Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20191214

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The meredith live at the white house with all of this. Reporter President Trump is making his way to fill delv phia for the Football Game. The white house is bracing for the senate trial that is likely to happen come january. The official strategy is still being worked out. The president pushed back on the Impeachment Vote likely to happen in the house on friday, while he hosted the president of paraguay. Youre trifl trivializing , some day there will be a democrat president and a Republican House and i suspect theyre going to remember it. Reporter House Republicans do appear to remain united behind the president. Republican leaders say they believe impeachment is something democrats have eyed since the 2016 election and also ever since the Mueller Probe wrapped up. We heard from a number of leaders that say they believe this is something that has been on the democratic wish list for the last several months. Democratic leaders say theyre trying to follow oversight authority. Nancy pelosi said they wont be whipping any votes and its up to each member to decide how they want to vote on impeachment. That vote is likely to happen on wednesday or thursday on the house floor l. President trump will continue his busy schedule as weve seen this past week when he was taking on issues like trade and paid family leave. He will host a Campaign Rally in michigan next week. This doesnt seem to be distracting from his some of his other schedules that hes been maintaining. Well be looking to see if the white house shifts the strategy as we head to the holidays and the likely trial in the senate come january. Molly tremendous a amount to watch here, thank you so much. Leland a quick question for you, mark, before you go. Any sense from the white house in terms of how they are running the war room this weekend . Are they trying to emphasize the two trade deals, push out the positive news or are they trying to spin on impeachment and trying to the fight to the house ahead of the vote. Reporter we heard from a number of House Republicans, folks lined up behind the president. Theyve been making the rounds here on fox and other cable news programs. As for the president , weve seen him on twitter but he decided not to speak with reporters earlier today. He could have given the pushback, focusing on thinks like usmca, the phase one china trade deal. Instead, the president deciding to stick to twitter and catching the Football Game in a couple hours from now. Leland he just landed in philadelphia. Well see if he talks to the press that is traveling with him. Live pictures of that, as it happens. Mark, thank you again. We had the republican response to impeachment last hour and now for the democratic perspective we brin bring in michigan congresswoman, debbie dingell. Nice to see you, use always. We appreciate it. Good to he see you. Leland you said you wanted to wait until you saw the articles of impeachment. The articles are here. Its crunch time. Have you made up your mind on how youre going to vote . Im probably leaning but tonight i told my staff not to schedule anything beyond a wedding of my district director, i plan on going home by 8 00 tonight, reading the Intelligence Committee report, reading again what the judiciary i havent read it word for word has put out and making up my mind. As i listen to people leland you say youre leaning, youre leaning to vote yes for impeachment . Im deeply disturbed, yes. One, its very clear that the white house has tried to block key witnesses from testifying and that is a very valid congress has a valid oversight responsibility. But two, it is it started for me when a president appointed Inspector General said that somethings happening thats a real threat to our national security. There is nothing i said from the beginning, i worked with this president if it would do something to help the people of my district and i would rather be doing that than looking at this. Leland and you have. You talked about places that you and the president can Work Together on. Speaking of your district, your state more generally, this is the latest polling from fire house strategies, a republican firm, consulting did a lot of the work on this. Check out these numbers. Do you believe President Trump should be impeached and removed from office . Michigan. 43 yes, 50. 8 no. The question is this. What do you know had that your constituents do not that have you now leaning yes to impeachment . First of all, i believe those numbers. I think people are very mixed, have very strong feelings. They dont understand the issues. Thats one of the biggest problems. Leland has that been a problem for the democrats . Youre the ones that want to impeach them. Can i say that, anybody who thinks this is a great day for our country, it is a very sad day for our country and i dont want to impeach him. Leland respectfully, its not me saying that, theres a number of members of your caucus who said were going to impeach the blank, blank, others who say if we dont impeach him, hes going to win reelection. He could still win rel election. This vote reelection. People need to understand this. We have to make sure the russians arent interfering in our next election. My job is to protect our national security, protect our democracy. Leland whats happening will keep the russians from interfering. Its sending a message, stop. Were looking at issues of national security. Were not republicans or democrats. Leland you how does impeaching the be president when 50 of your state doesnt want him gone, how