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Investigation now. Good morning everyone, im sandra smith. Ed looting, smashed police cars an overnight. Im george floyd died after a Police Officer pinned him to the ground for several minutes while he repeatedly required out i cant breathe. Floyd cooperated with police before he died amid growing calls for the arresting officer and perhaps others to face criminal charges. Its a life. And no Police Officer should be judge, jury and executioner. If any of us today took a life in the way that Police Officer took her life, we would be in handcuffs. We live in a society where that doesnt automatically happen. Sandra the case sparking protests across the country. William la jeunesse is live with him on all of that. What began as a protest turned into rioting and looting last night and continued this morning with an Apartment Building set on fire in response to the death of 46yearold george floyd. That responded to tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets. Protesters also soul cars and looted several stories and set fire to several buildings. The National Guard has stepped in to help keep the peace. That military needs to come out here and protect those that are supposed to protect us, thats what im here for. Ive wrestled with more than anything else over the last 36 hours one fundamental question read why is the man who killed george floyd not in jail . Police initially said floyd resisted arrest but Surveillance Video shows him peacefully stepping outside of his car and sat on the sidewalk handcuffed force several minutes when one officer puts his knee on his neck. Eventually floyd loses consciousness and paramedics tried but failed over an hour to revive him all because he allegedly tried to pass a 20 counterfeit bill. There was the allegation that he was trying to commit some kind of forgery which is at worse, a nonviolent crime. The county attorney promises and expeditious but thorough investigation. And promise of justice be served. The Training Board so that restraint technique used is not authorized or taught. This incident sparked protest across the country but thats before the body cam has been released. William la jeunesse, thank you. Fox news alert, new fallout as well. Launching a brandnew probe, looking to the practice of unmasking before and after the 2016 election. They determined that certain aspects needed to be reviewed as separately as a support to john durhams investigation so we tapped basch, and theres the motivation and the reasoning behind unmasking can be problematic. Social Media Companies could come as soon as today and may his escalating feud with letter, a couple of them with the factcheck morning. Definitely coming today, the president teeing it up a few minutes ago tweeting this will be a big day for social media and fairness. The president will be signing an executive order today that will seek to curtail Legal Protections for social Media Companies over what gets posted on their platforms. The intended effect is to make it easier for federal regulators to see that theyre suppressing free speech. The eo im told will target section 2 30 of the Communications Decency act of 1996 which states no provider or user of an Interactive Computer Service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. The white house and services are increasingly frustrated by what they say is an anticonservative bias on social media platforms. The president tweeting yesterday that republicans feel that social media platforms totally silenced conservative voices and they will strongly regulate or close them down before we can ever allow this to happen dana perino talked with facebook ceo of Mark Zuckerberg about all of this in an interview. Thats not joh Mark Zuckerberg, thats john basch. But dana perino talks to Mark Zuckerberg about what all this might mean. Or dont listen because we dont have it, but heres what he said. I have to understand what they would try to do, but they are worried about censorship and it doesnt exactly strike me as a right reflex. Now on this new doj probe into unmasking, this will serve as an adjunct to the durum investigation which is underway. The german investigation of course has been looking into the roots of the russia investigation and in the past few weeks, obama officials requested the name of Michael Flynn to be unmasked. Theres also a a desire to know what obama officials have asked for. Thats why the attorney general determined that it was appropriate to look at unmasking a support to john durhams investigation and looking specifically at episodes both before and after the election. Like i said it, the frequency, who was unmasking home, all of the circumstances and events can shed light and give us a better understanding of what happened with respect to President Trump, and his campaign. We are not expecting to hear on the president on this, the only event he has on his schedule is a hurricane briefing that is closed to the press but could also open. We will have Us Press Secretary briefing at 2 00 this afternoon. They could always call an audible when the president signs this executive order. Ed it we do see that from time to time. John roberts, thanks for starting us off. Sandra here with reaction to all of this is the Justice Departments new unmasking probe, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy now joins us. Thanks so much for being here, leader mccarthy. Can you react to bill barr bringing on john basch with this issue of unmasking . Where do you see all this going next . Every day we learn something more that more and more individuals were unmasked. I think its appropriate with the attorney general is doing because we need to get back to the bottom of this. The more we learn, unfortunately we find that the Obama Administration was more interested in unmasking flame that then securing mass for the National Stockpile and thats a real concern to every american. Sandra you go back to the words that are of the doj spokesperson kerri kupec, and making the point that certainly this is not inherently wrong to have done the unmasking board to unmask, but she is pointing out the obvious. Its a frequency thats been questioned in the motivation behind it. What specific questions do you have as this moves forward . The question is, its not wrong to go after an american citizen but think of the signing when they did it. They did it after the election, after it was decided that they were going to have a new president , new administration, and the past administration in that little time. While they are still empowering january, for the swearing in of january 20th to spend their time unmasking not one, but we have the Vice President who is now stuck in the basement, basement by then. Then you move on to ambassadors, president s and others in there. In their Daily Briefing asking to unmask individuals who have been going into a new administration that was duly elected. Why . Why then . Why unmask these american citizens. Why would this administration do that when at the same time there own intelligence knew that what was being said about them, about russia, was false and wrong in giving the American Public a false narrative and it lying to them at the same time . That is concerning to me, not as a democrat or republican but as an american believes the rule of law . That should not have been to any american, less known and individual such as flynn who had served his nation . Time to discredit this individual was wrong from the start and using the power of the oval office to do it, that to me we need to get to the bottom up because of the rule of law should be the one part we all believe in. Sandra we will see where john baskets with all of that. Meanwhile you saw firsthand what happened with nancy pelosi yesterday and cannot vote on the fisa bill after the president threatened to veto it. Nancy pelosi sort of previewing what may be to come in all of that. There are different views and perspectives of here in terms of remote voting. We have all tried very hard to work in a bipartisan fashion, being present doesnt necessarily require a physical presence. I think remote operations are possible but thats not the path that the democrats have gone down. But the democrats have done instead of working with us is to use this crisis to try to gain partisan benefit. Sandra and so we will get back to the pulling of the fight is about yesterday and where that goes next in a second, but what you just heard there was from your colleague at bliss chain. Shes not opposed to the proxy voting but shes making it clear that this could happen in many different ways. I know that you, leader mccarthy, are firmly opposed to it, your thoughts . Let me be clear, liz cheney is opposed to proxy voting, she joins me in that a lawsuit against democrats. Everyone should be opposed to proxy voting. Almost onethird of the democrats did not show up to work yesterday but they still get their paycheck. More than 50 million americans did not have a voice on the floor. Democrat signed a piece of paper that said they were physically unable to come to congress but Charlie Crist was able to come even though he is sound, signed that paper come to go to the launch across the state. So he lied to his own constituents, he lied under oath and say for one moment 231 years, we have met on this. Through a yellow fever of 73, through the civil war, through the spanish flu. Even when the building was burned down in the war of 1812, 9 11, we should convene, the constitution says we should. It is only the ability of nancy pelosi to try to get more power. Her own words yesterday on the floor, she said this is an opportunity come every crisis is. Shes taking a crisis as an opportunity to secure more power for herself and allow only 20 people to control the entire floor, thats unconstitutional. They dont have the power and the right to do it and all of us should against this. Sandra got it. And in terms of cheney not being opposed to it, what i meant was she says theres different views and perspectives and she understands that. And while shes not opposed to those other viewpoints she wants more cooperation from democrats on that. Now, final thoughts on nancy pelosi . Here she is in the pulling of that fight is about yesterday. The fisa vote yesterday, if we dont have a bill that our liberty is, our Civil Liberties are less protected. Sandra house in session today, any ideas as to what happens next with that if it does indeed come up for a vote . The speaker sounded a little like what she did with obamacare, we need to pass it to know whats in it. The best thing the speaker should do is take the advice i gave her just a couple days ago, take a deep breath, take a step back. It wont become law because the president has concerns with it. Even those in the senate have concerns with what they want to do so why dont we work those problems out so we can make law . Every day we find something new about fisa. Fisa is about foreign surveillance. Why are finding that people utilize the fisa court to survey american citizens. Would we want to get to the bottom of that before you pass something . And i think thats whats critical and why people in her own party are saying that to her as well. I know shes able to gather a lot of power, able to have 70 votes sitting in her pocket, able to pay democratic members of congress not for showing up for work when there are 42 million americans who would gladly want to go to a job and work. Thats a problem that we have today, shes changing the direction and the power of this congress and its not working for her. Shes not keeping the promises that she made to the American Public and they would be different. They would focus on the individuals. Name me one problem that they have solved. Sandra that is your thoughts this morning. House minority leader Kevin Mccarthy, we appreciate you coming on with us this morning and we will followup with you. If more reaction to all this coming. