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This decision could deeply affect the few you are of the white house. Until that happens there are actions i have the Legal Authority to take as president. The same kinds of actions taken by republican and democratic president s before me. Bill we are seeing protesters today, we can hear them in the background. Reporter the president took executive across on two programs and they block millions of people from being deported who are here illegally. There are thousands of people here raising their voices, most of them in favor of the programs. They say the president went far beyond his authority in going around congress. The president himself for six years said he didnt have the authority to change immigration law. He said im not the king, this is a democracy, we have a process for this. The day he came out with the executive action he said, i changed the law. His own word speak against what he has done. Reporter the state say they will not bear this on their own budgets. Bill how will they persuade the just is on this case . Reporter they are anding have much with the line of reason. The president says he has plenty of latitude when it come to prioritizing deportation. We talked with senator tim kaine a democrat out of virginia advocating by families who will be affected by this policy. It has always been the case in our contemporary politic that executive and congressional across were like building locks for each other. Other president s have used executive action similar to what president obama did. Reporter now that Justice Scalia is gone and fit remains in a tie. The lower court has put these programs on hold. They will not go into effect. Bill a big case to be decided. Thank you. Martha judge napolitano is coming over to talk to us. The 2016 race entered a critical week. We have seen so much more action here in the big apple. And the rnc leaders gearing up for a big meeting on the rules for the convention. Never before has this been up an important meeting. Republican frontrunner donald trump continues his attacks on the nominating process. You will have. Very, very upset and angry group of people at the convention. I hope it doesnt involve violence. I hope it doesnt. Im not suggesting that. I hope it doesnt involve violence. And i dont think it will. But i will say this. Its a rigged system, its a crooked system. Its 100 crooked. Martha the New York Primary happens to be here. Hes really going after this delegate process. Reporter hes doing that to motivate people to get out to the polls. He has to run the table or hes going to get new york. But a week from now he has to run the table in the five states that follow that. He has to win california or its likely he wont get to 1,237. If he doesnt get to 1,237, the odd of him winning on the second ballot arent good because ted cruz is peeling off the delegates. Cruz is selling on his website trumper tantrum onesies. Nobody has better toys than i do. I can put them in the best planes and bring them to the best places in the world. Its a corrupt system. Donald is not a complicated man to understand. He doesnt than losing well. His highest total will be on that first ballot. Donald cannot win and we dont want to nominate someone who is a loser in november. Reporter driving home that point that if trump doesnt get the majority delegates before the convention, it will be rough sledding for him. So much of this centers around the rules at the convention. They will begin that process this week. There are big meetings in hollywood, florida. There are members of that committee who want to suggest rules changes for the july convention. Reince priebus is saying we are not going to go there. Bruce ash i have got all these emails. Bruce ash who is the chairman of the Standing Committee wrote in an email to his colleague, they are worried that under current the rules the presiding officer could unilaterally reopen nominations to allow a candidate to be nominated who is more acceptable which is something rank and file republicans fear. They want to tighten up the rules so that cant happen. Martha paul ryan said it has to be somebody who ran. You are in the middle of it all. John, thank you. Its good to have you in new york. Bill the road to 1,237 is difficult, but not impossible with each passing primary. Donald trump leading the way with 756. Byron york, good morning to you. A wall street journal poll says 62 says the one with the most votes should be the nominee. Look for team trump to cite that poll over and over should he get to the Republican Convention with more delegates than everybody else but not enough to hit that number he needs to claim the nomination on the first ballot. This will be an important piece of evidence for trump. Other republicans will say if you are even one short, time for multiple conventions and ballots. Bill we have dont instate polling thats available. We cross referenced all the leading political websites. This is what we get according to the remaining contents available. Take new york out. Next tuesday we believe in a rhode island, connecticut, delaware, pennsylvania, we believe trump will do very well. Then we move into the month of may. We thought trump would do well in indiana. For the moment we think cruz does well in indiana. Then you go to nebraska. Nebraska is 36. West virginia, the same day trump does well. Cruz got to 14 at the state convention there. Then we move to the middle of may. Oregon, we think its all to favor trump but probably not. So you have got 5 remaining contests here. Montana goes to cruz, south dakota will go cruz. New mexico is a 5050 split. In california trump gets maybe 100 as of today. The same day new jersey goes. Even if he gets the 95 delegates in new york, you are still 74 short and that brings in perhaps the unbound dell gafts which there are anywhere between 150 and 170. Thats exactly the situation. First the candidates have to perform in those primaries. April 26 trump has to do well in those northeastern primaries, and you are right about pence strain yeah, its an unusual case. Trump will probably do well with the voters. A large majority of those delegates are ununbound even on the are unbound even on the first ballot. Cruz is saying he will do well in indiana. The cruz people are saying indiana is a lot like wisconsin where they did well and beat trump soundly. Trump people are saying no, no, no. Going upon, it all comes down to california. It could indeed. Pennsylvania is a whole other matter. Byron york live in washington. Martha the battle for new york is less than 24 hours away. Well be doing this all day long, folks. Its an important contest. Well start before the polls open. When they close our prime time coverage will kick in. Thats all day tomorrow and through the evening here on fox news channel. Bill donald trump revealing his new nickname for Hillary Clinton. Of course we have crooked hillary, folks. She has been crooked from the beginning. Bill will that work in the battle against Hillary Clinton . Martha saudi arabia says blame us for 9 11 and you will pay for it to the United States. That is the alleged threat from our middle east ally. What is behind this hot dispute. When the investigation into 9 11 began the primary question was was it a weird coincidence 15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia . The answer is of course not. Now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you mary buys a little lamb. One of millions of orders on this companys servers. Accessible by thousands of suppliers and employees globally. But with Cyber Threats on the rise, marys data could be under attack. With the help of the at t network, a network that senses and mitigates Cyber Threats, their Critical Data is safer than ever. Giving them the agility to be open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Bill saudi arabias