Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20190609 : compare

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20190609

>> the mall, as the president prepares for the president xi thom tillis tells maria bartiromo that china should pay close attention to how president trump handles trade with mexico. >> the president used what i think was a very important tool to commence mexico that securing their southern border and working with us that all of our centrists -- >> joins us live with the latest. about those reports. hello, david. reporter: hello, we heard from president trump on camera but he has been promoting this deal with mexico on twitter and were turned to the white house about one hour ago after an afternoon golf at his club in northern virginia but he's pushing back heavily on the support for "the new york times" at the united states and mexico had plans to deal with about a crisis once ago. "the new york times" is pacifically stating several things in that report in one of those is those in the united states and mexico met in march in secret meetings in miami to talk about terms which included sending mexicans and sending national guard to protect the border. the report is getting heavy pushback from the president who said part of the deal are new and cannot go through until everything was signed on friday. the deal announced on friday night includes mexico deploying 6000 troops to a southern border with guatemala migrants will have to wait in mexico for the asylum process to play out instead of waiting in the united states with eric, this is something that of a ministration pushed heavily for and mexico will offer migrants jobs, healthcare and education while taking action against human smuggling and trafficking operations. acting holistically secretary kevin maclaine and disputed "the new york times" reporting that this plan is been around for months. >> all of us knew. we've heard commitments before from mexico to do more on their southern border and last time they deployed was about four or 500 officers and this is more than tenfold commitment to increase their security and that's where people are entering from guatemala. reporter: late yesterday afternoon they held a rally until wanted to celebrate the deal with the united states. originally the event was supposed to be an effort to commence the trump administration to back off of tariffs but turned into a party that not everyone is celebrating the president's negotiating tactics with mexico. listen. >> coming the threat and treating the farmers like their poker chips. i think it's wrong and i think that we should have a consistent strong trade policy that works for everyone in america. >> tariffs with mexico were a threat but china is feeling tariffs and those went into effect last month and a few weeks president trump will beat his chinese counterpart president xi at the g20 summit to discuss those chinese tariffs perhaps it'll work out somewhat of a deal. eric: bottom line, mexico has changed its behavior and seems to be [inaudible]. arthel: house democrats are planning a new wave of hearing connected to the russian investigation. it's led by judiciary committee chaired by new york democrat jerry nadler in the first one picking up tomorrow, mark meredith has a preview. reporter: don dean will be one of four people to testi before the house judiciary committee on monday but house democrats and hearing will be focused on the lessons from the mueller report and rhode island commitment david says monday's hearing is about justice, not politics. this is about defending the constitution and the will of awe, not just about this president about future presidents and how they will regard their response ability in office. many people expect us to what is president accountable and to follow the facts where they lead us an impeachment question will be decided by the fact but hospital begins a monday's hearing is nothing more than a political stunt and with the encouragement mark meadows spoke out on fox's sunday morning futures and says if special counsel robert mueller or investigators eventually do testify there will be plenty to ask about. from my perspective it's a one-sided report that does not give the privilege of a cross-examination so if they come they need to be prepared to be cross-examined with the facts which would paint a very different picture this week the house is likely to vote on a resolution holding the attorney general in contempt of congress. on tuesday the full house is expected to consider the measure. democrats on the judiciary committee are demanding attorney general bill bar turnover the full unredacted mueller report but bar so far has refused after president trump invoked executive privilege. the house is also expecting to hold former white house counsel don mccann in contempt as well. democrats are furious over mccance refusal to testify and turn over talking to the judiciary committee. i felt. arthel: mark meredith, thank you. eric: the race for the first presidential that is the iowa caucus. less than eight months away but today nearly 20 of the presidential democratic candidates will be given rapidfire campaign pitches to iowa democrats and unofficial kickoff. the group includes senators bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and pete buttigieg. molly has the details of what they're doing in washington. reporter: this is what they call a political cattle corporate democratic couples are taking the stage in cedar rapids iowa one by one for five minutes to make their case to 1400 democrats at the iowa democratic hall of fame dinner. new jersey center cory booker went first and said defeating president trump quote not enou enough. >> beating donald trump is