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goes into that shower. and it leads to a mile-long tunnel equipped with the motorcycle. martha: william lajeunesse joins us from our west coast newsroom. this captivated everyone's attention. >> reporter: the video makes guzman's escape make the mexican government look even more incompetent. the damage is done, mexico's most powerful criminal breaks out for a second time even after u.s. officials say they warned the mexican government this would happen. there is a mexican saying take the silver or the gold. take the money or you will be shot. one prisoner paid off 22 jail guard in bogota. mexico has offered a reward but anybody who claims it could get the lead as well as the silver. el chapo is responsible for moving the heroin meth, and coke across the u.s. border. in chicago the crime commission labeled him public enemy number one. al capone is the only other gangster to have been labeled public enemy number one. >> we need a concerted effort of the mexican and u.s. government recapturing mr. guzman before he's able to dig himself into a worm hole somewhere never to be found again. >> reporter: his son sent photos of dad drinking beer yesterday. eric: now to more fallout from the controversial iranian nuclear deal. barack obama is set to face reporters on the new iran nuclear deal. tehran appearing emboldened by this agreement and back at home some lawmakers are calling it dangerous and a ticking time bomb. >> it's catastrophic. if it goes through it will result in funding terrorism. it will endanger israel. >> this will result in a nuclear arms race in the middle east. >> i have predmict their desperation the president john kerry would make a bad deal. it looks like they made an even worse deal than we feared. kp. >> reporter: yesterday was a proclamation. today for the president it's like the sermon. he's preaching the ideology we suspect of the deal itself. we hope iran will keep its promise to keep iran nuclear free for next decared or so. vice president biden will head to the hill to brief lawmakers on the merits of the deal. the white house said this deal is the cull any nation of hard work. but they are convinced it will achieve its ultimate goal. >> this deal is not about trust. it's about verification. it's important to work work towards trying to curb through negotiations on iran's nuclear pursuit started before. and diplomacy has won out here. >> history will tell us if it's a win for diplomacy. eric: what do you think the part will say when he defends this deal. nothing is destroyed and they get a heads up with the arbitration committee that will give them 24 days before inspectors go in. >> white house officials tell us it should be anywhere in a timely fashion. what they mean is they feel like that's plenty of time to have the opportunity and ability to detect nefarious activity on the part of the iranian regime. but that's not sitting well with congressional lawmakers opposite capitol hill. >> we are not ending iran's nuclear structure in some elements we are preserving it. i have concerns about some of our red lines have been crossed. i don't read in this agreement any time, anywhere inspections which are critical when you have 20 years of iran having covert activities to enrich uranium. eric: we'll expect tough questions from the president today as he will defend that. martha: while this discussion is going on in tehran. thousands took the streets jumping and celebrating the outcome of this deal. sphp just last week listen to this. that was a quds day celebration iranians chanting down with america, death to israel. burning flags. steve hayes is watching this unfold. good to have you with us today. when you look at this and you watch what's happening and see the cheers and smiles on the faces of people like vladimir putin who are happy with the outcome of this deal. i want to get your reaction to all of this. this is from rouhani we call for greater brotherhood unity and further expansion of ties. this one from ron derks rmer of israel. >> this deal gives them a legal nuclear program and gives them a tail wind of sanctions release where they will continue their conquest and terrorism in the middle east. >> there is no doubt ambassador dermer is right about that. if iran does everything it's supposed to the deal it makes it at worse a threshold of a nuclear state if not a nuke josh state. so this deal paved the way for iran to become a nuclear state. hassan rouhani gave a speech where he walked through the concessions iran was able to pull from the united states. we should be sceptical he's no doubt speaking to his audience and probably embellishing for a fact. but if you look at the concessions, it's jaw dropping to see what the united states and its partners gave up in order to have this deal. martha: another thing is shocking is the reaction to the question about the money that iran is getting and whether that money will end up funneled into the terrorist activities they have sponsored all over the world. john kerry was asked about this. some of that money will probably go to those efforts. basically the president said the same thing. why are they okay with that? >> the secretary of energy said the same thing in an interview this morning. it shouldn't be that iran is suddenly going to have an influx of funding. we have seen the history of iran in the region and also in terrorism that goes far beyond the region. there is little doubt iran will use money for those purposes. it's done so in the past. martha: what can congress do in terms of pushback. is there any opportunity to amended this deal or do they get an opportunity to say yes or no. >> they get an opportunity to say yes or no. there is no opportunity to amended this deal. with the exercise we'll see the next 60 days will be one of largely political maneuvering. republicans will try to make sure democrats own his deal. democrats will have to say they are pro israel. but all the political parties in israel are opposing this deal so it's a tough spot for democrats to be in. martha: time will be the real teller of the outcome and it may be a difficult wait for that decision and that outcome. florida senator and presidential candidate marco rubio gives his first reef response to the iran deal. eric: there are new questions about whether the president is doing enough to combat recruiting for islamic terrorism. >> they are pushing this through twitter. it buzz in their pocket. there is a device, almost a devil on their shoulder all day long saying kill, kill, kill, kill. eric: as congressional hearing will delve into whether we are losing the war with isis on social media and the predictions of another attack here at home and how we can stop it. martha: a woman's murder by an illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet is drawing attention to sanctuary cities. >> federal law trumps state law. so god knows it trumps the law in san francisco. when i hear the phrase sanctuary city as benign sound as it was. it may have been a sanctuary for that defendant by the wasn't a sanctuary for a young woman walking with her father. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit martha: president obama preparing to make his case for the nuclear deal with iran. you have the republicans on other side beginning to plan their first move on this. senator marco rubio is with us. he's a gop candidate. we know the republicans are planning their response. how strong will that be and do you think you will have the votes to override this. >> the question is if we can attract enough our democratic colleagues to see this deal for what it is. we made a threshold nuclear power. one of the leading in the sponsors of terrorism in the world will have billions of dollars available to them to use for the sponsorship of terrorism. are inspectors going to be allowed to go in anywhere, any time to look at what iran is doing? our hope is we'll be able to convince enough of our democratic colleagues because without them we can't stop it. martha: many of these senators will be running for reelection. >> hillary clinton has indicated she is supportive this deal. that would indicate we'll see everyone fall in line on the democratic side. >> i hope not. this is an issue with long-standing consequences. if iran becomes a nuclear power as i anticipate they will over the next couple years. everyone who aloud it to go forward will have to answer to history. my hope is we can convince democrats they don't want to be part of something like that and we can get their votes to stop this. what do you make of the argument continuing the sanctions and making them worse. if we ramp them up it was going to -- china and russia would never be on board with that plan. >> i don't think the foreign policy of the united states should be determined by what russia and china are willing to do. the question for us is what's in the best security interests of the united states. the iranians are building long range ballistic missiles. there is only one reason you build them and that's to put a nuclear warhead. they will be aimed at the united states. that's what we should have been worried about not whether the chinese or russians wanted to act as a responsible country. martha: the president doesn't seem to be worried about iran's future behavior. every says the hundreds of millions of dollars is released for iran to use at their free will and if they use it for terrorism everybody will just have to deal with that. >> that is a possibility and we'll have to systematically guard against that and work with our alleys, the gulf countries israel to stop the work they are doing outside of the nuclear program. martha: is that a good plan? >> it isn't a good plan. it's not just the terrorism but they don't want to live in a nuclear iran in the middle east either. here is the broader point that this president fails to make. for them his whole deal is an exhibit in his presidential library. that's what he wants to be able to do, this is what i achieved, peace in iran. look at the press coverage of this issue. some of it has been glowing as this historic deal. a third rate around, tocracy is now a nuclear threshold country on a deal with the united states. you don't see celebrations in america or jerusalem or tel aviv because they know this is a one-sided deal. martha: senator marco rubio thank you very much. eric: an entire house swept away by rising floodwaters. take a look at this. dramatic and shocking video. we'll tell you about that in the search for survivors next. >> it was like a river come through. >> the water rose rapidly. it was unbelievable how fast it rose in a matter of hours. three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car 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inside their houses. this one floated under a bridge. our thoughts are with them as they continue to do this today. eric: the homeland security secretary under fire after the shocking and tragic murder of kate steinle. she was killed by a criminal illegal allent who had been in custody but then released back on to the streets of san francisco. jeh johnson admitted the obama administration does not force local authorities to comply with federal immigration law. >> there were 4,000 detainers that were not acted upon. >> why don't you make the detainers mandatory. if cities like san francisco are not complying with federal detainers why don't you make them mandatory. >> that would be a huge setback in our ability to work with state and local authorities. >> how much does the secretary know about the horrible murder of kate steinle? >> reporter: it didn't sounds like he knew a whole lot. secretary johnson mispronounced her name. then he answered a question about a possible condolence call to the family with a surprising question of his own. >> has the administration reached out to the steinle family to your knowledge? >> to who? >> to the family of the woman who was brutally murdered by this individual who had committed seven different felonies in 40s different states who had -- in four different states and kept coming back. has the administration reached out to that family? >> can i'm sorry i don't know the answer to that question. >> reporter: last monday the white house deferred questions about the murder to his department. >> i reef you to dhs for how our efforts to focus on felons is implemented. the department of homeland security can answer how it applies in this case. >> reporter: he said he may send a letter to the steinle family. eric: is he promising change in policy to change all this. >> reporter: nothing big. he was explaining last year there were 12,000 different times the feds asked a local law enforcement partner to detain someone with something known as a detainer request and the local partners just didn't do it. there is not going to be a crackdown on those local partners by the fed because secretary johnson says he thinks it will make it harder for the fed and local law enforcement to work together. martha: a newly released 911 call from the teenager who survived a small plane crash in the mountains of washington state. >> we crashed and i was the only one that made it out. >> okay. made it out from the collision? or survived? >> the on one that survived -- the only one that survived. martha: crews making a big discovery in the search for the plane that had her step grandparents on it. eric: radical terrorism planting roots here at home. there are concerns about even more americans being radicalized online. the chairman of the house homeland security committee about to hold a hearing on this. this comes after f.b.i. director james comey sounded the alarm. >> come to the so-called caliphate and live the life of some sort of glory. 