rulers apparently warning that if the saudis are implicated in 9 11 they will sell off u. S. Assets. There is a big debate whether they could get the money they were look for. You say this makes your flood boil. Why . If somebody comes and kills our people, we hold them accountable. The saudis have looked the other way its a rich and powerful family that runs saudi arabia. They know members of that family have been the seed money for radical groups in saudi arabia and they havent shut that money down. If they are economic blackmail by saudi arabia, guess who is next, we are going to sell off your debt unless you let us take the east china sea. And the russians will do this and say they are going to cut off your oil and natural gas. Bill there is a move in congress to release these 28 paingts from the 9 11 commission. The 9 11 Commission Said there is no evidenced saudi government or its members individually funded the organization. That statement, you could drive a truck through that. No senior government official. There are plenty of opportunity for other members of the saudi royal family to have been complicit. Nobody knows whats in those pages. The people who wrote the september 11 report, many of whom i know. They are not talking. But the assumption is those 28 panels always contained information about the money. The implication and assumption is it probably came from somewhere in the saudi world. I would do the following. I would say open those 28 pages and lets see where the trail lead us. But i would also say we dont want to be in the position of being blackmailed. Elect a president with a progrowth economic policy. We have options we didnt have 15 years ago. We have oil and natural gas. Lets use that so we no longer need the dependency on the other families. The iranians want you, radical islamic isis, they all want the holy sites of mecca and medina to claim their right as the caliphate. You dont help us now, we wont lift a finger. Bill i dont know what congress does, but i would assume they come on his track. Is the administration looking at a veto . The administration wants no problems and no hassles and they are playing out the clock. Whether they veto or find a way to string it along. Our people died. Bill the saudis are getting our help to fight the rebels in yemen. It many a big snake pit. Time to crawl out of the snake pit and close the lid. Martha the southern night sky lit up by mother nature. Plus this. Bill it has been three years since the bombings at the finish of the Boston Marathon. What have we learned . I thought all those people standing there cheering us. And that they were families, they were people with baby strollers. Itsand your doctor at yoto maintain your health. A because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. And on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting. 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curtain. Family surprise but only one of them will make a life long dream come true. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Martha runners are expected to queue up at the Boston Marathon race today. Many people are still struggling with their injuries today. Krystle campbell was lost. Martin richard had the day off from school and was watching the race with his family. An evening change student lingzi lu and sean collier who was killed after the attack. Who can forget the sound of the sheer panic when those bams went off. We started to go back that way before another bomb went off. Everybody is running in, not knowing when the next one could happen. But they ran in, they tore down the fences and jumped in and helped the people. There were a few that unfortunately didnt make it, and we have those people here in the tent. Martha it brings it all back. Dan linsky who led the manhunt for the tsarnaev brothers and found them, welcome back to the program. Thanks for having me, martha. Martha i know this day is part of every ounce of your being and you carry it with you all the time. I was reminded when reading your notes today, when you stalked and found samer lan found tan tsarnaev, talk to us about those moment and what happened when you looked into his eyes. The Watertown Police did an amazing job. They threw bombs at the officers. A couple of my officers were doing first aid when i got to the scene. His wife was expecting a child maybe tomorrow. It would be wonderful if a new life was born on the day the terrorists tried to take his. One of my officers and the Watertown Police who were struggling with tamerlan tsarnaev. Even though he had been run over he was still struggling. We expected him to have Remote Control devices. I placed my gun to his temple. The officers removed his clothes looking for a device. There were two bombs next to us, they were fuse activated. He had no Remote Control and the officers got him an ambulance and we called to try and save his life because thats what we do. I was able to look into his eyes and tell him he was going to burn in hell for we did to that little boy. I was able to give a message from boston to him before he went. Martha thats an incredible story. Its amazing when you think about the fact we knew so little about these two individual despite the fact that tamerlan had been interviewed by the f. B. I. Several times. The fact that you were able to track them down in such a short period of time is a remarkable story. I want you to tell me what you think jeff bowman means for the United States. The first thing jeff said when he came out of the hospital from his coma and took his tube out, is who did this. They were able to show him the photographs of who we thought were the bombers. He knew tamerlan was acting suspicious. Our instincts will tell us whether somebody intend to rob us or a terrorist looking to attack. The eyes and ears of our public are the best way to engage terrorism. Look to the left, look to the right. Be aware of our surroundings. The best way to show the tsarnaev brothers that they did not win. Come out even if you have 15 or 20 minutes to thank those runners who did not give into terror. Some of them gave pieces of their bodies to defeat terrorism. Martha you and everyone who worked with you, you are all heroes. I would like to see a National Campaign that says exactly what you just said. We are the eyes and ears. We need to be vigilant and people going about their daily lives understanding there is a threat out there but continuing their lives and reporting thing when you see them. Incredible story. We are thinking about all of you in boston today. As good to see you, sir. Well have details on where we are today in that search. Martha Bernie Sanders delivers another punch. Dont let dust and allergies get between you and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. You premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Bill search crews and rescue crews picking through the destruction left after a massive earthquake in ecuador. It rocked stores and homes, leaving the community devastated. Steve harrigan on this story. Steve, good morning. Reporter its still a rescue operation at this point. And some of those rescue missions fairly primitive. We have seen people digging with their hands along the coast of ecuador. The 7. 8 earthquake has knocked out a number of bridges and road. So its tough to get the aid where its needed. There has been no major interruptions. But some of the towns along the coastal area have been flattened. 300 buildings have collapsed. The death toll has been going up by the hour to 350. 