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Bill aleppo which has seen a a lot of fighting is up in the northwest corner. This is where the u. N. Believes chemical weapons are being stored. What are the implications of take out a chemical weapons facility and where does that material go . The air strips, of which there are primary bases that would be major targets if indeed an attack were launched. We are waiting to see what the president will do. What are the implications of an attack in the region. There is any one of 6, 10, 12 things we can think of as we sit here right now. This is a big, big decision. Martha the ships in the mediterranean are loaded with tomahawk missiles. They could be launched from those warships in the Eastern Mediterranean. They have speeds of 550 miles an hour. They can hit targets 1,000 miles away, and they very well may be employed if this does get underway. Bill how involved should the u. S. Be in syria. Log on, tell us what you think. 44 say get out completely. 36 say only humanitarian aid. 11 support the u. S. Giving weapons to the rebels. Ambassador john bolton with what the u. S. Should do now. Martha jack lew alerting congress the National Credit card is almost maxed south again. He says come october well not be able to pay our bills unless we raise the at the country can borrow. The white house is warning of a possible financial crisis if we cant borrow any more. Stuart, what do you make of this . Here we go again. Treasury secretary lew says well only have 50 billion in the bank cash on hands. We spend 9 billion every day. So 50 billion is far too close for comfort. President obama says hes not going to negotiate on this. He wants a clean bill, raise the debt ceiling, no other issues on the table, no strings attached. Just let me borrow more by october so i can pay the bills. Thats the statement from president obama no negotiations. Thats not going down very well on wall street. They look at this and say here we go again and the dow jones average will open about 120 points down in part because of that no negotiation position from the president. Martha we know from history republicans will come back and say they want to see spending cuts to pass this through. Why do you think the president is so intractable on this issue . Its possible he thinks if there is a Government Shutdown over the debt ceiling issue then the president wins politically and the republicans as they have in the past lose politically so hes saying go ahead, shut it down. The market is concerned about the syrian situation and again about another debt crisis 50 days away. Martha there are oil concerns percolating in the market and well talk about those a couple minutes away. And a very dire situation. Stuart, well see you coming up. Bill our National Debt skyrocketed in recent years increasing from 10. 6 trillion to 16. 7 trillion since president obama took office. The debt has been increasing by an average of 2 billion every day. More debt has been compid under president obama than every president through president clinton. Martha we are Getting Started on a busy, Important News day. President obama putting off a decision on a plan supporters save would create jobs. Here is a big issue for us today that would help make us energy independent. For the Keystone Pipeline, why are there still so many delays. Well talk about that. Bill a young boy realized someone broke into his house. Now he reveals how he managed to stay calm. Martha we speak to the man who helped raise the newest medal of honor recipient. How ty carters dad feels about his son. I would never wish for someone to receive this medal because in order to receive this medal, your family is pretty much dying around you. Everything is getting destroyed. Our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the American People. So we improved Priority Mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. Now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to 50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the United States postal service. [ man ] we are the United States postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. Go to usps. ComĀ® and try it today. Made glutenfree cerealsors. Like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex. Were in cereal heaven. So thanks. From the mcgregors, cause we love chex. Martha chaos erupts in a boston courtroom when the brother of a murder victim lungs at the accused killer. Lunges at the accused killer. Look at the slow motion on this. What a moment in that boston courtroom. The suspect is accused of stabbing the victim more than 60 times. The brother was charged with Disorderly Conduct and is ordered to stay away from the suspects family. Bill the decision on the Keystone Pipeline will likely delay to 2014. The president has been analyzing whether the pipeline down to the going fro down to the gulf com canada is in the national interest. The state Department Inspector general is going to do an investigation about this alleged conflict of interest. The state department has done previous investigations about previous allegations about conflicts of interest and they didnt amount to anything. This feels like an attempt by environmental groups to throw another obstacle in the way of the approval of the Keystone Pipeline while the president hems and haws and doesnt make a decision. Bill im not so sure its ever going to happen. What is your sense . I have been sceptical all along. I think if the president were going to have approved it he would have done so a long time ago when the state department came out with this initial review which was exhausting which said sit wouldnt have any appreciable effect on the environment. He gave an opening to environmental groups to raise these concerns. By giving them that time hes allowing this slow roll to continue. Bill from last month in chattanooga, tennessee, he addressed this. Gutting our environmental protection, thats not a jobs plan. Gutting investments in education, thats not a jabs plan. They keep on talking about the oil pipeline coming down from canada. Thats estimated to create 50 permanent jobs. Thats not a jabs plan. 50 permanent . Or is the key word permanent . There are widely varying estimates how many jobs this will create. And how many directly and indirectly. But the president is obviously using the low end of that estimate. The republicans point out one shouldnt sneeze at a time of high unemployment at the creation of any jobs. And this would create some jobs and probably create other indirectly. Bill you have got the middle east, thats a mess. You have got fracking thats never been better in the United States. We are producing more energy than ever in our history. You want middle east independence. You have got the issues with iran and syria. Doesnt it strike you as making sense . One would think that the longer the white house delays this, the more the context argues for approval. But if you look at the pressure the president has been receiving from environmental groups its been quite strong and quite sustained. There was environmental activists leading up to the election in 2012 threatened to sit out the election if the president approved keystone in advance of that election. After the election you had Obama Campaign staffers sign a petition saying they worked for the president , they worked to get him reelected and they didnt want to see keystone signed, that whats they worked for. This is sustained pressure a segment of the president s base. Bill he has to keep these groups happy. It certainly looks that way. Bill back in june he says if the project doesnt exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution. If they are going to burn it eventually why does the it matter if its burnt in canada or the United States . I think they boxed him in with that. Republicans on a Conference Call last thursday night, john boehner House Speaker said Keystone Pipeline was one of several leverage points that House Republicans are interested in using the coming debt ceiling negotiations. Thats true they are going to press their case in public at least. Bill all right, steven, thanks. We will see you real soon. Martha make shower you visit our brandnew politics page. Go to foxnews. Com and enter your email address. Its easy to do. You will get the top political headlines popping into your phone whenever they happen. Its a big day for 11yearold Sarah Murnaghan. We have followed her story since almost the very beginning. This little girl is heading home today. She had a double lung transplants that has saved her life. She is now walking. Its an amazing recovery. A great story. Well show you have the latest from sarah when we come back. Reporter two kayakers with a whale of a tale and they had a camera with them. From one of five lexus hybrids thats right for you, including the lexus es and ct hybrids. This is the pursuit of perfection. Every now and then i get a little bit tired of craving something that i cant have turn around barbara i finally found the right snack i finally found the right snack over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. So get a free rate quote today. I love it how much do you love it . Animation is hot. And i think it makes geicos 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. This is some really strong stuff so you turned me into a cartoon. Lovely. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Martha thats a new one to me. Bill you thought you were on vacation. You can add vacations to the list of issues that divide americans. 46 say they dont check their seem while on vacation, 42 say they do. Those of you who do check in. 40 do it at least once a day. 18 do it once a week. Younger americans check in more which is a shock im certain to everyone at home. Martha you just had your vacation. How did it go. Bill it takes me three days, maybe four. I can check it in the morning and check it in the evening, make sure the world is still rotating then off i go. Martha the first few days constantly checking. Then after that you might go all through the afternoon and realize you havent looked at darn thing in a while. But in the old days you had to call or text your boyfriend. Thousand those were different times. We are hearing directly from the rodeo clown. You remember this guy who came under a lot of fire for wearing a mask depicting president obama and mocking the president at the Missouri State fair. Some say tuffy gessling, it was all in good fun. He says he received Death Threats over this. A man called me a dirty name, spit in my face and walked off. One threatened to burn the house down. I didnt do this to be hating. I did it to be funny. I did it to be a joke. This clown bit has been around for generations. I didnt think anything more about it than what we have done when we have done it with bush and clinton and ronald reagan. Martha hes now apologized. Hes banned from the Missouri State fair which i think he has done for many years. He does have other gigs lined up. As for the president ial act, he says he dont know if hes going to do it again. This might be the moment for an email from the white house. The guys out of a job. Bill i watched the whole interview, hes very sincere. They have been doing it for 20 years making fun of everyone in the white house. I felt sorry for the guy. He sounded sincere. Martha we have been waiting to see who the man behind the mask was and whether he had some malicious thing against the president and it appears hes quite sincere. Bill i think America Needs another beer. 26 past. Growing talk after military strike against syria. Will american cruise missiles be enough to achieve the objective and what should that objective be . Martha folks in one town a bit on edge. The unwanted guest that has been staying indoors. I ran out of the house. It was real scary. I said imnever going back there again. Help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Martha the Obama Administration is saying its ready to act against syria if the president gives the green light for that action after declaring there is undeniable evidence syria launched a chemical attack against people. But nor mccain is warning this situation he believes cannot be solved with a single missile attack alone. If the United States stands by and doesnt take serious action, not just launching some cruise missiles. Our credibility in the world is diminishes even more if there is any left. Martha john bolton joins me now. Former u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. It feels like we are on the brink of something here. What its going to be, we dont know. The president is going to use military force. Having drawn this red line in the heat of the 2012 election campaign. Then 5 or 6 months ago when there was substantial evidence of the asawfd regime using chemical weapons. The president will look even more foolish than he does now. What is the objective of using the military force . What is he trying to accomplish. When does he know he will have used enough . So far we dont have answers to those questions. I think its symptomatic of the disarray and the Administration Policy in syria specifically and the middle east in general. There is an idea you could launch a fugitive attack for having used chemical weapons and you need to do that to make it clear to anybody who might want to do that that they would also receive that kind of retaliation. So an end to a means itself. What do you think about that . I think its feel good. How punitive is punitive enough . I think you could see some military force actually leaves the United States credibility worse off. If assad remains in, that says the countries like iran, they are doing this for their own domestic political reasons and we can with stand it. And to be on the safe side lets get our Nuclear Weapons put together sooner rather than later. The people who wanted to aid the rebels in syria are going to use the chemical weapons as an argument for a policy they wanted to all along. Its still not clear to me why it would be in americas interest to replace assad with the rebels who are infiltrated with al qaeda and other terrorist groups. Martha lets listen to Charles Krauthammer from special report. To do a strike or two that destroys a building or two would be worse than useless. When our embassies were attacked in kenya and tanzania in 1998, clinton came out i think he was also at the vineyard. He lobbed a few missiles into empty tents in afghanistan. It showed the world he was unserious. After that it was the cole and after that it was 9 11. Martha a parallel . I dont have a clue what barack obama is going to do. Trying to understand his Strategic Thinking is like trying to nail jelly to a war. I think he will use strategic force. Buff he has given no cliewf what the objective is and no indication hes going to follow through on it. I believe this is a reaction to the box he put himself in. Martha its unnerving because its said to have been an adlib when he made that comment and not something he necessarily intended to say that day. What would you do in his shoes right now. I would roll the clock back five years and start over again. But in the circumstances we face now which are undesirable from americas points of view. Since hes going to do something i would try to target the chemical weapons stockpiles. But americas real interest in this narrow contest with syria is making sure those weapons dont get out. The issue of is iran. The assad regime would not be in power in iran and russia had not assisted financially and with weapons and soldiers from hezbollah. Thats the problem with syria. The administrationnt recognize iran as the problem. Its still trying to negotiate with iran on its Nuclear Weapons. Bill detroit on edge after a super cat is seen to be roaming the neighborhood. Bill many say they are scared for little kids playing in the area. Listen to these people who describe the mysterious animal. Its tall with very long arms and a long tail and a small head. It looks like an evil thing. I just ran. You just ran. You didnt want to look at it any longer. It just walks through the block. Its not scared of anybody. Im scared to walk the neighborhood. It come out on you. I ran in the house and it was real scary. I said im never going back there again. Bill Humane Society officials moving in there. But they have got to locate him first. Martha he has a long tail. Hes not a bobcat. He looks like a combination of a leopard and a bobcat or something. Bill hiding out under the left Quarter Panel of that vehicle. Martha im not going back around there again. A 12yearold boy who really kept his cool under some frightening circumstances after two burglars broke into his home when he was alone. Now the little boy tells us about those terrifying moments. Bill a living American Hero saving lives in the middle of hell and earth. Staff sergeant ty carter receiving the medal of honor yesterday. He gave him safety and comfort. He allowed them to have the thought that he would be coming home to us. Coming home to his family. [ male annouer ] lets go places. But lets be ready. Lets do our homework. Lets look out for each other. Lets look both ways before crossing. Lets remember whats important. Lets be optimistic. But just in case lets be ready. Letgo places, safely. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensureĀ®. Nutrition inhargeā„¢. Too small. Too soft. Too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progressos new creamy alfredo soup. Inspired by perfection. They just broke the window . What room are you in . Stay on the phone with me. Martha we told you about this story yesterday. 12yearold Deion Murdoch called 911 after two men broke into his house. I closed the door, locked it, opened it, and i had to like squeeze back there in this corner. Hear them coming in. I panicked, but the lady started talking to me and made me calm down. Martha the 911 operator stayed on the phone with him until the police arrived. Many in the texas town are calling her a hero. You have to put yourself in a mothers position or parents position and get give the information to him so he can feel comfortable. Reporter both suspects were eventually arrested. Its great to see these 911 stories. He said she made me feel calm. So thats good. Bill nicely done. Our nations highest military hon jar awarded to a man who is not on an American Hero but is still fighting for troops battling the memory of their own service. Specialist tyrone carters selflessness reflect great credit on himself, bravo troop 4th Infantry Division and the United States army. [applause] bill you do not picture that moment when you enlist for the u. S. Military. The battle took place in 2009. Ty carter and his fellow soldiers came under attack by taliban fighters. He braved enemy fire to run ammunition to his brothers in arms. Took out several taliban fighters himself and risked his life to provide aid to a gravely wounded comrade. 8 soldiers died that day, 22 were injured. Before he camit came ty saids hoping to take his children around washington to show them the history. But if you want to know what a true American Hero looks like you dont have to look too far. You just have to look at your dad. Bill mark carter is ty carters father. As a father what did that ceremony mean to you . Thats a tough question. Not too many dads have the opportunity to experience Something Like that. Meeting the president , meeting Vice President biden and his wife ann. What a tremendous experience. I havent even brushed shoulders with people who were able to experience that. So this is pretty cool. Bill your sons heroism will be remembered forever. Bill he said i stand here proud to represent the 50 soldiers who faced impossible odds. He said im nervous about living with the responsibility of telling their story. Hes always been a loner, enjoyed his privacy. Hasnt really had to represent anyone but himself and do what he and his family need. So in my opinion, thats the reason why hes nervous about that. Thats quite a responsibility. I found that just having him be acknowledged this way and people starting to ask me these questions its been quite a responsibility on my part, too. That hopefully i can portray his feelings, my feelings, the familys feelings in a way that bring respect from our family, to the army and to this nation. Bill hes been dealing with post Traumatic Stress disorder. He has been very public about it. What he talks about is the invisible wound. He says know that they are not damaged, they are simply burdened with living with what others do not. How is he doing . Hes doing pretty good. All of them. That experience that. So they are experiencing it now. They will wake up in the middle of the night at a include itle click or a flash of light, and they will immediately be awake and not be able to go back to sleep for hours. The idea of them just something triggering in their mind and they are back there in afghanistan at the out post. So its going to be tough for them to get over. Including my son. Tough for them to get over for a number of years. Bill if you think about the statement he made, you have a young man, you have a son who is living with this disorder yet hes helping others. How does he do that . I think hes considering that that is his therapy being able to help others. Hes always wanted to help others. He did some individual jobs between military service the first four years, lived with me for five years. And the jobs that he was doing just didnt give him the gratification of being able to help others like his current job now. Bill you have your son, he has co have not. Sometimes you deal with the guilt of living or coming out of an experience like that. And now you have the opportunity to give back. I think its a wonderful sight to see the images we see and to recognize who those those who have sacrificed so as much. You have did not serve so your son has one up on you. Im living most of this through my buddies at the golf course, my buffedies at work. They are going holy crap, your son did this . I said thats what im hearing about. Now im finding out National Recognition is quite a thing. This is just impressive. Bill ill bet thats not all they are saying. Mark carter, thank you. Our best to you, your family, grandchildren and your son, ty. Thank you for giving us such a great example. Thank you, sir. A good man. It was an honor. Martha a real look inside what its like to have that kind of attention to witness a moment like that when your son is a true American Hero and the humility that family expressed is very touching and the other families are grateful to him. Bill bya on this if you want to talk about anything on your mind. On twitter follow me there. Just one line. One question mark. Bya because you asked. Martha it looks like a major showdown is coming over the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling. The white house says it wont negotiate on this. A panel will join us fair and balanced debate coming up. Bill what a day here. The little girl who captivated the nation and sparked the debate on transplants is now heading home. Hotels. Com. Nice bear. Ooh that one nice. Got it oh my gosh this is so cool. Awesome perfect save up to 30 plus an extra 12 off with coupon. Now until labor day. Only at hotels. Com nascar is about excitement. But tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. Thats why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. Hps Technology Helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into realtime Business Insights that help nascar win with our fans. Bill a heart stopping Close Encounter caught on tape. A pair of kayakers out on kayaks in monterey bay snapped these pictures of a 40foot humpback whale. The woman closest to the whale said her heart was doing flips afterwards. Flipflops. More than just a flip. Man oh man. Martha she is getting stronger every day. Now a big step for Sarah Murnaghan following two lung transplants surgeries. Laura ingle joins us live. Reporter our own Peter Johnson jr. Who is in philadelphia with the family tells us sarah arrived home via ambulance and a nurse will be home with her. Her mother was in the ambulance with her and her brothers and sisters and grandparents all greeted her in the driveway. On sunday sarahs mother said her daughter was taken off oxygen though she is still getting support from a machine that helps her breathe. She is up on her feet using a walker to help her get around. Even venturing outside. Sarahs recovery is focused on building her muscle strength. Her mother says she and her daughter have cried tears of joy because she is home. An incredible part of this story. Sarahs parents sued to change that policy to put her at the bottom of the adult list. The group added sarah to the adult list. After the first set of transplanted lungs failed, sarah received another set three days later while struggling with the end stage of cystic fibrosis. After entering the hospital more than 6 months ago she never could have imagined the journey