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What was his motive . Reporter he was from the west bank. He slipped into israel illegally and made his way to tel aviv. This attack happened at the start of the rushhour commute. Take a look at Surveillance Video. It shows the 23yearold palestinian man after jumping off the bus and trying to escape. He stabs a woman in the back while running away before being shotly Prison Guards. He was swerving before moving abruptly. The Prison Guards chase over him before opening fire, shooting the man in the leg. At this point he is in police custody. Bill are we clear on the motive at this moment . The reports are that he was angry about the war in gaza and problems at the temple mount in jerls templemount in jerusalem. But this isnt the first and may not be the last socalled blown wolf attack. We heard this term used in israel describing a person who is not necessarily affiliated with any particular group or terror pork yaition but is acting Terror Association but is acting alone. There have been attacks in tel aviv and jerusalem and vehicles driven into crowds of people. Bill john huddy in jers will in jerusalem thank you for that. Martha yemens president is being held captive by militants in his own palace. The president was still inside and is still inside the residence according to the reports. One yemeni official says they have reached a point of no return adding the military has been crippled by these military groups. A country the president once said was a good example of how things are turning better in the middle east. The president in his state of the Union Address. Some say defiant was the tone. He says his push for income equality is the right thing to do. The idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot. Everyone does their fair share. Everyone plays by the same set of rules. [applause] we dont just want everyone to share in americas success. We want everyone to contribute to our success. The shadow of crisis as hassed and the state of the has passed and the state of the union is strong. Martha republicans painting a different image during their response. Americans have been hurting but when we demanded solutions too often washington responded with the same stale mindset that led to failed policies like obamacare. Its a mindset that gave us political talking points, not serious solutions. Martha peter deucey joins us live in washington. That was one of the points that the president said dont send that legislation to my desk because i will veto it. Reporter president obama thinks the economic crisis is over in this country. He proposed a tax hike for the rich to fund a tax cut for the middle class. He reminded republicans that even though they did well in the midterms, he himself won two big elections. I have no more campaigns to run my only agenda tino because i won both of them. Reporter the republicans went from chill nothing more obama on the ballot to growing that he was giving it to hem before the podium before the joint session of congress. That tax hike thats i mentioned before, very very unpopular with republicans in congress. But there is morning, Valerie Jarrett was asked whats the deal with that, its so unpopular. She said we want to strengthen the middle class how do you pay for that . Martha those are some of the good highlights we saw from last night. Bill Chris Stirewalt, digital politics editor. Many would argue this was a speech by barack obama for barack obama. I like to eat bacon a lot. Whatever meal it is, i would probably recommend we have bacon with it. The president has painted rationales for why his policies are good. He said the policies he wanted to enact were necessary to get out of a recession and he says the same policies are good to oppose because we are out of the recession. It doesnt really matter because thats what he wants to do. Bill in summary when you take the totality of his speech last night and hear joni ernst saying we are calling on to you cooperate what does it suggest about the next two years. Mitch mcconnell would like to do something anything, whatever to demonstrate to the american electorate it was a good idea to put the prup cans in charge of the senate. They were put in charge of the house in 2011. Mitch mcconnell wants and needs to do something that says to the electorate it was a good point. Dont forget starting on the 27th of february and running throughout the year, mcconnell will have pressure points on which they can force the president to the negotiating table. This was a bunch of talk. But when we get down to the moments where the president has to negotiate with republicans well see how he does. Bill Chris Stirewalt from his secret location in washington. Come up for air soon. Martha a lot being said about what the president did not say last night. That includes speaking much about terrorism. The words al qaeda, taliban or islamic extremism. We stand united for people targeted by terrorists from the schools in pakistan to the streets of paris. Well hunt down terrorists and dismantle their networks and we reserve the right to act unilaterally to take out terrorists that pose a threat to us and our allies. Martha critics say it was the First Time Since 9 11 that al qaeda was not used. Bill the president didnt mention healthcare. Gov. He did tout the people who gained insurance and threatened to veto any attempt to change the law. Martha as soon as the president was fin inned the critics stepped into have their say and the possible 2016 contenders were up tbronlt listen to this. He could have said i hear you, and well Work Together, well get back to where we should have went in first place. We should have been focusing opening jobs and Economic Growth and opportunity. But he didnt do that. He didnt listen to the voters who are hurting right now. Instead he just doubled down on the same failed policies of the last six years more and more taxes and spend and debt, and its not work. Martha senator cruz says the 1 has still gotten richer on his watch. Bill mitt romney writing rather than bridging the gap between the parties he makes bridge to nowhere proposals. His tax proposal is a maze of new taxes and complexities. Martha we want to know what you think. Are you more optimistic or less optimistic after the speech. Send us a tweet and well cheryl some thoughts after the show. Or you can log on. Come on out. Folks. 11 past. Attacks in paris the president side away from calling them islamic extremists. Does the distinction matter . Well ask the chairman of the House Homeland Security committee in a moment. Martha the nfl found new england was playing with illegal footballs. They said 11 of them didnt have the air in them they were supposed to have. Bill a home renovation goes a little too far. And wife comes home to see her house demolished by her husband. I dont know what happened. I dont know anything. Powders may take days to work. For gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. Ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. Dulcolax, for relief you can count on. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. Martha france has formally charged four men in the paris terror attacks. They are charged with providing Logistical Support to amedy coulibaly. He was later killed by police when they stormed the store. We cant put the security of families at risk by taking away their Health Insurance or unraveling the new rules on wall street or refighting past battles on immigration when we have to fix a broken system. If a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of those things, i will veto it. Bill the president setting a new record for the number of veto threats. Four of them at last count. Rob portman, you are in a lot of meat. Good morning and welcome to americas newsroom. What do you think of that. Four vetoes in one speech. It was two speeches. The second part is how we need to Work Together but the first part was saying im not going to work you on the priorities you have. We do have some good legislation to try to improve some of these regulations. The president says we cant touch regulations. We have legislation that is bipartisan that says we ought to use cost benefit analysis including the impact on jobs before we pass new regulations. Why wouldnt the president want to do that. Its legislation that has passed the thousands with democratic support. Im the author of it. He said im not even going to look at it. Bill you were tweeting saying 381,000 marching jobs under president obama. Valerie jarett took great exception to any of that criticism. What would you say to her . I would say i thought the president was talking about a didnt economy than the one i spirnlsed when im back home. We see the unemployment number going down, 5. 