2,000 people have been injured and the aftershocks keep coming. It has created a climate of fear there. You have people outside their damaged or destroyed homes still waiting for help to arrive. Bill Steve Harrigan watching the latest on that story still developing. He gave up speeches to wall street for 225,000 a speech. [booing] if you give a speak for 225,000, it must be a pretty good damn speech. Martha huge crowds over the weekend for Bernie Sanders. His attacks on the democratic frontrunner going more aggressive which is tomorrow here in new york, a rally in his hometown proved to be no exception. The enthusiasm among Bernie Sanders people in the streets watching his every word. The biggest crowd they have seen yet. Congressman steve israel has endorsed Hillary Clinton. Good to have you here today. He has become much more acerbic and cutting in his criticism of Hillary Clinton. We saw them yelling at each other when they had their 9th debate. Its unfortunate Bernie Sanders who promised to be a candidate of ideas and asperations is now a candidate of insinuation. When given the opportunity to couple with one example where Hillary Clinton changed a view because of a speech, he has refused to do it. If i were him i would find a policy on israel. Yesterday i was at an event for Hillary Clinton. Thats new york politics, its leaks. Martha you have thousands of people turning out for Bernie Sanders. You have democrats and republicans saying at least he sticks to his guns, hes authentic and real. You will never get those numbers turning out for Hillary Clinton or anybody else out there right now. Hes tapping into something in your party thats real. Im a big believer in the political campaign. Would you rather be Bernie Sanders who had 26,000 people at a rally or Hillary Clinton with a 2 million vote lead in the popular vote. March require understand. But because this is such a slugfest and the things hes stick on her will hurt expert in general election. You have now got donald trump calling her crooked hillary. Sanders talking about how much she makes on these speeches. Everybody scratches their head and goes, why, thats such a problem. The same is true on the republican side. Primaries always generate that kind of stuff. Donald trump talks about lying ted. Thats just what happens in a primary. What counts at the end of the day is your record. When hoik was a senator for 8 years she had their backs. When we needed funds from the Bush Administration to rebuild grounds zero, she did it. When we needed to make sure the medical workers got help they needed, she did it. I believe its still the record that counts. Martha thanks for coming into the studio. Bill Donald Trumps nickname for ted cruz is clearly sticking with his supporters. Tbrk crowd chants lyin ted martha a couple that disappeared a week ago is believed to have been murdered. Police say the suspected killers are on the run. Both men are convicted felons, are believed to be armed and dangerous and their Current Location is unknown. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Martha there is a massive manhunt in Washington State for the murder of this counsel. The reids are convicted felons. The couple was reported missing first on tuesday. Of course we have crooked hillary. She has been crooked from the beginning. To think she has a shot at being our president , crooked Hillary Clinton. We cant let it happen. Bill there you have the new nick name from donald trump for Hillary Clinton. He went from lyin ted cruz, to little marco, to lowenergy jeb. Katie, she has been crooked from the beginning. You can see where trump is starting to mike his case. Hes telling the truth. If you look at at way American Voters view Hillary Clinton. One in five American Voters describe her as liar. The f. B. I. Is looking into the connection between the Clinton Foundation and the state department, and whether there was quid pro quo there. And looking at her seem scandal which is the most recent issue with trust and favorability. When you look at donald trump as well. Every single poll shows hes losing to Hillary Clinton. So trump and hillary have historically high unfavorability ratings. Bill you see a theme trump is starting to establish. Right. If this is the best you got, donald trump, im looking forward to the general election. It sounds like something out of a 1950s b movie. What hes trying to do, i think, if there is an idea rattling around that head of his. If hes looking at her negatives. He can get mind trey gowdy and every other republican who tried and failed. Hes afraid of her ideas. Hes afraid to debate her on ideas. Bill on abc this is what she said to the new nickname. I dont respond to donald trump and his string of insults against me. I look forward to running against him if he returns out to be the republican nominee. Im concerned how he goes after everybody else. He goes after women, muslims, people are disabilities. Bill there is her general election theme. I dont think she is wrong. There are a lot of American Voters who have deep concerns about how donald trump goes after expert groups. Hillary clintons first problem is getting through this primary. There is a reason why she is continuing to lose primary after primary, and she loses to Bernie Sanders by state 0 . She is trying to point out the weaknesses with donald trump but she has serious issues. When you have hundreds of millions of dollars spent against you your unfavorables go up, too. But she sustained her popularity and delegate and vote lead and polling lead. Give us what you have got. It shows me donald trump is scared of Hillary Clinton when it comes to Hillary Clinton and hes kind of week. I would expect more from the Game Show Host himself. This sound kind of dumb to me. It sound pretty accurate when it comes to Hillary Clintons track record. Hes talking to one in five americans. What donald trump is saying and using the term crooked is very accurate when it comes to Hillary Clinton. Thats why the f. B. I. Is looking at the connection between Hillary Clinton and the state department. There is a reason why Many Americans view Hillary Clinton as a liar. Donald trump can go to the graveyard with the other republicans who failed to get hillary on this. Hes going down this road and he will fail just like all the others have and i look forward to that general election. Bill katie i want to get what trump is pushing. How is he working this theme and this story. And as you reflect on it, 8 days from now, you have got pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has 71 delegates. But pennsylvania only award a handful of those on primary night. There will be 54 unfound delegates in pennsylvania. It fits the theme trump is pushing. Go. Donald trump is a guy who wants to win a marathon without setting foot in the gym. The Trump Campaign made a conscious decision not to put any effort into wyoming and he lost. The system played out exactly how its supposed to. Its local county conventions. When it comes to these states where organization is required, the Cruz Campaign has outorganized the Trump Campaign. He doesnt complain about the states he has won. Bill i get the point and the rnc will say the rules are the rules. By the manied the first time a lot of people have been paying attention to process. Thank you, katie, thank you, david. Reporter some Health Insurance companies are considering dropping out of the marketplaces all together. Bill ash carter making a surprise visit to baghdad. Bill new york States University of buffalo accidentally sent emails of acceptance to student whose applications had not been thoroughly reviewed. The university of buffalo deeply regret this unfortunate error in communication. Martha i cant even imagine. Having been sitting at a computer when those things come through with a student and a child. Its just they have got to let them all in. There thats all there is to it. Oh, my gosh. Health inn companies raising the alarm about the Financial Stability of obamacare. Insurers say they are losing money quickly, leading some to consider dropping out of the bowel care marketplace all together. What is it in the Obamacare Program thats causing these Health Insurance companies to lose money so quickly . Reporter a quick analogy about Car Insurance. What if the government said to car insurers, you have to accept all applicants including those who just smashed up their cars and are demanding repairs to their cars. According to blue cross, blue shield, the same thing is happening to health insurers. Those who enrolled in 2013, and 2014 have high rates of diseases than those enrolled before obamacare. New enrollees receive significantly more medical care than those are individual or employerbased plans. New enrollees had more description filled and emergency room visits. Average costs were 19 higher than employerbased members. The blue crossblue shield study is important because they participate more than the others so their findings are a good measure. Martha a New York Times piece shows significant increases in those who have not had coverage before. Reporter the New York Times reports, quote, hispanics accounted for nearly a third of the increase in adult with understand it goes on to say the coverage rates for lowskilled workers such as cooks, dishwashers and waiters went up markedly. There is a good chance this becomes a heated issue. 