ahead. If you are struggling with something bigger than you. God is great and so is the human spirit. There are so many Beautiful People in the world. Thank you. Martha great story, when wish them well. Bill a fox news alert from the pentagon. Senior defense officials telling fox news a military strike on syria is not a question of if but when. Jennifer griffin will have the details. Martha this is a fire the size of the city of chicago. Well go live to yosemite where firefighters are battling a place that already charred thousands of acres. And you need it now. Ladies, lets goo vegas. Cute waiter girls weekend here priceline savings without the bidding. Made glutenfree cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. Like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex. Were in cereal heaven. So thanks. From the mcgregors, cause we love chex. Martha we start with this fox news alert. The u. S. Military is, quote, ready to go. The Obama Administration calling syrias apparent use of chemical weapons to slaughter innocent men, women and children a quote, moral obscenity. Senior defense officials telling fox that military strikes are not a question of if but when at this point. Welcome, everybody. Brand new hour of americas newsroom. Glad to have you with us on this really busy morning. Im martha maccallum. Bill im bill hemmer. Military assets, we marked this last hour, they are already in position. Warships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean carrying cruise missiles, capable of reaching targets inside of syria. Now we wait to hear from the white house. Here is ambassador john bolton just moments ago inside americas newsroom. I dont have a clue what Barack Obamas going to do. Trying to understand his Strategic Thinking is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. Im sure that he is going to use military force but until we see what it is he has given no clue what the objective is. He has given no indication he intend to follow through on it and i very much feel this is a reaction to the box he put himself in rather than the application of sound, Strategic Thinking. Martha strong words from john bolton moments ago here in americas newsroom. Joined by National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin covering this story from the pentagon. So, jennifer, what are you hearing at this point . Reporter martha, u. S. Military sources tell me the current plan is limited and does not include targeting syrias chemical weapons. That would require special operations and boots on the ground which the president has ruled out. There is no way to surgically strike chemical stockpiles im told, most of which in syria underground. The four u. S. Destroyers in the region, in the mediterranean are each capable of firing up to 90 tomahawk cruise missiles. Defense secretary chuck hagel has spoken with his french and british counterpart and told the bbc in an interview today that the u. S. Is ready to strike. The United States is looking at all options regarding the situation in syria. Were working with our allies and with the International Community. We are analyzing the intelligence and, we will get the facts. Reporter we just learned that in the next 24 hours the administration plans to release an intelligence assessment which they have declassified in order to make the case for why a military strike is needed the intelligence will show how the chemical weapons were used and how the administration believes those weapons were used by the assad regime. That we expect in some sort of a printed formulator today. We also learned the chairman of the House Armed Services committee, congressman buck ma keen, was reached last night by senior u. S. Defense officials. This sort past noteification process that is taking play and underway, in terms of secretary of state, white house, Defense Department, reaching out to senior congressional leaders in the event the president gives the go order. Martha it is clear from everything you say, jennifer, theyre making all efforts to notify the people who need to be notified, to put information out there that backs up their case for taking action. What other measures in terms of feedback from congress or from our allies is the administration waiting for at this point . Reporter well really the holdup at this point is that the administration has decided to work through nato. Nato has called an emergency session tomorrow, wednesday, in brussels with all of its memberstates. There is, there is very little likelihood the u. S. Would strike before that meeting so theyre going to wait for that nato session to end tomorrow which is wednesday. Then we understand that the, the u. K. , Prime Minister David Cameron has called his parliament back into session from recess. They will meet and take a vote were told on thursday. So it is unlikely that any strike would happen before thursday. The administration is unlikely to go through the u. N. Security council where russia and china are going to, would likely veto any sort of military action and its not without precedent that the u. S. Would use nato as the, as the body in which to essentially gain international, sort of, that is the route which they are planning to go. Thats what they did in kosovo. Thats what theyre doing at this time were told. Martha . Martha that kind of cooperation and coordination, jennifer, thank you very much. Well see you later farreaching implications from all of this too. Youre already seeing the price of oil increase as of yesterday. We want to show you on the map what are considered the two most critical choke points for Oil Transportation in the world. State of hormuz here which empties in the persian gulf just south of iran eventually into iraq is number one. Number two is the suez canal over in egypt. Syria is here to the north. But the suez canal runs for about 120 miles and connects to the persian gulf and Eastern Mediterranean where the u. S. Warships have been prepositioned. Advance it one time. How important is the suez canal . 7 of all seaborne traded oil passes through the suez, and 13 of Liquified Natural Gas does the same. This area is something to watch if there is military conflict that could impact the suez. Melissa francis is with me now. Money with Melissa Francis i should say. There you go. Bill good morning to you. Syria doesnt produce a lot of oil. Right. Bill why would you see the spike now . Exactly what you highlighted it is the neighborhood were very concerned about. Look at the neighbors right there. Iraq is right on its border. Iraq is the second Biggest Oil Producer in opec. They kicked up exports to 2. 4 Million Barrels a day. They have seen a big increase in production with investments from folks like bp exxon and royal dutch shell. They have all gotten in there and really stepped things up. So the fear is a conflict begins in syria, it impacts the oil from iraq going out around the world. There is libya to think about in the neighborhood. They have seen production drop by 60 because of internal conflicts. That is sort of the flipside of that coin. That is a big concern as well. Because theyre a big contributor. With all the traffic around the area. Were not just talking about us. This is oil to asia where theyre seeing a bit of a slowdown and europe as well. Bill here at home weve watched this huge production boom by way of fracking. So were not entirely insulated from this,. Were not. Bill by any measure. Your point is correct. It has helped a lot. As soon as october our own internal production should exceed imports. That is the first time that happened since 1995. Bill wow. Production is at a 22year high. Were doing better than we were before. Were in a better position to deal with this but oil is fungible. It goes all around the world. And what hurts europe and hurts asia ultimately hurts us as well because were an interconnected global economy. Bill i know the straits of hormuz. Well get the geography right next time. Melissa, every weekday. 5 00 eastern time, money with Melissa Francis over on the fox business network. Plenty to talk about. Martha plenty to talk about is right. We have Consumer Confidence in august near a fiveyear high. Well see if the confidence holds up with everything going on in the world with these concerns about oil as well. Despite the possible impact on oil prices a new poll suggests that most americans would not support the idea of getting more involved in the syrian crisis. Look at the new number from rasmussen. 