6 . But if you take into account the number of folks who have given up all together. The Unemployment Rate today fit was the same labor foirlts was when the president was elected it would be the. 9 it would be 9. 9 . Thats what people feel. And wages went down last month. Its true that we have had some Economic Growth. We have to make sure its being shared. We have a lot of idea we want to work with the president on. One idea is expanding trade to create higher paying jobs. He talked about need to go reform the tax system after talking about raising taxes. Workers get hurt because we have the highest rate in the world bon our corporate rate. On our corporate rate. Bill is that small ball or is that reaching for big american things . I think we have to get done what we, this president. He many want to go tax more and spend more and do the sorts of things that have gotten us into his record level of debt. So i think its going to be tough for to us Work Together on some of these big projects. Regulatory relief is important. Worker retraining would be good. If he wants to expand trade we want to work with him on that. So there are thing we can work with him on. The speech probably made it harder not easier. Bill its like third down and one. Based on what you heard last night, based on the midterm result of november, what can the American People expect the next two years . It was an unusual speech the first half bates was almost as if he wasnt speaking to a different chamber. This is a chamber thats mostly republican. There are more people on the right side than the left side of the aisle. I think the American People can expect republicans are going to try to work the president where we can. Thats part of the message of the 2014 elect. People are tired the gridlock. We want to resome some these big issues but it requires both sides. The president talked about that generally in the second part the speech. He talks about a lot vetoes and things he was going to block. It was a pretty partisan speech. He gives a good speech, he always does. Well see if you get that first down. Rob portman republican, ohio. Martha an industrial plant goes up in flames. Bill there is an nfl investigation reportedly finding 11 of 12 footballs were missing air in new england sunday. So what now for the deflate . [ ] huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today [ male announcer ] its a warning. A wakeup call. But its not happening out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. Bill a huge fire in corpus christi, texas. The exact cause is under investigation. No one injured there in southeast texas. Martha there are bumps in the road to the super bowl. 11 of the 12 balls they brought to the game to play with were significantly less than required during sundays afc championship game. So this report is stirring up a lot of questions about who might have done this or how it all happened and the victory itself. Jonathon hunt is live in our new york city newsroom. They are still investigating and not ready to comment on this. Where does it stand . Reporter the nfl want some answers. They have sent officials to new england to question members of the patriots organization. Amid this report frerks spn indeed 11 of 12 footballs used were found to be two pounds lighter than the league mandated minimum. Thats important because football experts say in the awful weather conditions during sundays game and lytle ball might be easier to throw and catch. I wouldnt even be think built that way. Whatever the ball was thats what im throwing. It seems like you could throw it a little better. Reporter the patriots say they are cooperating with the nfl, but the players are making light of the issue. Tom brady described it as the least of his worries while a tight end tweeted. We are told that the nfl wants to get this investigation wrapped up by the end of this week. Martha so presumably others are not taking this lightly as brady and bron couldand bron could bronkowski. Report rrp. Darius tweeted do we get to play the game or not. Jerry rice tweeted 11 or 12 balls under inflated can spell cheating. Well chic has been caught up in controversy before. He was fined 500,000 for having and assistant spy on the opposing teams signals. Roger goodell will likely want to appear tough could even take away some patriots graft picks. But none of this will change the super bowl. Martha we have all had a lesson on deflation and the balls. Its not that it was two pounds lighter. It was 2 pounds pressure per square inch. The whole ball weighs 14 to 15 ounces. So the amount of change in the ball is a lot more slight than some people may be thinking. Bill the interception right before halftime that tom brady you there is what tipped off the indianapolis colts. And when they kicked it off to start the second half, thats when they pulled the football out of the game and the story has gone to the point it has now. They all have inspection. Bill monday we thought they marked the balls. Maybe they do. But we have not had an official come out and say. If you are a new england patriot this is a huge distraction. 12 days before the big game in arizona. So well see more on this coming up. Bill not mentioned last night by name. Al qaeda or islamic extremism. What does that mean when we are pat war with isis . The head of the Homeland Security committee is with us. Martha imagine coming home and seeing that your husband knocked your house down with a bulldozer. It happened to a woman in new york. She is trying to you find out why. This outray just story next. None of my belongings were taken out. So everything was in the house. Martha support for new iran sanctions on both sides of the isle. John boehner says he has invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak on capitol hill. That will no doubt be an address to watch closely in light of whats going on. Bill an died operative silently released home. He was sentenced to prison five years ago and admitting to giving Material Support to Khalid Sheikh mohammad. Here is president bush talking about almaris terrorist past. He was flank poisons and had bent sent to the United States before 9 11. Ksm brought him to meet bin rrp where he pledged his loyalty to the al qaeda leader and offered himself you have as a martyr. Bill the department of justice says hes released for time served. Now hes black a qatar. Martha the words absent from president obamas address last night. On the same day that al qaeda killed 37 people in yemen. Last night was the first time this terror group got no mention whatsoever in the state of the Union Address since february of 2001. While the president did talk about isis he steered clear of calling the global threat islamic extremism when describing these terrorists. In iraq and syria American Leadership is stopping isils advance. We are also supporting a moderate opposition in syria that can help us in this effort and assisting people everywhere who stand up to the bankrupt ideology of violent extremists. This effort will take time and require focus. But well succeed. Martha that was the section on isis and the global threat. Mike mccaul is the