the floor the democrats cannot let the selection be about what we are against. it must be an election about what we are for. we are for every american worker because they deserve a living wage, a right to union as a retire with dignity and securi security. reporter: here's the latest cnn poll, vice president biden still in the lead at 24% down from the 32% he had in the bowl back in december. it's a close race for second place for bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and mayor pete we judge all in the mid teens and it 7% molly harris. the rest of the pack is at 2% or below. many of the candidates campaigned around iowa this weekend in cedar rapids today before the hall of fame event and are trying to show off their message and as for they have and i was and hoping to come out of this event with momentum heading into a busy summer of campaigning. >> we did it several town meetings and large turnout for the issues we are talking about the fact that the working class of this country is sick and tired of working longer hours for lower wages worried about the standard of living their kids will have an worried about climate change and worried that almost all their income and wealth is going to the top 1% those are the issues that will resonate in iowa and those that will resonate all over this country. reporter: former vice president joe biden is not attending the iowa democratic hall of fame dinner today saying he had a prior family commitments. he will campaign in iowa on tuesday only his second visit there since announcing his official run for president. eric. eric: molly, seems like the presidential campaign of speed dating. [laughter] reporter: i like that. arthel: big push to make sure we never forget the firefighters, police officers and emergency workers who reside 911 conditions. they are making a major announcement today in new york city ahead of a critical vote in the house on that never forget the heroes act. we have more. reporter: hello, they announced new numbers on the deaths and illnesses related to the toxins at ground zero all this ahead of a congressional hearing on tuesday over funding for the 911 victims compensation fund. right now that one does not have enough money to cover current or projected claims. they are currently more than 2000 can't sirs lurk to toxins redefine your firefighters and more than 9000 cancer conditions outside the department including among first responders and civilians. people who filed claims before the very one of this year are facing a 50% payment cut to the depleted fund can last till it 2020 expiration date and claims from after february 1st are facing a 70% cut in the claims are still coming in. firefighters gave emotional testimony as to why securing the money is so important. >> my messages practice what you preach. you talk the talk, do the walk. in 911 every elected official tweeted out never forget and i'm asking you to back that up. reporter: 403 firefighters including police died 393 more have died since. ten fewer than on the day of the attack. never forget the heroes act would allow claims to be filed until 2089 and would require that those who had reduced payments based on insufficient funding would get the money they should have received. lawmakers today acknowledge opponents to this matter say it's a new york issue not a national one in big hurdle would be diverting money already allocated somewhere else. new york are presented in the city will continue to push. >> a defined heroism for others and in that spirit we have a responsibility to say for heroism and for active heroism we will be for you and then we will be for you now and we will be there for you tomorrow, no matter what. reporter: the hearing is on tuesday and house judiciary committee and the bill has more than 250 cosponsors including 40 republicans and they hope it will pass before the august recess. i felt. arthel: jackie, thank you for the president trump hailing his trade agreement with mexico but is he mixing economic and foreign policy the other tariffs. we will discuss coming up next. . what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. >> live "america's news headquarters". eric: former president jimmy carter returned to teach sunday school this morning after taking some time off to undergo surgery for a broken hip. take a look, here he is a very popular class located inside the marathon up baptist church and plains, georgia. the president now on the mend and recently received a phone call from president trump. >> a few weeks ago i got my first call from president trump. i had written him a letter about the relationships with china and i normalized diplomatic's lesions ships with china in the beginning of jan january 1979. eric: the conversation was about how to stop china from getting ahead of america. that phone call that he talked about previously happened two months ago and white house said they did not not only talk about china issues but a lot of other topics affecting our nation. >> in general, republicans understand the tariffs are attacks on american consumers and we don't want to see them in place long-term nor do i believe president trump does either. he's using tariffs as leverage in trade negotiations and use them as leverage in the situation brilliantly, quite honestly be safe. arthel: ron johnson on "fox news sunday" touting president trump's thoughts of tariffs as an effective bargaining chip against mexico. this comes as after many in his own party question the tactic which the president stood by. >> a lot of people, senators included, have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to tariffs. they have no absolutely no idea that when you have the money or product or the thing that everybody