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany will join us at the top of the hour. The president s new executive order, a lot to ask her and thats coming up shortly. Ed fox news alert, a multistate manhunt finally comes to an end, how Police Nabbed him overnight. And while we wait to see with the executive order will look like a come of the heads of two tech giants are turning against one another. They have a special immunity and heres the thing. If they are going to act like regular publishers, if twitter is going to editorialize about the president of the United States than he oughterano be treated like a regular publisher. Thats me. Theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Thats me. Put your va home loan benefits to good use. Call my team at newday usa. Tenergy intoll whohelping others. Eir to anyone helping and caring in their own way. Thank you. Like you, were always on. Were proud to put our Energy Behind you. Southern company you get the freedom of what a 7day return policy. 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Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. Com coronavirus ed President Trump expected to take action today to crack down on social media bias on platforms like facebook and twitter. He says he is preparing an executive order after twitter begin adding factcheck notices to some of his posts. Miranda devine, good morning. Good morning, add a period of ed and lets get to the substance of the executive order but first your paper has a rather remarkable front page, the man who is supposedly the neutral factchecker for twitter, hes got some old tweets and solved calling the president racist and the people inside the white house are nine cities. This is the organization that will stand between President Trump and his millions of followers to decide what is truth and what isnt. And you know, thats fine if thats the way they want to go, but that means that they have now become publishers. They are no longer just a freewheeling social media platform. They actually have two do what my company, what New York Post does, what fox news has to do, and that is except a legal liabilities and the curbs on the freedom and responsibilities that come with being a publisher. So good by the sort of free ride that twitter has had for so long and im sure thats what the president will be doing. Where was their factchecking on the communist party of chinas propaganda and lies . Where was their factchecking on the russian collusion Conspiracy Theory . Five months before the election, they are meddling in the election and they are trying to be part of the political process and that isnt intolerable. Ed if it becomes a slippery slope about who you are factchecking and whether you are factchecking all sites. Mark zuckerberg has an interview later today with our own dana perino and heres a preview where he sort of diverges from twitter. I believe strongly that facebook shouldnt be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online. I think in general private companies probably shouldnt be or especially these Platform Companies should be in the position of doing. Jack dorsey running twitter, and he fired back this week. This does not make as an arbiter of truth, we connect the dots and so people can judge for themselves. More transparency from us is critical so folks can clearly see the why behind our actions. Your response . It is just so subjective, why did they decide that the first target was going to be the president . Why did they decide to target his tweet on a very political issue on voter fraud . Its very questionable. The fact that the person who is in charge, who is the policeman of twitters decision on what is factual and not factual is someone who is an avowed leftist, just calls into question their entire platform. Its a joke, and they know its a joke. And they have been under immense pressure for a couple of years from the democrats and the left, all the social Media Companies have been because remember in 2016 donald trump he is facebook very successfully to attract and connect with his followers. Ed very quickly, the wall street journal has an editorial suggesting that twitter is playing right into the president s hands and giving him more fodder for the idea that the tacky leads are out to get him and that they are biased. On the other hand how does the president deal with the fact that conservatives did usually dont like a lot of regulation . All it is, is bringing them into line. Theyve been out there with all the benefits of being just a platform with no rules and none of the responsibilities, which was fine if they played it that way. Which is their design if they become editors to decide that the president s, what hes saying is not factual, when its arguable. Then they have to realize that they have to come into line with every other publisher. Thats all. They can do whatever they like but they have to be exposed to the same legal vulnerability is that every other publisher is. Ed all right, miranda devine, we appreciate your insights. You can see the rest of dana perinos interview with Mark Zuckerberg on the Daily Briefing quote and we will have her on later in the program. Sandra meanwhile, brandnew jobless numbers and another key financial figure. What they tell us about the state of our economy. Plus as we reach a side of milestone in the battle against covid19, there is some progress in fighting this deadly virus. We are live with new details. We often talk about the possibility of a second wave or of an outbreak when you are reopening. We dont have to accept that as an inevitability. These are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. 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Ed a fox news alert, the number of coronavirus deaths in america passing 100,000, more than any other country in the world. Meanwhile the push is on to reopen the economy. I want today or easing restrictions on bars and other places that serve alcohol. Dr. Anthony fauci says a resurgence of covid19 might be avoided if the right steps are taken. It is not inevitable. If we do the kinds of things that we are doing now to have the workforce and system and the will to do the kinds of things that ought to be clear and effective, we can prevent this second wave that we are talking about. Ed johnsons area is tracking the latest moves to reopen a car this morning from atlanta. Good morning. Iowa is the latest state to ease some additional restrictions, in this case, bars which will be allowed to reopen today at 50 capacity. In all 50 states have at least partially reopened their economies and at least 25 are reporting increases in new covid19 cases including arkansas. However state Health Officials say only 1 of current covid19 patience visited a barbershop in the last 14 days, in other words the incubation period income and less than 1 went to a restaurant, church, day care, hotel or gym. We are seeing an upswing in cases but these dont seem to be associated with these newly opened businesses. We will continue to keep a very close eye on that. Improved testing could be driving some of the higher numbers. Meanwhile, a pentecostal ministers challenge in california has reached the nations highest court. Supreme Court Justice selena kagan at 78 00 p. M. Eastern deadline today. Everybody else is being allowed to operate and function, even nonessential businesses and none of them are in the constitution but we are protected and that United States constitution. The cdc has issued new guidelines for returning to work and Office Buildings including increased circulation of outdoor air, enhanced cleaning, daily help text, staggered shifts and installing transparent shields between clients and workers in cases where social distancing is not possible. Walt disney world is announcing plans for a phase reopening of its orlando theme parks beginning in midjuly. Back to you. Ed we will be watching it, Jonathan Serrie, thank you. Sandra brandnew numbers on the u. S. Economy by weekly unemployment claims arising by more than 2 million pushing the total coronavirus job losses to more than 40 million. The gdp did shrink nearly 5 of the First Quarter of the year. Joining us now is liz claman, anchor of the claimant countdown. Great of you to be here, thanks for walking us through this. The opening bell rang a few minutes ago and we are seeing the stock market is rising again today. Theres been quite a rally on wall street this week but still the number of americans out of work, this is a huge problem during all this. Oh, my goodness. Again, the tenth straight week of more than 2 Million People joining the jobless benefits roles. It is just such a sad picture. At this point to the cumulative number since february, ten weeks as we said, 40 million americans have applied for Unemployment Benefits because theyve lost their jobs. However, lets quickly focus on the fact that there is a split between Market Sentiment and stocks of course and of the jobless and economic numbers. Still a very ugly picture at the moment, ill, albeit not as intensely bad. Each week we are seeing fewer people jumping onto the unemployment rolls so i guess you could say that since the peak, which was around march 27th where we saw more than 6 Million People get in line, that was sort of the beginning of a lockdown, it is sort of an improving picture. And i know you are a runner, i always try to use these analogies with you. If you are in the lead like america was with great job creation for so many months and then suddenly you trip and fall, you get back up and catch up to the slowest runner, you are thinking great, i caught back up. But its a lot of work and a lot of time before the you can then retake that lead to. Sandra the third lap of the mile is always the hardest one if you want an analogy for me. [laughs] Brian Moynihan from bank of america, when asked to analyze where we are with all of this he suggested that in his words we are starting to come out of a hole. Something that stuck out to me in these jobless numbers as we dig through them, there are some ways to look at them, is the continuing claims. They did come down 4 million which could be a bright spot in all of this as we start to see less staying on those but jobless benefits. We have jason furman, the obama economists on our program yesterday talking about the political implications, if indeed we see a sharp increase in some of these numbers or a sharp rebound and some of these economic figures as we come out of this. The political implications of it all, heres jason furman with us yesterday. President trump will be saying we created 1. 