does that send a message to the russians not to interfere in the 2020 election. It sends a message to our president that you need to be working to make sure theyre not interfering, you need to not be cooperating. What you did helped them and dealing with and using money that was authorized by the congress to go to another country for political, personal political gain, is not okay. Leland i guess so what youre saying is that by doing that, so this isnt about removing him from office, this is about sending him a message . The senate has to decide what theyre going of to do. But what he did leland but voting to impeach him, you are saying we believe he has done things that are so egregious under the constitution that he must be removed from office. Sort of seems like punting the ball to say were doing this to send a message and its up to the t senate to im doing it to protect the national security, so we dont have interference in the next election. This vote isnt going to gone p teguaranteeit. We cant have a president of the United States to facilitate his personal gain using our national security. Leland do you worry about what the president said in mark merediths report, that essentially that sometimes theres going to be a democratic president and a Republican House and by setting the standard that one can be impeached for something had that is not a crime, because he is not in either of these articles being accused of a statutory offense, does that so lower the bar for impeachment that the next democratic president is going to be impeached . For example, for Something Like what barack obama said in 2012 where he said ill have more flexibility after the election . Does that then become an impeachable offense. I am very worried about whats happening in this country, leland, let me be very he clear about that weve had two three impeachments since richard inquiries since richard a nixon. And we cant this partisan divide by the way, im going to say this to you, we know russia is trying to divide out. I dont know how we stop it but im going to do what i can. Leland if democrats decide to take that and push forward with impeachment which by the numbers we put up, its unpopular with a large part of the american public, the majority in some states, arent democrats playing into the russians hands and dividing the country even more . Wouldnt it be better to work with the president to try to secure the he elections, stand up to russia, et cetera. I think for almost member i know, many members dont like seeing us having to come to this time, this isnt a popular decision vote. This is a moral decision based on the oath of office that i took. If we continue to say to somebody, its okay, you want to withhold money and let him pursue for your personal gain, hthats not okay. That is simply not okay. Leland it sounds like its a little more than leaning, based on what you said. Well let you go home and read tonight. Day it seriously. This vote is hard for me. My stomachs upside down. Were americans. We need to protect our democracy. Leland maam, we appreciate it, as always. Well let you get home and get to work. Congratulations to the bride and a groom tonight and well see you soon, match. Thank you. Thank you. Leland meantime, were going to look at the tarmac at the Philadelphia International airport, air force one has touched down. Dare i say that the weather in philadelphia looked worse than the weather in dc, its football in december. The president is going to get off air force one. He heads over to the stadium for the Army Navy Game and as tradition will hold the president will sit for part of the game on the navy sideline and part of the game on the army sideline. Molly not taking sides. Thats fair. Leland the trophy is on the line. Well have take that, when the president comes down the stairs. Meantime, coming up on Fox News Sunday tomorrow. This is going to be a really amazing show. Molly its going to be good. Leland i think the kids these ddays would say this is going to be lit, james comey, chris l wallace, one on one. The former fbi director in the chair many chec. Check r you your local listing. Molly the u. S. And china announcing a phase one trade deal on friday, canceling tariffs that would have impacted 150 billion worth of chinese goods starting tomorrow. Rich edson has the details on this deal, what we know so far and what we can expect. Reporter the Trump Administration says the United States and china will fully execute this deal next month. Speaking cay ta qatar today, ste mnuchin said they will implement and enforce phase one before discussing any second phase of a trade agreement. The white house says the limited deal sets the u. S. Up well for future negotiations. Its a phenomenal deal. The tariffs will largely remain, 25 on 250 billion and well use them for future negotiations on the phase two deal. This is a very large deal. The china deal, it covers tremendous manufacturing, farming, lot of rules. Reporter many of the specifics of the agreement are still unclear. Secretary mnuchin says he expects the u. S. And a china to release more details soon. The white house says it agreed to scrap tariffs on more than 150 billion in chinese imports that were scheduled to begin tomorrow. On items coming into the u. S. From china like smartphones and other electronics. The u. S. Will also cut rates on some existing tariffs. In exchange, the white house says china pledges to bible i dont thinbuy buy billions n agriculture. Marco rubio said the white house should consider the risk that will give you a wa away the tarf leverage on issues that matter the most, such as forced tech transfers