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Have been protesting in iran for the past couple of days protesting both the shootdown in the iranian coverup of that shootdown stooges of the United States. Just for good measure he added that European Countries were contemptible u. S. Servants. Clearly, khamenei was trying to regain control over the narrative after these troubling events in iran and in the region for the past couple of weeks. If anybody was expecting a conciliatory note, they did not come through. Sandra and bill . Bill we will see what happens. From, leading our coverage today. The speaker we have asked for four fact witnesses. They are not democrats, they are the president s men. The top advisors will be appointed. The houses hour is over. The senates time is at hand. Sandra after weeks of delays, the impeachment trial of the president officially underway in the senate. The battle over witnesses is only heating up. Complete coverage of it all for you this morning, and just moments we wer we will hear fror federal prosecutor and encourage it. We hear from chad pergram on capitol hill. Chad . Good morning cassandra. They will spend the weekend prepping their case, that they will present to the senate next week. One of the biggest questions is whether or not the senate will entertain evidence from love part of us. Hes an associate of rudolph giuliani, he let his wrongdoing by the president. Listen. I think because i was on the ground there and he was over here. Here. Youd be willing to testify . I would be very willing to testify. Its a very thorny question about whether or not the senate will actually hear from witnesses. It will be decided later on, is what we are told. Here is a republican kentucky senator rand paul. I think the buttons are as corrupt as the day is long, but it will tell you my fear is this is not an ordinary vote. Everybody in the country is watching. Two democrats, this is a question of fairness. Whether or not the senate is actually conducting the senate trial in the fairway. Thats why democrats like the minority leader Chuck Schumer are going to continue to amp up pressure on republicans. If you believe the truth is right, and the truth prevails, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and what we saw in the chamber this afternoon gives me some hope that a number of our Senate Colleagues will rise to the occasion. We want the truth, and maybe some republicans will rise to the occasion. Like any other trial, you have briefs. There are deadlines for these briefs to be filed. The house of representatives, their deadline is tomorrow, saturday. On monday the administration has an opportunity to file its brief, and if the democrats in the house and the senate want to return fire and rebut with the administration has sent out, they have to file something by noon on tuesday. The trial formally begins into opening arguments and so on and so forth at 1 00 on tuesday. What we still dont have as a resolution from the Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, establishing the parameters of the trail. ;pi0b the minority leader Chuck Schumer has been very critical of that, so you want something else. The fact that he hasnt seen that resolution is a big sticking point. Sandra . Sandra a lot to keep track of. You are the guards do it. Chad pergram, thank you. Bill Andy Mccarthy joins us. Good morning to you on a friday, get debbie back with us today. Lets look at perhaps the senators and their public inside that are most critical. Susan collins, mid romney, lisa murkowski, Courtney Gardner , lamar alexander. I tend to believe having Additional Information would be helpful. It is likely i would support a motion to call witnesses at that point in the trial just as i did 1999. Is that significant from her was a consistent . I think its consistent, bill. I think its about what you would expect. No legal proceeding and we also have to say at the outset that this is not a judicial proceeding, its a senate trial, so its more political than legal but no proceeding of this kind starts with a guarantee of witnesses. Weeks is both sides will make your case about whether this was an Impeachable Offense or not. When you get witnesses and testimony outside with the lawyers say, its because one side or the other, to the satisfaction of the tribunal, to resolve an issue in the case that needs to be resolved, you need to get Additional Information. To be more concrete about it, to my mind, i assume for argument sake of the president put pressure on the ukrainians to get these accommodations. I dont think it rises to an Impeachable Offense on circumstances were nothing happened. I would assume, if it were me, that even if these witnesses came in and testified, absolutely President Trump was knowledgeable of the fact they were putting pressure on the ukrainians to get this investigation of the bidens. To me, it would not be an Impeachable Offense. I wouldnt need to hear the testimony. I assume its as bad as it gets from the president and its still not an Impeachable Offense. Senator collins may not feel that way. That, because the president has said again and again that it was all perfect and there was no quid pro quo, she think the record needs to be completed with respect to the witnesses who can speak to that. Perhaps if she hears that, she still gets to the conclusion that if she feels the case was thats an unreasonable position. Bill her position was she supported additional witnesses, yet still voted not guilty as a republican senator against the democratic president , then bill clinton. That was her final verdict. Bill, its important to them not only that you reach the right result but that the proceeding has integrity. If thats where shes coming from, i dont think thats an unreasonable position. Bill i have heard you say repeatedly you are of the mind the senate should send the case back to the house, continue the investigation, then come back again another time. Is that realistic, given the factors . No. Look, theyve sworn in the chief justice of the United States to preside over a trial that is going to start on tuesday. The fact that i believe no thats a situation where the they are in the grand jury investigating the same defendant and publicizing the new evidence they are putting out, which prejudiceds the trial. That would not happen in a normal case. This is not a normal case. They are going to start on think senator mcconnell is aware of the game being played. There will be an effort to confine this proceeding to the two articles of impeachment that up and returned a month ago. Bill ive got 30 seconds left. Lev parnas. Do senators on both sides really want to hear from him . What do you think . I dont know that they want to hear from him in the public trial. There may be a desire to interview him. I would be surprised if it happens, bill. I still think hes leveraging his importance, potentially, as an impeachment witness against the prosecutors in the Southern District of new york where hes looking at a case and youd like to get that dismissed. Thats what his real agenda is here. Bill andy, thank you. Andy mccarthy, and analysis on the spot there is always. We will talk to you next week. Thank you, andy. 1bihs7, off officially. We dont get it until a couple days later. Wednesday, thursday. Sandra the battle over these witnesses, will they or will they call more witnesses . That is certainly heating up as the day goes on. Meanwhile, james comey under scrutiny yet again. New reports this morning saying hes the focus of a new doj leak investigation. We will have the specifics of that. Bill also this indicted giuliani associate leveling stunning allegations against the president s legal team. Republican mike turn i will respond to that and more. Plus, theres this. Were they telling you to sacrifice yourself in order to protect the president . Thats how i felt. Ok, balanc. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. A former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. Whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. She can even pick her payment plan so its easy on her budget and her life. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa. I felt awful. Because of my psoriasis. I was covered from. Head to toe with it. I was afraid. To show my skin. Every time i moved my arm. My skin cracked and bled. It really hurt. Then i started. Cosentyx. That was four years ago. How are you . Now, i dont really think about it. See me. Cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting. Get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections. And lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine, or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. I look. And feel better. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. Bill 14 past the hour, irans Supreme Leader praising westricks missile attacks on iraqi bases housing u. S. Forces, the pentagon now confirms 11 americans were hurt in that assault. Ohio republican mike turn become a member of the House Armed Services committee, with me in studio. Welcome back to new york. First on this matter, how do you read this . The seriousness of the attack. We all as americans pause what we heard the missiles flying into where we had men and women in harms way. We know that their families were watching and concerns it would be deaths or injuries. We are now learning that there are injuries, those who are being checked for concessions. I think it really shows that iran intended in this action, and this response, to hurt or harm americans. Bill based on reports they could be returning to the field after they are treated. Do you see the story with james comey lis late last night . Will put this appear. Justice department investing don might give usold leaks. Investigating the leak about a russian intelligence document, and they appear to be focusing on whether the former fbi director james comey the issue i think we all understand is that during james comeys leadership at the fbi, there were continuous leake occurring of information that wy critical to both United States and to individuals. James comey was certainly a suspect at a lot of those, and now you see one rising to the level where they may have evidence of james comey during his tenure at the fbi, they traded in information, trying to manipulate both the media and the American Public. Its shameful. Bill the suggestion is that comey was the leaker when he ran the agency. There are other instances where there were memos, where he interviewed tribe or leak them after he had left the fbi. We see a pattern here of comey using information bill does this come from the ag bill barr . The ig report, horowitz, or possibly the ongoing case that involves the prosecutor john durham . What is your aunt on that . It could be coming from john durhams continuing end investigation. Youll see much more that comes out of that. Once they look at the evidence connecting the dots of the inappropriate leaking of information that occurred, and comeys interventions, i think we will see additional evidence of comey being the source of these leaks. Bill you are obviously in the house, your sayso for the moment on impeachment has been how should we say it . Muted . Diminished. Bill okay, diminish. Better word, thank you for that. Here is lev parnas on a second night of interviews on msnbc. I had a meeting with john dowd inside the jail. Instead of comforting me, he basically starts talking to me like a drill sergeant and giving the orders. Like, be a good way. Bill parnas is talking a lot. Youve heard a lot about it. What you make of it . These individuals have suspect credibility anyway. He is certainly under indictment. But the question you have here, just like the information that was sent over to the senate, you have a bunch ofu 8e1 p evidence. People conjecturing asked with the president of the United States thinks or says. Thats how you end up with impeachment thats been sent over that is a carless impeachment. The abuse of power articles that have been sent over, which i think its very dangerous precedent. If the adam schiff regime with nancy pelosi had believed a crime that occurred there, impeachment articles would have alleged one. Bill obviously the president was asked about yesterday in the oval office. Heres how he reacted. Hes trying to probably make a deal for himself. I dont even know who this man is, other than i guess he attended fundraisers, so i take a picture with him. Bill we clearly know that he worked with giuliani. How well does the president know a and how significant do you think that should be . As you sign the impeachment hearings, you have the parade of individuals who conjecture what is going on the white house. We will see others. I think the democrat Message Machine is going to, instead of focusing on the trial in the senate, its going to focus on how we parade people in front of the media. I think you will see a continuation of this. Bill what about the senate trial . If they look at the case that hearsaybased even nancy pelosi herself and said its a hearsaybased case and they look at the articles themselves that alleged abuse of power and no crime, i think they will feign dont mike find them constitutionally and affectionatelfactuallydeficient. Theyll look at all the information fresh. We have months, looking at the information. I think they will come to the same conclusion that certainly we did on the republican side of the house, which is they dont allege a crime, woul which the constitution required. Basis for impeachment. Its all hearsay case. Speaks of you covered a lot. Thank you, mike turner. Nice to see you in person as always. Sandra, whats next . Sandra is impeachment drowning out the big walk up to the Iowa Caucuses . Why our own howie kurtz is the Mainstream Media could be devaluing the first president ial contest. And Lori Loughlins lawyers back in court today and that College Admissions scandal. We will have the details that are now emerging from her emails, that could turn out to be pretty embarrassing for the defense. Looking to get your business off to a fast start in the new year . Its go time switch to comcast business and get fast internet on the nations largest gigspeed network. Plus, complete reliability with 4g lte backup. And, cloudbased security to help protect the devices on your network. Greenlight your business in 2020 with fast internet and voice for 64. 