1. 2 billion people who benefited from the law in 2013 were not u. S. Citizens. Bill all the candidate hoping to tap into that new york state of mind. But who will . Im in a new york state of mind. Martha big day today is oral arguments are getting underway as a Landmark Legal battle over Immigration Takes Center Stage at the beautiful United States Supreme Court. Look at it on this gorgeous spring day. Welcome to a brandnew hour of america newsroom, im jill mccallum. Bill a constitutional test of president ial power. 26 state led by texas challenging the president s executive orders on immigration. So far all courts have agreed with the states blocking the president s actions be night president obamas programs which yield about 4 million Illegal Immigrants from deportation. They apply to parents whose children are us citizens living here legally. The states argue the president does not have the power to change immigration laws enacted by congress and the president says hes acting within the law when he announced his plan. If you meet the criteria, you can come out of theshadows and get right with the law. If you are a criminal, you will be deported. If you plan to enter the us illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. The actions i am taking are not only lawful but they are the kinds of actions taken by every single republican president and every single democratic president for the past halfcentury. Martha janine napolitano, analyst. Judge, welcome. Good to have you here. All this injury hinges on the issue of prosecutorial discretion. The president says he and the Justice Department have the right to basically waive a lot of that may perhaps have been broken a plea bargain that the president has locked twice and the reason its a weak argument is because prosecutorial discretion, the right of a prosecutor, a cheap lawn enforcement officer not to enforce a particular law like you should be supported, applies individual cases, not groups. The president wants to apply it to 4 to 5 Million People right off the bat without examining each one individually and for that reason is lost that argument below but he is making it again today before and eight member us Supreme Court. Martha how significant is that fact because this has been thrown out into courts, texas and louisiana . Justice scalia tipped his hand how he feels about this because when the case was appealed to the Supreme Court, the justice asked the government and the lawyers for the states to reach another issue that wasnt even argued below and that issue was the president violate his oath because he took an oath faithfully to uphold the laws. Faithfully meaning youve got to enforce the laws whether you agree with them or not. Justice scalia individually injected another issue into this, that issue will be argued this morning but of course he wont be there. How significant is his absence . It probably will be a 4 to 4 vote, in this case a tie will reinforce the decision below and the decision below enjoins, prevents the president from carrying out his program. Martha, the last time the federal court prevented the president from doing what you wanted to do by executive order was 1952 when harry truman wanted to seize steel mills that were making steel fast enough because of a work stoppage and the government needed steel during the korean war. Stated differently, its a very rare occurrence for federal courts to stop the president from doing what he wants to do but thats the likely outcome. Martha the argument is two things. As you point out, its this prosecutorial discretion idea which is that the prosecutor can say we choose not to press charges. And they are arguing that they are talking about 4 million or 5 million individuals, these are individual cases and they happen to be grouped together because they are under the same principle but the other side of it is that they are being compassionate. This is something compassionate. How much does that carry with the members of this court . The president s argument is, these are parents of children who were born here, therefore they are american citizens, their parents are illegal or otherwise lawfully here and if he reports them he will have to deport americans which is against the law or break up families which is bad for children. Therefore there is a defect in the law that congress has refused to correct. Hesgoing to correct it. I dont think the compassion argument will work before the Supreme Court because he took an oath to uphold the law as congress has written and whether he likes the law or not. That was the issue that Justice Scalia asked them to rebrief and they did. I dont think theyre going to be successful. Martha judge, thank you so much. Good to have you here. Bill a fox news alert, ash carter, defense secretary arriving in baghdad meeting with iraqi leaders about the feist fight against isis. Correspondent Jennifer Griffin live from the pentagon. What is he doing exactly . Hes already met with the iraqi president at the president ial palace in baghdad where the press traveling with defense secretary carter overheard him say he was in baghdad to discuss quote, special capabilities that the us can bring to help the iraqis in earnest to retake mosul, the second largest city which is still controlled by isis. He was referring to more special american troops, more special operations unit. We want to more, we are going to do more because we want to accelerate this and get it over with as fast as we can. We are limited only by our own ingenuity and our ideas. New statistics from defense analysts suggest isis income and tax revenues are down 30 percent of the daily output of oil which funds isis is down from 33,000 barrels a day to 21,000 barrels. Isis controls 22 percent less territory than it did two years ago. Bill so the president is in saudi arabia midweek. Is this back to that visit or how does it fit together . President obama will be in riyadh wednesday to meet with the saudi king for a summitof gulf states. Expect a cool welcome from the sunni states after the president called many of them free riders in a recent atlantic magazine interview. Defense secretary carter says the president will be asking the gulf states to donate to iraqi reconstruction s class weve seen this movie before so we got to make sure theres a whole force afterwards. Thats why working with the iraqis and capable guys on the ground in syria is so important but they cant do it without us. On saturday the pentagon quietly transferred nine detainees from gitmo to south saudi arabia bringing the population down to 18 detainee. Bill thank you jennifer. Martha in less than 24 hours voters in new york will hit the polls to decide who they want to nominate for their party for president. Republican candidates making a final push for support across the empire state. Latest real clear politics goals, youve got donald trump with a huge lead at 52. 