chairman of the House Homeland Security committee. He joins me now. What was your reaction to the president s treatment of this issue . He continue to the defy reality. His false narrative radical islamist extremist. The fact that this prisoner who is associated with usama bin laden and ksm was now released toqatar. He didnt mention died there are arabian peninsula. And he talked about shutting down guantanamo. So again i think he defines the reality of the threats out there in the world as it relates to radical islamist extremism and thats a dangerous policy. Martha obviously you spend a good portion our time worrying about and work on the threat to this nation. We have seen what happened in france and australia and canada. I could go on and on. Obviously there is a threat to the west and to the United States of america that we have to be ready for and we didnt hear a lot about that. Its on the mind of a lot of americans when it comes to our security. It is an imminent threat not only to western europe but to the homeland. Smith i would say maybe a couple paragraphs in the speech addressing this issue. I think its because his policies have failed and he doesnt want to talk about it. He wants to talk about other program he thinks are more popular for him. The false narrative is not accurate. He says the war is or. Unfortunately the war against al qaeda w isis, radical islamist extremists is havent alive and well. Martha he says we are stopping isils advance which is contradictory of what we have learned about their movements moving into Eastern Libya as well. He says we are supporting the moderate opposition to make that happen and many think we are doing very hitting in that regard. The airstrikes have had limited success. Its been more of a policy of containment rather than a policy to destroy isis. We are looking at an authorized use of military force. Martha he called on congress to support an authorization for the war against isis. How contentious is that debate over what defines that fight . I think is is one of those moments when congress will come together because we all recognize the threat that isis presents to the world with foreign fight toarlts United States. We are not going to support an aumf that doesnt support a policy of destruction. The policy of detainment has to end and we have to get to the core which we are not currently doing. Martha you have spent a lot of time on a bill, secure our borders first act. How does that stand in there has been reaction as to whether there is internal enforcement in that bill. My Committee Deal with border itself. When i go home the number one mantra i hear is when are you going to secure that border . Thats my constitutional responsibility. The administration has failed to do this. We are going to take the discretion away from the department and mandate how they get this thing done through the deployment of assets, through the deployment of military assets through afghanistan and other place to the southwest border and maritime stals well. We as well. We also fully fund the national guard. This is the strongest Border Security bill ever presented to the congress. Its my sincere hope we all unite behind this bill because its so important when you look at the threats that are out there, not only for the drug cartel. But the potential terrorist threat that exists. We have the senate and its time to act. Martha this is one of those things that i think well see move through the senate. I know it deals with technology and fencing to secure the border. Great to have you with us this morning. See you soon. Bill 20 minutes before the hour. There is new technology that allows police to look through a wall. How it works and the privacy issues on the line. Martha republicans doing snrog their response to the state of the union that has not been done before. We heard the message you sent in november. Loud and clear. And now we are getting to work to change the direction washington has been take our country. The new Republican Congress also understands how difficult these past six years have been. Can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. Fiber one streusel. Hi, tom. Hows the College Visit . Does it make the short list . Yeah, im afraid so. Its okay. This is what weve been planning for. Knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesnt act that way. Keep fighting to repeal and replace a healthcare law that hurt so many hard working families. Well work to correct executive overreach. Well propose ideas that aim to cut wasteful spengtd and balance the budget with meaningful reforms, not higher taxes like the president has proposed. Bill the freshman senator from iowa joni ernst. Good morning to both of you. Alan colmes and brad blakeman. I cant wait to seat unity here. How did joni ernst do . She was amazing. She is a rising star in the republican party. She is the first woman to be elected to the senate from her state. She is a combat veteran. Her substance was terrific. I think she did a remarkable job in delivery and getting away from respond together president and putting forward our republican agenda. Bill thats what was different too, brad. Her time is limited we dont have the hour to go before the American People. It was concise forward thinking conciliatory. Bill as a strategy what did you think . She said im not going to respond to the speech even though its billed as the response to the address. Its the same repeal and replace with what . There was no specificity in her response. He wants to lower taxes for 99. 99 of americans. It wasnt even an accurate representation of what the president was saying. I think the white house ahead of time leaked out the key elements what his initiatives were. Here is how brit hume heard the president s address last night. Well react to this. This president has not been a pearl or uniter. The country is as divided as eight has ever been in recent history. And he has no real relationship with republicans in the congress. Bill what comes of that . Not on does he not have a relationship with republicans he doesnt have a relationship with democrats. The president prefers his pen and phone to actually rolling up his sleeves and doing the work thats necessary to get consensus and bipartisanship on things that are doable. This president dictates to the congress. Its as if he wasnt around for the last election cycle. He wants as conciliatory as clinton was when he got his review. Do whats possible, mr. President. Dont lecture to us and you will have to work for the achievements you want. It caught my ear alan. He has no relationships with republicans in congress. If thats the case, then what gets done . I think he could have done a better job reaching out to republicans and democrats. He has a secret weapon in joe biden who is loved in congress. But he did pledge last night that he was open to wanted to work with said all the right things. I hope he does act on that. You had a bunch of democrats who would make believe they didnt even vote for him and thats why they lost. They should have embraced him and embraced the economy and embraced healthcare. Instead they ran away. Thats why the democrats did so poorly in the midterm elections. They did so poorly because of the president s policies that were absolutely a noose around their neck. The democrats would a done a lot worse if thatsen possible by embracing this president s policies. You guys need a quakeup call. Trials new sheriff in town, Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner. Work with them. They will do whats in the best interests of this nation. But they wont be dictated to. If the president is going to have to change his name to veto because he threatened four vetoes last night which is really not the right thing to do in order. Doug schoen democrat, hes ignoring the will of the American People. Alan, five seconds. His Approval Ratings have gone up. He has a better Approval Rating than congress does. Martha tells