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Shortrange missiles off the east coast 9 a. M. Local time today. According to the latest to the south korean government they originated from a coastal town east of pyongyang. The japanese government confirms they went 72 kilometers before landing in the sea between north korea and japan. And President Trump by twitter, anything this this very interesting world is possible, but i believe that kim jongun fully realizes the great economic potential of north korea and will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows im with him and does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen. These tests come as denuclearization talks with the United States remain stalled. After President Trumps summit with kim jongun in vietnam fell apart in february. Over the past year, President Trump has often touted no missile tests and no Nuclear Tests as prove that his north korea strategy is working. So now its unclear whether the white house will take a tougher stance after these tests. South koreas military wasted no time issuing a statement emphasizing theyre tightly synced with u. S. Counterparts. They say our military has been closely watching north koreas movements and has maintained a fullfledged posture in close coordination with the u. S. This is north koreas second test this year. The last being a Cruise Missile test that came just a couple of weeks ago on april 18th. Their last known Ballistic Missile test was on november 28th of 2017. Yesterday during his hour, nearly hour and a half long call with russian president vladimir putin, President Trump got a readout of putins meeting with kim jongun that happened on april 25th. Putin reportedly told President Trump that north korea had fulfilled its obligations and stressed, the u. S. Should reciprocate by reducing sanctions on the hermit kingdom. Seems unlikely President Trump will take that advice, molly. Interesting to hear the discussions behind the scenes. More discussion on our show today. Be sure to watch Fox News Sunday for the latest on north korea. Chris wallace will talk to secretary of state mike pompeo. Check your local listings for time and channel, of course. Leland former fbi director james comey defending the bureaus actions in investigating a trump Foreign Policy advisor during the 2016 campaign. This after a New York Times report released thursday found an informant portrayed a Research Assistance in the investigation. And rich edson live from the white house where the president had a few things to say about this. Good afternoon. Leland. The president called it bigger than watergate. The report in the New York Times that claims that the fbi sent an investigator to london to meet with the Trump Campaign advisor George Papadopoulos in 2016 to ask him if there was coordination between the Trump Campaign and the russian government. Senate republicans are pushing an investigation into the decision to investigate the Trump Campaign during that election. What attorney general william barr has described as spying. In a radio interview, then director james comey defended the inquiry. At the end of july we learned that a Trump Campaign advisor two months earlier before any of this was public, had talked to a russian representative about the fact that the russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton and wanted to arrange to share it with the Trump Campaign. What should the fbi do when it gets that information . It should investigate to figure out whether any americans are hooked up with this massive interference effort. And thats what we did. Congressional democrats are focusing on the attorney general. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says barr withheld and misrepresented facts in his summary of the Mueller Report and that he also lied to congress. Barr refused to show at a House Judiciary Committee hearing thursday because democrats wanted Committee Attorneys to question barr after members of congress finished their hearing. President trump says there is no need for Committee Lawyers to question the attorney general. They were going to treat him differently than theyve treated other people and of course weve been treated differently to start off with. They want to bring in people, outside people to interview him or other people on staff to interview him. No, i mean, theyre politicians, theyre supposed to be good at doing it. House democrats are trying to coordinate a date with the special Counsel Robert Mueller will come in and testify. Leland, back to you. The president out at his golf course on this fine saturday afternoon. Well check back if the president says anything. Thank you, sir. Molly. Joining me now with more insight, arizona congressman, from the judiciary committee, andy biggs. Thanks, molly. We just heard from our colleague rich edson and talked about comey and what he said recently. And not surprising, what role the dossier played and no, no, this started with papadopoulos. And what are your thoughts as this new interview comes out . I think it indicates clearly that mr. Barr was accurate when he said there was spying. We knew there was spying that went on and this really isnt news to some of us who have been involved in many of the depositions and hearings that are Going Forward. But it is an indication that mr. Comey did something that he should not have done, in that he failed to note inform the Trump Campaign that there was this potential for interference or conflict with the russians. That would be a normal thing to do is to go to the campaign, to warn them off, that they were trying to be coopted, and that didnt happen and thats disturbing. Regarding the attorney general bill barr who did not testify before your committee this week, you lamented that early on this week, talking how youd been looking forward to talk with him. If you get the chance or what is the unanswered question that you have . Well, theres i want to get back to the origins of the investigation. I think thats where were trying to get it. I know that the Inspector General is looking at a part of it, but also, mr. Barrs indicated he wants to know what happened as well because this investigation was commenced over some dubious claims that were made and i mean, the interaction between strzok and oor and paige and what they were trying to do and seems odd to me and i want to get to the bottom of that. The Mueller Report, some thought it was the grand finale and now theres talk that mr. Mueller will testify. Would you like to hear from him and will that finally shut the doors that remain open here . I would love to interview mr. Mueller and participate in that as well. But would that shut the door . Thats a great question. I dont think so. I think were i think this is a revolving door. This isnt a regular door, this door is going to keep revolving around. Keep going. Yeah. And shifting gears. I want to get to the border, a lot of important things happening there, a tremendous amount of efforts and enormous amount of team pouring through the borders, part of the problem. One of the headlines is the Trump Administration will start asking migrants for dna tests to match with inner ch children, in some cases are being brought into the country repeatedly by people posing as their parents. What are your thoughts on this effort, this testing period thats about to begin . Well, i actually think its necessary because in a briefing that i had when i was on the border two weeks ago, were finding out there are these Human Trafficking rings all over the country where theyre recycling children and we havent had a data base, even on the names and identification of these children. Its now being created and were woefully behind the curve on that. So adding dna to it is going to be very helpful and it will help us assess whether the claims are valid or not which my question, what about the nontraditional family. People seeking asylum because theyre fleeing violence. Perhaps theres been a parent killed because of that violence and its the aunt or the cousin or that is now the parent . What does that mean for those people . Well, what it means, is that would be the exception rather than the rule, molly because whats happening is, the vast majority of released into the country and they dont come back for their determination hearing. And those that do come back, its a very small minority. I mean, a very small minority that have a valid asylum claim. Those who do come back, the vast majority of them, they doesnt have a valid claim. So, this is going to help us determine that. And also, the numbers just staggering down there. 