31 , favor giving more military help to the syrian rebels. A lot of questions who the rebels are and connections to al qaeda complicates that matter greatly. Only if the chemical weapons charges are actually proven to be true. 37 say they do not support getting the u. S. Military involved in syria. Bill so what do you think at home . Should the u. S. Get involved . Send us a tweet online right now, billhemmer and at martha maccallum. Lines are open. Tell us how you feel and what you think. Martha all right. This fox news alert for you now. Encouraging update on californias massive wildfires as crews finally make a little bit proving guess after more than 250 square miles have been burned in and around the iconic Yosemite National park. This is known as the rim fire as it makes its way around that park. Smoke clouds, even some flames now visible from space. We have seen the pictures. Could be a long way before this is over. Claudia cowan is live in california and she is giving us the latest how theyre doing. Hi, claudia. Reporter well, good morning from a very smokey, toulmine city. This is few miles and one ridgeline away from the fires leading edge and two nearby communities remain under evacuation advisory. Folks are here ready to leave at moments notice if need be. 4,000 firefighters are battling the stubborn rim fire. This has really become an air assault. We have seen 13 helicopters and six air tankers making continuous drops of water and retardant. Living with locals who live on the ridge, we saw drops as late as 7 30 last night. Despite erratic winds and hot temperatures crews made a significant progress yesterday. They have a line around 20 of the rim fire. It has grown to nearly 180,000acres. After getting briefed yesterday, governor jerry brown praised californias firefighters who have come through time and again during this extreme fire season. This is something we have to live with. It may get worse in years to come. California will be ready for it. Whatever it takes, im going to make sure the resources are deployed. Reporter of course those resources include money. Price tag for the rim fire alone, martha . More than 20 million. Martha claudia, thank you very much. Claudia cowan. Bill and on it burns, huh . Martha on it burns, thats right. Bill white house will not negotiate after asking lawmakers for more Borrowing Authority to pay americas bills. You have nearly 17 trillion in debt, america. Why is the white house playing hard ball . Fair and balanced debate on that in a minute. Martha the government is spending a lot of taxpayer money to sell you on the health care law. How much money are they spending on this effort . Were going to tell you. Plus remember this . Everybody in cleveland, all minorities got obama phone. Keep obama in as president you know. He gave us a phone. Gave you a phone . Give you more. Bill which told you about the fraud in socalled Obama Phone Program yesterday. How easy it is it to get one of those phones. We will talk to someone today who did not just get one, but rather free, all paid for by you too big. Too small. Too soft. Too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progressos new creamy alfredo soup. Inspired by perfection. Even in stupid loud places. To prove it, we set up our call center right here. [ chirp ] all good . [ chirp ] getty up. Call me. Seriously, this is really happening [ cellphone rings ] hello . Its a giant helicopter maam. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultrarugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. Trble hearing on the phone . Buy one get four free for your business. Visit spntcaptel. Com bill weve been working on this all week. Northern california dealing with dangerous wildfires. Southern california seeing flash flooding washing out roads. Thunderstorms, dumping as much as two inches of rain every hour in some parts. And theyre doing right now what you shouldnt do and thats drive across that water. The heavy rain also causing mudslides. One person was killed over the weekend after a car was caught in one of those flash floods. Look out. Back to washington now where theres a major battle brewing after the Treasury Department asked congress to raise the Borrowing Limit on the nations credit card by october. Nearly 17 trillion in debt we are right now. The white house says any request from republican lawmakers to tie the increase in the debt ability to borrow on the debt to spending cuts is a dealbreaker. They say it will be met with a resounding no. We will not negotiate with republicans in congress over congresss responsibility to pay the bills that congress has racked up. Period. It is congresss responsibility to maintain the full, faith and credit of the United States. We have never defaulted. And we must never default. Martha there you have it from jay carney at the white house. Bob beckel, former Democratic Campaign manager cohost of the five. Brad blakeman former Deputy Assistant to president george w. Bush. You have to pay the bills, brad and bob, and theres just no negotiating on that and there is no deciding when you do pay the bells it might make some sense to rein in some of your spending Going Forward because youre racking up a big credit card. Brad, you want to take crack at it first. Brad, im sorry, go ahead you take a crack at it. The white house making demands making are trying to sucker the republicans in to voting down the debt increase. Let me tell you, republicans better play chess and not russian rule let. The American People know it is this president unable to get a budget. There are 50 Million People unemployed. Housing prices are still not where they are. Bankruptcies are at an alltime high. When we need to do is live to fight another day but we should not throw in the towel on the negotiation. Sequester cuts must stay at present levels and press on obamacare. The president knows it is not ready for prime time. We need to exempt individuals the same businesses have been exempt and push this thing back at least a year the president pushed it back. Martha bob, what do you make of all this. First of all the republican dug their own hole. Brad, i wish you would tell them to hand you the shovel they will keep getting in deeper. They were the ones want to increase the debt sealing to the fall. Now going into election season. The idea of putting full faith and credit of United States at risk going into Election Year is suicide. To tie it to the budget, which means without a budget the government shuts down. The republicans learned that lesson in the 1990s when they got killed at polls. There are the two choices. Make those choices fine with me, either way they go with it but it is suicide from that standpoint. I understand the politics youre talking about but i cant help but take it to a more practical level. Here is the example. If youre a family and daughter runs up credit card and has access to it and goes crazy on it, you know . We will not besmirch the familys name. We have to pay the bill. Are you going to say to her, keep going, all we care about is familys good name. You say no, well pay the bill but change things in the future. What is so very difficult about that . Go ahead. Let me take a crack at that. Martha go ahead, bob. I take a crack at it because i got a daughter says does that to me all the time. Martha me too. I am an atm machine. All she has to do is push four buttons. Martha i hear you. The debt we all agree is a problem. I dont think is as big a problem as other people do. Nothing about this americans woke up the deficit in any way impacted on them negatively. But in the future there is possibility it can. President obama made a proposal to redo the cost of living increases on Social Security which is billions of dollars and republicans turned him down. Martha brad . Well, look, what we need to do, as you point out, martha, we have to live in our federal budget like our citizens are mandated to live at home. We have to live within a budget. This is a town all about numbers and power and ability to get things done of the right now we have divided government. Brad, why dont you accept martha argument is the president doesnt want to cut anything. He never comes out with any way to cut