wants you are in a position to do very well with tariffs and that's where we are. arthel: (-left-parenthesis the executive director of the daily caller. the president says he knows better than the rest of the clue meaning the senators. in the wake of his men with mexico will the president continue to use terrorists as his political weapon of choice? >> i don't think there's any question. he's leaving a tariffs threat on the table for mexico that failed to live up to the promises made in this agreement and my senses he will keep using this toll as long as congress does not give him the assist he needs to get control of these issues like the border crisis. he will not only keep using it but campaign on it, too. it will be evidence to the american people especially in this case that he has victories using the threat. arthel: talk about the downside of this tariff approach but if the u.s. is too unprintable or unreliable with the trade agreements with problems that pose, not to mention the potential negative effect on the u.s. economy? >> is yet to be seen internationally what kind of problems it poses for other countries but right now it's an effective piece of leverage. look at china, they a lot more to lose in a trade war then mexico. there is some burden placed on american consumers. when you put a tariffs and place it does not mean that costs in the united states buys by the same amount but will rise slightly and the burden americans are going to have to withstand in order to have the frameworks or be done with the understanding that at the end of this there will be a better deal in place. a lot of americans want to put skin in the game when i think there will be a payoff that is worth the long-term success of the united states. arthel: once again the american taxpayer pays the financial fronts. mexico did not people, taxpayers will and now you're saying with the trade war situation that americans will have to deal with the temporary increase in prices or for businesses for their imports or farmers for their imports. >> this is not a surprise. it was a feature of the trump campaign. the president was elected on this message that he would be tough on china to correct these imbalances. as a result, the macon people put him into office. arthel: you are right but did he say yes, i'll be tough and you pay for it? >> the burden americans will feel is not the whole burden. for instance, when tariffs go into place china of 25% cost for american consumers do not rise by 25%. they rise by a smaller percentage. the rest is borne by the other countries but that's how this works but any great fight the macon have ever had has evolved some cost the american people that they get skin in the game and fight for these results. you keep seeing farmer after farmer whose interviewed on this question, for instance, when asked about it and say yeah, it's uncomfortable and it stinks that my prices have gone up but many have said at the end the final stipulation but i'm with the president and i think he can win this one. arthel: no doubt people who are with the president on this but if president trump decides to run on the strength of his tariff threats, a will the reporting party stand behind h him? be, how might his political opponents use that stance against him? >> that is the key. discretion of republicans who elected him this way. democrats support for universal support and they don't want to get to solving the border crisis at all and show no legislative appetite for that but republicans, some of them, meaningful percentage were pushing back against the president and tariff that against mexico now that the president has one and compel mexico to make elevated agreements with the united states publicans should look at that with caution and realize maybe it is worth giving the present space here when it comes to these negotiations because he can win them. arthel: what are the expectations in the trade war with china? will president trump and president xi actually had consequent of talks at the g20 at the end of this month in osaka? >> they have to. that's one of the biggest thanks the president needs to speak about with president xi and there's no question up until this point the united states is not had that much success in committing china to behave itself. every time we reach an agreement with china they violate the terms anyway and keep moving forward, whether stealing intellectual property force technology transfers, using cyber threats against the united states to steal technology and all of that but it needs to be brought under control and the only way that can be done is with the types of tariffs punishments the president is forcing on china. refining a lot more bipartisan support for that especially on china and you are with any other country. arthel: vince, will leave it there. thank you very much. >> thank you, ourselves. arthel: meanwhile, the report says china is seeking to blunt the u.s. military technology edge. we discussed their efforts on that in just a few minutes. whoa. travis in it made it. it's amazing. oh is that travis's app? 