and blocking u. S. Firms access to key sectors. The administration wants china to stop stealing american firms trade secrets and quit forcing companies to hand over technology to operate in china and other demands. Molly joining us to break it down, former chief economist and the u. S. International trade commission, peter mauricey. Thank you for joining us. Youve been digging into what we know so far. The president has painted this to be a big, big win as you would think the president might do, when youre moving your way towards a trade deal, apparently hes got phase one going. What do you think . Does he have a win . We dont know. We get the information trickle by trickle. Each successive article reveals a little bit more. It seems when theres a criticism about technology transfer, theres a revelation, thats included too. The question is, whats really included. They claim that this will increase u. S. Exports not just of Agricultural Products and the claims there are very big, but overall by 200 billion. If he does that, i may be starting at shortstop this spring for the new york yankees. Ill also play second base at the same time if you believe that one. Molly that is the thing here. What can we believe . Coming out of this, he taught about the farmers, we talked about the farmers, we spoke with a farm near the dairy industry. He talked about farmers buying bigger tractors, they that sort of thing. This is big promises for folks that have stood by politically and are waiting to see whats next. I think theyre going to get progress on agriculture. The chinese cut back our exports of Agricultural Products and well get those back, most of them back. Whether well make big gains, i dont know. If we dont, why did we go through all this and why is he giving up our leverage. China can only buy so much soybeans and theyre already buying them. Theyll buy more pork because of swine flu. The reason we started this was manufacturing. They claim well get 150 billion in additional manufacture exports. Thats going to be some trick. Does that mean General Motors will shut down its plant in china and ship from detroit . Its sound preposterous to me. Molly even allies, for instance, minority leader Chuck Schumer who has stuck with him on china has come out essentially saying that the president s caving, writing on twitter that there are huge structural inequities with chinas trade relationship with the u. S. At first President Trump seemed like the only president who would dare tack he hell this challenge tac tackle hell ts challenge. We heard the song and dance from china once again. Donaldonald trump cannot be reld upon to do the right thing for American Workers and businesses even when things were pointing in the right direction. Pretty scathing there. Your thoughts on upsetting however tenuousal lie tenuous aa in the political world. I would suggest the tweet about go out and buy a new tractor chuck probably had that written down on a card four weeks ago and rehearsing it ever since. Hes probably getting primed up to get on sunday tv somewhere. He usually is. This is what i would expect him to say. The chinese could have caved on everything but shoe laces and he would have said i dont like loafers. Molly does this mean anything for consumers now and in 2020 . Actually, not. The reasons is the tariffs really didnt hurt americans very much. The chais niece basically chinese basically cut their prices and devalued their currency. We also sourced products from other places. The bottom line, American Consumers werent feeling it. The chinese were. We had a lot of leverage. Well still have some leverage when were done. But the question is he really cant increase tariffs anymore once hes inside this deal if the chinese do what is predictable. They have never kept their word. I mean, really, when was the last time the chinese complied with the terms of a trade agreement . The special trade rep has a list of 20 instances where theyve broken their word. Molly peter, thank you for your insights. Well be looking at that. There was a deal, stop the intellectual stealing and currency manipulation and all that. Thats all very vague and very difficult to enforce without specifics. Molly thank you so much. We appreciate it. Lots to watch as phase two is looming. Leland im thinking about peter playing second base. President trump walking down the steps of air force one, doesnt look like hell stop at talk to the press. Maybe he will, though. Hes walking over there. Peter, maybe not second base, but either army or navy might need your help later in one of the games. Most guys are pretty big. Leland they are, indeed. The president heading off to the army, navy Football Game. They call it americas game. Well check in with the president as he heads to the stadium. Were also watching this news out of new zealand as there are already efforts underway to recover the bodies from that volcano eruption. Some of the challenges and dangers those rescuers right there are facing when we come back. 3w4r spread a little love today spread a little love myy way spread a Little Something to remember philadelphia cream cheese. Made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. The holidays are made with philly. Save hundreds of thousands of lives. But after the emergency, time and again, Insurance Companies deny coverage, second guessing doctors, nurses and first responders. Now big insurance is lobbying congress. Asking for restrictions on air medical services. Eliminating patients access to lifesaving care and destroying jobs all in exchange for bigger profits for Insurance Companies. Tell congress, put patients first, not big insurance. Molly Recovery Efforts are underway in new zealand. Officials are searching for two missing people. At least 15 people were killed by the eruption with dozens more severely wounded. Leland California Governor Gavin Newsom is rejecting a 13. 