103,000 migrants crossing the southwestern border in march. Thats an increase over february. Theres some 50,000 migrants being housed, thats beyond the congressionally mandated limit. The president asking for more funding, 4. 5 billion. Where do we go from here to begin to solve this problem . Well, we have to do a couple of things. First of all, we need to secure the border, we build the wall, we need to change the asylum laws. I think we could do some simple things like make the Border Patrol agents immigration officers, that would allow them to make the initial determination with regard to asylum questions. There are some things we can do to interdict this. We need mexicos help terribly. Theyre not giving much help. Theyre doing more now, but not anywhere we they need to be. Congress needs to get some money and we need to work on the flores decision. And this is just so big, and so overwhelming, and so when you say 103,000 crossed, thats who we apprehended and we dont know how many people actually entered. Certainly doesnt seem to be getting smaller for sure. Congressman andy biggs, im glad we had a chance to talk about the border today. Thanks, molly. Leland a fox news alert as the investigation begins. These were pictures last night of a 737 that slid off the runway at Jacksonville International airport. It landed full of passengers and then skidded off and into the river there. The passengers are all alive and told without serious injuries. Phil keating live in jacksonville now as daylight is there, and n. T. S. B. Investigators are on their way. Hi, phil. Hi, leland. The plane does remain in the muck in the st. Johns river right now. For the passenger on board that 737 it was a terrifying and rough and bouncy landing in the darkness and pouring rain with lightning and thunder in the area. Everybody survived here at the Jacksonville Naval air station. The hard landing followed by, what ultimately was a splash landing, happened around 9 45 last night. All 143 people on board made it to land. A little wet, but alive after they were rescued. After the plane attempted to land smoothly and ended up skidding about 100 feet off the end of the runway into the st. Johns river. The Jacksonville Sheriffs Office and fire and rescue immediately responded and marine units with the boat activate today help with the rescue. According to passengers once the plane came to stop in a shallow part of the river, everybody exited the plane, standing on the wing to wait for the rescue boats much like they do in the miracle in the hudson with the pilot sullen burger several years ago. The 737 charter operated by Miami International flies twice weekly between Guantanamo Air station in cuba to norfolk, virginia. With a stop to jacksonville. A mix of military, civilians, independents headed back to the states for some vacation and to go home. The 21 individuals that we transported were all listed in good condition. No critical injuries sustained by any of those 21. The plane ended up in the shallow muck on the bank of the river. And thats where it remains. Investigators, we saw them earlier, with the National Transportation safety board, and others, were Walking Around the plane taking pictures and looking for evidence and data. Theyre going to look at everything. Crew records, maintenance records on the plane and of course, the situation with the weather at the time that the plane skidded off. Were told the n. T. S. B. Is going to update the media right about two hours from now. Back to you, leland. Leland all right, phil keating outside the Jacksonville Naval air station just south of the city of jacksonville where this occurred. You think about how close that runway was to the river, but at the other end you think about this, what a testament to the Safety Engineering of the plane that everybody essentially walks away. Yeah, when you see that across twitter or the news when theres an accident of that magnitude, and everyone survived . I mean incredible. Leland a good day, very good day. Still looking for for some reports of two dogs and a cat. Well check with phil on that. And those missing in a planet explosion in illinois are believed to be dead. It happened at a specialty silicone plant north of chicago. Nine people were inside the plant and Officials Say it could be several days before crews are able to go back inside that building to continue their search. Leland retaliatory air strikes in gaza by the israeli military. According to reports out of the gaza strip, three palestinians are dead this after israel intercept add barrage of rockets they say were fired by Palestinian Militants on saturday. And you can hear the air raid sirens right there going off in the background of this video. The sudden outbreak of fighting began on friday and ended a fragile month long ceasefire and comes as leaders of hamas were in egypt for talks on a more permanent truce with isr l israel. Venezuelas Opposition Leader is calling on protesters of the maduro government to converge on military installations today to try and convince the military to revolt. Meanwhile, thousands of venezuelans are still trying to flee the country every day. Our ellison barber has been there on the ground giving us an up close look at whats happening at the border of colombia. Molly, in the last four years, 9 of the venezuelan population have fled their country over one million venezuelans sought refuge here in colombia. We have been talking to them. We want you to hear from them and hear some of their stories. Well introduce you to a few of the people weve met right after this. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty its toughcold turkey. King so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. 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Run with us in the unstoppable John Deere Gator xuv835, because when others take rain checks. We take the wheel. Run with us. Search John Deere Gator for more. Crisis in venezuela, disputed president Nicolas Maduro and juan guaido fight for power by a week marked with major uprising. Thousands of venezuelans are fleeing that colombia, trying to flee the chaos. And this ellison barber is at the Colombia Border to give us an up close look. Yeah, molly. Colombian Officials Say that 20,000 cross into colombia every day. A lot of them do it legally. So this right behind me, this is the simone boulevard bridge. Its technically closed, but colombia lets some immigrants come, migrants come through the border and cross into the country here out of necessity. You can see the people walking by here. Most of the people who are able to cross through this area, they have a medical necessity for coming here. They have some sort of documents to show that they need medical help and they cannot get it back in venezuela. You can see in this area here, these are almost all venezuelan migrants. This is where a red cross, a lot of people have been getting medical treatment. There are ambulances lined up all over here, that ambulance down there is where not long ago we saw a woman standing near it distraught, crying with her son. We just spoke to this woman, she is venezuelan with her ston getting some treatment. And she says hes diabetic, diabetes type 1 and hasnt had anything in two weeks. I need to stabilize my son. The red cross is telling my son to take him to the hospital, but i cant take him there this way. His sugar is high right now. He suffers from diabetes. Im asking them to at least take me to the hospital. So behind me is an area past where the police area is, some people weve spoken with said theyre sleeping out here. Venezuelan migrants with their family, with their children and some people come and get food and medicine and go home. Some cross illegally and or come as refugees and stay in the country. Yesterday on the bridge there was a major shootout for 30 minutes between a ganglike militia group, on the venezuelan side and the Colombia Police returned fire, it went on over 30 minutes. That was one example of not only the challenges people face getting here, but also the danger, but everybody we have spoken to say it doesnt matter, they have no food, no medicine, no job opportunities, no education in venezuela so they feel like they have no choice, but to come here even if it means living in conditions like this and sleeping out here on the street. Molly. Molly ellison, thank you, an intimate look at struggles there for the most simple basic human needs, medicine, food, shelter. Appreciate the reporting. Thank you. Leland well, we bring in chairman of the mcclarty group, mack mcklarty, chief of staff to bill clinton