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treatment at appointments are available now. martha: another moment of truth for the people of greece as their leaders vote on whether to accept the latest bailout deal that has been offered by the eu. amy kellogg joins us from athens with more. >> reporter: prime minister alexis tsipras is facing a revolt in his party. interestingly enough the opposition is rallying behind alexis tsipras. it's believed despite all this drama in the greek parliament the measures will be approved. the measures the creditors demand. also a whole rash of tax increases. they will be voting to abolish early retirement in greece. one opposition member of parliament i spoke to says she thinks the greek people are in a bit of shock. there may be real trouble when greece begins processing and sealing the changes and that their government betrayed them. >> two weeks ago they were telling people if you vote no, he will get a better deal and the bangs will open in two days. so banks are still closed. >> some greeks are already starting to show their disgust. some of those striking were out protesting today saying the greek people used the weapon of their vote against this package july 5. but the government ignored that. now they are using the weapon of the strike. bangs are still closed. i think one significant development running alongside all this, the imf in a report said that the debt greece has is not sustainable. the germans said no way to a haircut to chopping it. the imf is saying it ought to be deferred for 30 years. eric: a fox news alert. we are after he waiting a critical hearing on capitol hill. the homeland security committee look at whether the government is doing enough to deal with the threat from islamic terrorists, just a few of days after learning more about the arrest of a boston police captain's son accused of plotting a boss -- plooght --accused of plotting a boston bombing-style attack. it's such a sad and shocking case about alex. this young man. we are told in police video he admitted he supports the islamic state. he calls the u.s. the enemy of islam. it turns out his case is not unique. this is the type of person the terrorists are trying to recruit. >> we are seeing 60 isis-related arrests. we are rolling up one isis follower almost more every week. we are arresting them. this case is reminiscent of the boston bombing of the pressure cooker but it's not unique. i think that's a problem. that's why we are holding the hearing and we'll mark up a bill to deal with countering violent extremism. we put billions of dollars into destruction of these cases but little into prevention. we want to make it a priority with the department of homeland security to counter violent extremism. eric: it seems to be one by one by one sitting in a basement looking at these radical whacko videos. >> all across the country the f.b.i. director says they have investigations in the every state. we have a number. plots triple over the last year. these are disturbing number ofs yet the department is doing very little to counter this narrative. so what we want to do is highlight this and make it a priority in the department towards the prevention side, towards the counter narrative messaging which is not happening right now. they are affecting kids out there. you suave this guy in boston radicalizing his basement. so we want to do more in the department to stop that. eric: robert ciccolo turned him in. he posted the missives on facebook so they were able to get them. that's his father on the right. >> there are 200,000 isis tweets per day on the internet. the f.b.i. and homeland can only do so much to stop this. they have done an excellent job of stopping these plots in the united states. it only takes one case to cause a problem. eric: why can't twitter pull the plug on these tweets? does the government have the power to shut these tweets down? >> it's problem when you do that in the united states. i'm meeting with f.b.i. homeland and the i.t., the high-tech people to talk about how we can better get into this social media, if you will, to stop these communications. the fact is they go to what's called dark space into platforms we can't even see even if we have a court order. this is becoming a bigger problem that we have to address. over 60 isis related arrests last year. that's a real problem. eric: that's just arrest, let alone the others being influenced. we thank you for your work on behalf of the country to try to keep us safe. martha: is it a crowing achievement as the president says or will it turn out to be a huge mistake? his legacy hangs in the balance perhaps on this issue more than others. here is some thoughts on all that from dick cheney last night. >> what the hell is the president thinking of when he thinks this is a great deal? frankly i do not understand. i haven't met anybody who can explain it to me. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. eric: we'll follow you have on the miraculous story about the 16-year-old girl house now out of hospital after surviving a plane scratch in north washington state. crews have found the wreckage of that plane. she was found at this gas station following the crash. she survived two days alone in the wilderness. the teenager told authorities she was the only one who made it out of that crash alive. >> i try to understand what it is barack obama thinks he's achieving, he looks at the world in a different light than anybody else does, but he clearly does not understand or chooses to ignore reality and that's going to cost us dearly. martha: former vice president dick cheney reacting to the iranian deal. let's talk about the president's legacy. he placed a lot of his chips in this corner. he said when he was running in 2008 alan, i want to start with you on this. if he were president of the united states he would try to lead tough and principled diplomacy with the iranian leader if he thought it would advance the interests of the united states. that was met with scepticism at the time. how has this advanced the causes of the united states. >> dick cheney is the last person to go to to try to find out how to avoid a war with an enemy. the p5 plus 1 plus the european union. this is the western world it's verifying, it's transparency. what does cheney offer other than saying negative stuff. martha: i didn't hear any answer to my question. how does this advance the interests of the united states? >> it has verification, the iaea is on it. if you are coming in, we are coming in two weeks. why are they burying all this stuff under ground if it's not something they are concerned people coming in to look at. >> there is transparency. that's what the deal is. i are don't hear what the better idea is. john bolton says