death, even if you've never had heart failure before. don't dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. ask your doctor about toujeo®. i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. martha: it is monday morning and we're waking up to a country very much on edge. we're waiting for an update from the dallas police as protests erupt across the country for the fourth straight night last night. here are some of the images from that. >> put the guns down! martha: most of what we saw out there last night was peaceful, even some very positive images of people protecting the police in some cases. there is a lot of intensity though across the country. former police chief of one of our largest city warns that we are a country he says, that is sitting on potential powder keg. welcome, everybody, brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. president obama cutting his overseas trip to return to dallas to be with the victims of this horrific attack. he talked in europe first, saying the shooter does not represent what america is and that we are not a fractured nation. >> america is not as divided as some have suggested. americas of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police, whether it is in dallas or any place else. martha: but the former commissioner of philadelphia's police department says that he thinks the country needs real leadership right now and is warning one more spark, he thinks could set off a whole wave of problems. >> call it a powder keg. you can say we're handling nitro grist rin, you look at we're at a very critical point in this counttry. martha: joining me, brit hume, fox news senior political analyst. good morning to you. good to have you here. everybody watches discussion on this and images that we're seeing. it is very deeply troubling. what do you think? >> i agree with you, i think it is very deeply troubling, remind me so much of the atmosphere of this country in 1968 where we had incredible political turmoil much sparked by the vietnam war. there were tensions on whole range of issues. seems in times the 1968 the country might fly apart. i don't think we're quite there yet here but this is certainly turbulent and troubling times. and i think the former police chief's call for leadership is well-placed. martha: yeah. you know, you listen to president obama's words and he obviously it trying to calm things down. he is trying to say the right things. he says that the country is not as divided as people think. do you think he is being effective? >> so far, no, and i think the thing that would fault the president on is, he isn't telling the truth about black lives and how they're lost and where they're lost. i mean i'm not the first one to point out streets of chicago are a killing field in some areas. black on black violence, gun violence, gang violence. the death count out there is tragically high. the president almost never says anything about that. instead he is aroused by the these incidents where blacks are killed by white police officers. and at each turn when one of these episodes occurs, he does not fail to mention the, what he considers the persistent racism in this country. it feeds the idea, which upon the whole black lives movement is based we're in epdemmic of white police violence against plaque victims, often unarmed, many times innocent and shot down in cold blood. there is enough video evidence from individual cases to provide some momentum and impetus for that idea. but if you drill down into the statistics and you look at the number of white, hispanics killed, versus number of blacks who are killed in the context of crime situations, it turns out that the there is nothing disproportionate about the number of blacks who are killed by police and so i, and i think that though that myth, that there is this epidemic of white police violence against blacks has taken hold in this country. the president has, to some extent fostered it and when you see something like what happened in dallas, i don't draw direct connection between that guy who shot all those people and the president obama, but i think it would be go a long way if he were to use his credibility and his enormous megaphone as president to put some of these myths to rest. martha: well-said. you said a lot there. i think the chicago analogy, when you look back at presidency of president obama the question will be asked what he did to improve race relations, what he did to improve the condition of inner-cities and time he spent walking and talking with people who are in that environment, who desperately need a leg up and a way out and who see people around them getting killed all the time and hear almost nothing about it in the press. we have certainly tried to bring attention to it here and i know others have as well but in terms of leadership and the search for leadership i was struck over and over again by the words of chief brown in dallas he is talking, about it doesn't matter to him people don't necessarily give them praise or support them because they are sworn to protect the lives of people in their community and that's what they do and here he is talking about that. >> we're sworn to protect you and your right to protest and we'll give other lives for it. there is no greater life than to give your life for someone, and that's what we're continuing to be willing to do. martha: exactly what those men did in dallas. there will be opportunity tomorrow, brit, for former president bush, president obama to speak out on this. what do you expect? >> well, i don't know. it would be striking and very welcome if the president would abandon kind of commentary remember he has made that sort of fed these ideas and say something truly, utter the ground truth about this. the police really are not the enemy and chief brown is a wonderful example of that. he has done very much as nearly everyone recognizes to make the dallas police department kind of a model and it is particularly tragic that it is officers under his leadership who were gunned down so brutally and so the