anything. Bob says he does and republicans shot it down. What do you say . This president , even when he controlled both houses of congress in his first two years was unable to produce a budget when he controlled every brand of government. This president has no limit to spending. Why . Because he is backstopped by the american taxpayer. We dont live this way at home. We can only spend what we take in and what we take, and account for what we take out. Is. Martha i hear you. Brad, constitution says all money begins in house of representatives, controlled by republicans. Come on, bob. Martha but it is endless, endless pot that continues to be spent. Thats right. Martha bob, one of the things that strikes me is the sequester. We were told the sequester was going to be so horrible and so scary and it would cut back so many things that meant so much to americans. It didnt happen. If that wasnt so bad, what is the president afraid of in terms of saying you know what well raise the debt ceiling but well go further. Well cut this and that . Because he says he is serious about reining in spending so why not do it . Why not surprise the republicans . First of all sequester is in fact beginning to cause pain across democratic and republican why republicans want to change wait a minute. Both democrats and republicans want out from underneath the sequester vote. They cant do that without a new budget. That is the Pressure Point the president s got. They wanted sequester. They got sequester. The pain is coming in and they want to change it. Martha is the pain coming, in glad. The pain is coming in because president directed agencies to cause American People pain. He told them you cut programs that affect American People. White house is closed to public tours because the president wants to send a message. It is easy to live within your budget. If the president wanted to be a rock star he would tell every agency to cut back spending 10 . One final point, speak about rocks. Thats where you guys are, between a rock and a hard place. No way, please. Martha well leave it there. Bob see you later on the five. Thanks so much, brad. Bill bob and brad going at it. A dustout now. A major storm that left a major American City paralyzed. You will see that in a moment. Also here. Martha it was a turning point in tennis and American Culture but could it all have been rigged by the mob . The day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. He was a matted mess in a small cage. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. We found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angies list. Join today at angieslist. Com now you can give yourself a kick in the rear v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. Need a little kick . Ooh couldve had a v8. In the juice aisle. Martha well a dangerous weather pattern creating some big problems in phoenix, arizona, hit with a massive dust storm on monday night. On the same day a Flash Flood Warning went into effect there as well. A tough august. Look at the weather in phoenix. The states monsoon season runs through midjune and goes to late sent and can result in these massive dust storms known has haboobs you see in the picture they cause Serious Problems whether youre on the air or in the ground. Fog situation basically rolls through with the haboob, bill. Bill the Obama Administration using millions of your tax dollars to promote a Health Care Program you already have to use by law. One group in arizona Holding Town Halls explaining how obamacare will really affect people and they do it without the use of taxpayer dollars. William la jeunesse in the west close newsroom to explain how this works. William, good morning. Reporter bill, for a few hundred Million Dollars you hope to get the straight story on the obamacare, the good,ed bad, the ugly. Instead a lot of the money that youre being spend something being spent on celebrities hired to sell the program. Reporter video contest, celebrities, pro athletes. The Obama Administration is asking everyone from oprah to comedian amy foaler, to do the one thing is hasnt sell obamacare. The pr machine will spend 684 million to pedal the new law. Almost 300,000 went to the Community Health center in tucson. The employees educate people about the options with the Affordable Care act but they will also be encouraging people to come in to see what kind of insurance they qualify for. Reporter at el rio, employees accent the positive, expanded coverage. Acrosstown taxpayers in this neater wonder how the law will negatively impact them. When is obamacare kicking in . Is it done deal, point of no return . Under 65 or better if youre younger. Reporter this event sponsored by americans for prosperity. Involved no public money. You want to be very, very careful if youre in the medicare age group. Reporter older folks worry what they lose but what the working poor that stands to gain energizes el rios effort. Well educate them and help them through the process. Reporter critics consider the process a onesided p. R. Campaign. Its a little bit disturbing the government is spending taxpayer money to go out and sign people up for a Government Program of dubious quality. Reporter now obamacares success getting young and healthy to sign up, hence the celebrities. Outreich to the uninsured. Dont expect it. V commercials or comedians to answer the hard questions. Bill well leave that to you, william. William la jeunesse live in los angeles. Martha. Martha George Zimmerman is back in the spotlight. Why he says he shouldnt have to pay his legal fees. He believes the people of the state of florida should kick in money for that. How about that. A top lawmaker demanding answers about the abuse of a federal program that gives away a free phone. How bad is the abuse you ask . Youre about to meet a woman who was able to get a bunch of free phones, and you paid for all of them with your dime. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. Is this a onesizefitsall kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Martha familiar face in washington saying farewell today as Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano leaves her post after four years in that job. The president says the American People are safer because of her leadership. Some critics are questioning how much she really accomplished. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is live on this story for us in washington. So, what is napolitano saying herself about her tenure there this morning, catherine . Reporter thank you, martha. Good morning. The Homeland Security secretary began speaking at the National Press club here in washington billed as a Farewell Speech before she begins her new position heading up the university of california system. Nalitano citing how the response to the Boston Marathon bombing earlier this year saved lives. We have improved the ability of local communities to respond to Critical Incidents including in the city of boston and the commonwealth of massachusetts. For example, we provide Homeland Security grants to equip and train special Response Teams in improvised explosive device detection, prevention, response and recovery. Reporter supporters also cite the fact that napolitano is the longest serving Homeland Security secretary, the first woman to hold that position and a secretary whose Immediate Response to hurricane secretary, on the ground within hours won high praise even from her critics. Those from the department who work the cyber issue say napolitano pushed very hard and fairly successfully for a bigger role for her department, martha. Martha interesting. What do the critics say about her time there . Reporter critics complain napolitano along with the administration tried to minimize the threat to al qaeda by referring to terrorist attacks as mancaused disasters. Under napolitano watch there were two major domestic terrorist attacks, most recently the Boston Marathon bombing where 260 people were injured or killed. Two very close calls on her watch. Including attempted bombing of a transatlantic flight in 2000 nine and attempted bombing in times square. In both cases a bombs detonate nors failed to work. And there is the border issue. There are several problems the way this administration, Janet Napolitano handled the southwest border. They have not secured the border in any way. It is not about illegal immigration. It is about security. Reporter at administration is yet to say who the likely pick to replace napolitano will be, martha. Martha that is the next part. Catherine, thanks very much. Reporter youre welcome. Bill top law maker in washington is demanding answers on the socalled Obama Phone Program. Free cell phones were supposed to help low income americans find jobs and Access Health care. Call the doctor, the hospital. Senator Jeff Sessions in a letter to the fcc writes the following. I want to understand what youre agency is doing to eliminate abuses within the program and why previous efforts appear to be insufficient. A wall street journal review found more than 40 of the participants are not eligible. And that program, costs nearly 2. 