90 per month. Switch now and get a 100 prepaid card when you add comcast business securityedge. Call today. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Bill a pickup truck heading another vehicle before slamming into a starbucks in illinois, causing bill a pickup truck heading another vehicle before slamming into a starbucks in illinois, causing the billing to partially collapse. 555 people injured. It happened in mchenry come out west of chicago. The cause that crash is now. Khamenei note to some brandnew developers in the College Admissions scandal. Later this morning, attorneys for where loftin interested back in court over varsity blues. This as some setting emails come to light. Molly line is following that case for us from boston. Hey, molly. You want to come center. The College Admissions scandal moves forward with the status conferences today. The defendants are not required to attend, so we expect essentially a room full of suits. There are two hearing slated, one for the coaches and administrators and other involved in the scandal. The parents are expected to have their attorneys go to the judge with a status hearing. Earlier, prosecutors also dumping a trove, huge number of documents, nearly 500 pages, related to the case. Accusing stomach including against loaded often in her fashions that her husband, mossimo 316. Including an exchange between giannulli and then the missions official in september of 2016. The official offers to flag giannullis daughters application and provide a customized tour of the campus with family. Giannulli, who processors dome i prosecutors allege was working to cheat his daughter into u. S. He is a fake athletic recruit, replied. Thank you so much, i think we are squared away. Later the official urges giannulli, if you would ever like to discuss the impact, please let me know. That night giannulli since the exchange to his wife, noting the nicest ive been at blowing somebody off. Another interesting document found in the trove of documents showed u. S. Emissions officials asked the former usc Athletic Director to look into suspicions raised by high schools regarding some students being admitted as athletic recruits, including laughlins daughters. The official rights, the schools dont think either of the students are Serious Group serious crew participants. Prosecutors allege that at that time the administrator was actually in on the scam. So far 14 defendants have been sentenced, one coach and 13 parents. They face a range of sentences from probation to home confinement to six months in prison. Trials are yet to be scheduled but they are expected to begin sometime this spring. Sandra what a case. Thank you, molly. Bill the feds meanwhile calling out century policies. Wife authorities argue they are making the streets less safe. We will check in on that. Sandra more on the battle over impeachments, and witnesses being called. Republicans are in on the issue admit accusations of a cover up a democratic congresswoman Debbie Dingell will be our guest live. Its not about president term, its not about the constitution, its not about a fair trial. So i do need witnesses . He just wants power. Partially collapse. 555 people injured. It happened in mchenry come out west of chicago. The cause that crash is now. Khamenei note to some brandnew developers in the College Admissions scandal. Later this morning, attorneys for where loftin interested back in court over varsity blues. This as some setting emails come to light. Molly line is following that case for us from boston. Hey, molly. You want to come center. The College Admissions scandal moves forward with the status conferences today. The defendants are not required to attend, so we expect essentially a room full of suits. There are two hearing slated, one for the coaches and lly in on the scam. Oangmso muche president term, its no bill 9 30 o on the friday come on fox news alert now come opening bell on wall street. We will see it jump here at the open, and we are seeing stocks opening higher. Corporate earnings are good yet again. Good Growth Numbers out of china finally. The trade deal that passed in the senate this week. All that goes into the mix. It should cook out a pretty good day. Sandra, we have worked if this thing for what, two years . Every day at 9 30. In the gems we have seen over the past couple of years have been phenomenal. Out 30,000, it could happen as soon as next week. Passed 29,000. If you get a really good here, lets say you get a jump of 10 . In the election year, a lot of time for us, with regard to the election and how it affects the economy. Look at the nasdaq. Its at 9200. If you pop 10 , you are talking 10,000. Thats an extra ordinary number. Sandra Charles Payne will join us next hour. He talked about the fundamentals, that this wasnt just a moment to move or an emotional play. That there are fundamentals, and backing that up as a new housing under this one. Housing starts are. Thousand market is looking strong. All of that driving stock market. Bill i tell you, with your business background, fox business and bloomberg, and my curiosity about whats happening, this is like we talked about during commercial breaks. Sandra you love to look at those stocks bill its an interesting reflection of what the American Economy and businesses are doing. Its her in front of us, good news. Sandra a lot of investors missed that rally. Charles saying its not too late to get it now. Youll join us next hour. If the senate doesnt permit the introduction of all relevant witnesses, and of all documents that the house once introduced, the senate is engaging in an unconstitutional and disgusting coverup. The senate is on trial as well as the present. Speed battling out over witnesses will be called in the speech or trial. Joining me now is mcdonald mike michigan congresswoman Debbie Dingell. She joined us now. Congresswoman, good morning to you pretty good debbie here this morning. Where do you stand on whether or not witnesses should be allowed to be called . What i think is really important now is the American People are able to witness a fair trial. Weve got to see the evidence brought forward during this trial, and have seen a lot of new information. As we took the vote in the house in december. Some of this information has come forward. People say, why didnt you have it connected you move too fast . Some of this has simply come forward because the freedom of information, media have found the stories. Are people who have not been before the house because the president was refusing to allow Administration Officials to testify. In the case of john bolton he was waiting to see how the courts ruled on his number two. I think if the senate wants to have a fair trial, they want to make sure they are looking at all the facts. If the president is innocent or he thinks there are things we didnt see when we were considering this in the house, he should want there to be witnesses. Sandra the response that from republicans, congresswoman, would be nancy pelosi made the case there was enough evidence. And youve heard from enough witnesses in the house. Thats why she brought it up to a vote and send it off to the senate. One a prosecutor filed the case to go to court, they are allowed to bring new evidence in. What you do then, once charges are placed, is that you are continuing to collect evidence. I wish some of these Administration Officials had appeared before the house. For me, what turned me i keep reminding people, last summer i was under enormous pressure, starting with tom steyer and has 40 ads, to come out for impeachment. I know how divided this country is. I think this is a very sad day for america. I really scared as i watch this come forth in january. We got to figure out a way we will come together after this. But nobody is above the law. When you have an inspector general, trumpappointed, say it serious, its urgent, its a danger its credible, a danger to National Security, i had to look at things differently. I think that is the lens, the senate has to look at this. Look at the facts, treated fairly. How do we do this in a manner that come at the end of this, whichever way it goes, we come back together and quit dividing this country to or that we all need to be leaders and try to bring this country back together. Sandra i hear you, congresswoman, saying you want a fair trial in the senate. Ultimately the rules have to be made. The debate and battle is whether witnesses get called. So where do you stand on that . Do you want to come over witnesses . I think there should be witnesses. Just yesterday, look at what happened in one day with ukraine, the government melissa do you want to see . John bolton . I think jumbled in the somebody. I would like to see Mick Mulvaney. I think the chief of staff should testify in the house. Sandra if democrats are allowed to call john bolton, Mick Mulvaney, and or others, obviously your republicans will say, all right, we want dr. Biden, joe biden, adam schiff. Where you stand on that . Adam schiff is there as a manager. On the case of hunter biden and joe biden, we are not investigating joe biden and hunter biden in this particular. The charges against President Trump and taking funds and using them for his own political purposes. Im not going down that rabbit hole. This case is not about the Vice President , the former Vice President , or his son. This is about the facts related to these charges. And what the Vice President did or did not do, that is not with us about. Everybody wants to obfuscate or try to threaten each other. Lets stay with the facts. To the president try to impact the outcome of our elections with official money . We should all care about having fair and free elections, and fair, open, transparent trials. Sandra let me end with this piece, published in the new york post. The body controlled by the party desperate to impeach the president wants to outsource its work to the body controlled by the party that rejects trumps impeachment. This is a cockamamie demand that is a of a piece with the houses attitude to the senate proceedings. We are going to brush the impeachment, but dont dare rush the trial. You understand the spheres, obviously, congresswoman. I dont think you are rushing to trial by calling witnesses. I think, as i made the point before, we all know that when a prosecutor presses charges they continue to collect evidence. This is the opportunity, this is the child. The complete set of evidence on both sides. The president can bng to have the opportunity to hear both sides and hear the facts. We want an open, transparent, fair trial. Sandra final question, because i have to go. Jerry nadler and some democrats, even nancy pelosi has made the case, if the g. O. P. Does not give in to the demands of democrats to call forward witnesses like john bolton, that this is the cover up. Do you agree with that . I think i want a fair and open trial. The senators on both sides of the senate have sworn to be objective. I will let the senate hold a fair and open trial and know that each of those 100 people are taking that oath of office care about our country and our good americans. Sandra congresswoman Debbie Dingell, i appreciate your time this morning. Thank you very much. Bill u. S. Attorney speaking out against San Franciscos century city policy, saying it makes the city streets lead dont like less safe. Caught a counted live in the streets of San Francisco to write this down. We are in the heart of one of San Franciscos most dangerous neighborhoods. This is the tenderloin where brazen drug dealing and other crimes take place every single day. Ironically, just outside the doors of the federal offices of the fbi and the department of justice. U. S. Attorney David Anderson has made cracking down on crime he could get this came at a top priority. While the feds have made more than 100 arrests since august, anderson says more could be done. Were it not for century policies that he claims shield criminals who may be in the u. S. Illegally. The integration sanctuary is being allowed to become a drug sanctuary admitted getting sanctuary and the Human Trafficking sanctuary. Thats what concerns me. I think this is part of the pattern of not being happy with sanctuary ordinances from the Trump Administration. Back in the 1980s, while at the and other supporters deny that protections for otherwise lawabiding legal immigrants card from local police from worg aside filler officers. Critics say a sanctuary has led to police who dont want to risk arresting somebody might get deported. The cops are reluctant to work with the feds because they dont want that one example to be used, that headline or San Franciscos violating sanctuary city policies. So you dont see that cooperation. The distrust runs so deep San Francisco quit the Fbis Joint Terrorism Task force in 2017, citing concerns over immigrationrelated arrests. Despite repeated police from federal officials, there is no indication that the Police Commission intends to renew that federal partnership anytime soon. Bill . Bill thank you, claudia. Claudia cowan there and tenderloin the, in downtown San Francisco. Thanks. Smitty . Sandra the National Championship Football Team lsu tigers heading to the white house today. The newlycrowned champs will be