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Advice of Career Lawyers in the Justice Department. It wasnt just a whim of Jeff Sessions, this was a serious consideration went into this. Im sure Jeff Sessions didnt want to recuse himself but that was the advice he got. The president has been loudly lamenting sessions decision to do just that. Sessions pushing ban on his part saying essentially that the actions to have department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations, thats the thing that he shot back, your thoughts on that . Yeah, i think the other thing was that was the beginning of the statement, at the end of the statement he mentioned that the people in his department and him are committed to advancing the rule of law and i think that was a very important thing too because hes basically suggesting there that donald trump is trying to get the Justice Department to do his bidding is trying to avoid the rule of law, rule of man rather than rule of law, i think Jeff Sessions had strong words there and in a way its kind of funny, im surprised that democrats arent, you know, celebrating a little bit more with what Jeff Sessions is saying, hes saying the things that democrats have been worried about all of this time which is that donald trump would not be a guy who would appreciate the rule of law. Well, here is Jeff Sessions strangely enough one of trumps earliest supporters who is saying just that himself. Theres a lot of speculations about mr. Sessions future where things go from here for the Attorney General and one of the most prominent republican senators has weighed in on this, Lindsey Graham and the president noting that the sentiment was made by mr. Graham that every president deserves Attorney General they have confidence in. I believe every president has a right to their cabinet, these are not lifetime appointments, you serve at the pleasure of the president which led to considerable talk that perhaps Session Wills go perhaps soon maybe after midterms. Your thoughts on that, will we see sessions go when and what does it mean . Yeah, you know, i think its probably inevitable, i have to say i dont understand the strategy and the fact that theyre saying that President Trump would wait until after the midterms proves that they know its politically a terrible idea and i cant figure out going into the midterms why donald trump would hint that he might fire Attorney General afterwards because this midterms are going to be all about turnout and you dont want democrats to be enthused and excited to get out there but when donald trump says i might fire Attorney General, hes playing right into the democratic hands because the leaders are going to say, hey, with knee toad win the senate, we need to get that senate because otherwise donald trump is going to fire Jeff Sessions. Now to get a new Attorney General and hell have to get that person confirmed by the senate, so if they republicans have a minority or even a narrow majority, that gives the democrats a chance to keep out any new Attorney General and so i dont really understand the strategy. I think its very bad politically and just completely unwise, you are basically trying to get democrats to go to polls in november. Certainly pushback from republicans implying they dont have type for the scene scenario and that being said the president has never been shy as far as getting rid of staffers that he doesnt want on his team anymore. If he wants somebody gone, he doesnt care too much about the criticism of holding that person or not holding that person. He seems to make the decision that he wants to at the time. Do you think this could lead to a certain of amount of unpredictability, in this case potential that the Attorney General could be let go before the election . Yeah, youre right, molly, anything is possible, of course, donald trump at one point said he wasnt going to fire rex tillerson, a few months later fired rex tillerson, we heard rumors about john kelly being oust with donald trump, he still continues to be in office. I think really, you know, donald trump probably is desperate to fire Jeff Sessions but he knows that its a terrible move politically and the fact that, you know, people are telling him wait until midterms, shows how bad of a political move it is. He may find it hard to resist but i think, you know, at this point the Mueller Investigation is so far gone, they so far into it that firing Jeff Sessions will not end the investigation, he would have to fire Rod Rosenstein as well and fire robert mueller, so, you know, its too much politically going on and so i wish donald trump if he wants to, you know, keep the senate, keep the house, you know, quit talking about this, just let it take its course and talk about the successes the republicans have had, talk about great economy and longest bull market ever, i cant figure out why he wants to distract people and remind them about investigation that dont bode well. We will see what unfolds fine now and then, thank you for insights today. Thanks, molly. Fox news weather alert, dumping 3 feet of rain on parts of hawaiis big island causing flash floods and mud slides, federal officials that lane is danger to hawaii even though reason for citizens in hawaii to let their guard down. Theres still projecting more than 2 days worth of rainfall to continue to inundate the state and quite honestly we could see recordbreaking rainfall that surpassed what we saw last year with