and an expert on the region as well. When the United States says maduros days are numbered, that was secretary pompeos words, do you think the world takes us seriously any more when we say that . I hope so. And i believe they do, leland. These situations are always dicey. More importantly, theyre tragic and concerning, but i think in this case, the administrations done a good job and really from other nations in the region, brazil, the lima group, argentina, canada is involved so i think youve got a Broad Coalition of regions and thats still, but the world looks to america for leadership. And youve got the russians, the chinese, the iranians. And the cubans, yeah. Leland cubans, not exactly people we would call friends, theyre supporting maduro. Does this require a stronger hand from the administration. The alsoness, his days are numbered, you should count that number on one hand. Thats the question. Leland thats why i asked you. Do you have an answer for me . I have a comment. If we overplay our hand, i think we strength man durro because latin america has a long history of saying dont tell us what to do, let us make our own decision. Weve encouraged those countries to be democracies, thats the balance, but as senator Lindsey Graham would say we need to be more forceful. Thats the case youre making. I think the Trump Administration today with secretary pompeo and the president have played it about as well as this situation can be played. We had a similar situation in bosnia, different circumstances, different part of the world, but some of the same dynamics. Leland well get to the issue of the russians in one minute. You brought up the potential consequences of intervention and youve get with it in bosnia as well. Both the people on the left and right are warning about the u. S. Intervention for Different Reasons. Look at the middle east, and iraq and there are models where its worked. Bosnia it worked, panama it worked. Grenada is worked. Haiti right to the brink and then the dictator, the ruler there, president , abdicated in the country and analogous here. Leland whats the model that makes it work . I think you have to have good luck to be honest. I think theres a combination of pressure and certainly building a Broad Coalition which you saw in other regions. In this case maduro has not had an aggressive action where youre responding to his action, like president bush 41 did in desert storm. Thats an element that can be a catalyst, as did the panamanian president that president bush responded to as well. Leland noriega there. Excellent point. Lets look at this in the geopolitical sense. Russia son the rise without question. They say they have an ability to punch above their weight. Leland they do and going back to monroe, and we say that the Foreign Military having a hold on a country in the western hemisphere is unacceptable to us. Yet, the president in his phone call with vladimir putin, the president says, i trust putin and he wants a good outcome in the region. This is how the National Security sees this. I think that the president sees the relationship is important, they have an easy conversation, they make jokes in this exchange. Even now. And president putin quoted oh henry to the president and thats the kind of conversation the president likes to have. Leland the conversation he likes to have, making jokes with putin while putin is propping up maduro in venezuela. Yes, you dont quite know what fully went on in that call. You would hope there was more substance to it and theres also, leland, a gap between secretary pompeos description of the russian intervention, his conversations with foreign minister labrov and you could drive through it. Molly. Molly former President Joe Biden headed carolinas. More coming up. [laughter] im okay. Former vicePresident Joe Biden heads to South Carolina where he will test the waters with two events today. Jacqui heinrich joins us with the latest on this. Well, molly, its another busy weekend for 2020 hopefuls. The early primary states are getting a lot of attention. First in the Nation New Hampshire is getting visits from John Hickenlooper and. Joe biden is in South Carolina and bill and Hillary Clinton making a stop on their tour. And buttigieg, and beto orourke in the lonestar state. Michael bennett jumped in on thursday making an announcement on cbs this morning and that brings the total number of democrats in the race to 21. And the latest polls from cnn showed several top candidates edging out the president in a hypothetical general election matchup with beto orourke in a double digit lead against the president , claiming 52 of registered voters compared with trumps 42 . Bide and point behind, but thats significant because its a bump from the first place spot hes held in most polls since announcing. Notably it has the president beating out senator Elizabeth Warren. Democrats dont just have to compete with the president , but a good economy. The Unemployment Rate 3. 6 the lowest its been in 49 years, with 263,000 jobs added in the month of april. Senator warrens response from the campaign trail yesterday. Im always glad to see when people have more jobs, theres more money in their pockets, but i think the experience of much of america is basically flat wages for a generation now. Another significant moment this week for democrats was attorney general William Barrs testimony over his handling of the Mueller Report before the house committee. At least ten of the democrats running for president have called for barr to resign. Molly. Molly my goodness so much on this, so many people, well see how the stage looks in june. Its going to be insane. Yes, it is. Molly thank you, youve covered a lot of ground there. We appreciate it. Thank you. Leland and we are lucky to have South Carolinabased radio host josh kimbro with us. Couldnt think of a better guy to talk about South Carolina. Good to see you as always. You saw the poll that she put up and the democrats are taking heart in that. Orourke, biden, sanders, buttigieg beat trump head to head and which scarce you the most . Honestly, none of them scare me. Talking about national and South Carolina politics. In 1992, nate silver had a talk about challengers and president ial races, and get a bump early on. President s have to deal with reality and scrutinized every day and the actions they take every day are under the microscope and challengers say who here is what i would do if elected. And put rose colored glasses on it. And those polls dont scare me. Its a horse race on the democratic side. You make a good point. Its difficult for challengers, especially when the economy is good. The times that challengers have been successful and go back to h. W. Bush, to ronald reagan, reagan winning, bush losing. The question though is, what changes between now and next november . Its a long time that makes your assumptions not work . Well, right now with the economy growing again at 3. 2 . Gdp growth, thats the lowest Unemployment Rate since the summer of the moon landing in 1969. These are incredibly positive things. You said it, the economy is what people typically vote on. While the president may be around 45 approval. When you ask the question more specifically. Do you approve of President Trumps handling of the economy, its about 60 . Whats going to change well get a nominee on the democratic side. What he that nominee is selected, that nominee is chosen, all the attention will focus on the platform of that candidate versus the president and then people say the economys 3 . Unemployment the lowest since 1969, do we really want to change horses right now . As we think about who that nominee might be. If you look at the very top, biden in some of the polls. And this is somebody who has been out of practice for four years, it showed in his first couple of interviews. Hes headed to South Carolina. He polls well among africanamericans. What are the issues in South Carolina you think that will resonate the most with democratic primary voters . What are you hearing . Whats happening in our state right now, will certainly color the National Conversation today, thats education. Education has been a huge issue in South Carolina, were debating that right now, an overhaul of the education system. And primaries, republicans and democrat for state offices, education. I know thats a question for democratic primary voters. Importantly, i think with democratic primary voters they want to see someone continuing the legacy of barack obama. What joe biden would say im with barack obama i was his guy and he was my guy, you should vote for me. And they go far one thought