we should bomb them. martha: a lot of people say the sanctions were working well. the happiest people at the table are the russians. they now have a free and open path to sell lots of weapons to iran and lots of technology as well. >> it's a very high-risk situation that i believe that the president and the u.n. security council is putting us in. they will send billions of dollars to an iranian regime that will not be changing. this is a regime that has not changed, the money will not be going to the individuals to the people. we know they could use the money for whatever they want. and the president back in may made it very clear that iran was a state sponsor of terrorism. yet we are sitting at the negotiating table with these individuals whom we can't trust? >> the president's argument is you have to sit down with your enemies. he believes as we know, that diplomacy can move mountains. he's comparing himself to nixon and china and reagan and the soviet union. i want to play a sound bite on the parallel he makes with himself and ronald reagan when it comes to russia. >> you know, i have a lot of differences with ronald reagan. but where i completely admire him was his recognition that if you were able to verify agreements that you would negotiate -- >> the evil empire. >> -- which was a far greater existential threat to us than iran will ever be. martha: is this empire about to crumble? >> eventually the old leaders will die and you will have a grassroots change. but we can't do it. we can't do nation building or regime change. we can do the best we can by having a diplomatic relationship. the alternative is war. >> the alternative is not just war. martha: sanctions were working. >> if they were working why was the right saying they are building a bomb. this is enriched uranium it reduces the nuclear reactors. there noise pathway to building a bomb. there are inspections every step of the way. martha: what does your side think we should have done to improve this situation. >> you don't want to negotiate a bad deal number one. >> how do you know it's a bad deal. >> martin dempsey said do not relieve the pressure on the ballistic missiles and arms trafficking. that's what they are doing. the united nations will lift that ban on the arms in five years tbant his particular missiles in 8 years. that's not a good deal. when you are adding the part, you have to have the additional sanctions. you cannot allow these individuals to get away with their abysmal human rights record for their propping up syrian dictator that gassed their own people. you cannot negotiate with these individual. it did not work in north korea. other part of this is the united nations is the one that's taking the lead on this. iran don't have to respond directly to the u.s. >> we are fighting with iran against isis. they are our ally in the middle east. martha: that's the choice that's been made and we'll see if that's a good one. thank you very much. eric: the 2016 iowa is up first. one presidential candidate taking his message to that state. former texas governor rick perry barnstorming the hawkeye state. >> if you are going to do well here you better come here and bring your lunch so to speak. building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. this is what we do. ♪ that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. ♪ whoa what are you doing? putting on a movie. i'm trying to watch the game here. look i need this right now ok? come on i don't want to watch that. too bad this is happening. fine, what if i just put up the x1 sports app right here. ah jeez it's so close. he just loves her so much. do it. come on. do it. come on! yes! awww, yes! that is what i'm talking about. baby. call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ female announcer: get three years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest free for 3 event is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ eric: republican presidential candidate rick perry out on the hustings today. polls show it's an uphill battle for the former texas governor. >> reporter: rick perry has a lot of work to do to get back to where he was in 2012. he's currently 11th in the polls. he will be back here this weekend hitting towns and villages reminding people he group on a dry cotton -- a dry land cotton farm and he's taking credit for creating 5 million jobs. >> after eight years a young inexperienced united states senator who had gotten this country in the ditch economically and on the world stage, i think americans will be ready for a mature executive who has a record of accomplishment. >> reporter: having done the homework he across knowledges he didn't do last time and his efforts appear to be paying off. >> i think he studied a lot and he's reflecting a lot on what he has done. i think a governor would make a good president. i really do. >> reporter: governor perry is a huge music fan. monday in clear lake, iowa he went out to the field where buddy holly and the big popper died along with singer ritchie valens. martha: for the first time, donald trump is in the lead in a significant poll today. so will he be able to ride this wave of success to the white house? karl rove will weigh in on that with his prediction and also this story. the suspect in the colorado movie massacre i set to learn his fate as the jury gets ready to take that case. emotions running high in that courtroom. >> they both say the exact same thing. sane. sane. sane. guilty. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we're making hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. you don't have to be a member to buy their services directly at but members save more on special offers. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. donald trump surging to a narrow lead over jeb bush now. this is a brand new poll putting trump at the top of the republican pack. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom." i am martha maccallum. >> and i am eric sean in for bill hemmer. donald trump is getting a big boost from the blunt and direct comments ranging from immigration to the dangerous iran deal. mr. trump is leading by three percentage points over jeb bush. it happens to be within the margin of error. look at the rest of the folks lagging behind in single digits. >> karl rove is live here with us. donald trump has been coming on strong and he is landing at the top of the poll what do you think? >> in one poll he's had movement. look at the clear politic averages, for example and he is in second. he has had real movement no doubt and i expect we will see more. if he stays in this position over the next couple weeks they will drop out the earlier polls where he was in the low single digits. 