with the president. Monday night, 4225 and a mustsee game. President trump was at that game, and he will get to congratulate the team in person. Sandra they should invite you down we will have it on the show. Its happening 11 00 a. M. Eastern time. Stay with it. Bill i wore my time for you. Sandra youve got the lsu purple on good stuff. Bill only weeks to the start of the primary season, but impeachment dominates the headlines. What our next guest says the walltowall trial coverage could devalue the results in iowa. Howie kurtz makes his case next. Depend® fitflex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Because, perfect or not, lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. I felt gross. It was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. Four years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. The house will begin a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump. Speak of the House Judiciary Committee is about to hear historic testimony oon the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump. House democrats unveiled two charges against President Trump. Hes only the third president in the nations history to be impeached. Bill a bit of a sample over the past 24 hours, only 60 days from iowa. Howard kurtz writes this at foxnews. Com. The media, whose usual fixation on my way has been equipped with their position with impeachment, are very likely to devalue the caucuses. The media will be grading the eye will result on the curve, muffling its usual impact under the roar of impeachment. Hes with me now to talk about this. How are you doing, sir . Good morning to you. He said they are being downgraded. Make your case and ive got a few things coming back your way. I bet you do. I was using this giant booster rocket from her whoever wins, but this time i think its going to be grounded. The winners not going to bask in the week of positive profiles because the very next morning its going to be back to the impeachment trial. And if joe biden or Pete Buttigieg wins the caucuses, the media will slap an asterisk on this mysteries saying that the process unfair to Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar because they retained their senate desk and not bill fair point on biden and buttigieg. You will see how that unfolds of their winners. But if sanders and warren win you make the case that they will say they overcame huge obstacles to win. If one of the senators win, thatll be a plus because they will be able to spend much time in the state. Look a little coverage iowa is getting now, except for the 14 seconds when bernie and elizabeth were calling each other liars after the cnn debate. We arent seeing them campaigning or doing interviews, everything is impeachment. Will they be witnesses connect lev parnas allegations. The whole thing is kind of muffled. I understand why its a historic third president ial impeachment in american history, but its really kind of pushing iowa off bill when you wake up in the morning of her. Fourth you have a winner, somebody comes out there with a silver medal. I can rewrite the terms of this contest. To do that every time in iowa. If it wasnt for the iowa caucus i dont think jimmy carter would have become president or barack obama. Im not complete discounting was going to win. Maybe this is not such a bad thing, kind of a reality check. Iowa has 45 delegates out of 4900 plus that are being sent to the convention. So maybe this is kind of a reordering. But it is a largely white, rural state that is not reflective of the whole country. So the press hype always seems a bit out of proportion. I just think regardless remember, next tuesday cable news goes walltowall with the senate trial. Its very difficult for these candidates. Ironically they are running against him trombetta at the the same time he is nominating bill that minimum we can say this triable left two weeks, right . That bumped right up to the iowa caucus and probably overlaps it. Back to your point on iowa, you say the fact remains and you just said this that predominantly white rural status unrepresentative of the country. I would argue you have to start somewhere. After all, i will give birth to the campaign of barack obama in 2008. The great thing about iowa ive covered so many of these carcasses the voters take it seriously. They learn the issues, theres a great organizing test, it looks a little known were not terribly wellfunded candidates to pull off an upset. I think the value of the upset is not going to be what it is, what usually is, because all of us are so focused on the term trial. Bill thank you, how e. Check it out at foxnews. Com foxnews. Com. Good luck with the new new s. Bill to be a stranger. Hows that come is that a deal . Deal. Bill thank you. Speed hes got another hour to go more fallout on the baseball cheating scandal. Metz manager Carlos Beltran is already out of a job before managing a single game for the team. And the regulation robot, what a new rule could have big indications for faithbased health care providers. We will have the details on that next. The driving fact is that we have President Trump some of the greatest protector of religious liberty who has ever sat in the oval office. Im your mother in law. And i like to question your every move. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. And thats saving me cash with drivewise. My son, he did say that you were the safe option. And thats the nicest thing you ever said to me. So get allstate. Stop bossing. Where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. This is my sons favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. Amandas moms appointment hello mom. Just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. Get the right care. Right at home. Speaks of a new fallout in the Major League Baseball sign ceiling schedule. The mets firing their manager, Carlos Beltran, only days after he was linked to the controversy. He spent last season as a player with houston two years ago during the championship drive. He is now the third manager removed since the scandal broke. He joins the astros manager a. J. Hench to lose his job. Red sox manager alex coro to lose his job. Cora was a bench coach with the astros in houston. Sandra the Trump Administration proposing a rollback of an obamaera policy, that policy forces faithbased providers to tell patience if they dont offer Certain Services like abortion and refer them to other providers that do. Joining us now is dr. Marc siegel. Dr. Siegel, good morning. Hi, sandra. Sandra first of all, what is and 56 page rule that has been released . One of the details of it . They are reversing with the Obama Administration had put in place. As you just said, the Church Providers that dont provide abortion, they dont even advertise anything about it, or contraception, under the current law they have to provide referrals to people who do. They have to have a rolodex and say, here somebody who could do your abortion. Thats currently. Hhs and the trumpet Trump Administration say its discriminatory. Anyone who gets federal funds as to provide these referrals. Heres why its discriminatory ill have to do it. If i say i dont believe in abortion and i want to refer some before an abortion, i dont have to. Only if im a church provider. Sandra got it. Under the First Amendment and other laws, the Trump Administration is saying thats discriminatory. By the way, theres a lot of other precedents for that. I dont have to believe in hair transplants, obviously, but i dont have to refer people for them. I dont have to refer people for botox. Patience know where to go. This is under the idea that patience dont know where to go. Sandra lets give a sense of what they are saying. Alex azar, hhs, President Trumps administration, taking historic action to provide comic print providers from discrimination. They go on to say it makes it clear in the federal government cannot discriminate against people and institutions based on how they live out the dictates of their faith. I completely agree with that. I think itll cause a big controversy, and this will be fought out of the courts, but i think its clear that the government shouldnt reach in and tell doctors like me how to practice medicine. I may have a philosophy that guides how i practice. How i heal. Sandra whats the other side of this, though . In this particular piece it cites ethics experts warned this could deprive patience and social Service Clients of information. That the other side of it, its a great point. The study showed that the Catholic Church does not put on the website that they dont provide the services. Sandra all good information. We appreciate it, thank you. Bill that senate trial in washington, trey gowdy is our headliner. We will put questions to him coming up. Come onll back. Verything. Thats ebates new name. Rakuten, it gets me cash back at tons of stores and i just shop like normal. Thats ebates. Ive told you fifteen times, weve saved like five hundred dollars last year. Rakuten is changing my life, i get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. Youre talking about ebates. Look, if you use my referral code you get ten bucks, i get twenty five. This is a pretty good deal to me we should probably sfx [blender] smoothies ready. Awesome. Ebates is now rakuten, sign up today and get cash back on everything you buy. Americans come to lendingtree. Com to compare and save on loans, credit cards and more but with the new lending tree app you can see your full financial health, monitor your credit score, see your cash flow and find out how you can cut your monthly bills. Download it now to see how much you can save. Sandra fox news alert now, the Senate Opening the impeachment trial of President Trump. As we hear more obligations from the indicted former associate of rudy giuliani. Multiple interviews now. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Bill im bill hemmer. Last hour hour together, kid. Lets rock it. Chief Justice John Roberts swearingen senators, only the third time in our nations history. This is the one time giuliani associate lev parnas claiming an attorney made a visit to him in jail and asked him to fall on his sword. I didnt feel they were trying to get me out. At that point, i had a meeting with john dowd inside the jail. John dowd, instead of comforting me and trying to calm me down, telling me its going to be okay, dont worry, basically starts talking to me like a drill sergeant. If you dont get out of here right now, something bad is going to happen. At that point downing hit the emergency button. Where they tell you to sacrifice yourself in order to protect the president . Thats what i felt. Sandra lets get right to it with our headliner this morning, trey gowdy. Former House Oversight Committee Chairman of Fox News Contributor. Thanks for being here. What is your response when you hear that . I would encourage your viewers to listen to the entire interview, not just the snippets. Remember, parnas was upset because he expected giuliani and trump to come to his defense. This is a guide charged with falsifying records, making the false statement, conspiracy to defraud. John dowd is not trumps where the dough my former lawyer. Thats not how i would characterize them. He is parnas handpicked lawyer. Thats who hired him, lev parnas. If hes upset he hired these two, hes got nobody to boom it himself. He wanted giuliani and trump to come to his defense, in these three charges that hes facing. Thats what hes upset. You only get that from watching the entire interview, not from reading the stories and listening to that snippet. Bill was he asked precisely if he said the president knew exactly what he was doing, as he described what these meetings were about or conversations were about, have you heard that you . You know, bill, what i didnt hear was the followup. Open group with total certitude you say President Trump knew we were doing. Convince us of that. Give us the evidence. Remember, he also said bill barr was in the loop. When cited for evidence, he said and his name was mentioned in the transcript. If thats the only evidence you have that bill barr is part of a conspiracy to defraud the United States and get a Foreign Government to investigate a political opponent, if the only evidence you have is who hes friends with, and his name is mentioned in the transcript, that aint much evidence, bill. I need to hear the followup questions. Im not knocking people in your line of work. Thats a different interview style. With the way lawyers interview people, when you crossexamine them, parnas gave three different answers to the same question about mike pence. His first answer, im absolutely certain he knew about it. Three seconds later, well he had to have, right, and then, its possible. Those dont do well the courtroom, they do great if youre writing headlights. They do not do well in the courtroom. Speech and its ability to rule out talking to him in this impeachment process. What are we supposed to think the impact of those interviews will have as this impeachment trial is officially underway n now . I was stunned at how little it takes, in speaker pelosis eyes, to call for special counsel. A ukrainian under indictment that nobody would have believed six months ago, is that its possible bill barr may have been in on it based on the fact that his name was in a transcript. And she is willing to call for special counsel. I think the threshold for besmirching someones reputation, particularly Something Like bill barr, ought to be a little higher than relying on 1 of 6 or seven different answers that lev parns gave to the same question and i in an msnbc interview. If youre going to make lev parnas the center of your prosecution, youre opening yourself up to having to call the hundreds of witnesses who have an opinion on his veracity and credibility. So