in. A lot of people say that biden is the rightful heir to Barack Obamas legacy. And other people say the next barack obama is beto orourke out of texas and this is how one daily beast columnist wrote it up. According to an unscientific poll, beto orourke reminds women of the worst boyfriend they had, worth a meal or not, but know the marital material. And videotaped and blogged out finding himself at age 46 the man asking to run the country is currently lost. Does betos perhaps rhyme about you not necessarily repeat Barack Obamas message work in South Carolina . No, first off, beto orourke doesnt have nearly the appeal particularly with women voters that barack obama did. Barack obama carried the majority of the women voters in the democratic primary. Beto orourke, voters that are women they think hes crazy. Im praying for a bet oorourke, hes fit for a straight jacket and i dont think that democrats will nominate beto orourke. Leland and i have your email, i might add you to the beto fund raising list with that comment. Appreciate the thought. Thank you, its fun. Leland and team beto is looking to send josh an email. Tune into media buzz tomorrow morning, talking about the Media Coverage of biden and some of the other 2020 democratic candidates. Write that down. Tomorrow. Molly President Trump striking a twotrillion dollar infrastructure deal with democratic leadership, but is that enough funding to fix all of americas crumbling roads and bridges . Well ask an expert about the challenges ahead. Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. 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President trump reaching a bipartisan agreement with Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi with a 2 trillion infrastructure deal. But as lawmakers discuss how theyll pay for it, they say it will cost more for the infrastructure changes that america faces. And from the society of Civil Engineers good to be here. When you heard that the 2 trillion deal was made, did you sigh in relief and our troubles are over . Its a starting point and good to have president ial leadership on the issue. And when you have a moment where the house leader and the president are on the same page. And two outer contours of the issue, that lines up with the failure to act study that theyve done over the year and starting with a good number. Molly a recent statement from your leagues, American Society of Civil Engineers. There hasnt been a sufficient investment in over a generation and theyre glad to see the productive results of the meeting because without this American Families will face a hidden tax, 9 a day. 304 a year. Leaky water pipes, potholes and lost productivity at work due to congestion is costing us. Is that where we are, that when we dont act, were actually hurting ourselves . Were already paying the tax so when we think how are we going to pay for a big surface Transportation Initiative and thats about half of that 2 trillion gap, a ten year number, too. Keep it in perspective. Half of that is a transportation deficit number. Clearly well look at things like the gas tax or indexing the gas tax or Something Else thats robust unless you want to continue deficit spending and we dont think thats a responsible approach. Molly taking a look in a little more detail coming out, too. Theres a report card. Taking a look, infrastructure grades by sector and here is the list. Overall, there is a lot of ds on the list. At least what i have on the paper. Rails got a b. And the overall report card over time, showing all of these ds. And where is the toughest thing . Whats the job thats most difficult to achieve . It depends where you are, what the issue is. Transportation, you hear a lot about it and if youre in davenport, iowa today youre probably thinking of the conditions of your levees and flood control. Other parts of the country, dams. We have over 50,000 dam structures in this country. Bridges, you know, 50,000 bridges either are structurally deficient, need attention. Doesnt mean theyre go to collapse. And thats why the report card had 16 categories. The states have been stepping up in terms of investment. Its the federal government that needs to catch up. Its 25 years since the gas tax was touched in washington. A number of the states, half the states five years is that the solution, the gas tax . Thats part of it. There has to be some funding mechanism. There are so many, infrastructure, water, water sector we lose a water main every two and a half minutes in the United States a quarter million times a year a water main breaks. Molly in the older cities across the nation are well familiar with that. There are still wooden pipes under some northeast cities in the United States. So it depends on which sector, what the funding mechanisms will be, but youll see an increased use of user fees Going Forward. The states have done that, red states and blue states have raised their taxes in the last five years. Molly thats a hot topic. We could do a segment on the gas takes. Thank you for joining us, giving us a look into what many projects are that could potentially be worked on ahead. Appreciate it. Leland lori lachlan Holding Strong and new parents could face charges next. Frog leg, for my baby brother dont frogs have like, two legs . So they should have two of these . Since im active duty and shes family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. If you hold it closer, it looks bigger. Eat your food my big sis likes to make tiny food. And im okay with that. Navy federal credit union. Our members, are the mission. Three, two, one, zero and liftoff of the falcon nine rocket and dragon spacecraft. Molly spacex launching a falcon nine rocket packed with more than two tons worth of supplies, bound for the International Space station. Todays launch first scheduled for a couple of days ago, was delayed because of the power outage at the platform. The basster set to land on the platform in the Atlanta Ocean and spacex cleaning up after an accident at Cape Canaveral two weeks ago. There you go. Officials are confirming the identity of the Chinese Student whose parents are accused of paying 6. 5 million for her to get into stanford. Leland and they spoke about the admission into school and the times posted back in 2017. Things on the internet last a while. Some people think you get into stanford because youre rich. I tested through my own hard work. And investigators are looking at additional families, especially out of china. And joining us is criminal attorney andrew stallton. Boy, those comments on youtube did not age well, but at the same time you think about it, 6. 5 million, generally that falls into the philanthropy range and not the bribery range. With that you get a library anyway. Its legitimate and taking place for a very long time and i can promise you, there are a whole bunch of additional families that are extremely nervous. With prosecutors with 93 conviction rate sniffing around, it makes a lot of people nervous. Molly i had a chance to be in consumers for the admissions scandals in boston. The judges, multiple judges involved have raised issues and parents taking different paths. One of the judges talked quite a bit about the issue of entrapment. Do you think thats an issue in this case . And singer, the master mind behind this, there were recorded conversations and whats the aspect Going Forward . Entrapment is a definite possibility with respect to a defense thats going to be raised. Reali realize while prosecutors have rates, parents argue that ive done something that parents have been doing for decades and number two, claim they didnt know. And they can number three, the pin the tail on rick singer defense. We donated to rick singer, he did what he does, and how he did it we dont know. You brought that up as well. Molly theres the potential of saying, hey, we gave this money to him. He has this charity, of course, prosecutors say this is a phony charity. But then if he takes the money and sends it where he sends it, that thats his responsibility not necessarily the parents. We wont know until this goes, you know, until some of the parents end up going to trial. We know that there are 19 thus far indicted and there are some other 14 that chose to work out plea deals with the prosecutor. So it will be interesting to see the arguments in court. Various arguments. We could see multiple trials. Youre right and i think that prosecutors are pretty excited because in one since, i think they have what they perceive to be unsympathetic defendants and virginal defendants, people not used to having the criminal crosshairs put