6 percent. He said he wants to win his home state decisively and this week he seems more concerned about Hillary Clinton turning his focus solidly toward his general election opponent as he sees it. Watch this. The only person, crooked Hillary Clinton does not want to run against is donald trump. In fact, the press omits they have to say it will be the biggest voter turnout in the history of the United States elections if its trump and hillary and thats good for us. It will be the biggest voters, everybody says it. Martha everybody says it. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders holding rival rally to get out the vote today. And henry is live from our newsroom with more on this and good morning to you. Heres the question, and Bernie Sanders overtake Hillary Clinton . Polls show them wide apart but he once closed the field or closed the gap. Its interesting because what hes doing in the final days is really a show of force. Look at what happened in brooklyn last night. Bernie sanders had over 28,000 people turned out at prospect park. His campaign is saying this is simply the biggest rally theyve had anywhere in the country. There have been massive sanders rallies especially out west, states like california that votes on 207 but here in new york he wants to show that he is going to close strong and i have to tell you a few moments ago, out on the streets i ran into one of Hillary Clintons very prominent supporters and he asked me what i thought about what was happening and he told me i dont believe the polls. He thinks as a clinton supporter this is a much tighter race in new york and thats why Hillary Clinton has spent so much time here. He Still Believes Hillary Clinton is going to win but maybe by single digits, certainly not a doubledigit win. Martha that will have a big psychological impact but not an impact on the numbers what she seems to be doing well with. On the other side of the equation, the email scandal is hanging around and theres new developments there as well. You heard donald trump trying to frame the general election and talking about crooked Hillary Clinton. Hes referring in large part to that fbi criminal investigation going on right now. Remember what president obama told Chris Rollins a week ago that Hillary Clinton did not intentionally endanger national security. Clinton herself was pressed on this yesterday on abc, heres what she said i appreciate what he said because of course i never endanger national security. Thats absolutely false. And i said it was a mistake, it wasnt the best choice. This is a reminder that even if she wins in new york and can finally lock up this nomination, there are big problems waiting in the general election. Martha thank you. Bill donald trump saying he will not by delegates. So they go out and they are wining and dining and you have no idea whats going on with those delegates. Its a crooked process, folks. Martha the republican frontrunner insists he does not want to take part in that process. Will refusing to play that part of the game help or hurt his campaign . Have a close look. Martha everybody thought this would happen at some point and now it has. A drone of snacks into a passenger plane for the first time. What are aviation officials doing to make sure this doesnt happen again . Bill an Investigation Underway as the zookeeper known as the tiger whisperer is mysteriously killed on the job. We are here to inspire people to act on behalf of wildlife in the natural world. That is what we are doing and the honor on the memory of stacy. New information on a deadly fighter attack at home each zoo. Zookeeper Stacey Konweiser was attack inside a contained area friday as she was getting ready for an afternoon show. Details on what went wrong are not entirely clear but the zoo spokeswoman saying no one is placing blame on the tiger. There is no truth to the uncertain state of the tiger involved in this deadly incident. The tiger is healthy. There has never been blame nor will there ever be blame assigned to the wild malayan tiger involved in this deadly incident. Martha bill since that time they set up a Memorial Fund in konweisers honor. The zoo opening today for the First Time Since that deadly incident. Martha donald trump continuing to rail against the nominating process after losing another state in which no regular votes were cast. He is blaming the delegates rules as rigged. He says he could play that game if you wanted to and when it but he says thats not what democracy is supposed to be about. I could have gone out to colorado. Im sure i could have met the head guy. Im sure i could have wine and dine him, put him on a private plane, sent him all over the place which is legal but thats not democracy. Martha ashley pratt, senior political reporter and mickey cost is executive director of the accountability project, a former atlarge member of the dnc council and former cochair of president obamas reelection campaign. Good to have you here. Hes absolutely right about the fact that if anyone could wine and dine, he certainly has deployed to do just that but he doesnt think thats the way this should happen breaking news, i agree with donald trump for once in my life. This is crazy. What donald trump and also Bernie Sanders has been able to do this election and hes able to circumnavigate the establishment and basically pull back the curtain on what goes on behind the scenes and thats whats really fascinating about this election this Campaign Season is because its so tight, because there are these outsiders coming in, we are seeing what happens on the convention floor. We are seeing what these deals are. Ted cruz is out there buying fight occasions for delegates, its ridiculous and thats where his Campaign Money is coming from and thats just reeks of corruption. Im not saying his intentions are right but its a valid point and if heis the messenger, thats great. Is ted cruz buying buying vacations for people . Know and i find it fascinating that were calling ted ruth part of the establishment when the establishment hated him for a long time and now he stands as the best chance to take down donald trump which is wired they are behind him. Donald trump here wants to play the game. He hired paul manafort, a veteran campaign operative for Convention Management and delegate rambling and he hired rick wiley was also a political operative as part of his operations so he does want to play the game. He just came late to the game and that is what the problem is now. Cruz has mastered this ground game concept which we have seen the ground game take a backseat in 2016 and now this is where it matters when it comes down to the delegates. So complaining and saying this whole, i can send them to tomorrow largo, come on. Bill martha it doesnt change the fact that this mantra donald trump has adopted, that the system is rigged has opened up a lot of peoples eyes. And you know, they dont like it. I think what he saying about democracy, whether or not he saying it to cover up something that wasnt what it should be is working for him and thats putting it politically astute to say the least. Heres can conclusion ellie from the tetris campaign who is functioning to work on those delegates here he is. Weve been winning elections. And when we win, trump wines. Football teams dont get to go in the red zone and then demand a touchdown and cry about it when you dont give them one. The back door dealing with the Trump Campaign, lots of football teams get in the red zone and lose. Martha no doubt the Trump Campaign is trying to beat up and they want to win both. They want to win the delegates of the structure in which the way it the game is played and also rail at the system. Will that work . As a