2 billion. Julian melcher, columnist for national review. Fellow at franklin center. With me in studio. Good morning. You did your experiment throughout the city of new york. You found yourself with three phones in the end. I want to get to your story in a moment, with regard to senator sessions what can he do here, what is he after . He is after answers why fraud and abuse are so prolific in this program and its a fair program. Costs have soared since 2008 when cell phones were added. What may be missed in the debate this is an integral problem. The problems with the program, fraud and abuse are built in structurally. Because they provide perverse incentives to the phone companies to push as many out on the street. Bill the phone Companies Get the money because they have the statement on the bill universal universal service fund. Bill that is on your bill. This started in the mid 1980s with land lines back then. The program was increased in 2008. But why the increase so sub songsly in the past five years . Part of it is a lot harder to take a land line to a pawn shop and sell it than it is to take a cell phone. Part of it Cell Phone Companies really have an incentive to go out to push as many free phones on the street they can. They get 10 per month per customer for signing up. Bill there is incentive there. Huge incentive. Bill financial aide. You were on the iphone or blackberry. I was. Bill that is the story i read. You were talking on the phone and you were approached to get a free phone. Thats right. I went, to all of the different offices in manhattan and some in brooklyn that offer food stamps. Vendors come up to you do you have your free phone yet. Theyre supposed to ask you questions to determine eligibility. Im not eligible. I told them the truth the entire time. Are you on welfare. I said, no i would like to be. I think a lot of people paying for welfare would very much like to be. That was enough they signed me up. I tested the limits. Went up talking on my existing phone. Bill you had a phone. Yes. Bill they offered you another phone . They offered another phone. I really dont need this. They saw i was talking on my phone. That i hung it up to put in my application. In addition it that youre only supposed to have one phone even if youre eligible. I already received a lifeline phone in the mail. No problem. Sign right on up even though that is not in the program. Bill theyre actively pursuing you. Very active. Actually incentives, perverse incentives trickle all the way down. You have the big. Companies, carlos slim, billionaire getting half a billion dollars in 2011. Down to the guy on the street who is getting a commission for every single phone he hands out. This program is just fraught with perverse incentives. I think that is what makes reforming it very difficult. Bill in the end final tally, got a one phone from a Company Called safe link. You were given two phones from assurance. Yep. Bill there were no questions asked . No questioned is. I think they only caught i had duplicate in the entire system. Getting picture, photo i. D. In some cases photo of my insurance card. The companies dont have an incentive to do due diligence. The federal government doesnt belong in the cell phone business anymore than phone companies offered to in the welfare business. Bill are senator sessions there have been a lot. James okeefe. He has see hing problems. Fcc audit finding out 41 of the people arent eligible that they polled. You have got studies by no means comprehensive over the last two years finding out more than 400,000 lifeline customers have more than one phone. Bill story you wrote shows how easy it is to get. There in lies the problem. Indeed. Bill thank you for sharing your story. Julia melcher, national review. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Thank you. Bill 20 minutes before the hour. Back to martha. Martha fox news alert. We have brand new video of the representative to the u. N. , Samantha Power arriving there just a few moments ago to work on the syria situation. Lets take a look. All i can say were continuing to consult our allies and partners on the appropriate response in light of last weeks chemical weapons attack in syria. How is that coming along . Were making progress. Martha were making progress she says. We know that there are a number of steps and measures being taken at the u. N. Discussions with allies to coordinate the possibility of some sort of coordinated attack, possibly towards the end of this week. So were going to see what happens with that. Samantha power at work as she was yesterday at the united nations. Bill when there is news on that well get back to it certainly. In the meantime was the famous battle of the sexes rigged . Bombshell allegations that bobby riggs threw the famous battle between he and Billie Jean King . Would he do that . Why would he do that . Well tell you about the new reports coming up in a few minutes. The great outdoors. And a great deal. Grrrr ahhh lets leave the deals to hotels. Com. Oh my gosh this is so cool. Awesome perfect save up to 30 plus an extra 12 off with coupon. Now until labor day. Only at hotels. Com every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around barry i finally found the right snack martha this has everybody talking about. Tennis legend Billie Jean King now dismissing the claims the mafia rigged the famous 1973 battle of sexes match against former champion, bobby riggs. That was bobby riggs. Martha that was the moment for Billie Jean King. She made history and after she beat him in three straight sets, that september night. This is them riding in. She was 29 years old at the time. Number two female player at the time. Margaret court was number one. Bobby riggs beaten her which prompted Billie Jean King to step into the ring with him. He was 55 years old at the time. No longer a competitive player. He was quite a player in his day. Billie jean king says quote, this story about the rigging she is referring to, is ridiculous. I was on the court with bobby and i know he was not tanking the match. People need to accept he had a bad day at the office. Jim gray is a sportscaster of course and a fox news contributor. Good morning, good to have you here. Good morning, martha. Martha before we get to the obvious question here i want you to take us back to that time in tennis and what, what this moment was really like in this, amazing arena in houston. Well, Billie Jean King was a pioneer in the womens movement. She of course was called the battle of the sexes and everybody was talking about at that time, should women be of equal pay . She was on the original virginia slims tennis tour. This was a huge, huge deal across america. It had some 30,000 people in the astrodome. Bobby riggs had been a great player in his day. He won some u. S. Championships. He won wimbledon. He was 55 years old. He easily had beaten margaret court. He was now ready to take on Billie Jean King. It was a huge tennis audience. Howard cosell, the great broadcaster of that time, called the tennis match. This was just a really, really big deal back in 1973. The battle of sexes. 