wantonly by a man who was fully seized with this idea that the myth that black lives matter is built on. martha: we all remember president obama emerging on the scene as a senator who said we're not a black america, we're not a white america. we're the united states of america and how powerful those words were coming from him then. we will look for some of that tomorrow. brit, thank you so much. >> thanks, martha. bill: as we mentioned a moment ago dallas police hold a news conference about an hour from now, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we expect the latest on the investigation. there are some unanswered questions. we're told the killer had a much bigger attack in mind. still don't know what that was or details on that. we may learn a bit more when that happens. we'll bring it to you live. we do know he scrawled in blood, the letters, rb. whether that means anything or not, we don't know. they think he had the shoot move tactic and fire and move and fire and move, give impression there were a lot more attackers than him. chief brown has been awesome.da. blue all across this country are lucky to have the police chief the way he is talking today. martha: i'm glad we're able to bring his thoughts back to our viewers today who missed it over the weekend. a passionate and strong man who deserves to be heard across the country. bill: stay at it, chief. eight minutes past. donald trump on the trail after brief break. he is set to speak in new jersey and new jersey governor chris christie is there to speak with hill. carl cameron, virginia beach, virginia, carl, to you. first public appearance for trump since the shootings in louisiana, minnesota and dallas. does he also talk about that or just issues with the va, which is what we were told about today, carl? >> reporter: that's right, bill. he has been promoting this speech to talk about the va. it has been canceled a number of times, appearance with chris christie likewise canceled because of all the violence across the country. today he will talk about the va. he will talk about law enforcement and rule of law and law and order. he will likely call for unity as he had in couple statements and tweets over the course of the weekend. this is his first opportunity to speak live about i and there is a pretty huge appetite for it. just as there is appetite for real serious reform at the veterans administration and he is going to enunciate 10 goals. we're not sure how specific they will be but he said these sorts of things during the campaign. among others he will say, and i quote, we'll going to insure every veteran in the america has to choice to seek care at. va or seek medical care paid for by our government. he will promise if congress balks he will use executive action if necessary, saying i'm going to use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our veterans or breach the public trust. these are concepts that he outlined over the course of the campaign. 10 promises or 10 priorities to reform the va will be part of this but we will now see donald trump and we're not clear whether it will be a teleprompter or off-the-cuff speech but he will talk about law and order and need for. more of it. bill: chris christie is there as i mentioned. he is still on the short list for vp? >> he is, we're told that donald trump has gotten frustrated with establishment republicans that casts shaded that dough of is did favor because is governor of new jersey and involved in politics a long time. there is talk about picking somebody from the military. lt. general michael flynn, director of the defense intelligence agency. he was one. first people in the military to spot rise of isis early. he wassidelined by the obama administration and for that reason and conservative accuracy on threat of isil, he is considering one of the people trump is vetting and seriously so. over the course of the weekend general flynn was on sunday shows which he describe ad pro-choice position on abortion. that is in opposition to platform approved by the rnc in next week's convention. to awful lot of pro-life groups, general flynn essentially disqualified from being donald trump's running mate and vowed to pick pro-life judges and a pro-life administration. bill: carl cameron in virginia. thanks. martha: hillary clinton back on the campaign trail this week as she tries to move from her email scandal into the future. the investigation may be over but does this issue hang around her until november? bill: the son of osama bin laden is talking. u.s. must pay for the killing of his father. and he is out now with a public warning. we'll tell you about that. martha: as we await for a news conference this morning in dallas, a powerful account for one survivor. her message to her sons and everyone else about the heroism she witnessed from the dallas police department. >> i saw him go down. i saw him when he got hit and he slumped over and as was slumping over, he has a gun. run. i don't think he made it. i don't think he made it. my cousin's wedding is c♪ming soon. i like the bride more than the groom. ♪ turquoise dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no ones got moves like uncle joe. ♪ when it's go book on for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20%. book direct at wopen up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. bill: breaking news in the sports world now. one of the best players in the nba is retiring. san antonio's tim duncan says after 19 seasons says he is finished. five championships, two mvp awards, 15 all-star appearances. played great out of wake forest, 19 the 7. tim duncan, number one overall draft pick this is how it ends today. breaking news out of san antonio. good luck. ♪ >> this is a strong man. he is not a timid wall flower. the american people are seeing a refinement in his messaging, most substantive messages. they see the strength though that they know needs to be shown in washington to break the cycle that we are on. martha: that was this weekend. at bam senator jeff sessions voicing strong support for donald trump's leadership skills as donald trump returns now to the campaign trail for the first time since five police officers were murdered in dallas. he has blamed weak leadership on what is wrong in this country. he tweeted out over the weekend, look at what is happening to our country under the weak leadership of obama and people like crooked hillary clinton. we are a divided nation says the candidate donald trump. i'm joined by carl higbie, former navy seals, spokesman for the great america pac and trump supporter. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. martha: as he gets back on the campaign trail today, as jeff sessions point out we've seen a more disciplined version of donald trump over the past couple weeks or so, i would say, what do you expect him to do as he gets backs on the campaign trail? >> he with continue to hammer hillary clinton very hard and also president obama because hillary clinton is extension of president obama. president obama campaigned on unity bringing the country together and hunky doorry, smiley promises never happened. new black panthers party trying to leave the union and take over five southern states. up highest number of people in the federal workforce. isis on the rise. nothing he did, and hillary clinton is extension of that. he needs to hammer that home. martha: i will be interested to see how he seizes what happened in dallas. he put out an instagram video, basically said both sides of equation, commending dallas police the way they responded. he recognizes the difficulty in the alton sterling situation and philando castile. he spoke of them specifically. what would you like to see him do on that sid of the occasion to reach out to voters who may be more in the clinton camp? >> he needs to reach out to people, "black lives matter" and hillary clinton have been trying to get along and been pretty hand in hand but donald trump needs to reach out to the "black lives matter" group. you want to fix problem? why don't you reach out to the police department. work on building unity. look in chicago the death rate of black on black crime is higher than afghanistan. blacks consitute 13% of the population, yet have 50% of the homicides. why don't he bring that in the conversation. i want to help you but i need you to help our communities. that will bring us together. martha: polls have shown him knot strong with black voters. this does feel like a moment black voters will be looking for leadership and paying very close attention to what is said out there. this is senator cory booker saying why he thinks donald trump is not the right person. we'll get your response. >> we need people that bind our wounds and build bridges across our chasms. to see someone socallously stoking hate and fear and inflaming divide, this is not the person to be president of the united states i believe ever. martha: your reaction. >> cory booker, new jersey is not safe place in all of its districts. you have right now a divide. the black community better off now than it was when barack obama was elected? absolutely not. the black unemployment higher. economy is worse off which is middle paying jobs. people like cory book remember in hillary clinton's camp because of policy standpoint and vying for cabinet position, potentially vp but donald trump right now is only one that can bring economic prosperity together, bring america together. everybody works for donald trump is happy about their employment. let's make our nation like that. martha: if you could give him one piece of advice what would you like to see donald trump do this week to try to make that move and reach out in that way? >> i i they needs to believe it or not, this will be controversial, sit down with "black lives matter" people. even though some. leaders are committed to fbi's most wanted terrorists but i think you sit down, what do you want? articulate exactly what you want? if they can do that which they haven't been able yet i think we have can have a serious conversation. otherwise we need to look at them as potential threat to america if at the they were not willing to articulate position and work with us. martha: carl, thank you very much. bill: 20 minutes past. former foes on the trail making plans for a joint event but will bernie sanders actually endorse hillary clinton when they appear together for the first time since their last debate? martha: that is the question. a protester wounded by the dallas sniper breaks down in tears as she recalls the selfless police officers as she describes them who rushed into harms way to save the life of her and her boys. >> he, they stayed there with us, and i saw another officer, saw another officer get shot. now there were two. use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief ...cleasee ya!ake off. when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. martha: so our friend and former fox news correspondent greg burke is now the new spokesman for the vatican. for the first time a woman will serve as deputy in that position. he is taking over from reverend lombardi who held the position for 10 years. it is part of a change. what a nice picture of greg burke. bill: what a big job. >> what a big job! bill: my name is greg burke. i speak for the pope. martha: i speak for the pope. nice to meet you. bill: well-done. we've known him for a long time. martha: absolutely. we'll have to go back to rome to visit i am. bill: we should applaud the pope, great selection. martha: great selection. you have our blessing. not that they asked. bill: son of osama bin laden now vowing revenge on the u.s. for the raid that killed his father in pakistan. that threat coming in a new audio recording promising new attacks on americans. chief intelligence reporter catherine herridge on that in d.c. what are we learning? reporter: thank you, bill. the 21 minute statement. the 25-year-old son of usama bin laden promises to avenge his father's debt. he claims al qaeda will punish the west for actions in the palestinian territories, pakistan, syria, iraq, yemen and somalia. hamza, long considered his father's favorite and heir apparent has saudi mother. after 9/11 it is believed he lived in iran under house arrest. this sun dated photo. 