on them. I dont think lori lachlan is going to be the only one who has gone from full house to the out house to potentially the big house. [laughter] you came up with that one on the fly, im impressed. If you think about the schools that were involved in this. Stanford, georgetown, university of california los angeles, university of san diego, university of southern california. Ut austin, wake forest, yale and uc berkeley, thats the ones we know about. Yale university on the list as well. Conceivably there could be more. How nervous should these universities be . As you point out parents have been giving money to get their kids into school for a long time. Maybe they havent been bribing the sailing coach, but doing a lot of other things. Do the parents have a right who are charged in this to go to the universities and say we want every conversation youve had with every donor. We want every discussion youve ever had with every kid and they say what you say, look, ive been doing exactly what every other parents have done whether i give it to the crew coach or to a new art center. Thats exactly it. Its not just the parents and students who are nervous, but i can promise you top flight schools are extraordinarily nervous, too, because we will get into discovery and if im the defense lawyer, i put these universities on trial and i hammer on them for some of their shady practices and i attack them. They will be in the crosshairs and this whole thing is just mushrooming into something that is extraordinarily unpleasant for everybody involved. Leland well, andrew, appreciate the insights. Molly will be there to cover it all at a courtroom in boston. Hopefully in good weather during the spring. Thanks, andrew. Anytime. Molly unrest in venezuela. Folks are fleeing the country amid political turmoil. More coming up. R insurance. As not safe drivers ah that was a stunt driver. Thats why esurance has this drivesense® app. The safer you drive, the more you save. Dont worry, im not using my phone and talking to a camera while driving. Im being towed. By the way, im actually a safe driver. Im just pretending to be a not safe driver. Cool. Bye dennis quaid when insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. Book now and enjoy free unlimited open bar and more. Norwegian cruise line. Feel free. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. And i just didnt listen. 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You will see how many, today, the goal is for them to visit military bases and try to convince the military to join with them in their struggle with Nicolas Maduro. Also visiting military bases today, he met with cadets this morning exchanging handshakes, fist pumps and child of loyal forever and maduro has blamed the failed military uprising on the u. S. And he said it was u. S. Financed u. S. Plan u. S. Orchestrated, he said it was a complete failure and he remains in firm control. Here is maduro. [speaking in foreign language] to imperialism, the slogan that marks this historical time, let it be heard even in washington. Loyal forever. Right now the streets are quiet, but we have seen more than 200 people wounded during the week and violent clashes during Government Forces in those protesters. Maduros position is still in control of the military forces of the police but its a little shakier than he might like, so far he has not dared to arrest Opposition Leader juan guaido, that samantha u. S. And 53 other nations recognize as president of venezuela. Leland, back to you. We will dig into the u. S. Warnings but anything happening to guaido in a minute. President trump is contradicting in a way with mike pompeo. Its a bit of a gap between the two. You might remember that pompeo earlier this week said venezuela is an epidural was ready to flee the country before the russians and cuban intervene, he is the president of the United States. He is not looking at all to get involved in venezuela other than he would like to see something positive happen for venezuela. Thats a president talking about vladimir putin. It is user. As always appreciate you being here on a saturday. President trump is saying he does have anything to do with venezuela and it looks just fine down there, remind that customer. Will i dont speed. We hate maduro, but there is a bad guy, your days are numbered, its kinda like the school board will terribly. I think we need to be careful what we say, should we mean business and do whatever we need to do. Even if it means military forces. This is a very drastic option. You certainly have a long fuse on the banana. You been here couple months ago saying effectively use military forces as a last resort. After the pentagon reported that the u. S. Navy is considered using the u. S. Comfort which is a hospital ship down to be off the coast of venezuela, they say it might ship out in midjune. So six weeks to the play ship. Yeah, i dont date there is a sense of urgency. We talked several months ago and i called for naval assets, the part in north crocus, maybe a couple carriers, a few missile cruisers et cetera. Looking at the analyses of the cuban missile crisis. This is long before russia landed full of advisors there. Leland this is a treat from jumbled, wide gulf between the president rhetoric in the Foreign Policy teams rhetoric. The United States will not tolerate in the hit westheimer for sphere. There will be cost for those who prefer maduro participation and repression. You made a very interesting point, its not just the russians down there violating, its your radiance, the cubans and also the chinese. Oh yeah, our weaknesses over the recent years have allowed incursions of these bad players in mexico, nicaragua, and certainly in venezuela. Mollyleland youve spoken forcy about the obama ministration, if maduro was allowed to stick around for a while does President Trumps top talks becomes very similar to obamas customer. Like i said, i think we have talked more than we should talk in dared people to do things and i think its time for some action. We need to get to the group of lima behind some type of action if we are going to make a change. It doesnt seem to be that we are getting maduro to move. Leland by action humane taking action of airstrikes or real military force . It could get to that point. We could start with increasing sanctions, when you look back and you say why are we increasing sanctions, why do we have maximum shrink since months ago. A point that we will ask the ministration about in the coming days. Not mccarty brought a panama and it worked for models to look at. The congressman reported, good to see you certainly will look forward to having you back in d. C. Shortly. Thank you for having me on. Leland molly. Molly north korea ejectin as tw glue year talks against United States remain unsolved. He stated by the white house with the latest on others. Reporter good afternoon molly since President Trump and kim jongun met in february, north korea has demanded old fulltime said that the United States list the sanctions. They refuse, and President Trump treated, everything in this very interesting world is possible but i believe kim jongun realizes the great economic potential of north korea and will do nothing to interfere or ended. He knows that i am with him and does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen. Since it is ended with no deal it is again refusing to engage with u. S. Negotiators. The white house is also dealing with domestic criticism, that prefer fbi james comey. He wrote that its an amoral leader and lacking inner strength cannot resist the compromise as necessary to survive this presidency. Comey explained that further on a recent radio interview. I think part of it is in the way donald trump operates, he spins a web of alternative reality and wrapped it around those close to him and in doing that it reveals their characters. Sometimes the character uc is inspiring like james mattis who quit over possible. But some times is pretty depressing. And i think we have seen some pretty depressing visions of character in recent weeks where people have gotten wrapped in the web and it has changed. Comey leaks, lies, he lighted from congress, under sworn testimony, classified information, i did a terrible job, everybody wanted him fire, schumer, every democrat, every democrat hundred republican animals. Just to say it so theres no mistake. Read the former fbi director also writes that the president makes everyone a coconspirator to his preferred set of facts or as he calls them his illusions. Molly thank you very much. Lets bring in North Carolina congressman and a