Hurricane Harvey. And they still have 15inches to go to catch Hurricane Harvey but still more Rain Coming Up In Hilo and bands that can come through other parts of the state. We had fires here also in maui, three we are told, 2 under control and the third one 30 contained, they are getting handle on that as well. Quite a few days on here on the islands, more than 250,000 people, mike r here right now as tourists throughout the chain, many of them decide today say and ride this out and now they are getting life back to normal. Shelters on the islands are closing at noon today and most of the stores and shops are reopening we are told by the end to have day today. Good news for much of the state but unfortunately for the hilo area, mike, massive amount of water in the last few days. Stunning visualses coming from the great state of hawaii, you have the flooding, you have the fires, adam housely live in maui, thanks very much. For more on the track of lane lets get to meteorologist adam klotz in fox extreme weather center, adam. Hey, there molly, the storm continues to weaken, winds falling down to 60 miles an hour, theres the center of circulation, hard to find at this point, still slow mover, big island is continuing to see some of the showers and everyone will at least see some Bands Of Rain, here again, there is what should be the center of circulation and Bands Of Rain stretching from the big island across island, most of the rain continuing to fall on the east side where they have seen at least in some isolated areas 40 to 45inches, the slow movement should begin to pick up as we head through overnight hours but its going to be move get away from Hawaiian Islands and weakening as it continues to do do running in upper level winds and thats been tearing apart, what will continue to tear apart is what continues, these are numbers continuing from now. We have seen as much as 35 to 40inches in some spots on the eastern edge of the big hawaiianan island, well, perhaps we could see another 5 to 10inches, the ground is saturated, that would be bad news for poll incomes the area, otherwise taking you to mainland of the u. S. , we continue to see Fire Being Shush as elevated fire danger across the west stretching down back to some mown mountain states, a spot where they could use the rain unfortunately they arent going to be getting it. So those watches and warnings, this is rainfall across western states over the next 5 days and you notice all of these spots i just highlighted, molly, staying completely bone dry, so folks out there are going to continue to have full hands full as well. Challenging situation, thank you, adam. Mike the family of senator john mccain say it is war hero and former president ial nominee has made the decision to end treatment for aggressive form of brain cancer and since yesterdays announcement there has been a huge outpouring of support, now his wife cindy is responding, we have live report from arizona next. Plus Senate Democrats officially call to go Delay Confirmation of President Trumps Supreme Court pick but can their latest plan to postpone hearing actually work . Five Senate Democrats announced they were oppose today President Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court before President Trump nominated judge Brett Kavanaugh. Thats not advised and consent, thats simply obstruct and oppose. Smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. A stadium powered with solar. A hospital that doesnt lose power. Amazing. I like it. Never gonna happen. This wifi is fast. I know i know i know i know when did brian move back in . Brians back . He doesnt get my room. Hes only going to be here for like a week. Like a month, tops. Oh boy. Wifi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. A strong showing of support for arizona senator john mccain after his family announces the war hero and longserving republican will stop treatment for brain cancer. His wife cindy posting a message of appreciation on twitter this morning. Alicia acuna Live In Phoenix with more. Alicia. Hi, molly, yes, theyve been married for 38 years and cindy mccain is with her husband right now along with other members of the family and some friends. They are at their ranch here in arizona and this morning cindy mccain tweeted, quote, the entire mccain family is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from around the world, thank you. Of course, yesterday we got word from the family of this american hero, he has decide today stop the medical treatment of his brain cancer he was diagnosed last july, a longtime analyst in the state explained senator mccains presence this way. Hes our senator but hes really a National Even an international senator. Hes hes almost the United States representative to the rest of the world because he transcends president , because of senate tenure and his Foreign Policy knowledge and his willingness to engage in those tough issues. Also made the point, theres no one alive in arizona Politics Today that knows what its like to be in politics without john mccain, something mccains fellow senator from arizona knows all too well. Everybody other than john mccain is called the other senator of arizona and ive grown accustomed to that title. Its hard to imagine washington without him. He in the senate from my very first day there i saw that he was the conscious of the body. We are hearing from two of the three amigos as they were informally called, lieberman and