17 for bush and 11 for trump and i think it will narrow up. remember we saw this before. in 2011 he got in earlier and at 10 points in march and by april tied for the lead, by may 16 huckabee 14 trump 13 romney and trump continued to decline from there. the second thing is remember the fundamentals matter a lot and mr. trump's are not good. looked at 106 candidates who ran since 1980 who had favorables and unfavorables measured at this point and out of 106 his favorables are the worse. he is lower than al sharpton and jesse jackson. >> 30% are undecided. and the people polled are republicans or independents who say they will vote in the primary. i want to put this head-to-head hillary clinton. and donald trump doesn't farewell. 34% and hillary clinton would beat him by 51%. i would imagine the next one is heartening to supporters of jeb bush because he is much closer to hillary clinton in the match up. 46%-42%. what do you make of that? >> he has a high floor and low sealceiling ceilinging and loses to to hillary clinton. he is going to stay where he is in my opinion because he has a specific issue he didn't have in 2011. mainly this tragic death of kate steinle murdered by an illegal immigrant and he jumped on that and he is getting momentum and attention from that. and then the august 6th debate is coming up. fundamentals matter. he is leading the polls among republicans. he loses by 17 points and that is a bigger margin than any of the other well-known candidates. >> if you were advising one of the candidates at this point because jeb bush came after him, and he said i said all i'm going to say. chris christie had a similar answer saying i am not talking about trump any more. do you think they need to? >> there are two way handle this. most is disagreeing and saying i don't believe in that but i believe in this. so i will say what i believe but not engage directly. there is a meeting mean senator ted cruz and donald trump. cruz decided he and trump share the same group of shoppers if you will will the same group of people. you will see scott walker mark rubio and ben carson all declined has trump rose. cruz is cozying up to trump hoping he will inherit trump's personal support and the people around him if he collapses. he made had look like minion to trump and if trump collapses he can take his people. probably smart on his part because trump did real damage. >> he made it interesting in the early going. no doubt about it. karl, thanks. a fox alert. the white house pushing to land support for the nuclear deal with iran. president obama holding a news conference at 1 p.m. eastern as vice president joe biden is meeting with house democrats to corral more support. congress has 60 days to review and vote on this agreement. the public is pushing back saying the deal is a mistake that increases the threat from tehran. >> for him, this whole deal you know what it is? it is an exhibit in his presidential library. that is what we want. saying this is what i achieved: peace in our time. look at the press coverage of this issue. some of it has been blowing as a historic deal. a third-rate hypocrisy has been given world power. >> senator rubio's comments to us there. mike emanuel is reporting live. the full court press is on for democratic lawmakers today. will it work? >> reporter: the white house and allies have their work cut out. joe biden is trying to sell to house democrats to support the plan. there is a divide on the democrat side bottom line. >> i am here to answer keg questions and explain the deal. >> we are saying there is a nuclear threshold state. i have concerns about the red lines being crossed. i don't read any time anywhere inspections which are critical. >> reporter: the vice president is expressing confidant that the democrats will like it. pro-israel democrats are not so sure they say. >> for the republicans do you think they have the vote to stop this? >> reporter: eric it should be easy on the initial votes because they only need a simple majority. the true fight is two third support in the house and senate and that is where all eyes are focused. >> the president is the most important democrat in the favor and he is in favor of this and going to work hard to get the 34 votes he knows he needs in order to sustain it. it will be a challenge for him because i think it falls short in a lot of ways. >> reporter: republicans will try to figure out how to get the veto-proof. expect pressure over the august reaccess coming at all angels from the lawmakers. >> we will be dealing with this till the beginning of september. joining us later just a few moments from now wait until you hear what he has to say. tom cotton has been an outspoken critic of the deal and has blunt warnings and tell us more when he joins us. and israel's ambassador to the united states speaking out saying tehran will still be able to develop missiles that could be aimed at the united states. how big is the iranian threat? we will speak with the former israeli ambassador to the uncomingun coming up ahead. and this: >> they are cheering mission control because they got the best view of pluto. it is called a dwarf planet but take a look at that. ooh pizza rolls! ahh! they're ready! make summer awesummer with totino's pizza rolls. and get a free movie ticket when you spend $10. ♪ quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that's not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service watch us deliver. multiple fire crews have contained a two-alarm fire outside of sacremento. the fire left one home destroyed. the cause of the fire is under investigation. do we trust tehran? >> absolutely not. they are masters of deception. everything the world knows about their nuclear program has been exposed. >> that was the leader of the largest iranian resistance group warning against this deal when i talked to her a few weeks ago. she and iranian opposition predicted a nuclear deal like struck will not stick because the promises of tehran cannot be relied on pointing out they have denied the claim to suspend uranium enrichment over the last eight years. someone who knows a lot about this is the former ambassador and director general of israel's foreign affairs. ambassador do you predict because of this agreement, potentially in 15 years iran could have a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead? >> i think that is a very safe bet for a simple reason. the agreement tries to lock in the production of the uranium for 10-15 years but in exchange all restrictions are taken off. it agreement is like a carton of milk with an expiration date. it expires and they are free produce however much uranium they want. the agreement does nothing about iran's ballstic missile program that can produce weapons that can strike israel already. we know that the iranians are going for intercontinental range missions and they will strike the united states in ten years. if you have an agreement that creates the following situation