55yearold man against the number two woman tennis player in the world. Martha tells you how long ago it was, there was a virginia slims tennis tournament. Not too many Cigarette Companies sponsor any sort of athletic events these days. Looking at these charges, very exhaustive story, it is an interesting story. Definitely takes you back to that time. It remind everybody that he was a huge gambler, bobby riggs. At this point in his career taking 100 bucks with people to have matches with them. All kinds of bets. He bet on tennis constantly. So why would he not, if he owed a lot of money to the mafia and guy who worked in a country club in florida says he witnessed this mafia discussion about having him throw these games in order to repay 100,000 in debt . Do you put any credence in it . Well certainly it is plausible and of course it is possible and, this pro who is making these allegations and who said he overheard this conversation could very well be true. Just because he heard this conversation between some mobsters at a Golf Country Club late at night when he was there and he was clandestinely listening to it doesnt mean exactly that is what happened or that in fact because the mob was having a discussion about it that bobby riggs participated. There is no evidence, at least by anybody credible, his best friend say he wasnt in debt. He didnt owe money. Yes he was hustler. He liked to gamble. He was always looking for a game. He was notorious for it. No one said he was in this type of debt that woe have to repay anybody. In addition he might not have won this match not because he was tanking it, there was reportedly a rematch clause. He felt maybe he could make a heck of a lot more money beating Billie Jean King in the second match. A very famous boxing promoter and Television Man is still alive. He has the contract. He refused to participate in the story. But Billie Jean King never awarded the rematch saying what would it prove if she beat him twice . Martha you know, it is interesting. And there are a lot of circumstantial things that do raise questions in this story. Like the fact that he wasnt really training before this match. That the guy who showed up to warm him up said he played for 10 minutes and wandered off and seemed disinterested and seemed sullen and unhappy going into it. After the match he said to his son, that was the worst thing i ever did. And that it was sort after weighty comment, that it seemed to have larger meaning to his son at least then portrayed in this story than having just lost the match. Well his son certainly doesnt dampen the fact this is a possibility. In fact his son did participate in this and he never comes out right and says, of course this didnt happen. Now the one thing that you do have to take into account that f. Lee bailey, who was one of the great lawyers of that time of course in the watergate era, he had a show at time. He had a lie detector terse and had bobby riggs on the show and bobbery rigs passed the liedetector test. Later came out one of the mobsters involved in this thing, f. Lee bailey represented in the trial of the mob possibly being involved in the killing of the kennedy assassination. So now here we have the battle of sexes, kennedy assassination a lie detector less. There are a lot of sordid details. There is nothing at this moment said he was in debt and had to do this. Martha certainly nothing in this story that takes away from the greatness of Billie Jean King who no doubt could have beaten him either way. Its a fascinating look back at that time. Jim gray, always a pleasure sir. Thanks so much. Good to be with you, martha, thank you. Bill we have breaking news now. Maybe the best story of the day. After several months in the hospital Sarah Murnaghan has arrived home. The first images coming to us here at americas newsroom only moments ago. She spent several months in hospital. Agonizing surgeries. She was only 11. Weeks after two risky transplants and several operations she is home in her Delaware County home. Her story made International Headlines when her family fought a rule that would allow her to get transplants on an adult list for an organ transplant even though she was under the age of 11. The rule was eventually suspended during the long court battle. Sarah got her lungs and sarah got her life back. Today she is back home. Wow. [ tires screech ] and your favorite songs always playing. [ beeping ] may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] may things always go your way. But its good to be prepared. Just in case they dont. Lets go places, safely. Bill George Zimmerman a free man but that freedom cost him hundred of us those of dollars in legal fees in florida. The lawyer for the man acquitted for murdering Trayvon Martin says according to state law florida should foot zimmermans legal bills. Keith, good morning to you. Florida has a law that says what . It says if you are convicted of a crime they can charge you with the cost proves cuting you. If you are acquitted and found not guilty they will pay your costs but only costs. Not the attorneys fees. It is travel expenses. It is transcripts. It is the expertfies which are very expensive. But it is not everything. The state will certainly object to some items. Bill did he pay hundred of thousands of dollars for his trial . Somebody paid it and theyre entitled to get compensated. Bill so he was acquitted, if he were found guilty, what would i state say then. State would hand him a bill for his costs. Very unique and progressive statute in the state of florida. Bill if he were found guilty, the state could get him for what . Loot of money, right . Certainly a lot more than 2 to 300,000 the bill is coming to. Jury consultants. 3d animation was not used as evidence. They used it as demonstrative evidence in the summation. They will take it off. Bill you make the point, florida would be lucky to only cover his legal fees . Absolutely. Bill why . If they get off easy by paying his legal costs not attorneys fees he is entitled to file a massive civil rights lawsuit against the sheriffs department, prosecutors and municipality with that i think he should go forward with the lawsuit. Bill you do. Absolutely. Bill that could bring millions. Millions in his pockets. Cover legal fees an judgments he has against him from the civil lawsuit. They will be lucky to get it of here paying his legal costs. Bill thank you, keith. That story goes on for some time. Keith sullivan in studio. Thanks. Martha, whats next . Martha u. S. Military Officials Say they are poised and ready to strike in the president decides to take action in syria. Well look at the claims that the u. S. May not wait for the green light from the International Community now. The growing sense military action may be all but guaranteed. [ rob ] our daughter is all kate. Same grin, same walk. And the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] nice n easy. In one step get expert highlights and lowlights. For color they may just think you were born with. [ rob ] im a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice n easy, get the most natural shade of you. Like carpools. Polly wants to know if we can pick her up. Yeah, we can make room. Yeah. [ male announcer ]. Office space. Yes, were loving this communal seating. Its great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share . A data plan. At t mobile share for business. One bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. Now, everyones in the spirit of sharing. Hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend . No. [ male announcer ] share more. Save more. At t mobile share for business. Martha we asked you at home what you think about the possibility of an attack, a u. S. Led attack on syria. A lot of folks basically saying that they want to see it approved by congress first. And they want to know why the president is going to the u. N. Instead of to congress. A lot of discussion about that. Bill ive bottom one. John says no, no, and no. Larry says, yes, save lives in that country. Well see when the digs comes. Ill seal you tonight on fox report. Make it a great day. Martha looking forward to that. Happening now starts right now. See you back here tomorrow. Fox news alert on rapidly Building Momentum for a u. S. Military response in syria. One Defense Department official telling fox news not a matter of but when the Obama Administration leaving no doubt that American Armed forces can easily hit targets inside syria. Military officials telling fox that planned operations may include the use of cruise missiles or possibly even stealth bombers. Over the next couple of hours well have extensive coverage and analysis about thetial American Intervention in this crisis and moments from

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