member of the House Appropriations Committee David price to talk about this, thank you for joining us. You had a chance to hear the report and he goes back and forth between comey and the president that is occurring right now. And i feel like it is kind of remarkable, the former fbi director is such a powerful investigator coming out now from a moralistic stance trying to shame the president , what are your thoughts on that, when we think about investigators supposed to be impartial as they are conducting these investigations enough to hear this language from comey so openly questioning. The point about the preside president , we use this alternative web of facts and people get caught up in it and there is no way out, that is where ones dignity and integrity remain intact, i do think that is a realistic observation. There are many, many examples. But speaking of alternatives, it exempts reality, these allusions, this Wishful Thinking about kim jongun and the situation in north korea, it takes your breath away. And the fact that they are just ratcheting up these battlefield weapons and the short range weapons and stopping short of the out and out violation of the promises that were supposed to be made. But still, the president not only tolerates us, but continues to entertain these allusions about this brutal dictator and how long would possibly hope to get an agreement in the situation. Molly its interesting to hear those that are close to the president to talk about his style as his relationship with world leaders. As you mentioned, these dictators, shifting things back to special counsel mueller. Would you like to see him testify before congress, your written that that is something you would like to hear and you will want to hear from his conclusions directly. What is it youre looking for customer. I think its essential that we hear from mueller. Especially now that we know that he objected strongly to the way his report was characterized by the attorney general and the attorney general essentially lied about that before the congress, gave a very false misleading impression about muellers acceptance of his fourpage supported summary of the report. We have to untangle that and of course theres a lot about the Mueller Report itself that we need to understand more fully. Molly i agree dash i fix some of the language, we talk about speaker policy talk about a crime concerning part in the language being untangled, i think it does need to be and to go because the question that was asked about the team versus muller directly, there is so much talk in washington, whether its wall, fence,. I call it hairsplitting and civil code, but is muller the same as millers team, i think that discussion will go on but obviously like you said, various parties want to get answers. Shifting to infrastructure, because i do want to let it go, its a big, the president and the leadership working on this 2 trilliondollar deal, i guess the big question of course will it come to pass, is it is enough, the president treated say theres nothing easy about u. S. Infrastructure plan especially when our great country is spending 7 trillion in the middle east in the last 19 years. But im looking hard at a bipartisan plan of one to 2 trillion that is badly needed, 2 trillion, is just a start or will we see this happen. There is such a battle in washington over everything. Doctor, supreme court, the list is so gracious and so long, can we get a compromise in this . You are right, this is a more positive topic. Because for years now, we have looked at this, this need for repairing the countrys infrastructure and investing for the future. We are looked on the as an economic imperative for the country and something that we should be able to get together since well talk about a lot. In terms of the non plan that he put forward, but a lot of other people, i was looking very closely at the talks this past week, with chuck and nancy in the president , and i am hopeful that we can break out of this, there is going to have to be some way of paying for this, that is a whole challenge that is been before with the republican colleagues that are just not willing to admit to that. I am chairman of the transportation and housing appropriations subcommittee. And i have to say, we are on our way to doing an iced down payment on a per structure, in fact the president s budget inexplicably cut infrastructure. Molly congressman, thank you so much for talking with us today. We are running out of time but i really appreciate it. We have a fabulous discussion. Thank you. Molly. Leland three people missg after an illinois plant explosion are now likely dead. Nine people inside the plant when it exploded. Four were hospitalized, the remaining two people declined treatment. The exposure happened friday night and you can see some of the flames billowing out of the civil complaint, 50 miles north of chicago, Officials Say it could be days before crews are able to go inside, continue their search for the missing and try to figure out what went wrong. Molly a dramatic scene out of florida when the plane skidded off of a runway into a river, we have been on this in jacksonville for the latest. Reporter good afternoon, the very hard landing happened around 9 45 p. M. , last night here at the Jacksonville Naval air station, and happened on runway ten which runs eastwest and was coming in from the west, the runway is 9000 feet long, which is plenty of room, and at the time it was very stormy, in the dark, a lot of rain, thunder and lightning, but all 143 people on board made it safely to land in the southern crew in 137 passengers were little wet but they were alive. After the plane attempted to land smoothly in the rain it skidded about 100 feet off the runway smacking into this river, the Jacksonville Sheriffs Office immediately spotted and activated with both to help the rescue and according to passengers once the plane came to a stop in a shallow part of the river, everybody exited the plane and stood on a wing to wait for the rescue votes just like they did a few years back on the miracle on the hudson. The 737 charter plane operated by Miami Air International flights price weekly. From cuba to northport virginia with a stop in jacksonville. The passengers on the plane were a mix of military, civilians and some people for some r r. And people to go home. The 21 individuals that we transported were all listed in good condition, no critical injuries sustained by any of those 21. Reporter most important, no fatalities as well. The plane ended up on the Shallow Water on the base of the st. John river, a lot of jet fuel has leaked and containment booms are now surrounding the plane and investigators gathered around this morning to get a team for the National Transportation safety board is on the crowd. The vice chairman of the ntsb spoke with us briefly, they dont know much yet and can share much yet, but hopefully they will get us a little more information or in the afternoon. Molly thank you. Leland a few hours away from post time, Kentucky Derby and louis bill redeemed outside of the country. Molly a lot of people out here to bet on the race, the first of three races to win the triple crown, but we are also here to see some fashion. And we will talk without coming back on americas report after the break. Stay withmync us. And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. 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The good news, there were no reports of serious damage or injuries in iowa. Tim under kim reynolds survey the damage, when counties in iowa that have designated disasters. They master pastor recordbreaking 22. 