me bring it was wearing salmon. Martha we also have breaking news to tell you about out of ofyemen. Ofyemeno out of yemen. The countrys president is being held captive in his own home after rebels overran the palace. Bill privacy advocates up in arms over a new device that allows police to see through walls. How does this work . You just got a big bump in miles. So this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. Martha a new piece of Police Equipment thats stirring up controversy. Its a radar device that allows officers and the fbi and u. S. Marshals to see through the walls to see if anybody is inside the home without getting a warrant. Dan shore glad to have you here. 50 different agencies including the fbi and u. Seattle marshals are using this and it doesnt seem like they went through the process of having this cleared. When used appropriately its a great tool for officers because it would save lives. There is radar device can detect movement inside a building beyond 50 feet, even faint smog like breathing. The the faint Movement Like breathing. Martha if you are going to obviously its an advantage to Law Enforcement because as you say the can help in situation even like the hostage situation we have seen recently. Here is how it works. Its basically radio waves. It bounces off the motion or the movement of the person in the path of it and it gives them a sense of whats beyond those walls. There is what the device looks like that can be slapped on a wall or a building. What about the legal side of this . The tenth Circuit Court of appeals discussed this and they were troubled by it. They went into someones home on a parole violation. The marshals had to show they believed he was inside. The radar device showed he was. They were worried about the use of this radar device. The Supreme Court said the imaging devices cannot be used to look into a home. Thats where they were looking to see if marijuana was growing inside a home. The Supreme Court said it cannot be used without a warrant. It could be an emergency situation where you dont need a warrant but thats the direction this is going to go. Bill a palestinian man storming a bus in israel. Why hamas is praising the attacker. Martha lawmakers smog forward of after the president laid out his plans. More reaction from the president s state of the Union Address. The bulk of the america wants a bigger pie. They want to work and dont want a hand out but a hand up. Your credit is in pretty good shape. Pretty good . I know i have a 798 fico score thanks to the tools and help on experian. Com. Kaboom. Well, i just have a few other questions. Chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, what else can you do for me . Ill just take a water. Get your credit swagger on. Become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. Fico scores are used in 90 of credit decisions. Martha terror in israel. A palestinian man stormed a city bus in tel aviv, pulled out a knife and slashed passengers. Watch as Surveillance Video in the upper righthand side of the screen. You can see him, making a run. Stabs that poor woman on his way running down the street and she falls down. Look at this, brutal, horrible stuff. He was then shot by police and taken into custody. 11 people were hurt in the attack. Three were seriously injured and nobody was killed. Hamas is praising attacker that it was heroic and courageous on their part. Fox news alert as well as we look to the rebels tightening their grip in yemen and now reportedly holding the president captive in his own hope. Volatile situation here. Watch this. [explosion] shiite militants said to be backed by iran shelling the president ial palace in sanaa yesterday. The president was home at the time but apparently unharmed. The rebels are refusing to let him leave. Bad, bad situation in yemen this morning. Welcome, everybody to brand new hour of americas newsroom. Im martha maccallum. Bill im bill hemmer. The rebels taking complete control of the palace, posting their own guards and holding the president inside. One of his advisors warning the conflict escalated to the point now of no return. Martha Leland Vittert joins us live from washington. What more can you tell us what is happening in sanaa today, leland . Reporter difficult to get a atlot of confirmable information out of sanaa. It has been on the brink of a civil war and a failed state but the president there is seen as a u. S. Ally in the war on terror. His life and political life of course is very much in question as yemens stability overall is also teetering. In the past 24 hours the pentagon has moved military assets around yemen. You can see there including two u. S. Navy ships. That includes the uss iwo jima. On them the marines from the 24th expeditionary unit. Conceivably those marines could help evacuate the u. S. Embassy in the capital in the security situation continues to deteriorate. One big question is what the Yemeni Military do . One report that shiite rebels have taken one military base but the Yemen Military received substantial amounts of u. S. Aid over the past few years as well as training. Recently their special forces launched a raid with navy seals. Well see if they decide to stay and fight martha over the next few days pour their country. Martha yemen has some connections obviously to al qaeda. Even recently the paris attacks that took place. What about that leland . Reporter as of late most of the u. S. Attacks against al died rabe rabe have been al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. President s drones use has proven it is working. We removed the Top Commander of the u. S. Affiliate in somalia. Taking out terrorists that threaten us and supporting partners on the front lines is one we successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. Reporter as the next chapter in yemens bloody history is written over coming days. There is an important point to keep in mind. Youre looking at a former president of yemen thrown out during the arab spring. While the u. S. Supported the current president , one of the rebels main gripes is his perceived lack of action against al qaeda. It is possible that the devil we dont know martha, might be better than the one we know right now. Martha very interesting. Leland, thank you very much. Bill at the moment waiting to hear from House Republican leaders during a busy day on capitol hill. Lawmakers putting their shoulders to the wheel moving forward after last nights state of the Union Address. Senator ted cruz last night telling megyn kelly he was disappointed by what he heard. Really was disappointing to see the president refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming sentiment of the American People that we want a dirt path we want robust Economic Growth. We want people to be able to achieve the american dream. Bill chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel ready for a busy day on the hill. Good morning to you mike. Some of what we heard last night, how much of dead on arrival . Reporter a fair amount, bill. Some leading republicans calling last nights state of the union a missed opportunity for a bipartisan constructive engagement. That from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell just moments ago. We await some reaction from House Republican leaders momentarily. Other republicans say the president s proposals sound like more of the same, tax upper income earners more and spend more and they say items pipped as being free of course have a cost for others. Another thing that republicans did not like about last night was hearing more veto threats from the president. Bill. Bill what are we hearing from some of the president s top allies this morning . How did they hear it . Theyre saying that republicans should give many so of the president s proposals a chance. They dont like the idea that some of his idea are being outright rejected. We expect more from House Democratic leaders who are talking