2 million jobs last month and other will point out very correctly that we are still 15 million jobs short of where we were before the coronavirus struck. And so we will be in a situation that is like the financial crisis that we were in a decade ago, only that will be an improvement on where we were a couple months before as opposed to the financial crisis where we never saw even a period of rapid improvements. Sandra so liz, i quickly pointed out to him what many economists point out, a pandemic induced shutdown of our economy is much different than the financial crisis. He does make a point though that the president could tout big economic improvement as we come out of this in the months that lead up to the election. Let me put on my business anchor hat here and say simply, that is true. However there could be, and this is what we are hearing from experts, a second wave of layoffs coming from state and municipal governments who have lost so much money during this time and have had to spend so much just during the lockdown to get testing and safety protocols out of speed. That plus the gig economy, the workers do not get to apply for traditional Unemployment Benefits. Many of them are going to have to wait a long time before they begin to start seeing that. Then we look at the gdp number that we have today, a contraction of 5 . Somebody once said that its a lot easier to close up shop than it is to then reopen an entire economy. It just takes time but i will end on this positive note on that fact. You do have the u. S. Automakers which a couple of weeks ago began slowly but surely reopening, because there is demand now for new cars, not nearly as much as we saw before. Of course june 4th we are starting to see some casinos on the vegas strip start to reopen. Slowly but surely we will begin to come out of this. But it could take a lot more time than either side of the political aisle would like to see. Sandra that seems like the u. S. Stock market really wants to climb out of this, the dow now firmly above 25,000, up a few points on this trading day. Liz, we will see you this afternoon. Ed in the meantime the Justice Department is launching a brandnew probe in the wake of the Michael Flynn case, tapping a u. S. Attorney to look into the practice of unmasking ron the 2016 election. Former Deputy National security advisor kt mcfarland joins us live with her reaction come next. Plus the state department of taking action with more protests in hong kong as china approves a brandnew National Security law. A brandnew report, just ahead. We really encourage most global committees. When you are looking at unmasking as part of a broader investigation like john durhams investigation, looking specifically at who was unmasking whom, that can add a lot to the investigation and thats why the attorney general determined it was appropriate to look at unmasking. Thats kerri kupec outlining why attorney general william barr has appointed a u. S. Attorney named john basch to look into the unmasking process before and after the 2016 election in the wake of the controversy of force over the Michael Flynn case. My next guest, russia hoax and my obama team shocking about the abuse of power. Joining me now is kt mcfarland, former National Security advisor under President Trump. First of all, the significance before we get to your piece of foxnews. Com, john basch, u. S. Attorney outside of the beltway being brought into to look at on asking i think there are three points. The attorney general has chosen no three u. S. Attorneys to investigate them. He chose durham which is from connecticut and he chose jensen to look at the flynn situation and now basch to look at the unmaskings. What does that tell you . The attorney general doesnt have a whole lot of confidence in his department of justice in washington, d. C. , to do the right thing. I think the second thing that significant with the unmasking, which i always thought was a little weird from the peoples whose names were on the unmasking request, some of them said they didnt know anything about it, and it wasnt them. Unmasking has to be done by the person needs to know and it cant be done for a frivolous reason, it cant be done just because youre curious about it. The third thing that im really looking forward, for it is, in the unmasking, wasnt that faithful faithful december 29th phone call, was not unmasked and if not, why not . We know it was recorded, we know there was a transcript and if it wasnt unmasked by the nsa, who did the recording . The cia or fbi . A lot of Unanswered Questions that i hope will find the answer to soon. Ed and one of the points you made about why did the people in the Obama Administration seek to unmask, will we ever find out the context . Do you have to give a specific reason . You cant just go fishing or one would presume you are not supposed to go fishing, you say i need to know the name of who is on that Intelligence Report because of this reason. But we find that out . Maybe you and i wont find that out but certainly the Justice Department and john basch will find that out. Why . I would assume his first action would be to call those, what were their 50 people . In and say why did you requesting unmasking, what did you need to know and what information wasnt going to give you . And if those people like Samantha Power and susan rice, like james clapper, if they dont have good answers for why their names were put on those forms, that should tell you off a lot more about what was going on in the highest levels of the Intelligence Community and the Obama Administration in their efforts to pursue what i think was a sham from the very beginning, the russia hoax. We want you listed a whole bunch of people like susan rice and Lindsey Graham wants to talk to in the fall and heres a statement from him. He will also bring in Rod Rosenstein from the Justice Department and he will testify. But the new revelations contained in the horowitz concerning the fisa applications, all things crossfire hurricane and the moon mueller investigation. And to bring it to your piece at foxnews. Com that i mentioned, you say the president calling this a hoax all along is going to be proven by these hearings and by that i consider it. Yeah. If you look in the last two weeks of the documents that have come out of the House Intelligence Committee transcripts of what people at the top of the Intelligence Community, clapper, comey, brendan, what they were saying behind closed doors in congress and in classified hearings, there was no hoax, no collusion, nothing between the Trump Campaign and the russians and yet they were running out of the cameras and telling the american, President Trump was only elected because the russians through the election to him. Or President Trump is a russian asset. They were saying one thing behind closed doors and the another thing to the American Public. They knew from the beginning as these documents were shown and more documents are coming out in the next week or two front, leaning from the beginning there was nothing there. From the very beginning, even before the mueller investigation. And yet they pursued it. They used it as a tool to stop President Trump. Ed now with attorneys involved there might actually be things involved. Sandra how this move could change our fight against the taliban on our money. Were able to invest through the same exact platform. I got approved for a loan and it was a gamechanger. Truly sofi, thank you for helping me prepare for whatever the future has in store. So heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. It means being there for each other. Thats why state farm is announcing the Good Neighbor Relief Program we know our customers are driving less, which means fewer accidents. So state farm is returning 2 billion dollars to auto policyholders for the period ending may 31st. And well continue making real time decisions to best serve you our customers. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. Sandra President Trump saying it is time for afghanistan to handle its own security. They are acting as a police force and that the fighting force that they are in afghanistan. Bring our soldiers back but closely watch what is going on and strike with the thunder like never before if necessary. Necessary. Walid phares is foxs National Security in foreign affairs. Thanks for being here. So what is the pentagon plan, what options do we have in afghanistan . Basically bringing troops home is a core of the Trump Administration for policy, since it was a campaign and the transition, and an administration for the last three years. The component now is to rely on a deal that we have already signed and the deal is pretty simple. Its acting as a moderator between the government and the afghan, and the television, we will withdraw. Then the Afghan Government, the taliban will find a deal among themselves and coexist with government. Of course there is an insurance policy which is if the taliban attacks us then we have enough elements on the ground in afghanistan or we can come back as the president has said and strike at them if they do this. Sandra to that point, so much depends on whether or not the taliban meets the conditions of this deal. What are the expectations on the front . I am reading the taliban and production analysis and whomever is advising them on the regional level. They will divide, why . Because they have an interest. Not for a good reason but because of the reasons are selfish. This deal would provide them with participation in the government and being recognized by the International Organizations including the u. N. Thats huge for the taliban. They are winning not to attack us, as long as we are giving them power. The big question will be once they are installed as part of the government, will they continue to that policy or will they revert to that action . That is to be seen. Sandra the president was asked for a timeline for withdrawal and he declined to give any specifics. What is the plan in your view . The plan right now is on the one hand to start small withdrawals by the United States. On the other hand keep an eye on the activity of the taliban. At the same time coordinating with the government because the government in afghanistan was divided until a few weeks ago. So we need to have the engineering of everything at least until the elections. If the administration comes back then it should have a much longer, much wider plan to deal with the issue. Sandra and with that point on the idea that the u. S. Can return at any time. You just set it and you heard the president said that in his tweet as well. Yes. The United States can come back at anytime, anywhere in the planet. The only difference is the price. If we are in afghanistan in any way, shape or form and the tell van engage us, we are already there. But if we draw any significant way, remember we have countries that we have to fly over. We have countries that we have authorization to come back and cross their airspace. That could be complicated if the tell van come back and attack us. Us. Sandra walid phares, great to have you on this morning. Its. Ed fox news alert, the president set to take branding action on social Media Companies. At the white House Press Secretary Kayleigh Mcenany will be here to talk about that and a whole lot more, next. Flexible Payment Options for those whove been financially affected by the crisis. We look forward to returning to something that feels a little closer to life as we knew it, but until then you can see how were here to help at libertymutual. Com covid19. 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Im proud to be a part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. So you can. Retire better. Sandra breaking news overnight, a multistate manhunt coming to an end. The College Student wanted in two murders in connecticut arrested in maryland. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom this thursday morning, and sandra smith. Ed im ed henry. 