Lindsey Graham. Today i am praying for him and his family, graham in a Statement Writing above all else, i know john mccain wants family, friends and staff to understand how much he appreciates their love, care and kindness and molly, these types of statements and expressions of love continue to come in, molly. He has led remarkable life of service, alicia acuna, thank you. Senate democrats on Judiciary Committee denying post postment of Brett Kavanaughs Confirmation Hearings due to the president s legal issues, Chuck Grassley has shot down any requests by the democrats to delay hearing. Vice president mike pence believes kavanaugh is a worthy nominee. Judge Brett Kavanaugh deserves the support of every member of the United States senate and we are going to fight to take his case all the way to confirmation. Joining me now Elliot Shapiro and editorinchief of the cato Supreme Court review, elliot, great to have you. Good to be back. Judge kavanaughs Confirmation Hearing to be topic and is that the only play as Minority Party . They are grasping it strong. There was the attack that he liked baseball too much or beer too much, all the Different Things and making political argument that a president under investigation or whatever doesnt get to nominate someone. If they had the majority, they should stop Processing Nominee but they have eye on fall midterm elections, but we will have hearings as Senator Grassley said. Mike judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley, doesnt see precedent for delay, he calls it absurd, are is he right . I think so. It doesnt connect him to russian collusion or Michael Cohen or anything like that, its not like some president under some cloud is i illegitimate, its not like richard nixon. Until and unless trump is impeached, this nominee continues and hes going to be processed in the normal course. Hes being processed about the same pace that the last five confirmed justices have been. Yeah, typically 66 days for nomination to confirmation, what about the challenge for Senate Democratic leader chuck schumer, how necessary is it for him to show the base that hes willing to fight, fight, fight . Hes between a rock and hard place, it was certainly not advisable for the democrats to force the republicans to get rid of filibuster for neil gorsuch, they would like to have filibuster now to replace Justice Kennedy and not justice scalia, they dont have it, the base wanted blood and schumer had nowhere to go, now, they are basically pounding the table and trying to make hay out of this but nothing that we have seen thus far is near anything that could possibly derail the kavanaugh confirmation. Mike there seems to be effort to link the president s former associates to judge kavanaugh, any reason to believe that hes somehow ties with some of those former associates getting into some trouble . Anything that weve seen. We have a lot of a a lot of emails, documents, historic documents including making lunch plans with highranking officials and law firms and interesting to see what they were doing in early 30s, nothing that has come out thus far, i think, deals a bodyblower or wounds kavanaugh in any way. Mike democrats pushed for more documents under president george w. Bush, does that material indicate how kavanaugh would act as a Supreme Court justice . Certainly not the staff secretary materials. All documents that are going to the president come across the staff secretarys desk. Its much less indicative, we have 300 opinions to go through that. This is another political point. Most of the democrats were complaining about the lack of documents have already come out against being kavanaugh, whats the point . Mike is there must frustration among democrats . Well, hes a conventional conservative, if you will. Thats really the main problem. A lot democrats see donald trump as having been elected illegitimately and so everything he does is wrong or or illegitimate and thats the real attack, its not really anything specific to Brett Kavanaugh, the attacks on whoever the nominee would have been probably would have worked the exact same way. Mike we will be looking at hearings after labor day with midterm elections just over horizon, how much in the way of fireworks are you anticipating . Well, they are going to pick up a handful of cases that might make kavanaugh look bad, hey, its the roll of the senators on both sides to ask tough questions, not about specific cases but about how would you interpret certain parts of the constitution, educate us about legal thinking and knowledge and that sort of thing but i think so far based on what we have seen its going to be grasping at straws and we have not seen indication that theres anybody from the Republican Caucus that is going to vote against him and all you need is a onevote margin which is what they currently have. Elliot shapiro from cato, thanks for your time. My pleasure. Secretary of state mike pompeos trip to north korea is off, why deciding to abruptly cancel it and what does it mean to scrapping Nuclear Program, a new report is claiming about those emails, plus just how involved might the president get, our panel picks up that discussion next. Oscar mayer deli fresh ham has no added nitrates, nitrites or artificial preservatives. Now deli fresh flavor is for everyone. Like those who like. Sweet. Those who prefer heat. And those who just love meat. Oscar mayer deli fresh. A fresh way to deli. Feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy oscar mayer deli fresh. Symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. No, what . . I just switched to geico and got more. More . Got a company i can trust. Thats a heck of a lot more. Over 75 years of great savings and service. You cant argue with more. Why would ya . Geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. President trump abruptly Canceling Secrary of state mike pompeos trip to north korea, the president Making Announcement on twitter. I have asked Secretary Of State mike pompeo not to go to north korea at this time because i feel that we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Lets go Gillian Turner in washington for details. Good afternoon, molly, the Secretary Of State was supposed to depart for fourth trip to pyongyang where he was to meet with dictator kim jong un and continue negotiations towards denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula but President Trump abruptly canceled the trip yesterday just 24 hours after Secretary Pompeo says this. Using diplomacy to resolve north korean Security Threat is President Trumps greatest priorities. The president announces reversal via twitter after meeting with team at the white house saying the north hasnt made sufficient progress towards ending Nuclear Program since summit in june but not closing g the door entirely adding by tweet, Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to north korea in the near future most after China Trading relationship is is resolved. In the meantime warmest regard to chairman kim. I look forward seeing him soon. This comes after iaea that north korea is continuing to develop nuclear inspectors barring inspectors from key Nuclear Sites and Satellite Imagery that shows new construction, clear violations of relevant resolutions are deeply regrettable, not just reversing north korean policy, on thursday he told fox news china has been a big help on north korea only to claim the opposite yesterday, he tweeted that china is not helping on north korea as much as they once were, molly. Gillian turner, thank you very much. You got pit. Mike President Trump again blasting the fbis handling to have Hillary Clinton email investigation while appearing to reference a story from real clear investigations reporting that federal investigators directly examined just over 3,000 of the 694,000 Clinton Emails for classified information. The president tweeting, quote, big story that the fbi ignored Tens Of Thousands of Crooked Hillary emails, many of which are really bad, also gave false election info, i feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all this corruption at some point i may have to get involved. Lets bring in brad blakeman, former Deputy Assistant to george w. Bush and dave brown, democratic strategists and former Senior Adviser and Committee Council to washington senator patty murray. President trump keeps pushing Jeff Sessions to probe Hillary Clinton and the democrats considering the public nature of the criticism, brad, are you surprised sessions sessions excuse me, has not resigned . No, i think if anything he wants to be fired and its clear senators have made it clear that at this stage before the midterms its not a very good idea to let sessions go and would only get ourselves involved an give democrats a great Talking Point for the fall because its up to the senate to confirm the president s next choice, so it doesnt make political sense, the timing is bad and sessions right now, i think, is is somebody who is probably on his way out and thatll come after the midterms probably by the end of the year, but the president i dont think has the leverage he thinks he does with regard to the fbi and the Justice Department because you cant demand them to do something they just wont do, the only other thing to do is to let people go and replacements i dont think are going to be anymore favorable than what the president has now. Mike dave, should Attorney General Jeff Sessions resign in protest and if he did, what would happen . Ultimately that will be a question for the Attorney General. I dont think he should resign on protest because i actually think that hes doing what hes supposed to do as Attorney General which is to maintain independence of the department of justice from the white house and rebuking rejecting the president s attempts to political interference not only with the business of the doj but also with the fbi and ultimately, lets be clear, all of this why we are talking about this because the president wants to distract from the Mueller Investigation, he feels arm of justice is inching closest to him, two associates were indicted an found guilty this week and in fact, the president is part of the Michael Cohen Plea Agreement is all in name unindicted coconspirators and no, Jeff Sessions should be held in office. Mike brad, you want to take aim at that . No, he is not. Thats Wishful Thinking on the part of democrats. The president as of this date, theres certainly no collusion which is the crux of the purpose of Special Counsel and any prosecutions, any guilty that have been taken is by associates, maybe you wish it to be but thats not the state of affairs. Brad im not saying that guilt by association, im saying part of plea deal refer today candidate number one the president of the United States but doesnt mean directly to violate federal election law. The facts speak for itself. No prove of that. The Mueller Investigation has