right now. Well bring that to you when we have it but a Top White House advisor says there are items that should pass a gop congress. The credit for a secondary income earner, that was Something Else supported by republicans. As you two through the list many of the proposals that the president put forth are ones that have been embraced. So lets not just say theyre dead on arrival because they came out of the president s mouth. Lets engage. Reporter yet many republicans believe the president s ideas dont reflect the reality of the november elections of a larger majority in the house for the republicans and now a republican majority in the senate. Bill . Bill thank you, mike. Mike eman all on capitol hill. Martha. Martha president obama trumpeting the progress of the economy of the Administration Last night. Critics like rob portman who was just on the program saying not so fast. Listen to the president and the response here. Wages are finally starting to rise again. We know that more Small Business owners plan to raise their employees pay than anytime since 2007. We need to set our sights higher tonight, together. Lets do more to restore the link between hard work and growing opportunity for every american. [applause] i thought the president was talking about a different economy than the one i experience when im back home. This notion that everythings great i think just doesnt square with reality for most of my constituents. Where does the truth lie . Stuart varney joins me now, host of Varney Company on the fox business network. Stuart, good morning good to have you with us today. I just want to put up one poll here. Does your family feel like the recession is over . This is from this week. 64 say that it still feels to them and their family like were in a recession. Yeah. Well that is the way Middle America feels about their personal financial situation. Its a very good barometer. The president says were in recovery mode but the middle class has not recovered to the point where it was before this recession. Back in 2007 Median Household Income was 55,000 bucks a year. Today it is abtut 1200 less. So the middle class is actually lost ground. Wages are flat, costs are up, middle class Middle America is still suffering. And, martha the president s prescription for this is higher taxes, more redistribution. Bill same policies of the last six years. Martha i would imagine they argue those indicators, takes longer for sentiment to turn around, the numbers are turning around and sentiment will follow. If the sent meant is turning around that is because of low gas prices. That is something everybody in america is enjoying at moment. Of the average price of gas today is 2. 04 that is bun a buck 23 per gallon from this time last year. That is a huge savings for each and every american. If we start to peel better about the economy it is because of low gas prices which have nothing to do with president obamas energy policies. Martha but he did try to take credit for them. Lets listen to a piece of the speech. America is number one in oil and gas. America is number one in wind power. Every three weeks we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008. And thanks to lower gas prices, and higher fuel standards the typical family this year should save about 750 at the pump. Martha in there about the shale industry or corporations who have built it up. Nothing about that. America is number one in oil and gas because of american frackers. That is deep drilling, down to the shale gas, bringing it up. The president opposes that. We are number one despite the president s policies. And when he says that low gas prices are in part the result of new fuel economy standards, that is a real stretch. Gas prices are down because of frackers and because we are producing a whole lot of our own oil. Martha there is no doubt that thats the equation and it produced a tremendous amount of supply for the United States and really changed the whole dynamic of energy here. Stuart, thank you so much. Great having you with us as always. Thanks, martha. Bill ask the saudis about that huh . President obama says he is ready to veto. He threatened it four times last night. That is a new high mark, so what do the veto threats aean for what washington can do for you, america . Martha he is doubling down on his promise to close gitmo saying quote that is not who we are. But is this right time . Bill also a deadly shooting rampage inside of a boston hospital. A gunman asks for a doctor by name. What we are learning about their relationship. 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Clearly he came in and you know, the doctor came out to see him. I think that is when we believe the altercation took place that led to the shooting but right now were looking into a possible motive of it but clearly by witnesses account, he was targeted and that reason right now is not clear and that is something were digging into. Bill so the gunman apparently not one of the doctors patients. So that mystery continues. All right. So president obama last night strongly defending his policies saying that he believes they helped pull america out of recession and drawing a lien in the sand with republican when it comes to obamacare when it comes to helping wall street. When it comes to helping immigration. He says forget it. He prepared to use his veto. If a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things i will veto it. It will have earned my veto. [applause] we have risen from recession freer to write our future than any other nation on earth. I have no more campaigns to run. [applause] my only agenda, i know because i won both of them. [applause] good comeback there from the president on that one. Chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. He joins us. Chris to have you with us. I will bet you a quarter that the president had that adlib in his pocket beforehand because i will tell you when i was reading the speech a couple minutes before the president excuse me, was delivering it, i thought when he says im not, i have no more campaigns to one somebody will applaud and if i could figure it out somebody in the white house could. I betcha he had that in his pocket. Martha you may be right. He delivered it as if it were offthecuff. Youre probably right. Very few things are truly offthecuff today. The reason we put together those three different sound bites they sort of go to the tone of the evening, the veto discussion you know free stuff which well get to in just a minute and also that last line was a little bit smug. I won he said. So what do you think about the president s mood . Where is this president right now . Well, remember a couple of months ago before the election when the president said, im not on the ballot in november but my policies are, everyone of them . Well if you dont remember it it seems the president didnt remember it either because it was no recognition whatsoever that he took a drubbing and democrats took a drubbing in the midterm election. Obviously theyre aware of that. He had, all he had to do was look out in front of him to see republican majorities in boat the house and senate. Yet, martha, there was not single acknowledgement what happened in the mid terps and republicans had won. I guess he decided that the best defense is a good offense. So he has gone really ever since the election on the offense whether it is an action, whether on veto threats. And after last night i think it is up to seven different veto threats. The fact rather than reaching out on possible areas of compromise, he was acting as if it was 2009, that he had just won election and dealing with a Democratic Congress both the house and senate. Complete disconnect between that election and his speech last night. Martha a lot of critics saw a lot of disconnects in a number of areas in this speech. Seemed like he was sort of in his own reality. I want to take a look at some of the free stuff we talked about that the