6 feet, the rain is not over nor is the flooding over in river towns like st. Louis along the mississippi, adam tracking it really for one think there was a lot of snow over the last winter, that is still spilling in the riverway, that is part of the reason the ground stays saturated, it is been a round after round of showers. We seen again on the saturday. Unfortunately more rain for the very waterlogged areas, we continue to see a lot of big areas talking about river flooding, everything here highlighted in the moderate river flooding, missouri, all across the mississippi, some of those highlighted areas that get into the purple color, that is major river flooding, it is been like this for the last month or more. Because we continue to see the rounds of rain and unfortunately we will have to stick with us for a little while longer, the future rater does show the large system, a lot of rain and a lot of rain and the week ahead. It just seems like it keeps coming and coming and coming. Unfortunately no break just yet. Leland they are still watching the rivers life. Adam tracking it all. Molly jockeys versus trainers during up for the biggest horse race of the year, the 145th running of the Kentucky Derby today. This is great. Among the fabulous looking fabless herself, joining us from churchill. Reporter hi molly, hi leland, this is one of my favorite assignments, ive done it three years in a row and last year was the wettest on record. I was just talking about the showers and thunderstorms, we are expecting more wet weather to move in about race time. We will see which horse does so well in the mud. We think it is possible, we have three horses from bob, bob of course as a trainer for justify that won the triple crown last year, so we will see if bob actually ties the record for most Kentucky Derby went today. But of course, the horses are the big story, the other big story for hundred and 45 years, the hat and the ladies are out in full force with the fashion, i want to talk about kristi more who is the mill owner here for the Kentucky Derby for churchill downs, she took me on a tour of the place where she does perhaps making. I want you to take a look as well. How do you make all these hats, you make them every week, every day . Every day. We make ten to 15 hats a day, we have hats, had t do you want toi did this customer. Is that you never ask rick this is putting altogether. It is from scratch, we dry the straw and make the shape with a fabric pattern laid out. This is my hat. I still dont know what dress im going to wear for the derby, you were kind enough to say i will make two. So i have these two. Reporter spectacular. The question is she going to repeat or yellow . Really i dont know yet. A lastminute decision. What do you think . Did i do all right . Molly you did all right, i like the one you are wearing particularly, its fabulous. I love it, love it, love it. Reporter by the way christine is based out of new york city, so if you would like a hat you can go to her website and she is wonderful. She makes mens hats as well. [laughter] you could check that out. Leland i fear that somebody will photoshop and how that in the next couple of minutes on instagram. We will let you get back. Molly she has hours to go before the race. Leland Quality Control she just needs to make sure she goes around. Molly she hasnt got the hook yet. Leland the democratic primary field has widened. There more democratic primary races and their horses in the Kentucky Derby. 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The right choice for dry eyes. Leland highway university, ames iowa Bernie Sanders is spending a lot of time in iowa, he is taking stage at iowa state in ames, like a hundred a lot coming out of his mone honeymoon the last couple days. We will see if the address that given diana. Bringing news as it happens. Molly also out on the trail, joe biden test the waters and South Carolina with two campaign beds in the state. The primary field as i should say, the more on how all these candidates can set themselves apart. Lets turn to our panel. Former dnc chair and Fox News Contributor and isaac wright joined us as well. Ive been looking forward to this all day because the list grows and grows. For me i love this stuff so i think its fun. Lets start with joe biden to kick things off, he got a boost from coming into the field. Do you think it will hold customer. We certainly have a lot of time in this race, and we are at 21 so this is where its a joke about how many candidates there are, in her. So everyone gets a candidate. Here is the thing, biden of course is going to come out on top, he was on top before he announced but we have got moderate, leading the world voices, the most trusted democrat in the party, we have the best Democratic Party it has to offer. And the republicans really arent pretty up the best they have to offer. These candidates are pretty detailed, thoughtful and bold plans forward. There is a lot of time, i think biden is going to get a run from his money like, let harris, she did amazing. Molly you brought up the breath of the field, but also specifics, a lot of these candidates are criticized for being vague on policy. And in turn questions, like i think that is an important issue, i want to have a conversation about that. How long can the candidates do that . I think the candidates right now are on vision, what their invasion on america and the distinction that they will make between this president and their own president. I think the breath of folks we have to bring a positive vision for our country to the table, its good for the Democratic Party, and good for the country. Twentyone candidates, that we will be up to 22 shortly, it was unconfirmed but there was a date set for the governors announcement, we will be at 22 candidates before the month is over at a minimum. We will keep seeing how the number grows, but the more folks we have getting it, the more energizing the party and the people of the country. As we look at a positive vision Going Forward. Is he the alternative to some of the other candidates that have been leading in the field, getting a lot of cash as well. But then there is also candidates like elizabeth, a plans, she has staked her entire identity on her theories. Why are the women in this field not getting enough attention as the rest customer. Im glad you brought that up, i was actually candidate for dnc chair and i ran against him, and what we are seeing with mayor pete and the type of coverage is done in the media, it is the same repeat of 2016 and we will have to be very careful as democrats. I say all the time, democrats should not look at the media as different. And we are seeing women candidates knock at the same type of coverage. We are seeing the media calling the shots very early on as for us to their favorites are. And not covering the plans like Elizabeth Warren as much as the personality dash. We need to be smart about how we Democrats Use the media to our advantage because they are not necessarily on our side in helping us find a candidate who is going to bring back decency. Do you think she raises a good point that theres media bias against female candidates and the democrats do have a growing field with antifemale candidates customer. We have a lot of diverse candidates, and i want to sell Elizabeth Warren short for how well she is doing, the New Hampshire poll that came out this week, first it was undecided with 27 points, second place with biting, and the third was a tie between sanders and brutus, was senator warren following it closely, she has shown a lot of strength with the fact that she has put out the policies and proposals out there. She really should be crushing in the granite state. That is where shes from, and i think in the polls what ive seen. Sheet should also be on the cover of time magazine. They should be going on the ellen show, there is just something that i just policy can trump personality. Is always a discussion we make about the candidates do you agree . I agree. Thank you so much for joining me. Tune into fox news this wednesday with her townhome minnesota senator 2020 hopeful. In the people asking questions. That is wednesday live at 6 30 p. M. Eastern. Leland the varney town hall was great and we are watching and for that, several states are working on a bill that could keep President Trump off the ballot in the election unless he turned over his tax returns. Breaking this down from arrest under west coast newsroom. Reporter the pressure to release his tax returns is not coming from democrats in congress who have issued subpoenas, 17 states are considering bills that would require a candidate from president to make his or her tax returns public in order to vote under qualify for the ballot. Those bills got enough traction including washington, hawaii, illinois and just this week in california. Nearly all of the states were won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, the exceptions are arizona, mississippi and pennsylvania. The democrats say they are hungry for transparency. Tax return lets go to the court of future financial interest. It is unprecedented for President Trump not to release his taxes, no one has even imagined that someone would do that. I think its a legitimate public policy. Leland during the 2016 campaign he said he could not release his tax returns because he was being audited. Republicans who oppose the bill say it just a political stunt in Washington State there is currently a twist. His attorney general is rumored to be running for governor. The state had to trump 34 