its not just lev parnas who was a witness, its anyone who has an opinion on his credibility. Were up to what, 27 witnesses . How many people can we find to say they dont believe lev parnas . We dont believe him under oath. Now the six week trial is a six month trial. Bill generally speaking, and based on that answer, do you think they use witnesses in this trial or not . What is the agreedupon decision, do you think . I think they dont. You cant just say, we want john bolton but we dont want this witness. We want Mick Mulvaney but we dont want this witness. Either call them all or make the house do what they should have done, which is talk to all of these witnesses themselves. They are the ones with the charging power. They are the ones who made the decision not to call mike pompeo or Mick Mulvaney or john bolton or rudy giuliani. Either call the witnesses or dont call any of the witnesses, and make the house prove its case based on what it has. Bill lets move to Chuck Schumer, he said this yesterday after he watched chief Justice John Roberts and others. President donald trump is accused of coercing a foreign leader into interfering in our elections, and doing everything it has power to cover it up. These are exactly the kind of offenses the founders feared. This is what the nation has feared for centuries, and refute today more than ever. With this president. Bill we are going to hear on tuesday the case begin at 1 00 in the afternoon. In all likelihood, the meat of the case is not present the maybe even thursday of next week. Democrats will go first, the president s defense team will follow that. If youre on the White House Defense team, trey, how do you frame his defense before those hundred senators . The transcript. The transcript is the single best piece of evidence the president has. Who brought up Rudy Giulianis name . It wasnt donald trump. It was resident zelinski. This was the second call, but not the first call. If President Trump were really hellbent on ensuring that the ukraine and escape the bidens, would he not have brought that up in the first telephone call he had with zelensky . Wait wait for the second . Who brought up bill barr and under what circumstances was his name brought up . I think the transcript of the single best piece of evidence that the president has. Laying aside the reality that there was no announcement of investigation, there was no investigation, and the aide was ultimately released. I dont think the democrats have a great case for conviction. Also they would be hardpressed to find five members of this jury that have not already made up their minds. Sandra breaking news here, we are starting to get a look at what the president s legal Team Looks Like any of this from our own john roberts reporting just a few moments ago. Pat cipollone of course, the white house counsel. Jay sekulow, ken starr, former Fox News Contributor, will be parting ways with the network. Alan dershowitz, robert ray, pam bondi, and jane raskin. I want to get your immediate thoughts in reaction to that, trey. All good lawyers. Whats more important than having good lawyers is having good facts. Those are all really good lawyers. John ratcliffe i think would have been a great addition if youre going to have a member of the house because of his background as a u. S. Attorney. They are good trial lawyers. They are folks that are good in front of a jury, and ken starr was one of the premier appellate advocates in the country. Im not sure that he would tell you he was a great trial lawyer, but i think Pat Cipollone and jay sekulow would be really good trial lawyers. So it sounds like hes got a really good mix. But whats more important than having good lawyers is good facts. Bill Pat Cipollone, we heard the name before. Jay sekulow, we expected that. But the addition of ken starr in his experience is interesting. Robert ray i believe worked with ken starr during the 1990s, during that case. Alan dershowitz is a name that had been floated out there but really was not confirmed until today. What you are saying is that they make good lawyers in a public venue. Did i hear you correctly on th that . Only one lawyer can talk at a time, so ideally the others are thinking what eye is talking. What you dont want is several different lawyers trying to make a connection with the jury or the public, in this case, if you think the public is the jury. I expect jay and pat to take the lead in terms of communicating and i expect the others to be thinking while they are talking. Alan dershowitz im sure is a great con law professor. Im sure they weight and balance the pluses and minuses of adding him to the team. But you can only talk one at a time, and i would be shocked if pat and jay did not do most of the talking and this trial. Sandra as far as the timing of this trial is concerned, trey, they are estimating it could be as much as six weeks. What is the length of time . God help us if it lasts six weeks. The investigation is over, so its adam schiff jump to present the case. It shouldnt take that long. I dont need him to read the depositions to me, the jury can carry themselves. If they open it up to witnesses, there are republicans that want four or five other witnesses, it could last six weeks. Sandra, i just have not met anyone whose opinion has changed during the pendency of this investigation. I cant identify maybe three openminded jurors in the u. S. Senate. I just dont, no matter how long it lasts, i dont think itll change anyones mind in the senate were among my fellow citizens. The shorter the better. Bill i didnt need to cut you off. Did you want to give us a time frame . No commissary. Sandra you are predicting what . I am saying two weeks. If it goes six weeks, they will have to make smart decisions on which witnesses are important enough to hear from and which ones they may have relevant evidence, we just dont i think in terms of a real trial. Why would you ever not call a witness that witness has relevant information . How do you pick which ones to call and which ones not to . You can never do that in a real trial. If we are going to open this thing up a new to a brandnew investigation, call everybody. God knows how long thatll take. Bill last topic, james comey apparently under investigation for leaking this trust document. The New York Times broke the story last night. You read it, what do you make of it, sir . Bill, im not a fan of jim comeys, but i am a fan of being fair. Even to people who i dont personally like. I am familiar with this. Im almost certain it came up at a house until classified briefing. Comey would not discuss it. He wouldnt discuss it even though it benefited them to discuss it. Let me be really, really clear to all of my republican friends, im not a comey fan. But im also not a fan of indicting and convicting people based on New York Times reporting. He had an opportunity to tell us about that fact pattern and he did the habit even though it would have benefited him. I would be really surprised if jim comey committed a felony, and leaking this information, when he didnt even share it with people he could have shared it with that it would have helped him to do so. Bill thank you for your time today, sir. We moved out, impeachment forcing several Democratic Senators off the trail. He comes at a critical time. 16 days away from the iowa caucus. Peter doocy is live in South Sioux City nebraska, just across the border. Good morning. Good morning, bill and sandra. The senators who are running for president have been sworn in as jurors. Its starting to sink in that its going to be harder for them to win over democrats here. In iowa today, there is a caucus there in two and half weeks. I would rather be in new hampshire. And in nevada and so forth. But i swore a constitutional oath of the United States senate to do my job. Im here to do my job. I think the people of the United States understand that. Now one of his republican colleagues has a very specific concern about him and the other candidates. Marsha blackburn, the senator from tennessee completes this. Senator sanders, senator warren, senator klobuchar, senator bennet, spending millions of dollars to beat donald trump and we are supposed to believe they will be impartial during the trial . They should recuse themselves. Pete buttigieg doesnt have to worry about recusing himself from anything but he does have something to say about this. A republican senator invoking the idea of objectivity in the concepts of this impeachment, i will go with preposterous. President trumps focus is on a different democrat. He tweeted, maybe Mike Bloomberg doesnt get on the democratic debate stage because he doesnt want to. Hes a terrible debater and speaker. If he did he would go down in the polls even more, if thats possible. Bloomberg said, i want to debate, but i dont qualify because ive never taken a penny of contributions or anyone. Not even a small load of a Million Dollars. Joe biden canceled his events here and i will because of the snowstorm we are standing in. For the impeachment trial, those who arent stuck or having their schedules affected in their off the campaign trail. Although senator warren will try to squeeze within here later on this afternoon. Bill and sandra . Bill thank you, peter. Sandra breaking news, we are learning 11 americans were heard in last weeks Iranian Missile strike. This, as irans Supreme Leader blasts the u. S. And President Trump. So how was the white house responding this morning . Bill also, the dawn of a new era for American Space programs. Details on that coming up shortly. Veterans. With Mortgage Rates near record lows, newdays proud to announce their fastest and easiest refi ever. One call can save you 2000 a year. Pq1ditscan it helphe january sale keep me asleep . Mber 360 smart bed. Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed. Plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. Speaks of in a quick look at other stories were keeping an eye on right now. A South Carolina woman pleading guilty to poisoning her husband with eye drops. Slipping visine into his Drinking Water for days, eventually coming in. A judge handing down the sentence of 25 years and a plea deal for murder to manslaughter. President trump declaring a major three disaster in puerto rico, authorizing cream and a month security to provide up to 16 million in aid there. Firefighters working to save prehistoric pine trees from australias bushfires. Authorities keeping exact location secret, to protect forests there. We are learning that their injuries, those who are being checked for concussions. I think it really shows that iran intended in this action, in this response, to hurt and harm americans. Sandra that was congressman mike turner on this program. Weve now learned american 11 as being treated for concussion symptoms. Meanwhile, the ayatollah making a rare appearance today, blaming the matching crises on the u. S. And other western powers. Fox News National security and Foreign Affairs analyst joining us now. Good morning to you, and your response to the latest attack, how we need to respond . First of all, we need really to understand what are the priorities of the iran regime sitting in tehran and looking at the world. Number one, the priority of the regime is the regime, their survival of the regime at home. So they are basically looking at the demonstrations, how to stop them. Second, the income, the cash. They want to continue no matter what from the europeans, the chinese, the russians. Number three, the colonies, iraq, and yemen. Glasses retribution against the United States or other enemies. This is why the response by the Iranian Regime to us is basically limited to whatever they can respond with, but not yet waged a major war. Bill breakdown with the ayatollah said today. What did you hear in his message . He continues to be under two pressures. He loose the term, we are under pressure. By whom . By his own base, which was led by soleimani, by the revolutionary guard. By the regime, basically. Thats a lot of people and they are very concerned about the future of the regime. On the other hand you have been engineers, the architects of the regime, those who want to make sure if they take a very strong stance against the United States and the initiation has shown it can respond heavily, this could end into the regime. He wants respond that with the strength that would compel washington or the administration to bring down that regime. Sandra he continues to make the case, the ayatollah, that taking out the biggest spider prices. What is the fallout from this now that you have him namecalling the president , and warning the iranian people that President Trump is going to betray you . Well, yes. This is part of his propaganda. Since the president has issued statements including those famous three or four tweets, some of which were translated into farsi and posted, this has invigorated and given strength, morale, to the people inside iran page of the demonstrators in the diaspora, as well. His officials are telling them, dont really hope he is going to help you. Hes not, he has elections, he has problems. And look what happened to the kurds. Hes using this narrative to defeat the will of the base. Bill two more things here comes walid. You said you know where the regime can strike. Do you mean where the missiles can add on u. S. Bases . Bases in iraq . Or does it mean more than that . It means that and more than that. Our defense and otello called general, more or less know, and with the Iranian Regime to do. And of the capacity. They can hit our bases across iraq. They hit two major presence points. In al anbar and among the kurds. They could do it if they want. Theres also the question of the retribution. Second, with the longrange missiles and small little ships, they have an army, a forest of these little dinghies