pr campaign, yes. If it comes to the convention there is going to be a forceful presence of Trump Supporters there and i can tell you from the democratic side, the same thing is going to happen. Hillary clinton will not reach the magic pledge delegate number and what that does is put pressure on the party to change the way they operate and yes, hes not playing the game. Yes, hes late to it. I agree with you ashley but that doesnt make it right and im not one to necessarily agree with donald trump but it highlights the injustice that is happening with the establishment that sets rules to protect their people. Truth was antiestablishment but now that hes a vehicle for the establishment ill be the establishment. He wants to win. Hes changing his tactics. [overlapping conversation] the point i want to make, i was advising the trump team. What i would say to them right now is if you dont want the convention to go to a second ballot vote, get into the ground game, start playing. Use your team and use them wisely. You want to win delegates, play the game because this is what republican president ial politics is. Its a system that is not rigged. Colorado, wyoming decided last year to pull no nominating contest. Those delegates were representative of the people in those individual counties, thats how it works. If you knew about that, you have to workthe delegates. Martha thank you very much. Good to see you both. Bill remember this . Those are russian fighter jets causing a u. S. Navy destroyer, well it has happened again. What if anything is being done to stop these provocative and dangerous stunts. Plus this. I have a push petition and the 2401 petition and will grant a request for a new tria. Martha on a moment in that courtroom. A Second Chance at freedom, a man serving a life sentence was a free man as of friday. This case is far from over. We his stepdaughter about why she never stopped fighting to free him. How many other instant innocent people did they sent to prison . How many guilty people were allowed to go free because the police and prosecution were too busy framing innocent people because it was the expedient thing to do . Thats life. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise. 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Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit jardiance. Com bill fox news alert, russia back at it again. A russian fighter jet dangerously close, flying to us military plane in International Waters over the baltic sea. Said to be doing a barrel roll over the us plane, coming within 50 feet. This is the second such incident involving these russian jets. In the first case, to russian jets came within 30 feet of a u. S. Navy destroyer in the same area. Pete had jeff, and iraq and news that and fox contributor with me. How was this resolved or are we just going to keep seeing this over and over again . Weve been seeing this over and over again so this is the second in the last 48 hours but people back can catalog these type of aggressions. Weve seen a dozen in the past year and im reminded of the statement john terry made in march 2014, it was wellpublicized then where he chastised them for using 19thcentury tactics, rewriting the boundaries in Eastern Europe and ukraine after they had taken criteria and what interpreted in that is, the americans are going to do anything about it. Theyre going to talk about it, pursue diplomatic channels but it shows him he can continue to push theenvelope. That was in the southern part of the eastern border and up in the balticstates he is trolling. They continue to probe, they continue to push. A barrel roll is 50 feet off the side of the plane and rolled over the top of it to the other side. This is not accidental. This is on purpose to send a signal that the cd americans are not willing to stand up to them. Especially with our allies in ukraine. Martha bill is this more of a signal toward us or toward our nato allies question mark. I think we are inextricably linked at this point. And russia understands that natos mission has fractured the commitment to that mission. Youve seen president ial candidates question the validity alliance and i think, most certainly he sees the United States as the linchpin of nato as it is and we are the ones doing the policing on those. He understands geopolitical spheres of influence and hes trying to recapture those spheres around what is now russia and formerly the soviet union. It is our aircraft challenging that. Bill us european command spokesman , this is unsafe and unprofessional intersect has the potential to cause harm and injury to all aircrews involved. More importantly the action of the single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between countries. You make one mistake and that could be it. Thats true but i think putins calculation is here, we are never going to escalate. I really do think thats his calculation. Were there to be an incident, we would protest and pound the table and say how dare you but john kerry and barack obama would not escalate, would not retaliate because we believe there those are 19thcentury tactics. We are going to push and push and if theres an incident, nothing changes. We have allies in ukraine that have been screaming for military assistance and all weve been sending them is nonlethal aid. Vladimir putin understands that thats the prism through which we see the world. Hes willing to risk an incident. Bill just to put a final point on this, this has moved into Eastern Europe and hes not happy about that area the sanctions in ukraine, hes not happy about that. One plus one equals two. Its not thatweve done nothing. Its that when it has mattered we have not been done things decisively like in crimea, like in the ukraine. Theres a lot of distractions and shiny objects like rollovers of reconnaissance aircraft. Its the moment when the armies move in and a takeback controls of areas because that was two years ago, the invasion of the ukraine. They still hold that the terrain. Bill lets hope that does not go anywhere from here and there are no more incidents. Pete, thank you in minneapolis minneapolis today. Martha an urgent warning to windows pc users. The department of Homeland Security, details on the program that could leave you wide open to hackers. Bill also, infighting among the republican party. The chair response that Donald Trumps claims of a rigged system. Johnson joins us to break that down and what you can expect next. The truth is that there are facts and the rnc doesnt have the power to change the rules between now and the convention. The rules were set years ago and each state delegate system was set in october 2015. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Martha were back with this fox news alert. A British Airways plane collided with an object believed to be a drone during its descent in Londons Heathrow airport. Caring 132 passengers, five crewmembers on board. Greg palkot is live on this what do we happen to know about the drone strike . Reporter martha, this is big stuff. Look like the first time a drone or unmanned vehicle struck a passenger plane. This British Airways plane was couple minutes before landing at heathrow, it was hit by what the pilot believes was a drone. British Airways Tells me there was no damage to the plane and it landed safely but ramifications are huge. With the increased use of uavs, there is rapidly growing number of near misses accounted for in the United States and around the world between drones and aircraft. Risk to the plane can be catastrophic, especially if the drone hits the engine. The hardware of the drone can break up props of the engine and potentially explosive lithium batteries in the drone could ignite an uncontrolled fire. Here is what Industry Expert told me flying a drone into an engine equipped with a litho battery will cause the turbines to cause a fire and they