situations: they can produce hundreds of thousands of ballistic missiles of different ranges and at the end of the ten years they can outfit those with nuclear war heads then you have got not a small middle eastern power. you have a global power that is being armed under this agreement. >> that sounds astounding. why would the united states government agree to any agreement giving iran the ability to develop missiles that could hit tel aviv after eight years but also tucson or something after so many years. >> it is true they are allies of north korea who has been developing inter continnental technology. why would someone sign on to this deal? there may be hope someone had that somehow iran will become magically transformed and the lion will turn into a kind of house cat. that is not going to happen. the iranians with all of the money they will get from the former sanctions that are now about to become expired and taken off. with that money, the regime is going to become much stronger and it will not be exchanged or replaced replaced by a consumer society that wants to live like westerns. it will be more dangerous. it the central assumptions are simply wrong. >> the president insist this deal will prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. do you buy that in >> well you know, this is part two of the north korea story. you can look at films and clips of president clinton who had the best intent possible when the north korea agreement was reached in 1994. they would verify everything going on there. north korea is a nuclear power. they violated the agreement, threw out inspectors and left the non-proliferation treaty and there is no reason to believe iran will not do the same thing. when you deal with a power that consistently violated groementagreements and concealed nuclear reactors and other parts of its nuclear program you have to have measure do is verify. you cannot give them time to cleans the facility so when the inspectors come there is nothing there. that is unfortunately what is in this agreement. >> we are out of time. the critics saying this is north korea potentially all over again. we thank you for your insight this morning. >> my pleasure. to the war over obamacare, and the issue of religious liberty playing out in a denver courtroom where a charity group the little sisters of the poor, was handed a big defeat. >> and the murder of kate steinle is putting a focus on immigration and the sanctuary cities as the homeland security leader saying he will not force the cities to comply with federal low. >> you can empower a city like san francisco to ignore federal low but will not empower state and local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws. help me reconcile that. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters 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religious exercise. christina is here who is the director of the fund for religious liberty having a number of big victories in many court cases over the last couple years. welcome and good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> the first to me you all represented the little sisters of the poor you were successful meaning they would not have to provideobamacare-approved plans that include contraception. so what happened yesterday? >> yesterday a panel of three federal judges issued a 100 page opinion lecturing the little sisters on catholic beliefs and moral teaching and telling them they had to comply with the health and human service mandate and provide employees with contraception and abortion-causing drugs. the government said all they have to do is sign a little piece of paper. but the government actually said you comply by offering the drugs or we will fine you or make you comply by signing this piece of paper allowing us to look at your health insurance plan and add the drugs ourselves. >> the accommodations made for the little sisters of the poor was don't worry this doesn't has to be on your conscious because a third party is handling the insurance policy for your group. it isn't as if you are handing it out. the little sisters said no that doesn't work for us. we are obviously the people who are originally providing it correct? >> absolutely. the sisters feel that by signing that piece of paper it makes them morally complicit into the provision of these drugs they consider to be immoral. the sadest part is this is not necessary. the government has exempted millions of business men from complying for this for commercial reasons and refuses to exempt the little sisters of the poor. a very small amount of people who devote their lives to serving the poor. >> they have given so many exemptions so why are they picking on the little sisters? >> the supreme court has told the government every time you are wrong and protected the religious ministries fraught providing the drugs and devices. >> what is next? >> little sisters are standing strong and we will continue to fight for them even if that means going all the way back to the supreme court. they have other vehicles and legal remedies coming their way. >> tough group to go after. those little sisters. thank you so much. >> it is great to be on the show. why is the iranian general accused of bogue part of the regime are american blood on its hands getting off scott free thank do is the iranian nuclear deal? we will look at the deal with senator tom cotton coming up. and it is being a huge moment in history. nasa giving us the first close-up look at a frozen world that is billions of miles away. when you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. we are learning some of the details buried in this iran nuclear deal today and lawmakers on capitol hill a starting their review. they have six days to look it over. many are saying it is not tough enough and rewards years of bad behavior. senator tom cotton is here. senator good morning to you and welcome to the program. >> good morning, martha. >> let me get your initial take on the deal. i know you had more time to read it. i understand you read the entire deal. what is the headline to you? what do you take away? >> i have read the entire agreement now and unfortunately it is not as bad as it appeared. it is much worse. iran is a terror-sponsoring anti-american outlaw regime and we will let them keep their nuclear program largely in tact and cooperate even with them. they will get $100 billion in sanction relief and lift the weapon embargo at a time they still sponsor terrorism. >> one thing that is hard to understand when you look through the deals is that iran would like a peaceful energy entity in the country and there needs to be an effort to help them establish that. and no discussion about the resources for energy and many question why that would even need nuclear energy. >> that is right. iran is the only country in the region sitting