23yearold Peter Manfredonia was captured after police and federal agents tracked him down at a truck stop. The trail got hotter on sunday when he was in a pennsylvania walking on Railroad Tracks and now the search for the fugitive that spanned many states finally over. The suspect will face justice and this will bring closure, this is what is important to the families of the victims. Sandra Griff Jenkins is outside of the Detention Center in hagerstown with the suspect as being elder. Good morning. Good morning. If youre at county Detention Center, Peter Manfredonia is finally behind bars after crossing four states. He was caught, booked and brought here and he will remain here until a bond hearing that he will do it via video link at 1 00 p. M. Today. He was apprehended though last night between nine and 10 00, around they are, in the parking lot of a pilot truck stop. It was without incident that the Law Enforcement officials were able to take him into custody. Let me take you back six days to where this all began in wilmington connecticut last friday. You have Peter Manfredonia, a deadly assault with a machete on a 62yearold man. Two days later another homicide in derby, connecticut. He later takes the person he killeds girlfriends car and drive to pennsylvania, where he was spotted on sunday in east strasburg pennsylvania which is where the railroad talkin walkit was taken. Tuesday he pops up in chambersburg pennsylvania, just north of here, in maryland where he is now in hagerstown. When they finally got him come up the Connecticut State Police had this to say about how they got him. Connecticut state Police Detectives utilize social media, technology and good oldfashioned police work in order to track down the suspect. It will be very interesting when he has that 1 00 p. M. Bond hearing because he will be here in the building behind me, behind bars and the judge will be just a few miles away at the District Court and the prosecutor will be by telephone because of the coronavirus precautions. Some media will be allowed in the court room to watch the judge talked to the suspect on video link but they will have to wear masks and they will be socially distance. As for the motive, i will tell you that the family attorney has said this was an honors engineer student, a senior at uconn. No history of violence and it will be interesting to follow this case. But for now, the public is safe and hes behind bars. Sandra Griff Jenkins on that this morning, thank you. Ed fox news alert, the president set to sign an executive order as early as today targeting social media which comes amid a growing dispute with twitter after the platform decided to attach a factchecking link to one of his tweet for the first time, one of the many big issues on the agenda at the white house today. Joining me on the north lawn is press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany. As you know there are now over 100,000 americans who have died from covid19 and joe biden went on camera to say to those hurting, the nation grieves with you. What is the message from the president and you this morning . The president tweeted about this not too long ago, but his heart goes out to some of those families. But the president last week lowered to the flag to halfstaff in anticipation of this number coming up. As a president said that even one death is too many antigrieves for the loss of life. Because of this president we stayed far below that 2. 2 million estimate that was initially out there, the extraordinary effort of the administration and the work of the American People to help keep this month from being much worse than it could have been. Sandra where it is a present believe we are this morning . We are seeing mortality coming down today and at this point we are seeing mortality numbers as low as they were two months ago so, before we really started hitting that peak. Again, this is a testament to the American People. The president said i encourage you to socially distance, wash her hands and take these measures, issued a stay at home order and guidance and coherence with the white house and that saves lives. We are at a better place today as we look to reopen the country and the president should be credited for making the hard choice to shut down the economy and now the right choice to reopen the country. Ed we have more unemployment claims this morning, about 41 million layoffs all told. In that context, i was a going in various states in your eyes . I noticed in california, we have a democratic governor in gavin newsom is pushing work quickly to reopen parts of the economy and there were some critics in his own party saying you are moving too fast. Do you think its boomerangs on some of these democratic governors, the president was critical of them saying they are holding us back and now they are trying to push forward and some of the people in their own party are saying youre going too fast . There have been some models around the country, some governors who have taken action and move forward and shone the nation that they can do this safely. The governor of florida did this the right way, hes shown that he can reopen the country and reopen the restaurants but keep in place these mitigation factors that have been successful so far. As dr. Birx has told me she hasnt seen a correlation between reopening and spikes. We see that datadriven outcomes of the states which have been positive and it has put pressure on some other states to reopen because there are consequences for staying shut down. 120,000 people die of suicide and keeping the country shut down has added consequences so we are encouraged to see that reopening is going well and so many parts of the country. Chicago got a detailed plan from the mirror, Lori Lightfoot on restaurants reopening, a 13 page detailed plan. There is a lot of criticism here in new york for the Governor Andrew Cuomo and the mayor of new york city over their slow walk and slow reopen. The president met with Governor Cuomo yesterday. Can you shed a little bit more light on how that went and how does the president think that the mayor and the governor of new york are doing with this reopen . The governor of new york told the president that he has been doing a fantastic job and noted that. The federal government has been a great partner to new york in this. And im glad you forgot new york because one of the focuses has been on Nursing Homes in particular in new york and i want to be very clear, the governor of new york issued a mandate that all Nursing Homes were to take covid patience. Thats very different than what the cdc guidelines were which said if and only if Nursing Homes can meet the stringent set of guidance should they consider taking covid patience. I know there has been some punting from the governor of new york to the cdc guidelines which were different than the mandate he issued which was clearly not the right decision to make. Ed lets move on to what we talked about at the top in terms of twitter and other social media platforms, this executive order, theres a lot of speculation about it so lets cut through that and get to the facts from you. What will this executive order actually say and what do you hope will be the impact . So i wont get out of the president on that company hasnt signed the executive order yet, it still in the works. What i do want to point to is the reason for this executive order. We have seen some egregious actions by twitter, for them to single out the president s tweet which is a very truthful tweet. You have to ask yourself what kind of political motivation was there in them doing that when they were not signaling, until minutes ago, when i walked out here, they were not factchecking chinese propaganda which was blaming covid on the United States military. There was no factcheck of chinese propaganda but they managed to factcheck in the wrong way the president of the United States. You have to ask when they are hiring people like this man right here who is the head of the site integrity, who tweeted that members of the unite administration are not seen, you have to have answers for this behavior. Sandra jack dorsey takes on that very point. The white house, you, Kellyanne Conway yesterday singling out employees of the company. In a new tweet he says factcheck, someone is accountable for our actions as a company and thats me. Please leave our employees out of this. We will admit to end on any mistakes we make. He says this does not make us an arbiter of truth, our intention is to connect the dots of conflicting statements and show information of dispute so people can judge for themselves. More transparency from us so people can clearly see the why behind our actions. So what does the white house have to win when it comes to singling out employees of the company . So interesting. Twitter wants this to be the standard, they get to factcheck that president of the United States but not factcheck chinese propaganda until we pointed out, and yet we dont get to ask who the factcheckers are. Thats an untenable proposition. Let me know that there are two models here. You have facebook and you have twitter and you have Mark Zuckerberg who says its not my job to be the arbiter of truth. You have that motto and then that dorsey motto which is completely incoherent the way its deployed and not checking chinese propaganda. Ed on the substance of the president s tweets that are in question, the Tampa Bay Times is reporting that you have cast your ballots i believe 11 times by mail and voting. So why is it okay that for you to do it, i understand youre traveling and in a different city but how can we be assured that your votes were counted accurately but when the people do it, its product . The president has been very clear, every american is entitled to vote the way that i did. If you are working out of state and your domicile is in a different state, you are absolutely entitled to request an absentee ballot and cast your ballot by mail. I am entitled to that and the average of fewer is entitled to that, the president has no qualms with that. Hes four absentee voters within reason. If what hes not asking for is mass mailing, where automatically the state sends to all of its voter rolls a ballot. Where in l. A. County you might have 112 of the population registered, ask yourself how that happens, and 112 gets a valid. That leaves 12 subjective fraud. Hes not against the average everyday and american that has the reason for casting their ballots to get an absentee cast in that manner. Sandra okay, thats where the white house stands on that issue. Meanwhile this morning there is continued reaction to bill barr taking on now john bash to rebuild the practice of unmasking both before and after the 2016 president ial election. What is the president saying about that this morning and where does he think that this will ultimately lead us . It should be looked at particularly in the context of fisa. The president said he would be told of fisa bill is sent here for him today because there were real abuses of the system. With a piece of that, the unmasking of Michael Flynn, we know it happens routinely but it doesnt happen routinely by political officials who go on to lick the identity and a crime to the washington post. So that is a real problem that needs to be looked at. The crime was committed, not to mention the steele dossier that was used as a basis for obtaining the fisa warrant. These abuses need to be acknowledged by democrats who have failed to do so, so far. Ed a part of the president s point is he wants equal justice under the law. Lets take that standard to minnesota this morning where as you know overnight the protests were getting more violent and there has been looting. The president to his credit set very quickly, the fbi and the Justice Department, i want them to get on top of this. But protesters are looking at what the local police have done. If you and i were caught on tape choking to someone to death i would assume we will be in prison by now. Why do you think people on the ground feel like there has not been justice and what is the white house going to do about that . What the president has done and i was with him when he ordered this. On air force one he ordered expedited review by the fbi and it was already in review but he ordered it and expedited fashion. He was very upset by that tape, it was an egregious thing to watch, hard to watch. This man deserves justice as the president noted yesterday in his tweet and he directed the fbi to get to the bottom of this, because we should never, ever have to watch a tape like that again, it was appalling. Sandra was a reaction to the white house to these protests turning violent over the night . Everyone has a right to protest, no doubt about that. But it needs to be peaceful. Without looting, i know there was a man who lost his life last night, and our hearts go out to his family. You have the right to protest absolutely but lets are lets work peacefully and in accordance with the law. Ra, Kayleigh Mcenany, we appreciate your time. Sandra thanks. The state department is expected to announce punitive actions against china as beijing approves a controversial new law to limit independence protests in hong kong. Greg palkot is live in london with. This is huge news coming out of china regarding hong kong to secretary of state pompeo, it could be the death nail for hong kong. Beijings rubber Stamp Congress endorsing whats called a National Security act paving their way against sub sessions, and ferguson foreign interference. Thats code for simply stripping hong kong at a special status and side of china. More of your verbal and physical scuffles over another line tended to force the people there to respect their national anthem. In areas of shopping in hong kong we saw the first anger against this move. The Trump Administration has been pretty fast. Yesterday secretary pompeo informed congress that the state department believed that hong kong is no longer autonomous from beijing which could mean they could lose that special trading status which could be bad for hong kong but also for china. Perhaps other sanctions and measures. This controversial act had to go through a few more rubber stamp steps before he got sent to but thats expected to happen in the fall. Weve already seen violent unrest and protest in the last couple of days and i could get more intense next week. Next week is the anniversary of beijings deadliest crackdown in tiananmen square. Finally sandra, let me read a sentence from a Financial Times newspaper oped today that says pretty clearly, hong kong is now the main battleground in the escalating war between china and the United States and its allies. Watch this space. Sandra we will. Greg palkot, thank you. 