with missiles. They can also attack in the gulf. The price would be enormous for the navy. Any attack against any u. S. Its across the world, and the red line would be to try and do something crazy here in the united small. They know they can only do that if they regime is really fit into the core. Bill walid, thank you. More to come on that. In a moment here, 2020 could be a landmark year for the u. S. Space program. White american reliance on russian rockets might soon be a thing of the past. Sandra of explosive new allegations about President Trump and his dealings with ukraine. How credible are those claims . Of the 18 will take that up next. I know everything that was going on. After rudy would speak for the president , or come from the white house, i was the first person he briefed. Bill 10 30 here in new york, fox news confirming additional attorneys have named the president s legal team. Ken starr, Alan Dershowitz, robert ray. We will now join Pat Cipollone t jay sekulow. The information from ron dominic john roberts of the white house. Sandra Brian Brenberg is here, chair of the business and finance program at the Kings College in manhattan, and melanies wenona, a congressional reporter at politico. Ken starr was a Fox News Contributor and will part ways with the network. So the legal team has been put out there. The names are there. On our skin to take income and your thoughts, as we learn more . There are some surprises in there. Ken starr being one of them as well as Alan Dershowitz. I know conservatives have been really pushing for them to included. I think each of them will play a very specific and different role. Alan dershowitz, for example, hes a constitutional expert. He will try and make the constitutional argument. Hes also somebody who supported Hillary Clinton and voted against the clinton impeachment paid or did not support it. So he could have a suite with moderates. He also could be controversial because of his past clients including jeffrey epstein. Importantly, each of these people have experience making the case in public. This is different than a courtroom trial. This is appealing to the general public. Youve got to have that element in place. They have to be good at that if theyre going to persuade people, because this is a political process. Its not a criminal process. Bill youre making the case trey gowdy referred to. I think hes exactly right. You got to be a legal performer. But as a good lawyer but good in a certain public context. That is so critical. Here he said on television. I think you look at jay sekulow, you look at Alan Dershowitz, go down the line. You see a lot of people who i think you have impressed the president with their ability to perform on television. Pam body has been on television is one of the president s lead defenders on impeachment for some time, and ken starr did a good job here at fox trying to explain the impeachment. So you really go back to Pat Cipollone as the brains of the operation. I think jay sekulows capable to back him up. But its jay on tv at night. Its pam bondi on tv in the afternoon. Playing to the ultimate court of appeals, the American Public on impeachment. Sandra i want to get to this wall street journal oped. Vice president mike pence this morning. A person impeachment, a profound courage, as this is officially underway. Melanie, ill get a response. Who among the summit dominic senator mccaskill set up to the passions of the party . Who will stand up against legislative mob rule and the rule of law . Who will be the 2020 profile encourage commit coastal rights of Vice President. This is a reminder the white house has two goals. Not just to keep republicans of mine, but also to win over at democrats. Which is important to keep in mind as they make these legal cases in these political cases. Its to be determined, there are vulnerable democrats up for reelection. But the more democrats they can get on their side, the better. If its a bipartisan acquittal, thats a much stronger argument for the president heading into 2020. Hes trying to call attention to the motivated question. White is this happening . Is it because you have a legitimate reason to impeach the president or is it for and more nefarious reason . He cites historical evidence, that its no good, this is no good, this is your chance, democrats, to step up to be a hero for the long term. Will he answer that call . I dont know about that. But hes clearly shining a spotlight on bad motivation. Bill melanie, you cover the capital for a living. Who among them do you think they could recruit on that other than joe manchin . Doug jones in alabama is another one of her reelection. Possibly the most vulnerable democrat up for reelection. Theres also Kyrsten Sinema and arizona, keeping her cards very close to the vest. Those that was your keeping your eyes on. The reality is theres no indication yet that any of those people are not on the democrats teen. I think this is a terrific example of jiujitsu in politics. The big pressure today is on republicans. Which republicans, beginning with Susan Collins and that small gang of people who may vote on the resolution to allow witnesses, are willing to buck the president . Are willing to be profiles in courage, to use the Vice President s language . But heres the Vice President saying, we will from this differently. What about you democrats willing to stand up to your party . And said having the conversation solely be pressure on republicans. It looks like pressure on republicans at the national level, but at the more local late local, the senators who are talking about are feeling pressure from their constituents. They are reading this piece, the senators will read it, and they will think local. Not this national conversation. Bill heres what i find interesting about Susan Collins. She felt compelled to put out a statement to clarify what was being reported around her. She says, i need to hear the case, arguing the questions answered. I tend to believe have any Additional Information would be helpful. Its likely i would support calling witnesses just as i did in 1999. She support the call as witnesses in 1999, but she voted not guilty for bill clinton. What shes really doing here is a rebuttal to the tuesday vote. If they are making a motion to force of a devote so witnesses at the beginning of a child. She is saying, just like an extended on, i will not support this until the end of the trial after we hear opening arguments and after questioning. I think shes trying to get ahead of any mischaracterizations or confusion there. Bill do we all agree that the rubber hits the road with the question comes up, do you want to hear from witnesses, yes or no . Rubber on the road. Bill if the answer is no, were done in two weeks. If the answer is yes. If i was senator mcconnell i would say we are going to be done pretty quickly. We are not dragging this out. But you are right, witnesses do introduce an uncertain element. It makes it a more dynamic process, and all the certainty about acquittal, you start to hedge your bets. Sandra also uncertain is whats happening with your party as we get ever so close to the Iowa Caucuses. This is the political headline come melanie. Warren and bernie try to move on as conflict seeks the 2020 primaries. You go back to the handshake, caught on the hot make. It was the nonhandshake [laughter] i wanted to say high politico threatens to distract from their primary strategies at a critical time, less than three weeks before the iowa caucus. Sanders wants to spend the final weeks taking on former Vice President joe biden on policy, while warren is intent on pinching herself as a unity candidate with appealed to both wings of the democratic party. Who can succeed with their strategy . This could be real murder suicide pact for bernie and Elizabeth Warren here. They could take each other out and in the process leave room for somebody like Pete Buttigieg or joe biden to rest the top. I think its on the Closing Argument other than wanted to be making before the iowa caucus, especially because both of them are going to be sidelined for the next few weeks. They are stuck in d. C. With the impeachment trial. So i dont know that this helps either of them. Pico even if warren and sanders wanted to try and bury the hatchet, the question is, what other supporters on their people on the ground doing . There are so fired up for the candidates they have so many grievances. Even if they want to let this go, i dont think their supporters will. That could be a problem for both of them and help the biden or buttigieg i love that scene come of the best scene ive seen that any debate so far. [like a husband and a wife open go i dont think so, not right now, honey. [laughter] i think i have a headache. [laughter] we will talk about that later bill is your wife watching right now . I hope not [laughter] anyway, i do think putting aside the personalities and the delicious gossip, i think looking at people who really have the same base in large measure on the left wing of the democratic party, bernie a little farther left than Elizabeth Warren. But warren was stating before, and i think she needs to get back in the game and has been so far unable to do it. To move that needle. Bernie right now is leading in iowa. Bill it appears. Right. I think you have some momentum. I must say, that Hillary Clinton people, the barack obama people, they dont like bernie. I think the democratic establishment will stand up strong very shortly. Sandra sandra thats a prediction. Bill tell your wife we said hello. [laughter] that couch is cold [laughter] bill thank you, melanie, thank you juan. Thank you, brian. Dont go far, we will need you. Sandra thinks all of you pray 2020 could be a big year for the u. S. Space program as it looks to end its dependence on russian rockets. Kristin fisher on the story for us live from our d. C. Bureau this morning. Hey, kristin. Hey, bill and sandra. After nearly a decade without an americanmade rocket to ride on, nasa astronauts are about to have three. There is a new generation of astronauts waiting in the wings. The artemis generation, the first class of artemis astronauts who graduated from basic training one week ago today and are now eligible for space flight. Artemis is nasas new mission to return american astronauts to the moon in just four years and then go on to mars. U. S. Navy lieutenant and one of the 13 year astronauts, caleb encompasses the Artemis Mission has given us a new life. We are excited about the moon right now. The Artemis Program has invigorated us about doing new things and we are using our imagination to understand what it signal present looks like. In addition to the new Doug Mcmillon come of this new class of astronauts will fly to the International Space station on commercial rockets made by private companies. 2020 will mark the return of human space flight launches with american astronauts on american rockets from american soil. [cheers and applause] it could be the first flight of Spacexs Dragon capsule and the boeing star liner, slated for later this year. A critical test is happening tomorrow. 2020 could also be the year that the Space Tourism industry really takes off with Companies Like galactic on track to begin sending paying customers into space. Bill and sandra, more than 600 people have already signed up. I bet that number would be even higher if it werent for that pesky 250,000 price tag. Bill theres that. [laughs] sandra kristin fisher, thank you. Bill estate making a new push to give low income drivers break. Is it fair for everyone else . Sandra and theres a brandnew member of wall streets exclusive trillion dollar club. That is with Charles Payne with a look at the market. That is amazing. You wanna see something amazing . Go to hilton instead of a travel site and youll experience a whole new range of emotions like. The relaxing feeling of knowing youre getting the best price. Thesell work. The utter delight of free wifi. Oh man this is the best part. Isnt that you . Yeah. And the magic power of unlocking your room with your phone. I can read minds too. Really . Book at hilton. Com. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Expect better. Expect hilton. Bill fox business not reporting the white house working on rolling out an economic stimulus plan ahead of the election for 2020. Charles payne has details on this, hopes to make money. How are you doing, sir . With the idea . This broke the news earlier in the week, that larry kudlow has wanted to do Something Like this along with kevin brady and others to congress. But to give tax proposal. It could be anywhere from earned income tax credit, which is really delicious because it helps lower income working families, more business tax cuts, individual tax cuts, and also payroll tax cuts. The 9. 