5 billion bankruptcy reorganization plan from pg e, thats the Electrical Company out there, that recently reached that settlement with thousands of wildfire vi victims. Newsom says it doesnt address providing safe and reliable power to pg e customers. Pg e has until december 20th to have the settlement approved by a bankruptcy judge. For many months they were turning off power to people in california to prevent wildfires. Leland th. Molly the body ofa sixyearold girl wh was found. She was found 20 miles south of where she went missing. Her brother and cousin were found dead last month after the familys truck got stuck trying to cross a flooded creek. Her parents and four other children survived. Former Kentucky Governor matt bevin is out of office but hes defending his controversial decision to pardon hundreds of felons, including rapists and a murderers, just days before leaving the governors office. We have details. Reporter some 400 pardons were granted on his way out of office. One pardon involved a murder, a man convicted in 1994 of killing his former lover and stuffing her dismembered body in a 5gallon drum. The governor said they didnt use existing dna evidence to affirm or disprove the crime. A family of a convicted murderer, a Patrick Brian baker, raising money and making personal donations to the Governors Campaign at a political fundraiser. The pardons are not sitting well with prosecutors in the cases or kentucky state lawmakers with calls for investigations from both sides of the aisle. The person who pulled the trigger and killed another human being is free. That persons family raised 21,000 that went directly into the governors pockets. Honestly, i dont approve. It seems to me it was completely inappropriate. I suspect he had the power to do it but looking at the examples of people who are incarcerated as a result of heinous crimes, no, i dont you approve of it. Reporter bevin denies the Campaign Contributions played a role in his decision, tweeting, quote, the myriad statements and suggestions that financial or Political Considerations played a part in the Decision Making process are both highly offensive and entirely false. To repeat such incorporated rumors and wilson was convicted of a 1987 rape and murder. The governor cited a lack of evidence and incompetent defense and prosecution for his reason for pardoning wilson. One lawmaker is seeking to strip gasser nors of the pow governors of the power to pardon on the way out the door. It would have to be approved by kentucky voters. Molly thank you so much, marianne. Appreciate it. Several 2020 democratic president an candidates are talking about education and pitching their campaigns to union voters today. Among them is vermont senator Bernie Sanders, details on that event and much more, coming up. Every american wants their dollars to work as hard as they do. However, since 2000, the buying power of the dollar has dropped by over 31 that means the dollar is only worth about 68¢ now compared to 2000. Had you owned gold, your value would have increased over 400 and owning gold is easy. With Rosland Capital a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. Gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. Call Rosland Capital at 8006308900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, Gold Precious Metals ira and silver brochures. With rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and we have the fastest shipping around. Dollar down. Gold up. Pretty clear. Make gold your new standard. Call Rosland Capital today at 8006308900. 8006308900. Thats 8006308900. Leland this is going to be something to watch over the next couple of weeks. North korea announced today it successfully executed another rocket engine test, this is the second such test in less than a week. State News Agency Says the launch took place late friday night, calling it a, quote, crucial test. This comes as news of the u. S. Special representative for north korea is traveling through the region. Molly meanwhile, Otto Warmbiers parents spoke out about north korea at a human rights conference today. Otto warmbier was a u. S. College student who died shortly after being released from captivity in north korea. They joined families, calling for the return of japanese citizens, believed to have been abducted by north korea. North korea aca knowledged abducting 13 japanese people but japan says pyongyang has taken at least 17. Molly several democratic president ial candidates are in pittsburgh today for an education summit. Allison barber has details. Reporter we have seven p today, cory booker had to back out. He had to cancel a couple events in the last two days because his team says he has the flu. Seven candidates are here. We just heard from senator Bernie Sanders. We expect to hear from former Vice President joe biden soon. The focus of todays forum is Public Education, Public Education groups and msnbc are hosting it. They are taking questions from the audience, many teachers and students. One of the organizers said candidates need to lay out their plans for Public Education. Listen here. Its critical on a number of levels. One, candidates, you cannot run for the office of president without dealing wit dealing wito are concerned with Public Education. Its our democracy, how parents, students and educators interact with people running for office and thats critical to a healthy