Bill should he step down or not . Should not. Adam schiff was a staunch supporter of secretary clinton while involved in the Benghazi Investigation and nobodys calling on him to recuse himself. Devin is the chairman of house intel whether they like it or not. What we need to do is focus on the witnesses and accessing the documents and find the facts for our fellow citizens. It should not be a bipartisan investigation. Lets meet witnesses. Bill nunes has said it had nothing to do with russia. If thats not the case why not clear it up . Whats his source and what information was he given on the ground of the white house . On the source i found it interesting last week parts of the main street media beat the daylights out of republicans for
12 years to successfully win the electoral college. What do you want to start with . Thats a good place to take our lead. Bill does that suggest youre confused what his priority is . Ive talked to Mick Mulvaney more than i want to i think its health care but if were not going to get that done lets move to infrastructure and tax reform. Bill you were in the conference yesterday i didnt mean to interrupt you but in the interest of time whats the consensus of the three items you just listed there . Health care. Lets see if we can do health care. We have a window with reconciliation. Its an arcane word but important word. We have a window with rec reconciliation and its more time sensitive we do health care. Lets see if we can get that right. Bill thank you for your time today. Trey gowdy on the hill with a range of topics today. Thank you, sir. Well get an updated view on the
russia matter later today. The top two members of the Senate Intel Committee as they hold a joint News Conference this afternoon. Their first public update since launching their investigation in january. Live coverage of that. The Committee Also holds a meeting on russia. All that on the docket to come. Shannon also today, President Trump tapping new Jersey Governor Chris Christie to head a task force on Opioid Addiction and looking at the possibility of Bipartisan Health care reform. A deal. I know well all make a deal on health care. Its an easy one. I have no doubt it will happen quickly. I think its going to happen because weve all been promising, democrat, republicans, all that to theAmerican People. Shannon chief White House Correspondent john roberts from the north lawn says its an easy one. Is health care back on the agenda now . It was so easy look what happened last week. Maybe its not so easy. We dont know when its going to happen or if its going to happen but its clear the white house and House Republicans and some senators as well are taking another look at whether or not they can put together a health care bill. You saw the president last night with senators from capitol hill on the republican and democratic side last night here at the white house over for dinner. The president talking about recruiting democrats to get on board a health care bill. The language aimed at conservatives who scuttled the idea of a vote and it implied the conservatives wouldnt be happy with the bill that attracted democratic support. They may want to be on board. Yesterday the press secretary
said there were preliminary discussions in terms of where they can make it go. Heres sean spicer. Have we had discussions and li listened to ideas . Yes. Are we planning a strategy . Not at his time. Theres individuals on both sides of aisle reaching out to the president and key Staff Members to share ideas and additional ways forward. The art of the deal is how to thread the needle to bring conservatives and moderates together and bring them a little bit of what they want without driving the other side apart its like newtons law for every action theres an equal reaction. Shannon like jenga game. Meanwhile the president now focussing on Opioid Addiction. He talked a lot about this during the campaign. It was a big deal particularly in New Hampshire and not letting the issue go. Hes expected to sign an Executive Order not today im told. To start a task force to look at Opioid Addiction headed up by chris crist christie. He has had experience with this a good friend of his an attorney died from the addiction. This looks at the issue of prevention and addiction of drugs before they come it our country and importantly the issue of treatment. Addiction is a disease and we need to treat it that way and get these people the help they need to renew their live and become productive members of society. Again a Listening Session on all that this morning at 11 00. Not likely the president will sign the Executive Order to strike It Task Force today but in the near future. Shannon. Shannon john roberts live at the white house. Thank you very much. Bill, weve talked a lot about the issue. The numbers are stunning. Just over the last four and five years skyrocketing. Bill more on that come up next hour two with marc siegel and an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal. And senator mccain is standing by to talk about the russia deal and the critical Battle In Iraq Led by u. S. And iraqi forces on isis. Stand by on that. Shannon and attorneys for aaron schock saying he was taken down by a Staffer Acting as an informant for the fbi calling that illegal. How theyre hoping to get the charges dropped. Bill and heartbreak in the heartland, three Storm Chasers pay for their pursuit with their