999 that it wouldnt happen with democratic congress. It is interesting to juxtapose that again some of the plans out there, including bernie sanders, who admits incomes as low as 29,000 will have to pay higher taxes to make his utopia come to fruition. Sandra thats the second time in 10 minutes somebody has described something as delicious. Juan williams had earlier, you know we have this show before lunch. [laughter] who is in the chili dog club now, which companies . Microsoft, alphabet is running microsoft. Apple. Its actually amazing. The first billiondollar company was in 1901, u. S. Steel. Ask jeeves, the first 100 billiondollar company in 1995. If you think about the curve here, its not nuts to think we will soon talk about the first 2 trillion company. Some people on wall street are concerned because these four or five companies right now have so much there are 70 of the s p. So much of the market depends on a handful of stocks doing very well. Bill you know what i find stunning . Apple was first hit a trillion, right . They jumped 100 points in six months. When do you see a company that size moving 100 points . You can wait 20 years to see that. Whats amazing is jump 200 points after they had bad news. Wall street said something is wrong on the stock went down. Sandra two more topics to get to, california Governor Newsom flooding of plan to cut traffic fines for low income drivers. Whats the story . Its one of those more woke kind of stories. If they wanted to help low income folks they would stop the war on the gig economy. If youre driving uber or lift, because of him youre making less money. If they would tax marijuana. Who wants to buy weed added premium . [dont encourage them to speed, help them make more money its pretty common sense stuff bill last point. Boom, boom, boom. Housing is on fire. Ive talked about this for a couple of months. Its the crux of my investment thesis for this year. Weve got a report out this morning to pull everything away. No one at wall street was ready for this. Alden millennials are forming households and its also a sign. Its the foundation of our economy. If this goes through all year long, i think we will have a monster, one of the best economic years weve had a long time. Sandra what does that mean for the stock market . The market was a little listless, we had a huge run up this year. Then i got a little bit of a jolt when these numbers came out. It means everything from the market and the economy. When people start to buy homes and form households. Sandra a total housing starts, monthtomonth, 70 , up 41 . Year over year, yeah. Its really mindboggling. Sandra thats huge. Bill you know whos making money can buy Charles Payne i had to take a loss on j. B. Hunt this morning. Bill you are admitting your failure every now and then i have a dud. I will miss you, bill. Bill i will be part. I appreciate it, thank you. Sandra iran Supreme Leader praising attacks on military bases, as we learn 11 Service Numbers were injured. How is the u. S. Respondent . 191d for 10 academy awards, including best director. Come on best original screenplay. Theres only one way this war ends. And best picture of the year. Last man standing. Americans come to lendingtree. Com to compare and save on loans, credit cards and more but with the new lending tree app you can see your full financial health, monitor your credit score, see your cash flow and find out how you can cut your monthly bills. Download it now to see how much you can save. Bill it is day one, this is a very cool day for us today. Welcome and good morning, the premier day for americas newsroom. Im bill hemmer along with megyn kelly. New york city, will come to you. Im martha maccallum. And bill hemmer. Live at the Ohio Event Center here in downtown des moines, only four days, i will officially kicks off the race for the white house. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to americas newsroom. Im joined by Shannon Bream today, starting in studio jay as in jazzy. Bill oh, my gosh, look at that. Sandra smith. Sandra that was really something. Here is your moment, bill. Bill that first shot her in february 2007, i didnt expect that. Sandra youve been at the show for bill 12 years megyn kelly and martha and shannon come and you, senator. When they say we work together, we went to coffee. This only works if this works. Youve been an awesome partner. Really great colleague, im going to miss you. Sandra you are going to be missed. But youre not going far bill right next door i will be gone for long. Im going to say this, i was with barack obama and linda during the campaign of 2008 i think what people in the outside of fox to understand about the people who work at fox is that i consider you a friend, also. And ben, i consider you a friend, and every body else around here on staff. That brings a certain unity to the process that we do every day. I think thats really special. I consider it very important. A really important part about what we do. We are in it together in a significant way every day. I wanted to say that. Not going far. 12 years in the slot. Sandra can i add to that . There is not a person in this building inside or out but you mentioned bill hemmer and they dont say, thats a great guy. Because he is. Hes a great journalist and he is launching a new show, starting on monday, in the middle of a crazy new cycle. 3 00 p. M. What is the show going to be like . Bill will get on the breaking news of the day just like every day. We will get newsmakers to bring that in. I know you have a great guy coming in here, too. Ed henry has been trying to take me out at the knees for five years. [laughter] now he gets his shot. Hes warming up in the bullpen. You will be terrific together. I will look forward to seeing you. Sandra thanks for the handoff. We look forward to building on the success of the show youve built. Bill on to greater things come onto another chapter. Its just that, another chapter. Please come along for the ride. And theres more i will see you next hour on outnumbered. Again, oneluckyguy. See you come everybody. My best ever. Have a great weekend team at newday usa near y smitty, thank you. The reason why. It lets you shortcut the loan process and refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 every year. Call my team at newday usa right now. Sandra fox news alert, the pentagon is now confirming that 11 u. S. Service members were injured in that Iranian Missile attack on two iraqi bases last week. This despite earlier claims that no one had been hurt. Welcome to a brighter hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Jon and im jon scott, sort of intrabill hemmer. Several u. S. Troops treated for concussion symptoms after that retaliatory attack by iran. The country Supreme Leader has praised the assault. Congress mike turner describing the severity of the situation earlier on americas newsroom. Paul speak of what this illustrates the seriousness of the attack. We all as americans pause as we watch the missiles flying in cavalry had men and women in harms way. We knew that their families were watching, very concerned that there could be deaths or serious injuries. They think it determines that iran had intended to hurt or harm americans. Sandra Jennifer Griffin live at the pentagon with the latest on what we are learning now. Hey, jennifer. Hi, sandra. We now know more than 1,000 u. S. Troops spent harrowing hours underground and bunkers as 11 Ballistic Missiles hit their base. They did not have a Patriot Missile battery because those are protecting saudi military bases. While initially the pentagon said no u. S. Troops were hurt, we now know some had to be flown out of iraq days later to be screened for potential traumatic brain injury. A senior military official tells me this was done out of an abundance of caution. A spokesman for u. S. Forces in the middle east said, while no u. S. Service members were killed in the january 8th iranian attack on alassad air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blasts and are still being assessed. Eight Service Members were transferred to u. S. Medical facility in germany, three went to kuwait. All the Service Members are expected to return to duty in iraq. The u. S. Military has come a long way in its understanding and treatment of head injuries after nearly two decades of war in iraq and afghanistan. There are no accidents of protocols in place. Symptoms of head injury dont always appear immediately. Earlier today, iran Supreme Leader called President Donald Trump a clown and has first friday sermon in eight years. The ayatollah said his goal is to force a withdrawal of u. S. Troops from the middle east. Yesterday pentagon spokesman said American Forces are not leaving. We are still in conversations with our iraqi hosts. We continue to want to be a friend and partner to the sovereign and prosperous iraq. At this time there are no plans by the u. S. Military to withdraw from iraq. The pentagon says it also wants to ramp up occupations as the u. S. Braces for the runnig counterattack. Sandra to be details on all of that, Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Meanwhile, im proud to bring you this fox news alert from the white house. The National Championship ellis e. U. Tigers at the white house now to meet with the president. As you can see, the players are filling in the room there. The president was at that game, you will remember, where lsu trounced clemson in new orleans. It was a good team by all. Both tigers. But the lsu tigers came out on top. Now they are good for their moment of the white house. Jon this is kind of a partisan moment for you. You wont hide that, will you . Sandra [laughs] i went to lsu, i ran track and field and Cross Country at lsu. Im a proud lsu tiger. This is a proud moment for me. Joey burrow, the Heisman Trophy winning tiger from lsu in the middle there. What a moment for baton rouge come before the new orleans, louisiana. Joey burrow has talked about what its like to play football in the state of louisiana. With her you want to lsu were not you grow up a proud lsu tiger fan, and he has said time and time again how proud he was. Jon its been what, a dozen years since the last championship . 2007, i think. Suite 82007 with less championship. Clemson would have been back. They fought out of the gate. They did not ultimately win that game. Here is the lsu tigers at the white house. Lets listen in. Okay, we are still waiting on the president. When the president enters the room to meet and greet the players there, we will have that for you live. We will take a quick break and return to the white house when we come back. Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, accompanied by coach edward orgeron. [hail to the chief] President Trump this is an exciting day in the white house. We are very exciting days, more than most persons, i would say. Times 10. [laughter] we like to keep it that way. The coach likes to keep it that way. We really do come we just had i was just telling the coach, you just made some additional money. Another alltime high for our stock market just hit. So thatll be 149 times in less than three years. Coach, thats good, right . [applause] steve, thats good. We will take that, right . But today its about the coach and the team and that unbelievable quarterback, unbelievable players. It is really my great privilege to welcome to the white house the College Football National Champions come with the Louisiana University tigers. [cheers and applause] coach, we have a lot of politicians out there. So many, i will really mention all of them. Oh, theres one, i have to. Hello, bill. Your senator. We have a lot of great politicians out there. Some Football Players, the politicians. I really respect the Football Players a lot more, to be honest. [laughter] we are joined by many loyal fans of the purple and gold, including ambassador robert lighthizer, who just did our great deal. Wheres robert . Two code deals, we just made the two largest trade deals in hist. One with china and the other one with mexico and canada. [applause] and with china we will be taking into hundred 50 billion a year. With mexico and canada we will be taking in hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Thats pretty good, right . It makes our country stronger and better. You did a fantastic job. You could almost stand appear paid mental you could, physically i dont think so. [laughter] senator bill cassidy, youve been a tremendous support of the team. And your state. We appreciate you being here very much. Thank you very much. Steve scalise, a special man. Hes got a lot of courage. [applause] coach, i went to the hospital, he had a problem. You know that problem. I went to the hospital the doctor was saying, doesnt look good, sir. Doesnt look good. He looks better now than before the accident. [laughter] its a hell of a way to happen, but Steve Scalise has a lot of guts. I tell you that, hes got a lot of guts. Hes a tiger. He fights like a tiger is right. And mike johnson, you are around here someplace. Mike, good, thank you for being here. And garrett graves. Thank you for being here. Also here with us are louisianas attorney general, terrific guy, jeff landry, and secretary of state. You know that, where are you . Yes, thank you very much. Thank you, folks. To all of the incredible coaches and players, this team, your head coach. I watched on television, i said, man, hes a big, strong looking guy. I didnt know if he had laryngitis or if that was his real voice. [laughter] i think it was a combination of both. It was tough to start with and then he had a little laryngitis. But man, whatever the hell it was, ed orgeron. It really worked. You did a job that few people will ever be able to do again. The team is said to be one of the greatest teams, maybe the greatest in the history of College Football. [applause] thats pretty amazing. As well as interim president of lsu, thomas galligan. I think we need to make them permanent. Thats a hell of a job youve done, tom. A pretty good job. Your Football Program has inspired countless fans across the country, and its not just for what you have done on the football field, which is true. In the face of a heartbreaking tragedy, you rallied together behind offensive coordinators to use ensminger. Where is steve . [applause] the whole tragedy, and yet so incredible the way you handled it. The coach said you never wavered. The coach was just talking to me about it. You never wavered. I want to thank you very much for being here. Thanks for everything youve done. Very inspirational. [applause] this team show the world what it means to look out for one another. Steve is a real case study in that. I want to thank you. Three years ago, when lsu needed a head coach, they consider choosing someone younger. You are a pretty young guy, right . Younger thats discrimination, you could sue