will not have the recovery of those lives will be extremely skillful but also unlikely. Reporter there are regulations. You cant fly a drone in america within five miles of an airport. About the same here. You have to register them in the states. Not done here. There are penalties, big penalties. You could land in jail. But the bigger fear, martha, is this. With terrorists, jihadis could get their hands on these. There have been reports of looking exactly for this and you wouldnt have to fly a drone equipped with a bomb into an engine. You could fly it anywhere near the aircraft and cause real damage. A real concern for authorities. Martha wouldnt need a suicide bomber in that kind of attack either. Greg, thank you very much. The rnc doesnt have the authority to change the rules even if we wanted to and that each candidate has to know the rules, learn the rules and abide by the rules and ultimately the majority will decide everything in cleveland. Bill that is rnc chair Reince Priebus dismiging Donald Trumps claims that the political system is rigged to deny him the nomination. Priebus facing criticism of his own today as some in the party accused him of trying to stop a proposed rule change at the convention in cleveland. John sununu was chairman of the 2012 rules committee. He is former white house chief of staff for president g h. W. Bush. Former governor of new hampshire. Author of the book, the quiet man. How are you doing . Bill im doing fine. Priebus said he has done more tv the past two weeks than the past year. He might get used to that real soon. Some in the party want to change rules before you get to cleveland. All this stuff is very complicated thaw understand. Here is my question. Let me try to simplify it. Bill here is my question. Will the rules in 2016 be the same as established by you and others in 2012 . No, they cant because every convention has to adopt its own rules that deals with the time frame theyre in and process that is taking place. There are two groups, bill. One is the Republican National committee. Priebus is the chairman of that. The other is the convention. The convention is made up of delegates that come from the states in variety of ways. Some states have primaries, some states have caucuses and so on. The Convention Rules are set by the rules committee of the convention. Thats the committee i chaired last time. Bill right. In the meantime, the Republican National committee exists and it has its own ruse committee. But that rules committee can not and should not try to change the rules for the convention. The convention should have its rules established by the Convention Rules committee that will meet a day or two before the opening of the convention and establish the rules. Bill got it. So the partys in charge up until midjuly then the Convention Committee comes in. Thats correct. Bill and they take over. Now here is trump talking about a rigged system that i have a very specific question for after we listen to this. Watch. Okay. We have to win by big numbers because we have a system thats absolutely rigged. We have a system thats rigged. We have a system thats crooked. We have a system thats got a lot of problems. We have a system that doesnt allow the people to vote in many cases. And if they do vote, their vote isnt really representative of what it should be. Bill so, governor, you know he is pushing that theme, right . This is what the wall street journal found, 62 believe the one with the most votes should be the nominee. For the party. So what trumps going to argue is what happened in wyoming over the weekend wasnt legit. A week from tomorrow, in pennsylvania, with 71 delegates on the line, 54 will not be awarded until convention time. Maybe he wins with 45 of the vote in pennsylvania. So he is going to keep driving this theme. And i know you understand the rules and priebus has his arguments that he can make but most voters, governor, have not paid attention to the this part of the system until now. Does trump succeed in his argument then . Well, look, hes making this argument because he hasnt done his homework and he hasnt paid attention. Wyoming has a process where they select delegates through a series of caucuses starting at the community, through the counties and then to the state. Thats been in place for years. Just because he wasnt smart enough to pay attention, he is trying now to bully the process with his rhetoric. Every state is entitled to choose their own process. And, every candidate, including all the other candidates paid attention to that. But he chose to try run a campaign on hot rhetoric instead of doing his homework. Bill i come back to the poll in wall street journal, clear majority, in 62 say the most votes should have it. Most votes of the delegates. It will be the most votes of the delegates will have it, when the delegate threshold of a majority is crossed. You have to get a majority of the delegates. Not most. But a majority. Bill we did the math and showed it to our viewers last hour. The way we crunch numbers changes every week, understandably so. Right. Bill what we determined after california trump is still, about 70 delegates shy, maybe a little less than that maybe a little more, but about 70 okay. Then you have 150 unbound delegates. If he wins half or even less than half of that he is the at number of 1237. Yeah. But, most of those unbound delegates cant stand him. I. Bill i think that is why you have a first ballot in cleveland. The point being cleveland is voting to make the determination. All his hot rhetoric bill i get it. On june 8th you may not have a clear majority. Thats right. Bill but on the first ballot in cleveland this plays out way many people see it he could win on that first ballot. He could and he has to try to win on the first ballot because a lot of his delegates also cant stand him. And they will abandon him on the second. Bill thank you, gov. John sununu from new hampshire. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Bill martha . Martha fascinating story. A man wrongfully convicted of murder was set free on friday afternoon. The Seattle Police and those involved in sycamore did not even bother to hide their immoral behavior and why should they know they will not be held accountable. Their perspective careers how many other innocent people did they send to prison . Martha his stepdaughter joins with us evidence that helped overturn his conviction. Why their familys fight is far from over. Bill the damage is done after a couple teenagers swipe a couple of bulldozers for a midnight joyride. Just amazing nobody was hurt. I dont think they understood the consequences in the beginning but at the end, they knew the severity of it, i assure you of that. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. Oncedaily toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. 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Insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds thiazolidinediones may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure that can lead to death, even if youve never had Heart Failure before. Dont dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. Bill three teenagers in a bit of drown with a rampage with a backhoe. The teenagers reportedly causing 50,000 worth of damage after stealing the construction equipment. The owner next door, he woke up to sounds of machines ripping apart his family business. Just amazing that nobody was hurt. You know, operating two piece of heavy machinery like that in the middle of the night, no lights, and, they were competing with each other to see how much destruction they could cause. Bill oh, my. The police say the teenagers took off when officers arrived. They were caught minutes later. They face serious charges and their parents could be on the hook for the damages. Martha so a man wrongfully convicted in a decades old murder is now a free man as of friday. Watch this moment. Under both the postconviction petition and the 214. 