democracy. Reporter President Trump was not invited to todays evidence p event. Organizers say it is a democratic forum. If they host a republican one, he will be invited. On thursday, democrats are supposed to debate in los angeles. Workers at the university hostinhosting debate are on str. They will not cross the picket line, even if it means missing the debate. They are trying to reach a resolution that upholds the values of the dnc and also allows the debate to continue as scheduled. Molly. Molly allison barber, thank you. Much to watch on the 2020 trail. We appreciate it. Leland. Leland joe biden among some other 2020 testimonie 2020 demse British Election is a warning to candidates that shifting too far to the left is a dangerous plan. Friend of the show, political commentator, tony katz joining us from i believe his new radio studio and also television studio. There it is. Its true. Equally perhaps keen open veer is pierce morgan observer is piers morgan in the u. K. , he wrote this, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders share jeremy corbins socialist agenda, who got trounced by the conservatives and both appear to be as popular as him on twitte, but twitter is not the real world. You spend a lot of time on twitter, tony. Do you agree with him . First, i much more prefer in the real world. If we want to talk about things that the left could learn from the hel election with jeremy c, its the worst election for labor in 100 years in the u. K. The lesson is always remember that the people dont like it when you tell them that they dont count. The people in the u. K. Voted for brexit. And those who were the remainers, they decided not to pay attention. The people in the United States, the Electoral College voted for donald trump and Hillary Clinton wont admit them. Stacy abrams wont admit the election in georgia. Stop telling people what happened didnt happen. Gas lighting wont happen on all of us. Were not going to let it happen. Leland if watch some of Boris Johnsons ads, pra perhaps the t memorable is this one, a scene from the movie, love actually. He starts having signs for his long lost love, in this case he was trying to get votes. The whole point of the message ended with lets get brexit done. That very simple message, one could say might be as simple as President Trumps message in 2016 of build the wall. Is there a lesson there . I think that sometimes youve got to connect with people on the very basics and really the lesson is, this is where President Trump so far and away exceeds the expectations, and beats all the progressive candidates, you have to be able to deliver on a promise. Tax cuts. Its there. More judges. Its there. There are some things that arent there yet, worth discussing, but he has a laundry list of promises. If you have the promise of Elizabeth Warren, which is were going to have this insane health care system, and then she wont even admit to you that youre going to have your taxes increased in the middle class, you cant buy into that, you cant believe that. Trump is able to connect because he says x and then y appears and he tells you how its going to play out. Admittedly there are things you could talk about that he hasnt done yet. These are things he has to answer to the electorate about. You cant start by telling them Free Health Care and then tell them your taxes have to go up for it. Bernie at least wins in that category. Leland seems like Michael Bloomberg i dont know whether youre channeling Michael Bloomberg or hes channeling you, but listen to him talk about the results of the british e election. Maybe this is the canary in the col coal mine. I think its a catastrophic warning to the Democratic Party that youre going to have to have somebody that can beat donald trump and that is not going to be easy. Leland im not going to make you aa agree with Michael Bloomberg but i think you would if we perhaps werent on television. I think that there is not right now a democratic candidate who beats donald trump. Michael bloomberg certainly has the money to l come ocomeon fas. He said the Chinese Government really has to be responsive to the people because they cant have the people upset. He doesnt know that theyre comcommunists . I dont know if i trust Michael Bloomberg when it comes to the idea of the world stage and the idea of responsiveness. This is an apantigun guy, america is not there on that. Leland antihell coal. He stands in front of a placard, that says no coal, 2030. One could argue whether pennsylvania and West Virginia are there on that. You brought up an interesting point on china which brings us to the china trade deal. It is being spun by absolutely everybody as a win. Whats missing from it is all the details and the white house spin is essentially, well, this is such a good deal, we cant tell you whats in it because it would embarrass the chinese. Do you buy that . Well, im going to, as wilbur ross said, when i see it in black and white, signed, then ill believe it. 50 billion in Agricultural Products, cant wait to see it. Indiana farmers want the china deal. The farmers ive spoken to, they dont believe china will live up to the deal. Its an idea of the deal that makes bushel prices rise and will hopefully lead to a deal with the european union, especially on corn. The big one from the china deal that got reported is the idea of no more currency manipulation from the chinese on the yan. I cant believe it until i see it. Leland you cant believe it until you see it, you cant believe it until the chinese make good on it. Good deeds must follow good words. Tony katz in indianapolis. Appreciate you being with us, my friend. Well see you soon. Good to see you. Leland now to new jersey, where they are coming together to remember those killed in an attack earlier this week at a jewish grocery store. A little bit more on the motives and how investigators are looking at this crime when we come back. Im really into this car, but how do i know if im getting a good deal . I tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. 