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Most importantly, we made it for you. Anolon. The ultimate nonstick. Get yours at anolon. Com sandra protests across the country about the outrage of the death of an unarmed black man. The mayor of minneapolis as well as others are going to call for the arrest of the what officer is seen putting his knee on George Floyds neck as he lays on the ground and handcuffed and holding it there for several moments. Demonstrators demanding justice with some of those protests are spiraling out of control. Weve had a number of fires set, we had a good amount of looting, or a bad amount of looting actually. And just widespread civil disobedience. And its unfortunate, its sad. Sandra is joining us now, of course it is sad and its horrific to look at that video. How is a country reacting . Its a horrific set of circumstances. 9 minutes where hes begging, a saying he cant breathe, and his neck hurts, his stomach hurts and his body hurts and he sang repeatedly, i cant breathe, i cant breathe. Is there reason for outrage . You look at that videotape and already there has been reports that george was apparently resisting arrest, but there was no resistance from other videotapes, and there is no evidence of any resistance. That tape was about 9 minutes long where he was begging the officer and saying i cant breathe. The floyd family attorney appeared on the today show and said this. Please get your knee off his neck and have some humanity, this is a human being. So what lies ahead mercedes for that Police Officer . That Police Officer certainly can be charged with murder to or murder three. Circumstances with which they created, and they put the knee on the carotid artery which obviously creates quite an issue for mr. Floyd. As a result he could be facing murder to or murder three which is basically Reckless Endangerment of an individual that leads to death. But its not just the officer thats kneeling on mr. Floyds neck, its also the other officers that are standing around that could also be charged as accessories. They are the ones that are standing around listening to not only mr. Floyd cry out for help but the other bystanders that are filming and also are saying to the officers, stand up. Hes obviously on the ground and having trouble breathing. Weve already restrained him, there is no reason hes not resisting. But those other officers, they were not doing a thing. So not only will that particular officer be facing criminal charges and a likely murder charges, and of course also federal charges that can be brought as well, felony murder charges, they are also other charges for the other officers. They are facing lots of things and frankly the fact that they were terminated, applies to the Police Department that it is so swiftly within 24 hours. There is so much more that needs to be done. Sandra outrage across the country as so many have now seen that video. Mercedes, thank you for coming on with us. Ed in the meantime House Democrats move toward proxy voting. Paving the way for the constitutional class in congress. Plus, a brandnew twist in the psyche of Michael Flynn after the Justice Department widens their probe into the unmasking around the 2016 campaign. No income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2,000 every year. You could start saving, starting with your next mortgage payment. Refi now at these historic low rates. atheand we want to thank times, the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com that Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ed attorney general william barr, with Intelligence Reports using attorney john basch. The Obama Administration officials asked to know the identity of the person communicating with the russian investor who turned out to be incoming National Security advisor Michael Flynn. Richard fowler is a radio talk show hosts. Both are fox news contributors. Katie, i want to start with you. The fact that you have it the attorney general bring in the u. S. Attorney in, and Jake Rosenstein was his first witness and thats more of a fact finding that mission, the senate does not have the ability to prosecute those with wrongdoing. The idea and the fact that the attorney general is now asking an outside u. S. Attorney to look at the case, it signals just as that date in the term investigation which is ongoing that there may be criminal wrongdoing there and if there is, people will be held accountable for it. Now, he said the standard of prosecution very high and hes been very focused on getting things back to the rule of law and of treating everybody equally. But yes, the fact that he is an outside attorney with prosecutorial power, and, they will certainly be looking for the person who did that leaking. Im ed a crime punishable by up to ten years in prison, so thats something that you would expect one would want to get to the bottom of. We know that unmasking inherently is it wrong but certainly the frequency and the motivation and the reasoning behind unmasking can be problematic. When you look at who is unmasking whom can add a lot to understanding and big picture events. Ed and Richard Fowler will be part of that now. The Justice Department is going to be saying we are bringing in outside u. S. Attorney to finally get to the bottom of the unmasking. They are saying there is no there there, its a good step to have a u. S. Attorney, and now thats the fact that everyone can move on. I think thats a great idea. Lets get the facts and lets get a third party. Unmasking is something that although it seems uncommon is actually very common. The decision in 2018 ms 70,000 different individuals. And the Obama Administration was trying to figure out who was talking to the russians after the president decided to make sanctions against them. The unmasking is so bad, why was the Trump Administration continuing that practice . Unmasking is legal by people who have the proper security clearance to do so as long as its not done for political purposes and the names of those people which is classified information are not leaked to the press. That is something that needs to be addressed as well. General flynn has been a highprofile person and he has been devastated by everything hes been through. Just because there are 17,000 unmasking center being done being done under the Trump Administration company and, thats being overused. Ed hasnt general flynn been twisting in the win for them basically years . He has been twisting in the wind. What is created rn where american Citizens Rights are being infringed upon. I dont believe by any stretch of the that the Obama Administration. The mike flynn wasnt a good guy and you probably shouldnt hire him, so i dont think the Obama Administration has hit anything here. Theyve been very open and honest. The day the sanctions are implemented speaks to the fact of why he was likely unmasked. Ed i saw you shaking her head vigorously. Michael flynn was a National Security advisor and it was totally normal for him to be talking to the russian investors all over the world. The other issue is president obama saying that President Trump should not hire Michael Flynn, that happened two days after the obama election because president obama have a personal problem with Michael Flynn. President obama moved to another plan. There was an Oval Office Meeting where president obama says we should be treating him differently and then you have the fbi setting him up and saying do we want to get him to live for perjury and prosecution . And Michael Flynn wasnt about him being a russian agent. Heres the thing. The russians engaged in some kind of election. Number two Michael Flynn for a long time said various strong relationships, and, they are the ones that are currently running the country. The fbi was listening to the phone calls and by the end of september so they have not found no derogatory information. Thats verified but the fbi is not happening. I never said there was. Katie and richard, we appreciate being there. Okay. House republicans meanwhile, good to see all of you, filing a lawsuit against Speaker Pelosi to stop proxy voting. Mccarthy on this program earlier singleseason Voting System violates the constitution. One thing the majority leader said is true, people vote for us. If they do. They vote for us as we expect them to vote for them. They do not expect you to get that vote to someone from another state. Sandra chad pergram joins us now. Good morning. Does that apply if you are voting virtually on capitol hill . Members tell the clerk of the house Cheryl Johnson that they would be absent due to the pandemic and they would then notify Cheryl Johnson. There would be more than 60 members, the first time this is really happened. Thats about onethird of the democratic caucus, 26 were from california alone. I have an elderly mother and we have a caregiver for her, and concern out of her health and out of concern from what we hear from public Health Officials limiting travel. I made a decision to allow myself to vote by proxy. Democratic virginia senator john buyer was popular among his proxies. He had numbers that would call him on his house cell phone, and the absent chief of staff would also confer with buyers chief of staff. The booking institution believes the founders would understand. There were smallpox infestations in the 18th and 19th century. I think they understand this is an extraordinary time period, major pandemic, Health Considerations are paramount and i think they would fully understand and support this type of information. The pandemic can be renewed later this summer if House Speaker nancy pelosi so desires. Keep in mind that article one and section five of the constitution gives both the house and senate the right to develop their own rules. Ed meanwhile, new york city mayor, the mayor has been shutting things down since midmarch. Now the mayor says the city cant bounce back without a bailout from washington. Many men Charles Payne wheezing, next. Heart, soul and money fighting back to coronavirus and often alone without the help of our federal government. Its time for the Memorial Day Sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its the final days to save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Ends sunday. Sandra a big request coming from the big apple as mere bill de blasio ask for state and federal aid in saying new york city will face a multimillion dollar deficit from the pandemic. Charles payne is the host of making money. Good morning to you, im sure you have something to say on that . I do, sandra. If you are too young to remember but one of the most famous newspaper headlines in history is in a daily news, october 30th 1975. Floor to city, drop dead. Heres the ironic thing about it. Although they didnt put it in these exact words, maybe his harsh approach to new york city, maybe that headline made it new york make tough decisions. The Teachers Union built them with 150 million and they did a lot of cuts. By the way, he did come around, and they have to make concessions. The same thing is going to happen, the deficit was 200 billion in new york