times. The blind partisanship of the attorney general in the governor who is running for office, this is about 2020 president ial politics, not about our state. There is a very big question about such a bill would even be legal, the constitution lays out the qualification to be president and releasing tax returns is most notably not one of them. Also democrats are being accused of hypocrisy. And for example they were asked to release her tax returns and she refused saying she would if she ever ran for president. Leland interesting answer there. Dance partner with us. Molly President Trump sounding off. A 50 year low Unemployment Rate. News per coming up next. Ok everyone our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. And twentysix vitamins and minerals. Use their valuable ova home loan benefit. Ns but i have got some good news that will change that. Newdays Operation Home. It lets veterans buy a home with no down payment and without paying one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. No down payment and not one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. Why rent when you can buy . Newdays Operation Home is real. So spread the word molly a new intern report released from the British Foreign secretary says christian persecution in some parts of the world is close to meeting the International Definition of genocide. With christians being targeted by extremist groups in the middle east, africa and east asia. For more on this we bring you the president of the Iraqi Council senior fellow of the filho project, giuliana hammurabi. Its startling to see the figure from the report. That it could potentially be reaching genocidal levels, also 80 of the religious leaders are being persecuted around the world are christian. Should this be a wakeup, a world wide wakeup . Absolutely. There has been a genocide that is already underway. And perpetrated by isis. As you know, secretary kerry announced the genocide of the christians of iraq. This is been going on for so long, for in terms of iraq, the syrians of iraq have come under persecution until today, a number of 1. 5 million today get to 200,000 people. And look at sri lanka, a happened there, a habit in india, nobody is talking about india, so we are grateful for secretary hunt, and also really stepping up to do something in a positive way in a more meaningful way there is so much that still needs to get done worldwide. According to open doors report one out of nine christians across the world are being prosecuted today. Of course, this is not just potentially death, but also people being pushed out of the homelands, religions, where perhaps at a stronghold being forced out of areas where christians live, this is the British Foreign secretary jeremy hunt speaking. A billion christians being prosecuted, 3000 losing their lives last year alone. And vastly increasing. There are many Different Reasons for that conservatism, politicians, playing on other peoples religion, prejudiced as terrorism,. He also talked about political correctness, to think that peter will customer. Absolutely. I believe the death of most of the people that are suffering today is because of the political correctness, the world turns a blind eye to this, when we are politically correct we are sympathizing with those terrorist that are destroying communities in recent history, for example, the 300 authoritarian people in iraq are trying to erased our history by destroying our monuments and pushing him from the homeland. Persecution looks different in different parts of the world. For example, lets take a wrong, according to the international they did a resort trend report, and 2017, there were 16 former muslims that were prosecuted, and 218100 former muslims, and we exterior entry muslims are being prosecuted like pastor victor and his family for example. In egypt, they are giving the christians a hard time to legalize churches. We saw what isis did in sri lanka. The way we answer every persecuted situation has to be different. For example, nigeria, we have to deal with them differently. Molly and the horrific attacks in sri lanka was a wakeup call. Thank you so much for joining us today. Vicki for having me on. Leland right back in a minute. Uh, ill look into it. phone rings lisa jones lisa on phone hey carl, what are you charging me for online equity trades . nervous chuckle lisa and do i get my fees back if im not happy . Like a satisfaction guarantee . Ugh. Schwab lisa oh right, im calling schwab. Thanks, carl wait, lisa lisa. Are you getting low costs backed by a satisfaction guarantee . If not, talk to schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Need a change of scenery . Kayak searches hundreds of travel sites even our competitors so you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Kayak. Search one and done. Monitor their blood glucose every day. Which means they have to stop. And stick their fingers. Repeatedly. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott makes it possible to track glucose levels. Without drawing a drop of blood, again and again. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. Leland welcome back, the latest job seen expectation with the economy at 2602000 jobs in april, perspective that is the best unemployment number since december of 1969. Resident trump pleading, we can all agree that america is now number one, we are the envy of the world and the best is yet to come, joining is now the Job Creators Network Foundation Elaine parker. That begs the question on the tree, was america not ever number one . Will in my opinion there always number one. But this economy is certainly doing well under the ministration. Leland when it comes to Small Businesses i know you talk a lot, is becoming difficult to find a place, a lot of folks i talked to say it is a matter what we are paying there are a lot of skilled jobs that we cannot hire for. Absolutely, as job creators we represent what we call maine street Small Business owners and we hear from them all the time because of the tax cuts and job acts they are able to invest in their business and higher were people, but if you had to say we had any one problem its there are jobs out there actually 2 million more jobs now the people available to fill them. Thats a good thing because it is driving wages up and we are seeing wages increase at a faster pace that we have in decades. The average is between 27 to 28 an hour. Its an interesting point from a political standpoint, you listen to democrats and you paint a picture of doom and gloom and how terrible the economy is present. Is there a gap between who is being employed in this way and who is being fought over as an employee first folks who cannot seem to get ahead . The reality is, the narrative that the democrats continue to put out there is the economy is not doing well and people are feeling it. And you just dont see economic numbers at threepoint to percent gdp for First Quarter when people are not feeling it, they are keeping more of their own money is a direct tax cuts and job back. I understand the argument, but if things are so good, why are they all doing so well in the polls . The reality is, there are people out there who may not personally like the ministration or the president , but they like his policies, there has been pulled out there showing that the only economy he is 56 . Leland 56, 58, his personal approval numbers, anywhere in terms how people view him personally. I appreciate you being with us. Thanks so much good to talk to you. Thank you. Leland great conversation. We will continue tomorrow. Fox news sunday has a lot more on what venezuela and north korea. And we have a lot of great guest coming up from new york. We will see you tomorrow, have a great weekend. Our members shop a little differently. So we reward every purchase. Lets see what kate sent. For you. For all of us. Thats for me. Navy federal credit union our members, are the mission. Its nice. You got this woo if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. 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With the leader of that movement, juan guaido, trying to win over the soldiers to his side. All this coming just days after he urged the military to rise up against the socialist regime of embattled president nicholas maduro. Hello, everyone. Welcome to americas news headquarters. Im eric shawn. Good to have anita here. Thank you so much. Guaido, the u. S. Recognized president , urging his supporters to gather at military bases and persuade forces to turn against disputed president maduro

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