president referred to in terms of Community College and the like. Then we have response to that from rand paul that want to get your thoughts on, chris. Lets play that. So i will be taking new action to help states adopt paid leave laws of their own, vote to give millions of hardest working people in america a raise of the close loopholes in inequality to allow 1 avoid paying taxes on accumulated wealth. We can use that money to help families pay for child care and send their kids to college. Im sending this congress a bold new plan to lower cost of Community College, to zero. [applause] heard about a lot of free stuff but didnt hear much how he would pay for it or there are any consequences to paying for it. You know we pay for it, one way we pay for it is through debt. He was also bragging that he is reducing the deficit greater than any other person, any other president before him but the interesting thing is he is going to add more debt to our country than all previous 43 president s combined. Martha that is pretty stunning statement that rand paul said about the debt. Clearly this sets up the argument for 2016 in a lot of ways, chris. Thats right. It isnt free stuff and it is not going to go into debt. What he will do is raise taxes. You know, again we had the speech. It was 14 pages long and for the first seven pages, all he talks about is all these things he is going to hand out and they sound just great. We all like free stuff but then for a couple of pair braves on page paragraphs on page 7 and 8, very quick glosses over he talks about the fact, yeah there will be new taxes and well tax the rich and put fees on banks. He never tells you the price tag which is 320 billion over 10 years. So you know, it isnt free stuff. There is a cost to it. The republicans would say the cost is that it will hurt our economy and it will take money out of the hand of people who create jobs and people who invest. That is Capital Gains is. People investing in stocks and getting benefits out of that so they can invest again. That has impact on the economy. In terms of the impact on the election, i read one analysis today said actually might make life tougher for democrats in 2016 including hillary clinton. If anything he seems to be moving the party further to the left, further to the liberal side rather than trying to govern from the center and trying to find areas of accommodation with republicans. Martha bill clinton did sort of the opposite near this juncture in his presidency. This president doesnt same to be going in that direction at all. Chris, thank you very much. See you sunday. Okay. Martha thank you. Bill big trouble in the country of yemen, a deadly hotbed of al qaeda terrorism. Rebels storming the president ial palace. How critical this Development Might become now. Martha and the nfl reportedly finding evidence the new England Patriots may have given itself an edge in the afc championship game. The latest on deflategate as it is being called. A hot topic today. Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. Female announcer get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. The year end Clearance Sale ends sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep martha one man is in big trouble after demolishing his own house. The police say he rented an excavator and knocked down his home in upstate new york. The problem he didnt tell anybody about his plans including his wife. None of my belongings were taken out. So everything was in the house . Everything was in the house. We werent arguing. I dont know what happened. I dont know anything. That is a bad situation. Something is not right there. The couple was in middle of a renovation. They will need to renovate now for sure. He did not get proper permits. Now the couple is homeless. The suspect told police that the house is in such bad shape, couldnt even be repaired anyway. Forgot to tell his wife he was in bad mood about the permits. A lot of people can relate to. That was not a great move. Bill maybe they were patriot fans. Martha ha. Bill that was a renovation. 25 past. More on the dire matter in yemen as rebels attempt a coup in that country a day after storming the president ial palace. They are shiite rebels reportedly holding the president captive, a president backed by the United States. The military said to be in shambles. Rick grenell, is assistant to four ambassadors to the u. N. And welcome back to americas newsroom. The history of al qaeda in yemen is welldocumented, it is serious, it is significant, it can be deadly. How big of a deal is this . Well i think it is a very big deal if you remember now al qaeda has claimed that the paris attacks were planned from yemen. So i think what were seeing is this shia islamic rebel group which has taken control of the media in yemen. It has taken control of an army base. It has attacked the president ial palace. This shia group is a very Serious Group that it is not going to stop until it takes control. Now, bill one point is that this group has been fomenting for a while. We have known that they have been on the march. Last sent they september they actually went in and took over sawn gnaw, the sana, the capital. They have been on the move. That same month when president obama last september said that yemen was a success store. So while this shia Islamic Group is moving into the capital, somehow that fact didnt make it into susan rices briefing to president obama. This now a pattern that weve had where facts on the ground are completely ignored by the white house, and the white house is claiming that terrorists are not nearly as serious as they truly are. We have seen it now in yemen. Weve seen the president call previous groups a jv group really dismissing their veracity and i think now that this pattern of dismissing the seriousness of problems that are developing in the Islamic Radical world is really a problem for the United States. Bill specifically on yemen though there was an american intelligence official who was quoted he was quoted as saying it is very significant and indeed he said it was serious. I think the question then rick, goes to, what is the United States willing to do and are we willing to protect this president who is now in power to make sure he stays in power . Well im not sure that this is the president that we need to put all of our faith in. He hasnt demonstrated that he knows how to control his own country. This is a country of 24 million people. Roughly 50 of the these people are under the age of 15 and largely unemployed. This is a serious problem. What we have in u. S. Policy just a drone strike policy in yemen. Were not doing serious work that needs to be done. If were just going to drone from the sky, and not really get on the ground and figure out the intelligence of where these Islamic Radical groups are so that we can work with the Yemen Government and Yemen Military, then we are not solving the problem. We can not just have a drone strike policy. Bill rick grenell, thank you in california today. Appreciate your time. Thanks, bill. Bill well talk again. Martha. Martha so even with the world on a high terror Alert National security played only a small role in the president s state of the union. What our commanderinchief did not say about the war on terror, plus this. Bill has more than 20 million views online, in a matter of days. The cop caught dancing on dashcam to taylor swift. He is here to explain why he did it. Martha love the head moves. So were waiting for House Republicans to speak after their regular Leadership Meeting today following last nights state of the Union Address. House Speaker John Boehner announced hes inviting Benjamin Netanyahu to an address of the joint meeting of congress. Thats going to happen next month, february 11 i believe is the date for that and they will talk about the threats from iran and from radical islam. Thats going to be a big moment when he addresses that joint session of congress. Were