city. The federal government should not be paying that and obviously there is some way of helping Necessary Services out. I think you will get that, but bill de blasio has got to be very careful not to overplay his hand. Sandra here he is in his own words making the case for these funds. In this city and this state, many cities in many states have borne the brunt. Its gone and its not coming back. The only way to possibly keep the city functioning at keep the services provided, keep people on the payroll, is if you get a really substantial Stimulus Program from washington. Sandra go ahead. Particularly liberal city, and they had a major program. Its been a terrible place to live, and its been a mass exodus out of the city. The city has issues, and now to andrew yang, a voice that we havent heard much from lately, and he tweeted this period of three day weekends are better than to day weekends and i think we can all agree to that fact. We should seriously look at a four day work week. What do you think about that . Its a four day work week. I think its a good idea and im a workaholic workaholic. I put in my 40 hours typically by wednesday evening. The fact of the matter is that most people work a lot. When you are talking about a 40 hour workweek that can certainly be done monday through thursday. I think they would get money into the economy. Thats one of the smarter ideas, and i always told people, this would be the first thing i ran on the four day week week. Sandra you think about what that could do to commuting and mass transportation, maybe it will gain more traction and pick up more steam. All right sandra, thanks. We will see how they are responding, next. Thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Activate your va streamline benefit now. Were returning 2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. Ed in china approving a National Security law for hong kong, one of the prodemocracy protests there. In response the u. S. Secretary of state mike pompeo telling us that hong kong will no longer be considered an autonomous region of china. Good morning. Good morning. When we first broke the story, and when americans hear this their eyes may glaze over. Why does this really matter . What is the significance . Beijing views this as a test of american resolve and they do this on a number of different issues and they have found us failing and previous administrations. Its important to teach the chinese that americans are going to stand up for themselves, they are allies and friends. We have two unteach some bad lessons that previous administrations gave to the chinese. Ed thats a reasonable answer, but then whats the next step . Hes trying to be reasonable with china, and what do you think are some of the next steps . There are exemptions from hong kong, and maybe there would be global sanctions on hong kong officials. And jimmy lai who runs the only prodemocracy newspaper in hong kong told Maria Bartiromo want to say that hed like to see the confiscation of assets of those officials and i think thats probably a good thing. You know, hong kong is in the context of our many disagreements with china and so we are going to see all sorts of actions against beijing because beijing has been attacking us. Ed and theres a lot of talk about a new cold war with china and then i heard steve bannon who was a Senior Advisor in the white house, and he said if we stand up to china it wont be a cold war, it will be a hot war. What do you think about that . Thats probably right. We saw where the u. S. Allowed members to dismember the philippines and what we did was to embolden the worst elements of beijing. They then started to reclaim the islands in the south china sea, and then they went after japan. So basically, beijing made the problem bigger when we refused to confront china on something which was an unacceptable act destabilizing the region. Ed gordon chang breaking down a really big issue for us. We proceeded. Sandra President Trump preparing to announce an executive order on social media. This as facebooks Mark Zuckerberg and twitters jack dorsey sat down with an exclusive interview with our very own dana perino on the Daily Briefing. She will join us live, next. These are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com the roar of a racecar. A secret whispered in your ear. A good joke. At eargo we believe in hearing life to the fullest. But we also believe in tuning out. Tuning out the confusion, the news, the fear, the noise. Tune into your loved ones. 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This map illustrating number of deaths by accounting. President trump marking the occasion saying this. We have just reached a very sad milestone with the virus pandemic thats reaching 100,000, to all of the families and friends of those who have passed i want to extend my heartfelt sympathy and love for everything these great people stood for and represent. God be with you. More on all of this later in our show ed at first another fox news alert. That president expected to sign an executive order as factchecking reaches brandnew levels. Im ed henry. Good morning sandra. Sandra im sandra smith. This executive order would come just a day after trump threatened to regulate and even shut down social media sites for what he is calling silencing conservative voices. And it now, she sounded off on the matter a short time ago. We have seen some egregious actions by twitter for them to single out the president s week which is a very truthful suite. Sandra john roberts is live on the north lawn with all of that. Sources tell fox news that at the center of todays executive order, and what section 2 30 does is protect social media platforms against liability for censuring and removing content from their website. Heres the particular cause, that the white house is really worried about. No provider or user of an Interactive Computer Service shall be held liable on account of any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, sexually violent, harassing or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected. The president wants to curtail those Legal Protections for social media, the president s are tweeting about it and their power to censor. Now they are going absently crazy, stay tuned. The white house and conservatives are increasingly frustrated by what they say is an anticonservative bias on social media platforms. At the president tweeting yesterday, republicans feel that social media platforms totally silence conservative voices and we will strongly regulate or close them down before we ever allow this to happen. The president is also furious that twitter put a factcheck on his suite the other day about the potential for fraud in mailin ballots. Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg disagreeing with that action, and twitter ceo writes, this does not make us an arbiter of truth. We are connecting the dots and people can judge for themselves, or transparency from us is critical soap folks can clearly see the why behind our actions. Its unclear exactly what President Trump could do because a Communications Act was a piece of legislation which would take a new piece of legislation to change. But it is interesting to point out that the president does have some support from the other side of the aisle on this back in january. Former Vice President joe biden saying that section 2 30 of the Communications Decency act should be revoked immediately. I wonder how he feels about it today now that the president is calling for something similar . Sandra a very interesting. Don roberts life of the white house for us. Ed in the meantime and other social media giant is weighing in on the fight between facebook and twitter. We talked to dana perino in an exclusive interview. Watch. We have a different policy i think then twitter on this and i just believe strongly that facebook shouldnt be the arbiter of truth for everything that people say online. I think in general, private companies probably shouldnt be or especially these Platform Companies shouldnt be and the position of doing that. Ed its an exclusive with dana perino. Fascinating interview, good morning. Good morning to you, great to be here. As john roberts was saying from twitter, we just want the facts, we are not the arbiter of truth. But will they actually factcheck democrats like nancy pelosi in addition to the president . Than on the other hand you have Mark Zuckerberg, can he get away with saying, we are neutral here, we are going to factcheck anyone. While its all very fascinating. And when these two trade barbs, they are very gentle barbs like cushions on their boxing. But this is silicon valley. I think its very interesting because people lump twitter, facebook, and snapshot all into one and what these two companies are doing, they are trying to show that they have a different approach. I think that, the fact that twitter decided to use a melon valid tweet in which the start as factchecking, that was shocking to me. Of all the tweets you could have chosen, that was the one . Zuckerberg last fall when we first talked to him in october said it, this was going to be the policy, facebook was not going to weigh in on political speech. They got hit from the left, but john roberts was talking about in regards to joe biden be met about the section 2 30 issue, and i want everyone to understand how mad the left is. And this is a little bit of a tricky road to go down. Twitter is giving a president more fodder for the idea that they dont like conservatives as much. In Mark Zuckerberg perhaps he is thinking about regulations, or perhaps shut down social media sites, what your reaction to that . Look, i would have to understand what they actually intended to do but in general i think a government choosing to censor a platform, because they are worried about censorship doesnt exactly strike me as being the right reflex there. Ed he worked inside a Republican White House and hes right there. So how is this white house going to square down . While we will wait and see, and the executive orders, President Trump overturned a lot of obamas executive orders which made the democrats very mad. The strongest thing is they want to achieve something and they would go to congress and try to pass the law which i dont think would happen between now and the law. I also think these companies, and facebook doesnt want to because of the rules that china would require. Those Freedom Fighters and protesters in hong kong, they communicate by facebook in order to get together. As china makes its move to crack down on hong kong, i asked him about what is his strategy to try to allow facebook to continue operating area . If you are going to be for free speech, you should be for free speech everywhere. Stigma absolutely, we will be watching it, too. Stand by dana, we have a fox news alert. At the mayor of minneapolis is now asking the governor to deploy that minnesota National Guard as a second night of protest over the death of george floyd turned violent and destructive. The protests flared up over this video showing a white minneapolis Police Officer kneeling on floyds. As protest rage now the Police Department is calling for calm. Without a number of fires set, just widespread civil disobedience, its unfortunate and sad. And, to honor the decedent of the family, this isnt how you do. Speak what we want to get justice for this man, and on the other hand the protest is becoming violent. They are getting smashed and alluded and its a very difficult decision. Crossing that line from the protest into a riot is something that doesnt honor the memory of george floyd. And its something that george floyd and his family would not have wanted to see. I think we will be hearing a little bit more of the outcome of the other thing is, leading up to these riots, there have been pretty much universal agreements that these officers should be investigators investigated because the behavior was wrong. So theres a lot of damage, and it slowly the member. This man deserves justice, and has directed fbi to get to the bottom of it because we