21-minute audiotape shows that the al qaeda brand is not dead and son emerging as new leader. audio, rather than video is used for security reasons. video can provide clues to the location and when it was recorded. bill: good point. what do we know about hamzeh? reporter: she was one of the three wives taken into custody after the 2011 raid in pakistan on the compound. hamzeh was no not there at the compound a letter seized in the raid and written to osama bin laden's chief of staff that he wanted his son educated in religious school back to qatar and bring back credibility to the al qaeda network. other correspondence says he was courtoom grooming his son whether the other brother was killed in 2009 drone strike. hamzeh bin laden was insurance policy he was agreemented to be leader but never physically with his father because he would be feared he would be target after drone strike or raid like we saw in 2011. bill: catherine herridge in washington there. martha: we expect new details in the dallas police ambush. police set to hold a news conference to get their very latest findings at tap of the hour. latest revelations we know that the sniper had planned a much larger attack that evening. bill: also the fbi saying the clinton email investigation is over but the fallout could be far from finished. former governor john sununu weighing in on the fbi's decision not to recommend charges against clinton as we react to a brand new poll on the matter. >> it seems to a lot of us that the average joe, average american, that if they had done what you laid out in your statement, that they would be in handcuffs. >> we try very hard to apply the same standard whether you're rich or poor. bill: we are about 30 minutes away from a news conference out of dallas. police will give us update on their investigation in the attack that took lives of five officers. we know the killer had military training. we know the killer had an arsenal of weapons and bomb-making materials inside of his home. now investigators say he was planning a much bigger and deadlier attack before turning his attention on that peaceful protest. we'll bring you news conference when it happens. we'll try to get more information for you as we move along. ♪ martha: so hillary clinton is setting stage for endorsement from her most powerful rifle. her campaign joining joint appearance happens tomorrow with senator bernie sanders. jennifer griffin live in washington with this. did sanders win enough from the platform committee in orlando that he feels he can now endorse hillary clinton? he has been quite cagey about this, jennifer? reporter: that's right, martha. that is how he will present it as a win for his side. we got a statement from the sanders campaign that he will appear in new hampshire with hillary clinton to campaign tomorrow. that is where the long-awaited endorsement is slated to occur at a high school in portsmouth, new hampshire. remember president obama and hillary clinton appeared together in unity, new hampshire, in 2008 after she lost the primary to him. here's what sanders and his supporters gained in orlando at the democratic platform committee's meeting over the weekend. a $150 minimum wage, support for the public option -- $15. states can allow government health plans. additional funding for community-based health centers, free tuition and public colleges to universities for families earning under 125,000-dollar. >> really a victory for secretary clinton and her campaign. because the democratic platform is a pretty meaningless piece of paper and meaningless inside baseball. and so look, it allows senator sanders to go to his supporters saying i got these concessions but it really doesn't matter unless secretary clinton goes out of and decides to actively campaign on these issues. reporter: however the concessions are a far cry from what sanders promised. free college tuition for everyone and free payer health system. he wanted to block congress voting on controversial deal. clinton supporters blocked that. >> i think as democrats we have come together. i think senator sanders has raised some issues that we all care about. reporter: a new pew research survey shows 85% of the sanders voters are ready to back hillary clinton. tomorrow sanders will add his name to that list. martha? martha: jennifer, thank you. bill: hillary clinton meanwhile trying to move on from the email, server and benghazi scandals, but fallout from both could stretch well into november. new washington poll shows following. 56% of the americans disapprove of the fbi decision not to recommend charges against clinton. 35% do approve. governor john sununu, former chief of staff to president george h.w. bush. author of the quiet man. happen monday to you. >> hi, bill. bill: how many independents in the 56% category, wow? what does that tell you? >> tells me america is doomed to an election shy kel which the biggest asset for each of the candidates are the shortcomings of the other and there is no question in my mind that donald trump will exploit the specific comments that mr. comey made about mrs. clinton in ads that he is going to put on television. and, with the receptivity of that poll, i think they're going to be very devastating ads. bill: wow. here is another one. same poll. does the email issue make you worry, that is the key word here, about how clinton might handle her responsibilities or is it unrelated? 