them. [laughter] nowadays you sue if you hear that. They want younger . Lets sue them [laughter] they meet the right choice, that i could tell you. Some might say a little bit less growth. Does that make sense . And yet, to make him if i was casting movie i told him today, thats my football coach. Theres nobody in hollywood that can play the role better than this guy. Right, coach . Instead they put their faith in a hometown boy from lafourche parish. Ed orgeron did not let louisiana down in any way. And today, coach oh, as they call him, you might be the most beloved coach anywhere in the land. We have some great coaches. [applause] we have some great coaches. You played against a great coach here last year. The great coach. But we have great coaches. The job youve done is incredible. On the road to the title, this team overcame a brutal schedule. I had no idea how brutal until i looked at these numbers. You defeated seven teams in the top ten, four and the top five, and beat the National Champions of the past four years. What did you do . You get the schedule and you look at it, which as you do when you first saw the schedule, coach . You werent happy . Hopefully we have a great quarterback. [laughter] President Trump every team is like a great team you have to play. He didnt have too many easy weeks. But your explosive offense pushed every opponent from the breaking point, and to the breaking point. For the First Time Since the legendary coach and the fighting tigers, lsu had a perfect undefeated season. So rare. [applause] really rare. Its amazing how seldom you see that, right . Its a hard thing to do. Your opponents did not make it easy for you. In late october, number nine auburn, really great football school, a great school, headed to death valley, as they say. Opened put a stop to the lsu juggernaut. Its all tied up at the start of the second half when auburn took the lead for the third time that game. And lsu touched down in the Third Quarter put you on top. From that point in the championship, you never trailed again for a single second in a single game. Although i must tell you come in the championship, you did. I was getting a little bit concerned. [laughter] you were a little behind it. I said, hey, whats going on here . Must be pretty unusual feeling. He didnt know that feeling. The next game i was in the stands in tuscaloosa where you beat your archrival, alabama, and another great game. [cheers and applause] and that was for the first time in eight years. Alabama, also. Great coach, great team. Lsu was unstoppable. Soon you faced oklahoma in the opening round of the playoffs. Oklahoma at a great season. You shut the sooners down from the very first drive. Lsu held oklahoma to their lowest total yards in a single game since 2015. Im sure they werent happy. As wide receiver Justin Jefferson had 14 receptions for 227 receiving yards and four touchdowns. [applause] a College Football playoff record. Where is justin . [applause] hes going to be so rich. [laughter] we are looking at money. [laughter] and this guy, chase, wherever the hill he is. Where the hill is chase . He was catching guys all over the place. He will make so much money. [laughter] i dont think your quarterback will do too badly. I dont think he will do too badly. You beat oklahoma 6328. That doesnt happen to oklahoma. Then it was on to new orleans. He needed one final big win against the truly great team. And one last time, lsu learned that a star quarterback, joe burrow, was something very special. After breaking a bone in his hand playing at ohio state, joe sat on the bench and wasnt happy about it. I heard he was not thrilled. He didnt like it. I heard stories, he was going a little crazy. Within the coach took charge and took a change, brought him to lsu. Joe soon became the best quarterback in all of College Football. Not close. He set an ncaa record with 60 touchdowns. Ive never even heard of that. 60, in a single season average of the touch on every quarter, and won the Heisman Trophy by the largest margin in the history of the Heisman Trophy. [applause] thats incredible. And as you received the trophy, joe fought back tears. I dont think hes ever cried in his life. Did you actually fight back tears . A little bit. President trump its like the coach pretty if you told me cried, i believ w. Maybe when he was a baby, but i doubt it. He dedicated it to the kids and the hometown of athens, ohio. A great state. Within weeks his heartfelt speech raised over half a Million Dollars for the Athens County food pantry. Thank you. Thank you, joe. [applause] i want to say on behalf of the country that you make our country very, very proud. You are really an inspirational talent, and all of that. But you are an operational player. And youre an inspirational person. You have a heart thats incredible in the team respect you so much. With joe quarterbacking and a team of unrivaled talent right along side and beside him, lsu had to beat the reading champions, a team that was here last year. Nice guys, and they were very large. You know, we served them a lot of food. They ate so much food we didnt know what the hell to do. [laughter] they kept eating and eating. The team that had not lost a game in 741 days, the clemson tigers. They really are very special. Amazing. Before the game, the first lady and i were on her to walk out on the field, escorted by the rotc cadets from both schools. We then joined tens of thousands of proud patriotic americans to watch the battle of the titans. This was a great game. This was a tremendous game. Coach, you had tremendous ratings on television. The readings came in, not surprisingly, they were tremendous beyond what normally would be free for the championship game. On your first drive i think he mightve had something to do with that. Although these two guys maybe, too. But you had a lot to do with it. On your first drive, the celebrated lsu offense was pinned back at her own goal line. I watched it. I bet you havent been pinned back that many times. Every time i saw you you are on the 3yard line. What happened . It was just constant. But you kept doing just fine. He just did fine. The first time you got the ball. Then he made that great play, and they called it back, as usual. He made the great bascom hes all over the place. He was going to be tackled four times in the first play. And he threw the ball, everybody was excited, then they said, theres a flag on the field. Too many flags, coach. Right . The referees want to get themselves in the limelight. [laughter] that was the play that should have not been called back but thats all right. You punted after a rare three and out, and sue clemson struck first with the touchdown. For the first time all season they were behind. Then jamarr chase, i was watching him, caught a ball from burrow to tied up. By the end of the game, jamarr said record with 221 receiving yards pay thats phenomenal. [applause] come here, jamarr. Come here youve got say something. How yall doing . Im just happy to be in the white house, to be honest. [laughter] [applause] President Trump coach, if i practice, do you think i could beat him in a race . What do you think . Maybe with a little head start. [laughter] President Trump a little head start. I think i might get a head start. Midway through the Third Quarter it was a tight three have important game. You increased your lead with a touchdown. Then in the fourth quarter, terrace marshall stretched out and caught a beautiful pass in the end zone. Lsu went up 3425 and all hope of the clemson ton back. They were you stupid again spray they would like 28 in a row or something. A pretty unusual feeling for them, too. Shows how great a team you have. But all hope of the clemson comeback came to an end when lsu forced a fumble. The ball was picked up by two to a freshman cornerback who spent the game shutting down thr offense. That is for sure. Derek sflush stingley jr. Where is derek . That was good feeling, coach. With that play, the game was over with an eyepopping 628 yards. The most passing touchdowns in the playoff championship game, and the first every 150 season. Lsu became the College Football National Champions, and coach orgeron said after the game, got out a plan all i did was follow the plan. The fact is, god had a great coach. This is a great, great coach. I really mean that, too. [applause] the truth is, with a great coach, an outstanding quarterback, and an entire team filled with heart and skill and hope and courage and passion and strength, and unbreakable will to win, they had unbreakable will and confidence. They went against the team 280. I dont think they had a doubt about what was going to be happening. Did you ever doubt . Not even a little bit . Hes going to be so rich. [laughter] he looks sort of like a young tom brady. Does that make sense to you . We call them young tom brady. This lsu team will long be remembered as one of the greatest in College Football history. I just want to say congratulations and geaux tigers. [cheers and applause] theres another coach i respect a lot, his name is bill belichick. Do you respect him . Everybody respects him. He has a lot of respect to you. He has a lot of respect for you, and he thinks are great coach. We know that. The results speak louder than anything i can say. I just want to congratulate you. Its great to get to know you. You have a real friend here. Maybe next year we give you a little bit easier schedule, what do you think . We will work that out. Lets have the coach say a few words. Boy, does he deserve it. Its great to have you in the white house. [applause] thank you, President Trump. Wouldnt honored to be here at the white house. I speak on behalf of the Football Team and our great assistant coaching staff. I do have the best organization in the world. One team, one heartbeat. This is the playerdriven program. Its about the men behind me on them in front of me. You guys did it. You set out the plan last year, january 17th, that he would win the National Championship. He talked about it, you went about it through hard work, dedication, and you did it. We are so proud. I would like to thank my wife, kelly, and my boys are in my family for being with me. [applause] i would like to thank scott, and the administration for all of the great things that they did for us. One team, one heartbeat. Geaux tigers [applause] at this time i would like to bring up our interim president , tom galligan. [applause] good morning. On behalf of everyone at Louisiana State university and the entire lsu tiger family, i want to say what an honor it is for us to be here today at the white house representing our Great University as National Champions. Now, while a trip to the white house is traditional for National Champions, mr. President , i dont think you have ever had her team quite like ours is that before. The achievements of coach o in these young men are truly historic. If i were a poet i would say they are absolutely epic. This group will forever be known as one of the best to ever take the field in College Football. Now, as im sure youve heard and seen, there is no group of supporters more passionate and dedicated then lsus. I can tell you that our entire university, our community, and our state take immense pride in what this team and what yall have done. At lsu, we are champions on the football field, and we are champions in the classroom, in the laboratory, on the stage, in the art studio, in the moot court room, and more. Our state gives much of this great nation, from commerce to culture to cuisine and always character. Now we have given the country what we believe is the greatest college Football Team ever. [applause] mr. President , coach o and this team represent not only the best of lsu but the best of louisiana. Thank you, and geaux tigers [applause] it is now my privilege to introduce, originally from athens, ohio, but now we claim him in baton rouge, louisiana, the most decorated player in College Football history. The Heisman Trophy winner, and a man who is already rich because he is a recent lsu graduates. Joe burrow. [applause] i will keep this short and sweet because im sure mr. President has some more pressing matters to get to. I just want to say its truly an honor to be here. Thank you for having us so soon after the game, so the seniors could be here. That means a lot to us. Its a moment will never forget. It truly does mean a lot that you did that so soon. Thank you. It is so awesome to be here. Its a moment will never forget, its a great season. This is a great way to cap it off. Thank you so much, and weve got a little jersey for you right here. [applause] President Trump i thought he was going to give me the Heisman Trophy. [laughter] hes just giving me a jersey [cheers and applause] joe, i just told the coach, we dont normally do this but im doing it for this team. Anybody who would like to come with me to the oval office, well take pictures in the oval. Its a special place. Theres no place like the oval. The come all over the world, they have their own big offices, they go into the oval they say theres no place like this. If youd like we could take whoever wants to come to the oval office. We will take pictures behin behe resolute desk. Its been there long time, a lot of president s. Some good, some not so good. [laughter] but youve got a good one now even though they are trying to impeach the sun about can you believe it . Can you believe that . The greatest economy we ever had, joe. Weve got the greatest military. We took out those terrorists, like your football would have taken out those terrorists, right . But we are doing good. We are going to go to the oval office with some of the players. All of the players, i guess. Again, i want to congratulate the team. I want to congratulate your great representatives, all of you. Youve been fantastic all season long. Before they went on this big streak, and its an honor to have everybody at the white house. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] sandra the champion lsu tigers at the white house, meeting the president today. Theres coach o, give a big geaux tigers and the we be spelled in louisiana is geaux. He said one team, one heartbeat, that this is the best team in the world. Congressman Steve Scalise is present there. Senator bill cassidy of louisiana in the room. Those players just soaking it in. What a moment. I wont lie, im soaking it in, too pray that was a big win for lsu and the state of louisiana. Jon behind the scenes sandra was wiping away a tear. Sandra [laughs] i may have to hear from joe bu, the heismanwinning quarterback. And coach o shared a few words, as well. Jon nothing like a little president ial playbyplay. He recaps again, that was something else. Sandra and that cajun accent, to hear coach o say a few words there. That a voice that weve all come to know over the past few months watching the lsu tigers. An undefeated season, graduation so them. Jon they will never let coach o out of louisiana. But if he wants a career in broadcasting, you know that voice. Sandra congratulations to them. Back to the news of the day, iran, impeachment, and 2020. We will be back with the news. E refi, you can refinance at near record low rates with no income verification, no appraisal and nothing out of pocket. Jon you wouldnt detected in the president s attitude if you watch that white house ceremony just now, but the impeachment trial of President Trump is officially underway. The senators sorin yesterday as jurors with Supreme Court chief Justice John Roberts presiding. Meanwhile, democrats say theres a flurry of new evidence in the escalating fight on with her to call witnesses. Here is what democratic congresswoman Debbie Dingell told us this morning. We see evidence want for during this trial, and we have seen a lot of new information come forward since we took the house vote in december. The senate wants to have a fair trial. They want to make sure theyre looking at all the facts. If the president is in the sent or he thinks there are things we didnt see when we were considering this in the house, he should want there to be witnesses. Jon chief White House Correspondent john roberts reporting out from the north lawn. John . Jon, good morning tea. The president s legal team putting finishing preparations for the trial on tuesday. Tomorrow they will submit what is called an answer to the house on the house impeachment articles that were filed with the senate just the other day, and then on either sunday or monday they will file a brief with the senate about where they are headed with her presentation. The legal team has been finalized, and heres how it shapes up. Pat cipollone, white house counsel, will take the lead. Jay sekulow, the lead counsel, will also be part of the team. Ken starr, of course the famous bill Clinton Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky scandals prosecuted. Alan dershowitz, the Professor Emeritus of harvard. White mike robert ray, former attorney general pam bondi, angie and russ, member of the president s outside legal team, dealing with the new investigat. They will all be up there, th to counter the seven house managers name by nancy pelosi. Alan dershowitz outlining his role. He will present oral arguments of the senate trial to address the constitutional arguments against impeachment and removal. While he is not partisan when it comes the constitution, he put her in lincolnton. He lives the issue at stake over the heart of our enduring constitution. He is participating in this impeachment trial to defend the integrity of the constitution and prevent the creation of a dangerous constitutional precedent. Jordan sekulow will be helping his father on fox and friends this morning. Listen here. When you combine both the significance of each of the answer and the brief, what you will see in those combined documents together, the answer being filed tomorrow, the briefs sunday or monday, is the substantive defense of President Trump and of the office of the president and his article to powers for future president for us in the future. While the president s legal team is consumed with getting ready, the busines as you saw, h the lsu tigers later on tonight hes got a fundraiser at maralago and he still plans to be adolfos for the World Economic forum on that legal te, and working with him, Alan Dershowitz. Who opposed him as he says, the impeachment of bill clinton. Ken starr prosecuted and investigated bill clinton in that case. Its an Interesting Team to see the lease. Jon john roberts, chief White House Correspondent, thank you. Sandra lets bring in chris wallace. Thank you and welcome. As we learn more about the president s legal team here, your thoughts as we see those names . The chief counsel for the president , Pat Cipollone, will be leading the team. If i were he, i would not be particularly pleased with the team that the president has assembled. A lot of them, people who appear on television as defenders of the president. When youve got Alan Dershowitz already issuing a press release about what role hes going to play, you wonder, is this the team that is going to be cohesive and take orders from the lead guy . Or are these a bunch of people who have their own ax to grind and their own ego to fill . I would think Pat Cipollone, who is a very good lawyer himself, might want a team that would fall more into line it looks like some of these will. Sandra are you suggesting the president would have not signed off on each of these people, chris . No, i think he absolutely signed off on all these people. Im not sure Pat Cipollone would have picked all these people to be part of his team. Sandra mueller no lot more sandra meanwhile, to the battle for witnesses. Will or will not we see democrats call somebody like john bolton to testify . Lindsey graham has a point on that. Lets listen to the senator first. Now they want john bolton to come forward in the senate to destroy executive privilege. Any president would claim executive privilege over the testimony for National Security advisor. They didnt even subpoena bolton and they are expecting us, republicans, to destroy President Trumps privilege. Sandra it really gives you a sense of where this battle is going next over witnesses. Lindsey graham is a far more distinguished lawyer and knows a lot more about the law than me, just a civilian, but having said that, in the Supreme Court case, the nixon tapes case, the Supreme Court rule that it sizable majority, in the case of testimony about a potential crime, executive privilege is not a defense. Its not a shield. So im sure the democrats will be making the argument that the only way we can find out whether the president did or didnt do something is by talking to somebody like john bolton, the former National Security advisor, and if there was any crime committed executive privilege is not a shield. The interesting question would be, if that is raised, if bolton first of all, there are about three ifs. There has to be majority that calls for bolton to be summoned as a witness. Pray that you assume the president would that invoke executive privilege. The democrats would challenge that. Does that go to the courts . Idoes it go across for street to the Supreme Court . You got the justice presiding over the child. What if he rules on whether or not executive privilege is a shield for both that or not . Sandra i want to ask about lev parnas and this round of interviews hes done. A lot of headlines coming out, Rachel Maddow interview. Heres lev parnas. That was the most important thing for him to stay in front of the four years and keep the fight knowing dumb it going. There is no other reason. Did he care . You have to ask him. As far as i know, the only thing we cared about, we were the team to get zelensky or poroshenko or somebody to make an announcement into the button investigation. Speech that was clearly with anderson cooper, he was making the rounds. And now they are touting this as new evidence, as this impeachment trial is now underway in the senate, chris. I would think the democrats will want to be very careful with lev parnas. He is a questionable character, under indictment for Campaign Finance violations. Clearly he hasnt suddenly out of burst of patriotism here. Hes doing this because he thinks it will help it is legal case ill be he would turn evidence against rudy giuliani. To look at the heart documents parnas is able to present, i would be very surprised if they get two or three witnesses, if the democrats are going to go for lev parnas. I think they would be very worried about the credibility on the pushback that you would get from republicans and how he would stand up under crossexamination. Sandra we are a bit squeezed for time because of those lsu tigers of the white house. Is that we went to college . Sandra yes, sir i was an athlete there, as well. We got that sandra it was a big moment, indeed. Bigger news, youve got a show coming up, fox news sundays, this week and youve got an exclusive interview with impeachment manager and democratic congressman hakeem jeffries. Another exclusive sit down. I should let you do this, what was said and she return in lindsey graham, about whom we just spoke. A big show coming up, chris. I think you did that better than i could have. Itll be interesting to hear from lindsey graham. We know he has no interest, very little patience with this whole trial. Hes also maybe the senator closest personally to donald trump. So it will get a real sense of how this is sitting with the president. Apparently not well. Hakeem jeffries, one of the impeachment managers. Will ask him about if the house didnt want to call these people as witnesses or didnt take the time, why should the senate . Sandra we will be watching this weekend. And sandra, despite giving you a little bit of a hard time, geaux tigers, congratulations. Sandra thank you, i very much appreciate that. Its a great thing. Thanks, chris. Well see you this weekend. Well be right back. We all uset in different ways. vo everyone in your family is different. Someone is streaming sports, someone is video chatting her friend. Hi, gianna vo so verizon has plans to mix and match starting at 35. And up to 700 toward our best phones. The network more people rely on, gives you more. I am not for ignoring the first sign of a cold. I am for shortening my cold, with zicam zicam is completely different. 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You play sinatra, hiphop, your dog based on how energetic they are, they match it all up. I can identify in a weird way. I actually like the calm app. I dont have a dog, but i dont know if youve ever used the calm app. You can play rain, all kinds of atmospheric sandra can you give me a heads up to make what is your morning routine . Am i going to see men with ear buds listen to music before the show . Music for the show. Our offices on opposite sides we wont always see each other immediately. So we can do our own thing. Sandra right now bill and i share a wall. So we hear each other all morning. Ive been trying to move him out of his office and he wont do it. I would to correct something. Early he said ive been wishing dont like working five years to put them out of the anchor chair. Thats demonstrably false. The bosses know its only been about a year or two. Bill, correct the record. But i cant wait for monday. Sandra [laughs] we are all excited to have you on board. He is an excellent journalist and will be great to have you during the election year. Ill give you big handshake. I want to get that right. Before you were doing this. I cant wait. Sandra we will see monday morning. Well see you on day notes show at 2 00. We will see you then. We didnt forget, will be there. Back to you. Jon this is going be fun Meghan Markle facing more criticism as she and prince harry prepare to leave the royal duties behind. Is racism in the british media behind her decision . Thats next. As a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. At liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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They are not supposed to be political, making statements on Climate Change and other issues, being flown in private jets to give those speeches, they start to endure a lot of criticism. Others disagree, saying this is just racism. You cannot argue with the headlines, when somebody says you come from a slum when it is demonstrably, provably false, how can that not have to do with race . Speak others still many questions of what kind of royal duties, if any, they will take. We will be right back. Lows. One call to newday usa can save you 2,000 every year. And once you refinance, the savings are automatic. Thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Activate your va benefit now. One call can save you 2000 every year. Eh, not enough fiber chocolate would be good snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. Glucerna. Everyday progress the lsu tigers in the east room. Its pretty cool. Quicchris wallace got me. Did you go there . It was good stuff, a proud moment. Thank you, john. See you back here monday. Outnumbered starts now. A fox news alert, President Trump adding some legal heavyweights to his impeachment defense team. Among them, former independent counsel who a investigation ledo the impeachment of bill clinton. Former whitewater independent counsel robert ray, this is outnumbered and i melissa francis. Here today is harris faulkner, fox business anchor dagen mcdowell, Fox News Contributor Jessica Tarlov and in the center seat today, you know him from americas newsroom, the new anchor of bill hemmer reports, making his

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