to be allowed to continue. Of course, it is. We will not know till mueller publishes report. [laughter] mike is there a double standard, brad, in terms of the president s frustration that nsa leaker got 5 years in prison and hes saying that Hillary Clinton did not get any punishment . Absolutely. There is a double standard and i understand the president s frustration and hes rightfully to be frustrated. There are two standards, one for the clintons and democrats and theres another for republicans. If any other person had done what Hillary Clinton had done as Government Employee they would be in jail. She got favorable treatment. The president is right to be frustrated but at this point very little the president can do. Maybe when he gets another person in as Attorney General, that will change but i dont think thats going to change under this current Attorney General or this current fbi director. Mike dave, is it possible that other president s have been frustrated with their attorneys general over the years but didnt come out and say it . Michael, i think thats probably a certainty but look, theres a real interesting historical analogue tell, the Saturday Night Massacre with president nixon when he ordered Attorney General to fire the Special Prosecutor in that case cox, the Attorney General refused, the Deputy Attorney general also refused and then failed to at the time Solicitor General Act And Of Course Acting Attorney General Bork To Fire Cox and he carried out that order and so, look, theres a Historical Context to all of this and if anything i think the nixon case really i listdye lust rates the danger of the white house subvert rule of law and to Attorney General to do something thats improperly outside of whats appropriate well, not yet, brad, youre sort of talking on both sides of the issue. Youre anticipating asking that Hillary Clinton be prosecuted which is essentially a direction that a political enemy, political opponent be criminally prosecuted, i think that is double standard, brad. The president is peaking support unfairness, he hasnt directed anything to do anything, a lot of americans believe do you think if he thought he could make that order to Jeff Sessions and Jeff Sessions would carry that, do you think he would order that . Look, if the president would want to order it he would order it, he has not. Mike i would lake you take the fight to the green firm, thanks so much. Thank you. Democratic National Committee making changes to nominating process today vote to go Limit Influence on Super Delegates who have the party east highprofile members and make 15 of the count. Candidates will count on the delegates they won during State Primaries and caucuses, if theres a need for second ballot, Super Delegate who is are not bound to a candidate can step in. Former democratic president ial candidate Bernie Sanders reacting on twitter, quote, todays decision by the dnc is an important step forward in making the Democratic Party more open. Democratic and responsive to input of ordinary americans, this has been long and arduous process. I want to thank tom perez. Mike. Mike President Trump going after the nfl once again over the protests during the National Anthem. This time hes taking aim at a couple of Broadcast Networks that have decided not to show the playing of the anthem, we will have that story next. Ok everyone our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy so far no word on what caused that crash. We are standing up with the heros who protect america, we are standing proudly for our great beautiful Wonderful National anthem which cbs, i just heard, they just joined the crew and espn have decided not to broadcast. Mike President Trump again criticizing the National Football league in broadcast partners over National Anthem. The President Firing Back at cbs and espn for the decision not the air the playing to have anthem before football games, bryan llenas live here in new york with the latest, hi, brie bryan. Has been common practice to not air National Anthem before nfl game, the first time we really started seeing National Anthem air before games was the last two years when more and more players began to kneel during the anthem to protest Police Shootings of unarmed black men, both espn and cbs say they will continue to not air the anthem before game unless news warrants, at a rally in ohio President Trump suggested the networks were unpatriotic. I heard they joined the crew and espn have decided not to broadcast so they Dont Have Con Troughers controversy, cbs and espn, how do we like that . Is that good . What the hell is the nfl doing . What are they doing . Do they not have a clue. Latest fox news polling in june mound more americans, 43 have unfavorable view of the nfl than favorable one 42 , the nfls popularity has nose dived from 64 favorability in 2014, the topic of kneeling has made its way into midterms particularly the senate race in texas where Democrat Beto Orourke is trying to unseat republican ted cruz. Orourke went viral about his thoughts of nfl Protest Saying in part, quote, i cant think of nothing more american than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your rights any time anywhere any place, to that senator cruz said this. When you see an nfl kneeling what they are doing is they are attacking the Police Officer who is are standing there to protect them. Nfl regular season kicks off in less than two weeks, mike. Mike bryan llenas, thank you very much. The navy bringing back cold era naval command, russia activity in the Atlantic Ocean, Vladimir Putin and nato would get in war of words over the deployment of troops in russian border, former u. S. Ambassador to break it all down next. Also includes a tire rotation. Book an appointment online. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on is boost®. Delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33 more protein, along with 26 Essential Vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. Be up for life. Boost® high protein. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from an allergy pill . Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. Areas in syria, the administration announcing that the u. S. Will withdraw more than 200 million in aid for the palestinian areas this following review of the funding for projects in the west bank and gaza, the Trump Administration says it also took into account the challenges of providing assistance in gaza which is controlled by the radical Islamic Terror Group hamas. Claiming a surge in Russian Submarine activity in Atlantic Ocean u. S. Navy reestablishing Atlantic Fleet to check out moscows military expansion. This comes as Vladimir Putin accused of nato of moving its military assets closer to the russian border, lets bring in embassador kirk, former u. S. Ambassador to nato and institute, thank you for being here today. No problem. Lets start with the fleet, the u. S. Navy reacting, second fleet, deactivated in 2011, this was something that the u. S. Was depending on and return today that, earlier this year admiral John Richardson told reporters that the Submarine Activity is more than we have seen in 25 years from russia, specific to the atlantic, so what does this mean that the fleet is being put back in action and that we have seen so much activity on the part of russia . First off, as you pointed out this is a fleet and presence that has on historical basis not only cold war but world war ii where we were escorting vessels back and forth to european continent and continued throughout the cold war and we did have a high degree of soviet submarine and naval activity, the quality of naval forces declined bli but in the bli has been deploying them more and more aggressive and you think about the routes that we are talking about, this is both through air and through Submarine Navigating Iceland going through north atlantic all the way to u. S. Coast towards venezuela and knack and to its only prudent that the u. S. Which had abandoned command years ago given the lack of russian activity just prudent to put Something Back in place that we have some capabilities on the table. Is it about sending a message . I think its sending a message that russia just cant expand force and capabilities unchecked. Theyll be a monitoring of that, theyll be american presence as well, we do do attach tremendous enforcement of freedom of navigation and maintaining presence in surveillance capabilities. Now nato and russia, nato has moved assets deploying 4,000 troops to eastern part, the Alliance Dubbing the action to be defensive, though, noting that russia is the one with troops in ukraine, georgia, mall maldova, is this a sign of escalating in tensions between nato and russia . It has no doubt increased tensions between nato and returnia russia. He said russia will be reasserting itself in ways that it had not done for the previous 15 years after the fall of the soviet union. So what we have seen is as you said russia invaded georgia, invaded ukraine, seized territory from ukraine including the Crimea Peninsula and has conducted massive Military Exercises close to baltic state which is are now members of nato, close to black sea in region as well and what nato has done in response is create more forward presence. This is still relatively small numbers compared with the number of troops that russia has in the region but, again, meant to be symbolic step to show that nato cares about these countries, any kind of action against any of the baltic states, for instance, would involve many nato countries all at once and this is the whole heart of the idea, collective defense, an attack on one is attack on all. Theres also been tension as far as nato, the United States, russia and turkey. A lot of back and forth, they are part comes some tension comes from the u. S. Turning to kurdish elements in an effort to defeat isis. Theres an american pastor thats been held there. But the big thing that has people so concerned that turkey may be aligned to align more closely with russia, your thoughts . Well, i dont think turkey is about to do that. I think turkey has a very strong interest in its own selfdefense and nato being a collective defense alliance, something that Turkey Values quite a lot. I have seen recent statements by turkish officials that confirm that. On the other hand, we do have a major problem in the u. S. Turkey bilateral relationship, we are not seeing eye to eye strategically at the moment and particularly as you said over syria and we have to do a lot more to Work Together to bring ourselves into alignment. One of the most challenging relationships we are facing right now. I hate to cut you short but i want to thank you for your time. Thank you. All right, well that does it for us, great to be with you. Great fun, have a great week. The news continues tat top of the hour arthel neville. 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