across the persian and caspian sea oil grounds. they built an underground bunker and as obama said you don't need that for a peaceful nuclear program. >> because you are an iraq and afghanistan war veteran and i am sure you lost fellow soldiers to these ied's planted all over the war territory. the man on the list of being people delisted is responsible for many of these. i want to read a piece from the new yorker that ran in 2013 that explains what he is all about. he has sought to reshape the middle east in iran's favor working as a power broker and military force assassinating al allies and directing a military group that killed hundreds of americans in iraq. the united states department of treasury sanctioned him. we are giving him sanctions relief. why? >> all of the statements are true. if iran is an outlaw regime the cut force is their shock troops and this is the commander. he is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of soldiers in iraq and afghanistan and he is going to receive sanctions relief from the european union and united nation. and the force he command is going to receive nearly across the board sanction relief. i am sure this is a demand of the iranian regime and i have no idea why the west would agree to this at a time he is showing up in syria and iraq and supporting hezbollah. running social media campaigns showing how he is going to be the defender of the sunnis throughout the middle east. i think it is madness. >> this is a man who was leading the military expansion in the middle east as you accurately point out. let's talk a little about the politics. you have 60 days to review the deal. what is the outcome? the president made it clear he will try to override any opposition to this on capitol hill? >> martha i believe the american people will refute this disagreement as they learn more about it and congress will kill the deal. this is not any vote. this isn't like a vote on taxes or the debt ceiling. any congressman democrat or republican who votes for this deal is putting his or her political faith in the hands of the ayatollah because if iran sets off a nuclear weapon the american people want to know who is responsible and hold them accountability. that is why i think as more details become public you will see congress kill the deal. >> the president only needs 34 votes in the senate in favor of this deal and he seems to be con confidant he will get them. that you can thank you very much senator. >> thank you. the senior director of planned parenthood is in the middle of a new controversial because of a video surfacing. shannon has more. >> reporter: a group called the center for medical progress launched a website tuesday by releasing a video saying it is the result of a two and a half your undercover investigation into practices at planned parenthood. there is graphic information here and some might find it disturbing. a woman here who is the senior director of medical services for planet parenthood discusses the transfer of female body parts that have been harvested after abortions. doctors were asked if they could perform custom taylor abortion with the goal of harvesting specific organs and parts. [inaudible conversation] >> reporter: planned parenthood is calling this a well established group trying to damage planned parenthood. we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research under ethical standards. there is no financial benefit for the patient or planned parenthood. federal law bans the selling of organs. some of the cost they receive such as transferring the organs are reimbursed. a truck driver hanging by a thread but luck is on his side. look at this. a dramatic rescue and coming up. sanctuary cities is the subject of debate after an undocumented immigrant is charged in the brutal murder of a woman in san francisco. >> he was a career criminal. so to me mr. secretary, he is exhibit a we just not have functional control over the border or he would not have reentered so many times. i have lung cancer. and i've heard it all... the well-meaning advice of friends... the guarded words of doctors... the brave resolve of loved ones... what i haven't heard... what a lot of us haven't heard nearly enough... new news. over 430,000 americans are living with lung cancer today. in fact, every two and a half minutes another person is diagnosed. a a truck driver is lucky to be alive after this accident in michigan. the crews used a bucket truck to pull that driver from that dangling position to safety. he walked away unhurt and there are no reports of injuries to him or anybody else. republicans are turning up the heat on the obama administration over the issue of sanctuary cities. that issue, as you know, is back in the spotlight after the horrible murder of kate steinle. the suspect in her death on the right is an illegal immigrant with a string of arrest and deportation on his record who managed to come back. trey gowdy was pressing jeh johnson on the issue. >> if cities like san francisco are not complying with federal detainers why not make them mand tory? >> i think it would be a huge setback to work with state and local law enforcement. >> kevin jackson is author of race pimping and a radio talk show host and jehmu greene is here. the president is talking about criminal justice reform. why isn't he talking about the issues of the illegal criminals killing americans? >> not convenient for him is it, eric? obama is not going to address this issue because it doesn't fit the narrative. what jeh johnson said is a shell game of who to blame for this. if they push it on off on san francisco or the state of california or the feds they get to dismiss what most americans know and that is illegal immigrants are costing us money and killing people. the idea of sanctuary cities is ridiculous. i would love for them to talk to the family of kate steinle and ask if san francisco is a sanctuary today as a father watches his daughter die because of the lack of a proper enforcement of our legal immigration laws already on the books. the left wants us to believe that we don't have a legal immigration system and we do. the united states is the harvard of immigration or countries and it is difficult to get in as it should be. >> the administration hasn't even reached out to the family yet. why don't they enact the laws? if a town said we would allow the hunger games the federal government would say you cannot do that. people are being murdered and thousands of illegal ail -- aliens are coming back and committing crimes. >> good morning, eric. contrary to what i call disgusting political exploitation of this tragedy. the overwhelming majority of immigrants, whether legally or undocumented, are not criminals. put them into the bucket -- >> we are not talking about them. we are talking about the criminals. >> these sanctuary cities have