lives. That in a moment. We had that things number. It was going wren and all of a sudden it turned on us and was coming up behind us and changed from us chasing being chased. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Bringing tore tore and three Storm Chasers have died. Two worked with the Weather Channel including kelly williamson. What i like is were able to stream it live on the Weather Channel while it happens. People can sit at home where as its safe and were out there getting the shots. They can sit there and watch it on your tv screen and we enjoy doing it. Shannon texas Authorities Say williamson was driving a car when it hit another car and in the crash was his chasing partner 55yearold Randall Yarnel and authorities are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. I got a call from general mattis. Were doing very well in iraq. Our soldiers are fighting and fighting like never before and the results are very good so i wanted to let everyone know. Bill President Trump addressing members of congress on iraq. This after the Senate Armed Services committee had a closed door meeting on the military budget increase. The chairman of that committee is with me senator john mccain. Become to americas newsroom. Good morning to you. Good morning, bill. Bill Late Last Night the white house you were there after the iraqi Prime Minister said Isis Militarily will be defeated within a matter of weeks. Is that the timetable you understand, sir . Im not sure about that, bill, but im satisfied were on the right track and using the right assets and increasing the latitude of the military commanders to take action as the
situation warrants. Were devoting sufficient assets and a Strategy General Mattis and general dunford are developing. Its not completely developed yet but its a dramatic shift from the failed strategies or lack of strategy of the previous administration. Bill you made a commitment on behalf of the commander in chief, i think youd agree with that and you need people like general mattis to lead the charge. Youre saying you see a difference. And the National Security team the president has assembled around him are stronger than ive ever seen. Im very pleased with that. These are topnotch people. Bill isis is one topic. Russias another. Sean spicer said the media obsessed when he said this yesterday. If the president puts russian
salad dressing tonight on his salad thats a connection. Bill is that appropriate . The issue has to be thoroughly investigated. Im pleased the Senate Intelligence committee seems to be working together. Senator burr and senator warren. I think it reached a level where it requires a select committee but theres too many Unanswered Questions and it seems every few days theres a new revelation of some kind. Obviously theres a schism in the house Intelligence Committee. I guarantee you you cannot get things accomplished unless its done in a bipartisan way. Bill you said yesterday theres other russian activities going on. Its a broad statement, i know, but to whom were you referring or to what . What do you know . This morning there was an nbc report about money going through
cyprus attributed to manafort. Whether theyre valid or not i cant make a judgment. Bill some believe the white house is trying to prevent the hearings and the information getting out there. I do not. I do not believe the white house is trying to block this investigation. I do believe that Congress Nunes should have consulted with other members of the committee before he took the action he took. And i believe the example set by committees in the past and now being set by the Senate Intelligence committee is the way you should move forward and get things resolved. Bill last topic. I dont know how you feel about going back to health care but the president appears ready to do that. If you can pick your list of priorities what would it be . My First Priority would be to try to have a choice for citizens. In arizona its imploding. Premiums have gone up 125 down to one provider down from as many as a dozen. Its a disaster in my state and imploding and needs to be fixed. I hope we can come together and bring democrats along in these discussions. One of the problems is you cant do this kind of reform in a single party line basis. You have to get people together and sit them down and work this out. Bill, we have to do something. Bill understood. Thank you for coming back,
senator. John mccain on the hill. Shannon our chief correspondent mike emanuel has been chasing devin nunes all over capitol hill and just tracked him down and has brand new information youll hear here first. Wanna get away . Now you can with southwest fares as low as 59 dollars oneway. Yes to low fares with nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. Home security. Every situation is a little different. It could be about billing, simple questions like changing the phone number. Sometimes, they want to upgrade, downgrade, but at the end of the day, you want to take care of the customer. One of the great things about comcast, theres always room to move up. Of course, it depends on you, how hard you work. Shannon house Intelligence Committee chair devin nunes just speaking and mike emanuel tracked him down. Good morning. Devin nunes has called the calls for him to step down from the probe politics and he is heading for the United States capitol. He stopped and talked with us for a moment and heres what the chairman had to say. As far as i know theyve done