57% say they are worried. how does she, how does she overcome that? >> both candidates are going to have to have a good strategy to overcome their shortcomings. this will be an election that focuses, i think less on issues and more on the personalities. mrs. clinton will have to figure out how to create confidence in america in a way she is too well-known, in a way her failings are clear to clear majority based on that poll. in a way she is going to have the difficulty of trying to erase something that is etched deeply into the minds of the voters. i think she will have a tough time doing it, bill. bill: there is a piece out today, "washington post" now, here is the title for the story. gop vows to pummel clinton over email controversy. all right. you just alluded to it in your first answer. what do republican does? what does donald trump do? >> i think the republicans and donald trump use little clips of comey making his presentation in his news conference and some of his answers to congress. and what better authority for her personal failings than the head of the fbi. if people are worried about those problems, they will be reenforced every time they see the director of the fbi reminding them about how badly she handled her emails and about her shortcomings. bill: do you think trump's response was appropriate last week? was it what you would have done? >> which? the response to dallas? bill: no. trump's response to the clinton server, et cetera and hearings from last week? >> the server, well look, he can't resist responding with quips but when he gets settled down and starts responding with devastating ads, ads that are clearly thought out and ads that pick exactly the right clip and ads put emphasis of real heart of her problem, i think those are the responses that will make a difference, not what he threw out as quips last week. bill: do you have a guess about bern bernie sanders and hillary we expect in new hampshire? >> i suspect bernie will endorse her. obviously they picked new hampshire, because new hampshire is one of the swing states. it is still going to be four very important electoral votes. it is close to bernie's home. so all of those things coming together. i suspect bernie is going to give a resounding, whatever resounding means to bernie endorsement of hillary clinton. bill: i don't care about your damn emails. that is what i'm telling you. thank you, governor, very much. >> thank you. bill: john sununu in new hampshire. paul ryan apparently accepted a speaking invitation a at convention in cleveland. that along with ted cruz make as more interesting lineup as we get morsels of information that will happen. martha: they both spoke at the last one. they got a huge response. we'll see them again this time around. as the schedule gets meted out who will be where. meantime we want to bring this to you. a mother brought four of her five boys to show them what a peaceful protest looked like. they didn't spend much time in the city center of dallas. they decided they would be go to be part of the experience. what she did not know they would be almost among those murdered in cold blood last thursday. she has now opened up about the police, the people that she is calling her heroes. >> i'm sorry that that person thought that that would be okay, that he thought he would, that is was solve something. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry that they lost their lives. but i'm thankful. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[inaudible] i'm so thankful for the dallas police department and the, whoever else, atf, i don't know who was down there but i'm thankful for all of them because they had no regard for their own life. martha: they had no regard for their own lives. what a story she told yesterday at that news conference and how beautifully she demonstrated to her sons, she even said this was thankful all of this happened because of the lessons they all learned in that moment about life and about what's important and about people coming to your aid regardless of color. lisa booth, republican strategist, president and founder of high noon strategies. rashad thomas, calvin coolidge presidential foundation. they join us now. rashad, let me start with you. what is your takeaway from what she had to say there? >> well, wow, listening to miss taylor's comment just, i'm almost at a loss for words. i can't imagine what she was going through and what she and her family and children experienced last night. the entire situation in dallas is just so heart-breaking. these police officers who really go out of the way every day to protect and serve and at the demonstrations in dallas they were there to keep the peace and make sure that the demonstrators were protected and to have them all gunned down in cold blood is really awful and i think we as a nation have to come together and no mat our skin color. we're all americans and human beings. when we're shot the blood that runs from our wounds is red no matter what our skin color may be. martha: so true. >> acknowledge the problems we have as a country and face them united as one people. martha: i think of the phrase love is love that surrounds the gay marriage issue, i think violence is violence. >> quite right. martha: regardless who it is perpetrated against. we need to be color-blind when we talk about people who commit violent acts against other people. we need to be honest in playing out of figuring out where the blame lies and to not jump to conclusions. i thought newt gingrich's comments were interesting. he was at a facebook event with van jones over the weekend discussing where we need to go on all of this. here he is. >> if you are a normal white american, the truth is, you don't understand being black in america, and you insting tiffly underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk. martha: is that an important thing for conservatives to speak about and to embrace, lisa? >> well, absolutely. look, we're all one nation under god. i think that the world should be colorless and color-blind and we're not really seeing that these days and it is very disheartening, i echo rashad's statements in essence we're bleeding together as a nation. we're seeing unraveling in society that is greatly concerning for everyone. this mother's testimony of the courage of this police officer and her own courage to throw herself on her son and a mother's love is something that is important to share with americans. we've seen a lot of good of hugging of police officers and bringing