been put in place and policies because of our local immigration laws were missing their intended targets. the targets that should be the highest sought after criminals. criminals who are perhaps, you know, going after our ability to pursue terrorist and ones coming multiple times. that is what the sanctuary cities are about. when you talk to law enforcement, which kevin i am sure you have not because your statements are off base when you talk to law enforcement they want to work with the immigrants so they are not afraid to report a crime. >> non-sense. >> talk to a police officer in san francisco and see what he says. you have no position to say that law enforcement does not want immigrants to run away from them. they want to be able to work with them and cooperate to bring crime down. that is what these sanctuary cities are about; using this murder and tragedy to shift the blame on to sanctuary cities who are actually trying to get those intended targets is disgusting. >> do you can this is shifting the blame? and what about the issue this is an opportunity for law enforcement to talk to people who are not documented to solve other crimes? >> total liberal bs and diatribe. the disgusting part is everything she said. we have a legal immigration system and what she wants to do is get american citizens to recognize the illegal system in place that should be stopped. there is a legal system but the majority is fair. the problem is the ones who are not. isn't it anti dotal? this isn't anti-dotal at all. >> not entire percentages of american citizens and pretending that is the case. >> these be here. >> let kevin finish. >> the point is it doesn't matter how many people are being killed. illegles are in this country killing american citizens and this government is doing nothing about it. i don't care what the percentages are. they need to come in through the legal immigration system that exist and exist for a reason. >> now your turn. >> i would advise kevin and anyone who is really concerned with these issues to talk to law enforcement and ask them do they want to be able to cooperate with immigrants in local communities where they are going to feel safe enough to come out and say i witnessed this crime i have information on this crime, and not fear deportation? we need to hit our intended targets and that is serious criminal offenders and that is what these cities are intended to do. taking that away makes the problem worse not better. >> what do we do about the kate steinle and the young man who was killed by an illegal in the qt market? >> we have smarter, better more targeted immigration policies which is exactly what the administration is trying to do in the face of exploitation to the point kevin is putting forward, demonization. >> that has to be it. kevin ten seconds. >> one quick point. law enforcement? how about we enforce the legal laws on the books for immigration? how about that for enforcement? scombl >> that is the issue and debate you heard it. it is heated and strikes a lot of families in the countries like the steinle's and others. >> let's go to jon scott to see what he has planned: >> we are awaiting a news conference from president obama in which we will begin selling the new historic deal with iran. analysis on that and we will get reaction to the news conference from brit hume and bret baier. and donald trump is gaining ground and jeb bush going on the offense. we will have it for you on "happening now." >> we will look forward to that. thank you jon. it isn't easy to get science scientist to break down into tears of joy but that is what is happening. nasa revealed the first look at pluto and we'll show you when we come back. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. a big moment nearly a decade in the making. nasa's new horizons spacecraft completed the journey across three billion miles giving us the first ever close-up look at pluto. corey powell was there for all of excitement. you say the scientist were literally in tears in this room they were so happy with the success of this mission. why? >> they were in tears, jumping for joy, and it was an amazing thing. if you thought of scientist as unemotional people it was amazing. some of it is it has taken so long to do this. the ten years of the mission getting to pluto but 25 years to put the project together. the idea was started in 1972 and canceled with president nixon oh sew a lot of waiting. and a this is the frontier. this is what was the wild west once or diving to the the bottom of the ocean. this is the furtherirth fartherestst americans have looked. >> i remember thinking ten years ago we would see pluto and now it is here. let's look at the original picture of pluto looking like a greenish blob. now it looks like this frozen -- can we call it a planet again? let's give this guy respect. what do you think? >> let's call it an incredible world. one of the things we are learned is the solar system is not the way we always thought about it. the kinds of books i grew up reading said there are planets liking earth, and giant planets like jupiter and then pluto this weirdo. but pluto is the biggest brightest and most complicated. it is the third solar system. it is a third solar system we didn't know about. whatever you call it this is the ambassador. >> so pluto is super important? >> yes. >> and they think there might be an ocean inside of it? >> they think there might be an ocean inside of it. you notice the surface is red looking like mars. on mars it comes from rust. on pluto it is coming from organic chemicals. it doesn't mean pluto is alive but covered with the chemicals of life. when the solar system formed our planet formed the chemicals of life were everywhere. so it is not an ex -- to say this is our origins. >> when will we see the other pictures that will be more more dramatic than this? >> this is the teaser. the spacecraft couldn't look at pluto and talk to us at the same time. while it was busy looking it sent one snippet to us. this afternoon at 3:00 there is going to be much better images and it so far away it will take 16 months to transmit all of the pictures. the scientist are calling this the christmas that never ends. >> thank you so much. we will take a break and be right back. martha: it's a whole new universe. that's what we learned today. we'll see you back here tomorrow. "happening now" starts right now. jenna: we are awaiting the president's news conference as he begins to sell the nuclear deal with iran to sceptical lawmakers on capitol hill. jon: the controversial agreement poses a challenge at home and with our closest middle east allies israel and saudi arabia. >> reporter: the president will be selling the deal with the american public. there is a lot more here than meets the eye. the white house

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