could never, ever ever have to watch the tape like that again. Ed your final thought on what might come next . There is a disagreement, every time we tell the story we remind our viewers that the video is very hard to watch, and it is. Its important to have watched it but now the important thing is just us and hopefully the riots can get under control. Ed absolutely, dana perino, will be watching at 2 00 p. M. Make sure to tune in, Mark Zuckerberg airing at 2 00 p. M. Eastern and you will see dana as well on the five. Sandra meanwhile the manhunt for a suspected killer, lease finally finding us College Students wanted in two murders. And, President Trump threatens a veto. What will it take to reauthorize surveillance programs . We will ask that of House Minority web Steve Scalise. We have an opportunity to actually create it and we havent done ed a fox news alert, a bond hearing set for that you cant student convicted of killing six people. The sixday manhunt for Peter Manfredonia ended late yesterday when Police Tracked him down the truck stop near hagerstown, maryland. The suspect will face justice and this will bring closure. This is whats important for the families of the victims, the victims all of which have been notified of the arrest immediately after. Connecticut state Police Detectives utilize social media, technology and good oldfashioned police work in order to track down the suspect. Ed the suspect say he killed a man and kidnapped that mans girlfriend. He was later found unharmed in new jersey. With the intelligence bill, the pfizer bill, nobody was really that happy but the fact is, and i say that in all humility, we have to have a bill. If we dont have a bill, then our liberties, our Civil Liberties are less protected. And sandra that was House Speaker nancy pelosi speaking hospital yesterday about the importance of reauthorizing fisa programs. They pulled that schedule amid growing opposition to the hospital and a threat from the president to veto the measure. Joining us now is congressman Steve Scalise. Good morning to go and thanks for being. We got word that fox news reported late last night that you both spoke to the president before all of this and then after the vote was pulled last night. What can you tell us about those conversations with the president on this . Sandra, its good to be with you. This bill is an important tool in our National Security but it was heavily abused. President trump has talked about this and a lot of our members going back to devin nunes go back to the fisa court. There has been no accountability yet. Weve been calling for a long time on real accountability and getting all the facts out, we havent seen all the facts yet and i think the American People deserve to know how this law is important but was abused and that its not going to happen again. So until we can get that assurance this bill was not ready for prime time. I whipped against it yesterday morning and our members came together by and large to recognize that whether you agree or disagree with the fisa court, it was abused by people who are literally trying to start a coup against the president of the United States. This court should not be abused to try to take down a candidate for president that some people over at the fbi disagreed with. Sandra but go back to the threat of the veto by the president yesterday, obviously in between phone conversations that you had with the president and he says this. If the pfizer bill is passed tonight, i will quickly veto it. Our country has suffered through the biggest political crime in history and the American People want to know them based on what you are saying, nancy pelosi on the president , what is it going to take to get real bipartisan reform consummate . Clearly there is more work that needs to be done but there are more facts that need to come out. We need to know everything about how this law was abused. Again, its a tool thats important for National Security but its a court where only one side presents the case and if thats the way it works then that means the people presenting that case need to be honest and forthright and some were not. Clearly, most people over there are good people who do the right thing but some violated their trust with the American Public and there has yet to be accountability. That needs to happen so the people that are over there now that abused the court are not around anymore to abused it in the future. So there needs to be reforms and it needs to be worked out. It wasnt ready to pass yesterday. Sandra all right, now to proxy voting, we had her colleague Kevin Mccarthy on the show this morning saying proxy voting, not what the founders had in mind. He really took on democrats in this issue. Here is denny hoyer, a democrat on the house floor yesterday sharing his views on this and we will get where you stand when we come back. Not a single one of my constituents, not one, voted for me so i would vote in this machine. What they wanted me to do was vote to represent them and they really didnt care how i did that as long as it was accurate. Sandra so where congressman do you stand on this issue . They didnt elect him to have him give his card to nancy pelosi, and thats what 71 democrats did yesterday. 100 showed up to work during the pandemic and at 71 phoned it in. And yet they went to the space launch in florida. My goodness, if you cant even be honest in that form that you couldnt vote, we ought to be showing up to work. If some of you cant get here from some healthful reason, that happens all the time. But to break up 240 years of history, members of congress showed up here to work. People were able to get here from around the nation. Sandra congressman Steve Scalise from the great state of louisiana. We appreciate you coming on. Ed fox news alert, Big New Development on the Michael Flynn case. The attorney Michael Flynn pointing to a new prosecutor to honor obama officials and the unmasking request. And as the covid19 death toll has a grim milestone here at home, we look at the lessons that have been learned and what it means for our nations leaders as we move forward. Last week he lowered the flag to halfstaff for several days, to halfstaff for several days, and as the president has said, even when death is too many. Theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Call newday now. This moment right now. This is our commencement. No, well not get a diploma or a degree of any kind. But we are entering a new chapter in our lives. Our confidence is shaken; our hearts cracked. The kind of a crack that comes from the loss of a job; from life plans falling apart. We didnt ask for it. But we are rising to meet it. And how far weve come isnt even close to how far we can go. We just have to remember how patient we were. How strong we can be. how strong you can be. and remember this; theres a crack in everything for a reason. How else can the light get in . Tomorrow starts today. Sandra Johns Hopkins university and now reporting that more than 300,00 3,100,000e died from covid19. In the meantime to push to reopen is gaining steam across the country and it, they are tracking the latest efforts to revive the Worlds Largest economy. You look at the case counts, more than 1. 7 million cases confirmed here in the u. S. But you also look at another figure, more than 40 million new unemployment claims filed in the u. S. A balancing lives and livelihoods is what the nations governors are having to do. Its a difficult balancing act between protecting the economy and Public Health and the links are not always obvious as it will help officials in arkansas have discovered. We seen an increase in cases and an increase in hospitalizations at the same time that weve opened up some of these things like restaurants and barbershops, beauty shops. But weve not seen a correlation between new cases and of these places that have opened up. Of the active covid19 cases in arkansas, only 1 of patients that such a barbershop in the 14 days before they started showing symptoms and even less than 1 went to a restaurant, church, day care, a hotel or jim come establishments that are recently reopening in that state. Disney is targeting midjuly for reopening its orlando, florida theme parks. Thats a proposal with a phase reopening that would require temperature screenings, face coverings and advance reservations to limit attendance. See world hopes to reopen to the general public earlier on june 11. We know there is demand and we know theres people that want to come out and have a good time with her family and friends. So look. Its not going to be sold out right from the beginning, we know that. But i do think over time people will get more comfortable. The cdc has issued new guidelines to return to work and Office Buildings including increased circulation of outdoor air, advanced planning, daily health checks, staggered shifts and installing transparent shields between personnel when social distancing is impossible. This is likely to be the new normal went until researchers discover a cure or a vaccine. Back to you. Sandra Jonathan Serrie come back to you. We are finding out more about how america is handling the government response. The u. S. Is willing to shut down for three months, but thats about it. Dan henning eric, global contributor of the wall street journal editorial page. Good morning. Ed policing Governor Cuomo say none of the models have really worked, none of them right. The u. S. Is willing to shut down as they said it, but you say public Health Officials have performed well and they need now to get past the blunt instrument of expecting complaints with protocols based on minimize social interaction or risk the erosion of their credibility. Whats your point . The title of my column was after the cobit apocalypse. Lets talk about the projections that Governor Cuomo was mentioning. Back in early march they were projecting the possibility of 2 Million Deaths in the United States and people were indeed dying in seattle and new york and the economy of new york in all 50 states shut down the economy. In the three months since weve had the economy and a 21 million economy shut down for three months and yet, the experience, the effective covid across the United States has really been quite uneven. Some of the biggest states and california outside of los angeles have not had the incident of covert that you had in new york and new jersey. Its natural to me that you have people in states like that saying, its time for us to start reopening our small businesses, and i think thats the same in the country. Joe biden made a Statement Today about reaching 100,000 deaths. This is a fateful milestone that we should have never reached, it could have been avoided. According to a study by colombia university. If the administrations at acted one week earlier to implement social distancing, as many as 36,000 of these deaths might been averted. Ed so hes citing a Columbia University has which is no data, whether its that one, university of washington predictions, and so many of them have been wrong. Do you think voters will appreciate that or do you think they will say why are you secondguessing so much . If Governor Cuomo had made the call two weeks earlier deaths in new york would have been cut by 50 . These are calls that officials were making back then and im not going to secondguess them. I think the reality we have to come to grips with his guests, we have crossed that awful 100,000 deaths milestone but the effect of it has not been nearly as devastating outside of maybe 11 states, new york, new jersey, connecticut and illinois, and seven or eight others. It has not been nearly as devastating and the rest of the country and so the issue before us right now is whether the rest of the country can in fact begin to renormalize their lives and their livelihoods. Ed near the beginning of this crisis, a very wise man wrote i looked it up, it was march 25th. Rallying a nation is what gets president s remembered. You probably remember that wise man being you. How has the president done, how has he met that test . I think he has tried