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the spring and jim wash, international security experts. jim, it's a troubling production. the study says by 2030 only 11 years from now china could be on top, what do you think? >> there are two different issues. one is china's economic growth. it will not sustain double-digit growth but if it keeps growing then that will give it the economic resources to build their military capabilities. that is a fact of life in fact of international politics and since they are not an ally and not like france, britain or germany for their military worries about us and worry about us coming after them and so as a grow in power, economic power, it will devote some of that to military power and get better. things can happen between now and 2030 or even beyond that till 2050 that could derail their progress but yes, china's a rising power and will probably continue to rise and its military will get better. eric, let's be clear. the u.s. is the dominant global power today and i will continue. we have a lot of cash and weapons and spend a lot more than everyone else combined we have allies, china does not. we also should not overreact to this china is behaving like a normal country and that's what normal countries do. eric: former deputy assistant at the pentagon and assistant greg grant wrote the study and let me quote a part of it. chinese technological capabilities are growing as rapidly as its economic power. the soviets were never able to match, much less overcome, america's periodic the shoot thing to be 700 china eric: president reagan was able to outspend the soviet union which helped and the cold war. there may not be the same and that may not be able to be said about beijing and its economic power. >> i think that is right. again, were talking decades in the future so a lot of stuff can happen but when you put your finger on eric is the classic debate about the rise of china. what are we supposed to do about it connect one camp says we are to deny stuff and try to constrain them and confront them and keep them up and down and that's what the more aggressive posture and then people who criticize the postures say if that's the way you act they will definitely conclude that we are a hostile enemy and when they do improve and get bigger they will definitely be pointing at us because of the way we tweeted them before. i think there are strengths and weaknesses to both sides but the unfortunate poor thing is we do not know what the future holds. is it better to manage the situation and have road paths and clear signals trying to not cross the lines or is it a full-court press and that the way we should go but the core conclusion, china is rising and as a grow richer their military will get better is probably true. eric: what does it mean for the trade talks and this is what senator tom tillis -- depressed, i know as the president will meet with president xi later this month the g20 but here's north carolina senator tom tillis saying in order to deal with this you got to have a fair trade deal so were not getting taken advantage of. here's the senator. >> one thing i know about this president, if they cheat and don't live up to it, there's a consequence not the only thing china's response to. china would like to wait out president trump and wait out this congress but we will not let them do that and that's why we got to move quickly. we can't this be a matter of years but this has to be a matter of months to get an agreement that is fair for american workers in here in north carolina. eric: will they wait out the clock or get a deal? >> great question. for a lot of people in countries that are looking at the president's foreign policy that's a question they are asking. can you wait a year and a half and try something different. china does not want to see a slowdown in economic growth and would like to resolve it if they can but if they don't or they will not agree to something of a poisoned bill either. the other thing you raised is you got this rise of china u.s. china bilateral relations and military relations and the trade issues and all sorts of hidden explosions that can happen there unsuspecting events that come to causes and then we got taiwan and north korea so this relationship is increasingly being pushed down by a variety of factors and starting to cross over into one another. we better be careful because i do think this is the global economy at stake as well as theirs. got to be careful. eric: one thing finally, jim, you are in a security expert six-point but this is. i read the report and a whole list of things china's doing things they could do to us. one said assassin mace or a black ops, it might take that they could have assassination squad to that part of their strategy? that's what the report says. >> i've not seen that so i focut but it's huawei and hypersonic weapons in their innovation in the high-tech world and how that's being applied to weapon systems. unless the political stuff -- china does not want to pick a war with us. they would lose. they are playing as that report says the long ball, long-term strategy so i don't think they're looking for mischief in the near-term. eric: this report laid out in stark and blunt terms gives an action plan for leaders in washington. jim, good to see. >> great to see you, thank you, eric. arthel: eric and jim, protests turning violent in hong kong. over 1 million protesters showing up opposition against the controversy a law that would allow people to be extradited to mainland china to face charges reportedly, police used tear g gas, guns and pepper spray to push back against the crowds. the amendments having to decide as eroding hong kong's judicial independence by making it easier to send criminal suspects to mainland china where they could face big national security charges as well as unfair trial. eric: back here at home the strange husband of the missing connecticut mother has hired a new attorney. one took on high-profile cases before and the search for jennifer is next. ♪ no matter when you retire, ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed. see how lincoln can help. we're oscar mayer deli fresh your very first sandwich,m... your mammoth masterpiece. and...whatever this was. because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. and is the fastest growing place to buy a car in the