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Molly live pictures from lincoln financial field in philadelphia, the site of the annual army navy Football Game. President trump will visit both of course, the army and the navy locker rooms today. This is the army lockerroom right now. He will also participate of course in the coin toss. This is his second year in a row attending these games. Very healthy rivalry and a rainy day to get out there on the field. Leland he was there in 2016 as the president elect. I was there as well. These pictures are coming from the travel pool, the group of reporters that travels with the president. So hell come in, greet the army team, talk to them, which is an electric moment and this is always a special day. Its at the end of the football season and so many people say, and you will hear this a lot today, it is the only game in the world where every participant on the field is willing to give their lives for all of those that are watching. Ises is a special day to watch. Well keep an eye on the loc lockerroom. When the team comes in along with the president , well get back to it. Molly a 43yearold man is facing Sexual Battery charges after allegedly slapping a female reporters backside. She was reporting live when a runner, identified as Thomas Calloway allegedly hit her. She wrote, to the man who smacked my butt on live tv this morning, you embarrassed me and no woman should have to put up with this at work or anywhere. Do better. He turned himself into the police on friday. He was released from jail after paying a 1,300 bail. Leland a store we will story we will watch. Vandals wreakin wreaking holida, trying to dampen the Christmas Spirit in one neighborhood. What are police doing about it, next whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Leland back to the army lockerroom at lincoln financial field in philadelphia, the site of the annual army, mayville Football Game. Navy Football Game. President trump making his way through the lockerroom to say hello to the players and wish them luck. For all the navy fans out there, dont wore ribs he will go to the navy lockerroom as well. He will watch the game from both sidelines so as not to show favoriteism. They have a boom mic in there. Im told you cant pick anything up yet. Occasionally the president will come in and do a little riff for both sides. Hell l com come into the army lockerroom and tell navy jokes and come into the navy locker room and tell navy jokes. Molly we can barely make him out there. The u. S. Naval academy are planning to honor the pensacola shooting victims during the game today. They will be recognized today, the Academy Leaders will wear patches from the flight suits of the classmates. The Navy Defensive captain will wear a memorial patch from the command where the three men were assigned. As you mentioned a while ago, were you talking about the service, these are all men who served on the field, paying homage. Leland lets see if we can listen to the president with the boom mic there. Have a good game. Leland im not hearing any beat navy. Molly you imagine what a scandal that would be. Leland what a special time for the players and for the president. There are few places that a president of any party feels more welcomed, more appreciated and they will tell you this, than with the troops and there are few things that mean more to the troops, be it the r army, the navy, the marines, than a visit from the commander in chief. We see there, i think that is the defense secretary there behind the president and then probably one of the chiefs of staff, although i cant see exactly who. But typically, there is a collection of a lot of four star generals and add initial add mirroadmirals who come out to te game. Molly the president as we mentioned before, he was there last year and also as president elect. This is something he loves to do, something he wanted on his schedule. He seems to be enjoying himself there. Leland he seems to be enjoying himself as he makes his way through the receiving line of the army players, before they head out and take the field. The president s going to go over to the may you i hav navy lor room. We see him walking and we wonder if hes going to address everybody or if hes going to head out. Looks like the entourage is heading out, to go to the navy lockerroom. What a special time. The imagery and pageant ts ry of the game is something unlike you would see anywhere. The president might be getting ready to talk. Lets see if we can listen in. Right there. Leland this is what we call the travel pool which is molly joust lin jostling for. Leland it takes a minute for the reporters to get into ipo position and then well listen in into position and then well listen in. Thank you. [ cheering and applause ] mr. President , you directed that the department of defense come up with a new policy that will allow Service Academy graduates to play professional football. Im pleased to inform you we changed the policy, that any cadet who graduates and has the opportunity to play professional sports will be able to do so and serve his country after hes done playing pro sports. Mr. President , thank you he very much. [ cheering and applause ] i saw your