01 petition, i will grant the request for a new trial. Martha that is an emotional and surprise. There is Jack Mccullough reacting to the news in the courtroom. He was freed from prison. 76 years old, he was convicted in 2012 for a 1957 murder of a little girl, 7yearold maria rudolph. She was taken from her front yard. She was out there playing in the snow with a friend. The friend ran off to get hermit tense. This little girls mittens. The girl was found a few weeks later. It gripped the attention much entire nation. In 2012 it was the oldest cold case ever to go to court. Mccullough always maintained his innocence. Jamie oconnor stood by him throughout. She is his stepdaughter. Im happy for your family, this was wonderful afternoon for all of your family. Thank you very much for being here today. Thank you for having me. Martha how did this happen . He said he was off at a air force recruiting base during the time the crime happened. Why didnt they believe that the first time around . Well, the first time around in 1967 when jack along with hundreds of other people were considered suspects, he was cleared. He made a collect mean call from another city that was verified by the fbi agents. They interviewed the phone operator and the manager. He spoke with three recruitment officers and those gentleman were interviewed by the fbi and with all of the evidence, and witnesses verifying that he was in another city at the time of the abduction he was cleared in 1967. When you fast forward to 2008 and then the trial in 2011, the prosecution was able to keep out the original 1957 and 1958 investigation. And create a new timeline and since all of jacks witnesses had passed away in those 55 years, he didnt have any witnesses. Martha yeah. What about the little girl who was with maria and who saw this man . Her testimony was key, right . Her testimony was essentially all the evidence they had butter this also able to keep out at trial the that she had already previously identified someone on december 202nd, of 1957. That gentleman was five four and 36 years old. And in 1957 jack had just turned 18 and he was six feet tall and about 140 pounds. So he was 18 years old, tall and skinny and the, her original identification that she had done, actually identified two people. They were both mid to late 30s, short and heavy. Martha so they look nothing like your stepfather, the people that she had originally identified. What is your opinion of how this went so horribly wrong . He is living his wife and feeling like this is something that he wasnt part of and isnt part of his life and all of sudden, slam, 2012 it is in his lap and next thing he knows he is in prison . He was, i said a long time ago he was the last man standing because he was so young in 1957. All of the people they originally really looked at, they were adults, mid 30s and older, you know, and brian henley and larry cott they received awards for police work in this case. Martha finding him guilty. Finding him guilty. Martha what central piece of evidence did they use to find him guilty . They used cathy chapmans identification. There is a lot of talk about the sixpack lineup they use. Illinois requires that the lineup reflects previous descriptions and identifications. Her previous identifications were of light 30, short and heavy. But the sixpack array they used were High School Yearbook pictures. Martha right. So very drastically different. And that was essentially the evidence they had, i mean, their case is built on childrens memories, because children are the only ones left at this time and so martha got it. We have to go somebody remembered eating dinner. Martha what was his reaction . What did he say to all of you after spending four years in prison . He was just so grateful. There are three people that made today possible. Crystal herald from the public defenders, the investigator, jeff who wrote the book, piggyback and obviously richard smock. Their willingness to do their job with integrity and a moral compass made today possible and i think jack is overwhelmed with the gratitude these three people did their jobs. Martha janeey, thank you. Thank you. Martha obviously another beginning for the family the little girl that was murdered. Your family is together. Thank you. Thank you. Bill what a story. Hidden threat lurking in your computer. Why Homeland Security is warning users of windows operating systems getting rid after Certain Program posing a immediate danger. Tell you what that is all about. Im terrible at golf. He is. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. Have you tried the tissue test . Question, are my teeth yellow . Ugh, yellow. What do you use . Crest whitestrips crest 3d whitestrips whiten. 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. Oh yeah. Crest whitestrips are the way to whiten great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Six minutes away on happening now, a manhunt for two brothers suspected of killing a Washington State couple. Their bodies have not been found but police think they were murdered. The latest on that investigation. A new study Shows Americans do not trust the media. In fact only 6 of those polled say they have confidence in the news media which is right around Americans Trust of congress. Our media panel weighs in on that. Torrential rain cripples houston of the dangerous flooding prompting rescues. Is there an end in sight . Well have it for you, happening now. Bill jon, thank you. There is urgent warning from Homeland Security for win with a computer running windows. Users are being urged to uninstall a Popular Program that leaves them open to hackers. Now, jo ling kent from the Fox Business Network to talk about all this. What is the threat . Reporter it is Software Quick time, run on microsoft windows. Pcs, not mac. A lot of people have this. They may have installed apple itunes on pc and you have quicktime. Apple is no longer updating the software. Also cybersecurity expert found two flaws that would allow hackers to access your personal information and take control of your computer. So that is why you want to uninstall quicktime. We talked to the u. S. Computer emergency readiness team. Potential consequences loss of confidentiality and availability of damage and to Business Resources and assets. Only solution is uninstall quicktime for windows. Bill who is at risk . If youre on windows. Pc, laptop, computer, running quicktime. Used to be itunes would package up quicktime and run on pcs. You they no longer do that. If you have a mac you dont have a problem. Bill if you have a mac. My iphone is okay and my mac is okay. Anything that runs windows and has quicktime on it. Reason you want to get rid of it, when company like apple stops supporting software, you dont need to use it. There are flaws. Hackers are always three steps ahead, right . Bill malware. Did apple say anything . They provided ways for you to uninstall quicktime 7 on website. Touch your own windows pc to get rid of it. Bill noted. Jo ling kent from fox business news. Martha. Martha hearing arguments in a landmark battle over immigration. Will the high court overturn the president s decision to shield millions of Illegal Immigrants from deportation. Sandra thats what we monday. Harris what you think about monday . The ninth on. Of the week with that primary coming up. I will be here all day, all night. Have a great day everybody, good to see you. Greg a fox news alert on a critical legal showdown. The Supreme Court hearing arguments on president obamas executive order on immigration. I had of the decision that could define the limits of executive power and the states of millions of Illegal Immigrants facing deportation. Good morning, im jon scott and welcome. Heather

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