very hard, hes been very positive and probably been guilty of overstatement at times. I think the federal response by and large, the cdc and Infectious Disease people, they have pushed very hard over the past few months to try to get medications to people and get get vaccine trials up and running quickly. By and large i think they have performed very well, dealing with, lets not forget, with a virus who is it reality and science is not well understood. This has been an enormous work in progress for the scientists and people trying to run our response to it. I think the president by and large has pretty strong remarks. Hes been very outspoken about that and now the attorney generals stepping in and widening the probe. He is kt mcfarland a little earlier on the program and i want you to react. The attorney general has chosen three u. S. Attorneys to investigate the investigators, what does that tell you . The attorney general doesnt have a whole have a lot of confidence in his department of justice in washington, d. C. , to do the right thing. Ed a final thought, should the public have confidence now that we will get some accountability and find out what really happened . I think they should have confidence in that, i think the attorney generals on the right track here and the reason for it is, so much of the American Public does not have confidence in what was going on back in that period. The argument has been made that unmasking individuals is routine. Indeed it is. So intelligence people can perform that function. This unmasking extended to the chief of staff, president obama, the treasury secretary and even the ambassador to italy. Thats the sort of thing that erodes the confidence of the American People, that these great powers are being abused and i think thats what bill barr is trying to get to the bottom of right now and i think he should be supportive in that effort. Ed dan heninger, appreciate your thoughts this morning. Thank you. Sandra okay, President Trump appearing to move ahead with a plan to withdraw american troops from afghanistan. What would that mean for an already shaky peace deal with them tell a man. And protest escalating in kong as china improves the new security law extending its control over the territory. How the u. S. State department as a respondent. We will have that for you, next. We want to say no to the security law because the law is for hong kong. We dont have any freedom, any freedom of speech, nothing. Look, this isnt my first rodeo. And let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. 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Look, reverse mortgages arent for everyone but i think ive been round long enough to know whats what. Im proud to be a part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. So you can. Retire better. Ed a man misses a flight in massachusetts and hence over a lot of cash to police, it happened at logan airport. The man was stopped at the security checkpoint when a canine trained to sniff narcotics reacted to his bags. Police found 138,000 after the man reportedly claimed yet 1500. Police are holding the money pending further investigation. The man refused to sign a receipt for the cash and simply left the airport. He had bought a ticket to a known area for selling illegal drugs. President trump we are not acting as soldiers, we are acting as police and we are not sent over there to be policeman, but we were there 19 years. I think thats enough. Sandra President Trump not renewing his calls to bring american troops home from afghanistan. That could be withdrawing u. S. Troops, and lets bring in Christian White and good morning. Is it time for a full exit from afghanistan . I think it is. It was not necessarily to establish a perfect and lasting democracy, it was not to turn the place into beverly hills, but to make sure that they didnt have the capacity to strike us again. That mission has largely been achieved and theres this big question, what have we been accomplished in two months or two years that we havent already accomplished or been able to publish in 19 years . Obviously their original promises were meant to do this as certain conditions were meant to be on the ground. The worst risk is sort of a fall by saigon by saigon scenario, something at the end of the vietnam war, and i dont think there is any real possibility of that happening. There is some genuine resilience in the Afghan Government and they have just finally reached a power power agreement. This is somewhat unprecedented political settlement on the side of the good guys and unlike 1975 with South Vietnam where congress cut off the funding somewhat abruptly, thats not going to happen in this case. So if thats the worstcase scenario i think you will have Something Different happened. Sandra so we will and see what the path forward is. The president asked about the timeline but has not committed to one just yet. Moving forward i want to ask about china approving this plan to rein in hong kong, defying the worldwide outcry over it. Is the statement from mike pompeo yesterday. Saying that the United States once hoped that free and prosperous hong kong would provide a model for authoritarian china, its now clear that china is modeling hong kong after itself. The United States stands of the people of hong kong as they struggle against the ccps increasing denial of the autonomy that they were promised. What happens next with all of this, christian . Of the change the certification yesterday from hong kong is somewhat autonomous to it is not autonomous and that can have a number of consequences like sanctions from some individuals to a trade entity separate from the mainland. They have a much better preferential treatment on tariffs, and i think you will see Something Different in the approach that will be more measured at first. What you will see it in hong kong is the sustaine sustad dissent. We will continue you to see that this, and what we have heard from the president as far as his blame on china for all of this. How would you describe the current tensions between the United States and china, looking at two of the largest economies and where things stand this morning . Very tense but i think there is an inclination in the Mainstream Media and the western world to sort of blame that on President Trump. Its the one that has not come clean about the full origins and the extent of the virus which originated in wuhan. Its the one who is engaged in hyper aggressive diplomacy and its the one that provoked the border conflict with india as a way of distracting from this. We know what its doing in hong kong. And then coming up fairly soon, china in the trade deal that is signed with the United States, the socalled phase one trade deal is not complying with that deal so i think you may see that go by the wayside, potentially after the election. Basically a new cold war but its china that brought us to this point, not like u. S. Or our allies. Sandra Christian White and, thank you for your time this morning. Ed listen to this. Lots of people in iowa dumping debit cards with their stimulus payments on them because they thought the cards were fake. How lawmakers are now trying to help those who trash their cash. And, when you can see the americanmade rocket take flight in the president s plans to return coming up. Its nice seeing people being kind to each other. Sandra fox news alert, nancy pelosi just weighed in on the feud between President Trump and twitter saying that she likes twitter putting the factcheck on the president s tweets. Lets listen. What the president is doing, its almost same people who have been in cahoots with each other, is there no honor among thieves . Thats what it comes down to. Theyve all exploited the truth. And some have made money off of it and some have made Political Capital off of the misrepresentation sandra as you can hear she just suggested that social Media Companies for at least some are in cahoots with the administration and she went on to accuse facebooks Mark Zuckerberg of pandering to the white house. That was nancy pelosi a moment ago and she also weighed in on that situation in florida and, george floyd who died at the hands of police there. She said we did see a murder on tv. Shes been asked if she is been tested and she said no after a recommendation and being advised not to buy the capital position. Nancy pelosi making headlines just a moment ago. Ed in the meantime nasa scrubbing in a Historic Mission right before lunch yesterday. The spacex was delayed yesterday due to unfavorable weather. There he is, still waiting. Space history will just have to wait a little bit longer. After escalating excitement hour after hour after hour as we approach launch time. Every step of the way went perfectly all day long. Bob bacon suited up, hopped into the capsule, strapped in and checked all the systems and all technical aspects of the rocket, capsule and launch systems were all good. So the lunch officially all day long was it a go. But it all depended on the weather. There was several rounds of heavy rain, dark clouds, lightning and thunder and even a Tornado Warning which impacted Kennedy Space center and the launchpad. Here in this particular space we had simply too much electricity in the atmosphere. It wasnt a Lightning Storm or anything like that but there was a concern that if it did launch i could actually trigger lightning. Tens and tens of thousands of people crowded onto the beaches, and due to coronavirus and social distancing concerns. They came anyway for what ended up being a bummer. I thought maybe we could shoot the gap and i feel like with ten more minutes we could have but unfortunately do to conditions and constraints of the launch, now my day is kind of ruined. The next launch attempt for the spacex rocket is saturday at 3 22 p. M. If thats scrubbed to come sunday at 3 00 p. M. At the chance of good weather for both days is just 40 , more rain in the forecast. Ed phil keating, thank you. We will be waiting. Sandra its been a while since the American People could just go out shopping so what will retail eventually look like when all those stores for at least some of them are able to reopen. We will have that next process and refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 every year. Call my team at newday usa right now. An herbal stress reliever ashwagandha, that helps you turn the stressed life. Into your best life. Stress less and live more. With stressballs. We know youre always at univethere for them. X, thats why our advisors are always here for you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. And my side super soft . Yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . 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They said, if anything, they are benefiting from consumers during the pandemic, they are considered an essential story. They saw sales increase to the best theyve seen in the past 14 years as dollar tree has decided they are going to be opening up 500 more stores. Do you think as discounts have been will be going online . I spoke to one expert saying amazon may not be the winner. Listen in. Online was winning until price gouging, and now its moving to online bricks and clicks, on a channel, kristina come people buying online and picking up in store versus uniquely buying online. The key is survival mode. Retailers will have to adapt. That means value at a discount. Back to you guys. Sandra christina, thank you. Thats address. Ed im going to take tomorrow off, but ill see you on monday. Sandra ugh will see a monday. Have a safe weekend. Ed, thank you. Outnumbered starts right now. Harris we begin with this fox news alert. Chaos erupted in minneapolis as protests have taken a violent turn. Demonstrators clashed with police, who fired back with tear gas and rubber bullets. The protests raged for a second straight night. Stores looted, building set on fire, as outrage grew over the death of george floyd, a white Police Officer knelt on floyds neck for 9 minutes. Floyd died later in custody

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