coach, he said what about a waiver. I said what are you talking about, a waiver. He said some of these guys could play for the nfl, you could play for the yankees, you could play for the mets, you could play basketball, you could play whatever but you have to serve a long time. What were doing is youll go out and make a fo fortune and ar youre finished with your professional career youll go and youll serve and everybodys thrilled. That means you can go out and do whatever you want. It probably gives the coach no reason to ever lose another game. Thats what you said. [ laughter ] hell never lose a game. I want to congratulate you. Youre the man. You told me about it and a few of the guys were shouting, how about the waiver, mr. President , how about the waiver. So good luck to you guys. We appreciate that. All right. Thank you. [ applaus [ applause ] leland the president wishing good luck to the army coach. He got a jersey from the team army. Molly youn i dont think heg to put it on before leland i dont think hes going to watch into the navy locker room wearing that. Ive been told by a friend of mine that the two gentlemen who were in the picture before were secretary of defense mark esper and next to him was chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general millly. So we got the tone and bars, which means the travel pool turned off the cameras and is moving over to the other locker room. Molly the coach there, im sure he has a lot of work to do this afternoon. Leland it was a pretty high bar when the president comes in and says now you can never lose another game. Thats a big promise ahead of the army, navy showdown. So molly its amazing, yeah. Leland i was there in 2016 when then president elect trump was there. I dont know if we have pictures from it. But it was some of the most special time in broadcasting because of this intense rivalry, which weve all been to games with that intense rivalry but the intense sense of common purpose and really love and admiration that exists between the teams and between the two huge communities of army and navy, that come not only from the Academy Families molly a friendly rivalry, but how friendly once theyre out there . Leland not friendly on the field. It was amazing to be in the bars afterwards and everybody bought each other drinks. A very different experience. John mccain was there, had an incredible interview with him and remember bob scales, our great friend and often time guest here was there wearing army garb and came out with us. Oh, wait. Now were into the navy. How similar is the speech thistimthis time . During the time weve been together, everybody says give us a waiver, give us a waiver. I immediately knew what you want. Now you can go out, make a fortune and at the end of your career you serve your country which you all want to do. You do it at the beginning so you wont miss even a day. I want to congratulate you. I want to congratulate your team on having a hell of a season. You better go out there and play hard. Now if you get that talent and do whatever its takes, and it takes a lot, you can go into professional and were doing this for one reason, very important, because its so great for the spirit, when they see navy and army and all of these great institutions going out there and representing our country, i think thats a big positive. So fors those of you that can do it, you can now do it and coach, youre going to have a wonderful season. [ applause ] good luck, everybody. Go out there. Good luck. Leland so the president wishing luck there on the navy side. Hes getting a navy jersey too. Molly good, good. Leland so there it is. Molly he talked about the waiver, both sides, clearly this is something that the players are concerned about. Leland what it allows these players to do is there was a number of times that guys who played at army or navy or were in high school and thought they would be good enough to play in the pros were unable to because they had their five year Service Commitments after attending the academies, years they could have made a lot of money playing in the pros. With the waiver, they will be able to play in the pros, whether it be football or basketball or golf or anything else, and then come back and serve their country, do their commitment which is really a wonderful thing. The president there talking about navys great season but navy has been beaten by army the past three years in a row. So it will be a Battle Royale out there to see if navy can come back. Navy had won for a decade plus and now armys taken the past three years. Molly pulling up the stats from all the years. Leland youre calling me out for cheating now. Come on. Molly i expected you to look up the numbers before you chatted about them. That makes sense. Leland the president s there. Well see what he says, if he says anything during the coin toss. Thats coming up in a little while. Meantime, the journal editorial report is next. Take care. Paul paul welcome to the journal editorial report. Im paul gigot. The long awaited report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz was released this week on the fbis investigation into the trump president ial campaign and although the report concludes there was no evidence of political bias, it details a shocking trail of abuse and failures at the fbi as the bureau pursued the investigation it calls crossfire hurricane, including 17 significant inaccuracies and omissions for applications for surveillance targeting Trump Campaign aide carter page. Heres horowitz wednesday as he testified before the Senate Judiciary committee. 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