nation. carvana is six years old this year it's because we have thousands of people working hard to make our customers' experiences the best. it's because we have tens of thousands of cars ready to be delivered to your doorstep. and it's why hundreds of thousands of happy customers have ditched the dealership and bought their car online, earning us an average 4.7 stars in the process. so if you didn't know about us before, you do now. we're carvana, and we want to give you the car buying experience you deserve. so chantix can help you quit slow turkey.rkey. along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking slow turkey. talk to your doctor about chantix. arthel: estranged husband of a missing connecticut woman has hired a high-profile lawyer. he has retained [inaudible] to represent him at tuesday's arraignments. he's also the lawyer for info wars founder alex jones. he and his girlfriend are charged with evidence tampering and hindering prosecution in the disappearance of jennifer. committal defense attorney former homicide detective and fox news contributor ted joined me now. ted, are the husband and his girlfriend the sole focus of the investigation at this point? >> all i can tell you is that law enforcement has a laser focus on these two. the rationale for that laser focus and when i say these two i mean he and his girlfriend have been seen on surveillance tapes taking trashbags and distributing it at least 30 of them around the town in connecticut and law-enforcement got a hold of those trashbags and what they found was some blood that they had attributed to jennifer the missing mom of five and they also have done a scrub of that home of jennifer and they have found that there were blood spatters in that home so yes, the husband and his girlfriend are laser focused on those two. arthel: what you pointed out is strong evidence that they've been covered thus far. >> it absolutely is a strong evidence and i think at the stage where they've been charged with tampering with evidence and hindering the prosecution of this case meaning the man and his girlfriend i think those charges clearly will be upgraded and i think what they will have to do right now is to turn one or the other and i think they're looking clearly at the girlfriend and hoping she can give them evidence. arthel: because the husband and the girlfriend were both arrested and in police custody and that's where the investigation goes now to those interrogations and you believe based on your experience that if one was to flip on the other it would be the girlfriend or the husband if in fact they committed this horrible crime. >> yeah, again if you say in fact they committed it but i can tell you it smells and looks clearly like these two had their fingers in some portions of this, i believe, crime and also believe unfortunately that jennifer is no longer here with us. arthel: very unfortunate. what about the family and her children? what happened to them? >> it's a sad commentary and five children are here and may be without their mom. i'm sure they are in a state of panic right now themselves and so i'm sure that they are with relatives or what we know about the man is he was a contractor dealing with expensive homes in that area and had financial problems and that led to his wife having filed for divorce and she also has been a friend for life and made the court know that. arthel: tell me if i'm wrong but she's posted on her social media that her husband has been prone to erratic behavior, violent behavior. >> absolutely. that's another thing that law-enforcement is working to end. again, law-enforcement officers don't normally laser focus on individuals with someone missing like this but because it was cleaned up under the circumstances that tells law-enforcement officers right there that this was and perhaps some random crime was somewhat when in or hit the woman and then left. somebody tried to cover their tracks and may believe, i think, that is her husband and girlfriend. arthel: finally, the husband has now retained a high-powered attorney so what does that say to you again in your experience? >> i think quite naturally he knows that there is some culpability and he knows that at some stage very soon he could very well be charged with murder and that is the reason i think he's hired a high-profile lawy lawyer. arthel: i don't know who did it but i tell you what, it's sad. >> certainly is the seven ted williams, thank you. >> my pleasure. arthel: . eric: fox news alert for you now. nice pictures of a grain that is collapsed into a downtown building in dallas. as you can see it happened this afternoon causing at least two injuries and is believed to be caused by strong winds that buffeted that city during a severe thunderstorm this afternoon. dallas fire and rescue another agencies have responded to those calls for that accident at 2:00 o'clock central time. they are told to refuse have taken patients to the hospital and multiple injuries have been reported we will continue to stay on top of that developing story of that crane that collapsed due to high winds, at least thankfully it was on a sunday and not a crowded week day in downtown dallas. we'll get give you updates as we get them. arthel: military officials saying increased american presidents may have already staved off an attack by iran. the latest from the middle east coming up next. carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee? 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[laughter] that's a long time! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ greg: thank you. this is a big night for us. our fourth anniversary of the gg show. [cheers and applause]

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