together the dallas community. we've seen tremendous leadership with the dallas police chief as well as mayor rawlings as well. just words they have chosen to use. their decision to not politicize this. not to draw conclusions worry about right now bringing community together and bringing the country together. i think their testimony, the things they have said are very encouraging for the country. if only we focused more on some of those positive things, the positive rhetoric from these leaders i think we would be a lot better off as a country right now. martha: i want to play one other sound bite from president obama talking about all of this. this is just one piece of what he said. >> whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. the. martha: i think the second part of what he said, rashad is something everybody can agree with, but i wonder what you think about the first part when he says those of us who are concerned about the criminal justice system? who isn't concerned about the criminal justice system? you know sometimes the president does seem to say that some people are one side of this whole thing and some people are on the other. would it be better if he kind of weren't at that in a more universal way? >> well, i think to go back to, for instance, what speaker gingrich said, i want to applaud speaker gingrich's comments because i think what president recognizes, and what a lot of people recognize is that for many years the legitimate grievances of african-americans and other minorities with regard to our relationship with the law enforcement community has been overlooked. it has been, you know he, glossed over and that sort of thing. i think that we all need to recognize that different people in this country have different experiences when it comes to the, our relationship with law enforcement. and in order for us to come together as a country, we have to acknowledge and recognize and address the disparities that exist between different communities and their relationship with law enforcement. that is not a message of division -- divisiveness. i think certainly attacking police is never the answer, even verbally or, certainly not in a physical way or with guns. that is always never the answer. but we should absolutely acknowledge the reality that mine north communities, particularly african-americans, particularly african-american males, have a different experience with law enforcement than with other people in our country. we need to address the problem. martha: we're out of time. i appreciate your thoughtful input from both of you, thank you so much. >> thank you, martha. bill: jon scott coming up next on "happening now" as we say good monday morning, jon, how are you? >> good morning, bill. doing well. we're awaiting a important news conference just minutes from now from dallas police in the murder of their five police officers. plus, is the mainstream media helping fuel anti-cop bias? are police in the united states safe to do their jobs right now? all of that ahead. plus reaction from president obama, hillary clinton, donald trump, to the murders and protests. also trump will speak live 1:00 p.m. eastern today. we'll have that for you, "happening now." bill: jon, thank you. see you in ten minutes. a road map to get america back on track. common sense suggestions for climbing the ladder of american success. eric bolling is next with his new book, "wake up america." bill: brand new book making its debut and "new york times" best-seller getting folks all fired up. my guest is the author of "wake up america, the nine virtues that made america great and why we need them more than ever." >> good to see you, brother. bill: you were seeing something in the country you wanted to write about. what was going on? >> right. president obama famously said i want to fundamentally change the united states of america right before he got elected. we elected him anyway. that is all he has done, bill in my opinion. he dragged the country as far left as he could to the point where people said you need to write this book. you need to get us back to the center. the country is center-right country. we're being so far left i felt it was time to write it. the interesting thing i wrote it. it flowed and went fast. publish letter said who do you want to dedicate the book too? family, parents? barack obama. i dedicated the book to president obama because he made the book write itself. bill: i'm sure he appreciated that too. >> well -- bill: i know you at a personal level. i think your story, everything you've kind of touched, eric, you've been able to figure out how to make it successful. what do people learn in there about your own experience. >> so i go through nine virtues, values i think are conservative virtues and values i think the country needs to get back to and first one was grit. i wrote the book, all politics and added personal stories and did founding fathers history and grit chapter talks about how many times you fall and get back up. dust yourself off, keep trying, keep working. success is not ugly thing. not something to be embarrassed of as mitt romney may have been embarrassed of his success. i came from absolutely abject poverty background in chicago. broke, poor, chicago. i'm the most blessed human being in the world, sitting center seat on "the five" every day on fox news channel. the road from there where i am now, been lit by the good lord above and a lot of grit and determination. that is why i wrote about it. never quit. bill: see you in cleveland. >> yes, sir, yes, sir. go to eric for signed copies. bill: maccallum. dial that up. martha: just a few minutes from now dallas police are expected to give an update on the police ambush that left five officers dead. investigators digging into the background of that individual to learn more about what his motivation was and why this happened. we'll take you live to the dallas at top of the hour. we'll be back with more. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? 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