going to bring you any breaking news from this News Conference moments away. To the president calling on congress to authorize more strikes against isis even as he says they are making a lot of progress in stopping isis. At one point seeming to get in a swipe with the Previous Administration right here. When we make rash decisions reacting to the headlines instead of using our heads, when the First Response to a challenge is to send in our military, then we risk getting drawn into unnecessary conflicts. And neglect the broader strategy we need for a safer more prosperous world. Thats what our enemies want us to do. Oliver north is a military analyst and author of counterfeit lives. Good morning to you. Good morning. Last night was surreal. Just on the suggestion that some are saying he was taking a swipe at president bush number 43, what he said at that point was, i believe in a smarter kind of American Leadership. What did you hear from that . Well he also said that the crisis is over and that weve turned a page. He never mentions our enemy, radical islamic terror. Today thats larger and more dangerous than ever. The only real line about our military and our veterans and the effectiveness theyve had that made any sense to me is a call to employers to hire vets. But then offers no incentives for businesses to do so. Im concerned because the address emboldened our enemies and makes our allies wonder if were serious. When he says rash decisions, the use of military force has always been the last resort and were not being drawn into unnecessary conflicts when 3,000 americans got killed on 9 11. The neglect of a broader strategy for a safer more pros prerous world makes our allies nervous. What he said in iraq and syria specific to isis now is asking for congressional permission to go ahead and execute the war at a time when weve been trying to take out targets for some time now. Iraq and syria American Leadership, including our military power, is stopping isils advance. Is that true . Well it has slowed isils advance. The advance is still ongoing. Never forget the old addage from that part of the world. Westerners have watches. We have time. Isis continues to grow if the intelligence is correct at ray rate of about 1,000 a week. Some are draftees but most are volunteers. Some 5,000 plus are coming from western countries who, by the way, have passports to get them in here. Over 100, believably, are the United States itself. So his model of success is in fact a disaster. If you consider it last year he described yemen as a model for success. Last night as he was speaking yemen was going down the tubes. The president of yemen is now a hostage in his own home and we now have u. S. Marines in the 24th Marine Expeditionary unit off shore. How is that policy working for you, mr. Obama . Last topic here relates to yemen in a significant way when you look at the number of detainees at gtmo that are from yemen. Quote, we work responsibly to cut the population of gtmo in half. Now its time to finish the job. In light of what were watching will that happen . Well the congress is not going to authorize gtmo to get closed. They shouldnt. But he can slowly he can slowly drain gtmo and find third parties to take the remaining 126 or whatever the number is today. And we also know that over a third of those released from gtmo go back to the battlefield and become jihadi leaders again. The truth is what hes doing now is not a formula for success. What would be, and has been all along, is returning to the policy of military tribunals upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the 1940s when we tried sentenced, convicted and executed saboteurs. We did a war stories episode about this and the law has not changed and the reality of the constitution permits it. We ought to be doing it. Thank you, colonel. Oliver north in washington today. Good to see you again. First Lady Michelle obama taking fashion cues last night, apparently from another famous political wife. It turns out that she wore the same Michael Kohrs jacket last season on the good wife. She plays the wife of a governor and i think Valerie Jarrett and other administration posts have been on the show so interesting to know that there and how about this . Senator joni ernst gave the military a shout out with her shoe selection. She wore camoflauged high heels while giving the republican response. What do you make of those . The white house showing a little fashion humor perhaps. This was strange. Right before the address last night, they tweeted this picture with the hashtag, yes, we tan. Theres the tan suit of the president. Remember last summer he made headlines for wearing this suit and he got a little criticism for it actually, because it was his first time back after his vacation and it was around the time of the foley beheading and people said he didnt take the situation seriously enough. There were all sorts of suggestions that you know about that so it was interesting they tweeted that but he wore a serious and president ial Navy Blue Suit last night with the tie so theres your fashion update from last night just in case you were wondering. Awesome. All right. 21 minutes before the hour. We have liftoff, america. Check it out. And we have liftoff of United Launch Alliance atlas five rocket. So the military mission that this rocket is on. Well tell you about it. Martha . And yes, theres deflate gate that were going to talk about. It is blowing up today all over twittersphere and everywhere else. What does it mean for the super bowl . When we come back. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. son oh no. Can you fix it, dad . Yeah, i can fix that. dad i wanted a car that could handle anything. I fixed it dad thats why i got a subaru legacy. vo symmetrical allwheel drive plus 36 mpg. I gotta break more toys. vo introducing the allnew subaru legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. After a brief delay due to wind conditions powerful rocket blasting off from cape canaveral. And we have liftoff of United Launch Alliance atlas five rocket. Lit up the sky beautiful, successfully launching last evening. The craft is carrying a third Navy Satellite into outer space. It will help the military improve our Ground Communications here on earth. All right. Here we go. The deflate gate plot is thickening today after an nfl investigation reportedly determined that 11 of the 12 game balls that were used by the patriots during the a. F. C. Championship were underinflated which would be a rule violation. The media seizing on this controversy blasted on the New York Post back cover, slime ball s. That necessary . I dont know. Jeff foster joins me now. Obviously Patriots Fans are not happy about this. The rest of america seems to be very happy about this. What do you make of it . A lot has to go back to the patriots and their history. Lets remember 2007 they got caught videotaping the new york jets sidelines and got really hefty fine for that. A lot of people are still upset about that so this is not a team to have controversy. The nfl is still investigating. Theyre not saying they have come to any definite conclusion about this although they have said that theyre angry and distraught about the finding that 11 of the 12 may have had this discrepancy, right . Yeah. And the important distinction here is that these balls are used on the patriots sidelines. The colts had their own balls and the kicking game have the separate set of balls that come straight from the league so really, it would have been only the patriots that benefitted from this deflated ball. So when you talk about the change in pressure here and were all becoming experts on inflation of footballs on this story but a football weighs between 14 and 16 ounces. When you talk about a two pound discrepancy, youre not talking about the weight of the ball changing by two pounds. Its two pounds per square inch of air pressure thats used to inflate this ball. Think