little to look through the documents the Intelligence Community provided. Well see who is doing a real investigation and youll find out were very much doing an investigation and have been for a long time. Are you worried about being able to work with mr. Schiff. We always want to keep the Committee Bipartisan but at the end of the day well do an investigation with or without them and if they want to participate thats fine. But the facts are pretty clear they have no we dont even know who the witnesses are they want to call. I would encourage you guys to start to follow them around and figure out who they want to bring in and interview. You heard me mention adam schiff. Hes the top democrat on the house intelligence panel. Theres been friction between schiff and chairman nunes with Ranking Member schiff asking him to recuse himself from the
russia probe and chairman nunes is continuing to do work and calling on democrats to be bipartisan in the investigation. Shannon hes used to having the cameras all over him right now and the suggestion to you the media start following around the democrats and start asking them questions. Mike emanuel. Thank you. Thank you. Bill 27 minutes past the hour. In a moment well take you to the stock market and see how the stocks are shaking up when the opening bell goes off and the panel will tell us what we really need to know with the russian connection. Thats coming up next. it just feels like anything is possible here in upstate new york. at corning, i test smart glass that goes all over the world. But theres no place like home. Theres always Something Different to do like skiing in the winter, jet skiing in the summer. We can do everything. New york state is filled with bright minds like samanthas. To find the companies and talent of tomorrow, search for our page, jobsinnewyorkstate on linkedin. Video and sound in from him and democrats are Questioning Nunes judgment after his going to the white house to view classified documents. Lets bring in Brad Blakeman and joe trippi a fox news contributor. Theres lot going on In Washington. Joe, for you, you love getting up in the morning. It seems to not get better and it does and nunes has created a lot of questions about his ability to lead the investigation on the Intelligence Committee. Shannon thats something you agree with. Content aside maybe the process theres been some missteps. I think nunes would be lucky to keep his chairmanship at this point and think he should voluntarily step down. There comes a time and im putting on my lawyer hat where a person becomes a witness and hes acting as an investigator and having meeting with the white house that maybe are material to the investigation itself so when you become a witness you lose your objectivity and become the target of the information youre supposed to be investigation. I think its in the best interest of the committee for him to recuse himself from the investigation and remain chair and let it proceed in a bipartisan manner. Shannon lets parse this. Which investigation . He said what they talked to the white house about is separate about unmasking, surveilling, people would may have been caught up in that and how the information was disseminated. Thats a different track and investigation and potential collusion with russia and the Trump Campaign. I think its an investigation now where you can call it one but its all intertwined. Theres no way for him not to be
able to separate these events because were talking about the Trump White House and talking about an investigation under his committee. The whole thing was about independent bipartisan investigation and until about ten days ago nunes and adam schiff were always together and were presenting together that bipartisan investigation. I think thats gone. Thats totally gone now and whether its politics or unforced errors this is just creating the need and the calls for an independent investigation and i dont think this committees going to be able to put it back hannon what do you what he told mike emanuel on capitol hill. Well get to the truth and youll see the investigation and with or without the democrats and people will see when it
unfolds and he speaks with somebody with the confidence of knows what hes doing. But the key phrase is with or without the democrats. Thats not how youll get to the bottom of this. I think for the president and the administration it would be far better to have either the kind of bipartisan investigation that seems to be going on in the senate side and was happening on the house side is not any more because if theres nothing there and you get that kind of investigation that clears the white house thats what they need to get all this russia stuff behind them. Instead i think this just prolongs and creates the rancor and makes it partisan which will not serve the White House Well even if theyre clear. Shannon he has the confidence of Speaker Paul Ryan and they worked on different committees and said he has his full confidence. How do republicans walk through this . Do they go down an independent
body and i understand were waiting on things from the nsa and theyre cooperating and the i am my implication is they will get those do they wait it out . Nunes himself said and i agree with joe if this cant be bipartisan theres a taint and we should have an independent investigation because the constitutional is for congress to be the oversight. This is their job. They need to do their job and do it right and they need to do it in a bipartisan fashion. Investigation should not be skew by ideology or affiliation. Shanno