about 75 pounds of pressure going into a tire. Thats pressure per square inch. Yeah. And i dont think its going to be a hugely noticable difference. Thats the question. You have to remember the refs throughout the entire game are handling the ball. Theyre spotting the ball tossing it to each other so if it was really extreme, they would have noticed it. They tested it before the game, right . Right. Theres no way that patriots could have tampered with the scale. That would have made the colts balls seemover inflated. They have to measure those as well. It must have happened in between the game test and the start of the game or even the sidelines within plain view which is crazy but still possible. And you have to remember like tom brady, hes used to a football in a rainy, wet condition, any little help with the grip is going to make an impact. What was it 437 . Does it make that kind of difference . The patriots were going to win that game regardless and theyre still going to the super bowl. Theyre not kicked out over this but a little help from the passing game when its rainy and wind yes they could get an advantage from that, certainly. So if they determined that this indeed happened i just wonder, do they test the colts balls as well . There was a question whether or not weather could have played a role in this. I saw that shot down in a couple of stories this morning but they didnt compare both sides. I know we know that jackson, when he got the interception that was one of the times a colt will get his hands on a pay receipt on the ball. He took it to the sidelines and noticed something was wrong and alerted, you know, the nfl and the general manager and they tested it at some point during the game. Were not sure when. Probably halftime. But tom brady threw better in the second half than the first half. If they were removing balls during the game it didnt affect them that much. Whats the potential penalty were talking about here . In the rule book its a 25,000 fine. That seems pretty low if this is, in fact, true in the faafc championship game. I think theyll be able to fine them upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think the total for spy gate was 750,000. Bill belichick got fined. They have to figure out where it came from right . Did it come from the top . Somebody not at the top . Tom brady said now ive heard everything. This happened once before, usc and College Football got caught doing the same thing and they pinned it all on the equipment manager and he got fired. They got fined, the school got fined. They have to prove its an elaborate conspiracy that seems unlikely but at worst, they could lose a draft pick with this. Thats probably the most extreme punishment thats a very big deal. Thank you very much. Well see where this goes and follow this developing story about the deflation of the football. Two weeks until the game. Need something to talk about. Exactly. Thank you, jeff. Good to have you here today. Jon scott is coming up. How are you . Good morning. Good morning to you, bill. Theres new reaction today to the state of the union. Bret baier will be joining us plus a Political Panel on what has emerged as a central battle cry for democrats. Income in equality why its going to dominate come 2016. Plus a nie new anti terror push against france. Obamacare and online personal data that should belong to you and the lack of progress on irans nuke program and what Congress Might do about it. Its next hour. See you then. Top of the hour. America cannot get enough of this guy. Just watch. Hes got a badge and a uniform, a patrol car. The officer explains how this happened. He is live in studio next. Hes never going to shake this off. Thats the Police Officer in dover, delaware driving around in his patrol car. We showed it to you monday. Two days later, 20 million hits for this guy. The star of American Idol is with me now. Hes master Corporal Jeff Davis in studio. How are you . Very well. I want to see your play list. Theres a lot on my play list. Couple of things here. You did this for fun. Yeah. It was staged. The question is why . We had we come from dover, delaware a small 38,000 and we had 10,000 likes on our Facebook Page and this was kind of just a celebration of that. So it was like we never imagined it would be like this. It was like a marketing deal. Pretty much was. Were small Dover Police Department and its just nice to get that out there. Never thinking it was like this. You have a daughter who is 10. She must love taylor swift or you love taylor swift. She loves her. I like her, too. I sang the song. She loves her and shes been to her concert in philadelphia one time and a couple more maybe. Ill bet because taylor swift saw this and she has millions of followers and she said you have the sass. You have three other kids as well. Twins and another son, zach. Youre in the squad car. I am. There they are right now. Theres your family but youre in your skad car. I am. I saw it. I was like whats he think sng thinking . Trust me. Even if that wasnt set up that would be me driving around in a normal day. You probably sing in the shower, too. My wife doesnt like that part but yeah. Ill bet she doesnt like that part. Who would . When you think about the Police Issues today when it comes to backing the blue, does it make a suggestion to the community ive said it on several interviews and its like the perfect statement that all around the world, our badge has become tarnished and its nice to put a little shine back on to the badge. Do you know what i mean . Its the negativity that weve been receiving is horrible and its wonderful to know that we touched so many people worldwide. Thats a great message. I mean to that end, this was very effective. Yes, it was. It was. Weve gotten so many people from all over the world, cancer patients, people all different problems. They said that weve put a smile on their face. Wow. Thats awesome. Its awesome. Almost brings a tear to my eye. I can see that. To the encore performance, that will be up next. I dont know. I think we might have something in the works. Im not sure. Im just kidding. Im not sure. Whatever they want to do would be fine with me. Youre a good man. Thank you for having me. Thank you for coming by today. Thank you very much for having me. Our best to you and your family and everybody in dover. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Martha . President obama warning republicans in Congress Last night that hell veto any tammys to tweak obamacare or stop his agenda but now potential g. O. P. President ial contenders are starting to fire back. So earlier asked whether or not youre more or less optimistic about the next two years after hearing the address last night. Here is what you said. Ignoring Foreign Policy was frightening but not surprising from this president of the United States, he says. Edward prince writes very optimistic. I will benefit. The ones willing to do the hard work will always do well. And sue says with this president at the helm not optimistic. She cannot wait for 2016. Not a very positive reaction there. Shake it off. Mission accomplished. Well be back on with brian and have fun. Well see you then. Thank you for being here. Happening now starts right about now. The fallout from the state of the Union Address. The president declaring an end to the economic crisis and calling on lawmakers to focus on the middle class. Welcome to happening now. The president striking a defiant tone. He laid out a broad vision for his final two years in office before you including a litany of tax hikes to pay for tuitionfree Community College, more money for child care and massive Infrastructure Program all while drawing a line in the sand with republicans at any legislation that chip as way at obamacare or the financial overhaul. We cant put the security of families at risk by taking away their Health Insurance or unravelling the new

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